path: root/runtime/syntax/iss.vim
diff options
authorBram Moolenaar <>2004-12-19 22:46:22 +0000
committerBram Moolenaar <>2004-12-19 22:46:22 +0000
commit1cd871b5341bf43ee99e136844e3131014880f92 (patch)
tree6bd9573dbc14de3c4ec85e424cbec9c8d1ee0ed8 /runtime/syntax/iss.vim
parent46c9c73de8def79baf8f0a34a12549f6c14944f3 (diff)
updated for version 7.0023v7.0023
Diffstat (limited to 'runtime/syntax/iss.vim')
1 files changed, 55 insertions, 47 deletions
diff --git a/runtime/syntax/iss.vim b/runtime/syntax/iss.vim
index f94c7cdf0..26d9150b5 100644
--- a/runtime/syntax/iss.vim
+++ b/runtime/syntax/iss.vim
@@ -2,7 +2,12 @@
" Language: Inno Setup File (iss file) and My InnoSetup extension
" Maintainer: Jason Mills (
" Previous Maintainer: Dominique Stéphan (
-" Last Change: 2004 Jul 13
+" Last Change: 2004 Dec 14
+" Todo:
+" - The paramter String: is matched as flag string (because of case ignore).
+" - Pascal scripting syntax is not recognized.
+" - Embedded double quotes confuse string matches. e.g. "asfd""asfa"
" For version 5.x: Clear all syntax items
" For version 6.x: Quit when a syntax file was already loaded
@@ -19,36 +24,37 @@ syn case ignore
syn region issPreProc start="^\s*#" end="$"
" Section
-syn region issHeader start="\[" end="\]"
+syn region issSection start="\[" end="\]"
" Label in the [Setup] Section
-syn match issLabel "^[^=]\+="
+syn match issDirective "^[^=]\+="
-syn match issURL "http[s]\=:\/\/.*$"
-" syn match issName "[^: ]\+:"
-syn match issName "Name:"
-syn match issName "MinVersion:\|OnlyBelowVersion:\|Languages:"
-syn match issName "Source:\|DestDir:\|DestName:\|CopyMode:"
-syn match issName "Attribs:\|Permissions:\|FontInstall:\|Flags:"
-syn match issName "FileName:\|Parameters:\|WorkingDir:\|HotKey:\|Comment:"
-syn match issName "IconFilename:\|IconIndex:"
-syn match issName "Section:\|Key:\|String:"
-syn match issName "Root:\|SubKey:\|ValueType:\|ValueName:\|ValueData:"
-syn match issName "RunOnceId:"
-syn match issName "Type:"
-syn match issName "Components:\|Description:\|GroupDescription:\|Types:\|ExtraDiskSpaceRequired:"
-syn match issName "StatusMsg:\|RunOnceId:\|Tasks:"
-syn match issName "MessagesFile:\|LicenseFile:\|InfoBeforeFile:\|InfoAfterFile:"
-syn match issComment "^;.*$"
+syn match issURL "http[s]\=:\/\/.*$"
+" Parameters used for any section.
+" syn match issParam"[^: ]\+:"
+syn match issParam "Name:"
+syn match issParam "MinVersion:\|OnlyBelowVersion:\|Languages:"
+syn match issParam "Source:\|DestDir:\|DestName:\|CopyMode:"
+syn match issParam "Attribs:\|Permissions:\|FontInstall:\|Flags:"
+syn match issParam "FileName:\|Parameters:\|WorkingDir:\|HotKey:\|Comment:"
+syn match issParam "IconFilename:\|IconIndex:"
+syn match issParam "Section:\|Key:\|String:"
+syn match issParam "Root:\|SubKey:\|ValueType:\|ValueName:\|ValueData:"
+syn match issParam "RunOnceId:"
+syn match issParam "Type:\|Excludes:"
+syn match issParam "Components:\|Description:\|GroupDescription:\|Types:\|ExtraDiskSpaceRequired:"
+syn match issParam "StatusMsg:\|RunOnceId:\|Tasks:"
+syn match issParam "MessagesFile:\|LicenseFile:\|InfoBeforeFile:\|InfoAfterFile:"
+syn match issComment "^\s*;.*$"
" folder constant
-syn match issFolder "{[^{]*}"
+syn match issFolder "{[^{]*}"
" string
-syn region issString start=+"+ end=+"+ contains=issFolder
+syn region issString start=+"+ end=+"+ contains=issFolder
" [Dirs]
syn keyword issDirsFlags deleteafterinstall uninsalwaysuninstall uninsneveruninstall
@@ -63,6 +69,8 @@ syn keyword issFilesFlags isreadme onlyifdestfileexists onlyifdoesntexist overwr
syn keyword issFilesFlags promptifolder recursesubdirs regserver regtypelib restartreplace
syn keyword issFilesFlags sharedfile skipifsourcedoesntexist sortfilesbyextension touch
syn keyword issFilesFlags uninsremovereadonly uninsrestartdelete uninsneveruninstall
+syn keyword issFilesFlags replacesameversion nocompression noencryption noregerror
" [Icons]
syn keyword issIconsFlags closeonexit createonlyiffileexists dontcloseonexit
@@ -108,30 +116,30 @@ if version >= 508 || !exists("did_iss_syntax_inits")
" The default methods for highlighting. Can be overridden later
- HiLink issHeader Special
- HiLink issComment Comment
- HiLink issLabel Type
- HiLink issName Type
- HiLink issFolder Special
- HiLink issString String
- HiLink issValue String
- HiLink issURL Include
- HiLink issPreProc PreProc
- HiLink issDirsFlags Keyword
- HiLink issFilesCopyMode Keyword
- HiLink issFilesAttribs Keyword
- HiLink issFilesFlags Keyword
- HiLink issIconsFlags Keyword
- HiLink issINIFlags Keyword
- HiLink issRegRootKey Keyword
- HiLink issRegValueType Keyword
- HiLink issRegFlags Keyword
- HiLink issRunFlags Keyword
- HiLink issTypesFlags Keyword
- HiLink issComponentsFlags Keyword
- HiLink issInstallDeleteType Keyword
- HiLink issTasksFlags Keyword
+ HiLink issSection Special
+ HiLink issComment Comment
+ HiLink issDirective Type
+ HiLink issParam Type
+ HiLink issFolder Special
+ HiLink issString String
+ HiLink issURL Include
+ HiLink issPreProc PreProc
+ HiLink issDirsFlags Keyword
+ HiLink issFilesCopyMode Keyword
+ HiLink issFilesAttribs Keyword
+ HiLink issFilesPermissions Keyword
+ HiLink issFilesFlags Keyword
+ HiLink issIconsFlags Keyword
+ HiLink issINIFlags Keyword
+ HiLink issRegRootKey Keyword
+ HiLink issRegValueType Keyword
+ HiLink issRegFlags Keyword
+ HiLink issRunFlags Keyword
+ HiLink issTypesFlags Keyword
+ HiLink issComponentsFlags Keyword
+ HiLink issInstallDeleteType Keyword
+ HiLink issTasksFlags Keyword
delcommand HiLink