path: root/runtime/autoload/getscript.vim
diff options
authorBram Moolenaar <>2010-01-06 20:54:52 +0100
committerBram Moolenaar <>2010-01-06 20:54:52 +0100
commit5c73622a9066182ee4479fd7b3aa86e1825808c3 (patch)
treec92ed672cbb989fa3585387ebd4598f5bdfcc637 /runtime/autoload/getscript.vim
parent8f3f58f2c361f1b7241128d9821f88d8a30aa066 (diff)
Update runtime files.
Diffstat (limited to 'runtime/autoload/getscript.vim')
1 files changed, 147 insertions, 126 deletions
diff --git a/runtime/autoload/getscript.vim b/runtime/autoload/getscript.vim
index 5a466cb88..6e019764f 100644
--- a/runtime/autoload/getscript.vim
+++ b/runtime/autoload/getscript.vim
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
" getscript.vim
" Author: Charles E. Campbell, Jr.
-" Date: Jul 10, 2008
-" Version: 31
+" Date: Dec 28, 2009
+" Version: 32
" Installing: :help glvs-install
" Usage: :help glvs
@@ -12,19 +12,24 @@
" Initialization: {{{1
" if you're sourcing this file, surely you can't be
" expecting vim to be in its vi-compatible mode!
+if exists("g:loaded_getscript")
+ finish
+let g:loaded_getscript= "v32"
if &cp
echoerr "GetLatestVimScripts is not vi-compatible; not loaded (you need to set nocp)"
+if v:version < 702
+ echohl WarningMsg
+ echo "***warning*** this version of getscript needs vim 7.2"
+ echohl Normal
+ finish
let s:keepcpo = &cpo
set cpo&vim
-if exists("g:loaded_getscript")
- finish
-let g:loaded_getscript= "v31"
" ---------------------------
" Global Variables: {{{1
" ---------------------------
@@ -40,25 +45,6 @@ if !exists("g:getscript_cygwin")
let g:getscript_cygwin= 0
-" shell quoting character {{{2
-if exists("g:netrw_shq") && !exists("g:getscript_shq")
- let g:getscript_shq= g:netrw_shq
-elseif !exists("g:getscript_shq")
- if exists("&shq") && &shq != ""
- let g:getscript_shq= &shq
- elseif exists("&sxq") && &sxq != ""
- let g:getscript_shq= &sxq
- elseif has("win32") || has("win95") || has("win64") || has("win16")
- if g:getscript_cygwin
- let g:getscript_shq= "'"
- else
- let g:getscript_shq= '"'
- endif
- else
- let g:getscript_shq= "'"
- endif
-" call Decho("g:getscript_shq<".g:getscript_shq.">")
" wget vs curl {{{2
if !exists("g:GetLatestVimScripts_wget")
@@ -112,7 +98,9 @@ if g:GetLatestVimScripts_allowautoinstall
- if exists('$HOME') && isdirectory(expand("$HOME")."/".s:dotvim)
+ if exists("g:GetLatestVimScripts_autoinstalldir") && isdirectory(g:GetLatestVimScripts_autoinstalldir)
+ let s:autoinstall= g:GetLatestVimScripts_autoinstalldir"
+ elseif exists('$HOME') && isdirectory(expand("$HOME")."/".s:dotvim)
let s:autoinstall= $HOME."/".s:dotvim
" call Decho("s:autoinstall<".s:autoinstall.">")
@@ -165,7 +153,6 @@ fun! getscript#GetLatestVimScripts()
" call Dret("GetLatestVimScripts : unable to find a GetLatest subdirectory")
if filewritable(datadir) != 2
echoerr "(getLatestVimScripts) Your ".datadir." isn't writable"
" call Dret("GetLatestVimScripts : non-writable directory<".datadir.">")
@@ -182,21 +169,29 @@ fun! getscript#GetLatestVimScripts()
" call Dret("GetLatestVimScripts : non-writable datafile<".datafile.">")
+ " --------------------
+ " Passed sanity checks
+ " --------------------
" call Decho("datadir <".datadir.">")
" call Decho("datafile <".datafile.">")
- " don't let any events interfere (like winmanager's, taglist's, etc)
- let eikeep= &ei
- let hlskeep= &hls
- set ei=all hls&vim
- " record current directory, change to datadir, open split window with
- " datafile
+ " don't let any event handlers interfere (like winmanager's, taglist's, etc)
+ let eikeep = &ei
+ let hlskeep = &hls
+ let acdkeep = &acd
+ set ei=all hls&vim noacd
+ " Edit the datafile (ie. GetLatestVimScripts.dat):
+ " 1. record current directory (origdir),
+ " 2. change directory to datadir,
+ " 3. split window
+ " 4. edit datafile
let origdir= getcwd()
" call Decho("exe cd ".fnameescape(substitute(datadir,'\','/','ge')))
exe "cd ".fnameescape(substitute(datadir,'\','/','ge'))
-" call Decho("exe e ".fnameescape(substitute(datafile,'\','/','ge')))
+" call Decho("exe e ".fnameescape(substitute(datafile,'\','/','ge')))
exe "e ".fnameescape(substitute(datafile,'\','/','ge'))
res 1000
let s:downloads = 0
@@ -207,69 +202,68 @@ fun! getscript#GetLatestVimScripts()
" call Decho("searching plugins for GetLatestVimScripts dependencies")
let lastline = line("$")
" call Decho("lastline#".lastline)
- let plugins = split(globpath(&rtp,"plugin/*.vim"),'\n')
+ let firstdir = substitute(&rtp,',.*$','','')
+ let plugins = split(globpath(firstdir,"plugin/*.vim"),'\n')
+ let plugins = plugins + split(globpath(firstdir,"AsNeeded/*.vim"),'\n')
let foundscript = 0
- let firstdir= ""
+ " this loop updates the GetLatestVimScripts.dat file
+ " with dependencies explicitly mentioned in the plugins
+ " via GetLatestVimScripts: ... lines
+ " It reads the plugin script at the end of the GetLatestVimScripts.dat
+ " file, examines it, and then removes it.
for plugin in plugins
+" call Decho(" ")
" call Decho("plugin<".plugin.">")
- " don't process plugins in system directories
- if firstdir == ""
- let firstdir= substitute(plugin,'[/\\][^/\\]\+$','','')
-" call Decho("setting firstdir<".firstdir.">")
- else
- let curdir= substitute(plugin,'[/\\][^/\\]\+$','','')
-" call Decho("curdir<".curdir.">")
- if curdir != firstdir
-" call Decho("skipping subsequent plugins: curdir<".curdir."> != firstdir<".firstdir.">")
- break
- endif
- endif
" read plugin in
" evidently a :r creates a new buffer (the "#" buffer) that is subsequently unused -- bwiping it
-" call Decho(" ")
" call Decho(".dependency checking<".plugin."> line$=".line("$"))
-" call Decho("exe silent r ".fnameescape(plugin))
+" call Decho("..exe silent r ".fnameescape(plugin))
exe "silent r ".fnameescape(plugin)
exe "silent bwipe ".bufnr("#")
while search('^"\s\+GetLatestVimScripts:\s\+\d\+\s\+\d\+','W') != 0
- let newscript= substitute(getline("."),'^"\s\+GetLatestVimScripts:\s\+\d\+\s\+\d\+\s\+\(.*\)$','\1','e')
- let llp1 = lastline+1
-" call Decho("..newscript<".newscript.">")
- " don't process ""GetLatestVimScripts lines -- those that have been doubly-commented out
- if newscript !~ '^"'
- " found a "GetLatestVimScripts: # #" line in the script; check if its already in the datafile
- let curline = line(".")
- let noai_script = substitute(newscript,'\s*:AutoInstall:\s*','','e')
- exe llp1
- let srchline = search('\<'.noai_script.'\>','bW')
-" call Decho("..noai_script<".noai_script."> srch=".srchline."curline#".line(".")." lastline#".lastline)
- if srchline == 0
- " found a new script to permanently include in the datafile
- let keep_rega = @a
- let @a = substitute(getline(curline),'^"\s\+GetLatestVimScripts:\s\+','','')
- exe lastline."put a"
- echomsg "Appending <".@a."> to ".datafile." for ".newscript
-" call Decho("..APPEND (".noai_script.")<".@a."> to GetLatestVimScripts.dat")
- let @a = keep_rega
- let lastline = llp1
- let curline = curline + 1
- let foundscript = foundscript + 1
-" else " Decho
-" call Decho("..found <".noai_script."> (already in datafile at line#".srchline.")")
- endif
- let curline = curline + 1
- exe curline
+ let depscript = substitute(getline("."),'^"\s\+GetLatestVimScripts:\s\+\d\+\s\+\d\+\s\+\(.*\)$','\1','e')
+ let depscriptid = substitute(getline("."),'^"\s\+GetLatestVimScripts:\s\+\(\d\+\)\s\+.*$','\1','')
+ let llp1 = lastline+1
+" call Decho("..depscript<".depscript.">")
+ " found a "GetLatestVimScripts: # #" line in the script;
+ " check if its already in the datafile by searching backwards from llp1,
+ " the (prior to reading in the plugin script) last line plus one of the GetLatestVimScripts.dat file,
+ " for the script-id with no wrapping allowed.
+ let curline = line(".")
+ let noai_script = substitute(depscript,'\s*:AutoInstall:\s*','','e')
+ exe llp1
+ let srchline = search('^\s*'.depscriptid.'\s\+\d\+\s\+.*$','bW')
+ if srchline == 0
+ " this second search is taken when, for example, a 0 0 scriptname is to be skipped over
+ let srchline= search('\<'.noai_script.'\>','bW')
+ endif
+" call Decho("..noai_script<".noai_script."> depscriptid#".depscriptid." srchline#".srchline." curline#".line(".")." lastline#".lastline)
+ if srchline == 0
+ " found a new script to permanently include in the datafile
+ let keep_rega = @a
+ let @a = substitute(getline(curline),'^"\s\+GetLatestVimScripts:\s\+','','')
+ echomsg "Appending <".@a."> to ".datafile." for ".depscript
+" call Decho("..Appending <".@a."> to ".datafile." for ".depscript)
+ exe lastline."put a"
+ let @a = keep_rega
+ let lastline = llp1
+ let curline = curline + 1
+ let foundscript = foundscript + 1
+" else " Decho
+" call Decho("..found <".noai_script."> (already in datafile at line#".srchline.")")
+ let curline = curline + 1
+ exe curline
+ " llp1: last line plus one
let llp1= lastline + 1
" call Decho(".deleting lines: ".llp1.",$d")
exe "silent! ".llp1.",$d"
@@ -282,7 +276,9 @@ fun! getscript#GetLatestVimScripts()
setlocal nomod
+ " --------------------------------------------------------------------
" Check on out-of-date scripts using GetLatest/GetLatestVimScripts.dat
+ " --------------------------------------------------------------------
" call Decho("begin: checking out-of-date scripts using datafile<".datafile.">")
setlocal lz
@@ -322,8 +318,9 @@ fun! getscript#GetLatestVimScripts()
" restore events and current directory
exe "cd ".fnameescape(substitute(origdir,'\','/','ge'))
- let &ei= eikeep
- let &hls= hlskeep
+ let &ei = eikeep
+ let &hls = hlskeep
+ let &acd = acdkeep
setlocal nolz
" call Dredir("BUFFER TEST (GetLatestVimScripts 2)","ls!")
" call Dret("GetLatestVimScripts : did ".s:downloads." downloads")
@@ -333,7 +330,7 @@ endfun
" GetOneScript: (Get Latest Vim Script) this function operates {{{1
" on the current line, interpreting two numbers and text as
" ScriptID, SourceID, and Filename.
-" It downloads any scripts that have newer versions from
+" It downloads any scripts that have newer versions from
fun! s:GetOneScript(...)
" call Dfunc("GetOneScript()")
@@ -391,6 +388,7 @@ fun! s:GetOneScript(...)
" call Decho("fname <".fname.">")
+ " plugin author protection from downloading his/her own scripts atop their latest work
if scriptid == 0 || srcid == 0
" When looking for :AutoInstall: lines, skip scripts that have 0 0 scriptname
let @a= rega
@@ -416,21 +414,21 @@ fun! s:GetOneScript(...)
" call Decho('considering <'.aicmmnt.'> scriptid='.scriptid.' srcid='.srcid)
echo 'considering <'.aicmmnt.'> scriptid='.scriptid.' srcid='.srcid
- " grab a copy of the plugin's webpage
- let scriptaddr = ''.scriptid
+ " grab a copy of the plugin's webpage
+ let scriptaddr = ''.scriptid
let tmpfile = tempname()
let v:errmsg = ""
" make up to three tries at downloading the description
let itry= 1
while itry <= 3
-" call Decho("try#".itry." to download description of <".aicmmnt."> with addr=".scriptaddr)
+" call Decho(".try#".itry." to download description of <".aicmmnt."> with addr=".scriptaddr)
if has("win32") || has("win16") || has("win95")
-" call Decho("new|exe silent r!".g:GetLatestVimScripts_wget." ".g:GetLatestVimScripts_options." ".s:Escape(tmpfile).' '.s:Escape(scriptaddr)."|bw!")
- new|exe "silent r!".g:GetLatestVimScripts_wget." ".g:GetLatestVimScripts_options." ".s:Escape(tmpfile).' '.s:Escape(scriptaddr)|bw!
+" call Decho(".new|exe silent r!".g:GetLatestVimScripts_wget." ".g:GetLatestVimScripts_options." ".shellescape(tmpfile).' '.shellescape(scriptaddr)."|bw!")
+ new|exe "silent r!".g:GetLatestVimScripts_wget." ".g:GetLatestVimScripts_options." ".shellescape(tmpfile).' '.shellescape(scriptaddr)|bw!
-" call Decho("exe silent !".g:GetLatestVimScripts_wget." ".g:GetLatestVimScripts_options." ".s:Escape(tmpfile)." ".s:Escape(scriptaddr))
- exe "silent !".g:GetLatestVimScripts_wget." ".g:GetLatestVimScripts_options." ".s:Escape(tmpfile)." ".s:Escape(scriptaddr)
+" call Decho(".exe silent !".g:GetLatestVimScripts_wget." ".g:GetLatestVimScripts_options." ".shellescape(tmpfile)." ".shellescape(scriptaddr))
+ exe "silent !".g:GetLatestVimScripts_wget." ".g:GetLatestVimScripts_options." ".shellescape(tmpfile)." ".shellescape(scriptaddr)
if itry == 1
exe "silent vsplit ".fnameescape(tmpfile)
@@ -495,8 +493,7 @@ fun! s:GetOneScript(...)
let latestsrcid = latestsrcid + 0
" call Decho("srcid=".srcid." latestsrcid=".latestsrcid." sname<".sname.">")
- " has the plugin's most-recent srcid increased, which indicates
- " that it has been updated
+ " has the plugin's most-recent srcid increased, which indicates that it has been updated
if latestsrcid > srcid
" call Decho("[latestsrcid=".latestsrcid."] <= [srcid=".srcid."]: need to update <".sname.">")
@@ -506,65 +503,103 @@ fun! s:GetOneScript(...)
let sname= "NEW_".sname
+ " -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
" the plugin has been updated since we last obtained it, so download a new copy
-" call Decho("...downloading new <".sname.">")
- echomsg "...downloading new <".sname.">"
+ " -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+" call Decho(".downloading new <".sname.">")
+ echomsg ".downloading new <".sname.">"
if has("win32") || has("win16") || has("win95")
-" call Decho("new|exe silent r!".g:GetLatestVimScripts_wget." ".g:GetLatestVimScripts_options." ".s:Escape(sname)." ".s:Escape(''.latestsrcid)."|q")
- new|exe "silent r!".g:GetLatestVimScripts_wget." ".g:GetLatestVimScripts_options." ".s:Escape(sname)." ".s:Escape(''.latestsrcid)|q
+" call Decho(".new|exe silent r!".g:GetLatestVimScripts_wget." ".g:GetLatestVimScripts_options." ".shellescape(sname)." ".shellescape(''.latestsrcid)."|q")
+ new|exe "silent r!".g:GetLatestVimScripts_wget." ".g:GetLatestVimScripts_options." ".shellescape(sname)." ".shellescape(''.latestsrcid)|q
-" call Decho("exe silent !".g:GetLatestVimScripts_wget." ".g:GetLatestVimScripts_options." ".s:Escape(sname)." ".s:Escape(''))
- exe "silent !".g:GetLatestVimScripts_wget." ".g:GetLatestVimScripts_options." ".s:Escape(sname)." ".s:Escape('').latestsrcid
+" call Decho(".exe silent !".g:GetLatestVimScripts_wget." ".g:GetLatestVimScripts_options." ".shellescape(sname)." ".shellescape(''))
+ exe "silent !".g:GetLatestVimScripts_wget." ".g:GetLatestVimScripts_options." ".shellescape(sname)." ".shellescape('').latestsrcid
+ " --------------------------------------------------------------------------
" AutoInstall: only if doautoinstall has been requested by the plugin itself
+ " --------------------------------------------------------------------------
if doautoinstall
-" call Decho("attempting to do autoinstall: getcwd<".getcwd()."> filereadable(".sname.")=".filereadable(sname))
+" call Decho(" ")
+" call Decho("Autoinstall: getcwd<".getcwd()."> filereadable(".sname.")=".filereadable(sname))
if filereadable(sname)
-" call Decho("exe silent !".g:GetLatestVimScripts_mv." ".s:Escape(sname)." ".s:Escape(s:autoinstall))
- exe "silent !".g:GetLatestVimScripts_mv." ".s:Escape(sname)." ".s:Escape(s:autoinstall)
+" call Decho("<".sname."> is readable")
+" call Decho("exe silent !".g:GetLatestVimScripts_mv." ".shellescape(sname)." ".shellescape(s:autoinstall))
+ exe "silent !".g:GetLatestVimScripts_mv." ".shellescape(sname)." ".shellescape(s:autoinstall)
let curdir = escape(substitute(getcwd(),'\','/','ge'),"|[]*'\" #")
let installdir= curdir."/Installed"
if !isdirectory(installdir)
call mkdir(installdir)
-" call Decho("exe cd ".fnameescape(s:autoinstall))
+" call Decho("curdir<".curdir."> installdir<".installdir.">")
+" call Decho("exe cd ".fnameescape(s:autoinstall))
exe "cd ".fnameescape(s:autoinstall)
+ " determine target directory for moves
+ let firstdir= substitute(&rtp,',.*$','','')
+ let pname = substitute(sname,'\..*','.vim','')
+" call Decho("determine tgtdir: is <".firstdir.'/AsNeeded/'.pname." readable?")
+ if filereadable(firstdir.'/AsNeeded/'.pname)
+ let tgtdir= "AsNeeded"
+ else
+ let tgtdir= "plugin"
+ endif
+" call Decho("tgtdir<".tgtdir."> pname<".pname.">")
" decompress
if sname =~ '\.bz2$'
" call Decho("decompress: attempt to bunzip2 ".sname)
- exe "silent !bunzip2 ".s:Escape(sname)
+ exe "silent !bunzip2 ".shellescape(sname)
let sname= substitute(sname,'\.bz2$','','')
" call Decho("decompress: new sname<".sname."> after bunzip2")
elseif sname =~ '\.gz$'
" call Decho("decompress: attempt to gunzip ".sname)
- exe "silent !gunzip ".s:Escape(sname)
+ exe "silent !gunzip ".shellescape(sname)
let sname= substitute(sname,'\.gz$','','')
" call Decho("decompress: new sname<".sname."> after gunzip")
+ else
+" call Decho("no decompression needed")
" distribute archive(.zip, .tar, .vba) contents
if sname =~ '\.zip$'
" call Decho("dearchive: attempt to unzip ".sname)
- exe "silent !unzip -o ".s:Escape(sname)
+ exe "silent !unzip -o ".shellescape(sname)
elseif sname =~ '\.tar$'
" call Decho("dearchive: attempt to untar ".sname)
- exe "silent !tar -xvf ".s:Escape(sname)
+ exe "silent !tar -xvf ".shellescape(sname)
elseif sname =~ '\.vba$'
" call Decho("dearchive: attempt to handle a vimball: ".sname)
silent 1split
+ if exists("g:vimball_home")
+ let oldvimballhome= g:vimball_home
+ endif
+ let g:vimball_home= s:autoinstall
exe "silent e ".fnameescape(sname)
silent so %
silent q
+ if exists("oldvimballhome")
+ let g:vimball_home= oldvimballhome
+ else
+ unlet g:vimball_home
+ endif
+ else
+" call Decho("no dearchiving needed")
+ " ---------------------------------------------
+ " move plugin to plugin/ or AsNeeded/ directory
+ " ---------------------------------------------
if sname =~ '.vim$'
-" call Decho("dearchive: attempt to simply move ".sname." to plugin")
- exe "silent !".g:GetLatestVimScripts_mv." ".s:Escape(sname)." plugin"
+" call Decho("dearchive: attempt to simply move ".sname." to ".tgtdir)
+ exe "silent !".g:GetLatestVimScripts_mv." ".shellescape(sname)." ".tgtdir
" call Decho("dearchive: move <".sname."> to installdir<".installdir.">")
- exe "silent !".g:GetLatestVimScripts_mv." ".s:Escape(sname)." ".installdir
+ exe "silent !".g:GetLatestVimScripts_mv." ".shellescape(sname)." ".installdir
+ endif
+ if tgtdir != "plugin"
+" call Decho("exe silent !".g:GetLatestVimScripts_mv." plugin/".shellescape(pname)." ".tgtdir)
+ exe "silent !".g:GetLatestVimScripts_mv." plugin/".shellescape(pname)." ".tgtdir
" helptags step
@@ -600,20 +635,6 @@ fun! s:GetOneScript(...)
" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-" s:Escape: makes a string safe&suitable for the shell {{{2
-fun! s:Escape(name)
-" call Dfunc("s:Escape(name<".a:name.">)")
- if exists("*shellescape")
- " shellescape() was added by patch 7.0.111
- let name= shellescape(a:name)
- else
- let name= g:getscript_shq . a:name . g:getscript_shq
- endif
-" call Dret("s:Escape ".name)
- return name
-" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
" Restore Options: {{{1
let &cpo= s:keepcpo
unlet s:keepcpo