path: root/runtime/syntax/trasys.vim
diff options
authorBram Moolenaar <>2004-06-13 20:20:40 +0000
committerBram Moolenaar <>2004-06-13 20:20:40 +0000
commit071d4279d6ab81b7187b48f3a0fc61e587b6db6c (patch)
tree221cbe3c40e043163c06f61c52a7ba2eb41e12ce /runtime/syntax/trasys.vim
parentb4210b3bc14e2918f153a7307530fbe6eba659e1 (diff)
updated for version 7.0001v7.0001
Diffstat (limited to 'runtime/syntax/trasys.vim')
1 files changed, 177 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/runtime/syntax/trasys.vim b/runtime/syntax/trasys.vim
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..cfecc1c1f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/syntax/trasys.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
+" Vim syntax file
+" Language: TRASYS input file
+" Maintainer: Adrian Nagle,
+" Last Change: 2003 May 11
+" Filenames: *.inp
+" URL:
+" For version 5.x: Clear all syntax items
+" For version 6.x: Quit when a syntax file was already loaded
+if version < 600
+ syntax clear
+elseif exists("b:current_syntax")
+ finish
+" Force free-form fortran format
+let fortran_free_source=1
+" Load FORTRAN syntax file
+if version < 600
+ source <sfile>:p:h/fortran.vim
+ runtime! syntax/fortran.vim
+unlet b:current_syntax
+" Ignore case
+syn case ignore
+" Define keywords for TRASYS
+syn keyword trasysOptions model rsrec info maxfl nogo dmpdoc
+syn keyword trasysOptions rsi rti rso rto bcdou cmerg emerg
+syn keyword trasysOptions user1 nnmin erplot
+syn keyword trasysSurface icsn tx ty tz rotx roty rotz inc bcsn
+syn keyword trasysSurface nnx nny nnz nnax nnr nnth unnx
+syn keyword trasysSurface unny unnz unnax unnr unnth type idupsf
+syn keyword trasysSurface imagsf act active com shade bshade axmin
+syn keyword trasysSurface axmax zmin zmax rmin rmax thmin thmin
+syn keyword trasysSurface thmax alpha emiss trani trans spri sprs
+syn keyword trasysSurface refno posit com dupbcs dimensions
+syn keyword trasysSurface dimension position prop surfn
+syn keyword trasysSurfaceType rect trap disk cyl cone sphere parab
+syn keyword trasysSurfaceType box5 box6 shpero tor ogiv elem tape poly
+syn keyword trasysSurfaceArgs ff di top bottom in out both no only
+syn keyword trasysArgs fig smn nodea zero only ir sol
+syn keyword trasysArgs both wband stepn initl
+syn keyword trasysOperations orbgen build
+"syn keyword trasysSubRoutine call
+syn keyword trasysSubRoutine chgblk ndata ndatas odata odatas
+syn keyword trasysSubRoutine pldta ffdata cmdata adsurf rbdata
+syn keyword trasysSubRoutine rtdata pffshd orbit1 orbit2 orient
+syn keyword trasysSubRoutine didt1 didt1s didt2 didt2s spin
+syn keyword trasysSubRoutine spinav dicomp distab drdata gbdata
+syn keyword trasysSubRoutine gbaprx rkdata rcdata aqdata stfaq
+syn keyword trasysSubRoutine qodata qoinit modar modpr modtr
+syn keyword trasysSubRoutine modprs modshd moddat rstoff rston
+syn keyword trasysSubRoutine rsmerg ffread diread ffusr1 diusr1
+syn keyword trasysSubRoutine surfp didt3 didt3s romain stfrc
+syn keyword trasysSubRoutine rornt rocstr romove flxdata title
+syn keyword trassyPrcsrSegm nplot oplot plot cmcal ffcal rbcal
+syn keyword trassyPrcsrSegm rtcal dical drcal sfcal gbcal rccal
+syn keyword trassyPrcsrSegm rkcal aqcal qocal
+" Define matches for TRASYS
+syn match trasysOptions "list source"
+syn match trasysOptions "save source"
+syn match trasysOptions "no print"
+"syn match trasysSurface "^K *.* [^$]"
+"syn match trasysSurface "^D *[0-9]*\.[0-9]\+"
+"syn match trasysSurface "^I *.*[0-9]\+\.\="
+"syn match trasysSurface "^N *[0-9]\+"
+"syn match trasysSurface "^M *[a-z[A-Z0-9]\+"
+"syn match trasysSurface "^B[C][S] *[a-zA-Z0-9]*"
+"syn match trasysSurface "^S *SURFN.*[0-9]"
+syn match trasysSurface "P[0-9]* *="he=e-1
+syn match trasysIdentifier "^L "he=e-1
+syn match trasysIdentifier "^K "he=e-1
+syn match trasysIdentifier "^D "he=e-1
+syn match trasysIdentifier "^I "he=e-1
+syn match trasysIdentifier "^N "he=e-1
+syn match trasysIdentifier "^M "he=e-1
+syn match trasysIdentifier "^B[C][S]"
+syn match trasysIdentifier "^S "he=e-1
+syn match trasysComment "^C.*$"
+syn match trasysComment "^R.*$"
+syn match trasysComment "\$.*$"
+syn match trasysHeader "^header[^,]*"
+syn match trasysMacro "^FAC"
+syn match trasysInteger "-\=\<[0-9]*\>"
+syn match trasysFloat "-\=\<[0-9]*\.[0-9]*"
+syn match trasysScientific "-\=\<[0-9]*\.[0-9]*E[-+]\=[0-9]\+\>"
+syn match trasysBlank "' \+'"hs=s+1,he=e-1
+syn match trasysEndData "^END OF DATA"
+if exists("thermal_todo")
+ execute 'syn match trasysTodo ' . '"^'.thermal_todo.'.*$"'
+ syn match trasysTodo "^?.*$"
+" Define regions for TRASYS
+syn region trasysComment matchgroup=trasysHeader start="^HEADER DOCUMENTATION DATA" end="^HEADER[^,]*"
+" Define synchronizing patterns for TRASYS
+syn sync maxlines=500
+syn sync match trasysSync grouphere trasysComment "^HEADER DOCUMENTATION DATA"
+" Define the default highlighting
+" For version 5.7 and earlier: only when not done already
+" For version 5.8 and later: only when an item doesn't have highlighting yet
+if version >= 508 || !exists("did_trasys_syntax_inits")
+ if version < 508
+ let did_trasys_syntax_inits = 1
+ command -nargs=+ HiLink hi link <args>
+ else
+ command -nargs=+ HiLink hi def link <args>
+ endif
+ HiLink trasysOptions Special
+ HiLink trasysSurface Special
+ HiLink trasysSurfaceType Constant
+ HiLink trasysSurfaceArgs Constant
+ HiLink trasysArgs Constant
+ HiLink trasysOperations Statement
+ HiLink trasysSubRoutine Statement
+ HiLink trassyPrcsrSegm PreProc
+ HiLink trasysIdentifier Identifier
+ HiLink trasysComment Comment
+ HiLink trasysHeader Typedef
+ HiLink trasysMacro Macro
+ HiLink trasysInteger Number
+ HiLink trasysFloat Float
+ HiLink trasysScientific Float
+ HiLink trasysBlank SpecialChar
+ HiLink trasysEndData Macro
+ HiLink trasysTodo Todo
+ delcommand HiLink
+let b:current_syntax = "trasys"
+" vim: ts=8 sw=2