path: root/runtime/syntax/wget.vim
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Diffstat (limited to 'runtime/syntax/wget.vim')
1 files changed, 159 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/runtime/syntax/wget.vim b/runtime/syntax/wget.vim
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..801f76d8d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/syntax/wget.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
+" Wget syntax file
+" Filename: wget.vim
+" Language: Wget configuration file ( /etc/wgetrc ~/.wgetrc )
+" Maintainer: Doug Kearns <>
+" URL:
+" Last Change: 2003 May 11
+" TODO: all commands are actually underscore and hyphen insensitive, though
+" they are normally named as listed below
+" For version 5.x: Clear all syntax items
+" For version 6.x: Quit when a syntax file was already loaded
+if version < 600
+ syntax clear
+elseif exists("b:current_syntax")
+ finish
+syn match wgetComment "^\s*#.*$" contains=wgetTodo
+syn keyword wgetTodo TODO NOTE FIXME XXX contained
+syn match wgetAssignment "^\s*[A-Za-z_-]\+\s*=\s*.*$" contains=wgetCommand,wgetAssignmentOperator,wgetString,wgetBoolean,wgetNumber,wgetValue,wgetQuota
+syn match wgetAssignmentOperator "=" contained
+syn region wgetString start=+"+ skip=+\\\\\|\\"+ end=+"+ contained oneline
+syn region wgetString start=+'+ skip=+\\\\\|\\'+ end=+'+ contained oneline
+" Make this a match so that always_rest matches properly
+syn case ignore
+syn match wgetBoolean "\<on\|off\|always\|never\|1\|0\>" contained
+syn case match
+syn match wgetNumber "\<\d\+\|inf\>" contained
+syn match wgetQuota "\<\d\+[kKmM]\?\>" contained
+syn case ignore
+syn keyword wgetValue default binary mega giga micro contained
+syn case match
+syn case ignore
+syn match wgetCommand "^\s*accept" contained
+syn match wgetCommand "^\s*add[-_]\=hostdir" contained
+syn match wgetCommand "^\s*always[-_]\=rest" contained
+syn match wgetCommand "^\s*background" contained
+syn match wgetCommand "^\s*backup[-_]\=converted" contained
+syn match wgetCommand "^\s*backups" contained
+syn match wgetCommand "^\s*base" contained
+syn match wgetCommand "^\s*bind[-_]\=address" contained
+syn match wgetCommand "^\s*cache" contained
+syn match wgetCommand "^\s*continue" contained
+syn match wgetCommand "^\s*convert[-_]\=links" contained
+syn match wgetCommand "^\s*cookies" contained
+syn match wgetCommand "^\s*cut[-_]\=dirs" contained
+syn match wgetCommand "^\s*debug" contained
+syn match wgetCommand "^\s*delete[-_]\=after" contained
+syn match wgetCommand "^\s*dir[-_]\=prefix" contained
+syn match wgetCommand "^\s*dir[-_]\=struct" contained
+syn match wgetCommand "^\s*domains" contained
+syn match wgetCommand "^\s*dot[-_]\=bytes" contained
+syn match wgetCommand "^\s*dots[-_]\=in[-_]\=line" contained
+syn match wgetCommand "^\s*dot[-_]\=spacing" contained
+syn match wgetCommand "^\s*dot[-_]\=style" contained
+syn match wgetCommand "^\s*egd[-_]\=file" contained
+syn match wgetCommand "^\s*exclude[-_]\=directories" contained
+syn match wgetCommand "^\s*exclude[-_]\=domains" contained
+syn match wgetCommand "^\s*follow[-_]\=ftp" contained
+syn match wgetCommand "^\s*follow[-_]\=tags" contained
+syn match wgetCommand "^\s*force[-_]\=html" contained
+syn match wgetCommand "^\s*ftp[-_]\=proxy" contained
+syn match wgetCommand "^\s*glob" contained
+syn match wgetCommand "^\s*header" contained
+syn match wgetCommand "^\s*html[-_]\=extension" contained
+syn match wgetCommand "^\s*htmlify" contained
+syn match wgetCommand "^\s*http[-_]\=keep[-_]\=alive" contained
+syn match wgetCommand "^\s*http[-_]\=passwd" contained
+syn match wgetCommand "^\s*http[-_]\=proxy" contained
+syn match wgetCommand "^\s*https[-_]\=proxy" contained
+syn match wgetCommand "^\s*http[-_]\=user" contained
+syn match wgetCommand "^\s*ignore[-_]\=length" contained
+syn match wgetCommand "^\s*ignore[-_]\=tags" contained
+syn match wgetCommand "^\s*include[-_]\=directories" contained
+syn match wgetCommand "^\s*input" contained
+syn match wgetCommand "^\s*kill[-_]\=longer" contained
+syn match wgetCommand "^\s*limit[-_]\=rate" contained
+syn match wgetCommand "^\s*load[-_]\=cookies" contained
+syn match wgetCommand "^\s*logfile" contained
+syn match wgetCommand "^\s*login" contained
+syn match wgetCommand "^\s*mirror" contained
+syn match wgetCommand "^\s*netrc" contained
+syn match wgetCommand "^\s*no[-_]\=clobber" contained
+syn match wgetCommand "^\s*no[-_]\=parent" contained
+syn match wgetCommand "^\s*no[-_]\=proxy" contained
+" Note: this option is deprecated, use 'tries' instead
+syn match wgetCommand "^\s*numtries" contained
+syn match wgetCommand "^\s*output[-_]\=document" contained
+syn match wgetCommand "^\s*page[-_]\=requisites" contained
+syn match wgetCommand "^\s*passive[-_]\=ftp" contained
+syn match wgetCommand "^\s*passwd" contained
+syn match wgetCommand "^\s*progress" contained
+syn match wgetCommand "^\s*proxy[-_]\=passwd" contained
+syn match wgetCommand "^\s*proxy[-_]\=user" contained
+syn match wgetCommand "^\s*quiet" contained
+syn match wgetCommand "^\s*quota" contained
+syn match wgetCommand "^\s*random[-_]\=wait" contained
+syn match wgetCommand "^\s*reclevel" contained
+syn match wgetCommand "^\s*recursive" contained
+syn match wgetCommand "^\s*referer" contained
+syn match wgetCommand "^\s*reject" contained
+syn match wgetCommand "^\s*relative[-_]\=only" contained
+syn match wgetCommand "^\s*remove[-_]\=listing" contained
+syn match wgetCommand "^\s*retr[-_]\=symlinks" contained
+syn match wgetCommand "^\s*robots" contained
+syn match wgetCommand "^\s*save[-_]\=cookies" contained
+syn match wgetCommand "^\s*save[-_]\=headers" contained
+syn match wgetCommand "^\s*server[-_]\=response" contained
+" Note: this option was removed in wget 1.8
+syn match wgetCommand "^\s*simple[-_]\=host[-_]\=check" contained
+syn match wgetCommand "^\s*span[-_]\=hosts" contained
+syn match wgetCommand "^\s*spider" contained
+syn match wgetCommand "^\s*sslcertfile" contained
+syn match wgetCommand "^\s*sslcertkey" contained
+syn match wgetCommand "^\s*timeout" contained
+syn match wgetCommand "^\s*time[-_]\=stamping" contained
+syn match wgetCommand "^\s*tries" contained
+syn match wgetCommand "^\s*use[-_]\=proxy" contained
+syn match wgetCommand "^\s*user[-_]\=agent" contained
+syn match wgetCommand "^\s*verbose" contained
+syn match wgetCommand "^\s*wait" contained
+syn match wgetCommand "^\s*wait[-_]\=retry" contained
+syn case match
+" Define the default highlighting.
+" For version 5.7 and earlier: only when not done already
+" For version 5.8 and later: only when an item doesn't have highlighting yet
+if version >= 508 || !exists("did_wget_syn_inits")
+ if version < 508
+ let did_wget_syn_inits = 1
+ command -nargs=+ HiLink hi link <args>
+ else
+ command -nargs=+ HiLink hi def link <args>
+ endif
+ HiLink wgetAssignmentOperator Special
+ HiLink wgetBoolean Boolean
+ HiLink wgetCommand Identifier
+ HiLink wgetComment Comment
+ HiLink wgetNumber Number
+ HiLink wgetQuota Number
+ HiLink wgetString String
+ HiLink wgetTodo Todo
+ HiLink wgetValue Constant
+ delcommand HiLink
+let b:current_syntax = "wget"