path: root/runtime/doc/version7.txt
diff options
authorBram Moolenaar <>2006-03-25 22:05:04 +0000
committerBram Moolenaar <>2006-03-25 22:05:04 +0000
commitbd404149f7ad7bc94dc7da3e5e7ee96a83228b9d (patch)
tree92aef70685a08f5b68b1555eefd4e1bd8e44504b /runtime/doc/version7.txt
parent42bbef4a4996b5f7908b65d8bd01fccf8b883675 (diff)
updated for version 7.0b01
Diffstat (limited to 'runtime/doc/version7.txt')
1 files changed, 165 insertions, 39 deletions
diff --git a/runtime/doc/version7.txt b/runtime/doc/version7.txt
index c38f27241..44bf2c184 100644
--- a/runtime/doc/version7.txt
+++ b/runtime/doc/version7.txt
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-*version7.txt* For Vim version 7.0b. Last change: 2006 Mar 24
+*version7.txt* For Vim version 7.0b. Last change: 2006 Mar 25
@@ -688,8 +688,11 @@ New and extended functions: ~
|add()| append an item to a List
|append()| append List of lines to the buffer
|browsedir()| dialog to select a directory
+|bufnr()| takes an extra argument: create buffer
|byteidx()| index of a character (Ilya Sher)
|call()| call a function with List as arguments
+|changenr()| number of current change
+|complete()| set matches for Insert mode completion
|complete_add()| add match for 'completefunc'
|complete_check()| check for key pressed, for 'completefunc'
|copy()| make a shallow copy of a List or Dictionary
@@ -697,9 +700,10 @@ New and extended functions: ~
|cursor()| also accepts an offset for 'virtualedit', and
the first argument can be a list: [lnum, col, off]
|deepcopy()| make a full copy of a List or Dictionary
+|diff_filler()| returns number of filler lines above line {lnum}.
+|diff_hlID()| returns the highlight ID for diff mode
|empty()| check if List or Dictionary is empty
-|getloclist()| list of location list items (Yegappan Lakshmanan)
-|getqflist()| list of quickfix errors (Yegappan Lakshmanan)
+|eval()| evaluate {string} and return the result
|extend()| append one List to another or add items from one
Dictionary to another
|filter()| remove selected items from a List or Dictionary
@@ -707,6 +711,8 @@ New and extended functions: ~
|findfile()| find a file in 'path' (Johannes Zellner)
|foldtextresult()| the text displayed for a closed fold at line "lnum"
|function()| make a Funcref out of a function name
+|garbagecollect()| cleanup unused |Lists| and |Dictionaries| with circular
+ references
|get()| get an item from a List or Dictionary
|getbufline()| get a list of lines from a specified buffer
(Yegappan Lakshmanan)
@@ -716,42 +722,65 @@ New and extended functions: ~
|getfperm()| get file permission string (Nikolai Weibull)
|getftype()| get type of file (Nikolai Weibull)
|getline()| with second argument: get List with buffer lines
+|getloclist()| list of location list items (Yegappan Lakshmanan)
|getpos()| return a list with the position of cursor, mark, etc.
+|getqflist()| list of quickfix errors (Yegappan Lakshmanan)
+|getreg()| get contents of a register
|has_key()| check whether a key appears in a Dictionary
+|hasmapto()| check for a mapping to a string
|inputlist()| select an entry from a list
+|index()| index of item in List
+|inputlist()| prompt the user to make a selection from a list
|insert()| insert an item somewhere in a List
+|islocked()| check if a variable is locked
|items()| get List of Dictionary key-value pairs
|join()| join List items into a String
|keys()| get List of Dictionary keys
|len()| number of items in a List or Dictionary
|map()| change each List or Dictionary item
+|maparg()| extra argument: use abbreviation
+|mapcheck()| extra argument: use abbreviation
+|match()| extra argument: count
+|matchend()| extra argument: count
|matchlist()| list with match and submatches of a pattern in a string
+|matchstr()| extra argument: count
|max()| maximum value in a List or Dictionary
|min()| minimum value in a List or Dictionary
|mkdir()| create a directory
|printf()| format text
+|pumvisible()| check whether the popup menu is displayed
+|range()| generate a List with numbers
|readfile()| read a file into a list of lines
|reltime()| get time value, possibly relative
|reltimestr()| turn a time value into a string
|remove()| remove one or more items from a List or Dictionary
|repeat()| repeat "expr" "count" times (Christophe Poucet)
|reverse()| reverse the order of a List
+|search()| extra argument:
|searchdecl()| search for declaration of variable
+|searchpair()| extra argument: line to stop searching
|searchpairpos()| return a List with the position of the match
|searchpos()| return a List with the position of the match
|setloclist()| modify a location list (Yegappan Lakshmanan)
+|setpos()| set cursor or mark to a position
|setqflist()| modify a quickfix list (Yegappan Lakshmanan)
|sort()| sort a List
|soundfold()| get the sound-a-like equivalent of a word
-|split()| split a String into a List
|spellbadword()| get a badly spelled word
|spellsuggest()| get suggestions for correct spelling
+|split()| split a String into a List
|str2nr()| convert a string to a number, base 8, 10 or 16
+|stridx()| extra argument: start position
|string()| string representation of a List or Dictionary
-|system()| filters {input} through a shell command
+|system()| extra argument: filters {input} through a shell command
+|tabpagebuflist()| List of buffers in a tab page
+|tabpagenr()| number of current or last tab page
+|tabpagewinnr()| window number in a tab page
+|tagfiles()| List with tags file names
|taglist()| get list of matching tags (Yegappan Lakshmanan)
|tr()| translate characters (Ron Aaron)
|values()| get List of Dictionary values
+|winnr()| takes an argument: what window to use
|winrestview()| restore the view of the current window
|winsaveview()| save the view of the current window
|writefile()| write a list of lines into a file
@@ -762,29 +791,38 @@ directory in 'runtimepath'. See |autoload-functions|.
New autocommand events: ~
+|ColorScheme| after loading a color scheme
+|CursorHoldI| the user doesn't press a key for a while in Insert mode
+|CursorMoved| the cursor was moved in Normal mode
+|CursorMovedI| the cursor was moved in Insert mode
+|FileChangedShellPost| after handling a file changed outside of Vim
|InsertEnter| starting Insert or Replace mode
|InsertChange| going from Insert to Replace mode or back
|InsertLeave| leaving Insert or Replace mode
-|ColorScheme| after loading a color scheme
+|MenuPopup| just before showing popup menu
|QuickFixCmdPre| before :make, :grep et al. (Ciaran McCreesh)
|QuickFixCmdPost| after :make, :grep et al. (Ciaran McCreesh)
-|SessionLoadPost| after loading a session file. (Yegappan Lakshmanan)
-|SpellFileMissing| when a spell file can't be found
+|SessionLoadPost| after loading a session file. (Yegappan Lakshmanan)
|ShellCmdPost| after executing a shell command
|ShellFilterPost| after filtering with a shell command
-|VimResized| after the Vim window size changed (Yakov Lerner)
+|SourcePre| before sourcing a Vim script
-|FileChangedShellPost| after handling a file changed outside of Vim
+|SpellFileMissing| when a spell file can't be found
-|SourcePre| before sourcing a Vim script
+|SwapExists| found existing swap file when editing a file
-|CursorHoldI| the user doesn't press a key for a while in Insert mode
-|CursorMoved| the cursor was moved in Normal mode
-|CursorMovedI| the cursor was moved in Insert mode
+|TabEnter| just after entering a tab page
+|TabLeave| just before leaving a tab page
+|VimResized| after the Vim window size changed (Yakov Lerner)
New items in search patterns: ~
@@ -816,47 +854,120 @@ useful, just for compatibility.
New Syntax/Indent/FTplugin files: ~
-MuPAD source syntax, indent and ftplugin. (Dave Silvia)
-ABAB/4 syntax file. (Marius van Wyk)
-SQL-Informix syntax file. (Dean L Hill)
-Handling of various SQL variants. (David Fishburn)
-PHP compiler plugin. (Doug Kearns)
-Sive syntax file. (Nikolai Weibull)
-Pascal indent file. (Neil Carter)
-Many filetype plugins and others from Nikolai Weibull.
-Xquery syntax file. (Jean-Marc Vanel)
Moved all the indent settings from the filetype plugin to the indent file.
Implemented b:undo_indent to undo indent settings when setting 'filetype' to a
different value.
-VHDL indent file (Gerald Lai)
+a2ps syntax and ftplugin file. (Nikolai Weibull)
+ABAB/4 syntax file. (Marius van Wyk)
+alsaconf ftplugin file. (Nikolai Weibull)
+AppendMatchGroup ftplugin file. (Dave Silvia)
+arch ftplugin file. (Nikolai Weibull)
+asterisk and asteriskvm syntax file. (Tilghman Lesher)
+BDF ftplugin file. (Nikolai Weibull)
+BibTeX indent file. (Dorai Sitaram)
+BTM ftplugin file. (Bram Moolenaar)
+calendar ftplugin file. (Nikolai Weibull)
+Changelog indent file. (Nikolai Weibull)
+conf ftplugin file. (Nikolai Weibull)
+context syntax and ftplugin file. (Nikolai Weibull)
+CRM114 ftplugin file. (Nikolai Weibull)
+cvs RC ftplugin file. (Nikolai Weibull)
+D indent file. (Jason Mills)
+dictconf and dictdconf syntax, indent and ftplugin files. (Nikolai Weibull)
+diff ftplugin file. (Bram Moolenaar)
+dircolors ftplugin file. (Nikolai Weibull)
+django and htmldjango syntax file. (Dave Hodder)
+elinks ftplugin file. (Nikolai Weibull)
+eterm ftplugin file. (Nikolai Weibull)
+eviews syntax file. (Vaidotas Zemlys)
+fetchmail RC ftplugin file. (Nikolai Weibull)
+Generic indent file. (Dave Silvia)
+gpg ftplugin file. (Nikolai Weibull)
+gretl syntax file. (Vaidotas Zemlys)
+groovy syntax file. (Alessio Pace)
+group syntax and ftplugin file. (Nikolai Weibull)
+grub ftplugin file. (Nikolai Weibull)
+Haskell ftplugin file. (Nikolai Weibull)
+help ftplugin file. (Nikolai Weibull)
+indent ftplugin file. (Nikolai Weibull)
+Javascript ftplugin file. (Bram Moolenaar)
+ld syntax, indent and ftplugin file. (Nikolai Weibull)
+lftp ftplugin file. (Nikolai Weibull)
+libao config ftplugin file. (Nikolai Weibull)
+limits syntax and ftplugin file. (Nikolai Weibull)
+Lisp indent file. (Sergey Khorev)
+loginaccess and logindefs syntax and ftplugin file. (Nikolai Weibull)
+m4 ftplugin file. (Nikolai Weibull)
+mailcap ftplugin file. (Nikolai Weibull)
+manconf syntax and ftplugin file. (Nikolai Weibull)
+matlab ftplugin file. (Jake Wasserman)
MGL syntax file. (Gero Kuhlmann)
+modconf ftplugin file. (Nikolai Weibull)
+mplayer config ftplugin file. (Nikolai Weibull)
+MuPAD source syntax, indent and ftplugin. (Dave Silvia)
+mutt RC ftplugin file. (Nikolai Weibull)
+nanorc syntax and ftplugin file. (Nikolai Weibull)
+netrc ftplugin file. (Nikolai Weibull)
+pamconf syntax and ftplugin file. (Nikolai Weibull)
+Pascal indent file. (Neil Carter)
+passwd syntax and ftplugin file. (Nikolai Weibull)
+PHP compiler plugin. (Doug Kearns)
+pinfo ftplugin file. (Nikolai Weibull)
+plaintex ftplugin file. (Benji Fisher)
+procmail ftplugin file. (Nikolai Weibull)
+prolog ftplugin file. (Nikolai Weibull)
+protocols syntax and ftplugin file. (Nikolai Weibull)
+quake ftplugin file. (Nikolai Weibull)
+racc syntax and ftplugin file. (Nikolai Weibull)
rd syntax file. (Johannes Ranke)
+readline ftplugin file. (Nikolai Weibull)
+rhelp syntax file. (Johannes Ranke)
+Relax NG compact ftplugin file. (Nikolai Weibull)
+Scheme indent file. (Sergey Khorev)
+screen ftplugin file. (Nikolai Weibull)
+sensors syntax and ftplugin file. (Nikolai Weibull)
+services syntax and ftplugin file. (Nikolai Weibull)
+setserial syntax and ftplugin file. (Nikolai Weibull)
+sieve syntax and ftplugin file. (Nikolai Weibull)
+Sive syntax file. (Nikolai Weibull)
+slp config, reg and spi syntax and ftplugin files. (Nikolai Weibull)
+SML indent file. (Saikat Guha)
+SQL anywhere syntax and indent file. (David Fishburn)
+SQL indent file.
+SQL-Informix syntax file. (Dean L Hill)
+SQL: Handling of various variants. (David Fishburn)
+sshconfig ftplugin file. (Nikolai Weibull)
+sudoers ftplugin file. (Nikolai Weibull)
+sysctl syntax and ftplugin file. (Nikolai Weibull)
+terminfo ftplugin file. (Nikolai Weibull)
+trustees syntax file. (Nima Talebi)
+udev config, permissions and rules syntax and ftplugin files. (Nikolai Weibull)
+updatedb syntax and ftplugin file. (Nikolai Weibull)
+VHDL indent file (Gerald Lai)
+WSML syntax file. (Thomas Haselwanter)
+Xdefaults ftplugin file. (Nikolai Weibull)
+XFree86 config ftplugin file. (Nikolai Weibull)
+xinetd syntax, indent and ftplugin file. (Nikolai Weibull)
+xmodmap ftplugin file. (Nikolai Weibull)
+Xquery syntax file. (Jean-Marc Vanel)
+xsd (XML schema) indent file.
+YAML ftplugin file. (Nikolai Weibull)
+Zsh ftplugin file. (Nikolai Weibull)
New Keymaps: ~
Sinhala (Sri Lanka) (Harshula Jayasuriya)
Tamil in TSCII encoding (Yegappan Lakshmanan)
+Greek in cp737 (Panagiotis Louridas)
+Polish-slash (HS6_06)
+Ukrainian-jcuken (Anatoli Sakhnik)
New message translations: ~
The Ukranian messages are now also available in cp1251.
-Irish message translations. (Kevin Patrick Scannell)
Vietnamese message translations and menu. (Phan Vinh Thinh)
@@ -2061,4 +2172,19 @@ Yu-sung, 2005 March 21)
Ruby interface: when inserting/deleting lines display wasn't updated. (Ryan
+--- fixes since Vim 6.0b ---
+Getting the GCC version in configure didn't work with Solaris sed. First
+strip any "darwin." and then get the version number.
+The "autoload" directory was missing from the self-installing executable for
+The MS-Windows install program would find "vimtutor.bat" in the install
+directory. After changing to "c:" also change to "\" to avoid looking in the
+install directory.
+To make the 16 bit DOS version compile exclude not used highlight
+initializations and build a tiny instead of small version.