diff options
author | Bram Moolenaar <Bram@vim.org> | 2005-09-13 21:20:47 +0000 |
committer | Bram Moolenaar <Bram@vim.org> | 2005-09-13 21:20:47 +0000 |
commit | f75a963eea9a893bb60c0b8eb425b2161de4919f (patch) | |
tree | 60f6d73ec091dc053cdaf4a0c0dc2f5465ef3359 /runtime/syntax/vim.vim | |
parent | 5e0d6678adf1dfff841acdd7f7424d565e63fbcc (diff) | |
download | vim-git-f75a963eea9a893bb60c0b8eb425b2161de4919f.tar.gz |
updated for version 7.0146
Diffstat (limited to 'runtime/syntax/vim.vim')
-rw-r--r-- | runtime/syntax/vim.vim | 2 |
1 files changed, 1 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/runtime/syntax/vim.vim b/runtime/syntax/vim.vim index c2712ba4f..46f42e9aa 100644 --- a/runtime/syntax/vim.vim +++ b/runtime/syntax/vim.vim @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ syn keyword vimCommand contained ab[breviate] abc[lear] abo[veleft] al[l] arga[d syn match vimCommand contained "\<z[-+^.=]" " vimOptions are caught only when contained in a vimSet {{{2 -syn keyword vimOption contained : acd ai akm al aleph allowrevins altkeymap ambiwidth ambw anti antialias ar arab arabic arabicshape ari arshape autochdir autoindent autoread autowrite autowriteall aw awa background backspace backup backupcopy backupdir backupext backupskip balloondelay ballooneval balloonexpr bdir bdlay beval bex bexpr bg bh bin binary biosk bioskey bk bkc bl bomb breakat brk browsedir bs bsdir bsk bt bufhidden buflisted buftype casemap cb ccv cd cdpath cedit cf cfu ch charconvert ci cin cindent cink cinkeys cino cinoptions cinw cinwords clipboard cmdheight cmdwinheight cmp cms co columns com comments commentstring compatible complete completefunc confirm consk conskey copyindent cp cpo cpoptions cpt cscopepathcomp cscopeprg cscopequickfix cscopetag cscopetagorder cscopeverbose cspc csprg csqf cst csto csverb cwh debug deco def define delcombine dex dg dict dictionary diff diffexpr diffopt digraph dip dir directory display dy ea ead eadirection eb ed edcompatible ef efm ei ek enc encoding endofline eol ep equalalways equalprg errorbells errorfile errorformat esckeys et eventignore ex expandtab exrc fcl fcs fdc fde fdi fdl fdls fdm fdn fdo fdt fen fenc fencs ff ffs fileencoding fileencodings fileformat fileformats filetype fillchars fk fkmap flp fml fmr fo foldclose foldcolumn foldenable foldexpr foldignore foldlevel foldlevelstart foldmarker foldmethod foldminlines foldnestmax foldopen foldtext formatlistpat formatoptions formatprg fp fs fsync ft gcr gd gdefault gfm gfn gfs gfw ghr go gp grepformat grepprg guicursor guifont guifontset guifontwide guiheadroom guioptions guipty helpfile helpheight helplang hf hh hi hid hidden highlight history hk hkmap hkmapp hkp hl hlg hls hlsearch ic icon iconstring ignorecase im imactivatekey imak imc imcmdline imd imdisable imi iminsert ims imsearch inc include includeexpr incsearch inde indentexpr indentkeys indk inex inf infercase insertmode is isf isfname isi isident isk iskeyword isp isprint joinspaces js key keymap keymodel keywordprg km kmp kp langmap langmenu laststatus lazyredraw lbr lcs linebreak lines linespace lisp lispwords list listchars lm lmap loadplugins lpl ls lsp lw lz ma magic makeef makeprg mat matchpairs matchtime maxfuncdepth maxmapdepth maxmem maxmempattern maxmemtot mef menuitems mfd mh mis mkspellmem ml mls mm mmd mmp mmt mod modeline modelines modifiable modified more mouse mousef mousefocus mousehide mousem mousemodel mouses mouseshape mouset mousetime mp mps msm mzq mzquantum nf nrformats nu number numberwidth nuw occultfunc oft ofu osfiletype pa para paragraphs paste pastetoggle patchexpr patchmode path pdev penc pex pexpr pfn pheader pi pm pmbcs pmbfn popt preserveindent previewheight previewwindow printdevice printencoding printexpr printfont printheader printmbcharset printmbfont printoptions prompt pt pvh pvw qe quoteescape readonly remap report restorescreen revins ri rightleft rightleftcmd rl rlc ro rs rtp ru ruf ruler rulerformat runtimepath sb sbo sbr sc scb scr scroll scrollbind scrolljump scrolloff scrollopt scs sect sections secure sel selection selectmode sessionoptions sft sh shcf shell shellcmdflag shellpipe shellquote shellredir shellslash shelltemp shelltype shellxquote shiftround shiftwidth shm shortmess shortname showbreak showcmd showfulltag showmatch showmode shq si sidescroll sidescrolloff siso sj slm sm smartcase smartindent smarttab smc smd sn so softtabstop sol sp spc spell spellcapcheck spellfile spelllang spellsuggest spf spl splitbelow splitright spr sps sr srr ss ssl ssop st sta startofline statusline stl stmp sts su sua suffixes suffixesadd sw swapfile swapsync swb swf switchbuf sws sxq syn synmaxcol syntax ta tabstop tag tagbsearch taglength tagrelative tags tagstack tb tbi tbidi tbis tbs tenc term termbidi termencoding terse textauto textmode textwidth tf tgst thesaurus tildeop timeout timeoutlen title titlelen titleold titlestring tl tm to toolbar toolbariconsize top tr ts tsl tsr ttimeout ttimeoutlen ttm tty ttybuiltin ttyfast ttym ttymouse ttyscroll ttytype tw tx uc ul undolevels updatecount updatetime ut vb vbs vdir ve verbose verbosefile vfile vi viewdir viewoptions viminfo virtualedit visualbell vop wa wak warn wb wc wcm wd weirdinvert wfh wh whichwrap wi wig wildchar wildcharm wildignore wildmenu wildmode wildoptions wim winaltkeys window winfixheight winheight winminheight winminwidth winwidth wiv wiw wm wmh wmnu wmw wop wrap wrapmargin wrapscan write writeany writebackup writedelay ws ww +syn keyword vimOption contained : acd ai akm al aleph allowrevins altkeymap ambiwidth ambw anti antialias ar arab arabic arabicshape ari arshape autochdir autoindent autoread autowrite autowriteall aw awa background backspace backup backupcopy backupdir backupext backupskip balloondelay ballooneval balloonexpr bdir bdlay beval bex bexpr bg bh bin binary biosk bioskey bk bkc bl bomb breakat brk browsedir bs bsdir bsk bt bufhidden buflisted buftype casemap cb ccv cd cdpath cedit cf cfu ch charconvert ci cin cindent cink cinkeys cino cinoptions cinw cinwords clipboard cmdheight cmdwinheight cmp cms co columns com comments commentstring compatible complete completefunc confirm consk conskey copyindent cp cpo cpoptions cpt cscopepathcomp cscopeprg cscopequickfix cscopetag cscopetagorder cscopeverbose cspc csprg csqf cst csto csverb cwh debug deco def define delcombine dex dg dict dictionary diff diffexpr diffopt digraph dip dir directory display dy ea ead eadirection eb ed edcompatible ef efm ei ek enc encoding endofline eol ep equalalways equalprg errorbells errorfile errorformat esckeys et eventignore ex expandtab exrc fcl fcs fdc fde fdi fdl fdls fdm fdn fdo fdt fen fenc fencs ff ffs fileencoding fileencodings fileformat fileformats filetype fillchars fk fkmap flp fml fmr fo foldclose foldcolumn foldenable foldexpr foldignore foldlevel foldlevelstart foldmarker foldmethod foldminlines foldnestmax foldopen foldtext formatlistpat formatoptions formatprg fp fs fsync ft gcr gd gdefault gfm gfn gfs gfw ghr go gp grepformat grepprg guicursor guifont guifontset guifontwide guiheadroom guioptions guipty helpfile helpheight helplang hf hh hi hid hidden highlight history hk hkmap hkmapp hkp hl hlg hls hlsearch ic icon iconstring ignorecase im imactivatekey imak imc imcmdline imd imdisable imi iminsert ims imsearch inc include includeexpr incsearch inde indentexpr indentkeys indk inex inf infercase insertmode is isf isfname isi isident isk iskeyword isp isprint joinspaces js key keymap keymodel keywordprg km kmp kp langmap langmenu laststatus lazyredraw lbr lcs linebreak lines linespace lisp lispwords list listchars lm lmap loadplugins lpl ls lsp lw lz ma magic makeef makeprg mat matchpairs matchtime maxfuncdepth maxmapdepth maxmem maxmempattern maxmemtot mef menuitems mfd mh mis mkspellmem ml mls mm mmd mmp mmt mod modeline modelines modifiable modified more mouse mousef mousefocus mousehide mousem mousemodel mouses mouseshape mouset mousetime mp mps msm mzq mzquantum nf nrformats nu number numberwidth nuw omnifunc oft ofu osfiletype pa para paragraphs paste pastetoggle patchexpr patchmode path pdev penc pex pexpr pfn pheader pi pm pmbcs pmbfn popt preserveindent previewheight previewwindow printdevice printencoding printexpr printfont printheader printmbcharset printmbfont printoptions prompt pt pvh pvw qe quoteescape readonly remap report restorescreen revins ri rightleft rightleftcmd rl rlc ro rs rtp ru ruf ruler rulerformat runtimepath sb sbo sbr sc scb scr scroll scrollbind scrolljump scrolloff scrollopt scs sect sections secure sel selection selectmode sessionoptions sft sh shcf shell shellcmdflag shellpipe shellquote shellredir shellslash shelltemp shelltype shellxquote shiftround shiftwidth shm shortmess shortname showbreak showcmd showfulltag showmatch showmode shq si sidescroll sidescrolloff siso sj slm sm smartcase smartindent smarttab smc smd sn so softtabstop sol sp spc spell spellcapcheck spellfile spelllang spellsuggest spf spl splitbelow splitright spr sps sr srr ss ssl ssop st sta startofline statusline stl stmp sts su sua suffixes suffixesadd sw swapfile swapsync swb swf switchbuf sws sxq syn synmaxcol syntax ta tabstop tag tagbsearch taglength tagrelative tags tagstack tb tbi tbidi tbis tbs tenc term termbidi termencoding terse textauto textmode textwidth tf tgst thesaurus tildeop timeout timeoutlen title titlelen titleold titlestring tl tm to toolbar toolbariconsize top tr ts tsl tsr ttimeout ttimeoutlen ttm tty ttybuiltin ttyfast ttym ttymouse ttyscroll ttytype tw tx uc ul undolevels updatecount updatetime ut vb vbs vdir ve verbose verbosefile vfile vi viewdir viewoptions viminfo virtualedit visualbell vop wa wak warn wb wc wcm wd weirdinvert wfh wh whichwrap wi wig wildchar wildcharm wildignore wildmenu wildmode wildoptions wim winaltkeys window winfixheight winheight winminheight winminwidth winwidth wiv wiw wm wmh wmnu wmw wop wrap wrapmargin wrapscan write writeany writebackup writedelay ws ww " vimOptions: These are the turn-off setting variants {{{2 syn keyword vimOption contained noacd noai noakm noallowrevins noaltkeymap noanti noantialias noar noarab noarabic noarabicshape noari noarshape noautochdir noautoindent noautoread noautowrite noautowriteall noaw noawa nobackup noballooneval nobeval nobin nobinary nobiosk nobioskey nobk nobl nobomb nobuflisted nocf noci nocin nocindent nocompatible noconfirm noconsk noconskey nocopyindent nocp nocscopetag nocscopeverbose nocst nocsverb nodeco nodelcombine nodg nodiff nodigraph nodisable noea noeb noed noedcompatible noek noendofline noeol noequalalways noerrorbells noesckeys noet noex noexpandtab noexrc nofen nofk nofkmap nofoldenable nogd nogdefault noguipty nohid nohidden nohk nohkmap nohkmapp nohkp nohls nohlsearch noic noicon noignorecase noim noimc noimcmdline noimd noincsearch noinf noinfercase noinsertmode nois nojoinspaces nojs nolazyredraw nolbr nolinebreak nolisp nolist noloadplugins nolpl nolz noma nomagic nomh noml nomod nomodeline nomodifiable nomodified nomore nomousef nomousefocus nomousehide nonu nonumber nopaste nopi nopreserveindent nopreviewwindow noprompt nopvw noreadonly noremap norestorescreen norevins nori norightleft norightleftcmd norl norlc noro nors noru noruler nosb nosc noscb noscrollbind noscs nosecure nosft noshellslash noshelltemp noshiftround noshortname noshowcmd noshowfulltag noshowmatch noshowmode nosi nosm nosmartcase nosmartindent nosmarttab nosmd nosn nosol nospell nosplitbelow nosplitright nospr nosr nossl nosta nostartofline nostmp noswapfile noswf nota notagbsearch notagrelative notagstack notbi notbidi notbs notermbidi noterse notextauto notextmode notf notgst notildeop notimeout notitle noto notop notr nottimeout nottybuiltin nottyfast notx novb novisualbell nowa nowarn nowb noweirdinvert nowfh nowildmenu nowinfixheight nowiv nowmnu nowrap nowrapscan nowrite nowriteany nowritebackup nows |