path: root/src/testdir/test_listlbr.vim
diff options
authorBram Moolenaar <>2017-02-05 21:14:50 +0100
committerBram Moolenaar <>2017-02-05 21:14:50 +0100
commit544d3bc9f0e494cb712a33b61558b8e8e12b1e0b (patch)
tree01fcc92049bb5f2a7730db2508a3385bfb9aaca4 /src/testdir/test_listlbr.vim
parent13c724fb3a630257b736a1c91643b396fee917c1 (diff)
patch 8.0.0311: linebreak tests are old stylev8.0.0311
Problem: Linebreak tests are old style. Solution: Turn the tests into new style. Share utility functions. (Ozaki Kiichi, closes #1444)
Diffstat (limited to 'src/testdir/test_listlbr.vim')
1 files changed, 219 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/testdir/test_listlbr.vim b/src/testdir/test_listlbr.vim
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..71366a161
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/testdir/test_listlbr.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,219 @@
+" Test for linebreak and list option (non-utf8)
+set encoding=latin1
+scriptencoding latin1
+if !exists("+linebreak") || !has("conceal")
+ finish
+source view_util.vim
+function s:screen_lines(lnum, width) abort
+ return ScreenLines(a:lnum, a:width)
+function! s:compare_lines(expect, actual)
+ call assert_equal(join(a:expect, "\n"), join(a:actual, "\n"))
+function s:test_windows(...)
+ call NewWindow(10, 20)
+ setl ts=8 sw=4 sts=4 linebreak sbr= wrap
+ exe get(a:000, 0, '')
+function s:close_windows(...)
+ call CloseWindow()
+ exe get(a:000, 0, '')
+func Test_set_linebreak()
+ call s:test_windows('setl ts=4 sbr=+')
+ call setline(1, "\tabcdef hijklmn\tpqrstuvwxyz_1060ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP ")
+ let lines = s:screen_lines([1, 4], winwidth(0))
+ let expect = [
+\ " abcdef ",
+\ "+hijklmn ",
+\ "+pqrstuvwxyz_1060ABC",
+\ ]
+ call s:compare_lines(expect, lines)
+ call s:close_windows()
+func Test_linebreak_with_list()
+ call s:test_windows('setl ts=4 sbr=+ list listchars=')
+ call setline(1, "\tabcdef hijklmn\tpqrstuvwxyz_1060ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP ")
+ let lines = s:screen_lines([1, 4], winwidth(0))
+ let expect = [
+\ "^Iabcdef hijklmn^I ",
+\ "+pqrstuvwxyz_1060ABC",
+\ "~ ",
+\ ]
+ call s:compare_lines(expect, lines)
+ call s:close_windows()
+func Test_linebreak_with_nolist()
+ call s:test_windows('setl ts=4 sbr=+ nolist')
+ call setline(1, "\tabcdef hijklmn\tpqrstuvwxyz_1060ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP ")
+ let lines = s:screen_lines([1, 4], winwidth(0))
+ let expect = [
+\ " abcdef ",
+\ "+hijklmn ",
+\ "+pqrstuvwxyz_1060ABC",
+\ ]
+ call s:compare_lines(expect, lines)
+ call s:close_windows()
+func Test_should_break()
+ call s:test_windows('setl sbr=+ nolist')
+ call setline(1, "1\t" . repeat('a', winwidth(0)-2))
+ let lines = s:screen_lines([1, 4], winwidth(0))
+ let expect = [
+\ "1 ",
+\ "+aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ",
+\ "~ ",
+\ "~ ",
+\ ]
+ call s:compare_lines(expect, lines)
+ call s:close_windows()
+func Test_linebreak_with_conceal()
+ call s:test_windows('setl cpo&vim sbr=+ list conceallevel=2 concealcursor=nv listchars=tab:ab')
+ call setline(1, "_S_\t bla")
+ syn match ConcealVar contained /_/ conceal
+ syn match All /.*/ contains=ConcealVar
+ let lines = s:screen_lines([1, 4], winwidth(0))
+ let expect = [
+\ "Sabbbbbb bla ",
+\ "~ ",
+\ "~ ",
+\ "~ ",
+\ ]
+ call s:compare_lines(expect, lines)
+ call s:close_windows()
+func Test_virtual_block()
+ call s:test_windows('setl sbr=+')
+ call setline(1, [
+\ "REMOVE: this not",
+\ "REMOVE: aaaaaaaaaaaaa",
+\ ])
+ exe "norm! 1/^REMOVE:"
+ exe "norm! 0\<C-V>jf x"
+ $put
+ let lines = s:screen_lines([1, 4], winwidth(0))
+ let expect = [
+\ "this not ",
+\ "aaaaaaaaaaaaa ",
+\ "REMOVE: ",
+\ "REMOVE: ",
+\ ]
+ call s:compare_lines(expect, lines)
+ call s:close_windows()
+func Test_virtual_block_and_vbA()
+ call s:test_windows()
+ call setline(1, "long line: " . repeat("foobar ", 40) . "TARGET at end")
+ exe "norm! $3B\<C-v>eAx\<Esc>"
+ let lines = s:screen_lines([1, 10], winwidth(0))
+ let expect = [
+\ "foobar foobar ",
+\ "foobar foobar ",
+\ "foobar foobar ",
+\ "foobar foobar ",
+\ "foobar foobar ",
+\ "foobar foobar ",
+\ "foobar foobar ",
+\ "foobar foobar ",
+\ "foobar foobar ",
+\ "foobar TARGETx at ",
+\ ]
+ call s:compare_lines(expect, lines)
+ call s:close_windows()
+func Test_virtual_char_and_block()
+ call s:test_windows()
+ call setline(1, "1111-1111-1111-11-1111-1111-1111")
+ exe "norm! 0f-lv3lc2222\<Esc>bgj."
+ let lines = s:screen_lines([1, 2], winwidth(0))
+ let expect = [
+\ "1111-2222-1111-11- ",
+\ "1111-2222-1111 ",
+\ ]
+ call s:compare_lines(expect, lines)
+ call s:close_windows()
+func Test_undo_after_block_visual()
+ call s:test_windows()
+ call setline(1, ["aaa", "aaa", "a"])
+ exe "norm! gg\<C-V>2j~e."
+ let lines = s:screen_lines([1, 3], winwidth(0))
+ let expect = [
+\ "AaA ",
+\ "AaA ",
+\ "A ",
+\ ]
+ call s:compare_lines(expect, lines)
+ call s:close_windows()
+func Test_norm_after_block_visual()
+ call s:test_windows()
+ call setline(1, ["abcd{ef", "ghijklm", "no}pgrs"])
+ exe "norm! ggf{\<C-V>\<C-V>c%"
+ let lines = s:screen_lines([1, 3], winwidth(0))
+ let expect = [
+\ "abcdpgrs ",
+\ "~ ",
+\ "~ ",
+\ ]
+ call s:compare_lines(expect, lines)
+ call s:close_windows()
+func Test_block_replace_after_wrapping()
+ call s:test_windows()
+ call setline(1, repeat("a", 150))
+ exe "norm! 0yypk147|\<C-V>jr0"
+ call assert_equal(repeat("a", 146) . "0aaa", getline(1))
+ call assert_equal(repeat("a", 146) . "0aaa", getline(2))
+ let lines = s:screen_lines([1, 10], winwidth(0))
+ let expect = [
+\ "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa",
+\ "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa",
+\ "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa",
+\ "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa",
+\ "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa",
+\ "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa",
+\ "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa",
+\ "aaaaaa0aaa ",
+\ "@ ",
+\ "@ ",
+\ ]
+ call s:compare_lines(expect, lines)
+ call s:close_windows()
+func Test_list_with_listchars()
+ call s:test_windows('setl list listchars=space:_,trail:-,tab:>-,eol:$')
+ call setline(1, "a aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\ta ")
+ let lines = s:screen_lines([1, 3], winwidth(0))
+ let expect = [
+\ "a_ ",
+\ "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa",
+\ "aa>-----a-$ ",
+\ ]
+ call s:compare_lines(expect, lines)
+ call s:close_windows()