path: root/runtime/syntax/winbatch.vim
diff options
authorBram Moolenaar <>2004-06-13 20:20:40 +0000
committerBram Moolenaar <>2004-06-13 20:20:40 +0000
commit071d4279d6ab81b7187b48f3a0fc61e587b6db6c (patch)
tree221cbe3c40e043163c06f61c52a7ba2eb41e12ce /runtime/syntax/winbatch.vim
parentb4210b3bc14e2918f153a7307530fbe6eba659e1 (diff)
updated for version 7.0001v7.0001
Diffstat (limited to 'runtime/syntax/winbatch.vim')
1 files changed, 187 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/runtime/syntax/winbatch.vim b/runtime/syntax/winbatch.vim
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..aea2cdebc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/syntax/winbatch.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
+" Vim syntax file
+" Language: WinBatch/Webbatch (*.wbt, *.web)
+" Maintainer:
+" URL:
+" Last change: 2001 May 10
+" For version 5.x: Clear all syntax items
+" For version 6.x: Quit when a syntax file was already loaded
+if version < 600
+ syntax clear
+elseif exists("b:current_syntax")
+ finish
+syn case ignore
+syn keyword winbatchCtl if then else endif break end return exit next
+syn keyword winbatchCtl while for gosub goto switch select to case
+syn keyword winbatchCtl endselect endwhile endselect endswitch
+" String
+syn region winbatchVar start=+%+ end=+%+
+" %var% in strings
+syn region winbatchString start=+"+ end=+"+ contains=winbatchVar
+syn match winbatchComment ";.*$"
+syn match winbatchLabel "^\ *:[0-9a-zA-Z_\-]\+\>"
+" constant (bezgin by @)
+syn match winbatchConstant "@[0_9a-zA-Z_\-]\+"
+" number
+syn match winbatchNumber "\<[0-9]\+\(u\=l\=\|lu\|f\)\>"
+syn keyword winbatchImplicit aboveicons acc_attrib acc_chng_nt acc_control acc_create
+syn keyword winbatchImplicit acc_delete acc_full_95 acc_full_nt acc_list acc_pfull_nt
+syn keyword winbatchImplicit acc_pmang_nt acc_print_nt acc_read acc_read_95 acc_read_nt
+syn keyword winbatchImplicit acc_write amc arrange ascending attr_a attr_a attr_ci attr_ci
+syn keyword winbatchImplicit attr_dc attr_dc attr_di attr_di attr_dm attr_dm attr_h attr_h
+syn keyword winbatchImplicit attr_ic attr_ic attr_p attr_p attr_ri attr_ri attr_ro attr_ro
+syn keyword winbatchImplicit attr_sh attr_sh attr_sy attr_sy attr_t attr_t attr_x attr_x
+syn keyword winbatchImplicit avogadro backscan boltzmann cancel capslock check columns
+syn keyword winbatchImplicit commonformat cr crlf ctrl default default deg2rad descending
+syn keyword winbatchImplicit disable drive electric enable eulers false faraday float8
+syn keyword winbatchImplicit fwdscan gftsec globalgroup gmtsec goldenratio gravitation hidden
+syn keyword winbatchImplicit icon lbutton lclick ldblclick lf lightmps lightmtps localgroup
+syn keyword winbatchImplicit magfield major mbokcancel mbutton mbyesno mclick mdblclick minor
+syn keyword winbatchImplicit msformat multiple ncsaformat no none none noresize normal
+syn keyword winbatchImplicit notify nowait numlock off on open parsec parseonly pi
+syn keyword winbatchImplicit planckergs planckjoules printer rad2deg rbutton rclick rdblclick
+syn keyword winbatchImplicit regclasses regcurrent regmachine regroot regusers rows save
+syn keyword winbatchImplicit scrolllock server shift single sorted stack string tab tile
+syn keyword winbatchImplicit true uncheck unsorted wait wholesection word1 word2 word4 yes
+syn keyword winbatchImplicit zoomed about abs acos addextender appexist appwaitclose asin
+syn keyword winbatchImplicit askfilename askfiletext askitemlist askline askpassword askyesno
+syn keyword winbatchImplicit atan average beep binaryalloc binarycopy binaryeodget binaryeodset
+syn keyword winbatchImplicit binaryfree binaryhashrec binaryincr binaryincr2 binaryincr4
+syn keyword winbatchImplicit binaryincrflt binaryindex binaryindexnc binaryoletype binarypeek
+syn keyword winbatchImplicit binarypeek2 binarypeek4 binarypeekflt binarypeekstr binarypoke
+syn keyword winbatchImplicit binarypoke2 binarypoke4 binarypokeflt binarypokestr binaryread
+syn keyword winbatchImplicit binarysort binarystrcnt binarywrite boxbuttondraw boxbuttonkill
+syn keyword winbatchImplicit boxbuttonstat boxbuttonwait boxcaption boxcolor
+syn keyword winbatchImplicit boxdataclear boxdatatag
+syn keyword winbatchImplicit boxdestroy boxdrawcircle boxdrawline boxdrawrect boxdrawtext
+syn keyword winbatchImplicit boxesup boxmapmode boxnew boxopen boxpen boxshut boxtext boxtextcolor
+syn keyword winbatchImplicit boxtextfont boxtitle boxupdates break buttonnames by call
+syn keyword winbatchImplicit callext ceiling char2num clipappend clipget clipput
+syn keyword winbatchImplicit continue cos cosh datetime
+syn keyword winbatchImplicit ddeexecute ddeinitiate ddepoke dderequest ddeterminate
+syn keyword winbatchImplicit ddetimeout debug debugdata decimals delay dialog
+syn keyword winbatchImplicit dialogbox dirattrget dirattrset dirchange direxist
+syn keyword winbatchImplicit dirget dirhome diritemize dirmake dirremove dirrename
+syn keyword winbatchImplicit dirwindows diskexist diskfree diskinfo diskscan disksize
+syn keyword winbatchImplicit diskvolinfo display dllcall dllfree dllhinst dllhwnd dllload
+syn keyword winbatchImplicit dosboxcursorx dosboxcursory dosboxgetall dosboxgetdata
+syn keyword winbatchImplicit dosboxheight dosboxscrmode dosboxversion dosboxwidth dosversion
+syn keyword winbatchImplicit drop edosgetinfo edosgetvar edoslistvars edospathadd edospathchk
+syn keyword winbatchImplicit edospathdel edossetvar
+syn keyword winbatchImplicit endsession envgetinfo envgetvar environment
+syn keyword winbatchImplicit environset envitemize envlistvars envpathadd envpathchk
+syn keyword winbatchImplicit envpathdel envsetvar errormode exclusive execute exetypeinfo
+syn keyword winbatchImplicit exp fabs fileappend fileattrget fileattrset fileclose
+syn keyword winbatchImplicit filecompare filecopy filedelete fileexist fileextension filefullname
+syn keyword winbatchImplicit fileitemize filelocate filemapname filemove filenameeval1
+syn keyword winbatchImplicit filenameeval2 filenamelong filenameshort fileopen filepath
+syn keyword winbatchImplicit fileread filerename fileroot filesize filetimecode filetimeget
+syn keyword winbatchImplicit filetimeset filetimetouch fileverinfo filewrite fileymdhms
+syn keyword winbatchImplicit findwindow floor getexacttime gettickcount
+syn keyword winbatchImplicit iconarrange iconreplace ignoreinput inidelete inideletepvt
+syn keyword winbatchImplicit iniitemize iniitemizepvt iniread inireadpvt iniwrite iniwritepvt
+syn keyword winbatchImplicit installfile int intcontrol isdefined isfloat isint iskeydown
+syn keyword winbatchImplicit islicensed isnumber itemcount itemextract iteminsert itemlocate
+syn keyword winbatchImplicit itemremove itemselect itemsort keytoggleget keytoggleset
+syn keyword winbatchImplicit lasterror log10 logdisk loge max message min mod mouseclick
+syn keyword winbatchImplicit mouseclickbtn mousedrag mouseinfo mousemove msgtextget n3attach
+syn keyword winbatchImplicit n3captureend n3captureprt n3chgpassword n3detach n3dirattrget
+syn keyword winbatchImplicit n3dirattrset n3drivepath n3drivepath2 n3drivestatus n3fileattrget
+syn keyword winbatchImplicit n3fileattrset n3getloginid n3getmapped n3getnetaddr n3getuser
+syn keyword winbatchImplicit n3getuserid n3logout n3map n3mapdelete n3mapdir n3maproot n3memberdel
+syn keyword winbatchImplicit n3memberget n3memberset n3msgsend n3msgsendall n3serverinfo
+syn keyword winbatchImplicit n3serverlist n3setsrchdrv n3usergroups n3version n4attach
+syn keyword winbatchImplicit n4captureend n4captureprt n4chgpassword n4detach n4dirattrget
+syn keyword winbatchImplicit n4dirattrset n4drivepath n4drivestatus n4fileattrget n4fileattrset
+syn keyword winbatchImplicit n4getloginid n4getmapped n4getnetaddr n4getuser n4getuserid
+syn keyword winbatchImplicit n4login n4logout n4map n4mapdelete n4mapdir n4maproot n4memberdel
+syn keyword winbatchImplicit n4memberget n4memberset n4msgsend n4msgsendall n4serverinfo
+syn keyword winbatchImplicit n4serverlist n4setsrchdrv n4usergroups n4version netadddrive
+syn keyword winbatchImplicit netaddprinter netcancelcon netdirdialog netgetcon netgetuser
+syn keyword winbatchImplicit netinfo netresources netversion num2char objectclose
+syn keyword winbatchImplicit objectopen parsedata pause playmedia playmidi playwaveform
+syn keyword winbatchImplicit print random regapp regclosekey regconnect regcreatekey
+syn keyword winbatchImplicit regdeletekey regdelvalue regentrytype regloadhive regopenkey
+syn keyword winbatchImplicit regquerybin regquerydword regqueryex regqueryexpsz regqueryitem
+syn keyword winbatchImplicit regquerykey regquerymulsz regqueryvalue regsetbin
+syn keyword winbatchImplicit regsetdword regsetex regsetexpsz regsetmulsz regsetvalue
+syn keyword winbatchImplicit regunloadhive reload reload rtstatus run runenviron
+syn keyword winbatchImplicit runexit runhide runhidewait runicon runiconwait runshell runwait
+syn keyword winbatchImplicit runzoom runzoomwait sendkey sendkeyschild sendkeysto
+syn keyword winbatchImplicit sendmenusto shellexecute shortcutedit shortcutextra shortcutinfo
+syn keyword winbatchImplicit shortcutmake sin sinh snapshot sounds sqrt
+syn keyword winbatchImplicit srchfree srchinit srchnext strcat strcharcount strcmp
+syn keyword winbatchImplicit strfill strfix strfixchars stricmp strindex strlen
+syn keyword winbatchImplicit strlower strreplace strscan strsub strtrim strupper
+syn keyword winbatchImplicit tan tanh tcpaddr2host tcpftpchdir tcpftpclose tcpftpget
+syn keyword winbatchImplicit tcpftplist tcpftpmode tcpftpopen tcpftpput tcphost2addr tcphttpget
+syn keyword winbatchImplicit tcphttppost tcpparmget tcpparmset tcpping tcpsmtp terminate
+syn keyword winbatchImplicit textbox textboxsort textoutbufdel textoutbuffer textoutdebug
+syn keyword winbatchImplicit textoutfree textoutinfo textoutreset textouttrack textouttrackb
+syn keyword winbatchImplicit textouttrackp textoutwait textselect timeadd timedate
+syn keyword winbatchImplicit timedelay timediffdays timediffsecs timejulianday timejultoymd
+syn keyword winbatchImplicit timesubtract timewait timeymdhms version versiondll
+syn keyword winbatchImplicit w3addcon w3cancelcon w3dirbrowse w3getcaps w3getcon w3netdialog
+syn keyword winbatchImplicit w3netgetuser w3prtbrowse w3version w95accessadd w95accessdel
+syn keyword winbatchImplicit w95adddrive w95addprinter w95cancelcon w95dirdialog w95getcon
+syn keyword winbatchImplicit w95getuser w95resources w95shareadd w95sharedel w95shareset
+syn keyword winbatchImplicit w95version waitforkey wallpaper webbaseconv webcloselog
+syn keyword winbatchImplicit webcmddata webcondata webcounter webdatdata webdumperror webhashcode
+syn keyword winbatchImplicit webislocal weblogline webopenlog webout weboutfile webparamdata
+syn keyword winbatchImplicit webparamnames websettimeout webverifycard winactivate
+syn keyword winbatchImplicit winactivchild winarrange winclose winclosenot winconfig winexename
+syn keyword winbatchImplicit winexist winparset winparget winexistchild wingetactive
+syn keyword winbatchImplicit winhelp winhide winiconize winidget winisdos winitemchild
+syn keyword winbatchImplicit winitemize winitemnameid winmetrics winname winparmget
+syn keyword winbatchImplicit winparmset winplace winplaceget winplaceset
+syn keyword winbatchImplicit winposition winresources winshow winstate winsysinfo
+syn keyword winbatchImplicit wintitle winversion winwaitchild winwaitclose winwaitexist
+syn keyword winbatchImplicit winzoom wnaddcon wncancelcon wncmptrinfo wndialog
+syn keyword winbatchImplicit wndlgbrowse wndlgcon wndlgcon2 wndlgcon3
+syn keyword winbatchImplicit wndlgcon4 wndlgdiscon wndlgnoshare wndlgshare wngetcaps
+syn keyword winbatchImplicit wngetcon wngetuser wnnetnames wnrestore wnservers wnsharecnt
+syn keyword winbatchImplicit wnsharename wnsharepath wnshares wntaccessadd wntaccessdel
+syn keyword winbatchImplicit wntaccessget wntadddrive wntaddprinter wntcancelcon wntdirdialog
+syn keyword winbatchImplicit wntgetcon wntgetuser wntlistgroups wntmemberdel wntmemberget
+syn keyword winbatchImplicit wntmembergrps wntmemberlist wntmemberset wntresources wntshareadd
+syn keyword winbatchImplicit wntsharedel wntshareset wntversion wnversion wnwrkgroups wwenvunload
+syn keyword winbatchImplicit xbaseconvert xcursorset xdisklabelget xdriveready xextenderinfo
+syn keyword winbatchImplicit xgetchildhwnd xgetelapsed xhex xmemcompact xmessagebox
+syn keyword winbatchImplicit xsendmessage xverifyccard yield
+" Define the default highlighting.
+" For version 5.7 and earlier: only when not done already
+" For version 5.8 and later: only when an item doesn't have highlighting yet
+if version >= 508 || !exists("did_winbatch_syntax_inits")
+ if version < 508
+ let did_winbatch_syntax_inits = 1
+ command -nargs=+ HiLink hi link <args>
+ else
+ command -nargs=+ HiLink hi def link <args>
+ endif
+ HiLink winbatchLabel PreProc
+ HiLink winbatchCtl Operator
+ HiLink winbatchStatement Statement
+ HiLink winbatchTodo Todo
+ HiLink winbatchString String
+ HiLink winbatchVar Type
+ HiLink winbatchComment Comment
+ HiLink winbatchImplicit Special
+ HiLink winbatchNumber Number
+ HiLink winbatchConstant StorageClass
+ delcommand HiLink
+let b:current_syntax = "winbatch"
+" vim: ts=8