path: root/runtime/doc/usr_32.txt
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1 files changed, 151 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/runtime/doc/usr_32.txt b/runtime/doc/usr_32.txt
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index 000000000..4893eb477
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/doc/usr_32.txt
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+*usr_32.txt* For Vim version 7.0b. Last change: 2006 Mar 24
+ VIM USER MANUAL - by Bram Moolenaar
+ The undo tree
+Vim provides multi-level undo. If you undo a few changes and then make a new
+change you create a branch in the undo tree. This text is about moving
+through the branches.
+|32.1| Numbering changes
+|32.2| Jumping around the tree
+|32.3| Time travelling
+ Next chapter: |usr_40.txt| Make new commands
+ Previous chapter: |usr_31.txt| Exploiting the GUI
+Table of contents: |usr_toc.txt|
+*32.1* Numbering changes
+In section |02.5| we only discussed one line of undo/redo. But it is also
+possible to branch off. This happens when you undo a few changes and then
+make a new change. The new changes become a branch in the undo tree.
+Let's start with the text "one". The first change to make is to append
+" too". And then move to the first 'o' and change it into 'w'. We then have
+two changes, numbered 1 and 2, and three states of the text:
+ one ~
+ |
+ change 1
+ |
+ one too ~
+ |
+ change 2
+ |
+ one two ~
+If we now undo one change, back to "one too", and change "one" to "me" we
+create a branch in the undo tree:
+ one ~
+ |
+ change 1
+ |
+ one too ~
+ / \
+ change 2 change 3
+ | |
+ one two me too ~
+You can now use the |u| command to undo. If you do this twice you get to
+"one". Use |CTRL-R| to redo, and you will go to "one too". One more |CTRL-R|
+takes you to "me too". Thus undo and redo go up and down in the tree, using
+the branch that was last used.
+What matters here is the order in which the changes are made. Undo and redo
+are not considered changes in this context. After each change you have a new
+state of the text.
+Note that only the changes are numbered, the text shown in the tree above has
+no identifier. They are mostly referred to by the number of the change above
+it. But sometimes by the number of one of the changes below it, especially
+when moving up in the tree, so that you know which change was just undone.
+*32.2* Jumping around the tree
+So how do you get to "one two" now? You can use this command: >
+ :undo 2
+The text is now "one two", you are below change 2. You can use the |:undo|
+command to jump to below any change in the tree.
+Now make another change: change "one" to "not":
+ one ~
+ |
+ change 1
+ |
+ one too ~
+ / \
+ change 2 change 3
+ | |
+ one two me too ~
+ |
+ change 4
+ |
+ not two ~
+Now you change your mind and want to go back to "me too". Use the |g-|
+command. This moves back in time. Thus it doesn't walk the tree upwards or
+downwards, but goes to the change made before.
+You can repeat |g-| and you will see the text change:
+ me too ~
+ one two ~
+ one too ~
+ one ~
+Use |g+| to move forward in time:
+ one ~
+ one too ~
+ one two ~
+ me too ~
+ not two ~
+Using |:undo| is useful if you know what change you want to jump to. |g-| and
+|g+| are useful if you don't know exactly what the change number is.
+You can type a count before |g-| and |g+| to repeat them.
+*32.3* Time travelling
+When you have been working on text for a while the tree grows to become big.
+Then you may want to go to the text of some minutes ago.
+To see what branches there are in the undo tree use this command: >
+ :undolist
+< number changes time ~
+ 3 2 16 seconds ago
+ 4 3 5 seconds ago
+Here you can see the number of the leaves in each branch and when the change
+was made. Assuming we are below change 4, at "not two", you can go back ten
+seconds with this command: >
+ :earlier 10s
+Depending on how much time you took for the changes you end up at a certain
+position in the tree. The |:earlier| command argument can be "m" for minutes
+and "h" for hours. To go all the way back use a big number: >
+ :earlier 10h
+To travel forward in time again use the |:later| command: >
+ :later 1m
+The arguments are "s", "m" and "h", just like with |:earlier|.
+Next chapter: |usr_40.txt| Make new commands
+Copyright: see |manual-copyright| vim:tw=78:ts=8:ft=help:norl: