path: root/runtime/syntax/natural.vim
diff options
authorBram Moolenaar <>2004-06-13 20:20:40 +0000
committerBram Moolenaar <>2004-06-13 20:20:40 +0000
commit071d4279d6ab81b7187b48f3a0fc61e587b6db6c (patch)
tree221cbe3c40e043163c06f61c52a7ba2eb41e12ce /runtime/syntax/natural.vim
parentb4210b3bc14e2918f153a7307530fbe6eba659e1 (diff)
updated for version 7.0001v7.0001
Diffstat (limited to 'runtime/syntax/natural.vim')
1 files changed, 205 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/runtime/syntax/natural.vim b/runtime/syntax/natural.vim
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f7f140f58
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/syntax/natural.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,205 @@
+" Vim syntax file
+" Language: NATURAL
+" Version:
+" Maintainer: Marko Leipert <>
+" Last Changed: 2002-02-28 09:50:36
+" Support:
+" For version 5.x: Clear all syntax items
+" For version 6.x: Quit when this syntax file was already loaded
+if v:version < 600
+ syntax clear
+ set iskeyword+=-,*,#,+,_,/
+elseif exists("b:current_syntax")
+ finish
+ setlocal iskeyword+=-,*,#,+,_,/
+" NATURAL is case insensitive
+syntax case ignore
+" preprocessor
+syn keyword naturalInclude include nextgroup=naturalObjName skipwhite
+" define data
+syn keyword naturalKeyword define data end-define
+syn keyword naturalKeyword independent global parameter local redefine view
+syn keyword naturalKeyword const[ant] init initial
+" loops
+syn keyword naturalLoop read end-read end-work find end-find histogram end-histogram
+syn keyword naturalLoop end-all sort end-sort sorted descending ascending
+syn keyword naturalRepeat repeat end-repeat while until for step end-for
+syn keyword naturalKeyword in file with field starting from ending at thru by isn where
+syn keyword naturalError on error end-error
+syn keyword naturalKeyword accept reject end-enddata number unique retain as release
+syn keyword naturalKeyword start end-start break end-break physical page top sequence
+syn keyword naturalKeyword end-toppage end-endpage end-endfile before processing
+syn keyword naturalKeyword end-before
+" conditionals
+syn keyword naturalConditional if then else end-if end-norec
+syn keyword naturalConditional decide end-decide value when condition none any
+" assignment / calculation
+syn keyword naturalKeyword reset assign move left right justified compress to into edited
+syn keyword naturalKeyword add subtract multiply divide compute name
+syn keyword naturalKeyword all giving remainder rounded leaving space
+syn keyword naturalKeyword examine full replace giving separate delimiter modified
+syn keyword naturalKeyword suspend identical suppress
+" program flow
+syn keyword naturalFlow callnat fetch return enter escape bottom top stack formatted
+syn keyword naturalFlow command call
+syn keyword naturalflow end-subroutine routine
+" file operations
+syn keyword naturalKeyword update store get delete end transaction work once close
+" other keywords
+syn keyword naturalKeyword first every of no record[s] found ignore immediate
+syn keyword naturalKeyword set settime key control stop terminate
+" in-/output
+syn keyword naturalKeyword write display input reinput notitle nohdr map newpage mark
+syn keyword naturalKeyword alarm text help eject index
+syn keyword naturalKeyword format printer skip lines
+" functions
+syn keyword naturalKeyword abs atn cos exp frac int log sgn sin sqrt tan val old
+" report mode keywords
+syn keyword naturalRMKeyword same loop obtain indexed do doend
+" Subroutine name
+syn keyword naturalFlow perform subroutine nextgroup=naturalFunction skipwhite
+syn match naturalFunction "\<[a-z][-_a-z0-9]*\>"
+syn keyword naturalFlow using nextgroup=naturalKeyword,naturalObjName skipwhite
+syn match naturalObjName "\<[a-z][-_a-z0-9]\{,7}\>"
+" Labels
+syn match naturalLabel "\<[+#a-z][-_#a-z0-9]*\."
+syn match naturalRef "\<[+#a-z][-_#a-z0-9]*\>\.\<[+#a-z][*]\=[-_#a-z0-9]*\>"
+" System variables
+syn match naturalSysVar "\<\*[a-z][-a-z0-9]*\>"
+"integer number, or floating point number without a dot.
+syn match naturalNumber "\<-\=\d\+\>"
+"floating point number, with dot
+syn match naturalNumber "\<-\=\d\+\.\d\+\>"
+"floating point number, starting with a dot
+syn match naturalNumber "\.\d\+"
+" Formats in write statement
+syn match naturalFormat "\<\d\+[TX]\>"
+" String and Character contstants
+syn match naturalString "H'\x\+'"
+syn region naturalString start=+"+ end=+"+
+syn region naturalString start=+'+ end=+'+
+" Type definition
+syn match naturalAttribute "\<[-a-z][a-z]=[-a-z0-9_\.,]\+\>"
+syn match naturalType contained "\<[ABINP]\d\+\(,\d\+\)\=\>"
+syn match naturalType contained "\<[CL]\>"
+" "TODO" / other comments
+syn keyword naturalTodo contained todo test
+syn match naturalCommentMark contained "[a-z][^ \t/:|]*\(\s[^ \t/:'"|]\+\)*:\s"he=e-1
+" comments
+syn region naturalComment start="/\*" end="$" contains=naturalTodo,naturalLineRef,naturalCommentMark
+syn region naturalComment start="^\*[\ \*]" end="$" contains=naturalTodo,naturalLineRef,naturalCommentMark
+syn region naturalComment start="^\d\{4} \*[\ \*]"lc=5 end="$" contains=naturalTodo,naturalLineRef,naturalCommentMark
+syn match naturalComment "^*$"
+syn match naturalComment "^\d\{4} \*$"lc=5
+" /* is legal syntax in parentheses e.g. "#ident(label./*)"
+syn region naturalPComment contained start="/\*\s*[^),]" end="$" contains=naturalTodo,naturalLineRef,naturalCommentMark
+" operators
+syn keyword naturalOperator and or not eq ne gt lt ge le mask scan
+" constants
+syn keyword naturalBoolean true false
+syn match naturalLineNo "^\d\{4}"
+" identifiers
+syn match naturalIdent "\<[+#a-z][-_#a-z0-9]*\>[^\.']"me=e-1
+syn match naturalIdent "\<[+#a-z][-_#a-z0-9]*$"
+syn match naturalLegalIdent "[+#a-z][-_#a-z0-9]*/[-_#a-z0-9]*"
+" parentheses
+syn region naturalPar matchgroup=naturalParGui start="(" end=")" contains=naturalLabel,naturalRef,naturalOperator,@naturalConstant,naturalType,naturalSysVar,naturalPar,naturalLineNo,naturalPComment
+syn match naturalLineRef "(\d\{4})"
+" build syntax groups
+syntax cluster naturalConstant contains=naturalString,naturalNumber,naturalAttribute,naturalBoolean
+" folding
+if v:version >= 600
+ set foldignore=*
+if v:version >= 508 || !exists("did_natural_syntax_inits")
+ if v:version < 508
+ let did_natural_syntax_inits = 1
+ command -nargs=+ HiLink hi link <args>
+ else
+ command -nargs=+ HiLink hi def link <args>
+ endif
+ " The default methods for highlighting. Can be overridden later
+ " Constants
+ HiLink naturalFormat Constant
+ HiLink naturalAttribute Constant
+ HiLink naturalNumber Number
+ HiLink naturalString String
+ HiLink naturalBoolean Boolean
+ " All kinds of keywords
+ HiLink naturalConditional Conditional
+ HiLink naturalRepeat Repeat
+ HiLink naturalLoop Repeat
+ HiLink naturalFlow Keyword
+ HiLink naturalError Keyword
+ HiLink naturalKeyword Keyword
+ HiLink naturalOperator Operator
+ HiLink naturalParGui Operator
+ " Labels
+ HiLink naturalLabel Label
+ HiLink naturalRefLabel Label
+ " Comments
+ HiLink naturalPComment Comment
+ HiLink naturalComment Comment
+ HiLink naturalTodo Todo
+ HiLink naturalCommentMark PreProc
+ HiLink naturalInclude Include
+ HiLink naturalSysVar Identifier
+ HiLink naturalLineNo LineNr
+ HiLink naturalLineRef Error
+ HiLink naturalSpecial Special
+ HiLink naturalComKey Todo
+ " illegal things
+ HiLink naturalRMKeyword Error
+ HiLink naturalLegalIdent Error
+ HiLink naturalType Type
+ HiLink naturalFunction Function
+ HiLink naturalObjName Function
+ delcommand HiLink
+let b:current_syntax = "natural"
+" vim:set ts=4 sw=4 noet ft=vim list: