path: root/runtime/pack
diff options
authorBram Moolenaar <>2022-07-01 18:45:04 +0100
committerBram Moolenaar <>2022-07-01 18:45:04 +0100
commit0d878b95d8f9ece2fdba81050f5caba224540f9c (patch)
tree20cf23db136c9df0fed67fb1ff30df7a43ee38c4 /runtime/pack
parent27efc62f5d86afcb2ecb7565587fe8dea4b036fe (diff)
Update runtime files
Diffstat (limited to 'runtime/pack')
1 files changed, 65 insertions, 55 deletions
diff --git a/runtime/pack/dist/opt/cfilter/plugin/cfilter.vim b/runtime/pack/dist/opt/cfilter/plugin/cfilter.vim
index fe4455fe2..7a6563078 100644
--- a/runtime/pack/dist/opt/cfilter/plugin/cfilter.vim
+++ b/runtime/pack/dist/opt/cfilter/plugin/cfilter.vim
@@ -1,62 +1,72 @@
-" cfilter.vim: Plugin to filter entries from a quickfix/location list
-" Last Change: Aug 23, 2018
-" Maintainer: Yegappan Lakshmanan (yegappan AT yahoo DOT com)
-" Version: 1.1
-" Commands to filter the quickfix list:
-" :Cfilter[!] /{pat}/
-" Create a new quickfix list from entries matching {pat} in the current
-" quickfix list. Both the file name and the text of the entries are
-" matched against {pat}. If ! is supplied, then entries not matching
-" {pat} are used. The pattern can be optionally enclosed using one of
-" the following characters: ', ", /. If the pattern is empty, then the
-" last used search pattern is used.
-" :Lfilter[!] /{pat}/
-" Same as :Cfilter but operates on the current location list.
-if exists("loaded_cfilter")
- finish
-let loaded_cfilter = 1
-func s:Qf_filter(qf, searchpat, bang)
- if a:qf
- let Xgetlist = function('getqflist')
- let Xsetlist = function('setqflist')
- let cmd = ':Cfilter' . a:bang
- else
- let Xgetlist = function('getloclist', [0])
- let Xsetlist = function('setloclist', [0])
- let cmd = ':Lfilter' . a:bang
- endif
- let firstchar = a:searchpat[0]
- let lastchar = a:searchpat[-1:]
- if firstchar == lastchar &&
- \ (firstchar == '/' || firstchar == '"' || firstchar == "'")
- let pat = a:searchpat[1:-2]
- if pat == ''
- " Use the last search pattern
- let pat = @/
- endif
- else
- let pat = a:searchpat
- endif
+# cfilter.vim: Plugin to filter entries from a quickfix/location list
+# Last Change: Jun 30, 2022
+# Maintainer: Yegappan Lakshmanan (yegappan AT yahoo DOT com)
+# Version: 2.0
+# Commands to filter the quickfix list:
+# :Cfilter[!] /{pat}/
+# Create a new quickfix list from entries matching {pat} in the current
+# quickfix list. Both the file name and the text of the entries are
+# matched against {pat}. If ! is supplied, then entries not matching
+# {pat} are used. The pattern can be optionally enclosed using one of
+# the following characters: ', ", /. If the pattern is empty, then the
+# last used search pattern is used.
+# :Lfilter[!] /{pat}/
+# Same as :Cfilter but operates on the current location list.
+def Qf_filter(qf: bool, searchpat: string, bang: string)
+ var Xgetlist: func
+ var Xsetlist: func
+ var cmd: string
+ var firstchar: string
+ var lastchar: string
+ var pat: string
+ var title: string
+ var Cond: func
+ var items: list<any>
+ if qf
+ Xgetlist = function('getqflist')
+ Xsetlist = function('setqflist')
+ cmd = ':Cfilter' .. bang
+ else
+ Xgetlist = function('getloclist', [0])
+ Xsetlist = function('setloclist', [0])
+ cmd = ':Lfilter' .. bang
+ endif
+ firstchar = searchpat[0]
+ lastchar = searchpat[-1 :]
+ if firstchar == lastchar &&
+ (firstchar == '/' || firstchar == '"' || firstchar == "'")
+ pat = searchpat[1 : -2]
if pat == ''
- return
+ # Use the last search pattern
+ pat = @/
+ else
+ pat = searchpat
+ endif
- if a:bang == '!'
- let cond = 'v:val.text !~# pat && bufname(v:val.bufnr) !~# pat'
- else
- let cond = 'v:val.text =~# pat || bufname(v:val.bufnr) =~# pat'
- endif
+ if pat == ''
+ return
+ endif
+ if bang == '!'
+ Cond = (_, val) => val.text !~# pat && bufname(val.bufnr) !~# pat
+ else
+ Cond = (_, val) => val.text =~# pat || bufname(val.bufnr) =~# pat
+ endif
+ items = filter(Xgetlist(), Cond)
+ title = cmd .. ' /' .. pat .. '/'
+ Xsetlist([], ' ', {title: title, items: items})
- let items = filter(Xgetlist(), cond)
- let title = cmd . ' /' . pat . '/'
- call Xsetlist([], ' ', {'title' : title, 'items' : items})
+command! -nargs=+ -bang Cfilter Qf_filter(true, <q-args>, <q-bang>)
+command! -nargs=+ -bang Lfilter Qf_filter(false, <q-args>, <q-bang>)
-com! -nargs=+ -bang Cfilter call s:Qf_filter(1, <q-args>, <q-bang>)
-com! -nargs=+ -bang Lfilter call s:Qf_filter(0, <q-args>, <q-bang>)
+# vim: shiftwidth=2 sts=2 expandtab