path: root/runtime/syntax/docbk.vim
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'runtime/syntax/docbk.vim')
1 files changed, 150 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/runtime/syntax/docbk.vim b/runtime/syntax/docbk.vim
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9391ec1a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/syntax/docbk.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
+" Vim syntax file
+" Language: DocBook
+" Maintainer: Devin Weaver <>
+" URL:
+" Last Change: 2002 Sep 04
+" Version: $Revision$
+" Thanks to Johannes Zellner <> for the default to XML
+" suggestion.
+" For version 5.x: Clear all syntax items
+" For version 6.x: Quit when a syntax file was already loaded
+if version < 600
+ syntax clear
+elseif exists("b:current_syntax")
+ finish
+" Auto detect added by Bram Moolenaar
+if !exists('b:docbk_type')
+ if expand('%:e') == "sgml"
+ let b:docbk_type = 'sgml'
+ else
+ let b:docbk_type = 'xml'
+ endif
+if 'xml' == b:docbk_type
+ doau FileType xml
+ syn cluster xmlTagHook add=docbkKeyword
+ syn cluster xmlRegionHook add=docbkRegion,docbkTitle,docbkRemark,docbkCite
+ syn case match
+elseif 'sgml' == b:docbk_type
+ doau FileType sgml
+ syn cluster sgmlTagHook add=docbkKeyword
+ syn cluster sgmlRegionHook add=docbkRegion,docbkTitle,docbkRemark,docbkCite
+ syn case ignore
+" <comment> has been removed and replace with <remark> in DocBook 4.0
+" <comment> kept for backwards compatability.
+syn keyword docbkKeyword abbrev abstract accel ackno acronym action contained
+syn keyword docbkKeyword address affiliation alt anchor answer appendix contained
+syn keyword docbkKeyword application area areaset areaspec arg artheader contained
+syn keyword docbkKeyword article articleinfo artpagenums attribution audiodata contained
+syn keyword docbkKeyword audioobject author authorblurb authorgroup contained
+syn keyword docbkKeyword authorinitials beginpage bibliodiv biblioentry contained
+syn keyword docbkKeyword bibliography bibliomisc bibliomixed bibliomset contained
+syn keyword docbkKeyword biblioset blockquote book bookbiblio bookinfo contained
+syn keyword docbkKeyword bridgehead callout calloutlist caption caution contained
+syn keyword docbkKeyword chapter citation citerefentry citetitle city contained
+syn keyword docbkKeyword classname cmdsynopsis co collab collabname contained
+syn keyword docbkKeyword colophon colspec command comment computeroutput contained
+syn keyword docbkKeyword confdates confgroup confnum confsponsor conftitle contained
+syn keyword docbkKeyword constant contractnum contractsponsor contrib contained
+syn keyword docbkKeyword copyright corpauthor corpname country database contained
+syn keyword docbkKeyword date dedication docinfo edition editor email contained
+syn keyword docbkKeyword emphasis entry entrytbl envar epigraph equation contained
+syn keyword docbkKeyword errorcode errorname errortype example fax figure contained
+syn keyword docbkKeyword filename firstname firstterm footnote footnoteref contained
+syn keyword docbkKeyword foreignphrase formalpara funcdef funcparams contained
+syn keyword docbkKeyword funcprototype funcsynopsis funcsynopsisinfo contained
+syn keyword docbkKeyword function glossary glossdef glossdiv glossentry contained
+syn keyword docbkKeyword glosslist glosssee glossseealso glossterm graphic contained
+syn keyword docbkKeyword graphicco group guibutton guiicon guilabel contained
+syn keyword docbkKeyword guimenu guimenuitem guisubmenu hardware contained
+syn keyword docbkKeyword highlights holder honorific imagedata imageobject contained
+syn keyword docbkKeyword imageobjectco important index indexdiv indexentry contained
+syn keyword docbkKeyword indexterm informalequation informalexample contained
+syn keyword docbkKeyword informalfigure informaltable inlineequation contained
+syn keyword docbkKeyword inlinegraphic inlinemediaobject interface contained
+syn keyword docbkKeyword interfacedefinition invpartnumber isbn issn contained
+syn keyword docbkKeyword issuenum itemizedlist itermset jobtitle keycap contained
+syn keyword docbkKeyword keycode keycombo keysym keyword keywordset label contained
+syn keyword docbkKeyword legalnotice lineage lineannotation link listitem contained
+syn keyword docbkKeyword literal literallayout lot lotentry manvolnum contained
+syn keyword docbkKeyword markup medialabel mediaobject mediaobjectco contained
+syn keyword docbkKeyword member menuchoice modespec mousebutton msg msgaud contained
+syn keyword docbkKeyword msgentry msgexplan msginfo msglevel msgmain contained
+syn keyword docbkKeyword msgorig msgrel msgset msgsub msgtext note contained
+syn keyword docbkKeyword objectinfo olink option optional orderedlist contained
+syn keyword docbkKeyword orgdiv orgname otheraddr othercredit othername contained
+syn keyword docbkKeyword pagenums para paramdef parameter part partintro contained
+syn keyword docbkKeyword phone phrase pob postcode preface primary contained
+syn keyword docbkKeyword primaryie printhistory procedure productname contained
+syn keyword docbkKeyword productnumber programlisting programlistingco contained
+syn keyword docbkKeyword prompt property pubdate publisher publishername contained
+syn keyword docbkKeyword pubsnumber qandadiv qandaentry qandaset question contained
+syn keyword docbkKeyword quote refclass refdescriptor refentry contained
+syn keyword docbkKeyword refentrytitle reference refmeta refmiscinfo contained
+syn keyword docbkKeyword refname refnamediv refpurpose refsect1 contained
+syn keyword docbkKeyword refsect1info refsect2 refsect2info refsect3 contained
+syn keyword docbkKeyword refsect3info refsynopsisdiv refsynopsisdivinfo contained
+syn keyword docbkKeyword releaseinfo remark replaceable returnvalue revhistory contained
+syn keyword docbkKeyword revision revnumber revremark row sbr screen contained
+syn keyword docbkKeyword screenco screeninfo screenshot secondary contained
+syn keyword docbkKeyword secondaryie sect1 sect1info sect2 sect2info sect3 contained
+syn keyword docbkKeyword sect3info sect4 sect4info sect5 sect5info section contained
+syn keyword docbkKeyword sectioninfo see seealso seealsoie seeie seg contained
+syn keyword docbkKeyword seglistitem segmentedlist segtitle seriesinfo contained
+syn keyword docbkKeyword seriesvolnums set setindex setinfo sgmltag contained
+syn keyword docbkKeyword shortaffil shortcut sidebar simpara simplelist contained
+syn keyword docbkKeyword simplesect spanspec state step street structfield contained
+syn keyword docbkKeyword structname subject subjectset subjectterm contained
+syn keyword docbkKeyword subscript substeps subtitle superscript surname contained
+syn keyword docbkKeyword symbol synopfragment synopfragmentref synopsis contained
+syn keyword docbkKeyword systemitem table tbody term tertiary tertiaryie contained
+syn keyword docbkKeyword textobject tfoot tgroup thead tip title contained
+syn keyword docbkKeyword titleabbrev toc tocback tocchap tocentry tocfront contained
+syn keyword docbkKeyword toclevel1 toclevel2 toclevel3 toclevel4 toclevel5 contained
+syn keyword docbkKeyword tocpart token trademark type ulink userinput contained
+syn keyword docbkKeyword varargs variablelist varlistentry varname contained
+syn keyword docbkKeyword videodata videoobject void volumenum warning contained
+syn keyword docbkKeyword wordasword xref year contained
+" Add special emphasis on some regions. Thanks to Rory Hunter <> for these ideas.
+syn region docbkRegion start="<emphasis>"lc=10 end="</emphasis>"me=e-11 contains=xmlRegion,xmlEntity,sgmlRegion,sgmlEntity keepend
+syn region docbkTitle start="<title>"lc=7 end="</title>"me=e-8 contains=xmlRegion,xmlEntity,sgmlRegion,sgmlEntity keepend
+syn region docbkRemark start="<remark>"lc=8 end="</remark>"me=e-9 contains=xmlRegion,xmlEntity,sgmlRegion,sgmlEntity keepend
+syn region docbkRemark start="<comment>"lc=9 end="</comment>"me=e-10 contains=xmlRegion,xmlEntity,sgmlRegion,sgmlEntity keepend
+syn region docbkCite start="<citation>"lc=10 end="</citation>"me=e-11 contains=xmlRegion,xmlEntity,sgmlRegion,sgmlEntity keepend
+" Define the default highlighting.
+" For version 5.7 and earlier: only when not done already
+" For version 5.8 and later: only when an item doesn't have highlighting yet
+if version >= 508 || !exists("did_docbk_syn_inits")
+ if version < 508
+ let did_docbk_syn_inits = 1
+ command -nargs=+ HiLink hi link <args>
+ hi DocbkBold term=bold cterm=bold gui=bold
+ else
+ command -nargs=+ HiLink hi def link <args>
+ hi def DocbkBold term=bold cterm=bold gui=bold
+ endif
+ HiLink docbkKeyword Statement
+ HiLink docbkRegion DocbkBold
+ HiLink docbkTitle Title
+ HiLink docbkRemark Comment
+ HiLink docbkCite Constant
+ delcommand HiLink
+let b:current_syntax = "docbk"
+" vim: ts=8