path: root/runtime/syntax/progress.vim
diff options
authorBram Moolenaar <>2006-04-11 21:38:50 +0000
committerBram Moolenaar <>2006-04-11 21:38:50 +0000
commit4c3f536f472c7443ed4f672ae6d35a28805d7641 (patch)
tree18d0d8df6d45ff21449a017068aea2ba0931bd57 /runtime/syntax/progress.vim
parent779b74b2a23643aaac026341a4ed8bd6e04371e6 (diff)
updated for version 7.0d01v7.0d01
Diffstat (limited to 'runtime/syntax/progress.vim')
1 files changed, 59 insertions, 43 deletions
diff --git a/runtime/syntax/progress.vim b/runtime/syntax/progress.vim
index dd29310ad..576042397 100644
--- a/runtime/syntax/progress.vim
+++ b/runtime/syntax/progress.vim
@@ -3,12 +3,12 @@
" Filename extensions: *.p (collides with Pascal),
" *.i (collides with assembler)
" *.w (collides with cweb)
-" Maintainer: Philip Uren <>
-" Contributors: Chris Ruprecht <>
-" Philip Uren <>
+" Maintainer: Philip Uren <> Remove "SPAX" spam block
+" Contributors: Chris Ruprecht <>
" Mikhail Kuperblum <>
-" URL:
-" Last Change: Thu May 3 08:49:47 EST 2001
+" John Florian <>
+" Last Change: Tue Apr 11 10:18:23 EST 2006
+" $Id$
" For version 5.x: Clear all syntax items
" For version 6.x: Quit when a syntax file was already loaded
@@ -24,6 +24,9 @@ else
set iskeyword=@,48-57,_,-,!,#,$,%
+" The Progress editor doesn't cope with tabs very well.
+set expandtab
syn case ignore
" Progress Blocks of code and mismatched "end." errors.
@@ -31,7 +34,7 @@ syn match ProgressEndError "\<end\>"
syn region ProgressDoBlock transparent matchgroup=ProgressDo start="\<do\>" matchgroup=ProgressDo end="\<end\>" contains=ALLBUT,ProgressProcedure,ProgressFunction
syn region ProgressForBlock transparent matchgroup=ProgressFor start="\<for\>" matchgroup=ProgressFor end="\<end\>" contains=ALLBUT,ProgressProcedure,ProgressFunction
syn region ProgressRepeatBlock transparent matchgroup=ProgressRepeat start="\<repeat\>" matchgroup=ProgressRepeat end="\<end\>" contains=ALLBUT,ProgressProcedure,ProgressFunction
-syn region ProgressCaseBlock transparent matchgroup=ProgressCase start="\<case\>" matchgroup=ProgressCase end="\<end\scase\>" contains=ALLBUT,ProgressProcedure,ProgressFunction
+syn region ProgressCaseBlock transparent matchgroup=ProgressCase start="\<case\>" matchgroup=ProgressCase end="\<end\scase\>\|\<end\>" contains=ALLBUT,ProgressProcedure,ProgressFunction
" These are Progress reserved words,
" and they could go in ProgressReserved,
@@ -43,14 +46,23 @@ syn keyword ProgressFor each where
syn keyword ProgressTodo contained TODO BUG FIX
syn keyword ProgressDebug contained DEBUG
syn keyword ProgressDebug debugger
-syn keyword ProgressFunction procedure function
+syn match ProgressTodo contained "NEED[S]*\s\s*WORK"
+" If you like to highlight the whole line of
+" the start and end of procedures
+" to make the whole block of code stand out:
+syn match ProgressProcedure "^\s*procedure.*"
+syn match ProgressProcedure "^\s*end\s\s*procedure.*"
+syn match ProgressFunction "^\s*function.*"
+syn match ProgressFunction "^\s*end\s\s*function.*"
+" ... otherwise use this:
+" syn keyword ProgressFunction procedure function
syn keyword ProgressReserved accum[ulate] active-window add alias all alter ambig[uous] analyz[e] and any apply as asc[ending] assign at attr[-space]
syn keyword ProgressReserved authorization auto-ret[urn] avail[able] back[ground] before-h[ide] begins bell between blank break btos by call can-do can-find
-syn keyword ProgressReserved center[ed] check chr clear clipboard col colon color col[umn] column-lab[el] col[umns] compiler connected control count-of
+syn keyword ProgressReserved center[ed] character check chr clear clipboard col colon color col[umn] column-lab[el] col[umns] compiler connected control count-of
syn keyword ProgressReserved cpstream create ctos current current-changed current-lang[uage] current-window current_date curs[or] database dataservers
-syn keyword ProgressReserved dbcodepage dbcollation dbname dbrest[rictions] dbtaskid dbtype dbvers[ion] dde deblank debug-list debugger decimals declare
+syn keyword ProgressReserved dbcodepage dbcollation dbname dbrest[rictions] dbtaskid dbtype dbvers[ion] dde deblank debug-list debugger decimal decimals declare
syn keyword ProgressReserved def default default-noxl[ate] default-window def[ine] delete delimiter desc[ending] dict[ionary] disable discon[nect] disp
syn keyword ProgressReserved disp[lay] distinct dos down drop editing enable encode entry error-stat[us] escape etime except exclusive
syn keyword ProgressReserved exclusive[-lock] exclusive-web-us[er] exists export false fetch field field[s] file-info[rmation] fill find find-case-sensitive
@@ -58,7 +70,7 @@ syn keyword ProgressReserved find-global find-next-occurrence find-prev-occurren
syn keyword ProgressReserved fram[e] frame-col frame-db frame-down frame-field frame-file frame-inde[x] frame-line frame-name frame-row frame-val[ue]
syn keyword ProgressReserved from from-c[hars] from-p[ixels] gateway[s] get-byte get-codepage[s] get-coll[ations] get-key-val[ue] getbyte global go-on
syn keyword ProgressReserved go-pend[ing] grant graphic-e[dge] group having header help hide import in index indicator input input-o[utput] insert
-syn keyword ProgressReserved into is is-attr[-space] join kblabel key-code key-func[tion] key-label keycode keyfunc[tion] keylabel keys keyword label
+syn keyword ProgressReserved integer into is is-attr[-space] join kblabel key-code key-func[tion] key-label keycode keyfunc[tion] keylabel keys keyword label
syn keyword ProgressReserved last last-even[t] last-key last-of lastkey ldbname leave library like line-count[er] listi[ng] locked lookup machine-class
syn keyword ProgressReserved map member message message-lines mouse mpe new next next-prompt no no-attr[-space] no-error no-f[ill] no-help no-hide no-label[s]
syn keyword ProgressReserved no-lock no-map no-mes[sage] no-pause no-prefe[tch] no-undo no-val[idate] no-wait not null num-ali[ases] num-dbs num-entries
@@ -70,39 +82,51 @@ syn keyword ProgressReserved release reposition retain retry return return-val[u
syn keyword ProgressReserved scroll sdbname search seek select self session set setuser[id] share[-lock] shared show-stat[s] skip some space status stream
syn keyword ProgressReserved stream-io string-xref system-dialog table term term[inal] text text-cursor text-seg[-growth] this-procedure time title
syn keyword ProgressReserved to today top-only trans trans[action] trigger triggers trim true underl[ine] undo unform[atted] union unique unix up update
-syn keyword ProgressReserved use-index use-revvideo use-underline user user[id] using v6frame value values view view-as vms wait-for web-con[text]
+syn keyword ProgressReserved use-index use-revvideo use-underline user user[id] using v6frame value values variable view view-as vms wait-for web-con[text]
syn keyword ProgressReserved window window-maxim[ized] window-minim[ized] window-normal with work-tab[le] workfile write xcode xref yes _cbit
-syn keyword ProgressReserved _control _list _memory _msg _pcontrol _serial[-num] _trace
+syn keyword ProgressReserved _control _list _memory _msg _pcontrol _serial[-num] _trace
" Strings. Handles embedded quotes.
" Note that, for some reason, Progress doesn't use the backslash, "\"
" as the escape character; it uses tilde, "~".
-syn region ProgressString matchgroup=ProgressQuote start=+"+ end=+"+ skip=+\~"+
-syn region ProgressString matchgroup=ProgressQuote start=+'+ end=+'+ skip=+\~'+
+syn region ProgressString matchgroup=ProgressQuote start=+"+ end=+"+ skip=+\~'\|\~\~+
+syn region ProgressString matchgroup=ProgressQuote start=+'+ end=+'+ skip=+\~'\|\~\~+
-syn match ProgressIdentifier "\<[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*\>()"
+syn match ProgressIdentifier "\<[a-zA-Z_%#]+\>()"
" syn match ProgressDelimiter "()"
-" syn match ProgressMatrixDelimiter "[][]"
+syn match ProgressMatrixDelimiter "[][]"
" If you prefer you can highlight the range
"syn match ProgressMatrixDelimiter "[\d\+\.\.\d\+]"
-syn match ProgressNumber "\<\d\+\(u\=l\=\|lu\|f\)\>"
+syn match ProgressNumber "\<\-\=\d\+\(u\=l\=\|lu\|f\)\>"
syn match ProgressByte "\$[0-9a-fA-F]\+"
-" If you don't like tabs:
-"syn match ProgressShowTab "\t"
-"syn match ProgressShowTabc "\t"
+" More values: Logicals, and Progress's unknown value, ?.
+syn match ProgressNumber "?"
+syn keyword ProgressNumber true false yes no
-syn region ProgressComment start="/\*" end="\*/" contains=ProgressComment,ProgressTodo,ProgressDebug
-syn match ProgressInclude "^[ ]*[{].*\.i[}]"
+" If you don't like tabs:
+syn match ProgressShowTab "\t"
-syn match ProgressSubstitute "^[ ]*[{].*[^i][}]"
-syn match ProgressPreProc "^[ ]*&.*"
+" If you don't like white space on the end of lines:
+" syn match ProgressSpaceError "\s\+$"
-syn match ProgressOperator "[!;|)(:.><+*=-]"
+syn region ProgressComment start="/\*" end="\*/" contains=ProgressComment,ProgressTodo,ProgressDebug
+syn region ProgressInclude start="^[ ]*[{][^&]" end="[}]" contains=ProgressPreProc,ProgressOperator,ProgressString,ProgressComment
+syn region ProgressPreProc start="&" end="\>" contained
+" This next line works reasonably well.
+" syn match ProgressOperator "[!;|)(:.><+*=-]"
+" Progress allows a '-' to be part of an identifier. To be considered
+" the subtraction/negation operation operator it needs a non-word
+" character on either side. Also valid are cases where the minus
+" operation appears at the beginning or end of a line.
+" This next line trips up on "no-undo" etc.
+" syn match ProgressOperator "[!;|)(:.><+*=]\|\W-\W\|^-\W\|\W-$"
+syn match ProgressOperator "[!;|)(:.><+*=]\|\s-\s\|^-\s\|\s-$"
syn keyword ProgressOperator <= <> >= abs[olute] accelerator across add-first add-last advise alert-box allow-replication ansi-only anywhere append appl-alert[-boxes] application as-cursor ask-overwrite
syn keyword ProgressOperator attach[ment] auto-end-key auto-endkey auto-go auto-ind[ent] auto-resize auto-z[ap] available-formats ave[rage] avg backward[s] base-key batch[-mode] bgc[olor] binary
@@ -114,7 +138,7 @@ syn keyword ProgressOperator column-label-bgc[olor] column-label-dcolor column-l
syn keyword ProgressOperator connect constrained contents context context-pop[up] control-containe[r] c[ontrol-form] convert-to-offse[t] convert count cpcase cpcoll cpint[ernal] cplog
syn keyword ProgressOperator cpprint cprcodein cprcodeout cpterm crc-val[ue] c[reate-control] create-result-list-entry create-test-file current-column current-environm[ent] current-iteration
syn keyword ProgressOperator current-result-row current-row-modified current-value cursor-char cursor-line cursor-offset data-entry-retur[n] data-t[ype] date date-f[ormat] day db-references
-syn keyword ProgressOperator dcolor dde-error dde-i[d] dde-item dde-name dde-topic debu[g] dec[imal] default-b[utton] default-extensio[n] defer-lob-fetch defined delete-char delete-current-row
+syn keyword ProgressOperator dcolor dde-error dde-i[d] dde-item dde-name dde-topic debu[g] dec[imal] default-b[utton] default-extensio[n] defer-lob-fetch define defined delete-char delete-current-row
syn keyword ProgressOperator delete-line delete-selected-row delete-selected-rows deselect-focused-row deselect-rows deselect-selected-row d[esign-mode] dialog-box dialog-help dir disabled display-message
syn keyword ProgressOperator display-t[ype] double drag-enabled drop-down drop-down-list dump dynamic echo edge edge[-chars] edge-p[ixels] editor empty end-key endkey entered eq error error-col[umn]
syn keyword ProgressOperator error-row event-t[ype] event[s] exclusive-id execute exp expand extended extent external extract fetch-selected-row fgc[olor] file file-name file-off[set] file-type
@@ -174,38 +198,30 @@ if version >= 508 || !exists("did_progress_syntax_inits")
" The default methods for highlighting. Can be overridden later.
- HiLink ProgressByte Number
+ HiLink ProgressByte Number
HiLink ProgressCase Repeat
- HiLink ProgressComment StatusLine
+ HiLink ProgressComment Comment
HiLink ProgressConditional Conditional
HiLink ProgressDebug Debug
HiLink ProgressDo Repeat
HiLink ProgressEndError Error
HiLink ProgressFor Repeat
HiLink ProgressFunction Procedure
+ HiLink ProgressIdentifier Identifier
HiLink ProgressInclude Include
- HiLink ProgressLabel Label
HiLink ProgressMatrixDelimiter Identifier
- HiLink ProgressModifier Type
HiLink ProgressNumber Number
- HiLink ProgressOperator Function
+ HiLink ProgressOperator Operator
HiLink ProgressPreProc PreProc
HiLink ProgressProcedure Procedure
HiLink ProgressQuote Delimiter
HiLink ProgressRepeat Repeat
- HiLink ProgressReserved Identifier
+ HiLink ProgressReserved Statement
+ HiLink ProgressSpaceError Error
HiLink ProgressString String
- HiLink ProgressStructure Structure
- HiLink ProgressSubstitute PreProc
HiLink ProgressTodo Todo
HiLink ProgressType Statement
- HiLink ProgressUnclassified Statement
- " Optional highlighting
- " HiLink ProgressDelimiter Identifier
- " HiLink ProgressShowTab Error
- " HiLink ProgressShowTabc Error
- " HiLink ProgressIdentifier Identifier
+ HiLink ProgressShowTab Error
delcommand HiLink