path: root/runtime/doc/os_risc.txt
diff options
authorBram Moolenaar <>2004-06-13 20:20:40 +0000
committerBram Moolenaar <>2004-06-13 20:20:40 +0000
commit071d4279d6ab81b7187b48f3a0fc61e587b6db6c (patch)
tree221cbe3c40e043163c06f61c52a7ba2eb41e12ce /runtime/doc/os_risc.txt
parentb4210b3bc14e2918f153a7307530fbe6eba659e1 (diff)
updated for version 7.0001v7.0001
Diffstat (limited to 'runtime/doc/os_risc.txt')
1 files changed, 323 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/runtime/doc/os_risc.txt b/runtime/doc/os_risc.txt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..04f9ba551
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/doc/os_risc.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,323 @@
+*os_risc.txt* For Vim version 7.0aa. Last change: 2004 May 01
+ VIM REFERENCE MANUAL by Thomas Leonard
+ *riscos* *RISCOS* *RISC-OS*
+This file contains the particularities for the RISC OS version of Vim.
+The RISC OS port is a completely new port and is not based on the old `archi'
+1. File locations |riscos-locations|
+2. Filename munging |riscos-munging|
+3. Command-line use |riscos-commandline|
+4. Desktop (GUI) use |riscos-gui|
+5. Remote use (telnet) |riscos-remote|
+6. Temporary files |riscos-temp-files|
+7. Interrupting |riscos-interrupt|
+8. Memory usage |riscos-memory|
+9. Filetypes |riscos-filetypes|
+10. The shell |riscos-shell|
+11. Porting new releases |riscos-porting|
+If I've missed anything, email me and I'll try to fix it. In fact, even if I
+haven't missed anything then email me anyway to give me some confidence that it
+actually works!
+Thomas Leonard <>
+ [these URLs no longer work...]
+ Port homepage:
+ or try:
+ *riscos-locations*
+1. File locations
+The Vim executable and shared resource files are all stored inside the !Vim
+application directory.
+When !Vim is first seen by the filer, it aliases the *vi and *ex commands to
+run the command-line versions of Vim (see |riscos-commandline|).
+!Vim.Resources and !Vim.Resources2 contain the files from the standard Vim
+distribution, but modified slightly to work within the limits of ADFS, plus
+some extra files such as the window templates.
+User choices are read from `Choices:*' and are saved to `<Choices$Write>.*'.
+If you have the new !Boot structure then these should be set up already. If
+not, set Choices$Path to a list of directories to search when looking for
+user configuration files. Set Choices$Write to the directory you want files
+to be saved into (so your search patterns and marks can be remembered between
+ *riscos-munging*
+2. Filename munging
+All pathname munging is disabled by default, so Vim should behave like a
+normal RISC OS application now. So, if you want to edit `doc/html' then you
+actually type `*vi doc/html'.
+The only times munging is done is when:
+- Searching included files from C programs, since these are always munged.
+ See |[I|.
+ Note: make sure you are in the right directory when you use this
+ command (ie the one with subdirectories 'c' and 'h').
+- Sourcing files using |:so|.
+ Paths starting `$VIM/' are munged like this:
+ $VIM/syntax/help.vim ->
+ Also, files ending in `.vim' have their extensions removed, and slashes
+ replaced with dots.
+Some tag files and script files may have to be edited to work under this port.
+ *riscos-commandline*
+3. Command-line use
+To use Vim from the command-line use the `*vi' command (or '*ex' for
+Type `*vi -h' for a list of options.
+Running the command-line version of Vim in a large high-color mode may cause
+the scrolling to be very slow. Either change to a mode with fewer colors or
+use the GUI version.
+Also, holding down Ctrl will slow it down even more, and Ctrl-Shift will
+freeze it, as usual for text programs.
+ *riscos-gui*
+4. Desktop use
+- Left scrollbars don't work properly (right and bottom are fine).
+- Doesn't increase scroll speed if it gets behind.
+You can resize the window by dragging the lower-right corner, even though
+there is no icon shown there.
+You can use the --rows and --columns arguments to specify the initial size of
+the Vim window, like this: >
+ *Vi -g --rows 20 --columns 80
+The global clipboard is supported, so you can select some text and then
+paste it directly into another application (provided it supports the
+clipboard too).
+Clicking Menu now opens a menu like a normal RISC OS program. Hold down Shift
+when clicking Menu to paste (from the global clipboard).
+Dragging a file to the window replaces the CURRENT buffer (the one with the
+cursor, NOT the one you dragged to) with the file.
+Dragging with Ctrl held down causes a new Vim window to be opened for the
+file (see |:sp|).
+Dragging a file in with Shift held down in insert mode inserts the pathname of
+the file.
+:browse :w opens a standard RISC OS save box.
+:browse :e opens a directory viewer.
+For fonts, you have the choice of the system font, an outline font, the system
+font via ZapRedraw and any of the Zap fonts via ZapRedraw: >
+ :set guifont=
+< To use the system font via the VDU drivers. Supports
+ bold and underline.
+ :set guifont=Corpus.Medium
+< Use the named outline font. You can use any font, but
+ only monospaced ones like Corpus look right.
+ :set guifont=Corpus.Medium:w8:h12:b:i
+< As before, but with size of 8 point by 12 point, and
+ in bold italic.
+ If only one of width and height is given then that
+ value is used for both. If neither is given then 10
+ point is used.
+Thanks to John Kortink, Vim can use the ZapRedraw module. Start the font name
+with '!' (or '!!' for double height), like this: >
+ :set guifont=!!
+< Use the system font, but via ZapRedraw. This gives a
+ faster redraw on StrongARM processors, but you can't
+ get bold or italic text. Double height.
+ :set guifont=!script
+< Uses the named Zap font (a directory in VimFont$Path).
+ The redraw is the same speed as for '!!', but you get
+ a nicer looking font.
+ Only the "man+" and "script" fonts are supplied
+ currently, but you can use any of the Zap fonts if
+ they are in VimFont$Path.
+ Vim will try to load font files '0', 'B', 'I' and 'IB'
+ from the named directory. Only '0' (normal style) MUST
+ be present. Link files are not currently supported.
+Note that when using ZapRedraw the edit bar is drawn in front of the character
+you are on rather than behind it. Also redraw is incorrect for screen modes
+with eigen values of 0. If the font includes control characters then you can
+get Vim to display them by changing the 'isprint' option.
+If you find the scrolling is too slow on your machine, try experimenting
+with the 'scrolljump' and 'ttyscroll' options.
+In particular, StrongARM users may find that: >
+ :set ttyscroll=0
+makes scrolling faster in high-color modes.
+ *riscos-remote*
+5. Remote use (telnet)
+I have included a built-in termcap entry, but you can edit the termcap file to
+allow other codes to be used if you want to use Vim from a remote terminal.
+Although I do not have an internet connection to my Acorn, I have managed to
+run Vim in a FreeTerm window using the loopback connection.
+It seems to work pretty well now, using '*vi -T ansi'.
+ *riscos-temp-files*
+6. Temporary files
+If Vim crashes then the swap and backup files (if any) will be in the
+directories set with the 'directory' and 'bdir' options. By default the swap
+files are in <Wimp$ScrapDir> (ie inside !Scrap) and backups are in the
+directory you were saving to. Vim will allow you to try and recover the file
+when you next try to edit it.
+To see a list of swap files, press <F12> and type `*vi -r'.
+Vim no longer brings up ATTENTION warnings if you try to edit two files with
+the same name in different directories.
+However, it also no longer warns if you try to edit the same file twice (with
+two copies of Vim), though you will still be warned when you save that the
+datestamp has changed.
+ *riscos-interrupt*
+7. Interrupting
+To break out of a looping macro, or similar, hold down Escape in the
+command-line version, or press CTRL-C in the GUI version.
+ *riscos-memory*
+8. Memory usage
+Vim will use dynamic areas on RISC OS 3.5 or later. If you can use them on
+older machines then edit the !RunTxt and GVim files. I don't know what UnixLib
+does by default on these machines so I'm playing safe.
+It doesn't work at all well without dynamic areas, since it can't change its
+memory allocation once running. Hence you should edit `!Vim.GVim' and
+`!Vim.!RunTxt' to choose the best size for you. You probably need at least
+about 1400K.
+ *riscos-filetypes*
+9. Filetypes
+You can now specify that autocommands are only executed for files of certain
+types. The filetype is given in the form &xxx, when xxx is the filetype.
+Filetypes must be specified by number (eg &fff for Text).
+The system has changed from version 5.3. The new sequence of events is:
+- A file is loaded. |'osfiletype'| is set to the RISC OS filetype.
+- Based on the filetype and pathname, Vim will try to set |'filetype'| to the
+ Vim-type of the file.
+- Setting this option may load syntax files and perform other actions.
+- Saving the file will give it a filetype of |'osfiletype'|.
+Some examples may make this clearer:
+ Kind of file loaded osfiletype filetype ~
+ C code 'c.hellow' Text (&fff) C
+ LaTeX document LaTeX (&2a8) TeX
+ Draw document DrawFile (&aff) (not changed)
+ *riscos-shell*
+10. The shell
+- Bangs (!s) are only replaced if they are followed by a space or end-of-line,
+ since many pathnames contain them.
+- You can prefix the command with '~', which stops any output from being
+ displayed. This also means that you don't have to press <Enter> afterwards,
+ and stops the screen from being redrawn. {only in the GUI version}
+ *riscos-porting*
+11. Porting new releases to RISC OS
+Downloading everything you need:
+- Get the latest source distribution (see
+- Get the runtime environment files (eg these help files)
+- Get the `extra' archive (contains the RISC OS specific bits)
+- Get the RISC OS binary distribution (if possible)
+- Create a raFS disk and put the archives on it.
+- Un-gzip them
+- Un-tar them (*tar xELf 50 archive/tar)
+Recompiling the sources:
+- Create c, s, and h directories.
+- Put all the header files in 'h' \
+- Put all the C files in `c' | And lose the extensions
+- Put the assembler file (`swis/s') in 's' /
+- Rename all the files in `proto' to `h', like this:
+ raFS::VimSrc.source.proto.file/pro
+ becomes
+ raFS::VimSrc.source.h.file_pro
+- In the files `h.proto' and `c.termlib', search and replace
+ .pro"
+ with
+ _pro.h"
+- Create a simple Makefile if desired and do '*make -k'
+ Use 'CC = gcc -DRISCOS -DUSE_GUI -O2 -x c' in the Makefile
+- Save the binary as !Vim.Vim in the binary distribution
+Updating the run-time environment:
+- Replace old or missing files inside !Vim.Resources with the
+ new files.
+- Remove files in `doc' not ending in `/txt', except for `tags'.
+- Lose the extensions from the files in `doc'.
+- Edit the `doc.tags' file. Remove extensions from the second column: >
+ :%s/^\(.[^\t]*\t.*\)\.txt\t/\1\t/
+- Remove extensions from the syntax files. Split them into two directories
+ to avoid the 77 entry limit on old ADFS filesystems.
+- Edit `Vim:FileType' to match `*.c.*' as well as `*/c' and so on.
+ Add filetype checking too.
+- Edit `Vim:Menu' and remove all the keys from the menus: >
+ :%s/<Tab>[^ \t]*//
+ vim:tw=78:ts=8:ft=help:norl: