path: root/runtime/doc/xxd.1
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'runtime/doc/xxd.1')
1 files changed, 26 insertions, 27 deletions
diff --git a/runtime/doc/xxd.1 b/runtime/doc/xxd.1
index fba0521d6..ccaeb2279 100644
--- a/runtime/doc/xxd.1
+++ b/runtime/doc/xxd.1
@@ -62,12 +62,11 @@ toggle autoskip: A single '*' replaces nul-lines. Default off.
.IR \-b " | " \-bits
Switch to bits (binary digits) dump, rather than hexdump.
This option writes octets as eight digits "1"s and "0"s instead of a normal
-hexacecimal dump. Each line is preceded by a line number in hexadecimal and
+hexadecimal dump. Each line is preceded by a line number in hexadecimal and
followed by an ascii (or ebcdic) representation. The command line switches
\-r, \-p, \-i do not work with this mode.
.IR "\-c cols " | " \-cols cols"
-.IR "\-c cols " | " \-cols cols"
.RI < cols >
octets per line. Default 16 (\-i: 12, \-ps: 30, \-b: 6). Max 256.
@@ -78,7 +77,7 @@ This does not change the hexadecimal representation. The option is
meaningless in combinations with \-r, \-p or \-i.
.IR "\-g bytes " | " \-groupsize bytes"
-seperate the output of every
+separate the output of every
.RI < bytes >
bytes (two hex characters or eight bit-digits each) by a whitespace.
@@ -139,7 +138,7 @@ show version string.
.I xxd \-r
has some builtin magic while evaluating line number information.
-If the ouput file is seekable, then the linenumbers at the start of each
+If the output file is seekable, then the linenumbers at the start of each
hexdump line may be out of order, lines may be missing, or overlapping. In
these cases xxd will lseek(2) to the next position. If the output file is not
seekable, only gaps are allowed, which will be filled by null-bytes.
@@ -152,7 +151,7 @@ When editing hexdumps, please note that
skips everything on the input line after reading enough columns of hexadecimal
data (see option \-c). This also means, that changes to the printable ascii (or
ebcdic) columns are always ignored. Reverting a plain (or postscript) style
-hexdump with xxd \-r \-p does not depend on the correct number of columns. Here an thing that looks like a pair of hex-digits is interpreted.
+hexdump with xxd \-r \-p does not depend on the correct number of columns. Here anything that looks like a pair of hex-digits is interpreted.
Note the difference between
@@ -186,7 +185,7 @@ Hexdump from file position 0x100 ( = 1024-768) on.
\fI% sh \-c 'dd of=plain_snippet bs=1k count=1; xxd \-s +-768 > hex_snippet' < file
However, this is a rare situation and the use of `+' is rarely needed.
-the author prefers to monitor the effect of xxd with strace(1) or truss(1), whenever \-s is used.
+The author prefers to monitor the effect of xxd with strace(1) or truss(1), whenever \-s is used.
@@ -208,17 +207,17 @@ Print 120 bytes as continuous hexdump with 40 octets per line.
\fI% xxd \-l 120 \-ps \-c 20 xxd.1\fR
@@ -226,32 +225,32 @@ Hexdump the first 120 bytes of this man page with 12 octets per line.
\fI% xxd \-l 120 \-c 12 xxd.1\fR
-0000000: 2e54 4820 5858 4420 3120 224d .TH XXD 1 "M
+0000000: 2e54 4820 5858 4420 3120 2241 .TH XXD 1 "A
-000000c: 616e 7561 6c20 7061 6765 2066 anual page f
+000000c: 7567 7573 7420 3139 3936 2220 ugust 1996"
-0000018: 6f72 2078 7864 220a 2e5c 220a or xxd"..\\".
+0000018: 224d 616e 7561 6c20 7061 6765 "Manual page
-0000024: 2e5c 2220 3231 7374 204d 6179 .\\" 21st May
+0000024: 2066 6f72 2078 7864 220a 2e5c for xxd"..\\
-0000030: 2031 3939 360a 2e5c 2220 4d61 1996..\\" Ma
+0000030: 220a 2e5c 2220 3231 7374 204d "..\\" 21st M
-000003c: 6e20 7061 6765 2061 7574 686f n page autho
+000003c: 6179 2031 3939 360a 2e5c 2220 ay 1996..\\"
-0000048: 723a 0a2e 5c22 2020 2020 546f r:..\\" To
+0000048: 4d61 6e20 7061 6765 2061 7574 Man page aut
-0000054: 6e79 204e 7567 656e 7420 3c74 ny Nugent <t
+0000054: 686f 723a 0a2e 5c22 2020 2020 hor:..\\"
-0000060: 6f6e 7940 7363 746e 7567 656e ony@sctnugen
+0000060: 546f 6e79 204e 7567 656e 7420 Tony Nugent
-000006c: 2e70 7070 2e67 752e 6564 752e
+000006c: 3c74 6f6e 7940 7363 746e 7567 <tony@sctnug
Display just the date from the file xxd.1
-\fI% xxd \-s 0x28 \-l 12 \-c 12 xxd.1\fR
+\fI% xxd \-s 0x36 \-l 13 \-c 13 xxd.1\fR
-0000028: 3231 7374 204d 6179 2031 3939 21st May 199
+0000036: 3231 7374 204d 6179 2031 3939 36 21st May 1996
@@ -266,11 +265,11 @@ and prepend 100 bytes of value 0x00.
Patch the date in the file xxd.1
-\fI% echo '0000029: 3574 68' | xxd \-r \- xxd.1\fR
+\fI% echo '0000037: 3574 68' | xxd \-r \- xxd.1\fR
-\fI% xxd \-s 0x28 \-l 12 \-c 12 xxd.1\fR
+\fI% xxd \-s 0x36 \-l 13 \-c 13 xxd.1\fR
-0000028: 3235 7468 204d 6179 2031 3939 25th May 199
+0000036: 3235 7468 204d 6179 2031 3939 36 25th May 1996
Create a 65537 byte file with all bytes 0x00,