path: root/runtime/syntax/mail.vim
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Diffstat (limited to 'runtime/syntax/mail.vim')
1 files changed, 92 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/runtime/syntax/mail.vim b/runtime/syntax/mail.vim
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6fc0afb9d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/syntax/mail.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+" Vim syntax file
+" Language: Mail file
+" Previous Maintainer: Felix von Leitner <>
+" Maintainer: Gautam Iyer <>
+" Last Change: Mon 23 Feb 2004 02:26:16 PM CST
+" Quit when a syntax file was already loaded
+if exists("b:current_syntax")
+ finish
+" The mail header is recognized starting with a "keyword:" line and ending
+" with an empty line or other line that can't be in the header. All lines of
+" the header are highlighted. Headers of quoted messages (quoted with >) are
+" also highlighted.
+" Syntax clusters
+syn cluster mailHeaderFields contains=mailHeaderKey,mailSubject,mailHeaderEmail,@mailLinks
+syn cluster mailLinks contains=mailURL,mailEmail
+syn cluster mailQuoteExps contains=mailQuoteExp1,mailQuoteExp2,mailQuoteExp3,mailQuoteExp4,mailQuoteExp5,mailQuoteExp6
+syn case match
+" For "From " matching case is required. The "From " is not matched in quoted
+" emails
+syn region mailHeader contains=@mailHeaderFields start="^From " skip="^\s" end="\v^[-A-Za-z0-9]*([^-A-Za-z0-9:]|$)"me=s-1
+syn match mailHeaderKey contained contains=mailEmail "^From\s.*$"
+syn case ignore
+" Nothing else depends on case. Headers in properly quoted (with "> " or ">")
+" emails are matched
+syn region mailHeader keepend contains=@mailHeaderFields,@mailQuoteExps start="^\z(\(> \?\)*\)\v(newsgroups|from|((in-)?reply-)?to|b?cc|subject|return-path|received|date|replied):" skip="^\z1\s" end="\v^\z1[-a-z0-9]*([^-a-z0-9:]|$)"me=s-1 end="\v^\z1@!"me=s-1 end="\v^\z1(\> ?)+"me=s-1
+syn region mailHeaderKey contained contains=mailHeaderEmail,mailEmail,@mailQuoteExps start="\v(^(\> ?)*)@<=(to|b?cc):" skip=",$" end="$"
+syn match mailHeaderKey contained contains=mailHeaderEmail,mailEmail "\v(^(\> ?)*)@<=(from|reply-to):.*$"
+syn match mailHeaderKey contained "\v(^(\> ?)*)@<=date:"
+syn match mailSubject contained "\v(^(\> ?)*)@<=subject:.*$" contains=@Spell
+" Anything in the header between < and > is an email address
+syn match mailHeaderEmail contained "<.\{-}>"
+" Mail Signatures. (Begin with "--", end with change in quote level)
+syn region mailSignature keepend contains=@mailLinks,@mailQuoteExps start="^\z(\(> \?\)*\)-- *$" end="^\z1$" end="^\z1\@!"me=s-1 end="^\z1\(> \?\)\+"me=s-1
+" URLs start with a known protocol or www,web,w3.
+syn match mailURL `\v<(((https?|ftp|gopher)://|(mailto|file|news):)[^' <>"]+|(www|web|w3)[a-z0-9_-]*\.[a-z0-9._-]+\.[^' <>"]+)[a-z0-9/]`
+syn match mailEmail "\v[_=a-z\./+0-9-]+\@[a-z0-9._-]+\a{2}"
+" Make sure quote markers in regions (header / signature) have correct color
+syn match mailQuoteExp1 contained "\v^(\> ?)"
+syn match mailQuoteExp2 contained "\v^(\> ?){2}"
+syn match mailQuoteExp3 contained "\v^(\> ?){3}"
+syn match mailQuoteExp4 contained "\v^(\> ?){4}"
+syn match mailQuoteExp5 contained "\v^(\> ?){5}"
+syn match mailQuoteExp6 contained "\v^(\> ?){6}"
+" Even and odd quoted lines. order is imporant here!
+syn match mailQuoted1 contains=mailHeader,@mailLinks,mailSignature "^\([a-z]\+>\|[]|}>]\).*$"
+syn match mailQuoted2 contains=mailHeader,@mailLinks,mailSignature "^\(\([a-z]\+>\|[]|}>]\)[ \t]*\)\{2}.*$"
+syn match mailQuoted3 contains=mailHeader,@mailLinks,mailSignature "^\(\([a-z]\+>\|[]|}>]\)[ \t]*\)\{3}.*$"
+syn match mailQuoted4 contains=mailHeader,@mailLinks,mailSignature "^\(\([a-z]\+>\|[]|}>]\)[ \t]*\)\{4}.*$"
+syn match mailQuoted5 contains=mailHeader,@mailLinks,mailSignature "^\(\([a-z]\+>\|[]|}>]\)[ \t]*\)\{5}.*$"
+syn match mailQuoted6 contains=mailHeader,@mailLinks,mailSignature "^\(\([a-z]\+>\|[]|}>]\)[ \t]*\)\{6}.*$"
+" Need to sync on the header. Assume we can do that within 100 lines
+if exists("mail_minlines")
+ exec "syn sync minlines=" . mail_minlines
+ syn sync minlines=100
+" Define the default highlighting.
+hi def link mailHeader Statement
+hi def link mailHeaderKey Type
+hi def link mailSignature PreProc
+hi def link mailHeaderEmail mailEmail
+hi def link mailEmail Special
+hi def link mailURL String
+hi def link mailSubject LineNR
+hi def link mailQuoted1 Comment
+hi def link mailQuoted3 mailQuoted1
+hi def link mailQuoted5 mailQuoted1
+hi def link mailQuoted2 Identifier
+hi def link mailQuoted4 mailQuoted2
+hi def link mailQuoted6 mailQuoted2
+hi def link mailQuoteExp1 mailQuoted1
+hi def link mailQuoteExp2 mailQuoted2
+hi def link mailQuoteExp3 mailQuoted3
+hi def link mailQuoteExp4 mailQuoted4
+hi def link mailQuoteExp5 mailQuoted5
+hi def link mailQuoteExp6 mailQuoted6
+let b:current_syntax = "mail"