path: root/runtime/autoload/syntaxcomplete.vim
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Diffstat (limited to 'runtime/autoload/syntaxcomplete.vim')
1 files changed, 119 insertions, 16 deletions
diff --git a/runtime/autoload/syntaxcomplete.vim b/runtime/autoload/syntaxcomplete.vim
index f36c6683a..9a1474f5e 100644
--- a/runtime/autoload/syntaxcomplete.vim
+++ b/runtime/autoload/syntaxcomplete.vim
@@ -1,12 +1,28 @@
" Vim completion script
" Language: All languages, uses existing syntax highlighting rules
" Maintainer: David Fishburn <dfishburn dot vim at gmail dot com>
-" Version: 8.0
-" Last Change: 2011 Nov 02
+" Version: 10.0
+" Last Change: 2012 Oct 20
" Usage: For detailed help, ":help ft-syntax-omni"
" History
+" Version 10.0
+" Cycle through all the character ranges specified in the
+" iskeyword option and build a list of valid word separators.
+" Prior to this change, only actual characters were used,
+" where for example ASCII "45" == "-". If "45" were used
+" in iskeyword the hyphen would not be picked up.
+" This introduces a new option, since the character ranges
+" specified could be multibyte:
+" let g:omni_syntax_use_single_byte = 1
+" This by default will only allow single byte ASCII
+" characters to be added and an additional check to ensure
+" the charater is printable (see documentation for isprint).
+" Version 9.0
+" Add the check for cpo.
" Version 8.0
" Updated SyntaxCSyntaxGroupItems()
" - Some additional syntax items were also allowed
@@ -50,7 +66,11 @@ endif
if exists('g:loaded_syntax_completion')
-let g:loaded_syntax_completion = 80
+let g:loaded_syntax_completion = 100
+" Turn on support for line continuations when creating the script
+let s:cpo_save = &cpo
+set cpo&vim
" Set ignorecase to the ftplugin standard
" This is the default setting, but if you define a buffer local
@@ -67,6 +87,18 @@ if !exists('g:omni_syntax_use_iskeyword')
let g:omni_syntax_use_iskeyword = 1
+" When using iskeyword, this setting controls whether the characters
+" should be limited to single byte characters.
+if !exists('g:omni_syntax_use_single_byte')
+ let g:omni_syntax_use_single_byte = 1
+" When using iskeyword, this setting controls whether the characters
+" should be limited to single byte characters.
+if !exists('g:omni_syntax_use_iskeyword_numeric')
+ let g:omni_syntax_use_iskeyword_numeric = 1
" Only display items in the completion window that are at least
" this many characters in length.
" This is the default setting, but if you define a buffer local
@@ -446,19 +478,66 @@ function! s:SyntaxCSyntaxGroupItems( group_name, syntax_full )
" This will replace non-word characters with spaces.
let syn_list = substitute( syn_list, '[^0-9A-Za-z_ ]', ' ', 'g' )
- let accept_chars = ','.&iskeyword.','
- " Remove all character ranges
- " let accept_chars = substitute(accept_chars, ',[^,]\+-[^,]\+,', ',', 'g')
- let accept_chars = substitute(accept_chars, ',\@<=[^,]\+-[^,]\+,', '', 'g')
- " Remove all numeric specifications
- " let accept_chars = substitute(accept_chars, ',\d\{-},', ',', 'g')
- let accept_chars = substitute(accept_chars, ',\@<=\d\{-},', '', 'g')
- " Remove all commas
- let accept_chars = substitute(accept_chars, ',', '', 'g')
- " Escape special regex characters
- let accept_chars = escape(accept_chars, '\\/.*$^~[]' )
- " Remove all characters that are not acceptable
- let syn_list = substitute( syn_list, '[^0-9A-Za-z_ '.accept_chars.']', ' ', 'g' )
+ if g:omni_syntax_use_iskeyword_numeric == 1
+ " iskeyword can contain value like this
+ " 38,42,43,45,47-58,60-62,64-90,97-122,_,+,-,*,/,%,<,=,>,:,$,?,!,@-@,94
+ " Numeric values convert to their ASCII equivalent using the
+ " nr2char() function.
+ " & 38
+ " * 42
+ " + 43
+ " - 45
+ " ^ 94
+ " Iterate through all numeric specifications and convert those
+ " to their ascii equivalent ensuring the character is printable.
+ " If so, add it to the list.
+ let accepted_chars = ''
+ for item in split(&iskeyword, ',')
+ if item =~ '-'
+ " This is a character range (ie 47-58),
+ " cycle through each character within the range
+ let [b:start, b:end] = split(item, '-')
+ for range_item in range( b:start, b:end )
+ if range_item <= 127 || g:omni_syntax_use_single_byte == 0
+ if nr2char(range_item) =~ '\p'
+ let accepted_chars = accepted_chars . nr2char(range_item)
+ endif
+ endif
+ endfor
+ elseif item =~ '^\d\+$'
+ " Only numeric, translate to a character
+ if item < 127 || g:omni_syntax_use_single_byte == 0
+ if nr2char(item) =~ '\p'
+ let accepted_chars = accepted_chars . nr2char(item)
+ endif
+ endif
+ else
+ if char2nr(item) < 127 || g:omni_syntax_use_single_byte == 0
+ if item =~ '\p'
+ let accepted_chars = accepted_chars . item
+ endif
+ endif
+ endif
+ endfor
+ " Escape special regex characters
+ let accepted_chars = escape(accepted_chars, '\\/.*$^~[]' )
+ " Remove all characters that are not acceptable
+ let syn_list = substitute( syn_list, '[^A-Za-z'.accepted_chars.']', ' ', 'g' )
+ else
+ let accept_chars = ','.&iskeyword.','
+ " Remove all character ranges
+ " let accept_chars = substitute(accept_chars, ',[^,]\+-[^,]\+,', ',', 'g')
+ let accept_chars = substitute(accept_chars, ',\@<=[^,]\+-[^,]\+,', '', 'g')
+ " Remove all numeric specifications
+ " let accept_chars = substitute(accept_chars, ',\d\{-},', ',', 'g')
+ let accept_chars = substitute(accept_chars, ',\@<=\d\{-},', '', 'g')
+ " Remove all commas
+ let accept_chars = substitute(accept_chars, ',', '', 'g')
+ " Escape special regex characters
+ let accept_chars = escape(accept_chars, '\\/.*$^~[]' )
+ " Remove all characters that are not acceptable
+ let syn_list = substitute( syn_list, '[^0-9A-Za-z_'.accept_chars.']', ' ', 'g' )
+ endif
if b:omni_syntax_minimum_length > 0
@@ -471,3 +550,27 @@ function! s:SyntaxCSyntaxGroupItems( group_name, syntax_full )
return syn_list
+function! OmniSyntaxShowChars(spec)
+ let result = []
+ for item in split(a:spec, ',')
+ if len(item) > 1
+ if item == '@-@'
+ call add(result, char2nr(item))
+ else
+ call extend(result, call('range', split(item, '-')))
+ endif
+ else
+ if item == '@' " assume this is [A-Za-z]
+ for [c1, c2] in [['A', 'Z'], ['a', 'z']]
+ call extend(result, range(char2nr(c1), char2nr(c2)))
+ endfor
+ else
+ call add(result, char2nr(item))
+ endif
+ endif
+ endfor
+ return join(map(result, 'nr2char(v:val)'), ', ')
+let &cpo = s:cpo_save
+unlet s:cpo_save