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2 files changed, 50 insertions, 22 deletions
diff --git a/runtime/ftplugin/eruby.vim b/runtime/ftplugin/eruby.vim
index 6d8b4eafd..4eb122cda 100644
--- a/runtime/ftplugin/eruby.vim
+++ b/runtime/ftplugin/eruby.vim
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
" Vim filetype plugin
" Language: eRuby
-" Maintainer: Doug Kearns <>
+" Maintainer: Tim Pope <>
" Info: $Id$
" URL:
" Anon CVS: See above site
" Release Coordinator: Doug Kearns <>
" Only do this when not done yet for this buffer
-if (exists("b:did_ftplugin"))
+if exists("b:did_ftplugin")
@@ -16,26 +16,54 @@ set cpo-=C
" Define some defaults in case the included ftplugins don't set them.
let s:undo_ftplugin = ""
-let s:browsefilter = "Ruby Files (*.rb)\t*.rb\n" .
- \ "HTML Files (*.html, *.htm)\t*.html;*.htm\n" .
- \ "All Files (*.*)\t*.*\n"
+let s:browsefilter = "All Files (*.*)\t*.*\n"
let s:match_words = ""
-runtime! ftplugin/html.vim ftplugin/html_*.vim ftplugin/html/*.vim
-unlet b:did_ftplugin
+if !exists("g:eruby_default_subtype")
+ let g:eruby_default_subtype = "html"
+if !exists("b:eruby_subtype")
+ let s:lines = getline(1)."\n".getline(2)."\n".getline(3)."\n".getline(4)."\n".getline(5)."\n".getline("$")
+ let b:eruby_subtype = matchstr(s:lines,'eruby_subtype=\zs\w\+')
+ if b:eruby_subtype == ''
+ let b:eruby_subtype = matchstr(substitute(expand("%:t"),'\c\%(\.erb\)\+$','',''),'\.\zs\w\+$')
+ endif
+ if b:eruby_subtype == 'rhtml'
+ let b:eruby_subtype = 'html'
+ elseif b:eruby_subtype == 'rb'
+ let b:eruby_subtype = 'ruby'
+ elseif b:eruby_subtype == 'yml'
+ let b:eruby_subtype = 'yaml'
+ elseif b:eruby_subtype == 'js'
+ let b:eruby_subtype = 'javascript'
+ elseif b:eruby_subtype == 'txt'
+ " Conventional; not a real file type
+ let b:eruby_subtype = 'text'
+ elseif b:eruby_subtype == ''
+ let b:eruby_subtype = g:eruby_default_subtype
+ endif
+if exists("b:eruby_subtype") && b:eruby_subtype != ''
+ exe "runtime! ftplugin/".b:eruby_subtype.".vim ftplugin/".b:eruby_subtype."_*.vim ftplugin/".b:eruby_subtype."/*.vim"
+ runtime! ftplugin/html.vim ftplugin/html_*.vim ftplugin/html/*.vim
+unlet! b:did_ftplugin
" Override our defaults if these were set by an included ftplugin.
if exists("b:undo_ftplugin")
- let s:undo_ftplugin = b:undo_ftplugin
- unlet b:undo_ftplugin
+ let s:undo_ftplugin = b:undo_ftplugin
+ unlet b:undo_ftplugin
if exists("b:browsefilter")
- let s:browsefilter = b:browsefilter
- unlet b:browsefilter
+ let s:browsefilter = b:browsefilter
+ unlet b:browsefilter
if exists("b:match_words")
- let s:match_words = b:match_words
- unlet b:match_words
+ let s:match_words = b:match_words
+ unlet b:match_words
runtime! ftplugin/ruby.vim ftplugin/ruby_*.vim ftplugin/ruby/*.vim
@@ -43,23 +71,23 @@ let b:did_ftplugin = 1
" Combine the new set of values with those previously included.
if exists("b:undo_ftplugin")
- let s:undo_ftplugin = b:undo_ftplugin . " | " . s:undo_ftplugin
+ let s:undo_ftplugin = b:undo_ftplugin . " | " . s:undo_ftplugin
if exists ("b:browsefilter")
- let s:browsefilter = b:browsefilter . s:browsefilter
+ let s:browsefilter = substitute(b:browsefilter,'\cAll Files (\*\.\*)\t\*\.\*\n','','') . s:browsefilter
if exists("b:match_words")
- let s:match_words = b:match_words . ',' . s:match_words
+ let s:match_words = b:match_words . ',' . s:match_words
" Change the browse dialog on Win32 to show mainly eRuby-related files
if has("gui_win32")
- let b:browsefilter="eRuby Files (*.rhtml)\t*.rhtml\n" . s:browsefilter
+ let b:browsefilter="eRuby Files (*.erb, *.rhtml)\t*.erb;*.rhtml\n" . s:browsefilter
" Load the combined list of match_words for matchit.vim
if exists("loaded_matchit")
- let b:match_words = s:match_words
+ let b:match_words = s:match_words
" TODO: comments=
diff --git a/src/mbyte.c b/src/mbyte.c
index f508f8a1c..7edab4465 100644
--- a/src/mbyte.c
+++ b/src/mbyte.c
@@ -1492,7 +1492,7 @@ utf_composinglike(p1, p2)
- * Convert a UTF-8 byte string to a wide chararacter. Also get up to MAX_MCO
+ * Convert a UTF-8 byte string to a wide character. Also get up to MAX_MCO
* composing characters.
@@ -1532,7 +1532,7 @@ utfc_ptr2char(p, pcc)
- * Convert a UTF-8 byte string to a wide chararacter. Also get up to MAX_MCO
+ * Convert a UTF-8 byte string to a wide character. Also get up to MAX_MCO
* composing characters. Use no more than p[maxlen].
@@ -2974,7 +2974,7 @@ enc_canonize(enc)
# endif
- /* copy "enc" to allocted memory, with room for two '-' */
+ /* copy "enc" to allocated memory, with room for two '-' */
r = alloc((unsigned)(STRLEN(enc) + 3));
if (r != NULL)
@@ -4080,7 +4080,7 @@ xim_reset(void)
* HACK for Ami: This sequence of function calls makes Ami handle
- * the IM reset gratiously, without breaking loads of other stuff.
+ * the IM reset graciously, without breaking loads of other stuff.
* It seems to force English mode as well, which is exactly what we
* want because it makes the Ami status display work reliably.