path: root/runtime/pack/dist
diff options
authorBram Moolenaar <>2018-08-21 19:22:23 +0200
committerBram Moolenaar <>2018-08-21 19:22:23 +0200
commit8c5e0093c9badced73e382915fb024a5c3ea463b (patch)
treee5c270ef7d21ec68c457f7e26e572a99f11f2352 /runtime/pack/dist
parent2f0f871159b2cba862fcd41edab65b17da75c422 (diff)
patch 8.1.0311: filtering entries in a quickfix list is not easyv8.1.0311
Problem: Filtering entries in a quickfix list is not easy. Solution: Add the cfilter plugin. (Yegappan Lakshmanan)
Diffstat (limited to 'runtime/pack/dist')
1 files changed, 43 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/runtime/pack/dist/opt/cfilter/plugin/cfilter.vim b/runtime/pack/dist/opt/cfilter/plugin/cfilter.vim
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7a6464fc9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/pack/dist/opt/cfilter/plugin/cfilter.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+" cfilter.vim: Plugin to filter entries from a quickfix/location list
+" Last Change: May 12, 2018
+" Maintainer: Yegappan Lakshmanan (yegappan AT yahoo DOT com)
+" Version: 1.0
+" Commands to filter the quickfix list:
+" :Cfilter[!] {pat}
+" Create a new quickfix list from entries matching {pat} in the current
+" quickfix list. Both the file name and the text of the entries are
+" matched against {pat}. If ! is supplied, then entries not matching
+" {pat} are used.
+" :Lfilter[!] {pat}
+" Same as :Cfilter but operates on the current location list.
+if exists("loaded_cfilter")
+ finish
+let loaded_cfilter = 1
+func s:Qf_filter(qf, pat, bang)
+ if a:qf
+ let Xgetlist = function('getqflist')
+ let Xsetlist = function('setqflist')
+ let cmd = ':Cfilter' . a:bang
+ else
+ let Xgetlist = function('getloclist', [0])
+ let Xsetlist = function('setloclist', [0])
+ let cmd = ':Lfilter' . a:bang
+ endif
+ if a:bang == '!'
+ let cond = 'v:val.text !~# a:pat && bufname(v:val.bufnr) !~# a:pat'
+ else
+ let cond = 'v:val.text =~# a:pat || bufname(v:val.bufnr) =~# a:pat'
+ endif
+ let items = filter(Xgetlist(), cond)
+ let title = cmd . ' ' . a:pat
+ call Xsetlist([], ' ', {'title' : title, 'items' : items})
+com! -nargs=+ -bang Cfilter call s:Qf_filter(1, <q-args>, <q-bang>)
+com! -nargs=+ -bang Lfilter call s:Qf_filter(0, <q-args>, <q-bang>)