path: root/runtime/syntax/progress.vim
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authorBram Moolenaar <>2004-06-13 20:20:40 +0000
committerBram Moolenaar <>2004-06-13 20:20:40 +0000
commit071d4279d6ab81b7187b48f3a0fc61e587b6db6c (patch)
tree221cbe3c40e043163c06f61c52a7ba2eb41e12ce /runtime/syntax/progress.vim
parentb4210b3bc14e2918f153a7307530fbe6eba659e1 (diff)
updated for version 7.0001v7.0001
Diffstat (limited to 'runtime/syntax/progress.vim')
1 files changed, 215 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/runtime/syntax/progress.vim b/runtime/syntax/progress.vim
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..dd29310ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/syntax/progress.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,215 @@
+" Vim syntax file
+" Language: Progress 4GL
+" Filename extensions: *.p (collides with Pascal),
+" *.i (collides with assembler)
+" *.w (collides with cweb)
+" Maintainer: Philip Uren <>
+" Contributors: Chris Ruprecht <>
+" Philip Uren <>
+" Mikhail Kuperblum <>
+" URL:
+" Last Change: Thu May 3 08:49:47 EST 2001
+" For version 5.x: Clear all syntax items
+" For version 6.x: Quit when a syntax file was already loaded
+if version < 600
+ syntax clear
+elseif exists("b:current_syntax")
+ finish
+if version >= 600
+ setlocal iskeyword=@,48-57,_,-,!,#,$,%
+ set iskeyword=@,48-57,_,-,!,#,$,%
+syn case ignore
+" Progress Blocks of code and mismatched "end." errors.
+syn match ProgressEndError "\<end\>"
+syn region ProgressDoBlock transparent matchgroup=ProgressDo start="\<do\>" matchgroup=ProgressDo end="\<end\>" contains=ALLBUT,ProgressProcedure,ProgressFunction
+syn region ProgressForBlock transparent matchgroup=ProgressFor start="\<for\>" matchgroup=ProgressFor end="\<end\>" contains=ALLBUT,ProgressProcedure,ProgressFunction
+syn region ProgressRepeatBlock transparent matchgroup=ProgressRepeat start="\<repeat\>" matchgroup=ProgressRepeat end="\<end\>" contains=ALLBUT,ProgressProcedure,ProgressFunction
+syn region ProgressCaseBlock transparent matchgroup=ProgressCase start="\<case\>" matchgroup=ProgressCase end="\<end\scase\>" contains=ALLBUT,ProgressProcedure,ProgressFunction
+" These are Progress reserved words,
+" and they could go in ProgressReserved,
+" but I found it more helpful to highlight them in a different color.
+syn keyword ProgressConditional if else then when otherwise
+syn keyword ProgressFor each where
+" Make those TODO and debugging notes stand out!
+syn keyword ProgressTodo contained TODO BUG FIX
+syn keyword ProgressDebug contained DEBUG
+syn keyword ProgressDebug debugger
+syn keyword ProgressFunction procedure function
+syn keyword ProgressReserved accum[ulate] active-window add alias all alter ambig[uous] analyz[e] and any apply as asc[ending] assign at attr[-space]
+syn keyword ProgressReserved authorization auto-ret[urn] avail[able] back[ground] before-h[ide] begins bell between blank break btos by call can-do can-find
+syn keyword ProgressReserved center[ed] check chr clear clipboard col colon color col[umn] column-lab[el] col[umns] compiler connected control count-of
+syn keyword ProgressReserved cpstream create ctos current current-changed current-lang[uage] current-window current_date curs[or] database dataservers
+syn keyword ProgressReserved dbcodepage dbcollation dbname dbrest[rictions] dbtaskid dbtype dbvers[ion] dde deblank debug-list debugger decimals declare
+syn keyword ProgressReserved def default default-noxl[ate] default-window def[ine] delete delimiter desc[ending] dict[ionary] disable discon[nect] disp
+syn keyword ProgressReserved disp[lay] distinct dos down drop editing enable encode entry error-stat[us] escape etime except exclusive
+syn keyword ProgressReserved exclusive[-lock] exclusive-web-us[er] exists export false fetch field field[s] file-info[rmation] fill find find-case-sensitive
+syn keyword ProgressReserved find-global find-next-occurrence find-prev-occurrence find-select find-wrap-around first first-of focus font form form[at]
+syn keyword ProgressReserved fram[e] frame-col frame-db frame-down frame-field frame-file frame-inde[x] frame-line frame-name frame-row frame-val[ue]
+syn keyword ProgressReserved from from-c[hars] from-p[ixels] gateway[s] get-byte get-codepage[s] get-coll[ations] get-key-val[ue] getbyte global go-on
+syn keyword ProgressReserved go-pend[ing] grant graphic-e[dge] group having header help hide import in index indicator input input-o[utput] insert
+syn keyword ProgressReserved into is is-attr[-space] join kblabel key-code key-func[tion] key-label keycode keyfunc[tion] keylabel keys keyword label
+syn keyword ProgressReserved last last-even[t] last-key last-of lastkey ldbname leave library like line-count[er] listi[ng] locked lookup machine-class
+syn keyword ProgressReserved map member message message-lines mouse mpe new next next-prompt no no-attr[-space] no-error no-f[ill] no-help no-hide no-label[s]
+syn keyword ProgressReserved no-lock no-map no-mes[sage] no-pause no-prefe[tch] no-undo no-val[idate] no-wait not null num-ali[ases] num-dbs num-entries
+syn keyword ProgressReserved of off old on open opsys option or os-append os-command os-copy os-create-dir os-delete os-dir os-drive[s] os-error os-rename
+syn keyword ProgressReserved os2 os400 output overlay page page-bot[tom] page-num[ber] page-top param[eter] pause pdbname persist[ent] pixels
+syn keyword ProgressReserved preproc[ess] privileges proc-ha[ndle] proc-st[atus] process program-name Progress prompt prompt[-for] promsgs propath provers[ion]
+syn keyword ProgressReserved put put-byte put-key-val[ue] putbyte query query-tuning quit r-index rcode-informatio[n] readkey recid record-len[gth] rect[angle]
+syn keyword ProgressReserved release reposition retain retry return return-val[ue] revert revoke run save schema screen screen-io screen-lines
+syn keyword ProgressReserved scroll sdbname search seek select self session set setuser[id] share[-lock] shared show-stat[s] skip some space status stream
+syn keyword ProgressReserved stream-io string-xref system-dialog table term term[inal] text text-cursor text-seg[-growth] this-procedure time title
+syn keyword ProgressReserved to today top-only trans trans[action] trigger triggers trim true underl[ine] undo unform[atted] union unique unix up update
+syn keyword ProgressReserved use-index use-revvideo use-underline user user[id] using v6frame value values view view-as vms wait-for web-con[text]
+syn keyword ProgressReserved window window-maxim[ized] window-minim[ized] window-normal with work-tab[le] workfile write xcode xref yes _cbit
+syn keyword ProgressReserved _control _list _memory _msg _pcontrol _serial[-num] _trace
+" Strings. Handles embedded quotes.
+" Note that, for some reason, Progress doesn't use the backslash, "\"
+" as the escape character; it uses tilde, "~".
+syn region ProgressString matchgroup=ProgressQuote start=+"+ end=+"+ skip=+\~"+
+syn region ProgressString matchgroup=ProgressQuote start=+'+ end=+'+ skip=+\~'+
+syn match ProgressIdentifier "\<[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*\>()"
+" syn match ProgressDelimiter "()"
+" syn match ProgressMatrixDelimiter "[][]"
+" If you prefer you can highlight the range
+"syn match ProgressMatrixDelimiter "[\d\+\.\.\d\+]"
+syn match ProgressNumber "\<\d\+\(u\=l\=\|lu\|f\)\>"
+syn match ProgressByte "\$[0-9a-fA-F]\+"
+" If you don't like tabs:
+"syn match ProgressShowTab "\t"
+"syn match ProgressShowTabc "\t"
+syn region ProgressComment start="/\*" end="\*/" contains=ProgressComment,ProgressTodo,ProgressDebug
+syn match ProgressInclude "^[ ]*[{].*\.i[}]"
+syn match ProgressSubstitute "^[ ]*[{].*[^i][}]"
+syn match ProgressPreProc "^[ ]*&.*"
+syn match ProgressOperator "[!;|)(:.><+*=-]"
+syn keyword ProgressOperator <= <> >= abs[olute] accelerator across add-first add-last advise alert-box allow-replication ansi-only anywhere append appl-alert[-boxes] application as-cursor ask-overwrite
+syn keyword ProgressOperator attach[ment] auto-end-key auto-endkey auto-go auto-ind[ent] auto-resize auto-z[ap] available-formats ave[rage] avg backward[s] base-key batch[-mode] bgc[olor] binary
+syn keyword ProgressOperator bind-where block-iteration-display border-bottom border-bottom-ch[ars] border-bottom-pi[xels] border-left border-left-char[s] border-left-pixe[ls] border-right border-right-cha[rs]
+syn keyword ProgressOperator border-right-pix[els] border-t[op] border-t[op-chars] border-top-pixel[s] both bottom box box-select[able] browse browse-header buffer buffer-chars buffer-lines
+syn keyword ProgressOperator button button[s] byte cache cache-size can-query can-set cancel-break cancel-button caps careful-paint case-sensitive cdecl char[acter] character_length charset
+syn keyword ProgressOperator checked choose clear-select[ion] close code codepage codepage-convert col-of colon-align[ed] color-table column-bgc[olor] column-dcolor column-fgc[olor] column-font
+syn keyword ProgressOperator column-label-bgc[olor] column-label-dcolor column-label-fgc[olor] column-label-font column-of column-pfc[olor] column-sc[rolling] combo-box command compile complete
+syn keyword ProgressOperator connect constrained contents context context-pop[up] control-containe[r] c[ontrol-form] convert-to-offse[t] convert count cpcase cpcoll cpint[ernal] cplog
+syn keyword ProgressOperator cpprint cprcodein cprcodeout cpterm crc-val[ue] c[reate-control] create-result-list-entry create-test-file current-column current-environm[ent] current-iteration
+syn keyword ProgressOperator current-result-row current-row-modified current-value cursor-char cursor-line cursor-offset data-entry-retur[n] data-t[ype] date date-f[ormat] day db-references
+syn keyword ProgressOperator dcolor dde-error dde-i[d] dde-item dde-name dde-topic debu[g] dec[imal] default-b[utton] default-extensio[n] defer-lob-fetch defined delete-char delete-current-row
+syn keyword ProgressOperator delete-line delete-selected-row delete-selected-rows deselect-focused-row deselect-rows deselect-selected-row d[esign-mode] dialog-box dialog-help dir disabled display-message
+syn keyword ProgressOperator display-t[ype] double drag-enabled drop-down drop-down-list dump dynamic echo edge edge[-chars] edge-p[ixels] editor empty end-key endkey entered eq error error-col[umn]
+syn keyword ProgressOperator error-row event-t[ype] event[s] exclusive-id execute exp expand extended extent external extract fetch-selected-row fgc[olor] file file-name file-off[set] file-type
+syn keyword ProgressOperator filename fill-in filled filters first-child first-column first-proc[edure] first-tab-i[tem] fixed-only float focused-row font-based-layout font-table force-file
+syn keyword ProgressOperator fore[ground] form-input forward[s] frame-spa[cing] frame-x frame-y frequency from-cur[rent] full-height full-height-char[s] full-height-pixe[ls] full-pathn[ame]
+syn keyword ProgressOperator full-width full-width[-chars] full-width-pixel[s] ge get get-blue[-value] g[et-char-property] get-double get-dynamic get-file get-float get-green[-value]
+syn keyword ProgressOperator get-iteration get-license get-long get-message get-number get-pointer-value get-red[-value] get-repositioned-row get-selected-wid[get] get-short get-signature get-size
+syn keyword ProgressOperator get-string get-tab-item get-text-height get-text-height-char[s] get-text-height-pixe[ls] get-text-width get-text-width-c[hars] get-text-width-pixel[s] get-unsigned-short
+syn keyword ProgressOperator grayed grid-factor-horizont[al] grid-factor-vert[ical] grid-set grid-snap grid-unit-height grid-unit-height-cha[rs] grid-unit-height-pix[els] grid-unit-width grid-unit-width-char[s]
+syn keyword ProgressOperator grid-unit-width-pixe[ls] grid-visible gt handle height height[-chars] height-p[ixels] help-con[text] helpfile-n[ame] hidden hint hori[zontal] hwnd image image-down
+syn keyword ProgressOperator image-insensitive image-size image-size-c[hars] image-size-pixel[s] image-up immediate-display index-hint indexed-reposition info[rmation] init init[ial] initial-dir
+syn keyword ProgressOperator initial-filter initiate inner inner-chars inner-lines insert-b[acktab] insert-file insert-row insert-string insert-t[ab] int[eger] internal-entries is-lead-byte
+syn keyword ProgressOperator is-row-selected is-selected item items-per-row join-by-sqldb keep-frame-z-ord[er] keep-messages keep-tab-order key keyword-all label-bgc[olor] label-dc[olor] label-fgc[olor]
+syn keyword ProgressOperator label-font label-pfc[olor] labels language[s] large large-to-small last-child last-tab-i[tem] last-proce[dure] lc le leading left left-align[ed] left-trim length
+syn keyword ProgressOperator line list-events list-items list-query-attrs list-set-attrs list-widgets load l[oad-control] load-icon load-image load-image-down load-image-insensitive load-image-up
+syn keyword ProgressOperator load-mouse-point[er] load-small-icon log logical lookahead lower lt manual-highlight margin-extra margin-height margin-height-ch[ars] margin-height-pi[xels] margin-width
+syn keyword ProgressOperator margin-width-cha[rs] margin-width-pix[els] matches max max-chars max-data-guess max-height max-height[-chars] max-height-pixel[s] max-rows max-size max-val[ue] max-width
+syn keyword ProgressOperator max-width[-chars] max-width-p[ixels] maximize max[imum] memory menu menu-bar menu-item menu-k[ey] menu-m[ouse] menubar message-area message-area-font message-line
+syn keyword ProgressOperator min min-height min-height[-chars] min-height-pixel[s] min-size min-val[ue] min-width min-width[-chars] min-width-p[ixels] min[imum] mod modified mod[ulo] month mouse-p[ointer]
+syn keyword ProgressOperator movable move-after-tab-i[tem] move-before-tab-[item] move-col[umn] move-to-b[ottom] move-to-eof move-to-t[op] multiple multiple-key multitasking-interval must-exist
+syn keyword ProgressOperator name native ne new-row next-col[umn] next-sibling next-tab-ite[m] next-value no-apply no-assign no-bind-where no-box no-column-scroll[ing] no-convert no-current-value
+syn keyword ProgressOperator no-debug no-drag no-echo no-index-hint no-join-by-sqldb no-lookahead no-row-markers no-scrolling no-separate-connection no-separators no-und[erline] no-word-wrap
+syn keyword ProgressOperator none num-but[tons] num-col[umns] num-copies num-formats num-items num-iterations num-lines num-locked-colum[ns] num-messages num-results num-selected num-selected-rows
+syn keyword ProgressOperator num-selected-widgets num-tabs num-to-retain numeric numeric-f[ormat] octet_length ok ok-cancel on-frame[-border] ordered-join ordinal orientation os-getenv outer
+syn keyword ProgressOperator outer-join override owner page-size page-wid[th] paged parent partial-key pascal pathname pfc[olor] pinnable pixels-per-colum[n] pixels-per-row popup-m[enu] popup-o[nly]
+syn keyword ProgressOperator position precision presel[ect] prev prev-col[umn] prev-sibling prev-tab-i[tem] primary printer-control-handle printer-setup private-d[ata] profiler Progress-s[ource]
+syn keyword ProgressOperator publish put-double put-float put-long put-short put-string put-unsigned-short query-off-end question radio-buttons radio-set random raw raw-transfer read-file read-only
+syn keyword ProgressOperator real recursive refresh refreshable replace replace-selection-text replication-create replication-delete replication-write request resiza[ble] resize retry-cancel
+syn keyword ProgressOperator return-ins[erted] return-to-start-di[r] reverse-from right right-align[ed] right-trim round row row-ma[rkers] row-of rowid rule rule-row rule-y save-as save-file
+syn keyword ProgressOperator screen-val[ue] scroll-bars scroll-delta scroll-horiz-value scroll-offset scroll-to-current-row scroll-to-i[tem] scroll-to-selected-row scroll-vert-value scrollable
+syn keyword ProgressOperator scrollbar-horizo[ntal] scrollbar-vertic[al] scrolled-row-positio[n] scrolling se-check-pools se-enable-of[f] se-enable-on se-num-pools se-use-messa[ge] section select-focused-row
+syn keyword ProgressOperator select-next-row select-prev-row select-repositioned-row select-row selectable selected selected-items selection-end selection-list selection-start selection-text
+syn keyword ProgressOperator send sensitive separate-connection separators set-blue[-value] set-break set-cell-focus set-contents set-dynamic set-green[-value] set-leakpoint set-pointer-valu[e]
+syn keyword ProgressOperator s[et-property] set-red[-value] set-repositioned-row set-selection set-size set-wait[-state] side-lab side-lab[e] side-lab[el] side-label-handl[e] side-lab[els] silent
+syn keyword ProgressOperator simple single size size-c[hars] size-p[ixels] slider smallint sort source source-procedure sql sqrt start status-area status-area-font status-bar stdcall stenciled stop stoppe[d]
+syn keyword ProgressOperator stored-proc[edure] string sub-ave[rage] sub-count sub-max[imum] sub-me[nu] sub-menu-help sub-min[imum] sub-total subscribe subst[itute] substr[ing] subtype sum super suppress-warning[s]
+syn keyword ProgressOperator system-alert-box[es] system-help tab-position tabbable target target-procedure temp-dir[ectory] temp-table terminate text-selected three-d through thru tic-marks time-source title-bgc[olor]
+syn keyword ProgressOperator title-dc[olor] title-fgc[olor] title-fo[nt] to-rowid toggle-box tool-bar top topic total trailing trunc[ate] type unbuff[ered] unique-id unload unsubscribe upper use use-dic[t-exps]
+syn keyword ProgressOperator use-filename use-text v6display valid-event valid-handle validate validate-condition validate-message var[iable] vert[ical] virtual-height virtual-height-c[hars]
+syn keyword ProgressOperator virtual-height-pixel[s] virtual-width virtual-width-ch[ars] virtual-width-pi[xels] visible wait warning weekday widget widget-e[nter] widget-h[andle] widget-l[eave]
+syn keyword ProgressOperator widget-pool width width[-chars] width-p[ixels] window-name window-sta[te] window-sys[tem] word-wrap x-of y-of year yes-no yes-no-cancel _dcm
+syn keyword ProgressType char[acter] int[eger] format
+syn keyword ProgressType var[iable] log[ical] da[te]
+syn sync lines=800
+" Define the default highlighting.
+" For version 5.7 and earlier: only when not done already
+" For version 5.8 and later: only when an item doesn't have highlighting yet
+if version >= 508 || !exists("did_progress_syntax_inits")
+ if version < 508
+ let did_progress_syntax_inits = 1
+ command -nargs=+ HiLink hi link <args>
+ else
+ command -nargs=+ HiLink hi def link <args>
+ endif
+ " The default methods for highlighting. Can be overridden later.
+ HiLink ProgressByte Number
+ HiLink ProgressCase Repeat
+ HiLink ProgressComment StatusLine
+ HiLink ProgressConditional Conditional
+ HiLink ProgressDebug Debug
+ HiLink ProgressDo Repeat
+ HiLink ProgressEndError Error
+ HiLink ProgressFor Repeat
+ HiLink ProgressFunction Procedure
+ HiLink ProgressInclude Include
+ HiLink ProgressLabel Label
+ HiLink ProgressMatrixDelimiter Identifier
+ HiLink ProgressModifier Type
+ HiLink ProgressNumber Number
+ HiLink ProgressOperator Function
+ HiLink ProgressPreProc PreProc
+ HiLink ProgressProcedure Procedure
+ HiLink ProgressQuote Delimiter
+ HiLink ProgressRepeat Repeat
+ HiLink ProgressReserved Identifier
+ HiLink ProgressString String
+ HiLink ProgressStructure Structure
+ HiLink ProgressSubstitute PreProc
+ HiLink ProgressTodo Todo
+ HiLink ProgressType Statement
+ HiLink ProgressUnclassified Statement
+ " Optional highlighting
+ " HiLink ProgressDelimiter Identifier
+ " HiLink ProgressShowTab Error
+ " HiLink ProgressShowTabc Error
+ " HiLink ProgressIdentifier Identifier
+ delcommand HiLink
+let b:current_syntax = "progress"
+" vim: ts=4 sw=2