path: root/runtime/syntax/fvwm.vim
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'runtime/syntax/fvwm.vim')
1 files changed, 349 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/runtime/syntax/fvwm.vim b/runtime/syntax/fvwm.vim
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ff1b78399
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/syntax/fvwm.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,349 @@
+" Vim syntax file
+" Language: Fvwm{1,2} configuration file
+" Maintainer: Haakon Riiser <>
+" Last Change: 2002 Jun 2
+" Thanks to David Necas (Yeti) for adding Fvwm 2.4 support.
+" For version 5.x: Clear all syntax items
+" For version 6.x: Quit when a syntax file was already loaded
+if version < 600
+ syn clear
+elseif exists("b:current_syntax")
+ finish
+" Fvwm configuration files are case insensitive
+syn case ignore
+" Identifiers in Fvwm can contain most characters, so we only
+" include the most common ones here.
+if version >= 600
+ setlocal iskeyword=_,-,+,.,a-z,A-Z,48-57
+ set iskeyword=_,-,+,.,a-z,A-Z,48-57
+" Read system colors from the color database (rgb.txt)
+if exists("rgb_file")
+ " We don't want any hit-return prompts, so we make sure that
+ " &shortmess is set to `O'
+ let __fvwm_oldshm = &shortmess
+ set shortmess=O
+ " And we set &report to a huge number, so that no hit-return prompts
+ " will be given
+ let __fvwm_oldreport = &report
+ set report=10000
+ " Append the color database to the fvwm configuration, and read the
+ " colors from this buffer
+ let __fvwm_i = line("$") + 1
+ exe "$r" rgb_file
+ let __fvwm_lastline = line("$")
+ while __fvwm_i <= __fvwm_lastline
+ let __fvwm_s = matchstr(getline(__fvwm_i), '^\s*\d\+\s\+\d\+\s\+\d\+\s\+\h.*$')
+ if __fvwm_s != ""
+ exe "syn keyword fvwmColors ".substitute(__fvwm_s, '^\s*\d\+\s\+\d\+\s\+\d\+\s\+\(\h.*\)$', '\1', "")
+ endif
+ let __fvwm_i = __fvwm_i + 1
+ endwhile
+ " Remove the appended data
+ undo
+ " Goto first line again
+ 1
+ " and restore the old values of the variables
+ let &shortmess = __fvwm_oldshm
+ let &report = __fvwm_oldreport
+ unlet __fvwm_i __fvwm_s __fvwm_lastline __fvwm_oldshm __fvwm_oldreport
+" done reading colors
+syn match fvwmWhitespace "\s\+" contained
+syn match fvwmEnvVar "\$\w\+"
+syn match fvwmModConf "^\s*\*\a\+" contains=fvwmWhitespace
+syn match fvwmString '".\{-}"'
+syn match fvwmRGBValue "#\x\{3}"
+syn match fvwmRGBValue "#\x\{6}"
+syn match fvwmRGBValue "#\x\{9}"
+syn match fvwmRGBValue "#\x\{12}"
+syn match fvwmRGBValue "rgb:\x\{1,4}/\x\{1,4}/\x\{1,4}"
+syn match fvwmPath "\<IconPath\s.*$"lc=8 contains=fvwmEnvVar
+syn match fvwmPath "\<ModulePath\s.*$"lc=10 contains=fvwmEnvVar
+syn match fvwmPath "\<PixmapPath\s.*$"lc=10 contains=fvwmEnvVar
+syn match fvwmModule "\<Module\s\+\w\+"he=s+6
+syn match fvwmKey "\<Key\s\+\w\+"he=s+3
+syn keyword fvwmExec Exec
+syn match fvwmComment "^#.*$"
+if (exists("b:fvwm_version") && b:fvwm_version == 1) || (exists("use_fvwm_1") && use_fvwm_1)
+ syn match fvwmEnvVar "\$(\w\+)"
+ syn region fvwmStyle matchgroup=fvwmFunction start="^\s*Style\>"hs=e-5 end="$" oneline keepend contains=fvwmString,fvwmKeyword,fvwmWhiteSpace
+ syn keyword fvwmFunction AppsBackingStore AutoRaise BackingStore
+ syn keyword fvwmFunction Beep BoundaryWidth ButtonStyle
+ syn keyword fvwmFunction CenterOnCirculate CirculateDown
+ syn keyword fvwmFunction CirculateHit CirculateSkip
+ syn keyword fvwmFunction CirculateSkipIcons CirculateUp
+ syn keyword fvwmFunction ClickTime ClickToFocus Close Cursor
+ syn keyword fvwmFunction CursorMove DecorateTransients Delete
+ syn keyword fvwmFunction Desk DeskTopScale DeskTopSize Destroy
+ syn keyword fvwmFunction DontMoveOff EdgeResistance EdgeScroll
+ syn keyword fvwmFunction EndFunction EndMenu EndPopup Focus
+ syn keyword fvwmFunction Font Function GotoPage HiBackColor
+ syn keyword fvwmFunction HiForeColor Icon IconBox IconFont
+ syn keyword fvwmFunction Iconify IconPath Key Lenience Lower
+ syn keyword fvwmFunction Maximize MenuBackColor MenuForeColor
+ syn keyword fvwmFunction MenuStippleColor Module ModulePath Mouse
+ syn keyword fvwmFunction Move MWMBorders MWMButtons MWMDecorHints
+ syn keyword fvwmFunction MWMFunctionHints MWMHintOverride MWMMenus
+ syn keyword fvwmFunction NoBorder NoBoundaryWidth Nop NoPPosition
+ syn keyword fvwmFunction NoTitle OpaqueMove OpaqueResize Pager
+ syn keyword fvwmFunction PagerBackColor PagerFont PagerForeColor
+ syn keyword fvwmFunction PagingDefault PixmapPath Popup Quit Raise
+ syn keyword fvwmFunction RaiseLower RandomPlacement Refresh Resize
+ syn keyword fvwmFunction Restart SaveUnders Scroll SloppyFocus
+ syn keyword fvwmFunction SmartPlacement StartsOnDesk StaysOnTop
+ syn keyword fvwmFunction StdBackColor StdForeColor Stick Sticky
+ syn keyword fvwmFunction StickyBackColor StickyForeColor
+ syn keyword fvwmFunction StickyIcons StubbornIconPlacement
+ syn keyword fvwmFunction StubbornIcons StubbornPlacement
+ syn keyword fvwmFunction SuppressIcons Title TogglePage Wait Warp
+ syn keyword fvwmFunction WindowFont WindowList WindowListSkip
+ syn keyword fvwmFunction WindowsDesk WindowShade XORvalue
+ " These keywords are only used after the "Style" command. To avoid
+ " name collision with several commands, they are contained.
+ syn keyword fvwmKeyword BackColor BorderWidth BoundaryWidth contained
+ syn keyword fvwmKeyword Button CirculateHit CirculateSkip Color contained
+ syn keyword fvwmKeyword DoubleClick ForeColor Handles HandleWidth contained
+ syn keyword fvwmKeyword Icon IconTitle NoBorder NoBoundaryWidth contained
+ syn keyword fvwmKeyword NoButton NoHandles NoIcon NoIconTitle contained
+ syn keyword fvwmKeyword NoTitle Slippery StartIconic StartNormal contained
+ syn keyword fvwmKeyword StartsAnyWhere StartsOnDesk StaysOnTop contained
+ syn keyword fvwmKeyword StaysPut Sticky Title WindowListHit contained
+ syn keyword fvwmKeyword WindowListSkip contained
+elseif (exists("b:fvwm_version") && b:fvwm_version == 2) || (exists("use_fvwm_2") && use_fvwm_2)
+ syn match fvwmEnvVar "\${\w\+}"
+ syn match fvwmEnvVar "\$\[[^]]\+\]"
+ syn match fvwmEnvVar "\$[$0-9*]"
+ syn match fvwmDef '^\s*+\s*".\{-}"' contains=fvwmMenuString,fvwmWhitespace
+ syn match fvwmIcon '%.\{-}%' contained
+ syn match fvwmIcon '\*.\{-}\*' contained
+ syn match fvwmMenuString '".\{-}"' contains=fvwmIcon,fvwmShortcutKey contained
+ syn match fvwmShortcutKey "&." contained
+ syn match fvwmModule "\<KillModule\s\+\w\+"he=s+10 contains=fvwmModuleName
+ syn match fvwmModule "\<SendToModule\s\+\w\+"he=s+12 contains=fvwmModuleName
+ syn match fvwmModule "\<DestroyModuleConfig\s\+\w\+"he=s+19 contains=fvwmModuleName
+ syn keyword fvwmFunction AddButtonStyle AddTitleStyle AddToDecor AddToFunc
+ syn keyword fvwmFunction AddToMenu AnimatedMove Beep BorderStyle BugOpts
+ syn keyword fvwmFunction BusyCursor ButtonState ButtonStyle ChangeDecor
+ syn keyword fvwmFunction ChangeMenuStyle ClickTime Close ColorLimit
+ syn keyword fvwmFunction ColormapFocus CopyMenuStyle Current CursorMove
+ syn keyword fvwmFunction CursorStyle DefaultColors DefaultColorset
+ syn keyword fvwmFunction DefaultFont DefaultIcon DefaultLayers Delete Desk
+ syn keyword fvwmFunction DeskTopSize Destroy DestroyDecor DestroyFunc
+ syn keyword fvwmFunction DestroyMenu DestroyMenuStyle Direction Echo
+ syn keyword fvwmFunction EdgeResistance EdgeScroll EdgeThickness Emulate
+ syn keyword fvwmFunction EscapeFunc Exec ExecUseShell ExitFunction
+ syn keyword fvwmFunction FakeClick FlipFocus Focus Function GlobalOpts
+ syn keyword fvwmFunction GnomeButton GotoDesk GotoDeskAndPage GotoPage
+ syn keyword fvwmFunction HideGeometryWindow HilightColor HilightColorset
+ syn keyword fvwmFunction IconFont IconPath Iconify IgnoreModifiers
+ syn keyword fvwmFunction ImagePath Key Layer Lower Maximize Menu MenuStyle
+ syn keyword fvwmFunction ModulePath ModuleSynchronous ModuleTimeout
+ syn keyword fvwmFunction Mouse Move MoveThreshold MoveToDesk MoveToPage
+ syn keyword fvwmFunction MoveToScreen Next None Nop OpaqueMoveSize
+ syn keyword fvwmFunction PipeRead PixmapPath PlaceAgain PointerKey
+ syn keyword fvwmFunction Popup Prev Quit QuitScreen QuitSession Raise
+ syn keyword fvwmFunction RaiseLower Read Recapture RecaptureWindow
+ syn keyword fvwmFunction Refresh RefreshWindow Resize ResizeMove
+ syn keyword fvwmFunction Restart SaveQuitSession SaveSession Scroll
+ syn keyword fvwmFunction SetAnimation SetEnv SetMenuDelay SetMenuStyle
+ syn keyword fvwmFunction Silent SnapAttraction SnapGrid Stick Stroke
+ syn keyword fvwmFunction StrokeFunc Style Title TitleStyle UnsetEnv
+ syn keyword fvwmFunction UpdateDecor UpdateStyles Wait WarpToWindow
+ syn keyword fvwmFunction WindowFont WindowId WindowList WindowShade
+ syn keyword fvwmFunction WindowShadeAnimate WindowsDesk Xinerama
+ syn keyword fvwmFunction XineramaPrimaryScreen XineramaSls XineramaSlsSize
+ syn keyword fvwmFunction XorPixmap XorValue
+ syn keyword fvwmKeyword Active ActiveColorset ActiveDown
+ syn keyword fvwmKeyword ActiveFore ActiveForeOff ActivePlacement
+ syn keyword fvwmKeyword ActivePlacementHonorsStartsOnPage
+ syn keyword fvwmKeyword ActivePlacementIgnoresStartsOnPage ActiveUp All
+ syn keyword fvwmKeyword AllowRestack Alphabetic Anim Animated Animation
+ syn keyword fvwmKeyword AnimationOff AutomaticHotkeys AutomaticHotkeysOff
+ syn keyword fvwmKeyword BGradient BackColor Background BackingStore
+ syn keyword fvwmKeyword BackingStoreOff BorderColorset BorderWidth
+ syn keyword fvwmKeyword Bottom Button Button0 Button1 Button2 Button3
+ syn keyword fvwmKeyword Button4 Button5 Button6 Button7 Button8
+ syn keyword fvwmKeyword Button9 CGradient CaptureHonorsStartsOnPage
+ syn keyword fvwmKeyword CaptureIgnoresStartsOnPage CascadePlacement
+ syn keyword fvwmKeyword Centered CirculateHit CirculateHitIcon
+ syn keyword fvwmKeyword CirculateHitShaded CirculateSkip
+ syn keyword fvwmKeyword CirculateSkipIcon CirculateSkipShaded Clear
+ syn keyword fvwmKeyword ClickToFocus ClickToFocusDoesntPassClick
+ syn keyword fvwmKeyword ClickToFocusDoesntRaise ClickToFocusPassesClick
+ syn keyword fvwmKeyword ClickToFocusPassesClickOff ClickToFocusRaises
+ syn keyword fvwmKeyword ClickToFocusRaisesOff Color Colorset Context
+ syn keyword fvwmKeyword CurrentDesk CurrentPage CurrentPageAnyDesk
+ syn keyword fvwmKeyword DGradient DecorateTransient Default
+ syn keyword fvwmKeyword DepressableBorder Desk DontLowerTransient
+ syn keyword fvwmKeyword DontRaiseTransient DontStackTransientParent
+ syn keyword fvwmKeyword DoubleClickTime Down DumbPlacement DynamicMenu
+ syn keyword fvwmKeyword DynamicPopDownAction DynamicPopUpAction
+ syn keyword fvwmKeyword East Expect FVWM FirmBorder Fixed
+ syn keyword fvwmKeyword FixedPosition Flat FlickeringMoveWorkaround
+ syn keyword fvwmKeyword FlickeringQtDialogsWorkaround FocusFollowsMouse
+ syn keyword fvwmKeyword FollowsFocus FollowsMouse Font ForeColor
+ syn keyword fvwmKeyword Foreground Function Fvwm FvwmBorder
+ syn keyword fvwmKeyword FvwmButtons GNOMEIgnoreHints GNOMEUseHints
+ syn keyword fvwmKeyword GrabFocus GrabFocusOff GrabFocusTransient
+ syn keyword fvwmKeyword GrabFocusTransientOff Greyed GreyedColorset
+ syn keyword fvwmKeyword HGradient HandleWidth Handles Height
+ syn keyword fvwmKeyword HiddenHandles Hilight3DOff Hilight3DThick
+ syn keyword fvwmKeyword Hilight3DThickness Hilight3DThin HilightBack
+ syn keyword fvwmKeyword HilightBackOff HilightBorderColorset
+ syn keyword fvwmKeyword HilightColorset HilightFore HintOverride
+ syn keyword fvwmKeyword HoldSubmenus Icon IconBox IconFill IconFont
+ syn keyword fvwmKeyword IconGrid IconOverride IconTitle Iconic
+ syn keyword fvwmKeyword IconifyWindowGroups IconifyWindowGroupsOff
+ syn keyword fvwmKeyword Icons IgnoreRestack Inactive Interior Item
+ syn keyword fvwmKeyword ItemFormat KeepWindowGroupsOnDesk Layer Left
+ syn keyword fvwmKeyword LeftJustified Lenience LowerTransient MWM
+ syn keyword fvwmKeyword MWMBorder MWMButtons MWMDecor MWMDecorMax
+ syn keyword fvwmKeyword MWMDecorMenu MWMDecorMin MWMFunctions
+ syn keyword fvwmKeyword ManualPlacement ManualPlacementHonorsStartsOnPage
+ syn keyword fvwmKeyword ManualPlacementIgnoresStartsOnPage MaxWindowSize
+ syn keyword fvwmKeyword Maximized Menu MenuColorset MenuFace
+ syn keyword fvwmKeyword MinOverlapPercentPlacement MinOverlapPlacement
+ syn keyword fvwmKeyword MiniIcon MixedVisualWorkaround ModalityIsEvil
+ syn keyword fvwmKeyword ModuleSynchronous Mouse MouseFocus
+ syn keyword fvwmKeyword MouseFocusClickDoesntRaise MouseFocusClickRaises
+ syn keyword fvwmKeyword MouseFocusClickRaisesOff Move Mwm MwmBorder
+ syn keyword fvwmKeyword MwmButtons MwmDecor MwmFunctions NakedTransient
+ syn keyword fvwmKeyword Never NeverFocus NoActiveIconOverride NoButton
+ syn keyword fvwmKeyword NoDecorHint NoDeskSort NoFuncHint NoGeometry
+ syn keyword fvwmKeyword NoGeometryWithInfo NoHandles NoHotkeys NoIcon
+ syn keyword fvwmKeyword NoIconOverride NoIconPosition NoIconTitle
+ syn keyword fvwmKeyword NoIcons NoInset NoLenience NoNormal
+ syn keyword fvwmKeyword NoOLDecor NoOnBottom NoOnTop NoOverride
+ syn keyword fvwmKeyword NoPPosition NoResizeOverride NoSticky
+ syn keyword fvwmKeyword NoStipledTitles NoTitle NoTransientPPosition
+ syn keyword fvwmKeyword NoTransientUSPosition NoUSPosition
+ syn keyword fvwmKeyword NoWarp Normal North Northeast Northwest
+ syn keyword fvwmKeyword NotAlphabetic OLDecor OnBottom OnTop Once
+ syn keyword fvwmKeyword OnlyIcons OnlyListSkip OnlyNormal OnlyOnBottom
+ syn keyword fvwmKeyword OnlyOnTop OnlySticky Opacity ParentalRelativity
+ syn keyword fvwmKeyword Pixmap PopdownDelayed PopdownDelay PopupDelay
+ syn keyword fvwmKeyword PopupAsRootMenu PopupAsSubmenu PopdownImmediately
+ syn keyword fvwmKeyword PopupDelayed PopupImmediately PopupOffset
+ syn keyword fvwmKeyword Quiet RGradient RaiseOverNativeWindows
+ syn keyword fvwmKeyword RaiseOverUnmanaged RaiseTransient
+ syn keyword fvwmKeyword Raised Read RecaptureHonorsStartsOnPage
+ syn keyword fvwmKeyword RecaptureIgnoresStartsOnPage Rectangle
+ syn keyword fvwmKeyword RemoveSubmenus Reset Resize ResizeHintOverride
+ syn keyword fvwmKeyword ResizeOpaque ResizeOutline ReverseOrder
+ syn keyword fvwmKeyword Right RightJustified Root SGradient SameType
+ syn keyword fvwmKeyword SaveUnder SaveUnderOff ScatterWindowGroups
+ syn keyword fvwmKeyword Screen SelectInPlace SelectOnRelease
+ syn keyword fvwmKeyword SelectWarp SeparatorsLong SeparatorsShort
+ syn keyword fvwmKeyword ShowMapping SideColor SidePic Simple
+ syn keyword fvwmKeyword SkipMapping Slippery SlipperyIcon SloppyFocus
+ syn keyword fvwmKeyword SmartPlacement SmartPlacementIsNormal
+ syn keyword fvwmKeyword SmartPlacementIsReallySmart Solid South
+ syn keyword fvwmKeyword Southeast Southwest StackTransientParent
+ syn keyword fvwmKeyword StartIconic StartNormal StartsAnyWhere
+ syn keyword fvwmKeyword StartsLowered StartsOnDesk StartsOnPage
+ syn keyword fvwmKeyword StartsOnPageIgnoresTransients
+ syn keyword fvwmKeyword StartsOnPageIncludesTransients StartsOnScreen
+ syn keyword fvwmKeyword StartsRaised StaysOnBottom StaysOnTop StaysPut
+ syn keyword fvwmKeyword Sticky StickyIcon StipledTitles StippledTitle
+ syn keyword fvwmKeyword StippledTitleOff SubmenusLeft SubmenusRight Sunk
+ syn keyword fvwmKeyword This TileCascadePlacement TileManualPlacement
+ syn keyword fvwmKeyword TiledPixmap Timeout Title TitleAtBottom
+ syn keyword fvwmKeyword TitleAtTop TitleUnderlines0 TitleUnderlines1
+ syn keyword fvwmKeyword TitleUnderlines2 TitleWarp TitleWarpOff Top
+ syn keyword fvwmKeyword Transient TrianglesRelief TrianglesSolid
+ syn keyword fvwmKeyword Up UseBorderStyle UseDecor UseIconName
+ syn keyword fvwmKeyword UseIconPosition UseListSkip UsePPosition
+ syn keyword fvwmKeyword UseStyle UseTitleStyle UseTransientPPosition
+ syn keyword fvwmKeyword UseTransientUSPosition UseUSPosition VGradient
+ syn keyword fvwmKeyword VariablePosition Vector VerticalItemSpacing
+ syn keyword fvwmKeyword VerticalTitleSpacing WIN Wait Warp WarpTitle
+ syn keyword fvwmKeyword West Win Window WindowListHit WindowListSkip
+ syn keyword fvwmKeyword WindowShadeScrolls WindowShadeShrinks
+ syn keyword fvwmKeyword WindowShadeSteps Windows XineramaRoot YGradient
+ syn keyword fvwmKeyword bottomright default pointer prev quiet
+ syn keyword fvwmKeyword True False Toggle
+ syn keyword fvwmConditionName AcceptsFocus CurrentDesk CurrentGlobalPage
+ syn keyword fvwmConditionName CurrentGlobalPageAnyDesk CurrentPage
+ syn keyword fvwmConditionName CurrentPageAnyDesk CurrentScreen Iconic Layer
+ syn keyword fvwmConditionName Maximized PlacedByButton3 PlacedByFvwm Raised
+ syn keyword fvwmConditionName Shaded Sticky Transient Visible
+ syn keyword fvwmContextName TITLE TOP TOP_EDGE TOP_LEFT TOP_RIGHT WAIT
+ syn keyword fvwmContextName POSITION
+ syn keyword fvwmFunctionName contained FvwmAnimate FvwmAudio FvwmAuto
+ syn keyword fvwmFunctionName contained FvwmBacker FvwmBanner FvwmButtons
+ syn keyword fvwmFunctionName contained FvwmCascade FvwmCommandS
+ syn keyword fvwmFunctionName contained FvwmConsole FvwmConsoleC FvwmCpp
+ syn keyword fvwmFunctionName contained FvwmDebug FvwmDragWell FvwmEvent
+ syn keyword fvwmFunctionName contained FvwmForm FvwmGtk FvwmIconBox
+ syn keyword fvwmFunctionName contained FvwmIconMan FvwmIdent FvwmM4
+ syn keyword fvwmFunctionName contained FvwmPager FvwmRearrange FvwmSave
+ syn keyword fvwmFunctionName contained FvwmSaveDesk FvwmScript FvwmScroll
+ syn keyword fvwmFunctionName contained FvwmTalk FvwmTaskBar FvwmTheme
+ syn keyword fvwmFunctionName contained FvwmTile FvwmWharf FvwmWinList
+ syn keyword fvwmFunctionName StartFunction InitFunction RestartFunction
+ syn keyword fvwmFunctionName ExitFunction SessionInitFunction
+ syn keyword fvwmFunctionName SessionRestartFunction SessionExitFunction
+ syn keyword fvwmFunctionName MissingSubmenuFunction
+if version >= 508 || !exists("did_fvwm_syntax_inits")
+ if version < 508
+ let did_fvwm_syntax_inits = 1
+ command -nargs=+ HiLink hi link <args>
+ else
+ command -nargs=+ HiLink hi def link <args>
+ endif
+ HiLink fvwmComment Comment
+ HiLink fvwmEnvVar Macro
+ HiLink fvwmExec Function
+ HiLink fvwmFunction Function
+ HiLink fvwmFunctionName Special
+ HiLink fvwmContextName Function
+ HiLink fvwmConditionName Function
+ HiLink fvwmIcon Comment
+ HiLink fvwmKey Function
+ HiLink fvwmKeyword Keyword
+ HiLink fvwmMenuString String
+ HiLink fvwmModConf Macro
+ HiLink fvwmModule Function
+ HiLink fvwmModuleName Special
+ HiLink fvwmRGBValue Type
+ HiLink fvwmShortcutKey SpecialChar
+ HiLink fvwmString String
+ if exists("rgb_file")
+ HiLink fvwmColors Type
+ endif
+ delcommand HiLink
+let b:current_syntax = "fvwm"
+" vim: sts=4 sw=4 ts=8