diff options
17 files changed, 991 insertions, 835 deletions
diff --git a/src/testdir/test_autocmd.vim b/src/testdir/test_autocmd.vim
index b22718aee..0a4177cd7 100644
--- a/src/testdir/test_autocmd.vim
+++ b/src/testdir/test_autocmd.vim
@@ -423,18 +423,20 @@ func Test_autocmd_bufwipe_in_SessLoadPost()
set noswapfile
- let content = ['set nocp noswapfile',
- \ 'let v:swapchoice="e"',
- \ 'augroup test_autocmd_sessionload',
- \ 'autocmd!',
- \ 'autocmd SessionLoadPost * exe bufnr("Xsomething") . "bw!"',
- \ 'augroup END',
- \ '',
- \ 'func WriteErrors()',
- \ ' call writefile([execute("messages")], "Xerrors")',
- \ 'endfunc',
- \ 'au VimLeave * call WriteErrors()',
- \ ]
+ let content =<< trim [CODE]
+ set nocp noswapfile
+ let v:swapchoice="e"
+ augroup test_autocmd_sessionload
+ autocmd!
+ autocmd SessionLoadPost * exe bufnr("Xsomething") . "bw!"
+ augroup END
+ func WriteErrors()
+ call writefile([execute("messages")], "Xerrors")
+ endfunc
+ au VimLeave * call WriteErrors()
+ [CODE]
call writefile(content, 'Xvimrc')
call system(v:progpath. ' -u Xvimrc --not-a-term --noplugins -S Session.vim -c cq')
let errors = join(readfile('Xerrors'))
@@ -452,27 +454,29 @@ func Test_autocmd_bufwipe_in_SessLoadPost2()
set noswapfile
- let content = ['set nocp noswapfile',
- \ 'function! DeleteInactiveBufs()',
- \ ' tabfirst',
- \ ' let tabblist = []',
- \ ' for i in range(1, tabpagenr(''$''))',
- \ ' call extend(tabblist, tabpagebuflist(i))',
- \ ' endfor',
- \ ' for b in range(1, bufnr(''$''))',
- \ ' if bufexists(b) && buflisted(b) && (index(tabblist, b) == -1 || bufname(b) =~# ''^$'')',
- \ ' exec ''bwipeout '' . b',
- \ ' endif',
- \ ' endfor',
- \ ' echomsg "SessionLoadPost DONE"',
- \ 'endfunction',
- \ 'au SessionLoadPost * call DeleteInactiveBufs()',
- \ '',
- \ 'func WriteErrors()',
- \ ' call writefile([execute("messages")], "Xerrors")',
- \ 'endfunc',
- \ 'au VimLeave * call WriteErrors()',
- \ ]
+ let content =<< trim [CODE]
+ set nocp noswapfile
+ function! DeleteInactiveBufs()
+ tabfirst
+ let tabblist = []
+ for i in range(1, tabpagenr(''$''))
+ call extend(tabblist, tabpagebuflist(i))
+ endfor
+ for b in range(1, bufnr(''$''))
+ if bufexists(b) && buflisted(b) && (index(tabblist, b) == -1 || bufname(b) =~# ''^$'')
+ exec ''bwipeout '' . b
+ endif
+ endfor
+ echomsg "SessionLoadPost DONE"
+ endfunction
+ au SessionLoadPost * call DeleteInactiveBufs()
+ func WriteErrors()
+ call writefile([execute("messages")], "Xerrors")
+ endfunc
+ au VimLeave * call WriteErrors()
+ [CODE]
call writefile(content, 'Xvimrc')
call system(v:progpath. ' -u Xvimrc --not-a-term --noplugins -S Session.vim -c cq')
let errors = join(readfile('Xerrors'))
@@ -933,21 +937,23 @@ func Test_bufunload_all()
call writefile(['Test file Xxx1'], 'Xxx1')"
call writefile(['Test file Xxx2'], 'Xxx2')"
- let content = [
- \ "func UnloadAllBufs()",
- \ " let i = 1",
- \ " while i <= bufnr('$')",
- \ " if i != bufnr('%') && bufloaded(i)",
- \ " exe i . 'bunload'",
- \ " endif",
- \ " let i += 1",
- \ " endwhile",
- \ "endfunc",
- \ "au BufUnload * call UnloadAllBufs()",
- \ "au VimLeave * call writefile(['Test Finished'], 'Xout')",
- \ "edit Xxx1",
- \ "split Xxx2",
- \ "q"]
+ let content =<< trim [CODE]
+ func UnloadAllBufs()
+ let i = 1
+ while i <= bufnr('$')
+ if i != bufnr('%') && bufloaded(i)
+ exe i . 'bunload'
+ endif
+ let i += 1
+ endwhile
+ endfunc
+ au BufUnload * call UnloadAllBufs()
+ au VimLeave * call writefile(['Test Finished'], 'Xout')
+ edit Xxx1
+ split Xxx2
+ q
+ [CODE]
call writefile(content, 'Xtest')
call delete('Xout')
diff --git a/src/testdir/test_balloon.vim b/src/testdir/test_balloon.vim
index 57d8dcce3..39c2602be 100644
--- a/src/testdir/test_balloon.vim
+++ b/src/testdir/test_balloon.vim
@@ -8,14 +8,14 @@ if !CanRunVimInTerminal()
-let s:common_script = [
- \ 'call setline(1, ["one one one", "two tXo two", "three three three"])',
- \ 'set balloonevalterm balloonexpr=MyBalloonExpr() balloondelay=100',
- \ 'func MyBalloonExpr()',
- \ ' return "line " .. v:beval_lnum .. " column " .. v:beval_col .. ": " .. v:beval_text',
- \ 'endfun',
- \ 'redraw',
- \ ]
+let s:common_script =<< [CODE]
+ call setline(1, ["one one one", "two tXo two", "three three three"])
+ set balloonevalterm balloonexpr=MyBalloonExpr() balloondelay=100
+ func MyBalloonExpr()
+ return "line " .. v:beval_lnum .. " column " .. v:beval_col .. ": " .. v:beval_text
+ endfun
+ redraw
func Test_balloon_eval_term()
" Use <Ignore> after <MouseMove> to return from vgetc() without removing
diff --git a/src/testdir/test_bufline.vim b/src/testdir/test_bufline.vim
index 9c29a05e7..dbcd2e0fd 100644
--- a/src/testdir/test_bufline.vim
+++ b/src/testdir/test_bufline.vim
@@ -93,23 +93,24 @@ func Test_appendbufline()
func Test_appendbufline_no_E315()
- let after = [
- \ 'set stl=%f ls=2',
- \ 'new',
- \ 'let buf = bufnr("%")',
- \ 'quit',
- \ 'vsp',
- \ 'exec "buffer" buf',
- \ 'wincmd w',
- \ 'call appendbufline(buf, 0, "abc")',
- \ 'redraw',
- \ 'while getbufline(buf, 1)[0] =~ "^\\s*$"',
- \ ' sleep 10m',
- \ 'endwhile',
- \ 'au VimLeavePre * call writefile([v:errmsg], "Xerror")',
- \ 'au VimLeavePre * call writefile(["done"], "Xdone")',
- \ 'qall!',
- \ ]
+ let after =<< trim [CODE]
+ set stl=%f ls=2
+ new
+ let buf = bufnr("%")
+ quit
+ vsp
+ exec "buffer" buf
+ wincmd w
+ call appendbufline(buf, 0, "abc")
+ redraw
+ while getbufline(buf, 1)[0] =~ "^\\s*$"
+ sleep 10m
+ endwhile
+ au VimLeavePre * call writefile([v:errmsg], "Xerror")
+ au VimLeavePre * call writefile(["done"], "Xdone")
+ qall!
+ [CODE]
if !RunVim([], after, '--clean')
diff --git a/src/testdir/test_cindent.vim b/src/testdir/test_cindent.vim
index 3b57360ac..4b1198a20 100644
--- a/src/testdir/test_cindent.vim
+++ b/src/testdir/test_cindent.vim
@@ -18,25 +18,25 @@ endfunc
func Test_cino_extern_c()
" Test for cino-E
- let without_ind = [
- \ '#ifdef __cplusplus',
- \ 'extern "C" {',
- \ '#endif',
- \ 'int func_a(void);',
- \ '#ifdef __cplusplus',
- \ '}',
- \ '#endif'
- \ ]
+ let without_ind =<< trim [CODE]
+ #ifdef __cplusplus
+ extern "C" {
+ #endif
+ int func_a(void);
+ #ifdef __cplusplus
+ }
+ #endif
+ [CODE]
- let with_ind = [
- \ '#ifdef __cplusplus',
- \ 'extern "C" {',
- \ '#endif',
- \ "\tint func_a(void);",
- \ '#ifdef __cplusplus',
- \ '}',
- \ '#endif'
- \ ]
+ let with_ind =<< trim [CODE]
+ #ifdef __cplusplus
+ extern "C" {
+ #endif
+ int func_a(void);
+ #ifdef __cplusplus
+ }
+ #endif
+ [CODE]
setlocal cindent cinoptions=E0
call setline(1, without_ind)
@@ -89,16 +89,32 @@ func Test_cindent_expr()
return v:lnum == 1 ? shiftwidth() : 0
setl expandtab sw=8 indentkeys+=; indentexpr=MyIndentFunction()
- call setline(1, ['var_a = something()', 'b = something()'])
+ let testinput =<< trim [CODE]
+ var_a = something()
+ b = something()
+ [CODE]
+ call setline(1, testinput)
call cursor(1, 1)
call feedkeys("^\<c-v>j$A;\<esc>", 'tnix')
- call assert_equal([' var_a = something();', 'b = something();'], getline(1, '$'))
+ let expected =<< trim [CODE]
+ var_a = something();
+ b = something();
+ [CODE]
+ call assert_equal(expected, getline(1, '$'))
- call setline(1, [' var_a = something()', ' b = something()'])
+ let testinput =<< trim [CODE]
+ var_a = something()
+ b = something()
+ [CODE]
+ call setline(1, testinput)
call cursor(1, 1)
call feedkeys("^\<c-v>j$A;\<esc>", 'tnix')
- call assert_equal([' var_a = something();', ' b = something()'], getline(1, '$'))
+ let expected =<< trim [CODE]
+ var_a = something();
+ b = something()
+ [CODE]
+ call assert_equal(expected, getline(1, '$'))
diff --git a/src/testdir/test_conceal.vim b/src/testdir/test_conceal.vim
index 685c89175..66384e1c1 100644
--- a/src/testdir/test_conceal.vim
+++ b/src/testdir/test_conceal.vim
@@ -11,21 +11,23 @@ if !CanRunVimInTerminal()
func Test_conceal_two_windows()
- call writefile([
- \ 'let lines = ["one one one one one", "two |hidden| here", "three |hidden| three"]',
- \ 'call setline(1, lines)',
- \ 'syntax match test /|hidden|/ conceal',
- \ 'set conceallevel=2',
- \ 'set concealcursor=',
- \ 'exe "normal /here\r"',
- \ 'new',
- \ 'call setline(1, lines)',
- \ 'call setline(4, "Second window")',
- \ 'syntax match test /|hidden|/ conceal',
- \ 'set conceallevel=2',
- \ 'set concealcursor=nc',
- \ 'exe "normal /here\r"',
- \ ], 'XTest_conceal')
+ let code =<< trim [CODE]
+ let lines = ["one one one one one", "two |hidden| here", "three |hidden| three"]
+ call setline(1, lines)
+ syntax match test /|hidden|/ conceal
+ set conceallevel=2
+ set concealcursor=
+ exe "normal /here\r"
+ new
+ call setline(1, lines)
+ call setline(4, "Second window")
+ syntax match test /|hidden|/ conceal
+ set conceallevel=2
+ set concealcursor=nc
+ exe "normal /here\r"
+ [CODE]
+ call writefile(code, 'XTest_conceal')
" Check that cursor line is concealed
let buf = RunVimInTerminal('-S XTest_conceal', {})
call VerifyScreenDump(buf, 'Test_conceal_two_windows_01', {})
@@ -113,14 +115,16 @@ endfunc
func Test_conceal_with_cursorline()
" Opens a help window, where 'conceal' is set, switches to the other window
" where 'cursorline' needs to be updated when the cursor moves.
- call writefile([
- \ 'set cursorline',
- \ 'normal othis is a test',
- \ 'new',
- \ 'call setline(1, ["one", "two", "three", "four", "five"])',
- \ 'set ft=help',
- \ 'normal M',
- \ ], 'XTest_conceal_cul')
+ let code =<< trim [CODE]
+ set cursorline
+ normal othis is a test
+ new
+ call setline(1, ["one", "two", "three", "four", "five"])
+ set ft=help
+ normal M
+ [CODE]
+ call writefile(code, 'XTest_conceal_cul')
let buf = RunVimInTerminal('-S XTest_conceal_cul', {})
call VerifyScreenDump(buf, 'Test_conceal_cul_01', {})
diff --git a/src/testdir/test_exit.vim b/src/testdir/test_exit.vim
index 8f02fd29e..3797626ab 100644
--- a/src/testdir/test_exit.vim
+++ b/src/testdir/test_exit.vim
@@ -3,52 +3,56 @@
source shared.vim
func Test_exiting()
- let after = [
- \ 'au QuitPre * call writefile(["QuitPre"], "Xtestout")',
- \ 'au ExitPre * call writefile(["ExitPre"], "Xtestout", "a")',
- \ 'quit',
- \ ]
+ let after =<< trim [CODE]
+ au QuitPre * call writefile(["QuitPre"], "Xtestout")
+ au ExitPre * call writefile(["ExitPre"], "Xtestout", "a")
+ quit
+ [CODE]
if RunVim([], after, '')
call assert_equal(['QuitPre', 'ExitPre'], readfile('Xtestout'))
call delete('Xtestout')
- let after = [
- \ 'au QuitPre * call writefile(["QuitPre"], "Xtestout")',
- \ 'au ExitPre * call writefile(["ExitPre"], "Xtestout", "a")',
- \ 'help',
- \ 'wincmd w',
- \ 'quit',
- \ ]
+ let after =<< trim [CODE]
+ au QuitPre * call writefile(["QuitPre"], "Xtestout")
+ au ExitPre * call writefile(["ExitPre"], "Xtestout", "a")
+ help
+ wincmd w
+ quit
+ [CODE]
if RunVim([], after, '')
call assert_equal(['QuitPre', 'ExitPre'], readfile('Xtestout'))
call delete('Xtestout')
- let after = [
- \ 'au QuitPre * call writefile(["QuitPre"], "Xtestout")',
- \ 'au ExitPre * call writefile(["ExitPre"], "Xtestout", "a")',
- \ 'split',
- \ 'new',
- \ 'qall',
- \ ]
+ let after =<< trim [CODE]
+ au QuitPre * call writefile(["QuitPre"], "Xtestout")
+ au ExitPre * call writefile(["ExitPre"], "Xtestout", "a")
+ split
+ new
+ qall
+ [CODE]
if RunVim([], after, '')
call assert_equal(['QuitPre', 'ExitPre'], readfile('Xtestout'))
call delete('Xtestout')
- let after = [
- \ 'au QuitPre * call writefile(["QuitPre"], "Xtestout", "a")',
- \ 'au ExitPre * call writefile(["ExitPre"], "Xtestout", "a")',
- \ 'augroup nasty',
- \ ' au ExitPre * split',
- \ 'augroup END',
- \ 'quit',
- \ 'augroup nasty',
- \ ' au! ExitPre',
- \ 'augroup END',
- \ 'quit',
- \ ]
+ let after =<< trim [CODE]
+ au QuitPre * call writefile(["QuitPre"], "Xtestout", "a")
+ au ExitPre * call writefile(["ExitPre"], "Xtestout", "a")
+ augroup nasty
+ au ExitPre * split
+ augroup END
+ quit
+ augroup nasty
+ au! ExitPre
+ augroup END
+ quit
+ [CODE]
if RunVim([], after, '')
call assert_equal(['QuitPre', 'ExitPre', 'QuitPre', 'ExitPre'],
\ readfile('Xtestout'))
diff --git a/src/testdir/test_fold.vim b/src/testdir/test_fold.vim
index 67e5a48fe..9ad82181c 100644
--- a/src/testdir/test_fold.vim
+++ b/src/testdir/test_fold.vim
@@ -513,17 +513,18 @@ func Test_fold_create_marker_in_C()
set fdm=marker fdl=9
set filetype=c
- let content = [
- \ '/*',
- \ ' * comment',
- \ ' * ',
- \ ' *',
- \ ' */',
- \ 'int f(int* p) {',
- \ ' *p = 3;',
- \ ' return 0;',
- \ '}'
- \]
+ let content =<< trim [CODE]
+ /*
+ * comment
+ *
+ *
+ */
+ int f(int* p) {
+ *p = 3;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ [CODE]
for c in range(len(content) - 1)
call append(0, content)
diff --git a/src/testdir/test_goto.vim b/src/testdir/test_goto.vim
index c0235b170..c00e4e437 100644
--- a/src/testdir/test_goto.vim
+++ b/src/testdir/test_goto.vim
@@ -15,262 +15,282 @@ func XTest_goto_decl(cmd, lines, line, col)
func Test_gD()
- let lines = [
- \ 'int x;',
- \ '',
- \ 'int func(void)',
- \ '{',
- \ ' return x;',
- \ '}',
- \ ]
+ let lines =<< trim [CODE]
+ int x;
+ int func(void)
+ {
+ return x;
+ }
+ [CODE]
call XTest_goto_decl('gD', lines, 1, 5)
func Test_gD_too()
- let lines = [
- \ 'Filename x;',
- \ '',
- \ 'int Filename',
- \ 'int func() {',
- \ ' Filename x;',
- \ ' return x;',
- \ ]
+ let lines =<< trim [CODE]
+ Filename x;
+ int Filename
+ int func() {
+ Filename x;
+ return x;
+ [CODE]
call XTest_goto_decl('gD', lines, 1, 10)
func Test_gD_comment()
- let lines = [
- \ '/* int x; */',
- \ 'int x;',
- \ '',
- \ 'int func(void)',
- \ '{',
- \ ' return x;',
- \ '}',
- \ ]
+ let lines =<< trim [CODE]
+ /* int x; */
+ int x;
+ int func(void)
+ {
+ return x;
+ }
+ [CODE]
call XTest_goto_decl('gD', lines, 2, 5)
func Test_gD_inline_comment()
- let lines = [
- \ 'int y /* , x */;',
- \ 'int x;',
- \ '',
- \ 'int func(void)',
- \ '{',
- \ ' return x;',
- \ '}',
- \ ]
+ let lines =<< trim [CODE]
+ int y /* , x */;
+ int x;
+ int func(void)
+ {
+ return x;
+ }
+ [CODE]
call XTest_goto_decl('gD', lines, 2, 5)
func Test_gD_string()
- let lines = [
- \ 'char *s[] = "x";',
- \ 'int x = 1;',
- \ '',
- \ 'int func(void)',
- \ '{',
- \ ' return x;',
- \ '}',
- \ ]
+ let lines =<< trim [CODE]
+ char *s[] = "x";
+ int x = 1;
+ int func(void)
+ {
+ return x;
+ }
+ [CODE]
call XTest_goto_decl('gD', lines, 2, 5)
func Test_gD_string_same_line()
- let lines = [
- \ 'char *s[] = "x", int x = 1;',
- \ '',
- \ 'int func(void)',
- \ '{',
- \ ' return x;',
- \ '}',
- \ ]
+ let lines =<< trim [CODE]
+ char *s[] = "x", int x = 1;
+ int func(void)
+ {
+ return x;
+ }
+ [CODE]
call XTest_goto_decl('gD', lines, 1, 22)
func Test_gD_char()
- let lines = [
- \ "char c = 'x';",
- \ 'int x = 1;',
- \ '',
- \ 'int func(void)',
- \ '{',
- \ ' return x;',
- \ '}',
- \ ]
+ let lines =<< trim [CODE]
+ char c = 'x';
+ int x = 1;
+ int func(void)
+ {
+ return x;
+ }
+ [CODE]
call XTest_goto_decl('gD', lines, 2, 5)
func Test_gd()
- let lines = [
- \ 'int x;',
- \ '',
- \ 'int func(int x)',
- \ '{',
- \ ' return x;',
- \ '}',
- \ ]
+ let lines =<< trim [CODE]
+ int x;
+ int func(int x)
+ {
+ return x;
+ }
+ [CODE]
call XTest_goto_decl('gd', lines, 3, 14)
func Test_gd_not_local()
- let lines = [
- \ 'int func1(void)',
- \ '{',
- \ ' return x;',
- \ '}',
- \ '',
- \ 'int func2(int x)',
- \ '{',
- \ ' return x;',
- \ '}',
- \ ]
+ let lines =<< trim [CODE]
+ int func1(void)
+ {
+ return x;
+ }
+ int func2(int x)
+ {
+ return x;
+ }
+ [CODE]
call XTest_goto_decl('gd', lines, 3, 10)
func Test_gd_kr_style()
- let lines = [
- \ 'int func(x)',
- \ ' int x;',
- \ '{',
- \ ' return x;',
- \ '}',
- \ ]
+ let lines =<< trim [CODE]
+ int func(x)
+ int x;
+ {
+ return x;
+ }
+ [CODE]
call XTest_goto_decl('gd', lines, 2, 7)
func Test_gd_missing_braces()
- let lines = [
- \ 'def func1(a)',
- \ ' a + 1',
- \ 'end',
- \ '',
- \ 'a = 1',
- \ '',
- \ 'def func2()',
- \ ' return a',
- \ 'end',
- \ ]
+ let lines =<< trim [CODE]
+ def func1(a)
+ a + 1
+ end
+ a = 1
+ def func2()
+ return a
+ end
+ [CODE]
call XTest_goto_decl('gd', lines, 1, 11)
func Test_gd_comment()
- let lines = [
- \ 'int func(void)',
- \ '{',
- \ ' /* int x; */',
- \ ' int x;',
- \ ' return x;',
- \ '}',
- \]
+ let lines =<< trim [CODE]
+ int func(void)
+ {
+ /* int x; */
+ int x;
+ return x;
+ }
+ [CODE]
call XTest_goto_decl('gd', lines, 4, 7)
func Test_gd_comment_in_string()
- let lines = [
- \ 'int func(void)',
- \ '{',
- \ ' char *s ="//"; int x;',
- \ ' int x;',
- \ ' return x;',
- \ '}',
- \]
+ let lines =<< trim [CODE]
+ int func(void)
+ {
+ char *s ="//"; int x;
+ int x;
+ return x;
+ }
+ [CODE]
call XTest_goto_decl('gd', lines, 3, 22)
func Test_gd_string_in_comment()
set comments=
- let lines = [
- \ 'int func(void)',
- \ '{',
- \ ' /* " */ int x;',
- \ ' int x;',
- \ ' return x;',
- \ '}',
- \]
+ let lines =<< trim [CODE]
+ int func(void)
+ {
+ /* " */ int x;
+ int x;
+ return x;
+ }
+ [CODE]
call XTest_goto_decl('gd', lines, 3, 15)
set comments&
func Test_gd_inline_comment()
- let lines = [
- \ 'int func(/* x is an int */ int x)',
- \ '{',
- \ ' return x;',
- \ '}',
- \ ]
+ let lines =<< trim [CODE]
+ int func(/* x is an int */ int x)
+ {
+ return x;
+ }
+ [CODE]
call XTest_goto_decl('gd', lines, 1, 32)
func Test_gd_inline_comment_only()
- let lines = [
- \ 'int func(void) /* one lonely x */',
- \ '{',
- \ ' return x;',
- \ '}',
- \ ]
+ let lines =<< trim [CODE]
+ int func(void) /* one lonely x */
+ {
+ return x;
+ }
+ [CODE]
call XTest_goto_decl('gd', lines, 3, 10)
func Test_gd_inline_comment_body()
- let lines = [
- \ 'int func(void)',
- \ '{',
- \ ' int y /* , x */;',
- \ '',
- \ ' for (/* int x = 0 */; y < 2; y++);',
- \ '',
- \ ' int x = 0;',
- \ '',
- \ ' return x;',
- \ '}',
- \ ]
+ let lines =<< trim [CODE]
+ int func(void)
+ {
+ int y /* , x */;
+ for (/* int x = 0 */; y < 2; y++);
+ int x = 0;
+ return x;
+ }
+ [CODE]
call XTest_goto_decl('gd', lines, 7, 7)
func Test_gd_trailing_multiline_comment()
- let lines = [
- \ 'int func(int x) /* x is an int */',
- \ '{',
- \ ' return x;',
- \ '}',
- \ ]
+ let lines =<< trim [CODE]
+ int func(int x) /* x is an int */
+ {
+ return x;
+ }
+ [CODE]
call XTest_goto_decl('gd', lines, 1, 14)
func Test_gd_trailing_comment()
- let lines = [
- \ 'int func(int x) // x is an int',
- \ '{',
- \ ' return x;',
- \ '}',
- \ ]
+ let lines =<< trim [CODE]
+ int func(int x) // x is an int
+ {
+ return x;
+ }
+ [CODE]
call XTest_goto_decl('gd', lines, 1, 14)
func Test_gd_string()
- let lines = [
- \ 'int func(void)',
- \ '{',
- \ ' char *s = "x";',
- \ ' int x = 1;',
- \ '',
- \ ' return x;',
- \ '}',
- \ ]
+ let lines =<< trim [CODE]
+ int func(void)
+ {
+ char *s = "x";
+ int x = 1;
+ return x;
+ }
+ [CODE]
call XTest_goto_decl('gd', lines, 4, 7)
func Test_gd_string_only()
- let lines = [
- \ 'int func(void)',
- \ '{',
- \ ' char *s = "x";',
- \ '',
- \ ' return x;',
- \ '}',
- \ ]
+ let lines =<< trim [CODE]
+ int func(void)
+ {
+ char *s = "x";
+ return x;
+ }
+ [CODE]
call XTest_goto_decl('gd', lines, 5, 10)
@@ -289,24 +309,25 @@ func Test_cursorline_keep_col()
func Test_gd_local_block()
- let lines = [
- \ ' int main()',
- \ '{',
- \ ' char *a = "NOT NULL";',
- \ ' if(a)',
- \ ' {',
- \ ' char *b = a;',
- \ ' printf("%s\n", b);',
- \ ' }',
- \ ' else',
- \ ' {',
- \ ' char *b = "NULL";',
- \ ' return b;',
- \ ' }',
- \ '',
- \ ' return 0;',
- \ '}',
- \ ]
+ let lines =<< trim [CODE]
+ int main()
+ {
+ char *a = "NOT NULL";
+ if(a)
+ {
+ char *b = a;
+ printf("%s\n", b);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ char *b = "NULL";
+ return b;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ [CODE]
call XTest_goto_decl('1gd', lines, 11, 11)
diff --git a/src/testdir/test_join.vim b/src/testdir/test_join.vim
index e5ef41ee0..1b4da6f41 100644
--- a/src/testdir/test_join.vim
+++ b/src/testdir/test_join.vim
@@ -98,30 +98,27 @@ ert
normal `xyl$p
normal `yy2l$p
- normal G
- let last_line = line('$')
" Expected output
- append
-asdfasdf. asdf
-asdfasdf. asdf
-asdfasdf. asdf
-asdfasdf. asdf
-asdfasdf. asdf
-asdfasdf. asdf
-asdfasdf. asdf
-asdfasdf asdf
-asdfasdf asdf
-asdfasdf asdf
-asdfasdf asdf
-asdfasdf asdf
-asdfasdf asdf
-asdfasdf asdf
-zx cvn. as dfg? hjkl iop! ert ernop
-zx cvn. as dfg? hjkl iop! ert ernop
- call assert_equal(getline(last_line + 1, '$'), getline(1, last_line))
+ let expected =<< trim [DATA]
+ asdfasdf. asdf
+ asdfasdf. asdf
+ asdfasdf. asdf
+ asdfasdf. asdf
+ asdfasdf. asdf
+ asdfasdf. asdf
+ asdfasdf. asdf
+ asdfasdf asdf
+ asdfasdf asdf
+ asdfasdf asdf
+ asdfasdf asdf
+ asdfasdf asdf
+ asdfasdf asdf
+ asdfasdf asdf
+ zx cvn. as dfg? hjkl iop! ert ernop
+ zx cvn. as dfg? hjkl iop! ert ernop
+ [DATA]
+ call assert_equal(expected, getline(1, '$'))
call append(0, text)
@@ -143,31 +140,28 @@ zx cvn. as dfg? hjkl iop! ert ernop
normal `xyl$p
normal `yy2l$p
- normal G
- let last_line = line('$')
" Expected output
- append
-asdfasdf. asdf
-asdfasdf. asdf
-asdfasdf. asdf
-asdfasdf. asdf
-asdfasdf. asdf
-asdfasdf. asdf
-asdfasdf. asdf
-asdfasdf asdf
-asdfasdf asdf
-asdfasdf asdf
-asdfasdf asdf
-asdfasdf asdf
-asdfasdf asdf
-asdfasdf asdf
-zx cvn. as dfg? hjkl iop! ert enop
-zx cvn. as dfg? hjkl iop! ert ernop
- call assert_equal(getline(last_line + 1, '$'), getline(1, last_line))
+ let expected =<< trim [DATA]
+ asdfasdf. asdf
+ asdfasdf. asdf
+ asdfasdf. asdf
+ asdfasdf. asdf
+ asdfasdf. asdf
+ asdfasdf. asdf
+ asdfasdf. asdf
+ asdfasdf asdf
+ asdfasdf asdf
+ asdfasdf asdf
+ asdfasdf asdf
+ asdfasdf asdf
+ asdfasdf asdf
+ asdfasdf asdf
+ zx cvn. as dfg? hjkl iop! ert enop
+ zx cvn. as dfg? hjkl iop! ert ernop
+ [DATA]
+ call assert_equal(expected, getline(1, '$'))
call append(0, text)
@@ -180,29 +174,26 @@ zx cvn. as dfg? hjkl iop! ert ernop
normal JjJjJjJjJjJjJjJjJjJjJjJjJjJ
normal j4Jy3l$pjdG
- normal G
- let last_line = line('$')
" Expected output
- append
-asdfasdf. asdf
-asdfasdf. asdf
-asdfasdf. asdf
-asdfasdf. asdf
-asdfasdf. asdf
-asdfasdf. asdf
-asdfasdf. asdf
-asdfasdf asdf
-asdfasdf asdf
-asdfasdf asdf
-asdfasdf asdf
-asdfasdf asdf
-asdfasdf asdf
-asdfasdf asdf
-zx cvn. as dfg? hjkl iop! ert a
- call assert_equal(getline(last_line + 1, '$'), getline(1, last_line))
+ let expected =<< trim [DATA]
+ asdfasdf. asdf
+ asdfasdf. asdf
+ asdfasdf. asdf
+ asdfasdf. asdf
+ asdfasdf. asdf
+ asdfasdf. asdf
+ asdfasdf. asdf
+ asdfasdf asdf
+ asdfasdf asdf
+ asdfasdf asdf
+ asdfasdf asdf
+ asdfasdf asdf
+ asdfasdf asdf
+ asdfasdf asdf
+ zx cvn. as dfg? hjkl iop! ert a
+ [DATA]
+ call assert_equal(expected, getline(1, '$'))
set nocompatible
set cpoptions&vim
@@ -262,11 +253,8 @@ action();
exe "normal jj3J\<CR>"
- normal G
- let last_line = line('$')
" Expected output
- append
+ let expected =<< trim [CODE]
/* Make sure the previous comment leader is not removed. */
/* Make sure the previous comment leader is not removed. */
@@ -279,9 +267,9 @@ action();
if (condition) // Remove the next comment leader! OK, I will.
+ [CODE]
- call assert_equal(getline(last_line + 1, '$'), getline(1, last_line))
+ call assert_equal(expected, getline(1, '$'))
set comments&vim
set joinspaces&vim
@@ -389,11 +377,8 @@ int i = 7 /* foo *// 3
exe "normal j6J\<CR>"
exe "normal oSome code!\<CR>// Make sure backspacing does not remove this comment leader.\<Esc>0i\<C-H>\<Esc>"
- normal G
- let last_line = line('$')
" Expected output
- append
+ let expected =<< [CODE]
/* Make sure the previous comment leader is not removed. */
/* Make sure the previous comment leader is not removed. */
@@ -416,8 +401,8 @@ int i = 7 /* foo *// 3 // comment
Some code!// Make sure backspacing does not remove this comment leader.
- call assert_equal(getline(last_line + 1, '$'), getline(1, last_line))
+ call assert_equal(expected, getline(1, '$'))
diff --git a/src/testdir/test_mksession_utf8.vim b/src/testdir/test_mksession_utf8.vim
index 67af3a9ca..36f07512a 100644
--- a/src/testdir/test_mksession_utf8.vim
+++ b/src/testdir/test_mksession_utf8.vim
@@ -65,34 +65,35 @@ func Test_mksession_utf8()
call wincol()
mksession! test_mks.out
let li = filter(readfile('test_mks.out'), 'v:val =~# "\\(^ *normal! 0\\|^ *exe ''normal!\\)"')
- let expected = [
- \ 'normal! 016|',
- \ 'normal! 016|',
- \ 'normal! 016|',
- \ 'normal! 08|',
- \ 'normal! 08|',
- \ 'normal! 016|',
- \ 'normal! 016|',
- \ 'normal! 016|',
- \ " exe 'normal! ' . s:c . '|zs' . 16 . '|'",
- \ " normal! 016|",
- \ " exe 'normal! ' . s:c . '|zs' . 16 . '|'",
- \ " normal! 016|",
- \ " exe 'normal! ' . s:c . '|zs' . 16 . '|'",
- \ " normal! 016|",
- \ " exe 'normal! ' . s:c . '|zs' . 8 . '|'",
- \ " normal! 08|",
- \ " exe 'normal! ' . s:c . '|zs' . 8 . '|'",
- \ " normal! 08|",
- \ " exe 'normal! ' . s:c . '|zs' . 16 . '|'",
- \ " normal! 016|",
- \ " exe 'normal! ' . s:c . '|zs' . 16 . '|'",
- \ " normal! 016|",
- \ " exe 'normal! ' . s:c . '|zs' . 16 . '|'",
- \ " normal! 016|",
- \ " exe 'normal! ' . s:c . '|zs' . 16 . '|'",
- \ " normal! 016|"
- \ ]
+ let expected =<< trim [DATA]
+ normal! 016|
+ normal! 016|
+ normal! 016|
+ normal! 08|
+ normal! 08|
+ normal! 016|
+ normal! 016|
+ normal! 016|
+ exe 'normal! ' . s:c . '|zs' . 16 . '|'
+ normal! 016|
+ exe 'normal! ' . s:c . '|zs' . 16 . '|'
+ normal! 016|
+ exe 'normal! ' . s:c . '|zs' . 16 . '|'
+ normal! 016|
+ exe 'normal! ' . s:c . '|zs' . 8 . '|'
+ normal! 08|
+ exe 'normal! ' . s:c . '|zs' . 8 . '|'
+ normal! 08|
+ exe 'normal! ' . s:c . '|zs' . 16 . '|'
+ normal! 016|
+ exe 'normal! ' . s:c . '|zs' . 16 . '|'
+ normal! 016|
+ exe 'normal! ' . s:c . '|zs' . 16 . '|'
+ normal! 016|
+ exe 'normal! ' . s:c . '|zs' . 16 . '|'
+ normal! 016|
+ [DATA]
call assert_equal(expected, li)
diff --git a/src/testdir/test_normal.vim b/src/testdir/test_normal.vim
index 39c66f8fe..48857927c 100644
--- a/src/testdir/test_normal.vim
+++ b/src/testdir/test_normal.vim
@@ -1555,73 +1555,158 @@ endfunc
fun! Test_normal29_brace()
" basic test for { and } movements
- let text= ['A paragraph begins after each empty line, and also at each of a set of',
- \ 'paragraph macros, specified by the pairs of characters in the ''paragraphs''',
- \ 'option. The default is "IPLPPPQPP TPHPLIPpLpItpplpipbp", which corresponds to',
- \ 'the macros ".IP", ".LP", etc. (These are nroff macros, so the dot must be in',
- \ 'the first column). A section boundary is also a paragraph boundary.',
- \ 'Note that a blank line (only containing white space) is NOT a paragraph',
- \ 'boundary.',
- \ '',
- \ '',
- \ 'Also note that this does not include a ''{'' or ''}'' in the first column. When',
- \ 'the ''{'' flag is in ''cpoptions'' then ''{'' in the first column is used as a',
- \ 'paragraph boundary |posix|.',
- \ '{',
- \ 'This is no paragraph',
- \ 'unless the ''{'' is set',
- \ 'in ''cpoptions''',
- \ '}',
- \ '.IP',
- \ 'The nroff macros IP separates a paragraph',
- \ 'That means, it must be a ''.''',
- \ 'followed by IP',
- \ '.LPIt does not matter, if afterwards some',
- \ 'more characters follow.',
- \ '.SHAlso section boundaries from the nroff',
- \ 'macros terminate a paragraph. That means',
- \ 'a character like this:',
- \ '.NH',
- \ 'End of text here']
+ let text =<< trim [DATA]
+ A paragraph begins after each empty line, and also at each of a set of
+ paragraph macros, specified by the pairs of characters in the 'paragraphs'
+ option. The default is "IPLPPPQPP TPHPLIPpLpItpplpipbp", which corresponds to
+ the macros ".IP", ".LP", etc. (These are nroff macros, so the dot must be in
+ the first column). A section boundary is also a paragraph boundary.
+ Note that a blank line (only containing white space) is NOT a paragraph
+ boundary.
+ Also note that this does not include a '{' or '}' in the first column. When
+ the '{' flag is in 'cpoptions' then '{' in the first column is used as a
+ paragraph boundary |posix|.
+ {
+ This is no paragraph
+ unless the '{' is set
+ in 'cpoptions'
+ }
+ .IP
+ The nroff macros IP separates a paragraph
+ That means, it must be a '.'
+ followed by IP
+ .LPIt does not matter, if afterwards some
+ more characters follow.
+ .SHAlso section boundaries from the nroff
+ macros terminate a paragraph. That means
+ a character like this:
+ .NH
+ End of text here
+ [DATA]
call append(0, text)
norm! 0d2}
- call assert_equal(['.IP',
- \ 'The nroff macros IP separates a paragraph', 'That means, it must be a ''.''', 'followed by IP',
- \ '.LPIt does not matter, if afterwards some', 'more characters follow.', '.SHAlso section boundaries from the nroff',
- \ 'macros terminate a paragraph. That means', 'a character like this:', '.NH', 'End of text here', ''], getline(1,'$'))
+ let expected =<< trim [DATA]
+ .IP
+ The nroff macros IP separates a paragraph
+ That means, it must be a '.'
+ followed by IP
+ .LPIt does not matter, if afterwards some
+ more characters follow.
+ .SHAlso section boundaries from the nroff
+ macros terminate a paragraph. That means
+ a character like this:
+ .NH
+ End of text here
+ [DATA]
+ call assert_equal(expected, getline(1, '$'))
norm! 0d}
- call assert_equal(['.LPIt does not matter, if afterwards some', 'more characters follow.',
- \ '.SHAlso section boundaries from the nroff', 'macros terminate a paragraph. That means',
- \ 'a character like this:', '.NH', 'End of text here', ''], getline(1, '$'))
+ let expected =<< trim [DATA]
+ .LPIt does not matter, if afterwards some
+ more characters follow.
+ .SHAlso section boundaries from the nroff
+ macros terminate a paragraph. That means
+ a character like this:
+ .NH
+ End of text here
+ [DATA]
+ call assert_equal(expected, getline(1, '$'))
norm! d{
- call assert_equal(['.LPIt does not matter, if afterwards some', 'more characters follow.',
- \ '.SHAlso section boundaries from the nroff', 'macros terminate a paragraph. That means', 'a character like this:', ''], getline(1, '$'))
+ let expected =<< trim [DATA]
+ .LPIt does not matter, if afterwards some
+ more characters follow.
+ .SHAlso section boundaries from the nroff
+ macros terminate a paragraph. That means
+ a character like this:
+ [DATA]
+ call assert_equal(expected, getline(1, '$'))
norm! d{
- call assert_equal(['.LPIt does not matter, if afterwards some', 'more characters follow.', ''], getline(1,'$'))
+ let expected =<< trim [DATA]
+ .LPIt does not matter, if afterwards some
+ more characters follow.
+ [DATA]
+ call assert_equal(expected, getline(1, '$'))
" Test with { in cpooptions
call append(0, text)
set cpo+={
norm! 0d2}
- call assert_equal(['{', 'This is no paragraph', 'unless the ''{'' is set', 'in ''cpoptions''', '}',
- \ '.IP', 'The nroff macros IP separates a paragraph', 'That means, it must be a ''.''',
- \ 'followed by IP', '.LPIt does not matter, if afterwards some', 'more characters follow.',
- \ '.SHAlso section boundaries from the nroff', 'macros terminate a paragraph. That means',
- \ 'a character like this:', '.NH', 'End of text here', ''], getline(1,'$'))
+ let expected =<< trim [DATA]
+ {
+ This is no paragraph
+ unless the '{' is set
+ in 'cpoptions'
+ }
+ .IP
+ The nroff macros IP separates a paragraph
+ That means, it must be a '.'
+ followed by IP
+ .LPIt does not matter, if afterwards some
+ more characters follow.
+ .SHAlso section boundaries from the nroff
+ macros terminate a paragraph. That means
+ a character like this:
+ .NH
+ End of text here
+ [DATA]
+ call assert_equal(expected, getline(1, '$'))
norm! d}
- call assert_equal(['{', 'This is no paragraph', 'unless the ''{'' is set', 'in ''cpoptions''', '}',
- \ '.IP', 'The nroff macros IP separates a paragraph', 'That means, it must be a ''.''',
- \ 'followed by IP', '.LPIt does not matter, if afterwards some', 'more characters follow.',
- \ '.SHAlso section boundaries from the nroff', 'macros terminate a paragraph. That means',
- \ 'a character like this:', '.NH', 'End of text here', ''], getline(1,'$'))
+ let expected =<< trim [DATA]
+ {
+ This is no paragraph
+ unless the '{' is set
+ in 'cpoptions'
+ }
+ .IP
+ The nroff macros IP separates a paragraph
+ That means, it must be a '.'
+ followed by IP
+ .LPIt does not matter, if afterwards some
+ more characters follow.
+ .SHAlso section boundaries from the nroff
+ macros terminate a paragraph. That means
+ a character like this:
+ .NH
+ End of text here
+ [DATA]
+ call assert_equal(expected, getline(1, '$'))
norm! gg}
norm! d5}
- call assert_equal(['{', 'This is no paragraph', 'unless the ''{'' is set', 'in ''cpoptions''', '}', ''], getline(1,'$'))
+ let expected =<< trim [DATA]
+ {
+ This is no paragraph
+ unless the '{' is set
+ in 'cpoptions'
+ }
+ [DATA]
+ call assert_equal(expected, getline(1, '$'))
" clean up
set cpo-={
diff --git a/src/testdir/test_profile.vim b/src/testdir/test_profile.vim
index d6e9c03bd..ae47a6d8c 100644
--- a/src/testdir/test_profile.vim
+++ b/src/testdir/test_profile.vim
@@ -4,34 +4,34 @@ if !has('profile')
func Test_profile_func()
- let lines = [
- \ 'profile start Xprofile_func.log',
- \ 'profile func Foo*"',
- \ "func! Foo1()",
- \ "endfunc",
- \ "func! Foo2()",
- \ " let l:count = 100",
- \ " while l:count > 0",
- \ " let l:count = l:count - 1",
- \ " endwhile",
- \ "endfunc",
- \ "func! Foo3()",
- \ "endfunc",
- \ "func! Bar()",
- \ "endfunc",
- \ "call Foo1()",
- \ "call Foo1()",
- \ "profile pause",
- \ "call Foo1()",
- \ "profile continue",
- \ "call Foo2()",
- \ "call Foo3()",
- \ "call Bar()",
- \ "if !v:profiling",
- \ " delfunc Foo2",
- \ "endif",
- \ "delfunc Foo3",
- \ ]
+ let lines =<< trim [CODE]
+ profile start Xprofile_func.log
+ profile func Foo*
+ func! Foo1()
+ endfunc
+ func! Foo2()
+ let l:count = 100
+ while l:count > 0
+ let l:count = l:count - 1
+ endwhile
+ endfunc
+ func! Foo3()
+ endfunc
+ func! Bar()
+ endfunc
+ call Foo1()
+ call Foo1()
+ profile pause
+ call Foo1()
+ profile continue
+ call Foo2()
+ call Foo3()
+ call Bar()
+ if !v:profiling
+ delfunc Foo2
+ endif
+ delfunc Foo3
+ [CODE]
call writefile(lines, 'Xprofile_func.vim')
call system(v:progpath
@@ -86,38 +86,38 @@ func Test_profile_func()
func Test_profile_func_with_ifelse()
- let lines = [
- \ "func! Foo1()",
- \ " if 1",
- \ " let x = 0",
- \ " elseif 1",
- \ " let x = 1",
- \ " else",
- \ " let x = 2",
- \ " endif",
- \ "endfunc",
- \ "func! Foo2()",
- \ " if 0",
- \ " let x = 0",
- \ " elseif 1",
- \ " let x = 1",
- \ " else",
- \ " let x = 2",
- \ " endif",
- \ "endfunc",
- \ "func! Foo3()",
- \ " if 0",
- \ " let x = 0",
- \ " elseif 0",
- \ " let x = 1",
- \ " else",
- \ " let x = 2",
- \ " endif",
- \ "endfunc",
- \ "call Foo1()",
- \ "call Foo2()",
- \ "call Foo3()",
- \ ]
+ let lines =<< trim [CODE]
+ func! Foo1()
+ if 1
+ let x = 0
+ elseif 1
+ let x = 1
+ else
+ let x = 2
+ endif
+ endfunc
+ func! Foo2()
+ if 0
+ let x = 0
+ elseif 1
+ let x = 1
+ else
+ let x = 2
+ endif
+ endfunc
+ func! Foo3()
+ if 0
+ let x = 0
+ elseif 0
+ let x = 1
+ else
+ let x = 2
+ endif
+ endfunc
+ call Foo1()
+ call Foo2()
+ call Foo3()
+ [CODE]
call writefile(lines, 'Xprofile_func.vim')
call system(v:progpath
@@ -196,41 +196,41 @@ func Test_profile_func_with_ifelse()
func Test_profile_func_with_trycatch()
- let lines = [
- \ "func! Foo1()",
- \ " try",
- \ " let x = 0",
- \ " catch",
- \ " let x = 1",
- \ " finally",
- \ " let x = 2",
- \ " endtry",
- \ "endfunc",
- \ "func! Foo2()",
- \ " try",
- \ " throw 0",
- \ " catch",
- \ " let x = 1",
- \ " finally",
- \ " let x = 2",
- \ " endtry",
- \ "endfunc",
- \ "func! Foo3()",
- \ " try",
- \ " throw 0",
- \ " catch",
- \ " throw 1",
- \ " finally",
- \ " let x = 2",
- \ " endtry",
- \ "endfunc",
- \ "call Foo1()",
- \ "call Foo2()",
- \ "try",
- \ " call Foo3()",
- \ "catch",
- \ "endtry",
- \ ]
+ let lines =<< trim [CODE]
+ func! Foo1()
+ try
+ let x = 0
+ catch
+ let x = 1
+ finally
+ let x = 2
+ endtry
+ endfunc
+ func! Foo2()
+ try
+ throw 0
+ catch
+ let x = 1
+ finally
+ let x = 2
+ endtry
+ endfunc
+ func! Foo3()
+ try
+ throw 0
+ catch
+ throw 1
+ finally
+ let x = 2
+ endtry
+ endfunc
+ call Foo1()
+ call Foo2()
+ try
+ call Foo3()
+ catch
+ endtry
+ [CODE]
call writefile(lines, 'Xprofile_func.vim')
call system(v:progpath
@@ -309,15 +309,15 @@ func Test_profile_func_with_trycatch()
func Test_profile_file()
- let lines = [
- \ 'func! Foo()',
- \ 'endfunc',
- \ 'for i in range(10)',
- \ ' " a comment',
- \ ' call Foo()',
- \ 'endfor',
- \ 'call Foo()',
- \ ]
+ let lines =<< trim [CODE]
+ func! Foo()
+ endfunc
+ for i in range(10)
+ " a comment
+ call Foo()
+ endfor
+ call Foo()
+ [CODE]
call writefile(lines, 'Xprofile_file.vim')
call system(v:progpath
@@ -448,26 +448,27 @@ func Test_profile_truncate_mbyte()
func Test_profdel_func()
- let lines = [
- \ 'profile start Xprofile_file.log',
- \ 'func! Foo1()',
- \ 'endfunc',
- \ 'func! Foo2()',
- \ 'endfunc',
- \ 'func! Foo3()',
- \ 'endfunc',
- \ '',
- \ 'profile func Foo1',
- \ 'profile func Foo2',
- \ 'call Foo1()',
- \ 'call Foo2()',
- \ '',
- \ 'profile func Foo3',
- \ 'profdel func Foo2',
- \ 'profdel func Foo3',
- \ 'call Foo1()',
- \ 'call Foo2()',
- \ 'call Foo3()' ]
+ let lines =<< trim [CODE]
+ profile start Xprofile_file.log
+ func! Foo1()
+ endfunc
+ func! Foo2()
+ endfunc
+ func! Foo3()
+ endfunc
+ profile func Foo1
+ profile func Foo2
+ call Foo1()
+ call Foo2()
+ profile func Foo3
+ profdel func Foo2
+ profdel func Foo3
+ call Foo1()
+ call Foo2()
+ call Foo3()
+ [CODE]
call writefile(lines, 'Xprofile_file.vim')
call system(v:progpath . ' -es --clean -c "so Xprofile_file.vim" -c q')
call assert_equal(0, v:shell_error)
@@ -494,14 +495,15 @@ endfunc
func Test_profdel_star()
" Foo() is invoked once before and once after 'profdel *'.
" So profiling should report it only once.
- let lines = [
- \ 'profile start Xprofile_file.log',
- \ 'func! Foo()',
- \ 'endfunc',
- \ 'profile func Foo',
- \ 'call Foo()',
- \ 'profdel *',
- \ 'call Foo()' ]
+ let lines =<< trim [CODE]
+ profile start Xprofile_file.log
+ func! Foo()
+ endfunc
+ profile func Foo
+ call Foo()
+ profdel *
+ call Foo()
+ [CODE]
call writefile(lines, 'Xprofile_file.vim')
call system(v:progpath . ' -es --clean -c "so Xprofile_file.vim" -c q')
call assert_equal(0, v:shell_error)
diff --git a/src/testdir/test_quickfix.vim b/src/testdir/test_quickfix.vim
index 54c10ad6a..ef0a51202 100644
--- a/src/testdir/test_quickfix.vim
+++ b/src/testdir/test_quickfix.vim
@@ -818,68 +818,68 @@ func Test_efm1()
- let l = [
- \ '"Xtestfile", line 4.12: 1506-045 (S) Undeclared identifier fd_set.',
- \ '"Xtestfile", line 6 col 19; this is an error',
- \ 'gcc -c -DHAVE_CONFIsing-prototypes -I/usr/X11R6/include version.c',
- \ 'Xtestfile:9: parse error before `asd''',
- \ 'make: *** [vim] Error 1',
- \ 'in file "Xtestfile" linenr 10: there is an error',
- \ '',
- \ '2 returned',
- \ '"Xtestfile", line 11 col 1; this is an error',
- \ '"Xtestfile", line 12 col 2; this is another error',
- \ '"Xtestfile", line 14:10; this is an error in column 10',
- \ '=Xtestfile=, line 15:10; this is another error, but in vcol 10 this time',
- \ '"Xtestfile", linenr 16: yet another problem',
- \ 'Error in "Xtestfile" at line 17:',
- \ 'x should be a dot',
- \ ' xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx line 17',
- \ ' ^',
- \ 'Error in "Xtestfile" at line 18:',
- \ 'x should be a dot',
- \ ' xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx line 18',
- \ '.............^',
- \ 'Error in "Xtestfile" at line 19:',
- \ 'x should be a dot',
- \ ' xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx line 19',
- \ '--------------^',
- \ 'Error in "Xtestfile" at line 20:',
- \ 'x should be a dot',
- \ ' xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx line 20',
- \ ' ^',
- \ '',
- \ 'Does anyone know what is the problem and how to correction it?',
- \ '"Xtestfile", line 21 col 9: What is the title of the quickfix window?',
- \ '"Xtestfile", line 22 col 9: What is the title of the quickfix window?'
- \ ]
+ let l =<< trim [DATA]
+ "Xtestfile", line 4.12: 1506-045 (S) Undeclared identifier fd_set.
+ "Xtestfile", line 6 col 19; this is an error
+ gcc -c -DHAVE_CONFIsing-prototypes -I/usr/X11R6/include version.c
+ Xtestfile:9: parse error before `asd'
+ make: *** [vim] Error 1
+ in file "Xtestfile" linenr 10: there is an error
+ 2 returned
+ "Xtestfile", line 11 col 1; this is an error
+ "Xtestfile", line 12 col 2; this is another error
+ "Xtestfile", line 14:10; this is an error in column 10
+ =Xtestfile=, line 15:10; this is another error, but in vcol 10 this time
+ "Xtestfile", linenr 16: yet another problem
+ Error in "Xtestfile" at line 17:
+ x should be a dot
+ xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx line 17
+ ^
+ Error in "Xtestfile" at line 18:
+ x should be a dot
+ xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx line 18
+ .............^
+ Error in "Xtestfile" at line 19:
+ x should be a dot
+ xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx line 19
+ --------------^
+ Error in "Xtestfile" at line 20:
+ x should be a dot
+ xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx line 20
+ ^
+ Does anyone know what is the problem and how to correction it?
+ "Xtestfile", line 21 col 9: What is the title of the quickfix window?
+ "Xtestfile", line 22 col 9: What is the title of the quickfix window?
+ [DATA]
call writefile(l, 'Xerrorfile1')
call writefile(l[:-2], 'Xerrorfile2')
- let m = [
- \ ' xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx line 2',
- \ ' xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx line 3',
- \ ' xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx line 4',
- \ ' xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx line 5',
- \ ' xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx line 6',
- \ ' xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx line 7',
- \ ' xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx line 8',
- \ ' xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx line 9',
- \ ' xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx line 10',
- \ ' xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx line 11',
- \ ' xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx line 12',
- \ ' xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx line 13',
- \ ' xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx line 14',
- \ ' xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx line 15',
- \ ' xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx line 16',
- \ ' xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx line 17',
- \ ' xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx line 18',
- \ ' xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx line 19',
- \ ' xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx line 20',
- \ ' xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx line 21',
- \ ' xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx line 22'
- \ ]
+ let m =<< trim [DATA]
+ xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx line 2
+ xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx line 3
+ xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx line 4
+ xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx line 5
+ xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx line 6
+ xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx line 7
+ xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx line 8
+ xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx line 9
+ xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx line 10
+ xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx line 11
+ xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx line 12
+ xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx line 13
+ xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx line 14
+ xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx line 15
+ xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx line 16
+ xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx line 17
+ xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx line 18
+ xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx line 19
+ xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx line 20
+ xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx line 21
+ xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx line 22
+ [DATA]
call writefile(m, 'Xtestfile')
let save_efm = &efm
@@ -1092,21 +1092,23 @@ func Test_efm2()
call assert_equal([' 1 Xtestfile:^\VLine search text\$: '], l)
" Test for %P, %Q and %t format specifiers
- let lines=["[Xtestfile1]",
- \ "(1,17) error: ';' missing",
- \ "(21,2) warning: variable 'z' not defined",
- \ "(67,3) error: end of file found before string ended",
- \ "--",
- \ "",
- \ "[Xtestfile2]",
- \ "--",
- \ "",
- \ "[Xtestfile3]",
- \ "NEW compiler v1.1",
- \ "(2,2) warning: variable 'x' not defined",
- \ "(67,3) warning: 's' already defined",
- \ "--"
- \]
+ let lines =<< trim [DATA]
+ [Xtestfile1]
+ (1,17) error: ';' missing
+ (21,2) warning: variable 'z' not defined
+ (67,3) error: end of file found before string ended
+ --
+ [Xtestfile2]
+ --
+ [Xtestfile3]
+ NEW compiler v1.1
+ (2,2) warning: variable 'x' not defined
+ (67,3) warning: 's' already defined
+ --
+ [DATA]
set efm=%+P[%f]%r,(%l\\,%c)%*[\ ]%t%*[^:]:\ %m,%+Q--%r
" To exercise the push/pop file functionality in quickfix, the test files
" need to be created.
@@ -1128,11 +1130,13 @@ func Test_efm2()
call delete('Xtestfile3')
" Tests for %E, %C and %Z format specifiers
- let lines = ["Error 275",
- \ "line 42",
- \ "column 3",
- \ "' ' expected after '--'"
- \]
+ let lines =<< trim [DATA]
+ Error 275
+ line 42
+ column 3
+ ' ' expected after '--'
+ [DATA]
set efm=%EError\ %n,%Cline\ %l,%Ccolumn\ %c,%Z%m
cgetexpr lines
let l = getqflist()
@@ -1143,9 +1147,11 @@ func Test_efm2()
call assert_equal("\n' ' expected after '--'", l[0].text)
" Test for %>
- let lines = ["Error in line 147 of foo.c:",
- \"unknown variable 'i'"
- \]
+ let lines =<< trim [DATA]
+ Error in line 147 of foo.c:
+ unknown variable 'i'
+ [DATA]
set efm=unknown\ variable\ %m,%E%>Error\ in\ line\ %l\ of\ %f:,%Z%m
cgetexpr lines
let l = getqflist()
@@ -1154,21 +1160,22 @@ func Test_efm2()
call assert_equal("\nunknown variable 'i'", l[0].text)
" Test for %A, %C and other formats
- let lines = [
- \"==============================================================",
- \"FAIL: testGetTypeIdCachesResult (dbfacadeTest.DjsDBFacadeTest)",
- \"--------------------------------------------------------------",
- \"Traceback (most recent call last):",
- \' File "unittests/", line 89, in testFoo',
- \" self.assertEquals(34, dtid)",
- \' File "/usr/lib/python2.2/", line 286, in',
- \" failUnlessEqual",
- \" raise self.failureException, \\",
- \"AssertionError: 34 != 33",
- \"",
- \"--------------------------------------------------------------",
- \"Ran 27 tests in 0.063s"
- \]
+ let lines =<< trim [DATA]
+ ==============================================================
+ FAIL: testGetTypeIdCachesResult (dbfacadeTest.DjsDBFacadeTest)
+ --------------------------------------------------------------
+ Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "unittests/", line 89, in testFoo
+ self.assertEquals(34, dtid)
+ File "/usr/lib/python2.2/", line 286, in
+ failUnlessEqual
+ raise self.failureException, \\
+ AssertionError: 34 != 33
+ --------------------------------------------------------------
+ Ran 27 tests in 0.063s
+ [DATA]
set efm=%C\ %.%#,%A\ \ File\ \"%f\"\\,\ line\ %l%.%#,%Z%[%^\ ]%\\@=%m
cgetexpr lines
let l = getqflist()
diff --git a/src/testdir/test_startup.vim b/src/testdir/test_startup.vim
index 8f494a850..33257f79f 100644
--- a/src/testdir/test_startup.vim
+++ b/src/testdir/test_startup.vim
@@ -19,25 +19,27 @@ func Test_after_comes_later()
if !has('packages')
- let before = [
- \ 'set nocp viminfo+=nviminfo',
- \ 'set guioptions+=M',
- \ 'let $HOME = "/does/not/exist"',
- \ 'set loadplugins',
- \ 'set rtp=Xhere,Xafter,Xanother',
- \ 'set packpath=Xhere,Xafter',
- \ 'set nomore',
- \ 'let g:sequence = ""',
- \ ]
- let after = [
- \ 'redir! > Xtestout',
- \ 'scriptnames',
- \ 'redir END',
- \ 'redir! > Xsequence',
- \ 'echo g:sequence',
- \ 'redir END',
- \ 'quit',
- \ ]
+ let before =<< trim [CODE]
+ set nocp viminfo+=nviminfo
+ set guioptions+=M
+ let $HOME = "/does/not/exist"
+ set loadplugins
+ set rtp=Xhere,Xafter,Xanother
+ set packpath=Xhere,Xafter
+ set nomore
+ let g:sequence = ""
+ [CODE]
+ let after =<< trim [CODE]
+ redir! > Xtestout
+ scriptnames
+ redir END
+ redir! > Xsequence
+ echo g:sequence
+ redir END
+ quit
+ [CODE]
call mkdir('Xhere/plugin', 'p')
call writefile(['let g:sequence .= "here "'], 'Xhere/plugin/here.vim')
call mkdir('Xanother/plugin', 'p')
@@ -76,15 +78,16 @@ func Test_pack_in_rtp_when_plugins_run()
if !has('packages')
- let before = [
- \ 'set nocp viminfo+=nviminfo',
- \ 'set guioptions+=M',
- \ 'let $HOME = "/does/not/exist"',
- \ 'set loadplugins',
- \ 'set rtp=Xhere',
- \ 'set packpath=Xhere',
- \ 'set nomore',
- \ ]
+ let before =<< trim [CODE]
+ set nocp viminfo+=nviminfo
+ set guioptions+=M
+ let $HOME = "/does/not/exist"
+ set loadplugins
+ set rtp=Xhere
+ set packpath=Xhere
+ set nomore
+ [CODE]
let after = [
\ 'quit',
\ ]
@@ -131,11 +134,12 @@ func Test_help_arg()
func Test_compatible_args()
- let after = [
- \ 'call writefile([string(&compatible)], "Xtestout")',
- \ 'set viminfo+=nviminfo',
- \ 'quit',
- \ ]
+ let after =<< trim [CODE]
+ call writefile([string(&compatible)], "Xtestout")
+ set viminfo+=nviminfo
+ quit
+ [CODE]
if RunVim([], after, '-C')
let lines = readfile('Xtestout')
call assert_equal('1', lines[0])
@@ -152,14 +156,15 @@ endfunc
" Test the -o[N] and -O[N] arguments to open N windows split
" horizontally or vertically.
func Test_o_arg()
- let after = [
- \ 'call writefile([winnr("$"),
- \ winheight(1), winheight(2), &lines,
- \ winwidth(1), winwidth(2), &columns,
- \ bufname(winbufnr(1)), bufname(winbufnr(2))],
- \ "Xtestout")',
- \ 'qall',
- \ ]
+ let after =<< trim [CODE]
+ call writefile([winnr("$"),
+ \ winheight(1), winheight(2), &lines,
+ \ winwidth(1), winwidth(2), &columns,
+ \ bufname(winbufnr(1)), bufname(winbufnr(2))],
+ \ "Xtestout")
+ qall
+ [CODE]
if RunVim([], after, '-o2')
" Open 2 windows split horizontally. Expect:
" - 2 windows
@@ -228,10 +233,11 @@ endfunc
" Test the -p[N] argument to open N tabpages.
func Test_p_arg()
- let after = [
- \ 'call writefile(split(execute("tabs"), "\n"), "Xtestout")',
- \ 'qall',
- \ ]
+ let after =<< trim [CODE]
+ call writefile(split(execute("tabs"), "\n"), "Xtestout")
+ qall
+ [CODE]
if RunVim([], after, '-p2')
let lines = readfile('Xtestout')
call assert_equal(4, len(lines))
@@ -273,12 +279,12 @@ endfunc
" Test the '-q [errorfile]' argument.
func Test_q_arg()
let source_file = has('win32') ? '..\memfile.c' : '../memfile.c'
- let after = [
- \ 'call writefile([&errorfile, string(getpos("."))], "Xtestout")',
- \ 'copen',
- \ 'w >> Xtestout',
- \ 'qall'
- \ ]
+ let after =<< trim [CODE]
+ call writefile([&errorfile, string(getpos("."))], "Xtestout")
+ copen
+ w >> Xtestout
+ qall
+ [CODE]
" Test with default argument '-q'.
call assert_equal('errors.err', &errorfile)
@@ -335,10 +341,11 @@ endfunc
" -M resets 'modifiable' and 'write'
" -R sets 'readonly'
func Test_m_M_R()
- let after = [
- \ 'call writefile([&write, &modifiable, &readonly, &updatecount], "Xtestout")',
- \ 'qall',
- \ ]
+ let after =<< trim [CODE]
+ call writefile([&write, &modifiable, &readonly, &updatecount], "Xtestout")
+ qall
+ [CODE]
if RunVim([], after, '')
let lines = readfile('Xtestout')
call assert_equal(['1', '1', '0', '200'], lines)
@@ -361,10 +368,11 @@ endfunc
" Test the -A, -F and -H arguments (Arabic, Farsi and Hebrew modes).
func Test_A_F_H_arg()
- let after = [
- \ 'call writefile([&rightleft, &arabic, &fkmap, &hkmap], "Xtestout")',
- \ 'qall',
- \ ]
+ let after =<< trim [CODE]
+ call writefile([&rightleft, &arabic, &fkmap, &hkmap], "Xtestout")
+ qall
+ [CODE]
" Use silent Ex mode to avoid the hit-Enter prompt for the warning that
" 'encoding' is not utf-8.
if has('arabic') && &encoding == 'utf-8' && RunVim([], after, '-e -s -A')
@@ -481,10 +489,11 @@ func Test_invalid_args()
func Test_file_args()
- let after = [
- \ 'call writefile(argv(), "Xtestout")',
- \ 'qall',
- \ ]
+ let after =<< trim [CODE]
+ call writefile(argv(), "Xtestout")
+ qall
+ [CODE]
if RunVim([], after, '')
let lines = readfile('Xtestout')
call assert_equal(0, len(lines))
@@ -546,10 +555,11 @@ func Test_startuptime()
func Test_read_stdin()
- let after = [
- \ 'write Xtestout',
- \ 'quit!',
- \ ]
+ let after =<< trim [CODE]
+ write Xtestout
+ quit!
+ [CODE]
if RunVimPiped([], after, '-', 'echo something | ')
let lines = readfile('Xtestout')
" MS-Windows adds a space after the word
@@ -559,10 +569,11 @@ func Test_read_stdin()
func Test_set_shell()
- let after = [
- \ 'call writefile([&shell], "Xtestout")',
- \ 'quit!',
- \ ]
+ let after =<< trim [CODE]
+ call writefile([&shell], "Xtestout")
+ quit!
+ [CODE]
let $SHELL = '/bin/with space/sh'
if RunVimPiped([], after, '', '')
let lines = readfile('Xtestout')
@@ -613,20 +624,22 @@ endfunc
func Test_zzz_startinsert()
" Test :startinsert
call writefile(['123456'], 'Xtestout')
- let after = [
- \ ':startinsert',
- \ 'call feedkeys("foobar\<c-o>:wq\<cr>","t")'
- \ ]
+ let after =<< trim [CODE]
+ :startinsert
+ call feedkeys("foobar\<c-o>:wq\<cr>","t")
+ [CODE]
if RunVim([], after, 'Xtestout')
let lines = readfile('Xtestout')
call assert_equal(['foobar123456'], lines)
" Test :startinsert!
call writefile(['123456'], 'Xtestout')
- let after = [
- \ ':startinsert!',
- \ 'call feedkeys("foobar\<c-o>:wq\<cr>","t")'
- \ ]
+ let after =<< trim [CODE]
+ :startinsert!
+ call feedkeys("foobar\<c-o>:wq\<cr>","t")
+ [CODE]
if RunVim([], after, 'Xtestout')
let lines = readfile('Xtestout')
call assert_equal(['123456foobar'], lines)
diff --git a/src/testdir/test_terminal.vim b/src/testdir/test_terminal.vim
index fcad972b1..813945356 100644
--- a/src/testdir/test_terminal.vim
+++ b/src/testdir/test_terminal.vim
@@ -1012,18 +1012,19 @@ endfunc
" Run Vim, start a terminal in that Vim without the kill argument,
" check that :qall does not exit, :qall! does.
func Test_terminal_qall_exit()
- let after = [
- \ 'term',
- \ 'let buf = bufnr("%")',
- \ 'while term_getline(buf, 1) =~ "^\\s*$"',
- \ ' sleep 10m',
- \ 'endwhile',
- \ 'set nomore',
- \ 'au VimLeavePre * call writefile(["too early"], "Xdone")',
- \ 'qall',
- \ 'au! VimLeavePre * exe buf . "bwipe!" | call writefile(["done"], "Xdone")',
- \ 'cquit',
- \ ]
+ let after =<< trim [CODE]
+ term
+ let buf = bufnr("%")
+ while term_getline(buf, 1) =~ "^\\s*$"
+ sleep 10m
+ endwhile
+ set nomore
+ au VimLeavePre * call writefile(["too early"], "Xdone")
+ qall
+ au! VimLeavePre * exe buf . "bwipe!" | call writefile(["done"], "Xdone")
+ cquit
+ [CODE]
if !RunVim([], after, '')
diff --git a/src/testdir/test_xxd.vim b/src/testdir/test_xxd.vim
index e4e775523..6b9dd547b 100644
--- a/src/testdir/test_xxd.vim
+++ b/src/testdir/test_xxd.vim
@@ -95,9 +95,13 @@ func Test_xxd()
exe '0r! ' . s:xxd_cmd . ' -i XXDfile'
- let expected = ['unsigned char XXDfile[] = {',
- \ ' 0x54, 0x45, 0x53, 0x54, 0x61, 0x62, 0x63, 0x64, 0x30, 0x39, 0x0a', '};',
- \ 'unsigned int XXDfile_len = 11;']
+ let expected =<< trim [CODE]
+ unsigned char XXDfile[] = {
+ 0x54, 0x45, 0x53, 0x54, 0x61, 0x62, 0x63, 0x64, 0x30, 0x39, 0x0a
+ };
+ unsigned int XXDfile_len = 11;
+ [CODE]
call assert_equal(expected, getline(1,'$'), s:Mess(s:test))
" Test 8: Print C include capitalized
@@ -107,9 +111,12 @@ func Test_xxd()
exe '0r! ' . s:xxd_cmd . ' -i ' . arg . ' XXDfile'
- let expected = ['unsigned char XXDFILE[] = {',
- \ ' 0x54, 0x45, 0x53, 0x54, 0x61, 0x62, 0x63, 0x64, 0x30, 0x39, 0x0a', '};',
- \ 'unsigned int XXDFILE_LEN = 11;']
+ let expected =<< trim [CODE]
+ unsigned char XXDFILE[] = {
+ 0x54, 0x45, 0x53, 0x54, 0x61, 0x62, 0x63, 0x64, 0x30, 0x39, 0x0a
+ };
+ unsigned int XXDFILE_LEN = 11;
+ [CODE]
call assert_equal(expected, getline(1,'$'), s:Mess(s:test))
diff --git a/src/version.c b/src/version.c
index de5ffc6e6..cdcd132e4 100644
--- a/src/version.c
+++ b/src/version.c
@@ -768,6 +768,8 @@ static char *(features[]) =
static int included_patches[] =
{ /* Add new patch number below this line */
+ 1362,