path: root/runtime/syntax/mush.vim
diff options
authorBram Moolenaar <>2005-11-23 21:25:05 +0000
committerBram Moolenaar <>2005-11-23 21:25:05 +0000
commita5792f58905da28f0ab37e1c4c3cfd8171b2e602 (patch)
tree258ddcfde89bbf98b90d42dd6c297e1b22a20d09 /runtime/syntax/mush.vim
parentaf289d333a2985051948a53d510fa345df1ddeb3 (diff)
updated for version 7.0158v7.0158
Diffstat (limited to 'runtime/syntax/mush.vim')
1 files changed, 144 insertions, 49 deletions
diff --git a/runtime/syntax/mush.vim b/runtime/syntax/mush.vim
index 556592783..d43740b45 100644
--- a/runtime/syntax/mush.vim
+++ b/runtime/syntax/mush.vim
@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
" MUSHcode syntax file
-" Maintainer: Bek Oberin <>
-" Last updated by Rimnal on Mon Aug 20 08:28:56 MDT 2001
+" Maintainer: Rick Bird <>
+" Based on vim Syntax file by: Bek Oberin <>
+" Last Updated: Fri Nov 04 20:28:15 2005
" For version 5.x: Clear all syntax items
" For version 6.x: Quit when a syntax file was already loaded
if version < 600
@@ -12,57 +13,115 @@ endif
" regular mush functions
-syntax keyword mushFunction contained abs acos add after and andflags aposs
-syntax keyword mushFunction contained asin atan before capstr cat ceil center
-syntax keyword mushFunction contained comp con conn controls convsecs convtime
-syntax keyword mushFunction contained cos default delete dist2d dist3d div e
-syntax keyword mushFunction contained edefault edit elements elock eq escape
-syntax keyword mushFunction contained exit exp extract fdiv filter first flags
-syntax keyword mushFunction contained floor fold foreach findable fullname get
-syntax keyword mushFunction contained get_eval grab gt gte hasattr hasflag
-syntax keyword mushFunction contained home idle index insert isdbref isnum
-syntax keyword mushFunction contained isword iter last lattr lcon lcstr
-syntax keyword mushFunction contained ldelete left lexits ljust ln lnum loc
-syntax keyword mushFunction contained locate lock log lpos lt lte lwho map
-syntax keyword mushFunction contained match matchall max member merge mid min
-syntax keyword mushFunction contained mix mod money mudname mul munge name
-syntax keyword mushFunction contained nearby neq next not num obj objeval
-syntax keyword mushFunction contained objmem or orflags owner parent parse pi
-syntax keyword mushFunction contained ports pos poss power r rand remove repeat
-syntax keyword mushFunction contained replace rest reverse revwords right
-syntax keyword mushFunction contained rjust rloc room round s scramble search
-syntax keyword mushFunction contained secs secure setdiff setinter setq
-syntax keyword mushFunction contained setunion shuffle sign sin sort sortby
-syntax keyword mushFunction contained space splice sqrt squish starttime stats
-syntax keyword mushFunction contained strlen strmatch sub subj switch tan time
-syntax keyword mushFunction contained trim trunc type u ucstr udefault ulocal
-syntax keyword mushFunction contained v version visible where wordpos words
-syntax keyword mushFunction contained xcon xor
-" only highligh functions when they have an in-bracket immediately after
-syntax match mushFunctionBrackets "\i\I*(" contains=mushFunction
+syntax keyword mushFunction contained @@ abs accent accname acos add after align
+syntax keyword mushFunction contained allof alphamax alphamin and andflags
+syntax keyword mushFunction contained andlflags andlpowers andpowers ansi aposs art
+syntax keyword mushFunction contained asin atan atan2 atrlock attrcnt band baseconv
+syntax keyword mushFunction contained beep before blank2tilde bnand bnot bor bound
+syntax keyword mushFunction contained brackets break bxor cand cansee capstr case
+syntax keyword mushFunction contained caseall cat ceil center checkpass children
+syntax keyword mushFunction contained chr clone cmds cnetpost comp con config conn
+syntax keyword mushFunction contained controls convsecs convtime convutcsecs cor
+syntax keyword mushFunction contained cos create ctime ctu dec decrypt default
+syntax keyword mushFunction contained delete die dig digest dist2d dist3d div
+syntax keyword mushFunction contained division divscope doing downdiv dynhelp e
+syntax keyword mushFunction contained edefault edit element elements elist elock
+syntax keyword mushFunction contained emit empire empower encrypt endtag entrances
+syntax keyword mushFunction contained eq escape etimefmt eval exit exp extract fdiv
+syntax keyword mushFunction contained filter filterbool findable first firstof
+syntax keyword mushFunction contained flags flip floor floordiv fmod fold
+syntax keyword mushFunction contained folderstats followers following foreach
+syntax keyword mushFunction contained fraction fullname functions get get_eval grab
+syntax keyword mushFunction contained graball grep grepi gt gte hasattr hasattrp
+syntax keyword mushFunction contained hasattrpval hasattrval hasdivpower hasflag
+syntax keyword mushFunction contained haspower haspowergroup hastype height hidden
+syntax keyword mushFunction contained home host hostname html idle idlesecs
+syntax keyword mushFunction contained idle_average idle_times idle_total if ifelse
+syntax keyword mushFunction contained ilev iname inc index indiv indivall insert
+syntax keyword mushFunction contained inum ipaddr isdaylight isdbref isint isnum
+syntax keyword mushFunction contained isword itemize items iter itext last lattr
+syntax keyword mushFunction contained lcon lcstr ldelete ldivisions left lemit
+syntax keyword mushFunction contained level lexits lflags link list lit ljust lmath
+syntax keyword mushFunction contained ln lnum loc localize locate lock loctree log
+syntax keyword mushFunction contained lparent lplayers lports lpos lsearch lsearchr
+syntax keyword mushFunction contained lstats lt lte lthings lvcon lvexits lvplayers
+syntax keyword mushFunction contained lvthings lwho mail maildstats mailfrom
+syntax keyword mushFunction contained mailfstats mailstats mailstatus mailsubject
+syntax keyword mushFunction contained mailtime map match matchall max mean median
+syntax keyword mushFunction contained member merge mid min mix mod modulo modulus
+syntax keyword mushFunction contained money mtime mudname mul munge mwho name nand
+syntax keyword mushFunction contained nattr ncon nearby neq nexits next nor not
+syntax keyword mushFunction contained nplayers nsemit nslemit nsoemit nspemit
+syntax keyword mushFunction contained nsremit nszemit nthings null num nvcon
+syntax keyword mushFunction contained nvexits nvplayers nvthings obj objeval objid
+syntax keyword mushFunction contained objmem oemit ooref open or ord orflags
+syntax keyword mushFunction contained orlflags orlpowers orpowers owner parent
+syntax keyword mushFunction contained parse pcreate pemit pi pickrand playermem
+syntax keyword mushFunction contained pmatch poll ports pos poss power powergroups
+syntax keyword mushFunction contained powers powover program prompt pueblo quitprog
+syntax keyword mushFunction contained quota r rand randword recv regedit regeditall
+syntax keyword mushFunction contained regeditalli regediti regmatch regmatchi
+syntax keyword mushFunction contained regrab regraball regraballi regrabi regrep
+syntax keyword mushFunction contained regrepi remainder remit remove repeat replace
+syntax keyword mushFunction contained rest restarts restarttime reswitch
+syntax keyword mushFunction contained reswitchall reswitchalli reswitchi reverse
+syntax keyword mushFunction contained revwords right rjust rloc rnum room root
+syntax keyword mushFunction contained round s scan scramble search secs secure sent
+syntax keyword mushFunction contained set setdiff setinter setq setr setunion sha0
+syntax keyword mushFunction contained shl shr shuffle sign signal sin sort sortby
+syntax keyword mushFunction contained soundex soundlike soundslike space spellnum
+syntax keyword mushFunction contained splice sql sqlescape sqrt squish ssl
+syntax keyword mushFunction contained starttime stats stddev step strcat strinsert
+syntax keyword mushFunction contained stripaccents stripansi strlen strmatch
+syntax keyword mushFunction contained strreplace sub subj switch switchall t table
+syntax keyword mushFunction contained tag tagwrap tan tel terminfo textfile
+syntax keyword mushFunction contained tilde2blank time timefmt timestring tr
+syntax keyword mushFunction contained trigger trim trimpenn trimtiny trunc type u
+syntax keyword mushFunction contained ucstr udefault ufun uldefault ulocal updiv
+syntax keyword mushFunction contained utctime v vadd val valid vcross vdim vdot
+syntax keyword mushFunction contained version visible vmag vmax vmin vmul vsub
+syntax keyword mushFunction contained vtattr vtcount vtcreate vtdestroy vtlcon
+syntax keyword mushFunction contained vtloc vtlocate vtmaster vtname vtref vttel
+syntax keyword mushFunction contained vunit wait where width wipe wordpos words
+syntax keyword mushFunction contained wrap xcon xexits xget xor xplayers xthings
+syntax keyword mushFunction contained xvcon xvexits xvplayers xvthings zemit zfun
+syntax keyword mushFunction contained zmwho zone zwho
+" only highligh functions when they have an in-bracket immediately after
+syntax match mushFunctionBrackets "\i*(" contains=mushFunction
" regular mush commands
-syntax keyword mushAtCommandList contained @alias @chown @clone @create
-syntax keyword mushAtCommandList contained @decompile @destroy @doing @dolist
-syntax keyword mushAtCommandList contained @drain @edit @emit @entrances @femit
-syntax keyword mushAtCommandList contained @force @fpose @fsay @halt @last
-syntax keyword mushAtCommandList contained @link @list @listmotd @lock @mudwho
-syntax keyword mushAtCommandList contained @mvattr @name @notify @oemit @parent
-syntax keyword mushAtCommandList contained @password @pemit @ps @quota @robot
-syntax keyword mushAtCommandList contained @search @set @stats @sweep @switch
-syntax keyword mushAtCommandList contained @teleport @trigger @unlink @unlock
-syntax keyword mushAtCommandList contained @verb @wait @wipe
+syntax keyword mushAtCommandList contained @ALLHALT @ALLQUOTA @ASSERT @ATRCHOWN @ATRLOCK @ATTRIBUTE @BOOT
+syntax keyword mushAtCommandList contained @BREAK @CEMIT @CHANNEL @CHAT @CHOWN @CHOWNALL @CHZONE @CHZONEALL
+syntax keyword mushAtCommandList contained @CLOCK @CLONE @COBJ @COMMAND @CONFIG @CPATTR @CREATE @CRPLOG @DBCK
+syntax keyword mushAtCommandList contained @DECOMPILE @DESTROY @DIG @DISABLE @DIVISION @DOING @DOLIST @DRAIN
+syntax keyword mushAtCommandList contained @DUMP @EDIT @ELOCK @EMIT @EMPOWER @ENABLE @ENTRANCES @EUNLOCK @FIND
+syntax keyword mushAtCommandList contained @FIRSTEXIT @FLAG @FORCE @FUNCTION @EDIT @GREP @HALT @HIDE @HOOK @KICK
+syntax keyword mushAtCommandList contained @LEMIT @LEVEL @LINK @LIST @LISTMOTD @LOCK @LOG @LOGWIPE @LSET @MAIL @MALIAS
+syntax keyword mushAtCommandList contained @MAP @MOTD @MVATTR @NAME @NEWPASSWORD @NOTIFY @NSCEMIT @NSEMIT @NSLEMIT
+syntax keyword mushAtCommandList contained @PCREATE @PEMIT @POLL @POOR @POWERLEVEL @PROGRAM @PROMPT @PS @PURGE @QUOTA
+syntax keyword mushAtCommandList contained @VERSION @WAIT @WALL @WARNINGS @WCHECK @WHEREIS @WIPE @ZCLONE @ZEMIT
syntax match mushCommand "@\i\I*" contains=mushAtCommandList
-syntax keyword mushCommand drop enter examine get give goto help inventory
-syntax keyword mushCommand kill leave look news page pose say score use
-syntax keyword mushCommand version whisper DOING LOGOUT OUTPUTPREFIX
-syntax keyword mushCommand OUTPUTSUFFIX QUIT SESSION WHO
+syntax keyword mushCommand WARN_ON_MISSING WHISPER WITH
syntax match mushSpecial "\*\|!\|=\|-\|\\\|+"
syntax match mushSpecial2 contained "\*"
+syn region mushString start=+L\="+ skip=+\\\\\|\\"+ end=+"+ contains=mushSpecial,mushSpecial2,@Spell
syntax match mushIdentifier "&[^ ]\+"
syntax match mushVariable "%r\|%t\|%cr\|%[A-Za-z0-9]\+\|%#\|##\|here"
@@ -73,9 +132,32 @@ syntax match mushNumber +[0-9]\++
" A comment line starts with a or # or " at the start of the line
" or an @@
syntax keyword mushTodo contained TODO FIXME XXX
-syntax match mushComment +^\s*@@.*$+ contains=mushTodo
-syntax match mushComment +^".*$+ contains=mushTodo
-syntax match mushComment +^#.*$+ contains=mushTodo
+syntax cluster mushCommentGroup contains=mushTodo
+syntax match mushComment "^\s*@@.*$" contains=mushTodo
+syntax match mushComment "^#[^define|^ifdef|^else|^pragma|^ifndef|^echo|^elif|^undef|^warning].*$" contains=mushTodo
+syntax match mushComment "^#$" contains=mushTodo
+syntax region mushComment matchgroup=mushCommentStart start="/@@" end="@@/" contains=@mushCommentGroup,mushCommentStartError,mushCommentString,@Spell
+syntax region mushCommentString contained start=+L\=\\\@<!"+ skip=+\\\\\|\\"+ end=+"+ end=+@@/+me=s-1 contains=mushCommentSkip
+syntax match mushCommentSkip contained "^\s*@@\($\|\s\+\)"
+syntax match mushCommentStartError display "/@@"me=e-1 contained
+" syntax match mushComment +^".*$+ contains=mushTodo
+" Work on this one
+" syntax match mushComment +^#.*$+ contains=mushTodo
+syn region mushPreCondit start="^\s*\(%:\|#\)\s*\(if\|ifdef\|ifndef\|elif\)\>" skip="\\$" end="$" end="//"me=s-1 contains=mushComment
+syn match mushPreCondit display "^\s*\(%:\|#\)\s*\(else\|endif\)\>"
+syn cluster mushPreProcGroup contains=mushPreCondit,mushIncluded,mushInclude,mushDefine,mushSpecial,mushString,mushCommentSkip,mushCommentString,@mushCommentGroup,mushCommentStartError
+syn region mushIncluded display contained start=+"+ skip=+\\\\\|\\"+ end=+"+
+syn match mushIncluded display contained "<[^>]*>"
+syn match mushInclude display "^\s*\(%:\|#\)\s*include\>\s*["<]" contains=mushIncluded
+syn region mushDefine start="^\s*\(%:\|#\)\s*\(define\|undef\)\>" skip="\\$" end="$" end="//"me=s-1 contains=ALLBUT,@mushPreProcGroup,@Spell
+syn region mushPreProc start="^\s*\(%:\|#\)\s*\(pragma\>\|line\>\|warning\>\|warn\>\|error\>\)" skip="\\$" end="$" keepend contains=ALLBUT,@mushPreProcGroup
syntax region mushFuncBoundaries start="\[" end="\]" contains=mushFunction,mushFlag,mushAttributes,mushNumber,mushCommand,mushVariable,mushSpecial2
@@ -114,7 +196,6 @@ if version >= 508 || !exists("did_mush_syntax_inits")
" The default methods for highlighting. Can be overridden later
HiLink mushAttribute Constant
HiLink mushCommand Function
- HiLink mushComment Comment
HiLink mushNumber Number
HiLink mushSetting PreProc
HiLink mushFunction Statement
@@ -123,6 +204,20 @@ if version >= 508 || !exists("did_mush_syntax_inits")
HiLink mushTodo Todo
HiLink mushFlag Special
HiLink mushIdentifier Identifier
+ HiLink mushDefine Macro
+ HiLink mushPreProc PreProc
+ HiLink mushPreProcGroup PreProc
+ HiLink mushPreCondit PreCondit
+ HiLink mushIncluded cString
+ HiLink mushInclude Include
+" Comments
+ HiLink mushCommentStart mushComment
+ HiLink mushComment Comment
+ HiLink mushCommentString mushString
delcommand HiLink