path: root/runtime/syntax
diff options
authorBram Moolenaar <>2006-04-27 00:02:13 +0000
committerBram Moolenaar <>2006-04-27 00:02:13 +0000
commitf193fffd16563cfbe7c02a21e19c8bb11707581d (patch)
tree4bae3092421aa986103b8000b1012989a9ea49e6 /runtime/syntax
parent551dbcc9b604c2992f908fb475e797fcc116315b (diff)
updated for version 7.0f02v7.0f02
Diffstat (limited to 'runtime/syntax')
4 files changed, 1790 insertions, 101 deletions
diff --git a/runtime/syntax/baan.vim b/runtime/syntax/baan.vim
index 2efa8dea6..5009218b6 100644
--- a/runtime/syntax/baan.vim
+++ b/runtime/syntax/baan.vim
@@ -1,73 +1,863 @@
" Vim syntax file"
" Language: Baan
-" Maintainer: Erwin Smit / Her van de Vliert
-" Last change: 30-10-2001"
+" Maintainer: Erik Remmelzwaal (erik.remmelzwaal 0x40
+" Originally owned by: Erwin Smit / Her van de Vliert
+" Last change: v1.17 2006/04/26 10:40:18
" For version 5.x: Clear all syntax items
" For version 6.x: Quit when a syntax file was already loaded
if version < 600
syntax clear
+ if exists("baan_fold")
+ unlet baan_fold
+ endif
elseif exists("b:current_syntax")
+"********************************** Lexical setting ***************************"
+syn case ignore
+setlocal iskeyword+=.
+"setlocal ignorecase "This is not a local yet ;-(
+" Identifier
+syn match baanIdentifier "\<\k\+\>"
"************************************* 3GL ************************************"
-syn match baan3gl "#ident"
-syn match baan3gl "#include"
-syn match baan3gl "#define"
-syn match baan3gl "#undef"
-syn match baan3gl "#pragma"
-syn keyword baanConditional if then else case endif while endwhile endfor endcase
-syn keyword baan3gl at based break bset call common const continue default double
-syn keyword baan3gl empty extern fixed function ge global goto gt le lt mb
-syn keyword baan3gl multibyte ne ofr prompt ref repeat static step stop string
-syn keyword baan3gl true false until void wherebind
+syn match baan3glpre "#ident\>"
+syn match baan3glpre "#include\>"
+syn region baan3glpre start="#define\>" end="^[^^|]"me=s-1 contains=baanString,baanConstant,baanNumber,baanComment,baansql
+syn match baan3glpre "#undef\>"
+syn match baan3glpre "#pragma\>"
+syn match baan3glpre "#if\>"
+syn match baan3glpre "#ifdef\>"
+syn match baan3glpre "#ifndef\>"
+syn match baan3glpre "#elif\>"
+syn match baan3glpre "#else\>"
+syn match baan3glpre "#endif\>"
+" Some keywords are only defined when no foldinat based break bset call continue default
+syn keyword baan3gl empty fixed ge global goto gt le lt mb
+syn keyword baan3gl multibyte ne ofr prompt repeat static step stop
+syn keyword baan3gl until void wherebind ref reference break continue
syn keyword baan3gl and or to not in
-syn keyword baan3gl domain table eq input end long dim return at base print
-syn match baan3gl "\<for\>" contains=baansql
-syn match baan3gl "on case"
-syn match baan3gl "e\=n\=d\=dllusage"
+syn keyword baan3gl eq input end return at print
+syn keyword baanType domain double long string table boolean common
+syn keyword baanType bset void xmlNode
+syn keyword baanStorageClass dim base based extern global fixed MB const
+syn keyword baanConstant pi true false
+" Folding settings
+if exists("baan_fold") && baan_fold
+ syn region baanFunctionFold matchgroup=baan3gl start="^\z(\s*\)\<function\>" matchgroup=NONE end="^\z1}" transparent fold keepend
+ syn keyword baan3gl function
+if exists("baan_fold") && baan_fold && exists("baan_fold_block") && baan_fold_block
+ syn region baanCondFold matchgroup=baanConditional start="^\z(\s*\)\(if\>\|else\>\)" end="^\z1endif\>" end="^\z1else\>"me=s-1 transparent fold keepend extend
+ syn region baanCondFold matchgroup=baanConditional start="^\z(\s*\)for\>" end="^\z1endfor\>" transparent fold keepend extend
+ syn region baanCondFold matchgroup=baanConditional start="^\z(\s*\)while\>" end="^\z1endwhile\>" transparent fold keepend extend
+ syn region baanDLLUsage matchgroup=baan3gl start="^\z(\s*\)dllusage\>" end="^\z1enddllusage\>" fold contains=baanNumber,baanConstant,baanType
+ syn region baanFunUsage matchgroup=baan3gl start="^\z(\s*\)functionusage\>" end="^\z1endfunctionusage\>" fold contains=baanNumber,baanConstant,baanType
+ syn region baanCondFold matchgroup=baanConditional start="^\z(\s*\)\(case\>\|default\>\)\>" end="^\z1endcase\>" end="^\z1\(case\>\|default\>\)"me=s-1 transparent fold keepend extend
+ syn keyword baanConditional then else endif while endwhile endfor case endcase
+ syn match baanConditional "\<on case\>"
+ syn match baanConditional "\<for\>" contains=baansql
+ syn match baanConditional "\<on case\>"
+ syn keyword baanConditional if then else endif while endwhile endfor case endcase default
+ syn region baanDLLUsage matchgroup=baan3gl start="\<dllusage\>" end="\<enddllusage\>" contains=baanNumber,baanConstant,baanType
+ syn region baanFunUsage matchgroup=baan3gl start="\<functionusage\>" end="\<endfunctionusage\>" contains=baanNumber,baanConstant,baanType
"************************************* SQL ************************************"
-syn keyword baansqlh where reference selecterror selectbind selectdo selectempty
-syn keyword baansqlh selecteos whereused endselect unref setunref clearunref
-syn keyword baansqlh from select clear skip rows
+syn keyword baansql from selectbind
+syn keyword baansql where wherebind whereused exsists
syn keyword baansql between inrange having
-syn match baansql "as set with \d\+ rows"
-syn match baansql "as prepared set"
-syn match baansql "as prepared set with \d\+ rows"
-syn match baansql "refers to"
-syn match baansql "with retry"
-syn match baansql "with retry repeat last row"
-syn match baansql "for update"
-syn match baansql "order by"
-syn match baansql "group by"
-syn match baansql "commit\.transaction()"
-syn match baansql "abort\.transaction()"
-syn match baansql "db\.columns\.to\.record"
-syn match baansql "db\.record\.to\.columns"
-syn match baansql "db\.bind"
-syn match baansql "db\.change\.order"
-syn match baansql "\<db\.eq"
-syn match baansql "\<db\.first"
-syn match baansql "\<db\.gt"
-syn match baansql "\<db\.ge"
-syn match baansql "\<db\.le"
-syn match baansql "\<db\.next"
-syn match baansql "\<db\.prev"
-syn match baansql "\<db\.insert"
-syn match baansql "\<db\.delete"
-syn match baansql "\<db\.update"
-syn match baansql "\<db\.create\.table"
-syn match baansql "db\.set\.to\.default"
-syn match baansql "db\.retry"
-syn match baansql "DB\.RETRY"
-syn match baansql "db\.delayed\.lock"
-syn match baansql "db\.retry\.point()"
-syn match baansql "db\.retry\.hit()"
-syn match baansql "db\.return\.dupl"
-syn match baansql "db\.skip\.dupl"
-syn match baansql "db\.row\.length"
+syn keyword baansql hint ordered asc desc
+syn match baansql "\<as set with \d\+ rows\>"
+syn match baansql "\<as prepared set\>"
+syn match baansql "\<as prepared set with \d\+ rows\>"
+syn match baansql "\<with retry\>"
+syn match baansql "\<with retry repeat last row\>"
+syn match baansql "\<for update\>"
+syn match baansql "\<order by\>"
+syn match baansql "\<group by\>"
+syn match baansql "\<union all\>"
+" references
+syn keyword path reference
+syn match baansql "\<refers to\>"
+syn match baansql "\<unref clear\>"
+syn match baansql "\<unref setunref\>"
+syn match baansql "\<unref clearunref\>"
+syn match baansql "\<unref skip\>"
+" hints
+syn keyword baansql hint and ordered asc desc
+syn match baansql "\<use index \d\+ on\>"
+syn match baansql "\<array fetching\>"
+syn match baansql "\<no array fetching\>"
+syn match baansql "\<array size \d\+\>"
+syn match baansql "\<all rows\>"
+syn match baansql "\<first rows\>"
+syn match baansql "\<buffer \d\+ rows\>"
+syn match baansql "\<no hints\>"
+" update
+syn keyword baansql set
+if exists("baan_fold") && baan_fold && exists("baan_fold_sql") && baan_fold_sql
+ syn region baanSQLFold matchgroup=baansql start="^\z(\s*\)\(select\>\|selectdo\>\|selectempty\>\|selecterror\>\|selecteos\>\)" end="^\z1endselect\>" end="^\z1\(selectdo\>\|selectempty\>\|selecterror\>\|selecteos\>\)"me=s-1 transparent fold keepend extend
+ "syn region baanSQLFold matchgroup=baansql start="^\z(\s*\)\(update\>\|updateempty\>\|updateerror\>\|selecteos\>\)" end="^\z1endupdate\>" end="^\z1\(updateempty\>\|updateerror\>\|selecteos\>\)"me=s-1 transparent fold keepend extend
+ syn region baanSQLFold matchgroup=baansql start="^\z(\s*\)\(update\>\|updateempty\>\|updateerror\>\)" end="^\z1endupdate\>" end="^\z1\(updateempty\>\|updateerror\>\)"me=s-1 transparent fold keepend extend
+ syn region baanSQLFold matchgroup=baansql start="^\z(\s*\)\(delete\s\+from\>\|deleteempty\>\|deleteerror\>\)" end="^\z1enddelete\>" end="^\z1\(deleteempty\>\|deleteerror\>\)"me=s-1 transparent fold keepend extend
+ syn keyword baansql select selectdo selectempty selecterror selecteos endselect
+ " delete
+ syn match baansql "\<delete from\>"
+ syn keyword baansql deleteempty deleteerror deleteeos enddelete
+ " update
+ syn keyword baansql update updateempty updateerror updateeos endupdate
+setlocal foldmethod=syntax
+"syn sync fromstart
+syn sync minlines=100
+"These are bshell functions
+if exists("baan_obsolete")
+syn match baansql "commit\.transaction()"
+syn match baansql "abort\.transaction()"
+syn match baansql "db\.columns\.to\.record"
+syn match baansql "db\.record\.to\.columns"
+syn match baansql "db\.bind"
+syn match baansql "db\.change\.order"
+syn match baansql "db\.set\.to\.default"
+syn match baansql "DB\.RETRY"
+syn match baansql "db\.delayed\.lock"
+syn match baansql "db\.retry\.point()"
+syn match baansql "db\.retry\.hit()"
+syn match baansql "db\.return\.dupl"
+syn match baansql "db\.skip\.dupl"
+syn match baansql "db\.row\.length"
+" Constants
+syn keyword baanConstant __function__
+syn keyword baanConstant __object__
+syn keyword baanConstant __file__
+syn keyword baanConstant __line__
+syn keyword baanConstant ABORT.PROGRAM
+syn keyword baanConstant ADD.SET
+syn keyword baanConstant ALL_ENUMS_EXCEPT
+syn keyword baanConstant APPL.EXCL
+syn keyword baanConstant APPL.READ
+syn keyword baanConstant APPL.WAIT
+syn keyword baanConstant APPL.WIDE
+syn keyword baanConstant APPL.WRITE
+syn keyword baanConstant ASK.HELPINFO
+syn keyword baanConstant AUTG_PRINT
+syn keyword baanConstant AUTG_DISPLAY
+syn keyword baanConstant AUTG_MODIFY
+syn keyword baanConstant AUTG_INSERT
+syn keyword baanConstant AUTG_DELETE
+syn keyword baanConstant AUTG_ALL
+syn keyword baanConstant BMS
+syn keyword baanConstant CALCULATOR
+syn keyword baanConstant CALENDAR
+syn keyword baanConstant CHANGE.ORDER
+syn keyword baanConstant CMD.OPTIONS
+syn keyword baanConstant CMD.WHATS.THIS
+syn keyword baanConstant CMF.MESSAGE
+syn keyword baanConstant CMF.TASK
+syn keyword baanConstant CMF.APPOINTMENT
+syn match baanConstant "\<COMPANY\$"
+syn keyword baanConstant COMPNR
+syn keyword baanConstant CONT.PROCESS
+syn keyword baanConstant CREATE.JOB
+syn keyword baanConstant DALNOOBJSET
+syn keyword baanConstant DALNOMETHOD
+syn keyword baanConstant DALNOOBJSETID
+syn keyword baanConstant DALNOOBJECTID
+syn keyword baanConstant DALNOPROP
+syn keyword baanConstant DALNOLOCMODE
+syn keyword baanConstant DALNOGETPOS
+syn keyword baanConstant DALNOSETPERM
+syn keyword baanConstant DALNOOBJPERM
+syn keyword baanConstant DALDBERROR
+syn keyword baanConstant DALHOOKERROR
+syn keyword baanConstant DALNOQUERYID
+syn keyword baanConstant DAL_DESTROY
+syn keyword baanConstant DAL_FIND
+syn keyword baanConstant DAL_GET_CURR
+syn keyword baanConstant DAL_GET_FIRST
+syn keyword baanConstant DAL_GET_LAST
+syn keyword baanConstant DAL_GET_NEXT
+syn keyword baanConstant DAL_GET_PREV
+syn keyword baanConstant DAL_GET_SPECIFIED
+syn keyword baanConstant DAL_NEW
+syn keyword baanConstant DAL_UPDATE
+syn keyword baanConstant DB.ARRAY
+syn keyword baanConstant DB.BASED
+syn keyword baanConstant DB.BITSET
+syn keyword baanConstant DB.BYTE
+syn keyword baanConstant DB.CHECK.IGNORED.REF
+syn keyword baanConstant DB.CHILD
+syn keyword baanConstant DB.CLEAR.NO.ROLLBACK
+syn keyword baanConstant DB.CLEAR.WITH.ROLLBACK
+syn keyword baanConstant DB.COMBINED
+syn keyword baanConstant DB.DATE
+syn keyword baanConstant DB.DELAYED.LOCK
+syn keyword baanConstant DB.DOUBLE
+syn keyword baanConstant DB.ENUM
+syn keyword baanConstant DB.EXIT.ON.DUPL
+syn keyword baanConstant DB.EXIT.ON.NOREC
+syn keyword baanConstant DB.EXIT.ON.ROWCHANGED
+syn keyword baanConstant DB.FILLED
+syn keyword baanConstant DB.FIXED
+syn keyword baanConstant DB.FL.LOCK
+syn keyword baanConstant DB.FLOAT
+syn keyword baanConstant DB.IGNORE.ALL.REFS
+syn keyword baanConstant DB.INTEGER
+syn keyword baanConstant DB.IS.REF.TO
+syn keyword baanConstant DB.LOCK
+syn keyword baanConstant DB.LONG
+syn keyword baanConstant DB.MAIL
+syn keyword baanConstant DB.MULTIBYTE
+syn keyword baanConstant DB.NOT.ACTIV
+syn keyword baanConstant DB.PAR.IS.REF.TO
+syn keyword baanConstant DB.REF.CASCADE
+syn keyword baanConstant DB.REF.CHK.RUNTIME
+syn keyword baanConstant DB.REF.DELETE
+syn keyword baanConstant DB.REF.NOP
+syn keyword baanConstant DB.REF.NULLIFY
+syn keyword baanConstant DB.REF.RESTRICTED
+syn keyword baanConstant DB.REF.UPDATE
+syn keyword baanConstant DB.RETRY
+syn keyword baanConstant DB.RETURN.DUPL
+syn keyword baanConstant DB.RETURN.ERROR
+syn keyword baanConstant DB.RETURN.NOREC
+syn keyword baanConstant DB.RETURN.REF.EXISTS
+syn keyword baanConstant DB.RETURN.REF.NOT.EXISTS
+syn keyword baanConstant DB.RETURN.ROWCHANGED
+syn keyword baanConstant DB.RPOINT
+syn keyword baanConstant DB.SKIP.DUPL
+syn keyword baanConstant DB.SKIP.NOREC
+syn keyword baanConstant DB.SKIP.ROWCHANGED
+syn keyword baanConstant DB.STRING
+syn keyword baanConstant DB.TEXT
+syn keyword baanConstant DB.TIME
+syn keyword baanConstant DBG_BDB_ACTIONS
+syn keyword baanConstant DBG_BDB_DELAY_LOCK
+syn keyword baanConstant DBG_BDB_REFER
+syn keyword baanConstant DBG_BDB_SERVER_TYPE
+syn keyword baanConstant DBG_DATA_SIZE
+syn keyword baanConstant DBG_DEBUG_MESG
+syn keyword baanConstant DBG_DEBUG_TSS
+syn keyword baanConstant DBG_FILE
+syn keyword baanConstant DBG_FILEDEV
+syn keyword baanConstant DBG_FUN_DEBUG
+syn keyword baanConstant DBG_GET_PUT_VAR
+syn keyword baanConstant DBG_INSTR_DEBUG
+syn keyword baanConstant DBG_MUL_ACTION
+syn keyword baanConstant DBG_OBJ_SIZE
+syn keyword baanConstant DBG_PRINT_ENUMS
+syn keyword baanConstant DBG_REF_PATH
+syn keyword baanConstant DBG_RESOURCE_DBG
+syn keyword baanConstant DBG_SCHED_DEBUG
+syn keyword baanConstant DBG_SHOW_FLOW
+syn keyword baanConstant DBG_SHOW_TRACE
+syn keyword baanConstant DBG_SRDD_USAGE
+syn keyword baanConstant DEBUG
+syn keyword baanConstant DEF.FIND
+syn keyword baanConstant DISPLAY.SET
+syn keyword baanConstant DIS.RESTARTED
+syn keyword baanConstant DLL_OVERLOAD
+syn keyword baanConstant DLL_OVERLOAD_ALL
+syn keyword baanConstant DLL_SILENT_ERR
+syn keyword baanConstant DSTerminationCreateProcess
+syn keyword baanConstant DSTerminationCreateThread
+syn keyword baanConstant DSTerminationNormalExit
+syn keyword baanConstant DSTerminationOpenStderr
+syn keyword baanConstant DSTerminationOpenStdin
+syn keyword baanConstant DSTerminationOpenStdout
+syn keyword baanConstant DSTerminationSetDir
+syn keyword baanConstant DUPL.OCCUR
+syn keyword baanConstant E2BIG
+syn keyword baanConstant EABORT
+syn keyword baanConstant EACCES
+syn keyword baanConstant EAGAIN
+syn keyword baanConstant EAUDIT
+syn keyword baanConstant EBADADRS
+syn keyword baanConstant EBADARG
+syn keyword baanConstant EBADCOLL
+syn keyword baanConstant EBADCURSOR
+syn keyword baanConstant EBADF
+syn keyword baanConstant EBADFILE
+syn keyword baanConstant EBADFLD
+syn keyword baanConstant EBADKEY
+syn keyword baanConstant EBADLOG
+syn keyword baanConstant EBADMEM
+syn keyword baanConstant EBDBNOTON
+syn keyword baanConstant EBDBON
+syn keyword baanConstant EBUSY
+syn keyword baanConstant ECHILD
+syn keyword baanConstant EDDCORRUPT
+syn keyword baanConstant EDOM
+syn keyword baanConstant EDUPL
+syn keyword baanConstant EENDFILE
+syn keyword baanConstant EEXIST
+syn keyword baanConstant EFAULT
+syn keyword baanConstant EFBIG
+syn keyword baanConstant EFLOCKED
+syn keyword baanConstant EFNAME
+syn keyword baanConstant EINTR
+syn keyword baanConstant EINVAL
+syn keyword baanConstant EIO
+syn keyword baanConstant EISDIR
+syn keyword baanConstant EISREADONLY
+syn keyword baanConstant EKEXISTS
+syn keyword baanConstant ELOCKED
+syn keyword baanConstant ELOGOPEN
+syn keyword baanConstant ELOGREAD
+syn keyword baanConstant ELOGWRIT
+syn keyword baanConstant EMEMORY
+syn keyword baanConstant EMFILE
+syn keyword baanConstant EMLINK
+syn keyword baanConstant EMLOCKED
+syn keyword baanConstant END.PROGRAM
+syn keyword baanConstant ENFILE
+syn keyword baanConstant ENOBEGIN
+syn keyword baanConstant ENOCURR
+syn keyword baanConstant ENODD
+syn keyword baanConstant ENODELAYEDLOCK
+syn keyword baanConstant ENODEV
+syn keyword baanConstant ENOENT
+syn keyword baanConstant ENOEXEC
+syn keyword baanConstant ENOLOK
+syn keyword baanConstant ENOMEM
+syn keyword baanConstant ENONFS
+syn keyword baanConstant ENOREC
+syn keyword baanConstant ENOSERVER
+syn keyword baanConstant ENOSHMEM
+syn keyword baanConstant ENOSPC
+syn keyword baanConstant ENOTABLE
+syn keyword baanConstant ENOTBLK
+syn keyword baanConstant ENOTDIR
+syn keyword baanConstant ENOTEXCL
+syn keyword baanConstant ENOTINRANGE
+syn keyword baanConstant ENOTLOCKED
+syn keyword baanConstant ENOTOPEN
+syn keyword baanConstant ENOTRANS
+syn keyword baanConstant ENOTTY
+syn keyword baanConstant ENXIO
+syn keyword baanConstant ENUMMASK.INITIAL
+syn keyword baanConstant ENUMMASK.GENERAL
+syn keyword baanConstant EPERM
+syn keyword baanConstant EPIPE
+syn keyword baanConstant EPRIMKEY
+syn keyword baanConstant ERANGE
+syn keyword baanConstant EREFERENCE
+syn keyword baanConstant EREFEXISTS
+syn keyword baanConstant EREFLOCKED
+syn keyword baanConstant EREFNOTEXISTS
+syn keyword baanConstant EREFUNDEFINED
+syn keyword baanConstant EREFUPDATE
+syn keyword baanConstant EROFS
+syn keyword baanConstant EROWCHANGED
+syn keyword baanConstant ESPIPE
+syn keyword baanConstant ESQLCARDINALITYVIOLATION
+syn keyword baanConstant ESQLDIVBYZERO
+syn keyword baanConstant ESQLFILEIO
+syn keyword baanConstant ESQLINDEXOUTOFDIMS
+syn keyword baanConstant ESQLINVALIDPARAMETERTYPE
+syn keyword baanConstant ESQLQUERY
+syn keyword baanConstant ESQLREFER
+syn keyword baanConstant ESQLSTRINGTRUNCATION
+syn keyword baanConstant ESQLSUBSTRINGERROR
+syn keyword baanConstant ESQLSYNTAX
+syn keyword baanConstant ESRCH
+syn keyword baanConstant ETABLEEXIST
+syn keyword baanConstant ETOOMANY
+syn keyword baanConstant ETRANSACTIONON
+syn keyword baanConstant ETXTBSY
+syn keyword baanConstant EUNALLOWEDCOMPNR
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTALLEVENTMASK
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTARMBUTTON
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTARMBUTTONMASK
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTBUCKETMESSAGE
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTBUTTON1
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTBUTTON1MASK
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTBUTTON2
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTBUTTON2MASK
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTBUTTON3
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTBUTTON3MASK
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTBUTTON4
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTBUTTON4MASK
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTBUTTON5
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTBUTTON5MASK
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTBUTTONCHECKED
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTBUTTONDPRESS
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTBUTTONDPRESSMASK
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTBUTTONMOTION
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTBUTTONMOTIONMASK
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTBUTTONPRESS
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTBUTTONPRESSMASK
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTBUTTONRELEASE
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTBUTTONRELEASEMASK
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTBUTTONSELECT
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTBUTTONSELECTMASK
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTBUTTONUNCHECKED
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTBUTTONUNDEFINED
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTCHANGEFOCUS
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTCHANGEFOCUSMASK
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTCHANNELEVENT
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTCHECKBOXMASK
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTCHECKBOXSELECT
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTCLIENTMESSAGE
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTCONNECTREQUEST
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTCONTROLMASK
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTDEATHCHILD
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTDEATHCHILDMASK
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTDISARMBUTTON
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTDISARMBUTTONMASK
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTDLLEVENT
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTDLLEVENTMASK
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTENTERNOTIFY
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTENTERNOTIFYMASK
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTFIELDSELECT
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTFIELDSELECTMASK
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTGRIDACTIVATE
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTGRIDBUTTONPRESS
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTGRIDCHANGEDATA
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTGRIDCHANGEFOCUS
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTGRIDEVENT
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTGRIDEVENTMASK
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTGRIDLISTBOXCHANGE
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTGRIDMARKCELL
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTGRIDMARKCOLUMN
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTGRIDMARKRANGE
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTGRIDMARKROW
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTGRIDMOVECOLUMN
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTGRIDMOVEROW
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTGRIDRESETSELECTION
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTGRIDRESIZECOLUMN
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTGRIDRESIZEROW
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTHELPCOMMAND
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTHELPCONTEXT
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTHELPEVENT
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTHELPEVENTMASK
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTIOEVENT
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTIOEVENTMASK
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTKEYPRESS
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTKEYPRESSMASK
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTKILLEVENT
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTLEAVENOTIFY
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTLEAVENOTIFYMASK
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTLISTBOXREASONACTIVATE
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTLISTBOXREASONTEXT
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTLISTBOXSELECT
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTLISTBOXSELECTMASK
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTLOCKMASK
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTMAXSIZE
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTMENUSELECT
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTMENUSELECTMASK
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTMOD1MASK
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTMOVEWINDOW
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTMOVEWINDOWMASK
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTNAVIGATOREVENT
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTNAVIGATOREVENTMASK
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTNOEVENTMASK
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTOLEAUTOMATION
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTOLECLOSE
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTOLECREATEINSTANCE
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTOLEDATACHANGED
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTOLEEVENT
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTOLEEVENTMASK
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTOLEHIDEWINDOW
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTOLELOADDATA
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTOLELOCKSERVER
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTOLERELEASED
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTOLESAVEDATA
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTOLESETHOSTNAMES
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTOLESHOWOBJECT
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTOLESHOWWINDOW
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTOLEUNLOCKSERVER
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTOPTIONSELECT
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTPROCESSEVENT
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTPUSHBUTTON
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTRADIOBOXMASK
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTRADIOBOXSELECT
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTRESIZEWINDOW
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTRESIZEWINDOWMASK
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTRUNPROGEXIT
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTSCROLLBARSELECT
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTSCROLLBARSELECTMASK
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTSETFOCUS
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTSETFOCUSMASK
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTSHIFTMASK
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTSLIDERSELECT
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTSLIDERSELECTMASK
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTSOCKHASDATA
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTSOCKIOERROR
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTTABSELECT
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTTABSELECTMASK
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTTERMINATION
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTTERMINATIONMASK
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTTIMEREVENT
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTTIMEREVENTMASK
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTTREEREASONACTIVATE
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTTREEREASONCOLLAPSE
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTTREEREASONEXPAND
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTTREEREASONEXPANDMASK
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTTREEREASONSELECT
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTTREEREASONSELECTMASK
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTTREESELECT
+syn keyword baanConstant EVTTREESELECTMASK
+syn keyword baanConstant EXDEV
+syn keyword baanConstant EXPLICIT.MODELESS
+syn keyword baanConstant EXTEND_APPEND
+syn keyword baanConstant EXTEND_OVERWRITE
+syn keyword baanConstant F.ASK.HELPINFO
+syn keyword baanConstant F.BACKTAB
+syn keyword baanConstant F.BMS
+syn keyword baanConstant F.HELP.INDEX
+syn keyword baanConstant F.NEXT.FLD
+syn keyword baanConstant F.NEXT.OBJ
+syn keyword baanConstant F.NEXT.OCC
+syn keyword baanConstant F.PREV.FLD
+syn keyword baanConstant F.PREV.OBJ
+syn keyword baanConstant F.PREV.OCC
+syn keyword baanConstant F.RESIZE
+syn keyword baanConstant F.RETURN
+syn keyword baanConstant F.SCROLL
+syn keyword baanConstant F.SELECT.FIELD
+syn keyword baanConstant F.SELECT.OPTION
+syn keyword baanConstant F.TAB
+syn keyword baanConstant F.TO.CHOICE
+syn keyword baanConstant F.TO.FIELD
+syn keyword baanConstant F.TO.FORM
+syn keyword baanConstant F.ZOOM
+syn keyword baanConstant FALSE
+syn keyword baanConstant FC.CURR.FIELD
+syn keyword baanConstant FC.FIRST.FIELD
+syn keyword baanConstant FC.FIRST.FORM
+syn keyword baanConstant FC.FRM.WINDOW
+syn keyword baanConstant FC.GET.HEIGHT.FORM
+syn keyword baanConstant FC.GET.SELECTED.FIELD
+syn keyword baanConstant FC.GET.SELECTED.OCC
+syn keyword baanConstant FC.GET.WIDTH.FORM
+syn keyword baanConstant FC.GOTO.FIELD
+syn keyword baanConstant FC.GOTO.FIRST.FLD
+syn keyword baanConstant FC.GOTO.FIRST.FORM
+syn keyword baanConstant FC.GOTO.FORM
+syn keyword baanConstant FC.GOTO.NEXT.FLD
+syn keyword baanConstant FC.GOTO.NEXT.FORM
+syn keyword baanConstant FC.GRA.WINDOW
+syn keyword baanConstant FC.KYS.WINDOW
+syn keyword baanConstant FC.LAST.FIELD
+syn keyword baanConstant FC.LAST.FORM
+syn keyword baanConstant FC.MAKE.FLD.CURR
+syn keyword baanConstant FC.MOVE.FORM
+syn keyword baanConstant FC.NEXT.FIELD
+syn keyword baanConstant FC.NEXT.FORM
+syn keyword baanConstant FC.OPT.WINDOW
+syn keyword baanConstant FC.PREV.FIELD
+syn keyword baanConstant FC.PREV.FORM
+syn keyword baanConstant FC.RESIZE.FORM
+syn keyword baanConstant FC.REST.FRM.ST
+syn keyword baanConstant FC.RPT.WINDOW
+syn keyword baanConstant FC.SAVE.FRM.ST
+syn keyword baanConstant FC.SAVE.SELECT
+syn keyword baanConstant FC.SEL.FIELD
+syn keyword baanConstant FC.SEL.FORM
+syn keyword baanConstant FC.SWITCH.ORDER.OFF
+syn keyword baanConstant FC.SWITCH.ORDER.ON
+syn keyword baanConstant FC.TEXT.MAIL.WINDOW
+syn keyword baanConstant FIND.DATA
+syn keyword baanConstant FIRST.FRM
+syn keyword baanConstant FIRST.SET
+syn keyword baanConstant FIRST.VIEW
+syn keyword baanConstant FLDCHANGED
+syn keyword baanConstant FLDKEYPRESS
+syn keyword baanConstant FORM.TAB.CHANGE
+syn keyword baanConstant GET.DEFAULTS
+syn keyword baanConstant GETS_ALL_CHARS
+syn keyword baanConstant GETS_NORMAL
+syn keyword baanConstant GETS_SKIP_ALL
+syn keyword baanConstant GLOBAL.COPY
+syn keyword baanConstant GLOBAL.DELETE
+syn keyword baanConstant HELP_ABOUT
+syn keyword baanConstant HELP_ARG_LEN
+syn keyword baanConstant HELP_BITMAP
+syn keyword baanConstant HELP_BLOCK
+syn keyword baanConstant HELP_CHOICE
+syn keyword baanConstant HELP_CLIENT_IMAGE_NOTLOADED
+syn keyword baanConstant HELP_CLIENT_IMAGE_READY
+syn keyword baanConstant HELP_CLIENT_NEW_ARGS
+syn keyword baanConstant HELP_CLIENT_NEW_INFO
+syn keyword baanConstant HELP_COMMANDS
+syn keyword baanConstant HELP_DOMAIN
+syn keyword baanConstant HELP_ENUM
+syn keyword baanConstant HELP_EXTERNAL
+syn keyword baanConstant HELP_FORM
+syn keyword baanConstant HELP_FORMFIELD
+syn keyword baanConstant HELP_FROM_INDEX
+syn keyword baanConstant HELP_GEM
+syn keyword baanConstant HELP_GIF
+syn keyword baanConstant HELP_GLOSSARY
+syn keyword baanConstant HELP_GOTO
+syn keyword baanConstant HELP_GOTOBLOCK
+syn keyword baanConstant HELP_GO_SYS_DEPENDANT
+syn keyword baanConstant HELP_HPGL
+syn keyword baanConstant HELP_IFUNCTION
+syn keyword baanConstant HELP_IFUNCTION2
+syn keyword baanConstant HELP_IFUNCTION3
+syn keyword baanConstant HELP_INDEX
+syn keyword baanConstant HELP_LABEL
+syn keyword baanConstant HELP_LABELHELP
+syn keyword baanConstant HELP_MARK
+syn keyword baanConstant HELP_MAXTYPE
+syn keyword baanConstant HELP_MAX_ARGS
+syn keyword baanConstant HELP_MAX_HIST
+syn keyword baanConstant HELP_MAX_IMAGE
+syn keyword baanConstant HELP_MENU
+syn keyword baanConstant HELP_MESSAGE
+syn keyword baanConstant HELP_ORGANIZER
+syn keyword baanConstant HELP_POPUP_TYPE
+syn keyword baanConstant HELP_POSTSCRIPT
+syn keyword baanConstant HELP_QUESTION
+syn keyword baanConstant HELP_REFERENCE
+syn keyword baanConstant HELP_RELATION
+syn keyword baanConstant HELP_RELATION2
+syn keyword baanConstant HELP_RELATION_DIAGRAM
+syn keyword baanConstant HELP_REPORT
+syn keyword baanConstant HELP_SESSION
+syn keyword baanConstant HELP_STARTSESSION
+syn keyword baanConstant HELP_STARTSHELL
+syn keyword baanConstant HELP_SUBFUNCTION
+syn keyword baanConstant HELP_SYSTEM_DEPENDANT
+syn keyword baanConstant HELP_TABLE
+syn keyword baanConstant HELP_TABLEFIELD
+syn keyword baanConstant HELP_USING
+syn keyword baanConstant HOOK_IS_APPLICABLE
+syn keyword baanConstant HOOK_IS_DERIVED
+syn keyword baanConstant HOOK_IS_MANDATORY
+syn keyword baanConstant HOOK_IS_READONLY
+syn keyword baanConstant HOOK_IS_VALID
+syn keyword baanConstant HOOK_UPDATE
+syn keyword baanConstant INCLUDE_ENUMS
+syn keyword baanConstant INTERRUPT
+syn keyword baanConstant LAST.FRM
+syn keyword baanConstant LAST.SET
+syn keyword baanConstant LAST.VIEW
+syn keyword baanConstant MARK.ABORT
+syn keyword baanConstant MARK.DELETE
+syn keyword baanConstant MARK.GOTO.NEXT
+syn keyword baanConstant MARK.GOTO.PREV
+syn keyword baanConstant MARK.OCCUR
+syn keyword baanConstant MARK.SHOW.OPT
+syn keyword baanConstant MARK.TAG
+syn keyword baanConstant MARK.TAG.ALL
+syn keyword baanConstant MARK.TO.CHOICE
+syn keyword baanConstant MARK.UNTAG
+syn keyword baanConstant MARK.UNTAG.ALL
+syn keyword baanConstant MARKONE.ACCEPT
+syn keyword baanConstant MSG.ALL
+syn keyword baanConstant MSG.ERROR
+syn keyword baanConstant MSG.INFO
+syn keyword baanConstant MSG.WARNING
+syn keyword baanConstant MSG.SUCCESS
+syn keyword baanConstant MODAL
+syn keyword baanConstant MODAL_OVERVIEW
+syn keyword baanConstant MODELESS
+syn keyword baanConstant MODELESS_ALWAYS
+syn keyword baanConstant MODIFY.SET
+syn keyword baanConstant MULTI_OCC
+syn keyword baanConstant NEXT.FRM
+syn keyword baanConstant NEXT.SET
+syn keyword baanConstant NEXT.VIEW
+syn keyword baanConstant NO.PERM.DEFINED
+syn keyword baanConstant NO.PERMISSION
+syn keyword baanConstant NO.RESTRICTION
+syn keyword baanConstant NO.ROLLBACK
+syn keyword baanConstant OLESVR.INIT
+syn keyword baanConstant OLESVR.OBJECT.CREATED
+syn keyword baanConstant OLESVR.OBJECT.DESTROYED
+syn keyword baanConstant OS_OS400
+syn keyword baanConstant OS_UNIX
+syn keyword baanConstant OS_WINDOWS_95
+syn keyword baanConstant OS_WINDOWS_NT
+syn keyword baanConstant PERM.DELETE
+syn keyword baanConstant PERM.MODIFY
+syn keyword baanConstant PERM.READ
+syn keyword baanConstant PERM.UNKNOWN
+syn keyword baanConstant PERM.WRITE
+syn keyword baanConstant PI
+syn keyword baanConstant PREV.FRM
+syn keyword baanConstant PREV.SET
+syn keyword baanConstant PREV.VIEW
+syn keyword baanConstant PRINT.DATA
+syn keyword baanConstant PROGRESS.BAR
+syn keyword baanConstant PROGRESS.CANCEL
+syn keyword baanConstant PROGRESS.NOAUTODESTROY
+syn keyword baanConstant PROGRESS.RESIZEABLE
+syn keyword baanConstant PROGRESS.STOP
+syn keyword baanConstant PROGRESS.TIMER
+syn keyword baanConstant PRTCL
+syn keyword baanConstant PRTCL.END.TRACE
+syn keyword baanConstant PRTCL.EXECUTE
+syn keyword baanConstant PRTCL.FIELD.OPTION
+syn keyword baanConstant PRTCL.GET.DATA
+syn keyword baanConstant PRTCL.GET.DATA.ANSWER
+syn keyword baanConstant PRTCL.MASK
+syn keyword baanConstant PRTCL.PUT.DATA
+syn keyword baanConstant PRTCL.START.TRACE
+syn keyword baanConstant PRTCL.UNKNOWN
+syn keyword baanConstant PSMAXSIZE
+syn keyword baanConstant QSS.EQLE
+syn keyword baanConstant QSS.EQUAL
+syn keyword baanConstant QSS.FIRST
+syn keyword baanConstant QSS.GT
+syn keyword baanConstant QSS.GTEQ
+syn keyword baanConstant QSS.LAST
+syn keyword baanConstant QSS.LESS
+syn keyword baanConstant QSS.LOOKUP.FOR.STRUCT
+syn keyword baanConstant QSS.NE
+syn keyword baanConstant QSS.SRC.DUPL.ALLOWED
+syn keyword baanConstant QSS.SRC.IS.SORTED
+syn keyword baanConstant RDI.CENTER
+syn keyword baanConstant RDI.LEFT
+syn keyword baanConstant RDI.LOWER
+syn keyword baanConstant RDI.NONE
+syn keyword baanConstant RDI.RIGHT
+syn keyword baanConstant RDI.UPPER
+syn keyword baanConstant RECOVER.SET
+syn keyword baanConstant RESIZE.FRM
+syn keyword baanConstant RESTART.INPUT
+syn keyword baanConstant ROTATE.CURR
+syn keyword baanConstant RP_IPCINFO_FLAG
+syn keyword baanConstant RP_INPROC
+syn keyword baanConstant RP_NOWAIT
+syn keyword baanConstant RP_NOWAIT_WITH_EVENT
+syn keyword baanConstant RP_WAIT
+syn keyword baanConstant RUN.JOB
+syn keyword baanConstant SAVE.DEFAULTS
+syn keyword baanConstant SBADJUST
+syn keyword baanConstant SBCONFIRM
+syn keyword baanConstant SBDOWN
+syn keyword baanConstant SBEND
+syn keyword baanConstant SBHOME
+syn keyword baanConstant SBMOVE
+syn keyword baanConstant SBPGDOWN
+syn keyword baanConstant SBPGUP
+syn keyword baanConstant SBPRESS
+syn keyword baanConstant SBRELEASE
+syn keyword baanConstant SBUP
+syn keyword baanConstant SEQ_F_R_LCK
+syn keyword baanConstant SEQ_F_W_LCK
+syn keyword baanConstant SEQ_R_LCK
+syn keyword baanConstant SEQ_W_LCK
+syn keyword baanConstant SESSION_NO_PERMISSION
+syn keyword baanConstant SESSION_DELETE_PERMISSION
+syn keyword baanConstant SESSION_INSERT_PERMISSION
+syn keyword baanConstant SESSION_MODIFY_PERMISSION
+syn keyword baanConstant SESSION_DISPLAY_PERMISSION
+syn keyword baanConstant SESSION_PRINT_PERMISSION
+syn keyword baanConstant SINGLE_OCC
+syn keyword baanConstant ST.ADD.SET
+syn keyword baanConstant ST.BITSET
+syn keyword baanConstant ST.BITSET.ZOOM
+syn keyword baanConstant ST.BRP.RUN
+syn keyword baanConstant ST.BRP.SEND
+syn keyword baanConstant ST.DEF.FIND
+syn keyword baanConstant ST.DOUBLE
+syn keyword baanConstant ST.DOUBLE.ZOOM
+syn keyword baanConstant ST.DUPL.OCCUR
+syn keyword baanConstant ST.ENUM
+syn keyword baanConstant ST.ENUM.ZOOM
+syn keyword baanConstant ST.FIND.DATA
+syn keyword baanConstant ST.FIRST.SET
+syn keyword baanConstant ST.LAST.SET
+syn keyword baanConstant ST.MARK.DELETE
+syn keyword baanConstant ST.MARK.OCCUR
+syn keyword baanConstant ST.MB
+syn keyword baanConstant ST.MB.ZOOM
+syn keyword baanConstant ST.MODIFY.SET
+syn keyword baanConstant ST.MULTI.2
+syn keyword baanConstant ST.MULTI.3
+syn keyword baanConstant ST.NUM.ZOOM
+syn keyword baanConstant ST.NUMERIC
+syn keyword baanConstant ST.PROG.BUSY
+syn keyword baanConstant ST.SINGLE.1
+syn keyword baanConstant ST.SINGLE.3
+syn keyword baanConstant ST.SINGLE.4
+syn keyword baanConstant ST.SORT
+syn keyword baanConstant ST.STRING
+syn keyword baanConstant ST.STRING.ZOOM
+syn keyword baanConstant ST.TEXT
+syn keyword baanConstant ST.TEXT.ZOOM
+syn keyword baanConstant ST.TIME
+syn keyword baanConstant ST.TIME.ZOOM
+syn keyword baanConstant ST.UPDATE.DB
+syn keyword baanConstant ST.ZOOM
+syn keyword baanConstant START.CHART
+syn keyword baanConstant START.QUERY
+syn keyword baanConstant START.SET
+syn keyword baanConstant STAT_EXECUTABLE
+syn keyword baanConstant STAT_READABLE
+syn keyword baanConstant STAT_WRITEABLE
+syn keyword baanConstant SUBDAL
+syn keyword baanConstant TDIR
+syn keyword baanConstant TEXT.MANAGER
+syn keyword baanConstant TFILE
+syn keyword baanConstant TRUE
+syn keyword baanConstant UPDATE.DB
+syn keyword baanConstant USER.0
+syn keyword baanConstant USER.1
+syn keyword baanConstant USER.2
+syn keyword baanConstant USER.3
+syn keyword baanConstant USER.4
+syn keyword baanConstant USER.5
+syn keyword baanConstant USER.6
+syn keyword baanConstant USER.7
+syn keyword baanConstant USER.8
+syn keyword baanConstant USER.9
+syn keyword baanConstant WINDOW.DIALOG
+syn keyword baanConstant WINDOW.LIST
+syn keyword baanConstant WINDOW.MMTCONTROLLER
+syn keyword baanConstant WINDOW.MMTSATELLITE
+syn keyword baanConstant WINDOW.MODAL.MENU
+syn keyword baanConstant WINDOW.MODELESS.MENU
+syn keyword baanConstant WINDOW.NONE
+syn keyword baanConstant WINDOW.PARAMETER
+syn keyword baanConstant WINDOW.SYNCHRONIZED
+syn keyword baanConstant WINDOW.WIZARD
+syn keyword baanConstant WITH.ROLLBACK
+syn keyword baanConstant WU.DLL
+syn keyword baanConstant WU.DOMA
+syn keyword baanConstant WU.FLDN
+syn keyword baanConstant WU.LANGOPT
+syn keyword baanConstant WU.MESS
+syn keyword baanConstant WU.QUES
+syn keyword baanConstant WU.SESS
+syn keyword baanConstant WU.TABL
+syn keyword baanConstant XML_DATA
+syn keyword baanConstant XML_DTD
+syn keyword baanConstant XML_ELEMENT
+syn keyword baanConstant XML_PI
+syn keyword baanConstant Z.AUTOACCEPT
+syn keyword baanConstant Z.AUTOZOOM
+syn keyword baanConstant Z.MENU
+syn keyword baanConstant Z.SESSION
+syn keyword baanConstant ZOOM
"************************************* 4GL ************************************"
" Program section
@@ -83,9 +873,9 @@ syn match baan4glh "before\.display\.object:"
syn match baan4glh "form\.\d\+:"
syn match baan4glh "form\.all:"
syn match baan4glh "form\.other:"
-syn match baan4gl "init\.form:"
-syn match baan4gl "before\.form:"
-syn match baan4gl "after\.form:"
+syn match baan4gl "init\.form:"
+syn match baan4gl "before\.form:"
+syn match baan4gl "after\.form:"
" Choice section
syn match baan4glh "choice\.start\.set:"
@@ -139,31 +929,32 @@ syn match baan4glh "choice\.calendar:"
syn match baan4glh "choice\.bms:"
syn match baan4glh "choice\.cmd\.whats\.this:"
syn match baan4glh "choice\.help\.index:"
-syn match baan4gl "before\.choice:"
-syn match baan4gl "on\.choice:"
-syn match baan4gl "after\.choice:"
+syn match baan4gl "before\.choice:"
+syn match baan4gl "on\.choice:"
+syn match baan4gl "after\.choice:"
" Field section
-syn match baan4glh "field\.\l\{5}\d\{3}\.\l\{4}\.\=c\=:"
+syn match baan4glh "field\.\l\{5}\d\{3}\.\l\{4,8}\.\=c\=:"
syn match baan4glh "field\.e\..\+:"
syn match baan4glh "field\.all:"
syn match baan4glh "field\.other:"
-syn match baan4gl "init\.field:"
-syn match baan4gl "before\.field:"
-syn match baan4gl "before\.input:"
-syn match baan4gl "before\.display:"
-syn match baan4gl "before\.zoom:"
-syn match baan4gl "before\.checks:"
-syn match baan4gl "domain\.error:"
-syn match baan4gl "ref\.input:"
-syn match baan4gl "ref\.display:"
-syn match baan4gl "check\.input:"
-syn match baan4gl "on\.input:"
-syn match baan4gl "when\.field\.changes:"
-syn match baan4gl "after\.zoom:"
-syn match baan4gl "after\.input:"
-syn match baan4gl "after\.display:"
-syn match baan4gl "after\.field:"
+syn match baan4gl "init\.field:"
+syn match baan4gl "before\.field:"
+syn match baan4gl "before\.input:"
+syn match baan4gl "before\.display:"
+syn match baan4gl "selection\.filter:"
+syn match baan4gl "before\.zoom:"
+syn match baan4gl "before\.checks:"
+syn match baan4gl "domain\.error:"
+syn match baan4gl "ref\.input:"
+syn match baan4gl "ref\.display:"
+syn match baan4gl "check\.input:"
+syn match baan4gl "on\.input:"
+syn match baan4gl "when\.field\.changes:"
+syn match baan4gl "after\.zoom:"
+syn match baan4gl "after\.input:"
+syn match baan4gl "after\.display:"
+syn match baan4gl "after\.field:"
" Group section
syn match baan4glh "group\.\d\+:"
@@ -175,6 +966,7 @@ syn match baan4gl "after\.group:"
syn match baan4glh "zoom\.from\..\+:"
syn match baan4gl "on\.entry:"
syn match baan4gl "on\.exit:"
" Main table section
syn match baan4glh "main\.table\.io:"
syn match baan4gl "before\.read:"
@@ -190,6 +982,24 @@ syn match baan4gl "after\.delete:"
syn match baan4gl "after\.skip\.delete:"
syn match baan4gl "read\.view:"
+"**************************** Dal Hooks ********************************
+syn keyword baanDalHook after.abort.transaction after.commit.transaction after.destroy.object
+syn keyword baanDalHook after.change.object after.get.object before.change.object
+syn keyword baanDalHook before.destroy.object before.get.object
+syn keyword baanDalHook set.object.defaults
+syn match baanDalHook "\l\{5}\d\{3}\.\l\{4,8}\.check"
+syn match baanDalHook "\l\{5}\d\{3}\.\l\{4,8}\.is.valid"
+syn match baanDalHook "\l\{5}\d\{3}\.\l\{4,8}\.is.applicable"
+syn match baanDalHook "\l\{5}\d\{3}\.\l\{4,8}\.is.never.applicable"
+syn match baanDalHook "\l\{5}\d\{3}\.\l\{4,8}\.is.derived"
+syn match baanDalHook "\l\{5}\d\{3}\.\l\{4,8}\.is.readonly"
+syn match baanDalHook "\l\{5}\d\{3}\.\l\{4,8}\.is.mandatory"
+syn match baanDalHook "\l\{5}\d\{3}\.\l\{4,8}\.make.valid"
+syn match baanDalHook "\l\{5}\d\{3}\.\l\{4,8}\.update"
+syn match baanDalHook "\l\{5}\d\{3}\.\l\{4,8}\..*\.is.applicable"
"number without a dot."
syn match baanNumber "\<\-\=\d\+\>"
"number with dot"
@@ -197,8 +1007,10 @@ syn match baanNumber "\<\-\=\d\+\.\d*\>"
"number starting with a dot"
syn match baanNumber "\<\-\=\.\d\+\>"
-" String"
-syn region baanString start=+"+ skip=+""+ end=+"+
+" String Error does not work correct with vim 6.0
+syn match baanOpenStringError +^[^^"]+ display contained excludenl
+syn region baanString start=+"+ skip=+""+ end=+"+ end=+^[^^]+ contains=baanOpenStringError keepend
" Comment"
syn match baanComment "|$"
syn match baanComment "|.$"
@@ -208,20 +1020,885 @@ syn match baanCommenth "^|#lra.*$"
syn match baanCommenth "^|#mdm.*$"
syn match baanCommenth "^|#[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9].*$"
syn match baanCommenth "^|#N\=o\=Include.*$"
-syn region baanComment start="dllusage" end="enddllusage"
" Oldcode"
syn match baanUncommented "^|[^*#].*[^ ]"
+" DLL section
" SpaceError"
-syn match BaanSpaces " "
-syn match baanSpaceError "\s*$"
-syn match baanSpaceError " "
+syn match baanSpaces " "
+syn match baanSpaceError "\s*$"
+syn match baanSpaceError " "
+" Baan error"
+if exists("baan_code_stds") && baan_code_stds
+syn match BaanError "^\s*i\..*=\s*\(\k\|\"\)*\s*$" "assignment of an input var"
+syn match BaanError "^\s*ref.*\s[ilse]\..*$" " ref variable defined with i, l, e and s"
+syn match BaanError "^\s*const.*\s[olse]\..*$" " const variable defined with o, l, e and s"
+syn match BaanError "^\s*static.*\s\(i\|g\|l\|o\|io\)\..*$" " static defined without s."
+syn match BaanError "^\s*\(domain\s\|long\s\|string\s\).*\so\.\k*[,)]" " ref variable without ref"
+syn match BaanError "^\s*\(domain\s\|long\s\|string\s\).*\se\.\k*[,)]" " 'e.' variable without extern"
+syn match BaanError "^\s*i\..*,\s*|\s*ref.*$" "
+"**************************** bshell functions ********************************
+syn match baanBshell "\<shiftl\$"
+syn match baanBshell "\<shiftr\$"
+syn match baanBshell "\<shiftc\$"
+syn match baanBshell "\<strip\$"
+syn match baanBshell "\<tolower\$"
+syn match baanBshell "\<toupper\$"
+syn keyword baanBshell isdigit
+syn keyword baanBshell isspace
+syn match baanBshell "\<chr\$"
+syn keyword baanBshell
+syn keyword baanBshell rpos
+syn match baanBshell "\<sprintf\$"
+syn match baanBshell "\<vsprintf\$"
+syn match baanBshell "\<concat\$"
+syn keyword baanBshell gregdate
+syn match baanBshell "\<\$"
+syn keyword baanBshell ttyname
+syn match baanBshell "\<ttyname\$"
+syn match baanBshell "\<creat.tmp.file\$"
+syn match baanBshell "\<string.set\$"
+syn keyword baanBshell string.scan
+syn keyword baanBshell not.fixed
+syn keyword baanBshell dummy
+syn keyword baanBshell alloc.mem
+syn keyword baanBshell free.mem
+syn keyword baanBshell copy.mem
+syn keyword baanBshell cmp.mem
+syn keyword baanBshell set.mem
+syn keyword baanBshell
+syn keyword baanBshell
+syn keyword baanBshell
+syn keyword baanBshell
+syn match baanBshell "\<\$"
+syn keyword baanBshell expr.compile
+syn keyword baanBshell l.expr
+syn keyword baanBshell d.expr
+syn match baanBshell "\<s.expr\$"
+syn keyword baanBshell
+syn keyword baanBshell compnr.check
+syn match baanBshell "\<bse.dir\$"
+syn match baanBshell "\<bse.tmp.dir\$"
+syn match baanBshell "\<bse.release\$"
+syn match baanBshell "\<bse.portset\$"
+syn match baanBshell "\<getenv\$"
+syn keyword baanBshell base.extern
+syn keyword baanBshell at.base
+syn keyword baanBshell get.compnr
+syn keyword baanBshell
+syn keyword baanBshell get.argc
+syn keyword baanBshell get.long.arg
+syn keyword baanBshell get.double.arg
+syn keyword baanBshell get.string.arg
+syn keyword baanBshell get.arg.type
+syn keyword baanBshell put.long.arg
+syn keyword baanBshell put.double.arg
+syn keyword baanBshell put.string.arg
+syn keyword baanBshell setenv
+syn keyword baanBshell cmp.password
+syn match baanBshell "\<crypt.password\$"
+syn keyword baanBshell is.password.ok
+syn keyword baanBshell block.cipher.encrypt
+syn keyword baanBshell block.cipher.decrypt
+syn keyword baanBshell encrypt.user.password
+syn keyword baanBshell verify.user.password
+syn keyword baanBshell
+syn match baanBshell "\<\$"
+syn keyword baanBshell
+syn match baanBshell "\<hostname\$"
+syn keyword baanBshell base64.encode
+syn keyword baanBshell base64.decode
+syn keyword baanBshell sha.create
+syn keyword baanBshell sha.initialize
+syn keyword baanBshell
+syn keyword baanBshell sha.compute.output
+syn keyword baanBshell sha.destroy
+syn match baanBshell "\<uuid.generate\$"
+syn match baanBshell "\<uuid.format\$"
+syn keyword baanBshell
+syn keyword baanBshell
+syn keyword baanBshell lookupkey.hash
+syn keyword baanBshell lookupkey.unhash
+syn match baanBshell "\<\$"
+syn keyword baanBshell mb.width
+syn match baanBshell "\<mb.localename\$"
+syn match baanBshell "\<mb.tss.clean\$"
+syn match baanBshell "\<mb.ext.clean\$"
+syn match baanBshell "\<mb.import\$"
+syn match baanBshell "\<mb.export\$"
+syn keyword baanBshell mb.import.raw
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+syn keyword baanBshell
+syn keyword baanBshell
+syn keyword baanBshell
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+syn keyword baanBshell
+syn keyword baanBshell
+syn keyword baanBshell
+syn keyword baanBshell
+syn keyword baanBshell
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+syn keyword baanBshell corba.boa.set_impl
+syn keyword baanBshell corba.available
+syn keyword baanBshell corba.orb.string_to_object
+syn keyword baanBshell corba.orb.release
+syn keyword baanBshell corba.request.invoke
+syn keyword baanBshell corba.request.send
+syn keyword baanBshell corba.request.get_response
+syn keyword baanBshell corba.request.object
+syn keyword baanBshell corba.request.delete
+syn keyword baanBshell set.debug.cpu.opts
+syn keyword baanBshell get.debug.cpu.opts
+syn match baanBshell "\<bsh.mesg\$"
+syn keyword baanBshell toggle.cpu
+syn keyword baanBshell
+syn keyword baanBshell set.profprint
+syn keyword baanBshell art.init
+syn keyword baanBshell art.define.transaction.class
+syn keyword baanBshell art.begin.transaction
+syn keyword baanBshell art.update.transaction
+syn keyword baanBshell art.end.transaction
+syn keyword baanBshell
+syn keyword baanBshell java.destroy.queue
+syn keyword baanBshell java.install.listener
+syn keyword baanBshell java.uninstall.listener
+syn keyword baanBshell java.put.bucket
+syn keyword baanBshell java.get.bucket
+syn keyword baanBshell java.lookup.queue
+syn keyword baanBshell java.execute.static.method
+syn keyword baanBshell java.execute.static.method.sync
+syn keyword baanBshell java.execute.static.method.async
+syn keyword baanBshell xml.write
+syn keyword baanBshell
+syn keyword baanBshell xml.newnode
+syn keyword baanBshell xml.unlinknode
+syn keyword baanBshell xml.deletenode
+syn keyword baanBshell xml.appendchildnode
+syn keyword baanBshell xml.addnode
+syn keyword baanBshell xml.insertnode
+syn keyword baanBshell xml.duplicatenode
+syn keyword baanBshell xml.setnodeproperties
+syn keyword baanBshell xml.getnodeproperties
+syn keyword baanBshell xml.deletenodeproperties
+syn keyword baanBshell xml.findfirstnode
+syn keyword baanBshell xml.findnodes
+syn keyword baanBshell xml.findsetofsiblingnodes
+syn keyword baanBshell xmlcontainsvalidcharactersonly
+syn keyword baanBshell xmlwrite
+syn keyword baanBshell xmlwritepretty
+syn keyword baanBshell xmlwritetostring
+syn keyword baanBshell xmlwriteprettytostring
+syn keyword baanBshell xmlread
+syn keyword baanBshell xmlreadfromstring
+syn keyword baanBshell xmlnewnode
+syn keyword baanBshell xmlnewdataelement
+syn keyword baanBshell xmlrewritedataelement
+syn keyword baanBshell xmlgetdataelement
+syn keyword baanBshell xmlsetname
+syn keyword baanBshell xmlsetdata
+syn keyword baanBshell xmlsetattribute
+syn keyword baanBshell xmldeleteattribute
+syn keyword baanBshell xmlgetname
+syn keyword baanBshell xmlgetdata
+syn keyword baanBshell xmlgettype
+syn keyword baanBshell xmlgetparent
+syn keyword baanBshell xmlgetfirstchild
+syn keyword baanBshell xmlgetlastchild
+syn keyword baanBshell xmlgetrightsibling
+syn keyword baanBshell xmlgetleftsibling
+syn keyword baanBshell xmlgetnumattributes
+syn keyword baanBshell xmlgetnumsiblings
+syn keyword baanBshell xmlgetnumleftsiblings
+syn keyword baanBshell xmlgetnumrightsiblings
+syn keyword baanBshell xmlgetnumchilds
+syn keyword baanBshell xmlgetattribute
+syn keyword baanBshell xmlgetattributename
+syn keyword baanBshell xmldelete
+syn keyword baanBshell xmlunlink
+syn keyword baanBshell xmlinsert
+syn keyword baanBshell xmladd
+syn keyword baanBshell xmlappend
+syn keyword baanBshell xmlinsertinchilds
+syn keyword baanBshell xmlappendtochilds
+syn keyword baanBshell xmlduplicate
+syn keyword baanBshell xmlduplicateandinsert
+syn keyword baanBshell xmlduplicateandadd
+syn keyword baanBshell xmlduplicateandappend
+syn keyword baanBshell xmlduplicateandinsertinchilds
+syn keyword baanBshell xmlduplicateandappendtochilds
+syn keyword baanBshell xmlduplicatetoprocess
+syn keyword baanBshell xmlfindfirst
+syn keyword baanBshell xmlfindfirstmatch
+syn keyword baanBshell xmlfindmatch
+syn keyword baanBshell xmlfindnodes
+syn keyword baanBshell xmlfindsetofsiblingnodes
+syn keyword baanBshell xmlexecutesql
+syn keyword baanBshell xmlexecutedllmethod
+syn keyword baanBshell xmldllsignature
+syn keyword baanBshell xmlnodetosymbol
+syn keyword baanBshell xmlputstringtolog
+syn keyword baanBshell xmlgetlog
+syn keyword baanBshell xmlcleanuplog
+syn keyword baanBshell xmlinstallloglistener
+syn keyword baanBshell xmldeinstallloglistener
+syn keyword baanBshell xmlinitsql
+syn keyword baanBshell xmlrefreshsqlcache
+syn keyword baanBshell xmlstatisticssqlcache
+syn keyword baanBshell bclm.dump
+syn keyword baanBshell bclm.init
+syn keyword baanBshell bclm.requestlicense
+syn keyword baanBshell bclm.confirmlicense
+syn keyword baanBshell bclm.releaselicense
+syn keyword baanBshell bclm.customerdata
+syn keyword baanBshell bclm.enabledemoperiod
+syn keyword baanBshell bclm.productidlicensed
+syn keyword baanBshell bclm.set.desktop
" Define the default highlighting.
" For version 5.7 and earlier: only when not done already
" For version 5.8 and later: only when an item doesn't have highlighting yet
if version >= 508 || !exists("did_baan_syn_inits")
if version < 508
- let did_c_syn_inits = 1
+ let did_baan_syn_inits = 1
command -nargs=+ HiLink hi link <args>
command -nargs=+ HiLink hi def link <args>
@@ -229,15 +1906,25 @@ if version >= 508 || !exists("did_baan_syn_inits")
HiLink baanConditional Conditional
HiLink baan3gl Statement
+ HiLink baan3glpre PreProc
HiLink baan4gl Statement
HiLink baan4glh Statement
HiLink baansql Statement
HiLink baansqlh Statement
+ HiLink baanDalHook Statement
HiLink baanNumber Number
HiLink baanString String
+ HiLink baanOpenStringError Error
+ HiLink baanConstant Constant
HiLink baanComment Comment
HiLink baanCommenth Comment
HiLink baanUncommented Comment
+ HiLink baanDLLUsage Comment
+ HiLink baanFunUsage Comment
+ HiLink baanIdentifier Normal
+ HiLink baanBshell Function
+ HiLink baanType Type
+ HiLink baanStorageClass StorageClass
delcommand HiLink
diff --git a/runtime/syntax/smcl.vim b/runtime/syntax/smcl.vim
index e95cecbda..d9afba6de 100644
--- a/runtime/syntax/smcl.vim
+++ b/runtime/syntax/smcl.vim
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
-" stata_smcl.vim -- Vim syntax file for smcl files.
+" smcl.vim -- Vim syntax file for smcl files.
" Language: SMCL -- Stata Markup and Control Language
" Maintainer: Jeff Pitblado <>
-" Last Change: 14apr2006
-" Version: 1.1.1
-" Location:
+" Last Change: 26apr2006
+" Version: 1.1.2
" Log:
" 20mar2003 updated the match definition for cmdab
" 14apr2006 'syntax clear' only under version control
" check for 'b:current_syntax', removed 'did_smcl_syntax_inits'
+" 26apr2006 changed 'stata_smcl' to 'smcl'
if version < 600
syntax clear
@@ -303,6 +303,6 @@ hi def link smclLink Underlined
hi def link smclComment Comment
hi def link smclString String
-let b:current_syntax = "stata_smcl"
+let b:current_syntax = "smcl"
" vim: ts=8
diff --git a/runtime/syntax/stata.vim b/runtime/syntax/stata.vim
index 500560952..e1f19c84f 100644
--- a/runtime/syntax/stata.vim
+++ b/runtime/syntax/stata.vim
@@ -1,14 +1,16 @@
" stata.vim -- Vim syntax file for Stata do, ado, and class files.
" Language: Stata and/or Mata
" Maintainer: Jeff Pitblado <>
-" Last Change: 17apr2006
-" Version: 1.1.2
-" Location:
+" Last Change: 26apr2006
+" Version: 1.1.4
" Log:
" 14apr2006 renamed syntax groups st* to stata*
" 'syntax clear' only under version control
" check for 'b:current_syntax', removed 'did_stata_syntax_inits'
+" 17apr2006 fixed start expression for stataFunc
+" 26apr2006 fixed brace confusion in stataErrInParen and stataErrInBracket
+" fixed paren/bracket confusion in stataFuncGroup
if version < 600
syntax clear
@@ -182,7 +184,7 @@ syn region stataEString matchgroup=Nothing start=/`"/ end=/"'/ oneline contains=
syn region stataString matchgroup=Nothing start=/"/ end=/"/ oneline contains=@stataMacroGroup
" define clusters
-syn cluster stataFuncGroup contains=@stataMacroGroup,stataFunc,stataString,stataEstring
+syn cluster stataFuncGroup contains=@stataMacroGroup,stataFunc,stataString,stataEstring,stataParen,stataBracket
syn cluster stataMacroGroup contains=stataGlobal,stataLocal
syn cluster stataParenGroup contains=stataParenError,stataBracketError,stataBraceError,stataSpecial,stataFormat
@@ -410,14 +412,14 @@ syn region stataFunc matchgroup=Function start=/\<vecdiag(/ end=/)/ contains=@st
" Errors to catch
" taken from $VIMRUNTIME/syntax/c.vim
" catch errors caused by wrong parenthesis, braces and brackets
-syn region stataParen transparent start=/(/ end=/)/ contains=ALLBUT,@stataParenGroup,stataErrInBracket,stataErrInBrace
+syn region stataParen transparent start=/(/ end=/)/ contains=ALLBUT,@stataParenGroup,stataErrInBracket,stataErrInBrace
syn region stataBracket transparent start=/\[/ end=/]/ contains=ALLBUT,@stataParenGroup,stataErrInParen,stataErrInBrace
-syn region stataBrace transparent start=/{/ end=/}/ contains=ALLBUT,@stataParenGroup,stataErrInParen,stataErrInBracket
+syn region stataBrace transparent start=/{/ end=/}/ contains=ALLBUT,@stataParenGroup,stataErrInParen,stataErrInBracket
syn match stataParenError /[\])}]/
syn match stataBracketError /]/
syn match stataBraceError /}/
-syn match stataErrInParen contained /[\]{}]/
-syn match stataErrInBracket contained /[){}]/
+syn match stataErrInParen contained /[\]}]/
+syn match stataErrInBracket contained /[)}]/
syn match stataErrInBrace contained /[)\]]/
" assign highlight groups
diff --git a/runtime/syntax/vim.vim b/runtime/syntax/vim.vim
index fcc8f7212..da3e7575c 100644
--- a/runtime/syntax/vim.vim
+++ b/runtime/syntax/vim.vim
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
" Vim syntax file
" Language: Vim 7.0 script
" Maintainer: Dr. Charles E. Campbell, Jr. <NdrOchipS@PcampbellAfamily.Mbiz>
-" Last Change: April 25, 2006
-" Version: 7.0-46
+" Last Change: Apr 26, 2006
+" Version: 7.0-47
" Automatically generated keyword lists: {{{1
" Quit when a syntax file was already loaded {{{2
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ syn keyword vimCommand contained ab[breviate] abc[lear] abo[veleft] al[l] arga[d
syn match vimCommand contained "\<z[-+^.=]"
" vimOptions are caught only when contained in a vimSet {{{2
-syn keyword vimOption contained : acd ai akm al aleph allowrevins altkeymap ambiwidth ambw anti antialias ar arab arabic arabicshape ari arshape autochdir autoindent autoread autowrite autowriteall aw awa background backspace backup backupcopy backupdir backupext backupskip balloondelay ballooneval balloonexpr bdir bdlay beval bex bexpr bg bh bin binary biosk bioskey bk bkc bl bomb breakat brk browsedir bs bsdir bsk bt bufhidden buflisted buftype casemap cb ccv cd cdpath cedit cf cfu ch charconvert ci cin cindent cink cinkeys cino cinoptions cinw cinwords clipboard cmdheight cmdwinheight cmp cms co columns com comments commentstring compatible complete completefunc completeopt confirm consk conskey copyindent cot cp cpo cpoptions cpt cscopepathcomp cscopeprg cscopequickfix cscopetag cscopetagorder cscopeverbose cspc csprg csqf cst csto csverb cuc cul cursorcolumn cursorline cwh debug deco def define delcombine dex dg dict dictionary diff diffexpr diffopt digraph dip dir directory display dy ea ead eadirection eb ed edcompatible ef efm ei ek enc encoding endofline eol ep equalalways equalprg errorbells errorfile errorformat esckeys et eventignore ex expandtab exrc fcl fcs fdc fde fdi fdl fdls fdm fdn fdo fdt fen fenc fencs fex ff ffs fileencoding fileencodings fileformat fileformats filetype fillchars fk fkmap flp fml fmr fo foldclose foldcolumn foldenable foldexpr foldignore foldlevel foldlevelstart foldmarker foldmethod foldminlines foldnestmax foldopen foldtext formatexpr formatlistpat formatoptions formatprg fp fs fsync ft gcr gd gdefault gfm gfn gfs gfw ghr go gp grepformat grepprg gtl gtt guicursor guifont guifontset guifontwide guiheadroom guioptions guipty guitablabel guitabtooltip helpfile helpheight helplang hf hh hi hid hidden highlight history hk hkmap hkmapp hkp hl hlg hls hlsearch ic icon iconstring ignorecase im imactivatekey imak imc imcmdline imd imdisable imi iminsert ims imsearch inc include includeexpr incsearch inde indentexpr indentkeys indk inex inf infercase insertmode is isf isfname isi isident isk iskeyword isp isprint joinspaces js key keymap keymodel keywordprg km kmp kp langmap langmenu laststatus lazyredraw lbr lcs linebreak lines linespace lisp lispwords list listchars lm lmap loadplugins lpl ls lsp lw lz ma macatsui magic makeef makeprg mat matchpairs matchtime maxcombine maxfuncdepth maxmapdepth maxmem maxmempattern maxmemtot mco mef menuitems mfd mh mis mkspellmem ml mls mm mmd mmp mmt mod modeline modelines modifiable modified more mouse mousef mousefocus mousehide mousem mousemodel mouses mouseshape mouset mousetime mp mps msm mzq mzquantum nf nrformats nu number numberwidth nuw oft ofu omnifunc operatorfunc opfunc osfiletype pa para paragraphs paste pastetoggle patchexpr patchmode path pdev penc pex pexpr pfn ph pheader pi pm pmbcs pmbfn popt preserveindent previewheight previewwindow printdevice printencoding printexpr printfont printheader printmbcharset printmbfont printoptions prompt pt pumheight pvh pvw qe quoteescape readonly remap report restorescreen revins ri rightleft rightleftcmd rl rlc ro rs rtp ru ruf ruler rulerformat runtimepath sb sbo sbr sc scb scr scroll scrollbind scrolljump scrolloff scrollopt scs sect sections secure sel selection selectmode sessionoptions sft sh shcf shell shellcmdflag shellpipe shellquote shellredir shellslash shelltemp shelltype shellxquote shiftround shiftwidth shm shortmess shortname showbreak showcmd showfulltag showmatch showmode showtabline shq si sidescroll sidescrolloff siso sj slm sm smartcase smartindent smarttab smc smd sn so softtabstop sol sp spc spell spellcapcheck spellfile spelllang spellsuggest spf spl splitbelow splitright spr sps sr srr ss ssl ssop st sta stal startofline statusline stl stmp sts su sua suffixes suffixesadd sw swapfile swapsync swb swf switchbuf sws sxq syn synmaxcol syntax ta tabline tabpagemax tabstop tag tagbsearch taglength tagrelative tags tagstack tal tb tbi tbidi tbis tbs tenc term termbidi termencoding terse textauto textmode textwidth tf tgst thesaurus tildeop timeout timeoutlen title titlelen titleold titlestring tl tm to toolbar toolbariconsize top tpm tr ts tsl tsr ttimeout ttimeoutlen ttm tty ttybuiltin ttyfast ttym ttymouse ttyscroll ttytype tw tx uc ul undolevels updatecount updatetime ut vb vbs vdir ve verbose verbosefile vfile vi viewdir viewoptions viminfo virtualedit visualbell vop wa wak warn wb wc wcm wd weirdinvert wfh wfw wh whichwrap wi wig wildchar wildcharm wildignore wildmenu wildmode wildoptions wim winaltkeys window winfixheight winfixwidth winheight winminheight winminwidth winwidth wiv wiw wm wmh wmnu wmw wop wrap wrapmargin wrapscan write writeany writebackup writedelay ws ww
+syn keyword vimOption contained acd ai akm al aleph allowrevins altkeymap ambiwidth ambw anti antialias ar arab arabic arabicshape ari arshape autochdir autoindent autoread autowrite autowriteall aw awa background backspace backup backupcopy backupdir backupext backupskip balloondelay ballooneval balloonexpr bdir bdlay beval bex bexpr bg bh bin binary biosk bioskey bk bkc bl bomb breakat brk browsedir bs bsdir bsk bt bufhidden buflisted buftype casemap cb ccv cd cdpath cedit cf cfu ch charconvert ci cin cindent cink cinkeys cino cinoptions cinw cinwords clipboard cmdheight cmdwinheight cmp cms co columns com comments commentstring compatible complete completefunc completeopt confirm consk conskey copyindent cot cp cpo cpoptions cpt cscopepathcomp cscopeprg cscopequickfix cscopetag cscopetagorder cscopeverbose cspc csprg csqf cst csto csverb cuc cul cursorcolumn cursorline cwh debug deco def define delcombine dex dg dict dictionary diff diffexpr diffopt digraph dip dir directory display dy ea ead eadirection eb ed edcompatible ef efm ei ek enc encoding endofline eol ep equalalways equalprg errorbells errorfile errorformat esckeys et eventignore ex expandtab exrc fcl fcs fdc fde fdi fdl fdls fdm fdn fdo fdt fen fenc fencs fex ff ffs fileencoding fileencodings fileformat fileformats filetype fillchars fk fkmap flp fml fmr fo foldclose foldcolumn foldenable foldexpr foldignore foldlevel foldlevelstart foldmarker foldmethod foldminlines foldnestmax foldopen foldtext formatexpr formatlistpat formatoptions formatprg fp fs fsync ft gcr gd gdefault gfm gfn gfs gfw ghr go gp grepformat grepprg gtl gtt guicursor guifont guifontset guifontwide guiheadroom guioptions guipty guitablabel guitabtooltip helpfile helpheight helplang hf hh hi hid hidden highlight history hk hkmap hkmapp hkp hl hlg hls hlsearch ic icon iconstring ignorecase im imactivatekey imak imc imcmdline imd imdisable imi iminsert ims imsearch inc include includeexpr incsearch inde indentexpr indentkeys indk inex inf infercase insertmode is isf isfname isi isident isk iskeyword isp isprint joinspaces js key keymap keymodel keywordprg km kmp kp langmap langmenu laststatus lazyredraw lbr lcs linebreak lines linespace lisp lispwords list listchars lm lmap loadplugins lpl ls lsp lw lz ma macatsui magic makeef makeprg mat matchpairs matchtime maxcombine maxfuncdepth maxmapdepth maxmem maxmempattern maxmemtot mco mef menuitems mfd mh mis mkspellmem ml mls mm mmd mmp mmt mod modeline modelines modifiable modified more mouse mousef mousefocus mousehide mousem mousemodel mouses mouseshape mouset mousetime mp mps msm mzq mzquantum nf nrformats nu number numberwidth nuw oft ofu omnifunc operatorfunc opfunc osfiletype pa para paragraphs paste pastetoggle patchexpr patchmode path pdev penc pex pexpr pfn ph pheader pi pm pmbcs pmbfn popt preserveindent previewheight previewwindow printdevice printencoding printexpr printfont printheader printmbcharset printmbfont printoptions prompt pt pumheight pvh pvw qe quoteescape readonly remap report restorescreen revins ri rightleft rightleftcmd rl rlc ro rs rtp ru ruf ruler rulerformat runtimepath sb sbo sbr sc scb scr scroll scrollbind scrolljump scrolloff scrollopt scs sect sections secure sel selection selectmode sessionoptions sft sh shcf shell shellcmdflag shellpipe shellquote shellredir shellslash shelltemp shelltype shellxquote shiftround shiftwidth shm shortmess shortname showbreak showcmd showfulltag showmatch showmode showtabline shq si sidescroll sidescrolloff siso sj slm sm smartcase smartindent smarttab smc smd sn so softtabstop sol sp spc spell spellcapcheck spellfile spelllang spellsuggest spf spl splitbelow splitright spr sps sr srr ss ssl ssop st sta stal startofline statusline stl stmp sts su sua suffixes suffixesadd sw swapfile swapsync swb swf switchbuf sws sxq syn synmaxcol syntax ta tabline tabpagemax tabstop tag tagbsearch taglength tagrelative tags tagstack tal tb tbi tbidi tbis tbs tenc term termbidi termencoding terse textauto textmode textwidth tf tgst thesaurus tildeop timeout timeoutlen title titlelen titleold titlestring tl tm to toolbar toolbariconsize top tpm tr ts tsl tsr ttimeout ttimeoutlen ttm tty ttybuiltin ttyfast ttym ttymouse ttyscroll ttytype tw tx uc ul undolevels updatecount updatetime ut vb vbs vdir ve verbose verbosefile vfile vi viewdir viewoptions viminfo virtualedit visualbell vop wa wak warn wb wc wcm wd weirdinvert wfh wfw wh whichwrap wi wig wildchar wildcharm wildignore wildmenu wildmode wildoptions wim winaltkeys window winfixheight winfixwidth winheight winminheight winminwidth winwidth wiv wiw wm wmh wmnu wmw wop wrap wrapmargin wrapscan write writeany writebackup writedelay ws ww
" vimOptions: These are the turn-off setting variants {{{2
syn keyword vimOption contained noacd noai noakm noallowrevins noaltkeymap noanti noantialias noar noarab noarabic noarabicshape noari noarshape noautochdir noautoindent noautoread noautowrite noautowriteall noaw noawa nobackup noballooneval nobeval nobin nobinary nobiosk nobioskey nobk nobl nobomb nobuflisted nocf noci nocin nocindent nocompatible noconfirm noconsk noconskey nocopyindent nocp nocscopetag nocscopeverbose nocst nocsverb nocuc nocul nocursorcolumn nocursorline nodeco nodelcombine nodg nodiff nodigraph nodisable noea noeb noed noedcompatible noek noendofline noeol noequalalways noerrorbells noesckeys noet noex noexpandtab noexrc nofen nofk nofkmap nofoldenable nogd nogdefault noguipty nohid nohidden nohk nohkmap nohkmapp nohkp nohls nohlsearch noic noicon noignorecase noim noimc noimcmdline noimd noincsearch noinf noinfercase noinsertmode nois nojoinspaces nojs nolazyredraw nolbr nolinebreak nolisp nolist noloadplugins nolpl nolz noma nomacatsui nomagic nomh noml nomod nomodeline nomodifiable nomodified nomore nomousef nomousefocus nomousehide nonu nonumber nopaste nopi nopreserveindent nopreviewwindow noprompt nopvw noreadonly noremap norestorescreen norevins nori norightleft norightleftcmd norl norlc noro nors noru noruler nosb nosc noscb noscrollbind noscs nosecure nosft noshellslash noshelltemp noshiftround noshortname noshowcmd noshowfulltag noshowmatch noshowmode nosi nosm nosmartcase nosmartindent nosmarttab nosmd nosn nosol nospell nosplitbelow nosplitright nospr nosr nossl nosta nostartofline nostmp noswapfile noswf nota notagbsearch notagrelative notagstack notbi notbidi notbs notermbidi noterse notextauto notextmode notf notgst notildeop notimeout notitle noto notop notr nottimeout nottybuiltin nottyfast notx novb novisualbell nowa nowarn nowb noweirdinvert nowfh nowfw nowildmenu nowinfixheight nowinfixwidth nowiv nowmnu nowrap nowrapscan nowrite nowriteany nowritebackup nows
@@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ syn case ignore
syn keyword vimUserAttrbKey contained bar ban[g] cou[nt] ra[nge] com[plete] n[args] re[gister]
syn keyword vimUserAttrbCmplt contained augroup buffer command dir environment event expression file function help highlight mapping menu option something tag tag_listfiles var
syn keyword vimUserAttrbCmplt contained custom customlist nextgroup=vimUserAttrbCmpltFunc,vimUserCmdError
-syn match vimUserAttrbCmpltFunc contained ",\%(\h\w*#\u\w*\|\u\w*\)"hs=s+1 nextgroup=vimUserCmdError
+syn match vimUserAttrbCmpltFunc contained ",\%(\h\w*\%(#\u\w*\)\+\|\u\w*\)"hs=s+1 nextgroup=vimUserCmdError
syn case match
syn match vimUserAttrbCmplt contained "custom,\u\w*"