path: root/runtime/kde-tips
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+*vimtips.txt* This file comes from the Vim Online tip database. These tips
+were downloaded on Tue, 24 Sep 2002 15:27:26 -0700 More tips can be found at <A
+A new tip file can be downloaded from <A
+Thanks for using vim online.
+<Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>the super star</center> <pre> <A
+When a discussion started about learning vim on the vim list Juergen Salk
+mentioned the "*" key as something that he wished he had know earlier. When
+I read the mail I had to go help on what the heck the "*" did. I also wish
+I had known earlier...
+Using the "*" key while in normal mode searches for the word under the cursor.
+If that doesn't save you a lot of typing, I don't know what will.
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>easy
+edit of files in the same directory</center> <pre> <A
+It was often frustrating when I would open a file deep in the code tree and
+then realize I wanted to open another file in that same directory. Douglas
+Potts taught me a nice way to do this. Add the following snipit to your vimrc:
+" Edit another file in the same directory as the current file " uses
+expression to extract path from current file's path " (thanks Douglas Potts)
+if has("unix")
+ map ,e :e &lt;C-R&gt;=expand("%:p:h") . "/" &lt;CR&gt;
+ map ,e :e &lt;C-R&gt;=expand("%:p:h") . "\" &lt;CR&gt;
+Then when you type ,e in normal mode you can use tab to complete to the
+file. You can also expand this to allow for spitting, etc. Very very nice.
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>use
+vim to quickly compile java files</center> <pre> <A
+For a number of years I used vim on an SGI box. When I left my job at SGI
+I went to a company that developed on PCs. For 2 years I used IDEs. I was
+unhappy. I was frustrated. I couldn't figure out why. (Beyond my machine
+crashing twice a day.) Finally I upgraded to windows 2000 (kind of stable!) and
+started using vim as an IDE. All was good. Here is how you use vim to compile
+your java:
+1. While I'm sure this works with javac, javac is slow slow slow. So download
+the Jikes complier first. (Jikes is from ibm, search on google for jikes
+and you will find it..available on most platforms.)
+2. Add the following to your vimrc:
+set makeprg=jikes -nowarn -Xstdout +E % set
+3. When you are editing a java file type :make and it will compile the
+current file and jump you to the first error in the file (if any). Read
+":help quickfix" for how to move between errors.
+To setup your classpath environment either launch gvim from a shell that
+has your classpath/path setup or use the "let" command to configure it in
+your vimrc.
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim">
+<html><center>Any word completion</center> <pre> <A
+Either when programming or writing, I tend to have some identifiers or words
+that I use all the time. By sheer accident, I noticed the 'ctrl-n' command,
+that will attempt to complete the word under the cursor. Hit it once, and it
+will try to complete it with the first match in the current file. If there is
+no match, it will (at least in the case of C code) search through all files
+included from the current one. Repeated invocations will cycle through all
+found matches.
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim">
+<html><center>Quickly searching for a word</center> <pre> <A
+To search for a word under the cursor in the current file you can use either
+the "*" or "#" keys.
+The "*" key will search for the word from the current cursor position to
+the end of the file. The "#" key will search for the word from the current
+cursor position to the top of the file.
+Note that the above two keys will search for the whole word and not the
+partial word. This is equivalent to using the &lt;word&gt; pattern in the
+search commands (/ and ?).
+To search for partial matches, you can use the "g*" and "g#" key sequence.
+You can also use the mouse to search for a word. This will only work in
+the GUI version of VIM (gvim) or a console version of VIM in an xterm which
+accepts a mouse. Also, the 'mousemodel' should be set to 'extend'. Add the
+following line to your .vimrc:
+set mousemodel=extend
+To search for a word under the cursor from the current cursor position to
+the end of the file, press the shift key and click on the word using the
+left mouse button. To search in the opposite direction, press the shift
+key and click on the word using the the right mouse button.
+To get more help on these, use
+:help * :help # :help g* :help g# :help &lt;S-LeftMouse&gt; :help
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim">
+<html><center>Using the % key</center> <pre> <A
+The % key can be used
+1. To jump to a matching opening or closing parenthesis, square
+ bracket or a curly brace i.e. ([{}])
+2. To jump to start or end of a C-style comment /* */. 3. To jump to a
+matching #if, #ifdef, #else, #elif, #endif C
+ preprocessor conditionals.
+To get more information about this, do
+ :help %
+The % key can be extended to support other matching pairs by modifying the
+"matchpairs" option. Read the help on
+ :help matchpairs
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>Jumping
+to the start and end of a code block</center> <pre> <A
+To jump to the beginning of a C code block (while, switch, if etc), use the
+[{ command.
+To jump to the end of a C code block (while, switch, if etc), use the ]}
+The above two commands will work from anywhere inside the code block.
+To jump to the beginning of a parenthesis use the [( command.
+To jump to the end of a parenthesis use the ]) command.
+To get more help on these commands, do
+:help [{ :help ]} :help [( :help ])
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>Jumping
+to the declaration of a local/global variable</center> <pre> <A
+'gd' command: To jump to the declaration of a local variable in a C program,
+position the cursor on the name of the variable and use the gd command.
+'gD' command: To jump to the declaration of a global variable in a C program,
+position the cursor on the name of the variable and use the gD command.
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>Displaying
+a variable/macro definition</center> <pre> <A
+To display the definition of a variable, place the cursor on the variable
+and use the [i command. To display a macro definition, place the cursor on
+the macro name and use the [d command. Note that these commands will work
+most of the time (not all the time). To get more help on these commands, use
+:help [i :help [d
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>Jumping
+to previosuly visited locations in a file</center> <pre> <A
+Vim remembers all the locations visited by you in a file in a session.
+You can jump to the older locations by pressing the Ctrl-O key. You can
+jump to the newer locations by pressing the Ctrl-I or the &lt;Tab&gt; key.
+To get more help on these keys, use
+:help CTRL-O :help CTRL-I :help jump-motions
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>Completing
+words quicky in insert mode</center> <pre> <A
+In Insert mode, press the Ctrl-p or Ctrl-n key to complete part of a word
+that has been typed.
+This is useful while typing C programs to complete long variable and
+function names. This also helps in avoiding typing mistakes.
+Note that using the 'complete' option, you can complete keywords defined in
+one of the include files, tag file, etc.
+To get more help on this, use
+:help i_Ctrl-N :help i_Ctrl-P :help ins-completion :help complete
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim">
+<html><center>Converting tabs to spaces</center> <pre> <A
+To insert space characters whenever the tab key is pressed, set the
+'expandtab' option:
+ set expandtab
+With this option set, if you want to enter a real tab character use
+Ctrl-V&lt;Tab&gt; key sequence.
+To control the number of space characters that will be inserted when the tab
+key is pressed, set the 'tabstop' option. For example, to insert 4 spaces
+for a tab, use:
+ set tabstop=4
+After the 'expandtab' option is set, all the new tab characters entered will
+be changed to spaces. This will not affect the existing tab characters.
+To change all the existing tab characters to match the current tab settings,
+ :retab
+To change the number of space characters inserted for indentation, use the
+'shiftwidth' option:
+ set shiftwidth=4
+For example, to get the following coding style,
+ - No tabs in the source file - All tab characters are 4 space
+ characters
+use the following set of options:
+ set tabstop=4 set shiftwidth=4 set expandtab
+Add the above settings to your .vimrc file.
+To get more help on these options, use :help tabstop :help shiftwidth :help
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim">
+<html><center>Incremental search</center> <pre> <A
+To move the cursor to the matched string, while typing the search string,
+set the following option in the .vimrc file:
+ set incsearch
+You can complete the search by pressing the Enter key. To cancel the search,
+press the escape key.
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>Highlighting
+all the search pattern matches</center> <pre> <A
+To highlight all the search pattern matches in a file set the following option:
+ :set hlsearch
+After this option is set, if you search for a pattern, all the matches in
+the file will be highlighted in yellow.
+To disable the highlighting temporarily, use the command
+ :nohlsearch
+This command will remove the highlighting for the current search.
+The highlighting will come back for the next search.
+To disable the highlighting completely, set the following option:
+ :set nohlsearch
+By default, the hlsearch option is turned off.
+To get more help on this option, use
+:help 'hlsearch' :help :nohlsearch
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim">
+<html><center>Displaying status line always</center> <pre> <A
+To display the status line always, set the following option in your .vimrc
+ set laststatus=2
+The advantage of having the status line displayed always is, you can see
+the current mode, file name, file status, ruler, etc.
+To get more help on this, use
+:help laststatus
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>Avoiding
+the "Hit ENTER to continue" prompts</center> <pre> <A
+To avoid the "Hit ENTER to continue" prompt, use the 'shortmess' option.
+Add the following line to your .vimrc file:
+ set shortmess=a
+Also, you can increase the height of the command line to 2
+ set cmdheight=2
+The default command height is 1.
+To get more help on these options, use
+:help hit-enter :help shortmess :help cmdheight
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>Erasing
+previosuly entered characters in insert mode</center> <pre> <A
+In insert mode, to erase previously entered characters, set the following
+ set backspace=2
+By default, this option is empty. If this option is empty, in insert mode,
+you can not erase characters entered before this insert mode started.
+This is the standard Vi behavior.
+To get more help on this, use
+:help 'backspace'
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim">
+<html><center>Cleanup your HTML</center> <pre> <A
+From Johannes Zellner on the vim list:
+You can use vim's makeprg and equalprg to clean up HTML. First download
+html tidy from <A HREF=" Then use
+the following commands."> Then use
+the following commands.</A><BR>
+vim6? exe 'setlocal equalprg=tidy -quiet -f '.&errorfile setlocal makeprg=tidy
+-quiet -e %
+vim5? exe 'set equalprg=tidy -quiet -f '.&errorfile set makeprg=tidy -quiet
+-e %
+At this point you can use make to clean up the full file or you can use =
+to clean up sections.
+:help = :help equalprg :help makeprg
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim">
+<html><center>line numbers...</center> <pre> <A
+I have started doing all my code reviews on a laptop because of the number
+:set number will put line numbers along the left side of a window
+:help number
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>Are *.swp
+and *~ files littering your working directory?</center> <pre> <A
+Have you ever been frustrated at swap files and backups cluttering up your
+working directory?
+ ons.txt ons.txt~ README README~
+Here are a couple of options that can help:
+ set backupdir=./.backup,.,/tmp set directory=.,./.backup,/tmp
+This way, if you want your backups to be neatly grouped, just create
+a directory called '.backup' in your working directory. Vim will stash
+backups there. The 'directory' option controls where swap files go. If your
+working directory is not writable, Vim will put the swap file in one of the
+specified places.
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim">
+<html><center>easy pasting to windows apps</center> <pre> <A
+In Vim, the unnamed register is the " register, and the Windows Clipboard is
+the * register. This means that if you yank something, you have to yank it to
+the * register if you want to paste it into a Windows app. If this is too much
+trouble, set the 'clipboard' option to 'unnamed'. Then you always yank to *.
+So pasting to windows apps doesn't require prefixing "* :
+ set clipboard=unnamed
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>handle
+common typos for :commands</center> <pre> <A
+I frequently hold the shift key for too long when typing, for instance :wq,
+and end up with :Wq. Vim then whines "Not an editor command: Wq"
+In my .vimrc, I have taught vim my common typos: command! Q quit command! W
+write command! Wq wq " this one won't work, because :X is already a built-in
+command command! X xit
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim">
+<html><center>Vim xterm title</center> <pre> <A
+Check out your .vimrc. If 'set notitle' is an entry, comment it out with
+a quotation mark ("). Now your xterm should inherit the title from Vim.
+e.g. 'Vim - ~/.vimrc'. This can be quite nice when programming and editing
+lots of files at the same time. by []
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>changing
+the default syntax highlighting</center> <pre> <A
+ Here are some pointers to the vim documentation. Notice that the
+ mechanism is different in vim 6.0 and vim 5.x.
+1. I want *.foo files to be highlighted like HTML files.
+:help new-filetype <A
+2. I want to define a syntax file for *.bar files. Read the above and also
+:help mysyntaxfile <A
+3. I want to make a few changes to the existing syntax highlighting.
+Depending on the x in 5.x, either read the above and page down a few screens,
+or you may be able to skip right to
+:help mysyntaxfile-add <A
+4. I want to change some of the colors from their defaults. Again, read
+:help mysyntaxfile <A
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>color
+highlighting on telnet (esp w/ SecureCRT)</center> <pre> <A
+The following settings in .vimrc will enable color highlighting when using
+SecureCRT and may work on other telnet packages. The terminal type should
+be selected as ANSI and color enabled.
+if !has("gui_running") set t_Co=8 set t_Sf=^[[3%p1%dm set t_Sb=^[[4%p1%dm endif
+The ^[ is entered as "&lt;ctrl-v&gt;&lt;esc&gt;"
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>Getting
+rid of ^M - mixing dos and unix</center> <pre> <A
+If you work in a mixed environment you will often open files that have ^M's
+in them. An example would be this:
+import java.util.Hashtable; ^M import java.util.Properties; ^Mimport; import org.xml.sax.AttributeList; ^M import
+org.xml.sax.HandlerBase; ^Mimport org.xml.sax.SAXException;
+ * XMLHandler: This class parses the elements contained^M * within a XML
+ message and builds a Hashtable^M
+[snip] ------------------------------------------------------------------
+Notice that some programs are not consistent in the way they insert the line
+breaks so you end up with some lines that have both a carrage return and a
+^M and some lines that have a ^M and no carrage return (and so blend into
+one). There are two steps to clean this up.
+1. replace all extraneous ^M:
+expression will replace all the ^M's that have carriage returns after them
+with nothing. (The dollar ties the search to the end of a line)
+2. replace all ^M's that need to have carriage returns:
+"CARROT M"! This expression will replace all the ^M's that didn't have
+carriage returns after them with a carriage return.
+Voila! Clean file. Map this to something if you do it frequently.
+:help ffs - for more info on file formats
+thanks to jonathan merz, douglas potts, and benji fisher
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim">
+<html><center>Convert hex to dec</center> <pre> <A
+when you check the output of objdump, you'll confused by the $0xFFFFFFc
+operand, this function translate the hexcamal to decimal. function! Hex2Dec()
+ let lstr = getline(".") let hexstr = matchstr(lstr, '0x[a-f0-9]+')
+ while hexstr != ""
+ let hexstr = hexstr + 0 exe 's#0x[a-f0-9]+#'.hexstr."#" let lstr =
+ substitute(lstr, '0x[a-f0-9]+', hexstr, "") let hexstr = matchstr(lstr,
+ '0x[a-f0-9]+')
+ endwhile
+endfunction usage: 5,8call Hex2Dec()
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>add a line-number
+to every line without cat or awk alike utilities.</center> <pre> <A
+With Unix-like environment, you can use cat or awk to generate a line number
+easily, because vim has a friendly interface with shell, so everything work
+in vim as well as it does in shell. :%!call -n or :%!awk '{print NR,$0}'
+But, if you use vim in MS-DOS, of win9x, win2000, you loss these tookit.
+here is a very simple way to archive this only by vim: fu! LineIt()
+ exe ":s/^/".line(".")."/"
+Well, a sequence composed with alphabet is as easy as above:
+ exe "s/^/".nr2char(line("."))."/"
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>reverse
+all the line with only 7 keystroke in vim</center> <pre> <A
+:g/^/m0 well, 1. : bring you to command-line mode(also known as ex-mode)
+from normal-mode(also known as command mode). 2. g means you'll take an
+action through the whole file, generally perform a search, `v' also perform
+a search but it match the line not match the canonical expression. 3. /
+begins the regular express 4. ^ is a special character respect the start
+of a line. 5. the second / ends the regular express and indicate that the
+remains is action to do. 6. m means move, `t` and `co' for copy, `d' for
+delete 7. 0 is the destination line.
+you can use :g/regexp/t$ to filter all lines and pick the match line together
+and copy them to the end of the buffer or :g/regexp/y A to put them into a
+register(not eax, ebx...)
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim">
+<html><center>Increasing or decreasing numbers</center> <pre> <A
+To increase a number under or nearest to the right of the cursor, go to
+Normal mode and type:
+ Ctrl-A
+To decrease, type:
+ Ctrl-X
+Using this in a macro simplifies generating number sequences a lot.
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim">
+<html><center>Find and Replace</center> <pre> <A
+To find and replace one or more occurences of a given text pattern with a
+new text string, use the s[ubstitute] command.
+There are a variety of options, but these are what you most probably want:
+:%s/foo/bar/g find each occurance of 'foo' and replace it with
+'bar' without asking for confirmation
+:%s/foo/bar/gc find each occurance of 'foo' and replace it with
+'bar' asking for confirmation first
+:%s/&lt;foo&gt;/bar/gc find (match exact word only) and replace each
+occurance of 'foo' with 'bar'
+:%s/foo/bar/gci find (case insensitive) and replace each occurance of
+'foo' with 'bar'
+:%s/foo/bar/gcI find (case sensitive) and replace each occurance of
+'foo' with 'bar'
+NB: Without the 'g' flag, replacement occurs only for the first occurrence
+in each line.
+For a full description and some more interesting examples of the substitute
+command refer to
+:help substitute
+See also:
+:help cmdline-ranges :help pattern :help gdefault
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>Write
+your own vim function(scripts)</center> <pre> <A
+compare to C and shell(bash), herein is some vim specifics about vim-script:
+1. A function name must be capitalized.
+ hex2dec is invalid Hex2dec is valid while in c and shell(bash), both
+ lowercase and uppercase is allowed.
+2. how to reference the parameters
+ fu! Hex2dec(var1, var2)
+ let str=a:var1 let str2=a:var2
+ you must prefix the parameter name with "a:", and a:var1 itself is read-only
+ in c, you reference the parameter directly and the parameter is writable.
+3. how to implement variable parameter
+ fu! Hex2dec(fixpara, ...)
+ a:0 is the real number of the variable parameter when you invoke the
+ function, with :Hex2dec("asdf", 4,5,6), a:0=3, and a:1=4 a:2=5 a:3=6
+ you can combine "a:" and the number to get the value while i&lt;a:0
+ exe "let num=a:".i let i=i+1
+ endwhile in c, the function get the real number by checking the additional
+ parameter such as printf family, or by checking the special value such
+ as NULL
+4. where is the vim-library
+ yes, vim has its own function-library, just like *.a in c :help functions
+5. can I use += or ++ operator?
+ Nop, += and ++ (and -=, -- and so on)operator gone away in vim.
+6. How can I assign a value to a variables and fetch its value?
+ let var_Name=value let var1=var2 like it does in c, except you must use
+ let keyword
+7. Can I use any ex-mode command in a function?
+ As I know, yes, just use it directly, as if every line you type appears
+ in the familar :
+8. Can I call a function recurse?
+ Yes, but use it carefully to avoid infinte call.
+9. Can I call another function in a function?
+ Course, like C does.
+10. Must I compile the function?
+ No, you needn't and you can't, just :so script_name, after this you can
+ call the function freely.
+11. Is it has integer and char or float data type?
+ No, like perl, vim script justify the variable type depend upon the context
+ :let a=1 :let a=a."asdf" :echo a you'll get `1asdf' :let a=1 :let a=a+2
+ :echo a you'll get 3 But it differs from perl.
+12. Must I append a `;' in every statement?
+ No, never do that. ; is required in C, and optional in shell for each
+ statement in a alone line. But is forbidden in vim. if you want combine
+ servals statement in one single line, use `|'. Take your mind that every
+ statement appears in function should be valid in ex-mode(except for some
+ special statement).
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>toggle
+off the line-number when enter on-line help</center> <pre> <A
+I like the line-number for myself editing. But I hate it in on-line help
+page because it force the screen wrapped. :au filetype help :se nonu
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>control
+the position of the new window</center> <pre> <A
+:se splitbelow make the new window appears below the current window.
+:se splitright make the new window appears in right.(only 6.0 version can
+do a vsplit)
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>translate
+// style comment to /* */and vice vesa</center> <pre> <A
+the `|' concatenate servals ex-command in one line. It's the key to translate
+// style comments to /* */ style :g#^s{-}//#s##/*# | s#$#*/#
+the `|' keep the current line matchs ^s{-}// to perform s#$#*/
+/* ... */ ---&gt; //style :g#/*(.{-})*/#//1#
+/* ....
+ .... .....
+*/ =====&gt; //...... //...... //...... style: ? Anyone implement it?
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim">
+<html><center>Using Gnu-info help in vim</center> <pre> <A
+K in normal bring you the man page about the keyword under current cursor.
+:nnoremap &lt;F1&gt; :exe ":!info ".expand("&lt;cword&gt;") Now press F1
+while the cursor is hold by a keyword such as printf will bring you to
+Gnu-info help page :h &lt;F1&gt; :h nnoremap
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>The
+basic operation about vim-boolean optionals</center> <pre> <A
+:set number switch the number on :set nonumber switch it off :set invnumber
+or :set number! switch it inverse against the current setting :set number&
+get the default value vim assums.
+replace number with any legal vim-boolean optionals, they all works well.
+for vim-non-boolean optionals :set optional& also works properly.
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>Cursor
+one line at a time when :set wrap</center> <pre> <A
+If your tierd of the cursor jumping past 5 lines when :set wrap then add
+these mappings to you vimrc file.
+nnoremap j gj nnoremap k gk vnoremap j gj vnoremap k gk nnoremap &lt;Down&gt;
+gj nnoremap &lt;Up&gt; gk vnoremap &lt;Down&gt; gj vnoremap &lt;Up&gt;
+gk inoremap &lt;Down&gt; &lt;C-o&gt;gj inoremap &lt;Up&gt; &lt;C-o&gt;gk
+What they do is remap the cursor keys to use there `g' equvilant. See :help gj
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim">
+<html><center>Undo and Redo</center> <pre> <A
+To undo recent changes, use the u[ndo] command:
+u undo last change (can be repeated to undo preceding commands)
+U return the line to its original state (undo all changes in
+current line) CTRL-R Redo changes which were undone (undo the undo's).
+For a full description of the undo/redo commands refer to
+:help undo
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim">
+<html><center>Insert a file</center> <pre> <A
+To insert the contents of a file (or the output of a system command) into
+the current buffer, use the r[ead] command:
+:r foo.txt inserts the file foo.txt below the cursor
+:0r foo.txt inserts the file foo.txt above the first line
+:r !ls inserts a listing of your directory below the cursor
+:$r !pwd inserts the current working directory below the last line
+For more information about the r[ead] command refer to:
+:help read
+See also:
+:help cmdline-ranges :help !cmd
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>Command-history
+facilities for Oracle/sqlplus user</center> <pre> <A
+ First of all, thanks Benji fisher, Stefan Roemer...
+and others in which spend much time to answer questions,
+sometimes foolish question asked by someone like me. Without their I can't
+get the final solution for my sqlplus work descripted follows.
+ As Oracle user known, sqlplus has a very bad
+command-line edition environment. It has no command-history, don't support
+most of getline facilities. which MySQL and shell does it well. Even Microsoft
+recogonize this point. In Windows2000, doskey is installed by default.
+ Below is my vim-solution to sqlplus, which
+record the command-history when you use edit(sqlplus builtin command) to
+open the editor specified by EDITOR environment variable. It saves the SQL
+statement into a standalone file such as .sqlplus.history
+ Every time you open the file
+afiedt.buf(sqlplus's default command-buffer file), you get two splited windows,
+the buffer above is afiedt.buf, the buffer below is .sqlplus.history, you
+can see every SQL statement in the windows. If you want to use SQL statement
+in line 5 to replace
+ the current command-buffer, just press 5K, then
+ :xa to back to you sqlplus. and use / to repeat the command
+ saved in command-buffer file called afiedt.buf by default.
+ It can't process multi-line SQL statement convinencely.
+ Todo this, just use you favorite vim trick to do that:
+ fu! VimSQL()
+ nnoremap &lt;C-K&gt; :&lt;C-U&gt;
+ exe "let linenum=".v:count&lt;CR&gt;:1,$-1d&lt;CR&gt;&lt;C-W&gt;j:exe
+ lin enum."y"&lt;CR&gt;&lt;C-W&gt;kP
+ let linenum=line("$") 1,$-1w! &gt;&gt; ~/.sqlplus.history e
+ ~/.sqlplus.history execute ":$-".(linenum-1).",$m0" %!uniq if
+ line("$")&gt;100
+ 101,$d
+ endif b# set splitbelow sp ~/.sqlplus.history au! BufEnter afiedt.buf
+endf au BufEnter afiedt.buf call VimSQL()
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim">
+<html><center>Using marks</center> <pre> <A
+To mark one or more positions in a file, use the m[ark] command.
+ma - set current cursor location as mark a
+'a - jump to beginning of line of mark a
+`a - jump to postition of mark a
+d'a - delete from current line to line of mark a
+d`a - delete from current cursor position to mark a
+c'a - change text from current line to line of mark a
+y`a - yank text to unnamed buffer from cursor to mark a
+:marks - list all the current marks
+NB: Lowercase marks (a-z) are valid within one file. Uppercase marks (A-Z),
+also called file marks, are valid between files.
+For a detailed description of the m[ark] command refer to
+:help mark
+See also:
+:help various-motions
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim">
+<html><center>Using abbreviations</center> <pre> <A
+To define abbreviations, use the ab[breviate] command.
+:ab rtfm read the fine manual - Whenever you type 'rtfm' followed by a
+&lt;space&gt; (or &lt;esc&gt; or &lt;cr&gt;) vim
+ will expand this to 'read the fine manual'.
+:ab - list all defined abbreviations
+:una[bbreviate] rtfm - remove 'rtfm' from the list of abbreviations
+:abc[lear] - remove all abbreviations
+NB: To avoid expansion in insert mode, type CTRL-V after the last character
+of the abbreviation.
+For a detailed description of the ab[breviate] command and some more examples
+refer to
+:help abbreviations
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim">
+<html><center>Repeat last changes</center> <pre> <A
+Simple text changes in normal mode (e.g. "dw" or "J") can be repeated with
+the "." command. The last command-line change (those invoked with ":",
+e.g. ":s/foo/bar") can be repeated with the "@:" command.
+For more informations about repeating single changes refer to:
+:help single-repeat
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim">
+<html><center>Using command-line history</center> <pre> <A
+You can recall previous command lines from a history table by hitting the
+&lt;Up&gt; and &lt;Down&gt; cursor keys in command-line mode. For example,
+this can be used to find the previous substitute command: Type ":s" and
+then &lt;Up&gt;.
+There are separate history tables for the ':' commands and for previous '/'
+or '?' search strings.
+To display the history of last entered commands or search strings, use the
+:his[tory] command:
+:his - Display command-line history.
+:his s - Display search string history.
+For a detailed description of the command-line history refer to:
+:help cmdline-history
+See also:
+:help Cmdline-mode
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>Win32
+binaries with perl, python, and tcl</center> <pre> <A
+&gt; Does anyone know if windows binaries of vim 5.7 are available with perl
+and &gt; python support turned on?
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>Swapping
+characters, words and lines</center> <pre> <A
+To swap two characters or lines, use the following commands:
+xp - delete the character under the cursor and put it afterwards.
+ (In other words, it swaps the characters.)
+ddp - delete the current line and put it afterwards.
+ (In other words, it swaps the lines.)
+Unfortunately there is no universal solution to swap two words. You may
+try the following ones, but don't expect too much of them:
+dawwP - delete the word under the cursor, move forward one word
+ and put it back after the cursor. (In other words, it swaps
+ the current and following word.)
+dawbP - delete the word under the cursor, move backward on word
+ and put it back after the cursor. (In other words, it swaps
+ the current and preceeding word.)
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim">
+<html><center>Moving around</center> <pre> <A
+You can save a lot of time when navigating through the text by using
+appropriate movements commands. In most cases the cursor keys, &lt;PageUp&gt;
+or &lt;PageDown&gt; are NOT the best choice.
+Here is a selection of some basic movement commands that hopefully helps
+you to acquire a taste for more:
+e - move to the end of a word w - move forward to the beginning of a
+word 3w - move forward three words b - move backward to the beginning of
+a word 3b - move backward three words
+$ - move to the end of the line &lt;End&gt; - same as $ 0 -
+move to the beginning of the line &lt;Home&gt; - same as 0
+) - jump forward one sentence ( - jump backward one sentence
+} - jump forward one paragraph { - jump backward one paragraph
+H - jump to the top of the display M - jump to the middle of the display
+L - jump to the bottom of the display
+'m - jump to the beginning of the line of mark m `m - jump to the location
+of mark m
+G - jump to end of file 1G - jump to beginning of file 50G - jump to line 50
+'' - return to the line where the cursor was before the latest jump `` -
+return to the cursor position before the latest jump (undo the jump).
+% - jump to corresponding item, e.g. from an open brace to its
+ matching closing brace
+For some more interesting movement commands (especially those for programmers)
+refer to:
+:help motion.txt
+:help search-commands
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim">
+<html><center>Switching case of characters</center> <pre> <A
+To switch the case of one or more characters use the "~", "gU" or "gu"
+~ - switch case of character under cursor
+ (in visual-mode: switch case of highlighted text)
+3~ - switch case of next three characters
+g~~ - switch case of current line
+U - in visual-mode: make highlighted text uppercase
+gUU - make current line uppercase
+u - in visual-mode: make highlighted text lowercase
+guu - make current line lowercase
+gUaw - make current word uppercase
+guaw - make current word lowercase
+For some more examples refer to
+:help ~
+See also:
+:help simple-change
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim">
+<html><center>Recovering files</center> <pre> <A
+If your computer has crashed while editing a file, you should be able to
+recover the file by typing
+ vi -r &lt;filename&gt;
+where &lt;filename&gt; is the name of the file you were editing at the time
+of the crash. If you were editing without a file name, give an empty string
+as argument:
+ vim -r ""
+To get a list of recoverable files start vim without arguments:
+ vim -r
+For more information about file recovery refer to:
+:help recovery
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim">
+<html><center>Entering german umlauts</center> <pre> <A
+To enter german umlauts (or any other of those weired characters) not
+available on your keyboard use 'digraphs':
+In insert-mode type for example:
+ CTRL-K "a
+ CTRL-K ^e
+which gives an 'ä' and 'e' with a hat.
+You can also set the digraph option:
+ :set digraph (or :set dg)
+With digraph option set you can enter
+ " &lt;BS&gt; a
+ ^ &lt;BS&gt; e
+which gives the same result.
+To get a list of currently defined digraphs type
+ :dig[graphs]
+For more information about defining and using digraphs refer to:
+:help digraph.txt
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim">
+<html><center>Scrolling synchronously</center> <pre> <A
+If you want to bind two or more windows such that when one window is scrolled,
+the other windows are scrolled simultaneously, set the 'scrollbind' option
+for these windows:
+:set scrollbind
+When a window that has 'scrollbind' set is scrolled, all other 'scrollbind'
+windows are scrolled the same amount, if possible.
+For more information about the 'scrollbind' option refer to
+:help scoll-binding
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>Better
+colors for syntax highlighting</center> <pre> <A
+For syntax highlighting there are two sets of default color maps: One for a
+light and another one for a dark background. If you have a black background,
+use the following command to get a better color map for syntax highlighting:
+:set background=dark
+You have to switch off and on again syntax highlighting to activate the new
+color map:
+:syntax off :syntax on
+For a detailled description of syntax highlighting refer to
+:help syntax.txt
+See also the Vim syntax support file: $VIMRUNTIME/syntax/synload.vim
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>View
+a Java Class File Decompiled thru Vim</center> <pre> <A
+Hi All, Wish u could view a Java Class File using Vim, Well ur query
+ends here. First of all u will need a Java Decompiler to decompile the
+Class File. I would suggest the JAD decompiler by Pavel Kouznetsov <A
+Its a command line decompiler and absolutely free. U can use any command
+line decompiler of ur choice.
+Next create a vimscript file called jad.vim as #########################
+FILE START ################ augr class au! au bufreadpost,filereadpost
+*.class %!d:jad.exe -noctor -ff -i -p % au bufreadpost,filereadpost
+*.class set readonly au bufreadpost,filereadpost *.class set ft=java au
+bufreadpost,filereadpost *.class normal gg=G au bufreadpost,filereadpost
+*.class set nomodified augr END ######################## FILE END
+Note:- Keep the Jad.exe in a directory with out white spaces. The -p options
+directs JAD to send the output to standard output instead of a .jad file. Other
+options are described on the JAD site.
+Next add the following line in the .vimrc file. so jad.vim
+Next time u do vim abc.class. Viola u have the source code for abc.class.
+NOTE:- I have written the script so as to open the class file read only,
+So that u dont accidently modify it. U can also exted this script to unjar
+a jar file and then view each file in the JAR file. thanks bhaskar Any
+suggestions are welcome
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim">
+<html><center>previous buffer</center> <pre> <A
+One of the keys to vim is buffer management. If I have to use another IDE
+that makes me click on a tab every time I want to look at another file I'm
+going to go postal.
+So of course you know about :ls which lists all the current open buffers. This
+gets a little unweildly once you have a full project open so you can also use
+:b &lt;any snipit of text&gt; &lt;tab&gt; to complete to an open buffer. This
+is really nice because you can type any fragment of a file name and it will
+complete to the matching file. (i.e. can be completed
+using "tma"&lt;tab&gt; or "req"&lt;tab&gt; or ""&lt;tab&gt;).
+Now for awhile I was also using :bn and :bp which jumps you to the next
+and previous buffer respectively. I found I was often frustrated because I
+wanted :bp to be the previous buffer I was in, not the previous buffer in
+the list. So (drum roll) the reason I wrote this tip was because of:
+jump to the previous buffer you were in. Very very handy. The only thing
+nicer are tag, but that's a tip for another time.
+:help buffers :help bn :help bp
+If anybody knows where to get help on # in this context please add notes.
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>how
+to avoid obliterating window layout</center> <pre> <A
+If you take the time to lay out several windows with vim (especially vertically
+in version 6), you may be bummed when you hit an errant key and find that
+all but what one window disappears.
+What happens: while navigating between windows, you hit &lt;C-W&gt;j,
+&lt;C-W&gt;k, etc. At some point you accidently hit &lt;C-W&gt; but then
+don't follow with a window command. Now hitting 'o' to start insert mode
+issues a command equivalent to :only, and closes all windows execept for
+the one you are in (unless some windows have unsaved changes in them).
+How to avoid this: petition the vim-dev mailing list about how :only is
+sufficient for the infrequenty use this might get (j/k).
+Really: use mapping to disable the &lt;C-W&gt;o functionality; put this in
+your .vimrc:
+nnoremap &lt;C-W&gt;O :echo "sucker"&lt;CR&gt; nnoremap &lt;C-W&gt;o :echo
+"sucker"&lt;CR&gt; nnoremap &lt;C-W&gt;&lt;C-O&gt; :echo "sucker"&lt;CR&gt;
+:help :only :help CTRL-W_o
+That is all. Scott
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>Applying
+substitutes to a visual block</center> <pre> <A
+If you'd like to apply a substitute, or even any ex command, to a visual-block
+selected text region (ctrl-v and move), then you'll want Stefan Roemer's <A
+HREF=" . Just source
+it in,"> . Just source
+it in,</A><BR> and then press ":B". On the command line you'll see
+Just continue with the substitute or whatever...
+:'&lt;,'&gt;B s/abc/ABC/g
+and the substitute will be applied to just that block of text!
+Example: Ctrl-V Select..........|......Type ..................just
+the central....|......:B s/abc/ABC/g ..................four
+"abc"s..............| ..................----------------....|...-------------
+ (dots inserted to retain tabular format)
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>Applying
+substitutes to a visual block</center> <pre> <A
+If you'd like to apply a substitute, or even any ex command, to a visual-block
+selected text region (ctrl-v and move), then you'll want Stefan Roemer's <A
+HREF=" . Just source
+it in,"> . Just source
+it in,</A><BR> and then press ":B". On the command line you'll see
+Just continue with the substitute or whatever...
+:'&lt;,'&gt;B s/abc/ABC/g
+and the substitute will be applied to just that block of text!
+Example: Ctrl-V Select..........|......Type
+..................just the central.......|......:B
+s/abc/ABC/g ..................four "abc"s.................|
+ (dots inserted to retain tabular format)
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>Always set
+your working directory to the file you're editing</center> <pre> <A
+Sometimes I think it's helpful if your working directory is always the same
+as the buffer you are editing. You need to put this in your .vimrc:
+function! CHANGE_CURR_DIR()
+ let _dir = expand("%:p:h") exec "cd " . _dir unlet _dir
+autocmd BufEnter * call CHANGE_CURR_DIR()
+Doing this will make a "cd" command to your the current buffer each time
+you switch to it. This is actually similar to vimtip#2 but more automatic.
+You should see for more details: :help autocmd :help expand :help function
+Note: This tip was contributed by somebody on the list a while ago (sorry
+for no reference) and it has been extremely helpful to me. Thanks!
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>Insert
+line number into the actuall text of the file.</center> <pre> <A
+Although :set number will add nice line number for you At time you may wish
+to actually place the line numbers into the file. For example on GNU Unix
+you can acomplish a simular task using cat -n file &gt; new_file
+In VIM you can use the global command to do this
+:g/^/exec "s/^/".strpart(line(".")." ", 0, 4)
+What this does is run the exec comand on every line that matches /^/ (All)
+The exec command taks a string and executes it as if it were typed in.
+line(".")." " -&gt; returns the number of the current line plus four spaces.
+strpart("123 ", 0, 4) -&gt; returns only the first four characters ("123 ").
+"s/^/123 " -&gt; substituts the begining of the line with "123 ".
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>Transfer
+text between two Vim 'sessions',</center> <pre> <A
+This one is a one of my favorites from Dr. Chip, and I haven't seen it come
+across vim tips yet...
+Can use either visual, or marking to denote the text.
+" transfer/read and write one block of text between vim sessions " Usage: "
+`from' session: " ma " move to end-of-block " xw " " `to' session:
+" move to where I want block inserted " xr " if has("unix")
+ nmap xr :r $HOME/.vimxfer&lt;CR&gt; nmap xw
+ :'a,.w! $HOME/.vimxfer&lt;CR&gt; vmap xr c&lt;esc&gt;:r
+ $HOME/.vimxfer&lt;CR&gt; vmap xw :w! $HOME/.vimxfer&lt;CR&gt;
+ nmap xr :r c:/.vimxfer&lt;CR&gt; nmap xw :'a,.w! c:/.vimxfer&lt;CR&gt;
+ vmap xr c&lt;esc&gt;:r c:/.vimxfer&lt;cr&gt; vmap xw
+ :w! c:/.vimxfer&lt;CR&gt;
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim">
+<html><center>Ascii Value</center> <pre> <A
+Sometimes we, the programmers, need the value of a character, don't we?
+You can learn the ascii value of a character by pressing g and a keys.(ga)!
+It displays the value in dec, hex and octal...
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim">
+<html><center>Delete key</center> <pre> <A
+Don't worry if your delete key does not work properly. Just press
+&lt;CTRL&gt;-Backspace. It works under both mode(insert or normal).
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim">
+<html><center>dot makes life easier</center> <pre> <A
+You can copy and paste the last changes you made in the last insert mode
+without using y and p by pressing . (just dot). Vim memorizes the keys you
+pressed and echos them if you hit the dot key. You must be in command mode
+as usual. It can be helpful...
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim">
+<html><center>running a command on all buffers</center> <pre> <A
+From Peter Bismuti on the vim list:
+How to global search and replace in all buffers with one command? You need
+the AllBuffers command:
+:call AllBuffers("%s/string1/string2/g")
+"put this in a file and source it function AllBuffers(cmnd)
+ let cmnd = a:cmnd let i = 1 while (i &lt;= bufnr("$"))
+ if bufexists(i)
+ execute "buffer" i execute cmnd
+ endif let i = i+1
+ endwhile
+":call AllBuffers("%s/foo/bar/ge|update")
+Thanks Peter!
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>Transfer
+text between two gvim sessions using clipboard</center> <pre> <A
+If you use gvim, you can transfer text from one instance of gvim into another
+one using clipboard. It is convenient to use * (star) register, like this:
+In one instance yank two lines into clipboard:
+ "*2yy
+Paste it in another instance in normal mode:
+ "*p
+or in insert mode:
+ &lt;Ctrl-R&gt;*
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim">
+<html><center>Remove unwanted empty lines</center> <pre> <A
+Sometimes to improve the readability of the document I insert empty lines,
+which will be later removed. To get rid off them try: :%g/^$/d This will
+remove a l l empty line in the document. Some other tipps you can find
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim">
+<html><center>Using vim as calculator</center> <pre> <A
+Basic calculations can done within vim easily by typing (insert-mode): STRG
+(=CTRL) + R followed by = then for example 2+2 and hit RETURN the result 4
+will be printed in the document.
+Some other tipps you can find under
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>Using
+Vim as an outline processor</center> <pre> <A
+With the addition of folding, Vim6 can function as a high performance outline
+processor. Simply :set ai and in insert mode use backspace to promote and
+tab to demote headlines.
+In command mode, &lt;&lt; promotes (n&lt;&lt; to promote multiple lines),
+and &gt;&gt; demotes. Also, highlight several headlines and &lt; or &gt;
+to promote or demote.
+:set foldmethod=indent, and then your z commands can expand or collapse
+headline trees, filewide or by the tree.
+The VimOutliner GPL distro contains the scripts and configs to easily
+configure Vim6 as an outliner, including scripts to create tag files enabling
+interoutline hyperlinking.
+The VimOutliner project is at <A
+Steve (Litt)
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>Remap
+CAPSLOCK key in Windows 2000 Professional and NT4.0</center> <pre> <A
+If you're Windows 2000 Professional user and got tired to move your hands off
+basic row when hitting &lt;ESC&gt; key here the solution (not for Windows 9x.):
+remap CapsLock key as &lt;ESC&gt; key. It's located in useful position. Put
+this lines into &lt;EscLock.reg&gt; file and start it in explorer.Reboot.Enjoy.
+REGEDIT4 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Keyboard Layout]
+"Scancode Map"=hex:00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,02,00,00,00,01,00,3a,00,00,00,00,00
+To restore you capslock back just delete this entry from Registry and reboot.
+And below is remapping &lt;capslock&gt; as &lt;Left Control&gt;:
+REGEDIT4 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Keyboard Layout]
+"Scancode Map"=hex:00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,02,00,00,00,1d,00,3a,00,00,00,00,00
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim">
+<html><center>Folding for Quickfix</center> <pre> <A
+The Quickfix mode aims to "speed up the edit-compile-edit cycle" according to
+':help quickfix'. After executing ':make' or ':grep' it is possible to skim
+through the list of errors/matches and the appropriate source code locations
+with, for instance, the ':cnext' command. Another way to get a quick overview
+is to use VIMs folding mode, to fold away all the error-free/match-free
+regions. The script at the end of this message can be used for this
+purpose. It is at the moment not elaborate enough to put it up as a 'script';
+but it might give someone inspiration to do so. Big restrictions / bugs are
+as follows: 1. Vim Perl interface is required, i.e. the output of ':version'
+must contain '+perl' (People with Vim scripting knowledge might fix this)
+2. Works only for one file, i.e. the current buffer. 3. It's a quick hack.
+Sample usage: (a) edit a file, (b) do ':grep regexp %' to get a quickfix
+error list and (c) ':source foldqf.vim' will fold as described Increasing
+the value of $CONTEXT gives you more context around the error regions.
+Here comes it, it should be 7 lines: ---foldqf.vim cwindow perl $CONTEXT = 0;
+perl @A = map { m/\|(\d+)\|/; $1 +0 } $curbuf-&gt;Get(1..$curbuf-&gt;Count());
+close normal zD perl sub fold { VIM::DoCommand( $_[0] . ',' . ($_[1]) . "fold"
+) if( $_[0] &lt; $_[1] ); } perl $last = 0; for (@A) { fold( $last+1+$CONTEXT,
+$_-1-$CONTEXT ); $last = $_; }; VIM::DoCommand(($A[-1]+1+$CONTEXT )
+. ',$fold' );
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>Displaying
+search results using folds</center> <pre> <A
+A guy I work with told me about a function that an old IBM text editor had
+that he said was useful, and that is to create folds in the file after a
+search such that every line that is visible contains the search pattern(except
+possibly the first). All lines that do not contain the search pattern are
+folded up to the last occurence of the pattern or the top of the file.
+One use for such a function is to be able to make a quick and dirty api of
+a source file. For example, if working in Java, you could run the function
+using the pattern "public|protected|private" and ithe results would be that
+only the method headers would be visible (well, close enough).
+function! Foldsearch(search)
+ normal zE "erase all folds to begin with normal G$
+ "move to the end of the file let folded = 0 "flag to set when
+ a fold is found let flags = "w" "allow wrapping in the search let
+ line1 = 0 "set marker for beginning of fold while search(a:search,
+ flags) &gt; 0
+ let line2 = line(".") "echo "pattern found at line #
+ " line2 if (line2 -1 &gt; line1)
+ "echo line1 . ":" . (line2-1) "echo "A fold goes here."
+ execute ":" . line1 . "," . (line2-1) . "fold"
+ let folded = 1 "at
+ least one fold has been found
+ endif let line1 = line2 "update marker let flags = "W"
+ "turn off wrapping
+ endwhile
+ " Now create the last fold which goes to the end of the file.
+ normal $G let line2 = line(".")
+ "echo "end of file found at line # " line2
+ if (line2 &gt; line1 && folded == 1)
+ "echo line1 . ":" . line2 "echo "A fold goes here."
+ execute ":". line1 . "," . line2 . "fold"
+ endif
+" Command is executed as ':Fs pattern'" command! -nargs=+ -complete=command
+Fs call Foldsearch(&lt;q-args&gt;) " View the methods and variables in a
+java source file." command! Japi Fs public\|protected\|private
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim">
+<html><center>rotating mail signatures</center> <pre> <A
+For people using mutt and vim for mail, the following script will allow
+you to insert a new signature (and again and again if you don\'t like the
+current one) at the bottom of your mail. This is usefull eg when you don\'t
+want to send a potentially offensive quote to someone you don\'t know very
+well (or a mailing list), but are too lazy to delete the quote, open your
+quotes file, and cut and paste another one in. (I put it here in \'tips\'
+and not in \'scripts\' because it is imo too short to be a \'real\' script)
+" rotate_sig.vim " Maintainer: Roel Vanhout &lt;;
+" Version: 0.1 " Last Change: Tuesday, June 12, 2001 " Mapping I use:
+" nmap ,r :call RotateSig()&lt;CR&gt; " Usage: " -Make sure you delimit
+your sig with '-- ', or adjust the script " -Adjust the last execute to a
+command that prints a sig to stdout " Known problems: " - You'll get an
+error message when you're below the last " '^-- $' in your mail (nothing
+bad though - just an not- " found marker)
+function! RotateSig()
+ normal mQG execute '?^-- $' execute ':nohl' normal o&lt;ESC&gt; normal
+ dG normal &lt;CR&gt; execute 'r !~/bin/autosig ~/.quotes \%' normal `Q
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>How to use
+:grep to get a clickable list of function names</center> <pre> <A
+The following function will make a :cwindow window with a line per function
+in the current C source file. NOTE: It writes the file as a side effect.
+Invoke with ':call ShowFunc()' You may want to do :nmap &lt;somekey&gt;
+:call ShowFunc()&lt;CR&gt;
+function! ShowFunc()
+ let gf_s = &grepformat let gp_s = &grepprg
+ let &grepformat = '%*\k%*\sfunction%*\s%l%*\s%f %*\s%m' let &grepprg =
+ 'ctags -x --c-types=f --sort=no -o -'
+ write silent! grep % cwindow
+ let &grepformat = gf_s let &grepprg = gp_s
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>Restore
+cursor to file position in previous editing session</center> <pre> <A
+Here's something for your &lt;.vimrc&gt; which will allow you to restore
+your cursor position in a file over several editing sessions. This technique
+uses the viminfo option:
+Ex. set viminfo='10,\"100,:20,%,n~/.viminfo
+ au BufReadPost * if line("'\"") &gt; 0|if line("'\"") &lt;=
+ line("$")|exe("norm '\"")|else|exe "norm $"|endif|endif
+If you're on Unix, the viminfo is probably fine as is (but check up on Vim's
+help for viminfo to see if you like the settings above). For Windows you'll
+need to change the "n" suboption to something like
+Ex. set viminfo='10,\"100,:20,%,nc:\\some\\place\\under\\Windoz\\_viminfo
+This tip is a somewhat improved version of the example given for :he line()
+in the Vim on-line documentation.
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim">
+<html><center>Substitution of characters and lines in VIM is
+made far easier with the s and S commands</center> <pre> <A
+Substitute Characters ----------------------------------- I was just editing
+a file that contained the same leading string on many lines.
+foo_bar_baz1=a foo_bar_baz1=abc674 foo_bar_baz1=qrs foo_bar_baz1=m1
+foo_bar_baz1=bz90 foo_bar_baz1=bc ...
+Needing to only substitute a portion of the string, I referred to a VIM
+reference card and discovered a command answering my need exactly. The s
+command is used to subsitute a certain number of characters. In my example
+file above, if I only needed to subsititute the characters foo_bar, I set
+the cursor on the first character where I'd like the subsitution to begin
+and type 7s. VIM drops the characters foo_bar and goes to insert mode,
+waiting for the substitution text.
+Substitute Lines ----------------------- After years of using vi and VIM and
+always deleting multiple lines in order to replace them, I just discovered
+the S command. If you need to subsitute three lines of text, simply type
+3S. VIM drops the three lines and goes into insert mode, waiting for the
+subsitution text.
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>letting
+variable values be overwritten in a script</center> <pre> <A
+this is a simple function i wrote to get the value of a variable from three
+different places (in that order): the current buffer, the global setting
+or from the script itself.
+this allows me to set a default value for a configuration variable inside my
+script and the user to change it on a global level by setting the same variable
+with a g: prepended. then, they can further set it on a per-buffer level by
+the the b: mechanism. one of the examples for this might be my comments script
+(not uploaded). i have a variable in there that determines whether comment
+characters (// for java, for example) are placed the beginning of the line or
+just before the first-non-blanks in the text. i set up a default in my script:
+let s:comments_hug_start_of_line=0 " comments should hug the text
+that's fine as a default, but if i want to overwrite it for vim scripts,
+i just put the following in my ftplugin/vim.vim:
+let b:comments_hug_start_of_line=1 " vim comments should hug the first
+column, always
+" tries to return the buffer-specific value of a variable; if not
+" found, tries to return the global value -- if that's not found "
+either, returns the value set in the script itself function! GetVar(varName)
+ if (exists ("b:" . a:varName))
+ exe "let retVal=b:" . a:varName
+ elseif (exists ("g:" . a:varName))
+ exe "let retVal=g:" . a:varName
+ elseif (exists ("s:" . a:varName))
+ exe "let retVal=s:" . a:varName
+ else
+ retVal=-1
+ endif return retVal
+personally, i never let it get to the -1 state by always having an s: set
+with SOME default value.
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>how
+to indent (useful for source code)</center> <pre> <A
+Here is the most useful vim command that I know of and I'm surprised that
+it's not yet in the tips list.
+I use the indent features of vim all the time. Basically, it lets you indent
+your source code.
+SETUP: To make indentation work nicely I have the following in my .vimrc file:
+set et set sw=4 set smarttab
+these make vim behave nicely when indenting, giving 4 spaces (not tabs)
+for each "tabstop".
+HOW TO USE: in command mode, == will indent the current line selecting a range
+of lines (with shift-v) then == will indent your selection typing a number
+then == will indent that many lines, starting from your cursor (you get the
+idea, there are many other things you can do to select a range of lines)
+Tell me that isn't great?
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>Changing
+the behaviour of . to include visual mode</center> <pre> <A
+one of the things i do a lot in vim is to make a change to the beginning or
+end of the line (such as adding the text '// remove' at the end of java
+debug code). a quick way of doing this is to use a to append the text to
+the end of the first line and then move down one, hit . (repeat last edit),
+move down, hit . etc. etc. the following mapping allows one to simply
+highlight the region in question and hit . -- it will automatically
+execute the . once on each line:
+ " allow the . to execute once for each line of a visual selection vnoremap
+ . :normal .&lt;CR&gt;
+another thing i do a lot is to record a quick macro in the "a" register
+and then play it back a number of times. while @@ can be used to repeat the
+last register used, my recorded macros sometimes use other registers so @@
+doesn't necessarily give me the same results as @a. also, i have mapped '
+to ` because i like to go to the precise location of my marks -- always --
+and never to the beginning of the line. this leaves my ` key unused. so:
+ " make ` execute the contents of the a register nnoremap ` @a
+then, in keeping with the visual . above, i did the same for the ` -- is
+thexecutes @a once on each highlighed line.
+ vnoremap ` :normal @a&lt;CR&gt;
+as an example, say i have the following lines of java code:
+ public String m_asdf; public String m_lkhj; public int m_hjkhjkh;
+and, for some reason, i need to get the following:
+ "asdf" "lkhj" "hjkhjkh"
+i record the following into a:
+ ^cf_"&lt;ESC&gt;$r"
+the ^ is because my java code is indented and i don't want to go to
+column 0 and the &lt;esc&gt; is an actual escape i hit to exit insert mode.
+then, i simply select (visually) the other lines (only two in case --
+admittedly not an overly useful example) and just hit `.
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>How to mimic
+the vim 6.0 plugin feature with older versions</center> <pre> <A
+If you do not have vim 6.0, but would like to mimic the plugins directory
+feature then copy and paste this into your vimrc:
+exec "source " . substitute(glob($VIM."/plugins/*.vim"), "\n", "\nsource ",
+It will automatically source every vim script file located in the vim/plugins
+directory. Now, to add a new plugin, just drop the script in this directory
+and vim will automatically find it.
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>Helps
+undo 1 line when entered many</center> <pre> <A
+When U entered text, U cannot undo only 1 line, for example, when U press
+"u", all entered in last "insert" text removed.
+If U add this line to .vimrc: inoremap &lt;Return&gt; &lt;Return&gt;^O^[
+where "^O" or "^[" is 1 char "u" will undo (remove) only 1 line.
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>Get
+vim 5.x window in vim 6.x</center> <pre> <A
+The format of the window title in vim 5.x (well, at least for 5.7,.8, for
+Win32) used to be VIM - &lt;full filename with path&gt;. It's not in the
+win32 binary of 6.0an that I found. I want my old way back.
+Turns out, all that it takes to get it back is :set title titlestring=VIM\
+-\ %F "make sure that the window caption setting is turned on and set caption
+to vim 5.x style
+Oh, however, one thing I did like about the 6.0 style is that it puts the
+word "help" in the title when the current buffer is a help file; so, I just
+tacked %h to my titlestring giving:
+:set title titlestring=VIM\ -\ %F\ %h "make sure that the window caption
+setting is turned on and set caption to vim 5.x style
+see also: :he 'titlestring' :he 'statusline' "for the format for titlestring
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>How
+to maximize vim on entry (win32)</center> <pre> <A
+Maybe it's just because I have far too small of a monitor, because I can
+get distracted while coding if I have other stuff on the screen, or because I
+starting using vim on a console, but I definitely like my vim window maximized.
+Anyway, sticking the following in your vimrc will always maximize your vim
+window on startup.
+au GUIEnter * simalt ~x
+:he win16-maximized
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>Get more
+screen real estate by hidding toolbar and/or menus</center> <pre> <A
+I use gvim over console vim because gvim is much more readable (under Windows).
+However, that doesn't mean I want to dedicate screen space to things I'll
+never use (i.e. the toolbar and the menus).
+Anyway, you can give the following a try if you'd like.
+set guioptions-=T "get rid of toolbar set guioptions-=m "get rid of menu
+Oh, yeah. If you decide that you don't really like being without your the
+toolbar or menus, issue the following:
+set guioptions+=T "bring back toolbar set guioptions+=m "bring back menu
+see also: :he 'guioptions
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim">
+<html><center>Encryption</center> <pre> <A
+You can encrypt your texts by using vim. :X prompts for an encryption key.
+After writing your key, if you save your document it will be encrypted
+and no one else (but you and vim) can read your documents. If you reopen
+the file, VIM will ask for the key. If you want to disable encryption,
+just type :set key= if you forget your key you will lose your document.
+So please DO NOT forget your key,
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim">
+<html><center>Dictionary completions</center> <pre> <A
+This tip will will explain how to use the dictionary completion facilities
+provided by vim. This can be useful if you use vim to type your email,
+edit code, etc.
+Dictionary completion is one of many search facilites provided by Insert mode
+completion. It allows the user to get a list of keywords, based off of the
+current word at the cursor. This is useful if you are typing a long word
+(e.g. acknowledgeable) and don't want to finish typing or don't remember
+the spelling.
+To start, we must first tell vim where our dictionary is located. This is done
+via the 'dictionary' option. Below is an example. Your location may vary.
+See :help 'dictionary' for hints as to where you should look.
+ :set dictionary-=/usr/share/dict/words
+ dictionary+=/usr/share/dict/words
+Now, to use this list we have to enter insert mode completion. This is done
+by hitting CTRL-X while in insert mode. Next, you have to specify what you
+want to complete. For dictionaries use CTRL-K. Once in this mode the keys
+CTRL-N and CTRL-P will cycle through the matches. So, to complete the word
+"acknowledgeable" I would do the following in insert mode:
+ acknow&lt;CTRL-X&gt;&lt;CTRL-K&gt;&lt;CTRL-N&gt;
+It can be cumbersome to type CTRL-X CTRL-K for many different completions.
+So, vim gives us a shortcut. While in insert mode CTRL-N and CTRL-P
+will cycle through a predetermined set of completion sources. By default,
+dictionary completion is not a part of this set. This set is defined by the
+'complete' option. Therefore, we must add dictionary to this as shown below:
+ :set complete-=k complete+=k
+Now, while in insert mode we can type the following to complete our example:
+ acknow&lt;CTRL-N&gt;&lt;CTRL-N&gt;
+This shortcut may not save a whole lot of typing. However, I find that it
+requires less hand movement to only worry myself with two key combinations,
+rather than 4.
+I find that the completion facilites provided by vim save me a *HUGE* amount
+of typing. These savings can be realized in only a short amount of time if
+you are editing some code with functions and variables that have long names
+with underscores in them.
+For more help:
+ help ins-completion help compl-dictionary help 'complete' help
+ 'dictionary' help :set+=
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim">
+<html><center>Reducing 'doc' directory size</center> <pre> <A
+As everyone knows, the $VIMRUNTIME/doc is increasing rapidly in size. The
+directory contained so many plain-text documents that I often compress
+them to save my diskspace. With the support of VIM's GZIP plugin,
+VIM will automatically uncompress the files when we need to read them.
+Here is my procedure: 1. If you have the source, go to 'runtime/doc'
+and edit 'doctags.c', change printf("%s\t%s\t/*", p1, argv[0]); to
+printf("%s\t%s.gz\t/*", p1, argv[0]);
+ then make. This is to modify the tag, or you'll have to change the
+ 'tags' file by hand if you don't have doctags.c.
+2. Edit the new generated 'tags' file to rename 'help.txt.gz' back to
+'help.txt' because it's hard-written in VIM executable binary.
+ :% s/help\.txt\.gz/help\.txt/g
+3. Copy the new 'tags' to $VIMRNUTIME/doc and run 'gzip *.txt; gunzip help.txt'
+On VIM 6.0an, we can reduce the original size (3302k) to 1326k. I don't
+know if this helps, but if someone likes to compress documents... this can
+be reffered :)
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>if you use
+'highlight search' feature, map a key to :noh</center> <pre> <A
+It is very convenient to use 'hlsearch' option. However it can be annoying
+to have the highlight stick longer than you want it. In order to run it
+off you have to type at least 4 keystrokes, ":noh". So, it's a good idea
+to map this to a key. I like to map it to control-n. This is the line I
+use in my .vimrc file to do it:
+nmap &lt;silent&gt; &lt;C-N&gt; :silent noh&lt;CR&gt;
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>Questions
+& Answers about using tags with Vim</center> <pre> <A
+Using tags file with Vim ------------------------ This document gives you
+a idea about the various facilities available in Vim for using a tags file
+to browse through program source files. You can read the Vim online help,
+which explains in detail the tags support, using :help tagsearch.txt. You can
+also use the help keywords mentioned in this document to read more about a
+particular command or option. To read more about a particular command or
+option use, :help &lt;helpkeyword&gt; in Vim.
+1. How do I create a tags file?
+ You can create a tags file either using the ctags utility or using a
+ custom script or utility.
+ Help keyword(s): tag
+2. Where can I download the tools to generate the tags file?
+ There are several utilities available to generate the tags file.
+ Depending on the programming language, you can use any one of them.
+ 1. Exuberant ctags generates tags for the following programming
+ language files:
+ Assembler, AWK, ASP, BETA, Bourne/Korn/Zsh Shell, C, C++, COBOL,
+ Eiffel, Fortran, Java, Lisp, Make, Pascal, Perl, PHP, Python, REXX,
+ Ruby, S-Lang, Scheme, Tcl, and Vim.
+ You can download exuberant ctags from <A
+ HREF=""></A><BR>
+ 2. On Unix, you can use the /usr/bin/ctags utility. This utility
+ is present in most of the Unix installations.
+ 3. You can use jtags for generating tags file for java programs.
+ You can download jtags from: <A
+ HREF=""></A><BR>
+ 4. You can use ptags for generating tags file for perl programs.
+ You can download ptags from: <A
+ HREF=""></A><BR>
+ 5. You can download scripts from the following links for
+ generating tags file for verilog files:
+ <A
+ HREF=""></A><BR>
+ <A
+ HREF=""></A><BR>
+ <A
+ HREF=""></A><BR>
+ 6. You can download Hdrtag from the following linke:
+ <A
+ HREF=""></A><BR>
+ This utility generates tags file for the following programming languages:
+ assembly, c/c++, header files, lex, yacc,LaTeX, vim, and Maple V.
+ 7. You can also use the following scripts which are part of the Vim
+ runtime files:
+ - Create tags file for perl code tcltags - Create tags
+ file for TCL code - Create tags file for shell script
+ Help keyword(s): ctags
+3. How do I generate a tags file using ctags?
+ You can generate a tags file for all the C files in the current directory
+ using the following command:
+ $ ctags *.c
+ You can generate tags file for all the files in the current directory
+ and all the sub-directories using (this applies only to exuberant ctags):
+ $ ctags -R .
+ You can generate tags file for all the files listed in a text file named
+ flist using (this applies only to exuberant ctags)
+ $ ctags -L flist
+4. How do I configure Vim to locate a tags file?
+ You can set the 'tags' option in Vim to specify a particular tags file.
+ set tags=/my/dir/tags
+ Help keyword(s): 'tags', tags-option
+5. How do I configure Vim to use multiple tags files?
+ The 'tags' option can specify more than one tags file. The tag filenames
+ are separated using either comma or spaces.
+ set tags=/my/dir1/tags, /my/dir2/tags
+6. How do I configure Vim to locate a tags file in a directory tree?
+ Note that the following will work only in Vim 6.0 and above. You can set
+ the 'tags' option to make Vim search for the tags file in a directory tree.
+ For example, if the 'tags' option is set like this:
+ set tags=tags;/
+ Vim will search for the file named 'tags', starting with the current
+ directory and then going to the parent directory and then recursively to
+ the directory one level above, till it either locates the 'tags' file or
+ reaches the root '/' directory.
+ Help keyword(s): file-searching
+7. How do I jump to a tag?
+ There are several ways to jump to a tag location.
+ 1. You can use the 'tag' ex command. For example,
+ :tag &lt;tagname&gt;
+ will jump to the tag named &lt;tagname&gt;.
+ 2. You can position the cursor over a tag name and then press
+ Ctrl-].
+ 3. You can visually select a text and then press Ctrl-] to
+ jump to the tag matching the selected text.
+ 4. You can click on the tag name using the left mouse button,
+ while pressing the &lt;Ctrl&gt; key.
+ 5. You can press the g key and then click on the tag name
+ using the left mouse button.
+ 6. You can use the 'stag' ex command, to open the tag in a new
+ window. For example,
+ :stag func1
+ will open the func1 definition in a new window.
+ 7. You can position the cursor over a tag name and then press
+ Ctrl-W ]. This will open the tag location in a new window.
+ Help keyword(s): :tag, Ctrl-], v_CTRL_], &lt;C-LeftMouse&gt;,
+ g&lt;LeftMouse&gt;, :stag, Ctrl-W_]
+8. How do I come back from a tag jump?
+ There are several ways to come back to the old location from a tag jump.
+ 1. You can use the 'pop' ex command. 2. You can press Ctrl-t.
+ 3. You can click the right mouse button, while pressing the
+ &lt;Ctrl&gt; key.
+ 4. You can press the g key and then click the right mouse
+ button.
+ Help keyword(s): :pop, Ctrl-T, &lt;C-RightMouse&gt;, g&lt;RightMouse&gt;
+9. How do I jump again to a previously jumped tag location?
+ You can use the 'tag' ex command to jump to a previously jumped tag
+ location, which is stored in the tag stack.
+ Help keyword(s): tag
+10. How do I list the contents of the tag stack?
+ Vim remembers the location from which you jumped to a tag in the tag stack.
+ You can list the current tag stack using the 'tags' ex command.
+ Help keyword(s): :tags, tagstack
+11. How do I jump to a particular tag match, if there are multiple
+ matching tags?
+ In some situations, there can be more than one match for a tag.
+ For example, a C function or definition may be present in more than one
+ file in a source tree. There are several ways to jump to a specific
+ tag from a list of matching tags.
+ 1. You can use the 'tselect' ex command to list all the tag
+ matches. For example,
+ :tselect func1
+ will list all the locations where func1 is defined. You can then
+ enter the number of a tag match to jump to that location.
+ 2. You can position the cursor over the tag name and press g]
+ to get a list of matching tags.
+ 3. You can visually select a text and press g] to get a list
+ of matching tags.
+ 4. You can use the 'stselect' ex command. This will open the
+ selected tag from the tag list in a new window.
+ 5. You can position the cursor over the tag name and press
+ Ctrl-W g] to do a :stselect.
+ Help keyword(s): tag-matchlist, :tselect, g], v_g], :stselect,
+ Ctrl-W_g]
+12. I want to jump to a tag, if there is only one matching tag,
+ otherwise a list of matching tags should be displayed. How do I do this?
+ There are several ways to make Vim to jump to a tag directly, if there
+ is only one tag match, otherwise present a list of tag matches.
+ 1. You can use the 'tjump' ex command. For example,
+ :tjump func1
+ will jump to the definition func1, if it is defined only once.
+ If func1 is defined multiple times, a list of matching tags will
+ be presented.
+ 2. You can position the cursor over the tag and press g
+ Ctrl-].
+ 3. You can visually select a text and press g Ctrl-] to jump
+ or list the matching tags.
+ 4. You can use the 'stjump' ex command. This will open the
+ matching or selected tag from the tag list in a new window.
+ 5. You can press Ctrl-W g Ctrl-] to do a :stjump.
+ Help keyword(s): :tjump, g_Ctrl-], v_g_CTRL-], :stjump,
+ Ctrl-W_g_Ctrl-]
+13. How do browse through a list of multiple tag matches?
+ If there are multiple tag matches, you can browse through all of them
+ using several of the Vim ex commands.
+ 1. To go to the first tag in the list, use the 'tfirst' or
+ 'trewind' ex command.
+ 2. To go to the last tag in the list, use the 'tlast' ex command.
+ 3. To go to the next matching tag in the list, use the 'tnext' ex
+ command.
+ 4. To go to the previous matching tag in the list, use the
+ 'tprevious' or 'tNext' ex command.
+ Help keyword(s): :tfirst, :trewind, :tlast, :tnext, :tprevious,
+ :tNext
+14. How do I preview a tag?
+ You can use the preview window to preview a tag, without leaving the
+ original window. There are several ways to preview a tag:
+ 1. You can use the 'ptag' ex command to open a tag in the
+ preview window.
+ 2. You can position the cursor on a tag name and press Ctrl-W
+ } to open the tag in the preview window.
+ 3. You can use the 'ptselect' ex command to do the equivalent
+ of the 'tselect' ex command in the preview window.
+ 4. You can use the 'ptjump' ex command to do the equivalent of
+ the 'tjump' ex command in the preview window.
+ 5. You can position the cursor on the tag and press Ctrl-W g}
+ to do a :ptjump on the tag.
+ Help keyword(s): :preview-window, :ptag, Ctrl-W_}, :ptselect,
+ :ptjump, Ctrl-W_g}
+15. How do I browse through the tag list in a preview window?
+ If there are multiple tag matches, you can browse through all of them
+ in the preview window using several of the Vim ex commands.
+ 1. To go to the first tag in the list, use the 'ptfirst' or
+ 'ptrewind' ex command.
+ 2. To go to the last tag in the list, use the 'ptlast' ex command.
+ 3. To go to the next matching tag in the list, use the 'ptnext' ex
+ command.
+ 4. To go to the previous matching tag in the list, use the
+ 'ptprevious' or 'ptNext' ex command.
+ Help keyword(s): :ptfirst, :ptrewind, :ptlast, :ptnext,
+ :ptprevious, :ptNext
+16. How do I start Vim to start editing a file at a given tag match?
+ While starting Vim, you can use the command line option '-t' to supply
+ a tag name. Vim will directly jump to the supplied tag location.
+ Help keyword(s): -t
+17. How do I list all the tags matching a search pattern?
+ There are several ways to go through a list of all tags matching a pattern.
+ 1. You can list all the tags matching a particular regular
+ expression pattern by prepending the tag name with the '/'
+ search character. For example,
+ :tag /&lt;pattern&gt; :stag /&lt;pattern&gt; :ptag
+ /&lt;pattern&gt; :tselect /&lt;pattern&gt; :tjump
+ /&lt;pattern&gt; :ptselect /&lt;pattern&gt; :ptjump
+ /&lt;pattern&gt;
+ 2. If you have the 'wildmenu' option set, then you can press
+ the &lt;Tab&gt; key to display a list of all the matching tags
+ in the status bar. You can use the arrow keys to move between
+ the tags and then use the &lt;Enter&gt; key to select a tag.
+ 3. If you don't have the 'wildmenu' option set, you can still
+ use the &lt;Tab&gt; key to browse through the list of matching
+ tags.
+ Help keyword(s): tag-regexp, wildmenu
+18. What options are available to control how Vim handles the tags
+ file?
+ You can use the following options to control the handling of tags file
+ by Vim:
+ 1. 'tagrelative' - Controls how the file names in the tags file
+ are treated. When on, the filenames are relative to
+ the directory where the tags file is present.
+ 2. 'taglength' - Controls the number of significant characters
+ used for recognizing a tag.
+ 3. 'tagbsearch' - Controls the method used to search the tags file
+ for a tag. If this option is on, binary search is
+ used to search the tags file. Otherwise, linear search
+ is used.
+ 4. 'tagstack' - Controls how the tag stack is used.
+ Help keyword(s): 'tagrelative', 'taglength', 'tagbsearch',
+ 'tagstack'
+19. Is it possible to highlight all the tags in the current file?
+ Yes. Read the Vim online help on "tag-highlight".
+20. Is it possible to create a menu with all the tags in the current
+ file?
+ Yes. It is possible to create a menu with all the tags in the current
+ file using a Vim script. Download the TagsMenu.vim script from the
+ following link:
+ <A
+ HREF=""></A><BR>
+21. Is there a workaround to make the Ctrl-] key not to be treated as
+ the telnet escape character?
+ The default escape characters for telnet in Unix systems is Ctrl-].
+ While using Vim in a telnet session, if you use Ctrl-] to jump to a tag,
+ you will get the telnet prompt. There are two ways to avoid this problem:
+ 1. Map the telnet escape character to some other character using
+ the "-e &lt;escape character&gt;" telnet command line option
+ 2. Disable the telnet escape character using the "-E" telnet
+ command line option.
+ Help keyword(s): telnet-CTRL-]
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>How do I pipe
+the output from ex commands into the text buffer?</center> <pre> <A
+This is a *request* for a tip. I need to be able to pipe the output of a
+:blah ex command into the vim text buffer for editing. I wanted to do this
+many times for different reasons and could never find a way!
+I would just love to be able to do :hi --&gt; textBuffer and examine the output
+at my own leasure scrolling up and down and using vim search commands on it.
+Same thing for :set all, and other things. Considering that cut and paste
+is horrible in windows, I can't for example do :set guioptions? then cut
+and paste! So I have to retype it, or cut and paste from the help manual.
+I really want to be able to pipe the output of ex commands into the text
+buffer. Can someone help me?
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>Cooperation
+of Gvim and AutoCad [MTEXT]</center> <pre> <A
+You can - like me :o) - use gvim, like replacement of internal AutoCad
+MTEXT editor. You need switch variable MTEXTED to "gvim" (or maybe fullpath,
+something like "c:\vim\vim60aq\gvim" ), and to your _vimrc you can put line:
+autocmd BufRead,BufNewFile *.tmp source c:\vim\aacad.vim
+And when you edit MTEXT in acad, menu AutoCad will be for your use in gvim
+(only in INSERT and VISUAL mode)
+[NOTE: Only I can't start gvim like gvim -y (for any other person, not so
+accustomed vith gvim) or start gvim from gvim.lnk or gvim.bat (I'am using
+windows95) and automatic skip to INSERT mode -latest word star, on end of
+script- is without functionality(?) Maybe someone advise me?? ]
+Well, script aacad.vim is listed here:
+"VIM menu for AutoCad's MTEXT editation "brz;; 8. 8. 2001 " Version Mk.I
+imenu &AutoCad.Insert.Space \~ vmenu &AutoCad.Insert.Space
+&lt;Esc&gt;`&lt;i\~&lt;Esc&gt;% imenu &AutoCad.Insert.Backslash \\
+vmenu &AutoCad.Insert.Backslash &lt;Esc&gt;`&lt;i\\&lt;Esc&gt;% imenu
+&AutoCad.Insert.Brackets \{\}&lt;Esc&gt;F\i vmenu &AutoCad.Insert.Brackets
+&lt;Esc&gt;`&gt;a\}&lt;Esc&gt;`&lt;i\{&lt;Esc&gt;% imenu
+&AutoCad.Insert.Paragraph \P vmenu &AutoCad.Insert.Paragraph
+imenu &AutoCad.-SEP1- :
+imenu &AutoCad.Colour.Red \C1; vmenu &AutoCad.Colour.Red
+&lt;Esc&gt;`&gt;a\C7;&lt;Esc&gt;`&lt;i\C1;&lt;Esc&gt;% imenu
+&AutoCad.Colour.Yellow \C2; vmenu &AutoCad.Colour.Yellow
+&lt;Esc&gt;`&gt;a\C7;&lt;Esc&gt;`&lt;i\C2;&lt;Esc&gt;% imenu
+&AutoCad.Colour.Green \C3; vmenu &AutoCad.Colour.Green
+imenu &AutoCad.Colour.Cyan \C4; vmenu &AutoCad.Colour.Cyan
+imenu &AutoCad.Colour.Blue \C5; vmenu &AutoCad.Colour.Blue
+&lt;Esc&gt;`&gt;a\C7;&lt;Esc&gt;`&lt;i\C5;&lt;Esc&gt;% imenu
+&AutoCad.Colour.Violet \C6; vmenu &AutoCad.Colour.Violet
+imenu &AutoCad.Colour.Black \C7; vmenu &AutoCad.Colour.Black
+&lt;Esc&gt;`&gt;a\C7;&lt;Esc&gt;`&lt;i\C7;&lt;Esc&gt;% imenu
+&AutoCad.Colour.D_Grey \C8; vmenu &AutoCad.Colour.D_Grey
+&lt;Esc&gt;`&gt;a\C7;&lt;Esc&gt;`&lt;i\C8;&lt;Esc&gt;% imenu
+&AutoCad.Colour.L_Grey \C9; vmenu &AutoCad.Colour.L_Grey
+imenu &AutoCad.Font.Arial \fArial; vmenu &AutoCad.Font.Arial
+&lt;Esc&gt;`&lt;i\fArial;&lt;Esc&gt;% imenu &AutoCad.Font.Symbol \Fsymbol;
+vmenu &AutoCad.Font.Symbol &lt;Esc&gt;`&lt;i\Fsymbol;&lt;Esc&gt;%
+imenu &AutoCad.Font.RomanC \Fromanc; imenu &AutoCad.Font.RomanC
+&lt;Esc&gt;`&lt;i\Fromanc;&lt;Esc&gt;% imenu &AutoCad.Font.RomanS \Fromans;
+vmenu &AutoCad.Font.RomanS &lt;Esc&gt;`&lt;i\Fromans;&lt;Esc&gt;%
+imenu &AutoCad.Font.RomanD \Fromand; vmenu &AutoCad.Font.RomanD
+&lt;Esc&gt;`&lt;i\Fromand;&lt;Esc&gt;% imenu &AutoCad.Font.RomanT \Fromant;
+vmenu &AutoCad.Font.RomanT &lt;Esc&gt;`&lt;i\Fromant;&lt;Esc&gt;%
+imenu &AutoCad.Size.0_5x \H0.5x; vmenu &AutoCad.Size.0_5x
+&lt;Esc&gt;`&lt;i\H0.5x;&lt;Esc&gt;% imenu &AutoCad.Size.1_5x \H1.5x; vmenu
+&AutoCad.Size.1_5x &lt;Esc&gt;`&lt;i\H1.5x;&lt;Esc&gt;% imenu &AutoCad.Size.2x
+\H2x; vmenu &AutoCad.Size.2x &lt;Esc&gt;`&lt;i\H2x;&lt;Esc&gt;%
+imenu &AutoCad.Size.3x \H3x; vmenu &AutoCad.Size.3x
+imenu &AutoCad.Effects.Set_Out_1_5 \T1.5; vmenu &AutoCad.Effects.Set_Out_1_5
+&lt;Esc&gt;`&gt;a\T1;&lt;Esc&gt;`&lt;i\T1.5;&lt;Esc&gt;% imenu
+&AutoCad.Effects.Set_Out_2 \T2; vmenu &AutoCad.Effects.Set_Out_2
+imenu &AutoCad.Effects.-SEP3- : imenu
+&AutoCad.Effects.Tilt_15deg \Q15; vmenu &AutoCad.Effects.Tilt_15deg
+&lt;Esc&gt;`&gt;a\Q0;&lt;Esc&gt;`&lt;i\Q10;&lt;Esc&gt;% imenu
+&AutoCad.Effects.Tilt_20deg \Q20; vmenu &AutoCad.Effects.Tilt_20deg
+&lt;Esc&gt;`&gt;a\Q0;&lt;Esc&gt;`&lt;i\Q20;&lt;Esc&gt;% imenu
+&AutoCad.Effects.Tilt_30deg \Q30; vmenu &AutoCad.Effects.Tilt_30deg
+imenu &AutoCad.Effects.-SEP4- : imenu &AutoCad.Effects.Change_Width_0_5x
+\W0.5; vmenu &AutoCad.Effects.Change_Width_0_5x
+&lt;Esc&gt;`&gt;a\W1;&lt;Esc&gt;`&lt;i\W0.5;&lt;Esc&gt;% imenu
+&AutoCad.Effects.Change_Width_2x \W2; vmenu &AutoCad.Effects.Change_Width_2x
+imenu &AutoCad.Effects.-SEP5- : imenu &AutoCad.Effects.Justify_Down \A0;
+vmenu &AutoCad.Effects.Justify_Down &lt;Esc&gt;`&lt;i\A0;&lt;Esc&gt;%
+imenu &AutoCad.Effects.Justify_Middle \A1; vmenu
+&AutoCad.Effects.Justify_Middle &lt;Esc&gt;`&lt;i\A1;&lt;Esc&gt;%
+imenu &AutoCad.Effects.Justify_Up \A2; vmenu &AutoCad.Effects.Justify_Up
+&lt;Esc&gt;`&lt;i\A2;&lt;Esc&gt;% imenu &AutoCad.Effects.Overlined_Characters
+\O\o&lt;Esc&gt;F\i vmenu &AutoCad.Effects.Overlined_Characters
+&lt;Esc&gt;`&gt;a\O&lt;Esc&gt;`&lt;i\o&lt;Esc&gt;% imenu
+&AutoCad.Effects.Underlined_Characters \L\l&lt;Esc&gt;F\i
+vmenu &AutoCad.Effects.Underlined_Characters
+&lt;Esc&gt;`&gt;a\l&lt;Esc&gt;`&lt;i\L&lt;Esc&gt;% imenu
+&AutoCad.Effects.Index_Top \S^;
+imenu &AutoCad.-SEP6- : imenu &AutoCad.Help &lt;CR&gt;&lt;CR&gt;***Quit
+Editor: press Alt-F4 and 'No' ***&lt;CR&gt;&lt;CR&gt;
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>How
+do I add a current time string inside Vim?</center> <pre> <A
+This is a *request* for a tip. Sometimes (eg. editing HTML pages) I need
+to add a timestamp string to my editing buffer. On UNIX systems, I can use
+ :r!date
+to get a localized date time string; but on Windows ('date' on Windows will
+query the user to input new date) or other platforms which does not have
+'date' command, how do I get a timestamp easily?
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>Getting
+vim help from mailing lists and newsgroups.</center> <pre> <A
+There have been a few "requests for tips" entered into the tips database
+lately. If you have specific questions that aren't answered by the existing
+tips, there are a couple of resources that may be more appropriate:
+The mailing list is for vim users. If you send an email
+to, you'll get a message back telling you how
+to subscribe, as well as how to request old messages and contact
+the list maintainer. This mailing list is also archived at <A
+The newsgroup comp.editors discusses many different editors, but most of
+the traffic is about vim. When posting, it is appreciated if you include
+"vim" in the subject line. The comp.editors newsgroup is archived at <A
+Using the tips database for asking questions is not likely to work well.
+For example, if you ask a question titled "Searching for strings in a file"
+and I read this site and see that tip, I'm not going to read it if I already
+know how to search for strings in a file. In comp.editors and,
+people expect to find questions from others and are therefore more likely
+to see your questions.
+After finding the answer to your question, please consider whether it would
+make an appropriate tip, and if so, add it to the tips database.
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>How to
+tell what syntax highlighting group *that* is!</center> <pre> <A
+Here's a (what should be a one-line) map to help you tell just what syntax
+highlighting groups the item under the cursor actually is:
+map &lt;F10&gt; :echo "hi&lt;"
+. synIDattr(synID(line("."),col("."),1),"name") . '&gt; trans&lt;'
+. synIDattr(synID(line("."),col("."),0),"name") . "&gt; lo&lt;"
+. synIDattr(synIDtrans(synID(line("."),col("."),1)),"name") . "&gt;"&lt;CR&gt;
+Once known you can override the current highlighting with whatever you want.
+If you're debugging a syntax highlighting file (a rare occupation), sometimes
+you'll wish to know the entire chain of syntax highlighting. For that,
+check out
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>Jump to
+tag (e.g. help topic) with German keyboard (PC)</center> <pre> <A
+You're a newbie in vim and need some ":help"? Well, help.txt reads:
+"Jump to a subject: Position the cursor on a tag between |bars| and hit
+Unfortunately there is no "]" key on German keyboards. On Win32 try CTRL-+
+(Strg-+), on Linux console I use CTRL-AltGr-9 (Strg-AltGr-9).
+Kind regards
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>Change automatically
+to the directory the file in the current buffer is in</center> <pre> <A
+To change automatically to the directory the file in the current buffer is
+in add a line (below) to the file .vimrc . The file .vimrc should have
+the following if-statement to control the autocmd feature:
+ if has("autocmd")
+ &lt; ... lot of autocmd stuff ... &gt;
+ " Change to the directory the file in your current buffer is in autocmd
+ BufEnter * :cd %:p:h
+ endif " has("autocmd")
+Add the line above the endif and restart vim/gvim.
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>smart
+mapping for tab completion</center> <pre> <A
+I'm used to complete words with &lt;tab&gt;, however when editing source
+I can't just map that to vim keyword completion because I sometime need to
+insert real tabs, since it mostly happen when at the beginning of the line or
+after a ; and before a one line comma (java, c++ or perl anyone...) I've come
+to find the following really usefull This is how you can map the &lt;tab&gt;
+key in insert mode while still being able to use it when at the start of
+a line or when the preceding char is not a keyword character. in a script
+file in a plugin directory or in your .vimrc file: first define a function
+which returns a &lt;tab&gt; or a &lt;C-N&gt; depending on the context:
+function InsertTabWrapper()
+ let col = col('.') - 1 if !col || getline('.')[col - 1] !~ '\k'
+ return "\&lt;tab&gt;"
+ else
+ return "\&lt;c-p&gt;"
+ endif
+then define the appropriate mapping: inoremap &lt;tab&gt;
+the trick here is the use of the &lt;c-r&gt;= in insert mode to be able to
+call your function without leaving insert mode. :help i_CTRL-R Benoit
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>Move
+to next/previous line with same indentation</center> <pre> <A
+When working with Python and other languages which don't use braces, it's
+useful to be able to jump to and from lines which have the same indentation
+as the line you are currently on.
+nn &lt;M-,&gt; k:call search ("^". matchstr (getline (line (".")+ 1),
+'\(\s*\)') ."\\S", 'b')&lt;CR&gt;^ nn &lt;M-.&gt; :call search ("^". matchstr
+(getline (line (".")), '\(\s*\)') ."\\S")&lt;CR&gt;^
+will map Alt-&lt; and Alt-&gt; in Normal mode to upward and downward searching
+for lines with the same indent as the current line.
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>using
+vim to complement Perl's DBI::Shell</center> <pre> <A
+DBI::Shell is a Perl module that is used as a shell interface to Perl's
+popular DBI (database interface) package. Forget your favorite SQL navigation
+gui and give this method a shot. This has only been tested in UNIX.
+1. run dbish (runs DBI::Shell; installed with DBI::Shell) and connect to any
+database 2. in dbish, set /format box 3. enter your query 4. to execute query,
+type "/ | vim -"
+This runs the query and pipes the output to the standard input of vim. Here
+are some follow-up tips: -use gvim instead of vim so a new window will pop
+up -set nowrap once in vim -make a syntax highlighting file for me!
+-Adam Monsen
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim">
+<html><center>combining move and scroll</center> <pre> <A
+I sometimes found myself moving down a few lines with j, then scrolling
+down about the same number of lines with &lt;C-E&gt; to put the cursor in
+roughly the same place as it started. I decided I wanted to map &lt;C-J&gt;
+(and &lt;C-K&gt;, respectively) to the move-and-scroll operation. First, I did
+ :map &lt;C-J&gt; &lt;C-E&gt;j
+This was pretty good, but behaved funny at the beginning and end of files.
+Then, I realized that &lt;C-D&gt; already combined move and scroll, so I
+figured that giving &lt;C-D&gt; a count of 1 would do it:
+ :map &lt;C-J&gt; 1&lt;C-D&gt;
+Unfortunately, this permanently attaches a count to &lt;C-D&gt; (ugh!),
+so I have to undo that:
+ :map &lt;C-J&gt; 1&lt;C-D&gt;:set scroll=0&lt;CR&gt;
+This has the drawback of not necessarily resetting scroll to its original
+value, but since I never change scroll, it's good enough for me. It would be
+nice if there were a version of &lt;C-D&gt; that did not have the side-affect
+of changing scroll.
+Happy vimming, Andrew
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim">
+<html><center>Supersimple one-line solution</center> <pre> <A
+Hallo, next solution for _most_simple_ signature rotater: You can
+only put one line to your .vimrc || _vimrc: map &lt;Leader&gt;ms :e
+Must exist file (from eg above) c:\sign.txt, with content: -- first signature
+-- second signature -- third signature --
+When You finished mail, only call shortcut \ms and 'first signature' will
+be insert in your mail. In c:\sign.txt will be first signature pushed
+to the end of this file. When You want use other signature, only press
+'u' and \ms again (Or You can change \ms to e.g. &lt;F12&gt;, indeed. )
+You can change this and append one part like 'basic' from command and
+append 'changing' part from .signature file, as you like... Ok, one
+unpleasant thing is here: your signature must not contain '--' (signature
+separator)... Anyhow, I find it useful brz* &lt;; <A
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim">
+<html><center>convert enum to string table</center> <pre> <A
+When testing your own C/C++ programs you sometimes wish to have a trace output,
+which shows you, which enum value is used. You can do this by creating
+a string table for that enum type, which contains the enum identifyer as
+a string. e.g. printf ("%s", MyEnumStringTable [ MyEnumVal] );
+You can create the complete string table by - marking the lines containing
+the complete typedef enum - select menu C/C++.transform enum2Stringtab
+You can create string table entries by - marking the lines within the typedef
+enum - select menu C/C++.transform enum2String
+This makes it easy to keep the enum (on changes) consistent to the string
+Add the following lines to your _GVIMRC file: 31amenu C/C++.transform\
+enum2Stringtab :s#[ ]*\\(\\w\\+\\)#/* \\1 */
+"\\1"#&lt;CR&gt;o};&lt;ESC&gt;uOstatic const char* const Names[] =
+{&lt;ESC&gt;&lt;CR&gt;/sdfsdf&lt;CR&gt; 31vmenu C/C++.transform\ enum2Stringtab
+:s#[ ]*\\(\\w\\+\\)#/* \\1 */ "\\1"#&lt;CR&gt;o};&lt;ESC&gt;uOstatic
+const char* const Names[] = {&lt;ESC&gt;&lt;CR&gt;/sdfsdf&lt;CR&gt;
+31amenu C/C++.transform\ enum2String :s#[ ]*\\(\\w\\+\\)#/*
+\\1 */ "\\1"#&lt;CR&gt;o}&lt;ESC&gt;/sdfsdf&lt;CR&gt; 31vmenu
+C/C++.transform\ enum2String :s#[ ]*\\(\\w\\+\\)#/* \\1 */
+hint: '/sdfsdf' is added for deactivating search highlighting, ok, you'll
+sure find a better way to do this.
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>Toggle
+a fold with a single keystroke</center> <pre> <A
+When viewing/editing a folded file, it is often needed to inspect/close
+some fold. To speed up these operation use the following (put in your
+" Toggle fold state between closed and opened. " " If there is no fold at
+current line, just moves forward. " If it is present, reverse it's state.
+fun! ToggleFold()
+ if foldlevel('.') == 0
+ normal! l
+ else
+ if foldclosed('.') &lt; 0
+ . foldclose
+ else
+ . foldopen
+ endif
+ endif " Clear status line echo
+" Map this function to Space key. noremap &lt;space&gt; :call
+See :help folding for more information about folding.
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim">
+<html><center>jump between files</center> <pre> <A
+Often I know I'm likely to edit many files. I run 'vim *.pl' and get a whole
+bunch of open files.
+To make jumping between files to a pleasure, I defined to mapss:
+map &lt;f1&gt; :previous&lt;cr&gt; map &lt;f2&gt; :next&lt;cr&gt;
+Press F1 to go back and F2 to go forward.
+-- Kirill
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim">
+<html><center>text-&gt;html table converter.</center> <pre> <A
+Below are two functions and a mapping which will convert lines of plain
+text into HTML table code. For example, you have several lines like:
+----------------------------------------------- 1 2 3
+4 5 6 --------------------------------------------------- by visualizing
+all the 7 lines and press &lt;F5&gt;, you can change the text into
+ &lt;td&gt;1&lt;/td&gt; &lt;td&gt;2&lt;/td&gt; &lt;td&gt;3&lt;/td&gt;
+ &lt;td&gt;4&lt;/td&gt; &lt;td&gt;5&lt;/td&gt; &lt;td&gt;6&lt;/td&gt;
+&lt;/tr&gt;&lt;/table&gt; which will eventually render into a table. So the
+rule is: Every line is a table item, every empty line means starting of a
+new table row.
+"A text-&gt;html table code converter "By: Wenzhi Liang
+"You can distribute/change this file freely as long as you keep the title
+area. Thanks
+func Table()
+ let end=line("'&gt;") let start=line("'&lt;") let i=start
+ wh i &lt;= end
+ exe ":" . i let e=Empty() if e == 1
+ exe "normal I&lt;/tr&gt;&lt;tr&gt;"
+ else
+ exe "normal I&lt;td&gt;A&lt;/td&gt;&gt;&gt;"
+ endif let i=i+1
+ endwh
+ exe "normal o&lt;/tr&gt;&lt;/table&gt;&lt;&lt;" exe ":" . start exe
+ "normal O&lt;table&gt;&lt;tr&gt;&lt;&lt;"
+vmap &lt;F5&gt; &lt;ESC&gt;:call Table()&lt;CR&gt;
+func Empty()
+ let line_nr= line (".") let a=getline ( line_nr ) let m=match(a,
+ "\\S") if m == -1
+ return 1
+ else
+ return 0
+ endif
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>Printing with
+syntax highlighting independent of your normal highlighting</center> <pre> <A
+I have found it undesirable to use :hardcopy directly because it uses the
+current syntax highlighting to determine how to print the text. For example,
+I like to print comments in italics, but I don't like italic fonts on the
+screen. This tip will show you how to set up a colorscheme for printing and
+use it only when you print.
+I copied an existing colorscheme to ~/.vim/colors/print.vim, and changed
+all the lines like this:
+ highlight Normal ctermbg=DarkGrey ctermfg=White guifg=White guibg=grey20
+to this:
+ highlight clear Normal
+Then I set the syntax groups how I wanted them to be printed on the printer:
+ highlight Comment term=italic cterm=italic gui=italic highlight
+ Constant term=bold cterm=bold gui=bold etc....
+I then defined the following command in my .vimrc file:
+command! -nargs=* Hardcopy call DoMyPrint("&lt;args&gt;")
+And, finally, I defined this function in my .vimrc:
+function DoMyPrint(args)
+ let colorsave=g:colors_name color print exec "hardcopy ".a:args exec
+ 'color '.colorsave
+After this is complete, you can do:
+ :Hardcopy &gt; /tmp/
+or just
+ :Hardcopy
+(Note the capital H)
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>Back
+and forth between indented lines again</center> <pre> <A
+Paul Wright posted a tip which explained how to jump back and forth between
+lines with the same indentation level. I do this a lot, so I came up with
+this slightly more comprehensive solution.
+The example mappings below work as follows:
+[l and ]l jump to the previous or the next line with the same indentation
+level as the one you're currently on.
+[L and ]L jump to the previous or the next line with an indentation level
+lower than the line you're currently on.
+These movements also work in visual mode and (only as of one of the 6.0 alpha
+versions) in operator pending mode, meaning that you can do a d]l. The motion
+is specified as being exclusive when in operator pending mode.
+When might you use this? If you're writing programs in Python, Haskell,
+or editing XML files, they will be very useful. E.g. in XML you can jump to
+the outer enclosing tag, or the next matching tag. I use it for practically
+anything I edit, so it's not limited to this.
+" " NextIndent() " " Jump to the next or previous line that has the same level
+or a lower " level of indentation than the current line. " " exclusive (bool):
+true: Motion is exclusive " false: Motion is inclusive "
+fwd (bool): true: Go to next line " false: Go to
+previous line " lowerlevel (bool): true: Go to line with lower indentation
+level " false: Go to line with the same indentation level
+" skipblanks (bool): true: Skip blank lines " false:
+Don't skip blank lines
+function! NextIndent(exclusive, fwd, lowerlevel, skipblanks)
+ let line = line('.') let column = col('.') let lastline = line('$')
+ let indent = indent(line) let stepvalue = a:fwd ? 1 : -1
+ while (line &gt; 0 && line &lt;= lastline)
+ let line = line + stepvalue if ( ! a:lowerlevel &&
+ indent(line) == indent ||
+ \ a:lowerlevel && indent(line) &lt; indent)
+ if (! a:skipblanks || strlen(getline(line)) &gt; 0)
+ if (a:exclusive)
+ let line = line - stepvalue
+ endif exe line exe "normal " column . "|"
+ return
+ endif
+ endif
+ endwhile
+" Moving back and forth between lines of same or lower indentation.
+nnoremap &lt;silent&gt; [l :call NextIndent(0, 0, 0, 1)&lt;cr&gt;
+nnoremap &lt;silent&gt; ]l :call NextIndent(0, 1, 0, 1)&lt;cr&gt;
+nnoremap &lt;silent&gt; [L :call NextIndent(0, 0, 1, 1)&lt;cr&gt;
+nnoremap &lt;silent&gt; ]L :call NextIndent(0, 1, 1, 1)&lt;cr&gt; vnoremap
+&lt;silent&gt; [l &lt;esc&gt;:call NextIndent(0, 0, 0, 1)&lt;cr&gt;m'gv''
+vnoremap &lt;silent&gt; ]l &lt;esc&gt;:call NextIndent(0, 1, 0,
+1)&lt;cr&gt;m'gv'' vnoremap &lt;silent&gt; [L &lt;esc&gt;:call NextIndent(0, 0,
+1, 1)&lt;cr&gt;m'gv'' vnoremap &lt;silent&gt; ]L &lt;esc&gt;:call NextIndent(0,
+1, 1, 1)&lt;cr&gt;m'gv'' onoremap &lt;silent&gt; [l :call NextIndent(0, 0, 0,
+1)&lt;cr&gt; onoremap &lt;silent&gt; ]l :call NextIndent(0, 1, 0, 1)&lt;cr&gt;
+onoremap &lt;silent&gt; [L :call NextIndent(1, 0, 1, 1)&lt;cr&gt; onoremap
+&lt;silent&gt; ]L :call NextIndent(1, 1, 1, 1)&lt;cr&gt;
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>Translator
+in vim (Windows solution)</center> <pre> <A
+Hallo, today I found script "translate.vim", but on Windows this will be
+probably difficult to run it (maybe with Cygwin is it possible). I've simpler
+solution of keymap for vim interlacing to dictionary: Must exist file with
+vocabulary (e.g. "an-cs.txt"), which is called for word under cursor. In
+'normal' is only displayed window with translations, in 'insert' is word
+under cursor deleted and is insert selected form of word from translantion
+window (select it by mouse and than press right button: It works fine on
+W2k). Key _F12_ is looking for "word", shifted _S-F12_ is looking for
+"pattern". For windows is needed agrep, which is localy placed on <A
+map &lt;F12&gt; b"*yw&lt;Esc&gt;:! c:/bin/agrep -wih
+&lt;C-R&gt;* "c:/dict/an-cs.txt"&lt;CR&gt; imap &lt;F12&gt;
+&lt;Esc&gt;b"*yw&lt;Esc&gt;:! c:/bin/agrep -wih &lt;C-R&gt;*
+"c:/dict/an-cs.txt"&lt;CR&gt;dwi &lt;C-R&gt;* map &lt;S-F12&gt;
+b"*yw&lt;Esc&gt;:! c:/bin/agrep -ih &lt;C-R&gt;* "c:/dict/an-cs.txt"&lt;CR&gt;
+imap &lt;S-F12&gt; &lt;Esc&gt;b"*yw&lt;Esc&gt;:! c:/bin/agrep -ih &lt;C-R&gt;*
+"c:/dict/an-cs.txt"&lt;CR&gt;dwi &lt;C-R&gt;*
+brz* &lt;;
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim">
+<html><center>Browsing by paragraph</center> <pre> <A
+It can be done by reaching the blank lines in up and down directions just
+by pressing
+{ ---- For going to the blank line above the paragraph } ---- For
+going to the blank line below the paragraph
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim">
+<html><center>Browsing by paragraph</center> <pre> <A
+It can be done by reaching the blank lines in up and down directions just
+by pressing
+{ ---- For going to the blank line above the paragraph } ---- For
+going to the blank line below the paragraph
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>Search all
+occurances of the word under cursor in all the open files</center> <pre> <A
+Sometimes it is useful to know all the occurances of the word under cursor in
+all the open files. This can be done by pressing [I ( bracket and capital I )
+. it shows the results found in the command window.
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>FAST
+Searching for a word across the project wastes most of the
+developres time, which can be avoided by the use of GNU Id_utils
+with VIM. The procedure needs to be followed is as follows:
+download GNU idutils 3.2d (mkid,lid,fid,fnid,xtokid) from <A
+uncompress and store these files in the directory from where vim is running.
+goto the top level directory of the project, and run mkid, it will create ID
+file in that directory (As it is time consuming process, so be patient). copy
+this file ID to the directory from where vim is running.
+Put these lines in your .vimrc:
+ map _u :call ID_search()&lt;Bar&gt;execute "/\\&lt;" . g:word
+ . "\\&gt;"&lt;CR&gt; map _n :n&lt;Bar&gt;execute "/\\&lt;" . g:word
+ . "\\&gt;"&lt;CR&gt;
+ function ID_search()
+ let g:word = expand("&lt;cword&gt;") let x = system("lid --key=none
+ ". g:word) let x = substitute(x, "\n", " ", "g") execute "next " . x
+ endfun
+To use it, place the cursor on a word, type "_u" and vim will load the file
+that contains the word. Search for the next ocurance of the word in the
+same file with "n". Go to the next file with "_n".
+The mapping of "_u" and "_n" can be done to some other key as per your
+preference but I use ^K and ^L for this purpose.
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>Configuring
+gVim as Internet Explorer 'View Source' editor</center> <pre> <A
+Within the registry, you can specify the source editor to be used by Internet
+Explorer when {View|Source} is selected. Unfortunately, you can't specify a
+quoted filename argument here, i.e. "%1". The editor specified is supposed
+to handle filenames which contain spaces. This will cause problems for
+Vim because Vim treats each space as an argument separator. If an unquoted
+filename contains spaces, Vim treats the filename as multiple arguments and
+will open multiple files instead of one. To workaround this problem a quoted
+filename has to be passed to Vim. This can be done by creating the following
+Visual Basic Script file gVim.vbs:
+'--- gVim.vbs -----------------------------------------------------------------
+'function: Start gvim, combining multiple arguments to single file argument.
+'changes: 20010905: Quoted 'oWShell.Run' filename argument, allowing spaces.
+' 20010518: Created. 'author: Freddy Vulto &lt;;
+ ' Making variable declaration mandatory
+option explicit
+dim oWShell, sArg, sFile
+ ' Create script object
+set oWShell = CreateObject("")
+ ' Loop through arguments
+for each sArg in wscript.arguments
+ ' Add argument to filename
+ sFile = sFile & sArg & " "
+ ' Remove excess space
+sFile = Trim(sFile)
+ ' Run Vim with file argument. Additional arguments: ' -R: View file
+ readonly ' -c "set syntax=html": Use HTML syntax-highlighting ' NOTE:
+ Use "-c ""set ft=html""" to make it work for Vim v6.
+oWShell.Run _
+ """D:\Programs\Vim\Vim58\gvim.exe """ & _ "-R """ & sFile & """ " & _
+ "-c ""set syntax=html"""
+ ' Destroy script object
+set oWShell = NOTHING
+The source editor now can be specified by adding the following key to the
+ |- Microsoft
+ |- Internet Explorer
+ |- View Source Editor
+ |- Editor Name (Default) = D:\Programs\Vim\gvim.vbs
+Freddy Vulto &lt;; <A
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim">
+<html><center>Explorer startup and shutdown</center> <pre> <A
+I really like the new explorer window, but I wanted it to function a little
+more seemlessly in the editor. The following code does two things. First,
+the explorer is started when vim is started. I also noticed and fixed
+that the explorers size is not equal to the window size, hence the strange
+behavior when popping between two windows. The other major function of
+the code is to close the explorer when it's the only window that's left.
+I'd actually like to take this a step further and close the window if the
+last _document_ window is closed. I'd prefer that multiple explorers or help
+windows don't keep the application running - only having a file open keeps the
+application running. But I didn't see an easy way to do this... anyone else?
+BTW, thank you Bram for the help figuring this out.
+Code (which currently lives in my _vimrc):
+" FILE BROWSER STARTUP func OpenFileWindow()
+ " :runtime plugin/*.vim " this would be useful if you were
+ calling this
+ " function from the .vimrc directly
+ let g:explDetailedList=1 " show size and date by default let
+ g:explVertical=1 " Split vertically let g:explStartRight=0
+ " Put new explorer window to the left of the current window :Sexplore
+ set nonu set winwidth=15 " Make the width of the window match
+ the explorer setting "let g:explVertical=0 " Split vertically
+ doautocmd fileExplorer BufEnter " Forces the directory refresh to
+ occur :winc l " change to the document window
+func CloseIfLast()
+ if exists("b:completePath") " this is how I determine that I'm
+ in an explorer window
+ let n = winnr() wincmd p if n == winnr()
+ quit " quit the window
+ endif wincmd p
+ endif
+if has("autocmd")
+ if !exists("rudyautocommands")
+ let rudyautocommands = 1 autocmd VimEnter * call
+ OpenFileWindow() autocmd WinEnter * call CloseIfLast()
+ endif
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>Compiling
+Java with Sun JDK (javac) within VIM</center> <pre> <A
+The $VIMRUNTIME/compiler has 'jikes.vim', but there's nothing for traditional
+Sun JDK(javac), so I tried (Only tested on Win 2000):
+" Vim Compiler File javac.vim " Compiler: Sun/IBM JDK: Javac
+if exists("current_compiler")
+ finish
+endif let current_compiler = "javac"
+" Javac defaults to printing output on stderr and no options can convert,
+so we have to set 'shellpipe' setlocal shellpipe=2&gt; " 2&gt; works on Win
+NT and UNIX setlocal makeprg=javac\ #&lt;.java setlocal errorformat=%f:%l:%m
+" Sorry I'm not familiar with 'errorformat', so I set it very simple.
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>Using
+vim as a syntax-highlighting pager</center> <pre> <A
+If you want to use Vim's syntax highlighting in a "more"-style pager, here's
+one way to set it up:
+First, create a vimrc like the following -- I called mine ~/.vimrc.more
+---8&lt;---cut here---8&lt;--- " No compatibility -- necessary for mappings
+to work. set nocompatible
+" Status line set laststatus=0 set cmdheight=1 set nomodifiable "
+Only in version 6.0 set readonly
+" Syntax colouring -- lines taken from syntax.txt discussion on colour xterms.
+" See ':help color-xterm'. Use appropriate lines for your own set-up.
+if has("terminfo")
+ set t_Co=16 set t_Sf=[3%p1%dm set t_Sb=[4%p1%dm
+ set t_Co=16 set t_Sf=[3%dm set t_Sb=[4%dm
+endif " My xterms have a navy-blue background, so I need this line too.
+set background=dark " Turn syntax on syntax on
+" Key bindings. nmap b &lt;C-B&gt;&lt;C-G&gt; nmap q :q&lt;CR&gt; " To
+type the following line, type *two* C-V's followed by two spaces. This "
+is how you map the spacebar. nmap ^V &lt;C-F&gt;&lt;C-G&gt; ---8&lt;---cut
+Then, to use this .vimrc, add an alias. If you're using tcsh, the syntax
+will be something like:
+alias vmore "vim -u ~/.vimrc.more"
+Then you can type "vmore [filename]" to view a file in this "pager". Spacebar
+will move down, 'b' will move back up, and 'q' quits. You can add mappings
+for other keys if you want to, also.
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>Skip
+blank lines when folding text.</center> <pre> <A
+I love the text folding capabilities of vim. I didn't like that it would
+display the first line of the range as the "title" for the fold. I like
+to write my comments with the "/*" on a line by itself. So I wrote this
+little function that will skip over anything that isn't a character, and
+then display whatever it finds after that character.
+Just include this in your ~/.vimrc (or ~/.gvimrc):
+function GetFirstLineWithChars()
+ let line_num = 0 let charline = matchstr(getline(v:foldstart),
+ '[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z ]*') while strlen(charline) == 0
+ let line_num = line_num + 1 let charline =
+ matchstr(getline(v:foldstart + line_num), '[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z ]*')
+ endw return charline
+endfunction set
+set fillchars=fold: hi folded guibg=black guifg=yellow gui=bold
+And as an added bonus, for those new to text folding, add this to your .vimrc
+file too:
+autocmd BufWinLeave *.* mkview autocmd BufWinEnter *.* silent loadview
+That way whatever folds you set won't get lost when you quit. I had that
+happen after spending 15 minutes folding up a 3000+ line file. Happy vimming!
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>use
+functionality similar to the * search on multiple files</center> <pre> <A
+The use of star as in vimtip#1 and vimtip#5 is great, here is how to use
+this type of search accross a whole directory: Just add the mappings (or
+choose different letter combinations): map gr :grep &lt;cword&gt; *&lt;cr&gt;
+map gr :grep &lt;cword&gt; %:p:h/*&lt;cr&gt; map gR :grep \b&lt;cword&gt;\b
+*&lt;cr&gt; map GR :grep \b&lt;cword&gt;\b %:p:h/*&lt;cr&gt;
+mapping one will search for the word under the cursor (like g*) in any of
+the files in the current directory mapping two will search for the word
+under the cursor (like g*) in any of the files in the same directory as the
+current file mapping three will search for the word under the cursor by itself
+(i.e. surrounded by word boundary like *) in any of the files in the current
+directory mapping four will search for the word under the cursor by itself
+(i.e. surrounded by word boundary like *) in any of the files in the same
+directory as the current file
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim">
+<html><center>Number a group of lines</center> <pre> <A
+Below is a way to number a set of lines. Here is an exaple before and
+after snapshot:
+apple bob pear tree
+1 apple 2 bob 3 pear 4 tree
+" Description: " This provides a command and a function. They both can be
+called with or " without a range. In addition, they can be called with or
+without " arguments. Without a range they operate on the current line. " "
+There are two supported arguments. They are described below: " arg1 -&gt;
+the number to start at. The default is one. This will " number
+your selected lines sequentially. The start can be a " number,
+., $, or, 'x (like getline). " arg2 -&gt; Text to append after numbers.
+The default is a space. " " Examples: " To provide your functionality:
+" :%Nlist 20 " :%call Nlist(20) " To make a list start at
+1: " :'&lt;,'&gt;Nlist " :'&lt;,'&gt;call Nlist() " To
+number the whole buffer (with it's actual line number): " :%Nlist "
+:%call Nlist() " To number a subset of lines with their line number (and
+put a '] ' in " front of every number): " :'&lt;,'&gt;Nlist . ]\
+" :'&lt;,'&gt;call Nlist(".", "] ")
+command! -nargs=* -range Nlist &lt;line1&gt;,&lt;line2&gt;call
+Nlist(&lt;f-args&gt;) function! Nlist(...) range
+ if 2 == a:0
+ let start = a:1 let append = a:2
+ elseif 1 == a:0
+ let start = a:1 let append = " "
+ else
+ let start = 1 let append = " "
+ endif
+ " try to work like getline (i.e. allow the user to pass in . $ or 'x)
+ if 0 == (start + 0)
+ let start = line(start)
+ endif
+ exe a:firstline . "," . a:lastline
+ . 's/^/\=line(".")-a:firstline+start.append/'
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim">
+<html><center>Auto commenting for "}"</center> <pre> <A
+I always wanted a script that would auto-comment the end of a conditional
+block. So, I wrote one. This function searches for the previous matching
+"{", grabs the line, and inserts it as a comment after the "}". If there
+is no previous matching "{", it inserts nothing.
+ if (test){
+will generate:
+ } // if (test)
+This is obviously not work if you use a different style. If you use
+ if (test) {
+then substituting 'getline(".")', use 'getline(line(".") - 1)' should work.
+Put the following in your .vimrc: au BufNewFile,BufRead *.c,*.cc,*.C,*.h
+imap } &lt;ESC&gt;:call CurlyBracket()&lt;CR&gt;a
+function CurlyBracket()
+ let l:my_linenum = line(".") iunmap } sil exe "normal i}" imap }
+ &lt;ESC&gt;:call CurlyBracket()&lt;CR&gt; let l:result1 = searchpair('{',
+ '', '}', 'bW') if (result1 &gt; 0)
+ let l:my_string = substitute(getline("."), '^\s*\(.*\){', '\1', "")
+ sil exe ":" . l:my_linenum sil exe "normal a //" . l:my_string
+ endif
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>how do
+I get rid of that bold stuff with my xterm?</center> <pre> <A
+Having problems setting up your syntax highlighting because everything is
+coming up in bold?
+You're probably using an 8 color xterm and setting up highlighting lines such
+as hi Normal ... ctermfg=green . The solution: use numbers! 0=black, 1=red,
+2=green, 3=yellow, 4=blue, 5=magenta, 6=cyan, and 7=white. Vim tries to use
+"bright" colors when its given names (because Windoz machines prefer to use
+dim text unless its been made bold).
+Read more about it under :help highlight-ctermfg .
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim">
+<html><center>Preview HTML files quickly</center> <pre> <A
+I've found while writing HTML files that it can become cumbersome when I have
+to switch to a web browser, load my page, and move back to VIM regularly to
+preview what I've written. I've come up with the following tricks.
+The first one requires that you have lynx (the text-based browser) installed
+on your computer (available from <A HREF="
+If your HTML page is primarily text, with few (if any) images, you can
+set up the following function and mapping:">
+If your HTML page is primarily text, with few (if any) images, you can set
+up the following function and mapping:</A><BR>
+ function PreviewHTML_TextOnly()
+ let l:fname = expand("%:p" ) new set buftype=nofile nonumber exe "%!lynx
+ " . l:fname . " -dump -nolist -underscore -width " . winwidth( 0 )
+ endfunction
+ map &lt;Leader&gt;pt :call PreviewHTML_TextOnly()&lt;CR&gt;
+This will open a new window and display your formatted HTML document in
+that window. Note that bold-face, italics, links, etc. will be lost --
+all you will see is the text -- but the "-underscore" parameter to Lynx
+causes any text that would have been bold, italicized, or underlined to be
+displayed like _this_.
+The other trick requires that vim be running on your current machine, and that
+you be running a GUI of some sort (X-Windows, Windows, etc.). You can cause
+vim to invoke your favorite browser and have it display the file, like this:
+ function PreviewHTML_External()
+ exe "silent !mozilla -remote \"openurl(file://" . expand( "%:p" ) . ")\""
+ endfunction
+ map &lt;Leader&gt;pp :call PreviewHTML_External()&lt;CR&gt;
+If you don't use mozilla, you will need to modify the function to use your
+preferred browser.
+Happy vimming!
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>grep,
+diff, patch, idutils, etc. for Windows systems</center> <pre> <A
+ If you use Vim on Windows, and you wish you had some of those nifty
+ UNIX command-line tools,
+but do not feel like installing all of Cygwin, you
+can get many of the most-used tools from Ron Aaron's web site: <A
+Since Ron is a big Vim fan (see <A
+HREF=" ) you can count
+on"> ) you can count on</A><BR>
+these tools' working well with Vim. For some hints on how to use them,
+read :help :grep :help lid inside Vim.
+ Happy Vimming!
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>Removing
+automatic comment leaders</center> <pre> <A
+ If you include the "r" flag in the 'formatoptions' option (:help 'fo'
+ , :help fo-table ) then the comment leader is inserted
+automatically when you start a new line in a comment. For example, in TeX
+the "%" character is the comment leader, and you might type
+% This is a tex file. % The comment leaders on all lines but the first
+were generated automatically. % This is the last line of the comment,
+but Vim will insert the comment leader on the next line. %
+You can get rid of the comment leader (along with anything you may already
+have typed on the line) without affecting the indent, if any, by typing
+"&lt;C-U&gt;" while in Insert mode.
+ Related point: if you want to adjust the indent while in Insert mode,
+ you can use "&lt;C-D&gt;" (to Decrease the indent)
+or "&lt;C-T&gt;" (to increase it). In the docs for Vim 6.0, this is described
+in the users' manual, :help 30.4 .
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim">
+<html><center>disabling default ftplugins</center> <pre> <A
+ For an overview of ftplugins (filetype plugins) see
+:help ftplugins
+If you want to disable all ftplugins, or disable a particular default
+ftplugin, see
+:help :filetype :help ftplugin-overrule
+If you have your own ftplugins, and you want to disable all the default
+ones, then do NOT include a check for b:did_ftplugin in your ftplugin files,
+and add the line
+:autocmd BufEnter * let b:did_ftplugin = 1
+to your VIMRC file, BEFORE the ":filetype ftplugin on" line.
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim">
+<html><center>Scroll alternate window</center> <pre> <A
+This mapping allow you to quickly scroll inactive window when displaying
+several windows concurrently.
+nmap &lt;silent&gt; &lt;M-Down&gt; :call ScrollOtherWindow("down")&lt;CR&gt;
+nmap &lt;silent&gt; &lt;M-Up&gt; :call ScrollOtherWindow("up")&lt;CR&gt;
+fun! ScrollOtherWindow(dir)
+ if a:dir == "down"
+ let move = "\&lt;C-E&gt;"
+ elseif a:dir == "up"
+ let move = "\&lt;C-Y&gt;"
+ endif exec "normal \&lt;C-W&gt;p" . move . "\&lt;C-W&gt;p"
+PS: Original idea and discussion of this tip appeared on mailing
+list, I'm just prettified it a little.
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim">
+<html><center>window zooming convenience</center> <pre> <A
+i frequently have multiple windows open in vim -- this reduces the number
+of lines each window displays -- i almost always have my windows either all
+the same size or the current one as big as possible.
+the following function can be toggled on or off by typing &lt;Leader&gt;max
+(i can do this quite quickly); just change the mapping at the bottom to
+something else if you prefer.
+this causes the current window to be as big as possible (moving into another
+window causes that one to become big) and all the others get very small.
+i actually use this ALL the time. turning it off (by typing the hotkey
+sequence again) will cause all windows to have the same height.
+"toggles whether or not the current window is automatically zoomed
+function! ToggleMaxWins ()
+ if exists ('g:windowMax')
+ au! maxCurrWin exe "normal \&lt;c-w&gt;=" unlet g:windowMax
+ else
+ augroup maxCurrWin " au BufEnter * exe "normal
+ \&lt;c-w&gt;_\&lt;c-w&gt;\&lt;bar&gt;" " " only max it vertically
+ au! BufEnter * exe "normal \&lt;c-w&gt;_" augroup END do maxCurrWin
+ BufEnter let g:windowMax=1
+ endif
+endfunction map &lt;Leader&gt;max :call ToggleMaxWins ()&lt;CR&gt;
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim">
+<html><center>Windo and Bufdo</center> <pre> <A
+i like bufdo and windo but i don't like the fact that the commands end in
+a different window/buffer than from where i executed them. these versions
+(starts with a capital letter) will restore the current window or buffer
+when the command's done.
+for example, to turn on line numbers everywhere, i use :Windo set nu --
+:windo set nu does the trick also but leaves me in a different window than
+where i started.
+" just like windo but restores the current window when it's done
+function! WinDo(command)
+ let currwin=winnr() execute 'windo ' . a:command execute currwin . 'wincmd w'
+endfunction com! -nargs=+ -complete=command Windo call WinDo(&lt;q-args&gt;)
+" just like bufdo but restores the current buffer when it's done
+function! BufDo(command)
+ let currBuff=bufnr("%") execute 'bufdo ' . a:command execute 'buffer '
+ . currBuff
+endfunction com! -nargs=+ -complete=command Bufdo call BufDo(&lt;q-args&gt;)
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim">
+<html><center>View Source in IE6 using VIM</center> <pre> <A
+You can change the "View Source" editor of IE6 by adding the following to
+the Windows Registry. Change the path in case you installed VIM in another
+[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\View Source
+Editor\Editor Name] @="C:\\vim\\vim60\\gvim.exe"
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim">
+<html><center>Vim buffer FAQ</center> <pre> <A
+Vim provides various commands and options to support editing multiple buffers.
+This document covers some of the questions asked about using multiple buffers
+with Vim. You can get more detailed information about Vim buffer support using
+":help windows.txt" in Vim. You can also use the help keywords mentioned in
+this document to read more about a particular command or option. To read more
+about a particular command or option use, ":help &lt;helpkeyword&gt;" in Vim.
+1. What is a Vim buffer?
+ A buffer is a file loaded into memory for editing. All opened files
+ are associated with a buffer. There are also buffers not associated with
+ any file.
+ Help keyword(s): windows-intro
+2. How do I identify a buffer?
+ Vim buffers are identified using a name and a number. The name of the
+ buffer is the name of the file associated with that buffer. The buffer
+ number is a unique sequential number assigned by Vim. This buffer number
+ will not change in a single Vim session.
+ Help keyword(s): :buffers
+3. How do I create a buffer?
+ When you open a file using any of the Vim commands, a buffer is
+ automatically created. For example, if you use the ":edit file" command
+ to edit a file, a new buffer is automatically created.
+4. How do I add a new buffer for a file to the buffer list without opening
+ the file? You can add a new buffer for a file without opening it, using
+ the ":badd" ex command. For example,
+ :badd f1.txt :badd f2.txt
+ The above commands will add two new buffers for the files f1.txt and
+ f2.txt to the buffer list.
+ Help keyword(s): :badd
+5. How do I get a list of all the existing buffers?
+ You can get a list of all the existing buffers using the ":buffers" or
+ ":ls" or ":files" ex command. This list is called the 'buffer list'.
+ In Vim 6.0, to display all the buffers including unlisted buffers, use the
+ ":buffers!" or ":ls!" or ":files!" ex command.
+ Help keyword(s): :buffers, :ls, :files
+6. How do I delete a buffer?
+ You can delete a buffer using the ":bdelete" ex command. You can use either
+ the buffer name or the buffer number to specify a buffer. For example,
+ :bdelete f1.txt :bdelete 4
+ The above commands will delete the buffer named "f1.txt" and the fourth
+ buffer in the buffer list. The ":bdelete" command will remove the buffer
+ from the buffer list.
+ In Vim 6.0, when a buffer is deleted, the buffer becomes an unlisted-buffer
+ and is no longer included in the buffer list. But the buffer name and other
+ information associated with the buffer is still remembered. To completely
+ delete the buffer, use the ":bwipeout" ex command. This command will remove
+ the buffer completely (i.e. the buffer will not become a unlisted buffer).
+ Help keyword(s): :bdelete, :bwipeout
+7. How do I delete multiple buffers?
+ You can delete multiple buffers in several ways:
+ 1. Pass a range argument to the ":bdelete" command. For example,
+ :3,5bdelete
+ This command will delete the buffers 3, 4 and 5.
+ 2. Pass multiple buffer names to the ":bdelete" command. For example,
+ :bdelete buf1.txt buf2.c buf3.h
+ This command will delete buf1.txt, buf2.c and buf3.h buffers. In this
+ example, after typing ":bdelete buf", you can press &lt;Ctrl-A&gt;
+ to expand all the buffer names starting with 'buf'.
+ Help keyword(s): :bdelete, :bwipeout
+8. How do I remove a buffer from a window?
+ You can remove a buffer displayed in a window in several ways:
+ 1. Close the window or edit another buffer/file in that window. 2. Use
+ the ":bunload" ex command. This command will remove the buffer
+ from the window and unload the buffer contents from memory. The buffer
+ will not be removed from the buffer list.
+ Help keyword(s): :bunload
+9. How do I edit an existing buffer from the buffer list?
+ You can edit or jump to a buffer in the buffer list in several ways:
+ 1. Use the ":buffer" ex command passing the name of an existing buffer
+ or the buffer number. Note that buffer name completion can be used
+ here by pressing the &lt;Tab&gt; key.
+ 2. You can enter the buffer number you want to jump/edit and press the
+ Ctrl-^ key.
+ 3. Use the ":sbuffer" ex command passing the name of the buffer or the
+ buffer number. Vim will split open a new window and open the specified
+ buffer in that window.
+ 4. You can enter the buffer number you want to jump/edit and press the
+ Ctrl-W ^ or Ctrl-W Ctrl-^ keys. This will open the specified buffer
+ in a new window.
+ Help keyword(s): :buffer, :sbuffer, CTRL-W_^, CTRL-^
+10. How do I browse through all the available buffers?
+ You can browse through the buffers in the buffer list in several ways:
+ 1. To jump to the first buffer in the buffer list, use the ":bfirst" or
+ ":brewind" ex command.
+ 2. To jump to the first buffer in the buffer list in a new window, use
+ the ":sbfirst" or ":sbrewind" ex command.
+ 3. To edit the next buffer in the buffer list, use the ":bnext" ex
+ command.
+ 4. To open the next buffer in the buffer list in a new window, use the
+ ":sbnext" ex command.
+ 5. To edit the previous buffer in the buffer list, use the ":bprevious"
+ or ":bNext" ex command.
+ 6. To open the previous buffer in the buffer list in a new window, use
+ the ":sbprevious" or ":sbNext" ex command.
+ 7. To open the last buffer in the buffer list, use the ":blast" ex
+ command.
+ 8. To open the last buffer in the buffer list in a new window, use the
+ ":sblast" ex command.
+ Help keyword(s): :bfirst, :brewind, :sbfirst, :sbrewind, :bnext,
+ :sbnext, :bprevious, :bNext, :sbprevious, :sbNext,
+ :blast, :sblast
+11. How do I open all the buffers in the buffer list?
+ You can open all the buffers present in the buffer list using the ":ball"
+ or ":sball" ex commands.
+ Help keyword(s): :ball, :sball
+12. How do I open all the loaded buffers?
+ You can open all the loaded buffers in the buffer list using the ":unhide"
+ or ":sunhide" ex commands. Each buffer will be loaded in a separate
+ new window.
+ Help keyword(s): :unhide, :sunhide
+13. How do I open the next modified buffer?
+ You can open the next or a specific modified buffer using the ":bmodified"
+ ex command. You can open the next or a specific modified buffer in a
+ new window using the ":sbmodified" ex command.
+ Help keyword(s): :bmodified, :sbmodified
+14. I am using the GUI version of Vim (gvim), is there a simpler way for
+ using the buffers instead of the ex commands? Yes. In the GUI version of
+ Vim, you can use the 'Buffers' menu, which simplifies the use of buffers.
+ All the buffers in the buffer list are listed in this menu. You can
+ select a buffer name from this menu to edit the buffer. You can also
+ delete a buffer or browse the buffer list.
+ Help keyword(s): buffers-menu
+15. Is there a Vim script that simplifies using buffers with Vim?
+ Yes. You can use the bufexplorer.vim script to simplify the process of
+ using buffers. You can download the bufexplorer script from:
+ <A
+ HREF=""></A><BR>
+16. Is it possible to save and restore the buffer list across Vim sessions?
+ Yes. To save and restore the buffer list across Vim session, include the
+ '%' flag in the 'viminfo' option. Note that if Vim is invoked with a
+ filename argument, then the buffer list will not be restored from the
+ last session. To use buffer lists across sessions, invoke Vim without
+ passing filename arguments.
+ Help keyword(s): 'viminfo', viminfo
+17. How do I remove all the entries from the buffer list?
+ You can remove all the entries in the buffer list by starting Vim with
+ a file argument. You can also manually remove all the buffers using the
+ ":bdelete" ex command.
+18. What is a hidden buffer?
+ A hidden buffer is a buffer with some unsaved modifications and is not
+ displayed in a window. Hidden buffers are useful, if you want to edit
+ multiple buffers without saving the modifications made to a buffer while
+ loading other buffers.
+ Help keyword(s): :buffer-!, 'hidden', hidden-buffer, buffer-hidden
+19. How do I load buffers in a window, which currently has a buffer with
+ unsaved modifications? By setting the option 'hidden', you can load
+ buffers in a window that currently has a modified buffer. Vim will
+ remember your modifications to the buffer. When you quit Vim, you will be
+ asked to save the modified buffers. It is important to note that, if you
+ have the 'hidden' option set, and you quit Vim forcibly, for example using
+ ":quit!", then you will lose all your modifications to the hidden buffers.
+ Help keyword(s): 'hidden'
+20. Is it possible to unload or delete a buffer when it becomes hidden?
+ The following works only in Vim 6.0 and above. By setting the 'bufhidden'
+ option to either 'hide' or 'unload' or 'delete', you can control what
+ happens to a buffer when it becomes hidden. When 'bufhidden' is set to
+ 'delete', the buffer is deleted when it becomes hidden. When 'bufhidden'
+ is set to 'unload', the buffer is unloaded when it becomes hidden.
+ When 'bufhidden' is set to 'hide', the buffer is hidden.
+ Help keyword(s): 'bufhidden'
+21. How do I execute a command on all the buffers in the buffer list?
+ In Vim 6.0, you can use the ":bufdo" ex command to execute an ex command
+ on all the buffers in the buffer list.
+ Help keyword(s): :bufdo
+22. When I open an existing buffer from the buffer list, if the buffer is
+ already displayed in one of the existing windows, I want Vim to jump to
+ that window instead of creating a new window for this buffer. How do I
+ do this? When opening a buffer using one of the split open buffer commands
+ (:sbuffer, :sbnext), Vim will open the specified buffer in a new window.
+ If the buffer is already opened in one of the existing windows, then
+ you will have two windows containing the same buffer. You can change
+ this behavior by setting the 'switchbuf' option to 'useopen'. With this
+ setting, if a buffer is already opened in one of the windows, Vim will
+ jump to that window, instead of creating a new window.
+ Help keyword(s): 'switchbuf'
+23. What information is stored as part of a buffer?
+ Every buffer in the buffer list contains information about the last
+ cursor position, marks, jump list, etc.
+24. What is the difference between deleting a buffer and unloading a
+ buffer? When a buffer is unloaded, it is not removed from the buffer list.
+ Only the file contents associated with the buffer are removed from memory.
+ When a buffer is deleted, it is unloaded and removed from the buffer list.
+ In Vim 6, a deleted buffer becomes an 'unlisted' buffer.
+ Help keyword(s): :bunload, :bdelete, :bwipeout, unlisted-buffer
+25. Is it possible to configure Vim, by setting some option, to re-use the
+ number of a deleted buffer for a new buffer? No. Vim will not re-use the
+ buffer number of a deleted buffer for a new buffer. Vim will always assign
+ the next sequential number for a new buffer. The buffer number assignment
+ is implemented this way, so that you can always jump to a buffer using the
+ same buffer number. One method to achieve buffer number reordering is to
+ restart Vim. If you restart Vim, it will re-assign numbers sequentially
+ to all the buffers in the buffer list (assuming you have properly set
+ 'viminfo' to save and restore the buffer list across vim sessions).
+ Help keyword(s): :buffers
+26. What options do I need to set for a scratch (temporary) buffer?
+ The following works only in Vim 6.0 and above. You can set the the
+ following options to create a scratch (temporary) buffer:
+ :set buftype=nofile :set bufhidden=hide :setlocal noswapfile
+ This will create a buffer which is not associated with a file, which
+ does not have a associated swap file and will be hidden when removed
+ from a window.
+ Help keyword(s): special-buffers, 'buftype'
+27. How do I prevent a buffer from being added to the buffer list?
+ The following works only in Vim 6.0 and above. You can prevent a buffer
+ from being added to the buffer list by resetting the 'buflisted' option.
+ :set nobuflisted
+ Help keyword(s): 'buflisted'
+28. How do I determine whether a buffer is modified or not?
+ There are several ways to find out whether a buffer is modified or not.
+ The simplest way is to look at the status line or the title bar. If the
+ displayed string contains a '+' character, then the buffer is modified.
+ Another way is to check whether the 'modified' option is set or not.
+ If 'modified' is set, then the buffer is modified. To check the value
+ of modified, use
+ :set modified?
+ You can also explicitly set the 'modified' option to mark the buffer as
+ modified like this:
+ :set modified
+ Help keyword(s): 'modified'
+29. How can I prevent modifications to a buffer?
+ The following works only in Vim 6.0 and above. You can prevent any
+ modification to a buffer by re-setting the 'modifiable' option. To reset
+ this option, use
+ :set nomodifiable
+ To again allow modifications to the buffer, use:
+ :set modifiable
+ Help keyword(s): 'modifiable'
+30. How do I set options specific to the current buffer?
+ The following works only in Vim 6.0 and above. You can set Vim options
+ which are specific to a buffer using the "setlocal" command. For example,
+ :setlocal textwidth=70
+ This will set the 'textwidth' option to 70 only for the current buffer.
+ All other buffers will have the default or the previous 'textwidth' value.
+ Help keyword(s): 'setlocal', local-options
+31. How do I define mappings specific to the current buffer?
+ The following works only in Vim 6.0 and above. You can define mappings
+ specific to the current buffer by using the keyword "&lt;buffer&gt;"
+ in the map command. For example,
+ :map &lt;buffer&gt; ,w /[.,;]&lt;CR&gt;
+ Help keyword(s): :map-local
+32. How do I define abbreviations specific to the current buffer?
+ The following works only in Vim 6.0 and above. You can define
+ abbreviations specific to the current buffer by using the keyword
+ "&lt;buffer&gt;" in the :abbreviate command. For example,
+ :abb &lt;buffer&gt; FF for (i = 0; i &lt; ; ++i)
+ Help keyword(s): :abbreviate-local
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>Remapping
+Alt, Ctrl and Caps in Win2k</center> <pre> <A
+Since I installed Win2K on my laptop, I had been unable to locate a utilitie
+that would simply enable me to remap my Crtl Alt and Caps the way I think they
+should be and the way they were until MS kill all competition in computing,
+that is Crtl on the left of the letter A, Alt to the left bottom of the
+letter Z and Caps approximately until the C.
+After some research, I came across a tip posted here by I
+tried to make sense of it and then downloaded the MS scan keys map at the
+URL he mentionned.
+Extrapolating his tip, I wrote this ASCI file that I named keys2000.reg :
+Regedit4 [HKey_Local_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Keyboard
+Layout] "Scancode
+Once you have saved this file, left click on it from Explorer and answer
+yes to the prompt "do you want to enter this into the registry".
+Reboot and you are done.
+A few explanations :04 stands for 3 remappings (Caps lock to Control, Control
+to Alt and Alt to Caps Lock) plus the closing one which is always required
+(1 remapping would require 02, 2 would require 03, and so on). 3A,00,38
+remaps Caps to Left Alt, 38,00,1D remaps Left Alt to Left Ctrl and 1D,00,3A
+remaps Left Ctrl to Caps Lock since 3A=Caps, 1D=Left Ctrl and 38=Left Alt.
+Based on Juano tip and on this one, I believe a lot of remapping can be done
+as long as you keep the separators 00 and remember to add one to the number
+of remappings. What I do not know is how far you can extend this instruction
+without getting into trouble with the registry. At worst, if you keyboard does
+not behave as expected, go into the registry and delete this instruction (be
+careful here since it is easy to confuse this instruction with the Keyboard
+LayoutS (S for emphasis) which must not be deleted.
+Again, thanks to who got me going and suggested I
+post my tip. Took me some time to retrieve the VIM Url but fortunately,
+I had printed his tip.
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim">
+<html><center>automatically wrap left and right</center> <pre> <A
+I hate it when I hit left (or h) and my screen flickers. I want it to go up
+to the next line. Ditto fir right (or l). Below are two functions / mappings
+to help with that. I'm pretty sure that if you remove the &lt;silent&gt;,
+then it will work in 5.x...
+nnoremap &lt;silent&gt; &lt;Left&gt; :call WrapLeft()&lt;cr&gt; nnoremap
+&lt;silent&gt; &lt;Right&gt; :call WrapRight()&lt;cr&gt;
+nnoremap &lt;silent&gt; h :call WrapLeft()&lt;cr&gt; nnoremap
+&lt;silent&gt; l :call WrapRight()&lt;cr&gt;
+function! WrapLeft()
+ let col = col(".")
+ if 1 == col
+ " don't wrap if we're on the first line if 1 == line(".")
+ return
+ endif normal! k$
+ else
+ normal! h
+ endif
+function! WrapRight()
+ let col = col(".") if 1 != col("$")
+ let col = col + 1
+ endif
+ if col("$") == col
+ " don't wrap if we're on the last line if line("$") == line(".")
+ return
+ endif normal! j1|
+ else
+ normal! l
+ endif
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim">
+<html><center>Getting name of the function</center> <pre> <A
+Hi All,
+While browsing code one always needs to know which function you are currently
+looking. Getting the name is very painful when the functions are lengthy
+and you are currently browsing NOT near to the start of the function. You
+can get the function's name by using this simple mapping.
+Just place this in your .vimrc.
+map _F ma[[k"xyy`a:echo @x&lt;CR&gt;
+now _F will display which function you are currently in.
+Enjoy the power of Vim -Nitin Raut
+PS: The working is as follows, mark the current line with a, jump to the
+previous '{' in the first column, go one line up, yank the line in register
+x, return to the mark a, echo the value of register x, which is the wanted
+function name.
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>=,
+LaTeX tables, declarations, etc</center> <pre> <A
+Check out
+and see some examples of text alignment (its hopeless to do it here with
+proportional fonts). You'll be able to download textab source, a Windows-based
+textab executable, and a scriptfile containing a convenient interface
+(ttalign.vim). The textab program coupled with &lt;ttalign.vim&gt; lets you:
+1. align C language statements on their = += -= /= etc symbols 2. align C
+language declararations: separate columns for types, *[, variable
+ names, initializations (=), and comments (// or /* .. */)
+3. align C/C++ language comments (//, /* .. */) 4. align C/C++ language
+(ansi) function argument lists 5. align LaTeX tables on their && separators
+6. align HTML tables with &lt;/TD&gt;&lt;TD&gt; separators 7. align on
+several characters: &lt; ? : | @ ; (or modify them to handle whatever
+ alignment characters you want)
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>tip
+using embedded perl interpreter</center> <pre> <A
+When writing scripts using the embedded interpreter available if vim has the
++perl ore +perl/dyn on gives you access to this powerfull and FAST scripting
+language (especially fast compared to vim scripts) there are some gotchas.
+First: never embed complex perl command in the body of a vim function this
+will be recompiled and evaled each time for a tremendous loss of time.instead
+to it like this
+perl &lt;&lt; EOF sub mySub {
+ #some usefull perl stuff
+} EOF
+function! MyFunction perl mySub "an argument", "another" endfunction
+to pass computed argument to your perl sub use the vim exec command
+function! MyFunction exec "perl mySub " . aLocalVar . ", " b:aBufferLocalVar
+It may be very hard to debug your perl sub since the output of the perl
+compiler is somehow lost in the middle of nowhere and the debugger is not
+available. When a compilation error occurs in your sub definition you'll get
+an error message when you try to call it saying that the sub does not exists.
+One thing which I have found very usefull is to write a fake VIM module with
+stub methods which will allow you to use the command line perl interpretor
+to at least compile your program. You could make your stub smart enough to
+fake a vim and use the debugger. Here is a sample for such a fake module
+defining just those method which I was using.
+package VIM; use diagnostics; use strict; sub VIM::Eval {
+ $_ = shift;
+ print "Eval $_\n";
+ {
+ return
+ '^(?!!)([^\t]*)\t[^\t]*\t(.*);"\t([^\t]*)\tline:(\d*).*$'
+ if (/g:TagsBase_pattern/); return $ARGV[0] if
+ (/b:fileName/); return '$3' if (/g:TagsBase_typePar/);
+ return '$1' if (/g:TagsBase_namePar/); return '$4' if
+ (/g:TagsBase_linePar/); return 'Ta&gs' if (/s:menu_name/);
+ return $ARGV[1] if (/g:TagsBase_groupByType/);
+ die "unknown eval $_";
+ }
+} sub VIM::Msg {
+ my $msg = shift; print "MSG $msg\n";
+} sub VIM::DoCommand {
+ my $package; my $filename; my $line;
+ ($package, $filename, $line) = caller;
+ my $command = shift; print "at $filename $line\n"; print "DoCommand
+ $command\n";
+} 1;
+Then you can copy other your perl code in a separate file and add a use VIM;
+at the top and your set to debug.
+Good Vimming good perling. Benoit PS: this tips are probably true for other
+scripting languages
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>Add
+your function heading with a keystroke</center> <pre> <A
+Below is a tip that the C/C++ Newbies may find interesting and handy to use.
+The following code will add a function heading and position your cursor just
+after Description so that one can document as one proceeds with code.
+function FileHeading()
+ let s:line=line(".") call
+ setline(s:line,"/***************************************************")
+ call append(s:line,"* Description - ") call append(s:line+1,"*
+ Author - Mohit Kalra") call append(s:line+2,"* Date
+ - ".strftime("%b %d %Y")) call append(s:line+3,"*
+ *************************************************/") unlet s:line
+imap &lt;F4&gt; &lt;esc&gt;mz:execute FileHeading()&lt;RET&gt;`zjA
+Where &lt;esc&gt; stands for ^V+ESC and &lt;RET&gt; for ^V+ENTER
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>Automatic
+function end commenting for C++ and Java</center> <pre> <A
+Some people have a habit of adding the function name as a comment to the
+end of that function, if it is long, so that he/she knows which function the
+'}' ends. Here's a way to automate the process.
+Use the following abbreviation: iab }// } // END:
+If you now end the function with '}//', the follwoing string will be
+automatically generated: '} //END: functionname'
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>Use
+of Vim folds for javadocs</center> <pre> <A
+The fold-method marker can be effectively use to set the folds in your
+Java source. Define some marker and place it inside HTML comments &lt;!--
+xx --&gt;. This way, it does not affect the Javadocs generated without the
+necessity of a seprate comment line. e.g.
+ * &lt;!-- zz.FOLDSTART class AbcClass --&gt; * The class description.
+ * ... */
+public class AbcClass {
+ /**
+ * &lt;!-- method zz.FOLDSTART someMethod() --&gt; * Method description.
+ */
+ public void someMethod();
+ ...
+} /* zz.END: AbcClass */
+/* Put this at the end of your file */ /* vim:fdm=marker
+fmr=zz.FOLDSTART,zz.END fdl=2 fdc=2: */
+Now, the files will be opened with the methods neatly folded. You can use
+"zR" to open all folds (or click on the "+" at the left column).
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>recording
+keystrokes by "q" for repested jobs</center> <pre> <A
+The most useful feature that I find in VIM is the "recording" feature (:help
+recording). I have used this to automatically insert function headers,
+re-indent lines, and convert some 34 source files into HTML.
+This feature is most useful when you want to do some repeated jobs, which
+you cant do easily using ".". You can set about writing a function, define
+a mapping, etc, but then these things might take time. By recording, you
+can try out and find the actual keystrokes that does the job.
+To start recording, press "q" in normal mode followed by any of "0-9a-z".
+This will start recording the keystrokes to the register you choose. You can
+also see the word "recording" in the status(?) line. You can start the key
+sequences that you want to record. You can go to insert mode and type if
+you want.
+To stop recording, press "q" in the normal mode.
+To playback your keystrokes, press "@" followed by the character you choose.
+Pressing "@@" will repeat the same again.
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>Changing
+DOS style end of line to UNIX, or vise-versa</center> <pre> <A
+Those of us doomed to work in both the Unix and Windows world have many times
+encountered files that were create/editted on systems other that the one
+we are on at the time of our edits. We can easily correct the dreaded '^M'
+at the end of our Unix lines, or make files have more than one line in DOS by:
+To change from &lt;CR&gt;&lt;LF&gt; (DOS) to just &lt;LF&gt; (Unix): :set
+fileformat=unix :w
+Or to change back the other way: :set fileformat=dos :w
+It also works for Apple land: :set fileformat=mac :w
+And to tell the difference: set statusline=%&lt;%f%h%m%r%=%{&ff}\ %l,%c%V\ %P
+ ^^^^^ This shows what the
+ current file's format is.
+Happy Vimming!
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>opening
+multiple files from a single command-line</center> <pre> <A
+i use the :split command a lot -- both to open a second window containing
+the currently edited file and to edit a new file altogether (with the :split
+&lt;filename&gt; option). however, i also like to be able to edit more than
+one file and calling :sp multiple times is inconvenient. so, i created the
+following command, function and abbreviation:
+function! Sp(...)
+ if(a:0 == 0)
+ sp
+ else
+ let i = a:0 while(i &gt; 0)
+ execute 'let file = a:' . i execute 'sp ' . file
+ let i = i - 1
+ endwhile
+ endif
+endfunction com! -nargs=* -complete=file Sp call Sp(&lt;f-args&gt;) cab sp Sp
+this retains the behaviour of :sp in that i can still type :sp (the
+abbreviation takes care of that). :Sp takes any number of files and opens
+them all up, one after the other.
+the things i have noticed are that this causes 'sp' to be expanded to 'Sp'
+everywhere, even in search patterns. also, prepending 'vert' doesn't work.
+if there is interest, i'll do that.
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim">
+<html><center>How to write a plugin</center> <pre> <A
+This tip gives a skeleton for writing a plugin; Vim's help files have plenty
+of details (:he plugin, :he write-plugin, :he plugin-details).
+# Exit when your app has already been loaded (or "compatible" mode set)
+if exists("loaded_YourAppName") || &cp
+ finish
+# Public Interface: # AppFunction: is a function you expect your users to
+call # PickAMap: some sequence of characters that will run your AppFunction #
+Repeat these three lines as needed for multiple functions which will # be used
+to provide an interface for the user if !hasmapto('&lt;Plug&gt;AppFunction')
+ map &lt;unique&gt; &lt;Leader&gt;PickAMap &lt;Plug&gt;AppFunction
+# Global Maps: # map &lt;silent&gt; &lt;unique&gt;
+&lt;script&gt; &lt;Plug&gt;AppFunction \ :set lz&lt;CR&gt;:call
+&lt;SID&gt;AppFunc&lt;CR&gt;:set nolz&lt;CR&gt;
+# AppFunction: this function is available vi the &lt;Plug&gt;/&lt;script&gt;
+interface above fu! &lt;SID&gt;AppFunction() ..whatever..
+# your script function can set up maps to internal functions
+nmap &lt;silent&gt; &lt;left&gt; :set lz&lt;CR&gt;:silent! call
+&lt;SID&gt;AppFunction2&lt;CR&gt;:set nolz&lt;CR&gt;
+# your app can call functions in its own script and not worry about
+name # clashes by preceding those function names with &lt;SID&gt; call
+# or you could call it with call s:InternalAppFunction(...) endf #
+# InternalAppFunction: this function cannot be called from outside the #
+script, and its name won't clash with whatever else the user has loaded
+fu! &lt;SID&gt;InternalAppFunction(...) ..whatever.. endf
+Plugins are intended to be "drop into &lt;.vim/plugin&gt;" and work.
+The problem that the &lt;Plug&gt;, &lt;SID&gt;, etc stuff is intended to
+resolve: what to do about functions that have the same names in different
+plugins, and what to do about maps that use the same sequence of characters?
+The first problem is solved with &lt;SID&gt; (a script identifier number)
+that vim assigns: program with it and your users will be happier when your
+stuff works with all their other stuff. The second problem: what to about
+those maps is addressed with &lt;Plug&gt;, &lt;unique&gt;, etc. Basically
+the idea is: let the user know that there are clashes and don't overwrite
+previously existing maps. Use the user's preferred map-introducer sequence
+(I like the backslash, but there are many keyboards which make producing
+backslashes unpleasant, and those users usually prefer something else).
+What I like to do is to have a pair of start/stop maps to reduce my impact
+on the namespace. When the starting map is used, it kicks off a starting
+function that introduces all the maps needed. When the stopping map is
+used, it not only removes the maps the starter made but restores any maps
+the user had had that would have clashed. I also use the start/stop pair
+of functions to set and restore options that cause my scripts difficulties.
+Check out DrawIt.vim's SaveMap() function for a way to save user maps.
+Restoring maps with it is easy:
+if b:restoremap != ""
+ exe b:restoremap unlet b:restoremap
+So you can see it sets up a string variable with all the maps that the user
+had that would have clashed with my application.
+One final thing: if your application needs to share information between
+its various functions, see if you can use s:varname (a variable that only
+your script's functions can access) or b:varname (a variable that anything
+associated with the buffer your application is running with can access)
+instead of using global variables.
+Good luck and happy Vimming!
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>Make
+great use of those homemade menus</center> <pre> <A
+Accidently discovered that using &lt;alt&gt;&lt;Menu Hotletter&gt;&lt;cr&gt;
+(e.g &lt;alt&gt;b&lt;cr&gt; - for the buffer menu) causes the menu to break
+out in a seperate window. Selecting the menu with the mouse and then hitting
+enter does not seem to do it.
+I will have to learn to add hotletters to my menus now so that the mouse
+can take a break.
+I am a total newbie with vim, but constantly amazed....
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>Automatically
+update your diff upon writing.</center> <pre> <A
+When trying to reconcile differences between files, and using the new 'diff'
+functionality in Vim 6.0 you may want to automatically update the differences
+as you are working along. A convienent time is when you write out either of
+the files you are diff'ing. This autocmd will take care of doing that for you.
+" If doing a diff. Upon writing changes to file, automatically update the
+ " differences au BufWritePost * if &diff ==
+ 1 au BufWritePost * :diffupdate au BufWritePost
+ * endif
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>Generating
+a column of increasing numbers</center> <pre> <A
+You can use the "Visual Incrementing" script from
+ <A
+ HREF=""></A><BR>
+to convert a block of numbers selected via ctrl-v (visual block) into a
+column of increasing integers. Select the column, press :I&lt;CR&gt;, and
+the first line's number will be used as a starting value. Subsequent lines's
+numbers will be incremented by one.
+If the ctrl-v block is "ragged right", which can happen when "$" is used to
+select the right hand side, the block will have spaces appended as needed
+to straighten it out. If the strlen of the count exceeds the visual-block
+allotment of spaces, then additional spaces will be inserted.
+Example: Put cursor on topmost zero, select column with ctrl-v, then :I
+ vector[0]= 1; vector[0]= 1; vector[0]= 1; vector[1]= 1;
+ vector[0]= 1; --&gt; vector[2]= 1; vector[0]= 1; vector[3]= 1;
+ vector[0]= 1; vector[4]= 1;
+This script works with both vim 5.7 (:so visincr.vim) or vim 6.0 (source it
+as for vim 5.7 or drop it into the .vim/plugin directory).
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim">
+<html><center>an ascii table</center> <pre> <A
+There is an ascii table in the vim-help files, but it's hard to find. Thus,
+I shall give a pointer to it:
+:help digraph-table
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>Dutch,
+English, German, Hungarian, and Yiddish</center> <pre> <A
+Under <A
+are links to spelling checkers for Dutch, English, German, Hungarian,
+and Yiddish, all based on the original engspchk.vim. The spelling checker
+provides as-you-type spell checking; with vim6.0 it will avoid checking on
+partially typed words.
+Provided are several maps:
+ \et : add word under cursor into database for just this file \es : save
+ word under cursor into database (permanently) \en : move cursor to the
+ next spelling error \ep : move cursor to the previous spelling error
+ \ea : look for alternative spellings of word under cursor
+To use \ea you will need agrep:
+ agrep source: <A
+ HREF=""></A><BR>
+ agrep Win exe: <A
+ HREF=""></A><BR>
+To use the spell checkers just source it in:
+ ex. so engspchk.vim
+To read more about it see
+ <A
+ HREF=""></A><BR>
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>Making
+Parenthesis And Brackets Handling Easier</center> <pre> <A
+1) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "Automatic" bracket setting
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 2) +++++++++++++ Further improvement of
+parenthesis/bracket expanding +++++++++++++++++ 3) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+"Late" bracketing of text +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 4)
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Conclusion ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+1) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "Automatic" bracket setting
+To automatically insert a closing parenthesis when typing an opening
+parenthesis you can insert the following simple mapping to your vimrc:
+ :inoremap ( ()&lt;ESC&gt;i
+This ends up with the cursor between the opening and the closing parenthesis
+in insert mode.
+You can apply this and the following tips, of course, with the kind of
+parenthesis/bracket character you want to, i.e. (, {, [, &lt; ..... and,
+pretty useful as well, quotation marks ",',.... (to be continued)
+2) +++++++++++++++ Further improvement of parenthesis/bracket expanding
+I you are ready with filling the parenthesis/brackets, you likely want to
+"escape" from the brackets again to continue coding. To make this pretty
+comfortable, I invented the following kind of mappings, which get out of
+the last expanded parenthesis/bracket, regardless of the actual type of it,
+and enter append mode again. I mapped this kind of "getaway" with CTRL_j,
+you may use your favorite keystroke with it.
+ ...
+ :inoremap ( ()&lt;ESC&gt;:let leavechar=")"&lt;CR&gt;i :inoremap [
+ []&lt;ESC&gt;:let leavechar="]"&lt;CR&gt;i
+ ...
+ :imap &lt;C-j&gt; &lt;ESC&gt;:exec "normal f" . leavechar&lt;CR&gt;a
+Explanation: The variable "leavechar" contents the actual char which is to
+"escape" from.
+3) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "Late" bracketing of text
+Occasionally I later want already written text parts to put in parenthesis.
+I use the following macro, which brackets previously visually selected text.
+I mapped it with _(.
+ :vnoremap _( &lt;ESC&gt;`&gt;a)&lt;ESC&gt;`&lt;i(&lt;ESC&gt;
+Furthermore, a sort of mapping for bracketing a *single word* is conceivable.
+Because this is not as general like the kind of visual mode mapping, I use
+this kind of "word bracketing" only for surrounding the word right behind
+the cursor in insert mode with **. I use the following macro to "emphasize"
+the word i just typed, for newsgroup articles.
+ :imap _* &lt;Esc&gt;bi*&lt;Esc&gt;ea*&lt;Space&gt;
+4) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Conclusion
+Since I use these macros, I never caused a syntax error because of missing
+brackets, and furthermore I can quickly insert parenthesis and qutotes into
+code- and non-code files.
+ JH 04.11.2001
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>Mappings
+to facilitate the creation of text</center> <pre> <A
+" " Mappings to facilitate the creation of text " " Author: Suresh Govindachar " Date: November 5, 2001 " " While typing text to
+create a document, I often end up hitting " &lt;Esc&gt;, issuing some commands
+(with or without ":") and getting back " to typing by issuing a command such
+as "i", "O", "s" etc. " " I looked into using "set insertmode" to speed
+up such actions, but " found that too confusing. " " I have come up with
+a set of mappings that have speeded up my process " of creating documents.
+I have saved these mappings in a file, named " FullScreenVI.vim, in vim's
+plugin directory. " " Perhaps you will find these mappings helpful too.
+" " Please send me feedback. "
+"To allow overriding the Alt key set winaltkeys=no "To enable viewing messages
+from commands issued using the mappings presented here set cmdheight=2
+"The fundamental mapping that makes full-screen editing possible imap
+&lt;A-o&gt; &lt;C-o&gt; imap &lt;A-;&gt; &lt;C-o&gt;:
+"Basic motions imap &lt;A-h&gt; &lt;Left&gt; imap &lt;A-j&gt; &lt;Down&gt;
+imap &lt;A-k&gt; &lt;Up&gt; imap &lt;A-l&gt; &lt;Right&gt; imap &lt;A-f&gt;
+&lt;PageDown&gt; imap &lt;A-b&gt; &lt;PageUp&gt; imap &lt;A-^&gt;
+&lt;Home&gt; imap &lt;A-$&gt; &lt;End&gt;
+"Numbers for repeats imap &lt;A-1&gt; &lt;C-o&gt;1 imap &lt;A-2&gt;
+&lt;C-o&gt;2 imap &lt;A-3&gt; &lt;C-o&gt;3 imap &lt;A-4&gt; &lt;C-o&gt;4
+imap &lt;A-5&gt; &lt;C-o&gt;5 imap &lt;A-6&gt; &lt;C-o&gt;6 imap &lt;A-7&gt;
+&lt;C-o&gt;7 imap &lt;A-8&gt; &lt;C-o&gt;8 imap &lt;A-9&gt; &lt;C-o&gt;9
+"Basic searches imap &lt;A-/&gt; &lt;C-o&gt;/ imap &lt;A-*&gt; &lt;C-o&gt;*
+imap &lt;A-#&gt; &lt;C-o&gt;# imap &lt;A-n&gt; &lt;C-o&gt;n imap &lt;A-N&gt;
+"Deleting imap &lt;A-x&gt; &lt;C-o&gt;x imap &lt;A-d&gt; &lt;C-o&gt;d imap
+&lt;A-D&gt; &lt;C-o&gt;D
+"Yanking and putting imap &lt;A-y&gt; &lt;C-o&gt;y imap &lt;A-Y&gt;
+&lt;C-o&gt;Y imap &lt;A-p&gt; &lt;C-o&gt;p imap &lt;A-P&gt; &lt;C-o&gt;P
+"Common prefixes: marking, matching etc. imap &lt;A-~&gt; &lt;C-o&gt;~
+imap &lt;A-m&gt; &lt;C-o&gt;m imap &lt;A-`&gt; &lt;C-o&gt;` imap &lt;A-"&gt;
+&lt;C-o&gt;" imap &lt;A-%&gt; &lt;C-o&gt;% imap &lt;A-h&gt; &lt;C-o&gt;:h
+imap &lt;A-s&gt; &lt;C-o&gt;:s
+"Interacting with the 'outside' imap &lt;A-!&gt; &lt;C-o&gt;:! imap
+&lt;A-w&gt; &lt;C-o&gt;:w&lt;CR&gt; imap &lt;A-e&gt; &lt;C-o&gt;:e
+"Other commands imap &lt;A-u&gt; &lt;C-o&gt;u imap &lt;A-.&gt; &lt;C-o&gt;.
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>Decompile
+Java .class files automatically</center> <pre> <A
+Here's a plugin to automatically decompile Java .class files as they're
+read in. Tweak the javap flags for what you want to see. I didn't post
+this as a script because it's too simple and it's really more useful for
+demonstrating how to read decompilable files (or other binary files that
+can be converted to text).
+function s:ReadClass(dir, classname)
+ execute "cd " . a:dir execute "0read !javap -c " . a:classname 1 setlocal
+ readonly setlocal nomodified
+autocmd BufReadCmd *.class
+ \ call &lt;SID&gt;ReadClass(expand("&lt;afile&gt;:p:h"),
+ expand("&lt;afile&gt;:t:r"))
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>describe
+&lt;table name&gt; from vim</center> <pre> <A
+i had some trouble with the sqlplus scripts (probably my fault). but it
+seemed a little heavy for what i need, usually all i want is a listing of
+the columns for a given table while i'm whipping on some sql inside vim.
+so i wrote a bash script (describe)...
+~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~begin describe script #!/usr/bin/bash
+f=aTempFile.sql u=&lt;uName&gt; p=&lt;pWord&gt; d=&lt;dBase&gt;
+echo "/* describe for $1" echo "describe $1;" &gt; $f; echo "quit;"
+&gt;&gt; $f;
+sqlplus -S $u/$p@$d @$f rm -f $f; echo " end describe for $1 */"
+~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~end describe script
+your path needs to include the script (as well as sqlplus), then from vim
+you can just type....
+:r !describe &lt;tableName&gt;
+and you get a listing of the table columns slammed into wherever your cursor
+was, complete with java/c comments
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim">
+<html><center>Incredible new functionality</center> <pre> <A
+if you get away from vim and get any other editor that was built *after*
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>Using
+Computer Modern TT as gvim font (Win32)</center> <pre> <A
+If you really like the Computer Modern typewriter font (as seen in most TeX
+distributions) you can use it as the font in gvim! (looks excellent with
+font smoothing turned on)
+First, get hold of the free Blue Sky Type 1 PS versions of the CM fonts from
+your local CTAN mirror. Unpack to a suitable directory.
+Next locate the cmtt8.pfb file and open it (in Vim, naturally ;) - find the
+line saying dup 32 /visiblespace put
+and change it to dup 32 /space put
+that is, inserting enough spaces to keep the file size exactly the same
+Save the file in Mac format (:set fileformat=mac).
+Now install the cmtt.pfm file - in Win9x/NT4, you'll need Adobe Type Manager
+(free download), but in Win2k, you can just drop the .pfm file into the
+Fonts folder.
+Now in your _gvimrc: set guifont=CMTT8:h11:cSYMBOL
+(use whatever height you like instead of h11)
+..and enjoy! It's the first scalable font I can bear to edit code in... %-)
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>Keystroke
+Saving Substituting and Searching</center> <pre> <A
+1) ++++++++++++++ Saving Keystrokes for common Searching
+and Substituting +++++++++++ --- a) Searching b) Substituting
+--------------------------------------------------- 2) ++++ Searching for
+resp. Substituting of the current word under the cursor ++++++ --- a) Searching
+b) Substituting ---------------------------------------------------
+3) ++ Searching and Substituting for an arbitrary visually
+selected part of text ++++ --- a) Searching b) Substituting
+4) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Conclusion
+1) ++++++++++++++ Saving Keystrokes for common Substituting and Searching
+a) Searching ............ Sorry, there is not much that can be saved for
+common Searching. It's just hitting /mypattern&lt;RETURN&gt;
+b) Substituting ......... I think, common substitution requires pretty many
+keystrokes. So I use the following macro with my favorite substitution options:
+:map &lt;F4&gt; :%s//gc&lt;Left&gt;&lt;Left&gt;&lt;Left&gt;
+This ends up with the cursor after the first '/' in the
+commandline. To complete it, you only have to enter -&gt;
+Remark: I mapped it to &lt;F4&gt; (cause of tribute to the &lt;F4&gt; of
+the good old Norton Commander editor). You may map it where you want to.
+2) ++++ Searching for resp. Substituting of the current word under the
+cursor ++++++
+a) Searching ............ If you don't know how to look for the next
+occurence of the word under the cursor, you should *now* type :help * or
+:help star or refer to the tips vimtip #1 or vimtip #5 ((Tip within tip:
+To make your pattern more visible, look for :help hls))
+b) Substituting ......... The following macro extends the one above with
+automatically inserting the current word under the cursor into the from -
+pattern of the :s command.
+:map &lt;S-F4&gt;
+To complete it, just enter -&gt; mynewpattern&lt;RETURN&gt;
+I use this i.e. for reliable and quickly renaming a variable in the entire
+buffer. I mapped it to Shift-&lt;F4&gt;. You may map it to the keystroke
+you want.
+Explanation: CTRL-v+CTRL-w expands to the word under the cursor.
+3) ++ Searching and Substituting for an arbitrary visually selected part of
+text ++++
+If you want to look or substitute (for) an *arbritary* pattern (which
+already exists at least once in your text), the following 2 mappings do it
+for you. The advantage is that you dont have to type again or cut & paste
+the appropriate text but only have to visually select it.
+a) Searching ...........
+:vmap / y:execute "/".escape(@",'[]/\.*')&lt;CR&gt;
+This immediately finds to the next occurence of the previously visually
+selected text.
+b) Substituting .........
+:vmap &lt;F4&gt; y:execute
+Again, as in the mapping in chapter 2), you just have to complete it by
+entering -&gt; mynewpattern&lt;RETURN&gt;
+Explanation/Discussion: What both Substituting and Searching in this way
+generally does is: - *y*anking the selected text - Inserting the visually
+selected via adressing the '"' register with '@"' as a
+ parameter of the escape() function going finally into the 'myoldpattern'
+ part. The trickery problem is, if you have characters in your myoldpattern,
+ which are regular expression chars, they are recognized and threated
+ accordingly. That is most likely not what you wanted. To escape them, these
+ chars have to be declared by the second parameter of the excape() function,
+ which then escapes them with a backslash. The few characters above work
+ for me. If you run into problems, you should check for additional regexp
+ chars in your text, and try to escape them by adding them to the escape()
+ function parameter.
+4) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Conclusion
+With the appropriate mappings in your vimrc you can save keystrokes when
+Searching or Substituting and avoid typing errors. That way, you can take
+lunch sooner
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim">
+<html><center>Dutch spelling checker</center> <pre> <A
+Download at <A
+This sciript is based on Charles E. Campbell's English spelling checker script
+for ViM (<A HREF=" and Piet Tutelaers'
+Dutch word list ( using Thomas Köhler's
+script ( In other words, I
+didn't do much."> and Piet Tutelaers'
+Dutch word list ( using Thomas Köhler's
+script ( In other words,
+I didn't do much.</A><BR>
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>write
+plugin with explorer like interfaces</center> <pre> <A
+Several plugins use a text base interface based on a special buffer, this
+is the case of the standard explorer plugin, several bufexplorer plugins,
+the option buffer and others... Here is a quick guide in how to do this
+Writing a special buf script
+ | using a special buffer is a common technic when writing
+ Vim scripts, it is used by | explorer, bufexplorer,
+ DirDiff... | I'm currently writing one for TagsBase.vim | <A
+ HREF="
+ "> </A><BR>
+ | and I'll use this document to take notes on how to do it. |
+Setting up the buffer
+ Opening the window TODO
+ Using a setup function
+ Principle
+ | we can use a specific function to open and setup
+ the special buffer. s:SetupBuf()
+ Setup Function advantage
+ | since the command will be defined in the main
+ script you | can use script local functions
+ Using a special filetype
+ Principle
+ | we can also use a new filetype and distribute a
+ syntax and an ftplugin for this | filetype, the only
+ thing needed in this case is to set the | filetype
+ after creating the buffer
+ Filetype advantage
+ | better separations of different parts of your
+ script. If | the main function of your plugin is
+ not to have this | special buffer then it is nice
+ to avoid clutering it.
+ Things which needs to be done to setup the buffer
+ The buffer should not be listed and does not correspond to
+ a file
+ * setlocal buftype=nofile - options always local
+ to buffer * set nobuflisted * set bufhidden=delete *
+ set nomodifiable
+ Setup the syntax for this buffer
+ | see :help syntax | This is usually done in two
+ steps, first describe the | syntax groups using :syn
+ commands then setup the | hilighting using :hi def
+ link commands. Usually it is | best to link the
+ newly defined groups to predefine ones in | order
+ to make the coloring work fine with colorschemes.
+ | You'll find the list of predefined group by doing:
+ | :help group-name
+ Setup the special mappings
+ | since we have chosen to use the set nomodifiable
+ option | our buffer will never be in insert mode. All
+ our mapping | are in Normal, Visual or operator
+ pending, they should | therefore use the map, nmap,
+ vmap and omap mapping command | plus the associated
+ 'nore' version. I usually find it | better to use the
+ 'nore' version to avoid surprises due to | mapping
+ in the user configuration. | | We also want our
+ mappings to be local to the special | buffer so all
+ the commands will use the &lt;buffer&gt; modifier.
+ | | Finally we want our mappings not to polute the
+ status bar | so we use the &lt;silent&gt; modifier |
+ | Putting all this together we end up with mapping
+ commands | which look like: | noremap &lt;buffer&gt;
+ &lt;silent&gt; {lhs} {rhs}
+ Setup the special command
+ | we will then setup special commands for this buffer.
+ Like | for the mapping there are some precautions to
+ take: | we don't want an error message if the command
+ is defined | twice so we use the command! variant. |
+ We want a command local to our buffer wo we use the |
+ -buffer attribute. The rests of the command attributes
+ | and options depend on the actual command. | So
+ our commands look like: | command! -buffer {attr}
+ {cmd} {rep} | where attr is optional.
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim">
+<html><center>Toggle Search Highlighting</center> <pre> <A
+" Map H to toggle search highlighting map H :let &hlsearch =
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>Make
+non-ASCII characters displayed on console</center> <pre> <A
+I had a problem with VIM on the FreeBSD console: it didn't display characters
+like German umlauts correctly, but escaped them with a tilde. The solution
+is to teach VIM about printable characters. I use the following on my .vimrc:
+set isprint=@,128-255
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>Deleting
+a buffer without closing the window</center> <pre> <A
+I'm not sure if this functionality is already within Vim, but I sometimes I
+find it useful to keep a split window from closing when deleting a buffer.
+This has already been discussed on the mailing list. However,
+I feel this solution is a little easier to use.
+" Put this into .vimrc or make it a plugin. " Mapping :Bclose to some
+keystroke would probably be more useful. " I like the way buflisted()
+behaves, but some may like the behavior " of other buffer testing functions.
+command! Bclose call &lt;SID&gt;BufcloseCloseIt()
+function! &lt;SID&gt;BufcloseCloseIt()
+ let l:currentBufNum = bufnr("%") let l:alternateBufNum = bufnr("#")
+ if buflisted(l:alternateBufNum)
+ buffer #
+ else
+ bnext
+ endif
+ if bufnr("%") == l:currentBufNum
+ new
+ endif
+ if buflisted(l:currentBufNum)
+ execute("bdelete ".l:currentBufNum)
+ endif
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>Mapping
+caps lock to esc in XWindows</center> <pre> <A
+(This originally appeared on the vim mailing list as post by Adam Monsen <A
+If you want to completely swap caps lock and escape, you have to replace
+the "Lock" on caps lock. Drop this file in your home dir:&lt;br&gt;
+-----------start------------&lt;br&gt; ! Swap caps lock and escape&lt;br&gt;
+remove Lock = Caps_Lock&lt;br&gt; keysym Escape = Caps_Lock&lt;br&gt;
+keysym Caps_Lock = Escape&lt;br&gt; add Lock = Caps_Lock&lt;br&gt;
+------------end-------------&lt;br&gt; and call it ".speedswapper". Then
+open a terminal and type&lt;br&gt; $ xmodmap .speedswapper&lt;br&gt;
+and you'll be twice as efficient in vim. Who needs caps lock anyway? The
+swapping lasts for the duration of the X session, so you can put it in a
+.xinitrc or similar startup file. As far as other people using my laptop,
+I'd rather they didn't! Using a Dvorak layout might protect me even more... :)
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>Using
+vim as a man-page viewer under Unix</center> <pre> <A
+To use vim as a man-page viewer involves setting an environment variable:
+ sh, ksh: export MANPAGER="col -b | view -c 'set ft=man nomod nolist'
+ -" csh : setenv MANPAGER "col -b | view -c 'set ft=man nomod nolist' -"
+Put one of the above two lines into your &lt;.profile&gt; or &lt;.login&gt;
+file as appropriate for your shell.
+The man pages will then be displayed with vim called as "view" and
+will use the &lt;man.vim&gt; syntax highlighting. I myself use some
+additional highlighting which is enabled by putting the following file into
+&lt;.vim/after/syntax/man.vim&gt;. I usually use the &lt;astronaut&gt;
+colorscheme (also available from this archive); those who use bright
+backgrounds may find the colors selected for manSubSectionStart and
+manSubSection something they'll want to change:
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+" DrChip's additional &lt;man.vim&gt; stuff
+syn match manSectionHeading "^\s\+[0-9]\+\.[0-9.]*\s\+[A-Z].*$"
+contains=manSectionNumber syn match manSectionNumber
+"^\s\+[0-9]\+\.[0-9]*" contained syn region manDQString
+start='[^a-zA-Z"]"[^", )]'lc=1 end='"' contains=manSQString
+syn region manSQString start="[ \t]'[^', )]"lc=1 end="'"
+syn region manSQString start="^'[^', )]"lc=1 end="'"
+syn region manBQString start="[^a-zA-Z`]`[^`, )]"lc=1 end="[`']"
+syn region manBQSQString start="``[^),']" end="''"
+syn match manBulletZone transparent "^\s\+o\s" contains=manBullet
+syn case match syn keyword manBullet contained o syn match manBullet
+contained "\[+*]" syn match manSubSectionStart "^\*" skipwhite
+nextgroup=manSubSection syn match manSubSection ".*$" contained
+hi link manSectionNumber Number hi link manDQString String hi
+link manSQString String hi link manBQString String hi
+link manBQSQString String hi link manBullet Special hi
+manSubSectionStart term=NONE cterm=NONE gui=NONE ctermfg=black
+ctermbg=black guifg=navyblue guibg=navyblue hi manSubSection
+term=underline cterm=underline gui=underline ctermfg=green guifg=green set ts=8
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>Viewing
+the actual XPM data in GVIM</center> <pre> <A
+GVIM has an excellent syntax highlighting for XPM images, but sometimes
+it's useful to view the actual data. This can be achieved by searching for
+everything, type in "/." and all characters will be highlighted and therefore
+the old colouring is lost. To regain the normal highlighting you can search
+for a non-existent sequence, like "/foo".
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>&lt;Tab&gt;
+= &lt;C-I&gt; and &lt;Esc&gt; = &lt;C-[&gt;</center> <pre> <A
+ An FAQ on the vim users' mailing list is whether &lt;Tab&gt; and
+ &lt;C-I&gt;
+can be mapped to different things. The answer is no. As I understand it,
+this is a low level issue: &lt;Tab&gt; and &lt;C-I&gt; are different names
+for the same ASCII code, and there is no way for vim to tell them apart.
+Similarly, &lt;Esc&gt; and &lt;C-[&gt; are the same thing.
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>Repeating
+a sequence of commands without defining a macro</center> <pre> <A
+You have just finished a complicated modification of a file, involving
+numerous replace commands :%s/xxx/yyyy/g, and other ex commands.
+Then you realize, you have done it a little bit wrong, and you have to begin
+all the operation again, just to change one replace string, or do one more
+operation "somewhere 10 commands ago".
+Or you realize, you will have to do the same stuff tomorrow with another file.
+or you realize, you want to perform the same sequence of commands, you have
+typed a few days ago
+You should have made it a macro (normal command q), but you haven't.
+Nothing is lost yet.
+You go to the command line (by typing :) and press Ctrl+F. (Ctrl+F in other
+modes scrolls the screen)
+You get a temporary window, listing the history of command line.
+It is possible to yank appropriate lines here, make a new file called
+$VIMRUNTIME/macros/something.vim put those lines here, edit them and save
+see :help cedit
+Then you can call the macro using :source something.vim
+You might want to set variable 'history' to a higher number then default in
+your vimrc file like :set history=300 see :help history :help vimrc
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>Do
+you know the "g/" and "g?" commands?</center> <pre> <A
+Directly from the Vim Todo list:
+7 For Visual mode: Command to do a search for the string in the marked area.
+ Only when less than two lines. Use "g/" and "g?".
+In other words, a way to search for visually selected text !! :-)
+"==== vsearch.vim ====
+" Visual mode search
+vmap g/ :call VsearchPatternSave()&lt;cr&gt;/&lt;c-r&gt;/&lt;cr&gt; vmap
+g? :call VsearchPatternSave()&lt;cr&gt;?&lt;c-r&gt;/&lt;cr&gt;
+function! VsearchPatternSave()
+ let l:temp = @@ normal gvy let @/ = substitute(escape(@@, '/\'), "\n",
+ "\\\\n", "g") let @@ = l:temp unlet l:temp
+"==== END ====
+Normally, this file should reside in the plugins directory and be
+automatically sourced. If not, you must manually source this file using
+':source vsearch.vim'.
+In Visual mode, highlight the text for searching. Then you can use the
+default visual key mappings
+g/ - search forwards g? - search backwards
+Visual searches behave like normal searches. The 'n' and 'N' commands
+work as they should, and the search history correctly records each search.
+Multi-line searches behave as they should (this corrects the 'yank-only'
+method mentioned in the Vim help files). Block visual searches do not
+work yet. Hopefully, someone can figure out a way to do this easily.
+I've only tested this on Win2000 and Redhat Linux 7.1. I'm not really clear
+on how the carriage returns are dealt with on other systems.
+Anyway, enjoy!
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>Using
+Ispell on a highlighted region</center> <pre> <A
+Suppose you would like to use Ispell to check a word or region that you've
+visually highlighted. The following macro will do the job. Just type
+Shift-Insert while in visual mode.
+vnoremap &lt;S-Insert&gt; &lt;C-C&gt;`&lt;v`&gt;s&lt;Space&gt;&lt;Esc&gt;mq:e
+ispell.tmp&lt;CR&gt;i&lt;C-R&gt;"&lt;Esc&gt;:w&lt;CR&gt;:! xterm
+-bg ivory -fn 10x20 -e ispell %&lt;CR&gt;&lt;CR&gt;:e
+This is based on Chip Campbell's macro which uses Ispell on the whole file
+(in normal mode).
+noremap &lt;S-Insert&gt; :w&lt;CR&gt;:! xterm -bg ivory -fn 10x20 -e ispell
+%&lt;CR&gt;&lt;Space&gt;:e %&lt;CR&gt;&lt;Space&gt;
+Carl Mueller
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>Switch
+between splits very fast (for multi-file editing)</center> <pre> <A
+I am a Web developer and I use Vim as my primary editor.
+Most programming projects (and Web programming projects, in particular)
+are spread out over multiple files, which you often want to have open
+concurrently. If you don't already know, Vim supports this very well! Just use:
+:sp name-of-another-file-to-edit
+My problems were that (1) it took too long to move between files, and (2)
+the files were taking up too much room on the screen.
+(1) In order to move to the file in the split above my current window, I was
+typing Ctrl-W, Up (move up a window) Ctrl-W, _ (maximize the menu). That's
+four keystrokes (more if you count Ctrl and Shift), and they are all over
+the keyboard. To help avoid this problem, I created this mapping in my .vimrc:
+map &lt;C-J&gt; &lt;C-W&gt;j&lt;C-W&gt;_ map &lt;C-K&gt;
+Now I can hold down Ctrl and move between windows with the standard Vim
+movement keys. Much, much quicker!
+(2) By default, Vim displays the current line of each minimized file, which
+(to me) isn't much help and takes up too much screen real estate. I use this
+line in my .vimrc:
+set wmh=0
+This sets the minimum window height to 0, so you can stack many more files
+before things get crowded. Vim will only display the filename.
+Hope this helps those of you who are working on projects with large numbers
+of files you're constantly flipping through. Happy Vimming!
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim">
+<html><center>Footnotes</center> <pre> <A
+ab (1
+ab (2 [2]&lt;esc&gt;:/^Footnotes\:/+2/&lt;cr&gt;o&lt;insert&gt;[2]
+ab (3 [3]&lt;esc&gt;:/^Footnotes\:/+3/&lt;cr&gt;o&lt;insert&gt;[3] ab
+(4 [4]&lt;esc&gt;:/^Footnotes\:/+4/&lt;cr&gt;o&lt;insert&gt;[4] ab (5
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>how to make
+VIM as ur default editor even without root ac.</center> <pre> <A
+hi, if u have installed vim in your home directory somewhere and u don't have a
+root account, and you want to make VIM the default editor for anything u do.
+i.e if ur using SQLplus and want to edit a sql command. normally typing
+edit brings up the vi editor and not vim editor. to solve this problem.
+define these three variables in your .profile VIM=&lt;base directory where
+vim executable is placed&gt; VIMRUNTIME=&lt;base direcoty where vim runtimes
+are kept&gt; EDITOR=$VIM/vim
+note if u have installed vim with another name, say vim.exe then change
+EDITOR=$VIM/vim to EDITOR=$VIM/vim.exe
+source the .profile and viola. next time u start an editor from any program
+u have the vim editor.
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim">
+<html><center>Autocheckout from perforce</center> <pre> <A
+The following code automatically checks out files from perforce when the
+user modifies them. It first confirms the check-out with the user.
+(Perforce is a commercial version control system. I imagine this could be
+modified for RCS, CVS, etc., but I don't use those.)
+I'm a vim newbie -- I've used vi since 1984, but just started with vim a couple
+days ago. Color me impressed! Please excuse any stupidity in the code..
+Note that this function needs the "P4HOME" environment variable to be set.
+I could extract it by invoking "p4 client", but I don't want to invoke p4
+every time I start vim. So I assume the user sets it in the environment.
+" Set a buffer-local variable to the perforce path, if this file is under
+the perforce root. function IsUnderPerforce()
+ if exists("$P4HOME")
+ if expand("%:p") =~ ("^" . $P4HOME)
+ let b:p4path = substitute(expand("%:p"), $P4HOME, "//depot", "")
+ endif
+ endif
+endfunction " Confirm with the user, then checkout a file from perforce.
+function P4Checkout()
+ if exists("b:p4path")
+ if (confirm("Checkout from Perforce?", "&Yes\n&No", 1) == 1)
+ call system("p4 edit " . b:p4path . " &gt; /dev/null") if
+ v:shell_error == 0
+ set noreadonly
+ endif
+ endif
+ endif
+if !exists("au_p4_cmd")
+ let au_p4_cmd=1
+ au BufEnter * call IsUnderPerforce() au FileChangedRO * call P4Checkout()
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>Highlight
+matching brackets as one moves in normal mode (plugin)</center> <pre> <A
+Check out <A HREF="
+for"> for</A><BR>
+a plugin script which highlights matching brackets. The script has two
+always-on maps:
+ \[i : start [HiMtchBrkt] mode \[s : stop [HiMtchBrkt] mode
+The plugin will save all user maps and options that the plugin uses and will
+restore them when the mode is stopped.
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>Making
+a "derived" colorscheme without copy & paste</center> <pre> <A
+Suppose there's a colorscheme that you're pretty fond of, but hate one or
+two particular aspects about. For example, I love the "blue" colorscheme
+that ships with vim, but I find it's colors for the non-active status line
+to be unreadable. Here's how to create a colorscheme which extends "blue"
+without copying it to a new file and editing it.
+In my ~/.vim/colors, I created a "my-blue.vim" file with these contents:
+"these lines are suggested to be at the top of every colorscheme hi clear
+if exists("syntax_on")
+ syntax reset
+"Load the 'base' colorscheme - the one you want to alter runtime
+"Override the name of the base colorscheme with the name of this custom one
+let g:colors_name = "my-blue"
+"Clear the colors for any items that you don't like hi clear StatusLine hi
+clear StatusLineNC
+"Set up your new & improved colors hi StatusLine guifg=black guibg=white hi
+StatusLineNC guifg=LightCyan guibg=blue gui=bold
+That's all there is to it.
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim">
+<html><center>Simplify help buffer navigation</center> <pre> <A
+Vim is distributed with comprehensive help system, which has basic hyperlink
+support - you can press &lt;C-]&gt; over |some subject| or 'some option'
+to read more about particular term.
+The following mappings simplify help buffer navigation: pressing s(or S)
+will find next(previous) subject from cursor position pressing o(or O) will
+find next(previous) option from cursor position pressing Enter will jump to
+subject under cursor pressing Backspace will return from the last jump
+Put them into help filetype plugin (like ~/.vim/ftplugin/help.vim on UNIX).
+nmap &lt;buffer&gt; &lt;CR&gt; &lt;C-]&gt; nmap &lt;buffer&gt; &lt;BS&gt;
+&lt;C-T&gt; nmap &lt;buffer&gt; o /'[a-z]\{2,\}'&lt;CR&gt; nmap &lt;buffer&gt;
+O ?'[a-z]\{2,\}'&lt;CR&gt; nmap &lt;buffer&gt; s /\|\S\+\|&lt;CR&gt; nmap
+&lt;buffer&gt; S ?\|\S\+\|&lt;CR&gt;
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>Reload
+your filetype/syntax plugin</center> <pre> <A
+Ever tried to write/debug your own filetype/syntax plugin?
+It's an iterative process which involves editing plugin code and testing it
+on some sample file. To see changes you made in your plugin simply do :e
+on sample file. This will force Vim to reload all buffer-specific files,
+including your plugin.
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim">
+<html><center>get the vim patched source</center> <pre> <A
+Hi, there has been a number of person (including) asking in the vim list how
+to keep up with Bram's incredible bug correction and patch writing skills, but
+there is a great way to do this! Use the cvs source which is available at <A
+it is kept up to date and its a lot easier than applying all the patch
+in order. Benoit
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>Keep
+your cursor centered vertically on the screen</center> <pre> <A
+i hope i don't hear a collective 'DUH!' from around the world but i just
+did this and i think it's kinda cool.
+in your .vimrc add...
+map j jzz map k kzz
+so whenever you go up or down, vim does that and then re-centers. obviously it
+doesn't work when you page up/ down.
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>Select
+a buffer from those matching a pattern</center> <pre> <A
+The :bu command will take a pattern as an argument and jump to the matching
+buffer. However, it's not very helpful if there is more than one buffer
+matching the pattern. In that case, it will jump to the first match, which
+may not be what you want. The following function and user-command will
+print a list of the matching buffers in the command-line area, and allow
+you to select one of the matching buffers by number.
+"Select from buffers matching a certain pattern "the 'pattern' argument
+shouldn't be prepended with a slash
+function! BufSel(pattern)
+ let bufcount = bufnr("$") let currbufnr = 1 while currbufnr &lt;= bufcount
+ if(bufexists(currbufnr))
+ let currbufname = bufname(currbufnr) if(match(currbufname, a:pattern)
+ &gt; -1)
+ echo currbufnr . ": ". bufname(currbufnr)
+ endif
+ endif let currbufnr = currbufnr + 1
+ endwhile let desiredbufnr = input("Enter buffer number: ")
+ if(strlen(desiredbufnr) != 0)
+ exe ":bu ". desiredbufnr
+ endif
+"Bind the BufSel() function to a user-command command! -nargs=1 Bs :call
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>How
+to obscure text instantaneously</center> <pre> <A
+Hi, Lets say your writing some imp. doc. and your colleague comes along. you
+don't wan't him to see what you are typing. so u start fumbling to type
+:wq! or switch with Alt-TAB. etc. but wouldn't it be nice to just obsucre the
+text temporarily, so that u don't have to quit or swith to another application
+using Alt-tab. (and if u don;t have any other window open u can;t even use
+alt-tab) well rot-13 comes to help. vim has a built in rot-13 encoder.
+jut put the follwoing in your .vimrc
+map &lt;F3&gt; ggVGg?
+so next time some body comes along just press &lt;F3&gt; and all the buffer
+will be rot-13 encoded. to decode just press &lt;f3&gt; again. Njoy
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>Make vim the
+editor for files with unregistered extensions in Windows</center> <pre> <A
+Normally in Windows, if you try to "launch" a file whose extension is not
+registered with the system, the OS will prompt you for what editor you would
+like to use to open the file. A much more appealing solution, in my mind,
+is to make vim the default editor for any unregistered extension.
+To set vim up as the default editor for unregistered extensions, follow
+these steps: 1. Copy the following into a file named unregistered.reg
+-------------begin unregistered.reg----------------- REGEDIT4
+[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Unknown\shell\Open\Command] @="d:\\program
+files\\vim\\vim60\\gvim.exe \"%1\"" -------------end
+2. Import unregistered into your registry. This can be done in vim by
+executing the following :!regedit "unregistered.reg"
+Disclaimer: This has been tested only on NT4.
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim">
+<html><center>Making search powerful</center> <pre> <A
+My tip is just a bunch of mappings that can be used while searching.
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim">
+<html><center>Making search powerful</center> <pre> <A
+(Sorry, I think I accidentally added an incomplete tip)
+My tip is just a bunch of mappings that can be used while searching.
+What it does?
+ o. Extend your current search. (kinda emacs search where you can search
+ each occurences
+ one by one and go back to the cursor position.
+ o. Scroll/position during mapping. o. Other miscellaneous stuffs ;) read on
+How to use?
+ o. copy and paste the mappings into a file o. open vim (like vim .profile)
+ o. :so &lt;saved-file&gt; o. start using the mappings
+ In case these mappings dont work run like, 'vim -u NONE -U NONE -c
+ "so the-saved-file.vim"'
+ Some of my mappings override the default vim bindings. (like Ctrl-A,
+ Ctrl-Q). I selected those because, I feel by taking those I can do all
+ the search stuff with my left hand.
+ One thing I did not like with this is, I usually miss the "search hit
+ bottom" message. I could have handled that by complicating the current
+ mappings, but I preferred to make it simple
+Mappings Used / =&gt; regular forward search start ? =&gt;
+regular backward search start Rest of the mappings are used during search
+Ctrl-A =&gt; search again forward (In normal mode, search forward with
+the word under cursor) Ctrl-Q =&gt; search again backward (in normal mode,
+search backward with the word under cursor) Ctrl-X =&gt; restore cursor (use
+at any point of time/during-any-operation mentioned during searching) Ctrl-F
+=&gt; search with the word under cursor Ctrl-G =&gt; incrementally add the
+letters following the search pattern (in current line) Ctrl-T Ctrl-T =&gt;
+search for the exact Ctrl-T Ctrl-Y =&gt; search partial (just strips \&lt;
+and \&gt;) Ctrl-E =&gt; scroll up during searching Ctrl-Y =&gt; scroll down
+during searching Ctrl-Z Ctrl-Z =&gt; position the cursor to mid of screen
+(like zz in normal) Ctrl-Z Ctrl-A =&gt; position the cursor to top of screen
+(like zt in normal) Ctrl-Z Ctrl-X =&gt; position the cursor to bottom of
+screen (like zb in normal)
+Misc: Ctrl-K during search save the current matching line Ctrl-K in normal
+mode pastes the saved line
+C mappings Ctrl-V Ctrl-G search for the global variable of the search
+pattern/word under cursor Ctrl-V Ctrl-H search for the local variable of
+the search pattern/word under cursor
+" --- cut n paste from here to end of document --- se nocp incsearch " core
+mappings noremap / mg/ noremap ? mg? ounmap / ounmap ? noremap &lt;C-A&gt;
+mg"gyiw/&lt;C-R&gt;g cnoremap &lt;C-A&gt; &lt;CR&gt;/&lt;Up&gt; cnoremap
+&lt;C-X&gt; &lt;CR&gt;`g cnoremap &lt;C-Q&gt; &lt;CR&gt;?&lt;Up&gt;
+" extending current search mappings cnoremap &lt;C-F&gt;
+&lt;CR&gt;yiw&lt;BS&gt;/&lt;C-R&gt;" cnoremap &lt;C-G&gt;
+" miscellaneous: copy current line during search and later paste in NORMAL
+mode cnoremap &lt;C-K&gt; &lt;CR&gt;"hyy?&lt;Up&gt;&lt;CR&gt;/&lt;Up&gt;
+noremap &lt;C-K&gt; "hp
+" exact/partial search mappings cnoremap &lt;C-T&gt;&lt;C-T&gt;
+&lt;Home&gt;\&lt;&lt;C-End&gt;\&gt; cnoremap &lt;C-T&gt;&lt;C-Y&gt;
+" C global/local variable search mappings noremap &lt;C-V&gt;&lt;C-G&gt;
+mgyiw&lt;CR&gt;gg/\&lt;&lt;C-R&gt;"\&gt; noremap &lt;C-V&gt;&lt;C-H&gt;
+mgyiw?^{&lt;CR&gt;/\&lt;&lt;C-R&gt;"\&gt; cnoremap &lt;C-V&gt;&lt;C-G&gt;
+&lt;CR&gt;yiwgg/\&lt;&lt;C-R&gt;"\&gt; cnoremap &lt;C-V&gt;&lt;C-H&gt;
+" positioning/scrolling during search mappings cnoremap &lt;C-E&gt;
+&lt;CR&gt;mt&lt;C-E&gt;`t&lt;BS&gt;/&lt;Up&gt; cnoremap &lt;C-Y&gt;
+&lt;CR&gt;&lt;C-Y&gt;&lt;BS&gt;/&lt;Up&gt; cnoremap &lt;C-Z&gt;&lt;C-A&gt;
+&lt;CR&gt;zt&lt;BS&gt;/&lt;Up&gt; cnoremap &lt;C-Z&gt;&lt;C-X&gt;
+&lt;CR&gt;zb&lt;BS&gt;/&lt;Up&gt; cnoremap &lt;C-Z&gt;&lt;C-Z&gt;
+" VISUAL mappings vnoremap / ymg/&lt;C-R&gt;=escape(@",'.*\/?')&lt;CR&gt;
+vnoremap ? ymg?&lt;C-R&gt;=escape(@",'.*\/?')&lt;CR&gt;
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>Searching
+for more than one word at the same time.</center> <pre> <A
+Did you know that with VIM u can search for more than one word with a single
+command. say you want to search all occurances of "bill" or "ted", or "harry"
+in a text. in normal mode do the following. /\(bill\)\|\(ted\)\|\(harry\)
+this will match all instances of either "bill", or "ted", or "harry" in your
+text. the key is the \(\) and \| operators. \(\) group characters in a word
+and \| is for ORing.
+this is so cool u can even use it for replacing text. to replace all
+instances of "bill" or "ted" or "harry" with "greg" do the following
+:%s/\(bill\)\|\(ted\)\|\(harry\)/greg/g &lt;enter&gt; (note :- if u have
+set the option "gdefault" u don't need the "g" at the end of the above command)
+I don't know of any other editor which can do this, with so much ease.
+Rock on VIM Njoy
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>Make
+Ctrl-Backspace delete previous word (like GTK inputs)</center> <pre> <A
+Stuff this into your ~/.gvimrc and then you'll be able to type
+Control-Backspace to delete the previous word. I had gotten so used to
+C-BS working a certain way in all my editors with a ceezy input area (like
+mozilla/galeon, gabber, etc...), that I wanted the same behaviour when I
+used gvim.
+" map control-backspace to delete the previous word :imap &lt;C-BS&gt;
+Simple, I know, but reasonably useful.
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>XP &gt;
+I-Explorer &gt; HTML Editor &lt; REG files</center> <pre> <A
+The issue is permitting other programs, besides NOTEPAD, be the HTML editor
+under Internet Explorer. (Adding "Edit" as a New Action in the publicly
+exposed Files Types for HTM/L does NOT do the job.)
+Given below are two REG files for vim. Just cut 'em up where indicated.
+They have been tested under Windows XP.
+-------------------------------------------------------CUT HERE---------------
+Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
+; GOAL: Set gvim as HTML editor in Internet Explorer 6.0 ; Vim version :
+6.0 ; Windows version: XP ; EASY USAGE: name this file iex-vim60.reg and
+double click on it ; Hard Usage: IMPORT this file using REGEDIT.EXE found
+in c:\WINDOWS ; Last modified date : Dec 16, 2001
+; gvim is expected in "C:\Program Files\Vim\vim60\gvim.exe" ; Be sure to
+also reset Explorer&gt;Tools&gt;Internet Options&gt;Programs
+; Microsoft documentation ; <A
+; Add Vim in the list of supported HTML editors
+[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.htm\OpenWithList\Vim\shell\edit\command] @="\"C:\\Program
+Files\\Vim\\vim60\\gvim.exe\" \"%1\""
+; Do NOT add to .html, registry for .htm type suffices
+;@="\"C:\\Program Files\\Vim\\vim60\\gvim.exe\" \"%1\""
+; OPTIONAL: Within Internet Explorer "View Source" with gvim
+; but prefer to use Edit button (got to add this) on Toolbar
+;[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\View Source Editor]
+;[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\View Source
+Editor\Editor Name] ;@="C:\\Program Files\\Vim\\vim60\\gvim.exe"
+; ============================================= EOF
+-------------------------------------------------------CUT HERE---------------
+Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
+; GOAL: UNINSTALL gvim as HTML editor in Internet Explorer 6.0 ; Vim version :
+6.0 ; Windows version: XP ; EASY USAGE: name this file iex-vim60-uninstall.reg
+and double click on it ; Hard Usage: IMPORT this file using REGEDIT.EXE
+found in c:\WINDOWS ; Last modified date : Dec 16, 2001
+; gvim is expected in "C:\Program Files\Vim\vim60\gvim.exe" ; Be sure to
+also reset Explorer&gt;Tools&gt;Internet Options&gt;Programs
+; Microsoft documentation ; <A
+[-HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\View Source Editor]
+; ============================================= EOF
+-------------------------------------------------------CUT HERE---------------
+Happy Vimming...
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim">
+<html><center>Transposing</center> <pre> <A
+You can easily move lines with these maps using &lt;C-Up&gt; and &lt;C-Down&gt;
+(only in GUI version :( ) (Works in normal, insert, and visual mode, but
+you can't add a count to them) " Transposing lines nmap &lt;C-Down&gt;
+:&lt;C-u&gt;move .+1&lt;CR&gt; nmap &lt;C-Up&gt; :&lt;C-u&gt;move .-2&lt;CR&gt;
+imap &lt;C-Down&gt; &lt;C-o&gt;:&lt;C-u&gt;move .+1&lt;CR&gt; imap &lt;C-Up&gt;
+&lt;C-o&gt;:&lt;C-u&gt;move .-2&lt;CR&gt;
+vmap &lt;C-Down&gt; :move '&gt;+1&lt;CR&gt;gv vmap &lt;C-Up&gt; :move
+" Transpose chars (like Ctrl-T in emacs, shell...) imap &lt;C-F&gt;
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim">
+<html><center>Latex Help for VIM</center> <pre> <A
+LaTeX Help for aucTeX `translated' as vim help file.
+:help add-local-help
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>Insert
+the current filename at cursor postion.</center> <pre> <A
+I found this one good for when I was starting to learn Java, it simply inserts
+the current filename, at the cursor position, when you are in insert mode.
+Honestly, its a mish-mash of some other tips I found here, but I thought it
+might be useful.
+imap \fn &lt;C-R&gt;=expand("%:t:r")&lt;CR&gt;
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim">
+<html><center>Inserting text in multiple lines</center> <pre> <A
+Do you know the I key in visual-block mode?
+Suppose you have let a=2 let b=3 let c=4
+You want to make these variables script-wise. Then you move to over a, hit
+&lt;C-v&gt;, press jj and now press I. You will be in insert mode before a
+Now enter s:&lt;Esc&gt;, and when you press &lt;Esc&gt;, b and c will have
+the s: prefix too. See |v_b_I|
+Happy vimming! Gergely Kontra
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim">
+<html><center>Switching between files</center> <pre> <A
+When you edit multiple files, you often need to change windows. You can set
+up vim in windows and gvim to switch between windows with the commonly used
+Ctrl-Tab and Ctrl-Shift-Tab The mappings nmap &lt;C-Tab&gt; &lt;C-w&gt;w
+nmap &lt;C-S-Tab&gt;&lt;C-w&gt;W (They wrap around) See also |Ctrl-w|
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>FileName
+Completion in Shell Scripts</center> <pre> <A
+In shell scripts, you often define environment variables for diff directory
+names. i.e. JAVA_HOME=/opt/java/jdk1.4 PATH=/usr/local/bin:/bin....
+Normally typing Ctrl-X Ctrl-F is used to complete FileName under cursor.
+But this does not work if used on lines given above. This is because vim
+treats "=" sign as a valid filename character. Since the actual possibility
+of "=" being in any filename is very less, this char can be removed from
+the list of valid filename char.
+set isfname-==
+putting the above line in .vimrc will remove "=" from the list of valid
+filename chars. thus u can easyly complete filenames using &lt;Ctrl-X&gt;
+&lt;Ctrl-F&gt; Njoy
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>Open
+file in already running vim from elsewhere</center> <pre> <A
+If you want edit new file, and you want do it in alrady running vim,
+instead of launching another instance, you may use --remote argument:
+gvim first_file gvim --remote +split first_file
+:he --remote It requires X windows (but works in terminal version of vim
+there too) or MS windows and built-in client-server mechanism. If there are
+several instances of vim already running, you may choose to which you talk
+using --servername :help --servername
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>Pasting
+code with syntax coloring in emails</center> <pre> <A
+When sending code snippets or diffs to your colleagues either for code review
+or for something else as email, how nice and clear it will be if you can
+paste it with the Vim syntax highlighting? I am sure they will be impressed
+and feel much easier to read the code. It is also very easy and fast (once
+you practice it) to do this.
+This probably works only on windows and requires you to use Internet Explorer
+and an email client that understand RTF content coming from clipboard, such
+as Outlook or Outlook Express. At least that would make the process faster. I
+haven't tried on any other combination though. This is what you need to do:
+- Open the file containing the code/code snippet/diff etc. in gvim. If you
+use dark background for GVim (like me), then I would suggest you to change
+your color scheme temporarily to something else that has a white background
+or just use the "-U NONE" as below:
+ gvim -U NONE &lt;file&gt;
+- Convert the file into HTML by using the following command at the colon
+prompt as below:
+ :runtime syntax/2html.vim
+- The above step will open a new window with the HTML content in it. You might
+want to just save it with the suggested name or write into a temporary file as:
+ :w! c:/tmp/t.html
+- Open the IE browser window and open the above temp file "c:/tmp/t.html".
+- Now you select all (press ^A) and copy it (^C). - You are ready to paste
+it with syntax coloring in any application that accepts RTF content from
+clipboard, including Outlook or Outlook Express mail composing window.
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>maximize
+window and return to previous split structure</center> <pre> <A
+Say you have layed out a complex window split structure, and want to
+temporarily open 1 window with max dimensions, but don't want to lose your
+split structure. The following function and mappings let you toggle between
+the split windows and on window maximized. The mappings prevent the default
+behavior of calling :only and losing your finely tuned splits.
+Put this bit in your vimrc file, change mappings if you don't want to override
+the defaults:
+nnoremap &lt;C-W&gt;O :call MaximizeToggle ()&lt;CR&gt; nnoremap &lt;C-W&gt;o
+:call MaximizeToggle ()&lt;CR&gt; nnoremap &lt;C-W&gt;&lt;C-O&gt; :call
+MaximizeToggle ()&lt;CR&gt;
+function! MaximizeToggle()
+ if exists("s:maximize_session")
+ source s:maximize_session call delete(s:maximize_session)
+ unlet s:maximize_session let &hidden=s:maximize_hidden_save
+ unlet s:maximize_hidden_save
+ else
+ let s:maximize_hidden_save = &hidden let s:maximize_session =
+ tempname() set hidden mksession! s:maximize_session only
+ endif
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>Bouncing
+Parentheses (during insertion)</center> <pre> <A
+When one is inserting parentheses some folks like to see the cursor bounce
+off the matching parenthesis. To do that, put the following map into your
+&lt;.vimrc&gt; file:
+ inoremap ) )&lt;c-o&gt;%&lt;c-o&gt;:sleep
+ 500m&lt;CR&gt;&lt;c-o&gt;%&lt;c-o&gt;a
+Adjust the time delay (its 500 milliseconds above) to suit your needs.
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim">
+<html><center>The meaning of life</center> <pre> <A
+Use this tip if you need to discover the meaning of life, the universe
+and everything.
+Simply do: :h 42
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim">
+<html><center>debugging window autocommands</center> <pre> <A
+Don't know how people debug autocommands, but I just found out that you can
+debug (at least) those that result due to window close by just doing a debug
+quit, i.e.,
+:debug quit
+Vim will let you step into the autocommands. Try it to believe.
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim">
+<html><center>Make make more helpful</center> <pre> <A
+I find this a very useful command to use. Add the below 4 lines to your vimrc.
+Then instead of "make" use "Make".
+" Command Make will call make and then cwindow which " opens a 3 line error
+window if any errors are found. " if no errors, it closes any open cwindow.
+:command -nargs=* Make make &lt;args&gt; | cwindow 3
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>Some
+mappings for using cscope with vim.</center> <pre> <A
+These mappings can make using cscope a fun. You can copy the word under the
+cursor in one window, and search for it from other window.
+" Copy and paste the word under cursor map &lt;silent&gt; &lt;C-Space&gt;
+" Use the C-Space word as the search criterion map &lt;C-F6&gt; :cscope
+find s &lt;C-R&gt;=@m&lt;CR&gt;&lt;CR&gt; map &lt;C-F5&gt; :cscope find
+c &lt;C-R&gt;=@m&lt;CR&gt;&lt;CR&gt; map &lt;C-F7&gt; :cscope find g
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim">
+<html><center>Computing a sum of numbers in vim</center> <pre> <A
+"Sometimes you need to sum a some numbers in vim. There *are* some plugins
+"that can do the job. But what if the numbers are not in a columns or are on
+"the same line or are sacttered all across the file? You might also need to
+"sum all the numbers in file that look like '1234$', or '54565 Eu' ignoring
+others. " "There is a very simple trick, using (my favourite) command ":s "
+"First you define following function
+:let g:S=0 "In global variable S we later find the result
+:function! Sum(number) "The function is defined with a '!',
+ "so it does not complain during debugging
+ "when you are redefining the function
+ :let g:S=g:S+a:number "we accumulate the result in global variable
+ S :return a:number "function returns the argument, so after a :s
+ "command the text remains the same
+"you can do issue those few commands from a command line, "or create a small
+file and put it into your plugin directory, "or write those few commands
+into a file end issue a command :so %
+"how to use this little function: "let's suppose you have a simple
+column of numbers like " "10 "20 "30 " "you issue command like: :let S=0
+:%s/[0-9]\+/\=Sum(submatch(0))/ "the command finds the first number on the
+line and adds it to the S " "the result is displayed :echo $S
+"!!!! don't forget to do :let g:S=0 "before use.
+"you can also use \zs and \ze atoms in a regular expression to "delimit the
+number, so submatch(0) returns only a number and "the text remains unchanged
+after 'substitute'
+"for starter on the wonderfull world of regular expressions see: :help
+"for the definition of the search pattern see :help :s :help pattern
+"for replacement strings begining with \= and special function submatch(0)see
+:help sub-replace-special
+"for the *ultimate* guide through the world of regular expressions see book:
+"Mastering Regular Expressions "Powerful Techniques for Perl and Other Tools
+"by Jeffrey E.F. Friedl "from O'REILLY
+"the book does not write about vim, yet here you can learn that ":s command
+is the most powerfull command you can find in a text editor. "(with the
+possible exception of :global command)
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>Highlight
+doubled word errors in text</center> <pre> <A
+An error I sometimes make while working on a LaTeX file is the repetition of
+a word as in "the the". Most often, such doubled words come about through
+a careless edit. Doubled words are hard to spot when the first word of the
+doubled pair is the last word on one line, and the second word of the pair
+is the the first word on the next line. There is an example of such an error
+in the last sentence. Vim's syntax mechanism can be used to highlight doubled
+words as an error.
+To obtain this highlighting for TeX and LaTeX files, place the following
+two lines:
+ syn match texDoubleWord "\c\&lt;\(\a\+\)\_s\+\1\&gt;" hi def link
+ texDoubleWord Error
+in a file called tex.vim in the directory that shows up last in your
+runtimepath (:set runtimepath? to check). This will often be either
+~/.vim/after/syntax/tex.vim or $VIM/vimfiles/after/syntax/tex.vim
+The same effect can be obtained for files of a different filetype, say html,
+by putting the same lines in a file called html.vim in the same location.
+For more on the runtimepath, :he runtimepath. For more on syntax highlighting,
+:he syntax
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>editing
+databases with Vim/Perl/DBI</center> <pre> <A
+Perl's Data-Base-Independent (DBI) module provides programming language
+level access to a lot of databases.
+Vim hosts an embedded Perl interpreter. So it is only a matter of some key
+strokes to interactively issue DB commands from within Vim or to search,
+edit, and replace database contents including retrieval and storage. Of course
+"create table" scripts can be worked upon in Vim as well as storing recurring
+patterns in Vim functions or Perl modules.
+Prerequisites: Vim needs to be compiled with Perl support enabled. See the
+|if_perl.txt| manual page! The CPAN module DBI as well as an appropriate
+database driver has to be installed with Perl in order to execute these
+Vim commands:
+" connect to perl's dbi module: :perl use dbi;
+" connect to the database: :perl $dbh = dbi-&gt;connect(
+ { raiseerror =&gt; 1});
+" perform a simple query: :perl $result = $dbh-&gt;selectall_arrayref("show
+" insert the list of tables into the current buffer's top: :perl
+$curbuf-&gt;Append(0, map($_-&gt;[0], @{$result}));
+In MySql the command "show tables;" results in a list of table names. Inserted
+into a Vim buffer this results in one line per table.
+You can find more on my web page <A
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>Alter
+the display of buffers in the buffers menu</center> <pre> <A
+If you use the buffers menu, here's where you can change how the buffernames
+are displayed:
+menu.vim, function s:BMMunge
+OLD: let name2 = name2 . ' (' . a:bnum . ')'
+ .vimrc (1) menu.vim (2)
+NEW: let name2 = '&' . a:bnum . '. ' . name2
+ 1. .vimrc 2. menu.vim
+(with the 1 and the 2 underlined)
+which is more useful, because you can (almost) always pick the buffer you
+want with one keystroke, the buffernumber, until you get to buffer 10 anyway.
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim">
+<html><center>backtracking your movements in a file</center> <pre> <A
+If you are jumping from one line to another a lot. You may find the "Ctrl-o"
+command handy. Usually u can set markers in a buffer to keep track of your
+movements. but Ctrl-o makes it even easier. it takes you back sequentially
+to all your previous cursor locations in a buffer. just press ctrl-o in
+normal mode and u will go to your last cursor position.
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim">
+<html><center>compiling the actual file with gcc</center> <pre> <A
+if you use set makeprg=gcc\ -o\ %&lt;\ % in your .vimrc, and your actual
+file is file.c, then :make will compile file.c with the output file. (gcc
+file.c -o file).
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim">
+<html><center>Rotate color themes</center> <pre> <A
+This tip is for those who like to change their vim color themes pretty often.
+I like different themes just for a change in my work environment. To achieve
+this just add the following to your .vimrc or _vimrc file.
+let themeindex=0 function! RotateColorTheme()
+ let y = -1 while y == -1
+ let colorstring =
+ "#blue.vim#elflord.vim#evening.vim#koehler.vim#murphy.vim#pablo.vim#ron.vim#"
+ let x = match(colorstring,"#",g:themeindex) let y =
+ match(colorstring,"#",x+1) let g:themeindex = x+1 ":echo x
+ y g:themeindex if y == -1
+ let g:themeindex = 0
+ else
+ let themestring = strpart(colorstring,x+1,y-x-1)
+ echo("Setting Theme to-&gt; ".themestring) return
+ ":so $VIMRUNTIME/colors/".themestring
+ endif
+ endwhile
+Change the value of colorstring above by changing the line let colorstring =
+You can add your favorite color themes in this string so that you can rotate
+between them. Just make sure that any string that you add is in between the #
+as shown above. Just follow the format above and things will work.
+Then assign a key to roate the theme. map &lt;F8&gt; :execute
+Dunno if there are better ways to do the same. I just did a "help eval"
+and wrote the above.
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>Setting
+file attributes without reloading a buffer</center> <pre> <A
+While creating scripts and others executable files with Vim it is needed to
+set UNIX executable bit on the file. You can do this from inside Vim with
+:!chmod a+x %. The % represents current buffer's filename. The problem is
+that Vim will notice attribute changes and prompt you to reload a file. If
+you do this, your undo history for the file will be lost.
+The following function facilitate changing executable attributes without
+reloading a buffer. Thanks to Bram for the algorithm for this function.
+fun! SetExecutableBit()
+ let fname = expand("%:p") :checktime exec "au FileChangedShell
+ " . fname . " :echo" :silent !chmod a+x % :checktime exec
+ "au! FileChangedShell " . fname
+" Create an EX command that will call the function. command -nargs=0 Xbit
+call SetExecutableBit()
+Now you can type :Xbit to make the file executable!
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim">
+<html><center>delet all lines containt TXT</center> <pre> <A
+I needed this one when I was editing an ldif file:
+I needed to delete all lines containing "profile":
+very handydandy
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim">
+<html><center>Current buffer based menus</center> <pre> <A
+If you have different menus for different filetypes, and you want to have
+only the menu relevant to current buffer displayed, you can use this approach:
+in .vimrc: au BufEnter * if exists('b:BuffEnter')|exec b:BuffEnter|endif au
+BufLeave * if exists('b:BuffEnter')|exec b:BuffLeave|endif
+In appropriate ftplugin/?.vim, there are assigned commands to create or
+destroy the menus - here typed in directly, may be of course call to a
+menu-generating function or whatever.
+let b:BuffEnter='amenu C.added ...' let b:BuffLeave='unmenu! C|unmenu C'
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>Edit
+configuration files for a filetype</center> <pre> <A
+When you open a file, vim may load several scripts to customize itself for
+editing the file type the file is associated with (for example a file "test.c"
+is associated with the filetype "c"). Such configurations include the setting
+of syntax highlighting colors (:help syntax) and support for indentation
+(:help filetype-indent-on). When you start to override these files for
+yourself, it can sometimes be confusing, which file sets a specific option.
+The following function can be used, to edit the configuration files which
+are associated with a specific filename. It open a buffer for all files which
+get loaded. If I invoke it with ':call Edit_ft_conf("test.c")', for example,
+I end up with the following buffers / windows:
+ 1 a "[No File]" line 1 2 a "test.c"
+ line 1 3 a= "/usr/local/share/vim/vim60/syntax/c.vim"
+ line 1 4 a "~/.vim/after/syntax/c.vim" line 1 5 #a=
+ "/usr/local/share/vim/vim60/indent/c.vim" line 1 6 %a=
+ "/usr/local/share/vim/vim60/ftplugin/c.vim" line 1
+Here comes the function:
+" Edit filetype configuration files " Usage: ':call Edit_ft_conf("file")'
+" Purpose: open all scripts which get loaded implicitly by opening "file" "
+(syntax highlighting, indentation, filetype plugins, ..) " The order of
+windows reflects the order of script loading (but "file" is " the topmost
+window) fun! Edit_ft_conf(name)
+ " we may not do this with a loaded file, since this won't trigger the
+ " configuration file loading as desired. " try calling with 'call
+ Edit_ft_conf("nonexistingfile.&lt;EXT&gt;")' if this " gives you troubles
+ if bufexists(a:name) && bufloaded(a:name)
+ echo "!Attention: buffer for " . a:name . " is loaded, unload first."
+ return
+ endif " split-open the file with verbose set, grab the output into a
+ register " (without clobbering) let safereg = @u redir @u " redirect
+ command output to register @u exec "silent 2verbose split " . a:name
+ " verbose level 2 suffices to catch all scripts which get opened
+ redir END " Parse register @u, looking for smth like:
+ 'sourcing"/usr/local/share/vim/vim60/syntax/c.vim"' let pos = 0 let
+ regexp = 'sourcing "[^"]\+"' while match(@u,regexp,pos) &gt;= 0
+ let file = matchstr(@u,regexp,pos) let pos = matchend (@u,regexp,pos)
+ let file = strpart(file,10,strlen(file)-11) exec "silent below split
+ " . file
+ endwhile " restore the register let @u = safereg
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>calculate
+equations from within vim</center> <pre> <A
+The following map and function calculates equations using the program 'bc'
+(found on most linux systems, available for most systems). Visually select the
+equation you want to calculate, then hit ;bc - if the selection ends with an
+'=' sign, the answer will be appended after the equal, otherwise, the answer
+is echoed as a message. The code to put in a vimrc and source is at the end.
+Equations can span multiple lines, and the full bc syntax is probably
+supported. Additionally, sin (), cos (), etc, are transformed into the
+names used by bc (s () c (), etc).
+Here are some example lines:
+2 * sqrt (2) =
+3 * (2 - 1) + 4.0 ^ 6 =
+4 / 3 =
+3 +
+ 4 -
+ 2 * (1 / (3 + 2)) =
+define rad (x) {
+ return (x / 180) * 4 * atan (1)
+} cos (rad (45)) =
+Select each of these in turn (continguous non-blank lines, and hit ;bc for
+each), and this is what you get: 2 * sqrt (2) = 2.82842712474619009760
+3 * (2 - 1) + 4.0 ^ 6 = 4099.000000
+4 / 3 = 1.33333333333333333333
+3 +
+ 4 -
+ 2 * (1 / (3 + 2)) = 6.60000000000000000000
+define rad (x) {
+ return (x / 180) * 4 * atan (1)
+} cos (rad (45)) = .70710678118654752440
+Fun, no? Here is the code you need to put in your vimrc file:
+vnoremap ;bc "ey:call CalcBC()&lt;CR&gt; function! CalcBC()
+ let has_equal = 0
+ " remove newlines and trailing spaces let @e = substitute (@e, "\n",
+ "", "g") let @e = substitute (@e, '\s*$', "", "g")
+ " if we end with an equal, strip, and remember for output if @e =~ "=$"
+ let @e = substitute (@e, '=$', "", "") let has_equal = 1
+ endif
+ " sub common func names for bc equivalent let @e = substitute (@e,
+ '\csin\s*(', "s (", "") let @e = substitute (@e, '\ccos\s*(', "c
+ (", "") let @e = substitute (@e, '\catan\s*(', "a (", "") let @e =
+ substitute (@e, "\cln\s*(", "l (", "")
+ " escape chars for shell let @e = escape (@e, '*()')
+ " run bc, strip newline let answer = substitute (system ("echo "
+ . @e . " \| bc -l"), "\n", "", "")
+ " append answer or echo if has_equal == 1
+ normal `&gt; exec "normal a" . answer
+ else
+ echo "answer = " . answer
+ endif
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>Translate
+&#nnn; in html source to readable ascii</center> <pre> <A
+I found a website *cough**cough* that likes to obfuscate some of
+its help file web pages using &#nnn; instead of normal ascii. If you load
+the source with Vim (in Opera you can just designate Vim as your source
+viewing program), you can :so the following code to make it readable.
+let n = 32 while n &lt; 127
+ if n == 38
+ silent! exec '%s/&#38;/\&amp;/g'
+ elseif n == 47
+ silent! exec '%s/&#47;/\//g'
+ else
+ silent! exec '%s/&#' . n . ';/' . nr2char(n) . '/g'
+ endif let n = n + 1
+Disclaimer: I hacked this together in about 10 minutes (or possibly longer :).
+It worked suitably for the website I wrote it for (or possibly "against" :).
+Your Milage May Vary.
+See :help eval, :help silent, :help exec, :help :s
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>Check
+for comments, independent of the filetype</center> <pre> <A
+For some scripts it might be useful to detect, whether a specific position
+in a buffer is inside of a comment or not. Syntax highlighting can save us
+the work for parsing the comments ourselves.
+The command
+ :echo synIDattr(synIDtrans(synID(line("."), col("."), 0)), "name")
+echoes the group used for *highlighting* the character at the current
+cursor position, see ':help synIDtrans()'. It will usually be "Comment"
+if the cursor is inside of a comment, so
+ synIDattr(synIDtrans(synID(line("."), col("."), 0)), "name") == "Comment"
+detects, independent of the filetype (which have their own group 'names'
+for comments), if the cursor is inside a comment or not. The expression
+ synIDattr(synIDtrans(synID(line("."), col("."), 0)), "name") =~
+ 'Comment\|Constant\|PreProc'
+will detect additionally, if the cursor is inside of a string or some
+preprocessor statement.
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>make
+from command line, open vim on errors</center> <pre> <A
+A simple alias (*csh) or shell function (bash) will let you run make from your
+shell, then automatically open vim or gvim on the errors (if there were any):
+csh or tcsh:
+alias Make 'make \!* |& tee make.errors || gvim -q make.errors -c :copen'
+Make () { command make "$@" |& tee make.errors || gvim -q make.errors -c
+:copen ; }
+If you use vanilla sh or ksh or even cmd.exe, you can probably do the same -
+add a not if you have ideas.
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim">
+<html><center>Match every word except 'foo'</center> <pre> <A
+This is a regular expression that matches all words except 'foo'
+\v Very magic &lt; Start-of-word (Foo&gt;) The
+atom 'Foo' followed by end-of-word @! Match (with zero length)
+when the previous atom doesn't match. \k+ Match one or more
+Keywords &gt; Match end-of-word.
+This is a kool example of using \@! in the middle of a regexp. The non-magic
+version is: \&lt;\(foo\&gt;\)\@!\k\+\&gt;
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim">
+<html><center>indenting "throws" in java</center> <pre> <A
+I want to indent java files like this:
+ int x(int y, int z)
+ throws Exception
+ {
+ [...] return something;
+ }
+By default vim will properly indent "throws" line, but following "{" will
+not be deindented back to the method declaration.
+The following indentexpr does the trick: let
+&indentexpr='getline(v:lnum)=~"^\\s*{" && getline(v:lnum-1)=~"^\\s*throws\\s"
+? cindent(v:lnum)-&sw : cindent(v:lnum)'
+It just checks that the current line starts with "{" and the previous line
+starts with "throws" and if that is the case, it subtracts one shiftwidth
+from the number returned by cindent.
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim">
+<html><center>Building vim with color on HP-UX</center> <pre> <A
+Following the normal steps of running "./configure" and "make" to build vim
+on an HP-UX 10.20 will result in vim being linked with the termlib library.
+This library does not support certain termcap capability codes, such as the
+"Co" code used to query the number of colors supported by the terminal.
+Consequently, vim will not display colors when used with a color terminal
+such as a color xterm.
+One solution to this is to run the configure script with the
+"--with-tlib=curses" option, like this:
+ ./configure --with-tlib=curses
+This will cause vim to be linked with the HP-UX curses library, which does
+support the color termcap capability codes.
+Note that the xterm that comes standard with HP-UX 10.20 does not display color
+character attributes. To see colors when running vim in a terminal window,
+you will also need to install a color terminal emulator such as a recent xterm.
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim">
+<html><center>Reverse Selected Text</center> <pre> <A
+Suppose you want to reverse some text - I don't know why you would want to -
+maybe you're dyslexic. Anyway, I had a need, so this mapping will reverse
+visually selected text. Put the mapping in your vimrc or otherwise source
+it, then visually select the word or words, and hit ;rv - really only works
+with selections on one line:
+vnoremap ;rv c&lt;C-O&gt;:set revins&lt;cr&gt;&lt;C-R&gt;"&lt;esc&gt;:set
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim">
+<html><center>Shifting blocks visually</center> <pre> <A
+I use the &lt; and &gt; commands on blocks a lot, and it has always annoyed me
+that if you want to shift more than one 'shiftwidth', you have count how many
+'shiftwidth's you want to enter the '[count]&gt;', or restore the selection
+with "gv". So I've cooked up two mappings that come in very handy:
+:vnoremap &lt; &lt;gv :vnoremap &gt; &gt;gv
+These mappings will reselect the block after shifting, so you'll just have
+to select a block, press &lt; or &gt; as many times as you like, and press
+&lt;ESC&gt; when you're done to unselect the block.
+I know it's not rocket science, but it sure has helped me a lot.
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim">
+<html><center>vim can interact with xdvi</center> <pre> <A
+ vim can interact with the tricks that the latest xdvi does:
+ * If one clicks at some place in xdvi, vim automatically jumps to the
+ corresponding line in the LaTeX source file ("reverse search")
+ * Also, from inside vim, one can jump to the corresponding line in xdvi
+ which becomes highlighted ("forward search").
+ Here is how to do it:
+ * Reverse search:
+ We start a vim server by: vim --servername xdvi We start xdvi(k) on
+ file.dvi by:
+ xdvik -editor "vim --servername xdvi --remote +%l %f" file.dvi
+ At the desired location in xdvi, we press: &lt;ctrl&gt;&lt;left_mouse&gt;
+ Then, vim will jump to the corresponding line in the source file.
+ * Forward search:
+ Inside vim, we type, for example, _g which is the following mapping:
+ (the following should be a single line)
+ map _g :execute "!xdvik -name xdvi -sourceposition "
+ . line(".") . expand("%") . " " . expand("%:r") . ".dvi"
+ &lt;cr&gt;&lt;cr&gt;
+ [the command to go to the point of xdvi that corresponds to line, eg, 77
+ of the source file is (no space after 77)
+ xdvik -name xdvi -sourceposition 77file.tex file.dvi ]
+ For the above to work one needs: 1) A recent version of xdvi or xdvik
+ (&gt;22.39 I think) 2) The package srcltx.sty and \usepackage{srcltx}
+ (which should be
+ commented out when one finishes and is ready for printing etc).
+ 3) Our version of vim should have been compiled with +clientserver
+ (however, my vim doesn't have it and still works, so try it before
+ Bram finds out what is happening and fixes it)
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>Edit
+file under cursor after a horizontal split</center> <pre> <A
+I use the command 'gf' quite often. But with this command the current buffer
+is hidden. To avoid that I use the following mapping :
+map gw &lt;Esc&gt;:sp %&lt;CR&gt; gf
+With this mapping the file under the cursor is opened after a horizontal split.
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim">
+<html><center>Power of :g</center> <pre> <A
+:g is something very old and which is very powerful. I just wanted to
+illustrate the use of it with some examples. Hope, it will be useful for
+Brief explanation for ":g" ------------------------- Syntax is:
+ :[range]:g/&lt;pattern&gt;/[cmd]
+You can think the working as, for the range (default whole file), execute
+the colon command(ex) "cmd" for the lines matching &lt;pattern&gt;. Also,
+for all lines that matched the pattern, "." is set to that particular line
+(for certain commands if line is not specified "." (current line) is assumed).
+Some examples ------------- Display context (5 lines) for all occurences of
+a pattern
+ :g/&lt;pattern&gt;/z#.5 :g/&lt;pattern&gt;/z#.5|echo "==========" &lt;&lt;
+ same as first, but with some beautification &gt;&gt;
+Delete all lines matching a pattern
+ :g/&lt;pattern&gt;/d
+Delete all blank lines (just an example for above)
+ :g/^\s*$/d
+Double space the file
+ :g/^/pu =\"\n\" :g/^/pu _ &lt;&lt; the above one also works &gt;&gt;
+Copy all lines matching a pattern to end of file
+ :g/&lt;pattern&gt;/t$
+Yank all lines matching a pattern to register 'a'
+ 0"ay0:g/&lt;pattern&gt;/y A
+Increment the number items from current line to end-of-document by one
+ :.,$g/^\d/exe "normal! \&lt;c-a&gt;"
+Comment (C) lines containing "DEBUG" statements
+ g/^\s*DEBUG/exe "norm! I/* \&lt;Esc&gt;A */\&lt;Esc&gt;"
+A Reverse lookup for records (eg: An address book, with Name on start-of-line
+and fields after a space)
+ :g/&lt;patern&gt;?^\w?p "if only name is interested
+ :g/&lt;patern&gt;/ka|?^\w?p|'ap "if name and the lookup-line
+ is interested :g/&lt;patern&gt;/?^\w?|+,/^[^ ]/-1p "if entire record
+ is interested
+Reverse a file (just to show the power of 'g')
+ :g/^/m0
+Foot note 1: use :v to negate the search pattern Foot note 2: Some explanation
+of commonly used commands with :g
+ :2,8co15 =&gt; Copy lines 2 through 8 after line 15 :4,15t$ =&gt; Copy
+ linesa 4 through 15 towards end of document (t == co)
+ :-t$ =&gt; Copy previous line to end of document
+ :m0 =&gt; Move current line to the top of the document
+:.,+3m$-1 =&gt; Move current line through cur-line+3 to the last but one line
+ of the document
+Foot note 3: Commands used with :g are ex commands, so a help search should
+ be,
+ :help :&lt;help-topic&gt; eg. :help :k
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>Deleting
+nested reply threads in emails</center> <pre> <A
+I find the following setting useful when replying to email threads that have
+lots of lines like the following: &gt; blah &gt; &gt; blah &gt; &gt; &gt; blah
+autocmd FileType mail map &lt;F8&gt; :%g/^&gt; &gt;/d&lt;CR&gt;
+When replying to a mail and you want to remove everything except what the
+person you are directly replying to wrote just press F8. From the example
+above, you would just be left with &gt; blah
+What it does is simply match any line starting with &gt; &gt; and deletes it.
+It's not perfect as sigs and other debris may remain but it takes a lot
+of the grunt work out of replying to mails. The autocmd only maps F8 when
+using mails, this is handy if you use F8 for other things as I do.
+:help autocmd :help map :help :g
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>First
+thing to try before asking help</center> <pre> <A
+I've seen several questions asked in the reflector which is available in the
+help files. Yeah, I know the help is huge. But, you can try this command
+to show a list of related topics you are trying:
+ :he &lt;topic&gt;&lt;c-d&gt;
+It is "some topic" followed by the key sequence Ctrl-D. For eg:
+ :he xterm&lt;c-d&gt;
+will show all the help topics matching xterm. Then you can do
+completion/copy-n-paste the topic you are searching. Of course you can cycle
+through all the topics through repeated &lt;TABS&gt;, but if the number of
+hits are huge, it is cumbersome.
+Enjoy vimming beginners!!! -Arun
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>copy
+current file to another location from within vim</center> <pre> <A
+I work on jsp pages in my source tree but I have to copy the jsp files over
+to the tomcat directory in order to view my changes.The following mapping
+will copy the file being edited to another location.
+command Cpage silent !cp '%:p' "c:/Progra~1/Tomcat/webapps/console/pages/%"
+% refers to the current buffer %:p refers to the path to the file silent
+suppresses the command prompt window.
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim">
+<html><center>Localized color schemes</center> <pre> <A
+i frequently like to edit multiple files in the same vim session. however,
+if i come into vim from another window i frequently hit 'i' and start typing
+in whatever buffer is currently being used -- this is often the wrong one
+(requires &lt;esc&gt;, undo, go the other buffer and . to redo).
+one way to work around this for me is to use a different color scheme
+depending on what file i'm working on:
+au BufEnter * if (exists("b:colors_name")) | let b:current_colors=colors_name
+| execute "colorscheme " . b:colors_name | endif
+au BufLeave * if (exists("b:current_colors")) | execute "colorscheme "
+. b:current_colors | endif
+if you define b:colors_name with a particular color scheme name, then the
+above autocommands will switch to that colorscheme when you enter that window
+and will return to the original color upon departure.
+inside ftplugin/java.vim, for example, i might have b:colors_name set to
+'morning', causing all java files to have a distinguishing color scheme.
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>Search
+JDK help for keyword at cursor</center> <pre> <A
+ If you are using the Win32 version of Vim you can use this tip to search
+ the Jdk help for the keyword under the cursor.
+You need the winhlp32 version of the Jdk docs from this URL - <A
+It is a 16mb D/L and approx 85mb unzipped!
+I added a command to the popup menu :amenu PopUp.JavaHelp :!start winhlp32
+-k &lt;cword&gt; F:\jdk\winhelp\JDK13.HLP &lt;CR
+And also made a keymapping map J :!start winhlp32 -k &lt;cword&gt;
+F:\jdk\winhelp\JDK13.HLP &lt;CR&gt;
+Trivial yes, but I find it quite useful.
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>Some
+tips for using Vim to write Lisp code</center> <pre> <A
+For some tips on how to use Vim for writing Lisp code, see <A
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>Vi(M)
+Command Line tips & tricks</center> <pre> <A
+These tips save me wearing out my delicate little fingers with unnecessary
+keystrokes. They assume Unix, but I also use them on a Windows Unix Shell
+(MKS) as well
+# When I know the file i want to edit is the most recent file in a directory
+alias -x vew='vi `l\s -t * | head -1 `'
+#When I know the file I want to edit contains a unique keyword #this is
+actually in a little shell script call ed vg where the keyword is passed as
+parameter $1 #/bin/sh #name vg vi.exe $(grep -isl $1 *) &
+# some variations alias -x vp='vi `l\s -t *.@(pl|cgi)| head -1 `'
+#execute the most recent script (I call this from within VIM with a mapped
+button) alias -x xew='`l\s -t *.pl | head -1 `'
+Cheers zzapper
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>Toggle
+highlight word under cursor, to find cursor.</center> <pre> <A
+When the screen has scrolled such as during a search, it may be difficult to
+find the cursor. :help %# explains the pattern one can use to highlight the
+word around the cursor, which gives a bigger target to look for on the screen.
+I have this in my .vimrc:
+function VIMRCWhere()
+ if !exists("s:highlightcursor")
+ match Todo /\k*\%#\k*/ let s:highlightcursor=1
+ else
+ match None unlet s:highlightcursor
+ endif
+endfunction map &lt;C-K&gt; :call VIMRCWhere()&lt;CR&gt;
+This means that in "normal" mode ctrl-k will toggle the highlight. Todo is
+a hightlight group whch is particularly easy to see. For further information
+see ":help s:", ":help match", ":help exists()" and ":help funtion".
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>Menu
+for inserting special characters</center> <pre> <A
+First, thanks for the script printascii.vim.
+When looking at the ascii table, I found some characters I'd like to have
+inserted when editing. Add the following lines in your _gvimrc and you
+can select them via menu. (change the names of the menu if you don't have
+German installed or don't like my titles). I also made some abbreviations
+to get separation lines in documentation or code files, e.g. abb dotlin
+abb cdotlin
+abb fdotlin
+abb cfdotlin
+/*•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••*/^M abb
+dlin =======================================================================^M
+abb cdlin
+/*===================================================================*/^M abb
+lin -----------------------------------------------------------------------^M
+abb clin
+/*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/^M abb
+ulin _______________________________________________________________________^M
+abb culin
+/*___________________________________________________________________*/^M abb
+Ulin ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯^M
+abb cUlin
+(you have to substitute ^M with CTRL_V CTRL_M or delete it)
+20imenu\ angle\ «
+&lt;C-R&gt;=nr2char(171)&lt;CR&gt; 20nmenu\
+angle\ « a&lt;C-R&gt;=nr2char(171)&lt;CR&gt;&lt;ESC&gt;
+20imenu Editieren.Sonderzeichen.close\ angle\ »
+&lt;C-R&gt;=nr2char(187)&lt;CR&gt; 20nmenu Editieren.Sonderzeichen.close\
+angle\ » a&lt;C-R&gt;=nr2char(187)&lt;CR&gt;&lt;ESC&gt;
+20imenu Editieren.Sonderzeichen.start\ mark\ „
+&lt;C-R&gt;=nr2char(132)&lt;CR&gt; 20nmenu Editieren.Sonderzeichen.start\
+mark\ „ a&lt;C-R&gt;=nr2char(132)&lt;CR&gt;&lt;ESC&gt;
+20imenu Editieren.Sonderzeichen.end\ mark\ \ ”
+&lt;C-R&gt;=nr2char(148)&lt;CR&gt; 20nmenu Editieren.Sonderzeichen.end\
+mark\ \ ” a&lt;C-R&gt;=nr2char(148)&lt;CR&gt;&lt;ESC&gt;
+20imenu Editieren.Sonderzeichen.fat\ dot\ \ •
+&lt;C-R&gt;=nr2char(149)&lt;CR&gt; 20nmenu Editieren.Sonderzeichen.fat\
+dot\ \ • a&lt;C-R&gt;=nr2char(149)&lt;CR&gt;&lt;ESC&gt;
+20imenu Editieren.Sonderzeichen.etc\ \ \ …
+&lt;C-R&gt;=nr2char(133)&lt;CR&gt; 20nmenu Editieren.Sonderzeichen.etc\
+\ \ … a&lt;C-R&gt;=nr2char(133)&lt;CR&gt;&lt;ESC&gt;
+20imenu Editieren.Sonderzeichen.!underscore\ \ ¯
+&lt;C-R&gt;=nr2char(175)&lt;CR&gt; 20nmenu Editieren.Sonderzeichen.!underscore\
+\ ¯ a&lt;C-R&gt;=nr2char(175)&lt;CR&gt;&lt;ESC&gt;
+20imenu Editieren.Sonderzeichen.copyright\ \ ©
+&lt;C-R&gt;=nr2char(169)&lt;CR&gt; 20nmenu Editieren.Sonderzeichen.copyright\
+\ © a&lt;C-R&gt;=nr2char(169)&lt;CR&gt;&lt;ESC&gt;
+20imenu Editieren.Sonderzeichen.paragraph\ \ §
+&lt;C-R&gt;=nr2char(167)&lt;CR&gt; 20nmenu Editieren.Sonderzeichen.paragraph\
+\ § a&lt;C-R&gt;=nr2char(167)&lt;CR&gt;&lt;ESC&gt;
+20imenu Editieren.Sonderzeichen.noitamalcxe\ ¡
+&lt;C-R&gt;=nr2char(161)&lt;CR&gt; 20nmenu Editieren.Sonderzeichen.noitamalcxe\
+¡ a&lt;C-R&gt;=nr2char(161)&lt;CR&gt;&lt;ESC&gt;
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>If
+you prefer vertical splits</center> <pre> <A
+This is just in case there's somebody else who likes to work in a maximized
+vim window on a high resolution desktop. If you follow good coding practice
+and make sure your programs use only 80 characters in each row, have you
+noticed how much space lies unused on the right?
+I find that the following settings keep me from ever seeing another horizontal
+split, unless I specifically ask for it.
+cabbrev split vsplit cabbrev hsplit split cabbrev sta vertical sta cabbrev
+help vertical help cabbrev new vnew cabbrev right botright
+; A more heavyweight solution for ^W^] function! ToggleSplit (dir)
+ let currFname = bufname ("%") let old = winnr ()
+ " Window navigation to ensure the correct window is 'last'. if (a:dir ==
+ "u")
+ wincmd k let back="j"
+ elseif (a:dir == "d")
+ wincmd j let back="k"
+ elseif (a:dir == "l")
+ wincmd h let back="l"
+ elseif (a:dir == "r")
+ wincmd l let back="h"
+ endif
+ if (winnr () == old)
+ echo "Ouch" return
+ endif
+ exec "wincmd " . back
+ quit
+ if (back == "j" || back == "k")
+ let orientation = "vsplit"
+ else
+ let orientation = "split"
+ endif
+ if (back == "j" || back == "l")
+ let dir = "below"
+ else
+ let dir = "above"
+ endif
+ exec dir . " " . orientation " " . currFname
+endfunction noremap ^W^] ^W^]:silent call ToggleSplit ("d")&lt;CR&gt;
+; Optional. set splitright ; In which case the above mapping becomes: noremap
+^W^] :set splitbelow&lt;CR&gt;^W^]:silent call ToggleSplit ("u")&lt;CR&gt;:set
+nosplitbelow&lt;CR&gt; ; Or you could just set splitbelow ; :-)
+; Very elegant and almost perfect, but it screws up if you want to run a
+command with ranges :-) ;noremap : :vertical&lt;Space&gt;
+; EOF
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>Very
+basic session persistence</center> <pre> <A
+I use the following code in my plugins dir to ease session persistance. If
+I want my session to persist I use :mks! and then whenever I open the
+Session.vim file, my session is restored. If I am working from a restored
+session and I close VIM, the session is saved automatically. Drawback is
+that it makes editing the Session.vim file a bit cumbersome ;)
+ au BufRead Session.vim so % au VimLeave * call SaveCurrentSession()
+ function! SaveCurrentSession()
+ if v:this_session != ""
+ exe "mksession! " . v:this_session
+ endif
+ endfunction
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim">
+<html><center>map shift-up and shift-down</center> <pre> <A
+You can make Vim scroll the text using the shifted up/down arrows, sort
+of like your browser (except with shifted keys :), by mapping Shift-Up to
+Ctrl-Y and Shift-Down to Ctrl-E.
+ map &lt;s-Down&gt; &lt;C-E&gt; map &lt;s-Up&gt; &lt;C-Y&gt;
+Shift-Down will then scroll down (like moving a scroll-bar down, or like
+moving a cursor at the bottom of a window down), and Shift-Up will then
+scroll up (like moving a scroll-bar up, etc).
+If you'd rather think about the text moving down/up instead of the cursor
+moving up/down, you can of course swap the mappings.
+If you normally use j and k for cursor movement, and rarely use the arrow
+keys, you can map the arrow keys directly, in which case I'd probably map
+the shifted arrow keys back to cursor movement:
+ map &lt;down&gt; &lt;c-e&gt; map &lt;up&gt; &lt;c-y&gt; map &lt;s-down&gt;
+ j map &lt;s-up&gt; k
+See :help ctrl-e, :help ctrl-y, and :help key-mapping.
+See also :help i_ctrl-o and :help map-modes for how to set up these mappings
+for use in other modes (like insert mode :).
+(Vim by default maps s-Down and s-Up to Ctrl-F and Ctrl-B, for both normal and
+visual mode. Keep this in mind if you change some of the above mappings to
+"nmap", 'cause you'll probably also want to look in to "vmap".)
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim">
+<html><center>Hideall for Vim</center> <pre> <A
+Xemacs has a hide all function which can make all the function in your C file a
+fold and close them. And here is something small to achieve similiar under Vim.
+func! HideAll()
+ syn region myFold start="{" end="}" transparent fold syn sync fromstart
+ set foldnestmax=1 set foldmethod=syntax
+amenu Whatever.Hide\ all :call HideAll()&lt;CR&gt;
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim">
+<html><center>"Hide" Folding Markers</center> <pre> <A
+I wanted to start using folding without having to get used to seeing the
+(default) markers, a.k.a {{{ and }}}. So, here are 2 autocmd's that will
+make them fade to fg=black
+au BufRead,BufNewfile * syn match fmrkr '"*{{{\|"*}}}' |
+ \ syn cluster vimCommentGroup contains=fmrkr |
+ \ hi fmrkr term=NONE guibg=black guifg=black \
+ ctermbg=black ctermfg=black
+au BufRead,BufNewfile * syn match fmrkr '"*{{{\|"*}}}'
+ \ containedin=vimLineComment contained |
+ \ hi fmrkr term=NONE guibg=black guifg=black \
+ ctermbg=black ctermfg=black
+They both accomplish the same thing, but with different methods, so simply pick
+one and see those annoying (at least to me) markers fade away. I just tried
+it out with vim files, but you can easily modify it for any other filetypes.
+Thanks to Colin's lead with ':help c-syntax' for the 1st au. Thanks to
+Benji's lead with ':help containedin' for the 2nd au. Understanding most
+of the syntax.txt document file would also be helpful.
+To figure out what highlighting group the Marker is in, I would suggest
+using Chip's vimtip#99.
+Happy Vimming!
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim">
+<html><center>The power of "\_" in reg-ex</center> <pre> <A
+One of the most uncelebrated feature of vim 6.0 is the ability to span a
+search across multiple lines.
+\_^ maps a begining of line anywhere in search pattern. \_$ ---"----- end
+----------------------"-------------------------. \_s ---"------ space
+------------"------------------------- .
+e.g /{\_s will map all white spaces and new-line chars after a "{"
+The \_ can be appended to other objects as well. such as \_U, \_L, \_. (this
+one's risky) .
+See :help pattern for more details. Njoy
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim">
+<html><center>Develop vim modules on Win</center> <pre> <A
+We're trying to develop txt2pdf.vim <A
+HREF=" on
+on Win.</A><BR> It's a very simple module to save the
+current file and convert it to PDF using our txt2pdf tool <A
+On our Windows 2000 we've developed it. It works good. Today we've tested
+the module on Linux. Surprise: it doesn't work. Default Win Vim configure
+save on Win text in Win way: EOL \r\n. A Vim module made in this way can't
+work on Linux (probably on every Unix OS). If you want to make a Vim module
+on Win and you want it can work also on Unix (we hope the same rula can work
+also on different OS) you've to save the Vim module with Unix EOL (\n).
+Please send us ( your notes about other OS (e.g. OpenVMS).
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>Ask
+vim where an option was set.</center> <pre> <A
+ When things go wrong, it is sometimes hard to figure out why.
+ For example,
+an option might be set in the system vimrc file, in a personal vimrc file,
+in a plugin (global or local), or interactively. Vim will tell you where
+the current value was set if you ask:
+:verbose set history?
+will tell you the current value of the 'history' option, and where it was set.
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>Working
+with Unicode (platform-independent)</center> <pre> <A
+Here are the main options you will want to set if you want to work with
+Unicode files in (g)vim (see at bottom what help tags to look for)
+if has("multi_byte")
+ set encoding=utf-8 " how vim shall represent
+ characters internally setglobal fileencoding=utf-8 " empty is
+ also OK (defaults to same as 'encoding'). Or you may want to set one
+ of the ucs encodings (which
+ " may use less disk
+ space if you use
+ only "alphabetic"
+ scripts such as
+ Latin, Greek,
+ Cyrillic, Hebrew
+ or Arabic, and "
+ not "ideographic"
+ scripts like
+ Chinese, Japanese
+ or Korean. With
+ the ucs encodings
+ it is usually better
+ set bomb " to also set 'bomb'
+ on ('byte-order-mark" option, irrelevant for utf-8 but not for
+ ucs) set termencoding=iso-8859-15 " or whatever is appropriate
+ to your locale (iso-8859-15 is Latin1 + Euro currency sign) set
+ fileencodings=ucs-bom,iso-8859-15,iso-8859-3,utf-8
+ " or whatever is appropriate to the kinds of files you want to
+ edit " 'fileencodings' defines the heuristic to set 'fillencoding'
+ (local to buffer) when reading an existing file. The first one that
+ matches will be used. " ucs-bom is "ucs with byte-order-mark";
+ it must not come after ucs-8 if you want it to be used
+ echoerr "Sorry, this version of (g)vim was not compiled with +multi_byte"
+In "replace" mode, one utf character (one or more data bytes) replaces one
+utf character (which need not use the same number of bytes) In "normal" mode,
+ga shows the character under the cursor as text, decimal, octal and hex; g8
+shows which byte(s) is/are used to represent it In "insert" or "replace" mode,
+ - any character defined on your keyboard can be entered the usual way (even
+ with dead keys if you have them, e.g. âêîôû äëïöü) - any character which
+ has a "digraph" (there are a huge lot of them, see :dig after setting
+ enc=utf-8) can be entered with a Ctrl-K prefix - any utf character at
+ all can be entered with a Ctrl-V prefix, either &lt;Ctrl-V&gt; u aaaa
+ or &lt;Ctrl-V&gt; U bbbbbbbb, with 0 &lt;= aaaa &lt;= FFFF, or 0 &lt;=
+ bbbbbbbb &lt;= 7FFFFFFF
+Unicode can be used to create html "body text", at least for Netscape 6 and
+probably for IE; but on my machine it doesn't display properly as "title text"
+(i.e., between &lt;title&gt;&lt;/title&gt; tags in the &lt;head&gt; part).
+Gvim will display it properly if you have the fonts for it, provided that
+you set 'guifont' to some fixed-width font which has the glyphs you want
+to use (Courier New is OK for French, German, Greek, Russian and more,
+but I'm not sure about Hebrew or Arabic; its glyphs are of a more "fixed"
+width than those of, e.g. Lucida Console: the latter can be annoying if you
+need bold Cyrillic writing).
+:h utf8 :h 'enc' :h 'fenc' :h 'fencs' :h 'tenc' :h 'bomb' :h 'guifont'
+:h ga :h g8 :h i_Ctrl-V_digit
+Happy Vimming ! Tony.
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>Working
+with Unicode (the same, rewritten for legibility)</center> <pre> <A
+1. Where to look for help ------------------------- :h utf8 :h encoding-values
+:h 'enc' :h 'fenc' :h 'fencs' :h 'tenc' :h 'bomb' :h 'guifont' :h ga :h g8
+:h :dig :h i_Ctrl-V_digit :h has()
+2. What to do (These are *examples*. Modify them to suit your work
+environment.) ------------- if has("multi_byte")
+ set encoding=utf-8 setglobal fileencoding=utf-8
+ set bomb set termencoding=iso-8859-15 set
+ fileencodings=ucs-bom,iso-8859-15,iso-8859-3,utf-8
+ echoerr "Sorry, this version of (g)vim was not compiled with +multi_byte"
+3. What the above does ---------------------- * has("multi_byte") checks if
+you have the right options compiled-in. If you haven't got what it takes,
+it's no use trying to use Unicode.
+* 'encoding' sets how vim shall represent characters internally. Utf-8 is
+necessary for most flavors of Unicode.
+* 'fileencoding' sets the encoding for a particular file (local to buffer);
+:setglobal sets the default value. An empty value can also be used: it defaults
+to same as 'encoding'. Or you may want to set one of the ucs encodings, It
+might make the same disk file bigger or smaller depending on your particular
+mix of characters. Also, IIUC, utf-8 is always big-endian (high bit first)
+while ucs can be big-endian or little-endian, so if you use it, you will
+probably need to set 'bomb" (see below).
+* 'bomb' (boolean): if set, vim will put a "byte order mark" at the start
+of ucs files. This option is irrelevant for most non-ucs files (utf-8,
+iso-8859, etc.)
+* 'termencoding' defines how your keyboard encodes what you type. The value
+you put there will depend on your locale: iso-8859-15 is Latin1 + Euro currency
+sign, but you may want something else for, say, an Eastern European keyboard.
+* 'fileencodings' defines the heuristic to set 'fileencoding' (local to buffer)
+when reading an existing file. The first one that matches will be used (and,
+IIUC, if there is no match, Vim falls back on Latin1). Ucs-bom is "ucs with
+byte-order-mark"; it must not come after utf-8 if you want it to be used.
+4. Additional remarks --------------------- * In "replace" mode, one utf
+character (one or more data bytes) replaces one utf character (which need
+not use the same number of bytes)
+* In "normal" mode, ga shows the character under the cursor as text, decimal,
+octal and hex; g8 shows which byte(s) is/are used to represent it.
+* In "insert" or "replace" mode,
+ - any character defined on your keyboard can be entered the usual way
+ (even with dead keys if you have them, e.g. French circumflex, German
+ umlaut, etc.); - any character which has a "digraph" (there are a huge lot
+ of them, see :dig after setting enc=utf-8) can be entered with a Ctrl-K
+ prefix; - any utf character at all can be entered with a Ctrl-V prefix,
+ either &lt;Ctrl-V&gt; u aaaa or &lt;Ctrl-V&gt; U bbbbbbbb, with 0 &lt;=
+ aaaa &lt;= FFFF, or 0 &lt;= bbbbbbbb &lt;= 7FFFFFFF.
+* Unicode can be used to create html "body text", at least for Netscape 6 and
+probably for IE; but on my machine it doesn't display properly as "title text"
+(i.e., between &lt;title&gt;&lt;/title&gt; tags in the &lt;head&gt; part).
+* Gvim will display it properly if you have the fonts for it, provided
+that you set 'guifont' to some fixed-width font which has the glyphs you
+want to use (Courier New is OK for French, German, Greek, Russian and more,
+but I'm not sure about Hebrew or Arabic; its glyphs are of a more "fixed"
+width than those of, e.g. Lucida Console: the latter can be awkward if you
+need bold Cyrillic writing).
+Happy Vimming ! Tony.
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim">
+<html><center>Preexisting code indentation</center> <pre> <A
+Using tabs as elementary unit in your code indentation has two advantages:
+first, you may modify 'tabstop' and immediately all the indentations depths
+are modified according to it; second, your file will be smaller.
+But how can we change some already-written code in order to convert spaces
+to tabs. Very simple! Suppose your old code has an indentation unit of
+2 spaces :ret! 2 :x will replace every 2-spaces to one tab, independently
+from your current tabstop value, and will save the modified file. Then,
+if you open again the file with tabstop=2, the file will look as before but
+it will be smaller. If you open the file with tabstop=4, the code vill have
+a more indented look, and so on...
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>Auto-save
+the current buffer periodically.</center> <pre> <A
+I have no idea if this was implemented in vim 5.3 or not, but you can
+definitely do the following kludge in 6.x by using CursorHold and
+- When you start reading a file, set a buffer variable to the current
+ time:
+ au BufRead,BufNewFile * let b:start_time=localtime()
+- Set a CursorHold event to check to see if enough time has elapsed
+ since the last save and save if not:
+ au CursorHold * call UpdateFile()
+- Define a function to save the file if needed:
+ " only write if needed and update the start time after the save
+ function! UpdateFile()
+ if ((localtime() - b:start_time) &gt;= 60)
+ update let b:start_time=localtime()
+ else
+ echo "Only " . (localtime() - b:start_time) . " seconds have elapsed
+ so far."
+ endif
+ endfunction
+- Reset the start time explicitly after each save.
+ au BufWritePre * let b:start_time=localtime()
+Obviously, you should get rid of the else portion once you're certain
+that this does indeed do what you wanted.
+The thing to note is that the CursorHold will only fire after
+'updatetime' milliseconds of inactivity have elapsed. So, if you type
+rapidly for one and a half minutes non-stop, it won't actually save
+anything until you STOP activity long enough. This may be what you want
+anyway because it won't interrupt your activity with a forced save.
+The actual save-delay can be changed from '60' to another number (in seconds)
+or a variable or anything like that. This entire functionality can be easily
+wrapped inside a nice script which enables/disables this on a per-buffer basis
+(maybe with maps etc.). If desired, I can provide that also.
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>Quickly
+insert #if 0 - #endif around block of code</center> <pre> <A
+One of my favorite macros that I use in vim (and vi) inserts a #if 0 #endif
+sandwich around a block of code. I always map this to the 2 key sequence ;'
+which is the semi-colon followed by the single quote. Look at your keyboard,
+you will notice these keys are adjacent to one another. I like this mapping
+because it's very fast, my fingers easily roll from one key to the next,
+obviously YMMV.
+To use this mapping, go to the line of code that you want the '#if 0' to be
+on, type ma to mark this line with the marker a, then move to the line that
+should be last line just above the '#endif' and press ;'
+ " insert #if 0 - #endif around block of code map ;' mz'aO&lt;Esc&gt;i#if
+ 0&lt;Esc&gt;'zo&lt;Esc&gt;i#endif&lt;Esc&gt;
+-- David Thompson
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim">
+<html><center>One big window</center> <pre> <A
+If you like to see your files in fullscreen, and you have to edit more files,
+you can do the following. * Use only one window * Open further files with :e *
+type :nm &lt;A-Up&gt; :bp!&lt;CR&gt; * type :nm &lt;A-Down&gt; :bn!&lt;CR&gt;
+* type :nm &lt;C-F4&gt; :bd!&lt;CR&gt; You can of course change the keys.
+Now to switch between windows, you can press Alt-Up, and Alt-Down (Just in
+the GUI, if you use console, don't use Alt key) Another idea is to map them
+to Ctrl-Tab, and Ctrl-Shift-Tab To close the current file you can press Ctrl-F4
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>align
+#endif with corresponding #if/#ifdef</center> <pre> <A
+If you try to impose any sort of alignment on your preprocessor directives,
+rather than just starting them on column 0, this mapping will align the #endif
+'correctly' when you type '#en', start a new line, and bring you back to
+the correct alignment to edit code.
+inoremap &lt;buffer&gt; #en
+I am reasonably sure this is insensitive to vim options...
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>python
+script to align statements</center> <pre> <A
+i know there's some awk scripts out there that do the same thing, and if i
+were a real trooper i would have written this in vims internal language but...
+i wrote a python script to align statements.
+i put this in my .vimrc: map L :!;cr&gt; " of course
+is somewhere in my path
+and i have this python file somewhere in my path: <A
+so now i can just pipe the offending lines thru my code: :5, 10 !
+or using the mapping above, visually select the lines and press 'L'
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>The
+power of | (v75|r- actually...)</center> <pre> <A
+'|' as you may well be aware is the goto column motion, and that "75|"
+will place your cursor on column 75 of the current line.
+That in itself is pretty handy at times, but some true power arises when
+used in conjuction with visual mode and replace. Or you could just say a
+sneaky trick :)
+v75|r- will repace from the cursor to the end of line with '-' *breakdown*
+v to turn on visual mode 75 for the count | *bar* to goto column r to enter
+repace - to specify the char to replace.
+A handy and quick way to make a noticable section of your code (or whatever).
+A handy way to use this (formated to just drop into DrChip's CStubs): "//
+"// &lt;cursor&gt;
+ elseif wrd == "//"
+ exe "norm! a
+ -[AuthorId]\&lt;esc&gt;$lv75|r-$a\&lt;cr&gt;\&lt;esc&gt;$a "
+"// -[Feral:146/02@08:31]--------------------------------------------------
+"// &lt;cursor&gt;
+ elseif wrd == "///"
+ exe "norm! s
+ -[AuthorId:\&lt;C-R&gt;=strftime('%j/%y@%H:%M')\&lt;CR&gt;]\&lt;esc&gt;$lv75|r-$a\&lt;cr&gt;\&lt;esc&gt;$a
+ "
+"/* -[Feral:146/02@08:31]--------------------------------------------------
+" * &lt;cursor&gt; " *
+-------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ elseif wrd == "/*"
+ exe "norm! a
+ -[AuthorId:\&lt;C-R&gt;=strftime('%j/%y@%H:%M')\&lt;CR&gt;]\&lt;esc&gt;$lv75|r-$a\&lt;cr&gt;\&lt;cr&gt;\&lt;esc&gt;2lv72|r-$a
+ */\&lt;esc&gt;k$a "
+Have to love VIM!
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>Using
+\%[] to easily match parts of a word.</center> <pre> <A
+This code fragment is suitable to drop into DrChip's CStubs.
+After much searching I was unable to find a tip nor script
+number to referance, I believe where I found Dr. Chip's CStubs originally : <A
+Thank you Dr. Chip! (=
+If you have ever wanted to match parts of a word you may have considered
+something like: if wrd == "re" || wrd == "ret" || wrd == "retu" || wrd ==
+ "do something
+Althought the above works well enough it is a pain to maintain and add new
+words (not to mention its just a touch messy ;) )
+A more elegant (and easier to use I believe) method would be to use \%[]
+as part of a pattern.
+For instance, "\\&lt;re\\%[tur]\\&gt;" will match "re", "ret", "retu" or
+*breakdown* \\&lt; = start of word re = first letters of word we want to
+require to match \\%[tur] = optionally match chars bewteen the braces,
+i.e. 't', 'tu' or 'tur' \\&gt; = end of word
+So, we can use this as a pattern for match like so (In DrChip's CStubs)
+elseif match(wrd, "\\&lt;re\\%[tur]\\&gt;") &gt; -1
+ exe "norm! bdWireturn\&lt;Esc&gt;"
+Which, I think, is a little better than the longer alternative: " vs elseif
+wrd == "re" || wrd == "ret" || wrd == "retu" || wrd == "retur"
+ exe "norm! bdWireturn\&lt;Esc&gt;"
+Just another one of those VIM things that made me smile :)
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim">
+<html><center>arbitrary tags for file names</center> <pre> <A
+This definitely work on linux and there is probably some windows equivalent.
+I've started working with tomcat and many many .jsp files. I find this
+trick to be very helpful.
+find -name '*.jsp' -printf '%f\t%P\t1\n' |sort &gt; jsp.tags
+This will create a file called jsp.tags with tag entries for each .jsp file.
+Within Vim I use
+:set tags+=jsp.tags
+Now I can to simple :tag file.jsp to quickly switch b/w the many, many
+.jsp files.
+One important note. The utility sort will use the value of LC_COLLATE to sort
+according to your locale. This will give Vim issues. So try "LC_COLLATE=C
+sort" instead of plain "sort"
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>Opening
+current Vim file in your Windows browser</center> <pre> <A
+Hi Vimmers
+open current file in browser
+map ,f :update&lt;CR&gt;:silent !start c:\progra~1\intern~1\iexplore.exe
+open http link under cursor in your browser
+map ,i :update&lt;CR&gt;: !start c:\progra~1\intern~1\iexplore.exe
+Note use of cWORD (not cword) meaning OUTER Word
+Works for me in XP & 98 (Original came from a posting by Ralf Arens)
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim">
+<html><center>fast page up/down.</center> <pre> <A
+i discovered a cool way to move between pages of the same document in vim
+6.1. press a number in -normal mode- and the page up/down. the document
+will move with that number of pages up/down.if the number is greater that
+the nr of pages, document will move to begin/end of file. i didn't test it
+on other version.
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>how
+long is the current word?</center> <pre> <A
+ever wondered how long the current word is? this can be quite useful when
+editing data files. simply add the following to your .vimrc
+nmap &lt;C-_&gt; :echo 'word' expand("&lt;cword&gt;") ' wordlen ='
+and it will tell you the word under the cursor, and how long it is.
+and for things that arent words, this addition to your .vimrc works on
+sections of a line that have been hightligted in visual mode
+vmap &lt;C-_&gt; "-y:echo 'word' @- ' wordlen =' strlen(@-)&lt;CR&gt;
+again you see the "word", and its length this may also work on vim 5.x,
+but i havent checked to make sure.
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>removing
+the toolbar (icons) from gvim</center> <pre> <A
+Change good or bad usually encounters interia from people in excepting it.
+gvim 6.0 is the first version that introduced the icons shortcut in shape
+of a toolbar under the menu. when we upgraded to the new and improved vim
+6.1 from vim 5.7 some of people in our company encountered some problems
+with their syntax highlighting and some of them objected on the new toolbar
+which displayed icons for some common tasks for people more used to GUI.
+I finally figured out how to remove this new feature since I also didn't
+see much use for it
+Here is for all those who haven't figured it out yet
+In your .gvimrc include the following two lines
+unmenu ToolBar unmenu! ToolBar
+Doing this from an open gvim does not remove them but grays them out but
+doing from gvimrc does the job
+I was also trying to remove the menus at the top and almost succeeded with
+a similar technique but somehow the Buffer menu item stays there no matter
+what. IMHO it is a bug but it could very well be a feature ;)
+I tried this
+unmenu * unmenu! *
+even added this line after the above two but didn't help unmenu Buffers
+I hope this benefits you all as much as I have benefitted from all your tips
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim">
+<html><center>gvim--&gt;mouse--&gt;popup menu</center> <pre> <A
+This tip is for those who prefer to do some of the common operations like
+cut/copy/paste etc using mouse. All u have to do is
+ :set mousemodel=popup
+by this u get a popup menu on right click of your mouse and u can do all
+the common operations like undo, cut, copy, paste, select etc using mouse.
+u can also customise your popup menu by editing $VIMRUNTIME/menu.vim
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>Close
+windows from Gvim poup menu</center> <pre> <A
+To close windows from the popup menu add these lines to your .gvimrc
+:amenu PopUp.Close.\ Window :confirm close&lt;CR&gt; :amenu PopUp.Close.\
+Other :confirm only&lt;CR&gt;
+You obviously need ':set mousemodel=popup' in your .gvimrc as well :=)
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>Bored
+of ur arrow shapped mouseptr?</center> <pre> <A
+here is how u can change the shape of ur mouseptr in gvim.
+:set mouseshape=n:pencil
+this will change the shape of the mouseptr to pencil in normal mode. u can
+choose different shapes for different modes. see :h mouseshape
+Want more shapes?
+Then look for the file cursorfont.h in ur X11/ directory. This file contains
+lots of cursor shape #define definitions, like . #define XC_heart 62 .
+now :set mouseshape=n:62 will set the shape of the mouseptr to heart in
+normal mode.
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim">
+<html><center>color active line</center> <pre> <A
+This tip shows how to color the active line, the line in which the cursor
+is, for better reading. You should try possibility 2 before 1, IMHO it is
+mostly usable.
+possibility 1:
+ :au! CursorHold * let @/ = '\%' . line('.') . 'l.*' :set ut=500
+ After 500 ms of waiting for you to hit a key, vim sets the search
+ register to a pattern that matches the current line.
+ Register / holds the search pattern, so you cannot have color the active
+ line and search. Therefore another solution:
+possibility 2:
+ :highlight CurrentLine guibg=darkgrey guifg=white (or whatever
+ colors you want) :au! Cursorhold * exe 'match CurrentLine /\%'
+ . line('.') . 'l.*/' :set ut=100
+ This solution uses 'match' to highlight a string, it does not interface
+ with the current search pattern.
+ Turning the highlighning off:
+ :au! Cursorhold :match none
+ The order of these commands are important. If :match none is executed
+ first, the autocommand would almost immediately execute another match
+ command.
+references to vim help:
+ :help Cursorhold :help 'ut' :help /\%l :help "/ :help \%
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>F5
+Compile and Run, F8 Compile (ala Visual Studio)</center> <pre> <A
+I love vim, it's my default editor on my Sun, Windows, Linux and *BSD boxen.
+That said, I hate having to flip windows to compile while doing the
+write-&gt;compile-&gt;debug loop.
+If you're used to Visual Studio and the ability it has to just hit F5 to
+compile and run the current file or F8 to compile or step through the code
+you'll appreciate this...
+This is my Windows version of this scriplet/tiplet. For other platforms,
+you'll want to change the IF ELSE loops. You should actually never see
+the "Unsuccessful" message from the compile/run loop unless the compiler
+completely bombs out. This is from my _vimrc...
+map &lt;F5&gt; :call CompileRunGcc()&lt;CR&gt;
+map &lt;F8&gt; : call CompileGcc()&lt;CR&gt;
+func! CompileRunGcc()
+ exec "w" "Save the file exec "!gcc % -o %&lt; && cr 10 && IF
+ EXIST %&lt;.exe (%&lt;) ELSE banner -c = Compile Unsuccessful
+ " exec "i" "jump back where we were
+func! CompileGcc()
+ exec "w" exec "!gcc % -o %&lt; && IF EXIST %&lt;.exe (cr 5 &&
+ banner -c # Success) ELSE banner -c # Compile Unsuccessful
+ " exec "i"
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim">
+<html><center>Fast help in full window</center> <pre> <A
+You can get fast access to help by writing small script
+#!/bin/bash vim -c "help $1" -c only
+now name it eg. vih and from cl
+$ vih makeprg
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim">
+<html><center>use -S command line switch</center> <pre> <A
+The -S switch could be used to simplify common idiom: start Vim and source
+a script file: gvim -c ":so foobar.vim" got translated into gvim -S foobar.vim
+Yes, this tip is trivial but I still see the -c ":so x" way too often. Time
+to update your mind!
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim">
+<html><center>selectively displaying abbreviations</center> <pre> <A
+Hi Vimmers, abbreviations have always been one of the most useful parts of
+vi(m), trouble is when you've got too many you forgot what you called them.
+You can of course list the whole lot with
+But did you know that you can type the first few letters of your abbreviations
+and get a list of just thos abs eg
+:ab php&lt;cr&gt; gives me all my php abs & :ab perl&lt;cr&gt; gives me all
+my perls
+also try control-D instrad of &lt;cr&gt;
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>Get cursor
+position as byte percentage instead of line percentage</center> <pre> <A
+On line 300 of a thousand line file, Vim will show you that you're 30%
+through the file. But what if most of the lines have one character in them,
+and some of them have twenty thousand? Sometimes it comes in handy to know
+your percentage through the file in terms of current-byte / total-bytes.
+I looked through the Vim docs and couldn't find a way to do this, so I wrote
+a Vim function to show it.
+Put this in your .vimrc:
+function! Percent()
+ let byte = line2byte( line( "." ) ) + col( "." ) - 1 let size = (line2byte(
+ line( "$" ) + 1 ) - 1) " return byte . " " . size . " " . (byte * 100)
+ / size return (byte * 100) / size
+(Uncomment the first return to see intermediate values.)
+And put this somewhere in your "set statusline=...":
+ %{Percent()}%%
+See "help statusline", "help eval".
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>Syntax highlighting
+is "out of sync", seems to correct itself with refresh ??</center> <pre> <A
+This one has come across the 'vim' users mailing list many times, and probably
+comp.editors as well...
+Summary: see :help :syn-sync and search for 'sync' in your favorite syntax
+file in $VIMRUNTIME/syntax
+Long Version: The syntax highlight code utilizes a certain synchronization
+method to efficiently figure out syntax highlighting, specifically if you
+aren't at the very beginning or end of a file. The specific setting is 'syntax
+sync'. For various file types the method is set by default in this is setup
+in the syntax file and one can vary the degree of trouble which VIM goes to to
+try and figure this out. As an example for C, from $VIMRUNTIME/syntax/c.vim:
+if exists("c_minlines")
+ let b:c_minlines = c_minlines
+ if !exists("c_no_if0")
+ let b:c_minlines = 50 " #if 0 constructs can be long
+ else
+ let b:c_minlines = 15 " mostly for () constructs
+ endif
+endif exec "syn sync ccomment cComment minlines=" . b:c_minlines
+Where c_minlines is the minimum number of lines that VIM goes backward to try
+to find the start of a comment for syntax highlighting. If that line which
+starts a comment is outside of that range, highlighting will appear wrong.
+You can easily set up something like this in your .vimrc: let c_minlines=500
+or even bigger, but realize that it is a performance trade-off and that
+syntax highlighting will slow things down.
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim">
+<html><center>Insert a single character</center> <pre> <A
+Using Insert mode to insert a single character feels clumsy (you need 3
+keypresses for one character), so here's a slightly easier way:
+:nmap &lt;space&gt; i_&lt;esc&gt;r
+Now, when in Normal mode, just press space followed by what it is you want
+to insert.
+BUG: Repeating the insertion with . doesn't work.
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>easy
+(un)commenting out of source code</center> <pre> <A
+Something that I do quite alot is comment out blocks of text, only to uncomment
+that same block later. The following mappings have proven useful to me. They
+can be applied using visually selected blocks, or with motion keys.
+" lhs comments map ,# :s/^/#/&lt;CR&gt; map ,/ :s/^/\/\//&lt;CR&gt; map ,&gt;
+:s/^/&gt; /&lt;CR&gt; map ," :s/^/\"/&lt;CR&gt; map ,% :s/^/%/&lt;CR&gt;
+map ,! :s/^/!/&lt;CR&gt; map ,; :s/^/;/&lt;CR&gt; map ,- :s/^/--/&lt;CR&gt;
+map ,c :s/^\/\/\\|^--\\|^&gt; \\|^[#"%!;]//&lt;CR&gt;
+" wrapping comments map ,* :s/^\(.*\)$/\/\* \1 \*\//&lt;CR&gt; map ,(
+:s/^\(.*\)$/\(\* \1 \*\)/&lt;CR&gt; map ,&lt; :s/^\(.*\)$/&lt;!--
+\1 --&gt;/&lt;CR&gt; map ,d :s/^\([/(]\*\\|&lt;!--\) \(.*\)
+The commands to comment a selection of text are as follows, begining with
+begining-of-line comments:
+ ,# shell, perl, etc ,/ c++ ,&gt; email quote ," vim ,%
+ latex, prolog ,! assembly?... add single ! ,; scheme ,-
+ don't remember this one... add -- ,c clears any of the previous
+ comments
+Here are the wrapping comments, each line wrapped individually:
+ ,* c ,( Standard ML ,&lt; html ,d clears any of
+ the wrapping comments
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>automaticaly
+formating pasted text (p=`])</center> <pre> <A
+In times past I used a nice editor that had the neat feature of automatically
+setting pasted text to the proper indent level. Recently I've begun to miss
+this so I went looking in the help and camp up with....
+which will format to the end of the pasted text... Perfect to call right
+after you past something as the cursor ends up at the top of the pasted text,
+thus the mapping:
+:map &lt;c-p&gt; =`]
+" by the by the above may should be nmap and I am pretty sure c-p is unused,
+your mileage will vary no doubt.
+However I wanted the formatting to automatically be done so it was two simple
+(once I figured out how!) nnoremap:
+" [Feral:185/02@14:27] map c-p to what p was (past with no formatting), map
+p to p and = to end of pasted text. :nnoremap p p=`] :nnoremap &lt;c-p&gt; p
+This simply (as the comment hints at) maps normal mode p to what p did (paste)
+then = to `] (last character in the previously changed text). While ctrl+p
+just does what p did. (just in case you find you don't want a bit of text
+auto formatted.).
+reference: :h :nnoremap :h p :h = :h `]
+Whatever the name of this idea is, tis something I find handy :)
+Happy VIMing
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>Fast
+fixing of email quotations (too long lines)</center> <pre> <A
+When using VIM as your editor of choice, even for email processing - as I
+do - it is often unpleasing how some MUA's quote the email body produced by
+mailers such as Outlook. The lines often span across multiple visual lines
+and its difficult to reply on certain parts of it.
+With VIM, you can quickly fix those quotations to maintain a proper 75 char
+break. For example, when using Mutt, put this line in your .muttrc, or use
+a custom .vimrc_mail for it:
+set editor="vim -c 'set fo=tcrq' -c 'set tw=76'"
+For other MUA's this has to be fitted. However, now, when your quoted email
+is displayed, you can use this VIM sequence to fix it:
+1. move cursor to first line of broken paragraph 2. press 'V' and move to the
+last line of the paragraph you want to fix 3. press 'g' and then 'q'. The
+marked text will wrap around to your specified textwidth (76 in our case)
+and the quotations will be preserved across the lines
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim">
+<html><center>Some useful mappings for TeX</center> <pre> <A
+You know, TeX requires a lot of additional formatting code. I'm tired of
+opening and closing braces, brakets,
+ \beginning and \ending etc. I particularly hate typing \begin and \end.
+To help myself and to save a few(not a few) keystrokes I naturaly came up to
+some solutions, which I wish to share with other TeXnicians and TeXperts whhich
+use Vim. "===============================cut here=========================
+"=============== you can put it in ~/.vim/after/ftplugin/tex.vim
+=============== " " Note: i_&lt;C-L&gt; " This constructs a skeleton of a TeX
+environment. " You write a line like this: " floatingfigure:ht&lt;C-L&gt;
+" and after you press &lt;C-L&gt;, you get: " " \begin[ht]{floatingfigure}
+" " \end{floatingfigure} " -- INSERT -- " " where floatingfigure is the
+desired environment " ht are options " : is delimiter; in fact, you can
+use whatever delimiter you want " as long it is not in &iskeyword option.
+inoremap &lt;buffer&gt; &lt;C-L&gt; 
+ \:s/[^][:alnum:]&lt;bar&gt;]\+/,/eg
+ \I\begin{ea}[A]%d%%P \:s/\[,/[/e \:s/,]/]/e
+ \:s/\[]//e \0f{y%o\endpO
+inoremap &lt;buffer&gt; { {}i inoremap &lt;buffer&gt; [ []i inoremap
+&lt;buffer&gt; ^ ^{}i inoremap &lt;buffer&gt; _ _{}i inoremap &lt;buffer&gt;
+\( \(\)hi inoremap &lt;buffer&gt; \[ \[\]hi
+" Note: v_&lt;C-L&gt; " For this to work, you have to write on a blank
+line the name of " the desired environment and options (see i_&lt;C-L&gt;)
+and visual select " (from top to bottom) this and following lines. " After
+pressing &lt;C-L&gt; the selected lines will be surrounded " with begin/end
+skeleton of the environment. vnoremap &lt;buffer&gt; &lt;C-L&gt; o
+ \:s/[^][:alnum:]&lt;bar&gt;]\+/,/eg
+ \I\begin{ea}[A]%d%%P \:s/\[,/[/e \:s/,]/]/e
+ \:s/\[]//e \0f{y%gvoo\endp
+" vnoremap &lt;buffer&gt; { di{}P " vnoremap &lt;buffer&gt;
+[ di[]P vnoremap &lt;buffer&gt;  di^{}P vnoremap &lt;buffer&gt;  di_{}P
+vnoremap &lt;buffer&gt; \( di\(\)hP vnoremap &lt;buffer&gt; \[ di\[\]hP
+" This makes "two spaces after a comma" before every :write au BufWritePre
+*.tex %s/,\(\S\)/, \1/ge
+"==================== You can put this in your ~/.vimrc
+======================== " If cursor is inside braces and not before comma,
+blank or opening brace, " exit the brace block and stay in insert mode. "
+If cursor is outside braces, it inserts a space or perform an abbreviation
+" as normal. function! CleverSpace()
+ let CharOnCursor = strpart( getline('.'), col('.')-2, 1) let
+ CharAfterCursor = strpart( getline('.'), col('.'), 1) if CharOnCursor
+ !~ ',\|\s\|(' && CharAfterCursor =~ ')\|]\|}'
+ normal x
+ endif
+endfunction inoremap &lt;Space&gt; &lt;Space&gt;:call CleverSpace()&lt;LF&gt;a
+" I use the last function not only for LaTeX but also in C sources.
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim">
+<html><center>Some useful mappings for TeX</center> <pre> <A
+You know, TeX requires a lot of additional formatting code. I'm tired of
+opening and closing braces, brakets,
+ \beginning and \ending etc. I particularly hate typing \begin and \end.
+To help myself and to save a few(not a few) keystrokes I naturaly came up to
+some solutions, which I wish to share with other TeXnicians and TeXperts whhich
+use Vim. "===============================cut here=========================
+"=============== you can put it in ~/.vim/after/ftplugin/tex.vim
+=============== " " Note: i_&lt;C-L&gt; " This constructs a skeleton of a TeX
+environment. " You write a line like this: " floatingfigure:ht&lt;C-L&gt;
+" and after you press &lt;C-L&gt;, you get: " " \begin[ht]{floatingfigure}
+" " \end{floatingfigure} " -- INSERT -- " " where floatingfigure is the
+desired environment " ht are options " : is delimiter; in fact, you can
+use whatever delimiter you want " as long it is not in &iskeyword option.
+inoremap &lt;buffer&gt; &lt;C-L&gt; 
+ \:s/[^][:alnum:]&lt;bar&gt;]\+/,/eg
+ \I\begin{ea}[A]%d%%P \:s/\[,/[/e \:s/,]/]/e
+ \:s/\[]//e \0f{y%o\endpO
+inoremap &lt;buffer&gt; { {}i inoremap &lt;buffer&gt; [ []i inoremap
+&lt;buffer&gt; ^ ^{}i inoremap &lt;buffer&gt; _ _{}i inoremap &lt;buffer&gt;
+\( \(\)hi inoremap &lt;buffer&gt; \[ \[\]hi
+" Note: v_&lt;C-L&gt; " For this to work, you have to write on a blank
+line the name of " the desired environment and options (see i_&lt;C-L&gt;)
+and visual select " (from top to bottom) this and following lines. " After
+pressing &lt;C-L&gt; the selected lines will be surrounded " with begin/end
+skeleton of the environment. vnoremap &lt;buffer&gt; &lt;C-L&gt; o
+ \:s/[^][:alnum:]&lt;bar&gt;]\+/,/eg
+ \I\begin{ea}[A]%d%%P \:s/\[,/[/e \:s/,]/]/e
+ \:s/\[]//e \0f{y%gvoo\endp
+" vnoremap &lt;buffer&gt; { di{}P " vnoremap &lt;buffer&gt;
+[ di[]P vnoremap &lt;buffer&gt;  di^{}P vnoremap &lt;buffer&gt;  di_{}P
+vnoremap &lt;buffer&gt; \( di\(\)hP vnoremap &lt;buffer&gt; \[ di\[\]hP
+" This makes "two spaces after a comma" before every :write au BufWritePre
+*.tex %s/,\(\S\)/, \1/ge
+"==================== You can put this in your ~/.vimrc
+======================== " If cursor is inside braces and not before comma,
+blank or opening brace, " exit the brace block and stay in insert mode. "
+If cursor is outside braces, it inserts a space or perform an abbreviation
+" as normal. function! CleverSpace()
+ let CharOnCursor = strpart( getline('.'), col('.')-2, 1) let
+ CharAfterCursor = strpart( getline('.'), col('.'), 1) if CharOnCursor
+ !~ ',\|\s\|(' && CharAfterCursor =~ ')\|]\|}'
+ normal x
+ endif
+endfunction inoremap &lt;Space&gt; &lt;Space&gt;:call CleverSpace()&lt;LF&gt;a
+" I use the last function not only for LaTeX but also in C sources.
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim">
+<html><center>Function signature previewer</center> <pre> <A
+Have you ever tried to call a function which parameters you have forgotten?
+Especially those long named and with long parameter list GTK+ functions
+like gtk_menu_item_image_from_stock_new(..........) !!! By accident I saw a
+function in Vim help. It's name was PreviewWord and it allowed one to jump
+in the preview window to the tag for the word cursor is on. I _slightly_
+modified this function not to need tags file, but to search included files
+instead. I wrote another function, which uses the above said one, which
+triggers PreviewWord when you open the parenthesis after a function name.
+Here it is: " Note: " This is literally stolen from Vim help. The only
+changes are: " (1) if w != "" becomes if w =~ "\k" "
+(2) exe "silent! ptag " . w becomes exe "silent! psearch " . w " *
+The first change prevents PreviewWord of searching while cursor is on some "
+non-keyword characters, e.g. braces, asterisks, etc. function! PreviewWord()
+ if &previewwindow " don't do this in the
+ preview window
+ return
+ endif let w = expand("&lt;cword&gt;") " get the word under
+ cursor if w =~ "\k" " if there is one
+ ":ptag" to it
+ " Delete any existing highlight before showing another tag
+ silent! wincmd P " jump to preview
+ window if &previewwindow " if we really
+ get there...
+ match none " delete existing
+ highlight wincmd p " back to
+ old window
+ endif
+ " Try displaying a matching tag for the word under the cursor
+ let v:errmsg = "" exe "silent! psearch " . w if v:errmsg =~
+ "tag not found"
+ return
+ endif
+ silent! wincmd P " jump to preview
+ window if &previewwindow " if we really get
+ there...
+ if has("folding")
+ silent! .foldopen " don't want
+ a closed fold
+ endif call search("$", "b") " to end of
+ previous line let w = substitute(w, '\\', '\\\\',
+ "") call search('\&lt;\V' . w . '\&gt;') "
+ position cursor on match " Add a match highlight to
+ the word at this position hi previewWord term=bold
+ ctermbg=green guibg=green exe 'match previewWord "\%'
+ . line(".") . 'l\%' . col(".") . 'c\k*"' wincmd p
+ " back to old window
+ endif
+ endif
+endfunction au! CursorHold *.[ch] nested call PreviewWord()
+" Note: " When you open a parenthesis after a function name, and
+at the " line end, that function's definition is previewed through
+PreviewWord(). " This is inspired from Delphi's CodeInsight technology.
+" Something similar (PreviewClassMembers) could be written for " the C++
+users, for previewing the class members when you type " a dot after an
+object name. " If somebody decides to write it, please, mail it to me.
+function! PreviewFunctionSignature()
+ let CharOnCursor = strpart( getline('.'), col('.')-2, 1) if col(".") ==
+ col("$")
+ call PreviewWord()
+ endif return "("
+endfunction inoremap &lt;buffer&gt; (
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim">
+<html><center>Function signature previewer</center> <pre> <A
+Have you ever tried to call a function which parameters you have forgotten?
+Especially those long named and with long parameter list GTK+ functions
+like gtk_menu_item_image_from_stock_new(..........) !!! By accident I saw a
+function in Vim help. It's name was PreviewWord and it allowed one to jump
+in the preview window to the tag for the word cursor is on. I _slightly_
+modified this function not to need tags file, but to search included files
+instead. I wrote another function, which uses the above said one, which
+triggers PreviewWord when you open the parenthesis after a function name.
+Here it is: " Note: " This is literally stolen from Vim help. The only
+changes are: " (1) if w != "" becomes if w =~ "\k" "
+(2) exe "silent! ptag " . w becomes exe "silent! psearch " . w " *
+The first change prevents PreviewWord of searching while cursor is on some "
+non-keyword characters, e.g. braces, asterisks, etc. function! PreviewWord()
+ if &previewwindow " don't do this in the
+ preview window
+ return
+ endif let w = expand("&lt;cword&gt;") " get the word under
+ cursor if w =~ "\k" " if there is one
+ ":ptag" to it
+ " Delete any existing highlight before showing another tag
+ silent! wincmd P " jump to preview
+ window if &previewwindow " if we really
+ get there...
+ match none " delete existing
+ highlight wincmd p " back to
+ old window
+ endif
+ " Try displaying a matching tag for the word under the cursor
+ let v:errmsg = "" exe "silent! psearch " . w if v:errmsg =~
+ "tag not found"
+ return
+ endif
+ silent! wincmd P " jump to preview
+ window if &previewwindow " if we really get
+ there...
+ if has("folding")
+ silent! .foldopen " don't want
+ a closed fold
+ endif call search("$", "b") " to end of
+ previous line let w = substitute(w, '\\', '\\\\',
+ "") call search('\&lt;\V' . w . '\&gt;') "
+ position cursor on match " Add a match highlight to
+ the word at this position hi previewWord term=bold
+ ctermbg=green guibg=green exe 'match previewWord "\%'
+ . line(".") . 'l\%' . col(".") . 'c\k*"' wincmd p
+ " back to old window
+ endif
+ endif
+endfunction au! CursorHold *.[ch] nested call PreviewWord()
+" Note: " When you open a parenthesis after a function name, and
+at the " line end, that function's definition is previewed through
+PreviewWord(). " This is inspired from Delphi's CodeInsight technology.
+" Something similar (PreviewClassMembers) could be written for " the C++
+users, for previewing the class members when you type " a dot after an
+object name. " If somebody decides to write it, please, mail it to me.
+function! PreviewFunctionSignature()
+ let CharOnCursor = strpart( getline('.'), col('.')-2, 1) if col(".") ==
+ col("$")
+ call PreviewWord()
+ endif return "("
+endfunction inoremap &lt;buffer&gt; (
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim">
+<html><center>all the right moves</center> <pre> <A
+One of the principles of effective text editing is moving around very
+efficiently. Following are some pointers which may help u do that.
+ h move one character left j move one row down
+ k move one row up l move one char. right. w move
+ to begining of next word b move to begining of previous word
+ e move to end of word W move to begining of next word after a
+ whitespace B move to begining of pervious word before a whitespace
+ E move to end of word before a whitespace.
+(All the above movements can be preceeded by a numeric value . i.e '4j'
+will move 4 rows down )
+ ^ move to first non blank char of the line. g_ move to last non
+ blank char of the line. 0 moev to begining of line $ move
+ to end of line. gg move to first line. G move to last line.
+ nG move to "n"th line. H top of screen.
+ M middle of screen
+ L bottom of screen
+ Ctrl-D move half page down Ctrl-U move half page up. Ctrl-B page-up
+ Ctrl-F page down.
+ Ctrl-o last cursor position. '[a-z,0-9,A-Z] jump to the marker. (u
+ can set a marker on line by :- m[a-zA-Z,0-9] and then jump back to
+ it by '[a-z,A-Z0-9]
+ n next matching search pattern N previous matching search pattern *
+ next word under cursor
+ # previous word under cursor. g* next matching search pattern
+ under cursor. g# previous matching search pattern under cursor.
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>On Windows, make GVim
+the default action for double-click with "unknown file types"</center> <pre> <A
+I find myself installing the following registry modification for all my
+PC's now (even other people's PC's). It applies to Microsoft Windows
+machines only. The following is also for Windows 9x... NT or XP or 2000
+may require modifications (which I don't care to understand!).
+The problem: You double-click on a file that doesn't have a 'registered type'
+and that pesky "What program should I use?" dialog pops up. Even worse,
+depending on the installation, the GVim icon may not be listed, and one has
+to browse to the executable... and then the type becomes forever bonded
+to being editted with GVim (if that box is checked). The standard Vim 6.1
+installation does include a "right click to edit" menu item for all files,
+but a double-click is so much faster!
+The solution: What if unregistered types would just automatically open up
+in GVim? Well, they can.. with a little registry trickery.
+How to Install it:
+Step 1. Create a text file called "vimalways.reg" and paste the below text
+into it.
+Step 2. Important NOTE: You will have to edit the pathname to correspond
+to the pathname of your GVim.exe. The text below works fine for a GVim 6.1
+default installation.
+Step 3: Save the file.
+Step 4: Right-click on the file and select "install". Then you are done!
+------ vimalways.reg ------- cut here ------snip---snip--- REGEDIT4
+[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\*\shell\Open with &GVim] @="Open
+with &GVim"
+[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\*\shell\Open with &GVim\command]
+@="\"C:\\vim\\vim61\\gvim.exe\" \"%1\""
+----end of file---- cut here----- snip---snip----
+Note 1. This can't be de-installed automatically, and if you want to remove
+it, you'll have to edit the registry by hand (annoying, but easy).
+Note 2. Keep this file around, so when you upgrade your GVim, all you have
+to do is modify the pathname (to say, for example, vim62) and then install
+it again.
+Ok, thanks for playing! And thanks to the author(s) of Vim and GVim.
+If it weren't for them, I'd still be using elvis or stevie!
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>Integration
+with PyUnit testing framework</center> <pre> <A
+Vim has a wonderful ability to integrate with external tools, like compilers,
+make, ctags etc. That's one of the reasons we love it.
+PyUnit can be seen as a "compiler" for the Python test code. To understand
+it, Vim should be told about the language the PyUnit speaks. This could be
+done with 'errorformat' option:
+setlocal efm=%C\ %.%#,%A\ \ File\ \"%f\"\\,\ line\ %l%.%#,%Z%[%^\ ]%\\@=%m
+This magic spell enables Vim to parse unittest.TextRunner's output and to
+enter quick-fix mode. To run all your unit tests at once you'll need to setup
+'makeprg' option and provide a runner. I'm using this setup:
+setlocal makeprg=./
+And contents of the (for the sake of completeness):
+#!/usr/bin/env python2
+import unittest import sys sys.path.append('unittests')
+modules_to_test = (
+ 'fooTest', 'barTest', 'bazTest',
+def suite():
+ alltests = unittest.TestSuite() for module in map(__import__,
+ modules_to_test):
+ alltests.addTest(unittest.findTestCases(module))
+ return alltests
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main(defaultTest='suite')
+============== end of the file ========================
+While talking about it, I'd also suggest to add a couple of mappings.
+In the end, my vim/files/ftplugin/python.vim looks like this:
+setlocal makeprg=./\ -q setlocal efm=%C\ %.%#,%A\ \ File\ \"%f\"\\,\
+line\ %l%.%#,%Z%[%^\ ]%\\@=%m iabbr &lt;buffer&gt; sae self.assertEquals
+iabbr &lt;buffer&gt; sar self.assertRaises
+For details see :help quick-fix, :help
+'efm' and :help 'makeprg'. See also: <A
+Many thanks to Stefan Roemer who patiently spent quite some time to build
+'efm' for me.
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim">
+<html><center>Stateful zz</center> <pre> <A
+Do you find yourself hitting 'zz' all the time in order to see some context of
+what you're currently working on? If so, then this tip might be for you. If
+you add the following line in your vimrc, you can toggle zz mode by pressing
+" maintain a constant zz state, second call will toggle it back off map
+&lt;Leader&gt;zz :let &scrolloff=999-&scrolloff&lt;CR&gt;
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim">
+<html><center>Folding with Regular Expression</center> <pre> <A
+Well, I've tried to understand some of the folding scripts, but life's too
+short. Instead, I added the following lines to my vimrc file.
+map \z :set foldmethod=expr foldlevel=0 foldcolumn=2&lt;CR&gt;
+The first line is an extension of foldexpr=(getline(v:lnum)=~@/)?0:1 The
+second line (re)sets the foldmethod to expr(ession) plus.
+First search for /regexp/, then fold everything else with \z Use zr to reveal
+more context (before/after) lines.
+You could add (getline(v:lnum-2)=~@/)\|\|(getline(v:lnum+2)=~@/)?2:3 but it
+will take longer as folded lines (the majority) evaluate the full expression.
+What could be easier?
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>Turn
+on syntax coloring in Mac OS X</center> <pre> <A
+This tip is actually for vim 6.1. To turn on syntax coloring in Mac OS X
+enter the following commands, or place them in your $HOME/.vimrc file.
+:set term=builtin_beos-ansi :syntax on
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>Mapping
+to print syntax highlighted buffer in B&W</center> <pre> <A
+I use this mapping to print syntax highlighted C++ code in B&W This tip
+needs vimscript #233 print_bw.
+The mapping is as follows map &lt;C-p&gt; :color
+print_bw&lt;CR&gt;:hardcopy&lt;CR&gt;:color sean&lt;CR&gt;:syn on&lt;CR&gt;
+Change ":color sean" to whatever is your chosen color scheme. Need to
+change line 7 of print_bw from "syntax reset" to "syntax off" &lt;C-p&gt;
+on a syntax highlighted buffer turns off syntax highlighting , sets the
+colors to B&W, prints the buffer, resets the color scheme and turns on syntax
+highlighting again.
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim">
+<html><center>Don't use the escape key!</center> <pre> <A
+Vim (any vi really) is a dream for touch typists... Until you want to switch
+from insert mode to normal mode. Then you've got to reach way up to whack
+the escape key.
+Or at least that's what I was doing until I realized that (drum roll please)
+ Esc is exactly equivalent to control-[ (that's the
+ control key plus the left square bracket key)
+That little bit of knowledge, plus mapping my caps lock to another control
+key, was what turned my fascination with Vim into true love. You never have
+to lose track of the home row again!
+For Xfree86 users - you can make the capslock key another control key by adding
+Option "XkbOptions" "ctrl:nocaps"
+to the InputDevice section of your XF86Config file.
+For Windows NT/2000 users - use the following .reg file to do the same thing:
+[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Keyboard Layout]
+"Scancode Map"=hex:00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,02,00,00,00,1d,00,3a,00,00,00,00,00
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>Recover
+after doing something... ugly.</center> <pre> <A
+I was once editing a file and wanted to test something. The test was meant
+to add a line at the end of the file, from outside vim. All was fine, but
+instead of &gt;&gt;, I wrote &gt;. You can imagine what happened... :)
+If you happen to do something like that, the solution is:
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim">
+<html><center>Cool trick to change numbers</center> <pre> <A
+In the gvim if you want to decrement any number just put ur curcor on that
+number in Esc mode and pres &lt;CTRL&gt; X
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>A keymapping
+to generate Java setters and getters automatically</center> <pre> <A
+This mapping makes it much simpler to write new java classes by simplifying
+some of the dull repetative coding (ie setters and getters).
+To use, first write a basic class with the following format:
+public class MyClass {
+ private &lt;type&gt; &lt;varname&gt; = &lt;initvalue&gt;; private
+ &lt;type&gt; &lt;varname&gt; = initvalue&gt;;
+ // getters
+ // setters
+Note the getters/setters comment -- they are important as they are used to
+place the getters and setters.
+The mapping is:
+map jgs mawv/ &lt;Enter&gt;"ty/
+void &lt;Esc&gt;"npbiset&lt;Esc&gt;l~ea(&lt;Esc&gt;"tpa
+(the above should be one long line with no spaces between the end of the
+lines above).
+To use this to generate a class go to the variable that should have a
+setter/getter and place the curser at the beginning of the 'private':
+ private &lt;type&gt; &lt;variable&gt; = &lt;initvalue&gt;' ^
+Then type:
+this will create the first getter/setter and then move up to the next
+variable. You can just keep typing jgs until all the getters/setters have
+been generated.
+This should mapping isn't perfect and someone could probably make it a little
+cleaner. It could also relatively easily be adapted to C++. Please feel free
+to send me any feedback/enhancements as I am trying to compile a list of these.
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>Alternative
+&lt;escape&gt; that allows you to do a "quick and dirty
+insert" and get out into normal mode</center> <pre> <A
+This is an alternative key combo for the escape key from the one mentioned
+by David A. Rogers in vimtip #285.
+I do a lot of editting in Vim, and I've always found myself in situations where
+I had to "do a quick insert" - basically (from normal mode), change into insert
+mode, type in one quick word, then &lt;esc&gt; out, then navigate elsewhere.
+As has been rightly observed by a lot of people, the &lt;esc&gt; key can
+sometimes be a little bit out of the way. But that's no problem for ViM, is it?
+At first, I thought of editting the ViM source code itself, in order to come
+up with a command that could do things like say "let me jump into insert
+mode, type a few quick words, then escape out into normal mode when i press
+something like double &lt;space&gt;".
+It was only later when reading through the section in
+Jesse Goerz's "Beginner's Guide to ViM" on remapping (<A
+that I got inspired to retake a look at using remapping as an alternative
+that I got inspired to retake a look at using remapping as an alternative
+This is what I came up with.. Use whatever is comfortable for you - single
+or double &lt;Shift-space&gt;
+:map! &lt;S-space&gt; &lt;esc&gt; :map! &lt;S-space&gt;&lt;S-space&gt;
+With this quick combo ("Shift", + &lt;space&gt;), one can easily (and might
+I add, intuitively) "do a quick insert" and exit quickly out into normal
+mode. I guess I always thought the &lt;space&gt; would be a good way to
+do this sort of thing, since it is after all, so intuitive in the typing
+process. So why not make it such that it can "escape" you out into normal
+mode as well? Just type 'i', to go into insert mode, type in your stuff,
+and once you're done, hit Shift-space!
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>Text
+Processing With Integrated Spell Checking</center> <pre> <A
+I have written an HTML document to help others use Vim as a basic text
+processing application. It discusses how to integrate spell checking,
+dictionary, and thesaurus applications. It also talks about wrapping lines,
+indentation, justification, and the vim settings that effect the behavior
+of these operations. The document can be found at:
+ <A
+ HREF=""></A><BR>
+Everything has been tested with UNIX, Linux, Windows, and Windows with
+Cygwin patforms.
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>^P
+& auto filling of variables and text</center> <pre> <A
+Do you know you can auto fill the variable and names as you type your code
+? This will help most of the programmers, who always try hard to remember the
+variable names and browse through all the files to find out the variable name.
+ Use Ctrl+P and Ctrl+N to autofill the variables names etc. Just practice,
+ you will feel the ease of using vim
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim">
+<html><center>vim + cscope + cygwin</center> <pre> <A
+I've found that vim + cscope + cygwin does not work. The problem seems to
+be that in
+sprintf(cmd, "exec %s -dl -f %s", prog, csinfo[i].fname);
+vim execs cscope with the "-dl" options, causing it to fail. It is probably
+a cscope bug, but a simple workaround is top build vim without thad "d":
+sprintf(cmd, "exec %s -l -f %s", prog, csinfo[i].fname);
+seems to work for me!
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>remember
+where you had ended reading help</center> <pre> <A
+You could jump to the last place you had been while reading Vim help files
+if you add this to your .vimrc file:
+au BufLeave * if &ft == "help" | mark H | endif
+Then use 'H to go to the mark H.
+To work between Vim runs 'viminfo' option should be setup to save file marks.
+See :help 'viminfo' and :help file-marks for more information.
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>Use
+Ctrl-S to save current or new files.</center> <pre> <A
+I wanted to have a single key stroke that would save existing files, or call
+the file browser. Here's a key map for Ctrl-S to accomplish that (place in
+vimrc file):
+if has("gui_running")
+ " If the current buffer has never been saved, it will have no name,
+ " call the file browser to save it, otherwise just save it. :map
+ &lt;silent&gt; &lt;C-S&gt; :if expand("%") == ""&lt;CR&gt;:browse confirm
+ w&lt;CR&gt;:else&lt;CR&gt;:confirm w&lt;CR&gt;:endif&lt;CR&gt;
+Tom Kimpton
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim">
+<html><center>Line/word/file/whatever completion</center> <pre> <A
+In addition to vimtip #291 you can use whole &lt;C-x&gt; completion mode. It
+can complete whole lines (&lt;C-x&gt;l, then &lt;C-p&gt;, &lt;C-n&gt;),
+filenames (&lt;C-f&gt;), keywords, words from custom dictionary and many,
+many others. During coding it usually saves a LOT of key strokes ;) This
+mode has many other powerful features, for example when completing word (by
+&lt;C-x&gt;&lt;C-p&gt; or just by &lt;C-p&gt;) you can continue completion
+with another &lt;C-x&gt;&lt;C-p&gt;. For example, after writing such text:
+this is first line second line is here
+Placing cursor at third line and pressing &lt;C-x&gt;l will double last
+line - &lt;C-n&gt;, &lt;C-p&gt; in this moment can be used to manipulate
+completed line. Or, instead of completing whole line you can press 'f' and
+then complete by &lt;C-p&gt; which will result in 'first' word. After that
+you can &lt;C-x&gt;&lt;C-p&gt; to get 'line' word (since this is next word
+after 'first'). Try yourself for other powerful combinations.
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>Attach
+the currently open file to email</center> <pre> <A
+This is very simple, but most people don't seem to take advantage of
+this. Often you have some file (source code or other text file) already open
+in an existing vim session and you need to attach it with an email. It is
+very simple.
+ - First copy the filename into clipboard. For this I put the following
+ mapping in vimrc and press &lt;F2&gt;:
+ nnoremap &lt;F2&gt; :let @*=expand("%:p")&lt;cr&gt;
+ - Go to your email compose window and use your regular file attachment
+ menu (Insert-&gt;File in outlook) and press ^V (or whatever key to paste
+ clipboard) and press Enter.
+That is all there to it. If you are on windows and your email client doesn't
+accept forward-slashes, then you might want to change the map to:
+ nnoremap &lt;F2&gt; :let @*=substitute(expand("%:p"), "/", "\\",
+ "g")&lt;cr&gt;
+HTH, Hari
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>Start
+in insert mode without loosing your escape key</center> <pre> <A
+There are two parts to this, each is fairly simple.
+First, I want to start in insert mode. Well "set im!" in my vimrc did the
+job, but I lost the escape key. Second, I have found that often times,
+when I'm in command mode, I hit escape trying to get back into insert mode.
+I am always rewarded with a beep, telling me once again I made that mistake.
+So I mapped esc in command mode to set insert mode (":set im") and I mapped
+esc in insert mode to unset insert mode (&lt;c-o&gt;:set im) Well then I
+realized if you hit "i" in command mode, escape woulding work the first time.
+So here's the code to add to your vimrc:
+set im! " start in insert mode map &lt;esc&gt; :set
+im!&lt;cr&gt; " escape in command mode goes to insert mode map
+i :set im!&lt;cr&gt; " i in command mode goes to insert mode
+map! &lt;esc&gt; &lt;c-o&gt;:set im!&lt;cr&gt; " escape in insert mode goes
+to command mode
+see :help insert
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>Changing
+case with regular expressions</center> <pre> <A
+I stumbled across this factoid on a website about vi. I haven't been able to
+locate it in the Vim documentation, but it works in Vim, and it's very handy.
+There are times that you might like to go through a file and change the case
+of characters that match some arbitrary criteria. If you understand regular
+expressions well, you can actually do this fairly easily.
+It's as simple as placing \U or \L in front of any backreferences in your
+regular expressions. Vim will make the text in the backreference uppercase
+or lowercase (respectively).
+(A "backreference" is a part of a regular expression that refers to a previous
+part of a regular expression. The most common backrefernces are &, \1, \2,
+\3, ... , \9).
+Some examples that demonstrate the power of this technique:
+Lowercase the entire file - :%s/.*/\L&/g
+(& is a handy backreference that refers to the complete text of the match.)
+Uppercase all words that are preceded by a &lt; (i.e. opening HTML tag names):
+Please add a note if you know where this is in the documentation. I have
+done Ctrl-D searches on upper, lower, \U, and \L with no luck.
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim">
+<html><center>Open file under cursor.</center> <pre> <A
+A little thing that I did and found quite useful:
+function! OpenFileUnderCursor()
+ let FileName = expand("&lt;cfile&gt;") let OldPath = getcwd() silent cd
+ %:p:h execute "silent sp +e " . FileName execute "silent cd " . OldPath
+map! silent &lt;M-e&gt; :call OpenFileUnderCursor()&lt;CR&gt;
+Then use Alt+E on a filename to open it (relative to the directory the
+current file resides in).
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>Making
+a tags file for IDL (Interactive Data Language)</center> <pre> <A
+I have recently began using the tags features of vim (:help tags) with my
+fortran codes and come to appreciate their power. I also do a lot of coding
+in IDL (Interactive Data Language), but found that ctags did not have native
+support for IDL. If you take the time you can learn how to get ctags to
+support IDL, but I found, after a search of usenet, that someone else has
+already done this and written a perl script called idltags. It is part
+of an emacs package (is anyone still reading?) that you need to download,
+called idlwave, which is located at:
+ <A HREF=""></A><BR>
+and currently (I don't know if this will change) the direct download link is
+ <A
+ HREF=""></A><BR>
+In the usenet pages the maintainer, JD Smith, was suggesting that idlwave
+had outgrown idltags and was not sure it was still needed, so I don't know
+how long it will be available.
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>Edit
+files in path, or related.</center> <pre> <A
+You can write a little shell function that will let you easily edit any file
+that is in the path, or which's location can be retrieved with the whereis
+tool. This is something similar to what I have in /etc/profile:
+function vvim() { vim `whereis $1|cut -d: -f2` } function ggvim() { gvim
+`whereis $1|cut -d: -f2` }
+Then just type, for example, "vvim ls", and you'll start vim with /bin/ls
+and /usr/share/man/ls.1.gz loaded :) (it's not very useful to edit /bin/ls,
+but you get the ideea ;)
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim">
+<html><center>Use gvim in kmail</center> <pre> <A
+To automatically open gvim to edit in kmail, "-f" command line option must
+be used . In kmail configuration go to the composer settings , and write
+in the "use external editor" field the following command : "gvim -f %f"
+Without -f option gvim would work in background and editing would not have
+any effect on kmail.
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>Statusline
+Tab Level Function Ruler TVIM</center> <pre> <A
+I use this function to let me know if my cursor is on a TAB column. The t*
+on the ruler means I am not. But t3 means the cursor is on tablevel 3 ~vimrc
+----------------------- My Ruler ------------------------ r4,c13,t3 ~vimrc
+----------------------- My Ruler ------------------------ r4,c14,t* If you
+want to change a tab level you can drag or push the first character of a line
+to a desired tab level. (more on that later) This ruler replacement will let
+you know where you are, whether you like to use space tabs (see vimtip #12 )
+or regular tabs. My function is set to four space tabs stops and only goes
+9 levels but can be easily modified.
+Actually I just wanted to learn how to use a function in my _vimrc and this
+was my first attempt. Add this to your _vimrc
+"--------------------cut------------------ set laststatus=2 "This makes sure
+the ruler shows. See help laststatus set statusline=%f\ ---------\ My\
+Ruler\ ----------\ r%l,c%c,t%{ShowTab()} "See help statusline (I toggle
+between 12 helpful rulers -- more on that later) fu ShowTab()
+ let TabLev='*' let Col=(col(".")) if Col == 1 | let TabLev='0' |
+ en if Col == 5 | let TabLev='1' | en if Col == 9 | let TabLev='2' |
+ en if Col ==13 | let TabLev='3' | en if Col ==17 | let TabLev='4' |
+ en if Col ==21 | let TabLev='5' | en if Col ==25 | let TabLev='6' |
+ en if Col ==29 | let TabLev='7' | en if Col ==33 | let TabLev='8' |
+ en if Col ==37 | let TabLev='9' | en
+return TabLev endf "The ruler (statusline) shows a t* unless you are on
+col 1,5,9,13,... "-------------------cut-------------------
+This function ShowTab() gets called and updates the ruler with every cursor
+move but it does not slow things down as I type. Perhaps a speed typist
+may complain :-) In case I write something else you may search on the key
+word TVIM Best Wishes TVIM Tamed Vim
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim">
+<html><center>fold braces and javadoc</center> <pre> <A
+If you'd like to have javadoc folded together with areas in braces try that
+&lt;pre&gt; set foldmethod=syntax set foldenable syn region foldBraces
+start=/{/ end=/}/ transparent fold syn region foldJavadoc start=,/\*\*,
+end=,\*/, transparent fold keepend &lt;/pre&gt; and play a bit with:
+&lt;pre&gt; set foldlevel=0 set foldnestmax=10 &lt;/pre&gt; parameters
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>Best
+of VIM Tips (VIM's best Features)</center> <pre> <A
+Here's a necessarily cryptic list of "MY" Best Vim Tips
+that I've gleaned from <A HREF=" &
+comp.editors "> & comp.editors </A><BR> <A
+updated version at <A
+# Absolutely essential
+------------------------------------------------------------------------------ : Visit frequently comp.editors : "VIM" dominated
+newsgroup * # g* g# : find word under cursor (forwards/backwards)
+% : match brackets {}[]() matchit.vim : % now matches
+tags &lt;tr&gt;&lt;td&gt;&lt;script&gt; etc &lt;C-N&gt; &lt;C-P&gt; : word
+completion in insert mode &lt;C-X&gt;&lt;C-L&gt; : Line complete SUPER
+USEFUL /&lt;C-R&gt;&lt;C-W&gt; : Pull &lt;cword&gt; onto search/command
+line :set ignorecase # you nearly always want this :syntax on : colour
+syntax in Perl,HTML,PHP etc :h slash&lt;C-D&gt; : type control-D and get a
+list all help topics containing
+ slash (plus use TAB for Help completion)
+,s :source $VIM/_vimrc :nmap ,v :e $VIM/_vimrc
+#VISUAL MODE Mappings :vmap sb "zdi&lt;b&gt;&lt;C-R&gt;z&lt;/b&gt;&lt;ESC&gt;
+: wrap &lt;b&gt;&lt;/b&gt; around VISUALLY selected
+Text :vmap st "zdi&lt;?= &lt;C-R&gt;z ?&gt;&lt;ESC&gt;
+: wrap &lt;?= ?&gt; around VISUALLY selected Text
+# Exploring :Ex : file explorer note capital Ex \be
+: builtin buffer explorer :ls : list of buffers(eg
+following) :cd .. : move to parent directory
+# Great guu : lowercase line gUU
+: uppercase line gf : open file name under
+cursor (SUPER) ga : display hex,ascii value of
+character under cursor ggVGg? : rot13 whole file
+CTRL-A,CTRL-X : increment,decerement number under cursor
+ win32 users must remap CNTRL-A
+CTRL-R=5*5 : insert 25 into text
+# Makes all other tips superfluous :h 42 :h holy-grail :help!
+# Markers & moving about '. : jump to last modification
+line (SUPER) `. : jump to exact spot in last modification
+line &lt;C-O&gt; : retrace your movements in file
+(old) &lt;C-I&gt; : retrace your movements in file (new)
+:ju(mps) :help jump-motions :history : list of all your commands
+# Abbreviations & maps :map &lt;f7&gt; :'a,'bw! c:/aaa/x :map &lt;f8&gt;
+:r c:/aaa/x :map &lt;f9&gt; :w&lt;CR&gt;:!c:/php/php.exe %&lt;CR&gt;
+:map &lt;f11&gt; :.w! c:/aaa/xr&lt;CR&gt; :map &lt;f12&gt; :r
+c:/aaa/xr&lt;CR&gt; :ab php : list of abbreviations beginning
+php :map , : list of maps beginning , # For use in Maps
+&lt;CR&gt; : carriage Return for maps &lt;ESC&gt; :
+Escape &lt;LEADER&gt; : normally \ &lt;BAR&gt; : | pipe
+# List your Registers :reg : display contents
+of all registers "1p.... : retrieve numeric buffers
+# Useful trick "ayy@a : execute "Vim command" in a
+text file yy@" : same thing using unnamed register
+# Get output from other commands :r!ls.exe :
+reads in output of ls !!date : same thing
+:%!sort -u : use an external program to filter content
+# Multiple Files Management :wn : write file and move to
+next (SUPER) :bd : remove file from buffer list (SUPER)
+:sav php.html : Save current file as php.html and "move" to php.html
+:sp fred.txt : open fred.txt into a split :e! : return to
+unmodified file :w c:/aaa/% : save file elsewhere :e # :
+edit alternative file :e % :rew : rewwind to first file in
+ARGS :bn : next file :bp : next file :brew
+# Recording (BEST TIP of ALL) qq # record to q your commands
+q @q to execute @@ to Repeat # editing a register/recording "ap
+&lt;you can now see register contents, edit as required&gt; "add @a
+# _vimrc essentials :set incsearch : jumps to search word as you type (annoying
+but excellent) :set wildignore=*.o,*.obj,*.bak,*.exe :set shiftwidth=3
+# launching Win IE :nmap ,f :update&lt;CR&gt;:silent
+!start c:\progra~1\intern~1\iexplore.exe
+file://%:p&lt;CR&gt; :nmap ,i :update&lt;CR&gt;: !start
+c:\progra~1\intern~1\iexplore.exe &lt;cWORD&gt;&lt;CR&gt;
+# FTPing from VIM cmap ,r :Nread <A
+"> </A><BR> cmap ,w :Nwrite <A
+gvim <A
+# appending to registers (use CAPITAL) # yank
+5 lines into "a" then add a further 5 "a5yy 10j "A5yy
+[I : show lines matching word under cursor &lt;cword&gt;
+#Conventional Shifting :'a,'b&gt;&gt; # visual shifting
+(builtin-repeat) :vnoremap &lt; &lt;gv :vnoremap &gt; &gt;gv
+# searching /^joe.*fred.*bill/ : normal /^[A-J]\+/ : search
+for lines beginning A-J followed by at leat 1 A-J /forum\(\_.\)*pent
+search over possible multiple lines /fred\_s*joe/i : any
+whitespace including newline /fred\|joe : Search for FRED OR JOE
+#substitution :%s/fred/joe/igc : general substitute command
+:%s/\r//g : Delete DOS returns ^M :'a,'bg/fred/s/dick/joe/gc
+: VERY USEFUL :s/\(.*\):\(.*\)/\2 : \1/ : reverse fields separated
+by : :%s/^.\{-}pdf/new.pdf/ non greedy matching (ie to first pdf)
+:s/fred/&lt;c-r&gt;a/g substitute "fred" with contents of register "a"
+:%s/^\(.*\)\n\1/\1$/ delete duplicate lines # non-greedy matching
+\{-} :%s/^.\{-}pdf/new.pdf/ :help /\{-} :s/fred/&lt;c-r&gt;a/g
+substitute "fred" with contents of register "a" # multiple commands
+:%s/\f\+\.gif\&gt;/\r&\r/g | v/\.gif$/d | %s/gif/jpg/ :%s/suck\|buck/loopy/gc
+: ORing :s/__date__/\=strftime("%c")/ : insert datestring
+# global command :g/^\s*$/d :delete all blank lines :g!/^dd/d :
+delete lines not containing string :v/^dd/d : delete lines not
+containing string :g/fred/,/joe/d : not line based :v/./.,/./-1join : compress
+empty lines :'a,'b g/^Error/ . w &gt;&gt; errors.txt :g/cmap\|form/p : ORing
+# Paste register * :redir @* : redirect commands to paste :redir
+END "*yy : yank to paste "*p : insert paste buffer
+# Formatting text gq&lt;CR&gt; gqap (a is motion p paragraph (visual mode))
+# Operate command over multiple files :argdo
+%s/foo/bar/ :bufdo %s/foo/bar/ :windo %s/foo/bar/
+# Command line tricks gvim -h ls | gvim - : edit a PIPE!! #
+vg.ksh (shell script) # vi all files in directory containing
+keyword $1 and jump to $1 gvim.exe -c "/$1" $(grep -isl "$1" *) &
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>Open a
+web-browser with the URL in the current line</center> <pre> <A
+function! Browser ()
+ let line = getline (".") let line = matchstr (line, "http[^ ]*") exec
+ "!netscape ".line
+map &lt;Leader&gt;w :call Browser ()&lt;CR&gt;
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>annoying
+"Hit any key to close this window..."</center> <pre> <A
+i use gvim and bash heavily under win98. i have
+let $HOME = substitute($HOME, '\\', '/', 'g') set shell=bash\ --rcfile\
+\"$HOME\"_bashrc\ -i
+in my _vimrc, and something like
+function br() { if [ $1 ]; then
+ explorer.exe ${1//\//\\}
+ else
+ explorer.exe ${PWD//\//\\}
+ fi
+in my _bashrc. when i finish editing one html file, i simply type :!br %
+everything works fine now. but when :!br % executes, one console window will
+bump out and wait me to press some key to contiue. i consider this quiet
+annoying. i want the console window to disappear automatically if no fault
+has happened. does anyone know how to achieve this? thanks.
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim">
+<html><center>Move through wrapped lines.</center> <pre> <A
+If you don't like the fact that when you press Up and Down on a wrapped line,
+you get to the next phisical line instead of the next line on the screen,
+you can do something like this:
+imap &lt;silent&gt; &lt;Down&gt; &lt;C-o&gt;gj imap &lt;silent&gt; &lt;Up&gt;
+nmap &lt;silent&gt; &lt;Down&gt; gj nmap &lt;silent&gt; &lt;Up&gt; gk
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>close
+vim you left open remotely</center> <pre> <A
+Vim 6 has this cool client-server protocol. I use it all the time to edit
+a file in an existing gvim, like so $ gvim --remote [filename]
+Today I left myself logged in at the console at work, and when I got home
+I realized I had left vim running with files unsaved. I think I even left
+it in insert mode. I wanted to edit these files at home. So I ssh'd to the
+machine and started playing with the --remote commands.
+:help was a bit cryptic
+ --remote-send {keys} Send {keys} to server and exit.
+After a lot of failed attempts, I finally succeeded in getting the remote
+vim to save its buffers and quit.
+$ DISPLAY=:0 vim --servername GVIM --remote-send '&lt;ESC&gt;:wqa&lt;CR&gt;'
+A couple of notable things. Then environment variable DISPLAY has to be the
+display of the remote vim, and you have to be able to open that display. The
+client-server stuff is done through X.
+The &lt;CR&gt; is important. This part eluded me for a long time. The {keys}
+are just like keys you would press if you were editing at the console,
+and you have to press enter, or vim won't do anything.
+Check your .swp files to make sure vim really closed the files it was
+editing. Vim provides little feedback as to the success or failure of what
+you're trying to do remotely. Nonetheless, it's clearly a useful feature to
+have available.
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>showing ascii
+value of the current character in decimal, hex, and octal</center> <pre> <A
+dont know if you guys know this or not, but i was trying to make the word
+"hello" to upper case by trying "gaUw" (= which didnt work but it showed
+the decimal, hex, and octal of the char under the cursor... ncie to know.
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>Open
+the folder containing the currently open file</center> <pre> <A
+Occasionally, on windows, I have files open in gvim, that the folder for that
+file is not open. This key map opens the folder that contains the currently
+open file. The expand() is so that we don't try to open the folder of an
+anonymous buffer, we would get an explorer error dialog in that case.
+if has("gui_running")
+ if has("win32")
+ " Open the folder containing the currently open file. Double &lt;CR&gt; at
+ end " is so you don't have to hit return after command. Double quotes are
+ " not necessary in the 'explorer.exe %:p:h' section. :map &lt;silent&gt;
+ &lt;C-F5&gt; :if expand("%:p:h") != ""&lt;CR&gt;:!start explorer.exe
+ %:p:h&lt;CR&gt;:endif&lt;CR&gt;&lt;CR&gt;
+ endif
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim">
+<html><center>Copy, Cut, and Paste</center> <pre> <A
+PS: copy, cut, and paste are the words from (usually) gui editor.
+Ever try to cut (or copy) some lines and paste to another place? If you
+need to count the lines first, then try these to eliminate counting task.
+Cut and Paste:
+1. Place the cursor at the beginning of the block you want to CUT. 2. Mark
+it with md 3. Go to the end of the block. 4. Cut it with d'd 5. Go to the
+new location that you want to PASTE those text. 6. Press P.
+Copy and Paste:
+1. Place the cursor at the beginning of the block you want to COPY. 2. Mark
+it with my 3. Go to the end of the block. 4. Cut it with y'y 5. Go to the
+new location that you want to PASTE those text. 6. Press P.
+The name of the mark used is related to the operation (d:delete or y:yank).
+I found that those mark names requires minimal movement of my finger. ;)
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>printing
+using kprinter (unix + kde)</center> <pre> <A
+just add set printexpr=system('kprinter'\ .\ '\ '\ .\ v:fname_in)\ .\
+delete(v:fname_in)\ +\ v:shell_error to your ~/.vimrc; further on all your
+printing will be piped through the nice and consistent print-dialog of kde.
+lg, tomte
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim">
+<html><center>Insert and back...</center> <pre> <A
+this is related to vimtip #289 in terms of programmers (like I) too lazy to
+move their hands to reach the far far away &lt;esc&gt; key.... joking! :)
+ actually the less your hands move around the faster you type, and the fester
+ you type the more time you have on your hands to think of "what" you type...
+here is a small snippet from my mappings file, ready to speed things up: //
+the key overloading might be a somewhat confusing at first....
+--cut--- imap &lt;S-Space&gt; &lt;esc&gt;l imap &lt;C-CR&gt; &lt;esc&gt;o
+imap &lt;S-CR&gt; &lt;esc&gt;O
+nmap &lt;S-Space&gt; i nmap &lt;space&gt;&lt;space&gt; i nnoremap &lt;CR&gt;
+o nmap &lt;S-CR&gt; O
+Good luck!!
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim">
+<html><center>"Smart &lt;home&gt;"</center> <pre> <A
+to make it faster to navigate through indented code here is a common way to
+"go home"...
+---cut--- fun! s:SmartHome()
+ if col('.') != match(getline('.'), '\S')+1
+ norm ^
+ else
+ :call cursor(line('.'),2) norm h
+ endif
+endfun inoremap &lt;silent&gt;&lt;home&gt; &lt;C-O&gt;:call
+&lt;SID&gt;SmartHome()&lt;CR&gt; nnoremap &lt;silent&gt;&lt;home&gt; :call
+&lt;SID&gt;SmartHome()&lt;CR&gt; vnoremap &lt;silent&gt;&lt;home&gt; :call
+what this snippet does is make the &lt;home&gt; key behave as it does in
+such IDEs as PythonWin or MSVisualStudio, and that is first go to the first
+non whitespace, and then to the first char on the line.
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>Using
+/pattern/ search in a script</center> <pre> <A
+There are a number of ways you can search for a pattern in a script.
+The search function is the typical way to search for a pattern. But, it
+has limited options. In particular, there are no options to control the
+position of the cursor after it matches the pattern.
+Instead you can use :normal command. The secret is to add a &lt;CR&gt;
+(^M) on the end of the command. For example, to search for "pattern"
+and move the cursor to the end of the matching pattern issue the command:
+:normal /pattern/e+1^M
+where ^M is a real carriage return. It can be entered with
+Another use is when you want to enter a bunch of normal commands together.
+For example, if you were looking to find a '{' to highlight and delete
+a C block. The '{' may not be on the same line so you can't use the "f"
+normal command.
+:normal V/{/^M%d
+A drawback to using the normal command is that if the pattern does not
+match then it is difficult to detect. Also, you can get in trouble with
+the wrapscan setting.
+For more information about these commands look at
+:help / :help normal :help search()
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim">
+<html><center>Mozilla Vim Keybindings</center> <pre> <A
+If you use VIM you like the h, j, k, and l movement keys. I found myself
+annoyed at not having these movement keys available when browsing web pages.
+Moving to the arrow keys on a laptop is annoying to just scroll the page.
+Locate your mozilla/res/builtin directory (varies by platform). You could
+search for htmlBindings.xml to find it. (ie. locate htmlBindings.xml.
+On Mac OS X it's inside the Mozilla application bundle.
+Create a new XML file called userHTMLBindings.xml, making it executable for
+all users and making sure the CRLF format is the same as htmlBindings.xml.
+i.e. on Mac OS X most files use \r but Vim writes \n instead. You can either
+save the file with Vim as a Mac formatted file or use tr '\n' '\r' &lt;
+input.xml &gt; output.xml to convert the file.
+Place the following XML into the userHTMLBindings.xml file.
+&lt;?xml version="1.0"?&gt;
+&lt;bindings id="htmlBindings"
+ xmlns="<A
+ HREF=""">"</A><BR>
+ xmlns:xul="<A
+ HREF=""&gt;">"&gt;</A><BR>
+ &lt;binding id="browserUser"&gt;
+ &lt;handlers&gt;
+ &lt;handler event="keypress" key="h" command="cmd_scrollLeft"/&gt;
+ &lt;handler event="keypress" key="j" command="cmd_scrollLineDown"/&gt;
+ &lt;handler event="keypress" key="k" command="cmd_scrollLineUp"/&gt;
+ &lt;handler event="keypress" key="l" command="cmd_scrollRight"/&gt;
+ &lt;/handlers&gt;
+ &lt;/binding&gt;
+ &lt;/bindings&gt;
+There are many more bindings one could configure to get Vim like keybindings.
+You can read <A HREF=" for
+more information."> for
+more information.</A><BR>
+PS. I love the keymaster/gatekeeper xul reference in the xul URL above.
+It's from the original GhostBusters movie. ;-)
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>Extended
+Bracket and Parenthesis + extras for perl</center> <pre> <A
+This is an extension of vimtip #153 I found this tip useful, but the jump
+seemed out of place for me, I couldn't enter just one ' or ", and so I created
+an improvement Basically, I set it up so that when you're in perl and have
+a non keyword charcter, (except for @, $ and % for perl) and you type a {
+you get: {
+ | &lt;- cursor
+} Where as, when I have a keyword I get: word{} With the cursor in the middle,
+for hashes in perl. I can jump out of any block, except the "" or '' blocks,
+by typing their closing charcter. So } jumps me out past the next } in
+the file.
+Warning, this search may wrap around.
+Finally, I made it so that, using the alt key, &lt;Alt-'&gt; inserts a '
+&lt;Alt-/&gt; inserts a " &lt;Alt-[&gt; inserts a [ &lt;Alt-]&gt; inserts a
+] &lt;Alt--&gt; inserts a { &lt;Alt-=&gt; inserts a } &lt;Alt-,&gt; inserts
+a &lt; &lt;Alt-.&gt; inserts a &gt;
+"######################################## " File -
+matchMe.vim " Date - Wednesday, August 21, 2002
+" This code fixes my problem with " does the one format for perl and still
+keeps hashes function! InsertBrackets()
+ let fileType = &ft
+ if fileType == 'perl'
+ let col = col('.') - 1 if !col || getline('.')[col - 1] !~
+ '\k' && getline('.')[col - 1] !~ '\$' && getline('.')[col - 1]
+ !~ '@' && getline('.')[col - 1] !~ '%' && getline('.')[col -
+ 1] !~ '#'
+ return "{\&lt;cr&gt;\&lt;bs&gt;}\&lt;esc&gt;ko"
+ else
+ return "{}\&lt;esc&gt;i\&lt;c-o&gt;:echo \&lt;cr&gt;"
+ endif
+ else
+ return "{\&lt;cr&gt;\&lt;bs&gt;}\&lt;esc&gt;ko"
+ endif
+" This code jumps out of the brackets function! JumpNext(normChar)
+ let ret =
+ "\&lt;space&gt;\&lt;esc&gt;ma\&lt;left&gt;/\\".a:normChar."\&lt;cr&gt;mb`ai\&lt;del&gt;\&lt;esc&gt;`bi\&lt;right&gt;"
+ return ret
+" mappings inoremap " ""&lt;esc&gt;i&lt;c-o&gt;:echo
+&lt;cr&gt; inoremap ' ''&lt;esc&gt;i&lt;c-o&gt;:echo &lt;cr&gt;
+inoremap &lt; &lt;&gt;&lt;esc&gt;i&lt;c-o&gt;:echo &lt;cr&gt;
+inoremap ( ()&lt;esc&gt;i&lt;c-o&gt;:echo &lt;cr&gt; inoremap [
+[]&lt;esc&gt;i&lt;c-o&gt;:echo &lt;cr&gt; inoremap { &lt;c-r&gt;=InsertBrackets
+()&lt;cr&gt; inoremap &gt; &lt;c-r&gt;=JumpNext("&gt;")&lt;cr&gt;
+inoremap ) &lt;c-r&gt;=JumpNext(")")&lt;cr&gt;
+inoremap ] &lt;c-r&gt;=JumpNext("]")&lt;cr&gt; inoremap }
+&lt;c-r&gt;=JumpNext("}")&lt;cr&gt; inoremap &lt;m-[&gt; [ inoremap &lt;m-]&gt;
+] inoremap &lt;m-/&gt; " inoremap &lt;m--&gt; { inoremap &lt;m-=&gt; }
+inoremap &lt;m-,&gt; &lt; inoremap &lt;m-.&gt; &gt; inoremap &lt;m-'&gt; '
+"######################################## " End Of File
+If you have any other suggestions, drop a note...
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>text
+formatting (lining up ='s,('s etc))</center> <pre> <A
+some time onw would like to reformat text like a=1; foo=2; longstring=1; c=2
+a =1; foo =2; longstring =1; c =2;
+Note I am not sure wether the code above is displayed properly in your browsers
+what is basically shows is all the ='s are lined up in a single column
+and this is how we achive it 0f=20i&lt;space&gt;&lt;esc&gt;020lvf=hx and
+this is what it does 0 goes to first column f=
+finds next occurance of = on current line 20i&lt;space&gt;&lt;esc&gt;
+inserts 20 spaces before = 0 goesback to
+first column 20l forward 20 column vf=hx
+deletes everything up to the = sign
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim">
+<html><center>Borland pageup/down behavier</center> <pre> <A
+borlandbehavier = the cursor keeps the same xy position during pageup/down
+Im new to VIM scripting, im sure it can be done smarter? I read vimtip #105
+and it gave me a clue of how BorlandPageUp/Down could be done.
+" i could'nt find any get_number_of_visible_lines function, so i made my own.
+function GetNumberOfVisibleLines()
+ let cur_line = line(".") let cur_col = virtcol(".") normal H let
+ top_line = line(".") normal L let bot_line = line(".")
+ execute "normal " . cur_line . "G" execute "normal " . cur_col . "|"
+ return bot_line - top_line
+" noremap &lt;PageUp&gt; 39&lt;C-U&gt;:set scroll=0&lt;CR&gt;
+function! MyPageUp()
+ let visible_lines = GetNumberOfVisibleLines() execute "normal "
+ . visible_lines . "\&lt;C-U&gt;:set scroll=0\r"
+" noremap &lt;PageDown&gt; 39&lt;C-D&gt;:set scroll=0&lt;CR&gt;
+function! MyPageDown()
+ let visible_lines = GetNumberOfVisibleLines() execute "normal "
+ . visible_lines . "\&lt;C-D&gt;:set scroll=0\r"
+" BorlandPascal pageup/down behavier! " todo: when hitting top/bottom of file,
+then restore Y to lastY noremap &lt;PageUp&gt; :call MyPageUp()&lt;CR&gt;
+noremap &lt;PageDown&gt; :call MyPageDown()&lt;CR&gt;
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>Centura
+swap with upper/lower line behavier</center> <pre> <A
+I was once forced to use a windows development suite called "Centura".
+The only good thing i remember was its swap current_line with upper/lower line.
+function! MySwapUp()
+ let cur_col = virtcol(".") normal ddkkp execute "normal " . cur_col . "|"
+function! MySwapDown()
+ let cur_col = virtcol(".") normal ddp execute "normal " . cur_col . "|"
+" swap lines and preserve cursorx " todo: in visual mode, perform swap with
+line before/after the selection noremap &lt;S-Up&gt; :call MySwapUp()&lt;CR&gt;
+noremap &lt;S-Down&gt; :call MySwapDown()&lt;CR&gt;
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>text
+template with placeholders</center> <pre> <A
+Many scripts/ftplugin provide text or code templates. Sadly none of the
+marks the places where you are supposed to "fill in the form". My own code
+templates for C/C++ insert a triple percent (%%%) where you are supposed to
+enter something. I mapped ;; to find the next %%% and change them. All the
+template mappings are insert-mode only, while the "skip to next placeholder"
+is both insert and normal mode enabled.
+A complete for-loop template for C++ looks like:
+:imap &lt;buffer&gt; ;fo &lt;C-O&gt;mzfor( %%%; %%%; %%%)&lt;CR&gt;{ //
+The command to go to the next placeholder is this:
+:imap &lt;buffer&gt; ;; &lt;C-O&gt;/%%%&lt;CR&gt;&lt;C-O&gt;c3l :nmap
+&lt;buffer&gt; ;; /%%%&lt;CR&gt;c3l
+Every time I need a for-loop ;fo produces this ( _ is the cursor position)
+: for( _; %%% ; %%%) { // %%%
+ %%%
+Now I enter starting value (i=0): for( i=0_; %%% ; %%%) { // %%%
+ %%%
+and go to the condition using ;; for( i=0; _ ; %%%) { // %%%
+ %%%
+and so forth.
+The choice of %%% proved to be almost universal, it even works in MATLAB or
+LaTeX where % is the comment character.
+Even if you forget to replace one %%%, that's not a problem as the compiler
+flags is as a syntax error (except MATLAB and LaTeX, of course).
+It made my life easier, maybe it works for you.
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim">
+<html><center>using folders with latex</center> <pre> <A
+set foldmarker=\\begin,\\end set foldmethod=marker
+this is useful with big latex document
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>Search
+and replace in files named NAME</center> <pre> <A
+I'm not sure if there is a simple way to do this from within Vim, but,
+I wrote this simple script that does it. It basically searches for files
+named NAMED (whatever name pass) for a given string and replaces that with
+a given string: NAMED "string_to_find" "string_to_replace"
+This is all done from the command line without opening Vim.
+Of course one could do things like:
+ :let n = 1 :while n &lt;= argc() " loop over all
+ files in arglist : exe "argument " . n : " start at
+ the last char in the file and wrap for the : " first
+ search to find match at start of file : normal G$ :
+ let flags = "w" : while search("foo", flags) &gt; 0 :
+ s/foo/bar/g : let flags = "W" : endwhile : update
+ " write the file if modified : let n = n + 1 :endwhile
+As suggested in the Vim help files :-) but, I wanted to go and find only
+these files... here is the script:
+ 1 #!/bin/sh 2 # Luis Mondesi &lt; &gt; 3 #
+ DESCRIPTION: 4 # it uses vim to replace a given string for 5 #
+ another in a number of files 6 # 7 # usage: 8 # file
+ "string" "replace" 9 #
+ 10 if [ $1 -a $2 -a $3 ]; then 11 for i in `find . -name "$1"
+ -type f | xargs grep -l $2`; do 12 # how do search and replace
+ 13 # the screen might flicker... vim opening and closing...
+ 14 vim -c ":%s/$2/$3/g" -c ":wq" $i 15 done 16 exit 0
+ 17 fi 18 # I should never reach here 19 echo -e "USAGE:
+ file 'string' 'replace' \n\n" 20 exit 1
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>Errorformat
+for java/ant/junit/cygwin/bash</center> <pre> <A
+If you program in Java and use Jakarta ant for builds *and* if you have the
+bash shell, this tip will make your development experience a little smoother.
+This tip will result in a working compile/edit/debug system (in Win32 vim/gvim
+and in Cygwin vim) that takes you to the exact lines where the build fails,
+whether the failure is a compilation error or a junit test failure. If you
+use bash on a linux box, you shouldn't have to change very much to get
+everything to work.
+There are 6 sections: 1. set up your build script 2. set up makeprg 3. set
+up shell options 4. set up path formatting options 5. set up your errorformat
+6. set up key mappings
+Set up build script ------------------- Add the following script to your path
+(I use /usr/local/bin/):
+mymake: #!/bin/bash cd /work/ ant -emacs $* 2&gt;&1 | tr '\\' / | tr ^M '
+' | sed -u -n -f /usr/local/bin/testerrors.sed | tee /tmp/errors
+Comment: sed -u is non-standard, use the code at: <A
+HREF=" to
+get"> to
+get</A><BR> the -u option for sed (this avoids waiting for the build output
+to get to the screen)
+testerrors.sed: # This assumes that all your junit test cases are in a com.*
+package /^Running com\./ {
+ # duplicate the line s!\(.*\)!\1\
+ P
+ # turn the test package into a directory path for %D errorformat
+ s!.*\(com\..*\)\.[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]*!\1! s!\.!/!g s!.*!Entering:
+ /work/src/&!
+ # print the line and go on p n
+# just pass any unmatched lines through p
+Set up makeprg -------------- Add the following lines to your vimrc:
+ autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead /work/*.java set makeprg=mymake autocmd
+ BufNewFile,BufRead ?:/work/*.java set makeprg=mymake
+Set up shell options -------------------- Add the following lines to your
+ " in order to have bash as the shell for win32 vi.exe and gvim.exe,
+ you have " to set these options, and also build vimrun.exe in the cygwin
+ environment " so that the system() call is executed via bash, not cmd.exe
+ -- the command " to build vimrun.exe is "make -f Make_cyg.mak vimrun.exe"
+ set shell=bash.exe set shellcmdflag=-c set shellslash
+Also to use this environment in Win32 gvim, you must recompile vimrun so
+that gvim invokes the shell via bash, not via cmd.exe.
+Set up path formatting options ------------------------------ Add the
+following lines to your vimrc:
+ " allows DOS file names from UNIX (Cygwin) vim set isfname+=\
+Set up your errorformat ----------------------- Add the following lines to
+your vimrc:
+ " the "\%DEntering:\ %f," rule relies on a sed script which generates "
+ "Entering: " messages for each test class run (the directory name is "
+ generated from the test class package and a hard-coded src root)
+ " the "%\\C" at the start of the exception matching line tells to match
+ " case-exact (the exception mathching lines rely on the %D rule that sets
+ " up the correct directory from the package structure)
+ " ant/junit/javac errorformat set errorformat=
+ \%-G%.%#build.xml:%.%#, \%-G%.%#warning:\ %.%#, \%-G%\\C%.%#EXPECTED%.%#,
+ \%f:%l:\ %#%m, \C:%f:%l:\ %m, \%DEntering:\ %f\ %\\=, \%ECaused\
+ by:%[%^:]%#:%\\=\ %\\=%m, \%ERoot\ cause:%[%^:]%#:%\\=\ %\\=%m,
+ \%Ecom.%[%^:]%#:%\\=\ %\\=%m, \%Eorg.%[%^:]%#:%\\=\ %\\=%m,
+ \%Ejava.%[%^:]%#:%\\=\ %\\=%m, \%Ejunit.%[%^:]%#:%\\=\ %\\=%m,
+ \%-Z%\\C\ at\ com.mypkg.%.%#.test%[A-Z]%.%#(%f:%l)\ %\\=,
+ \%-Z%\\C\ at\ com.mypkg.%.%#.setUp(%f:%l)\ %\\=, \%-Z%\\C\ at\
+ com.mypkg.%.%#.tearDown(%f:%l)\ %\\=, \%-Z%^\ %#%$, \%-C%.%#, \%-G%.%#
+NOTE: Make sure that the character before "at" is an actual Tab character
+in the three long -Z lines above
+Here is an annotated version:
+ set errorformat=
+ " don't treat the build.xml diagnostic as an error
+ \%-G%.%#build.xml:%.%#,
+ " don't treat warning lines as errors \%-G%.%#warning:\ %.%#,
+ " don't treat lines containing "EXPECTED" as errors
+ \%-G%\\C%.%#EXPECTED%.%#,
+ " look for this standard error format \%f:%l:\ %#%m,
+ " look for this standard error format (with C: on front) \C:%f:%l:\ %m,
+ " look for special sed-generated "Entering" lines while running tests
+ \%DEntering:\ %f\ %\\=,
+ " look for exceptions that were thrown in the tests, use the exception
+ " description as the error message (don't know how to also include the
+ " exception name in the error message) \%ECaused\ by:%[%^:]%#:%\\=\
+ %\\=%m, \%ERoot\ cause:%[%^:]%#:%\\=\ %\\=%m, \%Ecom.%[%^:]%#:%\\=\
+ %\\=%m, \%Eorg.%[%^:]%#:%\\=\ %\\=%m, \%Ejava.%[%^:]%#:%\\=\ %\\=%m,
+ \%Ejunit.%[%^:]%#:%\\=\ %\\=%m,
+ " using the "Entering" directory and the filename/line number provided
+ " in the exception trace, go to the test method where the exception
+ " was thrown \%-Z%\\C\ at\ com.mypkg.%.%#.test%[A-Z]%.%#(%f:%l)\
+ %\\=, \%-Z%\\C\ at\ com.mypkg.%.%#.setUp(%f:%l)\ %\\=, \%-Z%\\C\ at\
+ com.mypkg.%.%#.tearDown(%f:%l)\ %\\=,
+ " empty lines terminate searching for further exception lines \%-Z%^\
+ %#%$,
+ " any line can intervene between the start of an exception printout
+ " and the line where it ends (last in list so that it is matched if
+ " none of the other exception trace patterns match) \%-C%.%#,
+ " all other lines are not errors \%-G%.%#
+Set up key mappings ------------------- Add the following lines to your vimrc:
+ nmap &lt;F10&gt; :clist&lt;CR&gt; nmap &lt;F11&gt; :cprev&lt;CR&gt; nmap
+ &lt;F12&gt; :cnext&lt;CR&gt;
+This allows for quick error navigation.
+NOTES ----- Vim treats the "Entering: /work/src/..." messages in a weird way.
+If there are any actual errors, then these error lines are ignored by the
+:cnext and :cprev commands, but if there are no real errors, then :cnext and
+:cprev roll through these "Entering:" messages as if they were errors, but
+since they don't include any line numbers, the cursor position is never moved.
+I thought that this was strange, but even stranger, it is programmed directly
+into the vim error handling code to function exactly this way. There were
+no comments, and nobody responded on the vim mailing list, so I just decided
+to live with it.
+The upshot of it all is that if you see an error like "Entering:", chances
+are that your build succeeded and all the tests ran without a problem.
+Hope this helps...
+Mail me with bugs at jdsumsion at
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>Help
+for VIM Help (VIM QuickRef)</center> <pre> <A
+Type :help quickref or :h quic
+And get a VIM Command Quick Reference Page brilliant for beginners &
+oldtimers alike
+type :h help to learn how to use help
+Other Help Tips
+# help for help :h visual&lt;C-D&gt;&lt;tab&gt; : obtain list of all
+visual help topics
+ : Then use tab to step thru them
+:h ctrl&lt;C-D&gt; : list help of all control keys :h :r
+: help for :ex command :h CTRL-R : normal mode :h \r
+: what's \r in a regexp :h i_CTRL-R : help for say &lt;C-R&gt;
+in insert mode :h c_CTRL-R : help for say &lt;C-R&gt; in command
+mode :h v_CTRL-V : visual mode :h tutor : VIM Tutor
+These are also listed in my Best Of VIM Tips vimtip #305
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim">
+<html><center>key mappings</center> <pre> <A
+I use my left thumb for the alt key and right for the space. Using this
+combo, you can get some useful key maps for which you don't have to move
+your hands. I find I have to turn my hand a little to press the left ctrl key.
+These are some maps i use for C programming.
+map ' ` map &lt;C-f&gt; :w&lt;C-m&gt;:!make&lt;C-m&gt; map &lt;M-]&gt;
+&lt;C-]&gt; Tags map &lt;M-[&gt;
+&lt;C-t&gt; Tags map &lt;M-u&gt;
+:!ctags -R *&lt;C-m&gt; Build
+Tags map &lt;M-c&gt; I/*&lt;Esc&gt;A*/&lt;Esc&gt;
+Comment current line map &lt;M-d&gt; ^xx$xx
+Delete comment for a single line map &lt;M-l&gt;
+[{zf% Fold upto the enclosing brace
+level map &lt;M-o&gt; zo open fold
+map &lt;M-i&gt; zc close fold map
+&lt;M-.&gt; :cn&lt;C-m&gt; Go
+to next error in list map &lt;M-,&gt; :cp&lt;C-m&gt;
+previous error in list
+imap &lt;Tab&gt; &lt;C-p&gt;
+Complete word inoremap &lt;S-Tab&gt; &lt;Tab&gt;
+Tab inoremap { &lt;CR&gt;{&lt;CR&gt;
+Brace and line inoremap } &lt;CR&gt;}
+brace and line. saves one enter stroke
+imap &lt;M-j&gt; &lt;Esc&gt;
+Escape. Don't want to move my hand to esc key. imap &lt;M-k&gt; &lt;C-y&gt;
+Copy line from above. imap &lt;M-q&gt; /* */&lt;Esc&gt;hhi
+Comment selected lines
+noremap &lt;M-r&gt; ddko{&lt;C-m&gt;}&lt;Esc&gt;kpko Convert a
+simple statement to a compound statement. And place cursor above prev line.
+noremap &lt;M-k&gt; ddko{&lt;C-m&gt;}&lt;Esc&gt;kpo Same as
+above but place cursor below old line.
+vnoremap &lt;M-j&gt; &lt;Esc&gt; vnoremap &lt;M-c&gt;
+di/*&lt;C-m&gt;/&lt;C-m&gt;&lt;Esc&gt;kkp Commented selected text
+nmap &lt;M-n&gt; :noh&lt;CR&gt; No hilight
+ Nithin.
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim"> <html><center>Vim
+in Microsoft Visual Foxpro</center> <pre> <A
+You can tell MS VFP to use an external editor for editing project files.
+To tell MS VFP to use Vim:
+start regedit locate [HKEY_CURRENT_USER
+ \Software
+ \Microsoft
+ \VisualFoxPro
+ \5.0
+ \Options]
+and create a new item TEDIT with string content "/N
+C:\Progra~1\vim\vim61\gvim.exe" (or whatever your path to Vim happens to be.)
+This will not replace the internal VFP editor for such things as modifying the
+"click method" for a button (unfortunately), but when you modify a program,
+VFP will fire up gvim.
+Start MS VFP, start Help and look for TEDIT. ;-)
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim">
+<html><center>A map for swapping words</center> <pre> <A
+Put the following map into your &lt;.vimrc&gt;:
+ nmap &lt;silent&gt; gw
+ "_yiw:s/\(\%#\w\+\)\(\W\+\)\(\w\+\)/\3\2\1/&lt;cr&gt;&lt;c-o&gt;&lt;c-l&gt;
+Then when you put the cursor on or in a word, press "gw", and the word will
+be swapped with the next word. The words may even be separated by punctuation
+(such as "abc = def").
+While we're talking swapping, here's a map for swapping characters:
+ nmap &lt;silent&gt; gc xph
+This hint was formed in a collaboration between Chip Campbell - Arun Easi -
+Benji Fisher
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim">
+<html><center>how to stop auto indenting</center> <pre> <A
+Since VIM 6.0 the indent has been improved so much. But sometimes when
+we are pasting formated text (source code or HTML etc) into a buffer, VIM
+indents again so that lines will be padded with too much spaces.
+Setting nocindent, noautoindent, nosmartindent still cannot stop this. All you
+need to do is "set paste", then paste your stuff, and then "set nopaste" again.
+Ref: indentexpr
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim">
+<html><center>modline magic...</center> <pre> <A
+ One of the things about vim that are both quite simple yet very
+useful is that you can store by-file settings... that is each file can
+contain settings specific to it. this thing is called a modline (:help
+modline). though this is limited to only the 'set' command arguments, you
+can do allot of local to file things like the indent type, folding method
+and so on.
+the syntax is as follows:
+// vim:set ts=4 sw=4 nowrap:
+/* vim:noai:ts=2:sw=4: */
+ The modlines can be contained in comments so as to not interfere with
+the file syntax (shown here for C/C++). these lines are read by vim when
+it loads the file, and they can either be in the first or last 5 lines
+(by default).
+refer to ':help modline'
+//and a happy 20th birthday to the good old smiley!! :-)
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim">
+<html><center>make footnotes in vim</center> <pre> <A
+I found at <A
+a macro to insert footnotes in vim, but it doesn't work as of vim6.0. so i
+wrote my own; this macro requires two differents shortcuts, one for entering
+the first footnote, the other one for all subsequent footnotes.
+when you hit "K0" (first footnote) or "KK" (all other footnotes) in normal
+mode, your cursor is positionned at the end of the document, in the footnote &
+in insert mode. The "a" bookmark is set to the place where you entered the
+footnote in the text. so a "`a" will bring you back to the location of the
+footnote in the text.
+" for now requires entering K0 for the first footnote and then KK
+nmap K0 i[0]&lt;esc&gt;maG$i&lt;end&gt;&lt;enter&gt;[0] nmap KK
+</pre></tip> </html> <Tip category="KVim">
+<html><center>Syntax-based folding for c/c++/java</center> <pre> <A
+Here's a function to toggle the use of syntax-based folding for a c/c++/java
+file. It also handles folding markers.
+function! OutlineToggle()
+ if (! exists ("b:outline_mode"))
+ let b:outline_mode = 0
+ endif
+ if (b:outline_mode == 0)
+ syn region myFold start="{" end="}" transparent fold syn sync
+ fromstart set foldmethod=syntax
+ silent! exec "%s/{{{/&lt;&lt;&lt;/" silent! exec "%s/}}}/&gt;&gt;&gt;/"
+ let b:outline_mode = 1
+ else
+ set foldmethod=marker
+ silent! exec "%s/&lt;&lt;&lt;/{{{/" silent! exec "%s/&gt;&gt;&gt;/}}}/"
+ let b:outline_mode = 0
+ endif