path: root/runtime/syntax/murphi.vim
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'runtime/syntax/murphi.vim')
1 files changed, 127 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/runtime/syntax/murphi.vim b/runtime/syntax/murphi.vim
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5620010f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/syntax/murphi.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+" Vim syntax file
+" Language: Murphi model checking language
+" Maintainer: Matthew Fernandez <>
+" Last Change: 2017 May 3
+" Version: 2
+" Remark: Originally authored by Diego Ongaro <>
+if version < 600
+ syntax clear
+elseif exists("b:current_syntax")
+ finish
+" Keywords are case insensitive.
+" Keep these in alphabetical order.
+syntax case ignore
+syn keyword murphiKeyword alias
+syn keyword murphiStructure array
+syn keyword murphiKeyword assert
+syn keyword murphiKeyword begin
+syn keyword murphiType boolean
+syn keyword murphiKeyword by
+syn keyword murphiLabel case
+syn keyword murphiKeyword clear
+syn keyword murphiLabel const
+syn keyword murphiRepeat do
+syn keyword murphiConditional else
+syn keyword murphiConditional elsif
+syn keyword murphiKeyword end
+syn keyword murphiKeyword endalias
+syn keyword murphiRepeat endexists
+syn keyword murphiRepeat endfor
+syn keyword murphiRepeat endforall
+syn keyword murphiKeyword endfunction
+syn keyword murphiConditional endif
+syn keyword murphiKeyword endprocedure
+syn keyword murphiStructure endrecord
+syn keyword murphiKeyword endrule
+syn keyword murphiKeyword endruleset
+syn keyword murphiKeyword endstartstate
+syn keyword murphiConditional endswitch
+syn keyword murphiRepeat endwhile
+syn keyword murphiStructure enum
+syn keyword murphiKeyword error
+syn keyword murphiRepeat exists
+syn keyword murphiBoolean false
+syn keyword murphiRepeat for
+syn keyword murphiRepeat forall
+syn keyword murphiKeyword function
+syn keyword murphiConditional if
+syn keyword murphiKeyword in
+syn keyword murphiKeyword interleaved
+syn keyword murphiLabel invariant
+syn keyword murphiFunction ismember
+syn keyword murphiFunction isundefined
+syn keyword murphiKeyword log
+syn keyword murphiStructure of
+syn keyword murphiType multiset
+syn keyword murphiFunction multisetadd
+syn keyword murphiFunction multisetcount
+syn keyword murphiFunction multisetremove
+syn keyword murphiFunction multisetremovepred
+syn keyword murphiKeyword procedure
+syn keyword murphiKeyword process
+syn keyword murphiKeyword program
+syn keyword murphiKeyword put
+syn keyword murphiStructure record
+syn keyword murphiKeyword return
+syn keyword murphiLabel rule
+syn keyword murphiLabel ruleset
+syn keyword murphiType scalarset
+syn keyword murphiLabel startstate
+syn keyword murphiConditional switch
+syn keyword murphiConditional then
+syn keyword murphiRepeat to
+syn keyword murphiKeyword traceuntil
+syn keyword murphiBoolean true
+syn keyword murphiLabel type
+syn keyword murphiKeyword undefine
+syn keyword murphiStructure union
+syn keyword murphiLabel var
+syn keyword murphiRepeat while
+syn keyword murphiTodo contained todo xxx fixme
+syntax case match
+" Integers.
+syn match murphiNumber "\<\d\+\>"
+" Operators and special characters.
+syn match murphiOperator "[\+\-\*\/%&|=!<>:\?]\|\."
+syn match murphiDelimiter "\(:[^=]\|[;,]\)"
+syn match murphiSpecial "[()\[\]]"
+" Double equal sign is a common error: use one equal sign for equality testing.
+syn match murphiError "==[^>]"he=e-1
+" Double && and || are errors.
+syn match murphiError "&&\|||"
+" Strings. This is defined so late so that it overrides previous matches.
+syn region murphiString start=+"+ end=+"+
+" Comments. This is defined so late so that it overrides previous matches.
+syn region murphiComment start="--" end="$" contains=murphiTodo
+syn region murphiComment start="/\*" end="\*/" contains=murphiTodo
+" Link the rules to some groups.
+highlight link murphiComment Comment
+highlight link murphiString String
+highlight link murphiNumber Number
+highlight link murphiBoolean Boolean
+highlight link murphiIdentifier Identifier
+highlight link murphiFunction Function
+highlight link murphiStatement Statement
+highlight link murphiConditional Conditional
+highlight link murphiRepeat Repeat
+highlight link murphiLabel Label
+highlight link murphiOperator Operator
+highlight link murphiKeyword Keyword
+highlight link murphiType Type
+highlight link murphiStructure Structure
+highlight link murphiSpecial Special
+highlight link murphiDelimiter Delimiter
+highlight link murphiError Error
+highlight link murphiTodo Todo
+let b:current_syntax = "murphi"