path: root/runtime/syntax/d.vim
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Diffstat (limited to 'runtime/syntax/d.vim')
1 files changed, 219 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/runtime/syntax/d.vim b/runtime/syntax/d.vim
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..51ecc43ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/syntax/d.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,219 @@
+" Vim syntax file for the D programming language (version 0.90).
+" Language: D
+" Maintainer: Jason Mills<>
+" URL:
+" Last Change: 2004 May 21
+" Version: 0.8
+" Options:
+" d_comment_strings - set to highlight strings and numbers in comments
+" d_hl_operator_overload - set to highlight D's specially named functions
+" that when overloaded implement unary and binary operators (e.g. cmp).
+" Todo:
+" - Allow user to set sync minlines
+" - Several keywords (namely, in and out) are both storage class and
+" statements, depending on their context. Must use some matching to figure
+" out which and highlight appropriately. For now I have made such keywords
+" statements.
+" - Mark contents of the asm statement body as special
+" Quit when a syntax file was already loaded
+if exists("b:current_syntax")
+ finish
+" Keyword definitions
+syn keyword dExternal import module extern
+syn keyword dConditional if else switch
+syn keyword dBranch goto break continue
+syn keyword dRepeat while for do foreach
+syn keyword dBoolean true false
+syn keyword dConstant null
+syn keyword dTypedef alias typedef
+syn keyword dStructure template interface class enum struct union
+syn keyword dOperator new delete typeof cast align is
+syn keyword dOperator this super
+if exists("d_hl_operator_overload")
+ syn keyword dOpOverload opNeg opCom opPostInc opPostDec opAdd opSub opSub_r
+ syn keyword dOpOverload opMul opDiv opDiv_r opMod opMod_r opAnd opOr opXor
+ syn keyword dOpOverload opShl opShl_r opShr opShr_r opUShr opUShr_r opCat
+ syn keyword dOpOverload opCat_r opEquals opEquals opCmp opCmp opCmp opCmp
+ syn keyword dOpOverload opAddAssign opSubAssign opMulAssign opDivAssign
+ syn keyword dOpOverload opModAssign opAndAssign opOrAssign opXorAssign
+ syn keyword dOpOverload opShlAssign opShrAssign opUShrAssign opCatAssign
+ syn keyword dOpOverload opIndex opCall opSlice
+syn keyword dType ushort int uint long ulong float
+syn keyword dType void byte ubyte double bit char wchar ucent cent
+syn keyword dType short bool dchar
+syn keyword dType real ireal ifloat idouble creal cfloat cdouble
+syn keyword dDebug deprecated unittest
+syn keyword dExceptions throw try catch finally
+syn keyword dScopeDecl public protected private export
+syn keyword dStatement version debug return with invariant body
+syn keyword dStatement in out inout asm mixin
+syn keyword dStatement function delegate
+syn keyword dStorageClass auto static override final const abstract volatile
+syn keyword dStorageClass synchronized
+syn keyword dPragma pragma
+" Assert is a statement and a module name.
+syn match dAssert "^assert\>"
+syn match dAssert "[^.]\s*\<assert\>"ms=s+1
+" Marks contents of the asm statment body as special
+"syn match dAsmStatement "\<asm\>"
+"syn region dAsmBody start="asm[\n]*\s*{"hs=e+1 end="}"he=e-1 contains=dAsmStatement
+"hi def link dAsmBody dUnicode
+"hi def link dAsmStatement dStatement
+" Labels
+" We contain dScopeDecl so public: private: etc. are not highlighted like labels
+syn match dUserLabel "^\s*[_$a-zA-Z][_$a-zA-Z0-9_]*\s*:"he=e-1 contains=dLabel,dScopeDecl
+syn keyword dLabel case default
+" Comments
+syn keyword dTodo contained TODO FIXME TEMP XXX
+syn match dCommentStar contained "^\s*\*[^/]"me=e-1
+syn match dCommentStar contained "^\s*\*$"
+syn match dCommentPlus contained "^\s*+[^/]"me=e-1
+syn match dCommentPlus contained "^\s*+$"
+if exists("d_comment_strings")
+ syn region dBlockCommentString contained start=+"+ end=+"+ end=+\*/+me=s-1,he=s-1 contains=dCommentStar,dUnicode,dEscSequence,@Spell
+ syn region dNestedCommentString contained start=+"+ end=+"+ end="+"me=s-1,he=s-1 contains=dCommentPlus,dUnicode,dEscSequence,@Spell
+ syn region dLineCommentString contained start=+"+ end=+$\|"+ contains=dUnicode,dEscSequence,@Spell
+ syn region dBlockComment start="/\*" end="\*/" contains=dBlockCommentString,dTodo,@Spell
+ syn region dNestedComment start="/+" end="+/" contains=dNestedComment,dNestedCommentString,dTodo,@Spell
+ syn match dLineComment "//.*" contains=dLineCommentString,dTodo,@Spell
+ syn region dBlockComment start="/\*" end="\*/" contains=dBlockCommentString,dTodo,@Spell
+ syn region dNestedComment start="/+" end="+/" contains=dNestedComment,dNestedCommentString,dTodo,@Spell
+ syn match dLineComment "//.*" contains=dLineCommentString,dTodo,@Spell
+hi link dLineCommentString dBlockCommentString
+hi link dBlockCommentString dString
+hi link dNestedCommentString dString
+hi link dCommentStar dBlockComment
+hi link dCommentPlus dNestedComment
+syn sync minlines=25
+" Characters
+syn match dSpecialCharError contained "[^']"
+" Escape sequences (oct,specal char,hex,wchar). These are not contained
+" because they are considered string litterals
+syn match dEscSequence "\\\(\o\{1,3}\|[\"\\'\\?ntbrfva]\|u\x\{4}\|U\x\{8}\|x\x\x\)"
+syn match dCharacter "'[^']*'" contains=dEscSequence,dSpecialCharError
+syn match dCharacter "'\\''" contains=dEscSequence
+syn match dCharacter "'[^\\]'"
+" Unicode characters
+syn match dUnicode "\\u\d\{4\}"
+" String.
+syn region dString start=+"+ end=+"+ contains=dEscSequence,@Spell
+syn region dRawString start=+`+ skip=+\\`+ end=+`+ contains=@Spell
+syn region dRawString start=+r"+ skip=+\\"+ end=+"+ contains=@Spell
+syn region dHexString start=+x"+ skip=+\\"+ end=+"+
+" Numbers
+syn case ignore
+syn match dInt display "\<\d[0-9_]*\(u\=l\=\|l\=u\=\)\>"
+" Hex number
+syn match dHex display "\<0x[0-9a-f_]\+\(u\=l\=\|l\=u\=\)\>"
+syn match dHex display "\<\x[0-9a-f_]*h\(u\=l\=\|l\=u\=\)\>"
+" Flag the first zero of an octal number as something special
+syn match dOctal display "\<0[0-7_]\+\(u\=l\=\|l\=u\=\)\>" contains=cOctalZero
+syn match dOctalZero display contained "\<0"
+"floating point without the dot
+syn match dFloat display "\<\d[0-9_]*\(fi\=\|l\=i\)\>"
+"floating point number, with dot, optional exponent
+syn match dFloat display "\<\d[0-9_]*\.[0-9_]*\(e[-+]\=[0-9_]\+\)\=[fl]\=i\="
+"floating point number, starting with a dot, optional exponent
+syn match dFloat display "\(\.[0-9_]\+\)\(e[-+]\=[0-9_]\+\)\=[fl]\=i\=\>"
+"floating point number, without dot, with exponent
+"syn match dFloat display "\<\d\+e[-+]\=\d\+[fl]\=\>"
+syn match dFloat display "\<\d[0-9_]*e[-+]\=[0-9_]\+[fl]\=\>"
+"floating point without the dot
+syn match dHexFloat display "\<0x\x\+\(fi\=\|l\=i\)\>"
+"floating point number, with dot, optional exponent
+syn match dHexFloat display "\<0x\x\+\.\x*\(p[-+]\=\x\+\)\=[fl]\=i\="
+"floating point number, without dot, with exponent
+syn match dHexFloat display "\<0x\x\+p[-+]\=\x\+[fl]\=\>"
+" binary numbers
+syn match dBinary display "\<0b[01_]\+\>"
+" flag an octal number with wrong digits
+syn match dOctalError display "0\o*[89]\d*"
+syn case match
+" Pragma (preprocessor) support
+" TODO: Highlight following Integer and optional Filespec.
+syn region dPragma start="#\s*\(line\>\)" skip="\\$" end="$"
+" The default highlighting.
+hi def link dBinary Number
+hi def link dInt Number
+hi def link dHex Number
+hi def link dOctal Number
+hi def link dFloat Float
+hi def link dHexFloat Float
+hi def link dDebug Debug
+hi def link dBranch Conditional
+hi def link dConditional Conditional
+hi def link dLabel Label
+hi def link dUserLabel Label
+hi def link dRepeat Repeat
+hi def link dExceptions Exception
+hi def link dAssert Statement
+hi def link dStatement Statement
+hi def link dScopeDecl dStorageClass
+hi def link dStorageClass StorageClass
+hi def link dBoolean Boolean
+hi def link dUnicode Special
+hi def link dRawString String
+hi def link dString String
+hi def link dHexString String
+hi def link dCharacter Character
+hi def link dEscSequence SpecialChar
+hi def link dSpecialCharError Error
+hi def link dOctalError Error
+hi def link dOperator Operator
+hi def link dOpOverload Operator
+hi def link dConstant Constant
+hi def link dTypedef Typedef
+hi def link dStructure Structure
+hi def link dTodo Todo
+hi def link dType Type
+hi def link dLineComment Comment
+hi def link dBlockComment Comment
+hi def link dNestedComment Comment
+hi def link dExternal Include
+hi def link dPragma PreProc
+let b:current_syntax = "d"
+" vim: ts=8