path: root/runtime/syntax/terminfo.vim
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1 files changed, 115 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/runtime/syntax/terminfo.vim b/runtime/syntax/terminfo.vim
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6ac7ffaf3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/syntax/terminfo.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+" Vim syntax file
+" Language: Terminfo definition
+" Maintainer: Nikolai Weibull <>
+" URL:
+" Latest Revision: 2004-05-22
+" arch-tag: 8464dd47-0c5a-47d5-87ed-a2ad99e1196f
+if version < 600
+ syntax clear
+elseif exists("b:current_syntax")
+ finish
+" keywords (define first as to not mess up comments
+syn match terminfoKeywords "[,=#|]"
+" todo
+syn keyword terminfoTodo contained TODO FIXME XXX NOTE
+" comments
+syn region terminfoComment matchgroup=terminfoComment start="^#" end="$" contains=terminfoTodo
+" numbers
+syn match terminfoNumbers "\<[0-9]\+\>"
+" special keys
+syn match terminfoSpecialChar "\\\(\o\{3}\|[Eenlrtbfs^\,:0]\)"
+syn match terminfoSpecialChar "\^\a"
+" delays
+syn match terminfoDelay "$<[0-9]\+>"
+" boolean capabilities
+syn keyword terminfoBooleans bw am bce ccc xhp xhpa cpix crxw xt xenl eo gn
+syn keyword terminfoBooleans hc chts km daisy hs hls in lpix da db mir msgr
+syn keyword terminfoBooleans nxon xsb npc ndscr nrrmc os mc5i xcpa sam eslok
+syn keyword terminfoBooleans hz ul xon
+" numeric capabilities
+syn keyword terminfoNumerics cols it lh lw lines lm xmc ma colors pairs wnum
+syn keyword terminfoNumerics ncv nlab pb vt wsl bitwin bitype bufsz btns
+syn keyword terminfoNumerics spinh spinv maddr mjump mcs npins orc orhi orl
+syn keyword terminfoNumerics orvi cps widcs
+" string capabilities
+syn keyword terminfoStrings acsc cbt bel cr cpi lpi chr cvr csr rmp tbc mgc
+syn keyword terminfoStrings clear el1 el ed hpa cmdch cwin cup cud1 home
+syn keyword terminfoStrings civis cub1 mrcup cnorm cuf1 ll cuu1 cvvis defc
+syn keyword terminfoStrings dch1 dl1 dial dsl dclk hd enacs smacs smam blink
+syn keyword terminfoStrings bold smcup smdc dim swidm sdrfq smir sitm slm
+syn keyword terminfoStrings smicm snlq snrmq prot rev invis sshm smso ssubm
+syn keyword terminfoStrings ssupm smul sum smxon ech rmacs rmam sgr0 rmcup
+syn keyword terminfoStrings rmdc rwidm rmir ritm rlm rmicm rshm rmso rsubm
+syn keyword terminfoStrings rsupm rmul rum rmxon pause hook flash ff fsl
+syn keyword terminfoStrings wingo hup is1 is2 is3 if iprog initc initp ich1
+syn keyword terminfoStrings il1 ip ka1 ka3 kb2 kbs kbeg kcbt kc1 kc3 kcan
+syn keyword terminfoStrings ktbc kclr kclo kcmd kcpy kcrt kctab kdch1 kdl1
+syn keyword terminfoStrings kcud1 krmir kend kent kel ked kext
+syn match terminfoStrings "\<kf\([0-9]\|[0-5][0-9]\|6[0-3]\)\>"
+syn keyword terminfoStrings kfnd khlp khome kich1 kil1 kcub1 kll kmrk
+syn keyword terminfoStrings kmsg kmov knxt knp kopn kopt kpp kprv kprt krdo
+syn keyword terminfoStrings kref krfr krpl krst kres kcuf1 ksav kBEG kCAN
+syn keyword terminfoStrings kCMD kCPY kCRT kDC kDL kslt kEND kEOL kEXT kind
+syn keyword terminfoStrings kFND kHLP kHOM kIC kLFT kMSG kMOV kNXT kOPT kPRV
+syn keyword terminfoStrings kPRT kri kRDO kRPL kRIT kRES kSAV kSPD khts kUND
+syn keyword terminfoStrings kspd kund kcuu1 rmkx smkx lf0 lf1 lf10 lf2 lf3
+syn keyword terminfoStrings lf4 lf5 lf6 lf7 lf8 lf9 fln rmln smln rmm smm
+syn keyword terminfoStrings mhpa mcud1 mcub1 mcuf1 mvpa mcuu1 nel porder oc
+syn keyword terminfoStrings op pad dch dl cud mcud ich indn il cub mcub cuf
+syn keyword terminfoStrings mcuf rin cuu mccu pfkey pfloc pfx pln mc0 mc5p
+syn keyword terminfoStrings mc4 mc5 pulse qdial rmclk rep rfi rs1 rs2 rs3 rf
+syn keyword terminfoStrings rc vpa sc ind ri scs sgr setbsmgb smgbp sclk scp
+syn keyword terminfoStrings setb setf smgl smglp smgr smgrp hts smgt smgtp
+syn keyword terminfoStrings wind sbim scsd rbim rcsd subcs supcs ht docr
+syn keyword terminfoStrings tsl tone uc hu
+syn match terminfoStrings "\<u[0-9]\>"
+syn keyword terminfoStrings wait xoffc xonc zerom
+syn keyword terminfoStrings scesa bicr binel birep csnm csin colornm defbi
+syn keyword terminfoStrings devt dispc endbi smpch smsc rmpch rmsc getm
+syn keyword terminfoStrings kmous minfo pctrm pfxl reqmp scesc s0ds s1ds
+syn keyword terminfoStrings s2ds s3ds setab setaf setcolor smglr slines
+syn keyword terminfoStrings smgtb ehhlm elhlm erhlm ethlm evhlm sgr1
+syn keyword terminfoStrings slengthsL
+" parameterized strings
+syn match terminfoParameters "%[%dcspl+*/mAO&|^=<>!~i?te;-]"
+syn match terminfoParameters "%\('[A-Z]'\|{[0-9]\{1,2}}\|p[1-9]\|P[a-z]\|g[A-Z]\)"
+" Define the default highlighting.
+" For version 5.7 and earlier: only when not done already
+" For version 5.8 and later: only when an item doesn't have highlighting yet
+if version >= 508 || !exists("did_terminfo_syn_inits")
+ if version < 508
+ let did_terminfo_syn_inits = 1
+ command -nargs=+ HiLink hi link <args>
+ else
+ command -nargs=+ HiLink hi def link <args>
+ endif
+ HiLink terminfoComment Comment
+ HiLink terminfoTodo Todo
+ HiLink terminfoNumbers Number
+ HiLink terminfoSpecialChar SpecialChar
+ HiLink terminfoDelay Special
+ HiLink terminfoBooleans Type
+ HiLink terminfoNumerics Type
+ HiLink terminfoStrings Type
+ HiLink terminfoParameters Keyword
+ HiLink terminfoKeywords Keyword
+ delcommand HiLink
+let b:current_syntax = "terminfo"
+" vim: set sts=2 sw=2: