path: root/runtime/pack
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Diffstat (limited to 'runtime/pack')
1 files changed, 61 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/runtime/pack/dist/opt/termdebug/plugin/termdebug.vim b/runtime/pack/dist/opt/termdebug/plugin/termdebug.vim
index 635bf93f2..1c3c9df9a 100644
--- a/runtime/pack/dist/opt/termdebug/plugin/termdebug.vim
+++ b/runtime/pack/dist/opt/termdebug/plugin/termdebug.vim
@@ -69,6 +69,11 @@ func s:StartDebug(cmd)
let pty = job_info(term_getjob(s:ptybuf))['tty_out']
let s:ptywin = win_getid(winnr())
+ if vertical
+ " Assuming the source code window will get a signcolumn, use two more
+ " columns for that, thus one less for the terminal window.
+ exe (&columns / 2 - 1) . "wincmd |"
+ endif
" Create a hidden terminal window to communicate with gdb
let s:commbuf = term_start('NONE', {
@@ -121,6 +126,15 @@ func s:StartDebug(cmd)
call s:InstallCommands()
call win_gotoid(s:gdbwin)
+ " Enable showing a balloon with eval info
+ if has("balloon_eval")
+ set ballooneval
+ set balloonexpr=TermDebugBalloonExpr()
+ if has("balloon_eval_term")
+ set balloonevalterm
+ endif
+ endif
let s:breakpoints = {}
augroup TermDebug
@@ -144,6 +158,14 @@ func s:EndDebug(job, status)
let &columns = s:save_columns
+ if has("balloon_eval")
+ set noballooneval
+ set balloonexpr=
+ if has("balloon_eval_term")
+ set noballoonevalterm
+ endif
+ endif
au! TermDebug
@@ -279,6 +301,11 @@ func s:Run(args)
call s:SendCommand('-exec-run')
+func s:SendEval(expr)
+ call s:SendCommand('-data-evaluate-expression "' . a:expr . '"')
+ let s:evalexpr = a:expr
" :Evaluate - evaluate what is under the cursor
func s:Evaluate(range, arg)
if a:arg != ''
@@ -294,25 +321,54 @@ func s:Evaluate(range, arg)
let expr = expand('<cexpr>')
- call s:SendCommand('-data-evaluate-expression "' . expr . '"')
- let s:evalexpr = expr
+ call s:SendEval(expr)
+let s:evalFromBalloonExpr = 0
" Handle the result of data-evaluate-expression
func s:HandleEvaluate(msg)
let value = substitute(a:msg, '.*value="\(.*\)"', '\1', '')
let value = substitute(value, '\\"', '"', 'g')
- echomsg '"' . s:evalexpr . '": ' . value
+ if s:evalFromBalloonExpr
+ if s:evalFromBalloonExprResult == ''
+ let s:evalFromBalloonExprResult = s:evalexpr . ': ' . value
+ else
+ let s:evalFromBalloonExprResult .= ' = ' . value
+ endif
+ call balloon_show(s:evalFromBalloonExprResult)
+ else
+ echomsg '"' . s:evalexpr . '": ' . value
+ endif
if s:evalexpr[0] != '*' && value =~ '^0x' && value != '0x0' && value !~ '"$'
" Looks like a pointer, also display what it points to.
- let s:evalexpr = '*' . s:evalexpr
- call term_sendkeys(s:commbuf, '-data-evaluate-expression "' . s:evalexpr . "\"\r")
+ call s:SendEval('*' . s:evalexpr)
+ else
+ let s:evalFromBalloonExpr = 0
+ endif
+" Show a balloon with information of the variable under the mouse pointer,
+" if there is any.
+func TermDebugBalloonExpr()
+ if v:beval_winid != s:startwin
+ return
+ call s:SendEval(v:beval_text)
+ let s:evalFromBalloonExpr = 1
+ let s:evalFromBalloonExprResult = ''
+ return ''
" Handle an error.
func s:HandleError(msg)
+ if a:msg =~ 'No symbol .* in current context'
+ \ || a:msg =~ 'Cannot access memory at address '
+ \ || a:msg =~ 'Attempt to use a type name as an expression'
+ " Result of s:SendEval() failed, ignore.
+ return
+ endif
echoerr substitute(a:msg, '.*msg="\(.*\)"', '\1', '')