diff options
6 files changed, 28 insertions, 8 deletions
diff --git a/runtime/doc/pi_zip.txt b/runtime/doc/pi_zip.txt
index f9786d3ac..040ed045e 100644
--- a/runtime/doc/pi_zip.txt
+++ b/runtime/doc/pi_zip.txt
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-*zip.txt* Zip File Interface Nov 28, 2005
+*zip.txt* Zip File Interface Mar 22, 2006
Author: Charles E. Campbell, Jr. <NdrOchip@ScampbellPfamily.AbizM>
(remove NOSPAM from Campbell's email first)
@@ -29,6 +29,8 @@ Copyright: Copyright (C) 2005 Charles E. Campbell, Jr. {{{1 *zip-copyright*
3. History *zip-history*
+ v7 Mar 22, 2006 * escaped some characters that can cause filename handling
+ problems.
v6 Dec 21, 2005 * writing to files not in directories caused problems -
fixed (pointed out by Christian Robinson)
v5 Nov 22, 2005 * report option workaround installed
diff --git a/runtime/doc/quickref.txt b/runtime/doc/quickref.txt
index 8570a2b8b..c5f0c76f6 100644
--- a/runtime/doc/quickref.txt
+++ b/runtime/doc/quickref.txt
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-*quickref.txt* For Vim version 7.0aa. Last change: 2006 Mar 18
+*quickref.txt* For Vim version 7.0aa. Last change: 2006 Mar 23
@@ -949,7 +949,9 @@ Short explanation of each option: *option-list*
|:cprevious| :cp display the previous error
|:clist| :cl list all errors
|:cfile| :cf read errors from the file 'errorfile'
+|:cgetbuffer| :cgetb like :cbuffer but don't jump to the first error
|:cgetfile| :cg like :cfile but don't jump to the first error
+|:cgetexpr| :cgete like :cexpr but don't jump to the first error
|:caddfile| :caddf add errors from the error file to the current
quickfix list
|:caddexpr| :cad add errors from an expression to the current
diff --git a/runtime/makemenu.vim b/runtime/makemenu.vim
index 3728041cc..399168ab8 100644
--- a/runtime/makemenu.vim
+++ b/runtime/makemenu.vim
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
" Script to define the syntax menu in synmenu.vim
" Maintainer: Bram Moolenaar <>
-" Last Change: 2006 Jan 12
+" Last Change: 2006 Mar 23
" This is used by "make menu" in the src directory.
edit <sfile>:p:h/synmenu.vim
@@ -136,6 +136,7 @@ SynMenu DE.Desktop:desktop
SynMenu DE.Diff:diff
SynMenu DE.Digital\ Command\ Lang:dcl
SynMenu DE.Dircolors:dircolors
+SynMenu DE.Django\ template:django
SynMenu DE.DNS/BIND\ zone:dns
SynMenu DE.DocBook.SGML:docbksgml
@@ -201,6 +202,7 @@ SynMenu HIJK.HTML.HTML:html
SynMenu HIJK.HTML.HTML\ with\ M4:htmlm4
SynMenu HIJK.HTML.HTML\ with\ Ruby\ (eRuby):eruby
SynMenu HIJK.HTML.Cheetah\ HTML\ template:htmlcheetah
+SynMenu HIJK.HTML.Django\ HTML\ template:htmldjango
SynMenu HIJK.HTML.HTML/OS:htmlos
SynMenu HIJK.Hyper\ Builder:hb
diff --git a/runtime/syntax/vim.vim b/runtime/syntax/vim.vim
index 4e0f8ef51..82be4d083 100644
--- a/runtime/syntax/vim.vim
+++ b/runtime/syntax/vim.vim
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
" Vim syntax file
" Language: Vim 7.0 script
" Maintainer: Dr. Charles E. Campbell, Jr. <NdrOchipS@PcampbellAfamily.Mbiz>
-" Last Change: March 20, 2006
-" Version: 7.0-34
+" Last Change: March 22, 2006
+" Version: 7.0-35
" Automatically generated keyword lists: {{{1
" Quit when a syntax file was already loaded {{{2
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ syn keyword vimTodo contained COMBAK NOT RELEASED TODO WIP
syn cluster vimCommentGroup contains=vimTodo,@Spell
" regular vim commands {{{2
-syn keyword vimCommand contained ab[breviate] abc[lear] abo[veleft] al[l] arga[dd] argd[elete] argdo arge[dit] argg[lobal] argl[ocal] ar[gs] argu[ment] as[cii] bad[d] ba[ll] bd[elete] be bel[owright] bf[irst] bl[ast] bm[odified] bn[ext] bN[ext] bo[tright] bp[revious] brea[k] breaka[dd] breakd[el] breakl[ist] br[ewind] bro[wse] bufdo b[uffer] buffers bun[load] bw[ipeout] ca[bbrev] cabc[lear] caddb[uffer] cad[dexpr] caddf[ile] cal[l] cat[ch] cb[uffer] cc ccl[ose] cd ce[nter] cex[pr] cf[ile] cfir[st] cg[etfile] c[hange] changes chd[ir] che[ckpath] checkt[ime] cla[st] cl[ist] clo[se] cmapc[lear] cnew[er] cn[ext] cN[ext] cnf[ile] cNf[ile] cnorea[bbrev] col[der] colo[rscheme] comc[lear] comp[iler] conf[irm] con[tinue] cope[n] co[py] cpf[ile] cp[revious] cq[uit] cr[ewind] cuna[bbrev] cu[nmap] cw[indow] debugg[reedy] delc[ommand] d[elete] DeleteFirst delf[unction] delm[arks] diffg[et] diffoff diffpatch diffpu[t] diffsplit diffthis diffu[pdate] dig[raphs] di[splay] dj[ump] dl[ist] dr[op] ds[earch] dsp[lit] earlier echoe[rr] echom[sg] echon e[dit] el[se] elsei[f] em[enu] emenu* endfo[r] endf[unction] en[dif] endt[ry] endw[hile] ene[w] ex exi[t] Explore exu[sage] f[ile] files filetype fina[lly] fin[d] fini[sh] fir[st] fix[del] fo[ld] foldc[lose] folddoc[losed] foldd[oopen] foldo[pen] for fu[nction] g[lobal] go[to] gr[ep] grepa[dd] ha[rdcopy] h[elp] helpf[ind] helpg[rep] helpt[ags] Hexplore hid[e] his[tory] I ia[bbrev] iabc[lear] if ij[ump] il[ist] imapc[lear] inorea[bbrev] is[earch] isp[lit] iuna[bbrev] iu[nmap] j[oin] ju[mps] k keepalt keepj[umps] kee[pmarks] laddb[uffer] lad[dexpr] laddf[ile] lan[guage] la[st] later lb[uffer] lc[d] lch[dir] lcl[ose] le[ft] lefta[bove] lex[pr] lf[ile] lfir[st] lg[etfile] lgr[ep] lgrepa[dd] lh[elpgrep] l[ist] ll lla[st] lli[st] lmak[e] lm[ap] lmapc[lear] lnew[er] lne[xt] lN[ext] lnf[ile] lNf[ile] ln[oremap] lo[adview] loc[kmarks] lockv[ar] lol[der] lop[en] lpf[ile] lp[revious] lr[ewind] ls lt[ag] lu[nmap] lv[imgrep] lvimgrepa[dd] lw[indow] mak[e] ma[rk] marks mat[ch] menut[ranslate] mk[exrc] mks[ession] mksp[ell] mkvie[w] mkv[imrc] mod[e] m[ove] mzf[ile] mz[scheme] nbkey NetrwSettings new n[ext] N[ext] nmapc[lear] noh[lsearch] norea[bbrev] Nread nu[mber] nun[map] Nw omapc[lear] on[ly] o[pen] opt[ions] ou[nmap] pc[lose] ped[it] pe[rl] perld[o] po[p] popu popu[p] pp[op] pre[serve] prev[ious] p[rint] P[rint] profd[el] prof[ile] prompt promptf[ind] promptr[epl] ps[earch] pta[g] ptf[irst] ptj[ump] ptl[ast] ptn[ext] ptN[ext] ptp[revious] ptr[ewind] pts[elect] pu[t] pw[d] pyf[ile] py[thon] qa[ll] q[uit] quita[ll] r[ead] rec[over] redi[r] red[o] redr[aw] redraws[tatus] reg[isters] res[ize] ret[ab] retu[rn] rew[ind] ri[ght] rightb[elow] rub[y] rubyd[o] rubyf[ile] ru[ntime] rv[iminfo] sal[l] san[dbox] sa[rgument] sav[eas] sba[ll] sbf[irst] sbl[ast] sbm[odified] sbn[ext] sbN[ext] sbp[revious] sbr[ewind] sb[uffer] scripte[ncoding] scrip[tnames] se[t] setf[iletype] setg[lobal] setl[ocal] Sexplore sf[ind] sfir[st] sh[ell] sign sil[ent] sim[alt] sla[st] sl[eep] sm[agic] sn[ext] sN[ext] sni[ff] sno[magic] sor[t] so[urce] spelld[ump] spe[llgood] spelli[nfo] spellr[epall] spellu[ndo] spellw[rong] sp[lit] spr[evious] sre[wind] sta[g] startg[replace] star[tinsert] startr[eplace] stj[ump] st[op] stopi[nsert] sts[elect] sun[hide] sus[pend] sv[iew] syncbind t tab tabc[lose] tabd[o] tabe[dit] tabf[ind] tabfir[st] tabl[ast] tabmove tabnew tabn[ext] tabN[ext] tabo[nly] tabp[revious] tabr[ewind] tabs ta[g] tags tc[l] tcld[o] tclf[ile] te[aroff] tf[irst] the th[row] tj[ump] tl[ast] tm tm[enu] tn[ext] tN[ext] to[pleft] tp[revious] tr[ewind] try ts[elect] tu tu[nmenu] una[bbreviate] u[ndo] undoj[oin] undol[ist] unh[ide] unlo[ckvar] unm[ap] up[date] verb[ose] ve[rsion] vert[ical] Vexplore v[global] vie[w] vim[grep] vimgrepa[dd] vi[sual] viu[sage] vmapc[lear] vne[w] vs[plit] vu[nmap] wa[ll] wh[ile] winc[md] windo winp[os] win[size] wn[ext] wN[ext] wp[revious] wq wqa[ll] w[rite] ws[verb] wv[iminfo] X xa[ll] x[it] XMLent XMLns y[ank]
+syn keyword vimCommand contained ab[breviate] abc[lear] abo[veleft] al[l] arga[dd] argd[elete] argdo arge[dit] argg[lobal] argl[ocal] ar[gs] argu[ment] as[cii] bad[d] ba[ll] bd[elete] be bel[owright] bf[irst] bl[ast] bm[odified] bn[ext] bN[ext] bo[tright] bp[revious] brea[k] breaka[dd] breakd[el] breakl[ist] br[ewind] bro[wse] bufdo b[uffer] buffers bun[load] bw[ipeout] ca[bbrev] cabc[lear] caddb[uffer] cad[dexpr] caddf[ile] cal[l] cat[ch] cb[uffer] cc ccl[ose] cd ce[nter] cex[pr] cf[ile] cfir[st] cg[etfile] c[hange] changes chd[ir] che[ckpath] checkt[ime] cla[st] cl[ist] clo[se] cmapc[lear] cnew[er] cn[ext] cN[ext] cnf[ile] cNf[ile] cnorea[bbrev] col[der] colo[rscheme] comc[lear] comp[iler] conf[irm] con[tinue] cope[n] co[py] cpf[ile] cp[revious] cq[uit] cr[ewind] cuna[bbrev] cu[nmap] cw[indow] debugg[reedy] delc[ommand] d[elete] DeleteFirst delf[unction] delm[arks] diffg[et] diffoff diffpatch diffpu[t] diffsplit diffthis diffu[pdate] dig[raphs] di[splay] dj[ump] dl[ist] dr[op] ds[earch] dsp[lit] earlier echoe[rr] echom[sg] echon e[dit] el[se] elsei[f] em[enu] emenu* endfo[r] endf[unction] en[dif] endt[ry] endw[hile] ene[w] ex exi[t] Explore exu[sage] f[ile] files filetype fina[lly] fin[d] fini[sh] fir[st] fix[del] fo[ld] foldc[lose] folddoc[losed] foldd[oopen] foldo[pen] for fu[nction] g[lobal] go[to] gr[ep] grepa[dd] ha[rdcopy] h[elp] helpf[ind] helpg[rep] helpt[ags] Hexplore hid[e] his[tory] I ia[bbrev] iabc[lear] if ij[ump] il[ist] imapc[lear] inorea[bbrev] is[earch] isp[lit] iuna[bbrev] iu[nmap] j[oin] ju[mps] k keepalt keepj[umps] kee[pmarks] laddb[uffer] lad[dexpr] laddf[ile] lan[guage] la[st] later lb[uffer] lc[d] lch[dir] lcl[ose] le[ft] lefta[bove] lex[pr] lf[ile] lfir[st] lg[etfile] lgr[ep] lgrepa[dd] lh[elpgrep] l[ist] ll lla[st] lli[st] lmak[e] lm[ap] lmapc[lear] lnew[er] lne[xt] lN[ext] lnf[ile] lNf[ile] ln[oremap] lo[adview] loc[kmarks] lockv[ar] lol[der] lop[en] lpf[ile] lp[revious] lr[ewind] ls lt[ag] lu[nmap] lv[imgrep] lvimgrepa[dd] lw[indow] mak[e] ma[rk] marks mat[ch] menut[ranslate] mk[exrc] mks[ession] mksp[ell] mkvie[w] mkv[imrc] mod[e] m[ove] mzf[ile] mz[scheme] nbkey NetrwSettings new n[ext] N[ext] nmapc[lear] noh[lsearch] norea[bbrev] Nread nu[mber] nun[map] Nw omapc[lear] on[ly] o[pen] opt[ions] ou[nmap] pc[lose] ped[it] pe[rl] perld[o] po[p] popu popu[p] pp[op] pre[serve] prev[ious] p[rint] P[rint] profd[el] prof[ile] prompt promptf[ind] promptr[epl] ps[earch] pta[g] ptf[irst] ptj[ump] ptl[ast] ptn[ext] ptN[ext] ptp[revious] ptr[ewind] pts[elect] pu[t] pw[d] pyf[ile] py[thon] qa[ll] q[uit] quita[ll] r[ead] rec[over] redi[r] red[o] redr[aw] redraws[tatus] reg[isters] res[ize] ret[ab] retu[rn] rew[ind] ri[ght] rightb[elow] rub[y] rubyd[o] rubyf[ile] ru[ntime] rv[iminfo] sal[l] san[dbox] sa[rgument] sav[eas] sba[ll] sbf[irst] sbl[ast] sbm[odified] sbn[ext] sbN[ext] sbp[revious] sbr[ewind] sb[uffer] scripte[ncoding] scrip[tnames] se[t] setf[iletype] setg[lobal] setl[ocal] Sexplore sf[ind] sfir[st] sh[ell] sign sil[ent] sim[alt] sla[st] sl[eep] sm[agic] sm[ap] smapc[lear] sme smenu sn[ext] sN[ext] sni[ff] sno[magic] snor[emap] snoreme snoremenu sor[t] so[urce] spelld[ump] spe[llgood] spelli[nfo] spellr[epall] spellu[ndo] spellw[rong] sp[lit] spr[evious] sre[wind] sta[g] startg[replace] star[tinsert] startr[eplace] stj[ump] st[op] stopi[nsert] sts[elect] sun[hide] sunm[ap] sus[pend] sv[iew] syncbind t tab tabc[lose] tabd[o] tabe[dit] tabf[ind] tabfir[st] tabl[ast] tabmove tabnew tabn[ext] tabN[ext] tabo[nly] tabp[revious] tabr[ewind] tabs ta[g] tags tc[l] tcld[o] tclf[ile] te[aroff] tf[irst] the th[row] tj[ump] tl[ast] tm tm[enu] tn[ext] tN[ext] to[pleft] tp[revious] tr[ewind] try ts[elect] tu tu[nmenu] una[bbreviate] u[ndo] undoj[oin] undol[ist] unh[ide] unlo[ckvar] unm[ap] up[date] verb[ose] ve[rsion] vert[ical] Vexplore v[global] vie[w] vim[grep] vimgrepa[dd] vi[sual] viu[sage] vmapc[lear] vne[w] vs[plit] vu[nmap] wa[ll] wh[ile] winc[md] windo winp[os] win[size] wn[ext] wN[ext] wp[revious] wq wqa[ll] w[rite] ws[verb] wv[iminfo] X xa[ll] x[it] xm[ap] xmapc[lear] xme xmenu XMLent XMLns xn[oremap] xnoreme xnoremenu xu[nmap] y[ank]
syn match vimCommand contained "\<z[-+^.=]"
" vimOptions are caught only when contained in a vimSet {{{2
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ syn match vimHLGroup contained "Conceal"
syn case match
" Function Names {{{2
-syn keyword vimFuncName contained add append argc argidx argv browse browsedir bufexists buflisted bufloaded bufname bufnr bufwinnr byte2line byteidx call changenr char2nr cindent col complete complete_add complete_check confirm copy count cscope_connection cursor deepcopy delete did_filetype diff_filler diff_hlID empty escape eval eventhandler executable exists expand expr8 extend filereadable filewritable filter finddir findfile fnamemodify foldclosed foldclosedend foldlevel foldtext foldtextresult foreground function garbagecollect get getbufline getbufvar getchar getcharmod getcmdline getcmdpos getcmdtype getcwd getfontname getfperm getfsize getftime getftype getline getloclist getpos getqflist getreg getregtype getwinposx getwinposy getwinvar glob globpath has has_key hasmapto histadd histdel histget histnr hlexists hlID hostname iconv indent index input inputdialog inputlist inputrestore inputsave inputsecret insert isdirectory islocked items join keys len libcall libcallnr line line2byte lispindent localtime map maparg mapcheck match matchend matchlist matchstr max min mkdir mode nextnonblank nr2char prevnonblank printf pumvisible range readfile remote_expr remote_foreground remote_peek remote_read remote_send remove rename repeat resolve reverse search searchdecl searchpair searchpairpos searchpos server2client serverlist setbufvar setcmdpos setline setloclist setpos setqflist setreg setwinvar simplify sort soundfold spellbadword spellsuggest split str2nr strftime stridx string strlen strpart strridx strtrans submatch substitute synID synIDattr synIDtrans system tabpagebuflist tabpagenr tabpagewinnr tagfiles taglist tempname tolower toupper tr type values virtcol visualmode winbufnr wincol winheight winline winnr winrestcmd winrestview winsaveview winwidth writefile
+syn keyword vimFuncName contained add append argc argidx argv browse browsedir bufexists buflisted bufloaded bufname bufnr bufwinnr byte2line byteidx call changenr char2nr cindent col complete complete_add complete_check confirm copy count cscope_connection cursor deepcopy delete did_filetype diff_filler diff_hlID empty escape eval eventhandler executable exists expand expr8 extend filereadable filewritable filter finddir findfile fnamemodify foldclosed foldclosedend foldlevel foldtext foldtextresult foreground function garbagecollect get getbufline getbufvar getchar getcharmod getcmdline getcmdpos getcmdtype getcwd getfontname getfperm getfsize getftime getftype getline getloclist getpos getqflist getreg getregtype getwinposx getwinposy getwinvar glob globpath has has_key hasmapto histadd histdel histget histnr hlexists hlID hostname iconv indent index input inputdialog inputlist inputrestore inputsave inputsecret insert isdirectory islocked items join keys len libcall libcallnr line line2byte lispindent localtime map maparg mapcheck match matchend matchlist matchstr max min mkdir mode nextnonblank nr2char prevnonblank printf pumvisible range readfile reltime reltimestr remote_expr remote_foreground remote_peek remote_read remote_send remove rename repeat resolve reverse search searchdecl searchpair searchpairpos searchpos server2client serverlist setbufvar setcmdpos setline setloclist setpos setqflist setreg setwinvar simplify sort soundfold spellbadword spellsuggest split str2nr strftime stridx string strlen strpart strridx strtrans submatch substitute synID synIDattr synIDtrans system tabpagebuflist tabpagenr tabpagewinnr tagfiles taglist tempname tolower toupper tr type values virtcol visualmode winbufnr wincol winheight winline winnr winrestcmd winrestview winsaveview winwidth writefile
"--- syntax above generated by mkvimvim ---
" Special Vim Highlighting (not automatic) {{{1
diff --git a/src/gui.c b/src/gui.c
index c2942ee48..c086de037 100644
--- a/src/gui.c
+++ b/src/gui.c
@@ -3203,7 +3203,11 @@ gui_init_which_components(oldval)
using_tabline = gui_has_tabline();
if (!gui_mch_showing_tabline() != !using_tabline)
+ /* We don't want a resize event change "Rows" here, save and
+ * restore it. Resizing is handled below. */
+ i = Rows;
+ Rows = i;
need_set_size = TRUE;
if (using_tabline)
fix_size = TRUE;
@@ -3354,12 +3358,19 @@ gui_has_tabline()
int showit = gui_has_tabline();
+ int shown = gui_mch_showing_tabline();
if (!gui.starting && starting == 0)
- gui_mch_show_tabline(showit);
+ if (!showit != !shown)
+ gui_mch_show_tabline(showit);
if (showit != 0)
+ /* When the tabs change from hidden to shown or from shown to
+ * hidden the size of the text area should remain the same. */
+ if (!showit != !shown)
+ gui_set_shellsize(FALSE, showit);
diff --git a/src/os_win32.c b/src/os_win32.c
index 330ce5a57..a2b2c5059 100644
--- a/src/os_win32.c
+++ b/src/os_win32.c
@@ -548,6 +548,8 @@ static const struct
#ifdef _MSC_VER
// The ToAscii bug destroys several registers. Need to turn off optimization
// or the GetConsoleKeyboardLayoutName hack will fail in non-debug versions
+# pragma warning(push)
+# pragma warning(disable: 4748)
# pragma optimize("", off)
@@ -619,6 +621,7 @@ win32_kbd_patch_key(
/* MUST switch optimization on again here, otherwise a call to
* decode_key_event() may crash (e.g. when hitting caps-lock) */
# pragma optimize("", on)
+# pragma warning(pop)
# if (_MSC_VER < 1100)
/* MUST turn off global optimisation for this next function, or