path: root/runtime/indent
diff options
authorBram Moolenaar <>2017-09-19 22:06:03 +0200
committerBram Moolenaar <>2017-09-19 22:06:03 +0200
commit37c64c78fd87e086b5a945ad7032787c274e2dcb (patch)
tree01639bc116fb3c7300537c097ab007abf1521ff0 /runtime/indent
parente22bbf65088a01b465918919782c19eb291f9cf0 (diff)
Update runtime files.
Diffstat (limited to 'runtime/indent')
3 files changed, 300 insertions, 233 deletions
diff --git a/runtime/indent/cmake.vim b/runtime/indent/cmake.vim
index 93a131b93..85a9ec4e9 100644
--- a/runtime/indent/cmake.vim
+++ b/runtime/indent/cmake.vim
@@ -1,14 +1,12 @@
" Vim indent file
-" Program: CMake - Cross-Platform Makefile Generator
-" Module: $RCSfile: cmake-indent.vim,v $
" Language: CMake (ft=cmake)
" Author: Andy Cedilnik <>
-" Maintainer: Karthik Krishnan <>
-" Last Change: $Date: 2008-01-16 16:53:53 $
-" Version: $Revision: 1.9 $
+" Maintainer: Dimitri Merejkowsky <>
+" Former Maintainer: Karthik Krishnan <>
+" Last Change: 2017 Aug 30
" Licence: The CMake license applies to this file. See
" This implies that distribution with Vim is allowed
if exists("b:did_indent")
@@ -16,6 +14,7 @@ if exists("b:did_indent")
let b:did_indent = 1
+setlocal et
setlocal indentexpr=CMakeGetIndent(v:lnum)
@@ -68,19 +67,19 @@ fun! CMakeGetIndent(lnum)
let ind = ind
if previous_line =~? cmake_indent_begin_regex
- let ind = ind + shiftwidth()
+ let ind = ind + &sw
if previous_line =~? cmake_indent_open_regex
- let ind = ind + shiftwidth()
+ let ind = ind + &sw
" Subtract
if this_line =~? cmake_indent_end_regex
- let ind = ind - shiftwidth()
+ let ind = ind - &sw
if previous_line =~? cmake_indent_close_regex
- let ind = ind - shiftwidth()
+ let ind = ind - &sw
return ind
diff --git a/runtime/indent/javascript.vim b/runtime/indent/javascript.vim
index 3b3f3a104..286171628 100644
--- a/runtime/indent/javascript.vim
+++ b/runtime/indent/javascript.vim
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
" Language: Javascript
" Maintainer: Chris Paul ( )
" URL:
-" Last Change: March 21, 2017
+" Last Change: September 18, 2017
" Only load this indent file when no other was loaded.
if exists('b:did_indent')
@@ -10,6 +10,10 @@ if exists('b:did_indent')
let b:did_indent = 1
+" indent correctly if inside <script>
+" vim/vim@690afe1 for the switch from cindent
+let b:html_indent_script1 = 'inc'
" Now, set up our indentation expression and keys that trigger it.
setlocal indentexpr=GetJavascriptIndent()
setlocal autoindent nolisp nosmartindent
@@ -21,6 +25,13 @@ setlocal indentkeys+=0],0)
let b:undo_indent = 'setlocal indentexpr< smartindent< autoindent< indentkeys<'
+" Regex of syntax group names that are or delimit string or are comments.
+let b:syng_strcom = get(b:,'syng_strcom','string\|comment\|regex\|special\|doc\|template\%(braces\)\@!')
+let b:syng_str = get(b:,'syng_str','string\|template\|special')
+" template strings may want to be excluded when editing graphql:
+" au! Filetype javascript let b:syng_str = '^\%(.*template\)\@!.*string\|special'
+" au! Filetype javascript let b:syng_strcom = '^\%(.*template\)\@!.*string\|comment\|regex\|special\|doc'
" Only define the function once.
if exists('*GetJavascriptIndent')
@@ -36,7 +47,7 @@ if exists('*shiftwidth')
function s:sw()
- return &l:shiftwidth == 0 ? &l:tabstop : &l:shiftwidth
+ return &l:shiftwidth ? &l:shiftwidth : &l:tabstop
@@ -44,272 +55,301 @@ endif
" matches before pos.
let s:z = has('patch-7.4.984') ? 'z' : ''
+" Expression used to check whether we should skip a match with searchpair().
+let s:skip_expr = "s:SynAt(line('.'),col('.')) =~? b:syng_strcom"
+let s:in_comm = s:skip_expr[:-14] . "'comment\\|doc'"
+let s:rel = has('reltime')
" searchpair() wrapper
-if has('reltime')
- function s:GetPair(start,end,flags,skip,time,...)
- return searchpair('\m'.a:start,'','\m'.a:end,a:flags,a:skip,max([prevnonblank(v:lnum) - 2000,0] + a:000),a:time)
+if s:rel
+ function s:GetPair(start,end,flags,skip)
+ return searchpair('\m'.a:start,'','\m'.a:end,a:flags,a:skip,s:l1,a:skip ==# 's:SkipFunc()' ? 2000 : 200)
- function s:GetPair(start,end,flags,skip,...)
- return searchpair('\m'.a:start,'','\m'.a:end,a:flags,a:skip,max([prevnonblank(v:lnum) - 1000,get(a:000,1)]))
+ function s:GetPair(start,end,flags,skip)
+ return searchpair('\m'.a:start,'','\m'.a:end,a:flags,a:skip,s:l1)
-" Regex of syntax group names that are or delimit string or are comments.
-let s:syng_strcom = 'string\|comment\|regex\|special\|doc\|template\%(braces\)\@!'
-let s:syng_str = 'string\|template\|special'
-let s:syng_com = 'comment\|doc'
-" Expression used to check whether we should skip a match with searchpair().
-let s:skip_expr = "synIDattr(synID(line('.'),col('.'),0),'name') =~? '".s:syng_strcom."'"
+function s:SynAt(l,c)
+ let byte = line2byte(a:l) + a:c - 1
+ let pos = index(s:synid_cache[0], byte)
+ if pos == -1
+ let s:synid_cache[:] += [[byte], [synIDattr(synID(a:l, a:c, 0), 'name')]]
+ endif
+ return s:synid_cache[1][pos]
-function s:parse_cino(f) abort
- return float2nr(eval(substitute(substitute(join(split(
- \ matchstr(&cino,'.*'.a:f.'\zs[^,]*'), 's',1), '*'.s:W)
- \ , '^-\=\zs\*','',''), '^-\=\zs\.','0.','')))
+function s:ParseCino(f)
+ let [divider, n, cstr] = [0] + matchlist(&cino,
+ \ '\%(.*,\)\=\%(\%d'.char2nr(a:f).'\(-\)\=\([.s0-9]*\)\)\=')[1:2]
+ for c in split(cstr,'\zs')
+ if c == '.' && !divider
+ let divider = 1
+ elseif c ==# 's'
+ if n !~ '\d'
+ return n . s:sw() + 0
+ endif
+ let n = str2nr(n) * s:sw()
+ break
+ else
+ let [n, divider] .= [c, 0]
+ endif
+ endfor
+ return str2nr(n) / max([str2nr(divider),1])
-function s:skip_func()
- if getline('.') =~ '\%<'.col('.').'c\/.\{-}\/\|\%>'.col('.').'c[''"]\|\\$'
- return eval(s:skip_expr)
- elseif s:checkIn || search('\m`\|\${\|\*\/','nW'.s:z,s:looksyn)
- let s:checkIn = eval(s:skip_expr)
+" Optimized {skip} expr, only callable from the search loop which
+" GetJavascriptIndent does to find the containing [[{(] (side-effects)
+function s:SkipFunc()
+ if s:top_col == 1
+ throw 'out of bounds'
- let s:looksyn = line('.')
- return s:checkIn
+ let s:top_col = 0
+ if s:check_in
+ if eval(s:skip_expr)
+ return 1
+ endif
+ let s:check_in = 0
+ elseif getline('.') =~ '\%<'.col('.').'c\/.\{-}\/\|\%>'.col('.').'c[''"]\|\\$'
+ if eval(s:skip_expr)
+ let s:looksyn = a:firstline
+ return 1
+ endif
+ elseif search('\m`\|\${\|\*\/','nW'.s:z,s:looksyn) && eval(s:skip_expr)
+ let s:check_in = 1
+ return 1
+ endif
+ let [s:looksyn, s:top_col] = getpos('.')[1:2]
-function s:alternatePair(stop)
- let pos = getpos('.')[1:2]
- let pat = '[][(){};]'
- while search('\m'.pat,'bW',a:stop)
- if s:skip_func() | continue | endif
- let idx = stridx('])};',s:looking_at())
- if idx is 3 | let pat = '[{}()]' | continue | endif
- if idx + 1
- if s:GetPair(['\[','(','{'][idx], '])}'[idx],'bW','s:skip_func()',2000,a:stop) <= 0
+function s:AlternatePair()
+ let [pat, l:for] = ['[][(){};]', 2]
+ while s:SearchLoop(pat,'bW','s:SkipFunc()')
+ if s:LookingAt() == ';'
+ if !l:for
+ if s:GetPair('{','}','bW','s:SkipFunc()')
+ return
+ endif
+ else
+ let [pat, l:for] = ['[{}();]', l:for - 1]
- return
+ let idx = stridx('])}',s:LookingAt())
+ if idx == -1
+ return
+ elseif !s:GetPair(['\[','(','{'][idx],'])}'[idx],'bW','s:SkipFunc()')
+ break
+ endif
- call call('cursor',pos)
+ throw 'out of bounds'
-function s:save_pos(f,...)
- let l:pos = getpos('.')[1:2]
- let ret = call(a:f,a:000)
- call call('cursor',l:pos)
- return ret
+function s:Nat(int)
+ return a:int * (a:int > 0)
-function s:syn_at(l,c)
- return synIDattr(synID(a:l,a:c,0),'name')
-function s:looking_at()
+function s:LookingAt()
return getline('.')[col('.')-1]
-function s:token()
- return s:looking_at() =~ '\k' ? expand('<cword>') : s:looking_at()
+function s:Token()
+ return s:LookingAt() =~ '\k' ? expand('<cword>') : s:LookingAt()
-function s:previous_token()
- let l:pos = getpos('.')[1:2]
- if search('\m\k\{1,}\zs\k\|\S','bW')
- if (getline('.')[col('.')-2:col('.')-1] == '*/' || line('.') != l:pos[0] &&
- \ getline('.') =~ '\%<'.col('.').'c\/\/') && s:syn_at(line('.'),col('.')) =~? s:syng_com
- while search('\m\S\ze\_s*\/[/*]','bW')
- if s:syn_at(line('.'),col('.')) !~? s:syng_com
- return s:token()
- endif
- endwhile
+function s:PreviousToken()
+ let l:col = col('.')
+ if search('\m\k\{1,}\|\S','ebW')
+ if search('\m\*\%#\/\|\/\/\%<'.a:firstline.'l','nbW',line('.')) && eval(s:in_comm)
+ if s:SearchLoop('\S\ze\_s*\/[/*]','bW',s:in_comm)
+ return s:Token()
+ endif
+ call cursor(a:firstline, l:col)
- return s:token()
+ return s:Token()
- call call('cursor',l:pos)
return ''
-function s:expr_col()
- if getline('.')[col('.')-2] == ':'
- return 1
- endif
+function s:Pure(f,...)
+ return eval("[call(a:f,a:000),cursor(a:firstline,".col('.').")][0]")
+function s:SearchLoop(pat,flags,expr)
+ return s:GetPair(a:pat,'\_$.',a:flags,a:expr)
+function s:ExprCol()
let bal = 0
- while search('\m[{}?:;]','bW')
- if eval(s:skip_expr) | continue | endif
- " switch (looking_at())
- exe { '}': "if s:GetPair('{','}','bW',s:skip_expr,200) <= 0 | return | endif",
- \ ';': "return",
- \ '{': "return getpos('.')[1:2] != b:js_cache[1:] && !s:IsBlock()",
- \ ':': "let bal -= getline('.')[max([col('.')-2,0]):col('.')] !~ '::'",
- \ '?': "let bal += 1 | if bal > 0 | return 1 | endif" }[s:looking_at()]
+ while s:SearchLoop('[{}?]\|\_[^:]\zs::\@!','bW',s:skip_expr)
+ if s:LookingAt() == ':'
+ let bal -= 1
+ elseif s:LookingAt() == '?'
+ let bal += 1
+ if bal == 1
+ break
+ endif
+ elseif s:LookingAt() == '{'
+ let bal = !s:IsBlock()
+ break
+ elseif !s:GetPair('{','}','bW',s:skip_expr)
+ break
+ endif
+ return s:Nat(bal)
" configurable regexes that define continuation lines, not including (, {, or [.
let s:opfirst = '^' . get(g:,'javascript_opfirst',
- \ '\C\%([<>=,?^%|*/&]\|\([-.:+]\)\1\@!\|!=\|in\%(stanceof\)\=\>\)')
+ \ '\C\%([<>=,.?^%|/&]\|\([-:+]\)\1\@!\|\*\+\|!=\|in\%(stanceof\)\=\>\)')
let s:continuation = get(g:,'javascript_continuation',
- \ '\C\%([-+<>=,.~!?/*^%|&:]\|\<\%(typeof\|new\|delete\|void\|in\|instanceof\|await\)\)') . '$'
-function s:continues(ln,con)
- if !cursor(a:ln, match(' '.a:con,s:continuation))
- let teol = s:looking_at()
- if teol == '/'
- return s:syn_at(line('.'),col('.')) !~? 'regex'
- elseif teol =~ '[-+>]'
- return getline('.')[col('.')-2] != tr(teol,'>','=')
- elseif teol =~ '\l'
- return s:previous_token() != '.'
- elseif teol == ':'
- return s:expr_col()
- endif
- return 1
+ \ '\C\%([<=,.~!?/*^%|&:]\|+\@<!+\|-\@<!-\|=\@<!>\|\<\%(typeof\|new\|delete\|void\|in\|instanceof\|await\)\)') . '$'
+function s:Continues(ln,con)
+ let tok = matchstr(a:con[-15:],s:continuation)
+ if tok =~ '[a-z:]'
+ call cursor(a:ln, len(a:con))
+ return tok == ':' ? s:ExprCol() : s:PreviousToken() != '.'
+ elseif tok !~ '[/>]'
+ return tok isnot ''
-" get the line of code stripped of comments and move cursor to the last
-" non-comment char.
-function s:Trim(ln)
- let pline = substitute(getline(a:ln),'\s*$','','')
- let l:max = max([strridx(pline,'//'), strridx(pline,'/*')])
- while l:max != -1 && s:syn_at(a:ln, strlen(pline)) =~? s:syng_com
- let pline = pline[: l:max]
- let l:max = max([strridx(pline,'//'), strridx(pline,'/*')])
- let pline = substitute(pline[:-2],'\s*$','','')
- endwhile
- return pline is '' || cursor(a:ln,strlen(pline)) ? pline : pline
-" Find line above 'lnum' that isn't empty or in a comment
-function s:PrevCodeLine(lnum)
- let [l:pos, l:n] = [getpos('.')[1:2], prevnonblank(a:lnum)]
- while l:n
- if getline(l:n) =~ '^\s*\/[/*]'
- let l:n = prevnonblank(l:n-1)
- elseif stridx(getline(l:n), '*/') + 1 && s:syn_at(l:n,1) =~? s:syng_com
- call cursor(l:n,1)
- keepjumps norm! [*
- let l:n = search('\m\S','nbW')
- else
- break
- endif
- endwhile
- call call('cursor',l:pos)
- return l:n
+ return s:SynAt(a:ln, len(a:con)) !~? (tok == '>' ? 'jsflow\|^html' : 'regex')
" Check if line 'lnum' has a balanced amount of parentheses.
function s:Balanced(lnum)
- let l:open = 0
- let l:line = getline(a:lnum)
- let pos = match(l:line, '[][(){}]', 0)
+ let [l:open, l:line] = [0, getline(a:lnum)]
+ let pos = match(l:line, '[][(){}]')
while pos != -1
- if s:syn_at(a:lnum,pos + 1) !~? s:syng_strcom
+ if s:SynAt(a:lnum,pos + 1) !~? b:syng_strcom
let l:open += match(' ' . l:line[pos],'[[({]')
if l:open < 0
- let pos = match(l:line, (l:open ?
- \ '['.escape(tr(l:line[pos],'({[]})',')}][{(').l:line[pos],']').']' :
- \ '[][(){}]'), pos + 1)
+ let pos = match(l:line, !l:open ? '[][(){}]' : '()' =~ l:line[pos] ?
+ \ '[()]' : '{}' =~ l:line[pos] ? '[{}]' : '[][]', pos + 1)
return !l:open
-function s:OneScope(lnum)
- let pline = s:Trim(a:lnum)
- let kw = 'else do'
- if pline[-1:] == ')' && s:GetPair('(', ')', 'bW', s:skip_expr, 100) > 0
- if s:previous_token() =~# '^\%(await\|each\)$'
- call s:previous_token()
- let kw = 'for'
- else
- let kw = 'for if let while with'
+function s:OneScope()
+ if s:LookingAt() == ')' && s:GetPair('(', ')', 'bW', s:skip_expr)
+ let tok = s:PreviousToken()
+ return (count(split('for if let while with'),tok) ||
+ \ tok =~# '^await$\|^each$' && s:PreviousToken() ==# 'for') &&
+ \ s:Pure('s:PreviousToken') != '.' && !(tok == 'while' && s:DoWhile())
+ elseif s:Token() =~# '^else$\|^do$'
+ return s:Pure('s:PreviousToken') != '.'
+ endif
+ return strpart(getline('.'),col('.')-2,2) == '=>'
+function s:DoWhile()
+ let cpos = searchpos('\m\<','cbW')
+ if s:SearchLoop('\C[{}]\|\<\%(do\|while\)\>','bW',s:skip_expr)
+ if s:{s:LookingAt() == '}' && s:GetPair('{','}','bW',s:skip_expr) ?
+ \ 'Previous' : ''}Token() ==# 'do' && s:IsBlock()
+ return 1
+ call call('cursor',cpos)
- return pline[-2:] == '=>' || index(split(kw),s:token()) + 1 &&
- \ s:save_pos('s:previous_token') != '.'
-" returns braceless levels started by 'i' and above lines * shiftwidth().
-" 'num' is the lineNr which encloses the entire context, 'cont' if whether
-" line 'i' + 1 is a continued expression, which could have started in a
-" braceless context
-function s:iscontOne(i,num,cont)
- let [l:i, l:num, bL] = [a:i, a:num + !a:num, 0]
- let pind = a:num ? indent(l:num) + s:W : 0
- let ind = indent(l:i) + (a:cont ? 0 : s:W)
- while l:i >= l:num && (ind > pind || l:i == l:num)
- if indent(l:i) < ind && s:OneScope(l:i)
- let bL += s:W
- let l:i = line('.')
- elseif !a:cont || bL || ind < indent(a:i)
+" returns total offset from braceless contexts. 'num' is the lineNr which
+" encloses the entire context, 'cont' if whether a:firstline is a continued
+" expression, which could have started in a braceless context
+function s:IsContOne(num,cont)
+ let [l:num, b_l] = [a:num + !a:num, 0]
+ let pind = a:num ? indent(a:num) + s:sw() : 0
+ let ind = indent('.') + !a:cont
+ while line('.') > l:num && ind > pind || line('.') == l:num
+ if indent('.') < ind && s:OneScope()
+ let b_l += 1
+ elseif !a:cont || b_l || ind < indent(a:firstline)
+ break
+ else
+ call cursor(0,1)
+ endif
+ let ind = min([ind, indent('.')])
+ if s:PreviousToken() is ''
- let ind = min([ind, indent(l:i)])
- let l:i = s:PrevCodeLine(l:i - 1)
- return bL
+ return b_l
+function s:Class()
+ return (s:Token() ==# 'class' || s:PreviousToken() =~# '^class$\|^extends$') &&
+ \ s:PreviousToken() != '.'
+function s:IsSwitch()
+ return s:PreviousToken() !~ '[.*]' &&
+ \ (!s:GetPair('{','}','cbW',s:skip_expr) || s:IsBlock() && !s:Class())
function s:IsBlock()
- if s:looking_at() == '{'
- let l:n = line('.')
- let char = s:previous_token()
- if match(s:stack,'\cxml\|jsx') + 1 && s:syn_at(line('.'),col('.')-1) =~? 'xml\|jsx'
- return char != '{'
- elseif char =~ '\k'
- if char ==# 'type'
- return s:previous_token() !~# '^\%(im\|ex\)port$'
- endif
- return index(split('return const let import export extends yield default delete var await void typeof throw case new of in instanceof')
- \ ,char) < (line('.') != l:n) || s:save_pos('s:previous_token') == '.'
- elseif char == '>'
- return getline('.')[col('.')-2] == '=' || s:syn_at(line('.'),col('.')) =~? '^jsflow'
- elseif char == ':'
- return !s:save_pos('s:expr_col')
- elseif char == '/'
- return s:syn_at(line('.'),col('.')) =~? 'regex'
+ let tok = s:PreviousToken()
+ if join(s:stack) =~? 'xml\|jsx' && s:SynAt(line('.'),col('.')-1) =~? 'xml\|jsx'
+ return tok != '{'
+ elseif tok =~ '\k'
+ if tok ==# 'type'
+ return s:Pure('eval',"s:PreviousToken() !~# '^\\%(im\\|ex\\)port$' || s:PreviousToken() == '.'")
+ elseif tok ==# 'of'
+ return s:Pure('eval',"!s:GetPair('[[({]','[])}]','bW',s:skip_expr) || s:LookingAt() != '(' ||"
+ \ ."s:{s:PreviousToken() ==# 'await' ? 'Previous' : ''}Token() !=# 'for' || s:PreviousToken() == '.'")
- return char !~ '[=~!<*,?^%|&([]' &&
- \ (char !~ '[-+]' || l:n != line('.') && getline('.')[col('.')-2] == char)
+ return index(split('return const let import export extends yield default delete var await void typeof throw case new in instanceof')
+ \ ,tok) < (line('.') != a:firstline) || s:Pure('s:PreviousToken') == '.'
+ elseif tok == '>'
+ return getline('.')[col('.')-2] == '=' || s:SynAt(line('.'),col('.')) =~? 'jsflow\|^html'
+ elseif tok == '*'
+ return s:Pure('s:PreviousToken') == ':'
+ elseif tok == ':'
+ return s:Pure('eval',"s:PreviousToken() =~ '^\\K\\k*$' && !s:ExprCol()")
+ elseif tok == '/'
+ return s:SynAt(line('.'),col('.')) =~? 'regex'
+ elseif tok !~ '[=~!<,.?^%|&([]'
+ return tok !~ '[-+]' || line('.') != a:firstline && getline('.')[col('.')-2] == tok
function GetJavascriptIndent()
let b:js_cache = get(b:,'js_cache',[0,0,0])
- " Get the current line.
- call cursor(v:lnum,1)
- let l:line = getline('.')
+ let s:synid_cache = [[],[]]
+ let l:line = getline(v:lnum)
" use synstack as it validates syn state and works in an empty line
- let s:stack = map(synstack(v:lnum,1),"synIDattr(v:val,'name')")
- let syns = get(s:stack,-1,'')
+ let s:stack = [''] + map(synstack(v:lnum,1),"synIDattr(v:val,'name')")
" start with strings,comments,etc.
- if syns =~? s:syng_com
+ if s:stack[-1] =~? 'comment\|doc'
if l:line =~ '^\s*\*'
return cindent(v:lnum)
elseif l:line !~ '^\s*\/[/*]'
return -1
- elseif syns =~? s:syng_str
+ elseif s:stack[-1] =~? b:syng_str
if b:js_cache[0] == v:lnum - 1 && s:Balanced(v:lnum-1)
let b:js_cache[0] = v:lnum
return -1
- let l:lnum = s:PrevCodeLine(v:lnum - 1)
- if !l:lnum
+ let s:l1 = max([0,prevnonblank(v:lnum) - (s:rel ? 2000 : 1000),
+ \ get(get(b:,'hi_indent',{}),'blocklnr')])
+ call cursor(v:lnum,1)
+ if s:PreviousToken() is ''
+ let [l:lnum, pline] = [line('.'), getline('.')[:col('.')-1]]
let l:line = substitute(l:line,'^\s*','','')
+ let l:line_raw = l:line
if l:line[:1] == '/*'
let l:line = substitute(l:line,'^\%(\/\*.\{-}\*\/\s*\)*','','')
@@ -318,60 +358,91 @@ function GetJavascriptIndent()
" the containing paren, bracket, or curly. Many hacks for performance
+ call cursor(v:lnum,1)
let idx = index([']',')','}'],l:line[0])
- if b:js_cache[0] >= l:lnum && b:js_cache[0] < v:lnum &&
- \ (b:js_cache[0] > l:lnum || s:Balanced(l:lnum))
+ if b:js_cache[0] > l:lnum && b:js_cache[0] < v:lnum ||
+ \ b:js_cache[0] == l:lnum && s:Balanced(l:lnum)
call call('cursor',b:js_cache[1:])
- let [s:looksyn, s:checkIn, top] = [v:lnum - 1, 0, (!indent(l:lnum) &&
- \ s:syn_at(l:lnum,1) !~? s:syng_str) * l:lnum]
- if idx + 1
- call s:GetPair(['\[','(','{'][idx],'])}'[idx],'bW','s:skip_func()',2000,top)
- elseif getline(v:lnum) !~ '^\S' && syns =~? 'block'
- call s:GetPair('{','}','bW','s:skip_func()',2000,top)
- else
- call s:alternatePair(top)
- endif
+ let [s:looksyn, s:top_col, s:check_in, s:l1] = [v:lnum - 1,0,0,
+ \ max([s:l1, &smc ? search('\m^.\{'.&smc.',}','nbW',s:l1 + 1) + 1 : 0])]
+ try
+ if idx != -1
+ call s:GetPair(['\[','(','{'][idx],'])}'[idx],'bW','s:SkipFunc()')
+ elseif getline(v:lnum) !~ '^\S' && s:stack[-1] =~? 'block\|^jsobject$'
+ call s:GetPair('{','}','bW','s:SkipFunc()')
+ else
+ call s:AlternatePair()
+ endif
+ catch /^\Cout of bounds$/
+ call cursor(v:lnum,1)
+ endtry
+ let b:js_cache[1:] = line('.') == v:lnum ? [0,0] : getpos('.')[1:2]
- let b:js_cache = [v:lnum] + (line('.') == v:lnum ? [0,0] : getpos('.')[1:2])
- let num = b:js_cache[1]
+ let [b:js_cache[0], num] = [v:lnum, b:js_cache[1]]
- let [s:W, isOp, bL, switch_offset] = [s:sw(),0,0,0]
- if !num || s:IsBlock()
+ let [num_ind, is_op, b_l, l:switch_offset] = [s:Nat(indent(num)),0,0,0]
+ if !num || s:LookingAt() == '{' && s:IsBlock()
let ilnum = line('.')
- let pline = s:save_pos('s:Trim',l:lnum)
- if num && s:looking_at() == ')' && s:GetPair('(', ')', 'bW', s:skip_expr, 100) > 0
- let num = ilnum == num ? line('.') : num
- if idx < 0 && s:previous_token() ==# 'switch' && s:previous_token() != '.'
- if &cino !~ ':'
- let switch_offset = s:W
- else
- let switch_offset = max([-indent(num),s:parse_cino(':')])
- endif
+ if num && s:LookingAt() == ')' && s:GetPair('(',')','bW',s:skip_expr)
+ if ilnum == num
+ let [num, num_ind] = [line('.'), indent('.')]
+ endif
+ if idx == -1 && s:PreviousToken() ==# 'switch' && s:IsSwitch()
+ let l:switch_offset = &cino !~ ':' ? s:sw() : s:ParseCino(':')
if pline[-1:] != '.' && l:line =~# '^\%(default\|case\)\>'
- return indent(num) + switch_offset
+ return s:Nat(num_ind + l:switch_offset)
+ elseif &cino =~ '='
+ let l:case_offset = s:ParseCino('=')
- if idx < 0 && pline[-1:] !~ '[{;]'
- let isOp = (l:line =~# s:opfirst || s:continues(l:lnum,pline)) * s:W
- let bL = s:iscontOne(l:lnum,b:js_cache[1],isOp)
- let bL -= (bL && l:line[0] == '{') * s:W
+ if idx == -1 && pline[-1:] !~ '[{;]'
+ let sol = matchstr(l:line,s:opfirst)
+ if sol is '' || sol == '/' && s:SynAt(v:lnum,
+ \ 1 + len(getline(v:lnum)) - len(l:line)) =~? 'regex'
+ if s:Continues(l:lnum,pline)
+ let is_op = s:sw()
+ endif
+ elseif num && sol =~# '^\%(in\%(stanceof\)\=\|\*\)$'
+ call call('cursor',b:js_cache[1:])
+ if s:PreviousToken() =~ '\k' && s:Class()
+ return num_ind + s:sw()
+ endif
+ let is_op = s:sw()
+ else
+ let is_op = s:sw()
+ endif
+ call cursor(l:lnum, len(pline))
+ let b_l = s:Nat(s:IsContOne(b:js_cache[1],is_op) - (!is_op && l:line =~ '^{')) * s:sw()
- elseif idx < 0 && getline(b:js_cache[1])[b:js_cache[2]-1] == '(' && &cino =~ '('
- let pval = s:parse_cino('(')
- return !pval ? (s:parse_cino('w') ? 0 : -(!!search('\m\S','W'.s:z,num))) + virtcol('.') :
- \ max([indent('.') + pval + (s:GetPair('(',')','nbrmW',s:skip_expr,100,num) * s:W),0])
+ elseif idx.s:LookingAt().&cino =~ '^-1(.*(' && (search('\m\S','nbW',num) || s:ParseCino('U'))
+ let pval = s:ParseCino('(')
+ if !pval
+ let [Wval, vcol] = [s:ParseCino('W'), virtcol('.')]
+ if search('\m\S','W',num)
+ return s:ParseCino('w') ? vcol : virtcol('.')-1
+ endif
+ return Wval ? s:Nat(num_ind + Wval) : vcol
+ endif
+ return s:Nat(num_ind + pval + searchpair('\m(','','\m)','nbrmW',s:skip_expr,num) * s:sw())
" main return
- if l:line =~ '^\%([])}]\||}\)'
- return max([indent(num),0])
+ if l:line =~ '^[])}]\|^|}'
+ if l:line_raw[0] == ')' && getline(num)[b:js_cache[2]-1] == '('
+ if s:ParseCino('M')
+ return indent(l:lnum)
+ elseif &cino =~# 'm' && !s:ParseCino('m')
+ return virtcol('.') - 1
+ endif
+ endif
+ return num_ind
elseif num
- return indent(num) + s:W + switch_offset + bL + isOp
+ return s:Nat(num_ind + get(l:,'case_offset',s:sw()) + l:switch_offset + b_l + is_op)
- return bL + isOp
+ return b_l + is_op
let &cpo = s:cpo_save
diff --git a/runtime/indent/perl.vim b/runtime/indent/perl.vim
index cf256eae0..094d1d37e 100644
--- a/runtime/indent/perl.vim
+++ b/runtime/indent/perl.vim
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
" Maintainer: vim-perl <>
" Homepage:
" Bugs/requests:
-" Last Change: 2017 Jun 13
+" Last Change: 2017-01-04
" Suggestions and improvements by :
" Aaron J. Sherman (use syntax for hints)
@@ -48,11 +48,6 @@ function! GetPerlIndent()
return 0
- " Don't reindent comments on first column
- if cline =~ '^#.'
- return 0
- endif
" Get current syntax item at the line's first char
let csynid = ''
if b:indent_use_syntax
@@ -134,6 +129,7 @@ function! GetPerlIndent()
\ || synid == "perlMatchStartEnd"
\ || synid == "perlHereDoc"
\ || synid == "perlBraces"
+ \ || synid == "perlStatementIndirObj"
\ || synid =~ "^perlFiledescStatement"
\ || synid =~ '^perl\(Sub\|Block\|Package\)Fold'
let brace = strpart(line, bracepos, 1)
@@ -151,6 +147,7 @@ function! GetPerlIndent()
if synid == ""
\ || synid == "perlMatchStartEnd"
\ || synid == "perlBraces"
+ \ || synid == "perlStatementIndirObj"
\ || synid =~ '^perl\(Sub\|Block\|Package\)Fold'
let ind = ind - shiftwidth()