path: root/runtime/syntax/rebol.vim
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Diffstat (limited to 'runtime/syntax/rebol.vim')
1 files changed, 216 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/runtime/syntax/rebol.vim b/runtime/syntax/rebol.vim
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e6395758f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/syntax/rebol.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,216 @@
+" Vim syntax file
+" Language: Rebol
+" Maintainer: Mike Williams <>
+" Filenames: *.r
+" Last Change: 27th June 2002
+" URL:
+" For version 5.x: Clear all syntax items
+" For version 6.x: Quit when a syntax file was already loaded
+if version < 600
+ syntax clear
+elseif exists("b:current_syntax")
+ finish
+" Rebol is case insensitive
+syn case ignore
+" As per current users documentation
+if version < 600
+ set isk=@,48-57,?,!,.,',+,-,*,&,\|,=,_,~
+ setlocal isk=@,48-57,?,!,.,',+,-,*,&,\|,=,_,~
+" Yer TODO highlighter
+syn keyword rebolTodo contained TODO
+" Comments
+syn match rebolComment ";.*$" contains=rebolTodo
+" Words
+syn match rebolWord "\a\k*"
+syn match rebolWordPath "[^[:space:]]/[^[:space]]"ms=s+1,me=e-1
+" Booleans
+syn keyword rebolBoolean true false on off yes no
+" Values
+" Integers
+syn match rebolInteger "\<[+-]\=\d\+\('\d*\)*\>"
+" Decimals
+syn match rebolDecimal "[+-]\=\(\d\+\('\d*\)*\)\=[,.]\d*\(e[+-]\=\d\+\)\="
+syn match rebolDecimal "[+-]\=\d\+\('\d*\)*\(e[+-]\=\d\+\)\="
+" Time
+syn match rebolTime "[+-]\=\(\d\+\('\d*\)*\:\)\{1,2}\d\+\('\d*\)*\([.,]\d\+\)\=\([AP]M\)\=\>"
+syn match rebolTime "[+-]\=:\d\+\([.,]\d*\)\=\([AP]M\)\=\>"
+" Dates
+" DD-MMM-YY & YYYY format
+syn match rebolDate "\d\{1,2}\([/-]\)\(Jan\|Feb\|Mar\|Apr\|May\|Jun\|Jul\|Aug\|Sep\|Oct\|Nov\|Dec\)\1\(\d\{2}\)\{1,2}\>"
+" DD-month-YY & YYYY format
+syn match rebolDate "\d\{1,2}\([/-]\)\(January\|February\|March\|April\|May\|June\|July\|August\|September\|October\|November\|December\)\1\(\d\{2}\)\{1,2}\>"
+" DD-MM-YY & YY format
+syn match rebolDate "\d\{1,2}\([/-]\)\d\{1,2}\1\(\d\{2}\)\{1,2}\>"
+" YYYY-MM-YY format
+syn match rebolDate "\d\{4}-\d\{1,2}-\d\{1,2}\>"
+" DD.MM.YYYY format
+syn match rebolDate "\d\{1,2}\.\d\{1,2}\.\d\{4}\>"
+" Money
+syn match rebolMoney "\a*\$\d\+\('\d*\)*\([,.]\d\+\)\="
+" Strings
+syn region rebolString oneline start=+"+ skip=+^"+ end=+"+ contains=rebolSpecialCharacter
+syn region rebolString start=+[^#]{+ end=+}+ skip=+{[^}]*}+ contains=rebolSpecialCharacter
+" Binary
+syn region rebolBinary start=+\d*#{+ end=+}+ contains=rebolComment
+" Email
+syn match rebolEmail "\<\k\+@\(\k\+\.\)*\k\+\>"
+" File
+syn match rebolFile "%\(\k\+/\)*\k\+[/]\=" contains=rebolSpecialCharacter
+syn region rebolFile oneline start=+%"+ end=+"+ contains=rebolSpecialCharacter
+" URLs
+syn match rebolURL "http://\k\+\(\.\k\+\)*\(:\d\+\)\=\(/\(\k\+/\)*\(\k\+\)\=\)*"
+syn match rebolURL "file://\k\+\(\.\k\+\)*/\(\k\+/\)*\k\+"
+syn match rebolURL "ftp://\(\k\+:\k\+@\)\=\k\+\(\.\k\+\)*\(:\d\+\)\=/\(\k\+/\)*\k\+"
+syn match rebolURL "mailto:\k\+\(\.\k\+\)*@\k\+\(\.\k\+\)*"
+" Issues
+syn match rebolIssue "#\(\d\+-\)*\d\+"
+" Tuples
+syn match rebolTuple "\(\d\+\.\)\{2,}"
+" Characters
+syn match rebolSpecialCharacter contained "\^[^[:space:][]"
+syn match rebolSpecialCharacter contained "%\d\+"
+" Operators
+" Math operators
+syn match rebolMathOperator "\(\*\{1,2}\|+\|-\|/\{1,2}\)"
+syn keyword rebolMathFunction abs absolute add arccosine arcsine arctangent cosine
+syn keyword rebolMathFunction divide exp log-10 log-2 log-e max maximum min
+syn keyword rebolMathFunction minimum multiply negate power random remainder sine
+syn keyword rebolMathFunction square-root subtract tangent
+" Binary operators
+syn keyword rebolBinaryOperator complement and or xor ~
+" Logic operators
+syn match rebolLogicOperator "[<>=]=\="
+syn match rebolLogicOperator "<>"
+syn keyword rebolLogicOperator not
+syn keyword rebolLogicFunction all any
+syn keyword rebolLogicFunction head? tail?
+syn keyword rebolLogicFunction negative? positive? zero? even? odd?
+syn keyword rebolLogicFunction binary? block? char? date? decimal? email? empty?
+syn keyword rebolLogicFunction file? found? function? integer? issue? logic? money?
+syn keyword rebolLogicFunction native? none? object? paren? path? port? series?
+syn keyword rebolLogicFunction string? time? tuple? url? word?
+syn keyword rebolLogicFunction exists? input? same? value?
+" Datatypes
+syn keyword rebolType binary! block! char! date! decimal! email! file!
+syn keyword rebolType function! integer! issue! logic! money! native!
+syn keyword rebolType none! object! paren! path! port! string! time!
+syn keyword rebolType tuple! url! word!
+syn keyword rebolTypeFunction type?
+" Control statements
+syn keyword rebolStatement break catch exit halt reduce return shield
+syn keyword rebolConditional if else
+syn keyword rebolRepeat for forall foreach forskip loop repeat while until do
+" Series statements
+syn keyword rebolStatement change clear copy fifth find first format fourth free
+syn keyword rebolStatement func function head insert last match next parse past
+syn keyword rebolStatement pick remove second select skip sort tail third trim length?
+" Context
+syn keyword rebolStatement alias bind use
+" Object
+syn keyword rebolStatement import make make-object rebol info?
+" I/O statements
+syn keyword rebolStatement delete echo form format import input load mold prin
+syn keyword rebolStatement print probe read save secure send write
+syn keyword rebolOperator size? modified?
+" Debug statement
+syn keyword rebolStatement help probe trace
+" Misc statements
+syn keyword rebolStatement func function free
+" Constants
+syn keyword rebolConstant none
+" Define the default highlighting.
+" For version 5.7 and earlier: only when not done already
+" For version 5.8 and later: only when an item doesn't have highlighting yet
+if version >= 508 || !exists("did_rebol_syntax_inits")
+ if version < 508
+ let did_rebol_syntax_inits = 1
+ command -nargs=+ HiLink hi link <args>
+ else
+ command -nargs=+ HiLink hi def link <args>
+ endif
+ HiLink rebolTodo Todo
+ HiLink rebolStatement Statement
+ HiLink rebolLabel Label
+ HiLink rebolConditional Conditional
+ HiLink rebolRepeat Repeat
+ HiLink rebolOperator Operator
+ HiLink rebolLogicOperator rebolOperator
+ HiLink rebolLogicFunction rebolLogicOperator
+ HiLink rebolMathOperator rebolOperator
+ HiLink rebolMathFunction rebolMathOperator
+ HiLink rebolBinaryOperator rebolOperator
+ HiLink rebolBinaryFunction rebolBinaryOperator
+ HiLink rebolType Type
+ HiLink rebolTypeFunction rebolOperator
+ HiLink rebolWord Identifier
+ HiLink rebolWordPath rebolWord
+ HiLink rebolFunction Function
+ HiLink rebolCharacter Character
+ HiLink rebolSpecialCharacter SpecialChar
+ HiLink rebolString String
+ HiLink rebolNumber Number
+ HiLink rebolInteger rebolNumber
+ HiLink rebolDecimal rebolNumber
+ HiLink rebolTime rebolNumber
+ HiLink rebolDate rebolNumber
+ HiLink rebolMoney rebolNumber
+ HiLink rebolBinary rebolNumber
+ HiLink rebolEmail rebolString
+ HiLink rebolFile rebolString
+ HiLink rebolURL rebolString
+ HiLink rebolIssue rebolNumber
+ HiLink rebolTuple rebolNumber
+ HiLink rebolFloat Float
+ HiLink rebolBoolean Boolean
+ HiLink rebolConstant Constant
+ HiLink rebolComment Comment
+ HiLink rebolError Error
+ delcommand HiLink
+if exists("my_rebol_file")
+ if file_readable(expand(my_rebol_file))
+ execute "source " . my_rebol_file
+ endif
+let b:current_syntax = "rebol"
+" vim: ts=8