path: root/runtime/syntax/spup.vim
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Diffstat (limited to 'runtime/syntax/spup.vim')
1 files changed, 277 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/runtime/syntax/spup.vim b/runtime/syntax/spup.vim
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..af5773740
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/syntax/spup.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,277 @@
+" Vim syntax file
+" Language: Speedup, plant simulator from AspenTech
+" Maintainer: Stefan.Schwarzer <>
+" URL:
+" Last Change: 2003 May 11
+" Filename: spup.vim
+" Bugs
+" - in the appropriate sections keywords are always highlighted
+" even if they are not used with the appropriate meaning;
+" example: in
+" MODEL demonstration
+" *area AS area
+" both "area" are highlighted as spupType.
+" If you encounter problems or have questions or suggestions, mail me
+" Remove old syntax stuff
+" For version 5.x: Clear all syntax items
+" For version 6.x: Quit when a syntax file was already loaded
+if version < 600
+ syntax clear
+elseif exists("b:current_syntax")
+ finish
+" don't hightlight several keywords like subsections
+"let strict_subsections = 1
+" highlight types usually found in DECLARE section
+if !exists("hightlight_types")
+ let highlight_types = 1
+" one line comment syntax (# comments)
+" 1. allow appended code after comment, do not complain
+" 2. show code beginnig with the second # as an error
+" 3. show whole lines with more than one # as an error
+if !exists("oneline_comments")
+ let oneline_comments = 2
+" Speedup SECTION regions
+syn case ignore
+syn region spupCdi matchgroup=spupSection start="^CDI" end="^\*\*\*\*" contains=spupCdiSubs,@spupOrdinary
+syn region spupConditions matchgroup=spupSection start="^CONDITIONS" end="^\*\*\*\*" contains=spupConditionsSubs,@spupOrdinary,spupConditional,spupOperator,spupCode
+syn region spupDeclare matchgroup=spupSection start="^DECLARE" end="^\*\*\*\*" contains=spupDeclareSubs,@spupOrdinary,spupTypes,spupCode
+syn region spupEstimation matchgroup=spupSection start="^ESTIMATION" end="^\*\*\*\*" contains=spupEstimationSubs,@spupOrdinary
+syn region spupExternal matchgroup=spupSection start="^EXTERNAL" end="^\*\*\*\*" contains=spupExternalSubs,@spupOrdinary
+syn region spupFlowsheet matchgroup=spupSection start="^FLOWSHEET" end="^\*\*\*\*" contains=spupFlowsheetSubs,@spupOrdinary,spupStreams,@spupTextproc
+syn region spupFunction matchgroup=spupSection start="^FUNCTION" end="^\*\*\*\*" contains=spupFunctionSubs,@spupOrdinary,spupHelp,spupCode,spupTypes
+syn region spupGlobal matchgroup=spupSection start="^GLOBAL" end="^\*\*\*\*" contains=spupGlobalSubs,@spupOrdinary
+syn region spupHomotopy matchgroup=spupSection start="^HOMOTOPY" end="^\*\*\*\*" contains=spupHomotopySubs,@spupOrdinary
+syn region spupMacro matchgroup=spupSection start="^MACRO" end="^\*\*\*\*" contains=spupMacroSubs,@spupOrdinary,@spupTextproc,spupTypes,spupStreams,spupOperator
+syn region spupModel matchgroup=spupSection start="^MODEL" end="^\*\*\*\*" contains=spupModelSubs,@spupOrdinary,spupConditional,spupOperator,spupTypes,spupStreams,@spupTextproc,spupHelp
+syn region spupOperation matchgroup=spupSection start="^OPERATION" end="^\*\*\*\*" contains=spupOperationSubs,@spupOrdinary,@spupTextproc
+syn region spupOptions matchgroup=spupSection start="^OPTIONS" end="^\*\*\*\*" contains=spupOptionsSubs,@spupOrdinary
+syn region spupProcedure matchgroup=spupSection start="^PROCEDURE" end="^\*\*\*\*" contains=spupProcedureSubs,@spupOrdinary,spupHelp,spupCode,spupTypes
+syn region spupProfiles matchgroup=spupSection start="^PROFILES" end="^\*\*\*\*" contains=@spupOrdinary,@spupTextproc
+syn region spupReport matchgroup=spupSection start="^REPORT" end="^\*\*\*\*" contains=spupReportSubs,@spupOrdinary,spupHelp,@spupTextproc
+syn region spupTitle matchgroup=spupSection start="^TITLE" end="^\*\*\*\*" contains=spupTitleSubs,spupComment,spupConstant,spupError
+syn region spupUnit matchgroup=spupSection start="^UNIT" end="^\*\*\*\*" contains=spupUnitSubs,@spupOrdinary
+" Subsections
+syn keyword spupDeclareSubs TYPE STREAM contained
+syn keyword spupEstimationSubs ESTIMATE SSEXP DYNEXP RESULT contained
+syn keyword spupExternalSubs TRANSMIT RECEIVE contained
+syn keyword spupFlowsheetSubs STREAM contained
+syn keyword spupFunctionSubs INPUT OUTPUT contained
+syn keyword spupGlobalSubs VARIABLES MAXIMIZE MINIMIZE CONSTRAINT contained
+syn keyword spupHomotopySubs VARY OPTIONS contained
+syn keyword spupMacroSubs MODEL FLOWSHEET contained
+syn keyword spupModelSubs CATEGORY SET TYPE STREAM EQUATION PROCEDURE contained
+syn keyword spupOperationSubs SET PRESET INITIAL SSTATE FREE contained
+syn keyword spupOptionsSubs ROUTINES TRANSLATE EXECUTION contained
+" no subsections for Profiles
+syn keyword spupReportSubs SET INITIAL FIELDS FIELDMARK DISPLAY WITHIN contained
+syn keyword spupUnitSubs ROUTINES SET contained
+" additional keywords for subsections
+if !exists( "strict_subsections" )
+ syn keyword spupConditionsSubs STOP PRINT contained
+ syn keyword spupDeclareSubs UNIT SET COMPONENTS THERMO OPTIONS contained
+ syn keyword spupEstimationSubs VARY MEASURE INITIAL contained
+ syn keyword spupFlowsheetSubs TYPE FEED PRODUCT INPUT OUTPUT CONNECTION OF IS contained
+ syn keyword spupModelSubs AS ARRAY OF INPUT OUTPUT CONNECTION contained
+ syn keyword spupOperationSubs WITHIN contained
+ syn keyword spupUnitSubs IS A contained
+" Speedup data types
+if exists( "highlight_types" )
+ syn keyword spupTypes act_coeff_liq area coefficient concentration contained
+ syn keyword spupTypes control_signal cond_liq cond_vap cp_mass_liq contained
+ syn keyword spupTypes cp_mol_liq cp_mol_vap cv_mol_liq cv_mol_vap contained
+ syn keyword spupTypes diffus_liq diffus_vap delta_p dens_mass contained
+ syn keyword spupTypes dens_mass_sol dens_mass_liq dens_mass_vap dens_mol contained
+ syn keyword spupTypes dens_mol_sol dens_mol_liq dens_mol_vap enthflow contained
+ syn keyword spupTypes enth_mass enth_mass_liq enth_mass_vap enth_mol contained
+ syn keyword spupTypes enth_mol_sol enth_mol_liq enth_mol_vap entr_mol contained
+ syn keyword spupTypes entr_mol_sol entr_mol_liq entr_mol_vap fraction contained
+ syn keyword spupTypes flow_mass flow_mass_liq flow_mass_vap flow_mol contained
+ syn keyword spupTypes flow_mol_vap flow_mol_liq flow_vol flow_vol_vap contained
+ syn keyword spupTypes flow_vol_liq fuga_vap fuga_liq fuga_sol contained
+ syn keyword spupTypes gibb_mol_sol heat_react heat_trans_coeff contained
+ syn keyword spupTypes holdup_heat holdup_heat_liq holdup_heat_vap contained
+ syn keyword spupTypes holdup_mass holdup_mass_liq holdup_mass_vap contained
+ syn keyword spupTypes holdup_mol holdup_mol_liq holdup_mol_vap k_value contained
+ syn keyword spupTypes length length_delta length_short liqfraction contained
+ syn keyword spupTypes liqmassfraction mass massfraction molefraction contained
+ syn keyword spupTypes molweight moment_inertia negative notype percent contained
+ syn keyword spupTypes positive pressure press_diff press_drop press_rise contained
+ syn keyword spupTypes ratio reaction reaction_mass rotation surf_tens contained
+ syn keyword spupTypes temperature temperature_abs temp_diff temp_drop contained
+ syn keyword spupTypes temp_rise time vapfraction vapmassfraction contained
+ syn keyword spupTypes velocity visc_liq visc_vap volume zmom_rate contained
+ syn keyword spupTypes seg_rate smom_rate tmom_rate zmom_mass seg_mass contained
+ syn keyword spupTypes smom_mass tmom_mass zmom_holdup seg_holdup contained
+ syn keyword spupTypes smom_holdup tmom_holdup contained
+" stream types
+syn keyword spupStreams mainstream vapour liquid contained
+" "conditional" keywords
+syn keyword spupConditional IF THEN ELSE ENDIF contained
+" Operators, symbols etc.
+syn keyword spupOperator AND OR NOT contained
+syn match spupSymbol "[,\-+=:;*/\"<>@%()]" contained
+syn match spupSpecial "[&\$?]" contained
+" Surprisingly, Speedup allows no unary + instead of the -
+syn match spupError "[(=+\-*/]\s*+\d\+\([ed][+-]\=\d\+\)\=\>"lc=1 contained
+syn match spupError "[(=+\-*/]\s*+\d\+\.\([ed][+-]\=\d\+\)\=\>"lc=1 contained
+syn match spupError "[(=+\-*/]\s*+\d*\.\d\+\([ed][+-]\=\d\+\)\=\>"lc=1 contained
+" String
+syn region spupString start=+"+ end=+"+ oneline contained
+syn region spupString start=+'+ end=+'+ oneline contained
+" Identifier
+syn match spupIdentifier "\<[a-z][a-z0-9_]*\>" contained
+" Textprocessor directives
+syn match spupTextprocGeneric "?[a-z][a-z0-9_]*\>" contained
+syn region spupTextprocError matchgroup=spupTextprocGeneric start="?ERROR" end="?END"he=s-1 contained
+" Number, without decimal point
+syn match spupNumber "-\=\d\+\([ed][+-]\=\d\+\)\=" contained
+" Number, allows 1. before exponent
+syn match spupNumber "-\=\d\+\.\([ed][+-]\=\d\+\)\=" contained
+" Number allows .1 before exponent
+syn match spupNumber "-\=\d*\.\d\+\([ed][+-]\=\d\+\)\=" contained
+" Help subsections
+syn region spupHelp start="^HELP"hs=e+1 end="^\$ENDHELP"he=s-1 contained
+" Fortran code
+syn region spupCode start="^CODE"hs=e+1 end="^\$ENDCODE"he=s-1 contained
+" oneline comments
+if oneline_comments > 3
+ oneline_comments = 2 " default
+if oneline_comments == 1
+ syn match spupComment "#[^#]*#\="
+elseif oneline_comments == 2
+ syn match spupError "#.*$"
+ syn match spupComment "#[^#]*" nextgroup=spupError
+elseif oneline_comments == 3
+ syn match spupComment "#[^#]*"
+ syn match spupError "#[^#]*#.*"
+" multiline comments
+syn match spupOpenBrace "{" contained
+syn match spupError "}"
+syn region spupComment matchgroup=spupComment2 start="{" end="}" keepend contains=spupOpenBrace
+syn cluster spupOrdinary contains=spupNumber,spupIdentifier,spupSymbol
+syn cluster spupOrdinary add=spupError,spupString,spupComment
+syn cluster spupTextproc contains=spupTextprocGeneric,spupTextprocError
+" define syncronizing; especially OPERATION sections can become very large
+syn sync clear
+syn sync minlines=100
+syn sync maxlines=500
+syn sync match spupSyncOperation grouphere spupOperation "^OPERATION"
+syn sync match spupSyncCdi grouphere spupCdi "^CDI"
+syn sync match spupSyncConditions grouphere spupConditions "^CONDITIONS"
+syn sync match spupSyncDeclare grouphere spupDeclare "^DECLARE"
+syn sync match spupSyncEstimation grouphere spupEstimation "^ESTIMATION"
+syn sync match spupSyncExternal grouphere spupExternal "^EXTERNAL"
+syn sync match spupSyncFlowsheet grouphere spupFlowsheet "^FLOWSHEET"
+syn sync match spupSyncFunction grouphere spupFunction "^FUNCTION"
+syn sync match spupSyncGlobal grouphere spupGlobal "^GLOBAL"
+syn sync match spupSyncHomotopy grouphere spupHomotopy "^HOMOTOPY"
+syn sync match spupSyncMacro grouphere spupMacro "^MACRO"
+syn sync match spupSyncModel grouphere spupModel "^MODEL"
+syn sync match spupSyncOperation grouphere spupOperation "^OPERATION"
+syn sync match spupSyncOptions grouphere spupOptions "^OPTIONS"
+syn sync match spupSyncProcedure grouphere spupProcedure "^PROCEDURE"
+syn sync match spupSyncProfiles grouphere spupProfiles "^PROFILES"
+syn sync match spupSyncReport grouphere spupReport "^REPORT"
+syn sync match spupSyncTitle grouphere spupTitle "^TITLE"
+syn sync match spupSyncUnit grouphere spupUnit "^UNIT"
+" Define the default highlighting.
+" For version 5.7 and earlier: only when not done already
+" For version 5.8 and later: only when an item doesn't have highlighting yet
+if version >= 508 || !exists("did_spup_syn_inits")
+ if version < 508
+ let did_spup_syn_inits = 1
+ command -nargs=+ HiLink hi link <args>
+ else
+ command -nargs=+ HiLink hi def link <args>
+ endif
+ HiLink spupCdi spupSection
+ HiLink spupConditions spupSection
+ HiLink spupDeclare spupSection
+ HiLink spupEstimation spupSection
+ HiLink spupExternal spupSection
+ HiLink spupFlowsheet spupSection
+ HiLink spupFunction spupSection
+ HiLink spupGlobal spupSection
+ HiLink spupHomotopy spupSection
+ HiLink spupMacro spupSection
+ HiLink spupModel spupSection
+ HiLink spupOperation spupSection
+ HiLink spupOptions spupSection
+ HiLink spupProcedure spupSection
+ HiLink spupProfiles spupSection
+ HiLink spupReport spupSection
+ HiLink spupTitle spupConstant " this is correct, truly ;)
+ HiLink spupUnit spupSection
+ HiLink spupCdiSubs spupSubs
+ HiLink spupConditionsSubs spupSubs
+ HiLink spupDeclareSubs spupSubs
+ HiLink spupEstimationSubs spupSubs
+ HiLink spupExternalSubs spupSubs
+ HiLink spupFlowsheetSubs spupSubs
+ HiLink spupFunctionSubs spupSubs
+ HiLink spupHomotopySubs spupSubs
+ HiLink spupMacroSubs spupSubs
+ HiLink spupModelSubs spupSubs
+ HiLink spupOperationSubs spupSubs
+ HiLink spupOptionsSubs spupSubs
+ HiLink spupProcedureSubs spupSubs
+ HiLink spupReportSubs spupSubs
+ HiLink spupUnitSubs spupSubs
+ HiLink spupCode Normal
+ HiLink spupComment Comment
+ HiLink spupComment2 spupComment
+ HiLink spupConditional Statement
+ HiLink spupConstant Constant
+ HiLink spupError Error
+ HiLink spupHelp Normal
+ HiLink spupIdentifier Identifier
+ HiLink spupNumber Constant
+ HiLink spupOperator Special
+ HiLink spupOpenBrace spupError
+ HiLink spupSection Statement
+ HiLink spupSpecial spupTextprocGeneric
+ HiLink spupStreams Type
+ HiLink spupString Constant
+ HiLink spupSubs Statement
+ HiLink spupSymbol Special
+ HiLink spupTextprocError Normal
+ HiLink spupTextprocGeneric PreProc
+ HiLink spupTypes Type
+ delcommand HiLink
+let b:current_syntax = "spup"
+" vim:ts=4