path: root/runtime/syntax/lilo.vim
diff options
authorBram Moolenaar <>2004-07-26 12:53:41 +0000
committerBram Moolenaar <>2004-07-26 12:53:41 +0000
commit5eb86f91992f5291b8b472d3e1be1888508777e6 (patch)
tree15dcd4c748c38e99951e79d02eb1b93f3a6d3db9 /runtime/syntax/lilo.vim
parent89cb5e0f646970371359c70927bf3a0cdaf47f27 (diff)
updated for version 7.0012v7.0012
Diffstat (limited to 'runtime/syntax/lilo.vim')
1 files changed, 79 insertions, 79 deletions
diff --git a/runtime/syntax/lilo.vim b/runtime/syntax/lilo.vim
index a97bb9ca8..e3ba2af00 100644
--- a/runtime/syntax/lilo.vim
+++ b/runtime/syntax/lilo.vim
@@ -2,22 +2,23 @@
" This is a GENERATED FILE. Please always refer to source file at the URI below.
" Language: lilo configuration (lilo.conf)
" Maintainer: David Ne\v{c}as (Yeti) <>
-" Last Change: 2003 May 04
+" Last Change: 2004-07-20
" URL:
" Setup
if version >= 600
- if exists("b:current_syntax")
- finish
- endif
+ if exists("b:current_syntax")
+ finish
+ endif
- syntax clear
+ syntax clear
if version >= 600
- command -nargs=1 SetIsk setlocal iskeyword=<args>
+ command -nargs=1 SetIsk setlocal iskeyword=<args>
- command -nargs=1 SetIsk set iskeyword=<args>
+ command -nargs=1 SetIsk set iskeyword=<args>
SetIsk @,48-57,.,-,_
delcommand SetIsk
@@ -34,23 +35,23 @@ syn match liloHexNumber "0[xX]\x\+" contained
syn match liloDecNumberP "\d\+p\=" contained
syn match liloSpecial contained "\\\(\"\|\\\|$\)"
syn region liloString start=+"+ skip=+\\\\\|\\"+ end=+"+ contained contains=liloSpecial,liloEnviron
-syn match liloLabel "\S\+" contained contains=liloSpecial,liloEnviron
+syn match liloLabel :[^ "]\+: contained contains=liloSpecial,liloEnviron
syn region liloPath start=+[$/]+ skip=+\\\\\|\\ \|\\$"+ end=+ \|$+ contained contains=liloSpecial,liloEnviron
syn match liloDecNumberList "\(\d\|,\)\+" contained contains=liloDecNumber
syn match liloDecNumberPList "\(\d\|[,p]\)\+" contained contains=liloDecNumberP,liloDecNumber
syn region liloAnything start=+[^[:space:]#]+ skip=+\\\\\|\\ \|\\$+ end=+ \|$+ contained contains=liloSpecial,liloEnviron,liloString
" Path
-syn keyword liloOption backup bitmap boot disktab force-backup install keytable map message nextgroup=liloEqPath,liloEqPathComment,liloError skipwhite skipempty
+syn keyword liloOption backup bitmap boot disktab force-backup keytable map message nextgroup=liloEqPath,liloEqPathComment,liloError skipwhite skipempty
syn keyword liloKernelOpt initrd root nextgroup=liloEqPath,liloEqPathComment,liloError skipwhite skipempty
syn keyword liloImageOpt path loader table nextgroup=liloEqPath,liloEqPathComment,liloError skipwhite skipempty
syn keyword liloDiskOpt partition nextgroup=liloEqPath,liloEqPathComment,liloError skipwhite skipempty
" Other
-syn keyword liloOption menu-scheme raid-extra-boot serial nextgroup=liloEqAnything,liloEqAnythingComment,liloError skipwhite skipempty
-syn keyword liloOption default nextgroup=liloEqLabel,liloEqLabelComment,liloError skipwhite skipempty
+syn keyword liloOption menu-scheme raid-extra-boot serial install nextgroup=liloEqAnything,liloEqAnythingComment,liloError skipwhite skipempty
+syn keyword liloOption bios-passes-dl nextgroup=liloEqAnything,liloEqAnythingComment,liloError skipwhite skipempty
+syn keyword liloOption default label alias wmdefault nextgroup=liloEqLabelString,liloEqLabelStringComment,liloError skipwhite skipempty
syn keyword liloKernelOpt ramdisk nextgroup=liloEqAnything,liloEqAnythingComment,liloError skipwhite skipempty
-syn keyword liloImageOpt alias label nextgroup=liloEqLabel,liloEqLabelComment,liloError skipwhite skipempty
syn keyword liloImageOpt password range nextgroup=liloEqAnything,liloEqAnythingComment,liloError skipwhite skipempty
syn keyword liloDiskOpt set type nextgroup=liloEqAnything,liloEqAnythingComment,liloError skipwhite skipempty
@@ -67,19 +68,21 @@ syn keyword liloKernelOpt append nextgroup=liloEqString,liloEqStringComment,lilo
syn keyword liloImageOpt fallback literal nextgroup=liloEqString,liloEqStringComment,liloError skipwhite skipempty
" Hex number
-syn keyword liloImageOpt map-drive to nextgroup=liloEqHexNumber,liloEqHexNumberComment,liloError skipwhite skipempty
+syn keyword liloImageOpt map-drive to boot-as nextgroup=liloEqHexNumber,liloEqHexNumberComment,liloError skipwhite skipempty
syn keyword liloDiskOpt bios normal hidden nextgroup=liloEqNumber,liloEqNumberComment,liloError skipwhite skipempty
" Number list
-syn keyword liloOption bmp-colors bmp-timer nextgroup=liloEqNumberList,liloEqNumberListComment,liloError skipwhite skipempty
+syn keyword liloOption bmp-colors nextgroup=liloEqNumberList,liloEqNumberListComment,liloError skipwhite skipempty
" Number list, some of the numbers followed by p
-syn keyword liloOption bmp-table nextgroup=liloEqDecNumberPList,liloEqDecNumberPListComment,liloError skipwhite skipempty
+syn keyword liloOption bmp-table bmp-timer nextgroup=liloEqDecNumberPList,liloEqDecNumberPListComment,liloError skipwhite skipempty
" Flag
syn keyword liloOption compact fix-table geometric ignore-table lba32 linear mandatory nowarn prompt
+syn keyword liloOption bmp-retain el-torito-bootable-CD large-memory suppress-boot-time-BIOS-data
syn keyword liloKernelOpt read-only read-write
syn keyword liloImageOpt bypass lock mandatory optional restricted single-key unsafe
+syn keyword liloImageOpt master-boot wmwarn wmdisable
syn keyword liloDiskOpt change activate deactivate inaccessible reset
" Image
@@ -97,7 +100,7 @@ syn match liloEqNumberComment "#.*$" contained nextgroup=liloEqNumber,liloEqNumb
syn match liloEqDecNumberComment "#.*$" contained nextgroup=liloEqDecNumber,liloEqDecNumberComment,liloError skipwhite skipempty
syn match liloEqHexNumberComment "#.*$" contained nextgroup=liloEqHexNumber,liloEqHexNumberComment,liloError skipwhite skipempty
syn match liloEqStringComment "#.*$" contained nextgroup=liloEqString,liloEqStringComment,liloError skipwhite skipempty
-syn match liloEqLabelComment "#.*$" contained nextgroup=liloEqLabel,liloEqLabelComment,liloError skipwhite skipempty
+syn match liloEqLabelStringComment "#.*$" contained nextgroup=liloEqLabelString,liloEqLabelStringComment,liloError skipwhite skipempty
syn match liloEqNumberListComment "#.*$" contained nextgroup=liloEqNumberList,liloEqNumberListComment,liloError skipwhite skipempty
syn match liloEqDecNumberPListComment "#.*$" contained nextgroup=liloEqDecNumberPList,liloEqDecNumberPListComment,liloError skipwhite skipempty
syn match liloEqAnythingComment "#.*$" contained nextgroup=liloEqAnything,liloEqAnythingComment,liloError skipwhite skipempty
@@ -109,7 +112,7 @@ syn match liloEqNumber "=" contained nextgroup=liloDecNumber,liloHexNumber,liloN
syn match liloEqDecNumber "=" contained nextgroup=liloDecNumber,liloDecNumberComment,liloError skipwhite skipempty
syn match liloEqHexNumber "=" contained nextgroup=liloHexNumber,liloHexNumberComment,liloError skipwhite skipempty
syn match liloEqString "=" contained nextgroup=liloString,liloStringComment,liloError skipwhite skipempty
-syn match liloEqLabel "=" contained nextgroup=liloLabel,liloLabelComment,liloError skipwhite skipempty
+syn match liloEqLabelString "=" contained nextgroup=liloString,liloLabel,liloLabelStringComment,liloError skipwhite skipempty
syn match liloEqNumberList "=" contained nextgroup=liloDecNumberList,liloDecNumberListComment,liloError skipwhite skipempty
syn match liloEqDecNumberPList "=" contained nextgroup=liloDecNumberPList,liloDecNumberPListComment,liloError skipwhite skipempty
syn match liloEqAnything "=" contained nextgroup=liloAnything,liloAnythingComment,liloError skipwhite skipempty
@@ -121,74 +124,71 @@ syn match liloNumberComment "#.*$" contained nextgroup=liloDecNumber,liloHexNumb
syn match liloDecNumberComment "#.*$" contained nextgroup=liloDecNumber,liloDecNumberComment,liloError skipwhite skipempty
syn match liloHexNumberComment "#.*$" contained nextgroup=liloHexNumber,liloHexNumberComment,liloError skipwhite skipempty
syn match liloStringComment "#.*$" contained nextgroup=liloString,liloStringComment,liloError skipwhite skipempty
-syn match liloLabelComment "#.*$" contained nextgroup=liloLabel,liloLabelComment,liloError skipwhite skipempty
+syn match liloLabelStringComment "#.*$" contained nextgroup=liloString,liloLabel,liloLabelStringComment,liloError skipwhite skipempty
syn match liloDecNumberListComment "#.*$" contained nextgroup=liloDecNumberList,liloDecNumberListComment,liloError skipwhite skipempty
syn match liloDecNumberPListComment "#.*$" contained nextgroup=liloDecNumberPList,liloDecNumberPListComment,liloError skipwhite skipempty
syn match liloAnythingComment "#.*$" contained nextgroup=liloAnything,liloAnythingComment,liloError skipwhite skipempty
" Define the default highlighting
if version >= 508 || !exists("did_lilo_syntax_inits")
- if version < 508
- let did_lilo_syntax_inits = 1
- command -nargs=+ HiLink hi link <args>
- else
- command -nargs=+ HiLink hi def link <args>
- endif
- HiLink liloEqPath liloEquals
- HiLink liloEqWord liloEquals
- HiLink liloEqVga liloEquals
- HiLink liloEqDecNumber liloEquals
- HiLink liloEqHexNumber liloEquals
- HiLink liloEqNumber liloEquals
- HiLink liloEqString liloEquals
- HiLink liloEqLabel liloEquals
- HiLink liloEqAnything liloEquals
- HiLink liloEquals Special
- HiLink liloError Error
- HiLink liloEqPathComment liloComment
- HiLink liloEqVgaComment liloComment
- HiLink liloEqDecNumberComment liloComment
- HiLink liloEqHexNumberComment liloComment
- HiLink liloEqStringComment liloComment
- HiLink liloEqLabelComment liloComment
- HiLink liloEqAnythingComment liloComment
- HiLink liloPathComment liloComment
- HiLink liloVgaComment liloComment
- HiLink liloDecNumberComment liloComment
- HiLink liloHexNumberComment liloComment
- HiLink liloNumberComment liloComment
- HiLink liloStringComment liloComment
- HiLink liloLabelComment liloComment
- HiLink liloAnythingComment liloComment
- HiLink liloComment Comment
- HiLink liloDiskOpt liloOption
- HiLink liloKernelOpt liloOption
- HiLink liloImageOpt liloOption
- HiLink liloOption Keyword
- HiLink liloDecNumber liloNumber
- HiLink liloHexNumber liloNumber
- HiLink liloDecNumberP liloNumber
- HiLink liloNumber Number
- HiLink liloString String
- HiLink liloPath Constant
- HiLink liloSpecial Special
- HiLink liloLabel Title
- HiLink liloDecNumberList Special
- HiLink liloDecNumberPList Special
- HiLink liloAnything Normal
- HiLink liloEnviron Identifier
- HiLink liloVgaKeyword Identifier
- HiLink liloImage Type
- HiLink liloChRules Preproc
- HiLink liloDisk Preproc
- delcommand HiLink
+ if version < 508
+ let did_lilo_syntax_inits = 1
+ command -nargs=+ HiLink hi link <args>
+ else
+ command -nargs=+ HiLink hi def link <args>
+ endif
+ HiLink liloEqPath liloEquals
+ HiLink liloEqWord liloEquals
+ HiLink liloEqVga liloEquals
+ HiLink liloEqDecNumber liloEquals
+ HiLink liloEqHexNumber liloEquals
+ HiLink liloEqNumber liloEquals
+ HiLink liloEqString liloEquals
+ HiLink liloEqAnything liloEquals
+ HiLink liloEquals Special
+ HiLink liloError Error
+ HiLink liloEqPathComment liloComment
+ HiLink liloEqVgaComment liloComment
+ HiLink liloEqDecNumberComment liloComment
+ HiLink liloEqHexNumberComment liloComment
+ HiLink liloEqStringComment liloComment
+ HiLink liloEqAnythingComment liloComment
+ HiLink liloPathComment liloComment
+ HiLink liloVgaComment liloComment
+ HiLink liloDecNumberComment liloComment
+ HiLink liloHexNumberComment liloComment
+ HiLink liloNumberComment liloComment
+ HiLink liloStringComment liloComment
+ HiLink liloAnythingComment liloComment
+ HiLink liloComment Comment
+ HiLink liloDiskOpt liloOption
+ HiLink liloKernelOpt liloOption
+ HiLink liloImageOpt liloOption
+ HiLink liloOption Keyword
+ HiLink liloDecNumber liloNumber
+ HiLink liloHexNumber liloNumber
+ HiLink liloDecNumberP liloNumber
+ HiLink liloNumber Number
+ HiLink liloString String
+ HiLink liloPath Constant
+ HiLink liloSpecial Special
+ HiLink liloLabel Title
+ HiLink liloDecNumberList Special
+ HiLink liloDecNumberPList Special
+ HiLink liloAnything Normal
+ HiLink liloEnviron Identifier
+ HiLink liloVgaKeyword Identifier
+ HiLink liloImage Type
+ HiLink liloChRules Preproc
+ HiLink liloDisk Preproc
+ delcommand HiLink
let b:current_syntax = "lilo"