path: root/src/testdir/test_matchadd_conceal.vim
diff options
authorBram Moolenaar <>2016-04-14 19:50:22 +0200
committerBram Moolenaar <>2016-04-14 19:50:22 +0200
commit4d585022023b96f6507e8cae5ed8fc8d926f5140 (patch)
tree044b644685ba3034bcaee0f022aaf8fd70a8fc64 /src/testdir/test_matchadd_conceal.vim
parentbea1ede1c59a11ca5bf9d91cd30b7b2937b9fb41 (diff)
patch 7.4.1740v7.4.1740
Problem: syn-cchar defined with matchadd() does not appear if there are no other syntax definitions which matches buffer text. Solution: Check for startcol. (Ozaki Kiichi, haya14busa, closes #757)
Diffstat (limited to 'src/testdir/test_matchadd_conceal.vim')
1 files changed, 266 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/testdir/test_matchadd_conceal.vim b/src/testdir/test_matchadd_conceal.vim
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5da28160c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/testdir/test_matchadd_conceal.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,266 @@
+" Test for matchadd() and conceal feature
+if !has('conceal')
+ finish
+if !has('gui_running') && has('unix')
+ set term=ansi
+function! s:screenline(lnum) abort
+ let line = []
+ for c in range(1, winwidth(0))
+ call add(line, nr2char(screenchar(a:lnum, c)))
+ endfor
+ return s:trim(join(line, ''))
+function! s:trim(str) abort
+ return matchstr(a:str,'^\s*\zs.\{-}\ze\s*$')
+function! Test_simple_matchadd()
+ new
+ 1put='# This is a Test'
+ " 1234567890123456
+ let expect = '# This is a Test'
+ call cursor(1, 1)
+ call matchadd('Conceal', '\%2l ')
+ redraw!
+ let lnum = 2
+ call assert_equal(expect, s:screenline(lnum))
+ call assert_notequal(screenattr(lnum, 1), screenattr(lnum, 2))
+ call assert_notequal(screenattr(lnum, 1), screenattr(lnum, 2))
+ call assert_equal(screenattr(lnum, 2), screenattr(lnum, 7))
+ call assert_equal(screenattr(lnum, 2), screenattr(lnum, 10))
+ call assert_equal(screenattr(lnum, 2), screenattr(lnum, 12))
+ call assert_equal(screenattr(lnum, 1), screenattr(lnum, 16))
+ quit!
+function! Test_simple_matchadd_and_conceal()
+ new
+ setlocal concealcursor=n conceallevel=1
+ 1put='# This is a Test'
+ " 1234567890123456
+ let expect = '#XThisXisXaXTest'
+ call cursor(1, 1)
+ call matchadd('Conceal', '\%2l ', 10, -1, {'conceal': 'X'})
+ redraw!
+ let lnum = 2
+ call assert_equal(expect, s:screenline(lnum))
+ call assert_notequal(screenattr(lnum, 1), screenattr(lnum, 2))
+ call assert_equal(screenattr(lnum, 2), screenattr(lnum, 7))
+ call assert_equal(screenattr(lnum, 2), screenattr(lnum, 10))
+ call assert_equal(screenattr(lnum, 2), screenattr(lnum, 12))
+ call assert_equal(screenattr(lnum, 1), screenattr(lnum, 16))
+ quit!
+function! Test_matchadd_and_conceallevel_3()
+ new
+ setlocal conceallevel=3
+ " set filetype and :syntax on to change screenattr()
+ setlocal filetype=conf
+ syntax on
+ 1put='# This is a Test'
+ " 1234567890123456
+ let expect = '#ThisisaTest'
+ call cursor(1, 1)
+ call matchadd('Conceal', '\%2l ', 10, -1, {'conceal': 'X'})
+ redraw!
+ let lnum = 2
+ call assert_equal(expect, s:screenline(lnum))
+ call assert_equal(screenattr(lnum, 1), screenattr(lnum, 2))
+ call assert_equal(screenattr(lnum, 2), screenattr(lnum, 7))
+ call assert_equal(screenattr(lnum, 2), screenattr(lnum, 10))
+ call assert_equal(screenattr(lnum, 2), screenattr(lnum, 12))
+ call assert_notequal(screenattr(lnum, 1), screenattr(lnum, 16))
+ " more matchadd()
+ " 1234567890123456
+ let expect = '#Thisisa Test'
+ call matchadd('ErrorMsg', '\%2l Test', 20, -1, {'conceal': 'X'})
+ redraw!
+ call assert_equal(expect, s:screenline(lnum))
+ call assert_equal(screenattr(lnum, 1) , screenattr(lnum, 2))
+ call assert_equal(screenattr(lnum, 2) , screenattr(lnum, 7))
+ call assert_notequal(screenattr(lnum, 1) , screenattr(lnum, 10))
+ call assert_equal(screenattr(lnum, 10), screenattr(lnum, 12))
+ call assert_notequal(screenattr(lnum, 1) , screenattr(lnum, 16))
+ call assert_notequal(screenattr(lnum, 10), screenattr(lnum, 16))
+ syntax off
+ quit!
+function! Test_default_conceal_char()
+ new
+ setlocal concealcursor=n conceallevel=1
+ 1put='# This is a Test'
+ " 1234567890123456
+ let expect = '# This is a Test'
+ call cursor(1, 1)
+ call matchadd('Conceal', '\%2l ', 10, -1, {})
+ redraw!
+ let lnum = 2
+ call assert_equal(expect, s:screenline(lnum))
+ call assert_notequal(screenattr(lnum, 1), screenattr(lnum, 2))
+ call assert_equal(screenattr(lnum, 2), screenattr(lnum, 7))
+ call assert_equal(screenattr(lnum, 2), screenattr(lnum, 10))
+ call assert_equal(screenattr(lnum, 2), screenattr(lnum, 12))
+ call assert_equal(screenattr(lnum, 1), screenattr(lnum, 16))
+ " 1234567890123456
+ let expect = '#+This+is+a+Test'
+ let listchars_save = &listchars
+ set listchars=conceal:+
+ redraw!
+ call assert_equal(expect, s:screenline(lnum))
+ call assert_notequal(screenattr(lnum, 1), screenattr(lnum, 2))
+ call assert_equal(screenattr(lnum, 2), screenattr(lnum, 7))
+ call assert_equal(screenattr(lnum, 2), screenattr(lnum, 10))
+ call assert_equal(screenattr(lnum, 2), screenattr(lnum, 12))
+ call assert_equal(screenattr(lnum, 1), screenattr(lnum, 16))
+ let &listchars = listchars_save
+ quit!
+function! Test_syn_and_match_conceal()
+ new
+ setlocal concealcursor=n conceallevel=1
+ 1put='# This is a Test'
+ " 1234567890123456
+ let expect = '#ZThisZisZaZTest'
+ call cursor(1, 1)
+ call matchadd('Conceal', '\%2l ', 10, -1, {'conceal': 'Z'})
+ syntax match MyConceal /\%2l / conceal containedin=ALL cchar=*
+ redraw!
+ let lnum = 2
+ call assert_equal(expect, s:screenline(lnum))
+ call assert_notequal(screenattr(lnum, 1), screenattr(lnum, 2))
+ call assert_equal(screenattr(lnum, 2), screenattr(lnum, 7))
+ call assert_equal(screenattr(lnum, 2), screenattr(lnum, 10))
+ call assert_equal(screenattr(lnum, 2), screenattr(lnum, 12))
+ call assert_equal(screenattr(lnum, 1), screenattr(lnum, 16))
+ " 1234567890123456
+ let expect = '#*This*is*a*Test'
+ call clearmatches()
+ redraw!
+ call assert_equal(expect, s:screenline(lnum))
+ call assert_notequal(screenattr(lnum, 1), screenattr(lnum, 2))
+ call assert_equal(screenattr(lnum, 2), screenattr(lnum, 7))
+ call assert_equal(screenattr(lnum, 2), screenattr(lnum, 10))
+ call assert_equal(screenattr(lnum, 2), screenattr(lnum, 12))
+ call assert_equal(screenattr(lnum, 1), screenattr(lnum, 16))
+ syntax off
+ quit!
+function! Test_clearmatches()
+ new
+ setlocal concealcursor=n conceallevel=1
+ 1put='# This is a Test'
+ " 1234567890123456
+ let expect = '# This is a Test'
+ call cursor(1, 1)
+ call matchadd('Conceal', '\%2l ', 10, -1, {'conceal': 'Z'})
+ let a = getmatches()
+ call clearmatches()
+ redraw!
+ let lnum = 2
+ call assert_equal(expect, s:screenline(lnum))
+ call assert_equal(screenattr(lnum, 1), screenattr(lnum, 2))
+ call assert_equal(screenattr(lnum, 2), screenattr(lnum, 7))
+ call assert_equal(screenattr(lnum, 2), screenattr(lnum, 10))
+ call assert_equal(screenattr(lnum, 2), screenattr(lnum, 12))
+ call assert_equal(screenattr(lnum, 1), screenattr(lnum, 16))
+ " reset match using setmatches()
+ " 1234567890123456
+ let expect = '#ZThisZisZaZTest'
+ call setmatches(a)
+ redraw!
+ call assert_equal(expect, s:screenline(lnum))
+ call assert_notequal(screenattr(lnum, 1), screenattr(lnum, 2))
+ call assert_equal(screenattr(lnum, 2), screenattr(lnum, 7))
+ call assert_equal(screenattr(lnum, 2), screenattr(lnum, 10))
+ call assert_equal(screenattr(lnum, 2), screenattr(lnum, 12))
+ call assert_equal(screenattr(lnum, 1), screenattr(lnum, 16))
+ call assert_equal({'group': 'Conceal', 'pattern': '\%2l ', 'priority': 10, 'id': a[0].id, 'conceal': 'Z'}, a[0])
+ quit!
+function! Test_using_matchaddpos()
+ new
+ setlocal concealcursor=n conceallevel=1
+ " set filetype and :syntax on to change screenattr()
+ setlocal filetype=conf
+ syntax on
+ 1put='# This is a Test'
+ " 1234567890123456
+ let expect = '#Pis a Test'
+ call cursor(1, 1)
+ call matchaddpos('Conceal', [[2,2,6]], 10, -1, {'conceal': 'P'})
+ let a = getmatches()
+ redraw!
+ let lnum = 2
+ call assert_equal(expect, s:screenline(lnum))
+ call assert_notequal(screenattr(lnum, 1) , screenattr(lnum, 2))
+ call assert_notequal(screenattr(lnum, 2) , screenattr(lnum, 7))
+ call assert_equal(screenattr(lnum, 1) , screenattr(lnum, 7))
+ call assert_equal(screenattr(lnum, 1) , screenattr(lnum, 10))
+ call assert_notequal(screenattr(lnum, 1) , screenattr(lnum, 12))
+ call assert_notequal(screenattr(lnum, 1) , screenattr(lnum, 16))
+ call assert_equal(screenattr(lnum, 12), screenattr(lnum, 16))
+ call assert_equal({'group': 'Conceal', 'id': a[0].id, 'priority': 10, 'pos1': [2, 2, 6], 'conceal': 'P'}, a[0])
+ syntax off
+ quit!
+function! Test_matchadd_repeat_conceal_with_syntax_off()
+ new
+ " To test targets in the same line string is replaced with conceal char
+ " correctly, repeat 'TARGET'
+ call cursor(1, 1)
+ redraw
+ call assert_equal('TARGET_TARGETTARGET', s:screenline(2))
+ setlocal conceallevel=2
+ call matchadd('Conceal', 'TARGET', 10, -1, {'conceal': 't'})
+ redraw
+ call assert_equal('t_tt', s:screenline(2))
+ quit!