path: root/runtime/doc/options.txt
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'runtime/doc/options.txt')
1 files changed, 6826 insertions, 0 deletions
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+++ b/runtime/doc/options.txt
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+*options.txt* For Vim version 7.0aa. Last change: 2004 Jun 08
+ VIM REFERENCE MANUAL by Bram Moolenaar
+Options *options*
+1. Setting options |set-option|
+2. Automatically setting options |auto-setting|
+3. Options summary |option-summary|
+For an overview of options see help.txt |option-list|.
+Vim has a number of internal variables and switches which can be set to
+achieve special effects. These options come in three forms:
+ boolean can only be on or off *boolean* *toggle*
+ number has a numeric value
+ string has a string value
+1. Setting options *set-option*
+ *:se* *:set*
+:se[t] Show all options that differ from their default value.
+:se[t] all Show all but terminal options.
+:se[t] termcap Show all terminal options. Note that in the GUI the
+ key codes are not shown, because they are generated
+ internally and can't be changed. Changing the terminal
+ codes in the GUI is not useful either...
+ *E518* *E519*
+:se[t] {option}? Show value of {option}.
+:se[t] {option} Toggle option: set, switch it on.
+ Number option: show value.
+ String option: show value.
+:se[t] no{option} Toggle option: Reset, switch it off.
+:se[t] {option}! or
+:se[t] inv{option} Toggle option: Invert value. {not in Vi}
+ *:set-default* *:set-&* *:set-&vi* *:set-&vim*
+:se[t] {option}& Reset option to its default value. May depend on the
+ current value of 'compatible'. {not in Vi}
+:se[t] {option}&vi Reset option to its Vi default value. {not in Vi}
+:se[t] {option}&vim Reset option to its Vim default value. {not in Vi}
+:se[t] all& Set all options, except terminal options, to their
+ default value. The values of 'term', 'lines' and
+ 'columns' are not changed. {not in Vi}
+ *:set-args* *E487* *E521*
+:se[t] {option}={value} or
+:se[t] {option}:{value}
+ Set string or number option to {value}.
+ For numeric options the value can be given in decimal,
+ hex (preceded with 0x) or octal (preceded with '0')
+ (hex and octal are only available for machines which
+ have the strtol() function).
+ The old value can be inserted by typing 'wildchar' (by
+ default this is a <Tab> or CTRL-E if 'compatible' is
+ set). See |cmdline-completion|.
+ White space between {option} and '=' is allowed and
+ will be ignored. White space between '=' and {value}
+ is not allowed.
+ See |option-backslash| for using white space and
+ backslashes in {value}.
+:se[t] {option}+={value} *:set+=*
+ Add the {value} to a number option, or append the
+ {value} to a string option. When the option is a
+ comma separated list, a comma is added, unless the
+ value was empty.
+ If the option is a list of flags, superfluous flags
+ are removed. Otherwise there is no check for doubled
+ values. You can avoid this by removing a value first.
+ Example: >
+ :set guioptions-=T guioptions+=T
+< Also see |:set-args| above.
+ {not in Vi}
+:se[t] {option}^={value} *:set^=*
+ Multiply the {value} to a number option, or prepend
+ the {value} to a string option. When the option is a
+ comma separated list, a comma is added, unless the
+ value was empty.
+ Also see |:set-args| above.
+ {not in Vi}
+:se[t] {option}-={value} *:set-=*
+ Subtract the {value} from a number option, or remove
+ the {value} from a string option, if it is there.
+ If the {value} is not found in a string option, there
+ is no error or warning. When the option is a comma
+ separated list, a comma is deleted, unless the option
+ becomes empty.
+ When the option is a list of flags, {value} must be
+ exactly as they appear in the option. Remove flags
+ one by one to avoid problems.
+ Also see |:set-args| above.
+ {not in Vi}
+The {option} arguments to ":set" may be repeated. For example: >
+ :set ai nosi sw=3 ts=3
+If you make an error in one of the arguments, an error message will be given
+and the following arguments will be ignored.
+ *:set-verbose*
+When 'verbose' is non-zero, displaying an option value will also tell where it
+was last set. Example: >
+ :verbose set shiftwidth cindent?
+ shiftwidth=4
+ Last set from modeline
+ cindent
+ Last set from /usr/local/share/vim/vim60/ftplugin/c.vim
+This is only done when specific option values are requested, not for ":set
+all" or ":set" without an argument.
+When the option was set by hand there is no "Last set" message. There is only
+one value for all local options with the same name. Thus the message applies
+to the option name, not necessarily its value.
+When the option was set while executing a function, user command or
+autocommand, the script in which it was defined is reported.
+Note that an option may also have been set as a side effect of setting
+{not available when compiled without the +eval feature}
+ *:set-termcap* *E522*
+For {option} the form "t_xx" may be used to set a termcap option. This will
+override the value from the termcap. You can then use it in a mapping. If
+the "xx" part contains special characters, use the <t_xx> form: >
+ :set <t_#4>=^[Ot
+This can also be used to translate a special code for a normal key. For
+example, if Alt-b produces <Esc>b, use this: >
+ :set <M-b>=^[b
+(the ^[ is a real <Esc> here, use CTRL-V <Esc> to enter it)
+The advantage over a mapping is that it works in all situations.
+The listing from ":set" looks different from Vi. Long string options are put
+at the end of the list. The number of options is quite large. The output of
+"set all" probably does not fit on the screen, causing Vim to give the
+ *option-backslash*
+To include white space in a string option value it has to be preceded with a
+backslash. To include a backslash you have to use two. Effectively this
+means that the number of backslashes in an option value is halved (rounded
+A few examples: >
+ :set tags=tags\ /usr/tags results in "tags /usr/tags"
+ :set tags=tags\\,file results in "tags\,file"
+ :set tags=tags\\\ file results in "tags\ file"
+The "|" character separates a ":set" command from a following command. To
+include the "|" in the option value, use "\|" instead. This example sets the
+'titlestring' option to "hi|there": >
+ :set titlestring=hi\|there
+This sets the 'titlestring' option to "hi" and 'iconstring' to "there": >
+ :set titlestring=hi|set iconstring=there
+For MS-DOS and WIN32 backslashes in file names are mostly not removed. More
+precise: For options that expect a file name (those where environment
+variables are expanded) a backslash before a normal file name character is not
+removed. But a backslash before a special character (space, backslash, comma,
+etc.) is used like explained above.
+There is one special situation, when the value starts with "\\": >
+ :set dir=\\machine\path results in "\\machine\path"
+ :set dir=\\\\machine\\path results in "\\machine\path"
+ :set dir=\\path\\file results in "\\path\file" (wrong!)
+For the first one the start is kept, but for the second one the backslashes
+are halved. This makes sure it works both when you expect backslashes to be
+halved and when you expect the backslashes to be kept. The third gives a
+result which is probably not what you want. Avoid it.
+ *add-option-flags* *remove-option-flags*
+ *E539* *E550* *E551* *E552*
+Some options are a list of flags. When you want to add a flag to such an
+option, without changing the existing ones, you can do it like this: >
+ :set guioptions+=a
+Remove a flag from an option like this: >
+ :set guioptions-=a
+This removes the 'a' flag from 'guioptions'.
+Note that you should add or remove one flag at a time. If 'guioptions' has
+the value "ab", using "set guioptions-=ba" won't work, because the string "ba"
+doesn't appear.
+ *:set_env* *expand-env* *expand-environment-var*
+Environment variables in most string options will be expanded. If the
+environment variable exists the '$' and the following environment variable
+name is replaced with its value. If it does not exist the '$' and the name
+are not modified. Any non-id character (not a letter, digit or '_') may
+follow the environment variable name. That character and what follows is
+appended to the value of the environment variable. Examples: >
+ :set term=$
+ :set path=/usr/$INCLUDE,$HOME/include,.
+When adding or removing a string from an option with ":set opt-=val" or ":set
+opt+=val" the expansion is done before the adding or removing.
+Handling of local options *local-options*
+Some of the options only apply to a window or buffer. Each window or buffer
+has its own copy of this option, thus can each have their own value. This
+allows you to set 'list' in one window but not in another. And set
+'shiftwidth' to 3 in one buffer and 4 in another.
+The following explains what happens to these local options in specific
+situations. You don't really need to know all of this, since Vim mostly uses
+the option values you would expect. Unfortunately, doing what the user
+expects is a bit complicated...
+When splitting a window, the local options are copied to the new window. Thus
+right after the split the contents of the two windows look the same.
+When editing a new buffer, its local option values must be initialized. Since
+the local options of the current buffer might be specifically for that buffer,
+these are not used. Instead, for each buffer-local option there also is a
+global value, which is used for new buffers. With ":set" both the local and
+global value is changed. With "setlocal" only the local value is changed,
+thus this value is not used when editing a new buffer.
+When editing a buffer that has been edited before, the last used window
+options are used again. If this buffer has been edited in this window, the
+values from back then are used. Otherwise the values from the window where
+the buffer was edited last are used.
+It's possible to set a local window option specifically for a type of buffer.
+When you edit another buffer in the same window, you don't want to keep
+using these local window options. Therefore Vim keeps a global value of the
+local window options, which is used when editing another buffer. Each window
+has its own copy of these values. Thus these are local to the window, but
+global to all buffers in the window. With this you can do: >
+ :e one
+ :set list
+ :e two
+Now the 'list' option will also be set in "two", since with the ":set list"
+command you have also set the global value. >
+ :set nolist
+ :e one
+ :setlocal list
+ :e two
+Now the 'list' option is not set, because ":set nolist" resets the global
+value, ":setlocal list" only changes the local value and ":e two" gets the
+global value. Note that if you do this next: >
+ :e one
+You will not get back the 'list' value as it was the last time you edited
+"one". The options local to a window are not remembered for each buffer.
+ *:setl* *:setlocal*
+:setl[ocal] ... Like ":set" but set only the value local to the
+ current buffer or window. Not all options have a
+ local value. If the option does not have a local
+ value the global value is set.
+ With the "all" argument: display all local option's
+ local values.
+ Without argument: Display all local option's local
+ values which are different from the default.
+ When displaying a specific local option, show the
+ local value. For a global option the global value is
+ shown (but that might change in the future).
+ {not in Vi}
+:setl[ocal] {option}< Set the local value of {option} to its global value.
+ {not in Vi}
+ *:setg* *:setglobal*
+:setg[lobal] ... Like ":set" but set only the global value for a local
+ option without changing the local value.
+ When displaying an option, the global value is shown.
+ With the "all" argument: display all local option's
+ global values.
+ Without argument: display all local option's global
+ values which are different from the default.
+ {not in Vi}
+For buffer-local and window-local options:
+ Command global value local value ~
+ :set option=value set set
+ :setlocal option=value - set
+:setglobal option=value set -
+ :set option? - display
+ :setlocal option? - display
+:setglobal option? display -
+Global options with a local value *global-local*
+Options are global when you mostly use one value for all buffers. For some
+global options it's useful to sometimes have a different local value. You can
+set the local value with ":setlocal". That buffer will then use the local
+value, while other buffers continue using the global value.
+For example, you have two windows, both on C source code. They use the global
+'makeprg' option. If you do this in one of the two windows: >
+ :set makeprg=gmake
+then the other window will switch to the same value. There is no need to set
+the 'makeprg' option in the other C source window too.
+However, if you start editing a Perl file in a new window, you want to use
+another 'makeprog' for it, without changing the value used for the C source
+files. You use this command: >
+ :setlocal makeprg=perlmake
+You can switch back to using the global value by making the local value empty: >
+ :setlocal makeprg=
+This only works for a string option. For a boolean option you need to use the
+"<" flag, like this: >
+ :setlocal autoread<
+Note that for non-boolean options using "<" copies the global value to the
+local value, it doesn't switch back to using the global value (that matters
+when changing the global value later).
+Note: In the future more global options can be made global-local. Using
+":setlocal" on a global option might work differently then.
+Setting the filetype
+:setf[iletype] {filetype} *:setf* *:setfiletype*
+ Set the 'filetype' option to {filetype}, but only if
+ not done yet in a sequence of (nested) autocommands.
+ This is short for: >
+ :if !did_filetype()
+ : setlocal filetype={filetype}
+ :endif
+< This command is used in a filetype.vim file to avoid
+ setting the 'filetype' option twice, causing different
+ settings and syntax files to be loaded.
+ {not in Vi}
+:bro[wse] se[t] *:set-browse* *:browse-set* *:opt* *:options*
+:opt[ions] Open a window for viewing and setting all options.
+ Options are grouped by function.
+ Offers short help for each option. Hit <CR> on the
+ short help to open a help window with more help for
+ the option.
+ Modify the value of the option and hit <CR> on the
+ "set" line to set the new value. For window and
+ buffer specific options, the last accessed window is
+ used to set the option value in, unless this is a help
+ window, in which case the window below help window is
+ used (skipping the option-window).
+ {not available when compiled without the |+eval| or
+ |+autocmd| features}
+ *$HOME*
+Using "~" is like using "$HOME", but it is only recognized at the start of an
+option and after a space or comma.
+On Unix systems "~user" can be used too. It is replaced by the home directory
+of user "user". Example: >
+ :set path=~mool/include,/usr/include,.
+On Unix systems the form "${HOME}" can be used too. The name between {} can
+contain non-id characters then. Note that if you want to use this for the
+"gf" command, you need to add the '{' and '}' characters to 'isfname'.
+NOTE: expanding environment variables and "~/" is only done with the ":set"
+command, not when assigning a value to an option with ":let".
+Note the maximum length of an expanded option is limited. How much depends on
+the system, mostly it is something like 256 or 1024 characters.
+ *:fix* *:fixdel*
+:fix[del] Set the value of 't_kD':
+ 't_kb' is 't_kD' becomes ~
+ not CTRL-? CTRL-?
+ (CTRL-? is 0177 octal, 0x7f hex) {not in Vi}
+ If your delete key terminal code is wrong, but the
+ code for backspace is alright, you can put this in
+ your .vimrc: >
+ :fixdel
+< This works no matter what the actual code for
+ backspace is.
+ If the backspace key terminal code is wrong you can
+ use this: >
+ :if &term == "termname"
+ : set t_kb=^V<BS>
+ : fixdel
+ :endif
+< Where "^V" is CTRL-V and "<BS>" is the backspace key
+ (don't type four characters!). Replace "termname"
+ with your terminal name.
+ If your <Delete> key sends a strange key sequence (not
+ CTRL-? or CTRL-H) you cannot use ":fixdel". Then use: >
+ :if &term == "termname"
+ : set t_kD=^V<Delete>
+ :endif
+< Where "^V" is CTRL-V and "<Delete>" is the delete key
+ (don't type eight characters!). Replace "termname"
+ with your terminal name.
+ *Linux-backspace*
+ Note about Linux: By default the backspace key
+ produces CTRL-?, which is wrong. You can fix it by
+ putting this line in your rc.local: >
+ echo "keycode 14 = BackSpace" | loadkeys
+ *NetBSD-backspace*
+ Note about NetBSD: If your backspace doesn't produce
+ the right code, try this: >
+ xmodmap -e "keycode 22 = BackSpace"
+< If this works, add this in your .Xmodmap file: >
+ keysym 22 = BackSpace
+< You need to restart for this to take effect.
+2. Automatically setting options *auto-setting*
+Besides changing options with the ":set" command, there are three alternatives
+to set options automatically for one or more files:
+1. When starting Vim initializations are read from various places. See
+ |initialization|. Most of them are performed for all editing sessions,
+ and some of them depend on the directory where Vim is started.
+ You can create an initialization file with |:mkvimrc|, |:mkview| and
+ |:mksession|.
+2. If you start editing a new file, the automatic commands are executed.
+ This can be used to set options for files matching a particular pattern and
+ many other things. See |autocommand|.
+3. If you start editing a new file, and the 'modeline' option is on, a
+ number of lines at the beginning and end of the file are checked for
+ modelines. This is explained here.
+ *modeline* *vim:* *vi:* *ex:* *E520*
+There are two forms of modelines. The first form:
+ [text]{white}{vi:|vim:|ex:}[white]{options}
+[text] any text or empty
+{white} at least one blank character (<Space> or <Tab>)
+{vi:|vim:|ex:} the string "vi:", "vim:" or "ex:"
+[white] optional white space
+{options} a list of option settings, separated with white space or ':',
+ where each part between ':' is the argument for a ":set"
+ command
+Example: >
+ vi:noai:sw=3 ts=6
+The second form (this is compatible with some versions of Vi):
+ [text]{white}{vi:|vim:|ex:}[white]se[t] {options}:[text]
+[text] any text or empty
+{white} at least one blank character (<Space> or <Tab>)
+{vi:|vim:|ex:} the string "vi:", "vim:" or "ex:"
+[white] optional white space
+se[t] the string "set " or "se " (note the space)
+{options} a list of options, separated with white space, which is the
+ argument for a ":set" command
+: a colon
+[text] any text or empty
+Example: >
+ /* vim: set ai tw=75: */
+The white space before {vi:|vim:|ex:} is required. This minimizes the chance
+that a normal word like "lex:" is caught. There is one exception: "vi:" and
+"vim:" can also be at the start of the line (for compatibility with version
+3.0). Using "ex:" at the start of the line will be ignored (this could be
+short for "example:").
+ *modeline-local*
+The options are set like with ":setlocal": The new value only applies to the
+buffer that contains the window. Although it's possible to set global options
+from a modeline, this is unusual. If you have two windows open and the files
+in it set the same global option to a different value, the result depends on
+which one was opened last.
+ *modeline-version*
+If the modeline is only to be used for some versions of Vim, the version
+number can be specified where "vim:" is used:
+ vim{vers}: version {vers} or later
+ vim<{vers}: version before {vers}
+ vim={vers}: version {vers}
+ vim>{vers}: version after {vers}
+{vers} is 600 for Vim 6.0 (hundred times the major version plus minor).
+For example, to use a modeline only for Vim 6.0 and later: >
+ /* vim600: set foldmethod=marker: */
+To use a modeline for Vim before version 5.7: >
+ /* vim<570: set sw=4: */
+There can be no blanks between "vim" and the ":".
+The number of lines that are checked can be set with the 'modelines' option.
+If 'modeline' is off or 'modelines' is 0 no lines are checked.
+Note that for the first form all of the rest of the line is used, thus a line
+like: >
+ /* vi:ts=4: */
+will give an error message for the trailing "*/". This line is OK: >
+ /* vi:set ts=4: */
+If an error is detected the rest of the line is skipped.
+If you want to include a ':' in a set command precede it with a '\'. The
+backslash in front of the ':' will be removed. Example: >
+ /* vi:set dir=c\:\tmp: */
+This sets the 'dir' option to "c:\tmp". Only a single backslash before the
+':' is removed. Thus to include "\:" you have to specify "\\:".
+No other commands than "set" are supported, for security reasons (somebody
+might create a Trojan horse text file with modelines).
+Hint: If you would like to do something else than setting an option, you could
+define an autocommand that checks the file for a specific string. For
+example: >
+ au BufReadPost * if getline(1) =~ "VAR" | call SetVar() | endif
+And define a function SetVar() that does something with the line containing
+3. Options summary *option-summary*
+In the list below all the options are mentioned with their full name and with
+an abbreviation if there is one. Both forms may be used.
+In this document when a boolean option is "set" that means that ":set option"
+is entered. When an option is "reset", ":set nooption" is used.
+For some options there are two default values: The "Vim default", which is
+used when 'compatible' is not set, and the "Vi default", which is used when
+'compatible' is set.
+Most options are the same in all windows and buffers. There are a few that
+are specific to how the text is presented in a window. These can be set to a
+different value in each window. For example the 'list' option can be set in
+one window and reset in another for the same text, giving both types of view
+at the same time. There are a few options that are specific to a certain
+file. These can have a different value for each file or buffer. For example
+the 'textwidth' option can be 78 for a normal text file and 0 for a C
+ global one option for all buffers and windows
+ local to window each window has its own copy of this option
+ local to buffer each buffer has its own copy of this option
+When creating a new window the option values from the currently active window
+are used as a default value for the window-specific options. For the
+buffer-specific options this depends on the 's' and 'S' flags in the
+'cpoptions' option. If 's' is included (which is the default) the values for
+buffer options are copied from the currently active buffer when a buffer is
+first entered. If 'S' is present the options are copied each time the buffer
+is entered, this is almost like having global options. If 's' and 'S' are not
+present, the options are copied from the currently active buffer when the
+buffer is created.
+Not all options are supported in all versions. To test if option "foo" can be
+used with ":set" use "exists('&foo')". This doesn't mean the value is
+actually remembered and works. Some options are hidden, which means that you
+can set them but the value is not remembered. To test if option "foo" is
+really supported use "exists('+foo')".
+ *E355*
+A jump table for the options with a short description can be found at |Q_op|.
+ *'aleph'* *'al'* *aleph* *Aleph*
+'aleph' 'al' number (default 128 for MS-DOS, 224 otherwise)
+ global
+ {not in Vi}
+ {only available when compiled with the |+rightleft|
+ feature}
+ The ASCII code for the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet. The
+ routine that maps the keyboard in Hebrew mode, both in Insert mode
+ (when hkmap is set) and on the command-line (when hitting CTRL-_)
+ outputs the Hebrew characters in the range [aleph..aleph+26].
+ aleph=128 applies to PC code, and aleph=224 applies to ISO 8859-8.
+ See |rileft.txt|.
+ *'allowrevins'* *'ari'* *'noallowrevins'* *'noari'*
+'allowrevins' 'ari' boolean (default off)
+ global
+ {not in Vi}
+ {only available when compiled with the |+rightleft|
+ feature}
+ Allow CTRL-_ in Insert and Command-line mode. This is default off, to
+ avoid that users that accidentally type CTRL-_ instead of SHIFT-_ get
+ into reverse Insert mode, and don't know how to get out. See
+ 'revins'.
+ NOTE: This option is reset when 'compatible' is set.
+ *'altkeymap'* *'akm'* *'noaltkeymap'* *'noakm'*
+'altkeymap' 'akm' boolean (default off)
+ global
+ {not in Vi}
+ {only available when compiled with the |+farsi|
+ feature}
+ When on, the second language is Farsi. In editing mode CTRL-_ toggles
+ the keyboard map between Farsi and English, when 'allowrevins' set.
+ When off, the keyboard map toggles between Hebrew and English. This
+ is useful to start the Vim in native mode i.e. English (left-to-right
+ mode) and have default second language Farsi or Hebrew (right-to-left
+ mode). See |farsi.txt|.
+ *'ambiwidth'* *'ambw'*
+'ambiwidth' 'ambw' string (default: "single")
+ global
+ {not in Vi}
+ {only available when compiled with the |+multi_byte|
+ feature}
+ Only effective when 'encoding' is "utf-8" or another Unicode encoding.
+ Tells Vim what to do with characters with East Asian Width Class
+ Ambiguous (such as Euro, Registered Sign, Copyright Sign, Greek
+ letters, Cyrillic letters).
+ There are currently two possible values:
+ "single": Use the same width as characters in US-ASCII. This is
+ expected by most users.
+ "double": Use twice the width of ASCII characters.
+ There are a number of CJK fonts for which the width of glyphs for
+ those characters are solely based on how many octets they take in
+ legacy/traditional CJK encodings. In those encodings, Euro,
+ Registered sign, Greek/Cyrillic letters are represented by two octets,
+ therefore those fonts have "wide" glyphs for them. This is also
+ true of some line drawing characters used to make tables in text
+ file. Therefore, when a CJK font is used for GUI Vim or
+ Vim is running inside a terminal (emulators) that uses a CJK font
+ (or Vim is run inside an xterm invoked with "-cjkwidth" option.),
+ this option should be set to "double" to match the width perceived
+ by Vim with the width of glyphs in the font. Perhaps it also has
+ to be set to "double" under CJK Windows 9x/ME or Windows 2k/XP
+ when the system locale is set to one of CJK locales. See Unicode
+ Standard Annex #11 (
+ *'antialias'* *'anti'* *'noantialias'* *'noanti'*
+'antialias' 'anti' boolean (default: off)
+ global
+ {not in Vi}
+ {only available when compiled with GUI enabled
+ on Mac OS X}
+ This option only has an effect in the GUI version of Vim on Mac OS X
+ v10.2 or later. When on, Vim will use smooth ("antialiased") fonts,
+ which can be easier to read at certain sizes on certain displays.
+ Setting this option can sometimes cause problems if 'guifont' is set
+ to its default (empty string).
+ *'autochdir'* *'acd'* *'noautochdir'* *'noacd'*
+'autochdir' 'acd' boolean (default off)
+ global
+ {not in Vi}
+ {only available when compiled with the
+ |+netbeans_intg| or |+sun_workshop| feature}
+ When on, Vim will change its value for the current working directory
+ whenever you open a file, switch buffers, delete a buffer or
+ open/close a window. It will change to the directory containing the
+ file which was opened or selected. This option is provided for
+ backward compatibility with the Vim released with Sun ONE Studio 4
+ Enterprise Edition.
+ *'arabic'* *'arab'* *'noarabic'* *'noarab'*
+'arabic' 'arab' boolean (default off)
+ local to window
+ {not in Vi}
+ {only available when compiled with the |+arabic|
+ feature}
+ This option can be set to start editing Arabic text.
+ Setting this option will:
+ - Set the 'rightleft' option, unless 'termbidi' is set.
+ - Set the 'arabicshape' option, unless 'termbidi' is set.
+ - Set the 'keymap' option to "arabic"; in Insert mode CTRL-^ toggles
+ between typing English and Arabic key mapping.
+ - Set the 'delcombine' option
+ Note that 'encoding' must be "utf-8" for working with Arabic text.
+ Resetting this option will:
+ - Reset the 'rightleft' option.
+ - Disable the use of 'keymap' (without changing its value).
+ Note that 'arabicshape' and 'delcombine' are not reset (it is a global
+ option.
+ Also see |arabic.txt|.
+ *'arabicshape'* *'arshape'*
+ *'noarabicshape'* *'noarshape'*
+'arabicshape' 'arshape' boolean (default on)
+ global
+ {not in Vi}
+ {only available when compiled with the |+arabic|
+ feature}
+ When on and 'termbidi' is off, the required visual character
+ corrections that need to take place for displaying the Arabic language
+ take affect. Shaping, in essence, gets enabled; the term is a broad
+ one which encompasses:
+ a) the changing/morphing of characters based on their location
+ within a word (initial, medial, final and stand-alone).
+ b) the enabling of the ability to compose characters
+ c) the enabling of the required combining of some characters
+ When disabled the character display reverts back to each character's
+ true stand-alone form.
+ Arabic is a complex language which requires other settings, for
+ further details see |arabic.txt|.
+ *'autoindent'* *'ai'* *'noautoindent'* *'noai'*
+'autoindent' 'ai' boolean (default off)
+ local to buffer
+ Copy indent from current line when starting a new line (typing <CR>
+ in Insert mode or when using the "o" or "O" command). If you do not
+ type anything on the new line except <BS> or CTRL-D and then type
+ <Esc> or <CR>, the indent is deleted again. When autoindent is on,
+ formatting (with the "gq" command or when you reach 'textwidth' in
+ Insert mode) uses the indentation of the first line.
+ When 'smartindent' or 'cindent' is on the indent is changed in
+ a different way.
+ The 'autoindent' option is reset when the 'paste' option is set.
+ {small difference from Vi: After the indent is deleted when typing
+ <Esc> or <CR>, the cursor position when moving up or down is after the
+ deleted indent; Vi puts the cursor somewhere in the deleted indent}.
+ *'autoread'* *'ar'* *'noautoread'* *'noar'*
+'autoread' 'ar' boolean (default off)
+ global or local to buffer |global-local|
+ {not in Vi}
+ When a file has been detected to have been changed outside of Vim and
+ it has not been changed inside of Vim, automatically read it again.
+ When the file has been deleted this is not done. |timestamp|
+ If this option has a local value, use this command to switch back to
+ using the global value: >
+ :set autoread<
+ *'autowrite'* *'aw'* *'noautowrite'* *'noaw'*
+'autowrite' 'aw' boolean (default off)
+ global
+ Write the contents of the file, if it has been modified, on each
+ :next, :rewind, :last, :first, :previous, :stop, :suspend, :tag, :!,
+ :make, CTRL-] and CTRL-^ command; and when a CTRL-O, CTRL-I,
+ '{A-Z0-9}, or `{A-Z0-9} command takes one to another file.
+ Note that for some commands the 'autowrite' option is not used, see
+ 'autowriteall' for that.
+ *'autowriteall'* *'awa'* *'noautowriteall'* *'noawa'*
+'autowriteall' 'awa' boolean (default off)
+ global
+ {not in Vi}
+ Like 'autowrite', but also used for commands ":edit", ":enew", ":quit",
+ ":qall", ":exit", ":xit", ":recover" and closing the Vim window.
+ Setting this option also implies that Vim behaves like 'autowrite' has
+ been set.
+ *'background'* *'bg'*
+'background' 'bg' string (default "dark" or "light")
+ global
+ {not in Vi}
+ When set to "dark", Vim will try to use colors that look good on a
+ dark background. When set to "light", Vim will try to use colors that
+ look good on a light background. Any other value is illegal.
+ Vim tries to set the default value according to the terminal used.
+ This will not always be correct.
+ Setting this option does not change the background color, it tells Vim
+ what the background color looks like. For changing the background
+ color, see |:hi-normal|.
+ When 'background' is set Vim will adjust the default color groups for
+ the new value. But the colors used for syntax highlighting will not
+ change.
+ When a color scheme is loaded (the "colors_name" variable is set)
+ setting 'background' will cause the color scheme to be reloaded. If
+ the color scheme adjusts to the value of 'background' this will work.
+ However, if the color scheme sets 'background' itself the effect may
+ be undone. First delete the "colors_name" variable when needed.
+ When setting 'background' to the default value with: >
+ :set background&
+< Vim will guess the value. In the GUI this should work correctly,
+ in other cases Vim might not be able to guess the right value.
+ When starting the GUI, the default value for 'background' will be
+ "light". When the value is not set in the .gvimrc, and Vim detects
+ that the background is actually quite dark, 'background' is set to
+ "dark". But this happens only AFTER the .gvimrc file has been read
+ (because the window needs to be opened to find the actual background
+ color). To get around this, force the GUI window to be opened by
+ putting a ":gui" command in the .gvimrc file, before where the value
+ of 'background' is used (e.g., before ":syntax on").
+ Normally this option would be set in the .vimrc file. Possibly
+ depending on the terminal name. Example: >
+ :if &term == "pcterm"
+ : set background=dark
+ :endif
+< When this option is set, the default settings for the highlight groups
+ will change. To use other settings, place ":highlight" commands AFTER
+ the setting of the 'background' option.
+ This option is also used in the "$VIMRUNTIME/syntax/syntax.vim" file
+ to select the colors for syntax highlighting. After changing this
+ option, you must load syntax.vim again to see the result. This can be
+ done with ":syntax on".
+ *'backspace'* *'bs'*
+'backspace' 'bs' string (default "")
+ global
+ {not in Vi}
+ Influences the working of <BS>, <Del>, CTRL-W and CTRL-U in Insert
+ mode. This is a list of items, separated by commas. Each item allows
+ a way to backspace over something:
+ value effect ~
+ indent allow backspacing over autoindent
+ eol allow backspacing over line breaks (join lines)
+ start allow backspacing over the start of insert; CTRL-W and CTRL-U
+ stop once at the start of insert.
+ When the value is empty, Vi compatible backspacing is used.
+ For backwards compatibility with version 5.4 and earlier:
+ value effect ~
+ 0 same as ":set backspace=" (Vi compatible)
+ 1 same as ":set backspace=indent,eol"
+ 2 same as ":set backspace=indent,eol,start"
+ See |:fixdel| if your <BS> or <Del> key does not do what you want.
+ NOTE: This option is set to "" when 'compatible' is set.
+ *'backup'* *'bk'* *'nobackup'* *'nobk'*
+'backup' 'bk' boolean (default off)
+ global
+ {not in Vi}
+ Make a backup before overwriting a file. Leave it around after the
+ file has been successfully written. If you do not want to keep the
+ backup file, but you do want a backup while the file is being
+ written, reset this option and set the 'writebackup' option (this is
+ the default). If you do not want a backup file at all reset both
+ options (use this if your file system is almost full). See the
+ |backup-table| for more explanations.
+ When the 'backupskip' pattern matches, a backup is not made anyway.
+ When 'patchmode' is set, the backup may be renamed to become the
+ oldest version of a file.
+ NOTE: This option is reset when 'compatible' is set.
+ *'backupcopy'* *'bkc'*
+'backupcopy' 'bkc' string (Vi default for Unix: "yes", otherwise: "auto")
+ global
+ {not in Vi}
+ When writing a file and a backup is made, this option tells how it's
+ done. This is a comma separated list of words.
+ The main values are:
+ "yes" make a copy of the file and overwrite the original one
+ "no" rename the file and write a new one
+ "auto" one of the previous, what works best
+ Extra values that can be combined with the ones above are:
+ "breaksymlink" always break symlinks when writing
+ "breakhardlink" always break hardlinks when writing
+ Making a copy and overwriting the original file:
+ - Takes extra time to copy the file.
+ + When the file has special attributes, is a (hard/symbolic) link or
+ has a resource fork, all this is preserved.
+ - When the file is a link the backup will have the name of the link,
+ not of the real file.
+ Renaming the file and writing a new one:
+ + It's fast.
+ - Sometimes not all attributes of the file can be copied to the new
+ file.
+ - When the file is a link the new file will not be a link.
+ The "auto" value is the middle way: When Vim sees that renaming file
+ is possible without side effects (the attributes can be passed on and
+ and the file is not a link) that is used. When problems are expected,
+ a copy will be made.
+ The "breaksymlink" and "breakhardlink" values can be used in
+ combination with any of "yes", "no" and "auto". When included, they
+ force Vim to always break either symbolic or hard links by doing
+ exactly what the "no" option does, renaming the original file to
+ become the backup and writing a new file in its place. This can be
+ useful for example in source trees where all the files are symbolic or
+ hard links and any changes should stay in the local source tree, not
+ be propagated back to the original source.
+ *crontab*
+ One situation where "no" and "auto" will cause problems: A program
+ that opens a file, invokes Vim to edit that file, and then tests if
+ the open file was changed (through the file descriptor) will check the
+ backup file instead of the newly created file. "crontab -e" is an
+ example.
+ When a copy is made, the original file is truncated and then filled
+ with the new text. This means that protection bits, owner and
+ symbolic links of the original file are unmodified. The backup file
+ however, is a new file, owned by the user who edited the file. The
+ group of the backup is set to the group of the original file. If this
+ fails, the protection bits for the group are made the same as for
+ others.
+ When the file is renamed this is the other way around: The backup has
+ the same attributes of the original file, and the newly written file
+ is owned by the current user. When the file was a (hard/symbolic)
+ link, the new file will not! That's why the "auto" value doesn't
+ rename when the file is a link. The owner and group of the newly
+ written file will be set to the same ones as the original file, but
+ the system may refuse to do this. In that case the "auto" value will
+ again not rename the file.
+ *'backupdir'* *'bdir'*
+'backupdir' 'bdir' string (default for Amiga: ".,t:",
+ for MS-DOS and Win32: ".,c:/tmp,c:/temp"
+ for Unix: ".,~/tmp,~/")
+ global
+ {not in Vi}
+ List of directories for the backup file, separated with commas.
+ - The backup file will be created in the first directory in the list
+ where this is possible.
+ - Empty means that no backup file will be created ('patchmode' is
+ impossible!). Writing may fail because of this.
+ - A directory "." means to put the backup file in the same directory
+ as the edited file.
+ - A directory starting with "./" (or ".\" for MS-DOS means to
+ put the backup file relative to where the edited file is. The
+ leading "." is replaced with the path name of the edited file.
+ ("." inside a directory name has no special meaning).
+ - Spaces after the comma are ignored, other spaces are considered part
+ of the directory name. To have a space at the start of a directory
+ name, precede it with a backslash.
+ - To include a comma in a directory name precede it with a backslash.
+ - A directory name may end in an '/'.
+ - Environment variables are expanded |:set_env|.
+ - Careful with '\' characters, type one before a space, type two to
+ get one in the option (see |option-backslash|), for example: >
+ :set bdir=c:\\tmp,\ dir\\,with\\,commas,\\\ dir\ with\ spaces
+< - For backwards compatibility with Vim version 3.0 a '>' at the start
+ of the option is removed.
+ See also 'backup' and 'writebackup' options.
+ If you want to hide your backup files on Unix, consider this value: >
+ :set backupdir=./.backup,~/.backup,.,/tmp
+< You must create a ".backup" directory in each directory and in your
+ home directory for this to work properly.
+ The use of |:set+=| and |:set-=| is preferred when adding or removing
+ directories from the list. This avoids problems when a future version
+ uses another default.
+ This option cannot be set from a |modeline| or in the |sandbox|, for
+ security reasons.
+ *'backupext'* *'bex'* *E589*
+'backupext' 'bex' string (default "~", for VMS: "_")
+ global
+ {not in Vi}
+ String which is appended to a file name to make the name of the
+ backup file. The default is quite unusual, because this avoids
+ accidentally overwriting existing files with a backup file. You might
+ prefer using ".bak", but make sure that you don't have files with
+ ".bak" that you want to keep.
+ *'backupskip'* *'bsk'*
+'backupskip' 'bsk' string (default: "/tmp/*,$TMPDIR/*,$TMP/*,$TEMP/*")
+ global
+ {not in Vi}
+ {not available when compiled without the |+wildignore|
+ feature}
+ A list of file patterns. When one of the patterns matches with the
+ name of the file which is written, no backup file is created. Both
+ the specified file name and the full path name of the file are used.
+ The pattern is used like with |:autocmd|, see |autocmd-patterns|.
+ Watch out for special characters, see |option-backslash|.
+ When $TMPDIR, $TMP or $TEMP is not defined, it is not used for the
+ default value. "/tmp/*" is only used for Unix.
+ *'balloondelay'* *'bdlay'*
+'balloondelay' 'bdlay' number (default: 600)
+ global
+ {not in Vi}
+ {only available when compiled with the |+balloon_eval|
+ feature}
+ Delay in milliseconds before a balloon may pop up. See |balloon-eval|.
+ *'ballooneval'* *'beval'* *'noballooneval'* *'nobeval'*
+'ballooneval' 'beval' boolean (default off)
+ global
+ {not in Vi}
+ {only available when compiled with the |+balloon_eval|
+ and |+sun_workshop| or |+netbeans_intg| features}
+ Switch on the |balloon-eval| functionality.
+ *'binary'* *'bin'* *'nobinary'* *'nobin'*
+'binary' 'bin' boolean (default off)
+ local to buffer
+ {not in Vi}
+ This option should be set before editing a binary file. You can also
+ use the |-b| Vim argument. When this option is switched on a few
+ options will be changed (also when it already was on):
+ 'textwidth' will be set to 0
+ 'wrapmargin' will be set to 0
+ 'modeline' will be off
+ 'expandtab' will be off
+ Also, 'fileformat' and 'fileformats' options will not be used, the
+ file is read and written like 'fileformat' was "unix" (a single <NL>
+ separates lines).
+ The 'fileencoding' and 'fileencodings' options will not be used, the
+ file is read without conversion.
+ NOTE: When you start editing a(nother) file while the 'bin' option is
+ on, settings from autocommands may change the settings again (e.g.,
+ 'textwidth'), causing trouble when editing. You might want to set
+ 'bin' again when the file has been loaded.
+ The previous values of these options are remembered and restored when
+ 'bin' is switched from on to off. Each buffer has its own set of
+ saved option values.
+ To edit a file with 'binary' set you can use the |++bin| argument.
+ This avoids you have to do ":set bin", which would have effect for all
+ files you edit.
+ When writing a file the <EOL> for the last line is only written if
+ there was one in the original file (normally Vim appends an <EOL> to
+ the last line if there is none; this would make the file longer). See
+ the 'endofline' option.
+ *'bioskey'* *'biosk'* *'nobioskey'* *'nobiosk'*
+'bioskey' 'biosk' boolean (default on)
+ global
+ {not in Vi} {only for MS-DOS}
+ When on the bios is called to obtain a keyboard character. This works
+ better to detect CTRL-C, but only works for the console. When using a
+ terminal over a serial port reset this option.
+ Also see |'conskey'|.
+ *'bomb'* *'nobomb'*
+'bomb' boolean (default off)
+ local to buffer
+ {not in Vi}
+ {only available when compiled with the |+multi_byte|
+ feature}
+ When writing a file and the following conditions are met, a BOM (Byte
+ Order Mark) is prepended to the file:
+ - this option is on
+ - the 'binary' option is off
+ - 'fileencoding' is "utf-8", "ucs-2", "ucs-4" or one of the little/big
+ endian variants.
+ Some applications use the BOM to recognize the encoding of the file.
+ Often used for UCS-2 files on MS-Windows. For other applications it
+ causes trouble, for example: "cat file1 file2" makes the BOM of file2
+ appear halfway the resulting file.
+ When Vim reads a file and 'fileencodings' starts with "ucs-bom", a
+ check for the presence of the BOM is done and 'bomb' set accordingly.
+ Unless 'binary' is set, it is removed from the first line, so that you
+ don't see it when editing. When you don't change the options, the BOM
+ will be restored when writing the file.
+ *'breakat'* *'brk'*
+'breakat' 'brk' string (default " ^I!@*-+;:,./?")
+ global
+ {not in Vi}
+ {not available when compiled without the |+linebreak|
+ feature}
+ This option lets you choose which characters might cause a line
+ break if 'linebreak' is on.
+ *'browsedir'* *'bsdir'*
+'browsedir' 'bsdir' string (default for "last")
+ global
+ {not in Vi} {only for Motif and Win32 GUI}
+ Which directory to use for the file browser:
+ last Use same directory as with last file browser.
+ buffer Use the directory of the related buffer.
+ current Use the current directory.
+ {path} Use the specified directory
+ *'bufhidden'* *'bh'*
+'bufhidden' 'bh' string (default: "")
+ local to buffer
+ {not in Vi}
+ {not available when compiled without the |+quickfix|
+ feature}
+ This option specifies what happens when a buffer is no longer
+ displayed in a window:
+ <empty> follow the global 'hidden' option
+ hide hide the buffer (don't unload it), also when 'hidden'
+ is not set
+ unload unload the buffer, also when 'hidden' is set or using
+ |:hide|
+ delete delete the buffer from the buffer list, also when
+ 'hidden' is set or using |:hide|, like using
+ |:bdelete|
+ wipe wipe out the buffer from the buffer list, also when
+ 'hidden' is set or using |:hide|, like using
+ |:bwipeout|
+ This option is used together with 'buftype' and 'swapfile' to specify
+ special kinds of buffers. See |special-buffers|.
+ *'buflisted'* *'bl'* *'nobuflisted'* *'nobl'* *E85*
+'buflisted' 'bl' boolean (default: on)
+ local to buffer
+ {not in Vi}
+ When this option is set, the buffer shows up in the buffer list. If
+ it is reset it is not used for ":bnext", "ls", the Buffers menu, etc.
+ This option is reset by Vim for buffers that are only used to remember
+ a file name or marks. Vim sets it when starting to edit a buffer.
+ But not when moving to a buffer with ":buffer".
+ *'buftype'* *'bt'* *E382*
+'buftype' 'bt' string (default: "")
+ local to buffer
+ {not in Vi}
+ {not available when compiled without the |+quickfix|
+ feature}
+ The value of this option specifies the type of a buffer:
+ <empty> normal buffer
+ nofile buffer which is not related to a file and will not be
+ written
+ nowrite buffer which will not be written
+ quickfix quickfix buffer, contains list of errors |:cwindow|
+ help help buffer (you are not supposed to set this
+ manually)
+ This option is used together with 'bufhidden' and 'swapfile' to
+ specify special kinds of buffers. See |special-buffers|.
+ Be careful with changing this option, it can have many side effects!
+ A "quickfix" buffer is only used for the error list. This value is
+ set by the |:cwindow| command and you are not supposed to change it.
+ "nofile" and "nowrite" buffers are similar:
+ both: The buffer is not to be written to disk, ":w" doesn't
+ work (":w filename" does work though).
+ both: The buffer is never considered to be |'modified'|.
+ There is no warning when the changes will be lost, for
+ example when you quit Vim.
+ both: A swap file is only created when using too much memory
+ (when 'swapfile' has been reset there is never a swap
+ file).
+ nofile only: The buffer name is fixed, it is not handled like a
+ file name. It is not modified in response to a |:cd|
+ command.
+ *'casemap'* *'cmp'*
+'casemap' 'cmp' string (default: "internal,keepascii")
+ global
+ {not in Vi}
+ Specifies details about changing the case of letters. It may contain
+ these words, separated by a comma:
+ internal Use internal case mapping functions, the current
+ locale does not change the case mapping. This only
+ matters when 'encoding' is a Unicode encoding. When
+ "internal" is omitted, the towupper() and towlower()
+ system library functions are used when available.
+ keepascii For the ASCII characters (0x00 to 0x7f) use the US
+ case mapping, the current locale is not effective.
+ This probably only matters for Turkish.
+ *'cdpath'* *'cd'* *E344* *E346*
+'cdpath' 'cd' string (default: equivalent to $CDPATH or ",,")
+ global
+ {not in Vi}
+ {not available when compiled without the
+ |+file_in_path| feature}
+ This is a list of directories which will be searched when using the
+ |:cd| and |:lcd| commands, provided that the directory being searched
+ for has a relative path (not starting with "/", "./" or "../").
+ The 'cdpath' option's value has the same form and semantics as
+ |'path'|. Also see |file-searching|.
+ The default value is taken from $CDPATH, with a "," prepended to look
+ in the current directory first.
+ If the default value taken from $CDPATH is not what you want, include
+ a modified version of the following command in your vimrc file to
+ override it: >
+ :let &cdpath = ',' . substitute(substitute($CDPATH, '[, ]', '\\\0', 'g'), ':', ',', 'g')
+< This option cannot be set from a |modeline| or in the |sandbox|, for
+ security reasons.
+ (parts of 'cdpath' can be passed to the shell to expand file names).
+ *'cedit'*
+'cedit' string (Vi default: "", Vim default: CTRL-F)
+ global
+ {not in Vi}
+ {not available when compiled without the |+vertsplit|
+ feature}
+ The key used in Command-line Mode to open the command-line window.
+ The default is CTRL-F when 'compatible' is off.
+ Only non-printable keys are allowed.
+ The key can be specified as a single character, but it is difficult to
+ type. The preferred way is to use the <> notation. Examples: >
+ :set cedit=<C-Y>
+ :set cedit=<Esc>
+< |Nvi| also has this option, but it only uses the first character.
+ See |cmdwin|.
+ *'charconvert'* *'ccv'* *E202* *E214* *E513*
+'charconvert' 'ccv' string (default "")
+ global
+ {only available when compiled with the |+multi_byte|
+ feature and the |+eval| feature}
+ {not in Vi}
+ An expression that is used for character encoding conversion. It is
+ evaluated when a file that is to be read or has been written has a
+ different encoding from what is desired.
+ 'charconvert' is not used when the internal iconv() function is
+ supported and is able to do the conversion. Using iconv() is
+ preferred, because it is much faster.
+ 'charconvert' is not used when reading stdin |--|, because there is no
+ file to convert from. You will have to save the text in a file first.
+ The expression must return zero or an empty string for success,
+ non-zero for failure.
+ The possible encoding names encountered are in 'encoding'.
+ Additionally, names given in 'fileencodings' and 'fileencoding' are
+ used.
+ Conversion between "latin1", "unicode", "ucs-2", "ucs-4" and "utf-8"
+ is done internally by Vim, 'charconvert' is not used for this.
+ 'charconvert' is also used to convert the viminfo file, if the 'c'
+ flag is present in 'viminfo'. Also used for Unicode conversion.
+ Example: >
+ set charconvert=CharConvert()
+ fun CharConvert()
+ system("recode "
+ \ . v:charconvert_from . ".." . v:charconvert_to
+ \ . " <" . v:fname_in . " >" v:fname_out)
+ return v:shell_error
+ endfun
+< The related Vim variables are:
+ v:charconvert_from name of the current encoding
+ v:charconvert_to name of the desired encoding
+ v:fname_in name of the input file
+ v:fname_out name of the output file
+ Note that v:fname_in and v:fname_out will never be the same.
+ Note that v:charconvert_from and v:charconvert_to may be different
+ from 'encoding'. Vim internally uses UTF-8 instead of UCS-2 or UCS-4.
+ Encryption is not done by Vim when using 'charconvert'. If you want
+ to encrypt the file after conversion, 'charconvert' should take care
+ of this.
+ This option cannot be set from a |modeline| or in the |sandbox|, for
+ security reasons.
+ *'cindent'* *'cin'* *'nocindent'* *'nocin'*
+'cindent' 'cin' boolean (default off)
+ local to buffer
+ {not in Vi}
+ {not available when compiled without the |+cindent|
+ feature}
+ Enables automatic C program indenting See 'cinkeys' to set the keys
+ that trigger reindenting in insert mode and 'cinoptions' to set your
+ preferred indent style.
+ If 'indentexpr' is not empty, it overrules 'cindent'.
+ If 'lisp' is not on and both 'indentexpr' and 'equalprg' are empty,
+ the "=" operator indents using this algorithm rather than calling an
+ external program.
+ See |C-indenting|.
+ When you don't like the way 'cindent' works, try the 'smartindent'
+ option or 'indentexpr'.
+ This option is not used when 'paste' is set.
+ NOTE: This option is reset when 'compatible' is set.
+ *'cinkeys'* *'cink'*
+'cinkeys' 'cink' string (default "0{,0},0),:,0#,!^F,o,O,e")
+ local to buffer
+ {not in Vi}
+ {not available when compiled without the |+cindent|
+ feature}
+ A list of keys that, when typed in Insert mode, cause reindenting of
+ the current line. Only used if 'cindent' is on and 'indentexpr' is
+ empty.
+ For the format of this option see |cinkeys-format|.
+ See |C-indenting|.
+ *'cinoptions'* *'cino'*
+'cinoptions' 'cino' string (default "")
+ local to buffer
+ {not in Vi}
+ {not available when compiled without the |+cindent|
+ feature}
+ The 'cinoptions' affect the way 'cindent' reindents lines in a C
+ program. See |cinoptions-values| for the values of this option, and
+ |C-indenting| for info on C indenting in general.
+ *'cinwords'* *'cinw'*
+'cinwords' 'cinw' string (default "if,else,while,do,for,switch")
+ local to buffer
+ {not in Vi}
+ {not available when compiled without both the
+ |+cindent| and the |+smartindent| features}
+ These keywords start an extra indent in the next line when
+ 'smartindent' or 'cindent' is set. For 'cindent' this is only done at
+ an appropriate place (inside {}).
+ Note that 'ignorecase' isn't used for 'cinwords'. If case doesn't
+ matter, include the keyword both the uppercase and lowercase:
+ "if,If,IF".
+ *'clipboard'* *'cb'*
+'clipboard' 'cb' string (default "autoselect,exclude:cons\|linux"
+ for X-windows, "" otherwise)
+ global
+ {not in Vi}
+ {only in GUI versions or when the |+xterm_clipboard|
+ feature is included}
+ This option is a list of comma separated names.
+ These names are recognized:
+ unnamed When included, Vim will use the clipboard register '*'
+ for all yank, delete, change and put operations which
+ would normally go to the unnamed register. When a
+ register is explicitly specified, it will always be
+ used regardless of whether "unnamed" is in 'clipboard'
+ or not. The clipboard register can always be
+ explicitly accessed using the "* notation. Also see
+ |gui-clipboard|.
+ autoselect Works like the 'a' flag in 'guioptions': If present,
+ then whenever Visual mode is started, or the Visual
+ area extended, Vim tries to become the owner of the
+ windowing system's global selection or put the
+ selected text on the clipboard used by the selection
+ register "*. See |guioptions_a| and |quotestar| for
+ details. When the GUI is active, the 'a' flag in
+ 'guioptions' is used, when the GUI is not active, this
+ "autoselect" flag is used.
+ Also applies to the modeless selection.
+ autoselectml Like "autoselect", but for the modeless selection
+ only. Compare to the 'A' flag in 'guioptions'.
+ exclude:{pattern}
+ Defines a pattern that is matched against the name of
+ the terminal 'term'. If there is a match, no
+ connection will be made to the X server. This is
+ useful in this situation:
+ - Running Vim in a console.
+ - $DISPLAY is set to start applications on another
+ display.
+ - You do not want to connect to the X server in the
+ console, but do want this in a terminal emulator.
+ To never connect to the X server use: >
+ exclude:.*
+< This has the same effect as using the |-X| argument.
+ Note that when there is no connection to the X server
+ the window title won't be restored and the clipboard
+ cannot be accessed.
+ The value of 'magic' is ignored, {pattern} is
+ interpreted as if 'magic' was on.
+ The rest of the option value will be used for
+ {pattern}, this must be the last entry.
+ *'cmdheight'* *'ch'*
+'cmdheight' 'ch' number (default 1)
+ global
+ {not in Vi}
+ Number of screen lines to use for the command-line. Helps avoiding
+ |hit-enter| prompts.
+ *'cmdwinheight'* *'cwh'*
+'cmdwinheight' 'cwh' number (default 7)
+ global
+ {not in Vi}
+ {not available when compiled without the |+vertsplit|
+ feature}
+ Number of screen lines to use for the command-line window. |cmdwin|
+ *'columns'* *'co'* *E594*
+'columns' 'co' number (default 80 or terminal width)
+ global
+ {not in Vi}
+ Number of columns of the screen. Normally this is set by the terminal
+ initialization and does not have to be set by hand.
+ When Vim is running in the GUI or in a resizable window, setting this
+ option will cause the window size to be changed. When you only want
+ to use the size for the GUI, put the command in your |gvimrc| file.
+ When you set this option and Vim is unable to change the physical
+ number of columns of the display, the display may be messed up.
+ *'comments'* *'com'* *E524* *E525*
+'comments' 'com' string (default
+ "s1:/*,mb:*,ex:*/,://,b:#,:%,:XCOMM,n:>,fb:-")
+ local to buffer
+ {not in Vi}
+ {not available when compiled without the |+comments|
+ feature}
+ A comma separated list of strings that can start a comment line. See
+ |format-comments|. See |option-backslash| about using backslashes to
+ insert a space.
+ *'commentstring'* *'cms'* *E537*
+'commentstring' 'cms' string (default "/*%s*/")
+ local to buffer
+ {not in Vi}
+ {not available when compiled without the |+folding|
+ feature}
+ A template for a comment. The "%s" in the value is replaced with the
+ comment text. Currently only used to add markers for folding, see
+ |fold-marker|.
+ *'compatible'* *'cp'* *'nocompatible'* *'nocp'*
+'compatible' 'cp' boolean (default on, off when a .vimrc file is found)
+ global
+ {not in Vi}
+ This option has the effect of making Vim either more Vi-compatible, or
+ make Vim behave in a more useful way.
+ This is a special kind of option, because when it's set or reset,
+ other options are also changed as a side effect. CAREFUL: Setting or
+ resetting this option can have a lot of unexpected effects: Mappings
+ are interpreted in another way, undo behaves differently, etc. If you
+ set this option in your vimrc file, you should probably put it at the
+ very start.
+ By default this option is on and the Vi defaults are used for the
+ options. This default was chosen for those people who want to use Vim
+ just like Vi, and don't even (want to) know about the 'compatible'
+ option.
+ When a ".vimrc" file is found while Vim is starting up, this option is
+ switched off, and all options that have not been modified will be set
+ to the Vim defaults. Effectively, this means that when a ".vimrc"
+ file exists, Vim will use the Vim defaults, otherwise it will use the
+ Vi defaults. (Note: This doesn't happen for the system-wide vimrc
+ file). Also see |compatible-default|.
+ You can also set this option with the "-C" argument, and reset it with
+ "-N". See |-C| and |-N|.
+ Switching this option off makes the Vim defaults be used for options
+ that have a different Vi and Vim default value. See the options
+ marked with a '+' below. Other options are not modified.
+ At the moment this option is set, several other options will be set
+ or reset to make Vim as Vi-compatible as possible. See the table
+ below. This can be used if you want to revert to Vi compatible
+ editing.
+ See also 'cpoptions'.
+ option + set value effect ~
+ 'allowrevins' off no CTRL-_ command
+ 'backupcopy' Unix: "yes" backup file is a copy
+ others: "auto" copy or rename backup file
+ 'backspace' "" normal backspace
+ 'backup' off no backup file
+ 'cindent' off no C code indentation
+ 'cedit' + "" no key to open the |cmdwin|
+ 'cpoptions' + (all flags) Vi-compatible flags
+ 'cscopetag' off don't use cscope for ":tag"
+ 'cscopetagorder' 0 see |cscopetagorder|
+ 'cscopeverbose' off see |cscopeverbose|
+ 'digraph' off no digraphs
+ 'esckeys' + off no <Esc>-keys in Insert mode
+ 'expandtab' off tabs not expanded to spaces
+ 'fileformats' + "" no automatic file format detection,
+ "dos,unix" except for DOS, Windows and OS/2
+ 'formatoptions' + "vt" Vi compatible formatting
+ 'gdefault' off no default 'g' flag for ":s"
+ 'history' + 0 no commandline history
+ 'hkmap' off no Hebrew keyboard mapping
+ 'hkmapp' off no phonetic Hebrew keyboard mapping
+ 'hlsearch' off no highlighting of search matches
+ 'incsearch' off no incremental searching
+ 'indentexpr' "" no indenting by expression
+ 'insertmode' off do not start in Insert mode
+ 'iskeyword' + "@,48-57,_" keywords contain alphanumeric
+ characters and '_'
+ 'joinspaces' on insert 2 spaces after period
+ 'modeline' + off no modelines
+ 'more' + off no pauses in listings
+ 'revins' off no reverse insert
+ 'ruler' off no ruler
+ 'scrolljump' 1 no jump scroll
+ 'scrolloff' 0 no scroll offset
+ 'shiftround' off indent not rounded to shiftwidth
+ 'shortmess' + "" no shortening of messages
+ 'showcmd' + off command characters not shown
+ 'showmode' + off current mode not shown
+ 'smartcase' off no automatic ignore case switch
+ 'smartindent' off no smart indentation
+ 'smarttab' off no smart tab size
+ 'softtabstop' 0 tabs are always 'tabstop' positions
+ 'startofline' on goto startofline with some commands
+ 'tagrelative' + off tag file names are not relative
+ 'textauto' + off no automatic textmode detection
+ 'textwidth' 0 no automatic line wrap
+ 'tildeop' off tilde is not an operator
+ 'ttimeout' off no terminal timeout
+ 'whichwrap' + "" left-right movements don't wrap
+ 'wildchar' + CTRL-E only when the current value is <Tab>
+ use CTRL-E for cmdline completion
+ 'writebackup' on or off depends on +writebackup feature
+ *'complete'* *'cpt'* *E535*
+'complete' 'cpt' string (default: ".,w,b,u,t,i")
+ local to buffer
+ {not in Vi}
+ This option specifies how keyword completion |ins-completion| works
+ when CTRL-P or CTRL-N are used. It is also used for whole-line
+ completion |i_CTRL-X_CTRL-L|. It indicates the type of completion
+ and the places to scan. It is a comma separated list of flags:
+ . scan the current buffer ('wrapscan' is ignored)
+ w scan buffers from other windows
+ b scan other loaded buffers that are in the buffer list
+ u scan the unloaded buffers that are in the buffer list
+ U scan the buffers that are not in the buffer list
+ k scan the files given with the 'dictionary' option
+ k{dict} scan the file {dict}. Several "k" flags can be given,
+ patterns are valid too. For example: >
+ :set cpt=k/usr/dict/*,k~/spanish
+< s scan the files given with the 'thesaurus' option
+ s{tsr} scan the file {tsr}. Several "s" flags can be given, patterns
+ are valid too.
+ i scan current and included files
+ d scan current and included files for defined name or macro
+ ] tag completion
+ t same as "]"
+ Unloaded buffers are not loaded, thus their autocmds |:autocmd| are
+ not executed, this may lead to unexpected completions from some files
+ (gzipped files for example). Unloaded buffers are not scanned for
+ whole-line completion.
+ The default is ".,w,b,u,t,i", which means to scan:
+ 1. the current buffer
+ 2. buffers in other windows
+ 3. other loaded buffers
+ 4. unloaded buffers
+ 5. tags
+ 6. included files
+ As you can see, CTRL-N and CTRL-P can be used to do any 'iskeyword'-
+ based expansion (eg dictionary |i_CTRL-X_CTRL-K|, included patterns
+ |i_CTRL-X_CTRL-I|, tags |i_CTRL-X_CTRL-]| and normal expansions)
+ *'confirm'* *'cf'* *'noconfirm'* *'nocf'*
+'confirm' 'cf' boolean (default off)
+ global
+ {not in Vi}
+ When 'confirm' is on, certain operations that would normally
+ fail because of unsaved changes to a buffer, e.g. ":q" and ":e",
+ instead raise a |dialog| asking if you wish to save the current
+ file(s). You can still use a ! to unconditionally |abandon| a buffer.
+ If 'confirm' is off you can still activate confirmation for one
+ command only (this is most useful in mappings) with the |:confirm|
+ command.
+ Also see the |confirm()| function and the 'v' flag in 'guioptions'.
+ *'conskey'* *'consk'* *'noconskey'* *'noconsk'*
+'conskey' 'consk' boolean (default off)
+ global
+ {not in Vi} {only for MS-DOS}
+ When on direct console I/O is used to obtain a keyboard character.
+ This should work in most cases. Also see |'bioskey'|. Together,
+ three methods of console input are available:
+ 'conskey' 'bioskey' action ~
+ on on or off direct console input
+ off on BIOS
+ off off STDIN
+ *'copyindent'* *'ci'* *'nocopyindent'* *'noci'*
+'copyindent' 'ci' boolean (default off)
+ local to buffer
+ {not in Vi}
+ Copy the structure of the existing lines indent when autoindenting a
+ new line. Normally the new indent is reconstructed by a series of
+ tabs followed by spaces as required (unless |'expandtab'| is enabled,
+ in which case only spaces are used). Enabling this option makes the
+ new line copy whatever characters were used for indenting on the
+ existing line. If the new indent is greater than on the existing
+ line, the remaining space is filled in the normal manner.
+ NOTE: 'copyindent' is reset when 'compatible' is set.
+ Also see 'preserveindent'.
+ *'cpoptions'* *'cpo'*
+'cpoptions' 'cpo' string (Vim default: "aABceFs",
+ Vi default: all flags)
+ global
+ {not in Vi}
+ A sequence of single character flags. When a character is present
+ this indicates vi-compatible behavior. This is used for things where
+ not being vi-compatible is mostly or sometimes preferred.
+ 'cpoptions' stands for "compatible-options".
+ Commas can be added for readability.
+ To avoid problems with flags that are added in the future, use the
+ "+=" and "-=" feature of ":set" |add-option-flags|.
+ NOTE: This option is set to the Vi default value when 'compatible' is
+ set and to the Vim default value when 'compatible' is reset.
+ contains behavior ~
+ *cpo-a*
+ a When included, a ":read" command with a file name
+ argument will set the alternate file name for the
+ current window.
+ *cpo-A*
+ A When included, a ":write" command with a file name
+ argument will set the alternate file name for the
+ current window.
+ *cpo-b*
+ b "\|" in a ":map" command is recognized as the end of
+ the map command. The '\' is included in the mapping,
+ the text after the '|' is interpreted as the next
+ command. Use a CTRL-V instead of a backslash to
+ include the '|' in the mapping. Applies to all
+ mapping, abbreviation, menu and autocmd commands.
+ See also |map_bar|.
+ *cpo-B*
+ B A backslash has no special meaning in mappings,
+ abbreviations and the "to" part of the menu commands.
+ Remove this flag to be able to use a backslash like a
+ CTRL-V. For example, the command ":map X \<Esc>"
+ results in X being mapped to:
+ 'B' included: "\^[" (^[ is a real <Esc>)
+ 'B' excluded: "<Esc>" (5 characters)
+ ('<' excluded in both cases)
+ *cpo-c*
+ c Searching continues at the end of any match at the
+ cursor position, but not further than the start of the
+ next line. When not present searching continues
+ one character from the cursor position. With 'c'
+ "abababababab" only gets three matches when repeating
+ "/abab", without 'c' there are five matches.
+ *cpo-C*
+ C Do not concatenate sourced lines that start with a
+ backslash. See |line-continuation|.
+ *cpo-d*
+ d Using "./" in the 'tags' option doesn't mean to use
+ the tags file relative to the current file, but the
+ tags file in the current directory.
+ *cpo-D*
+ D Can't use CTRL-K to enter a digraph after Normal mode
+ commands with a character argument, like |r|, |f| and
+ |t|.
+ *cpo-e*
+ e When executing a register with ":@r", always add a
+ <CR> to the last line, also when the register is not
+ linewise. If this flag is not present, the register
+ is not linewise and the last line does not end in a
+ <CR>, then the last line is put on the command-line
+ and can be edited before hitting <CR>.
+ *cpo-E*
+ E It is an error when using "y", "d", "c", "g~", "gu" or
+ "gU" on an Empty region. The operators only work when
+ at least one character is to be operate on. Example:
+ This makes "y0" fail in the first column.
+ *cpo-f*
+ f When included, a ":read" command with a file name
+ argument will set the file name for the current buffer,
+ if the current buffer doesn't have a file name yet.
+ *cpo-F*
+ F When included, a ":write" command with a file name
+ argument will set the file name for the current
+ buffer, if the current buffer doesn't have a file name
+ yet.
+ *cpo-g*
+ g Goto line 1 when using ":edit" without argument.
+ *cpo-i*
+ i When included, interrupting the reading of a file will
+ leave it modified.
+ *cpo-j*
+ j When joining lines, only add two spaces after a '.',
+ not after '!' or '?'. Also see 'joinspaces'.
+ *cpo-J*
+ J A |sentence| has to be followed by two spaces after
+ the '.', '!' or '?'. A <Tab> is not recognized as
+ white space.
+ *cpo-k*
+ k Disable the recognition of raw key codes in
+ mappings, abbreviations, and the "to" part of menu
+ commands. For example, if <Key> sends ^[OA (where ^[
+ is <Esc>), the command ":map X ^[OA" results in X
+ being mapped to:
+ 'k' included: "^[OA" (3 characters)
+ 'k' excluded: "<Key>" (one key code)
+ Also see the '<' flag below.
+ *cpo-K*
+ K Don't wait for a key code to complete when it is
+ halfway a mapping. This breaks mapping <F1><F1> when
+ only part of the second <F1> has been read. It
+ enables cancelling the mapping by typing <F1><Esc>.
+ *cpo-l*
+ l Backslash in a [] range in a search pattern is taken
+ literally, only "\]" is special See |/[]|
+ 'l' included: "/[ \t]" finds <Space>, '\' and 't'
+ 'l' excluded: "/[ \t]" finds <Space> and <Tab>
+ *cpo-L*
+ L When the 'list' option is set, 'wrapmargin',
+ 'textwidth', 'softtabstop' and Virtual Replace mode
+ (see |gR|) count a <Tab> as two characters, instead of
+ the normal behavior of a <Tab>.
+ *cpo-m*
+ m When included, a showmatch will always wait half a
+ second. When not included, a showmatch will wait half
+ a second or until a character is typed. |'showmatch'|
+ *cpo-M*
+ M When excluded, "%" matching will take backslashes into
+ account. Thus in "( \( )" and "\( ( \)" the outer
+ parenthesis match. When included "%" ignores
+ backslashes, which is Vi compatible.
+ *cpo-n*
+ n When included, the column used for 'number' will also
+ be used for text of wrapped lines.
+ *cpo-o*
+ o Line offset to search command is not remembered for
+ next search.
+ *cpo-O*
+ O Don't complain if a file is being overwritten, even
+ when it didn't exist when editing it. This is a
+ protection against a file unexpectedly created by
+ someone else. Vi didn't complain about this.
+ *cpo-p*
+ p Vi compatible Lisp indenting. When not present, a
+ slightly better algorithm is used.
+ *cpo-r*
+ r Redo ("." command) uses "/" to repeat a search
+ command, instead of the actually used search string.
+ *cpo-R*
+ R Remove marks from filtered lines. Without this flag
+ marks are kept like |:keepmarks| was used.
+ *cpo-s*
+ s Set buffer options when entering the buffer for the
+ first time. This is like it is in Vim version 3.0.
+ And it is the default. If not present the options are
+ set when the buffer is created.
+ *cpo-S*
+ S Set buffer options always when entering a buffer
+ (except 'readonly', 'fileformat', 'filetype' and
+ 'syntax'). This is the (most) Vi compatible setting.
+ The options are set to the values in the current
+ buffer. When you change an option and go to another
+ buffer, the value is copied. Effectively makes the
+ buffer options global to all buffers.
+ 's' 'S' copy buffer options
+ no no when buffer created
+ yes no when buffer first entered (default)
+ X yes each time when buffer entered (vi comp.)
+ *cpo-t*
+ t Search pattern for the tag command is remembered for
+ "n" command. Otherwise Vim only puts the pattern in
+ the history for search pattern, but doesn't change the
+ last used search pattern.
+ *cpo-u*
+ u Undo is Vi compatible. See |undo-two-ways|.
+ *cpo-v*
+ v Backspaced characters remain visible on the screen in
+ Insert mode. Without this flag the characters are
+ erased from the screen right away. With this flag the
+ screen newly typed text overwrites backspaced
+ characters.
+ *cpo-w*
+ w When using "cw" on a blank character, only change one
+ character and not all blanks until the start of the
+ next word.
+ *cpo-W*
+ W Don't overwrite a readonly file. When omitted, ":w!"
+ overwrites a readonly file, if possible.
+ *cpo-x*
+ x <Esc> on the command-line executes the command-line.
+ The default in Vim is to abandon the command-line,
+ because <Esc> normally aborts a command. |c_<Esc>|
+ *cpo-y*
+ y A yank command can be redone with ".".
+ *cpo-!*
+ ! When redoing a filter command, use the last used
+ external command, whatever it was. Otherwise the last
+ used -filter- command is used.
+ *cpo-$*
+ $ When making a change to one line, don't redisplay the
+ line, but put a '$' at the end of the changed text.
+ The changed text will be overwritten when you type the
+ new text. The line is redisplayed if you type any
+ command that moves the cursor from the insertion
+ point.
+ *cpo-%*
+ % Vi-compatible matching is done for the "%" command.
+ Does not recognize "#if", "#endif", etc.
+ Does not recognize "/*" and "*/".
+ Parens inside single and double quotes are also
+ counted, causing a string that contains a paren to
+ disturb the matching. For example, in a line like
+ "if (strcmp("foo(", s))" the first paren does not
+ match the last one. When this flag is not included,
+ parens inside single and double quotes are treated
+ specially. When matching a paren outside of quotes,
+ everything inside quotes is ignored. When matching a
+ paren inside quotes, it will find the matching one (if
+ there is one). This works very well for C programs.
+ *cpo-star*
+ * Use ":*" in the same way as ":@". When not included,
+ ":*" is an alias for ":'<,'>", select the Visual area.
+ *cpo-<*
+ < Disable the recognition of special key codes in |<>|
+ form in mappings, abbreviations, and the "to" part of
+ menu commands. For example, the command
+ ":map X <Tab>" results in X being mapped to:
+ '<' included: "<Tab>" (5 characters)
+ '<' excluded: "^I" (^I is a real <Tab>)
+ Also see the 'k' flag above.
+ *'cscopepathcomp'* *'cspc'*
+'cscopepathcomp' 'cspc' number (default 0)
+ global
+ {not available when compiled without the |+cscope|
+ feature}
+ {not in Vi}
+ Determines how many components of the path to show in a list of tags.
+ See |cscopepathcomp|.
+ *'cscopeprg'* *'csprg'*
+'cscopeprg' 'csprg' string (default "cscope")
+ global
+ {not available when compiled without the |+cscope|
+ feature}
+ {not in Vi}
+ Specifies the command to execute cscope. See |cscopeprg|.
+ This option cannot be set from a |modeline| or in the |sandbox|, for
+ security reasons.
+ *'cscopequickfix'* *'csqf'*
+'cscopequickfix' 'csqf' string (default "")
+ global
+ {not available when compiled without the |+cscope|
+ or |+quickfix| features}
+ {not in Vi}
+ Specifies whether to use quickfix window to show cscope results.
+ See |cscopequickfix|.
+ *'cscopetag'* *'cst'* *'nocscopetag'* *'nocst'*
+'cscopetag' 'cst' boolean (default off)
+ global
+ {not available when compiled without the |+cscope|
+ feature}
+ {not in Vi}
+ Use cscope for tag commands. See |cscope-options|.
+ NOTE: This option is reset when 'compatible' is set.
+ *'cscopetagorder'* *'csto'*
+'cscopetagorder' 'csto' number (default 0)
+ global
+ {not available when compiled without the |+cscope|
+ feature}
+ {not in Vi}
+ Determines the order in which ":cstag" performs a search. See
+ |cscopetagorder|.
+ NOTE: This option is set to 0 when 'compatible' is set.
+ *'cscopeverbose'* *'csverb'*
+ *'nocscopeverbose'* *'nocsverb'*
+'cscopeverbose' 'csverb' boolean (default off)
+ global
+ {not available when compiled without the |+cscope|
+ feature}
+ {not in Vi}
+ Give messages when adding a cscope database. See |cscopeverbose|.
+ NOTE: This option is reset when 'compatible' is set.
+ *'debug'*
+'debug' string (default "")
+ global
+ {not in Vi}
+ When set to "msg", error messages that would otherwise be omitted will
+ be given anyway. This is useful when debugging 'foldexpr' or
+ 'indentexpr'.
+ *'define'* *'def'*
+'define' 'def' string (default "^\s*#\s*define")
+ global or local to buffer |global-local|
+ {not in Vi}
+ Pattern to be used to find a macro definition. It is a search
+ pattern, just like for the "/" command. This option is used for the
+ commands like "[i" and "[d" |include-search|. The 'isident' option is
+ used to recognize the defined name after the match:
+ {match with 'define'}{non-ID chars}{defined name}{non-ID char}
+ See |option-backslash| about inserting backslashes to include a space
+ or backslash.
+ The default value is for C programs. For C++ this value would be
+ useful, to include const type declarations: >
+ ^\(#\s*define\|[a-z]*\s*const\s*[a-z]*\)
+< When using the ":set" command, you need to double the backslashes!
+ *'delcombine'* *'deco'* *'nodelcombine'* *'nodeco'*
+'delcombine' 'deco' boolean (default off)
+ global
+ {not in Vi}
+ {only available when compiled with the |+multi_byte|
+ feature}
+ If editing Unicode and this option is set, backspace and Normal mode
+ "x" delete each combining character on its own. When it is off (the
+ default) the character along with its combining characters are
+ deleted.
+ Note: When 'delcombine' is set "xx" may work different from "2x"!
+ This is useful for Arabic, Hebrew and many other languages where one
+ may have combining characters overtop of base characters, and want
+ to remove only the combining ones.
+ *'dictionary'* *'dict'*
+'dictionary' 'dict' string (default "")
+ global or local to buffer |global-local|
+ {not in Vi}
+ List of file names, separated by commas, that are used to lookup words
+ for keyword completion commands |i_CTRL-X_CTRL-K|. Each file should
+ contain a list of words. This can be one word per line, or several
+ words per line, separated by non-keyword characters (white space is
+ preferred). Maximum line length is 510 bytes.
+ To include a comma in a file name precede it with a backslash. Spaces
+ after a comma are ignored, otherwise spaces are included in the file
+ name. See |option-backslash| about using backslashes.
+ Where to find a list of words?
+ - On FreeBSD, there is the file "/usr/share/dict/words".
+ - In the Simtel archive, look in the "msdos/linguist" directory.
+ - In "miscfiles" of the GNU collection.
+ The use of |:set+=| and |:set-=| is preferred when adding or removing
+ directories from the list. This avoids problems when a future version
+ uses another default.
+ Backticks cannot be used in this option for security reasons.
+ *'diff'* *'nodiff'*
+'diff' boolean (default off)
+ local to window
+ {not in Vi}
+ {not available when compiled without the |+diff|
+ feature}
+ Join the current window in the group of windows that shows differences
+ between files. See |vimdiff|.
+ *'dex'* *'diffexpr'*
+'diffexpr' 'dex' string (default "")
+ global
+ {not in Vi}
+ {not available when compiled without the |+diff|
+ feature}
+ Expression which is evaluated to obtain an ed-style diff file from two
+ versions of a file. See |diff-diffexpr|.
+ This option cannot be set from a |modeline| or in the |sandbox|, for
+ security reasons.
+ *'dip'* *'diffopt'*
+'diffopt' 'dip' string (default "filler")
+ global
+ {not in Vi}
+ {not available when compiled without the |+diff|
+ feature}
+ Option settings for diff mode. It can consist of the following items.
+ All are optional. Items must be separated by a comma.
+ filler Show filler lines, to keep the text
+ synchronized with a window that has inserted
+ lines at the same position. Mostly useful
+ when windows are side-by-side and 'scrollbind'
+ is set.
+ context:{n} Use a context of {n} lines between a change
+ and a fold that contains unchanged lines.
+ When omitted a context of six lines is used.
+ See |fold-diff|.
+ icase Ignore changes in case of text. "a" and "A"
+ are considered the same. Adds the "-i" flag
+ to the "diff" command if 'diffexpr' is empty.
+ iwhite Ignore changes in amount of white space. Adds
+ the "-b" flag to the "diff" command if
+ 'diffexpr' is empty. Check the documentation
+ of the "diff" command for what this does
+ exactly. It should ignore adding trailing
+ white space, but not leading white space.
+ Examples: >
+ :set diffopt=filler,context:4
+ :set diffopt=
+ :set diffopt=filler
+ *'digraph'* *'dg'* *'nodigraph'* *'nodg'*
+'digraph' 'dg' boolean (default off)
+ global
+ {not in Vi}
+ {not available when compiled without the |+digraphs|
+ feature}
+ Enable the entering of digraphs in Insert mode with {char1} <BS>
+ {char2}. See |digraphs|.
+ NOTE: This option is reset when 'compatible' is set.
+ *'directory'* *'dir'*
+'directory' 'dir' string (default for Amiga: ".,t:",
+ for MS-DOS and Win32: ".,c:\tmp,c:\temp"
+ for Unix: ".,~/tmp,/var/tmp,/tmp")
+ global
+ List of directory names for the swap file, separated with commas.
+ - The swap file will be created in the first directory where this is
+ possible.
+ - Empty means that no swap file will be used (recovery is
+ impossible!).
+ - A directory "." means to put the swap file in the same directory as
+ the edited file. On Unix, a dot is prepended to the file name, so
+ it doesn't show in a directory listing. On MS-Windows the "hidden"
+ attribute is set and a dot prepended if possible.
+ - A directory starting with "./" (or ".\" for MS-DOS means to
+ put the swap file relative to where the edited file is. The leading
+ "." is replaced with the path name of the edited file.
+ - For Unix and Win32, if a directory ends in two path separators, the
+ swap file name will be built from the complete path to the file
+ with all path separators substituted to percent '%' signs. This will
+ ensure file name uniqueness in the preserve directory.
+ - Spaces after the comma are ignored, other spaces are considered part
+ of the directory name. To have a space at the start of a directory
+ name, precede it with a backslash.
+ - To include a comma in a directory name precede it with a backslash.
+ - A directory name may end in an ':' or '/'.
+ - Environment variables are expanded |:set_env|.
+ - Careful with '\' characters, type one before a space, type two to
+ get one in the option (see |option-backslash|), for example: >
+ :set dir=c:\\tmp,\ dir\\,with\\,commas,\\\ dir\ with\ spaces
+< - For backwards compatibility with Vim version 3.0 a '>' at the start
+ of the option is removed.
+ Using "." first in the list is recommended. This means that editing
+ the same file twice will result in a warning. Using "/tmp" on Unix is
+ discouraged: When the system crashes you lose the swap file.
+ "/var/tmp" is often not cleared when rebooting, thus is a better
+ choice than "/tmp". But it can contain a lot of files, your swap
+ files get lost in the crowd. That is why a "tmp" directory in your
+ home directory is tried first.
+ The use of |:set+=| and |:set-=| is preferred when adding or removing
+ directories from the list. This avoids problems when a future version
+ uses another default.
+ This option cannot be set from a |modeline| or in the |sandbox|, for
+ security reasons.
+ {Vi: directory to put temp file in, defaults to "/tmp"}
+ *'display'* *'dy'*
+'display' 'dy' string (default "")
+ global
+ {not in Vi}
+ Change the way text is displayed. This is comma separated list of
+ flags:
+ lastline When included, as much as possible of the last line
+ in a window will be displayed. When not included, a
+ last line that doesn't fit is replaced with "@" lines.
+ uhex Show unprintable characters hexadecimal as <xx>
+ instead of using ^C and ~C.
+ *'eadirection'* *'ead'*
+'eadirection' 'ead' string (default "both")
+ global
+ {not in Vi}
+ {not available when compiled without the +vertsplit
+ feature}
+ Tells when the 'equalalways' option applies:
+ ver vertically, width of windows is not affected
+ hor horizontally, height of windows is not affected
+ both width and height of windows is affected
+ *'ed'* *'edcompatible'* *'noed'* *'noedcompatible'*
+'edcompatible' 'ed' boolean (default off)
+ global
+ Makes the 'g' and 'c' flags of the ":substitute" command to be
+ toggled each time the flag is given. See |complex-change|. See
+ also 'gdefault' option.
+ Switching this option on is discouraged!
+ *'encoding'* *'enc'* *E543*
+'encoding' 'enc' string (default: "latin1" or value from $LANG)
+ global
+ {only available when compiled with the |+multi_byte|
+ feature}
+ {not in Vi}
+ Sets the character encoding used inside Vim. It applies to text in
+ the buffers, registers, Strings in expressions, text stored in the
+ viminfo file, etc. It sets the kind of characters which Vim can work
+ with. See |encoding-names| for the possible values.
+ NOTE: Changing this option will not change the encoding of the
+ existing text in Vim. It may cause multi-byte text to become invalid.
+ It should normally be kept at its default value, or set when Vim
+ starts up. See |multibyte|.
+ NOTE: For GTK+ 2 it is highly recommended to set 'encoding' to
+ "utf-8". Although care has been taken to allow different values of
+ 'encoding', "utf-8" is the natural choice for the environment and
+ avoids unnecessary conversion overhead. "utf-8" has not been made
+ the default to prevent different behaviour of the GUI and terminal
+ versions, and to avoid changing the encoding of newly created files
+ without your knowledge (in case 'fileencodings' is empty).
+ The character encoding of files can be different from 'encoding'.
+ This is specified with 'fileencoding'. The conversion is done with
+ iconv() or as specified with 'charconvert'.
+ Normally 'encoding' will be equal to your current locale. This will
+ be the default if Vim recognizes your environment settings. If
+ 'encoding' is not set to the current locale, 'termencoding' must be
+ set to convert typed and displayed text. See |encoding-table|.
+ When you set this option, it fires the |EncodingChanged| autocommand
+ event so that you can set up fonts if necessary.
+ When the option is set, the value is converted to lowercase. Thus
+ you can set it with uppercase values too. Underscores are translated
+ to '-' signs.
+ When the encoding is recognized, it is changed to the standard name.
+ For example "Latin-1" becomes "latin1", "ISO_88592" becomes
+ "iso-8859-2" and "utf8" becomes "utf-8".
+ Note: "latin1" is also used when the encoding could not be detected.
+ This only works when editing files in the same encoding! When the
+ actual character set is not latin1, make sure 'fileencoding' and
+ 'fileencodings' are empty. When conversion is needed, switch to using
+ utf-8.
+ When "unicode", "ucs-2" or "ucs-4" is used, Vim internally uses utf-8.
+ You don't notice this while editing, but it does matter for the
+ |viminfo-file|. And Vim expects the terminal to use utf-8 too. Thus
+ setting 'encoding' to one of these values instead of utf-8 only has
+ effect for encoding used for files when 'fileencoding' is empty.
+ When 'encoding' is set to a Unicode encoding, and 'fileencodings' was
+ not set yet, the default for 'fileencodings' is changed.
+ *'endofline'* *'eol'* *'noendofline'* *'noeol'*
+'endofline' 'eol' boolean (default on)
+ local to buffer
+ {not in Vi}
+ When writing a file and this option is off and the 'binary' option
+ is on, no <EOL> will be written for the last line in the file. This
+ option is automatically set when starting to edit a new file, unless
+ the file does not have an <EOL> for the last line in the file, in
+ which case it is reset. Normally you don't have to set or reset this
+ option. When 'binary' is off the value is not used when writing the
+ file. When 'binary' is on it is used to remember the presence of a
+ <EOL> for the last line in the file, so that when you write the file
+ the situation from the original file can be kept. But you can change
+ it if you want to.
+ *'equalalways'* *'ea'* *'noequalalways'* *'noea'*
+'equalalways' 'ea' boolean (default on)
+ global
+ {not in Vi}
+ When on, all the windows are automatically made the same size after
+ splitting or closing a window. When off, splitting a window will
+ reduce the size of the current window and leave the other windows the
+ same. When closing a window the extra lines are given to the window
+ next to it (depending on 'splitbelow' and 'splitright').
+ When mixing vertically and horizontally split windows, a minimal size
+ is computed and some windows may be larger if there is room. The
+ 'eadirection' option tells in which direction the size is affected.
+ Changing the height of a window can be avoided by setting
+ 'winfixheight'.
+ *'equalprg'* *'ep'*
+'equalprg' 'ep' string (default "")
+ global or local to buffer |global-local|
+ {not in Vi}
+ External program to use for "=" command. When this option is empty
+ the internal formatting functions are used ('lisp', 'cindent' or
+ 'indentexpr').
+ Environment variables are expanded |:set_env|. See |option-backslash|
+ about including spaces and backslashes.
+ This option cannot be set from a |modeline| or in the |sandbox|, for
+ security reasons.
+ *'errorbells'* *'eb'* *'noerrorbells'* *'noeb'*
+'errorbells' 'eb' boolean (default off)
+ global
+ Ring the bell (beep or screen flash) for error messages. This only
+ makes a difference for error messages, the bell will be used always
+ for a lot of errors without a message (e.g., hitting <Esc> in Normal
+ mode). See 'visualbell' on how to make the bell behave like a beep,
+ screen flash or do nothing.
+ *'errorfile'* *'ef'*
+'errorfile' 'ef' string (Amiga default: "AztecC.Err",
+ others: "errors.err")
+ global
+ {not in Vi}
+ {not available when compiled without the |+quickfix|
+ feature}
+ Name of the errorfile for the QuickFix mode (see |:cf|).
+ When the "-q" command-line argument is used, 'errorfile' is set to the
+ following argument. See |-q|.
+ NOT used for the ":make" command. See 'makeef' for that.
+ Environment variables are expanded |:set_env|.
+ See |option-backslash| about including spaces and backslashes.
+ This option cannot be set from a |modeline| or in the |sandbox|, for
+ security reasons.
+ *'errorformat'* *'efm'*
+'errorformat' 'efm' string (default is very long)
+ global or local to buffer |global-local|
+ {not in Vi}
+ {not available when compiled without the |+quickfix|
+ feature}
+ Scanf-like description of the format for the lines in the error file
+ (see |errorformat|).
+ *'esckeys'* *'ek'* *'noesckeys'* *'noek'*
+'esckeys' 'ek' boolean (Vim default: on, Vi default: off)
+ global
+ {not in Vi}
+ Function keys that start with an <Esc> are recognized in Insert
+ mode. When this option is off, the cursor and function keys cannot be
+ used in Insert mode if they start with an <Esc>. The advantage of
+ this is that the single <Esc> is recognized immediately, instead of
+ after one second. Instead of resetting this option, you might want to
+ try changing the values for 'timeoutlen' and 'ttimeoutlen'. Note that
+ when 'esckeys' is off, you can still map anything, but the cursor keys
+ won't work by default.
+ NOTE: This option is set to the Vi default value when 'compatible' is
+ set and to the Vim default value when 'compatible' is reset.
+ *'eventignore'* *'ei'*
+'eventignore' 'ei' string (default "")
+ global
+ {not in Vi}
+ {not available when compiled without the |+autocmd|
+ feature}
+ A list of autocommand event names, which are to be ignored.
+ When set to "all", all autocommand events are ignored, autocommands
+ will not be executed.
+ Otherwise this is a comma separated list of event names. Example: >
+ :set ei=WinEnter,WinLeave
+ *'expandtab'* *'et'* *'noexpandtab'* *'noet'*
+'expandtab' 'et' boolean (default off)
+ local to buffer
+ {not in Vi}
+ In Insert mode: Use the appropriate number of spaces to insert a
+ <Tab>. Spaces are used in indents with the '>' and '<' commands and
+ when 'autoindent' is on. To insert a real tab when 'expandtab' is
+ on, use CTRL-V<Tab>. See also |:retab| and |ins-expandtab|.
+ NOTE: This option is reset when 'compatible' is set.
+ *'exrc'* *'ex'* *'noexrc'* *'noex'*
+'exrc' 'ex' boolean (default off)
+ global
+ {not in Vi}
+ Enables the reading of .vimrc, .exrc and .gvimrc in the current
+ directory. If you switch this option on you should also consider
+ setting the 'secure' option (see |initialization|). Using a local
+ .exrc, .vimrc or .gvimrc is a potential security leak, use with care!
+ also see |.vimrc| and |gui-init|.
+ This option cannot be set from a |modeline| or in the |sandbox|, for
+ security reasons.
+ *'fileencoding'* *'fenc'* *E213*
+'fileencoding' 'fenc' string (default: "")
+ local to buffer
+ {only available when compiled with the |+multi_byte|
+ feature}
+ {not in Vi}
+ Sets the character encoding for the file of this buffer.
+ When 'fileencoding' is different from 'encoding', conversion will be
+ done when reading and writing the file.
+ When 'fileencoding' is empty, the same value as 'encoding' will be
+ used (no conversion when reading or writing a file).
+ WARNING: Conversion can cause loss of information! When
+ 'encoding' is "utf-8" conversion is most likely done in a way
+ that the reverse conversion results in the same text. When
+ 'encoding' is not "utf-8" some characters may be lost!
+ See 'encoding' for the possible values. Additionally, values may be
+ specified that can be handled by the converter, see
+ |mbyte-conversion|.
+ When reading a file 'fileencoding' will be set from 'fileencodings'.
+ To read a file in a certain encoding it won't work by setting
+ 'fileencoding', use the |++enc| argument.
+ Prepending "8bit-" and "2byte-" has no meaning here, they are ignored.
+ When the option is set, the value is converted to lowercase. Thus
+ you can set it with uppercase values too. '_' characters are
+ replaced with '-'. If a name is recognized from the list for
+ 'encoding', it is replaced by the standard name. For example
+ "ISO8859-2" becomes "iso-8859-2".
+ When this option is set, after starting to edit a file, the 'modified'
+ option is set, because the file would be different when written.
+ If you do this in a modeline, you might want to set 'nomodified' to
+ avoid this.
+ This option can not be changed when 'modifiable' is off.
+ *'fe'*
+ NOTE: Before version 6.0 this option specified the encoding for the
+ whole of Vim, this was a mistake. Now use 'encoding' instead. The
+ old short name was 'fe', which is no longer used.
+ *'fileencodings'* *'fencs'*
+'fileencodings' 'fencs' string (default: "ucs-bom", "ucs-bom,utf-8,latin1"
+ when 'encoding' is set to a Unicode value)
+ global
+ {only available when compiled with the |+multi_byte|
+ feature}
+ {not in Vi}
+ This is a list of character encodings considered when starting to edit
+ an existing file. When a file is read, Vim tries to use the first
+ mentioned character encoding. If an error is detected, the next one
+ in the list is tried. When an encoding is found that works,
+ 'fileencoding' is set to it. If all fail, 'fileencoding' is set to
+ an empty string, which means the value of 'encoding' is used.
+ WARNING: Conversion can cause loss of information! When
+ 'encoding' is "utf-8" (or one of the other Unicode variants)
+ conversion is most likely done in a way that the reverse
+ conversion results in the same text. When 'encoding' is not
+ "utf-8" special characters may be lost!
+ For an empty file or a file with only ASCII characters most encodings
+ will work and the first entry of 'fileencodings' will be used (except
+ "ucs-bom", which requires the BOM to be present). If you prefer
+ another encoding use an BufReadPost autocommand event to test if your
+ preferred encoding is to be used. Example: >
+ au BufReadPost * if search('\S', 'w') == 0 |
+ \ set fenc=iso-2022-jp | endif
+< This sets 'fileencoding' to "iso-2022-jp" if the file does not contain
+ non-blank characters.
+ Note that 'fileencodings' is not used for an new file, 'fileencoding'
+ is always empty then. This means that a non-existing file may get a
+ different encoding than an empty file.
+ The special value "ucs-bom" can be used to check for a Unicode BOM
+ (Byte Order Mark) at the start of the file. It must not be preceded
+ by "utf-8" or another Unicode encoding for this to work properly.
+ An entry for an 8-bit encoding (e.g., "latin1") should be the last,
+ because Vim cannot detect an error, thus the encoding is always
+ accepted.
+ latin1,utf-8 "latin1" will always be used
+ utf-8,ucs-bom,latin1 BOM won't be recognized in an utf-8
+ file
+ cp1250,latin1 "cp1250" will always be used
+ If 'fileencodings' is empty, 'fileencoding' is not modified.
+ See 'fileencoding' for the possible values.
+ Setting this option does not have an effect until the next time a file
+ is read.
+ *'fileformat'* *'ff'*
+'fileformat' 'ff' string (MS-DOS, MS-Windows, OS/2 default: "dos",
+ Unix default: "unix",
+ Macintosh default: "mac")
+ local to buffer
+ {not in Vi}
+ This gives the <EOL> of the current buffer, which is used for
+ reading/writing the buffer from/to a file:
+ dos <CR> <NL>
+ unix <NL>
+ mac <CR>
+ When "dos" is used, CTRL-Z at the end of a file is ignored.
+ See |file-formats| and |file-read|.
+ For the character encoding of the file see 'fileencoding'.
+ When 'binary' is set, the value of 'fileformat' is ignored, file I/O
+ works like it was set to "unix'.
+ This option is set automatically when starting to edit a file and
+ 'fileformats' is not empty and 'binary' is off.
+ When this option is set, after starting to edit a file, the 'modified'
+ option is set, because the file would be different when written.
+ This option can not be changed when 'modifiable' is off.
+ For backwards compatibility: When this option is set to "dos",
+ 'textmode' is set, otherwise 'textmode' is reset.
+ *'fileformats'* *'ffs'*
+'fileformats' 'ffs' string (default:
+ Vim+Vi MS-DOS, MS-Windows OS/2: "dos,unix",
+ Vim Unix: "unix,dos",
+ Vim Mac: "mac,unix,dos",
+ Vi Cygwin: "unix,dos",
+ Vi others: "")
+ global
+ {not in Vi}
+ This gives the end-of-line (<EOL>) formats that will be tried when
+ starting to edit a new buffer and when reading a file into an existing
+ buffer:
+ - When empty, the format defined with 'fileformat' will be used
+ always. It is not set automatically.
+ - When set to one name, that format will be used whenever a new buffer
+ is opened. 'fileformat' is set accordingly for that buffer. The
+ 'fileformats' name will be used when a file is read into an existing
+ buffer, no matter what 'fileformat' for that buffer is set to.
+ - When more than one name is present, separated by commas, automatic
+ <EOL> detection will be done when reading a file. When starting to
+ edit a file, a check is done for the <EOL>:
+ 1. If all lines end in <CR><NL>, and 'fileformats' includes "dos",
+ 'fileformat' is set to "dos".
+ 2. If a <NL> is found and 'fileformats' includes "unix", 'fileformat'
+ is set to "unix". Note that when a <NL> is found without a
+ preceding <CR>, "unix" is preferred over "dos".
+ 3. If 'fileformats' includes "mac", 'fileformat' is set to "mac".
+ This means that "mac" is only chosen when "unix" is not present,
+ or when no <NL> is found in the file, and when "dos" is not
+ present, or no <CR><NL> is present in the file.
+ Also if "unix" was first chosen, but the first <CR> is before
+ the first <NL> and there appears to be more <CR>'s than <NL>'s in
+ the file, then 'fileformat' is set to "mac".
+ 4. If 'fileformat' is still not set, the first name from
+ 'fileformats' is used.
+ When reading a file into an existing buffer, the same is done, but
+ this happens like 'fileformat' has been set appropriately for that
+ file only, the option is not changed.
+ When 'binary' is set, the value of 'fileformats' is not used.
+ For systems with a Dos-like <EOL> (<CR><NL>), when reading files that
+ are ":source"ed and for vimrc files, automatic <EOL> detection may be
+ done:
+ - When 'fileformats' is empty, there is no automatic detection. Dos
+ format will be used.
+ - When 'fileformats' is set to one or more names, automatic detection
+ is done. This is based on the first <NL> in the file: If there is a
+ <CR> in front of it, Dos format is used, otherwise Unix format is
+ used.
+ Also see |file-formats|.
+ For backwards compatibility: When this option is set to an empty
+ string or one format (no comma is included), 'textauto' is reset,
+ otherwise 'textauto' is set.
+ NOTE: This option is set to the Vi default value when 'compatible' is
+ set and to the Vim default value when 'compatible' is reset.
+ *'filetype'* *'ft'*
+'filetype' 'ft' string (default: "")
+ local to buffer
+ {not in Vi}
+ {not available when compiled without the |+autocmd|
+ feature}
+ When this option is set, the FileType autocommand event is triggered.
+ All autocommands that match with the value of this option will be
+ executed. Thus the value of 'filetype' is used in place of the file
+ name.
+ Otherwise this option does not always reflect the current file type.
+ This option is normally set when the file type is detected. To enable
+ this use the ":filetype on" command. |:filetype|
+ Setting this option to a different value is most useful in a modeline,
+ for a file for which the file type is not automatically recognized.
+ Example, for in an IDL file: >
+ /* vim: set filetype=idl : */
+< |FileType| |filetypes|
+ Do not confuse this option with 'osfiletype', which is for the file
+ type that is actually stored with the file.
+ This option is not copied to another buffer, independent of the 's' or
+ 'S' flag in 'cpoptions'.
+ *'fillchars'* *'fcs'*
+'fillchars' 'fcs' string (default "vert:|,fold:-")
+ global
+ {not in Vi}
+ {not available when compiled without the |+windows|
+ and |+folding| features}
+ Characters to fill the statuslines and vertical separators.
+ It is a comma separated list of items:
+ item default Used for ~
+ stl:c ' ' or '^' statusline of the current window
+ stlnc:c ' ' or '-' statusline of the non-current windows
+ vert:c '|' vertical separators |:vsplit|
+ fold:c '-' filling 'foldtext'
+ diff:c '-' deleted lines of the 'diff' option
+ Any one that is omitted will fall back to the default. For "stl" and
+ "stlnc" the space will be used when there is highlighting, '^' or '-'
+ otherwise.
+ Example: >
+ :set fillchars=stl:^,stlnc:-,vert:\|,fold:-,diff:-
+< This is similar to the default, except that these characters will also
+ be used when there is highlighting.
+ The highlighting used for these items:
+ item highlight group ~
+ stl:c StatusLine |hl-StatusLine|
+ stlnc:c StatusLineNC |hl-StatusLineNC|
+ vert:c VertSplit |hl-VertSplit|
+ fold:c Folded |hl-Folded|
+ diff:c DiffDelete |hl-DiffDelete|
+ *'fkmap'* *'fk'* *'nofkmap'* *'nofk'*
+'fkmap' 'fk' boolean (default off) *E198*
+ global
+ {not in Vi}
+ {only available when compiled with the |+rightleft|
+ feature}
+ When on, the keyboard is mapped for the Farsi character set.
+ Normally you would set 'allowrevins' and use CTRL-_ in insert mode to
+ toggle this option |i_CTRL-_|. See |farsi.txt|.
+ *'foldclose'* *'fcl'*
+'foldclose' 'fcl' string (default "")
+ global
+ {not in Vi}
+ {not available when compiled without the |+folding|
+ feature}
+ When set to "all", a fold is closed when the cursor isn't in it and
+ its level is higher than 'foldlevel'. Useful if you want folds to
+ automatically close when moving out of them.
+ *'foldcolumn'* *'fdc'*
+'foldcolumn' 'fdc' number (default 0)
+ local to window
+ {not in Vi}
+ {not available when compiled without the |+folding|
+ feature}
+ When non-zero, a column with the specified width is shown at the side
+ of the window which indicates open and closed folds. The maximum
+ value is 12.
+ See |folding|.
+ *'foldenable'* *'fen'* *'nofoldenable'* *'nofen'*
+'foldenable' 'fen' boolean (default on)
+ local to window
+ {not in Vi}
+ {not available when compiled without the |+folding|
+ feature}
+ When off, all folds are open. This option can be used to quickly
+ switch between showing all text unfolded and viewing the text with
+ folds (including manually opened or closed folds). It can be toggled
+ with the |zi| command. The 'foldcolumn' will remain blank when
+ 'foldenable' is off.
+ This option is set by commands that create a new fold or close a fold.
+ See |folding|.
+ *'foldexpr'* *'fde'*
+'foldexpr' 'fde' string (default: "0")
+ local to window
+ {not in Vi}
+ {not available when compiled without the |+folding|
+ or |+eval| feature}
+ The expression used for when 'foldmethod' is "expr". It is evaluated
+ for each line to obtain its fold level. See |fold-expr|. Also see
+ |eval-sandbox|.
+ *'foldignore'* *'fdi'*
+'foldignore' 'fdi' string (default: "#")
+ local to window
+ {not in Vi}
+ {not available when compiled without the |+folding|
+ feature}
+ Used only when 'foldmethod' is "indent". Lines starting with
+ characters in 'foldignore' will get their fold level from surrounding
+ lines. White space is skipped before checking for this character.
+ The default "#" works well for C programs. See |fold-indent|.
+ *'foldlevel'* *'fdl'*
+'foldlevel' 'fdl' number (default: 0)
+ local to window
+ {not in Vi}
+ {not available when compiled without the |+folding|
+ feature}
+ Sets the fold level: Folds with a higher level will be closed.
+ Setting this option to zero will close all folds. Higher numbers will
+ close fewer folds.
+ This option is set by commands like |zm|, |zM| and |zR|.
+ See |fold-foldlevel|.
+ *'foldlevelstart'* *'fdls'*
+'foldlevelstart' 'fdls' number (default: -1)
+ global
+ {not in Vi}
+ {not available when compiled without the |+folding|
+ feature}
+ Sets 'foldlevel' when starting to edit another buffer in a window.
+ Useful to always start editing with all folds closed (value zero),
+ some folds closed (one) or no folds closed (99).
+ This is done before reading any modeline, thus a setting in a modeline
+ overrules this option. Starting to edit a file for |diff-mode| also
+ ignores this option and closes all folds.
+ It is also done before BufReadPre autocommands, to allow an autocmd to
+ overrule the 'foldlevel' value for specific files.
+ When the value is negative, it is not used.
+ *'foldmarker'* *'fmr'* *E536*
+'foldmarker' 'fmr' string (default: "{{{,}}}")
+ local to window
+ {not in Vi}
+ {not available when compiled without the |+folding|
+ feature}
+ The start and end marker used when 'foldmethod' is "marker". There
+ must be one comma, which separates the start and end marker. The
+ marker is a literal string (a regular expression would be too slow).
+ See |fold-marker|.
+ *'foldmethod'* *'fdm'*
+'foldmethod' 'fdm' string (default: "manual")
+ local to window
+ {not in Vi}
+ {not available when compiled without the |+folding|
+ feature}
+ The kind of folding used for the current window. Possible values:
+ |fold-manual| manual Folds are created manually.
+ |fold-indent| indent Lines with equal indent form a fold.
+ |fold-expr| expr 'foldexpr' gives the fold level of a line.
+ |fold-marker| marker Markers are used to specify folds.
+ |fold-syntax| syntax Syntax highlighting items specify folds.
+ |fold-diff| diff Fold text that is not changed.
+ *'foldminlines'* *'fml'*
+'foldminlines' 'fml' number (default: 1)
+ local to window
+ {not in Vi}
+ {not available when compiled without the |+folding|
+ feature}
+ Sets the minimum number of screen lines for a fold to be displayed
+ closed. Also for manually closed folds.
+ Note that this only has an effect of what is displayed. After using
+ "zc" to close a fold, which is displayed open because it's smaller
+ than 'foldminlines', a following "zc" may close a containing fold.
+ *'foldnestmax'* *'fdn'*
+'foldnestmax' 'fdn' number (default: 20)
+ local to window
+ {not in Vi}
+ {not available when compiled without the |+folding|
+ feature}
+ Sets the maximum nesting of folds for the "indent" and "syntax"
+ methods. This avoids that too many folds will be created. Using more
+ than 20 doesn't work, because the internal limit is 20.
+ *'foldopen'* *'fdo'*
+'foldopen' 'fdo' string (default: "block,hor,mark,percent,quickfix,
+ search,tag,undo")
+ global
+ {not in Vi}
+ {not available when compiled without the |+folding|
+ feature}
+ Specifies for which type of commands folds will be opened, if the
+ command moves the cursor into a closed fold. It is a comma separated
+ list of items.
+ item commands ~
+ all any
+ block "(", "{", "[[", "[{", etc.
+ hor horizontal movements: "l", "w", "fx", etc.
+ insert any command in Insert mode
+ jump far jumps: "G", "gg", etc.
+ mark jumping to a mark: "'m", CTRL-O, etc.
+ percent "%"
+ quickfix ":cn", ":crew", ":make", etc.
+ search search for a pattern: "/", "n", "*", "gd", etc.
+ (not for a search pattern in a ":" command)
+ tag jumping to a tag: ":ta", CTRL-T, etc.
+ undo undo or redo: "u" and CTRL-R
+ When the command is part of a mapping this option is not used. Add
+ the |zv| command to the mapping to get the same effect.
+ When a movement command is used for an operator (e.g., "dl" or "y%")
+ this option is not used. This means the operator will include the
+ whole closed fold.
+ Note that vertical movements are not here, because it would make it
+ very difficult to move onto a closed fold.
+ In insert mode the folds containing the cursor will always be open
+ when text is inserted.
+ To close folds you can re-apply 'foldlevel' with the |zx| command or
+ set the 'foldclose' option to "all".
+ *'foldtext'* *'fdt'*
+'foldtext' 'fdt' string (default: "foldtext()")
+ local to window
+ {not in Vi}
+ {not available when compiled without the |+folding|
+ feature}
+ An expression which is used to specify the text displayed for a closed
+ fold. See |fold-foldtext|.
+ *'formatoptions'* *'fo'*
+'formatoptions' 'fo' string (Vim default: "tcq", Vi default: "vt")
+ local to buffer
+ {not in Vi}
+ This is a sequence of letters which describes how automatic
+ formatting is to be done. See |fo-table|. When the 'paste' option is
+ on, no formatting is done (like 'formatoptions' is empty). Commas can
+ be inserted for readability.
+ To avoid problems with flags that are added in the future, use the
+ "+=" and "-=" feature of ":set" |add-option-flags|.
+ NOTE: This option is set to the Vi default value when 'compatible' is
+ set and to the Vim default value when 'compatible' is reset.
+ *'formatprg'* *'fp'*
+'formatprg' 'fp' string (default "")
+ global
+ {not in Vi}
+ The name of an external program that will be used to format the lines
+ selected with the "gq" command. The program must take the input on
+ stdin and produce the output on stdout. The Unix program "fmt" is
+ such a program. If this option is an empty string, the internal
+ format function will be used |C-indenting|. Environment variables are
+ expanded |:set_env|. See |option-backslash| about including spaces
+ and backslashes.
+ This option cannot be set from a |modeline| or in the |sandbox|, for
+ security reasons.
+ *'gdefault'* *'gd'* *'nogdefault'* *'nogd'*
+'gdefault' 'gd' boolean (default off)
+ global
+ {not in Vi}
+ When on, the ":substitute" flag 'g' is default on. This means that
+ all matches in a line are substituted instead of one. When a 'g' flag
+ is given to a ":substitute" command, this will toggle the substitution
+ of all or one match. See |complex-change|.
+ command 'gdefault' on 'gdefault' off ~
+ :s/// subst. all subst. one
+ :s///g subst. one subst. all
+ :s///gg subst. all subst. one
+ NOTE: This option is reset when 'compatible' is set.
+ *'grepformat'* *'gfm'*
+'grepformat' 'gfm' string (default "%f:%l%m,%f %l%m")
+ global
+ {not in Vi}
+ Format to recognize for the ":grep" command output.
+ This is a scanf-like string that uses the same format as the
+ 'errorformat' option: see |errorformat|.
+ *'grepprg'* *'gp'*
+'grepprg' 'gp' string (default "grep -n ",
+ Unix: "grep -n $* /dev/null",
+ Win32: "findstr /n" or "grep -n",
+ global or local to buffer |global-local|
+ {not in Vi}
+ Program to use for the ":grep" command. This option may contain '%'
+ and '#' characters, which are expanded like when used in a command-
+ line. The placeholder "$*" is allowed to specify where the arguments
+ will be included. Environment variables are expanded |:set_env|. See
+ |option-backslash| about including spaces and backslashes.
+ When your "grep" accepts the "-H" argument, use this to make ":grep"
+ also work well with a single file: >
+ :set grepprg=grep\ -nH
+< See also the section |:make_makeprg|, since most of the comments there
+ apply equally to 'grepprg'.
+ For Win32, the default is "findstr /n" if "findstr.exe" can be found,
+ otherwise it's "grep -n".
+ This option cannot be set from a |modeline| or in the |sandbox|, for
+ security reasons.
+ *'guicursor'* *'gcr'* *E545* *E546* *E548* *E549*
+'guicursor' 'gcr' string (default "n-v-c:block-Cursor/lCursor,
+ ve:ver35-Cursor,
+ o:hor50-Cursor,
+ i-ci:ver25-Cursor/lCursor,
+ r-cr:hor20-Cursor/lCursor,
+ sm:block-Cursor
+ -blinkwait175-blinkoff150-blinkon175",
+ for MS-DOS and Win32 console:
+ "n-v-c:block,o:hor50,i-ci:hor15,
+ r-cr:hor30,sm:block")
+ global
+ {not in Vi}
+ {only available when compiled with GUI enabled, and
+ for MS-DOS and Win32 console}
+ This option tells Vim what the cursor should look like in different
+ modes. It fully works in the GUI. In an MSDOS or Win32 console, only
+ the height of the cursor can be changed. This can be done by
+ specifying a block cursor, or a percentage for a vertical or
+ horizontal cursor.
+ The option is a comma separated list of parts. Each part consist of a
+ mode-list and an argument-list:
+ mode-list:argument-list,mode-list:argument-list,..
+ The mode-list is a dash separated list of these modes:
+ n Normal mode
+ v Visual mode
+ ve Visual mode with 'selection' "exclusive" (same as 'v',
+ if not specified)
+ o Operator-pending mode
+ i Insert mode
+ r Replace mode
+ c Command-line Normal (append) mode
+ ci Command-line Insert mode
+ cr Command-line Replace mode
+ sm showmatch in Insert mode
+ a all modes
+ The argument-list is a dash separated list of these arguments:
+ hor{N} horizontal bar, {N} percent of the character height
+ ver{N} vertical bar, {N} percent of the character width
+ block block cursor, fills the whole character
+ [only one of the above three should be present]
+ blinkwait{N} *cursor-blinking*
+ blinkon{N}
+ blinkoff{N}
+ blink times for cursor: blinkwait is the delay before
+ the cursor starts blinking, blinkon is the time that
+ the cursor is shown and blinkoff is the time that the
+ cursor is not shown. The times are in msec. When one
+ of the numbers is zero, there is no blinking. The
+ default is: "blinkwait700-blinkon400-blinkoff250".
+ These numbers are used for a missing entry. This
+ means that blinking is enabled by default. To switch
+ blinking off you can use "blinkon0". The cursor only
+ blinks when Vim is waiting for input, not while
+ executing a command.
+ To make the cursor blink in an xterm, see
+ |xterm-blink|.
+ {group-name}
+ a highlight group name, that sets the color and font
+ for the cursor
+ {group-name}/{group-name}
+ Two highlight group names, the first is used when
+ no language mappings are used, the other when they
+ are. |language-mapping|
+ Examples of parts:
+ n-c-v:block-nCursor in Normal, Command-line and Visual mode, use a
+ block cursor with colors from the "nCursor"
+ highlight group
+ i-ci:ver30-iCursor-blinkwait300-blinkon200-blinkoff150
+ In Insert and Command-line Insert mode, use a
+ 30% vertical bar cursor with colors from the
+ "iCursor" highlight group. Blink a bit
+ faster.
+ The 'a' mode is different. It will set the given argument-list for
+ all modes. It does not reset anything to defaults. This can be used
+ to do a common setting for all modes. For example, to switch off
+ blinking: "a:blinkon0"
+ Examples of cursor highlighting: >
+ :highlight Cursor gui=reverse guifg=NONE guibg=NONE
+ :highlight Cursor gui=NONE guifg=bg guibg=fg
+ *'guifont'* *'gfn'*
+ *E235* *E596* *E610* *E611*
+'guifont' 'gfn' string (default "")
+ global
+ {not in Vi}
+ {only available when compiled with GUI enabled}
+ This is a list of fonts which will be used for the GUI version of Vim.
+ In its simplest form the value is just one font name. When
+ the font cannot be found you will get an error message. To try other
+ font names a list can be specified, font names separated with commas.
+ The first valid font is used.
+ When 'guifontset' is not empty, 'guifont' is not used.
+ Spaces after a comma are ignored. To include a comma in a font name
+ precede it with a backslash. Setting an option requires an extra
+ backslash before a space and a backslash. See also
+ |option-backslash|. For example: >
+ :set guifont=Screen15,\ 7x13,font\\,with\\,commas
+< will make vim try to use the font "Screen15" first, and if it fails it
+ will try to use "7x13" and then "font,with,commas" instead.
+ For the GTK+ 2 GUI the font name looks like this: >
+ :set guifont=Andale\ Mono\ 11
+< That's all. XLFDs are no longer accepted.
+ *E236*
+ Note that the fonts must be mono-spaced (all characters have the same
+ width).
+ To preview a font on X11, you might be able to use the "xfontsel"
+ program. The "xlsfonts" program gives a list of all available fonts.
+ For Win32, GTK and Photon only: >
+ :set guifont=*
+< will bring up a font requester, where you can pick the font you want.
+ If none of the fonts can be loaded, vim will keep the current setting.
+ If an empty font list is given, vim will try using other resource
+ settings (for X, it will use the Vim.font resource), and finally it
+ will try some builtin default which should always be there ("7x13" in
+ the case of X). The font names given should be "normal" fonts. Vim
+ will try to find the related bold and italic fonts.
+ For the Win32 GUI *E244* *E245*
+ - takes these options in the font name:
+ hXX - height is XX (points, can be floating-point)
+ wXX - width is XX (points, can be floating-point)
+ b - bold
+ i - italic
+ u - underline
+ s - strikeout
+ cXX - character set XX. valid charsets are: ANSI, ARABIC,
+ Use a ':' to separate the options.
+ - A '_' can be used in the place of a space, so you don't need to use
+ backslashes to escape the spaces.
+ - Examples: >
+ :set guifont=courier_new:h12:w5:b:cRUSSIAN
+ :set guifont=Andale_Mono:h7.5:w4.5
+< See also |font-sizes|.
+ *'guifontset'* *'gfs'*
+ *E250* *E252* *E234* *E597* *E598*
+'guifontset' 'gfs' string (default "")
+ global
+ {not in Vi}
+ {only available when compiled with GUI enabled and
+ with the |+xfontset| feature}
+ {not available in the GTK+ 2 GUI}
+ When not empty, specifies two (or more) fonts to be used. The first
+ one for normal English, the second one for your special language. See
+ |xfontset|.
+ Setting this option also means that all font names will be handled as
+ a fontset name. Also the ones used for the "font" argument of the
+ |:highlight| command.
+ The fonts must match with the current locale. If fonts for the
+ character sets that the current locale uses are not included, setting
+ 'guifontset' will fail.
+ Note the difference between 'guifont' and 'guifontset': In 'guifont'
+ the comma-separated names are alternative names, one of which will be
+ used. In 'guifontset' the whole string is one fontset name,
+ including the commas. It is not possible to specify alternative
+ fontset names.
+ This example works on many X11 systems: >
+ :set guifontset=-*-*-medium-r-normal--16-*-*-*-c-*-*-*
+ *'guifontwide'* *'gfw'* *E231* *E533* *E534*
+'guifontwide' 'gfw' string (default "")
+ global
+ {not in Vi}
+ {only available when compiled with GUI enabled}
+ When not empty, specifies a comma-separated list of fonts to be used
+ for double-width characters. The first font that can be loaded is
+ used.
+ Note: The size of these fonts must be exactly twice as wide as the one
+ specified with 'guifont' and the same height.
+ All GUI versions but GTK+ 2:
+ 'guifontwide' is only used when 'encoding' is set to "utf-8" and
+ 'guifontset' is empty or invalid.
+ When 'guifont' is set and a valid font is found in it and
+ 'guifontwide' is empty Vim will attempt to find a matching
+ double-width font and set 'guifontwide' to it.
+ GTK+ 2 GUI only: *guifontwide_gtk2*
+ If set and valid, 'guifontwide' is always used for double width
+ characters, even if 'encoding' is not set to "utf-8".
+ Vim does not attempt to find an appropriate value for 'guifontwide'
+ automatically. If 'guifontwide' is empty Pango/Xft will choose the
+ font for characters not available in 'guifont'. Thus you do not need
+ to set 'guifontwide' at all unless you want to override the choice
+ made by Pango/Xft.
+ *'guiheadroom'* *'ghr'*
+'guiheadroom' 'ghr' number (default 50)
+ global
+ {not in Vi} {only for GTK and X11 GUI}
+ The number of pixels subtracted from the screen height when fitting
+ the GUI window on the screen. Set this before the GUI is started,
+ e.g., in your |gvimrc| file. When zero, the whole screen height will
+ be used by the window. When positive, the specified number of pixel
+ lines will be left for window decorations and other items on the
+ screen. Set it to a negative value to allow windows taller than the
+ screen.
+ *'guioptions'* *'go'*
+'guioptions' 'go' string (default "gmrLtT" (MS-Windows),
+ "agimrLtT" (GTK, Motif and Athena)
+ global
+ {not in Vi}
+ {only available when compiled with GUI enabled}
+ This option only has an effect in the GUI version of vim. It is a
+ sequence of letters which describes what components and options of the
+ GUI should be used.
+ To avoid problems with flags that are added in the future, use the
+ "+=" and "-=" feature of ":set" |add-option-flags|.
+ Valid letters are as follows:
+ *guioptions_a*
+ 'a' Autoselect: If present, then whenever VISUAL mode is started,
+ or the Visual area extended, Vim tries to become the owner of
+ the windowing system's global selection. This means that the
+ Visually highlighted text is available for pasting into other
+ applications as well as into Vim itself. When the Visual mode
+ ends, possibly due to an operation on the text, or when an
+ application wants to paste the selection, the highlighted text
+ is automatically yanked into the "* selection register.
+ Thus the selection is still available for pasting into other
+ applications after the VISUAL mode has ended.
+ If not present, then Vim won't become the owner of the
+ windowing system's global selection unless explicitly told to
+ by a yank or delete operation for the "* register.
+ The same applies to the modeless selection.
+ 'A' Autoselect for the modeless selection. Like 'a', but only
+ applies to the modeless selection.
+ 'guioptions' autoselect Visual autoselect modeless ~
+ "" - -
+ "a" yes yes
+ "A" - yes
+ "aA" yes yes
+ 'c' Use console dialogs instead of popup dialogs for simple
+ choices.
+ 'f' Foreground: Don't use fork() to detach the GUI from the shell
+ where it was started. Use this for programs that wait for the
+ editor to finish (e.g., an e-mail program). Alternatively you
+ can use "gvim -f" or ":gui -f" to start the GUI in the
+ foreground. |gui-fork|
+ Note: Set this option in the vimrc file. The forking may have
+ happened already when the gvimrc file is read.
+ 'i' Use a Vim icon. For GTK with KDE it is used in the left-upper
+ corner of the window. It's black&white on non-GTK, because of
+ limitations of X11. For a color icon, see |X11-icon|.
+ 'm' Menu bar is present.
+ 'M' The system menu "$VIMRUNTIME/menu.vim" is not sourced. Note
+ that this flag must be added in the .vimrc file, before
+ switching on syntax or filetype recognition (when the .gvimrc
+ file is sourced the system menu has already been loaded; the
+ ":syntax on" and ":filetype on" commands load the menu too).
+ 'g' Grey menu items: Make menu items that are not active grey. If
+ 'g' is not included inactive menu items are not shown at all.
+ Exception: Athena will always use grey menu items.
+ 't' Include tearoff menu items. Currently only works for Win32,
+ GTK+, and Motif 1.2 GUI.
+ 'T' Include Toolbar. Currently only in Win32, GTK+, Motif, and
+ Athena GUIs.
+ 'r' Right-hand scrollbar is always present.
+ 'R' Right-hand scrollbar is present when there is a vertically
+ split window.
+ 'l' Left-hand scrollbar is always present.
+ 'L' Left-hand scrollbar is present when there is a vertically
+ split window.
+ 'b' Bottom (horizontal) scrollbar is present. Its size depends on
+ the longest visible line, or on the cursor line if the 'h'
+ flag is included. |gui-horiz-scroll|
+ 'h' Limit horizontal scrollbar size to the length of the cursor
+ line. Reduces computations. |gui-horiz-scroll|
+ And yes, you may even have scrollbars on the left AND the right if
+ you really want to :-). See |gui-scrollbars| for more information.
+ 'v' Use a vertical button layout for dialogs. When not included,
+ a horizontal layout is preferred, but when it doesn't fit a
+ vertical layout is used anyway.
+ 'p' Use Pointer callbacks for X11 GUI. This is required for some
+ window managers. If the cursor is not blinking or hollow at
+ the right moment, try adding this flag. This must be done
+ before starting the GUI. Set it in your gvimrc. Adding or
+ removing it after the GUI has started has no effect.
+ 'F' Add a footer. Only for Motif. See |gui-footer|.
+ *'guipty'* *'noguipty'*
+'guipty' boolean (default on)
+ global
+ {not in Vi}
+ {only available when compiled with GUI enabled}
+ Only in the GUI: If on, an attempt is made to open a pseudo-tty for
+ I/O to/from shell commands. See |gui-pty|.
+ *'helpfile'* *'hf'*
+'helpfile' 'hf' string (default (MSDOS) "$VIMRUNTIME\doc\help.txt"
+ (others) "$VIMRUNTIME/doc/help.txt")
+ global
+ {not in Vi}
+ Name of the main help file. All distributed help files should be
+ placed together in one directory. Additionally, all "doc" directories
+ in 'runtimepath' will be used.
+ Environment variables are expanded |:set_env|. For example:
+ "$VIMRUNTIME/doc/help.txt". If $VIMRUNTIME is not set, $VIM is also
+ tried. Also see |$VIMRUNTIME| and |option-backslash| about including
+ spaces and backslashes.
+ This option cannot be set from a |modeline| or in the |sandbox|, for
+ security reasons.
+ *'helpheight'* *'hh'*
+'helpheight' 'hh' number (default 20)
+ global
+ {not in Vi}
+ {not available when compiled without the +windows
+ feature}
+ Minimal initial height of the help window when it is opened with the
+ ":help" command. The initial height of the help window is half of the
+ current window, or (when the 'ea' option is on) the same as other
+ windows. When the height is less than 'helpheight', the height is
+ set to 'helpheight'. Set to zero to disable.
+ *'helplang'* *'hlg'*
+'helplang' 'hlg' string (default: messages language or empty)
+ global
+ {only available when compiled with the |+multi_lang|
+ feature}
+ {not in Vi}
+ Comma separated list of languages. Vim will use the first language
+ for which the desired help can be found. The English help will always
+ be used as a last resort. You can add "en" to prefer English over
+ another language, but that will only find tags that exist in that
+ language and not in the English help.
+ Example: >
+ :set helplang=de,it
+< This will first search German, then Italian and finally English help
+ files.
+ When using |CTRL-]| and ":help!" in a non-English help file Vim will
+ try to find the tag in the current language before using this option.
+ See |help-translated|.
+ *'hidden'* *'hid'* *'nohidden'* *'nohid'*
+'hidden' 'hid' boolean (default off)
+ global
+ {not in Vi}
+ When off a buffer is unloaded when it is |abandon|ed. When on a
+ buffer becomes hidden when it is |abandon|ed. If the buffer is still
+ displayed in another window, it does not become hidden, of course.
+ The commands that move through the buffer list sometimes make a buffer
+ hidden although the 'hidden' option is off: When the buffer is
+ modified, 'autowrite' is off or writing is not possible, and the '!'
+ flag was used. See also |windows.txt|.
+ This option is set for one command with ":hide {command}" |:hide|.
+ WARNING: It's easy to forget that you have changes in hidden buffers.
+ Think twice when using ":q!" or ":qa!".
+ *'highlight'* *'hl'*
+'highlight' 'hl' string (default (as a single string):
+ "8:SpecialKey,@:NonText,d:Directory,
+ e:ErrorMsg,i:IncSearch,l:Search,m:MoreMsg,
+ M:ModeMsg,n:LineNr,r:Question,
+ s:StatusLine,S:StatusLineNC,c:VertSplit
+ t:Title,v:Visual,w:WarningMsg,W:WildMenu,
+ f:Folded,F:FoldColumn,A:DiffAdd,
+ C:DiffChange,D:DiffDelete,T:DiffText,
+ >:SignColumn")
+ global
+ {not in Vi}
+ This option can be used to set highlighting mode for various
+ occasions. It is a comma separated list of character pairs. The
+ first character in a pair gives the occasion, the second the mode to
+ use for that occasion. The occasions are:
+ |hl-SpecialKey| 8 Meta and special keys listed with ":map"
+ |hl-NonText| @ '~' and '@' at the end of the window and
+ characters from 'showbreak'
+ |hl-Directory| d directories in CTRL-D listing and other special
+ things in listings
+ |hl-ErrorMsg| e error messages
+ h (obsolete, ignored)
+ |hl-IncSearch| i 'incsearch' highlighting
+ |hl-Search| l last search pattern highlighting (see 'hlsearch')
+ |hl-MoreMsg| m |more-prompt|
+ |hl-ModeMsg| M Mode (e.g., "-- INSERT --")
+ |hl-LineNr| n line number for ":number" and ":#" commands
+ |hl-Question| r |hit-enter| prompt and yes/no questions
+ |hl-StatusLine| s status line of current window |status-line|
+ |hl-StatusLineNC| S status lines of not-current windows
+ |hl-Title| t Titles for output from ":set all", ":autocmd" etc.
+ |hl-VertSplit| c column used to separate vertically split windows
+ |hl-Visual| v Visual mode
+ |hl-VisualNOS| V Visual mode when Vim does is "Not Owning the
+ Selection" Only X11 Gui's |gui-x11| and
+ |xterm-clipboard|.
+ |hl-WarningMsg| w warning messages
+ |hl-WildMenu| W wildcard matches displayed for 'wildmenu'
+ |hl-Folded| f line used for closed folds
+ |hl-FoldColumn| F 'foldcolumn'
+ |hl-SignColumn| > column used for |signs|
+ The display modes are:
+ r reverse (termcap entry "mr" and "me")
+ i italic (termcap entry "ZH" and "ZR")
+ b bold (termcap entry "md" and "me")
+ s standout (termcap entry "so" and "se")
+ u underline (termcap entry "us" and "ue")
+ n no highlighting
+ - no highlighting
+ : use a highlight group
+ The default is used for occasions that are not included.
+ If you want to change what the display modes do, see |dos-colors|
+ for an example.
+ When using the ':' display mode, this must be followed by the name of
+ a highlight group. A highlight group can be used to define any type
+ of highlighting, including using color. See |:highlight| on how to
+ define one. The default uses a different group for each occasion.
+ See |highlight-default| for the default highlight groups.
+ *'hlsearch'* *'hls'* *'nohlsearch'* *'nohls'*
+'hlsearch' 'hls' boolean (default off)
+ global
+ {not in Vi}
+ {not available when compiled without the
+ |+extra_search| feature}
+ When there is a previous search pattern, highlight all its matches.
+ The type of highlighting used can be set with the 'l' occasion in the
+ 'highlight' option. This uses the "Search" highlight group by
+ default. Note that only the matching text is highlighted, any offsets
+ are not applied.
+ See also: 'incsearch' and |:match|.
+ When you get bored looking at the highlighted matches, you can turn it
+ off with |:nohlsearch|. As soon as you use a search command, the
+ highlighting comes back.
+ When the search pattern can match an end-of-line, Vim will try to
+ highlight all of the matched text. However, this depends on where the
+ search starts. This will be the first line in the window or the first
+ line below a closed fold. A match in a previous line which is not
+ drawn may not continue in an newly drawn line.
+ NOTE: This option is reset when 'compatible' is set.
+ *'history'* *'hi'*
+'history' 'hi' number (Vim default: 20, Vi default: 0)
+ global
+ {not in Vi}
+ A history of ":" commands, and a history of previous search patterns
+ are remembered. This option decides how many entries may be stored in
+ each of these histories (see |cmdline-editing|).
+ NOTE: This option is set to the Vi default value when 'compatible' is
+ set and to the Vim default value when 'compatible' is reset.
+ *'hkmap'* *'hk'* *'nohkmap'* *'nohk'*
+'hkmap' 'hk' boolean (default off)
+ global
+ {not in Vi}
+ {only available when compiled with the |+rightleft|
+ feature}
+ When on, the keyboard is mapped for the Hebrew character set.
+ Normally you would set 'allowrevins' and use CTRL-_ in insert mode to
+ toggle this option. See |rileft.txt|.
+ NOTE: This option is reset when 'compatible' is set.
+ *'hkmapp'* *'hkp'* *'nohkmapp'* *'nohkp'*
+'hkmapp' 'hkp' boolean (default off)
+ global
+ {not in Vi}
+ {only available when compiled with the |+rightleft|
+ feature}
+ When on, phonetic keyboard mapping is used. 'hkmap' must also be on.
+ This is useful if you have a non-Hebrew keyboard.
+ See |rileft.txt|.
+ NOTE: This option is reset when 'compatible' is set.
+ *'icon'* *'noicon'*
+'icon' boolean (default off, on when title can be restored)
+ global
+ {not in Vi}
+ {not available when compiled without the |+title|
+ feature}
+ When on, the icon text of the window will be set to the value of
+ 'iconstring' (if it is not empty), or to the name of the file
+ currently being edited. Only the last part of the name is used.
+ Overridden by the 'iconstring' option.
+ Only works if the terminal supports setting window icons (currently
+ only X11 GUI and terminals with a non-empty 't_IS' option - these are
+ Unix xterm and iris-ansi by default, where 't_IS' is taken from the
+ builtin termcap).
+ When Vim was compiled with HAVE_X11 defined, the original icon will be
+ restored if possible |X11|. See |X11-icon| for changing the icon on
+ X11.
+ *'iconstring'*
+'iconstring' string (default "")
+ global
+ {not in Vi}
+ {not available when compiled without the |+title|
+ feature}
+ When this option is not empty, it will be used for the icon text of
+ the window. This happens only when the 'icon' option is on.
+ Only works if the terminal supports setting window icon text
+ (currently only X11 GUI and terminals with a non-empty 't_IS' option).
+ Does not work for MS Windows.
+ When Vim was compiled with HAVE_X11 defined, the original icon will be
+ restored if possible |X11|.
+ When this option contains printf-style '%' items, they will be
+ expanded according to the rules used for 'statusline'. See
+ 'titlestring' for example settings.
+ {not available when compiled without the |+statusline| feature}
+ *'ignorecase'* *'ic'* *'noignorecase'* *'noic'*
+'ignorecase' 'ic' boolean (default off)
+ global
+ Ignore case in search patterns. Also used when searching in the tags
+ file.
+ Also see 'smartcase'.
+ Can be overruled by using "\c" or "\C" in the pattern, see
+ |/ignorecase|.
+ *'imactivatekey'* *'imak'*
+'imactivatekey' 'imak' string (default "")
+ global
+ {not in Vi}
+ {only available when compiled with |+xim| and
+ |+GUI_GTK|}
+ Specifies the key that your Input Method in X-Windows uses for
+ activation. When this is specified correctly, vim can fully control
+ IM with 'imcmdline', 'iminsert' and 'imsearch'.
+ You can't use this option to change the activation key, the option
+ tells Vim what the key is.
+ Format:
+ These characters can be used for MODIFIER_FLAG (case is ignored):
+ S Shift key
+ L Lock key
+ C Control key
+ 1 Mod1 key
+ 2 Mod2 key
+ 3 Mod3 key
+ 4 Mod4 key
+ 5 Mod5 key
+ Combinations are allowed, for example "S-C-space" or "SC-space" are
+ both shift+ctrl+space.
+ See <X11/keysymdef.h> and XStringToKeysym for KEY_STRING.
+ Example: >
+ :set imactivatekey=S-space
+< "S-space" means shift+space. This is the activation key for kinput2 +
+ canna (Japanese), and ami (Korean).
+ *'imcmdline'* *'imc'* *'noimcmdline'* *'noimc'*
+'imcmdline' 'imc' boolean (default off)
+ global
+ {not in Vi}
+ {only available when compiled with the |+xim|
+ |+multi_byte_ime| or |global-ime| feature}
+ When set the Input Method is always on when starting to edit a command
+ line, unless entering a search pattern (see 'imsearch' for that).
+ Setting this option is useful when your input method allows entering
+ English characters directly, e.g., when it's used to type accented
+ characters with dead keys.
+ *'imdisable'* *'imd'* *'nodisable'* *'noimd'*
+'imdisable' 'imd' boolean (default off, on for some systems (SGI))
+ global
+ {not in Vi}
+ {only available when compiled with the |+xim|
+ |+multi_byte_ime| or |global-ime| feature}
+ When set the Input Method is never used. This is useful to disable
+ the IM when it doesn't work properly.
+ Currently this option is on by default for SGI/IRIX machines. This
+ may change in later releases.
+ *'iminsert'* *'imi'*
+'iminsert' 'imi' number (default 0, 2 when an input method is supported)
+ local to buffer
+ {not in Vi}
+ Specifies whether :lmap or an Input Method (IM) is to be used in
+ Insert mode. Valid values:
+ 0 :lmap is off and IM is off
+ 1 :lmap is ON and IM is off
+ 2 :lmap is off and IM is ON
+ 2 is available only when compiled with the |+multi_byte_ime|, |+xim|
+ or |global-ime|.
+ To always reset the option to zero when leaving Insert mode with <Esc>
+ this can be used: >
+ :inoremap <ESC> <ESC>:set iminsert=0<CR>
+< This makes :lmap and IM turn off automatically when leaving Insert
+ mode.
+ Note that this option changes when using CTRL-^ in Insert mode
+ |i_CTRL-^|.
+ The value is set to 1 when setting 'keymap' to a valid keymap name.
+ It is also used for the argument of commands like "r" and "f".
+ The value 0 may not work correctly with Athena and Motif with some XIM
+ methods. Use 'imdisable' to disable XIM then.
+ *'imsearch'* *'ims'*
+'imsearch' 'ims' number (default 0, 2 when an input method is supported)
+ local to buffer
+ {not in Vi}
+ Specifies whether :lmap or an Input Method (IM) is to be used when
+ entering a search pattern. Valid values:
+ -1 the value of 'iminsert' is used, makes it look like
+ 'iminsert' is also used when typing a search pattern
+ 0 :lmap is off and IM is off
+ 1 :lmap is ON and IM is off
+ 2 :lmap is off and IM is ON
+ Note that this option changes when using CTRL-^ in Command-line mode
+ |c_CTRL-^|.
+ The value is set to 1 when it is not -1 and setting the 'keymap'
+ option to a valid keymap name.
+ The value 0 may not work correctly with Athena and Motif with some XIM
+ methods. Use 'imdisable' to disable XIM then.
+ *'include'* *'inc'*
+'include' 'inc' string (default "^\s*#\s*include")
+ global or local to buffer |global-local|
+ {not in Vi}
+ {not available when compiled without the
+ |+find_in_path| feature}
+ Pattern to be used to find an include command. It is a search
+ pattern, just like for the "/" command (See |pattern|). The default
+ value is for C programs. This option is used for the commands "[i",
+ "]I", "[d", etc.. The 'isfname' option is used to recognize the file
+ name that comes after the matched pattern. See |option-backslash|
+ about including spaces and backslashes.
+ *'includeexpr'* *'inex'*
+'includeexpr' 'inex' string (default "")
+ local to buffer
+ {not in Vi}
+ {not available when compiled without the
+ |+find_in_path| or |+eval| feature}
+ Expression to be used to transform the string found with the 'include'
+ option to a file name. Mostly useful to change "." to "/" for Java: >
+ :set includeexpr=substitute(v:fname,'\\.','/','g')
+< The "v:fname" variable will be set to the file name that was detected.
+ Evaluated in the |sandbox|.
+ Also used for the |gf| command if an unmodified file name can't be
+ found. Allows doing "gf" on the name after an 'include' statement.
+ Also used for |<cfile>|.
+ *'incsearch'* *'is'* *'noincsearch'* *'nois'*
+'incsearch' 'is' boolean (default off)
+ global
+ {not in Vi}
+ {not available when compiled without the
+ |+extra_search| feature}
+ While typing a search command, show immediately where the so far
+ typed pattern matches. The matched string is highlighted. If the
+ pattern is invalid or not found, nothing is shown. The screen will
+ be updated often, this is only useful on fast terminals. Note that
+ the match will be shown, but the cursor is not actually positioned
+ there. You still need to finish the search command with <CR> to move
+ the cursor. The highlighting can be set with the 'i' flag in
+ 'highlight'. See also: 'hlsearch'.
+ NOTE: This option is reset when 'compatible' is set.
+ *'indentexpr'* *'inde'*
+'indentexpr' 'inde' string (default "")
+ local to buffer
+ {not in Vi}
+ {not available when compiled without the |+cindent|
+ or |+eval| features}
+ Expression which is evaluated to obtain the proper indent for a line.
+ It is used when a new line is created, for the |=| operator and
+ in Insert mode as specified with the 'indentkeys' option.
+ When this option is not empty, it overrules the 'cindent' and
+ 'smartindent' indenting.
+ When 'paste' is set this option is not used for indenting.
+ The expression is evaluated with |v:lnum| set to the line number for
+ which the indent is to be computed. The cursor is also as this line
+ when the expression is evaluated (but it may be moved around).
+ The expression must return the number of spaces worth of indent. It
+ can return "-1" to keep the current indent (this means 'autoindent' is
+ used for the indent).
+ Functions useful for computing the indent are |indent()|, |cindent()|
+ and |lispindent()|.
+ The evaluation of the expression must not have side effects! It must
+ not change the text, jump to another window, etc. Afterwards the
+ cursor position is always restored, thus the cursor may be moved.
+ Normally this option would be set to call a function: >
+ :set indentexpr=GetMyIndent()
+< Error messages will be suppressed, unless the 'debug' option contains
+ "msg".
+ See |indent-expression|. Also see |eval-sandbox|.
+ NOTE: This option is made empty when 'compatible' is set.
+ *'indentkeys'* *'indk'*
+'indentkeys' 'indk' string (default "0{,0},:,0#,!^F,o,O,e")
+ local to buffer
+ {not in Vi}
+ {not available when compiled without the |+cindent|
+ feature}
+ A list of keys that, when typed in Insert mode, cause reindenting of
+ the current line. Only happens if 'indentexpr' isn't empty.
+ The format is identical to 'cinkeys', see |indentkeys-format|.
+ See |C-indenting| and |indent-expression|.
+ *'infercase'* *'inf'* *'noinfercase'* *'noinf'*
+'infercase' 'inf' boolean (default off)
+ local to buffer
+ {not in Vi}
+ When doing keyword completion in insert mode |ins-completion|, and
+ 'ignorecase' is also on, the case of the match is adjusted. If the
+ typed text contains a lowercase letter where the match has an upper
+ case letter, the completed part is made lowercase. If the typed text
+ has no lowercase letters and the match has a lowercase letter where
+ the typed text has an uppercase letter, and there is a letter before
+ it, the completed part is made uppercase.
+ *'insertmode'* *'im'* *'noinsertmode'* *'noim'*
+'insertmode' 'im' boolean (default off)
+ global
+ {not in Vi}
+ Makes Vim work in a way that Insert mode is the default mode. Useful
+ if you want to use Vim as a modeless editor. Used for |evim|.
+ These Insert mode commands will be useful:
+ - Use the cursor keys to move around.
+ - Use CTRL-O to execute one Normal mode command |i_CTRL-O|). When
+ this is a mapping, it is executed as if 'insertmode' was off.
+ Normal mode remains active until the mapping is finished.
+ *i_CTRL-L*
+ - Use CTRL-L to execute a number of Normal mode commands, then use
+ <Esc> to get back to Insert mode.
+ These items change when 'insertmode' is set:
+ - when starting to edit of a file, Vim goes to Insert mode.
+ - <Esc> in Insert mode is a no-op and beeps.
+ - <Esc> in Normal mode makes Vim go to Insert mode.
+ - CTRL-L in Insert mode is a command, it is not inserted.
+ - CTRL-Z in Insert mode suspends Vim, see |CTRL-Z|. *i_CTRL-Z*
+ However, when <Esc> is used inside a mapping, it behaves like
+ 'insertmode' was not set. This was done to be able to use the same
+ mappings with 'insertmode' set or not set.
+ When executing commands with |:normal| 'insertmode' is not used.
+ NOTE: This option is reset when 'compatible' is set.
+ *'isfname'* *'isf'*
+'isfname' 'isf' string (default for MS-DOS, Win32 and OS/2:
+ "@,48-57,/,\,.,-,_,+,,,#,$,%,{,},[,],:,@-@,!,~,="
+ for AMIGA: "@,48-57,/,.,-,_,+,,,$,:"
+ for VMS: "@,48-57,/,.,-,_,+,,,#,$,%,<,>,[,],:,;,~"
+ for OS/390: "@,240-249,/,.,-,_,+,,,#,$,%,~,="
+ otherwise: "@,48-57,/,.,-,_,+,,,#,$,%,~,=")
+ global
+ {not in Vi}
+ The characters specified by this option are included in file names and
+ path names. Filenames are used for commands like "gf", "[i" and in
+ the tags file. It is also used for "\f" in a |pattern|.
+ Multi-byte characters 256 and above are always included, only the
+ characters up to 255 are specified with this option.
+ For UTF-8 the characters 0xa0 to 0xff are included as well.
+ Note that on systems using a backslash as path separator, Vim tries to
+ do its best to make it work as you would expect. That is a bit
+ tricky, since Vi originally used the backslash to escape special
+ characters. Vim will not remove a backslash in front of a normal file
+ name character on these systems, but it will on Unix and alikes. The
+ '&' and '^' are not included by default, because these are special for
+ cmd.exe.
+ The format of this option is a list of parts, separated with commas.
+ Each part can be a single character number or a range. A range is two
+ character numbers with '-' in between. A character number can be a
+ decimal number between 0 and 255 or the ASCII character itself (does
+ not work for digits). Example:
+ "_,-,128-140,#-43" (include '_' and '-' and the range
+ 128 to 140 and '#' to 43)
+ If a part starts with '^', the following character number or range
+ will be excluded from the option. The option is interpreted from left
+ to right. Put the excluded character after the range where it is
+ included. To include '^' itself use it as the last character of the
+ option or the end of a range. Example:
+ "^a-z,#,^" (exclude 'a' to 'z', include '#' and '^')
+ If the character is '@', all characters where isalpha() returns TRUE
+ are included. Normally these are the characters a to z and A to Z,
+ plus accented characters. To include '@' itself use "@-@". Examples:
+ "@,^a-z" All alphabetic characters, excluding lower
+ case letters.
+ "a-z,A-Z,@-@" All letters plus the '@' character.
+ A comma can be included by using it where a character number is
+ expected. Example:
+ "48-57,,,_" Digits, comma and underscore.
+ A comma can be excluded by prepending a '^'. Example:
+ " -~,^,,9" All characters from space to '~', excluding
+ comma, plus <Tab>.
+ See |option-backslash| about including spaces and backslashes.
+ *'isident'* *'isi'*
+'isident' 'isi' string (default for MS-DOS, Win32 and OS/2:
+ "@,48-57,_,128-167,224-235"
+ otherwise: "@,48-57,_,192-255")
+ global
+ {not in Vi}
+ The characters given by this option are included in identifiers.
+ Identifiers are used in recognizing environment variables and after a
+ match of the 'define' option. It is also used for "\i" in a
+ |pattern|. See 'isfname' for a description of the format of this
+ option.
+ Careful: If you change this option, it might break expanding
+ environment variables. E.g., when '/' is included and Vim tries to
+ expand "$HOME/.viminfo". Maybe you should change 'iskeyword' instead.
+ *'iskeyword'* *'isk'*
+'iskeyword' 'isk' string (Vim default for MS-DOS and Win32:
+ "@,48-57,_,128-167,224-235"
+ otherwise: "@,48-57,_,192-255"
+ Vi default: "@,48-57,_")
+ local to buffer
+ {not in Vi}
+ Keywords are used in searching and recognizing with many commands:
+ "w", "*", "[i", etc. It is also used for "\k" in a |pattern|. See
+ 'isfname' for a description of the format of this option. For C
+ programs you could use "a-z,A-Z,48-57,_,.,-,>".
+ For a help file it is set to all non-blank printable characters except
+ '*', '"' and '|' (so that CTRL-] on a command finds the help for that
+ command).
+ When the 'lisp' option is on the '-' character is always included.
+ NOTE: This option is set to the Vi default value when 'compatible' is
+ set and to the Vim default value when 'compatible' is reset.
+ *'isprint'* *'isp'*
+'isprint' 'isp' string (default for MS-DOS, Win32, OS/2 and Macintosh:
+ "@,~-255"; otherwise: "@,161-255")
+ global
+ {not in Vi}
+ The characters given by this option are displayed directly on the
+ screen. It is also used for "\p" in a |pattern|. The characters from
+ space (ASCII 32) to '~' (ASCII 126) are always displayed directly,
+ even when they are not included in 'isprint' or excluded. See
+ 'isfname' for a description of the format of this option.
+ Non-printable characters are displayed with two characters:
+ 0 - 31 "^@" - "^_"
+ 32 - 126 always single characters
+ 127 "^?"
+ 128 - 159 "~@" - "~_"
+ 160 - 254 "| " - "|~"
+ 255 "~?"
+ When 'encoding' is a Unicode one, illegal bytes from 128 to 255 are
+ displayed as <xx>, with the hexadecimal value of the byte.
+ When 'display' contains "uhex" all unprintable characters are
+ displayed as <xx>.
+ The NonText highlighting will be used for unprintable characters.
+ |hl-NonText|
+ Multi-byte characters 256 and above are always included, only the
+ characters up to 255 are specified with this option. When a character
+ is printable but it is not available in the current font, a
+ replacement character will be shown.
+ Unprintable and zero-width Unicode characters are displayed as <xxxx>.
+ There is no option to specify these characters.
+ *'joinspaces'* *'js'* *'nojoinspaces'* *'nojs'*
+'joinspaces' 'js' boolean (default on)
+ global
+ {not in Vi}
+ Insert two spaces after a '.', '?' and '!' with a join command.
+ When 'cpoptions' includes the 'j' flag, only do this after a '.'.
+ Otherwise only one space is inserted.
+ NOTE: This option is set when 'compatible' is set.
+ *'key'*
+'key' string (default "")
+ local to buffer
+ {not in Vi}
+ The key that is used for encrypting and decrypting the current buffer.
+ See |encryption|.
+ Careful: Do not set the key value by hand, someone might see the typed
+ key. Use the |:X| command. But you can make 'key' empty: >
+ :set key=
+< It is not possible to get the value of this option with ":set key" or
+ "echo &key". This is to avoid showing it to someone who shouldn't
+ know. It also means you cannot see it yourself once you have set it,
+ be careful not to make a typing error!
+ *'keymap'* *'kmp'* *E544*
+'keymap' 'kmp' string (default "")
+ local to buffer
+ {not in Vi}
+ {only available when compiled with the |+keymap|
+ feature}
+ Name of a keyboard mapping. See |mbyte-keymap|.
+ Setting this option to a valid keymap name has the side effect of
+ setting 'iminsert' to one, so that the keymap becomes effective.
+ 'imsearch' is also set to one, unless it was -1
+ *'keymodel'* *'km'*
+'keymodel' 'km' string (default "")
+ global
+ {not in Vi}
+ List of comma separated words, which enable special things that keys
+ can do. These values can be used:
+ startsel Using a shifted special key starts selection (either
+ Select mode or Visual mode, depending on "key" being
+ present in 'selectmode').
+ stopsel Using a not-shifted special key stops selection.
+ Special keys in this context are the cursor keys, <End>, <Home>,
+ <PageUp> and <PageDown>.
+ The 'keymodel' option is set by the |:behave| command.
+ *'keywordprg'* *'kp'*
+'keywordprg' 'kp' string (default "man" or "man -s", DOS: ":help",
+ OS/2: "view /", VMS: "help")
+ global or local to buffer |global-local|
+ {not in Vi}
+ Program to use for the |K| command. Environment variables are
+ expanded |:set_env|. ":help" may be used to access the Vim internal
+ help. (Note that previously setting the global option to the empty
+ value did this, which is now deprecated.)
+ When "man" is used, Vim will automatically translate a count for the
+ "K" command to a section number. Also for "man -s", in which case the
+ "-s" is removed when there is no count.
+ See |option-backslash| about including spaces and backslashes.
+ Example: >
+ :set keywordprg=man\ -s
+< This option cannot be set from a |modeline| or in the |sandbox|, for
+ security reasons.
+ *'langmap'* *'lmap'* *E357* *E358*
+'langmap' 'lmap' string (default "")
+ global
+ {not in Vi}
+ {only available when compiled with the |+langmap|
+ feature}
+ This option allows switching your keyboard into a special language
+ mode. When you are typing text in Insert mode the characters are
+ inserted directly. When in command mode the 'langmap' option takes
+ care of translating these special characters to the original meaning
+ of the key. This means you don't have to change the keyboard mode to
+ be able to execute Normal mode commands.
+ This is the opposite of the 'keymap' option, where characters are
+ mapped in Insert mode.
+ This only works for 8-bit characters. The value of 'langmap' may be
+ specified with multi-byte characters (e.g., UTF-8), but only the lower
+ 8 bits of each character will be used.
+ Example (for Greek): *greek* >
+ :set langmap=ÁA,ÂB,ØC,ÄD,ÅE,ÖF,ÃG,ÇH,ÉI,ÎJ,ÊK,ËL,ÌM,ÍN,ÏO,ÐP,QQ,ÑR,ÓS,ÔT,ÈU,ÙV,WW,×X,ÕY,ÆZ,áa,âb,øc,äd,åe,öf,ãg,çh,éi,îj,êk,ël,ìm,ín,ïo,ðp,qq,ñr,ós,ôt,èu,ùv,òw,÷x,õy,æz
+< Example (exchanges meaning of z and y for commands): >
+ :set langmap=zy,yz,ZY,YZ
+ The 'langmap' option is a list of parts, separated with commas. Each
+ part can be in one of two forms:
+ 1. A list of pairs. Each pair is a "from" character immediately
+ followed by the "to" character. Examples: "aA", "aAbBcC".
+ 2. A list of "from" characters, a semi-colon and a list of "to"
+ characters. Example: "abc;ABC"
+ Example: "aA,fgh;FGH,cCdDeE"
+ Special characters need to be preceded with a backslash. These are
+ ";", ',' and backslash itself.
+ This will allow you to activate vim actions without having to switch
+ back and forth between the languages. Your language characters will
+ be understood as normal vim English characters (according to the
+ langmap mappings) in the following cases:
+ o Normal/Visual mode (commands, buffer/register names, user mappings)
+ o Insert/Replace Mode: Register names after CTRL-R
+ o Insert/Replace Mode: Mappings
+ Characters entered in Command-line mode will NOT be affected by
+ this option. Note that this option can be changed at any time
+ allowing to switch between mappings for different languages/encodings.
+ Use a mapping to avoid having to type it each time!
+ *'langmenu'* *'lm'*
+'langmenu' 'lm' string (default "")
+ global
+ {not in Vi}
+ {only available when compiled with the |+menu| and
+ |+multi_lang| features}
+ Language to use for menu translation. Tells which file is loaded
+ from the "lang" directory in 'runtimepath': >
+ "lang/menu_" . &langmenu . ".vim"
+< (without the spaces). For example, to always use the Dutch menus, no
+ matter what $LANG is set to: >
+ :set langmenu=nl_NL.ISO_8859-1
+< When 'langmenu' is empty, |v:lang| is used.
+ If your $LANG is set to a non-English language but you do want to use
+ the English menus: >
+ :set langmenu=none
+< This option must be set before loading menus, switching on filetype
+ detection or syntax highlighting. Once the menus are defined setting
+ this option has no effect. But you could do this: >
+ :source $VIMRUNTIME/delmenu.vim
+ :set langmenu=de_DE.ISO_8859-1
+ :source $VIMRUNTIME/menu.vim
+< Warning: This deletes all menus that you defined yourself!
+ *'laststatus'* *'ls'*
+'laststatus' 'ls' number (default 1)
+ global
+ {not in Vi}
+ The value of this option influences when the last window will have a
+ status line:
+ 0: never
+ 1: only if there are at least two windows
+ 2: always
+ The screen looks nicer with a status line if you have several
+ windows, but it takes another screen line. |status-line|
+ *'lazyredraw'* *'lz'* *'nolazyredraw'* *'nolz'*
+'lazyredraw' 'lz' boolean (default off)
+ global
+ {not in Vi}
+ When this option is set, the screen will not be redrawn while
+ executing macros, registers and other commands that have not been
+ typed. Also, updating the window title is postponed. To force an
+ update use |:redraw|.
+ *'linebreak'* *'lbr'* *'nolinebreak'* *'nolbr'*
+'linebreak' 'lbr' boolean (default off)
+ local to window
+ {not in Vi}
+ {not available when compiled without the |+linebreak|
+ feature}
+ If on Vim will wrap long lines at a character in 'breakat' rather
+ than at the last character that fits on the screen. Unlike
+ 'wrapmargin' and 'textwidth', this does not insert <EOL>s in the file,
+ it only affects the way the file is displayed, not its contents. The
+ value of 'showbreak' is used to put in front of wrapped lines.
+ This option is not used when the 'wrap' option is off or 'list' is on.
+ Note that <Tab> characters after an <EOL> are mostly not displayed
+ with the right amount of white space.
+ *'lines'* *E593*
+'lines' number (default 24 or terminal height)
+ global
+ Number of lines of the Vim window.
+ Normally you don't need to set this. It is done automatically by the
+ terminal initialization code.
+ When Vim is running in the GUI or in a resizable window, setting this
+ option will cause the window size to be changed. When you only want
+ to use the size for the GUI, put the command in your |gvimrc| file.
+ Vim limits the number of lines to what fits on the screen. You can
+ use this command to get the tallest window possible: >
+ :set lines=999
+< If you get less lines than expected, check the 'guiheadroom' option.
+ When you set this option and Vim is unable to change the physical
+ number of lines of the display, the display may be messed up.
+ *'linespace'* *'lsp'*
+'linespace' 'lsp' number (default 0, 1 for Win32 GUI)
+ global
+ {not in Vi}
+ {only in the GUI}
+ Number of pixel lines inserted between characters. Useful if the font
+ uses the full character cell height, making lines touch each other.
+ When non-zero there is room for underlining.
+ *'lisp'* *'nolisp'*
+'lisp' boolean (default off)
+ local to buffer
+ {not available when compiled without the |+lispindent|
+ feature}
+ Lisp mode: When <Enter> is typed in insert mode set the indent for
+ the next line to Lisp standards (well, sort of). Also happens with
+ "cc" or "S". 'autoindent' must also be on for this to work. The 'p'
+ flag in 'cpoptions' changes the method of indenting: Vi compatible or
+ better. Also see 'lispwords'.
+ The '-' character is included in keyword characters. Redefines the
+ "=" operator to use this same indentation algorithm rather than
+ calling an external program if 'equalprg' is empty.
+ This option is not used when 'paste' is set.
+ {Vi: Does it a little bit differently}
+ *'lispwords'* *'lw'*
+'lispwords' 'lw' string (default is very long)
+ global
+ {not in Vi}
+ {not available when compiled without the |+lispindent|
+ feature}
+ Comma separated list of words that influence the Lisp indenting.
+ |'lisp'|
+ *'list'* *'nolist'*
+'list' boolean (default off)
+ local to window
+ List mode: Show tabs as CTRL-I, show end of line with $. Useful to
+ see the difference between tabs and spaces and for trailing blanks.
+ Note that this will also affect formatting (set with 'textwidth' or
+ 'wrapmargin') when 'cpoptions' includes 'L'. See 'listchars' for
+ changing the way tabs are displayed.
+ *'listchars'* *'lcs'*
+'listchars' 'lcs' string (default "eol:$")
+ global
+ {not in Vi}
+ Strings to use in 'list' mode. It is a comma separated list of string
+ settings.
+ eol:c Character to show at the end of each line. When
+ omitted, there is no extra character at the end of the
+ line.
+ tab:xy Two characters to be used to show a Tab. The first
+ char is used once. The second char is repeated to
+ fill the space that the Tab normally occupies.
+ "tab:>-" will show a Tab that takes four spaces as
+ ">---". When omitted, a Tab is show as ^I.
+ trail:c Character to show for trailing spaces. When omitted,
+ trailing spaces are blank.
+ extends:c Character to show in the last column, when 'wrap' is
+ off and the line continues beyond the right of the
+ screen.
+ precedes:c Character to show in the first column, when 'wrap'
+ is off and there is text preceding the character
+ visible in the first column.
+ The characters ':' and ',' should not be used. UTF-8 characters can
+ be used when 'encoding' is "utf-8", otherwise only printable
+ characters are allowed.
+ Examples: >
+ :set lcs=tab:>-,trail:-
+ :set lcs=tab:>-,eol:<
+ :set lcs=extends:>,precedes:<
+< The "NonText" highlighting will be used for "eol", "extends" and
+ "precedes". "SpecialKey" for "tab" and "trail".
+ *'lpl'* *'nolpl'* *'loadplugins'* *'noloadplugins'*
+'loadplugins' 'lpl' boolean (default on)
+ global
+ {not in Vi}
+ When on the plugin scripts are loaded when starting up |load-plugins|.
+ This option can be reset in your |vimrc| file to disable the loading
+ of plugins.
+ Note that using the "-u NONE" and "--noplugin" command line arguments
+ reset this option. |-u| |--noplugin|
+ *'magic'* *'nomagic'*
+'magic' boolean (default on)
+ global
+ Changes the special characters that can be used in search patterns.
+ See |pattern|.
+ NOTE: To avoid portability problems with using patterns, always keep
+ this option at the default "on". Only switch it off when working with
+ old Vi scripts. In any other situation write patterns that work when
+ 'magic' is on.
+ *'makeef'* *'mef'*
+'makeef' 'mef' string (default: "")
+ global
+ {not in Vi}
+ {not available when compiled without the |+quickfix|
+ feature}
+ Name of the errorfile for the |:make| command (see |:make_makeprg|)
+ and the |:grep| command.
+ When it is empty, an internally generated temp file will be used.
+ When "##" is included, it is replaced by a number to make the name
+ unique. This makes sure that the ":make" command doesn't overwrite an
+ existing file.
+ NOT used for the ":cf" command. See 'errorfile' for that.
+ Environment variables are expanded |:set_env|.
+ See |option-backslash| about including spaces and backslashes.
+ This option cannot be set from a |modeline| or in the |sandbox|, for
+ security reasons.
+ *'makeprg'* *'mp'*
+'makeprg' 'mp' string (default "make", VMS: "MMS")
+ global or local to buffer |global-local|
+ {not in Vi}
+ Program to use for the ":make" command. See |:make_makeprg|. This
+ option may contain '%' and '#' characters, which are expanded like
+ when used in a command-line. Environment variables are expanded
+ |:set_env|. See |option-backslash| about including spaces and
+ backslashes. Note that a '|' must be escaped twice: once for ":set"
+ and once for the interpretation of a command. When you use a filter
+ called "myfilter" do it like this: >
+ :set makeprg=gmake\ \\\|\ myfilter
+< The placeholder "$*" can be given (even multiple times) to specify
+ where the arguments will be included, for example: >
+ :set makeprg=latex\ \\\\nonstopmode\ \\\\input\\{$*}
+< This option cannot be set from a |modeline| or in the |sandbox|, for
+ security reasons.
+ *'matchpairs'* *'mps'*
+'matchpairs' 'mps' string (default "(:),{:},[:]")
+ local to buffer
+ {not in Vi}
+ Characters that form pairs. The |%| command jumps from one to the
+ other. Currently only single character pairs are allowed, and they
+ must be different. The characters must be separated by a colon. The
+ pairs must be separated by a comma. Example for including '<' and '>'
+ (HTML): >
+ :set mps+=<:>
+< A more exotic example, to jump between the '=' and ';' in an
+ assignment, useful for languages like C and Java: >
+ :au FileType c,cpp,java set mps+==:;
+< For a more advanced way of using "%", see the matchit.vim plugin in
+ the $VIMRUNTIME/macros directory. |add-local-help|
+ *'matchtime'* *'mat'*
+'matchtime' 'mat' number (default 5)
+ global
+ {not in Vi}{in Nvi}
+ Tenths of a second to show the matching paren, when 'showmatch' is
+ set. Note that this is not in milliseconds, like other options that
+ set a time. This is to be compatible with Nvi.
+ *'maxfuncdepth'* *'mfd'*
+'maxfuncdepth' 'mfd' number (default 100)
+ global
+ {not in Vi}
+ Maximum depth of function calls for user functions. This normally
+ catches endless recursion. When using a recursive function with
+ more depth, set 'maxfuncdepth' to a bigger number. But this will use
+ more memory, there is the danger of failing when memory is exhausted.
+ See also |:function|.
+ *'maxmapdepth'* *'mmd'* *E223*
+'maxmapdepth' 'mmd' number (default 1000)
+ global
+ {not in Vi}
+ Maximum number of times a mapping is done without resulting in a
+ character to be used. This normally catches endless mappings, like
+ ":map x y" with ":map y x". It still does not catch ":map g wg",
+ because the 'w' is used before the next mapping is done. See also
+ |key-mapping|.
+ *'maxmem'* *'mm'*
+'maxmem' 'mm' number (default between 256 to 5120 (system
+ dependent) or half the amount of memory
+ available)
+ global
+ {not in Vi}
+ Maximum amount of memory (in Kbyte) to use for one buffer. When this
+ limit is reached allocating extra memory for a buffer will cause
+ other memory to be freed. Maximum value 2000000. Use this to work
+ without a limit. Also see 'maxmemtot'.
+ *'maxmemtot'* *'mmt'*
+'maxmemtot' 'mmt' number (default between 2048 and 10240 (system
+ dependent) or half the amount of memory
+ available)
+ global
+ {not in Vi}
+ Maximum amount of memory (in Kbyte) to use for all buffers together.
+ Maximum value 2000000. Use this to work without a limit. Also see
+ 'maxmem'.
+ *'menuitems'* *'mis'*
+'menuitems' 'mis' number (default 25)
+ global
+ {not in Vi}
+ {not available when compiled without the |+menu|
+ feature}
+ Maximum number of items to use in a menu. Used for menus that are
+ generated from a list of items, e.g., the Buffers menu. Changing this
+ option has no direct effect, the menu must be refreshed first.
+ *'modeline'* *'ml'* *'nomodeline'* *'noml'*
+'modeline' 'ml' boolean (Vim default: on, Vi default: off)
+ local to buffer
+ *'modelines'* *'mls'*
+'modelines' 'mls' number (default 5)
+ global
+ {not in Vi}
+ If 'modeline' is on 'modelines' gives the number of lines that is
+ checked for set commands. If 'modeline' is off or 'modelines' is zero
+ no lines are checked. See |modeline|.
+ NOTE: 'modeline' is set to the Vi default value when 'compatible' is
+ set and to the Vim default value when 'compatible' is reset.
+ *'modifiable'* *'ma'* *'nomodifiable'* *'noma'*
+'modifiable' 'ma' boolean (default on)
+ local to buffer
+ {not in Vi} *E21*
+ When off the buffer contents cannot be changed. The 'fileformat' and
+ 'fileencoding' options also can't be changed.
+ Can be reset with the |-M| command line argument.
+ *'modified'* *'mod'* *'nomodified'* *'nomod'*
+'modified' 'mod' boolean (default off)
+ local to buffer
+ {not in Vi}
+ When on, the buffer is considered to be modified. This option is set
+ when:
+ 1. A change was made to the text since it was last written. Using the
+ |undo| command to go back to the original text will reset the
+ option. But undoing changes that were made before writing the
+ buffer will set the option again, since the text is different from
+ when it was written.
+ 2. 'fileformat' or 'fileencoding' is different from its original
+ value. The original value is set when the buffer is read or
+ written. A ":set nomodified" command also resets the original
+ values to the current values and the 'modified' option will be
+ reset.
+ When 'buftype' is "nowrite" or "nofile" this option may be set, but
+ will be ignored.
+ *'more'* *'nomore'*
+'more' boolean (Vim default: on, Vi default: off)
+ global
+ {not in Vi}
+ When on, listings pause when the whole screen is filled. You will get
+ the |more-prompt|. When this option is off there are no pauses, the
+ listing continues until finished.
+ NOTE: This option is set to the Vi default value when 'compatible' is
+ set and to the Vim default value when 'compatible' is reset.
+ *'mouse'* *E538*
+'mouse' string (default "", "a" for GUI, MS-DOS and Win32)
+ global
+ {not in Vi}
+ Enable the use of the mouse. Only works for certain terminals
+ (xterm, MS-DOS, Win32 |win32-mouse|, QNX pterm, and Linux console
+ with gpm). For using the mouse in the GUI, see |gui-mouse|.
+ The mouse can be enabled for different modes:
+ n Normal mode
+ v Visual mode
+ i Insert mode
+ c Command-line mode
+ h all previous modes when editing a help file
+ a all previous modes
+ r for |hit-enter| and |more-prompt| prompt
+ A auto-select in Visual mode
+ Normally you would enable the mouse in all four modes with: >
+ :set mouse=a
+< When the mouse is not enabled, the GUI will still use the mouse for
+ modeless selection. This doesn't move the text cursor.
+ See |mouse-using|. Also see |'clipboard'|.
+ Note: When enabling the mouse in a terminal, copy/paste will use the
+ "* register if there is access to an X-server. The xterm handling of
+ the mouse buttons can still be used by keeping the shift key pressed.
+ Also see the 'clipboard' option.
+ *'mousefocus'* *'mousef'* *'nomousefocus'* *'nomousef'*
+'mousefocus' 'mousef' boolean (default off)
+ global
+ {not in Vi}
+ {only works in the GUI}
+ The window that the mouse pointer is on is automatically activated.
+ When changing the window layout or window focus in another way, the
+ mouse pointer is moved to the window with keyboard focus. Off is the
+ default because it makes using the pull down menus a little goofy, as
+ a pointer transit may activate a window unintentionally.
+ *'mousehide'* *'mh'* *'nomousehide'* *'nomh'*
+'mousehide' 'mh' boolean (default on)
+ global
+ {not in Vi}
+ {only works in the GUI}
+ When on, the mouse pointer is hidden when characters are typed.
+ The mouse pointer is restored when the mouse is moved.
+ *'mousemodel'* *'mousem'*
+'mousemodel' 'mousem' string (default "extend", "popup" for MS-DOS and Win32)
+ global
+ {not in Vi}
+ Sets the model to use for the mouse. The name mostly specifies what
+ the right mouse button is used for:
+ extend Right mouse button extends a selection. This works
+ like in an xterm.
+ popup Right mouse button pops up a menu. The shifted left
+ mouse button extends a selection. This works like
+ with Microsoft Windows
+ popup_setpos Like "popup", but the cursor will be moved to the
+ position where the mouse was clicked, and thus the
+ selected operation will act upon the clicked object.
+ If clicking inside a selection, that selection will
+ be acted upon, ie. no cursor move. This implies of
+ course, that right clicking outside a selection will
+ end Visual mode.
+ Overview of what button does what for each model:
+ mouse extend popup(_setpos) ~
+ left click place cursor place cursor
+ left drag start selection start selection
+ shift-left search word extend selection
+ right click extend selection popup menu (place cursor)
+ right drag extend selection -
+ middle click paste paste
+ In the "popup" model the right mouse button produces a pop-up menu.
+ You need to define this first, see |popup-menu|.
+ Note that you can further refine the meaning of buttons with mappings.
+ See |gui-mouse-mapping|. But mappings are NOT used for modeless
+ selection (because that's handled in the GUI code directly).
+ The 'mousemodel' option is set by the |:behave| command.
+ *'mouseshape'* *'mouses'* *E547*
+'mouseshape' 'mouses' string (default "i:beam,r:beam,s:updown,sd:cross,
+ m:no,ml:up-arrow,v:rightup-arrow"
+ global
+ {not in Vi}
+ {only available when compiled with the |+mouseshape|
+ feature}
+ This option tells Vim what the mouse pointer should look like in
+ different modes. The option is a comma separated list of parts, much
+ like used for 'guicursor'. Each part consist of a mode/location-list
+ and an argument-list:
+ mode-list:shape,mode-list:shape,..
+ The mode-list is a dash separated list of these modes/locations:
+ In a normal window: ~
+ n Normal mode
+ v Visual mode
+ ve Visual mode with 'selection' "exclusive" (same as 'v',
+ if not specified)
+ o Operator-pending mode
+ i Insert mode
+ r Replace mode
+ Others: ~
+ c appending to the command-line
+ ci inserting in the command-line
+ cr replacing in the command-line
+ m at the 'Hit ENTER' or 'More' prompts
+ ml idem, but cursor in the last line
+ e any mode, pointer below last window
+ s any mode, pointer on a status line
+ sd any mode, while dragging a status line
+ vs any mode, pointer on a vertical separator line
+ vd any mode, while dragging a vertical separator line
+ a everywhere
+ The shape is one of the following:
+ avail name looks like ~
+ w x arrow Normal mouse pointer
+ w x blank no pointer at all (use with care!)
+ w x beam I-beam
+ w x updown up-down sizing arrows
+ w x leftright left-right sizing arrows
+ w x busy The system's usual busy pointer
+ w x no The system's usual 'no input' pointer
+ x udsizing indicates up-down resizing
+ x lrsizing indicates left-right resizing
+ x crosshair like a big thin +
+ x hand1 black hand
+ x hand2 white hand
+ x pencil what you write with
+ x question big ?
+ x rightup-arrow arrow pointing right-up
+ w x up-arrow arrow pointing up
+ x <number> any X11 pointer number (see X11/cursorfont.h)
+ The "avail" column contains a 'w' if the shape is available for Win32,
+ x for X11.
+ Any modes not specified or shapes not available use the normal mouse
+ pointer.
+ Example: >
+ :set mouseshape=s:udsizing,m:no
+< will make the mouse turn to a sizing arrow over the status lines and
+ indicate no input when the hit-enter prompt is displayed (since
+ clicking the mouse has no effect in this state.)
+ *'mousetime'* *'mouset'*
+'mousetime' 'mouset' number (default 500)
+ global
+ {not in Vi}
+ Only for GUI, MS-DOS, Win32 and Unix with xterm. Defines the maximum
+ time in msec between two mouse clicks for the second click to be
+ recognized as a multi click.
+ *'nrformats'* *'nf'*
+'nrformats' 'nf' string (default "octal,hex")
+ local to buffer
+ {not in Vi}
+ This defines what bases Vim will consider for numbers when using the
+ CTRL-A and CTRL-X commands for adding to and subtracting from a number
+ respectively; see |CTRL-A| for more info on these commands.
+ alpha if included, single alphabetical characters will be
+ incremented or decremented. This is useful for a list with a
+ letter index a), b), etc.
+ octal if included, numbers that start with a zero will be considered
+ to be octal. Example: Using CTRL-A on "007" results in "010".
+ hex if included, numbers starting with "0x" or "0X" will be
+ considered to be hexadecimal. Example: Using CTRL-X on
+ "0x100" results in "0x0ff".
+ Numbers which simply begin with a digit in the range 1-9 are always
+ considered decimal. This also happens for numbers that are not
+ recognized as octal or hex.
+ *'number'* *'nu'* *'nonumber'* *'nonu'*
+'number' 'nu' boolean (default off)
+ local to window
+ Print the line number in front of each line. When the 'n' option is
+ excluded from 'cpoptions' a wrapped line will not use the column of
+ line numbers (this is the default when 'compatible' isn't set).
+ When a long, wrapped line doesn't start with the first character, '-'
+ characters are put before the number.
+ See |hl-LineNr| for the highlighting used for the number.
+ *'osfiletype'* *'oft'* *E366*
+'osfiletype' 'oft' string (RISC-OS default: "Text",
+ others default: "")
+ local to buffer
+ {not in Vi}
+ {only available when compiled with the |+osfiletype|
+ feature}
+ Some operating systems store extra information about files besides
+ name, datestamp and permissions. This option contains the extra
+ information, the nature of which will vary between systems.
+ The value of this option is usually set when the file is loaded, and
+ use to set the file type when file is written.
+ It can affect the pattern matching of the automatic commands.
+ |autocmd-osfiletypes|
+ *'paragraphs'* *'para'*
+'paragraphs' 'para' string (default "IPLPPPQPP LIpplpipbp")
+ global
+ Specifies the nroff macros that separate paragraphs. These are pairs
+ of two letters (see |object-motions|).
+ *'paste'* *'nopaste'*
+'paste' boolean (default off)
+ global
+ {not in Vi}
+ Put Vim in Paste mode. This is useful if you want to cut or copy
+ some text from one window and paste it in Vim. This will avoid
+ unexpected effects.
+ Setting this option is useful when using Vim in a terminal, where Vim
+ cannot distinguish between typed text and pasted text. In the GUI, Vim
+ knows about pasting and will mostly do the right thing without 'paste'
+ being set. The same is true for a terminal where Vim handles the
+ mouse clicks itself.
+ When the 'paste' option is switched on (also when it was already on):
+ - mapping in Insert mode and Command-line mode is disabled
+ - abbreviations are disabled
+ - 'textwidth' is set to 0
+ - 'wrapmargin' is set to 0
+ - 'autoindent' is reset
+ - 'smartindent' is reset
+ - 'softtabstop' is set to 0
+ - 'revins' is reset
+ - 'ruler' is reset
+ - 'showmatch' is reset
+ - 'formatoptions' is used like it is empty
+ These options keep their value, but their effect is disabled:
+ - 'lisp'
+ - 'indentexpr'
+ - 'cindent'
+ NOTE: When you start editing another file while the 'paste' option is
+ on, settings from the modelines or autocommands may change the
+ settings again, causing trouble when pasting text. You might want to
+ set the 'paste' option again.
+ When the 'paste' option is reset the mentioned options are restored to
+ the value before the moment 'paste' was switched from off to on.
+ Resetting 'paste' before ever setting it does not have any effect.
+ Since mapping doesn't work while 'paste' is active, you need to use
+ the 'pastetoggle' option to toggle the 'paste' option with some key.
+ *'pastetoggle'* *'pt'*
+'pastetoggle' 'pt' string (default "")
+ global
+ {not in Vi}
+ When non-empty, specifies the key sequence that toggles the 'paste'
+ option. This is like specifying a mapping: >
+ :map {keys} :set invpaste<CR>
+< Where {keys} is the value of 'pastetoggle'.
+ The difference is that it will work even when 'paste' is set.
+ 'pastetoggle' works in Insert mode and Normal mode, but not in
+ Command-line mode.
+ Mappings are checked first, thus overrule 'pastetoggle'. However,
+ when 'paste' is on mappings are ignored in Insert mode, thus you can do
+ this: >
+ :map <F10> :set paste<CR>
+ :map <F11> :set nopaste<CR>
+ :imap <F10> <C-O>:set paste<CR>
+ :imap <F11> <nop>
+ :set pastetoggle=<F11>
+< This will make <F10> start paste mode and <F11> stop paste mode.
+ Note that typing <F10> in paste mode inserts "<F10>", since in paste
+ mode everything is inserted literally, except the 'pastetoggle' key
+ sequence.
+ *'pex'* *'patchexpr'*
+'patchexpr' 'pex' string (default "")
+ global
+ {not in Vi}
+ {not available when compiled without the |+diff|
+ feature}
+ Expression which is evaluated to apply a patch to a file and generate
+ the resulting new version of the file. See |diff-patchexpr|.
+ *'patchmode'* *'pm'* *E206*
+'patchmode' 'pm' string (default "")
+ global
+ {not in Vi}
+ When non-empty the oldest version of a file is kept. This can be used
+ to keep the original version of a file if you are changing files in a
+ source distribution. Only the first time that a file is written a
+ copy of the original file will be kept. The name of the copy is the
+ name of the original file with the string in the 'patchmode' option
+ appended. This option should start with a dot. Use a string like
+ ".org". 'backupdir' must not be empty for this to work (Detail: The
+ backup file is renamed to the patchmode file after the new file has
+ been successfully written, that's why it must be possible to write a
+ backup file). If there was no file to be backed up, an empty file is
+ created.
+ When the 'backupskip' pattern matches, a patchmode file is not made.
+ Using 'patchmode' for compressed files appends the extension at the
+ end (e.g., "file.gz.orig"), thus the resulting name isn't always
+ recognized as a compressed file.
+ *'path'* *'pa'* *E343* *E345* *E347*
+'path' 'pa' string (default on Unix: ".,/usr/include,,"
+ on OS/2: ".,/emx/include,,"
+ other systems: ".,,")
+ global or local to buffer |global-local|
+ {not in Vi}
+ This is a list of directories which will be searched when using the
+ |gf|, [f, ]f, ^Wf, |:find| and other commands, provided that the file
+ being searched for has a relative path (not starting with '/'). The
+ directories in the 'path' option may be relative or absolute.
+ - Use commas to separate directory names: >
+ :set path=.,/usr/local/include,/usr/include
+< - Spaces can also be used to separate directory names (for backwards
+ compatibility with version 3.0). To have a space in a directory
+ name, precede it with an extra backslash, and escape the space: >
+ :set path=.,/dir/with\\\ space
+< - To include a comma in a directory name precede it with an extra
+ backslash: >
+ :set path=.,/dir/with\\,comma
+< - To search relative to the directory of the current file, use: >
+ :set path=.
+< - To search in the current directory use an empty string between two
+ commas: >
+ :set path=,,
+< - A directory name may end in a ':' or '/'.
+ - Environment variables are expanded |:set_env|.
+ - When using |netrw.vim| URLs can be used. For example, adding
+ "" will make ":find index.html" work.
+ - Search upwards and downwards in a directory tree:
+ 1) "*" matches a sequence of characters, e.g.: >
+ :set path=/usr/include/*
+< means all subdirectories in /usr/include (but not /usr/include
+ itself). >
+ :set path=/usr/*c
+< matches /usr/doc and /usr/src.
+ 2) "**" matches a subtree, up to 100 directories deep. Example: >
+ :set path=/home/user_x/src/**
+< means search in the whole subtree under "/home/usr_x/src".
+ 3) If the path ends with a ';', this path is the startpoint
+ for upward search.
+ See |file-searching| for more info and exact syntax.
+ {not available when compiled without the |+path_extra| feature}
+ - Careful with '\' characters, type two to get one in the option: >
+ :set path=.,c:\\include
+< Or just use '/' instead: >
+ :set path=.,c:/include
+< Don't forget "." or files won't even be found in the same directory as
+ the file!
+ The maximum length is limited. How much depends on the system, mostly
+ it is something like 256 or 1024 characters.
+ You can check if all the include files are found, using the value of
+ 'path', see |:checkpath|.
+ The use of |:set+=| and |:set-=| is preferred when adding or removing
+ directories from the list. This avoids problems when a future version
+ uses another default. To remove the current directory use: >
+ :set path-=
+< To add the current directory use: >
+ :set path+=
+< To use an environment variable, you probably need to replace the
+ separator. Here is an example to append $INCL, in which directory
+ names are separated with a semi-colon: >
+ :let &path = &path . "," . substitute($INCL, ';', ',', 'g')
+< Replace the ';' with a ':' or whatever separator is used. Note that
+ this doesn't work when $INCL contains a comma or white space.
+ *'preserveindent'* *'pi'* *'nopreserveindent'* *'nopi'*
+'preserveindent' 'pi' boolean (default off)
+ local to buffer
+ {not in Vi}
+ When changing the indent of the current line, preserve as much of the
+ indent structure as possible. Normally the indent is replaced by a
+ series of tabs followed by spaces as required (unless |'expandtab'| is
+ enabled, in which case only spaces are used). Enabling this option
+ means the indent will preserve as many existing characters as possible
+ for indenting, and only add additional tabs or spaces as required.
+ NOTE: When using ">>" multiple times the resulting indent is a mix of
+ tabs and spaces. You might not like this.
+ NOTE: 'preserveindent' is reset when 'compatible' is set.
+ Also see 'copyindent'.
+ Use |:retab| to clean up white space.
+ *'previewheight'* *'pvh'*
+'previewheight' 'pvh' number (default 12)
+ global
+ {not in Vi}
+ {not available when compiled without the |+windows| or
+ |+quickfix| feature}
+ Default height for a preview window. Used for |:ptag| and associated
+ commands. Used for |CTRL-W_}| when no count is given.
+ *'previewwindow'* *'nopreviewwindow'*
+ *'pvw'* *'nopvw'* *E590*
+'previewwindow' 'pvw' boolean (default off)
+ local to window
+ {not in Vi}
+ {not available when compiled without the |+windows| or
+ |+quickfix| feature}
+ Identifies the preview window. Only one window can have this option
+ set. It's normally not set directly, but by using one of the commands
+ |:ptag|, |:pedit|, etc.
+ *'printdevice'* *'pdev'*
+'printdevice' 'pdev' string (default empty)
+ global
+ {not in Vi}
+ {only available when compiled with the |+printer|
+ feature}
+ This defines the name of the printer to be used when the |:hardcopy|
+ command is issued with a bang (!) to skip the printer selection
+ dialog. On Win32, it should be the printer name exactly as it appears
+ in the standard printer dialog.
+ If the option is empty, then vim will use the system default printer
+ for ":hardcopy!"
+ *'printencoding'* *'penc'* *E620*
+'printencoding' 'penc' String (default empty, except for:
+ Windows, OS/2: cp1252,
+ Macintosh: mac-roman,
+ VMS: dec-mcs,
+ HPUX: hp-roman8,
+ EBCDIC: ebcdic-uk)
+ global
+ {not in Vi}
+ {only available when compiled with the |+printer|
+ and |+postscript| features}
+ Sets the character encoding used when printing. This option tells VIM
+ which print character encoding file from the "print" directory in
+ 'runtimepath' to use.
+ This option will accept any value from |encoding-names|. Any
+ recognized names are converted to VIM standard names - see 'encoding'
+ for more details. Names not recognized by VIM will just be converted
+ to lower case and underscores replaced with '-' signs.
+ If 'printencoding' is empty or VIM cannot find the file then it will
+ use 'encoding' (if VIM is compiled with |+multi_byte| and it is set an
+ 8-bit encoding) to find the print character encoding file. If VIM is
+ unable to find a character encoding file then it will use the "latin1"
+ print character encoding file.
+ When 'encoding' is set to a multi-byte encoding, VIM will try to
+ convert characters to the printing encoding for printing (if
+ 'printencoding' is empty then the conversion will be to latin1).
+ Conversion to a printing encoding other than latin1 will require VIM
+ to be compiled with the |+iconv| feature. If no conversion is
+ possible then printing will fail. Any characters that cannot be
+ converted will be replaced with upside down question marks.
+ Four print character encoding files are provided to support default
+ Mac, VMS, HPUX, and EBCDIC character encodings and are used by default
+ on these platforms. Code page 1252 print character encoding is used
+ by default on Windows and OS/2 platforms.
+ *'printexpr'* *'pexpr'*
+'printexpr' 'pexpr' String (default: see below)
+ global
+ {not in Vi}
+ {only available when compiled with the |+printer|
+ and |+postscript| features}
+ Expression that is evaluated to print the PostScript produced with
+ ":hardcopy".
+ The file name to be printed is in |v:fname_in|.
+ The arguments to the ":hardcopy" command are in |v:cmdarg|.
+ The expression must take care of deleting the file after printing it.
+ When there is an error, the expression must return a non-zero number.
+ If there is no error, return zero or an empty string.
+ The default for non MS-Windows or VMS systems is to simply use "lpr"
+ to print the file: >
+ system('lpr' . (&printdevice == '' ? '' : ' -P' . &printdevice)
+ . ' ' . v:fname_in) . delete(v:fname_in) + v:shell_error
+ On MS-Windows machines the default is to copy the file to the
+ currently specified printdevice: >
+ system('copy' . ' ' . v:fname_in . ' "' . &printdevice . '"')
+ . delete(v:fname_in)
+ On VMS machines the default is to send the file to either the default
+ or currently specified printdevice: >
+ system('print' . (&printdevice == '' ? '' : ' /queue=' .
+ &printdevice) . ' ' . v:fname_in) . delete(v:fname_in)
+ If you change this option, using a function is an easy way to avoid
+ having to escape all the spaces. Example: >
+ :set printexpr=PrintFile(v:fname_in)
+ :function PrintFile(fname)
+ : call system("ghostview " . a:fname)
+ : call delete(a:fname)
+ : return v:shell_error
+ :endfunc
+< Be aware that some print programs return control before they have read
+ the file. If you delete the file too soon it will not be printed.
+ These programs usually offer an option to have them remove the file
+ when printing is done.
+ *E365*
+ If evaluating the expression fails or it results in a non-zero number,
+ you get an error message. In that case Vim will delete the
+ file. In the default value for non-MS-Windows a trick is used: Adding
+ "v:shell_error" will result in a non-zero number when the system()
+ call fails.
+ This option cannot be set from a |modeline| or in the |sandbox|, for
+ security reasons.
+ *'printfont'* *'pfn'* *E613*
+'printfont' 'pfn' string (default "courier")
+ global
+ {not in Vi}
+ {only available when compiled with the |+printer|
+ feature}
+ This is the name of the font that will be used for the |:hardcopy|
+ command's output. It has the same format as the 'guifont' option,
+ except that only one font may be named, and the special "guifont=*"
+ syntax is not available.
+ In the Win32 GUI version this specifies a font name with its extra
+ attributes, as with the 'guifont' option.
+ For other systems, only ":h11" is recognized, where "11" is the point
+ size of the font. When omitted, the point size is 10.
+ *'printheader'* *'pheader'*
+'printheader' 'pheader' string (default "%<%f%h%m%=Page %N")
+ global
+ {not in Vi}
+ {only available when compiled with the |+printer|
+ feature}
+ This defines the format of the header produced in |:hardcopy| output.
+ The option is defined in the same way as the 'statusline' option.
+ If Vim has not been compiled with the |+statusline| feature, this
+ option has no effect and a simple default header is used, which shows
+ the page number.
+ *'printoptions'* *'popt'*
+'printoptions' 'popt' string (default "")
+ global
+ {not in Vi}
+ {only available when compiled with |+printer| feature}
+ This is a comma-separated list of items that control the format of
+ the output of |:hardcopy|:
+ left:{spec} left margin (default: 10pc)
+ right:{spec} right margin (default: 5pc)
+ top:{spec} top margin (default: 5pc)
+ bottom:{spec} bottom margin (default: 5pc)
+ {spec} is a number followed by "in" for
+ inches, "pt" for points (1 point is 1/72 of an
+ inch), "mm" for millimeters or "pc" for a
+ percentage of the media size.
+ Weird example:
+ left:2in,top:30pt,right:16mm,bottom:3pc
+ If the unit is not recognized there is no
+ error and the default value is used.
+ header:{nr} Number of lines to reserve for the header.
+ Only the first line is actually filled, thus
+ when {nr} is 2 there is one empty line. The
+ header is formatted according to
+ 'printheader'.
+ header:0 Do not print a header.
+ header:2 (default) Use two lines for the header
+ syntax:n Do not use syntax highlighting. This is
+ faster and thus useful when printing large
+ files.
+ syntax:y Do syntax highlighting.
+ syntax:a (default) Use syntax highlighting if the printer appears
+ to be able to print color or grey.
+ number:y Include line numbers in the printed output.
+ number:n (default) No line numbers.
+ wrap:y (default) Wrap long lines.
+ wrap:n Truncate long lines.
+ duplex:off Print on one side.
+ duplex:long (default) Print on both sides (when possible), bind on
+ long side.
+ duplex:short Print on both sides (when possible), bind on
+ short side.
+ collate:y (default) Collating: 1 2 3, 1 2 3, 1 2 3
+ collate:n No collating: 1 1 1, 2 2 2, 3 3 3
+ jobsplit:n (default) Do all copies in one print job
+ jobsplit:y Do each copy as a separate print job. Useful
+ when doing N-up postprocessing.
+ portrait:y (default) Orientation is portrait.
+ portrait:n Orientation is landscape.
+ *a4* *letter*
+ paper:A4 (default) Paper size: A4
+ paper:{name} Paper size from this table:
+ {name} size in cm size in inch ~
+ 10x14 25.4 x 35.57 10 x 14
+ A3 29.7 x 42 11.69 x 16.54
+ A4 21 x 29.7 8.27 x 11.69
+ A5 14.8 x 21 5.83 x 8.27
+ B4 25 x 35.3 10.12 x 14.33
+ B5 17.6 x 25 7.17 x 10.12
+ executive 18.42 x 26.67 7.25 x 10.5
+ folio 21 x 33 8.27 x 13
+ ledger 43.13 x 27.96 17 x 11
+ legal 21.59 x 35.57 8.5 x 14
+ letter 21.59 x 27.96 8.5 x 11
+ quarto 21.59 x 27.5 8.5 x 10.83
+ statement 13.97 x 21.59 5.5 x 8.5
+ tabloid 27.96 x 43.13 11 x 17
+ formfeed:n (default) Treat form feed characters (0x0c) as a normal
+ print character.
+ formfeed:y When a form feed character is encountered,
+ continue printing of the current line at the
+ beginning of the first line on a new page.
+ The item indicated with (default) is used when the item is not
+ present. The values are not always used, especially when using a
+ dialog to select the printer and options.
+ Example: >
+ :set printoptions=paper:letter,duplex:off
+ *'readonly'* *'ro'* *'noreadonly'* *'noro'*
+'readonly' 'ro' boolean (default off)
+ local to buffer
+ If on, writes fail unless you use a '!'. Protects you from
+ accidentally overwriting a file. Default on when Vim is started
+ in read-only mode ("vim -R") or when the executable is called "view".
+ {not in Vi:} When using the ":view" command the 'readonly' option is
+ set for the newly edited buffer. When using ":w!" the 'readonly'
+ option is reset for the current buffer.
+ *'remap'* *'noremap'*
+'remap' boolean (default on)
+ global
+ Allows for mappings to work recursively. If you do not want this for
+ a single entry, use the :noremap[!] command.
+ *'report'*
+'report' number (default 2)
+ global
+ Threshold for reporting number of lines changed. When the number of
+ changed lines is more than 'report' a message will be given for most
+ ":" commands. If you want it always, set 'report' to 0.
+ For the ":substitute" command the number of substitutions is used
+ instead of the number of lines.
+ *'restorescreen'* *'rs'* *'norestorescreen'* *'nors'*
+'restorescreen' 'rs' boolean (default on)
+ global
+ {not in Vi} {only in Windows 95/NT console version}
+ When set, the screen contents is restored when exiting Vim. This also
+ happens when executing external commands.
+ For non-Windows Vim: You can set or reset the 't_ti' and 't_te'
+ options in your .vimrc. To disable restoring:
+ set t_ti= t_te=
+ To enable restoring (for an xterm):
+ set t_ti=^[7^[[r^[[?47h t_te=^[[?47l^[8
+ (Where ^[ is an <Esc>, type CTRL-V <Esc> to insert it)
+ *'revins'* *'ri'* *'norevins'* *'nori'*
+'revins' 'ri' boolean (default off)
+ global
+ {not in Vi}
+ {only available when compiled with the |+rightleft|
+ feature}
+ Inserting characters in Insert mode will work backwards. See "typing
+ backwards" |ins-reverse|. This option can be toggled with the CTRL-_
+ command in Insert mode, when 'allowrevins' is set.
+ NOTE: This option is reset when 'compatible' or 'paste' is set.
+ *'rightleft'* *'rl'* *'norightleft'* *'norl'*
+'rightleft' 'rl' boolean (default off)
+ local to window
+ {not in Vi}
+ {only available when compiled with the |+rightleft|
+ feature}
+ When on, display orientation becomes right-to-left, i.e., characters
+ that are stored in the file appear from the right to the left.
+ Using this option, it is possible to edit files for languages that
+ are written from the right to the left such as Hebrew and Arabic.
+ This option is per window, so it is possible to edit mixed files
+ simultaneously, or to view the same file in both ways (this is
+ useful whenever you have a mixed text file with both right-to-left
+ and left-to-right strings so that both sets are displayed properly
+ in different windows). Also see |rileft.txt|.
+ *'rightleftcmd'* *'rlc'* *'norightleftcmd'* *'norlc'*
+'rightleftcmd' 'rlc' string (default "search")
+ local to window
+ {not in Vi}
+ {only available when compiled with the |+rightleft|
+ feature}
+ Each word in this option enables the command line editing to work in
+ right-to-left mode for a group of commands:
+ search "/" and "?" commands
+ This is useful for languages such as Hebrew, Arabic and Farsi.
+ The 'rightleft' option must be set for 'rightleftcmd' to take effect.
+ *'ruler'* *'ru'* *'noruler'* *'noru'*
+'ruler' 'ru' boolean (default off)
+ global
+ {not in Vi}
+ {not available when compiled without the
+ |+cmdline_info| feature}
+ Show the line and column number of the cursor position, separated by a
+ comma. When there is room, the relative position of the displayed
+ text in the file is shown on the far right:
+ Top first line is visible
+ Bot last line is visible
+ All first and last line are visible
+ 45% relative position in the file
+ If 'rulerformat' is set, it will determine the contents of the ruler.
+ Each window has its own ruler. If a window has a status line, the
+ ruler is shown there. Otherwise it is shown in the last line of the
+ screen. If the statusline is given by 'statusline' (ie. not empty),
+ this option takes precedence over 'ruler' and 'rulerformat'
+ If the number of characters displayed is different from the number of
+ bytes in the text (e.g., for a TAB or a multi-byte character), both
+ the text column (byte number) and the screen column are shown,
+ separated with a dash.
+ For an empty line "0-1" is shown.
+ For an empty buffer the line number will also be zero: "0,0-1".
+ This option is reset when the 'paste' option is set.
+ If you don't want to see the ruler all the time but want to know where
+ you are, use "g CTRL-G" |g_CTRL-G|.
+ NOTE: This option is reset when 'compatible' is set.
+ *'rulerformat'* *'ruf'*
+'rulerformat' 'ruf' string (default empty)
+ global
+ {not in Vi}
+ {not available when compiled without the |+statusline|
+ feature}
+ When this option is not empty, it determines the content of the ruler
+ string, as displayed for the 'ruler' option.
+ The format of this option, is like that of 'statusline'.
+ The default ruler width is 17 characters. To make the ruler 15
+ characters wide, put "%15(" at the start and "%)" at the end.
+ Example: >
+ :set rulerformat=%15(%c%V\ %p%%%)
+ *'runtimepath'* *'rtp'* *vimfiles*
+'runtimepath' 'rtp' string (default:
+ Unix: "$HOME/.vim,
+ $VIM/vimfiles,
+ $VIM/vimfiles/after,
+ $HOME/.vim/after"
+ Amiga: "home:vimfiles,
+ $VIM/vimfiles,
+ $VIM/vimfiles/after,
+ home:vimfiles/after"
+ PC, OS/2: "$HOME/vimfiles,
+ $VIM/vimfiles,
+ $VIM/vimfiles/after,
+ $HOME/vimfiles/after"
+ Macintosh: "$VIM:vimfiles,
+ $VIM:vimfiles:after"
+ RISC-OS: "Choices:vimfiles,
+ Choices:vimfiles/after"
+ VMS: "sys$login:vimfiles,
+ $VIM/vimfiles,
+ $VIM/vimfiles/after,
+ sys$login:vimfiles/after"
+ global
+ {not in Vi}
+ This is a list of directories which will be searched for runtime
+ files:
+ filetype.vim filetypes by file name |new-filetype|
+ scripts.vim filetypes by file contents |new-filetype-scripts|
+ colors/ color scheme files |:colorscheme|
+ compiler/ compiler files |:compiler|
+ doc/ documentation |write-local-help|
+ ftplugin/ filetype plugins |write-filetype-plugin|
+ indent/ indent scripts |indent-expression|
+ keymap/ key mapping files |mbyte-keymap|
+ lang/ menu translations |:menutrans|
+ menu.vim GUI menus |menu.vim|
+ plugin/ plugin scripts |write-plugin|
+ print/ files for printing |postscript-print-encoding|
+ syntax/ syntax files |mysyntaxfile|
+ tutor/ files for vimtutor |tutor|
+ And any other file searched for with the |:runtime| command.
+ The defaults for most systems are setup to search five locations:
+ 1. In your home directory, for your personal preferences.
+ 2. In a system-wide Vim directory, for preferences from the system
+ administrator.
+ 3. In $VIMRUNTIME, for files distributed with Vim.
+ *after-directory*
+ 4. In the "after" directory in the system-wide Vim directory. This is
+ for the system administrator to overrule or add to the distributed
+ defaults (rarely needed)
+ 5. In the "after" directory in your home directory. This is for
+ personal preferences to overrule or add to the distributed defaults
+ or system-wide settings (rarely needed).
+ Note that, unlike 'path', no wildcards like "**" are allowed. Normal
+ wildcards are allowed, but can significantly slow down searching for
+ runtime files. For speed, use as few items as possible and avoid
+ wildcards.
+ See |:runtime|.
+ Example: >
+ :set runtimepath=~/vimruntime,/mygroup/vim,$VIMRUNTIME
+< This will use the directory "~/vimruntime" first (containing your
+ personal Vim runtime files), then "/mygroup/vim" (shared between a
+ group of people) and finally "$VIMRUNTIME" (the distributed runtime
+ files).
+ You probably should always include $VIMRUNTIME somewhere, to use the
+ distributed runtime files. You can put a directory before $VIMRUNTIME
+ to find files which replace a distributed runtime files. You can put
+ a directory after $VIMRUNTIME to find files which add to distributed
+ runtime files.
+ This option cannot be set from a |modeline| or in the |sandbox|, for
+ security reasons.
+ *'scroll'* *'scr'*
+'scroll' 'scr' number (default: half the window height)
+ local to window
+ Number of lines to scroll with CTRL-U and CTRL-D commands. Will be
+ set to half the number of lines in the window when the window size
+ changes. If you give a count to the CTRL-U or CTRL-D command it will
+ be used as the new value for 'scroll'. Reset to half the window
+ height with ":set scroll=0". {Vi is a bit different: 'scroll' gives
+ the number of screen lines instead of file lines, makes a difference
+ when lines wrap}
+ *'scrollbind'* *'scb'* *'noscrollbind'* *'noscb'*
+'scrollbind' 'scb' boolean (default off)
+ local to window
+ {not in Vi}
+ {not available when compiled without the |+scrollbind|
+ feature}
+ See also |scroll-binding|. When this option is set, the current
+ window scrolls as other scrollbind windows (windows that also have
+ this option set) scroll. This option is useful for viewing the
+ differences between two versions of a file, see 'diff'.
+ See |'scrollopt'| for options that determine how this option should be
+ interpreted.
+ This option is mostly reset when splitting a window to edit another
+ file. This means that ":split | edit file" results in two windows
+ with scroll-binding, but ":split file" does not.
+ *'scrolljump'* *'sj'*
+'scrolljump' 'sj' number (default 1)
+ global
+ {not in Vi}
+ Minimal number of lines to scroll when the cursor gets off the
+ screen (e.g., with "j"). Not used for scroll commands (e.g., CTRL-E,
+ CTRL-D). Useful if your terminal scrolls very slowly.
+ NOTE: This option is set to 1 when 'compatible' is set.
+ *'scrolloff'* *'so'*
+'scrolloff' 'so' number (default 0)
+ global
+ {not in Vi}
+ Minimal number of screen lines to keep above and below the cursor.
+ This will make some context visible around where you are working. If
+ you set it to a very large value (999) the cursor line will always be
+ in the middle of the window (except at the start or end of the file or
+ when long lines wrap).
+ For scrolling horizontally see 'sidescrolloff'.
+ NOTE: This option is set to 0 when 'compatible' is set.
+ *'scrollopt'* *'sbo'*
+'scrollopt' 'sbo' string (default "ver,jump")
+ global
+ {not available when compiled without the |+scrollbind|
+ feature}
+ {not in Vi}
+ This is a comma-separated list of words that specifies how
+ 'scrollbind' windows should behave.
+ The following words are available:
+ ver Bind vertical scrolling for 'scrollbind' windows
+ hor Bind horizontal scrolling for 'scrollbind' windows
+ jump Applies to the offset between two windows for vertical
+ scrolling. This offset is the difference in the first
+ displayed line of the bound windows. When moving
+ around in a window, another 'scrollbind' window may
+ reach a position before the start or after the end of
+ the buffer. The offset is not changed though, when
+ moving back the 'scrollbind' window will try to scroll
+ to the desired position when possible.
+ When now making that window the current one, two
+ things can be done with the relative offset:
+ 1. When "jump" is not included, the relative offset is
+ adjusted for the scroll position in the new current
+ window. When going back to the other window, the
+ the new relative offset will be used.
+ 2. When "jump" is included, the other windows are
+ scrolled to keep the same relative offset. When
+ going back to the other window, it still uses the
+ same relative offset.
+ Also see |scroll-binding|.
+ *'sections'* *'sect'*
+'sections' 'sect' string (default "SHNHH HUnhsh")
+ global
+ Specifies the nroff macros that separate sections. These are pairs of
+ two letters (See |object-motions|). The default makes a section start
+ at the nroff macros ".SH", ".NH", ".H", ".HU", ".nh" and ".sh".
+ *'secure'* *'nosecure'* *E523*
+'secure' boolean (default off)
+ global
+ {not in Vi}
+ When on, ":autocmd", shell and write commands are not allowed in
+ ".vimrc" and ".exrc" in the current directory and map commands are
+ displayed. Switch it off only if you know that you will not run into
+ problems, or when the 'exrc' option is off. On Unix this option is
+ only used if the ".vimrc" or ".exrc" is not owned by you. This can be
+ dangerous if the systems allows users to do a "chown". You better set
+ 'secure' at the end of your ~/.vimrc then.
+ This option cannot be set from a |modeline| or in the |sandbox|, for
+ security reasons.
+ *'selection'* *'sel'*
+'selection' 'sel' string (default "inclusive")
+ global
+ {not in Vi}
+ This option defines the behavior of the selection. It is only used
+ in Visual and Select mode.
+ Possible values:
+ value past line inclusive ~
+ old no yes
+ inclusive yes yes
+ exclusive yes no
+ "past line" means that the cursor is allowed to be positioned one
+ character past the line.
+ "inclusive" means that the last character of the selection is included
+ in an operation. For example, when "x" is used to delete the
+ selection.
+ Note that when "exclusive" is used and selecting from the end
+ backwards, you cannot include the last character of a line, when
+ starting in Normal mode and 'virtualedit' empty.
+ The 'selection' option is set by the |:behave| command.
+ *'selectmode'* *'slm'*
+'selectmode' 'slm' string (default "")
+ global
+ {not in Vi}
+ This is a comma separated list of words, which specifies when to start
+ Select mode instead of Visual mode, when a selection is started.
+ Possible values:
+ mouse when using the mouse
+ key when using shifted special keys
+ cmd when using "v", "V" or CTRL-V
+ See |Select-mode|.
+ The 'selectmode' option is set by the |:behave| command.
+ *'sessionoptions'* *'ssop'*
+'sessionoptions' 'ssop' string (default: "blank,buffers,curdir,folds,
+ help,options,winsize")
+ global
+ {not in Vi}
+ {not available when compiled without the +mksession
+ feature}
+ Changes the effect of the |:mksession| command. It is a comma
+ separated list of words. Each word enables saving and restoring
+ something:
+ word save and restore ~
+ blank empty windows
+ buffers hidden and unloaded buffers, not just those in windows
+ curdir the current directory
+ folds manually created folds, opened/closed folds and local
+ fold options
+ globals global variables that start with an uppercase letter
+ and contain at least one lowercase letter.
+ help the help window
+ localoptions options and mappings local to a window or buffer (not
+ global values for local options)
+ options all options and mappings (also global values for local
+ options)
+ resize size of the Vim window: 'lines' and 'columns'
+ sesdir the directory in which the session file is located
+ will become the current directory (useful with
+ projects accessed over a network from different
+ systems)
+ slash backslashes in file names replaced with forward
+ slashes
+ unix with Unix end-of-line format (single <NL>), even when
+ on Windows or DOS
+ winpos position of the whole Vim window
+ winsize window sizes
+ Don't include both "curdir" and "sesdir".
+ When "curdir" nor "sesdir" is included, file names are stored with
+ absolute paths.
+ "slash" and "unix" are useful on Windows when sharing session files
+ with Unix. The Unix version of Vim cannot source dos format scripts,
+ but the Windows version of Vim can source unix format scripts.
+ *'shell'* *'sh'* *E91*
+'shell' 'sh' string (default $SHELL or "sh",
+ MS-DOS and Win32: "" or
+ "cmd.exe", OS/2: "cmd")
+ global
+ Name of the shell to use for ! and :! commands. When changing the
+ value also check these options: 'shelltype', 'shellpipe', 'shellslash'
+ 'shellredir', 'shellquote', 'shellxquote' and 'shellcmdflag'.
+ It is allowed to give an argument to the command, e.g. "csh -f".
+ See |option-backslash| about including spaces and backslashes.
+ Environment variables are expanded |:set_env|.
+ If the name of the shell contains a space, you might need to enclose
+ it in quotes. Example: >
+ :set shell=\"c:\program\ files\unix\sh.exe\"\ -f
+< Note the backslash before each quote (to avoid starting a comment) and
+ each space (to avoid ending the option value). Also note that the
+ "-f" is not inside the quotes, because it is not part of the command
+ name. And Vim automagically recognizes the backslashes that are path
+ separators.
+ For Dos 32 bits (DJGPP), you can set the $DJSYSFLAGS environment
+ variable to change the way external commands are executed. See the
+ libc.inf file of DJGPP.
+ Under MS-Windows, when the executable ends in ".com" it must be
+ included. Thus setting the shell to "" or ""
+ works, but "command" and "4dos" do not work for all commands (e.g.,
+ filtering).
+ For unknown reasons, when using "" the current directory is
+ changed to "C:\". To avoid this set 'shell' like this: >
+ :set\ /c\ 4dos
+< This option cannot be set from a |modeline| or in the |sandbox|, for
+ security reasons.
+ *'shellcmdflag'* *'shcf'*
+'shellcmdflag' 'shcf' string (default: "-c", MS-DOS and Win32, when 'shell'
+ does not contain "sh" somewhere: "/c")
+ global
+ {not in Vi}
+ Flag passed to the shell to execute "!" and ":!" commands; e.g.,
+ "bash.exe -c ls" or " /c dir". For the MS-DOS-like
+ systems, the default is set according to the value of 'shell', to
+ reduce the need to set this option by the user. It's not used for
+ OS/2 (EMX figures this out itself). See |option-backslash| about
+ including spaces and backslashes. See |dos-shell|.
+ This option cannot be set from a |modeline| or in the |sandbox|, for
+ security reasons.
+ *'shellpipe'* *'sp'*
+'shellpipe' 'sp' string (default ">", "| tee", "|& tee" or "2>&1| tee")
+ global
+ {not in Vi}
+ {not available when compiled without the |+quickfix|
+ feature}
+ String to be used to put the output of the ":make" command in the
+ error file. See also |:make_makeprg|. See |option-backslash| about
+ including spaces and backslashes.
+ The name of the temporary file can be represented by "%s" if necessary
+ (the file name is appended automatically if no %s appears in the value
+ of this option).
+ For the Amiga and MS-DOS the default is ">". The output is directly
+ saved in a file and not echoed to the screen.
+ For Unix the default it "| tee". The stdout of the compiler is saved
+ in a file and echoed to the screen. If the 'shell' option is "csh" or
+ "tcsh" after initializations, the default becomes "|& tee". If the
+ 'shell' option is "sh", "ksh", "zsh" or "bash" the default becomes
+ "2>&1| tee". This means that stderr is also included.
+ The initialization of this option is done after reading the ".vimrc"
+ and the other initializations, so that when the 'shell' option is set
+ there, the 'shellpipe' option changes automatically, unless it was
+ explicitly set before.
+ When 'shellpipe' is set to an empty string, no redirection of the
+ ":make" output will be done. This is useful if you use a 'makeprg'
+ that writes to 'makeef' by itself. If you want no piping, but do
+ want to include the 'makeef', set 'shellpipe' to a single space.
+ Don't forget to precede the space with a backslash: ":set sp=\ ".
+ In the future pipes may be used for filtering and this option will
+ become obsolete (at least for Unix).
+ This option cannot be set from a |modeline| or in the |sandbox|, for
+ security reasons.
+ *'shellquote'* *'shq'*
+'shellquote' 'shq' string (default: ""; MS-DOS and Win32, when 'shell'
+ contains "sh" somewhere: "\"")
+ global
+ {not in Vi}
+ Quoting character(s), put around the command passed to the shell, for
+ the "!" and ":!" commands. The redirection is kept outside of the
+ quoting. See 'shellxquote' to include the redirection. It's
+ probably not useful to set both options.
+ This is an empty string by default. Only known to be useful for
+ third-party shells on MS-DOS-like systems, such as the MKS Korn Shell
+ or bash, where it should be "\"". The default is adjusted according
+ the value of 'shell', to reduce the need to set this option by the
+ user. See |dos-shell|.
+ This option cannot be set from a |modeline| or in the |sandbox|, for
+ security reasons.
+ *'shellredir'* *'srr'*
+'shellredir' 'srr' string (default ">", ">&" or ">%s 2>&1")
+ global
+ {not in Vi}
+ String to be used to put the output of a filter command in a temporary
+ file. See also |:!|. See |option-backslash| about including spaces
+ and backslashes.
+ The name of the temporary file can be represented by "%s" if necessary
+ (the file name is appended automatically if no %s appears in the value
+ of this option).
+ The default is ">". For Unix, if the 'shell' option is "csh", "tcsh"
+ or "zsh" during initializations, the default becomes ">&". If the
+ 'shell' option is "sh", "ksh" or "bash" the default becomes
+ ">%s 2>&1". This means that stderr is also included.
+ For Win32, the Unix checks are done and additionally "cmd" is checked
+ for, which makes the default ">%s 2>&1". Also, the same names with
+ ".exe" appended are checked for.
+ The initialization of this option is done after reading the ".vimrc"
+ and the other initializations, so that when the 'shell' option is set
+ there, the 'shellredir' option changes automatically unless it was
+ explicitly set before.
+ In the future pipes may be used for filtering and this option will
+ become obsolete (at least for Unix).
+ This option cannot be set from a |modeline| or in the |sandbox|, for
+ security reasons.
+ *'shellslash'* *'ssl'* *'noshellslash'* *'nossl'*
+'shellslash' 'ssl' boolean (default off)
+ global
+ {not in Vi} {only for MSDOS, MS-Windows and OS/2}
+ When set, a forward slash is used when expanding file names. This is
+ useful when a Unix-like shell is used instead of or
+ cmd.exe. Backward slashes can still be typed, but they are changed to
+ forward slashes by Vim.
+ Note that setting or resetting this option has no effect for some
+ existing file names, thus this option needs to be set before opening
+ any file for best results. This might change in the future.
+ 'shellslash' only works when a backslash can be used as a path
+ separator. To test if this is so use: >
+ if exists('+shellslash')
+ *'shelltype'* *'st'*
+'shelltype' 'st' number (default 0)
+ global
+ {not in Vi} {only for the Amiga}
+ On the Amiga this option influences the way how the commands work
+ which use a shell.
+ 0 and 1: always use the shell
+ 2 and 3: use the shell only to filter lines
+ 4 and 5: use shell only for ':sh' command
+ When not using the shell, the command is executed directly.
+ 0 and 2: use "shell 'shellcmdflag' cmd" to start external commands
+ 1 and 3: use "shell cmd" to start external commands
+ *'shellxquote'* *'sxq'*
+'shellxquote' 'sxq' string (default: "";
+ for Win32, when 'shell' contains "sh"
+ somewhere: "\""
+ for Unix, when using system(): "\"")
+ global
+ {not in Vi}
+ Quoting character(s), put around the command passed to the shell, for
+ the "!" and ":!" commands. Includes the redirection. See
+ 'shellquote' to exclude the redirection. It's probably not useful
+ to set both options.
+ This is an empty string by default. Known to be useful for
+ third-party shells when using the Win32 version, such as the MKS Korn
+ Shell or bash, where it should be "\"". The default is adjusted
+ according the value of 'shell', to reduce the need to set this option
+ by the user. See |dos-shell|.
+ This option cannot be set from a |modeline| or in the |sandbox|, for
+ security reasons.
+ *'shiftround'* *'sr'* *'noshiftround'* *'nosr'*
+'shiftround' 'sr' boolean (default off)
+ global
+ {not in Vi}
+ Round indent to multiple of 'shiftwidth'. Applies to > and <
+ commands. CTRL-T and CTRL-D in Insert mode always round the indent to
+ a multiple of 'shiftwidth' (this is Vi compatible).
+ NOTE: This option is reset when 'compatible' is set.
+ *'shiftwidth'* *'sw'*
+'shiftwidth' 'sw' number (default 8)
+ local to buffer
+ Number of spaces to use for each step of (auto)indent. Used for
+ |'cindent'|, |>>|, |<<|, etc.
+ *'shortmess'* *'shm'*
+'shortmess' 'shm' string (Vim default "filnxtToO", Vi default: "")
+ global
+ {not in Vi}
+ This option helps to avoid all the |hit-enter| prompts caused by file
+ messages, for example with CTRL-G, and to avoid some other messages.
+ It is a list of flags:
+ flag meaning when present ~
+ f use "(3 of 5)" instead of "(file 3 of 5)"
+ i use "[noeol]" instead of "[Incomplete last line]"
+ l use "999L, 888C" instead of "999 lines, 888 characters"
+ m use "[+]" instead of "[Modified]"
+ n use "[New]" instead of "[New File]"
+ r use "[RO]" instead of "[readonly]"
+ w use "[w]" instead of "written" for file write message
+ and "[a]" instead of "appended" for ':w >> file' command
+ x use "[dos]" instead of "[dos format]", "[unix]" instead of
+ "[unix format]" and "[mac]" instead of "[mac format]".
+ a all of the above abbreviations
+ o overwrite message for writing a file with subsequent message
+ for reading a file (useful for ":wn" or when 'autowrite' on)
+ O message for reading a file overwrites any previous message.
+ Also for quickfix message (e.g., ":cn").
+ s don't give "search hit BOTTOM, continuing at TOP" or "search
+ hit TOP, continuing at BOTTOM" messages
+ t truncate file message at the start if it is too long to fit
+ on the command-line, "<" will appear in the left most column.
+ Ignored in Ex mode.
+ T truncate other messages in the middle if they are too long to
+ fit on the command line. "..." will appear in the middle.
+ Ignored in Ex mode.
+ W don't give "written" or "[w]" when writing a file
+ A don't give the "ATTENTION" message when an existing swap file
+ is found.
+ I don't give the intro message when starting Vim |:intro|.
+ This gives you the opportunity to avoid that a change between buffers
+ requires you to hit <Enter>, but still gives as useful a message as
+ possible for the space available. To get the whole message that you
+ would have got with 'shm' empty, use ":file!"
+ Useful values:
+ shm= No abbreviation of message.
+ shm=a Abbreviation, but no loss of information.
+ shm=at Abbreviation, and truncate message when necessary.
+ NOTE: This option is set to the Vi default value when 'compatible' is
+ set and to the Vim default value when 'compatible' is reset.
+ *'shortname'* *'sn'* *'noshortname'* *'nosn'*
+'shortname' 'sn' boolean (default off)
+ local to buffer
+ {not in Vi, not in MS-DOS versions}
+ Filenames are assumed to be 8 characters plus one extension of 3
+ characters. Multiple dots in file names are not allowed. When this
+ option is on, dots in file names are replaced with underscores when
+ adding an extension (".~" or ".swp"). This option is not available
+ for MS-DOS, because then it would always be on. This option is useful
+ when editing files on an MS-DOS compatible filesystem, e.g., messydos
+ or crossdos. When running the Win32 GUI version under Win32s, this
+ option is always on by default.
+ *'showbreak'* *'sbr'* *E595*
+'showbreak' 'sbr' string (default "")
+ global
+ {not in Vi}
+ {not available when compiled without the |+linebreak|
+ feature}
+ String to put at the start of lines that have been wrapped. Useful
+ values are "> " or "+++ ".
+ Only printable single-cell characters are allowed, excluding <Tab> and
+ comma (in a future version the comma might be used to separate the
+ part that is shown at the end and at the start of a line).
+ The characters are highlighted according to the '@' flag in
+ 'highlight'.
+ Note that tabs after the showbreak will be displayed differently.
+ If you want the 'showbreak' to appear in between line numbers, add the
+ "n" flag to 'cpoptions'.
+ *'showcmd'* *'sc'* *'noshowcmd'* *'nosc'*
+'showcmd' 'sc' boolean (Vim default: on, off for Unix, Vi default:
+ off)
+ global
+ {not in Vi}
+ {not available when compiled without the
+ |+cmdline_info| feature}
+ Show (partial) command in status line. Set this option off if your
+ terminal is slow.
+ In Visual mode the size of the selected area is shown:
+ - When selecting characters within a line, the number of characters.
+ - When selecting more than one line, the number of lines.
+ - When selecting a block, the size in screen characters: linesxcolumns.
+ NOTE: This option is set to the Vi default value when 'compatible' is
+ set and to the Vim default value when 'compatible' is reset.
+ *'showfulltag'* *'sft'* *'noshowfulltag'* *'nosft'*
+'showfulltag' 'sft' boolean (default off)
+ global
+ {not in Vi}
+ When completing a word in insert mode (see |ins-completion|) from the
+ tags file, show both the tag name and a tidied-up form of the search
+ pattern (if there is one) as possible matches. Thus, if you have
+ matched a C function, you can see a template for what arguments are
+ required (coding style permitting).
+ *'showmatch'* *'sm'* *'noshowmatch'* *'nosm'*
+'showmatch' 'sm' boolean (default off)
+ global
+ When a bracket is inserted, briefly jump to the matching one. The
+ jump is only done if the match can be seen on the screen. The time to
+ show the match can be set with 'matchtime'.
+ A Beep is given if there is no match (no matter if the match can be
+ seen or not). This option is reset when the 'paste' option is set.
+ When the 'm' flag is not included in 'cpoptions', typing a character
+ will immediately move the cursor back to where it belongs.
+ See the "sm" field in 'guicursor' for setting the cursor shape and
+ blinking when showing the match.
+ The 'matchpairs' option can be used to specify the characters to show
+ matches for. 'rightleft' and 'revins' are used to look for opposite
+ matches.
+ Note: For the use of the short form parental guidance is advised.
+ *'showmode'* *'smd'* *'noshowmode'* *'nosmd'*
+'showmode' 'smd' boolean (Vim default: on, Vi default: off)
+ global
+ If in Insert, Replace or Visual mode put a message on the last line.
+ Use the 'M' flag in 'highlight' to set the type of highlighting for
+ this message.
+ When |XIM| may be used the message will include "XIM". But this
+ doesn't mean XIM is really active, especially when 'imactivatekey' is
+ not set.
+ NOTE: This option is set to the Vi default value when 'compatible' is
+ set and to the Vim default value when 'compatible' is reset.
+ *'sidescroll'* *'ss'*
+'sidescroll' 'ss' number (default 0)
+ global
+ {not in Vi}
+ The minimal number of columns to scroll horizontally. Used only when
+ the 'wrap' option is off and the cursor is moved off of the screen.
+ When it is zero the cursor will be put in the middle of the screen.
+ When using a slow terminal set it to a large number or 0. When using
+ a fast terminal use a small number or 1. Not used for "zh" and "zl"
+ commands.
+ *'sidescrolloff'* *'siso'*
+'sidescrolloff' 'siso' number (default 0)
+ global
+ {not in Vi}
+ The minimal number of screen columns to keep to the left and to the
+ right of the cursor if 'nowrap' is set. Setting this option to a value
+ greater than 0 while having |'sidescroll'| also at a non-zero value
+ makes some context visible in the line you are scrolling in
+ horizontally (except at the end and beginning of the line). Setting
+ this option to a large value (like 999) has the effect of keeping the
+ cursor horizontally centered in the window, as long as one does not
+ come too close to the beginning or end of the line.
+ NOTE: This option is set to 0 when 'compatible' is set.
+ Example: Try this together with 'sidescroll' and 'listchars' as
+ in the following example to never allow the cursor to move
+ onto the "extends" character:
+ :set nowrap sidescroll=1 listchars=extends:>,precedes:<
+ :set sidescrolloff=1
+ *'smartcase'* *'scs'* *'nosmartcase'* *'noscs'*
+'smartcase' 'scs' boolean (default off)
+ global
+ {not in Vi}
+ Override the 'ignorecase' option if the search pattern contains upper
+ case characters. Only used when the search pattern is typed and
+ 'ignorecase' option is on. Used for the commands "/", "?", "n", "N",
+ ":g" and ":s". Not used for "*", "#", "gd", tag search, etc.. After
+ "*" and "#" you can make 'smartcase' used by doing a "/" command,
+ recalling the search pattern from history and hitting <Enter>.
+ NOTE: This option is reset when 'compatible' is set.
+ *'smartindent'* *'si'* *'nosmartindent'* *'nosi'*
+'smartindent' 'si' boolean (default off)
+ local to buffer
+ {not in Vi}
+ {not available when compiled without the
+ |+smartindent| feature}
+ Do smart autoindenting when starting a new line. Works for C-like
+ programs, but can also be used for other languages. 'cindent' does
+ something like this, works better in most cases, but is more strict,
+ see |C-indenting|. When 'cindent' is on, setting 'si' has no effect.
+ 'indentexpr' is a more advanced alternative.
+ Normally 'autoindent' should also be on when using 'smartindent'.
+ An indent is automatically inserted:
+ - After a line ending in '{'.
+ - After a line starting with a keyword from 'cinwords'.
+ - Before a line starting with '}' (only with the "O" command).
+ When typing '}' as the first character in a new line, that line is
+ given the same indent as the matching '{'.
+ When typing '#' as the first character in a new line, the indent for
+ that line is removed, the '#' is put in the first column. The indent
+ is restored for the next line. If you don't want this, use this
+ mapping: ":inoremap # X^H#", where ^H is entered with CTRL-V CTRL-H.
+ When using the ">>" command, lines starting with '#' are not shifted
+ right.
+ NOTE: 'smartindent' is reset when 'compatible' is set. When 'paste'
+ is set smart indenting is disabled.
+ *'smarttab'* *'sta'* *'nosmarttab'* *'nosta'*
+'smarttab' 'sta' boolean (default off)
+ global
+ {not in Vi}
+ When on, a <Tab> in front of a line inserts blanks according to
+ 'shiftwidth'. 'tabstop' is used in other places. A <BS> will delete
+ a 'shiftwidth' worth of space at the start of the line.
+ When off a <Tab> always inserts blanks according to 'tabstop'.
+ 'shiftwidth' is only used for shifting text left or right
+ |shift-left-right|.
+ What gets inserted (a Tab or spaces) depends on the 'expandtab'
+ option. Also see |ins-expandtab|. When 'expandtab' is not set, the
+ number of spaces minimized by using <Tab>s.
+ NOTE: This option is reset when 'compatible' is set.
+ *'softtabstop'* *'sts'*
+'softtabstop' 'sts' number (default 0)
+ local to buffer
+ {not in Vi}
+ Number of spaces that a <Tab> counts for while performing editing
+ operations, like inserting a <Tab> or using <BS>. It "feels" like
+ <Tab>s are being inserted, while in fact a mix of spaces and <Tab>s is
+ used. This is useful to keep the 'ts' setting at its standard value
+ of 8, while being able to edit like it is set to 'sts'. However,
+ commands like "x" still work on the actual characters.
+ When 'sts' is zero, this feature is off.
+ 'softtabstop' is set to 0 when the 'paste' option is set.
+ See also |ins-expandtab|. When 'expandtab' is not set, the number of
+ spaces is minimized by using <Tab>s.
+ The 'L' flag in 'cpoptions' changes how tabs are used when 'list' is
+ set.
+ NOTE: This option is set to 0 when 'compatible' is set.
+ *'splitbelow'* *'sb'* *'nosplitbelow'* *'nosb'*
+'splitbelow' 'sb' boolean (default off)
+ global
+ {not in Vi}
+ {not available when compiled without the +windows
+ feature}
+ When on, splitting a window will put the new window below the current
+ one. |:split|
+ *'splitright'* *'spr'* *'nosplitright'* *'nospr'*
+'splitright' 'spr' boolean (default off)
+ global
+ {not in Vi}
+ {not available when compiled without the +vertsplit
+ feature}
+ When on, splitting a window will put the new window right of the
+ current one. |:vsplit|
+ *'startofline'* *'sol'* *'nostartofline'* *'nosol'*
+'startofline' 'sol' boolean (default on)
+ global
+ {not in Vi}
+ When "on" the commands listed below move the cursor to the first
+ blank of the line. When off the cursor is kept in the same column
+ (if possible). This applies to the commands: CTRL-D, CTRL-U, CTRL-B,
+ CTRL-F, "G", "H", "M", "L", , and to the commands "d", "<<" and ">>"
+ with a linewise operator, with "%" with a count and to buffer changing
+ commands (CTRL-^, :bnext, :bNext, etc.). Also for an Ex command that
+ only has a line number, e.g., ":25" or ":+".
+ In case of buffer changing commands the cursor is placed at the column
+ where it was the last time the buffer was edited.
+ NOTE: This option is set when 'compatible' is set.
+ *'statusline'* *'stl'* *E540* *E541* *E542*
+'statusline' 'stl' string (default empty)
+ global
+ {not in Vi}
+ {not available when compiled without the |+statusline|
+ feature}
+ When nonempty, this option determines the content of the status line.
+ Also see |status-line|.
+ The option consists of printf style '%' items interspersed with
+ normal text. Each status line item is of the form:
+ %-0{minwid}.{maxwid}{item}
+ All fields except the {item} is optional. A single percent sign can
+ be given as "%%". Up to 80 items can be specified.
+ Note that the only effect of 'ruler' when this option is set (and
+ 'laststatus' is 2) is controlling the output of |CTRL-G|.
+ field meaning ~
+ - Left justify the item. The default is right justified
+ when minwid is larger than the length of the item.
+ 0 Leading zeroes in numeric items. Overridden by '-'.
+ minwid Minimum width of the item, padding as set by '-' & '0'.
+ Value must be 50 or less.
+ maxwid Maximum width of the item. Truncation occurs with a '<'
+ on the left for text items. Numeric items will be
+ shifted down to maxwid-2 digits followed by '>'number
+ where number is the amount of missing digits, much like
+ an exponential notation.
+ item A one letter code as described below.
+ Following is a description of the possible statusline items. The
+ second character in "item" is the type:
+ N for number
+ S for string
+ F for flags as described below
+ - not applicable
+ item meaning ~
+ f S Path to the file in the buffer, relative to current directory.
+ F S Full path to the file in the buffer.
+ t S File name (tail) of file in the buffer.
+ m F Modified flag, text is " [+]"; " [-]" if 'modifiable' is off.
+ M F Modified flag, text is ",+" or ",-".
+ r F Readonly flag, text is " [RO]".
+ R F Readonly flag, text is ",RO".
+ h F Help buffer flag, text is " [help]".
+ H F Help buffer flag, text is ",HLP".
+ w F Preview window flag, text is " [Preview]".
+ W F Preview window flag, text is ",PRV".
+ y F Type of file in the buffer, e.g., " [vim]". See 'filetype'.
+ Y F Type of file in the buffer, e.g., ",VIM". See 'filetype'.
+ {not available when compiled without |+autocmd| feature}
+ k S Value of "b:keymap_name" or 'keymap' when |:lmap| mappings are
+ being used: "<keymap>"
+ n N Buffer number.
+ b N Value of byte under cursor.
+ B N As above, in hexadecimal.
+ o N Byte number in file of byte under cursor, first byte is 1.
+ Mnemonic: Offset from start of file (with one added)
+ {not available when compiled without |+byte_offset| feature}
+ O N As above, in hexadecimal.
+ N N Printer page number. (Only works in the 'printheader' option.)
+ l N Line number.
+ L N Number of lines in buffer.
+ c N Column number.
+ v N Virtual column number.
+ V N Virtual column number as -{num}. Not displayed if equal to 'c'.
+ p N Percentage through file in lines as in |CTRL-G|.
+ P S Percentage through file of displayed window. This is like the
+ percentage described for 'ruler'. Always 3 in length.
+ a S Argument list status as in default title. ({current} of {max})
+ Empty if the argument file count is zero or one.
+ { NF Evaluate expression between '{' and '}' and substitute result.
+ ( - Start of item group. Can be used for setting the width and
+ alignment of a section. Must be followed by %) somewhere.
+ ) - End of item group. No width fields allowed.
+ < - Where to truncate line if too long. Default is at the start.
+ No width fields allowed.
+ = - Separation point between left and right aligned items.
+ No width fields allowed.
+ * - Set highlight group to User{N}, where {N} is taken from the
+ minwid field. eg. %1*. Restore normal highlight with %* or %0*.
+ The difference between User{N} and StatusLine will be applied
+ to StatusLineNC for the statusline of non-current windows.
+ The number N must be between 1 and 9. See |hl-User1..9|
+ Display of flags are controlled by the following heuristic:
+ If a flag text starts with comma it is assumed that it wants to
+ separate itself from anything but preceding plaintext. If it starts
+ with a space it is assumed that it wants to separate itself from
+ anything but other flags. That is: A leading comma is removed if the
+ preceding character stems from plaintext. A leading space is removed
+ if the preceding character stems from another active flag. This will
+ make a nice display when flags are used like in the examples below.
+ When all items in a group becomes an empty string (ie. flags that are
+ not set) and a minwid is not set for the group, the whole group will
+ become empty. This will make a group like the following disappear
+ completely from the statusline when none of the flags are set. >
+ :set statusline=...%(\ [%M%R%H]%)...
+ Beware that an expression is evaluated each and every time the status
+ line is displayed. The current buffer and current window will be set
+ temporarily to that of the window (and buffer) whose statusline is
+ currently being drawn. The expression will evaluate in this context.
+ The variable "actual_curbuf" is set to the 'bufnr()' number of the
+ real current buffer. The expression is evaluated in the |sandbox|.
+ If the statusline is not updated when you want it (e.g., after setting
+ a variable that's used in an expression), you can force an update by
+ setting an option without changing its value. Example: >
+ :let &ro = &ro
+< A result of all digits is regarded a number for display purposes.
+ Otherwise the result is taken as flag text and applied to the rules
+ described above.
+ Watch out for errors in expressions. They may render Vim unusable !
+ If you are stuck, hold down ':' or 'Q' to get a prompt, then quit and
+ edit your .vimrc or whatever with "vim -u NONE" to get it right.
+ Examples:
+ Emulate standard status line with 'ruler' set >
+ :set statusline=%<%f\ %h%m%r%=%-14.(%l,%c%V%)\ %P
+< Similar, but add ASCII value of char under the cursor (like "ga") >
+ :set statusline=%<%f%h%m%r%=%b\ 0x%B\ \ %l,%c%V\ %P
+< Display byte count and byte value, modified flag in red. >
+ :set statusline=%<%f%=\ [%1*%M%*%n%R%H]\ %-19(%3l,%02c%03V%)%O'%02b'
+ :hi User1 term=inverse,bold cterm=inverse,bold ctermfg=red
+< Display a ,GZ flag if a compressed file is loaded >
+ :set statusline=...%r%{VarExists('b:gzflag','\ [GZ]')}%h...
+< In the |:autocmd|'s: >
+ :let b:gzflag = 1
+< And: >
+ :unlet b:gzflag
+< And define this function: >
+ :function VarExists(var, val)
+ : if exists(a:var) | return a:val | else | return '' | endif
+ :endfunction
+ *'suffixes'* *'su'*
+'suffixes' 'su' string (default ".bak,~,.o,.h,.info,.swp,.obj")
+ global
+ {not in Vi}
+ Files with these suffixes get a lower priority when multiple files
+ match a wildcard. See |suffixes|. Commas can be used to separate the
+ suffixes. Spaces after the comma are ignored. A dot is also seen as
+ the start of a suffix. To avoid a dot or comma being recognized as a
+ separator, precede it with a backslash (see |option-backslash| about
+ including spaces and backslashes).
+ See 'wildignore' for completely ignoring files.
+ The use of |:set+=| and |:set-=| is preferred when adding or removing
+ suffixes from the list. This avoids problems when a future version
+ uses another default.
+ *'suffixesadd'* *'sua'*
+'suffixesadd' 'sua' string (default "")
+ local to buffer
+ {not in Vi}
+ {not available when compiled without the
+ |+file_in_path| feature}
+ Comma separated list of suffixes, which are used when searching for a
+ file for the "gf", "[I", etc. commands. Example: >
+ :set
+ *'swapfile'* *'swf'* *'noswapfile'* *'noswf'*
+'swapfile' 'swf' boolean (default on)
+ local to buffer
+ {not in Vi}
+ Use a swapfile for the buffer. This option can be reset when a
+ swapfile is not wanted for a specific buffer. For example, with
+ confidential information that even root must not be able to access.
+ Careful: All text will be in memory:
+ - Don't use this for big files.
+ - Recovery will be impossible!
+ A swapfile will only be present when |'updatecount'| is non-zero and
+ 'swapfile' is set.
+ When 'swapfile' is reset, the swap file for the current buffer is
+ immediately deleted. When 'swapfile' is set, and 'updatecount' is
+ non-zero, a swap file is immediately created.
+ Also see |swap-file| and |'swapsync'|.
+ This option is used together with 'bufhidden' and 'buftype' to
+ specify special kinds of buffers. See |special-buffers|.
+ *'swapsync'* *'sws'*
+'swapsync' 'sws' string (default "fsync")
+ global
+ {not in Vi}
+ When this option is not empty a swap file is synced to disk after
+ writing to it. This takes some time, especially on busy unix systems.
+ When this option is empty parts of the swap file may be in memory and
+ not written to disk. When the system crashes you may lose more work.
+ On Unix the system does a sync now and then without Vim asking for it,
+ so the disadvantage of setting this option off is small. On some
+ systems the swap file will not be written at all. For a unix system
+ setting it to "sync" will use the sync() call instead of the default
+ fsync(), which may work better on some systems.
+ *'switchbuf'* *'swb'*
+'switchbuf' 'swb' string (default "")
+ global
+ {not in Vi}
+ This option controls the behavior when switching between buffers.
+ Possible values (comma separated list):
+ useopen If included, jump to the first open window that
+ contains the specified buffer (if there is one).
+ Otherwise: Do not examine other windows.
+ This setting is checked with |quickfix| commands, when
+ jumping to errors (":cc", ":cn", "cp", etc.). It is
+ also used in all buffer related split commands, for
+ example ":sbuffer", ":sbnext", or ":sbrewind".
+ split If included, split the current window before loading
+ a buffer. Otherwise: do not split, use current window.
+ Supported in |quickfix| commands that display errors.
+ *'syntax'* *'syn'*
+'syntax' 'syn' string (default empty)
+ local to buffer
+ {not in Vi}
+ {not available when compiled without the |+syntax|
+ feature}
+ When this option is set, the syntax with this name is loaded, unless
+ syntax highlighting has been switched off with ":syntax off".
+ Otherwise this option does not always reflect the current syntax (the
+ b:current_syntax variable does).
+ This option is most useful in a modeline, for a file which syntax is
+ not automatically recognized. Example, for in an IDL file: >
+ /* vim: set syntax=idl : */
+< To switch off syntax highlighting for the current file, use: >
+ :set syntax=OFF
+< To switch syntax highlighting on according to the current value of the
+ 'filetype' option: >
+ :set syntax=ON
+< What actually happens when setting the 'syntax' option is that the
+ Syntax autocommand event is triggered with the value as argument.
+ This option is not copied to another buffer, independent of the 's' or
+ 'S' flag in 'cpoptions'.
+ *'tabstop'* *'ts'*
+'tabstop' 'ts' number (default 8)
+ local to buffer
+ Number of spaces that a <Tab> in the file counts for. Also see
+ |:retab| command, and 'softtabstop' option.
+ Note: Setting 'tabstop' to any other value than 8 can make your file
+ appear wrong in many places (e.g., when printing it).
+ There are four main ways to use tabs in Vim:
+ 1. Always keep 'tabstop' at 8, set 'softtabstop' and 'shiftwidth' to 4
+ (or 3 or whatever you prefer) and use 'noexpandtab'. Then Vim
+ will use a mix of tabs and spaces, but typing Tab and BS will
+ behave like a tab appears every 4 (or 3) characters.
+ 2. Set 'tabstop' and 'shiftwidth' to whatever you prefer and use
+ 'expandtab'. This way you will always insert spaces. The
+ formatting will never be messed up when 'tabstop' is changed.
+ 3. Set 'tabstop' and 'shiftwidth' to whatever you prefer and use a
+ |modeline| to set these values when editing the file again. Only
+ works when using Vim to edit the file.
+ 4. Always set 'tabstop' and 'shiftwidth' to the same value, and
+ 'noexpandtab'. This should then work (for initial indents only)
+ for any tabstop setting that people use. It might be nice to have
+ tabs after the first non-blank inserted as spaces if you do this
+ though. Otherwise aligned comments will be wrong when 'tabstop' is
+ changed.
+ *'tagbsearch'* *'tbs'* *'notagbsearch'* *'notbs'*
+'tagbsearch' 'tbs' boolean (default on)
+ global
+ {not in Vi}
+ When searching for a tag (e.g., for the |:ta| command), Vim can either
+ use a binary search or a linear search in a tags file. Binary
+ searching makes searching for a tag a LOT faster, but a linear search
+ will find more tags if the tags file wasn't properly sorted.
+ Vim normally assumes that your tags files are sorted, or indicate that
+ they are not sorted. Only when this is not the case does the
+ 'tagbsearch' option need to be switched off.
+ When 'tagbsearch' is on, binary searching is first used in the tags
+ files. In certain situations, Vim will do a linear search instead for
+ certain files, or retry all files with a linear search. When
+ 'tagbsearch' is off, only a linear search is done.
+ Linear searching is done anyway, for one file, when Vim finds a line
+ at the start of the file indicating that it's not sorted: >
+ !_TAG_FILE_SORTED 0 /some command/
+< [The whitespace before and after the '0' must be a single <Tab>]
+ When a binary search was done and no match was found in any of the
+ files listed in 'tags', and 'ignorecase' is set or a pattern is used
+ instead of a normal tag name, a retry is done with a linear search.
+ Tags in unsorted tags files, and matches with different case will only
+ be found in the retry.
+ If a tag file indicates that is is case-fold sorted, the second,
+ linear search can be avoided for the 'ignorecase' case. Use a value
+ of '2' in the "!_TAG_FILE_SORTED" line for this. A tag file can be
+ case-fold sorted with the -f switch to "sort" in most unices, as in
+ the command: "sort -f -o tags tags". For "Exuberant ctags" version
+ 5.3 or higher the -f or --fold-case-sort switch can be used for this
+ as well. Note that case must be folded to uppercase for this to work.
+ When 'tagbsearch' is off, tags searching is slower when a full match
+ exists, but faster when no full match exists. Tags in unsorted tags
+ files may only be found with 'tagbsearch' off.
+ When the tags file is not sorted, or sorted in a wrong way (not on
+ ASCII byte value), 'tagbsearch' should be off, or the line given above
+ must be included in the tags file.
+ This option doesn't affect commands that find all matching tags (e.g.,
+ command-line completion and ":help").
+ {Vi: always uses binary search in some versions}
+ *'taglength'* *'tl'*
+'taglength' 'tl' number (default 0)
+ global
+ If non-zero, tags are significant up to this number of characters.
+ *'tagrelative'* *'tr'* *'notagrelative'* *'notr'*
+'tagrelative' 'tr' boolean (Vim default: on, Vi default: off)
+ global
+ {not in Vi}
+ If on and using a tag file in another directory, file names in that
+ tag file are relative to the directory where the tag file is.
+ NOTE: This option is set to the Vi default value when 'compatible' is
+ set and to the Vim default value when 'compatible' is reset.
+ *'tags'* *'tag'* *E433*
+'tags' 'tag' string (default "./tags,tags", when compiled with
+ |+emacs_tags|: "./tags,./TAGS,tags,TAGS")
+ global or local to buffer |global-local|
+ Filenames for the tag command, separated by spaces or commas. To
+ include a space or comma in a file name, precede it with a backslash
+ (see |option-backslash| about including spaces and backslashes).
+ When a file name starts with "./", the '.' is replaced with the path
+ of the current file. But only when the 'd' flag is not included in
+ 'cpoptions'. Environment variables are expanded |:set_env|. Also see
+ |tags-option|.
+ "*", "**" and other wildcards can be used to search for tags files in
+ a directory tree. See |file-searching|. {not available when compiled
+ without the |+path_extra| feature}
+ If Vim was compiled with the |+emacs_tags| feature, Emacs-style tag
+ files are also supported. They are automatically recognized. The
+ default value becomes "./tags,./TAGS,tags,TAGS", unless case
+ differences are ignored (MS-Windows). |emacs-tags|
+ The use of |:set+=| and |:set-=| is preferred when adding or removing
+ file names from the list. This avoids problems when a future version
+ uses another default.
+ {Vi: default is "tags /usr/lib/tags"}
+ *'tagstack'* *'tgst'* *'notagstack'* *'notgst'*
+'tagstack' 'tgst' boolean (default on)
+ global
+ {not in all versions of Vi}
+ When on, the |tagstack| is used normally. When off, a ":tag" or
+ ":tselect" command with an argument will not push the tag onto the
+ tagstack. A following ":tag" without an argument, a ":pop" command or
+ any other command that uses the tagstack will use the unmodified
+ tagstack, but does change the pointer to the active entry.
+ Resetting this option is useful when using a ":tag" command in a
+ mapping which should not change the tagstack.
+ *'term'* *E529* *E530* *E531*
+'term' string (default is $TERM, if that fails:
+ in the GUI: "builtin_gui"
+ on Amiga: "amiga"
+ on BeOS: "beos-ansi"
+ on Mac: "mac-ansi"
+ on MiNT: "vt52"
+ on MS-DOS: "pcterm"
+ on OS/2: "os2ansi"
+ on Unix: "ansi"
+ on VMS: "ansi"
+ on Win 32: "win32")
+ global
+ Name of the terminal. Used for choosing the terminal control
+ characters. Environment variables are expanded |:set_env|.
+ For example: >
+ :set term=$TERM
+< See |termcap|.
+ *'termbidi'* *'tbidi'*
+ *'notermbidi'* *'notbidi'*
+'termbidi' 'tbidi' boolean (default off, on for "mlterm")
+ global
+ {not in Vi}
+ {only available when compiled with the |+arabic|
+ feature}
+ The terminal is in charge of Bi-directionality of text (as specified
+ by Unicode). The terminal is also expected to do the required shaping
+ that some languages (such as Arabic) require.
+ Setting this option implies that 'rightleft' will not be set when
+ 'arabic' is set and the value of 'arabicshape' will be ignored.
+ Note that setting 'termbidi' has the immediate effect that
+ 'arabicshape' is ignored, but 'rightleft' isn't changed automatically.
+ This option is reset when the GUI is started.
+ For further details see |arabic.txt|.
+ *'termencoding'* *'tenc'*
+'termencoding' 'tenc' string (default ""; with GTK+ 2 GUI: "utf-8"; with
+ Macintosh GUI: "macroman")
+ global
+ {only available when compiled with the |+multi_byte|
+ feature}
+ {not in Vi}
+ Encoding used for the terminal. This specifies what character
+ encoding the keyboard produces and the display will understand. For
+ the GUI it only applies to the keyboard ('encoding' is used for the
+ display).
+ In the Win32 console version the default value is the console codepage
+ when it differs from the ANSI codepage.
+ *E617*
+ Note: This does not apply to the GTK+ 2 GUI. After the GUI has been
+ successfully initialized, 'termencoding' is forcibly set to "utf-8".
+ Any attempts to set a different value will be rejected, and an error
+ message is shown.
+ For the Win32 GUI 'termencoding' is not used for typed characters,
+ because the Win32 system always passes Unicode characters.
+ When empty, the same encoding is used as for the 'encoding' option.
+ This is the normal value.
+ Not all combinations for 'termencoding' and 'encoding' are valid. See
+ |encoding-table|.
+ The value for this option must be supported by internal conversions or
+ iconv(). When this is not possible no conversion will be done and you
+ will probably experience problems with non-ASCII characters.
+ Example: You are working with the locale set to euc-jp (Japanese) and
+ want to edit a UTF-8 file: >
+ :let &termencoding = &encoding
+ :set encoding=utf-8
+< You need to do this when your system has no locale support for UTF-8.
+ *'terse'* *'noterse'*
+'terse' boolean (default off)
+ global
+ When set: Add 's' flag to 'shortmess' option (this makes the message
+ for a search that hits the start or end of the file not being
+ displayed). When reset: Remove 's' flag from 'shortmess' option. {Vi
+ shortens a lot of messages}
+ *'textauto'* *'ta'* *'notextauto'* *'nota'*
+'textauto' 'ta' boolean (Vim default: on, Vi default: off)
+ global
+ {not in Vi}
+ This option is obsolete. Use 'fileformats'.
+ For backwards compatibility, when 'textauto' is set, 'fileformats' is
+ set to the default value for the current system. When 'textauto' is
+ reset, 'fileformats' is made empty.
+ NOTE: This option is set to the Vi default value when 'compatible' is
+ set and to the Vim default value when 'compatible' is reset.
+ *'textmode'* *'tx'* *'notextmode'* *'notx'*
+'textmode' 'tx' boolean (MS-DOS, Win32 and OS/2: default on,
+ others: default off)
+ local to buffer
+ {not in Vi}
+ This option is obsolete. Use 'fileformat'.
+ For backwards compatibility, when 'textmode' is set, 'fileformat' is
+ set to "dos". When 'textmode' is reset, 'fileformat' is set to
+ "unix".
+ *'textwidth'* *'tw'*
+'textwidth' 'tw' number (default 0)
+ local to buffer
+ {not in Vi}
+ Maximum width of text that is being inserted. A longer line will be
+ broken after white space to get this width. A zero value disables
+ this. 'textwidth' is set to 0 when the 'paste' option is set. When
+ 'textwidth' is zero, 'wrapmargin' may be used. See also
+ 'formatoptions' and |ins-textwidth|.
+ NOTE: This option is set to 0 when 'compatible' is set.
+ *'thesaurus'* *'tsr'*
+'thesaurus' 'tsr' string (default "")
+ global or local to buffer |global-local|
+ {not in Vi}
+ List of file names, separated by commas, that are used to lookup words
+ for thesaurus completion commands |i_CTRL-X_CTRL-T|. Each line in
+ the file should contain words with similar meaning, separated by
+ non-keyword characters (white space is preferred). Maximum line
+ length is 510 bytes.
+ To obtain a file to be used here, check out the wordlist FAQ at
+ .
+ To include a comma in a file name precede it with a backslash. Spaces
+ after a comma are ignored, otherwise spaces are included in the file
+ name. See |option-backslash| about using backslashes.
+ The use of |:set+=| and |:set-=| is preferred when adding or removing
+ directories from the list. This avoids problems when a future version
+ uses another default.
+ Backticks cannot be used in this option for security reasons.
+ *'tildeop'* *'top'* *'notildeop'* *'notop'*
+'tildeop' 'top' boolean (default off)
+ global
+ {not in Vi}
+ When on: The tilde command "~" behaves like an operator.
+ NOTE: This option is reset when 'compatible' is set.
+ *'timeout'* *'to'* *'notimeout'* *'noto'*
+'timeout' 'to' boolean (default on)
+ global
+ *'ttimeout'* *'nottimeout'*
+'ttimeout' boolean (default off)
+ global
+ {not in Vi}
+ These two options together determine the behavior when part of a
+ mapped key sequence or keyboard code has been received:
+ 'timeout' 'ttimeout' action ~
+ off off do not time out
+ on on or off time out on :mappings and key codes
+ off on time out on key codes
+ If both options are off, Vim will wait until either the complete
+ mapping or key sequence has been received, or it is clear that there
+ is no mapping or key sequence for the received characters. For
+ example: if you have mapped "vl" and Vim has received 'v', the next
+ character is needed to see if the 'v' is followed by an 'l'.
+ When one of the options is on, Vim will wait for about 1 second for
+ the next character to arrive. After that the already received
+ characters are interpreted as single characters. The waiting time can
+ be changed with the 'timeoutlen' option.
+ On slow terminals or very busy systems timing out may cause
+ malfunctioning cursor keys. If both options are off, Vim waits
+ forever after an entered <Esc> if there are key codes that start
+ with <Esc>. You will have to type <Esc> twice. If you do not have
+ problems with key codes, but would like to have :mapped key
+ sequences not timing out in 1 second, set the 'ttimeout' option and
+ reset the 'timeout' option.
+ NOTE: 'ttimeout' is reset when 'compatible' is set.
+ *'timeoutlen'* *'tm'*
+'timeoutlen' 'tm' number (default 1000)
+ global
+ {not in all versions of Vi}
+ *'ttimeoutlen'* *'ttm'*
+'ttimeoutlen' 'ttm' number (default -1)
+ global
+ {not in Vi}
+ The time in milliseconds that is waited for a key code or mapped key
+ sequence to complete. Also used for CTRL-\ CTRL-N and CTRL-\ CTRL-G
+ when part of a command has been typed.
+ Normally only 'timeoutlen' is used and 'ttimeoutlen' is -1. When a
+ different timeout value for key codes is desired set 'ttimeoutlen' to
+ a non-negative number.
+ ttimeoutlen mapping delay key code delay ~
+ < 0 'timeoutlen' 'timeoutlen'
+ >= 0 'timeoutlen' 'ttimeoutlen'
+ The timeout only happens when the 'timeout' and 'ttimeout' options
+ tell so. A useful setting would be >
+ :set timeout timeoutlen=3000 ttimeoutlen=100
+< (time out on mapping after three seconds, time out on key codes after
+ a tenth of a second).
+ *'title'* *'notitle'*
+'title' boolean (default off, on when title can be restored)
+ global
+ {not in Vi}
+ {not available when compiled without the |+title|
+ feature}
+ When on, the title of the window will be set to the value of
+ 'titlestring' (if it is not empty), or to:
+ filename [+=-] (path) - VIM
+ Where:
+ filename the name of the file being edited
+ - indicates the file cannot be modified, 'ma' off
+ + indicates the file was modified
+ = indicates the file is read-only
+ =+ indicates the file is read-only and modified
+ (path) is the path of the file being edited
+ - VIM the server name |v:servername| or "VIM"
+ Only works if the terminal supports setting window titles
+ (currently Amiga console, Win32 console, all GUI versions and
+ terminals with a non- empty 't_ts' option - these are Unix xterm and
+ iris-ansi by default, where 't_ts' is taken from the builtin termcap).
+ *X11*
+ When Vim was compiled with HAVE_X11 defined, the original title will
+ be restored if possible. The output of ":version" will include "+X11"
+ when HAVE_X11 was defined, otherwise it will be "-X11". This also
+ works for the icon name |'icon'|.
+ But: When Vim was started with the |-X| argument, restoring the title
+ will not work (except in the GUI).
+ If the title cannot be restored, it is set to the value of 'titleold'.
+ You might want to restore the title outside of Vim then.
+ When using an xterm from a remote machine you can use this command:
+ rsh machine_name xterm -display $DISPLAY &
+ then the WINDOWID environment variable should be inherited and the
+ title of the window should change back to what it should be after
+ exiting Vim.
+ *'titlelen'*
+'titlelen' number (default 85)
+ global
+ {not in Vi}
+ {not available when compiled without the |+title|
+ feature}
+ Gives the percentage of 'columns' to use for the length of the window
+ title. When the title is longer, only the end of the path name is
+ shown. A '<' character before the path name is used to indicate this.
+ Using a percentage makes this adapt to the width of the window. But
+ it won't work perfectly, because the actual number of characters
+ available also depends on the font used and other things in the title
+ bar. When 'titlelen' is zero the full path is used. Otherwise,
+ values from 1 to 30000 percent can be used.
+ 'titlelen' is also used for the 'titlestring' option.
+ *'titleold'*
+'titleold' string (default "Thanks for flying Vim")
+ global
+ {not in Vi}
+ {only available when compiled with the |+title|
+ feature}
+ This option will be used for the window title when exiting Vim if the
+ original title cannot be restored. Only happens if 'title' is on or
+ 'titlestring' is not empty.
+ *'titlestring'*
+'titlestring' string (default "")
+ global
+ {not in Vi}
+ {not available when compiled without the |+title|
+ feature}
+ When this option is not empty, it will be used for the title of the
+ window. This happens only when the 'title' option is on.
+ Only works if the terminal supports setting window titles (currently
+ Amiga console, Win32 console, all GUI versions and terminals with a
+ non-empty 't_ts' option).
+ When Vim was compiled with HAVE_X11 defined, the original title will
+ be restored if possible |X11|.
+ When this option contains printf-style '%' items, they will be
+ expanded according to the rules used for 'statusline'.
+ Example: >
+ :auto BufEnter * let &titlestring = hostname() . "/" . expand("%:p")
+ :set title titlestring=%<%F%=%l/%L-%P titlelen=70
+< The value of 'titlelen' is used to align items in the middle or right
+ of the available space.
+ Some people prefer to have the file name first: >
+ :set titlestring=%t%(\ %M%)%(\ (%{expand(\"%:~:.:h\")})%)%(\ %a%)
+< Note the use of "%{ }" and an expression to get the path of the file,
+ without the file name. The "%( %)" constructs are used to add a
+ separating space only when needed.
+ NOTE: Use of special characters in 'titlestring' may cause the display
+ to be garbled (e.g., when it contains a CR or NL character).
+ {not available when compiled without the |+statusline| feature}
+ *'toolbar'* *'tb'*
+'toolbar' 'tb' string (default "icons,tooltips")
+ global
+ {only for |+GUI_GTK|, |+GUI_Athena|, |+GUI_Motif| and
+ |+GUI_Photon|}
+ The contents of this option controls various toolbar settings. The
+ possible values are:
+ icons Toolbar buttons are shown with icons.
+ text Toolbar buttons shown with text.
+ horiz Icon and text of a toolbar button are
+ horizontally arranged. {only in GTK+ 2 GUI}
+ tooltips Tooltips are active for toolbar buttons.
+ Tooltips refer to the popup help text which appears after the mouse
+ cursor is placed over a toolbar button for a brief moment.
+ If you want the toolbar to be shown with icons as well as text, do the
+ following: >
+ :set tb=icons,text
+< Motif and Athena cannot display icons and text at the same time. They
+ will show icons if both are requested.
+ If none of the strings specified in 'toolbar' are valid or if
+ 'toolbar' is empty, this option is ignored. If you want to disable
+ the toolbar, you need to set the 'guioptions' option. For example: >
+ :set guioptions-=T
+< Also see |gui-toolbar|.
+ *'toolbariconsize'* *'tbis'*
+'toolbariconsize' 'tbis' string (default "small")
+ global
+ {not in Vi}
+ {only in the GTK+ 2 GUI}
+ Controls the size of toolbar icons. The possible values are:
+ tiny Use tiny toolbar icons.
+ small Use small toolbar icons (default).
+ medium Use medium-sized toolbar icons.
+ large Use large toolbar icons.
+ The exact dimensions in pixels of the various icon sizes depend on
+ the current theme. Common dimensions are large=32x32, medium=24x24,
+ small=20x20 and tiny=16x16.
+ If 'toolbariconsize' is empty, the global default size as determined
+ by user preferences or the current theme is used.
+ *'ttybuiltin'* *'tbi'* *'nottybuiltin'* *'notbi'*
+'ttybuiltin' 'tbi' boolean (default on)
+ global
+ {not in Vi}
+ When on, the builtin termcaps are searched before the external ones.
+ When off the builtin termcaps are searched after the external ones.
+ When this option is changed, you should set the 'term' option next for
+ the change to take effect, for example: >
+ :set notbi term=$TERM
+< See also |termcap|.
+ Rationale: The default for this option is "on", because the builtin
+ termcap entries are generally better (many systems contain faulty
+ xterm entries...).
+ *'ttyfast'* *'tf'* *'nottyfast'* *'notf'*
+'ttyfast' 'tf' boolean (default off, on when 'term' is xterm, hpterm,
+ sun-cmd, screen, rxvt, dtterm or
+ iris-ansi; also on when running Vim in
+ a DOS console)
+ global
+ {not in Vi}
+ Indicates a fast terminal connection. More characters will be sent to
+ the screen for redrawing, instead of using insert/delete line
+ commands. Improves smoothness of redrawing when there are multiple
+ windows and the terminal does not support a scrolling region.
+ Also enables the extra writing of characters at the end of each screen
+ line for lines that wrap. This helps when using copy/paste with the
+ mouse in an xterm and other terminals.
+ *'ttymouse'* *'ttym'*
+'ttymouse' 'ttym' string (default depends on 'term')
+ global
+ {not in Vi}
+ {only in Unix and VMS, doesn't work in the GUI; not
+ available when compiled without |+mouse|}
+ Name of the terminal type for which mouse codes are to be recognized.
+ Currently these three strings are valid:
+ *xterm-mouse*
+ xterm xterm-like mouse handling. The mouse generates
+ "<Esc>[Mscr", where "scr" is three bytes:
+ "s" = button state
+ "c" = column plus 33
+ "r" = row plus 33
+ xterm2 Works like "xterm", but with the xterm reporting the
+ mouse position while the mouse is dragged. This works
+ much faster and more precise. Your xterm must at
+ least at patchlevel 88 / XFree 3.3.3 for this to
+ work. See below for how Vim detects this
+ automatically.
+ *netterm-mouse*
+ netterm NetTerm mouse handling. The mouse generates
+ "<Esc>}r,c<CR>", where "r,c" are two decimal numbers
+ for the row and column.
+ *dec-mouse*
+ dec DEC terminal mouse handling. The mouse generates a
+ rather complex sequence, starting with "<Esc>[".
+ *jsbterm-mouse*
+ jsbterm JSB term mouse handling.
+ *pterm-mouse*
+ pterm QNX pterm mouse handling.
+ The mouse handling must be enabled at compile time |+mouse_xterm|
+ |+mouse_dec| |+mouse_netterm|.
+ Only "xterm"(2) is really recognized. NetTerm mouse codes are always
+ recognized, if enabled at compile time. DEC terminal mouse codes
+ are recognized if enabled at compile time, and 'ttymouse' is not
+ "xterm" (because the xterm and dec mouse codes conflict).
+ This option is automatically set to "xterm", when the 'term' option is
+ set to a name that starts with "xterm", and 'ttymouse' is not "xterm"
+ or "xterm2" already. The main use of this option is to set it to
+ "xterm", when the terminal name doesn't start with "xterm", but it can
+ handle xterm mouse codes.
+ The "xterm2" value will be set if the xterm version is reported to be
+ 95 of higher. This only works when compiled with the |+termresponse|
+ feature and if |t_RV| is set to the escape sequence to request the
+ xterm version number. Otherwise "xterm2" must be set explicitly.
+ If you do not want 'ttymouse' to be set to "xterm2" automatically, set
+ t_RV to an empty string: >
+ :set t_RV=
+ *'ttyscroll'* *'tsl'*
+'ttyscroll' 'tsl' number (default 999)
+ global
+ Maximum number of lines to scroll the screen. If there are more lines
+ to scroll the window is redrawn. For terminals where scrolling is
+ very slow and redrawing is not slow this can be set to a small number,
+ e.g., 3, to speed up displaying.
+ *'ttytype'* *'tty'*
+'ttytype' 'tty' string (default from $TERM)
+ global
+ Alias for 'term', see above.
+ *'undolevels'* *'ul'*
+'undolevels' 'ul' number (default 100, 1000 for Unix, VMS,
+ Win32 and OS/2)
+ global
+ {not in Vi}
+ Maximum number of changes that can be undone. Since undo information
+ is kept in memory, higher numbers will cause more memory to be used
+ (nevertheless, a single change can use an unlimited amount of memory).
+ Set to 0 for Vi compatibility: One level of undo and "u" undoes
+ itself: >
+ set ul=0
+< But you can also get Vi compatibility by including the 'u' flag in
+ 'cpoptions', and still be able to use CTRL-R to repeat undo.
+ Set to a negative number for no undo at all: >
+ set ul=-1
+< This helps when you run out of memory for a single change.
+ Also see |undo-two-ways|.
+ *'updatecount'* *'uc'*
+'updatecount' 'uc' number (default: 200)
+ global
+ {not in Vi}
+ After typing this many characters the swap file will be written to
+ disk. When zero, no swap file will be created at all (see chapter on
+ recovery |crash-recovery|). 'updatecount' is set to zero by starting
+ Vim with the "-n" option, see |startup|. When editing in readonly
+ mode this option will be initialized to 10000.
+ The swapfile can be disabled per buffer with |'swapfile'|.
+ When 'updatecount' is set from zero to non-zero, swap files are
+ created for all buffers that have 'swapfile' set. When 'updatecount'
+ is set to zero, existing swap files are not deleted.
+ Also see |'swapsync'|.
+ This option has no meaning in buffers where |'buftype'| is "nofile"
+ or "nowrite".
+ *'updatetime'* *'ut'*
+'updatetime' 'ut' number (default 4000)
+ global
+ {not in Vi}
+ If this many milliseconds nothing is typed the swap file will be
+ written to disk (see |crash-recovery|). Also used for the
+ |CursorHold| autocommand event.
+ *'verbose'* *'vbs'*
+'verbose' 'vbs' number (default 0)
+ global
+ {not in Vi, although some versions have a boolean
+ verbose option}
+ When bigger than zero, Vim will give messages about what it is doing.
+ Currently, these messages are given:
+ >= 1 When the viminfo file is read or written.
+ >= 2 When a file is ":source"'ed.
+ >= 5 Every searched tags file.
+ >= 8 Files for which a group of autocommands is executed.
+ >= 9 Every executed autocommand.
+ >= 12 Every executed function.
+ >= 13 When an exception is thrown, caught, finished, or discarded.
+ >= 14 Anything pending in a ":finally" clause.
+ >= 15 Every executed Ex command (truncated at 200 characters).
+ This option can also be set with the "-V" argument. See |-V|.
+ This option is also set by the |:verbose| command.
+ *'viewdir'* *'vdir'*
+'viewdir' 'vdir' string (default for Amiga, MS-DOS, OS/2 and Win32:
+ "$VIM/vimfiles/view",
+ for Unix: "~/.vim/view",
+ for Macintosh: "$VIM:vimfiles:view"
+ for VMS: "sys$login:vimfiles/view"
+ for RiscOS: "Choices:vimfiles/view")
+ global
+ {not in Vi}
+ {not available when compiled without the +mksession
+ feature}
+ Name of the directory where to store files for |:mkview|.
+ This option cannot be set from a |modeline| or in the |sandbox|, for
+ security reasons.
+ *'viewoptions'* *'vop'*
+'viewoptions' 'vop' string (default: "folds,options,cursor")
+ global
+ {not in Vi}
+ {not available when compiled without the +mksession
+ feature}
+ Changes the effect of the |:mkview| command. It is a comma separated
+ list of words. Each word enables saving and restoring something:
+ word save and restore ~
+ cursor cursor position in file and in window
+ folds manually created folds, opened/closed folds and local
+ fold options
+ options options and mappings local to a window or buffer (not
+ global values for local options)
+ slash backslashes in file names replaced with forward
+ slashes
+ unix with Unix end-of-line format (single <NL>), even when
+ on Windows or DOS
+ "slash" and "unix" are useful on Windows when sharing view files
+ with Unix. The Unix version of Vim cannot source dos format scripts,
+ but the Windows version of Vim can source unix format scripts.
+ *'viminfo'* *'vi'* *E526* *E527* *E528*
+'viminfo' 'vi' string (Vi default: "", Vim default for MS-DOS,
+ Windows and OS/2: '20,<50,s10,h,rA:,rB:,
+ for Amiga: '20,<50,s10,h,rdf0:,rdf1:,rdf2:
+ for others: '20,<50,s10,h)
+ global
+ {not in Vi}
+ {not available when compiled without the |+viminfo|
+ feature}
+ When non-empty, the viminfo file is read upon startup and written
+ when exiting Vim (see |viminfo-file|). The string should be a comma
+ separated list of parameters, each consisting of a single character
+ identifying the particular parameter, followed by a number or string
+ which specifies the value of that parameter. If a particular
+ character is left out, then the default value is used for that
+ parameter. The following is a list of the identifying characters and
+ the effect of their value.
+ ! When included, save and restore global variables that start
+ with an uppercase letter, and don't contain a lowercase
+ letter. Thus "KEEPTHIS and "K_L_M" are stored, but "KeepThis"
+ and "_K_L_M" are not.
+ " Maximum number of lines saved for each register. Old name of
+ the '<' item, with the disadvantage that you need to put a
+ backslash before the ", otherwise it will be recognized as the
+ start of a comment!
+ % When included, save and restore the buffer list. If Vim is
+ started with a file name argument, the buffer list is not
+ restored. If Vim is started without a file name argument, the
+ buffer list is restored from the viminfo file. Buffers
+ without a file name and buffers for help files are not written
+ to the viminfo file.
+ ' Maximum number of previously edited files for which the marks
+ are remembered. This parameter must always be included when
+ 'viminfo' is non-empty.
+ Including this item also means that the |jumplist| and the
+ |changelist| are stored in the viminfo file.
+ / Maximum number of items in the search pattern history to be
+ saved. If non-zero, then the previous search and substitute
+ patterns are also saved. When not included, the value of
+ 'history' is used.
+ : Maximum number of items in the command-line history to be
+ saved. When not included, the value of 'history' is used.
+ < Maximum number of lines saved for each register. If zero then
+ registers are not saved. When not included, all lines are
+ saved. '"' is the old name for this item.
+ Also see the 's' item below: limit specified in Kbyte.
+ @ Maximum number of items in the input-line history to be
+ saved. When not included, the value of 'history' is used.
+ c When included, convert the text in the viminfo file from the
+ 'encoding' used when writing the file to the current
+ 'encoding'. See |viminfo-encoding|.
+ f Whether file marks need to be stored. If zero, file marks ('0
+ to '9, 'A to 'Z) are not stored. When not present or when
+ non-zero, they are all stored. '0 is used for the current
+ cursor position (when exiting or when doing ":wviminfo").
+ h Disable the effect of 'hlsearch' when loading the viminfo
+ file. When not included, it depends on whether ":nohlsearch"
+ has been used since the last search command.
+ n Name of the viminfo file. The name must immediately follow
+ the 'n'. Must be the last one! If the "-i" argument was
+ given when starting Vim, that file name overrides the one
+ given here with 'viminfo'. Environment variables are expanded
+ when opening the file, not when setting the option.
+ r Removable media. The argument is a string (up to the next
+ ','). This parameter can be given several times. Each
+ specifies the start of a path for which no marks will be
+ stored. This is to avoid removable media. For MS-DOS you
+ could use "ra:,rb:", for Amiga "rdf0:,rdf1:,rdf2:". You can
+ also use it for temp files, e.g., for Unix: "r/tmp". Case is
+ ignored. Maximum length of each 'r' argument is 50
+ characters.
+ s Maximum size of an item in Kbyte. If zero then registers are
+ not saved. Currently only applies to registers. The default
+ "s10" will exclude registers with more than 10 Kbyte of text.
+ Also see the '<' item above: line count limit.
+ Example: >
+ :set viminfo='50,<1000,s100,:0,n~/vim/viminfo
+ '50 Marks will be remembered for the last 50 files you
+ edited.
+ <1000 Contents of registers (up to 1000 lines each) will be
+ remembered.
+ s100 Registers with more than 100 Kbyte text are skipped.
+ :0 Command-line history will not be saved.
+ n~/vim/viminfo The name of the file to use is "~/vim/viminfo".
+ no / Since '/' is not specified, the default will be used,
+ that is, save all of the search history, and also the
+ previous search and substitute patterns.
+ no % The buffer list will not be saved nor read back.
+ no h 'hlsearch' highlighting will be restored.
+ When setting 'viminfo' from an empty value you can use |:rviminfo| to
+ load the contents of the file, this is not done automatically.
+ This option cannot be set from a |modeline| or in the |sandbox|, for
+ security reasons.
+ *'virtualedit'* *'ve'*
+'virtualedit' 've' string (default "")
+ global
+ {not in Vi}
+ {not available when compiled without the
+ |+virtualedit| feature}
+ A comma separated list of these words:
+ block Allow virtual editing in Visual block mode.
+ insert Allow virtual editing in Insert mode.
+ all Allow virtual editing in all modes.
+ Virtual editing means that the cursor can be positioned where there is
+ no actual character. This can be halfway into a Tab or beyond the end
+ of the line. Useful for selecting a rectangle in Visual mode and
+ editing a table.
+ *'visualbell'* *'vb'* *'novisualbell'* *'novb'* *beep*
+'visualbell' 'vb' boolean (default off)
+ global
+ {not in Vi}
+ Use visual bell instead of beeping. The terminal code to display the
+ visual bell is given with 't_vb'. When no beep or flash is wanted,
+ use ":set vb t_vb=".
+ Note: When the GUI starts, 't_vb' is reset to its default value. You
+ might want to set it again in your |gvimrc|.
+ In the GUI, 't_vb' defaults to "<Esc>|f", which inverts the display
+ for 20 msec. If you want to use a different time, use "<Esc>|40f",
+ where 40 is the time in msec.
+ Does not work on the Amiga, you always get a screen flash.
+ Also see 'errorbells'.
+ *'warn'* *'nowarn'*
+'warn' boolean (default on)
+ global
+ Give a warning message when a shell command is used while the buffer
+ has been changed.
+ *'weirdinvert'* *'wiv'* *'noweirdinvert'* *'nowiv'*
+'weirdinvert' 'wiv' boolean (default off)
+ global
+ {not in Vi}
+ This option has the same effect as the 't_xs' termcap option.
+ It is provided for backwards compatibility with version 4.x.
+ Setting 'weirdinvert' has the effect of making 't_xs' non-empty, and
+ vice versa. Has no effect when the GUI is running.
+ *'whichwrap'* *'ww'*
+'whichwrap' 'ww' string (Vim default: "b,s", Vi default: "")
+ global
+ {not in Vi}
+ Allow specified keys that move the cursor left/right to move to the
+ previous/next line when the cursor is on the first/last character in
+ the line. Concatenate characters to allow this for these keys:
+ char key mode ~
+ b <BS> Normal and Visual
+ s <Space> Normal and Visual
+ h "h" Normal and Visual
+ l "l" Normal and Visual
+ < <Left> Normal and Visual
+ > <Right> Normal and Visual
+ ~ "~" Normal
+ [ <Left> Insert and Replace
+ ] <Right> Insert and Replace
+ For example: >
+ :set ww=<,>,[,]
+< allows wrap only when cursor keys are used.
+ When the movement keys are used in combination with a delete or change
+ operator, the <EOL> also counts for a character. This makes "3h"
+ different from "3dh" when the cursor crosses the end of a line. This
+ is also true for "x" and "X", because they do the same as "dl" and
+ "dh". If you use this, you may also want to use the mapping
+ ":map <BS> X" to make backspace delete the character in front of the
+ cursor.
+ When 'l' is included, you get a side effect: "yl" on an empty line
+ will include the <EOL>, so that "p" will insert a new line.
+ NOTE: This option is set to the Vi default value when 'compatible' is
+ set and to the Vim default value when 'compatible' is reset.
+ *'wildchar'* *'wc'*
+'wildchar' 'wc' number (Vim default: <Tab>, Vi default: CTRL-E)
+ global
+ {not in Vi}
+ Character you have to type to start wildcard expansion in the
+ command-line, as specified with 'wildmode'.
+ The character is not recognized when used inside a macro. See
+ 'wildcharm' for that.
+ Although 'wc' is a number option, you can set it to a special key: >
+ :set wc=<Esc>
+< NOTE: This option is set to the Vi default value when 'compatible' is
+ set and to the Vim default value when 'compatible' is reset.
+ *'wildcharm'* *'wcm'*
+'wildcharm' 'wcm' number (default: none (0))
+ global
+ {not in Vi}
+ 'wildcharm' works exactly like 'wildchar', except that it is
+ recognized when used inside a macro. You can find "spare" command-line
+ keys suitable for this option by looking at |ex-edit-index|. Normally
+ you'll never actually type 'wildcharm', just use it in mappings that
+ automatically invoke completion mode, e.g.: >
+ :set wcm=<C-Z>
+ :cmap ss so $vim/sessions/*.vim<C-Z>
+< Then after typing :ss you can use CTRL-P & CTRL-N.
+ *'wildignore'* *'wig'*
+'wildignore' 'wig' string (default "")
+ global
+ {not in Vi}
+ {not available when compiled without the |+wildignore|
+ feature}
+ A list of file patterns. A file that matches with one of these
+ patterns is ignored when completing file or directory names.
+ The pattern is used like with |:autocmd|, see |autocmd-patterns|.
+ Also see 'suffixes'.
+ Example: >
+ :set wildignore=*.o,*.obj
+< The use of |:set+=| and |:set-=| is preferred when adding or removing
+ a pattern from the list. This avoids problems when a future version
+ uses another default.
+ *'wildmenu'* *'wmnu'* *'nowildmenu'* *'nowmnu'*
+'wildmenu' 'wmnu' boolean (default off)
+ global
+ {not in Vi}
+ {not available if compiled without the |+wildmenu|
+ feature}
+ When 'wildmenu' is on, command-line completion operates in an enhanced
+ mode. On pressing 'wildchar' (usually <Tab>) to invoke completion,
+ the possible matches are shown just above the command line, with the
+ first match highlighted (overwriting the status line, if there is
+ one). Keys that show the previous/next match, such as <Tab> or
+ CTRL-P/CTRL-N, cause the highlight to move to the appropriate match.
+ When 'wildmode' is used, "wildmenu" mode is used where "full" is
+ specified. "longest" and "list" do not start "wildmenu" mode.
+ If there are more matches than can fit in the line, a ">" is shown on
+ the right and/or a "<" is shown on the left. The status line scrolls
+ as needed.
+ The "wildmenu" mode is abandoned when a key is hit that is not used
+ for selecting a completion.
+ While the "wildmenu" is active the following keys have special
+ meanings:
+ <Left> <Right> - select previous/next match (like CTRL-P/CTRL-N)
+ <Down> - in filename/menu name completion: move into a
+ subdirectory or submenu.
+ <CR> - in menu completion, when the cursor is just after a
+ dot: move into a submenu.
+ <Up> - in filename/menu name completion: move up into
+ parent directory or parent menu.
+ This makes the menus accessible from the console |console-menus|.
+ If you prefer the <Left> and <Right> keys to move the cursor instead
+ of selecting a different match, use this: >
+ :cnoremap <Left> <Space><BS><Left>
+ :cnoremap <Right> <Space><BS><Right>
+ The "WildMenu" highlighting is used for displaying the current match
+ |hl-WildMenu|.
+ *'wildmode'* *'wim'*
+'wildmode' 'wim' string (Vim default: "full")
+ global
+ {not in Vi}
+ Completion mode that is used for the character specified with
+ 'wildchar'. It is a comma separated list of up to four parts. Each
+ part specifies what to do for each consecutive use of 'wildchar. The
+ first part specifies the behavior for the first use of 'wildchar',
+ The second part for the second use, etc.
+ These are the possible values for each part:
+ "" Complete only the first match.
+ "full" Complete the next full match. After the last match,
+ the original string is used and then the first match
+ again.
+ "longest" Complete till longest common string. If this doesn't
+ result in a longer string, use the next part.
+ "longest:full" Like "longest", but also start 'wildmenu' if it is
+ enabled.
+ "list" When more than one match, list all matches.
+ "list:full" When more than one match, list all matches and
+ complete first match.
+ "list:longest" When more than one match, list all matches and
+ complete till longest common string.
+ When there is only a single match, it is fully completed in all cases.
+ Examples: >
+ :set wildmode=full
+< Complete first full match, next match, etc. (the default) >
+ :set wildmode=longest,full
+< Complete longest common string, then each full match >
+ :set wildmode=list:full
+< List all matches and complete each full match >
+ :set wildmode=list,full
+< List all matches without completing, then each full match >
+ :set wildmode=longest,list
+< Complete longest common string, then list alternatives.
+ *'winaltkeys'* *'wak'*
+'winaltkeys' 'wak' string (default "menu")
+ global
+ {not in Vi}
+ {only used in Win32, Motif, GTK and Photon GUI}
+ Some GUI versions allow the access to menu entries by using the ALT
+ key in combination with a character that appears underlined in the
+ menu. This conflicts with the use of the ALT key for mappings and
+ entering special characters. This option tells what to do:
+ no Don't use ALT keys for menus. ALT key combinations can be
+ mapped, but there is no automatic handling. This can then be
+ done with the |:simalt| command.
+ yes ALT key handling is done by the windowing system. ALT key
+ combinations cannot be mapped.
+ menu Using ALT in combination with a character that is a menu
+ shortcut key, will be handled by the windowing system. Other
+ keys can be mapped.
+ If the menu is disabled by excluding 'm' from 'guioptions', the ALT
+ key is never used for the menu.
+ In the Win32 version, the <F10> key is handled like this too, since
+ Windows uses it to select a menu.
+ *'winheight'* *'wh'* *E591*
+'winheight' 'wh' number (default 1)
+ global
+ {not in Vi}
+ {not available when compiled without the +windows
+ feature}
+ Minimal number of lines for the current window. This is not a hard
+ minimum, Vim will use fewer lines if there is not enough room. If the
+ current window is smaller, its size is increased, at the cost of the
+ height of other windows. Set it to 999 to make the current window
+ always fill the screen (although this has the drawback that ":all"
+ will create only two windows). Set it to a small number for normal
+ editing.
+ Minimum value is 1.
+ The height is not adjusted after one of the commands to change the
+ height of the current window.
+ 'winheight' applies to the current window. Use 'winminheight' to set
+ the minimal height for other windows.
+ *'winfixheight'* *'wfh'* *'nowinfixheight'* *'nowfh'*
+'winfixheight' 'wfh' boolean (default off)
+ local to window
+ {not in Vi}
+ {not available when compiled without the +windows
+ feature}
+ Keep the window height when windows are opened or closed and
+ 'equalalways' is set. Set by default for the |preview-window| and
+ |quickfix-window|.
+ The height may be changed anyway when running out of room.
+ *'winminheight'* *'wmh'*
+'winminheight' 'wmh' number (default 1)
+ global
+ {not in Vi}
+ {not available when compiled without the +windows
+ feature}
+ The minimal height of a window, when it's not the current window.
+ This is a hard minimum, windows will never become smaller.
+ When set to zero, windows may be "squashed" to zero lines (i.e. just a
+ status bar) if necessary. They will return to at least one line when
+ they become active (since the cursor has to have somewhere to go.)
+ Use 'winheight' to set the minimal height of the current window.
+ This option is only checked when making a window smaller. Don't use a
+ large number, it will cause errors when opening more than a few
+ windows. A value of 0 to 3 is reasonable.
+ *'winminwidth'* *'wmw'*
+'winminwidth' 'wmw' number (default 1)
+ global
+ {not in Vi}
+ {not available when compiled without the +vertsplit
+ feature}
+ The minimal width of a window, when it's not the current window.
+ This is a hard minimum, windows will never become smaller.
+ When set to zero, windows may be "squashed" to zero columns (i.e. just
+ a vertical separator) if necessary. They will return to at least one
+ line when they become active (since the cursor has to have somewhere
+ to go.)
+ Use 'winwidth' to set the minimal width of the current window.
+ This option is only checked when making a window smaller. Don't use a
+ large number, it will cause errors when opening more than a few
+ windows. A value of 0 to 12 is reasonable.
+ *'winwidth'* *'wiw'* *E592*
+'winwidth' 'wiw' number (default 20)
+ global
+ {not in Vi}
+ {not available when compiled without the +vertsplit
+ feature}
+ Minimal number of columns for the current window. This is not a hard
+ minimum, Vim will use fewer columns if there is not enough room. If
+ the current window is smaller, its size is increased, at the cost of
+ the width of other windows. Set it to 999 to make the current window
+ always fill the screen. Set it to a small number for normal editing.
+ The width is not adjusted after one of the commands to change the
+ width of the current window.
+ 'winwidth' applies to the current window. Use 'winminwidth' to set
+ the minimal width for other windows.
+ *'wrap'* *'nowrap'*
+'wrap' boolean (default on)
+ local to window
+ {not in Vi}
+ This option changes how text is displayed. It doesn't change the text
+ in the buffer, see 'textwidth' for that.
+ When on, lines longer than the width of the window will wrap and
+ displaying continues on the next line. When off lines will not wrap
+ and only part of long lines will be displayed. When the cursor is
+ moved to a part that is not shown, the screen will scroll
+ horizontally.
+ The line will be broken in the middle of a word if necessary. See
+ 'linebreak' to get the break at a word boundary.
+ To make scrolling horizontally a bit more useful, try this: >
+ :set sidescroll=5
+ :set listchars+=precedes:<,extends:>
+< See 'sidescroll', 'listchars' and |wrap-off|.
+ *'wrapmargin'* *'wm'*
+'wrapmargin' 'wm' number (default 0)
+ local to buffer
+ Number of characters from the right window border where wrapping
+ starts. When typing text beyond this limit, an <EOL> will be inserted
+ and inserting continues on the next line.
+ Options that add a margin, such as 'number' and 'foldcolumn', cause
+ the text width to be further reduced. This is Vi compatible.
+ When 'textwidth' is non-zero, this option is not used.
+ See also 'formatoptions' and |ins-textwidth|. {Vi: works differently
+ and less usefully}
+ *'wrapscan'* *'ws'* *'nowrapscan'* *'nows'*
+'wrapscan' 'ws' boolean (default on) *E384* *E385*
+ global
+ Searches wrap around the end of the file.
+ *'write'* *'nowrite'*
+'write' boolean (default on)
+ global
+ {not in Vi}
+ Allows writing files. When not set, writing a file is not allowed.
+ Can be used for a view-only mode, where modifications to the text are
+ still allowed. Can be reset with the |-m| or |-M| command line
+ argument. Filtering text is still possible, even though this requires
+ writing a temporary file.
+ *'writeany'* *'wa'* *'nowriteany'* *'nowa'*
+'writeany' 'wa' boolean (default off)
+ global
+ Allows writing to any file with no need for "!" override.
+ *'writebackup'* *'wb'* *'nowritebackup'* *'nowb'*
+'writebackup' 'wb' boolean (default on with |+writebackup| feature, off
+ otherwise)
+ global
+ {not in Vi}
+ Make a backup before overwriting a file. The backup is removed after
+ the file was successfully written, unless the 'backup' option is
+ also on. Reset this option if your file system is almost full. See
+ |backup-table| for another explanation.
+ When the 'backupskip' pattern matches, a backup is not made anyway.
+ NOTE: This option is set to the default value when 'compatible' is
+ set.
+ *'writedelay'* *'wd'*
+'writedelay' 'wd' number (default 0)
+ global
+ {not in Vi}
+ The number of microseconds to wait for each character sent to the
+ screen. When non-zero, characters are sent to the terminal one by
+ one. For MS-DOS pcterm this does not work. For debugging purposes.
+ vim:tw=78:ts=8:ft=help:norl: