path: root/runtime/syntax/vim.vim
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'runtime/syntax/vim.vim')
1 files changed, 10 insertions, 9 deletions
diff --git a/runtime/syntax/vim.vim b/runtime/syntax/vim.vim
index 4d0228e8d..b4cbd5578 100644
--- a/runtime/syntax/vim.vim
+++ b/runtime/syntax/vim.vim
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
" Vim syntax file
" Language: Vim 7.0 script
" Maintainer: Dr. Charles E. Campbell, Jr. <NdrOchipS@PcampbellAfamily.Mbiz>
-" Last Change: April 04, 2006
-" Version: 7.0-38
+" Last Change: Apr 12, 2006
+" Version: 7.0-41
" Automatically generated keyword lists: {{{1
" Quit when a syntax file was already loaded {{{2
@@ -12,11 +12,11 @@ endif
" vimTodo: contains common special-notices for comments {{{2
" Use the vimCommentGroup cluster to add your own.
-syn keyword vimTodo contained COMBAK NOT RELEASED TODO WIP
+syn keyword vimTodo contained COMBAK FIXME TODO XXX
syn cluster vimCommentGroup contains=vimTodo,@Spell
" regular vim commands {{{2
-syn keyword vimCommand contained ab[breviate] abc[lear] abo[veleft] al[l] arga[dd] argd[elete] argdo arge[dit] argg[lobal] argl[ocal] ar[gs] argu[ment] as[cii] bad[d] ba[ll] bd[elete] be bel[owright] bf[irst] bl[ast] bm[odified] bn[ext] bN[ext] bo[tright] bp[revious] brea[k] breaka[dd] breakd[el] breakl[ist] br[ewind] bro[wse] bufdo b[uffer] buffers bun[load] bw[ipeout] ca[bbrev] cabc[lear] caddb[uffer] cad[dexpr] caddf[ile] cal[l] cat[ch] cb[uffer] cc ccl[ose] cd ce[nter] cex[pr] cf[ile] cfir[st] cgetb[uffer] cgete[xpr] cg[etfile] c[hange] changes chd[ir] che[ckpath] checkt[ime] cla[st] cl[ist] clo[se] cmapc[lear] cnew[er] cn[ext] cN[ext] cnf[ile] cNf[ile] cnorea[bbrev] col[der] colo[rscheme] comc[lear] comp[iler] conf[irm] con[tinue] cope[n] co[py] cpf[ile] cp[revious] cq[uit] cr[ewind] cuna[bbrev] cu[nmap] cw[indow] debugg[reedy] delc[ommand] d[elete] DeleteFirst delf[unction] delm[arks] diffg[et] diffoff diffpatch diffpu[t] diffsplit diffthis diffu[pdate] dig[raphs] di[splay] dj[ump] dl[ist] dr[op] ds[earch] dsp[lit] earlier echoe[rr] echom[sg] echon e[dit] el[se] elsei[f] em[enu] emenu* endfo[r] endf[unction] en[dif] endt[ry] endw[hile] ene[w] ex exi[t] Explore exu[sage] f[ile] files filetype fina[lly] fin[d] fini[sh] fir[st] fix[del] fo[ld] foldc[lose] folddoc[losed] foldd[oopen] foldo[pen] for fu[nction] g[lobal] go[to] gr[ep] grepa[dd] ha[rdcopy] h[elp] helpf[ind] helpg[rep] helpt[ags] Hexplore hid[e] his[tory] I ia[bbrev] iabc[lear] if ij[ump] il[ist] imapc[lear] inorea[bbrev] is[earch] isp[lit] iuna[bbrev] iu[nmap] j[oin] ju[mps] k keepalt keepj[umps] kee[pmarks] laddb[uffer] lad[dexpr] laddf[ile] lan[guage] la[st] later lb[uffer] lc[d] lch[dir] lcl[ose] le[ft] lefta[bove] lex[pr] lf[ile] lfir[st] lgetb[uffer] lgete[xpr] lg[etfile] lgr[ep] lgrepa[dd] lh[elpgrep] l[ist] ll lla[st] lli[st] lmak[e] lm[ap] lmapc[lear] lnew[er] lne[xt] lN[ext] lnf[ile] lNf[ile] ln[oremap] lo[adview] loc[kmarks] lockv[ar] lol[der] lop[en] lpf[ile] lp[revious] lr[ewind] ls lt[ag] lu[nmap] lv[imgrep] lvimgrepa[dd] lw[indow] mak[e] ma[rk] marks mat[ch] menut[ranslate] mk[exrc] mks[ession] mksp[ell] mkvie[w] mkv[imrc] mod[e] m[ove] mzf[ile] mz[scheme] nbkey NetrwSettings new n[ext] N[ext] nmapc[lear] noh[lsearch] norea[bbrev] Nread nu[mber] nun[map] Nw omapc[lear] on[ly] o[pen] opt[ions] ou[nmap] pc[lose] ped[it] pe[rl] perld[o] po[p] popu popu[p] pp[op] pre[serve] prev[ious] p[rint] P[rint] profd[el] prof[ile] prompt promptf[ind] promptr[epl] ps[earch] pta[g] ptf[irst] ptj[ump] ptl[ast] ptn[ext] ptN[ext] ptp[revious] ptr[ewind] pts[elect] pu[t] pw[d] pyf[ile] py[thon] qa[ll] q[uit] quita[ll] r[ead] rec[over] redi[r] red[o] redr[aw] redraws[tatus] reg[isters] res[ize] ret[ab] retu[rn] rew[ind] ri[ght] rightb[elow] rub[y] rubyd[o] rubyf[ile] ru[ntime] rv[iminfo] sal[l] san[dbox] sa[rgument] sav[eas] sba[ll] sbf[irst] sbl[ast] sbm[odified] sbn[ext] sbN[ext] sbp[revious] sbr[ewind] sb[uffer] scripte[ncoding] scrip[tnames] se[t] setf[iletype] setg[lobal] setl[ocal] Sexplore sf[ind] sfir[st] sh[ell] sign sil[ent] sim[alt] sla[st] sl[eep] sm[agic] sm[ap] smapc[lear] sme smenu sn[ext] sN[ext] sni[ff] sno[magic] snor[emap] snoreme snoremenu sor[t] so[urce] spelld[ump] spe[llgood] spelli[nfo] spellr[epall] spellu[ndo] spellw[rong] sp[lit] spr[evious] sre[wind] sta[g] startg[replace] star[tinsert] startr[eplace] stj[ump] st[op] stopi[nsert] sts[elect] sun[hide] sunm[ap] sus[pend] sv[iew] syncbind t tab tabc[lose] tabd[o] tabe[dit] tabf[ind] tabfir[st] tabl[ast] tabmove tabnew tabn[ext] tabN[ext] tabo[nly] tabp[revious] tabr[ewind] tabs ta[g] tags tc[l] tcld[o] tclf[ile] te[aroff] tf[irst] the th[row] tj[ump] tl[ast] tm tm[enu] tn[ext] tN[ext] to[pleft] tp[revious] tr[ewind] try ts[elect] tu tu[nmenu] una[bbreviate] u[ndo] undoj[oin] undol[ist] unh[ide] unlo[ckvar] unm[ap] up[date] verb[ose] ve[rsion] vert[ical] Vexplore v[global] vie[w] vim[grep] vimgrepa[dd] vi[sual] viu[sage] vmapc[lear] vne[w] vs[plit] vu[nmap] wa[ll] wh[ile] winc[md] windo winp[os] win[size] wn[ext] wN[ext] wp[revious] wq wqa[ll] w[rite] ws[verb] wv[iminfo] X xa[ll] x[it] xm[ap] xmapc[lear] xme xmenu XMLent XMLns xn[oremap] xnoreme xnoremenu xu[nmap] y[ank]
+syn keyword vimCommand contained ab[breviate] abc[lear] abo[veleft] al[l] arga[dd] argd[elete] argdo arge[dit] argg[lobal] argl[ocal] ar[gs] argu[ment] as[cii] bad[d] ba[ll] bd[elete] be bel[owright] bf[irst] bl[ast] bm[odified] bn[ext] bN[ext] bo[tright] bp[revious] brea[k] breaka[dd] breakd[el] breakl[ist] br[ewind] bro[wse] bufdo b[uffer] buffers bun[load] bw[ipeout] ca[bbrev] cabc[lear] caddb[uffer] cad[dexpr] caddf[ile] cal[l] cat[ch] cb[uffer] cc ccl[ose] cd ce[nter] cex[pr] cf[ile] cfir[st] cgetb[uffer] cgete[xpr] cg[etfile] c[hange] changes chd[ir] che[ckpath] checkt[ime] cla[st] cl[ist] clo[se] cmapc[lear] cnew[er] cn[ext] cN[ext] cnf[ile] cNf[ile] cnorea[bbrev] col[der] colo[rscheme] comc[lear] comp[iler] conf[irm] con[tinue] cope[n] co[py] cpf[ile] cp[revious] cq[uit] cr[ewind] cuna[bbrev] cu[nmap] cw[indow] debugg[reedy] delc[ommand] d[elete] DeleteFirst delf[unction] delm[arks] diffg[et] diffoff diffpatch diffpu[t] diffsplit diffthis diffu[pdate] dig[raphs] di[splay] dj[ump] dl[ist] dr[op] ds[earch] dsp[lit] earlier echoe[rr] echom[sg] echon e[dit] el[se] elsei[f] em[enu] emenu* endfo[r] endf[unction] en[dif] endt[ry] endw[hile] ene[w] ex exi[t] Explore exu[sage] f[ile] files filetype fina[lly] fin[d] fini[sh] fir[st] fix[del] fo[ld] foldc[lose] folddoc[losed] foldd[oopen] foldo[pen] for fu[nction] go[to] gr[ep] grepa[dd] ha[rdcopy] h[elp] helpf[ind] helpg[rep] helpt[ags] Hexplore hid[e] his[tory] I ia[bbrev] iabc[lear] if ij[ump] il[ist] imapc[lear] inorea[bbrev] is[earch] isp[lit] iuna[bbrev] iu[nmap] j[oin] ju[mps] k keepalt keepj[umps] kee[pmarks] laddb[uffer] lad[dexpr] laddf[ile] lan[guage] la[st] later lb[uffer] lc[d] lch[dir] lcl[ose] le[ft] lefta[bove] lex[pr] lf[ile] lfir[st] lgetb[uffer] lgete[xpr] lg[etfile] lgr[ep] lgrepa[dd] lh[elpgrep] l[ist] ll lla[st] lli[st] lmak[e] lm[ap] lmapc[lear] lnew[er] lne[xt] lN[ext] lnf[ile] lNf[ile] ln[oremap] lo[adview] loc[kmarks] lockv[ar] lol[der] lop[en] lpf[ile] lp[revious] lr[ewind] ls lt[ag] lu[nmap] lv[imgrep] lvimgrepa[dd] lw[indow] mak[e] ma[rk] marks mat[ch] menut[ranslate] mk[exrc] mks[ession] mksp[ell] mkvie[w] mkv[imrc] mod[e] m[ove] mzf[ile] mz[scheme] nbkey NetrwSettings new n[ext] N[ext] nmapc[lear] noh[lsearch] norea[bbrev] Nread nu[mber] nun[map] Nw omapc[lear] on[ly] o[pen] opt[ions] ou[nmap] pc[lose] ped[it] pe[rl] perld[o] po[p] popu popu[p] pp[op] pre[serve] prev[ious] p[rint] P[rint] profd[el] prof[ile] prompt promptf[ind] promptr[epl] ps[earch] pta[g] ptf[irst] ptj[ump] ptl[ast] ptn[ext] ptN[ext] ptp[revious] ptr[ewind] pts[elect] pu[t] pw[d] pyf[ile] py[thon] qa[ll] q[uit] quita[ll] r[ead] rec[over] redi[r] red[o] redr[aw] redraws[tatus] reg[isters] res[ize] ret[ab] retu[rn] rew[ind] ri[ght] rightb[elow] rub[y] rubyd[o] rubyf[ile] ru[ntime] rv[iminfo] sal[l] san[dbox] sa[rgument] sav[eas] sba[ll] sbf[irst] sbl[ast] sbm[odified] sbn[ext] sbN[ext] sbp[revious] sbr[ewind] sb[uffer] scripte[ncoding] scrip[tnames] se[t] setf[iletype] setg[lobal] setl[ocal] Sexplore sf[ind] sfir[st] sh[ell] sign sil[ent] sim[alt] sla[st] sl[eep] sm[agic] sm[ap] smapc[lear] sme smenu sn[ext] sN[ext] sni[ff] sno[magic] snor[emap] snoreme snoremenu sor[t] so[urce] spelld[ump] spe[llgood] spelli[nfo] spellr[epall] spellu[ndo] spellw[rong] sp[lit] spr[evious] sre[wind] sta[g] startg[replace] star[tinsert] startr[eplace] stj[ump] st[op] stopi[nsert] sts[elect] sun[hide] sunm[ap] sus[pend] sv[iew] syncbind t tab tabc[lose] tabd[o] tabe[dit] tabf[ind] tabfir[st] tabl[ast] tabmove tabnew tabn[ext] tabN[ext] tabo[nly] tabp[revious] tabr[ewind] tabs ta[g] tags tc[l] tcld[o] tclf[ile] te[aroff] tf[irst] the th[row] tj[ump] tl[ast] tm tm[enu] tn[ext] tN[ext] to[pleft] tp[revious] tr[ewind] try ts[elect] tu tu[nmenu] una[bbreviate] u[ndo] undoj[oin] undol[ist] unh[ide] unlo[ckvar] unm[ap] up[date] verb[ose] ve[rsion] vert[ical] Vexplore vie[w] vim[grep] vimgrepa[dd] vi[sual] viu[sage] vmapc[lear] vne[w] vs[plit] vu[nmap] wa[ll] wh[ile] winc[md] windo winp[os] win[size] wn[ext] wN[ext] wp[revious] wq wqa[ll] w[rite] ws[verb] wv[iminfo] X xa[ll] x[it] xm[ap] xmapc[lear] xme xmenu XMLent XMLns xn[oremap] xnoreme xnoremenu xu[nmap] y[ank]
syn match vimCommand contained "\<z[-+^.=]"
" vimOptions are caught only when contained in a vimSet {{{2
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ syn keyword vimErrSetting contained hardtabs ht w1200 w300 w9600
" AutoCmd Events {{{2
syn case ignore
-syn keyword vimAutoEvent contained BufAdd BufCreate BufDelete BufEnter BufFilePost BufFilePre BufHidden BufLeave BufNew BufNewFile BufRead BufReadCmd BufReadPost BufReadPre BufUnload BufWinEnter BufWinLeave BufWipeout BufWrite BufWriteCmd BufWritePost BufWritePre Cmd-event CmdwinEnter CmdwinLeave ColorScheme CursorHold CursorHoldI CursorMoved CursorMovedI E135 E143 E200 E201 E203 E204 EncodingChanged FileAppendCmd FileAppendPost FileAppendPre FileChangedRO FileChangedShell FileChangedShellPost FileEncoding FileReadCmd FileReadPost FileReadPre FileType FileWriteCmd FileWritePost FileWritePre FilterReadPost FilterReadPre FilterWritePost FilterWritePre FocusGained FocusLost FuncUndefined GUIEnter InsertChange InsertEnter InsertLeave MenuPopup QuickFixCmdPost QuickFixCmdPre RemoteReply SessionLoadPost ShellCmdPost ShellFilterPost SourcePre SpellFileMissing StdinReadPost StdinReadPre SwapExists Syntax TabEnter TabLeave TermChanged TermResponse User UserGettingBored VimEnter VimLeave VimLeavePre VimResized WinEnter WinLeave
+syn keyword vimAutoEvent contained BufAdd BufCreate BufDelete BufEnter BufFilePost BufFilePre BufHidden BufLeave BufNew BufNewFile BufRead BufReadCmd BufReadPost BufReadPre BufUnload BufWinEnter BufWinLeave BufWipeout BufWrite BufWriteCmd BufWritePost BufWritePre Cmd-event CmdwinEnter CmdwinLeave ColorScheme CursorHold CursorHoldI CursorMoved CursorMovedI EncodingChanged FileAppendCmd FileAppendPost FileAppendPre FileChangedRO FileChangedShell FileChangedShellPost FileEncoding FileReadCmd FileReadPost FileReadPre FileType FileWriteCmd FileWritePost FileWritePre FilterReadPost FilterReadPre FilterWritePost FilterWritePre FocusGained FocusLost FuncUndefined GUIEnter InsertChange InsertEnter InsertLeave MenuPopup QuickFixCmdPost QuickFixCmdPre RemoteReply SessionLoadPost ShellCmdPost ShellFilterPost SourcePre SpellFileMissing StdinReadPost StdinReadPre SwapExists Syntax TabEnter TabLeave TermChanged TermResponse User UserGettingBored VimEnter VimLeave VimLeavePre VimResized WinEnter WinLeave
" Highlight commonly used Groupnames {{{2
syn keyword vimGroup contained Comment Constant String Character Number Boolean Float Identifier Function Statement Conditional Repeat Label Operator Keyword Exception PreProc Include Define Macro PreCondit Type StorageClass Structure Typedef Special SpecialChar Tag Delimiter SpecialComment Debug Underlined Ignore Error Todo
@@ -128,9 +128,8 @@ syn keyword vimPattern contained start skip end
syn cluster vimOperGroup contains=vimOper,vimOperParen,vimNumber,vimString,vimRegister,vimContinue
syn match vimOper "\(==\|!=\|>=\|<=\|=\~\|!\~\|>\|<\|=\)[?#]\{0,2}" skipwhite nextgroup=vimString,vimSpecFile
syn match vimOper "||\|&&\|[-+.]" skipwhite nextgroup=vimString,vimSpecFile
-syn region vimOperParen matchgroup=vimOper start="(" end=")" contains=@vimOperGroup
+syn region vimOperParen oneline matchgroup=vimOper start="(" end=")" contains=@vimOperGroup
syn region vimOperParen matchgroup=vimSep start="{" end="}" contains=@vimOperGroup nextgroup=vimVar
-"syn match vimOperOk "\<[aiAIrR][()]" contained
if !exists("g:vimsyntax_noerror")
syn match vimOperError ")"
@@ -473,10 +472,12 @@ syn match vimContinue "^\s*\\"
syn region vimString start="^\s*\\\z(['"]\)" skip='\\\\\|\\\z1' end="\z1" oneline keepend contains=@vimStringGroup,vimContinue
syn match vimCommentTitleLeader '"\s\+'ms=s+1 contained
-" Searches: {{{2
-" =========
+" Searches And Globals: {{{2
+" ====================
syn match vimSearch '^\s*[/?].*' contains=vimSearchDelim
syn match vimSearchDelim '^\s*\zs[/?]\|[/?]$' contained
+syn region vimGlobal matchgroup=Statement start='\<g\%[lobal]!\=/' skip='\\.' end='/'
+syn region vimGlobal matchgroup=Statement start='\<v\%[global]!\=/' skip='\\.' end='/'
" Scripts : perl,ruby : Benoit Cerrina {{{2
" ======= python,tcl: Johannes Zellner