path: root/runtime/doc/netbeans.txt
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+*netbeans.txt* For Vim version 7.0aa. Last change: 2004 May 01
+NetBeans ExternalEditor Integration Features *netbeans*
+ *netbeans-support*
+1. Introduction |netbeans-intro|
+2. NetBeans Key Bindings |netbeans-keybindings|
+3. Configuring Vim for NetBeans |netbeans-configure|
+4. Downloading NetBeans |netbeans-download|
+5. Preparing NetBeans for Vim |netbeans-preparation|
+6. Obtaining the External Editor Module |obtaining-exted|
+7. Setting up NetBeans to run with Vim |netbeans-setup|
+8. Messages |netbeans-messages|
+9. Running Vim from NetBeans |netbeans-run|
+10. NetBeans protocol |netbeans-protocol|
+11. Known problems |netbeans-problems|
+{Vi does not have any of these features}
+{only available when compiled with the |+netbeans_intg| feature}
+1. Introduction *netbeans-intro*
+NetBeans is an open source Integrated Development Environment developed
+jointly by Sun Microsystems, Inc. and the developer community.
+Initially just a Java IDE, NetBeans has had C, C++, and Fortran support added
+in recent releases.
+For more information visit the main NetBeans web site
+or the NetBeans External Editor site at
+Sun Microsystems, Inc. also ships NetBeans under the name Sun ONE Studio.
+Visit for more information regarding the Sun ONE Studio
+product line.
+Current releases of NetBeans provide full support for Java and limited support
+for C, C++, and Fortran. Current releases of Sun ONE Studio provide full
+support for Java, C, C++, and Fortran.
+The interface to NetBeans is also supported by Agide, the A-A-P GUI IDE.
+Agide is very different from NetBeans:
+- Based on Python instead of Java, much smaller footprint and fast startup.
+- Agide is a framework in which many different tools can work together.
+See the A-A-P website for information:
+2. NetBeans Key Bindings *netbeans-keybindings*
+Vim understands a number of key bindings that execute NetBeans commands. These
+are typically all the Function key combinations. To execute a NetBeans command,
+the user must press the Pause key followed by a NetBeans key binding. For
+example, in order to compile a Java file, the NetBeans key binding is "F9". So,
+while in vim, press "Pause F9" to compile a java file. To toggle a breakpoint
+at the current line, press "Pause Shift F8".
+The Pause key is Function key 21. If you don't have a working Pause key and
+want to use F8 instead, use: >
+ :map <F8> <F21>
+The External Editor module dynamically reads the NetBeans key bindings so vim
+should always have the latest key bindings, even when NetBeans changes them.
+3. Configuring Vim for NetBeans *netbeans-configure*
+For more help installing vim, please read |usr_90.txt| in the Vim User Manual.
+On Unix
+When running configure without arguments the NetBeans interface should be
+included. That is, if the configure check to find out if your system supports
+the required features succeeds.
+In case you do not want the NetBeans interface you can disable it by
+uncommenting a line with "--disable-netbeans" in the Makefile.
+Currently, only gvim is supported in this integration as NetBeans does not
+have means to supply a terminal emulator for the vim command. Furthermore,
+there is only GUI support for GTK, GNOME, and Motif.
+If Motif support is required the user must supply XPM libraries. See
+|workshop-xpm| for details on obtaining the latest version of XPM.
+On MS-Windows
+The Win32 support is now in beta stage.
+To use XPM signs on Win32 (e.g. when using with NetBeans) you can compile
+XPM by yourself or use precompiled libraries from
+(for MS Visual C++) or (for MinGW).
+4. Downloading NetBeans *netbeans-download*
+The NetBeans IDE is available for download from You can download
+a released version, download sources, or use CVS to download the current
+source tree. If you choose to download sources, follow directions from on building NetBeans.
+Depending on the version of NetBeans you download, you may need to do further
+work to get the required External Editor module. This is the module which lets
+NetBeans work with gvim (or xemacs :-). See
+for details on downloading this module if your NetBeans release does not have
+For C, C++, and Fortran support you will also need the cpp module. See
+ for information regarding this module.
+You can also download Sun ONE Studio from Sun Microsystems, Inc for a 30 day
+free trial. See for further details.
+5. Preparing NetBeans for Vim *netbeans-preparation*
+In order for NetBeans to work with vim, the NetBeans External Editor module
+must be loaded and enabled. If you have a Sun ONE Studio Enterprise Edition
+then this module should be loaded and enabled. If you have a NetBeans release
+you may need to find another way of obtaining this open source module.
+You can check if you have this module by opening the Tools->Options dialog
+and drilling down to the "Modules" list (IDE Configuration->System->Modules).
+If your Modules list has an entry for "External Editor" you must make sure
+it is enabled (the "Enabled" property should have the value "True"). If your
+Modules list has no External Editor see the next section on |obtaining-exted|.
+6. Obtaining the External Editor Module *obtaining-exted*
+There are 2 ways of obtaining the External Editor module. The easiest way
+is to use the NetBeans Update Center to download and install the module.
+Unfortunately, some versions do not have this module in their update
+center. If you cannot download via the update center you will need to
+download sources and build the module. I will try and get the module
+available from the NetBeans Update Center so building will be unnecessary.
+Also check for other availability options.
+To download the External Editor sources via CVS and build your own module,
+see and
+Unfortunately, this is not a trivial procedure.
+7. Setting up NetBeans to run with Vim *netbeans-setup*
+Assuming you have loaded and enabled the NetBeans External Editor module
+as described in |netbeans-preparation| all you need to do is verify that
+the gvim command line is properly configured for your environment.
+Open the Tools->Options dialog and open the Editing category. Select the
+External Editor. The right hand pane should contain a Properties tab and
+an Expert tab. In the Properties tab make sure the "Editor Type" is set
+to "Vim". In the Expert tab make sure the "Vim Command" is correct.
+You should be careful if you change the "Vim Command". There are command
+line options there which must be there for the connection to be properly
+set up. You can change the command name but thats about it. If your gvim
+can be found by your $PATH then the VIM Command can start with "gvim". If
+you don't want gvim searched from your $PATH then hard code in the full
+Unix path name. At this point you should get a gvim for any source file
+you open in NetBeans.
+If some files come up in gvim and others (with different file suffixes) come
+up in the default NetBeans editor you should verify the MIME type in the
+Expert tab MIME Type property. NetBeans is MIME oriented and the External
+Editor will only open MIME types specified in this property.
+8. Messages *netbeans-messages*
+These messages are specific for NetBeans:
+ *E463*
+Region is guarded, cannot modify
+ NetBeans defines guarded areas in the text, which you cannot
+ change.
+ *E656*
+NetBeans dissallows writes of unmodified buffers
+ NetBeans does not support writes of unmodified buffers that
+ were opened from NetBeans.
+ *E657*
+Partial writes disallowed for NetBeans buffers
+ NetBeans does not support partial writes for buffers that were
+ opened from NetBeans.
+ *E658*
+NetBeans connection lost for this buffer
+ NetBeans has become confused about the state of this file.
+ Rather than risc data corruption, NetBeans has severed the
+ connection for this file. Vim will take over responsibility
+ for saving changes to this file and NetBeans will no longer
+ know of these changes.
+9. Running Vim from NetBeans *netbeans-run*
+NetBeans starts Vim with the |-nb| argument. Three forms can be used, that
+differ in the way the information for the connection is specified:
+ -nb={fname} from a file
+ -nb:{hostname}:{addr}:{password} directly
+ -nb from a file or environment
+ *E660* *E668*
+For security reasons, the best method is to write the information in a file
+readable only by the user. The name of the file can be passed with the
+"-nb={fname}" argument or, when "-nb" is used without a parameter, the
+environment variable "__NETBEANS_CONINFO". The file must contain these three
+lines, in any order:
+ host={hostname}
+ port={addr}
+ auth={password}
+Other lines are ignored. The caller of Vim is responsible for deleting the
+file afterwards.
+{hostname} is the name of the machine where NetBeans is running. When omitted
+the environment variable "__NETBEANS_HOST" is used or the default "localhost".
+{addr} is the port number for NetBeans. When omitted the environment variable
+"__NETBEANS_SOCKET" is used or the default 3219.
+{password} is the password for connecting to NetBeans. When omitted the
+environment variable "__NETBEANS_VIM_PASSWORD" is used or "changeme".
+10. NetBeans protocol *netbeans-protocol*
+The communication between NetBeans and Vim uses plain text messages. This
+protocol was first designed to work with the external editor module of
+NetBeans (see Later it was extended to
+work with Agide (A-A-P GUI IDE, see The extensions are
+marked with "version 2.1".
+Version 2.2 of the protocol has several minor changes which should only
+affect NetBeans users (ie, not Agide users). However, a bug was fixed which
+could cause confusion. The netbeans_saved() function sent a "save" protocol
+command. In protocol version 2.1 and earlier this was incorrectly interpreted
+as a notification that a write had taken place. In reality, it told NetBeans
+to save the file so multiple writes were being done. This caused various
+problems and has been fixed in 2.2. To decrease the likelyhood of this
+confusion happening again, netbeans_saved() has been renamed to
+The messages are currently sent over a socket. Since the messages are in
+plain UTF-8 text this protocol could also be used with any other communication
+10.1 Kinds of messages |nb-messages|
+10.2 Terms |nb-terms|
+10.3 Commands |nb-commands|
+10.4 Functions and Replies |nb-functions|
+10.5 Events |nb-events|
+10.6 Special messages |nb-special|
+*E627* *E628* *E629* *E630* *E631* *E632* *E633* *E634* *E635* *E636*
+*E637* *E638* *E639* *E640* *E641* *E642* *E643* *E644* *E645* *E646*
+*E647* *E648* *E649* *E650* *E651* *E652* *E653* *E654*
+These errors occur when a message violates the protocol.
+10.1 Kinds of messages *nb-messages*
+There are four kinds of messages:
+kind direction comment ~
+Command IDE -> editor no reply necessary
+Function IDE -> editor editor must send back a reply
+Reply editor -> IDE only in response to a Function
+Event editor -> IDE no reply necessary
+The messages are sent as a single line with a terminating newline character.
+Arguments are separated by a single space. The first item of the message
+depends on the kind of message:
+kind first item example ~
+Command bufID:name!seqno 11:showBalloon!123 "text"
+Function bufID:name/seqno 11:getLength/123
+Reply seqno 123 5000
+Event bufID:name=123 11:keyCommand=123 "S-F2"
+10.2 Terms *nb-terms*
+bufID Buffer number. A message may be either for a specific buffer
+ or generic. Generic messages use a bufID of zero. NOTE: this
+ buffer ID is assigned by the IDE, it is not Vim's buffer
+ number. The bufID must be a sequentially rising number,
+ starting at one.
+seqno The IDE uses a sequence number for Commands and Functions. A
+ Reply must use the sequence number of the Function that it is
+ associated with. A zero sequence number can be used for
+ Events (the seqno of the last received Command or Function can
+ also be used).
+string Argument in double quotes. Text is in UTF-8 encoding. This
+ means ASCII is passed as-is. Special characters are
+ represented with a backslash:
+ \" double quote
+ \n newline
+ \r carriage-return
+ \t tab (optional, also works literally)
+ \\ backslash
+ NUL bytes are not allowed!
+boolean Argument with two possible values:
+ T true
+ F false
+number Argument with a decimal number.
+optnum Argument with either a decimal number or "none" (without the
+ quotes).
+offset A number argument that indicates a byte position in a buffer.
+ The first byte has offset zero. Line breaks are counted for
+ how they appear in the file (CR/LF counts for two bytes).
+ Note that a multi-byte character is counted for the number of
+ bytes it takes.
+lnum/col Argument with a line number and column number position. The
+ line number starts with one, the column is the byte position,
+ starting with zero. Note that a multi-byte character counts
+ for several columns.
+pathname String argument: file name with full path.
+10.3 Commands *nb-commands*
+actionMenuItem Not implemented.
+ Not implemented.
+addAnno serNum typeNum off len
+ Place an annotation in this buffer.
+ Arguments:
+ serNum number serial number of this placed
+ annotation, used to be able to remove
+ it
+ typeNum number sequence number of the annotation
+ defined with defineAnnoType for this
+ buffer
+ off number offset where annotation is to be placed
+ len number not used
+ In version 2.1 "lnum/col" can be used instead of "off".
+balloonResult text
+ Not implemented.
+close Close the buffer. This leaves us without current buffer, very
+ dangerous to use!
+create Creates a buffer without a name. Replaces the current buffer
+ (it's hidden when it was changed).
+ NetBeans uses this as the first command for a file that is
+ being opened. The sequence of commands could be:
+ create
+ setCaretListener (ignored)
+ setModified (no effect)
+ setContentType (ignored)
+ startDocumentListen
+ setTitle
+ setFullName
+defineAnnoType typeNum typeName tooltip glyphFile fg bg
+ Define a type of annotation for this buffer.
+ Arguments:
+ typeNum number sequence number (not really used)
+ typeName string name that identifies this annotation
+ tooltip string not used
+ glyphFile string name of icon file
+ fg optnum foreground color for line highlighting
+ bg optnum background color for line highlighting
+ Vim will define a sign for the annotation.
+ When both "fg" and "bg" are "none" no line highlighting is
+ used (new in version 2.1).
+ When "glyphFile" is empty, no text sign is used (new in
+ version 2.1).
+ When "glyphFile" is one or two characters long, a text sign is
+ defined (new in version 2.1).
+ Note: the annotations will be defined in sequence, and the
+ sequence number is later used with addAnno.
+editFile pathname
+ Set the name for the buffer and edit the file "pathname", a
+ string argument.
+ Normal way for the IDE to tell the editor to edit a file. If
+ the IDE is going to pass the file text to the editor use these
+ commands instead:
+ setFullName
+ insert
+ initDone
+ New in version 2.1.
+ Not implemented.
+endAtomic End an atomic operation. The changes between "startAtomic"
+ and "endAtomic" can be undone as one operation. But it's not
+ implemented yet. Redraw when necessary.
+guard off len
+ Mark an area in the buffer as guarded. This means it cannot
+ be edited. "off" and "len" are numbers and specify the text
+ to be guarded.
+initDone Mark the buffer as ready for use. Implicitly makes the buffer
+ the current buffer. Fires the BufReadPost autocommand event.
+moveAnnoToFront serNum
+ Not implemented.
+netbeansBuffer isNetbeansBuffer
+ If "isNetbeansBuffer" is "T" then this buffer is ``owned'' by
+ NetBeans.
+ New in version 2.2.
+putBufferNumber pathname
+ Associate a buffer number with the Vim buffer by the name
+ "pathname", a string argument. To be used when the editor
+ reported editing another file to the IDE and the IDE needs to
+ tell the editor what buffer number it will use for this file.
+ Also marks the buffer as initialized.
+ New in version 2.1.
+raise Bring the editor to the foreground.
+ New in version 2.1.
+removeAnno serNum
+ Remove a previously place annotation for this buffer.
+ "serNum" is the same number used in addAnno.
+save Save the buffer when it was modified. The other side of the
+ interface is expected to write the buffer and invoke
+ "setModified" to reset the "changed" flag of the buffer.
+ The writing is skipped when one of these conditions is true:
+ - 'write' is not set
+ - the buffer is read-only
+ - the buffer does not have a file name
+ - 'buftype' disallows writing
+ New in version 2.2.
+setAsUser Not implemented.
+setBufferNumber pathname
+ Associate a buffer number with Vim buffer by the name
+ "pathname". To be used when the editor reported editing
+ another file to the IDE and the IDE needs to tell the editor
+ what buffer number it will use for this file.
+ Has the side effect of making the buffer the current buffer.
+ See "putBufferNumber" for a more useful command.
+ Not implemented.
+setDot off Make the buffer the current buffer and set the cursor at the
+ specified position. If there are folds they are opened to
+ make the cursor line visible.
+ In version 2.1 "lnum/col" can be used instead of "off".
+setExitDelay seconds
+ Set the delay for exiting to "seconds", a number.
+ This delay is used to give the IDE a chance to handle things
+ before really exiting. The default delay is two seconds.
+ New in version 2.1.
+setFullName pathname
+ Set the file name to be used for a buffer to "pathname", a
+ string argument.
+ Used when the IDE wants to edit a file under control of the
+ IDE. This makes the buffer the current buffer, but does not
+ read the file. "insert" commands will be used next to set the
+ contents.
+setLocAndSize Not implemented.
+setMark Not implemented.
+setModified modified
+ When the boolean argument "modified" is "T" mark the buffer as
+ modified, when it is "F" mark it as unmodified.
+setReadOnly Not implemented.
+setStyle Not implemented.
+setTitle name
+ Set the title for the buffer to "name", a string argument.
+ The title is only used for NetBeans functions, not by Vim.
+setVisible visible
+ When the boolean argument "visible" is "T", goto the buffer.
+ The "F" argument does nothing.
+showBalloon text
+ Show a balloon (popup window) at the mouse pointer position,
+ containing "text", a string argument. The balloon should
+ disappear when the mouse is moved more than a few pixels.
+ New in version 2.1.
+specialKeys Not implemented.
+startAtomic Begin an atomic operation. The screen will not be updated
+ until "endAtomic" is given.
+ Not implemented.
+ Mark the buffer to report changes to the IDE with the
+ "insert" and "remove" events. The default is to report
+ changes.
+ Not implemented.
+ Mark the buffer to stop reporting changes to the IDE.
+ Opposite of startDocumentListen.
+unguard off len
+ Opposite of "guard", remove guarding for a text area.
+version Not implemented.
+10.4 Functions and Replies *nb-functions*
+getDot Not implemented.
+getCursor Return the current buffer and cursor position.
+ The reply is:
+ seqno bufID lnum col off
+ seqno = sequence number of the function
+ bufID = buffer ID of the current buffer (if this is unknown -1
+ is used)
+ lnum = line number of the cursor (first line is one)
+ col = column number of the cursor (in bytes, zero based)
+ off = offset of the cursor in the buffer (in bytes)
+ New in version 2.1.
+getLength Return the length of the buffer in bytes.
+ Reply example for a buffer with 5000 bytes:
+ 123 5000
+ TODO: explain use of partial line.
+getMark Not implemented.
+getModified When a buffer is specified: Return zero if the buffer does not
+ have changes, one if it does have changes.
+ When no buffer is specified (buffer number zero): Return the
+ number of buffers with changes. When the result is zero it's
+ safe to tell Vim to exit.
+ New in version 2.1.
+getText Return the contents of the buffer as a string.
+ Reply example for a buffer with two lines
+ 123 "first line\nsecond line\n"
+ NOTE: docs indicate an offset and length argument, but this is
+ not implemented.
+insert off text
+ Insert "text" before position "off". "text" is a string
+ argument, "off" a number.
+ Possible replies:
+ 123 no problem
+ 123 !message failed
+ Note that the message in the reply is not quoted.
+remove off length
+ Delete "length" bytes of text at position "off". Both
+ arguments are numbers.
+ Possible replies:
+ 123 no problem
+ 123 !message failed
+ Note that the message in the reply is not quoted.
+saveAndExit Perform the equivalent of closing Vim: ":confirm qall".
+ If there are no changed files or the user does not cancel the
+ operation Vim exits and no result is sent back. The IDE can
+ consider closing the connection as a successful result.
+ If the user cancels the operation the number of modified
+ buffers that remains is returned and Vim does not exit.
+ New in version 2.1.
+10.5 Events *nb-events*
+balloonEval off len type
+ The mouse pointer rests on text for a short while. When "len"
+ is zero, there is no selection and the pointer is at position
+ "off". When "len" is non-zero the text from position "off" to
+ "off" + "len" is selected.
+ Only sent after "enableBalloonEval" was used for this buffer.
+ "type" is not yet defined.
+ Not implemented yet.
+balloonText text
+ Used when 'ballooneval' is set and the mouse pointer rests on
+ some text for a moment. "text" is a string, the text under
+ the mouse pointer.
+ New in version 2.1.
+buttonRelease button lnum col
+ Report which button was pressed and the location of the cursor
+ at the time of the release. Only for buffers that are owned
+ by NetBeans. This event is not sent if the button was
+ released while the mouse was in the status line or in a
+ separator line. If col is less than 1 the button release was
+ in the sign area.
+ New in version 2.2.
+fileClosed Not implemented.
+fileModified Not implemented.
+fileOpened pathname open modified
+ A file was opened by the user.
+ Arguments:
+ pathname string name of the file
+ open boolean always "T"
+ modified boolean always "F"
+geometry cols rows x y
+ Report the size and position of the editor window.
+ Arguments:
+ cols number number of text columns
+ rows number number of text rows
+ x number pixel position on screen
+ y number pixel position on screen
+ Only works for Motif.
+insert off text
+ Text "text" has been inserted in Vim at position "off".
+ Only fired when enabled, see "startDocumentListen".
+invokeAction Not implemented.
+keyCommand keyName
+ Reports a special key being pressed with name "keyName", which
+ is a string.
+ Supported key names:
+ F1 function key 1
+ F2 function key 2
+ ...
+ F12 function key 12
+ ' ' space (without the quotes)
+ ! exclamation mark
+ ... any other ASCII printable character
+ ~ tilde
+ X any unrecognized key
+ The key may be prepended by "C", "S" and/or "M" for Control,
+ Shift and Meta (Alt) modifiers. If there is a modifier a dash
+ is used to separate it from the key name. For example:
+ "C-F2".
+ ASCII characters are new in version 2.1.
+keyAtPos keyName lnum/col
+ Like "keyCommand" and also report the line number and column
+ of the cursor.
+ New in version 2.1.
+killed A file was closed by the user. Only for files that have been
+ assigned a number by the IDE.
+newDotAndMark off off
+ Reports the position of the cursor being at "off" bytes into
+ the buffer. Only sent just before a "keyCommand" event.
+quit Not implemented.
+remove off len
+ Text was deleted in Vim at position "off" with byte length
+ "len".
+ Only fired when enabled, see "startDocumentListen".
+revert Not implemented.
+save The buffer has been saved and is now unmodified.
+ Only fired when enabled, see "startDocumentListen".
+startupDone The editor has finished its startup work and is ready for
+ editing files.
+ New in version 2.1.
+unmodified The buffer is now unmodified.
+ Only fired when enabled, see "startDocumentListen".
+version vers Report the version of the interface implementation. Vim
+ reports "2.2" (including the quotes).
+10.6 Special messages *nb-special*
+These messages do not follow the style of the messages above. They are
+terminated by a newline character.
+ACCEPT Not used.
+AUTH password editor -> IDE: First message that the editor sends to the IDE.
+ Must contain the password for the socket server, as specified
+ with the |-nb| argument. No quotes are used!
+DISCONNECT IDE -> editor: break the connection. The editor will exit.
+ The IDE must only send this message when there are no unsaved
+ changes!
+DETACH IDE -> editor: break the connection without exiting the
+ editor. Used when the IDE exits without bringing down the
+ editor as well.
+ New in version 2.1.
+REJECT Not used.
+11. Known problems *netbeans-problems*
+NUL bytes are not possible. For editor -> IDE they will appear as NL
+characters. For IDE -> editor they cannot be inserted.
+ vim:tw=78:ts=8:ft=help:norl: