path: root/runtime/doc/getscript.txt
diff options
authorBram Moolenaar <>2006-03-21 21:29:36 +0000
committerBram Moolenaar <>2006-03-21 21:29:36 +0000
commit433f7c88d56bb8fd99082314055305a656462a13 (patch)
tree5e23837d28ffd97fa77f99e4dea346d087e5f323 /runtime/doc/getscript.txt
parent76916e60ed6296aff1b855408b81cc08b8e07257 (diff)
updated for version 7.0231
Diffstat (limited to 'runtime/doc/getscript.txt')
1 files changed, 301 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/runtime/doc/getscript.txt b/runtime/doc/getscript.txt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1459723d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/doc/getscript.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,301 @@
+*getscript.txt* Get the Latest VimScripts Dec 23, 2005
+Authors: Charles E. Campbell, Jr. <NdrOchip@ScampbellPfamilyA.Mbiz>
+ (remove NOSPAM from the email address)
+ *GetLatestVimScripts-copyright*
+Copyright: (c) 2004-2005 by Charles E. Campbell, Jr.
+ The VIM LICENSE applies to GetLatestVimScripts.vim and
+ GetLatestVimScripts.txt (see |copyright|) except use
+ "GetLatestVimScripts" instead of "Vim".
+ No warranty, express or implied. Use At-Your-Own-Risk.
+1. Contents *glvs-contents*
+ 1. Contents.......................................: |glvs-contents|
+ 2. GetLatestVimScripts Usage......................: |glvs|
+ 3. GetLatestVimScripts Data File..................: |glvs-data|
+ 4. GetLatestVimScripts Plugins....................: |glvs-plugins|
+ 5. GetLatestVimScripts AutoInstall................: |glvs-autoinstall|
+ 6. GetLatestVimScripts Algorithm..................: |glvs-alg|
+ 7. GetLatestVimScripts History....................: |glvs-hist|
+2. GetLatestVimScripts Usage *getlatestvimscripts* *getscript* *glvs*
+ While in vim, type
+ :GetLatestVimScripts
+ Unless its been defined elsewhere,
+ will also work.
+ The script will attempt to update and, if so directed, automatically
+ install scripts from To do so it will
+ peruse a file, [.vim|vimfiles]/GetLatest/GetLatestVimScripts.dat
+ (see |glvs-data|), and examine plugins in your [.vim|vimfiles]/plugin
+ directory (see |glvs-plugins|).
+ Scripts which have been downloaded will appear in the .../GetLatest
+ subdirectory.
+ The <GetLatestVimScripts.dat> file will be automatically be updated to
+ reflect the latest version of script(s) so downloaded.
+3. GetLatestVimScripts Data File *getlatestvimscripts-data* *glvs-data*
+ The Data file has a header which should appear as:
+ ScriptID SourceID Filename
+ --------------------------
+ Below that are three columns; the first two are numeric followed by a
+ text column.
+ The first number on each line gives the script's ScriptID. When
+ you're about to use a web browser to look at scripts on
+, just before you click on the script's link, you'll
+ see a line resembling
+ The "40" happens to be a ScriptID that GetLatestVimScripts needs to
+ download the associated page.
+ The second number on each line gives the script's SourceID. The
+ SourceID records the count of uploaded scripts as determined by
+; hence it serves to indicate "when" a script was uploaded.
+ Setting the SourceID to 1 insures that GetLatestVimScripts will assume
+ that the script it has is out-of-date.
+ The SourceID is extracted by GetLatestVimScripts from the script's
+ page on; whenever its greater than the one stored in the
+ GetLatestVimScripts.dat file, the script will be downloaded.
+ If your script's author has included a special comment line in his/her
+ plugin, the plugin itself will be used by GetLatestVimScripts to build
+ your <GetLatestVimScripts.dat> file, including any dependencies on
+ other scripts it may have.
+ If your comment field begins with :AutoInstall:, GetLatestVimScripts
+ will attempt to automatically install the script. Thus,
+ GetLatestVimScripts thus provides a comprehensive ability to keep your
+ plugins up-to-date!
+4. GetLatestVimScripts Plugins *getlatestvimscripts-plugins* *glvs-plugins*
+ If a plugin author includes the following comment anywhere in their
+ plugin, GetLatestVimScripts will find it and use it to build user's
+ GetLatestVimScripts.dat files:
+ src_id
+ v
+ " GetLatestVimScripts: ### ### yourscriptname
+ ^
+ scriptid
+ As an author, you should include such a line in to refer to your own
+ script plus any additional lines describing any plugin dependencies it
+ may have. Same format, of course!
+ If your command is auto-installable (see |glvs-autoinstall|), and most
+ scripts are, then you may include :AutoInstall: at the start of
+ "yourscriptname".
+ GetLatestVimScript commands for those scripts are then appended, if
+ not already present, to the user's GetLatest/GetLatestVimScripts.dat
+ file. Its a relatively painless way to automate the acquisition of
+ any scripts your plugins depend upon.
+ Now, as an author, you probably don't want GetLatestVimScripts to
+ download your own scripts for you yourself, thereby overwriting your
+ not-yet-released hard work. GetLatestVimScripts provides a solution
+ for this: put
+ 0 0 yourscriptname
+ into your <GetLatestVimScripts.dat> file and GetLatestVimScripts will
+ skip examining the "yourscriptname" scripts for those
+ GetLatestVimScript comment lines. As a result, those lines won't be
+ inadvertently installed into your <GetLatestVimScripts.dat> file and
+ subsequently used to download your own scripts. This is especially
+ important to do if you've included the :AutoInstall: option.
+ Be certain to use the same "yourscriptname" in the "0 0
+ yourscriptname" line as you've used in your GetLatestVimScript
+ comment!
+5. GetLatestVimScripts AutoInstall *getlatestvimscripts-autoinstall*
+ *glvs-autoinstall*
+ GetLatestVimScripts now supports "AutoInstall". Not all scripts are
+ supportive of auto-install, as they may have special things you need
+ to do to install them (please refer to the script's "install"
+ directions). On the other hand, most scripts will be
+ auto-installable.
+ To let GetLatestVimScripts do an autoinstall, the data file's comment
+ field should begin with (surrounding blanks are ignored):
+ :AutoInstall:
+ Both colons are needed, and it should begin the comment
+ (yourscriptname) field.
+ One may prevent any autoinstalling by putting the following line
+ in your <.vimrc>:
+ let g:GetLatestVimScripts_allowautoinstall= 0
+ With :AutoInstall: enabled, as it is by default, files which end with
+ ---.tar.bz2 : decompressed and untarred in [.vim|vimfiles] directory
+ ---.tar.gz : decompressed and untarred in [.vim|vimfiles] directory
+ ---.vim.bz2 : decompressed and moved to the .vim/plugin directory
+ ---.vim.gz : decompressed and moved to the .vim/plugin directory
+ : unzipped in [.vim|vimfiles] directory
+ ---.vim : moved to [.vim|vimfiles]/plugin directory
+ and which merely need to have their components placed by the
+ untar/gunzip or move-to-plugin-directory process should be
+ auto-installable.
+ When is a script not auto-installable? Let me give an example:
+ [.vim|vimfiles]/after/syntax/blockhl.vim
+ The <blockhl.vim> script provides block highlighting for C/C++
+ programs; it is available at:
+ Currently, vim's after/syntax only supports by-filetype scripts (in
+ blockhl.vim's case, that's after/syntax/c.vim). Hence, auto-install
+ would possibly overwrite the current user's after/syntax/c.vim file.
+ In my own case, I use <aftersyntax.vim> (renamed to
+ after/syntax/c.vim) to allow a after/syntax/c/ directory:
+ The script allows multiple syntax files to exist separately in the
+ after/syntax/c subdirectory. I can't bundle aftersyntax.vim in and
+ build an appropriate tarball for auto-install because of the potential
+ for the after/syntax/c.vim contained in it to overwrite a user's
+ c.vim.
+6. GetLatestVimScripts Algorithm *getlatestvimscripts-algorithm*
+ *glvs-alg*
+ The Vim sourceforge page dynamically creates a page by keying off of
+ the so-called script-id. Within the webpage of
+ is a line specifying the latest source-id (src_id). The source
+ identifier numbers are always increasing, hence if the src_id is
+ greater than the one recorded for the script in GetLatestVimScripts
+ then its time to download a newer copy of that script.
+ GetLatestVimScripts will then download the script and update its
+ internal database of script ids, source ids, and scriptnames.
+ The AutoInstall process will:
+ Move the file from GetLatest/ to the following directory
+ Unix : $HOME/.vim
+ Windows: $HOME\vimfiles
+ if the downloaded file ends with ".bz2"
+ bunzip2 it
+ else if the downloaded file ends with ".gz"
+ gunzip it
+ if the resulting file ends with ".zip"
+ unzip it
+ else if the resulting file ends with ".tar"
+ tar -oxvf it
+ else if the resulting file ends with ".vim"
+ move it to the plugin subdirectory
+7. GetLatestVimScripts History *getlatestvimscripts-history* *glvs-hist*
+ v20 Dec 23, 2005 : * Eric Haarbauer found&fixed a bug with unzip use;
+ unzip needs the -o flag to overwrite.
+ v19 Nov 28, 2005 : * v18's GetLatestVimScript line accessed the wrong
+ script! Fixed.
+ v18 Mar 21, 2005 : * bugfix to automatic database construction
+ * bugfix - nowrapscan caused an error
+ (tnx to David Green for the fix)
+ Apr 01, 2005 * if shell is bash, "mv" instead of "ren" used in
+ :AutoInstall:s, even though its o/s is windows
+ Apr 01, 2005 * when downloading errors occurred, GLVS was
+ terminating early. It now just goes on to trying
+ the next script (after trying three times to
+ download a script description page)
+ Apr 20, 2005 * bugfix - when a failure to download occurred,
+ GetLatestVimScripts would stop early and claim that
+ everything was current. Fixed.
+ v17 Aug 25, 2004 : * g:GetLatestVimScripts_allowautoinstall, which
+ defaults to 1, can be used to prevent all
+ :AutoInstall:
+ v16 Aug 25, 2004 : * made execution of bunzip2/gunzip/tar/zip silent
+ * fixed bug with :AutoInstall: use of helptags
+ v15 Aug 24, 2004 : * bugfix: the "0 0 comment" download prevention wasn't
+ always preventing downloads (just usually). Fixed.
+ v14 Aug 24, 2004 : * bugfix -- helptags was using dotvim, rather than
+ s:dotvim. Fixed.
+ v13 Aug 23, 2004 : * will skip downloading a file if its scriptid or srcid
+ is zero. Useful for script authors; that way their
+ own GetLatestVimScripts activity won't overwrite
+ their scripts.
+ v12 Aug 23, 2004 : * bugfix - a "return" got left in the distribution that
+ was intended only for testing. Removed, now works.
+ * :AutoInstall: implemented
+ v11 Aug 20, 2004 : * GetLatestVimScripts is now a plugin:
+ * :GetLatestVimScripts command
+ * (runtimepath)/GetLatest/GetLatestVimScripts.dat
+ now holds scripts that need updating
+ v10 Apr 19, 2004 : * moved history from script to doc
+ v9 Jan 23, 2004 : windows (win32/win16/win95) will use
+ double quotes ("") whereas other systems will use
+ single quotes ('') around the urls in calls via wget
+ v8 Dec 01, 2003 : makes three tries at downloading
+ v7 Sep 02, 2003 : added error messages if "Click on..." or "src_id="
+ not found in downloaded webpage
+ Uses t_ti, t_te, and rs to make progress visible
+ v6 Aug 06, 2003 : final status messages now display summary of work
+ ( "Downloaded someqty scripts" or
+ "Everything was current")
+ Now GetLatestVimScripts is careful about downloading
+ GetLatestVimScripts.vim itself!
+ (goes to <NEW_GetLatestVimScripts.vim>)
+ v5 Aug 04, 2003 : missing an endif near bottom
+ v4 Jun 17, 2003 : redraw! just before each "considering" message
+ v3 May 27, 2003 : Protects downloaded files from errant shell
+ expansions with single quotes: '...'
+ v2 May 14, 2003 : extracts name of item to be obtained from the
+ script file. Uses it instead of comment field
+ for output filename; comment is used in the
+ "considering..." line and is now just a comment!
+ * Fixed a bug: a string-of-numbers is not the
+ same as a number, so I added zero to them
+ and they became numbers. Fixes comparison.