path: root/src/testdir/test_autocmd.vim
diff options
authorBram Moolenaar <>2017-11-02 21:04:47 +0100
committerBram Moolenaar <>2017-11-02 21:04:47 +0100
commit430dc5d360166ca5bb6a73f2c87ae53e09282ecb (patch)
tree476135bdc6d06c93ae3ab9baa27e50d35c2a7796 /src/testdir/test_autocmd.vim
parent8889a5c305e69aa49fd08036e624e365097a5b7b (diff)
patch 8.0.1253: still too many old style testsv8.0.1253
Problem: Still too many old style tests. Solution: Convert a few more tests to new style. (Yegappan Lakshmanan, closes #2272)
Diffstat (limited to 'src/testdir/test_autocmd.vim')
1 files changed, 81 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/src/testdir/test_autocmd.vim b/src/testdir/test_autocmd.vim
index dbf7d20b5..3f072a588 100644
--- a/src/testdir/test_autocmd.vim
+++ b/src/testdir/test_autocmd.vim
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
" Tests for autocommands
func! s:cleanup_buffers() abort
for bnr in range(1, bufnr('$'))
if bufloaded(bnr) && bufnr('%') != bnr
@@ -917,3 +916,84 @@ func Test_buflocal_autocmd()
unlet g:bname
+" Test for "*Cmd" autocommands
+func Test_Cmd_Autocmds()
+ call writefile(['start of Xxx', "\tabc2", 'end of Xxx'], 'Xxx')
+ enew!
+ au BufReadCmd XtestA 0r Xxx|$del
+ edit XtestA " will read text of Xxd instead
+ call assert_equal('start of Xxx', getline(1))
+ au BufWriteCmd XtestA call append(line("$"), "write")
+ write " will append a line to the file
+ call assert_equal('write', getline('$'))
+ call assert_fails('read XtestA', 'E484') " should not read anything
+ call assert_equal('write', getline(4))
+ " now we have:
+ " 1 start of Xxx
+ " 2 abc2
+ " 3 end of Xxx
+ " 4 write
+ au FileReadCmd XtestB '[r Xxx
+ 2r XtestB " will read Xxx below line 2 instead
+ call assert_equal('start of Xxx', getline(3))
+ " now we have:
+ " 1 start of Xxx
+ " 2 abc2
+ " 3 start of Xxx
+ " 4 abc2
+ " 5 end of Xxx
+ " 6 end of Xxx
+ " 7 write
+ au FileWriteCmd XtestC '[,']copy $
+ normal 4GA1
+ 4,5w XtestC " will copy lines 4 and 5 to the end
+ call assert_equal("\tabc21", getline(8))
+ call assert_fails('r XtestC', 'E484') " should not read anything
+ call assert_equal("end of Xxx", getline(9))
+ " now we have:
+ " 1 start of Xxx
+ " 2 abc2
+ " 3 start of Xxx
+ " 4 abc21
+ " 5 end of Xxx
+ " 6 end of Xxx
+ " 7 write
+ " 8 abc21
+ " 9 end of Xxx
+ let g:lines = []
+ au FileAppendCmd XtestD call extend(g:lines, getline(line("'["), line("']")))
+ w >>XtestD " will add lines to 'lines'
+ call assert_equal(9, len(g:lines))
+ call assert_fails('$r XtestD', 'E484') " should not read anything
+ call assert_equal(9, line('$'))
+ call assert_equal('end of Xxx', getline('$'))
+ au BufReadCmd XtestE 0r Xxx|$del
+ sp XtestE " split window with test.out
+ call assert_equal('end of Xxx', getline(3))
+ let g:lines = []
+ exe "normal 2Goasdf\<Esc>\<C-W>\<C-W>"
+ au BufWriteCmd XtestE call extend(g:lines, getline(0, '$'))
+ wall " will write other window to 'lines'
+ call assert_equal(4, len(g:lines), g:lines)
+ call assert_equal('asdf', g:lines[2])
+ au! BufReadCmd
+ au! BufWriteCmd
+ au! FileReadCmd
+ au! FileWriteCmd
+ au! FileAppendCmd
+ %bwipe!
+ call delete('Xxx')
+ enew!