path: root/runtime/ftplugin/ocaml.vim
diff options
authorBram Moolenaar <>2008-08-06 17:06:04 +0000
committerBram Moolenaar <>2008-08-06 17:06:04 +0000
commite37d50a5def1c0ff162392cd3f017059c458650c (patch)
treee7d1e2b17976b130d1283d33b091baf30cfc5d2c /runtime/ftplugin/ocaml.vim
parentda40c8536c2b7bdbd1d192ee1aa3045e2119675e (diff)
updated for version 7.2c-000v7.2c.000
Diffstat (limited to 'runtime/ftplugin/ocaml.vim')
1 files changed, 26 insertions, 13 deletions
diff --git a/runtime/ftplugin/ocaml.vim b/runtime/ftplugin/ocaml.vim
index 53431c9b0..7acf49328 100644
--- a/runtime/ftplugin/ocaml.vim
+++ b/runtime/ftplugin/ocaml.vim
@@ -5,7 +5,8 @@
" Stefano Zacchiroli <>
" Vincent Aravantinos <>
" URL:
-" Last Change: 2007 Sep 09 - Added .annot support for ocamlbuild, python not
+" Last Change: 2008 Jul 17 - Bugfix related to fnameescape (VA)
+" 2007 Sep 09 - Added .annot support for ocamlbuild, python not
" needed anymore (VA)
" 2006 May 01 - Added .annot support for file.whateverext (SZ)
" 2006 Apr 11 - Fixed an initialization bug; fixed ASS abbrev (MM)
@@ -16,6 +17,17 @@ if exists("b:did_ftplugin")
let b:did_ftplugin=1
+" some macro
+if exists('*fnameescape')
+ function! s:Fnameescape(s)
+ return fnameescape(a:s)
+ endfun
+ function! s:Fnameescape(s)
+ return escape(a:s," \t\n*?[{`$\\%#'\"|!<")
+ endfun
" Error handling -- helps moving where the compiler wants you to go
let s:cposet=&cpoptions
set cpo-=C
@@ -71,14 +83,14 @@ if !exists("g:did_ocaml_switch")
map <LocalLeader>S :call OCaml_switch(1)<CR>
fun OCaml_switch(newwin)
if (match(bufname(""), "\\.mli$") >= 0)
- let fname = substitute(bufname(""), "\\.mli$", ".ml", "")
+ let fname = s:Fnameescape(substitute(bufname(""), "\\.mli$", ".ml", ""))
if (a:newwin == 1)
exec "new " . fname
exec "arge " . fname
elseif (match(bufname(""), "\\.ml$") >= 0)
- let fname = bufname("") . "i"
+ let fname = s:Fnameescape(bufname("")) . "i"
if (a:newwin == 1)
exec "new " . fname
@@ -260,6 +272,7 @@ endfunction
" For the moment, the only possible keyword is \"type\"."
" >>
" 1. Finding the annotation file even if we use ocamlbuild
" In: two strings representing paths
@@ -286,16 +299,16 @@ endfunction
function! s:Locate_annotation()
if !b:annotation_file_located
- silent exe 'cd' expand('%:p:h')
+ silent exe 'cd' s:Fnameescape(expand('%:p:h'))
- let annot_file_name = expand('%:r').'.annot'
+ let annot_file_name = s:Fnameescape(expand('%:r')).'.annot'
" 1st case : the annot file is in the same directory as the buffer (no ocamlbuild)
let b:annot_file_path = findfile(annot_file_name,'.')
if b:annot_file_path != ''
let b:annot_file_path = getcwd().'/'.b:annot_file_path
let b:_build_path = ''
- let b:source_file_relative_path = expand('%')
+ let b:source_file_relative_path = s:Fnameescape(expand('%'))
" 2nd case : the buffer and the _build directory are in the same directory
" ..
@@ -310,7 +323,7 @@ endfunction
if b:annot_file_path != ''
let b:annot_file_path = getcwd().'/'.b:annot_file_path
- let b:source_file_relative_path = expand('%')
+ let b:source_file_relative_path = s:Fnameescape(expand('%'))
" 3rd case : the _build directory is in a directory higher in the file hierarchy
" (it can't be deeper by ocamlbuild requirements)
@@ -325,9 +338,9 @@ endfunction
let b:_build_path = finddir('_build',';')
if b:_build_path != ''
let project_path = substitute(b:_build_path,'/_build$','','')
- let path_relative_to_project = substitute(expand('%:p:h'),project_path.'/','','')
+ let path_relative_to_project = s:Fnameescape(substitute(expand('%:p:h'),project_path.'/','',''))
let b:annot_file_path = findfile(annot_file_name,project_path.'/_build/'.path_relative_to_project)
- let b:source_file_relative_path = substitute(expand('%:p'),project_path.'/','','')
+ let b:source_file_relative_path = s:Fnameescape(substitute(expand('%:p'),project_path.'/','',''))
let b:annot_file_path = findfile(annot_file_name,'**')
"4th case : what if the user decided to change the name of the _build directory ?
@@ -339,7 +352,7 @@ endfunction
let b:annot_file_path = getcwd().'/'.b:annot_file_path
let b:_build_path = getcwd().'/'.b:_build_path
- let b:source_file_relative_path = expand('%')
+ let b:source_file_relative_path = s:Fnameescape(expand('%'))
" 4b. anarchy : the renamed _build directory may be higher in the hierarchy
" this will work if the file for which we are looking annotations has a unique name in the whole project
@@ -380,16 +393,16 @@ endfunction
set hidden
let s:current_buf = bufname('%')
if bufloaded(b:annot_file_path)
- silent exe 'keepj keepalt' 'buffer' b:annot_file_path
+ silent exe 'keepj keepalt' 'buffer' s:Fnameescape(b:annot_file_path)
- silent exe 'keepj keepalt' 'view' b:annot_file_path
+ silent exe 'keepj keepalt' 'view' s:Fnameescape(b:annot_file_path)
" After call:
" The original buffer has been restored in the exact same state as before.
function! s:Exit_annotation_buffer()
- silent exe 'keepj keepalt' 'buffer' s:current_buf
+ silent exe 'keepj keepalt' 'buffer' s:Fnameescape(s:current_buf)
let &l:hidden = s:current_hidden
call setpos('.',s:current_pos)