path: root/runtime/plugin/explorer.vim
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'runtime/plugin/explorer.vim')
1 files changed, 1326 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/runtime/plugin/explorer.vim b/runtime/plugin/explorer.vim
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4a5b6057f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/plugin/explorer.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,1326 @@
+" File: explorer.vim
+" Author: M A Aziz Ahmed ( - doesn't work)
+" Last Change: 2004 May 13
+" Version: 2.5 + changes
+" Additions by Mark Waggoner ( et al.
+" This file implements a file explorer.
+" Normally, this file will reside in the plugins directory and be
+" automatically sourced. If not, you must manually source this file
+" using :source explorer.vim
+" To use it, just edit a directory (vi dirname) or type :Explore to
+" launch the file explorer in the current window, or :Sexplore to split
+" the current window and launch explorer there.
+" If the current buffer is modified, the window is always split.
+" It is also possible to delete files and rename files within explorer.
+" See :help file-explorer for more details
+" Update history removed, it's not very interesting.
+" Contributors were: Doug Potts, Bram Moolenaar, Thomas Köhler
+" Has this already been loaded?
+if exists("loaded_explorer")
+ finish
+let loaded_explorer=1
+" Line continuation used here
+let s:cpo_save = &cpo
+set cpo&vim
+" Default settings for global configuration variables
+" Split vertically instead of horizontally?
+if !exists("g:explVertical")
+ let g:explVertical=0
+" How big to make the window? Set to "" to avoid resizing
+if !exists("g:explWinSize")
+ let g:explWinSize=15
+" When opening a new file/directory, split below current window (or
+" above)? 1 = below, 0 = to above
+if !exists("g:explSplitBelow")
+ let g:explSplitBelow = &splitbelow
+" Split to right of current window (or to left)?
+" 1 = to right, 0 = to left
+if !exists("g:explSplitRight")
+ let g:explSplitRight = &splitright
+" Start the first explorer window...
+" Defaults to be the same as explSplitBelow
+if !exists("g:explStartBelow")
+ let g:explStartBelow = g:explSplitBelow
+" Start the first explorer window...
+" Defaults to be the same as explSplitRight
+if !exists("g:explStartRight")
+ let g:explStartRight = g:explSplitRight
+" Show detailed help?
+if !exists("g:explDetailedHelp")
+ let g:explDetailedHelp=0
+" Show file size and dates?
+if !exists("g:explDetailedList")
+ let g:explDetailedList=0
+" Format for the date
+if !exists("g:explDateFormat")
+ let g:explDateFormat="%d %b %Y %H:%M"
+" Files to hide
+if !exists("g:explHideFiles")
+ let g:explHideFiles=''
+" Field to sort by
+if !exists("g:explSortBy")
+ let g:explSortBy='name'
+" Segregate directories? 1, 0, or -1
+if !exists("g:explDirsFirst")
+ let g:explDirsFirst=1
+" Segregate items in suffixes option? 1, 0, or -1
+if !exists("g:explSuffixesLast")
+ let g:explSuffixesLast=1
+" Include separator lines between directories, files, and suffixes?
+if !exists("g:explUseSeparators")
+ let g:explUseSeparators=0
+" Execute file handler
+if !exists("g:explFileHandler")
+ if has("win32")
+ " for Win32 use rundll32
+ function! s:explFileHandlerWin32(fn)
+ exec 'silent !start rundll32 url.dll,FileProtocolHandler "'
+ \ . escape(a:fn, '%#') . '"'
+ endfunction
+ let g:explFileHandler = "<SID>explFileHandlerWin32"
+ elseif has("unix")
+ " for KDE use kfmclient, for GNUME use gnome-open
+ if executable("kfmclient")
+ let g:explFileHandlerCmd = "kfmclient exec"
+ elseif executable("gnome-open")
+ let g:explFileHandlerCmd = "gnome-open"
+ else
+ let g:explFileHandlerCmd = ""
+ endif
+ if g:explFileHandlerCmd != ""
+ function! s:explFileHandlerUnix(fn)
+ if &shellredir =~ "%s"
+ let redir = substitute(&shellredir, "%s", "/dev/null", "")
+ else
+ let redir = &shellredir . "/dev/null"
+ endif
+ " Need to escape % and # but not spaces.
+ exec "silent !" . g:explFileHandlerCmd . " '" . escape(a:fn, '%#') . "'" . redir
+ endfunction
+ let g:explFileHandler = "<SID>explFileHandlerUnix"
+ endif
+ endif
+" script variables - these are the same across all
+" explorer windows
+" characters that must be escaped for a regular expression
+let s:escregexp = '/*^$.~\'
+" characters that must be escaped for filenames
+if has("dos16") || has("dos32") || has("win16") || has("win32") || has("os2")
+ let s:escfilename = ' %#'
+ let s:escfilename = ' \%#[]'
+" A line to use for separating sections
+let s:separator='"---------------------------------------------------'
+" Create commands
+if !exists(':Explore')
+ command -n=? -complete=dir Explore :call s:StartExplorer(0, '<a>')
+if !exists(':Sexplore')
+ command -n=? -complete=dir Sexplore :call s:StartExplorer(1, '<a>')
+" Start the explorer using the preferences from the global variables
+function! s:StartExplorer(split, start_dir)
+ let startcmd = "edit"
+ if a:start_dir != ""
+ let fname=a:start_dir
+ else
+ let fname = expand("%:p:h")
+ endif
+ if fname == ""
+ let fname = getcwd()
+ endif
+ " Create a variable to use if splitting vertically
+ let splitMode = ""
+ if g:explVertical == 1
+ let splitMode = "vertical"
+ endif
+ " Save the user's settings for splitbelow and splitright
+ let savesplitbelow = &splitbelow
+ let savesplitright = &splitright
+ if a:split || &modified
+ let startcmd = splitMode . " " . g:explWinSize . "new " . fname
+ let &splitbelow = g:explStartBelow
+ let &splitright = g:explStartRight
+ else
+ let startcmd = "edit " . fname
+ endif
+ silent execute startcmd
+ let &splitbelow = savesplitbelow
+ let &splitright = savesplitright
+" This is the main entry for 'editing' a directory
+function! s:EditDir()
+ " Get out of here right away if this isn't a directory!
+ let name = expand("%")
+ if name == ""
+ let name = expand("%:p")
+ endif
+ if !isdirectory(name)
+ return
+ endif
+ " Turn off the swapfile, set the buffer type so that it won't get
+ " written, and so that it will get deleted when it gets hidden.
+ setlocal noreadonly modifiable
+ setlocal noswapfile
+ setlocal buftype=nowrite
+ setlocal bufhidden=delete
+ " Don't wrap around long lines
+ setlocal nowrap
+ " No need for any insertmode abbreviations, since we don't allow
+ " insertions anyway!
+ iabc <buffer>
+ " Long or short listing? Use the global variable the first time
+ " explorer is called, after that use the script variable as set by
+ " the interactive user.
+ if exists("s:longlist")
+ let w:longlist = s:longlist
+ else
+ let w:longlist = g:explDetailedList
+ endif
+ " Show keyboard shortcuts?
+ if exists("s:longhelp")
+ let w:longhelp = s:longhelp
+ else
+ let w:longhelp = g:explDetailedHelp
+ endif
+ " Set the sort based on the global variables the first time. If you
+ " later change the sort order, it will be retained in the s:sortby
+ " variable for the next time you open explorer
+ let w:sortdirection=1
+ let w:sortdirlabel = ""
+ let w:sorttype = ""
+ if exists("s:sortby")
+ let sortby=s:sortby
+ else
+ let sortby=g:explSortBy
+ endif
+ if sortby =~ "reverse"
+ let w:sortdirection=-1
+ let w:sortdirlabel = "reverse "
+ endif
+ if sortby =~ "date"
+ let w:sorttype = "date"
+ elseif sortby =~ "size"
+ let w:sorttype = "size"
+ else
+ let w:sorttype = "name"
+ endif
+ call s:SetSuffixesLast()
+ " If directory is already loaded, don't open it again!
+ if line('$') > 1
+ setlocal readonly nomodifiable
+ return
+ endif
+ " Get the complete path to the directory to look at with a slash at
+ " the end. This also removes "/../" and "/./" things.
+ let b:completePath = s:Path(expand("%:p"))
+ " Add a slash at the end
+ if b:completePath !~ '/$'
+ let b:completePath = b:completePath . '/'
+ endif
+ " escape special characters for exec commands
+ let b:completePathEsc = escape(b:completePath, s:escfilename)
+ let b:parentDirEsc = substitute(b:completePathEsc, '/[^/]*/$', '/', 'g')
+ " Set up syntax highlighting
+ " Something wrong with the evaluation of the conditional though...
+ if has("syntax") && exists("g:syntax_on") && !has("syntax_items")
+ syn match browseSynopsis "^\"[ -].*"
+ syn match browseDirectory "[^\"].*/ "
+ syn match browseDirectory "[^\"].*/$"
+ syn match browseCurDir "^\"= .*$"
+ syn match browseSortBy "^\" Sorted by .*$" contains=browseSuffixInfo
+ syn match browseSuffixInfo "(.*)$" contained
+ syn match browseFilter "^\" Not Showing:.*$"
+ syn match browseFiletime "««\d\+$"
+ exec('syn match browseSuffixes "' . b:suffixesHighlight . '"')
+ "hi def link browseSynopsis PreProc
+ hi def link browseSynopsis Special
+ hi def link browseDirectory Directory
+ hi def link browseCurDir Statement
+ hi def link browseSortBy String
+ hi def link browseSuffixInfo Type
+ hi def link browseFilter String
+ hi def link browseFiletime Ignore
+ hi def link browseSuffixes Type
+ endif
+ " Set filter for hiding files
+ let b:filterFormula=substitute(g:explHideFiles, '\([^\\]\),', '\1\\|', 'g')
+ if b:filterFormula != ''
+ let b:filtering="\nNot showing: " . b:filterFormula
+ else
+ let b:filtering=""
+ endif
+ " Show the files
+ call s:ShowDirectory()
+ " Set up mappings for this buffer
+ let cpo_save = &cpo
+ set cpo&vim
+ nnoremap <buffer> <cr> :call <SID>EditEntry("","edit")<cr>
+ nnoremap <buffer> - :exec ("silent e " . b:parentDirEsc)<cr>
+ if exists("g:explFileHandler")
+ nnoremap <buffer> x :call <SID>ExecuteEntry()<cr>
+ endif
+ nnoremap <buffer> o :call <SID>OpenEntry()<cr>
+ nnoremap <buffer> O :call <SID>OpenEntryPrevWindow()<cr>
+ nnoremap <buffer> p :call <SID>EditEntry("","pedit")<cr>
+ nnoremap <buffer> ? :call <SID>ToggleHelp()<cr>
+ nnoremap <buffer> a :call <SID>ShowAllFiles()<cr>
+ nnoremap <buffer> R :call <SID>RenameFile()<cr>
+ nnoremap <buffer> D :. call <SID>DeleteFile()<cr>
+ vnoremap <buffer> D :call <SID>DeleteFile()<cr>
+ nnoremap <buffer> i :call <SID>ToggleLongList()<cr>
+ nnoremap <buffer> s :call <SID>SortSelect()<cr>
+ nnoremap <buffer> r :call <SID>SortReverse()<cr>
+ nnoremap <buffer> c :exec "cd ".b:completePathEsc<cr>
+ nnoremap <buffer> <2-leftmouse> :call <SID>DoubleClick()<cr>
+ if exists("*ExplorerCustomMap")
+ call ExplorerCustomMap()
+ endif
+ let &cpo = cpo_save
+ " prevent the buffer from being modified
+ setlocal readonly nomodifiable
+" Determine the number of windows open to this buffer number.
+" Care of Yegappan Lakshman. Thanks!
+fun! s:BufInWindows(bnum)
+ let cnt = 0
+ let winnum = 1
+ while 1
+ let bufnum = winbufnr(winnum)
+ if bufnum < 0
+ break
+ endif
+ if bufnum == a:bnum
+ let cnt = cnt + 1
+ endif
+ let winnum = winnum + 1
+ endwhile
+ return cnt
+" If this is the only window, open file in a new window
+" Otherwise, open file in the most recently visited window
+function! s:OpenEntryPrevWindow()
+ " Figure out if there are any other windows
+ let n = winnr()
+ wincmd p
+ " No other window? Then open a new one
+ if n == winnr()
+ call s:OpenEntry()
+ " Other windows exist
+ else
+ " Check if the previous buffer is modified - ask if they want to save!
+ " Was it modified, and is it the only window open to this file
+ if &modified && s:BufInWindows(winbufnr(winnr())) < 2
+ let bufname = bufname(winbufnr(winnr()))
+ let action=confirm("Save Changes in " . bufname . "?","&Yes\n&No\n&Cancel")
+ " Yes - try to save - if there is an error, cancel
+ if action == 1
+ let v:errmsg = ""
+ silent w
+ if v:errmsg != ""
+ echoerr "Unable to write buffer!"
+ wincmd p
+ return
+ endif
+ " No, abandon changes
+ elseif action == 2
+ set nomodified
+ echomsg "Warning, abandoning changes in " . bufname
+ " Cancel (or any other result), don't do the open
+ else
+ wincmd p
+ return
+ endif
+ endif
+ wincmd p
+ call s:EditEntry("wincmd p","edit")
+ endif
+" Open a file or directory in a new window.
+" Use g:explSplitBelow and g:explSplitRight to decide where to put the
+" split window, and resize the original explorer window if it is
+" larger than g:explWinSize
+function! s:OpenEntry()
+ " Are we on a line with a file name?
+ let l = getline(".")
+ if l =~ '^"'
+ return
+ endif
+ " Copy window settings to script settings
+ let s:sortby=w:sortdirlabel . w:sorttype
+ let s:longhelp = w:longhelp
+ let s:longlist = w:longlist
+ " Get the window number of the explorer window
+ let n = winnr()
+ " Save the user's settings for splitbelow and splitright
+ let savesplitbelow=&splitbelow
+ let savesplitright=&splitright
+ " Figure out how to do the split based on the user's preferences.
+ " We want to split to the (left,right,top,bottom) of the explorer
+ " window, but we want to extract the screen real-estate from the
+ " window next to the explorer if possible.
+ "
+ " 'there' will be set to a command to move from the split window
+ " back to the explorer window
+ "
+ " 'back' will be set to a command to move from the explorer window
+ " back to the newly split window
+ "
+ " 'right' and 'below' will be set to the settings needed for
+ " splitbelow and splitright IF the explorer is the only window.
+ "
+ if g:explVertical
+ if g:explSplitRight
+ let there="wincmd h"
+ let back ="wincmd l"
+ let right=1
+ let below=0
+ else
+ let there="wincmd l"
+ let back ="wincmd h"
+ let right=0
+ let below=0
+ endif
+ else
+ if g:explSplitBelow
+ let there="wincmd k"
+ let back ="wincmd j"
+ let right=0
+ let below=1
+ else
+ let there="wincmd j"
+ let back ="wincmd k"
+ let right=0
+ let below=0
+ endif
+ endif
+ " Get the file name
+ let fn=s:GetFullFileName()
+ " Attempt to go to adjacent window
+ exec(back)
+ " If no adjacent window, set splitright and splitbelow appropriately
+ if n == winnr()
+ let &splitright=right
+ let &splitbelow=below
+ else
+ " found adjacent window - invert split direction
+ let &splitright=!right
+ let &splitbelow=!below
+ endif
+ " Create a variable to use if splitting vertically
+ let splitMode = ""
+ if g:explVertical == 1
+ let splitMode = "vertical"
+ endif
+ " Is it a directory? If so, get a real path to it instead of
+ " relative path. This also removes "/../" and "/./" things.
+ if isdirectory(fn)
+ let fn = fnamemodify(fn, ":p")
+ endif
+ " Open the new window
+ exec("silent " . splitMode." sp " . escape(fn,s:escfilename))
+ " resize the explorer window if it is larger than the requested size
+ exec(there)
+ if g:explWinSize =~ '[0-9]\+' && winheight("") > g:explWinSize
+ exec("silent ".splitMode." resize ".g:explWinSize)
+ endif
+ exec(back)
+ " Restore splitmode settings
+ let &splitbelow=savesplitbelow
+ let &splitright=savesplitright
+function! s:ExecuteEntry()
+ " Are we on a line with a file name?
+ let l = getline(".")
+ if l =~ '^"'
+ return
+ endif
+ " Get the file name
+ let fn = s:GetFullFileName()
+ if has("win32") && fn =~ '^//'
+ let fn = substitute(fn, '/', '\\', 'g')
+ endif
+ exec "call " . g:explFileHandler . "(fn)"
+" Double click with the mouse
+function s:DoubleClick()
+ if expand("<cfile>") =~ '[\\/]$'
+ call s:EditEntry("","edit") " directory: open in this window
+ else
+ call s:OpenEntryPrevWindow() " file: open in another window
+ endif
+" Open file or directory in the same window as the explorer is
+" currently in
+function! s:EditEntry(movefirst,editcmd)
+ " Are we on a line with a file name?
+ let l = getline(".")
+ if l =~ '^"'
+ return
+ endif
+ " Copy window settings to script settings
+ let s:sortby=w:sortdirlabel . w:sorttype
+ let s:longhelp = w:longhelp
+ let s:longlist = w:longlist
+ " Get the file name
+ let fn = s:GetFullFileName()
+ if isdirectory(fn)
+ " This removes "/../" and "/./" things.
+ let fn = fnamemodify(fn, ":p")
+ endif
+ " Move to desired window if needed
+ exec(a:movefirst)
+ " Edit the file/dir
+ exec(a:editcmd . " " . escape(fn,s:escfilename))
+" Create a regular expression out of the suffixes option for sorting
+" and set a string to indicate whether we are sorting with the
+" suffixes at the end (or the beginning)
+function! s:SetSuffixesLast()
+ let b:suffixesRegexp = '\(' . substitute(escape(&suffixes,s:escregexp),',','\\|','g') . '\)$'
+ let b:suffixesHighlight = '^[^"].*\(' . substitute(escape(&suffixes,s:escregexp),',','\\|','g') . '\)\( \|$\)'
+ if has("fname_case")
+ let b:suffixesRegexp = '\C' . b:suffixesRegexp
+ let b:suffixesHighlight = '\C' . b:suffixesHighlight
+ else
+ let b:suffixesRegexp = '\c' . b:suffixesRegexp
+ let b:suffixesHighlight = '\c' . b:suffixesHighlight
+ endif
+ if g:explSuffixesLast > 0 && &suffixes != ""
+ let b:suffixeslast=" (" . &suffixes . " at end of list)"
+ elseif g:explSuffixesLast < 0 && &suffixes != ""
+ let b:suffixeslast=" (" . &suffixes . " at start of list)"
+ else
+ let b:suffixeslast=" ('suffixes' mixed with files)"
+ endif
+" Show the header and contents of the directory
+function! s:ShowDirectory()
+ "Delete all lines
+ 1,$d _
+ " Prevent a report of our actions from showing up
+ let oldRep=&report
+ let save_sc = &sc
+ set report=10000 nosc
+ " Add the header
+ call s:AddHeader()
+ $d _
+ " Display the files
+ " Get a list of all the files
+ let files = s:Path(glob(b:completePathEsc . "*"))
+ if files != "" && files !~ "\n$"
+ let files = files . "\n"
+ endif
+ " Add the dot files now, making sure "." is not included!
+ let files = files . substitute(s:Path(glob(b:completePathEsc . ".*")), "[^\n]*/./\\=\n", '' , '')
+ if files != "" && files !~ "\n$"
+ let files = files . "\n"
+ endif
+ " Are there any files left after filtering?
+ if files != ""
+ normal! mt
+ put =files
+ let b:maxFileLen = 0
+ 0
+ /^"=/+1,$g/^/call s:MarkDirs()
+ normal! `t
+ call s:AddFileInfo()
+ endif
+ normal! zz
+ " Move to first directory in the listing
+ 0
+ /^"=/+1
+ " Do the sort
+ call s:SortListing("Loaded contents of ".b:completePath.". ")
+ " Move to first directory in the listing
+ 0
+ /^"=/+1
+ let &report=oldRep
+ let &sc = save_sc
+" Mark which items are directories - called once for each file name
+" must be used only when size/date is not displayed
+function! s:MarkDirs()
+ let oldRep=&report
+ set report=1000
+ "Remove slashes if added
+ s;/$;;e
+ "Removes all the leading slashes and adds slashes at the end of directories
+ s;^.*\\\([^\\]*\)$;\1;e
+ s;^.*/\([^/]*\)$;\1;e
+ "normal! ^
+ let currLine=getline(".")
+ if isdirectory(b:completePath . currLine)
+ s;$;/;
+ let fileLen=strlen(currLine)+1
+ else
+ let fileLen=strlen(currLine)
+ if (b:filterFormula!="") && (currLine =~ b:filterFormula)
+ " Don't show the file if it is to be filtered.
+ d _
+ endif
+ endif
+ if fileLen > b:maxFileLen
+ let b:maxFileLen=fileLen
+ endif
+ let &report=oldRep
+" Make sure a path has proper form
+function! s:Path(p)
+ if has("dos16") || has("dos32") || has("win16") || has("win32") || has("os2")
+ return substitute(a:p,'\\','/','g')
+ else
+ return a:p
+ endif
+" Extract the file name from a line in several different forms
+function! s:GetFullFileNameEsc()
+ return s:EscapeFilename(s:GetFullFileName())
+function! s:GetFileNameEsc()
+ return s:EscapeFilename(s:GetFileName())
+function! s:EscapeFilename(name)
+ return escape(a:name,s:escfilename)
+function! s:GetFullFileName()
+ return s:ExtractFullFileName(getline("."))
+function! s:GetFileName()
+ return s:ExtractFileName(getline("."))
+function! s:ExtractFullFileName(line)
+ let fn=s:ExtractFileName(a:line)
+ if fn == '/'
+ return b:completePath
+ else
+ return b:completePath . s:ExtractFileName(a:line)
+ endif
+function! s:ExtractFileName(line)
+ return substitute(strpart(a:line,0,b:maxFileLen),'\s\+$','','')
+" Get the size of the file
+function! s:ExtractFileSize(line)
+ if (w:longlist==0)
+ return getfsize(s:ExtractFileName(a:line))
+ else
+ return strpart(a:line,b:maxFileLen+2,b:maxFileSizeLen)
+ endif
+" Get the date of the file as a number
+function! s:ExtractFileDate(line)
+ if w:longlist==0
+ return getftime(s:ExtractFileName(a:line))
+ else
+ return strpart(matchstr(strpart(a:line,b:maxFileLen+b:maxFileSizeLen+4),"««.*"),2) + 0
+ endif
+" Add the header with help information
+function! s:AddHeader()
+ let save_f=@f
+ 1
+ if w:longhelp==1
+ let @f="\" <enter> : open file or directory\n"
+ \."\" o : open new window for file/directory\n"
+ \."\" O : open file in previously visited window\n"
+ \."\" p : preview the file\n"
+ if exists("g:explFileHandler")
+ let @f=@f."\" x : execute file or directory\n"
+ endif
+ let @f=@f
+ \."\" i : toggle size/date listing\n"
+ \."\" s : select sort field r : reverse sort\n"
+ \."\" - : go up one level c : cd to this dir\n"
+ \."\" R : rename file D : delete file\n"
+ \."\" :help file-explorer for detailed help\n"
+ else
+ let @f="\" Press ? for keyboard shortcuts\n"
+ endif
+ let @f=@f."\" Sorted by ".w:sortdirlabel.w:sorttype.b:suffixeslast.b:filtering."\n"
+ let @f=@f."\"= ".b:completePath."\n"
+ put! f
+ let @f=save_f
+" Show the size and date for each file
+function! s:AddFileInfo()
+ let save_sc = &sc
+ set nosc
+ " Mark our starting point
+ normal! mt
+ call s:RemoveSeparators()
+ " Remove all info
+ 0
+ /^"=/+1,$g/^/call setline(line("."),s:GetFileName())
+ " Add info if requested
+ if w:longlist==1
+ " Add file size and calculate maximum length of file size field
+ let b:maxFileSizeLen = 0
+ 0
+ /^"=/+1,$g/^/let fn=s:GetFullFileName() |
+ \let fileSize=getfsize(fn) |
+ \let fileSizeLen=strlen(fileSize) |
+ \if fileSizeLen > b:maxFileSizeLen |
+ \ let b:maxFileSizeLen = fileSizeLen |
+ \endif |
+ \exec "normal! ".(b:maxFileLen-strlen(getline("."))+2)."A \<esc>" |
+ \exec 's/$/'.fileSize.'/'
+ " Right justify the file sizes and
+ " add file modification date
+ 0
+ /^"=/+1,$g/^/let fn=s:GetFullFileName() |
+ \exec "normal! A \<esc>$b".(b:maxFileLen+b:maxFileSizeLen-strlen(getline("."))+3)."i \<esc>\"_x" |
+ \exec 's/$/ '.escape(s:FileModDate(fn), '/').'/'
+ setlocal nomodified
+ endif
+ call s:AddSeparators()
+ " return to start
+ normal! `t
+ let &sc = save_sc
+" Get the modification time for a file
+function! s:FileModDate(name)
+ let filetime=getftime(a:name)
+ if filetime > 0
+ return strftime(g:explDateFormat,filetime) . " ««" . filetime
+ else
+ return ""
+ endif
+" Delete a file or files
+function! s:DeleteFile() range
+ let oldRep = &report
+ let &report = 1000
+ let filesDeleted = 0
+ let stopDel = 0
+ let delAll = 0
+ let currLine = a:firstline
+ let lastLine = a:lastline
+ setlocal noreadonly modifiable
+ while ((currLine <= lastLine) && (stopDel==0))
+ exec(currLine)
+ let fileName=s:GetFullFileName()
+ if isdirectory(fileName)
+ echo fileName." : Directory deletion not supported yet"
+ let currLine = currLine + 1
+ else
+ if delAll == 0
+ let sure=input("Delete ".fileName." (y/n/a/q)? ")
+ if sure=="a"
+ let delAll = 1
+ endif
+ endif
+ if (sure=="y") || (sure=="a")
+ let success=delete(fileName)
+ if success!=0
+ exec (" ")
+ echo "\nCannot delete ".fileName
+ let currLine = currLine + 1
+ else
+ d _
+ let filesDeleted = filesDeleted + 1
+ let lastLine = lastLine - 1
+ endif
+ elseif sure=="q"
+ let stopDel = 1
+ elseif sure=="n"
+ let currLine = currLine + 1
+ endif
+ endif
+ endwhile
+ echo "\n".filesDeleted." files deleted"
+ let &report = oldRep
+ setlocal nomodified
+ setlocal readonly nomodifiable
+" Rename a file
+function! s:RenameFile()
+ let fileName=s:GetFullFileName()
+ setlocal noreadonly modifiable
+ if isdirectory(fileName)
+ echo "Directory renaming not supported yet"
+ elseif filereadable(fileName)
+ let altName=input("Rename ".fileName." to : ")
+ echo " "
+ if altName==""
+ setlocal readonly nomodifiable
+ return
+ endif
+ let success=rename(fileName, b:completePath.altName)
+ if success!=0
+ echo "Cannot rename ".fileName. " to ".altName
+ else
+ echo "Renamed ".fileName." to ".altName
+ let oldRep=&report
+ set report=1000
+ e!
+ let &report=oldRep
+ endif
+ endif
+ setlocal nomodified
+ setlocal readonly nomodifiable
+" Toggle between short and long help
+function! s:ToggleHelp()
+ if exists("w:longhelp") && w:longhelp==0
+ let w:longhelp=1
+ let s:longhelp=1
+ else
+ let w:longhelp=0
+ let s:longhelp=0
+ endif
+ " Allow modification
+ setlocal noreadonly modifiable
+ call s:UpdateHeader()
+ " Disallow modification
+ setlocal readonly nomodifiable
+" Update the header
+function! s:UpdateHeader()
+ let oldRep=&report
+ set report=10000
+ " Save position
+ normal! mt
+ " Remove old header
+ 0
+ 1,/^"=/ d _
+ " Add new header
+ call s:AddHeader()
+ " Go back where we came from if possible
+ 0
+ if line("'t") != 0
+ normal! `t
+ endif
+ let &report=oldRep
+ setlocal nomodified
+" Toggle long vs. short listing
+function! s:ToggleLongList()
+ setlocal noreadonly modifiable
+ if exists("w:longlist") && w:longlist==1
+ let w:longlist=0
+ let s:longlist=0
+ else
+ let w:longlist=1
+ let s:longlist=1
+ endif
+ call s:AddFileInfo()
+ setlocal readonly nomodifiable
+" Show all files - remove filtering
+function! s:ShowAllFiles()
+ setlocal noreadonly modifiable
+ let b:filterFormula=""
+ let b:filtering=""
+ call s:ShowDirectory()
+ setlocal readonly nomodifiable
+" Figure out what section we are in
+function! s:GetSection()
+ let fn=s:GetFileName()
+ let section="file"
+ if fn =~ '/$'
+ let section="directory"
+ elseif fn =~ b:suffixesRegexp
+ let section="suffixes"
+ endif
+ return section
+" Remove section separators
+function! s:RemoveSeparators()
+ if !g:explUseSeparators
+ return
+ endif
+ 0
+ silent! exec '/^"=/+1,$g/^' . s:separator . "/d _"
+" Add section separators
+" between directories and files if they are separated
+" between files and 'suffixes' files if they are separated
+function! s:AddSeparators()
+ if !g:explUseSeparators
+ return
+ endif
+ 0
+ /^"=/+1
+ let lastsec=s:GetSection()
+ +1
+ .,$g/^/let sec=s:GetSection() |
+ \if g:explDirsFirst != 0 && sec != lastsec &&
+ \ (lastsec == "directory" || sec == "directory") |
+ \ exec "normal! I" . s:separator . "\n\<esc>" |
+ \elseif g:explSuffixesLast != 0 && sec != lastsec &&
+ \ (lastsec == "suffixes" || sec == "suffixes") |
+ \ exec "normal! I" . s:separator . "\n\<esc>" |
+ \endif |
+ \let lastsec=sec
+" General string comparison function
+function! s:StrCmp(line1, line2, direction)
+ if a:line1 < a:line2
+ return -a:direction
+ elseif a:line1 > a:line2
+ return a:direction
+ else
+ return 0
+ endif
+" Function for use with Sort(), to compare the file names
+" Default sort is to put in alphabetical order, but with all directory
+" names before all file names
+function! s:FileNameCmp(line1, line2, direction)
+ let f1=s:ExtractFileName(a:line1)
+ let f2=s:ExtractFileName(a:line2)
+ " Put directory names before file names
+ if (g:explDirsFirst != 0) && (f1 =~ '\/$') && (f2 !~ '\/$')
+ return -g:explDirsFirst
+ elseif (g:explDirsFirst != 0) && (f1 !~ '\/$') && (f2 =~ '\/$')
+ return g:explDirsFirst
+ elseif (g:explSuffixesLast != 0) && (f1 =~ b:suffixesRegexp) && (f2 !~ b:suffixesRegexp)
+ return g:explSuffixesLast
+ elseif (g:explSuffixesLast != 0) && (f1 !~ b:suffixesRegexp) && (f2 =~ b:suffixesRegexp)
+ return -g:explSuffixesLast
+ else
+ return s:StrCmp(substitute(f1, "/$", "", ""), substitute(f2, "/$", "", ""), a:direction)
+ endif
+" Function for use with Sort(), to compare the file modification dates
+" Default sort is to put NEWEST files first. Reverse will put oldest
+" files first
+function! s:FileDateCmp(line1, line2, direction)
+ let f1=s:ExtractFileName(a:line1)
+ let f2=s:ExtractFileName(a:line2)
+ let t1=s:ExtractFileDate(a:line1)
+ let t2=s:ExtractFileDate(a:line2)
+ " Put directory names before file names
+ if (g:explDirsFirst != 0) && (f1 =~ '\/$') && (f2 !~ '\/$')
+ return -g:explDirsFirst
+ elseif (g:explDirsFirst != 0) && (f1 !~ '\/$') && (f2 =~ '\/$')
+ return g:explDirsFirst
+ elseif (g:explSuffixesLast != 0) && (f1 =~ b:suffixesRegexp) && (f2 !~ b:suffixesRegexp)
+ return g:explSuffixesLast
+ elseif (g:explSuffixesLast != 0) && (f1 !~ b:suffixesRegexp) && (f2 =~ b:suffixesRegexp)
+ return -g:explSuffixesLast
+ elseif t1 > t2
+ return -a:direction
+ elseif t1 < t2
+ return a:direction
+ else
+ return s:StrCmp(substitute(f1, "/$", "", ""), substitute(f2, "/$", "", ""), 1)
+ endif
+" Function for use with Sort(), to compare the file sizes
+" Default sort is to put largest files first. Reverse will put
+" smallest files first
+function! s:FileSizeCmp(line1, line2, direction)
+ let f1=s:ExtractFileName(a:line1)
+ let f2=s:ExtractFileName(a:line2)
+ let s1=s:ExtractFileSize(a:line1)
+ let s2=s:ExtractFileSize(a:line2)
+ if (g:explDirsFirst != 0) && (f1 =~ '\/$') && (f2 !~ '\/$')
+ return -g:explDirsFirst
+ elseif (g:explDirsFirst != 0) && (f1 !~ '\/$') && (f2 =~ '\/$')
+ return g:explDirsFirst
+ elseif (g:explSuffixesLast != 0) && (f1 =~ b:suffixesRegexp) && (f2 !~ b:suffixesRegexp)
+ return g:explSuffixesLast
+ elseif (g:explSuffixesLast != 0) && (f1 !~ b:suffixesRegexp) && (f2 =~ b:suffixesRegexp)
+ return -g:explSuffixesLast
+ elseif s1 > s2
+ return -a:direction
+ elseif s1 < s2
+ return a:direction
+ else
+ return s:StrCmp(substitute(f1, "/$", "", ""), substitute(f2, "/$", "", ""), 1)
+ endif
+" Sort lines. SortR() is called recursively.
+function! s:SortR(start, end, cmp, direction)
+ " Bottom of the recursion if start reaches end
+ if a:start >= a:end
+ return
+ endif
+ "
+ let partition = a:start - 1
+ let middle = partition
+ let partStr = getline((a:start + a:end) / 2)
+ let i = a:start
+ while (i <= a:end)
+ let str = getline(i)
+ exec "let result = " . a:cmp . "(str, partStr, " . a:direction . ")"
+ if result <= 0
+ " Need to put it before the partition. Swap lines i and partition.
+ let partition = partition + 1
+ if result == 0
+ let middle = partition
+ endif
+ if i != partition
+ let str2 = getline(partition)
+ call setline(i, str2)
+ call setline(partition, str)
+ endif
+ endif
+ let i = i + 1
+ endwhile
+ " Now we have a pointer to the "middle" element, as far as partitioning
+ " goes, which could be anywhere before the partition. Make sure it is at
+ " the end of the partition.
+ if middle != partition
+ let str = getline(middle)
+ let str2 = getline(partition)
+ call setline(middle, str2)
+ call setline(partition, str)
+ endif
+ call s:SortR(a:start, partition - 1, a:cmp,a:direction)
+ call s:SortR(partition + 1, a:end, a:cmp,a:direction)
+" To Sort a range of lines, pass the range to Sort() along with the name of a
+" function that will compare two lines.
+function! s:Sort(cmp,direction) range
+ call s:SortR(a:firstline, a:lastline, a:cmp, a:direction)
+" Reverse the current sort order
+function! s:SortReverse()
+ if exists("w:sortdirection") && w:sortdirection == -1
+ let w:sortdirection = 1
+ let w:sortdirlabel = ""
+ else
+ let w:sortdirection = -1
+ let w:sortdirlabel = "reverse "
+ endif
+ let s:sortby=w:sortdirlabel . w:sorttype
+ call s:SortListing("")
+" Toggle through the different sort orders
+function! s:SortSelect()
+ " Select the next sort option
+ if !exists("w:sorttype")
+ let w:sorttype="name"
+ elseif w:sorttype == "name"
+ let w:sorttype="size"
+ elseif w:sorttype == "size"
+ let w:sorttype="date"
+ else
+ let w:sorttype="name"
+ endif
+ let s:sortby=w:sortdirlabel . w:sorttype
+ call s:SortListing("")
+" Sort the file listing
+function! s:SortListing(msg)
+ " Save the line we start on so we can go back there when done
+ " sorting
+ let startline = getline(".")
+ let col=col(".")
+ let lin=line(".")
+ " Allow modification
+ setlocal noreadonly modifiable
+ " Send a message about what we're doing
+ " Don't really need this - it can cause hit return prompts
+" echo a:msg . "Sorting by" . w:sortdirlabel . w:sorttype
+ " Create a regular expression out of the suffixes option in case
+ " we need it.
+ call s:SetSuffixesLast()
+ " Remove section separators
+ call s:RemoveSeparators()
+ " Do the sort
+ 0
+ if w:sorttype == "size"
+ /^"=/+1,$call s:Sort("s:FileSizeCmp",w:sortdirection)
+ elseif w:sorttype == "date"
+ /^"=/+1,$call s:Sort("s:FileDateCmp",w:sortdirection)
+ else
+ /^"=/+1,$call s:Sort("s:FileNameCmp",w:sortdirection)
+ endif
+ " Replace the header with updated information
+ call s:UpdateHeader()
+ " Restore section separators
+ call s:AddSeparators()
+ " Return to the position we started on
+ 0
+ if search('\m^'.escape(startline,s:escregexp),'W') <= 0
+ execute lin
+ endif
+ execute "normal!" col . "|"
+ " Disallow modification
+ setlocal nomodified
+ setlocal readonly nomodifiable
+" Setup for editing directories after starting up by going to each window.
+" Required for "vim -o filename dirname"
+function! s:EditAll()
+ if winbufnr(2) == -1
+ return
+ endif
+ let cmd = winrestcmd()
+ let curwin = winnr()
+ while 1
+ wincmd w
+ if winnr() == curwin
+ break
+ endif
+ call s:EditDir()
+ endwhile
+ exe cmd
+" Set up the autocommand to allow directories to be edited
+augroup fileExplorer
+ au!
+ " Fill the window when entering the buffer; ":edit dir".
+ au BufEnter * call s:EditDir()
+ " Set the window variables after a split; ":split".
+ au WinEnter * if !exists("w:sortdirection") | call s:EditDir() | endif
+ " Fill the windows after Vim has started up.
+ au VimEnter * call s:EditAll()
+augroup end
+" restore 'cpo'
+let &cpo = s:cpo_save
+unlet s:cpo_save