path: root/runtime/doc/os_vms.txt
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authorBram Moolenaar <>2004-06-13 20:20:40 +0000
committerBram Moolenaar <>2004-06-13 20:20:40 +0000
commit071d4279d6ab81b7187b48f3a0fc61e587b6db6c (patch)
tree221cbe3c40e043163c06f61c52a7ba2eb41e12ce /runtime/doc/os_vms.txt
parentb4210b3bc14e2918f153a7307530fbe6eba659e1 (diff)
updated for version 7.0001v7.0001
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1 files changed, 779 insertions, 0 deletions
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+*os_vms.txt* For Vim version 7.0aa. Last change: 2004 May 16
+ *VMS* *vms*
+This file contains the particularities for the VMS version of Vim.
+You can reach this information file by typing :help VMS in Vim command
+ 1. Getting started |vms-started|
+ 2. Download files |vms-download|
+ 3. Compiling |vms-compiling|
+ 4. Problems |vms-problems|
+ 5. Deploy |vms-deploy|
+ 6. Practical usage |vms-usage|
+ 7. GUI mode questions |vms-gui|
+ 8. Useful notes |vms-notes|
+ 9. VMS related changes |vms-changes|
+10. Authors |vms-authors|
+1. Getting started *vms-started*
+Vim (Vi IMproved) is a vi-compatible text editor that runs on nearly every
+operating system known to humanity. Now use Vim on OpenVMS too, in character
+or X/Motif environment. It is fully featured and absolutely compatible with
+Vim on other operating systems.
+2. Download files *vms-download*
+You can download the Vim source code by ftp from the official Vim site:
+Or use one of the mirrors:
+You will need both the Unix and Extra archives to build vim.exe for VMS.
+For using Vim's full power you will need the runtime files as well.
+You can download precompiled executables from:
+To use the precompiled binary version, you need one of these archives:
+ Alpha GUI/Motif executables
+ Alpha GUI/GTK executables
+ Alpha console executables
+ VAX GUI executables
+ VAX console executables
+and of course
+ runtime files
+The binary archives contain: vim.exe, ctags.exe, xxd.exe, mms_vim.exe files.
+3. Compiling *vms-compiling*
+See the file [.SRC]INSTALLVMS.TXT.
+4. Problems *vms-problems*
+The code has been tested under Open VMS 6.2 - 7.3 on Alpha and VAX platforms
+with the DECC compiler. It should work without bigger problems.
+If it happened that your system does not have some include libraries you can
+tune up in OS_VMS_CONF.H file.
+If you decided to build Vim with +perl, +python, etc. options, first you need
+to download OpenVMS distributions of Perl and Python. Build and deploy the
+libraries and change adequate lines in MAKE_VMS.MMS file. There should not be
+problem from Vim side.
+Note: Under VAX it should work with DEC C compiler without problem. VAXC
+compiler is not fully ANSI C compatible in pre-processor directives
+semantics, therefore you have to use a converter program what will do the
+lion part of the job. For detailed instruction read file INSTALLvms.txt
+MMS_VIM.EXE is building together with VIM.EXE, but for XD.EXE you should
+change to subdirectory and build it separately.
+CTAGS is not part of Vim source distribution any more, however the OpenVMS
+specific source might contain CTAGS source files as it is described above.
+You can find more information about CTAGS on VMS at
+Advanced users may try some acrobatics in FEATURE.H file also.
+It is possible to compile with +xfontset +xim options too, but then you have
+to set up GUI fonts etc. correctly. See. :help xim from Vim command prompt.
+You may want to use GUI with GTK icons, then you have to download and install
+GTK for OpenVMS or at least runtime shareable images - LIBGTK from
+For more advanced questions, please send your problem to Vim on VMS mailing
+list <>
+More about the vim-vms list can be found at:
+5. Deploy *vms-deploy*
+Vim uses a special directory structure to hold the document and runtime files:
+ vim (or wherever)
+ |- tmp
+ |- vim57
+ |----- doc
+ |----- syntax
+ |- vim60
+ |----- doc
+ |----- syntax
+ |- vim61
+ |----- doc
+ |----- syntax
+ vimrc (system rc files)
+ gvimrc
+Use: >
+ define/nolog VIM device:[path.vim]
+ define/nolog VIMRUNTIME device:[path.vim.vim60]
+ define/nolog TMP device:[path.tmp]
+to get vim.exe to find its document, filetype, and syntax files, and to
+specify a directory where temporary files will be located. Copy the "runtime"
+subdirectory of the vim distribution to vimruntime.
+Logicals $VIMRUNTIME and $TMP are optional.
+If $VIMRUNTIME is not set, Vim will guess and try to set up automatically.
+Read more about at :help runtime
+If $TMP is not set, you will not be able to use some functions as CTAGS,
+XXD, printing etc. that use temporary directory for normal operation.
+$TMP directory should be readable and writable by the user(s).
+The easiest way to set up $TMP is to define logical: >
+ define/nolog TMP SYS$SCRATCH
+or as: >
+ define/nolog TMP SYS$LOGIN
+6. Practical usage *vms-usage*
+Usually, you want to run just one version of Vim on your system, therefore
+it is enough to dedicate one directory for Vim.
+Copy all Vim runtime directory structure to the deployment position.
+Add the following lines to your LOGIN.COM (in SYS$LOGIN directory).
+Set up logical $VIM as: >
+ $ define VIM device:<path>
+Set up some symbols: >
+ $ ! vi starts Vim in chr. mode.
+ $ vi*m :== mcr VIM:VIM.EXE
+ $ !gvi starts Vim in GUI mode.
+ $ gv*im :== spawn/nowait mcr VIM:VIM.EXE -g
+Please, check the notes for customization and configuration of symbols.
+You may want to create .vimrc and .gvimrc files in your home directory
+(SYS$LOGIN) to overwrite default settings.
+The easiest way is just rename example files. You may leave the menu file
+(MENU.VIM) and files vimrc and gvimrc in the original $VIM directory. It will
+be default setup for all users, and for users is enough just to have their
+own additions or resetting in home directory in files .vimrc and .gvimrc.
+It should work without problems.
+Note: Remember, system rc files (default for all users) does not have leading
+"." So, system rc files are: >
+ $VIM:vimrc
+ $VIM:gvimrc
+ $VIM:menu.vim
+and user's customized rc files are: >
+ sys$login:.vimrc
+ sys$login:.gvimrc
+You can check that everything is on the right place with the :version command.
+Example LOGIN.COM: >
+ $ define/nolog VIM RF10:[UTIL.VIM]
+ $ vi*m :== mcr VIM:VIM.EXE
+ $ gv*im:== spawn/nowait/input=NLA0 mcr VIM:VIM.EXE -g -GEOMETRY 80x40
+ $ set disp/create/node=
+Note: This set-up should be enough, if you are working on standalone server or
+clustered environment, but if you want to use Vim as internode editor in
+DECNET environment, it will satisfy you as well.
+You just have to define the "whole" path: >
+ $ define VIM "<server_name>[""user password""]::device:<path>"
+ $ vi*m :== "mcr VIM:VIM.EXE"
+as for example: >
+ $ define VIM "PLUTO::RF10:[UTIL.VIM]"
+ $ define VIM "PLUTO""ZAY mypass""::RF10:[UTIL.VIM]" ! if passwd required
+You can also use $VIMRUNTIME logical to point to proper version of Vim if you
+have installed more versions in the same time. If $VIMRUNTIME is not defined
+Vim will borrow value from $VIM logical. You can find more information about
+$VIMRUNTIME logical by typing :help runtime as a Vim command.
+System administrators might want to set up a system wide Vim installation,
+ $ define/nolog/sys VIM device:<path>
+ $ define/nolog/sys TMP SYS$SCRATCH
+ $ vi*m :== mcr VIM:VIM.EXE
+ $ gv*im:== spawn/nowait/input=NLA0 mcr VIM:VIM.EXE -g -GEOMETRY 80x40
+It will set up normal Vim work environment for every user on the system.
+7. GUI mode questions *vms-gui*
+OpenVMS in a real mainframe OS, therefore even if it has a GUI console, most of
+the users does not use a native X/Window environment during normal operation.
+It is not possible to start Vim in GUI mode "just like that". But anyhow it is
+not too complicate either.
+First of all: you will need an executable that is built with enabled GUI.
+Second: you need to have installed DECW/Motif on your VMS server, otherwise
+you will get errors that some shareable libraries are missing.
+Third: If you choose to run Vim with extra feature as GUI/GTK then you need
+GTK installation too or at least GTK runtime environment (LIBGTK etc.)
+1) If you are working on the VMS X/Motif console:
+ Start Vim with the command: >
+ $ mc device:<path>VIM.EXE -g
+ or type :gui as a command to the Vim command prompt. For more info :help gui
+2) If you are working on other X/Window environment as Unix or some remote X
+ VMS console. Set up display to your host with: >
+ $ set disp/create/node=<your IP address>/trans=<transport-name>
+ and start Vim as in point 1. You can find more help in VMS documentation or
+ type: help set disp in VMS prompt.
+ Examples: >
+ $ set disp/create/node= ! default trans is DECnet
+ $ set disp/create/node= ! TCP/IP network
+ $ set disp/create/node= ! display on the same node
+Note: you should define just one of these.
+For more information type $help set disp in VMS prompt.
+3) Another elegant solution is XDM if you have installed on OpenVMS box.
+ It is possible to work from XDM client as from GUI console.
+4) If you are working on MS Windows or other non X/Window environment
+ You need to set up one X server and run Vim as in point 2.
+ For MS Windows there are available free X servers as MIX , Omni X etc.
+ as well as excellent commercial products as eXcursion or ReflectionX with
+ buit in DEC support.
+Please note, that executables without GUI are slightly faster during startup
+then with enabled GUI in character mode. Therefore, if you do not use GUI
+features, it is worth to choose non GUI executables.
+8. Useful notes *vms-notes*
+8.1 backspace/delete
+8.2 Filters
+8.3 VMS file version numbers
+8.4 Directory conversion
+8.5 Remote host invocation
+8.6 Terminal problems
+8.7 Hex-editing and other external tools
+8.8 Sourcing vimrc and gvimrc
+8.9 Printing from Vim
+8.10 Setting up the symbols
+8.11 diff and other GNU programs
+8.12 diff-mode
+8.13 Allow '$' in C keywords
+8.14 VIMTUTOR for beginners
+8.1 backspace/delete
+There are backspace/delete key inconsistencies with VMS.
+:fixdel doesn't do the trick, but the solution is: >
+ :inoremap ^? ^H " for terminal mode
+ :inoremap <Del> ^H " for gui mode
+Read more in ch: 8.6 (Terminal problems).
+(Bruce Hunsaker <> Vim 5.3)
+8.2 Filters
+Vim supports filters; ie. if you have a sort program that can handle
+input/output redirection like Unix (<infile >outfile), you could use >
+ :map \s 0!'aqsort<CR>
+(Charles E. Campbell, Jr. <> Vim 5.4)
+8.3 VMS file version numbers
+Vim is saving files into a new file with the next higher file version
+number, try these settings. >
+ :set nobackup " does not create *.*_ backup files
+ :set nowritebackup " does not have any purpose on VMS. It's default.
+Recovery is working perfect as well from the default swap file.
+Read more with :help swapfile
+(Claude Marinier <> Vim 5.5, Zoltan Arpadffy
+Vim 5.6 )
+8.4 Directory conversion
+Vim will internally convert any unix-style paths and even mixed unix/VMS
+paths into VMS style paths. Some typical conversions resemble:
+ /abc/def/ghi -> abc:[def]ghi.
+ /abc/def/ghi.j -> abc:[def]ghi.j
+ /abc/def/ghi.j;2 -> abc:[def]ghi.j;2
+ /abc/def/ghi/jkl/mno -> abc:[def.ghi.jkl]mno.
+ abc:[def.ghi]jkl/mno -> abc:[def.ghi.jkl]mno.
+ ./ -> current directory
+ ../ -> relative parent directory
+ [.def.ghi] -> relative child directory
+ ./def/ghi -> relative child directory
+Note: You may use <,> brackets as well (device:<path>file.ext;version) as
+(David Elins <>, Jerome Lauret
+<> Vim 5.6 )
+8.5 Remote host invocation
+It is possible to use Vim as an internode editor.
+1. Edit some file from remote node: >
+ vi "<server>""username passwd""::<device>:<path><filename>;<version>"
+example: >
+ vi "pluto""zay passwd""::RF10:<USER.ZAY.WORK>TEST.C;1"
+Note: syntax is very important, otherwise VMS will recognize more parameters
+instead of one (resulting with: file not found)
+2. Set up Vim as your internode editor. If Vim is not installed on your host,
+just set up your IP address, full Vim path including the server name and run
+the command procedure below: >
+ $ if (p1 .eqs. "") .OR. (p2 .eqs. "") then goto usage
+ $ set disp/create/node=<your_IP_here>/trans=tcpip
+ $ define "VIM "<vim_server>""''p1' ''p2'""::<device>:<vim_path>"
+ $ vi*m :== "mcr VIM:VIM.EXE"
+ $ gv*im :== "spawn/nowait mcr VIM:VIM.EXE -g"
+ $ goto end
+ $ usage:
+ $ write sys$output " Please enter username and password as a parameter."
+ $ write sys$output " Example: @SETVIM.COM username passwd"
+ $ end:
+Note: Never use it in clustered environment (you do not need it), and load could
+be very-very slow, but even faster then a local Emacs. :-)
+(Zoltan Arpadffy, Vim 5.6)
+8.6 Terminal problems
+If your terminal name is not known to Vim and it is trying to find the default
+one you will get the following message during start-up:
+Terminal entry not found in termcap
+'unknown-terminal' not known. Available built-in terminals are:
+ builtin_gui
+ builtin_riscos
+ builtin_amiga
+ builtin_beos-ansi
+ builtin_ansi
+ builtin_vt320
+ builtin_vt52
+ builtin_pcansi
+ builtin_win32
+ builtin_xterm
+ builtin_iris-ansi
+ builtin_debug
+ builtin_dumb
+defaulting to 'vt320'
+The solution is to define default terminal name: >
+ $ ! unknown terminal name. let us use vt320 or ansi instead.
+ $ ! Note: it's case sensitive
+ $ define term "vt320"
+Terminals from VT100 to VT320 (as V300, VT220, VT200 ) do not need any extra
+keyboard mappings. They should work perfect as they are, including arrows,
+Ins, Del buttons etc. Except Backspace in GUI mode. To solve it, add to
+.gvimrc: >
+ inoremap <Del> <BS>
+Vim will also recognize that they are fast terminals.
+If you have some annoying line jumping on the screen between windows add to
+your .vimrc file: >
+ set ttyfast " set fast terminal
+Note: if you're using Vim on remote host or through very slow connection, it's
+recommended to avoid fast terminal option with: >
+ set nottyfast " set terminal to slow mode
+(Zoltan Arpadffy, Vim 5.6)
+8.7 Hex-editing and other external tools
+A very important difference between OpenVMS and other systems is that VMS uses
+special commands to execute executables: >
+ RUN <path>filename
+ MCR <path>filename <parameters>
+OpenVMS users always have to be aware that the Vim command :! "just" drop them
+to DCL prompt. This feature is possible to use without any problem with all
+DCL commands, but if we want to execute some program as XXD, CTAGS, JTAGS etc.
+we're running into trouble if we following the Vim documentation (see: help
+Solution: Execute with the MC command and add the full path to the executable.
+Example: Instead of :%!xxd command use: >
+ :%!mc vim:xxd
+... or in general: >
+ :!mc <path>filename <parameters>
+Note: You can use XXD, and CTAGS from GUI menu.
+To customize ctags it is possible to define logical $CTAGS with standard
+parameters as: >
+ define/nolog CTAGS "--totals -o sys$login:tags"
+For additional information, please read :help tagsearch and CTAGS
+documentation at
+(Zoltan Arpadffy, Vim 5.6-70)
+8.8 Sourcing vimrc and gvimrc
+If you want to use your .vimrc and .gvimrc from other platforms (e.g. Windows)
+you can get in trouble if you ftp that file(s): VMS has different end-of-line
+The symptom is that ViM is not sourcing your .vimrc/.gvimrc, even if you say:
+ :so sys$login:.vimrc
+One trick is to compress (e.g. zip) the files on the other platform and
+uncompress it on VMS; if you have the same symptom, try to create the files
+with copy-paste (for this you need both op. systems reachable from one
+machine, e.g. an Xterm on Windows or telnet to Windows from VMS).
+(Sandor Kopanyi, <> Vim 6.0a)
+8.9 Printing from Vim
+To be able to print from Vim (running in GUI mode) under VMS you have to set
+up $TMP logical which should point to some temporary directory and logical
+SYS$PRINT to your default print queue.
+Example: >
+You can print out whole buffer or just the marked area.
+More info under :help hardcopy
+(Zoltan Arpadffy, Vim 6.0c)
+8.10 Setting up the symbols
+When I use GVIM this way and press CTRL-Y in the parent terminal, gvim exits.
+I now use a different symbol that seems to work OK and fixes the problem.
+I suggest this instead: >
+The /INPUT=NLA0: separates the standard input of the gvim process from the
+parent terminal, to block signals from the parent window.
+Without the -GEOMETRY, the GVIM window size will be minimal and the menu
+will be confused after a window-resize.
+(Carlo Mekenkamp, Coen Engelbarts, Vim 6.0ac)
+8.11 diff and other GNU programs
+From 6.0 diff functionality has been implemented, but OpenVMS does not use
+GNU/Unix like diff therefore built in diff does not work.
+There is a simple solution to solve this anomaly. Install an Unix like diff
+and Vim will work perfect in diff mode too. You just have to redefine your
+diff program as: >
+ define /nolog diff <GNU_PATH>diff.exe
+Another, more sophisticated solution is described below (8.12 diff-mode)
+There are some other programs as patch, make etc that may cause same problems.
+At is possible to download an GNU package for Alpha and VAX
+boxes that is meant to solve GNU problems on OpenVMS.
+( Zoltan Arpadffy, Vim 6.1)
+8.12 diff-mode
+Vim 6.0 and higher supports vim diff-mode (See |new-diff-mode|, |diff-mode|
+and |08.7|). This uses the external program 'diff' and expects a Unix-like
+output format from diff. The standard VMS diff has a different output
+format. To use vim on VMS in diff-mode, you need to:
+ 1 Install a Unix-like diff program, e.g. GNU diff
+ 2 Tell vim to use the Unix-like diff for diff-mode.
+You can download GNU diff from the VIM-VMS website, it is one of the GNU
+tools in I suggest to
+unpack it in a separate directory "GNU" and create a logical GNU: that
+points to that directory. e.g: >
+You may also want to define a symbol GDIFF, to use the GNU diff from the DCL
+prompt: >
+Now you need to tell vim to use the new diff program. Take the example
+settings from |diff-diffexpr| and change the call to the external diff
+program to the new diff on VMS. Add this to your .vimrc file: >
+ " Set up vimdiff options
+ if v:version >= 600
+ " Use GNU diff on VMS
+ set diffexpr=MyDiff()
+ function MyDiff()
+ let opt = ""
+ if &diffopt =~ "icase"
+ let opt = opt . "-i "
+ endif
+ if &diffopt =~ "iwhite"
+ let opt = opt . "-b "
+ endif
+ silent execute "!mc GNU:diff.exe -a " . opt . v:fname_in . " " . v:fname_new .
+ \ " > " . v:fname_out
+ endfunction
+ endif
+You can now use vim in diff-mode, e.g. to compare two files in read-only
+mode: >
+ $ VIM -D/R <FILE1> <FILE2>
+You can also define new symbols for vimdiff, e.g.: >
+ $ VIMDIFF :== 'VIM' -D/R
+ $ GVIMDIFF :== 'GVIM' -D/R
+You can now compare files in 4 ways: >
+ 1. VMS diff: $ DIFF <FILE1> <FILE2>
+ 2. GNU diff: $ GDIFF <FILE1> <FILE2>
+ 3. VIM diff: $ VIMDIFF <FILE1> <FILE2>
+ 4. GVIM diff: $ GVIMDIFF <FILE1> <FILE2>
+( Coen Engelbarts, Vim 6.1)
+8.13 Allow '$' in C keywords
+DEC C uses many identifiers with '$' in them. This is not allowed in ANSI C,
+and vim recognises the '$' as the end of the identifier. You can change this
+with the |iskeyword|command.
+Add this command to your .vimrc file: >
+ autocmd FileType c,cpp,cs set iskeyword+=$
+You can also create the file(s) $VIM/FTPLUGIN/C.VIM (and/or CPP.VIM and
+CS.VIM) and add this command: >
+ set iskeyword+=$
+Now word-based commands, e.g. the '*'-search-command and the CTRL-]
+tag-lookup, work on the whole identifier. (Ctags on VMS also supports '$' in
+C keywords since ctags version 5.1.)
+( Coen Engelbarts, Vim 6.1)
+8.14 VIMTUTOR for beginners
+It exits VIMTUTOR.COM DCL script that can help Vim beginners to learn/make
+first steps with Vim on OpenVMS. Depending of binary distribution you may start
+it with: >
+ @vim:vimtutor
+(Thomas.R.Wyant III, Vim 6.1)
+9. VMS related changes *vms-changes*
+Version 6.3 (2004 May 10)
+- Improved vms_read function
+- CTAGS v5.5.4 included
+- Documentation corrected and updated
+Version 6.2 (2003 May 7)
+- Corrected VMS system call results
+- Low level character input is rewritten
+- Correction in tag and quickfix handling
+- First GTK build
+- Make file changes
+ - GTK feature added
+ - Define for OLD_VMS
+ - OpenVMS version 6.2 or older
+- Documentation updated with GTK features
+- CTAGS v5.5 included
+- VMS VIM tutor created
+Version 6.1 (2002 Mar 25)
+- TCL init_tcl() problem fixed
+- CTAGS v5.4 included
+- GNU tools binaries for OpenVMS
+- Make file changes
+ - PERL, PYTHON and TCL support improved
+ - InstallVMS.txt has a detailed description HOWTO build
+- VMS/Unix file handling rewritten
+- Minor casting and bug fixes
+Version 6.0 (2001 Sep 28)
+- Unix and VMS code has been merged
+ - separated "really" VMS related code
+ - included all possible Unix functionality
+ - simplified or deleted the configuration files
+ - makefile MAKE_VMS.MMS reviewed
+- menu changes (fixed printing, CTAGS and XXD usage)
+- fixed variable RMS record format handling anomaly
+- corrected syntax, ftplugin etc files load
+- changed expand_wildcards and expandpath functions to work more general
+- created OS_VMS_FILTER.COM - DECC->VAXC pre-processor directive convert
+ script.
+- Improved code's VAXC and new DECC compilers compatibility
+- changed quickfix parameters:
+ - errormessage format to suite DECC
+ - search, make and other commands to suite VMS system
+- updated and renamed MMS make files for Vim and CTAGS.
+- CTAGS has been removed from source distribution of Vim but it will remain
+ in OpenVMS binary distributions.
+- simplified build/configuration procedure
+- created INSTALLvms.txt - detailed compiling instructions under VMS.
+- updated test scripts.
+Version 5.8 (2001 Jun 1)
+- OS_VMS.TXT updated with new features.
+- other minor fixes.
+- documentation updated
+- this version had been tested much more than any other OpenVMS version
+ earlier
+Version 5.7 (2000 Jun 24)
+- New CTAGS v5.0 in distribution
+- Documentation updated
+Version 5.6 (2000 Jan 17)
+- VMS filename related changes:
+ - version handling (open everything, save to new version)
+ - correct file extension matching for syntax (version problem)
+ - handle <,> characters and passwords in directory definition
+ - handle internode/remote invocation and editing with passwords
+ - OpenVMS files will be treated case insensitive from now
+ - corrected response of expand("%:.") etc path related functions
+ (in one word: VMS directory handling internally)
+- version command
+ - corrected (+,-) information data
+ - added compiler and OS version
+ - added user and host information
+ - resolving $VIM and $VIMRUNTIME logicals
+- VMS port is in MAX_FEAT (maximum features) club with Unix, Win32 and OS/2.
+ - enabled farsi, rightleft etc. features
+ - undo level raised up to 1000
+- Updated OS_VMS.MMS file.
+ - maximum features ON is default
+ - Vim is compilable with +perl, +python and +tcl features.
+ - improved MMK compatibility
+- Created MAKEFILE_VMS.MMS, makefile for testing Vim during development.
+- Defined DEC terminal VT320
+ - compatibility for VT3*0, VT2*0 and VT1*0 - ANSI terminals
+ backwards, but not VT340 and newer with colour capability.
+ - VT320 is default terminal for OpenVMS
+ - these new terminals are also fast ttys (default for OpenVMS).
+ - allowed dec_mouse ttym
+- Updated files vimrc and gvimrc with VMS specific suggestions.
+- OS_VMS.TXT updated with new features.
+Version 5.5 (1999 Dec 3)
+- Popup menu line crash corrected.
+- Handle full file names with version numbers.
+- Directory handling (CD command etc.)
+- Corrected file name conversion VMS to Unix and v.v.
+- Correct response of expand wildcards
+- Recovery is working from this version under VMS as well.
+- Improved terminal and signal handing.
+- Improved OS_VMS.TXT
+Version 5.4 (1999 Sep 9)
+- Cut and paste mismatch corrected.
+- Motif directories during open and save are corrected.
+Version 5.3 (1998 Oct 12)
+- Minor changes in the code
+- Standard distribution with +GUI option
+Version 5.1 (1998 Apr 21)
+- Syntax and DEC C changes in the code
+- Fixing problems with the /doc subdirectory
+- Improve OS_VMS.MMS
+Version 4.5 (1996 Dec 16)
+- First VMS port by Henk Elbers <>
+10. Authors *vms-authors*
+OpenVMS documentation and executables are maintained by:
+Zoltan Arpadffy <>
+This document uses parts and remarks from earlier authors and contributors
+ Charles E. Campbell, Jr. <>
+ Bruce Hunsaker <>
+ Sandor Kopanyi <>
+ vim:tw=78:ts=8:ft=help:norl: