path: root/runtime/syntax
diff options
authorBram Moolenaar <>2004-12-19 22:46:22 +0000
committerBram Moolenaar <>2004-12-19 22:46:22 +0000
commit1cd871b5341bf43ee99e136844e3131014880f92 (patch)
tree6bd9573dbc14de3c4ec85e424cbec9c8d1ee0ed8 /runtime/syntax
parent46c9c73de8def79baf8f0a34a12549f6c14944f3 (diff)
updated for version 7.0023v7.0023
Diffstat (limited to 'runtime/syntax')
4 files changed, 418 insertions, 53 deletions
diff --git a/runtime/syntax/2html.vim b/runtime/syntax/2html.vim
index 008221400..2a7a2b133 100644
--- a/runtime/syntax/2html.vim
+++ b/runtime/syntax/2html.vim
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
" Vim syntax support file
" Maintainer: Bram Moolenaar <>
-" Last Change: 2004 Oct 15
+" Last Change: 2004 Dec 14
" (modified by David Ne\v{c}as (Yeti) <>)
" (XHTML support by Panagiotis Issaris <>)
@@ -211,7 +211,11 @@ let s:old_magic = &magic
set magic
if exists("use_xhtml")
- exe "normal! a<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n\e"
+ if s:html_encoding != ""
+ exe "normal! a<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"" . s:html_encoding . "\"?>\n\e"
+ else
+ exe "normal! a<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n\e"
+ endif
let s:tag_close = '/>'
let s:tag_close = '>'
@@ -230,8 +234,8 @@ endif
" HTML header, with the title and generator ;-). Left free space for the CSS,
" to be filled at the end.
-exe "normal! a<html>\n<head>\n<title>\e"
-exe "normal! a" . expand("%:p:~") . "</title>\n\e"
+exe "normal! a<html>\n\e"
+exe "normal! a<head>\n<title>" . expand("%:p:~") . "</title>\n\e"
exe "normal! a<meta name=\"Generator\" content=\"Vim/" . v:version/100 . "." . v:version %100 . '"' . s:tag_close . "\n\e"
if s:html_encoding != ""
exe "normal! a<meta http-equiv=\"content-type\" content=\"text/html; charset=" . s:html_encoding . '"' . s:tag_close . "\n\e"
@@ -477,11 +481,19 @@ while s:idlist != ""
" Add hyperlinks
-%s+\(http://\S\{-}\)\(\([.,;:}]\=\(\s\|$\)\)\|[\\"'<>]\|&gt;\|&lt;\|&quot;\)+<A HREF="\1">\1</A>\2+ge
+%s+\(https\=://\S\{-}\)\(\([.,;:}]\=\(\s\|$\)\)\|[\\"'<>]\|&gt;\|&lt;\|&quot;\)+<a href="\1">\1</a>\2+ge
" The DTD
if exists("html_use_css")
- exe "normal! gg0i<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN\" \"\">\n\e"
+ if exists("use_xhtml")
+ exe "normal! gg$a\n<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN\" \"\">\e"
+ else
+ exe "normal! gg0i<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN\" \"\">\n\e"
+ endif
+if exists("use_xhtml")
+ exe "normal! gg/<html/e\na xmlns=\"\"\e"
" Cleanup
diff --git a/runtime/syntax/iss.vim b/runtime/syntax/iss.vim
index f94c7cdf0..26d9150b5 100644
--- a/runtime/syntax/iss.vim
+++ b/runtime/syntax/iss.vim
@@ -2,7 +2,12 @@
" Language: Inno Setup File (iss file) and My InnoSetup extension
" Maintainer: Jason Mills (
" Previous Maintainer: Dominique Stéphan (
-" Last Change: 2004 Jul 13
+" Last Change: 2004 Dec 14
+" Todo:
+" - The paramter String: is matched as flag string (because of case ignore).
+" - Pascal scripting syntax is not recognized.
+" - Embedded double quotes confuse string matches. e.g. "asfd""asfa"
" For version 5.x: Clear all syntax items
" For version 6.x: Quit when a syntax file was already loaded
@@ -19,36 +24,37 @@ syn case ignore
syn region issPreProc start="^\s*#" end="$"
" Section
-syn region issHeader start="\[" end="\]"
+syn region issSection start="\[" end="\]"
" Label in the [Setup] Section
-syn match issLabel "^[^=]\+="
+syn match issDirective "^[^=]\+="
-syn match issURL "http[s]\=:\/\/.*$"
-" syn match issName "[^: ]\+:"
-syn match issName "Name:"
-syn match issName "MinVersion:\|OnlyBelowVersion:\|Languages:"
-syn match issName "Source:\|DestDir:\|DestName:\|CopyMode:"
-syn match issName "Attribs:\|Permissions:\|FontInstall:\|Flags:"
-syn match issName "FileName:\|Parameters:\|WorkingDir:\|HotKey:\|Comment:"
-syn match issName "IconFilename:\|IconIndex:"
-syn match issName "Section:\|Key:\|String:"
-syn match issName "Root:\|SubKey:\|ValueType:\|ValueName:\|ValueData:"
-syn match issName "RunOnceId:"
-syn match issName "Type:"
-syn match issName "Components:\|Description:\|GroupDescription:\|Types:\|ExtraDiskSpaceRequired:"
-syn match issName "StatusMsg:\|RunOnceId:\|Tasks:"
-syn match issName "MessagesFile:\|LicenseFile:\|InfoBeforeFile:\|InfoAfterFile:"
-syn match issComment "^;.*$"
+syn match issURL "http[s]\=:\/\/.*$"
+" Parameters used for any section.
+" syn match issParam"[^: ]\+:"
+syn match issParam "Name:"
+syn match issParam "MinVersion:\|OnlyBelowVersion:\|Languages:"
+syn match issParam "Source:\|DestDir:\|DestName:\|CopyMode:"
+syn match issParam "Attribs:\|Permissions:\|FontInstall:\|Flags:"
+syn match issParam "FileName:\|Parameters:\|WorkingDir:\|HotKey:\|Comment:"
+syn match issParam "IconFilename:\|IconIndex:"
+syn match issParam "Section:\|Key:\|String:"
+syn match issParam "Root:\|SubKey:\|ValueType:\|ValueName:\|ValueData:"
+syn match issParam "RunOnceId:"
+syn match issParam "Type:\|Excludes:"
+syn match issParam "Components:\|Description:\|GroupDescription:\|Types:\|ExtraDiskSpaceRequired:"
+syn match issParam "StatusMsg:\|RunOnceId:\|Tasks:"
+syn match issParam "MessagesFile:\|LicenseFile:\|InfoBeforeFile:\|InfoAfterFile:"
+syn match issComment "^\s*;.*$"
" folder constant
-syn match issFolder "{[^{]*}"
+syn match issFolder "{[^{]*}"
" string
-syn region issString start=+"+ end=+"+ contains=issFolder
+syn region issString start=+"+ end=+"+ contains=issFolder
" [Dirs]
syn keyword issDirsFlags deleteafterinstall uninsalwaysuninstall uninsneveruninstall
@@ -63,6 +69,8 @@ syn keyword issFilesFlags isreadme onlyifdestfileexists onlyifdoesntexist overwr
syn keyword issFilesFlags promptifolder recursesubdirs regserver regtypelib restartreplace
syn keyword issFilesFlags sharedfile skipifsourcedoesntexist sortfilesbyextension touch
syn keyword issFilesFlags uninsremovereadonly uninsrestartdelete uninsneveruninstall
+syn keyword issFilesFlags replacesameversion nocompression noencryption noregerror
" [Icons]
syn keyword issIconsFlags closeonexit createonlyiffileexists dontcloseonexit
@@ -108,30 +116,30 @@ if version >= 508 || !exists("did_iss_syntax_inits")
" The default methods for highlighting. Can be overridden later
- HiLink issHeader Special
- HiLink issComment Comment
- HiLink issLabel Type
- HiLink issName Type
- HiLink issFolder Special
- HiLink issString String
- HiLink issValue String
- HiLink issURL Include
- HiLink issPreProc PreProc
- HiLink issDirsFlags Keyword
- HiLink issFilesCopyMode Keyword
- HiLink issFilesAttribs Keyword
- HiLink issFilesFlags Keyword
- HiLink issIconsFlags Keyword
- HiLink issINIFlags Keyword
- HiLink issRegRootKey Keyword
- HiLink issRegValueType Keyword
- HiLink issRegFlags Keyword
- HiLink issRunFlags Keyword
- HiLink issTypesFlags Keyword
- HiLink issComponentsFlags Keyword
- HiLink issInstallDeleteType Keyword
- HiLink issTasksFlags Keyword
+ HiLink issSection Special
+ HiLink issComment Comment
+ HiLink issDirective Type
+ HiLink issParam Type
+ HiLink issFolder Special
+ HiLink issString String
+ HiLink issURL Include
+ HiLink issPreProc PreProc
+ HiLink issDirsFlags Keyword
+ HiLink issFilesCopyMode Keyword
+ HiLink issFilesAttribs Keyword
+ HiLink issFilesPermissions Keyword
+ HiLink issFilesFlags Keyword
+ HiLink issIconsFlags Keyword
+ HiLink issINIFlags Keyword
+ HiLink issRegRootKey Keyword
+ HiLink issRegValueType Keyword
+ HiLink issRegFlags Keyword
+ HiLink issRunFlags Keyword
+ HiLink issTypesFlags Keyword
+ HiLink issComponentsFlags Keyword
+ HiLink issInstallDeleteType Keyword
+ HiLink issTasksFlags Keyword
delcommand HiLink
diff --git a/runtime/syntax/netrc.vim b/runtime/syntax/netrc.vim
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..83940eb9d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/syntax/netrc.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+" Vim syntax file
+" Maintainer: Nikolai Weibull <>
+" URL:
+" Latest Revision: 2004-12-16
+" arch-tag: 4f6ecb37-d10c-4eca-add0-77991559414a
+if version < 600
+ syntax clear
+elseif exists("b:current_syntax")
+ finish
+" Keywords
+syn keyword netrcKeyword machine password nextgroup=netrcName skipwhite skipnl
+syn keyword netrcKeyword login nextgroup=netrcName,netrcSpecial skipwhite skipnl
+syn keyword netrcKeyword default
+syn keyword netrcKeyword macdef nextgroup=netrcInit,netrcMacroName skipwhite skipnl
+syn region netrcMacro contained start='.' end='^$'
+" Names
+syn match netrcName contained display '\S\+'
+syn match netrcName contained display '"[^\\"]*\(\\.[^\\"]*\)*'
+syn match netrcMacroName contained display '\S\+' nextgroup=netrcMacro skipwhite skipnl
+syn match netrcMacroName contained display '"[^\\"]*\(\\.[^\\"]*\)*' nextgroup=netrcMacro skipwhite skipnl
+" Special
+syn keyword netrcSpecial contained anonymous
+syn match netrcInit contained '\<init$' nextgroup=netrcMacro skipwhite skipnl
+syn sync fromstart
+" Define the default highlighting.
+" For version 5.7 and earlier: only when not done already
+" For version 5.8 and later: only when an item doesn't have highlighting yet
+if version >= 508 || !exists("did_netrc_syn_inits")
+ if version < 508
+ let did_netrc_syn_inits = 1
+ command -nargs=+ HiLink hi link <args>
+ else
+ command -nargs=+ HiLink hi def link <args>
+ endif
+ HiLink netrcKeyword Keyword
+ HiLink netrcMacro PreProc
+ HiLink netrcName String
+ HiLink netrcMacroName String
+ HiLink netrcSpecial Special
+ HiLink netrcInit Special
+ delcommand HiLink
+let b:current_syntax = "netrc"
+" vim: set sts=2 sw=2:
diff --git a/runtime/syntax/sudoers.vim b/runtime/syntax/sudoers.vim
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..72a7890be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/syntax/sudoers.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,290 @@
+" Vim syntax file
+" Language: sudoers(5) configuration files.
+" Maintainer: Nikolai Weibull <>
+" URL:
+" Latest Revision: 2004-12-17
+" arch-tag: 02fc3bc8-4308-466f-b83e-718a7487b198
+if version < 600
+ syntax clear
+elseif exists("b:current_syntax")
+ finish
+" TODO: instead of 'skipnl', we would like to match a specific group that would
+" match \\$ and then continue with the nextgroup, actually, the skipnl doesn't
+" work...
+" TODO: treat 'ALL' like a special (yay, a bundle of new rules!!!)
+" User Specs
+syn match sudoersUserSpec '^' nextgroup=@sudoersUserInSpec skipwhite
+syn match sudoersSpecEquals contained '=' nextgroup=@sudoersCmndSpecList skipwhite
+syn cluster sudoersCmndSpecList contains=sudoersUserRunasBegin,sudoersPASSWD,@sudoersCmndInSpec
+" Todo
+syn keyword sudoersTodo contained TODO FIXME XXX NOTE
+" Comments
+syn region sudoersComment matchgroup=sudoersComment start='#' end='$' contains=sudoersTodo
+" Aliases
+syn keyword sudoersAlias User_Alias Runas_Alias nextgroup=sudoersUserAlias skipwhite skipnl
+syn keyword sudoersAlias Host_Alias nextgroup=sudoersHostAlias skipwhite skipnl
+syn keyword sudoersAlias Cmnd_Alias nextgroup=sudoersCmndAlias skipwhite skipnl
+" Names
+syn match sudoersUserAlias contained '\<\u[A-Z0-9_]*\>' nextgroup=sudoersUserAliasEquals skipwhite skipnl
+syn match sudoersUserNameInList contained '\<\l\+\>' nextgroup=@sudoersUserList skipwhite skipnl
+syn match sudoersUIDInList contained '#\d\+\>' nextgroup=@sudoersUserList skipwhite skipnl
+syn match sudoersGroupInList contained '%\l\+\>' nextgroup=@sudoersUserList skipwhite skipnl
+syn match sudoersUserNetgroupInList contained '+\l\+\>' nextgroup=@sudoersUserList skipwhite skipnl
+syn match sudoersUserAliasInList contained '\<\u[A-Z0-9_]*\>' nextgroup=@sudoersUserList skipwhite skipnl
+syn match sudoersUserName contained '\<\l\+\>' nextgroup=@sudoersParameter skipwhite skipnl
+syn match sudoersUID contained '#\d\+\>' nextgroup=@sudoersParameter skipwhite skipnl
+syn match sudoersGroup contained '%\l\+\>' nextgroup=@sudoersParameter skipwhite skipnl
+syn match sudoersUserNetgroup contained '+\l\+\>' nextgroup=@sudoersParameter skipwhite skipnl
+syn match sudoersUserAliasRef contained '\<\u[A-Z0-9_]*\>' nextgroup=@sudoersParameter skipwhite skipnl
+syn match sudoersUserNameInSpec contained '\<\l\+\>' nextgroup=@sudoersUserSpec skipwhite skipnl
+syn match sudoersUIDInSpec contained '#\d\+\>' nextgroup=@sudoersUserSpec skipwhite skipnl
+syn match sudoersGroupInSpec contained '%\l\+\>' nextgroup=@sudoersUserSpec skipwhite skipnl
+syn match sudoersUserNetgroupInSpec contained '+\l\+\>' nextgroup=@sudoersUserSpec skipwhite skipnl
+syn match sudoersUserAliasInSpec contained '\<\u[A-Z0-9_]*\>' nextgroup=@sudoersUserSpec skipwhite skipnl
+syn match sudoersUserNameInRunas contained '\<\l\+\>' nextgroup=@sudoersUserRunas skipwhite skipnl
+syn match sudoersUIDInRunas contained '#\d\+\>' nextgroup=@sudoersUserRunas skipwhite skipnl
+syn match sudoersGroupInRunas contained '%\l\+\>' nextgroup=@sudoersUserRunas skipwhite skipnl
+syn match sudoersUserNetgroupInRunas contained '+\l\+\>' nextgroup=@sudoersUserRunas skipwhite skipnl
+syn match sudoersUserAliasInRunas contained '\<\u[A-Z0-9_]*\>' nextgroup=@sudoersUserRunas skipwhite skipnl
+syn match sudoersHostAlias contained '\<\u[A-Z0-9_]*\>' nextgroup=sudoersHostAliasEquals skipwhite skipnl
+syn match sudoersHostNameInList contained '\<\l\+\>' nextgroup=@sudoersHostList skipwhite skipnl
+syn match sudoersIPAddrInList contained '\%(\d\{1,3}\.\)\{3}\d\{1,3}' nextgroup=@sudoersHostList skipwhite skipnl
+syn match sudoersNetworkInList contained '\%(\d\{1,3}\.\)\{3}\d\{1,3}\%(/\%(\%(\d\{1,3}\.\)\{3}\d\{1,3}\|\d\+\)\)\=' nextgroup=@sudoersHostList skipwhite skipnl
+syn match sudoersHostNetgroupInList contained '+\l\+\>' nextgroup=@sudoersHostList skipwhite skipnl
+syn match sudoersHostAliasInList contained '\<\u[A-Z0-9_]*\>' nextgroup=@sudoersHostList skipwhite skipnl
+syn match sudoersHostName contained '\<\l\+\>' nextgroup=@sudoersParameter skipwhite skipnl
+syn match sudoersIPAddr contained '\%(\d\{1,3}\.\)\{3}\d\{1,3}' nextgroup=@sudoersParameter skipwhite skipnl
+syn match sudoersNetwork contained '\%(\d\{1,3}\.\)\{3}\d\{1,3}\%(/\%(\%(\d\{1,3}\.\)\{3}\d\{1,3}\|\d\+\)\)\=' nextgroup=@sudoersParameter skipwhite skipnl
+syn match sudoersHostNetgroup contained '+\l\+\>' nextgroup=@sudoersParameter skipwhite skipnl
+syn match sudoersHostAliasRef contained '\<\u[A-Z0-9_]*\>' nextgroup=@sudoersParameter skipwhite skipnl
+syn match sudoersHostNameInSpec contained '\<\l\+\>' nextgroup=@sudoersHostSpec skipwhite skipnl
+syn match sudoersIPAddrInSpec contained '\%(\d\{1,3}\.\)\{3}\d\{1,3}' nextgroup=@sudoersHostSpec skipwhite skipnl
+syn match sudoersNetworkInSpec contained '\%(\d\{1,3}\.\)\{3}\d\{1,3}\%(/\%(\%(\d\{1,3}\.\)\{3}\d\{1,3}\|\d\+\)\)\=' nextgroup=@sudoersHostSpec skipwhite skipnl
+syn match sudoersHostNetgroupInSpec contained '+\l\+\>' nextgroup=@sudoersHostSpec skipwhite skipnl
+syn match sudoersHostAliasInSpec contained '\<\u[A-Z0-9_]*\>' nextgroup=@sudoersHostSpec skipwhite skipnl
+syn match sudoersCmndAlias contained '\<\u[A-Z0-9_]*\>' nextgroup=sudoersCmndAliasEquals skipwhite skipnl
+syn match sudoersCmndNameInList contained '[^[:space:],:=\\]\+\%(\\[[:space:],:=\\][^[:space:],:=\\]*\)*' nextgroup=@sudoersCmndList,sudoersCommandEmpty,sudoersCommandArgs skipwhite
+syn match sudoersCmndAliasInList contained '\<\u[A-Z0-9_]*\>' nextgroup=@sudoersCmndList skipwhite skipnl
+syn match sudoersCmndNameInSpec contained '[^[:space:],:=\\]\+\%(\\[[:space:],:=\\][^[:space:],:=\\]*\)*' nextgroup=@sudoersCmndSpec,sudoersCommandEmptyInSpec,sudoersCommandArgsInSpec skipwhite
+syn match sudoersCmndAliasInSpec contained '\<\u[A-Z0-9_]*\>' nextgroup=@sudoersCmndSpec skipwhite skipnl
+" Delimiters
+syn match sudoersUserAliasEquals contained '=' nextgroup=@sudoersUserInList skipwhite skipnl
+syn match sudoersUserListComma contained ',' nextgroup=@sudoersUserInList skipwhite skipnl
+syn match sudoersUserListColon contained ':' nextgroup=sudoersUserAlias skipwhite skipnl
+syn cluster sudoersUserList contains=sudoersUserListComma,sudoersUserListColon
+syn match sudoersUserSpecComma contained ',' nextgroup=@sudoersUserInSpec skipwhite skipnl
+syn cluster sudoersUserSpec contains=sudoersUserSpecComma,@sudoersHostInSpec
+syn match sudoersUserRunasBegin contained '(' nextgroup=@sudoersUserInRunas skipwhite skipnl
+syn match sudoersUserRunasComma contained ',' nextgroup=@sudoersUserInRunas skipwhite skipnl
+syn match sudoersUserRunasEnd contained ')' nextgroup=sudoersPASSWD,@sudoersCmndInSpec skipwhite skipnl
+syn cluster sudoersUserRunas contains=sudoersUserRunasComma,@sudoersUserInRunas,sudoersUserRunasEnd
+syn match sudoersHostAliasEquals contained '=' nextgroup=@sudoersHostInList skipwhite skipnl
+syn match sudoersHostListComma contained ',' nextgroup=@sudoersHostInList skipwhite skipnl
+syn match sudoersHostListColon contained ':' nextgroup=sudoersHostAlias skipwhite skipnl
+syn cluster sudoersHostList contains=sudoersHostListComma,sudoersHostListColon
+syn match sudoersHostSpecComma contained ',' nextgroup=@sudoersHostInSpec skipwhite skipnl
+syn cluster sudoersHostSpec contains=sudoersHostSpecComma,sudoersSpecEquals
+syn match sudoersCmndAliasEquals contained '=' nextgroup=@sudoersCmndInList skipwhite skipnl
+syn match sudoersCmndListComma contained ',' nextgroup=@sudoersCmndInList skipwhite skipnl
+syn match sudoersCmndListColon contained ':' nextgroup=sudoersCmndAlias skipwhite skipnl
+syn cluster sudoersCmndList contains=sudoersCmndListComma,sudoersCmndListColon
+syn match sudoersCmndSpecComma contained ',' nextgroup=@sudoersCmndSpecList skipwhite skipnl
+syn match sudoersCmndSpecColon contained ':' nextgroup=@sudoersUserInSpec skipwhite skipnl
+syn cluster sudoersCmndSpec contains=sudoersCmndSpecComma,sudoersCmndSpecColon
+" Lists
+syn cluster sudoersUserInList contains=sudoersUserNegationInList,sudoersUserNameInList,sudoersUIDInList,sudoersGroupInList,sudoersUserNetgroupInList,sudoersUserAliasInList
+syn cluster sudoersHostInList contains=sudoersHostNegationInList,sudoersHostNameInList,sudoersIPAddrInList,sudoersNetworkInList,sudoersHostNetgroupInList,sudoersHostAliasInList
+syn cluster sudoersCmndInList contains=sudoersCmndNegationInList,sudoersCmndNameInList,sudoersCmndAliasInList
+syn cluster sudoersUser contains=sudoersUserNegation,sudoersUserName,sudoersUID,sudoersGroup,sudoersUserNetgroup,sudoersUserAliasRef
+syn cluster sudoersHost contains=sudoersHostNegation,sudoersHostName,sudoersIPAddr,sudoersNetwork,sudoersHostNetgroup,sudoersHostAliasRef
+syn cluster sudoersUserInSpec contains=sudoersUserNegationInSpec,sudoersUserNameInSpec,sudoersUIDInSpec,sudoersGroupInSpec,sudoersUserNetgroupInSpec,sudoersUserAliasInSpec
+syn cluster sudoersHostInSpec contains=sudoersHostNegationInSpec,sudoersHostNameInSpec,sudoersIPAddrInSpec,sudoersNetworkInSpec,sudoersHostNetgroupInSpec,sudoersHostAliasInSpec
+syn cluster sudoersUserInRunas contains=sudoersUserNegationInRunas,sudoersUserNameInRunas,sudoersUIDInRunas,sudoersGroupInRunas,sudoersUserNetgroupInRunas,sudoersUserAliasInRunas
+syn cluster sudoersCmndInSpec contains=sudoersCmndNegationInSpec,sudoersCmndNameInSpec,sudoersCmndAliasInSpec
+" Operators
+syn match sudoersUserNegationInList contained '!\+' nextgroup=@sudoersUserInList skipwhite skipnl
+syn match sudoersHostNegationInList contained '!\+' nextgroup=@sudoersHostInList skipwhite skipnl
+syn match sudoersCmndNegationInList contained '!\+' nextgroup=@sudoersCmndInList skipwhite skipnl
+syn match sudoersUserNegation contained '!\+' nextgroup=@sudoersUser skipwhite skipnl
+syn match sudoersHostNegation contained '!\+' nextgroup=@sudoersHost skipwhite skipnl
+syn match sudoersUserNegationInSpec contained '!\+' nextgroup=@sudoersUserInSpec skipwhite skipnl
+syn match sudoersHostNegationInSpec contained '!\+' nextgroup=@sudoersHostInSpec skipwhite skipnl
+syn match sudoersUserNegationInRunas contained '!\+' nextgroup=@sudoersUserInRunas skipwhite skipnl
+syn match sudoersCmndNegationInSpec contained '!\+' nextgroup=@sudoersCmndInSpec skipwhite skipnl
+" Arguments
+syn match sudoersCommandArgs contained '[^[:space:],:=\\]\+\%(\\[[:space:],:=\\][^[:space:],:=\\]*\)*' nextgroup=sudoersCommandArgs,@sudoersCmndList skipwhite
+syn match sudoersCommandEmpty contained '""' nextgroup=@sudoersCmndList skipwhite skipnl
+syn match sudoersCommandArgsInSpec contained '[^[:space:],:=\\]\+\%(\\[[:space:],:=\\][^[:space:],:=\\]*\)*' nextgroup=sudoersCommandArgsInSpec,@sudoersCmndSpec skipwhite
+syn match sudoersCommandEmptyInSpec contained '""' nextgroup=@sudoersCmndSpec skipwhite skipnl
+" Default Entries
+syn keyword sudoersDefaultEntry Defaults nextgroup=sudoersDefaultTypeAt,sudoersDefaultTypeColon,sudoersDefaultTypeGreaterThan,@sudoersParameter skipwhite skipnl
+syn match sudoersDefaultTypeAt contained '@' nextgroup=@sudoersHost skipwhite skipnl
+syn match sudoersDefaultTypeColon contained ':' nextgroup=@sudoersUser skipwhite skipnl
+syn match sudoersDefaultTypeGreaterThan contained '>' nextgroup=@sudoersUser skipwhite skipnl
+" TODO: could also deal with special characters here
+syn keyword sudoersBooleanParameter contained long_opt_prompt ignore_dot mail_always mail_badpass mail_no_user mail_no_perms tty_tickets lecture authenticate root_sudo log_host log_year shell_noargs set_home always_set_home path_info preserve_groups fqdn insults requiretty env_editor rootpw runaspw targetpw set_logname stay_setuid env_reset use_loginclass nextgroup=sudoersParameterListComma skipwhite skipnl
+syn keyword sudoersIntegerParameter contained passwd_tries loglinelen timestamp_timeout passwd_timeout umask nextgroup=sudoersIntegerParameterEquals skipwhite skipnl
+syn keyword sudoersStringParameter contained mailsub badpass_message timestampdir timestampowner passprompt runas_default syslog_goodpri syslog_badpri editor logfile syslog mailerpath mailerflags mailto exempt_group verifypw listpw nextgroup=sudoersStringParameterEquals skipwhite skipnl
+syn keyword sudoersListParameter contained env_check env_delete env_keep nextgroup=sudoersListParameterEquals skipwhite skipnl
+syn match sudoersParameterListComma contained ',' nextgroup=@sudoersParameter skipwhite skipnl
+syn cluster sudoersParameter contains=sudoersBooleanParameter,sudoersIntegerParameterEquals,sudoersStringParameter,sudoersListParameter
+syn match sudoersIntegerParameterEquals contained '[+-]\==' nextgroup=sudoersIntegerValue skipwhite skipnl
+syn match sudoersStringParameterEquals contained '[+-]\==' nextgroup=sudoersStringValue skipwhite skipnl
+syn match sudoersListParameterEquals contained '[+-]\==' nextgroup=sudoersListValue skipwhite skipnl
+syn match sudoersIntegerValue contained '\d\+' nextgroup=sudoersParameterListComma skipwhite skipnl
+syn match sudoersStringValue contained '[^[:space:],:=\\]*\%(\\[[:space:],:=\\][^[:space:],:=\\]*\)*' nextgroup=sudoersParameterListComma skipwhite skipnl
+syn region sudoersStringValue contained start=+"+ skip=+\\"+ end=+"+ nextgroup=sudoersParameterListComma skipwhite skipnl
+syn match sudoersListValue contained '[^[:space:],:=\\]*\%(\\[[:space:],:=\\][^[:space:],:=\\]*\)*' nextgroup=sudoersParameterListComma skipwhite skipnl
+syn region sudoersListValue contained start=+"+ skip=+\\"+ end=+"+ nextgroup=sudoersParameterListComma skipwhite skipnl
+" Special for specs
+syn match sudoersPASSWD contained '\%(NO\)\=PASSWD:' nextgroup=@sudoersCmndInSpec skipwhite
+" Define the default highlighting.
+" For version 5.7 and earlier: only when not done already
+" For version 5.8 and later: only when an item doesn't have highlighting yet
+if version >= 508 || !exists("did_sudoers_syn_inits")
+ if version < 508
+ let did_sudoers_syn_inits = 1
+ command -nargs=+ HiLink hi link <args>
+ else
+ command -nargs=+ HiLink hi def link <args>
+ endif
+ HiLink sudoersSpecEquals Operator
+ HiLink sudoersTodo Todo
+ HiLink sudoersComment Comment
+ HiLink sudoersAlias Keyword
+ HiLink sudoersUserAlias Identifier
+ HiLink sudoersUserNameInList String
+ HiLink sudoersUIDInList Number
+ HiLink sudoersGroupInList PreProc
+ HiLink sudoersUserNetgroupInList PreProc
+ HiLink sudoersUserAliasInList PreProc
+ HiLink sudoersUserName String
+ HiLink sudoersUID Number
+ HiLink sudoersGroup PreProc
+ HiLink sudoersUserNetgroup PreProc
+ HiLink sudoersUserAliasRef PreProc
+ HiLink sudoersUserNameInSpec String
+ HiLink sudoersUIDInSpec Number
+ HiLink sudoersGroupInSpec PreProc
+ HiLink sudoersUserNetgroupInSpec PreProc
+ HiLink sudoersUserAliasInSpec PreProc
+ HiLink sudoersUserNameInRunas String
+ HiLink sudoersUIDInRunas Number
+ HiLink sudoersGroupInRunas PreProc
+ HiLink sudoersUserNetgroupInRunas PreProc
+ HiLink sudoersUserAliasInRunas PreProc
+ HiLink sudoersHostAlias Identifier
+ HiLink sudoersHostNameInList String
+ HiLink sudoersIPAddrInList Number
+ HiLink sudoersNetworkInList Number
+ HiLink sudoersHostNetgroupInList PreProc
+ HiLink sudoersHostAliasInList PreProc
+ HiLink sudoersHostName String
+ HiLink sudoersIPAddr Number
+ HiLink sudoersNetwork Number
+ HiLink sudoersHostNetgroup PreProc
+ HiLink sudoersHostAliasRef PreProc
+ HiLink sudoersHostNameInSpec String
+ HiLink sudoersIPAddrInSpec Number
+ HiLink sudoersNetworkInSpec Number
+ HiLink sudoersHostNetgroupInSpec PreProc
+ HiLink sudoersHostAliasInSpec PreProc
+ HiLink sudoersCmndAlias Identifier
+ HiLink sudoersCmndNameInList String
+ HiLink sudoersCmndAliasInList PreProc
+ HiLink sudoersCmndNameInSpec String
+ HiLink sudoersCmndAliasInSpec PreProc
+ HiLink sudoersUserAliasEquals Operator
+ HiLink sudoersUserListComma Delimiter
+ HiLink sudoersUserListColon Delimiter
+ HiLink sudoersUserSpecComma Delimiter
+ HiLink sudoersUserRunasBegin Delimiter
+ HiLink sudoersUserRunasComma Delimiter
+ HiLink sudoersUserRunasEnd Delimiter
+ HiLink sudoersHostAliasEquals Operator
+ HiLink sudoersHostListComma Delimiter
+ HiLink sudoersHostListColon Delimiter
+ HiLink sudoersHostSpecComma Delimiter
+ HiLink sudoersCmndAliasEquals Operator
+ HiLink sudoersCmndListComma Delimiter
+ HiLink sudoersCmndListColon Delimiter
+ HiLink sudoersCmndSpecComma Delimiter
+ HiLink sudoersCmndSpecColon Delimiter
+ HiLink sudoersUserNegationInList Operator
+ HiLink sudoersHostNegationInList Operator
+ HiLink sudoersCmndNegationInList Operator
+ HiLink sudoersUserNegation Operator
+ HiLink sudoersHostNegation Operator
+ HiLink sudoersUserNegationInSpec Operator
+ HiLink sudoersHostNegationInSpec Operator
+ HiLink sudoersUserNegationInRunas Operator
+ HiLink sudoersCmndNegationInSpec Operator
+ HiLink sudoersCommandArgs String
+ HiLink sudoersCommandEmpty Special
+ HiLink sudoersDefaultEntry Keyword
+ HiLink sudoersDefaultTypeAt Special
+ HiLink sudoersDefaultTypeColon Special
+ HiLink sudoersDefaultTypeGreaterThan Special
+ HiLink sudoersBooleanParameter Identifier
+ HiLink sudoersIntegerParameter Identifier
+ HiLink sudoersStringParameter Identifier
+ HiLink sudoersListParameter Identifier
+ HiLink sudoersParameterListComma Delimiter
+ HiLink sudoersIntegerParameterEquals Operator
+ HiLink sudoersStringParameterEquals Operator
+ HiLink sudoersListParameterEquals Operator
+ HiLink sudoersIntegerValue Number
+ HiLink sudoersStringValue String
+ HiLink sudoersListValue String
+ HiLink sudoersPASSWD Special
+ delcommand HiLink
+let b:current_syntax = "sudoers"
+" vim: set sts=2 sw=2: