diff options
authorBram Moolenaar <>2022-06-20 11:17:32 +0100
committerBram Moolenaar <>2022-06-20 11:17:32 +0100
commitd799daa660b8821943cbe1682f00da9e812dd48c (patch)
parente366ed4f2c6fa8cb663f1b9599b39d57ddbd8a2a (diff)
Update runtime files
15 files changed, 4672 insertions, 326 deletions
diff --git a/runtime/autoload/dist/man.vim b/runtime/autoload/dist/man.vim
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..cd584aa71
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/autoload/dist/man.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
+" Vim filetype plugin autoload file
+" Language: man
+" Maintainer: Jason Franklin <>
+" Maintainer: SungHyun Nam <>
+" Autoload Split: Bram Moolenaar
+" Last Change: 2022 Jun 18
+let s:cpo_save = &cpo
+set cpo-=C
+let s:man_tag_depth = 0
+let s:man_sect_arg = ""
+let s:man_find_arg = "-w"
+ if !has("win32") && $OSTYPE !~ 'cygwin\|linux' && system('uname -s') =~ "SunOS" && system('uname -r') =~ "^5"
+ let s:man_sect_arg = "-s"
+ let s:man_find_arg = "-l"
+ endif
+catch /E145:/
+ " Ignore the error in restricted mode
+func dist#man#PreGetPage(cnt)
+ if a:cnt == 0
+ let old_isk = &iskeyword
+ if &ft == 'man'
+ setl iskeyword+=(,)
+ endif
+ let str = expand("<cword>")
+ let &l:iskeyword = old_isk
+ let page = substitute(str, '(*\(\k\+\).*', '\1', '')
+ let sect = substitute(str, '\(\k\+\)(\([^()]*\)).*', '\2', '')
+ if match(sect, '^[0-9 ]\+$') == -1
+ let sect = ""
+ endif
+ if sect == page
+ let sect = ""
+ endif
+ else
+ let sect = a:cnt
+ let page = expand("<cword>")
+ endif
+ call dist#man#GetPage('', sect, page)
+func s:GetCmdArg(sect, page)
+ if empty(a:sect)
+ return shellescape(a:page)
+ endif
+ return s:man_sect_arg . ' ' . shellescape(a:sect) . ' ' . shellescape(a:page)
+func s:FindPage(sect, page)
+ let l:cmd = printf('man %s %s', s:man_find_arg, s:GetCmdArg(a:sect, a:page))
+ call system(l:cmd)
+ if v:shell_error
+ return 0
+ endif
+ return 1
+func dist#man#GetPage(cmdmods, ...)
+ if a:0 >= 2
+ let sect = a:1
+ let page = a:2
+ elseif a:0 >= 1
+ let sect = ""
+ let page = a:1
+ else
+ return
+ endif
+ " To support: nmap K :Man <cword>
+ if page == '<cword>'
+ let page = expand('<cword>')
+ endif
+ if !exists('g:ft_man_no_sect_fallback') || (g:ft_man_no_sect_fallback == 0)
+ if sect != "" && s:FindPage(sect, page) == 0
+ let sect = ""
+ endif
+ endif
+ if s:FindPage(sect, page) == 0
+ let msg = 'man.vim: no manual entry for "' . page . '"'
+ if !empty(sect)
+ let msg .= ' in section ' . sect
+ endif
+ echomsg msg
+ return
+ endif
+ exec "let s:man_tag_buf_".s:man_tag_depth." = ".bufnr("%")
+ exec "let s:man_tag_lin_".s:man_tag_depth." = ".line(".")
+ exec "let s:man_tag_col_".s:man_tag_depth." = ".col(".")
+ let s:man_tag_depth = s:man_tag_depth + 1
+ let open_cmd = 'edit'
+ " Use an existing "man" window if it exists, otherwise open a new one.
+ if &filetype != "man"
+ let thiswin = winnr()
+ exe "norm! \<C-W>b"
+ if winnr() > 1
+ exe "norm! " . thiswin . "\<C-W>w"
+ while 1
+ if &filetype == "man"
+ break
+ endif
+ exe "norm! \<C-W>w"
+ if thiswin == winnr()
+ break
+ endif
+ endwhile
+ endif
+ if &filetype != "man"
+ if exists("g:ft_man_open_mode")
+ if g:ft_man_open_mode == 'vert'
+ let open_cmd = 'vsplit'
+ elseif g:ft_man_open_mode == 'tab'
+ let open_cmd = 'tabedit'
+ else
+ let open_cmd = 'split'
+ endif
+ else
+ let open_cmd = a:cmdmods . ' split'
+ endif
+ endif
+ endif
+ silent execute open_cmd . " $HOME/" . page . '.' . sect . '~'
+ " Avoid warning for editing the dummy file twice
+ setl buftype=nofile noswapfile
+ setl fdc=0 ma nofen nonu nornu
+ %delete _
+ let unsetwidth = 0
+ if empty($MANWIDTH)
+ let $MANWIDTH = winwidth(0)
+ let unsetwidth = 1
+ endif
+ " Ensure Vim is not recursively invoked (man-db does this) when doing ctrl-[
+ " on a man page reference by unsetting MANPAGER.
+ " Some versions of env(1) do not support the '-u' option, and in such case
+ " we set MANPAGER=cat.
+ if !exists('s:env_has_u')
+ call system('env -u x true')
+ let s:env_has_u = (v:shell_error == 0)
+ endif
+ let env_cmd = s:env_has_u ? 'env -u MANPAGER' : 'env MANPAGER=cat'
+ let env_cmd .= ' GROFF_NO_SGR=1'
+ let man_cmd = env_cmd . ' man ' . s:GetCmdArg(sect, page) . ' | col -b'
+ silent exec "r !" . man_cmd
+ if unsetwidth
+ let $MANWIDTH = ''
+ endif
+ " Remove blank lines from top and bottom.
+ while line('$') > 1 && getline(1) =~ '^\s*$'
+ 1delete _
+ endwhile
+ while line('$') > 1 && getline('$') =~ '^\s*$'
+ $delete _
+ endwhile
+ 1
+ setl ft=man nomod
+ setl bufhidden=hide
+ setl nobuflisted
+ setl noma
+func dist#man#PopPage()
+ if s:man_tag_depth > 0
+ let s:man_tag_depth = s:man_tag_depth - 1
+ exec "let s:man_tag_buf=s:man_tag_buf_".s:man_tag_depth
+ exec "let s:man_tag_lin=s:man_tag_lin_".s:man_tag_depth
+ exec "let s:man_tag_col=s:man_tag_col_".s:man_tag_depth
+ exec s:man_tag_buf."b"
+ exec s:man_tag_lin
+ exec "norm! ".s:man_tag_col."|"
+ exec "unlet s:man_tag_buf_".s:man_tag_depth
+ exec "unlet s:man_tag_lin_".s:man_tag_depth
+ exec "unlet s:man_tag_col_".s:man_tag_depth
+ unlet s:man_tag_buf s:man_tag_lin s:man_tag_col
+ endif
+let &cpo = s:cpo_save
+unlet s:cpo_save
+" vim: set sw=2 ts=8 noet:
diff --git a/runtime/doc/builtin.txt b/runtime/doc/builtin.txt
index f0c1ddc1b..c26a8574e 100644
--- a/runtime/doc/builtin.txt
+++ b/runtime/doc/builtin.txt
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-*builtin.txt* For Vim version 8.2. Last change: 2022 Jun 16
+*builtin.txt* For Vim version 8.2. Last change: 2022 Jun 17
@@ -2869,7 +2869,7 @@ fnamemodify({fname}, {mods}) *fnamemodify()*
Example: >
:echo fnamemodify("main.c", ":p:h")
< results in: >
- /home/mool/vim/vim/src
+ /home/user/vim/vim/src
< If {mods} is empty or an unsupported modifier is used then
{fname} is returned.
Note: Environment variables don't work in {fname}, use
@@ -10022,8 +10022,6 @@ win_gettype([{nr}]) *win_gettype()*
popup window then 'buftype' is "terminal" and win_gettype()
returns "popup".
- Return an empty string if the window cannot be found.
Can also be used as a |method|: >
diff --git a/runtime/doc/eval.txt b/runtime/doc/eval.txt
index 237db87c2..6929f9c77 100644
--- a/runtime/doc/eval.txt
+++ b/runtime/doc/eval.txt
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-*eval.txt* For Vim version 8.2. Last change: 2022 Jun 03
+*eval.txt* For Vim version 8.2. Last change: 2022 Jun 17
@@ -531,7 +531,7 @@ entry. Note that the String '04' and the Number 04 are different, since the
Number will be converted to the String '4', leading zeros are dropped. The
empty string can also be used as a key.
-In |Vim9| script literally keys can be used if the key consists of alphanumeric
+In |Vim9| script a literal key can be used if it consists only of alphanumeric
characters, underscore and dash, see |vim9-literal-dict|.
*literal-Dict* *#{}*
To avoid having to put quotes around every key the #{} form can be used in
diff --git a/runtime/doc/map.txt b/runtime/doc/map.txt
index bcaa3745e..91df903a3 100644
--- a/runtime/doc/map.txt
+++ b/runtime/doc/map.txt
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-*map.txt* For Vim version 8.2. Last change: 2022 Jun 14
+*map.txt* For Vim version 8.2. Last change: 2022 Jun 18
@@ -394,15 +394,7 @@ Note:
mapping is recursive.
- In Visual mode you can use `line('v')` and `col('v')` to get one end of the
Visual area, the cursor is at the other end.
-- In Select mode, |:map| and |:vmap| command mappings are executed in
- Visual mode. Use |:smap| to handle Select mode differently. One particular
- edge case: >
- :vnoremap <C-K> <Esc>
-< This ends Visual mode when in Visual mode, but in Select mode it does not
- work, because Select mode is restored after executing the mapped keys. You
- need to use: >
- :snoremap <C-K> <Esc>
*E1255* *E1136*
<Cmd> and <ScriptCmd> commands must terminate, that is, they must be followed
by <CR> in the {rhs} of the mapping definition. |Command-line| mode is never
diff --git a/runtime/doc/repeat.txt b/runtime/doc/repeat.txt
index 2ee4476d8..e9816bc0a 100644
--- a/runtime/doc/repeat.txt
+++ b/runtime/doc/repeat.txt
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-*repeat.txt* For Vim version 8.2. Last change: 2022 Apr 08
+*repeat.txt* For Vim version 8.2. Last change: 2022 Jun 18
@@ -197,7 +197,7 @@ For writing a Vim script, see chapter 41 of the user manual |usr_41.txt|.
:so[urce] {file} Read Ex commands from {file}. These are commands that
start with a ":".
Triggers the |SourcePre| autocommand.
+ *:source-range*
:[range]so[urce] [++clear]
Read Ex commands from the [range] of lines in the
current buffer.
diff --git a/runtime/doc/tags b/runtime/doc/tags
index 00407a79c..7481605b1 100644
--- a/runtime/doc/tags
+++ b/runtime/doc/tags
@@ -3197,6 +3197,7 @@ $quote eval.txt /*$quote*
:sort change.txt /*:sort*
:source repeat.txt /*:source*
:source! repeat.txt /*:source!*
+:source-range repeat.txt /*:source-range*
:source_crnl repeat.txt /*:source_crnl*
:sp windows.txt /*:sp*
:spe spell.txt /*:spe*
@@ -5444,6 +5445,7 @@ SpellFileMissing autocmd.txt /*SpellFileMissing*
StdinReadPost autocmd.txt /*StdinReadPost*
StdinReadPre autocmd.txt /*StdinReadPre*
String eval.txt /*String*
+Sven-Guckes version9.txt /*Sven-Guckes*
SwapExists autocmd.txt /*SwapExists*
Syntax autocmd.txt /*Syntax*
T motion.txt /*T*
diff --git a/runtime/doc/todo.txt b/runtime/doc/todo.txt
index 7716e394b..8285df9aa 100644
--- a/runtime/doc/todo.txt
+++ b/runtime/doc/todo.txt
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-*todo.txt* For Vim version 8.2. Last change: 2022 Jun 17
+*todo.txt* For Vim version 8.2. Last change: 2022 Jun 20
@@ -38,18 +38,15 @@ browser use:
-------------------- Known bugs and current work -----------------------
-Searchpair() timeout using skip expression using synID() interferes with
-syntax highlighting. #10562
-Add flag that timeout is set for 'redrawtime' and only then set b_syn_slow.
Prepare for Vim 9.0 release:
- Update the user manual:
- Add more to usr_50.txt as an "advanced section" of usr_41.txt
- Move some from vim9.txt to the user manual? Keep the specification.
-- Use Vim9 for more runtime files.
+- Update version9.txt
- Adjust intro message to say "help version9".
Further Vim9 improvements, possibly after launch:
+- Use Vim9 for more runtime files.
- Check performance with callgrind and kcachegrind.
getline()/substitute()/setline() in #5632
- Better implementation for partial and tests for that.
@@ -80,7 +77,8 @@ Further Vim9 improvements, possibly after launch:
Update list of features to vote on:
- multiple cursors
- built-in LSP support
-- start first line halfway
+- virtual text, using text properties
+- start first line halfway, scroll per screen line
Popup windows:
- Preview popup not properly updated when it overlaps with completion menu.
@@ -206,8 +204,15 @@ Terminal emulator window:
- When 'encoding' is not utf-8, or the job is using another encoding, setup
+Patches considered for including:
+- Add "-n" option to xxd. #10599
+- Support %e and %k in 'errorformat'. #9624
+- Add support for "underdouble", "underdot" and "underdash". #9553
+- Patch to implement the vimtutor with a plugin: #6414
+ Was originally written by Felipe Morales.
+- Patch to make fillchars global-local. (#5206)
Autoconf: must use autoconf 2.69, later version generates lots of warnings
- attempt in ~/tmp/
- try using autoconf 2.71 and fix all "obsolete" warnings
Can deref_func_name() and deref_function_name() be merged?
@@ -228,32 +233,15 @@ pass it on with modifications.
Can "CSI nr X" be used instead of outputting spaces? Is it faster? #8002
-Valgrind reports memory leaks in test_options.
-Valgrind reports overlapping memcpy in
- test_conceal.3
- test_edit.1
- test_functions.4
- test_ins_complete.3
- test_method
- test_normal
- test_popupwin.35 et al.
- test_search_stat
-Memory leak in test_debugger
-Memory leak in test_paste, using XtOpenDisplay several times
-TODO: be able to run all parts of test_alot with valgrind separately
-Memory leak in test_alot with pyeval() (allocating partial)
-Memory leak in test_alot with expand()
-Memory leaks in test_channel? (or is it because of fork())
-PR to support %e and %k in 'errorformat'. #9624
+Problems reported by Valgrind:
+Memory leaks in test_channel, in func Test_job_start_fails(). Weird.
With a window height of 6 and 'scrolloff' set to 3, using "j" does not scroll
-evenly. (#10545)
+evenly. (#10545) Need to handle this in scroll_cursor_bot().
Idea: when typing ":e /some/dir/" and "dir" does not exist, highlight in red.
-":set &shellpipe" and ":set &shellredir" should use the logic from
+":set shellpipe&" and ":set shellredir&" should use the logic from
initialization to figure out the default value from 'shell'. Add a test for
@@ -266,8 +254,6 @@ The line number can be obtained from win->w_lines[].
MS-Windows: did path modifier :p:8 stop working? #8600
-Add support for "underdouble", "underdot" and "underdash". #9553
test_arglist func Test_all_not_allowed_from_cmdwin() hangs on MS-Windows.
Information for a specific terminal (e.g. gnome, tmux, konsole, alacritty) is
@@ -278,9 +264,6 @@ Problem that a previous silent ":throw" causes a following try/catch not to
work. (ZyX, 2013 Sep 28) With examples: (Malcolm Rowe, 2015 Dec 24)
Also see #8487 for an example.
-Patch to implement the vimtutor with a plugin: #6414
-Was originally written by Felipe Morales.
Request to use "." for the cursor column in search pattern \%<.c and \%<.v.
@@ -317,8 +300,6 @@ with 'termguicolors'. #1740
Patch for blockwise paste reporting changes: #6660. Asked for a PR.
-Patch to make fillchars global-local. (#5206)
Missing filetype test for bashrc, PKGBUILD, etc.
Add an option to not fetch terminal codes in xterm, to avoid flicker when t_Co
@@ -339,6 +320,10 @@ Try setting a color then request the current color, like using t_u7.
Make the jumplist behave like a tag stack. (#7738) Should there be a more
time bound navigation, like with undo?
+For testing, make a copy of ml_line_ptr instead of pointing it into the data
+block, so that valgrind can do out of bounds check. Set ML_LINE_DIRTY flag or
Changing a capturing group to non-capturing changes the result: #7607
:echo matchstr('aaa bbb', '\(.\{-1,}\>\)\|.*')
diff --git a/runtime/doc/version9.txt b/runtime/doc/version9.txt
index 7d5c2585e..b9713b395 100644
--- a/runtime/doc/version9.txt
+++ b/runtime/doc/version9.txt
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-*version9.txt* For Vim version 8.2. Last change: 2022 Mar 08
+*version9.txt* For Vim version 8.2. Last change: 2022 Jun 20
@@ -7,9 +7,9 @@
*vim-9.0* *vim-9* *version-9.0* *version9.0*
Welcome to Vim 9! Several years have passed since the previous release.
A large number of bugs have been fixed, many nice features have been added
-and Vim9 script syntax is introduced. This file mentions all the new items
-and changes to existing features since Vim 8.2.0. The patches up to Vim 8.2
-can be found here: |vim-8.2|.
+and Vim9 script syntax has been introduced. This file mentions all the new
+things and changes to existing features since Vim 8.2.0. The patches up to Vim
+8.2 can be found here: |vim-8.2|.
Use this command to see the full version and features information of the Vim
program you are using: >
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ See |version4.txt|, |version5.txt|, |version6.txt|, |version7.txt| and
You can find an overview of the most important changes (according to Martin
Tournoij) on this site:
+ *Sven-Guckes*
Vim version 9.0 is dedicated to Sven Guckes, who passed away in February 2022
when the release was being prepared. Sven was a long time supporter of Vim.
He registered the domain and created the first Vim website. We will
@@ -75,7 +75,9 @@ Options: ~
'autoshelldir' change directory to the shell's current directory
'cdhome' change directory to the home directory by ":cd"
+'cinscopedecls' words that are recognized by 'cino-g'
'guiligatures' GTK GUI: ASCII characters that can form shapes
+'mousemoveevent' report mouse moves with <MouseMove>
'quickfixtextfunc' function for the text in the quickfix window
'spelloptions' options for spell checking
'thesaurusfunc' function to be used for thesaurus completion
@@ -116,6 +118,9 @@ Ex command modifiers: ~
New and extended functions: ~
|assert_nobeep()| assert that a command does not cause a beep
+|autocmd_add()| add a list of autocmds and groups
+|autocmd_delete()| delete a list of autocmds and groups
+|autocmd_get()| return a list of autocmds
|blob2list()| get a list of numbers from a blob
|charclass()| class of a character
|charcol()| character number of the cursor or a mark
@@ -132,13 +137,16 @@ New and extended functions: ~
|fullcommand()| get full command name
|getcharpos()| get character position of cursor, mark, etc.
|getcharstr()| get a character from the user as a string
+|getcmdcompltype()| return current cmdline completion type
|getcursorcharpos()| get character position of the cursor
|getmarklist()| list of global/local marks
|getreginfo()| get information about a register
|gettext()| lookup message translation
|hlget()| get highlight group attributes
|hlset()| set highlight group attributes
+|isabsolutepath()| check if a path is absolute
|list2blob()| get a blob from a list of numbers
+|maplist()| list of all mappings, a dict for each
|mapnew()| make a new List with changed items
|mapset()| restore a mapping
|matchfuzzy()| fuzzy matches a string in a list of strings
@@ -164,6 +172,7 @@ New and extended functions: ~
|test_unknown()| return a value with unknown type
|test_void()| return a value with void type
|typename()| type of a variable as text
+|virtcol2col()| byte index of a character on screen
|win_gettype()| get type of window
|win_move_separator()| move window vertical separator
|win_move_statusline()| move window status line
@@ -193,10 +202,17 @@ New autocommand events: ~
|ModeChanged| after changing the mode
|SigUSR1| after the SIGUSR1 signal has been detected
|WinClosed| after closing a window
+|WinScrolled| after scrolling or resizing a window
|VimSuspend| when suspending Vim
|VimResume| when Vim is resumed after being suspended
+New operator: ~
+|>>| bitwise right shift
+|<<| bitwise left shift
+|??| falsy operator
New runtime files: ~
Too many to list here.
@@ -205,17 +221,128 @@ Too many to list here.
These changes are incompatible with previous releases. Check this list if you
-run into a problem when upgrading from Vim 8.2.0 to 9.0.
+run into a problem when upgrading from Vim 8.2 to 9.0.
IMPROVEMENTS *improvements-9*
+Various small and useful improvements have been made since Vim 8.2. Here is a
+collection of changes that are worth mentioning.
Many memory leaks, invalid memory accesses and crashes have been fixed.
-See the list of patches below.
+See the list of patches below: |bug-fixes-9|.
+Support for Vim expression evaluation in a string. |interp-string|
+Support for evaluating Vim expressions in a heredoc. |:let-heredoc|
+Display the command line completion matches in a popup menu. 'wildoptions'
+Support for fuzzy matching a string in a List of strings. |fuzzy-matching|
+Fuzzy completion support for command line completion using 'wildoptions'.
+Fuzzy match support for |:vimgrep|.
+Support for "lsp" channel mode to simplify LSP server RPC communication
+Support for sourcing lines from the current buffer. |:source-range|
+Support for stopping profiling a Vim script: `:profile stop` and dumping the
+report to a file: `:profile dump` . |:profile|
+Argument completion support for the |:scriptnames|, |:profile|, |:profdel|,
+|:breakadd| and |:breakdel| commands.
+Support for using a funcref/lambda value with the 'foldtext', 'completefunc',
+'omnifunc', 'operatorfunc', 'thesaurusfunc', 'quickfixtextfunc', 'tagfunc',
+'imactivatefunc' and 'imstatusfunc' options.
+Support for using multibyte items with the 'fillchars', 'stl' and 'stlnc'
+Support for xchacha20 encryption method 'cryptmethod'
+Spell check current word with |z=| even when 'spell' is off.
+Support for executing Ex commands in a map without changing the current mode
+|<Cmd>| and |<ScriptCmd>|.
+A large number of tests have been added to verify the Vim functionality. Most
+of the old style tests have been converted to new style tests using the new
+style assert_* functions.
+Add optional error code to |:cquit|.
+Support for using a Unix domain socket with a |channel|.
+IPv6 support in channels |channel-address|.
+Call Vim functions from Lua ('func', 'arg')).
+Add unsigned to 'nrformats'.
+Allow setting underline color in terminal.
+Expand script ID using expand('<SID>'). |expand()|
+Jump to the last accessed tab page using |g<Tab>|.
+Locale aware sorting using |:sort| and |sort()|.
+Hide cursor when sleeping using |:sleep!|.
+Detect focus events in terminal (|FocusGained| and |FocusLost|).
+Highlight leading spaces when 'list' is set (|'listchars'|)
+Support for looping over a string using |:for|.
+Don't reset 'wrap' for diff windows when "followwrap" is set in 'diffopt'.
+Support for re-evaluating the 'statusline' expression as a statusline format
+string (%{expr})
+Add |zp| and |zP| to paste in block mode without adding trailing white space.
+Add |zy| to yank without trailing white space in block mode.
+Add \%.l, \%<.l and \%>.l atoms to match the line the cursor is currently on.
+See |/\%l| for more information.
+Add "list" to 'breakindentopt' to add additional indent for lines that match
+a numbered or bulleted list. Add "column" to 'breakindentopt' to indent
+soft-wrapped lines at a specific column.
+Add "multispace" to 'listchars' to show two or more spaces no matter where
+they appear.
+Add |hl-CursorLineSign| and |hl-CursorLineFold| default highlight groups to
+adjust sign highlighting for 'cursorline'.
+Add the |hl-CurSearch| default highlight group for the current search match.
+Support directly setting the 'balloonexpr', 'foldexpr', 'formatexpr',
+'includeexpr', 'printexpr', 'patchexpr', 'indentexpr', 'modelineexpr',
+'diffexpr' and 'printexpr' options to a script-local function.
+Add the 'P' command in visual mode to paste text in visual mode without
+yanking the deleted text to the unnamed register.
+Add "timeout" to 'spellsuggest' to limit the searching time for spell
+Add support for parsing the end line number (%e) and end column number
+(%k) using 'errorformat'.
+Add support for logging on Vim startup (|--log|).
+Add "/" in 'formatoptions' to stop inserting // when using "o" on a line with
+inline comment.
+TODO: more
COMPILE TIME CHANGES *compile-changes-9*
@@ -26920,9 +27047,4236 @@ Solution: Include the script ID in the partial name.
Files: src/userfunc.c, src/proto/, src/evalfunc.c,
src/vim9type.c, src/testdir/test_vim9_import.vim
+Patch 8.2.4430
+Problem: GTK: crash when using 'guiligatures' and reading from stdin.
+Solution: Make a copy of the message. (Amon Sha, closes #9719, closes #9814)
+Files: src/fileio.c
+Patch 8.2.4431
+Problem: Unnecessary condition when assigning to a variable.
+Solution: Remove the condition.
+Files: src/evalvars.c
+Patch 8.2.4432 (after 8.2.4428)
+Problem: Cannot use settabvar() while the cmdline window is open.
+Solution: Only give an error when actually switching tabpage.
+ (closes #9813)
+Files: src/window.c
+Patch 8.2.4433
+Problem: CI: cannot see interface versions for MS-Windows.
+Solution: List the interface versions. (Ken Takata, closes #9811)
+Files: .github/workflows/ci.yml
+Patch 8.2.4434
+Problem: Duplicate check for cmdline window.
+Solution: Remove the second check. (Sean Dewar, closes #9816)
+Files: src/window.c
+Patch 8.2.4435
+Problem: Dead code in checking map() arguments. (Dominique Pellé)
+Solution: Remove the first return statement. (closes #9815)
+Files: src/evalfunc.c
+Patch 8.2.4436
+Problem: Crash with weird 'vartabstop' value.
+Solution: Check for running into the end of the line.
+Files: src/indent.c, src/testdir/test_vartabs.vim
+Patch 8.2.4437
+Problem: Vartabs test fails on MS-Windows.
+Solution: Use iso8859-1 'encoding'. (Ken Takata, closes #9818)
+Files: src/testdir/test_vartabs.vim
+Patch 8.2.4438
+Problem: Crash on exit when using cmdline window.
+Solution: Reset "cmdwin_type" before exiting. (closes #9817)
+Files: src/ui.c, src/testdir/test_exit.vim
+Patch 8.2.4439
+Problem: Accepting "iso8859" 'encoding' as "iso-8859-".
+Solution: use "iso8859" as "iso-8859-1".
+Files: src/mbyte.c, src/testdir/test_options.vim
+Patch 8.2.4440
+Problem: Crash with specific regexp pattern and string.
+Solution: Stop at the start of the string.
+Files: src/regexp_bt.c, src/testdir/test_regexp_utf8.vim
+Patch 8.2.4441
+Problem: Vim9: function argument of filter() not checked like map().
+Solution: Also check the function argument of filter().
+Files: src/evalfunc.c, src/testdir/test_vim9_builtin.vim
+Patch 8.2.4442 (after 8.2.4438)
+Problem: Test for error reading input fails on MS-Windows.
+Solution: Don't run the test on MS-Windows.
+Files: src/testdir/test_exit.vim
+Patch 8.2.4443 (after 8.2.4440)
+Problem: Regexp pattern test fails on Mac.
+Solution: Do not use a swapfile for the buffer.
+Files: src/testdir/test_regexp_utf8.vim
+Patch 8.2.4444
+Problem: Beep caused by test. ASAN reports leaks.
+Solution: Do not put a NL at the end of the script. Make the text work on
+ MS-Windows. Do not run the test with ASAN.
+Files: src/testdir/test_exit.vim
+Patch 8.2.4445
+Problem: Exit test fails on MS-Windows anyway.
+Solution: Skip the test on MS-Windows.
+Files: src/testdir/test_exit.vim
+Patch 8.2.4446
+Problem: Vim9: cannot refer to a global function like a local one.
+Solution: When g:name is not a variable but a function, use a function
+ reference. (closes #9826)
+Files: src/vim9execute.c, src/testdir/test_vim9_builtin.vim
+Patch 8.2.4447
+Problem: Vim9: can still use s:var in a compiled function.
+Solution: Disallow using s:var for Vim9 script. (closes #9824)
+Files: runtime/doc/vim9.txt, src/vim9expr.c, src/vim9compile.c,
+ src/testdir/test_vim9_assign.vim
+Patch 8.2.4448 (after 8.2.4447)
+Problem: Filetype detection is failing.
+Solution: Do not use "s:" where it is no longer allowed.
+Files: runtime/autoload/dist/ft.vim,
+Patch 8.2.4449
+Problem: vim9: function argument of sort() not checked at compile time.
+Solution: Add a compile time check.
+Files: src/evalfunc.c, src/testdir/test_vim9_builtin.vim
+Patch 8.2.4450 (after 8.2.4449)
+Problem: List sort test fails.
+Solution: Pass a valid "how" argument.
+Files: src/testdir/test_listdict.vim
+Patch 8.2.4451 (after 8.2.4450)
+Problem: sort() fails when ignoring case.
+Solution: Accept a number one argument in sort().
+Files: src/evalfunc.c, src/testdir/test_listdict.vim
+Patch 8.2.4452
+Problem: Test for what 8.2.4436 fixes does not check for regression.
+Solution: Set several options. (Ken Takata, closes #9830)
+Files: src/testdir/test_vartabs.vim
+Patch 8.2.4453
+Problem: :helpgrep may free an option that was not allocated. (Yegappan
+ Lakshmanan)
+Solution: Check if the value was allocated.
+Files: src/option.c, src/proto/, src/quickfix.c,
+ src/testdir/test_quickfix.vim
+Patch 8.2.4454
+Problem: Resetting cmdwin_type only for one situation.
+Solution: Reset cmdwin_type before closing windows. (closes #9822)
+Files: src/ui.c, src/window.c, src/testdir/test_exit.vim
+Patch 8.2.4455
+Problem: Accepting one and zero for the second sort() argument is strange.
+Solution: Disallow using one and zero in Vim9 script.
+Files: runtime/doc/builtin.txt, src/evalfunc.c, src/list.c,
+ src/testdir/test_listdict.vim
+Patch 8.2.4456
+Problem: Terminal test may fail on some machines.
+Solution: Increase wait time. (Zdenek Dohnal, closes #9834)
+Files: src/testdir/test_terminal.vim
+Patch 8.2.4457
+Problem: The GPM library can only be linked statically.
+Solution: Make it possible to load the GPM library dynamically. (Damien)
+Files: runtime/doc/various.txt, src/, src/,
+ src/Makefile, src/evalfunc.c, src/feature.h, src/os_unix.c,
+ src/proto/, src/version.c
+Patch 8.2.4458
+Problem: Vim9: compiling filter() call fails with funcref that has unknown
+ arguments.
+Solution: Do not check the arguments if they are unknown at compile time.
+ (closes #9835)
+Files: src/evalfunc.c, src/testdir/test_vim9_builtin.vim
+Patch 8.2.4459
+Problem: Vim9: compiling sort() call fails with a funcref that has unknown
+ arguments.
+Solution: Do not check the arguments if they are unknown at compile time.
+ (closes #9835)
+Files: src/evalfunc.c, src/testdir/test_vim9_builtin.vim
+Patch 8.2.4460
+Problem: Vim9: wrong error for defining dict function.
+Solution: Explicitly check for trying to define a dict function.
+ (closes 9827)
+Files: src/errors.h, src/userfunc.c, src/vim9compile.c,
+ src/testdir/test_vim9_func.vim
+Patch 8.2.4461
+Problem: MS-Windows: garbage characters on stdout with VIMDLL.
+Solution: Don't call gui_focus_change() when about to quit. (Ken Takata,
+ closes #9840)
+Files: src/gui_w32.c
+Patch 8.2.4462
+Problem: Not enough testing for quickfix code.
+Solution: Add more tests. Fix uncovered problem. (Yegappan Lakshmanan,
+ closes #9839)
+Files: src/quickfix.c, src/window.c, src/testdir/test_makeencoding.vim,
+ src/testdir/test_quickfix.vim
+Patch 8.2.4463
+Problem: Completion only uses strict matching.
+Solution: Add the "fuzzy" item for 'wildoptions'. (Yegappan Lakshmanan,
+ closes #9803)
+Files: runtime/doc/options.txt, src/buffer.c, src/cmdexpand.c,
+ src/option.c, src/option.h, src/optionstr.c,
+ src/proto/, src/proto/,
+ src/proto/, src/search.c, src/structs.h,
+ src/testdir/gen_opt_test.vim, src/testdir/test_cmdline.vim
+Patch 8.2.4464
+Problem: Dtrace files are recognized as filetype D.
+Solution: Add a pattern for Dtrace files. (Teubel György, closes #9841)
+ Add some more testing.
+Files: runtime/autoload/dist/ft.vim, runtime/filetype.vim,
+ src/testdir/test_filetype.vim
+Patch 8.2.4465
+Problem: Fuzzy completion does not order matches properly.
+Solution: Do not use regular expression match. (Yegappan Lakshmanan,
+ closes #9843)
+Files: src/cmdexpand.c, src/search.c, src/testdir/test_cmdline.vim
+Patch 8.2.4466
+Problem: MS-Windows: illegal memory access in installer when using
+ "create-directories" as the final argument.
+Solution: Check the argument count. (Cam Sinclair, closes #9844)
+Files: src/dosinst.c
+Patch 8.2.4467
+Problem: Running filetype test leaves file behind.
+Solution: Delete the file.
+Files: src/testdir/test_filetype.vim
+Patch 8.2.4468
+Problem: Coverity warns for uninitialized struct member.
+Solution: Set color.index to zero.
+Files: src/terminal.c
+Patch 8.2.4469
+Problem: Coverity warns for uninitialized variable.
+Solution: Set the value to zero.
+Files: src/ex_getln.c
+Patch 8.2.4470
+Problem: Coverity warns for uninitialized variable.
+Solution: Set can_spell to zero.
+Files: src/drawline.c
+Patch 8.2.4471
+Problem: Coverity warns for uninitialized variable.
+Solution: Set flags to zero.
+Files: src/vim9cmds.c
+Patch 8.2.4472
+Problem: Coverity warns for use of a freed function name.
+Solution: Only check an autoload name when is prefixed.
+Files: src/userfunc.c
+Patch 8.2.4473
+Problem: Coverity warnds for not checking return value of ftell().
+Solution: Bail out if ftell() returns a negative value.
+Files: src/spellfile.c
+Patch 8.2.4474
+Problem: Memory allocation failures not tested in quickfix code.
+Solution: Add alloc IDs and tests. (Yegappan Lakshmanan, closes #9848)
+Files: src/alloc.h, src/quickfix.c, src/vim.h,
+ src/testdir/test_quickfix.vim
+Patch 8.2.4475
+Problem: Fuzzy cmdline completion does not work for lower case.
+Solution: Also use fuzzy completion for lower case input. (Yegappan
+ Lakshmanan, closes #9849)
+Files: src/cmdexpand.c, src/testdir/test_cmdline.vim
+Patch 8.2.4476
+Problem: Operator name spelled wrong.
+Solution: Change trinary to ternary. (Goc Dundar, closes #9850)
+Files: src/testdir/test_expr.vim, src/testdir/test_vim9_expr.vim,
+ src/testdir/test_vimscript.vim
+Patch 8.2.4477
+Problem: Crash when using fuzzy completion.
+Solution: Temporary fix: put back regexp. (closes #9851)
+Files: src/cmdexpand.c
+Patch 8.2.4478
+Problem: Crash when using fuzzy completion.
+Solution: Temporary fix: put back regexp. (closes #9852, closes #9851)
+Files: src/cmdexpand.c, src/testdir/test_cmdline.vim
+Patch 8.2.4479
+Problem: No fuzzy completieon for maps and abbreviations.
+Solution: Fuzzy complete maps and abbreviations. (Yegappan Lakshmanan,
+ closes #9856)
+Files: src/cmdexpand.c, src/map.c, src/proto/, src/search.c,
+ src/testdir/test_cmdline.vim
+Patch 8.2.4480
+Problem: Suspending with CTRL-Z does not work on Android.
+Solution: Do not handle SIGTSTP. (closes #9854)
+Files: src/os_unix.c
+Patch 8.2.4481
+Problem: Cmdline popup menu not removed when 'lazyredraw' is set.
+Solution: Temporarily reset 'lazyredraw' when removing the popup menu.
+ (closes #9857)
+Files: src/cmdexpand.c, src/testdir/test_cmdline.vim,
+ src/testdir/dumps/Test_wildmenu_pum_41.dump
+Patch 8.2.4482
+Problem: No fuzzy cmdline completion for user defined completion.
+Solution: Add fuzzy completion for user defined completion. (Yegappan
+ Lakshmanan, closes #9858)
+Files: src/cmdexpand.c, src/testdir/test_cmdline.vim
+Patch 8.2.4483
+Problem: Command completion makes two rounds to collect matches.
+Solution: Use a growarray to collect matches. (Yegappan Lakshmanan,
+ closes #9860)
+Files: src/buffer.c, src/cmdexpand.c, src/map.c,
+ src/testdir/test_cmdline.vim
+Patch 8.2.4484
+Problem: Vim9: some error messages are not tested.
+Solution: Add a few more test cases. Delete dead code.
+Files: src/vim9execute.c, src/testdir/test_vim9_assign.vim,
+ src/testdir/test_vim9_expr.vim, src/testdir/test_vim9_func.vim
+Patch 8.2.4485
+Problem: Compiler warning for uninitialized variable.
+Solution: Initialize the variable. (John Marriott)
+Files: src/cmdexpand.c
+Patch 8.2.4486
+Problem: MS-Windows GUI: slow scrolling with maximized window.
+Solution: Use a better way to check the window is on screen. (Ken Takata,
+ closes #9865)
+Files: src/gui_w32.c
+Patch 8.2.4487
+Problem: Vim9: cannot compare with v:null.
+Solution: Allow comparing anything with v:null. (closes #9866)
+Files: src/vim9instr.c, src/typval.c, src/proto/,
+ src/vim9.h, src/vim9execute.c, src/evalvars.c,
+ src/testdir/test_vim9_expr.vim,
+ src/testdir/test_vim9_disassemble.vim
+Patch 8.2.4488 (after 8.2.4487)
+Problem: Build error with +eval but without +channel or +job.
+Solution: Add #ifdef. (John Marriott)
+Files: src/typval.c
+Patch 8.2.4489 (after 8.2.4487)
+Problem: Failing test for comparing v:null with number.
+Solution: Allow comparing v:null with number in legacy script.
+ (Ken Takata, closes #9873) Also do this for float.
+Files: src/typval.c, src/testdir/test_vimscript.vim
+Patch 8.2.4490
+Problem: Terminal focus reporting only works for xterm-like terminals.
+ (Jonathan Rascher)
+Solution: Remove the "focus_mode" flag. (closes #9859)
+Files: src/term.c
+Patch 8.2.4491
+Problem: MS-Windows makefile dependencies are outdated.
+Solution: Update dependencies. (Ken Takata, closes #9876)
+Files: src/Make_cyg_ming.mak, src/Make_mvc.mak
+Patch 8.2.4492
+Problem: No error if an option is given an invalid value with
+ ":let &opt = val".
+Solution: Give the error. (closes #9864)
+Files: src/evalvars.c, src/testdir/test_options.vim
+Patch 8.2.4493 (after 8.2.4492)
+Problem: Options test fails in the GUI.
+Solution: Do not save and restore 'term'.
+Files: src/testdir/gen_opt_test.vim
+Patch 8.2.4494
+Problem: The find_tags() function is much too long.
+Solution: Refactor the function. (Yegappan Lakshmanan, closes #9869)
+Files: src/quickfix.c, src/tag.c, src/testdir/test_tagjump.vim
+Patch 8.2.4495
+Problem: Help test fails in 24 line terminal.
+Solution: Use up to 23 lines for text.
+Files: src/testdir/test_help.vim
+Patch 8.2.4496 (after 8.2.4494)
+Problem: Coverity gives warnings after tags code refactoring.
+Solution: Avoid the warnings. (Yegappan Lakshmanan, closes #9882)
+Files: src/tag.c
+Patch 8.2.4497
+Problem: Wrong color for half of wide character next to pum scrollbar.
+Solution: Redraw the screen cell with the right color. (closes #9874)
+Files: src/screen.c, src/testdir/test_ins_complete.vim,
+ src/testdir/dumps/Test_scrollbar_on_wide_char.dump
+Patch 8.2.4498
+Problem: Using <Plug> with "noremap" does not work.
+Solution: Always remap <Plug>. (closes #9879, closes #9789)
+Files: runtime/doc/map.txt, src/getchar.c, src/testdir/test_mapping.vim
+Patch 8.2.4499
+Problem: Vim9: at the script level declarations leak from try block to
+ catch and finally block.
+Solution: End the block and start a new one. (closes #9883)
+Files: src/ex_eval.c, src/testdir/test_vim9_script.vim
+Patch 8.2.4500
+Problem: Vim9: can declare a global variable on the command line.
+Solution: Disallow declaring a variable on the command line. (closes #9881)
+Files: src/errors.h, src/evalvars.c, src/testdir/test_vim9_assign.vim,
+ src/testdir/test_vim9_script.vim,
+ src/testdir/dumps/Test_vim9_reject_declaration.dump
+Patch 8.2.4501
+Problem: With 'showbreak' set and after the end of the line the cursor
+ may be displayed in the wrong position.
+Solution: Do not apply 'showbreak' after the end of the line. (closes #9884)
+Files: src/charset.c, src/testdir/test_breakindent.vim,
+ src/testdir/dumps/Test_cursor_position_with_showbreak.dump
+Patch 8.2.4502
+Problem: In the GUI a modifier is not recognized for the key typed after
+ CTRL-X, which may result in a mapping to be used. (Daniel
+ Steinberg)
+Solution: Recognize a modifier starting with CSI. (closes #9889)
+Files: src/getchar.c, src/testdir/test_ins_complete.vim
+Patch 8.2.4503
+Problem: Vim9: there is no point in supporting :Print and :mode.
+Solution: Do not recognize :Print and :mode as commands. (closes #9870)
+Files: src/ex_docmd.c, src/testdir/test_vim9_script.vim
+Patch 8.2.4504
+Problem: When there is a partially matching map and modifyOtherKeys is
+ active a full map may not work.
+Solution: Only simplify modifiers when there is no matching mapping.
+ (closes #8792)
+Files: src/getchar.c, src/testdir/test_termcodes.vim
+Patch 8.2.4505
+Problem: Vim9: outdated "autocmd nested" still works.
+Solution: Do not accept the :autocmd argument "nested" without "++" in Vim9
+ script.
+Files: src/autocmd.c, src/errors.h, src/testdir/test_autocmd.vim
+Patch 8.2.4506
+Problem: "pattern not found" for :global is not an error message.
+Solution: In Vim9 script make this an actual error, so that try/catch can be
+ used as expected.
+Files: src/ex_cmds.c, src/errors.h, src/testdir/test_global.vim
+Patch 8.2.4507 (after 8.2.4506)
+Problem: Test fails because of new error message.
+Solution: Avoid the test fails.
+Files: src/testdir/test_vim9_cmd.vim
+Patch 8.2.4508
+Problem: Vim9: cannot assign to a global variable on the command line.
+Solution: Allow using :vim9cmd for assignment on the command line.
+Files: src/evalvars.c, src/testdir/test_vim9_script.vim,
+ src/testdir/dumps/Test_vim9_reject_declaration.dump,
+ src/testdir/dumps/Test_vim9_reject_declaration_1.dump,
+ src/testdir/dumps/Test_vim9_reject_declaration_2.dump
+Patch 8.2.4509
+Problem: Vim9: can declare a variable with ":va".
+Solution: Disallow using ":va", require using ":var".
+Files: src/evalvars.c, src/errors.h, src/vim9compile.c,
+ src/testdir/test_vim9_assign.vim
+Patch 8.2.4510
+Problem: Vim9: shortening commands leads to confusing script.
+Solution: In Vim9 script require at least ":cont" for ":continue", "const"
+ instead of "cons", "break" instead of "brea", "catch" instead of
+ "cat", "else" instead of "el" "elseif" instead of "elsei" "endfor"
+ instead of "endfo" "endif" instead of "en" "endtry" instead of
+ "endt", "finally" instead of "fina", "throw" instead of "th",
+ "while" instead of "wh".
+Files: src/ex_cmds.h, src/ex_docmd.c, src/errors.h, src/evalvars.c,
+ src/vim9compile.c, src/testdir/test_vim9_script.vim
+Patch 8.2.4511
+Problem: Filetype test fails.
+Solution: Change "endw" to "endwhile".
+Files: runtime/autoload/dist/ft.vim
+Patch 8.2.4512
+Problem: The find_tags_in_file() function is much too long.
+Solution: Refactor into multiple smaller functions. (Yegappan Lakshmanan,
+ closes #9892)
+Files: Filelist, src/Makefile, src/quickfix.c, src/tag.c,
+ src/testdir/test83-tags2, src/testdir/test83-tags3,
+ src/testdir/test_tagjump.vim
+Patch 8.2.4513
+Problem: Window-local directory is not applied if 'acd' fails.
+Solution: Don't call do_autochdir(). (closes #9891)
+Files: src/window.c, src/testdir/test_autochdir.vim
+Patch 8.2.4514
+Problem: Vim9: some flow commands can be shortened.
+Solution: Also require using the full name for ":return", ":enddef",
+ ":continue", ":export" and ":import".
+Files: src/ex_cmds.h, src/ex_docmd.c, src/errors.h, src/userfunc.c,
+ src/testdir/test_vim9_script.vim
+Patch 8.2.4515
+Problem: Old subsitute syntax is still supported.
+Solution: Disallow using backslash after ":s" in Vim9 script.
+Files: src/ex_cmds.c, src/errors.h, src/testdir/test_substitute.vim
+Patch 8.2.4516 (after 8.2.4515)
+Problem: Build failure without the +eval feature.
+Solution: Move error message outside of #ifdef.
+Files: src/errors.h
+Patch 8.2.4517
+Problem: MS-Windows: cannot specify location of sodium library.
+Solution: Allow for using a path for SODIUM. (Ken Takata, closes #9896)
+Files: src/Make_cyg_ming.mak
+Patch 8.2.4518
+Problem: The binary tag search feature is always enabled.
+Solution: Remove the #ifdefs. Add a few more tests. (Yegappan Lakshmanan,
+ closes #9893)
+Files: src/evalfunc.c, src/feature.h, src/tag.c, src/version.c,
+ src/testdir/test_tagjump.vim, src/testdir/test_taglist.vim
+Patch 8.2.4519
+Problem: Vim9: Can still use ":fini" and ":finis" for ":finish".
+Solution: Require using ":finish".
+Files: src/ex_cmds.h, src/testdir/test_vim9_script.vim
+Patch 8.2.4520
+Problem: Using wrong highlight for cursor line number.
+Solution: Take filler lines into account when using CursorLineNr.
+ (closes #9897)
+Files: src/drawline.c, src/testdir/test_diffmode.vim,
+ src/testdir/dumps/Test_diff_with_cursorline_number_01.dump,
+ src/testdir/dumps/Test_diff_with_cursorline_number_02.dump
+Patch 8.2.4521 (after 8.2.4520)
+Problem: Build failure without the +diff feature. (John Marriott)
+Solution: Define filler+lines if not declaring it.
+Files: src/drawline.c
+Patch 8.2.4522 (after 8.2.4492)
+Problem: GUI test fails with Motif. (Dominique Pellé)
+Solution: Remove using an invalid value for 'guifontset'.
+Files: src/testdir/test_gui.vim
+Patch 8.2.4523
+Problem: When gvim is started maximized the 'window' option isn't set
+ properly. (Christian J. Robinson)
+Solution: Check if 'windows' was already set or not. (Ken Takata,
+ closes #9904)
+Files: src/term.c
+Patch 8.2.4524
+Problem: MS-Windows: cannot build with some sodium libraries.
+Solution: Make the DLL name configuragle. Add build instructions.
+ (Ken Takata, closes #9905)
+Files: src/INSTALLpc.txt, src/Make_cyg_ming.mak, src/Make_mvc.mak,
+ src/crypt.c
+Patch 8.2.4525
+Problem: Some GUI tests don't work on Athena.
+Solution: Skip tests that won't work. (Yegappan Lakshmanan, closes #9902)
+Files: src/testdir/test_gui.vim
+Patch 8.2.4526
+Problem: Vim9: cannot set variables to a null value.
+Solution: Add null_list, null_job, etc.
+Files: runtime/doc/vim9.txt, src/eval.c, src/proto/,
+ src/vim9expr.c, src/vim9script.c, src/vim9instr.c,
+ src/vim9compile.c, src/vim9execute.c, src/vim9.h, src/vim9type.c,
+ src/evalvars.c, src/testdir/test_vim9_assign.vim,
+ src/testdir/test_vim9_disassemble.vim,
+ src/testdir/test_vim9_func.vim, src/testdir/test_expr.vim
+Patch 8.2.4527
+Problem: The Athena GUI is old and does not work well.
+Solution: Remove the Athena GUI from configure to find out who still wants
+ support for this GUI.
+Files: src/, src/auto/configure, src/Makefile
+Patch 8.2.4528
+Problem: Crash when using null_function for a partial.
+Solution: Don't call fname_trans_sid() with NULL. (closes #9908)
+Files: src/userfunc.c, src/testdir/test_vim9_func.vim
+Patch 8.2.4529
+Problem: Vim9: comparing partial with function fails.
+Solution: Support this comparison. Avoid a crash. (closes #9909)
+ Add more test cases.
+Files: src/vim9instr.c, src/userfunc.c, src/vim9type.c,
+ src/testdir/test_vim9_builtin.vim, src/testdir/test_vim9_expr.vim,
+ src/testdir/test_vim9_func.vim, src/testdir/test_vimscript.vim
+Patch 8.2.4530
+Problem: Making comparison with null work changes legacy behavior.
+Solution: Only use the better comparison in Vim9 script. (closes #9910)
+Files: src/typval.c, src/testdir/test_expr.vim
+Patch 8.2.4531
+Problem: LGTM warnings for condition always true and buffer size too small.
+Solution: Remove the useless condition. Make the buffer larger. (Goc
+ Dundar, closes #9914)
+Files: src/charset.c, src/term.c
+Patch 8.2.4532
+Problem: Suspending with CTRL-Z does not work on OpenBSD.
+Solution: Adjust #ifdef for SIGTSTP. (Stuart Henderson, closes #9912)
+Files: src/os_unix.c
+Patch 8.2.4533
+Problem: Vim9: no test that after assigning null the type is still checked.
+Solution: Add a test.
+Files: src/testdir/test_vim9_assign.vim
+Patch 8.2.4534
+Problem: Vim9: "is" operator with empty string and null returns true.
+Solution: Consider empty string and null to be different for "is".
+Files: src/typval.c, src/vim9execute.c, src/testdir/test_vim9_expr.vim
+Patch 8.2.4535
+Problem: Filename modifer ":8" removes the filename.
+Solution: Use strncpy() instead of vim_strncpy(). (Christian Brabandt,
+ closes #9918, closes #8600)
+Files: src/filepath.c, src/testdir/test_shortpathname.vim
+Patch 8.2.4536 (after 8.2.4534)
+Problem: Debugger test fails when breaking on expression.
+Solution: Compare strings with "==" instead of "is".
+Files: src/debugger.c
+Patch 8.2.4537
+Problem: Output from linter and language server shows up in git.
+Solution: Add patterns to .gitignore. (Goc Dundar, closes #9925)
+Files: .gitignore
+Patch 8.2.4538
+Problem: The find_tags_in_file() function is too long.
+Solution: Refactor into smaller functions. (Yegappan Lakshmanan,
+ closes #9920)
+Files: src/tag.c, src/testdir/test_tagjump.vim
+Patch 8.2.4539
+Problem: When comparing special v:none and v:null are handled the same when
+ compiling.
+Solution: Pass more information so that v:none can be handled differently at
+ compile time. (issue #9923)
+Files: src/vim9instr.c, src/vim9compile.c, src/globals.h,
+ src/testdir/test_vim9_expr.vim
+Patch 8.2.4540
+Problem: Line number for error is off by one.
+Solution: Remember the line number of the comparison. (closes #9923)
+Files: src/eval.c, src/testdir/test_vim9_expr.vim
+Patch 8.2.4541
+Problem: Crash in debugger when a variable is not available in the current
+ block.
+Solution: Check for a NULL name. (closes #9926)
+Files: src/vim9execute.c, src/testdir/test_debugger.vim
+Patch 8.2.4542
+Problem: Vim9: "break" inside try/catch not handled correctly.
+Solution: First jump to :endtry. (closes #9927)
+Files: src/vim9cmds.c, src/vim9.h, src/testdir/test_vim9_script.vim
+Patch 8.2.4543
+Problem: Coverity warning for refactored tag search code.
+Solution: Avoid the warnings. Update comments. Add one more test case.
+ (Yegappan Lakshmanan, closes #9928)
+Files: src/tag.c, src/testdir/test_tagjump.vim
+Patch 8.2.4544
+Problem: Coverity warnings for not using returned value.
+Solution: Assign to vim_ignored.
+Files: src/tag.c
+Patch 8.2.4545
+Problem: MS-Windows: the installed icon is low resolution.
+Solution: Use a better icon. Install vim.ico. (Christian Brabandt,
+ closes #9931, closes #9930)
+Files: Filelist, nsis/gvim.nsi, src/vim.ico, runtime/bitmaps/vim.ico
+Patch 8.2.4546
+Problem: Duplicate #undef.
+Solution: Remove one #undef. (closes #9932)
+Files: src/regexp_nfa.c
+Patch 8.2.4547
+Problem: The neXTaw GUI is old and does not work well.
+Solution: Remove the neXTaw GUI from configure to find out who still wants
+ support for this GUI.
+Files: src/, src/auto/configure, src/Makefile
+Patch 8.2.4548
+Problem: Script-local function is deleted when used in a funcref.
+Solution: Do not consider a function starting with "<SNR>" reference
+ counted. (closes #9916, closes #9820)
+Files: src/userfunc.c, src/testdir/test_vim9_func.vim
+Patch 8.2.4549
+Problem: Cannot build with Motif and editres. (Tony Mechelynck)
+Solution: Fix configure mistake.
+Files: src/, src/auto/configure
+Patch 8.2.4550
+Problem: Motif: cannot set the color of the scrollbar thumb.
+Solution: Remove #ifdef.
+Files: src/gui_motif.c
+Patch 8.2.4551
+Problem: When mapping <Esc> terminal codes are not recognized.
+Solution: Specifically recognize a mapping with just <Esc> and check for
+ terminal codes even though there is no partial mapping.
+ (closes #9903)
+Files: src/getchar.c, src/testdir/test_termcodes.vim
+Patch 8.2.4552
+Problem: In a :def function "put = expr" does not work.
+Solution: Skip over white space. (closes #9936)
+Files: src/vim9cmds.c, src/testdir/test_vim9_cmd.vim
+Patch 8.2.4553
+Problem: Linear tag search is a bit slow.
+Solution: Remove a vim_ftell() call. (Yegappan Lakshmanan, closes #9937)
+Files: src/tag.c, src/testdir/test_taglist.vim
+Patch 8.2.4554
+Problem: Vim9: using null values not sufficiently tested.
+Solution: Add more tests. Fix uncovered problem.
+Files: src/vim9type.c, src/testdir/test_vim9_assign.vim,
+ src/testdir/test_vim9_func.vim
+Patch 8.2.4555
+Problem: getmousepos() returns the wrong column. (Ernie Rael)
+Solution: Limit to the text size, not the number of bytes.
+Files: src/mouse.c, src/testdir/test_functions.vim
+Patch 8.2.4556
+Problem: Test fails without the +job or +channel feature. (Dominique Pellé)
+Solution: Adjust #ifdefs. Pass on skip flag. (closes #9942)
+Files: src/eval.c, src/vim9compile.c
+Patch 8.2.4557
+Problem: Confusing comment about 'cursorlineopt'.
+Solution: Adjust comment. (closes #9939) Add parenthesis around logical
+ OR.
+Files: src/drawline.c
+Patch 8.2.4558
+Problem: Motif: using default colors does not work as expected.
+Solution: Do not try to store the default colors, use the resources.
+ (closes #9933)
+Files: src/gui_motif.c, src/gui.h
+Patch 8.2.4559 (after 8.24555)
+Problem: getmousepos() returns the screen column. (Ernie Rael)
+Solution: Return the text column, as documented.
+Files: src/mouse.c, src/testdir/test_functions.vim
+Patch 8.2.4560
+Problem: Suspending with CTRL-Z does not work on DragonFlyBSD.
+Solution: Adjust #ifdef. (Ozaki Kiichi, closes #9943)
+Files: src/os_unix.c
+Patch 8.2.4561
+Problem: Build failure with some combination of features. (John Marriott)
+Solution: Adjust #ifdef.
+Files: src/mouse.c
+Patch 8.2.4562
+Problem: Linear tag search is not optimal.
+Solution: Improve linear tag search performance. (Yegappan Lakshmanan,
+ closes #9944)
+Files: src/tag.c
+Patch 8.2.4563
+Problem: "z=" in Visual mode may go beyond the end of the line.
+Solution: Adjust "badlen".
+Files: src/spellsuggest.c, src/testdir/test_spell.vim
+Patch 8.2.4564
+Problem: Running test leaves file behind. (Dominique Pellé)
+Solution: Run the profiling in a separate Vim instance. (closes #9952)
+Files: src/testdir/test_vim9_script.vim
+Patch 8.2.4565
+Problem: No command line completion for :breakadd and :breakdel.
+Solution: Add completion for :breakadd and :breakdel. (Yegappan Lakshmanan,
+ closes #9950)
+Files: runtime/doc/builtin.txt, src/cmdexpand.c, src/spellsuggest.c,
+ src/usercmd.c, src/vim.h, src/testdir/test_cmdline.vim,
+ src/testdir/test_writefile.vim
+Patch 8.2.4566
+Problem: Check for existing buffer in session file does not work for files
+ in the home directory.
+Solution: Use fnamemodify(). (James Cherti, closes #9945) Add a test.
+Files: src/session.c, src/testdir/test_mksession.vim
+Patch 8.2.4567
+Problem: Bracketed paste doesn't work well in Visual linewise mode.
+Solution: Handle linewise Visual mode differently. (closes #9947)
+Files: src/normal.c, src/testdir/test_paste.vim
+Patch 8.2.4568
+Problem: getmousepos() does not compute the column below the last line.
+Solution: Also compute the column when the mouse is below the last line.
+ (Sean Dewar, closes #9946)
+Files: src/mouse.c, src/testdir/test_functions.vim
+Patch 8.2.4569
+Problem: Coverity warning for not using a return value.
+Solution: Add "(void)".
+Files: src/popupwin.c
+Patch 8.2.4570
+Problem: No command line completion for :profile and :profdel.
+Solution: Implement completion. (Yegappan Lakshmanan, closes #9955)
+Files: src/cmdexpand.c, src/profiler.c, src/testdir/test_cmdline.vim,
+ src/testdir/test_profile.vim
+Patch 8.2.4571
+Problem: Not all gdb files are recognized.
+Solution: Add a few more patterns for gdb. (Jade Lovelace, closes #9956)
+Files: runtime/filetype.vim, src/testdir/test_filetype.vim
+Patch 8.2.4572
+Problem: Vim9: return type "any" is sometimes changed to first returned
+ type. (Virginia Senioria)
+Solution: Do not change the return type if declared as "any". (closes #9949)
+Files: src/vim9cmds.c, src/testdir/test_vim9_func.vim
+Patch 8.2.4573
+Problem: A nested function (closure) is compiled for debugging without
+ context.
+Solution: Check if a nested function is marked for debugging before
+ compiling it. Give an error when trying to compile a closure
+ without its context. (closes #9951)
+Files: src/vim9compile.c, src/vim9execute.c, src/proto/,
+ src/vim9expr.c, src/errors.h
+Patch 8.2.4574
+Problem: Vim9: test for profiling fails.
+Solution: Mark function for profiling earlier to avoid E1271.
+Files: src/testdir/test_vim9_script.vim
+Patch 8.2.4575
+Problem: Vim9: test for profiling still fails.
+Solution: Update flags for profiling and breakpoints when obtaining the
+ compile type. Do not set the FC_CLOSURE flag for a toplevel
+ function.
+Files: src/vim.h, src/vim9compile.c, src/proto/,
+ src/eval.c, src/vim9execute.c, src/vim9expr.c, src/vim9instr.c,
+ src/vim9.h
+Patch 8.2.4576
+Problem: Vim9: error for comparing with null can be annoying.
+Solution: Allow comparing anything with null. (closes #9948)
+Files: src/vim9instr.c, src/typval.c, src/testdir/test_vim9_expr.vim
+Patch 8.2.4577
+Problem: Message test is flaky. (Elimar Riesebieter)
+Solution: Trigger the autocommand event only after startup is finished.
+Files: src/testdir/test_messages.vim
+Patch 8.2.4578
+Problem: No warning when an autoload script for completion function has an
+ error.
+Solution: Do not ignore errors when a function name is given with a dot or
+ '#' character. (closes #9958)
+Files: src/eval.c, src/testdir/test_cmdline.vim
+Patch 8.2.4579
+Problem: Cannot use page-up and page-down in the command line completion
+ popup menu.
+Solution: Check for to page-up and page-down keys. (Yegappan Lakshmanan,
+ closes #9960)
+Files: src/cmdexpand.c, src/ex_getln.c, src/spellsuggest.c, src/vim.h,
+ src/testdir/test_cmdline.vim,
+ src/testdir/dumps/Test_wildmenu_pum_42.dump,
+ src/testdir/dumps/Test_wildmenu_pum_43.dump,
+ src/testdir/dumps/Test_wildmenu_pum_44.dump,
+ src/testdir/dumps/Test_wildmenu_pum_45.dump,
+ src/testdir/dumps/Test_wildmenu_pum_46.dump,
+ src/testdir/dumps/Test_wildmenu_pum_47.dump,
+ src/testdir/dumps/Test_wildmenu_pum_48.dump,
+ src/testdir/dumps/Test_wildmenu_pum_49.dump,
+ src/testdir/dumps/Test_wildmenu_pum_50.dump
+Patch 8.2.4580
+Problem: Vim9: incorrect error for shadowing variable.
+Solution: Do not pass the context when compiling a referenced function.
+Files: src/vim9expr.c, src/testdir/test_vim9_func.vim
+Patch 8.2.4581
+Problem: Null types not fully tested.
+Solution: Add some more tests using null types.
+Files: src/testdir/test_vim9_expr.vim
+Patch 8.2.4582
+Problem: Useless code handling a type declaration.
+Solution: Remove the code and give an error.
+Files: src/eval.c, src/errors.h, src/testdir/test_vim9_script.vim,
+ src/testdir/dumps/Test_misplaced_type.dump
+Patch 8.2.4583 (after 8.2.4582)
+Problem: Screendump test fails.
+Solution: Check that making a screendump is possible.
+Files: src/testdir/test_vim9_script.vim
+Patch 8.2.4584 (after 8.2.4578)
+Problem: Error for using autoload function in custom completion.
+Solution: Do not check for errors when using an autoload function.
+ (closes #9962)
+Files: src/eval.c, src/testdir/test_cmdline.vim
+Patch 8.2.4585
+Problem: Cannot use keypad page-up/down for completion menu.
+Solution: Recognize the keypad keys. (Yegappan Lakshmanan, closes #9963)
+Files: src/ex_getln.c, src/testdir/test_cmdline.vim
+Patch 8.2.4586
+Problem: Vim9: no error for using lower case name for "func" argument.
+ (Ernie Rael)
+Solution: Check the name as soon as the type is known.
+Files: src/userfunc.c, src/testdir/test_vim9_func.vim
+Patch 8.2.4587
+Problem: Vim9: double free after unpacking a list.
+Solution: Make a copy of the value instead of moving it. (closes #9968)
+Files: src/vim9execute.c, src/testdir/test_vim9_script.vim
+Patch 8.2.4588
+Problem: Mapping with key code after other matching mapping does not work.
+Solution: Change ">" to ">=". (closes #9903)
+Files: src/getchar.c, src/testdir/test_termcodes.vim
+Patch 8.2.4589
+Problem: Cannot index the g: dictionary.
+Solution: Recognize using "g:[key]". (closes #9969)
+Files: src/ex_docmd.c, src/eval.c, src/vim9compile.c,
+ src/testdir/test_vim9_assign.vim
+Patch 8.2.4590
+Problem: Vim9: range type check has wrong offset.
+Solution: Adjust offset for CHECKTYPE. Remove other type check.
+Files: src/vim9compile.c, src/vim9execute.c,
+ src/testdir/test_vim9_assign.vim
+Patch 8.2.4591
+Problem: Cursor line not updated when a callback moves the cursor.
+Solution: Check if the cursor moved. (closes #9970)
+Files: src/main.c, src/drawscreen.c, src/proto/,
+ src/testdir/test_cursorline.vim,
+ src/testdir/dumps/Test_cursorline_callback_1.dump
+Patch 8.2.4592
+Problem: Search continues after giving E1204.
+Solution: Return failure after giving E1204. (closes #9972)
+Files: src/regexp_nfa.c
+Patch 8.2.4593
+Problem: Unnecessary call to redraw_later().
+Solution: Remove the call to redraw_later() in op_yank(). (closes #9971)
+Files: src/register.c
+Patch 8.2.4594
+Problem: Need to write script to a file to be able to source them.
+Solution: Make ":source" use lines from the current buffer. (Yegappan
+ Lakshmanan et al., closes #9967)
+Files: runtime/doc/repeat.txt, runtime/doc/todo.txt, src/alloc.c,
+ src/digraph.c, src/eval.c, src/ex_cmds.h, src/scriptfile.c,
+ src/proto/, src/vim9script.c,
+ src/testdir/test_source.vim
+Patch 8.2.4595
+Problem: X11: using --remote-wait may keep the CPU busy.
+Solution: Set the timeout for select() on every call. (Jacopo Secchiero,
+ closes #9973)
+Files: src/if_xcmdsrv.c
+Patch 8.2.4596
+Problem: Installing tutor binary may fail.
+Solution: Fix the dependency. (Sergei Trofimovich, closes #9978)
+Files: src/Makefile
+Patch 8.2.4597
+Problem: LuaV_debug() not covered by tests.
+Solution: Add a test. (Dominique Pellé, closes #9980)
+Files: src/testdir/test_lua.vim
+Patch 8.2.4598
+Problem: Profile completion test sometimes fails.
+Solution: Delete the .res file before running tests.
+Files: src/testdir/runtest.vim
+Patch 8.2.4599
+Problem: GTK: get assertion errors when scrolling a split window.
+Solution: Use GDK_IS_DRAWABLE() on the scrollbar window. (closes #9982)
+Files: src/gui_gtk.c
+Patch 8.2.4600
+Problem: Vim9: not enough test coverage for executing :def function.
+Solution: Add a few more tests. Fix inconsistencies.
+Files: src/vim9execute.c, src/evalvars.c, src/proto/,
+ src/testdir/test_listdict.vim, src/testdir/test_vim9_assign.vim,
+ src/testdir/test_vim9_cmd.vim
+Patch 8.2.4601
+Problem: Vim9: not enough test coverage for executing :def function.
+Solution: Add a few more tests.
+Files: src/testdir/test_vim9_script.vim, src/testdir/test_vim9_func.vim,
+ src/testdir/test_vim9_cmd.vim
+Patch 8.2.4602
+Problem: Vim9: not enough test coverage for executing :def function.
+Solution: Add a few more tests. Fix uncovered problem. Remove dead code.
+Files: src/vim9execute.c, src/vim9.h, src/vim9instr.c,
+ src/proto/, src/vim9compile.c,
+ src/testdir/test_vim9_script.vim, src/testdir/test_vim9_expr.vim
+Patch 8.2.4603
+Problem: Sourcing buffer lines is too complicated.
+Solution: Simplify the code. Make it possible to source Vim9 script lines.
+ (Yegappan Lakshmanan, closes #9974)
+Files: runtime/doc/repeat.txt, src/ex_docmd.c, src/proto/,
+ src/scriptfile.c, src/structs.h, src/testdir/test_source.vim
+Patch 8.2.4604
+Problem: Error for redefining a script item may be confusing.
+Solution: Put quotes around the name.
+Files: src/errors.h
+Patch 8.2.4605
+Problem: Error for arguments of remote_expr() even when the +clientserver
+ feature is not included.
+Solution: Move #ifdef.
+Files: src/clientserver.c
+Patch 8.2.4606 (after 8.2.4605)
+Problem: Test fails because of changed error message.
+Solution: Update the expected error message
+Files: src/testdir/test_vim9_import.vim
+Patch 8.2.4607
+Problem: Sourcing buffer lines may lead to errors for conflicts.
+Solution: Add the ++clear argument. (Yegappan Lakshmanan, closes #9991)
+Files: runtime/doc/repeat.txt, src/scriptfile.c, src/vim9script.c,
+ src/proto/, src/testdir/test_source.vim
+Patch 8.2.4608
+Problem: getcompletion() does not work properly when 'wildoptions
+ contains "fuzzy".
+Solution: Do not use addstar(). (Yegappan Lakshmanan, closes #9992,
+ closes #9986)
+Files: runtime/doc/builtin.txt, src/cmdexpand.c,
+ src/testdir/test_cmdline.vim
+Patch 8.2.4609
+Problem: :unhide does not check for failing to close a window.
+Solution: When closing a window fails continue with the next one. Do not
+ try closing the autocmd window. (closes #9984)
+Files: src/buffer.c, src/window.c, src/proto/,
+ src/testdir/test_autocmd.vim
+Patch 8.2.4610
+Problem: Some conditions are always true.
+Solution: Remove the useless conditions. (closes #9993)
+Files: src/clientserver.c, src/drawline.c, src/drawscreen.c,
+ src/ex_cmds.c, src/fileio.c, src/message.c, src/misc2.c,
+ src/ops.c, src/sign.c, src/spell.c, src/vim9cmds.c, src/window.c
+Patch 8.2.4611
+Problem: Typos in tests; one lua line not covered by test.
+Solution: Fix typos. Add test case. (Dominique Pellé, closes #9994)
+Files: src/testdir/test_breakindent.vim, src/testdir/test_crypt.vim,
+ src/testdir/test_cursorline.vim, src/testdir/test_digraph.vim,
+ src/testdir/test_gui.vim, src/testdir/test_lua.vim,
+ src/testdir/test_regexp_latin.vim, src/testdir/test_signals.vim,
+ src/testdir/test_spell.vim, src/testdir/test_statusline.vim,
+ src/testdir/test_vim9_disassemble.vim,
+ src/testdir/test_vim9_expr.vim, src/testdir/test_vimscript.vim
+Patch 8.2.4612
+Problem: Vim9: cannot use a recursive call in a nested function. (Sergey
+ Vlasov)
+Solution: Define the funcref before compiling the function. (closes #9989)
+Files: src/vim9compile.c, src/vim9instr.c, src/proto/,
+ src/vim9expr.c, src/testdir/test_vim9_func.vim
+Patch 8.2.4613
+Problem: Return type of swapfile_unchanged() is wrong.
+Solution: Use "int". (closes #10000 Yeah!)
+Files: src/memline.c
+Patch 8.2.4614
+Problem: Redrawing too much when 'cursorline' is set and jumping around.
+Solution: Rely on win_update() to redraw the current and previous cursor
+ line, do not mark lines as modified. (closes #9996)
+Files: src/drawline.c, src/drawscreen.c, src/move.c, src/proto/,
+ src/option.c
+Patch 8.2.4615
+Problem: Mapping with escaped bar does not work in :def function. (Sergey
+ Vlasov)
+Solution: Do not remove the backslash. (closes #10002)
+Files: src/ex_docmd.c, src/proto/, src/syntax.c,
+ src/vim9cmds.c, src/testdir/test_vim9_cmd.vim
+Patch 8.2.4616
+Problem: Vim9: Declarations in a {} block of a user command do not use Vim9
+ rules if defined in a legacy script. (Yegappan Lakshmanan)
+Solution: Pretend the script is Vim9 script.
+Files: src/usercmd.c, src/testdir/test_usercommands.vim
+Patch 8.2.4617
+Problem: No completion for :scriptnames.
+Solution: Implement :scriptnames completion. (Yegappan Lakshmanan,
+ closes #10005)
+Files: runtime/doc/builtin.txt, src/cmdexpand.c, src/ex_cmds.h,
+ src/scriptfile.c, src/usercmd.c, src/vim.h,
+ src/testdir/test_cmdline.vim, src/testdir/test_quickfix.vim
+Patch 8.2.4618
+Problem: Command line completion does not recognize single letter commands.
+Solution: Use the condition from find_ex_command().
+Files: src/ex_docmd.c
+Patch 8.2.4619
+Problem: Mapping is cancelled when mouse moves and popup is visible.
+Solution: Only generate mouse moved events when a popup may use them.
+ (closes #10004)
+Files: src/gui.c, src/globals.h, src/popupwin.c
+Patch 8.2.4620 (after 8.2.4618)
+Problem: Two letter substitute commands don't work. (Yegappan Lakshmanan)
+Solution: Invert condition.
+Files: src/ex_docmd.c
+Patch 8.2.4621
+Problem: Crash when using the tabline right-click menu.
+Solution: Use XtPointer for XmNuserData. (closes #10009)
+Files: src/gui_motif.c
+Patch 8.2.4622
+Problem: Vim9: Crash with :execute and :finish. (Sergey Vlasov)
+Solution: Check for NULL. (closes #10011)
+Files: src/eval.c, src/testdir/test_vim9_script.vim
+Patch 8.2.4623
+Problem: Coverity warns for using uninitialized field.
+Solution: Initialize he field to zero.
+Files: src/ex_docmd.c
+Patch 8.2.4624
+Problem: Old Coverity warning for resource leak.
+Solution: Close the file if memory allocation fails.
+Files: src/diff.c
+Patch 8.2.4625
+Problem: Old Coverity warning for resource leak.
+Solution: Call FreeWild() if expanding matches did not fail.
+Files: src/help.c
+Patch 8.2.4626
+Problem: Visual area not fully updated when removing sign in Visual mode
+ while scrolling.
+Solution: Adjust check for topline. (closes #10017)
+Files: src/drawscreen.c, src/testdir/test_display.vim,
+ src/testdir/dumps/Test_display_scroll_update_visual.dump
+Patch 8.2.4627
+Problem: flatten() does not use maxdepth correctly.
+Solution: Use a recursive implementation. (closes #10020)
+Files: src/list.c, src/testdir/test_flatten.vim
+Patch 8.2.4628
+Problem: Not enough testing for 2/3 letter substitute commands.
+Solution: Add more tests. (Yegappan Lakshmanan, closes #10019)
+Files: src/testdir/test_cmdline.vim, src/testdir/test_substitute.vim
+Patch 8.2.4629
+Problem: flattennew() makes a deep copy unnecessarily.
+Solution: Use a shallow copy. (issue #10012)
+Files: src/list.c
+Patch 8.2.4630
+Problem: 'cursorline' not always updated with 'cursorlineopt' is
+ "screenline".
+Solution: Call check_redraw_cursorline() more often. (closes #10013)
+Files: src/normal.c, src/edit.c, src/testdir/test_cursorline.vim,
+ src/testdir/dumps/Test_cursorline_screenline_1.dump,
+ src/testdir/dumps/Test_cursorline_screenline_2.dump
+Patch 8.2.4631
+Problem: Crash when switching window in BufWipeout autocommand.
+Solution: Put any buffer in the window to avoid it being NULL.
+ (closes #10024)
+Files: src/window.c, src/buffer.c, src/testdir/test_autocmd.vim
+Patch 8.2.4632
+Problem: Using freed memory in flatten().
+Solution: Clear typval after recursing into list.
+Files: src/list.c
+Patch 8.2.4633
+Problem: Visual range does not work before command modifiers.
+Solution: Move Visual range to after command modifiers.
+Files: src/ex_docmd.c, src/testdir/test_source.vim
+Patch 8.2.4634
+Problem: Vim9: cannot initialize a variable to null_list.
+Solution: Give negative count to NEWLIST. (closes #10027)
+ Also fix inconsistencies in comparing with null values.
+Files: src/vim9instr.c, src/proto/, src/vim9.h,
+ src/vim9compile.c, src/vim9expr.c, src/vim9execute.c,
+ src/evalvars.c, src/typval.c, src/testdir/test_vim9_expr.vim,
+ src/testdir/test_vim9_builtin.vim,
+ src/testdir/test_vim9_disassemble.vim
+Patch 8.2.4635 (after 8.2.4634)
+Problem: Tests using null list or dict fail.
+Solution: Only use the new rules for Vim9 script.
+Files: src/evalvars.c
+Patch 8.2.4636 (after 8.2.4633)
+Problem: Not using Visual range.
+Solution: Put the command pointer back to the range.
+Files: src/ex_docmd.c
+Patch 8.2.4637
+Problem: Warning for using uninitialized variable. (Tony Mechelynck)
+Solution: Initialize it.
+Files: src/ex_docmd.c
+Patch 8.2.4638
+Problem: Superfluous check if a redraw is needed for 'cursorline'.
+Solution: Remove check_redraw_cursorline(). (closes #10030, closes #10029)
+Files: src/drawscreen.c, src/proto/, src/edit.c,
+ src/main.c, src/normal.c, src/move.c,
+ src/testdir/dumps/Test_cursorcolumn_callback_1.dump,
+ src/testdir/dumps/Test_relativenumber_callback_1.dump,
+ src/testdir/test_highlight.vim, src/testdir/test_number.vim
+Patch 8.2.4639
+Problem: Not sufficient parenthesis in preprocessor macros.
+Solution: Add more parenthesis. (closes #10031)
+Files: src/globals.h, src/gui.h, src/if_py_both.h, src/macros.h,
+ src/option.h, src/regexp.h, src/spell.h, src/structs.h, src/vim.h,
+ src/vim9.h
+Patch 8.2.4640
+Problem: Some boolean options use "long" instead of "int".
+Solution: Adjust the type. (James McCoy, closes #10033)
+Files: src/option.h
+Patch 8.2.4641
+Problem: May mark the wrong window for redrawing.
+Solution: Use redraw_win_later(). (closes #10032)
+Files: src/move.c
+Patch 8.2.4642
+Problem: Vim9: in :def function script var cannot be null.
+Solution: Only initialize a script variable when not set to a null value.
+ (closes #10034)
+Files: src/vim9execute.c, src/vim9type.c, src/globals.h, src/evalvars.c,
+ src/vim.h, src/vim9script.c, src/testdir/test_vim9_expr.vim
+Patch 8.2.4643
+Problem: Vim9: variable may be locked unintentionally.
+Solution: Clear "v_lock". (closes #10036)
+Files: src/vim9execute.c, src/testdir/test_vim9_builtin.vim
+Patch 8.2.4644
+Problem: Redrawing too often when 'relativenumber' is set.
+Solution: Only redraw when the cursor line changed. (Lewis Russell,
+ closes #10040)
+Files: src/change.c, src/drawscreen.c, src/structs.h
+Patch 8.2.4645
+Problem: 'shortmess' changed when session does not store options.
+Solution: Save and restore 'shortmess' if needed. (James Charti,
+ closes #10037)
+Files: src/session.c, src/testdir/test_mksession.vim
+Patch 8.2.4646
+Problem: Using buffer line after it has been freed in old regexp engine.
+Solution: After getting mark get the line again.
+Files: src/regexp_bt.c, src/testdir/test_regexp_latin.vim
+Patch 8.2.4647
+Problem: "source" can read past end of copied line.
+Solution: Add a terminating NUL.
+Files: src/scriptfile.c, src/testdir/test_source.vim
+Patch 8.2.4648
+Problem: Handling LSP messages is a bit slow.
+Solution: Included support for LSP messages. (Yegappan Lakshmanan,
+ closes #10025)
+Files: runtime/doc/channel.txt, src/channel.c, src/job.c, src/json.c,
+ src/proto/, src/structs.h, src/testdir/test_channel.vim,
+ src/testdir/
+Patch 8.2.4649
+Problem: Various formatting problems.
+Solution: Improve the code formatting.
+Files: src/mark.c, src/quickfix.c, src/regexp_nfa.c, src/register.c,
+ src/testdir/test_filechanged.vim, src/gui_athena.c,
+ src/gui_motif.c, src/os_unix.c
+Patch 8.2.4650
+Problem: "import autoload" only works with using 'runtimepath'.
+Solution: Also support a relative and absolute file name.
+Files: runtime/doc/vim9.txt, src/structs.h, src/scriptfile.c,
+ src/proto/, src/vim9script.c, src/vim9expr.c,
+ src/vim9.h, src/vim9execute.c, src/vim9instr.c,
+ src/proto/, src/vim.h, src/userfunc.c,
+ src/proto/, src/testdir/test_vim9_import.vim,
+ src/testdir/test_vim9_disassemble.vim
+Patch 8.2.4651 (after 8.2.4650)
+Problem: Test fails because path differs.
+Solution: Only compare the tail of the path.
+Files: src/testdir/test_vim9_disassemble.vim
+Patch 8.2.4652 (after 8.2.4650)
+Problem: Leaking memory if assignment fails.
+Solution: Clear assigned value on failure.
+Files: src/vim9execute.c
+Patch 8.2.4653
+Problem: "import autoload" does not check the file name.
+Solution: Give an error if the file is not readable. (closes #10049)
+Files: src/filepath.c, src/proto/, src/errors.h,
+ src/ex_cmds.c, src/ex_docmd.c, src/spellfile.c,
+ src/testdir/test_vim9_import.vim
+Patch 8.2.4654 (after 8.2.4653)
+Problem: Missing changes for import check.
+Solution: Add missing changes.
+Files: src/vim9script.c
+Patch 8.2.4655
+Problem: Command line completion popup menu positioned wrong when using a
+ terminal window.
+Solution: Position the popup menu differently when editing the command line.
+ (Yegappan Lakshmanan, closes #10050, closes #10035)
+Files: src/popupmenu.c, src/testdir/test_cmdline.vim,
+ src/testdir/test_terminal.vim,
+ src/testdir/dumps/Test_wildmenu_pum_term_01.dump
+Patch 8.2.4656
+Problem: Vim9: can't use items from "import autoload" with autoload
+ directory name.
+Solution: Let sn_autoload_prefix overrule sn_import_autoload.
+ (closes #10054)
+Files: src/structs.h, src/vim9instr.c, src/vim9expr.c, src/vim9script.c,
+ src/testdir/test_vim9_import.vim
+Patch 8.2.4657
+Problem: Errors for functions are sometimes hard to read.
+Solution: Use printable_func_name() in more places.
+Files: src/vim9execute.c, src/userfunc.c, src/proto/,
+ src/vim9expr.c, src/eval.c, src/vim9instr.c, src/vim9type.c,
+ src/testdir/test_vim9_expr.vim
+Patch 8.2.4658
+Problem: Org-mode files are not recognized.
+Solution: Add patterns to recognize "org" files. (closes #10046)
+Files: runtime/filetype.vim, src/testdir/test_filetype.vim
+Patch 8.2.4659
+Problem: Invalid memory access when using printable function name.
+Solution: Adjust copied name length.
+Files: src/userfunc.c
+Patch 8.2.4660
+Problem: Cursorcolumn is sometimes not correct.
+Solution: Recompute the cursor column when entering Insert mode and the
+ cursor is on a character wider than a screen cell. (closes #10057)
+Files: src/edit.c, src/testdir/test_highlight.vim,
+ src/testdir/dumps/Test_cursorcolumn_insert_on_tab_1.dump,
+ src/testdir/dumps/Test_cursorcolumn_insert_on_tab_2.dump
+Patch 8.2.4661
+Problem: Coverity warning for using uninitialized variable.
+Solution: Initialize variable to NULL.
+Files: src/vim9expr.c
+Patch 8.2.4662
+Problem: No error for using out of range list index.
+Solution: Check list index at script level like in compiled function.
+ (closes #10051)
+Files: src/vim.h, src/evalvars.c, src/list.c, src/proto/,
+ src/eval.c, src/vim9execute.c, src/testdir/test_vim9_assign.vim
+Patch 8.2.4663
+Problem: Occasional crash when running the GUI tests.
+Solution: Check that the line index is not too high. (closes #8681)
+Files: src/screen.c
+Patch 8.2.4664
+Problem: Elvish files are not recognized.
+Solution: Recognize .elv files. (Bruno Roque, closes #10058)
+Files: runtime/filetype.vim, src/testdir/test_filetype.vim
+Patch 8.2.4665
+Problem: Popup with "minwidth" and scrollbar not updated properly.
+Solution: Adjust the computation if the window width. (closes #10061)
+Files: src/popupwin.c, src/testdir/test_popupwin.vim,
+ src/testdir/dumps/Test_popupwin_previewpopup_4.dump,
+ src/testdir/dumps/Test_popupwin_previewpopup_5.dump,
+ src/testdir/dumps/Test_popupwin_previewpopup_7.dump,
+ src/testdir/dumps/Test_popupwin_previewpopup_8.dump,
+ src/testdir/dumps/Test_popupwin_previewpopup_9.dump,
+ src/testdir/dumps/Test_popupwin_previewpopup_10.dump,
+ src/testdir/dumps/Test_popupwin_drag_minwidth_1.dump,
+ src/testdir/dumps/Test_popupwin_drag_minwidth_2.dump,
+ src/testdir/dumps/Test_popupwin_drag_minwidth_3.dump
+Patch 8.2.4666
+Problem: Vim9: assignment not recognized in skipped block.
+Solution: When skipping assume identifier exists. (closes #10059)
+Files: src/vim9compile.c, src/proto/, src/vim9cmds.c,
+ src/testdir/test_vim9_cmd.vim, src/testdir/test_vim9_script.vim
+Patch 8.2.4667
+Problem: expandcmd() fails on an error.
+Solution: On failure return the command unmodified. (yegappan Lakshmanan,
+ closes #10063)
+Files: runtime/doc/builtin.txt, src/evalfunc.c,
+ src/testdir/test_expand.vim
+Patch 8.2.4668
+Problem: Buffer allocation failures insufficiently tested.
+Solution: Add tests for memory allocation failures. (Yegappan Lakshmanan,
+ closes #10064)
+Files: src/alloc.h, src/buffer.c, src/popupwin.c, src/window.c,
+ src/testdir/test_buffer.vim, src/testdir/test_swap.vim
+Patch 8.2.4669
+Problem: In compiled code len('string') is not inlined.
+Solution: Compute the length at compile time if possible. (closes #10065)
+Files: src/evalfunc.c, src/proto/, src/vim9expr.c,
+ src/testdir/test_vim9_disassemble.vim
+Patch 8.2.4670
+Problem: Memory allocation failures for new tab page not tested.
+Solution: Add tests with failing memory allocation. (Yegappan Lakshmanan,
+ closes #10067)
+Files: src/alloc.h, src/blob.c, src/buffer.c, src/window.c,
+ src/testdir/test_blob.vim, src/testdir/test_buffer.vim,
+ src/testdir/test_tabpage.vim, src/testdir/test_window_cmd.vim
+Patch 8.2.4671
+Problem: 'wildignorecase' is sometimes not used for glob().
+Solution: Also use 'wildignorecase' when there are no wildcards.
+ (closes #10066, closes #8350)
+Files: src/filepath.c, src/testdir/test_functions.vim
+Patch 8.2.4672
+Problem: Using :normal with Ex mode may make :substitute hang.
+Solution: When getting an empty line behave like 'q' was typed.
+ (closes #10070)
+Files: src/ex_cmds.c, src/testdir/test_normal.vim
+Patch 8.2.4673
+Problem: Redrawing a vertically split window is slow when using CTRL-F and
+Solution: When deciding on USE_REDRAW bail out if scrolling more than three
+ lines. (issue #8002)
+Files: src/screen.c
+Patch 8.2.4674
+Problem: Cannot force getting MouseMove events.
+Solution: Add the 'mousemoveevent' option with implementaiton for the GUI.
+ (Ernie Rael, closes #10044)
+Files: runtime/doc/gui.txt, runtime/doc/options.txt,
+ runtime/doc/testing.txt, src/gui.c, src/option.h,
+ src/optiondefs.h, src/testing.c, src/testdir/test_gui.vim
+Patch 8.2.4675
+Problem: No error for missing expression after :elseif. (Ernie Rael)
+Solution: Check for missing expression. (closes #10068)
+Files: src/ex_eval.c, src/testdir/test_vim9_script.vim
+Patch 8.2.4676 (after 8.2.4675)
+Problem: Test fails with different error.
+Solution: Add argument to :elseif.
+Files: src/testdir/test_vimscript.vim
+Patch 8.2.4677
+Problem: The Athena GUI support is outdated.
+Solution: Remove the Athena GUI code.
+Files: Filelist, src/Makefile, src/proto.h, src/clipboard.c,
+ src/gui_athena.c, src/proto/, src/gui_at_sb.c,
+ src/gui_at_sb.h, src/gui_at_fs.c, src/gui_motif.c, src/evalfunc.c,
+ src/gui.c, src/gui_beval.c, src/gui_x11.c, src/if_mzsch.c,
+ src/main.c, src/menu.c, src/mouse.c, src/version.c, src/feature.h,
+ src/gui.h, src/structs.h, src/vim.h, src/testdir/gui_init.vim,
+ src/testdir/setup_gui.vim, src/testdir/test_clientserver.vim,
+ src/testdir/test_edit.vim, src/testdir/test_gui.vim,
+ src/testdir/test_highlight.vim, src/testdir/test_quotestar.vim,
+ src/testdir/test_startup.vim, runtime/doc/gui.txt,
+ runtime/doc/gui_x11.txt
+Patch 8.2.4678
+Problem: Vim9: not all code is tested.
+Solution: Add a few more tests.
+Files: src/vim9execute.c, src/testdir/test_vim9_script.vim,
+ src/testdir/test_vim9_import.vim, src/testdir/test_vim9_cmd.vim
+Patch 8.2.4679
+Problem: Cannot have expandcmd() give an error message for mistakes.
+Solution: Add an optional argument to give errors. Fix memory leak when
+ expanding files fails. (Yegappan Lakshmanan, closes #10071)
+Files: runtime/doc/builtin.txt, src/evalfunc.c, src/filepath.c,
+ src/testdir/test_expand.vim, src/testdir/test_vim9_builtin.vim
+Patch 8.2.4680
+Problem: Build failure without +postscript.
+Solution: Use another error message.
+Files: src/vim9execute.c, src/testdir/test_vim9_import.vim
+Patch 8.2.4681
+Problem: Build fails with a combination of features.
+Solution: Remove #ifdef for alloc_clear_id(). (John Marriott)
+Files: src/alloc.c
+Patch 8.2.4682
+Problem: Vim9: can use :unlockvar for const variable. (Ernie Rael)
+Solution: Check whether the variable is a const.
+Files: src/ex_docmd.c, src/evalvars.c, src/vim9script.c,
+ src/proto/, src/eval.c, src/userfunc.c,
+ src/testdir/test_vim9_cmd.vim
+Patch 8.2.4683
+Problem: Verbose check with dict_find() to see if a key is present.
+Solution: Add dict_has_key(). (Yegappan Lakshmanan, closes #10074)
+Files: src/channel.c, src/dict.c, src/evalwindow.c, src/filepath.c,
+ src/highlight.c, src/json.c, src/match.c, src/popupwin.c,
+ src/proto/, src/quickfix.c, src/search.c, src/sign.c,
+ src/tag.c, src/terminal.c, src/testing.c, src/textprop.c,
+ src/time.c
+Patch 8.2.4684
+Problem: Cannot open a channel on a Unix domain socket.
+Solution: Add Unix domain socket support. (closes #10062)
+Files: runtime/doc/channel.txt, src/channel.c, src/testdir/check.vim,
+ src/testdir/shared.vim, src/testdir/,
+ src/testdir/test_channel.vim, src/testdir/,
+ src/testdir/test_cmdline.vim
+Patch 8.2.4685
+Problem: When a swap file is found for a popup there is no dialog and the
+ buffer is loaded anyway.
+Solution: Silently load the buffer read-only. (closes #10073)
+Files: runtime/doc/popup.txt, src/memline.c, src/popupwin.c, src/vim.h,
+ src/buffer.c, src/testdir/test_popupwin.vim
+Patch 8.2.4686
+Problem: Configure doesn't find the Motif library with Cygwin.
+Solution: Check for libXm.dll.a. (Kelvin Lee, closes #10077)
+Files: src/, src/auto/configure
+Patch 8.2.4687
+Problem: "vimgrep /\%v/ *" may cause a crash.
+Solution: When compiling the pattern with the old engine fails, restore the
+ regprog of the new engine instead of leaving it NULL.
+ (closes #10079)
+Files: src/regexp.c
+Patch 8.2.4688
+Problem: New regexp engine does not give an error for "\%v".
+Solution: Check for a value argument. (issue #10079)
+Files: src/regexp_nfa.c, src/errors.h, src/regexp_bt.c,
+ src/testdir/test_regexp_latin.vim
+Patch 8.2.4689
+Problem: Using <Cmd> in a mapping does not work for mouse keys in Insert
+ mode. (Sergey Vlasov)
+Solution: When reading the <Cmd> argument do not use the stuff buffer.
+ (closes #10080)
+Files: src/getchar.c
+Patch 8.2.4690
+Problem: Channel tests fail on MS-Windows.
+Solution: Check if the AF_UNIX attribute exists. (closes #10083)
+Files: src/testdir/, src/testdir/
+Patch 8.2.4691 (after 8.2.4689)
+Problem: Solution for <Cmd> in a mapping causes trouble.
+Solution: Use another solution: put back CTRL-O after reading the <Cmd>
+ sequence.
+Files: src/getchar.c
+Patch 8.2.4692
+Problem: No test for what 8.2.4691 fixes.
+Solution: Add a test. Use a more generic sotlution. (closes #10090)
+Files: src/getchar.c, src/mouse.c, src/testdir/test_mapping.vim
+Patch 8.2.4693 (after 8.2.4688)
+Problem: new regexp does not accept pattern "\%>0v".
+Solution: Do accept digit zero.
+Files: src/regexp_bt.c, src/regexp_nfa.c,
+ src/testdir/test_regexp_latin.vim
+Patch 8.2.4694
+Problem: Avoidance of #elif causes more preproc nesting.
+Solution: Use #elif where it is useful. (Ozaki Kiichi, closes #10081)
+Files: src/option.c, src/optiondefs.h, src/optionstr.c, src/version.c
+Patch 8.2.4695
+Problem: JSON encoding could be faster.
+Solution: Optimize encoding JSON strings. (closes #10086)
+Files: src/json.c, src/testdir/test_json.vim
+Patch 8.2.4696
+Problem: delete() with "rf" argument does not report a failure.
+Solution: Return -1 if the directory could not be removed. (closes #10078)
+Files: src/fileio.c, src/testdir/test_functions.vim
+Patch 8.2.4697
+Problem: Vim9: crash when adding a duplicate key to a dictionary.
+Solution: Clear the stack item when it has been moved into the dictionary.
+ (closes #10087)
+Files: src/vim9execute.c, src/testdir/test_vim9_expr.vim
+Patch 8.2.4698
+Problem: Vim9: script variable has no flag that it was set.
+Solution: Add a flag that it was set, to avoid giving it a value when used.
+ (closes #10088)
+Files: src/structs.h, src/vim9script.c, src/vim9execute.c,
+ src/evalvars.c, src/testdir/test_vim9_assign.vim,
+ src/testdir/test_vim9_builtin.vim
+Patch 8.2.4699
+Problem: Hard to reproduce hang when reading from a channel.
+Solution: Check for readahead before starting to wait. (closes #10093,
+ closes #7781, closes #6364)
+Files: src/channel.c
+Patch 8.2.4700
+Problem: Buffer remains active if a WinClosed event throws an exception.
+Solution: Ignore aborting() when closing the buffer. (closes #10097)
+Files: src/window.c, src/testdir/test_autocmd.vim
+Patch 8.2.4701
+Problem: Kuka Robot Language files not recognized.
+Solution: Recognize *.src and *.dat files. (Patrick Meiser-Knosowski,
+ closes #10096)
+Files: runtime/filetype.vim, src/testdir/test_filetype.vim,
+ runtime/autoload/dist/ft.vim
+Patch 8.2.4702
+Problem: C++ scope labels are hard-coded.
+Solution: Add 'cinscopedecls' to define the labels. (Rom Praschan,
+ closes #10109)
+Files: runtime/doc/indent.txt, runtime/doc/options.txt,
+ runtime/doc/quickref.txt, runtime/optwin.vim, src/buffer.c,
+ src/cindent.c, src/option.c, src/option.h, src/optiondefs.h,
+ src/optionstr.c, src/structs.h, src/testdir/test_cindent.vim
+Patch 8.2.4703 (after 8.2.4702)
+Problem: Memory leak in handling 'cinscopedecls'.
+Solution: Free the memory before returning.
+Files: src/cindent.c
+Patch 8.2.4704
+Problem: Using "else" after return or break increases indent.
+Solution: Remove "else" and reduce indent. (Goc Dundar, closes #10099)
+Files: src/fileio.c, src/memline.c, src/option.c, src/syntax.c
+Patch 8.2.4705
+Problem: reg_executing may not be cleared.
+Solution: Reset reg_executing later. (closes #10111, closes #10110)
+Files: src/ex_docmd.c, src/getchar.c, src/globals.h, src/structs.h,
+ src/testdir/test_registers.vim
+Patch 8.2.4706
+Problem: Buffer remains active if a WinClosed event throws an exception
+ when there are multiple tabpages.
+Solution: Ignore aborting() when closing the buffer. (closes #10101)
+Files: src/window.c, src/testdir/test_autocmd.vim
+Patch 8.2.4707
+Problem: Redrawing could be a bit more efficient.
+Solution: Optimize redrawing. (closes #10105)
+Files: src/change.c, src/edit.c, src/testdir/test_highlight.vim,
+ src/testdir/dumps/Test_cursorcolumn_insert_on_tab_3.dump
+Patch 8.2.4708
+Problem: PHP test files are not recognized.
+Solution: Add the *.phpt pattern. (Julien Voisin, closes #10112)
+Files: runtime/filetype.vim, src/testdir/test_filetype.vim
+Patch 8.2.4709
+Problem: After :redraw the statusline highlight might be used.
+Solution: Clear the screen attribute after redrawing the screen.
+ (closes #10108)
+Files: src/ex_docmd.c
+Patch 8.2.4710
+Problem: Smart indenting does not work after completion.
+Solution: Set "can_si". (Christian Brabandt, closes #10113, closes #558)
+Files: src/edit.c, src/testdir/test_ins_complete.vim
+Patch 8.2.4711
+Problem: When 'insermode' is set :edit from <Cmd> mapping misbehaves.
+Solution: Don't set "need_start_insertmode" when already in Insert mode.
+ (closes #10116)
+Files: src/ex_cmds.c, src/testdir/test_edit.vim
+Patch 8.2.4712
+Problem: Only get profiling information after exiting.
+Solution: Add "profile dump" and "profile stop". (Marco Hinz, Yegappan
+ Lakshmanan, closes #10107)
+Files: runtime/doc/repeat.txt, src/profiler.c,
+ src/testdir/test_profile.vim
+Patch 8.2.4713
+Problem: Plugins cannot track text scrolling.
+Solution: Add the WinScrolled event. (closes #10102)
+Files: runtime/doc/autocmd.txt, src/autocmd.c, src/proto/,
+ src/edit.c, src/gui.c, src/main.c, src/structs.h, src/vim.h,
+ src/window.c, src/proto/, src/testdir/test_autocmd.vim
+Patch 8.2.4714
+Problem: Using g:filetype_dat and g:filetype_src not tested.
+Solution: Add a test. (Patrick Meiser-Knosowski, closes #10117)
+Files: src/testdir/test_filetype.vim
+Patch 8.2.4715
+Problem: Vagrantfile not recognized.
+Solution: Recognize Vagrantfile as ruby. (Julien Voisin, closes #10119)
+Files: runtime/filetype.vim, src/testdir/test_filetype.vim
+Patch 8.2.4716
+Problem: Memory allocation failure not tested when defining a function.
+Solution: Add a test. (Yegappan Lakshmanan, closes #10127)
+Files: src/alloc.c, src/alloc.h, src/proto/, src/userfunc.c,
+ src/testdir/test_user_func.vim, src/testdir/test_vim9_func.vim
+Patch 8.2.4717
+Problem: For TextYankPost v:event does not contain information about the
+ operation being inclusive or not.
+Solution: Add "inclusive" to v:event. (Justn M. Keyes, Yegappan Lakshmanan,
+ closes #10125)
+Files: runtime/doc/autocmd.txt, src/register.c,
+ src/testdir/test_autocmd.vim
+Patch 8.2.4718
+Problem: @@@ in the last line sometimes drawn in the wrong place.
+Solution: Make sure the column is valid. (closes #10130)
+Files: src/drawscreen.c, src/screen.c, src/testdir/test_display.vim
+ src/testdir/dumps/Test_display_lastline_1.dump,
+ src/testdir/dumps/Test_display_lastline_2.dump,
+ src/testdir/dumps/Test_display_lastline_3.dump,
+ src/testdir/dumps/Test_display_lastline_4.dump
+Patch 8.2.4719
+Problem: ">" marker sometimes not displayed in the jumplist.
+Solution: If the buffer no longer exists show "-invalid-". (Christian
+ Brabandt, closes #10131, closes #10100)
+Files: runtime/doc/motion.txt, src/mark.c, src/testdir/Make_all.mak,
+ src/testdir/test_alot.vim, src/testdir/test_jumplist.vim,
+ src/testdir/test_jumps.vim
+Patch 8.2.4720
+Problem: ABB Rapid files are not recognized properly.
+Solution: Add checks for ABB Rapid files. (Patrick Meiser-Knosowski,
+ closes #10104)
+Files: runtime/autoload/dist/ft.vim, runtime/doc/filetype.txt,
+ runtime/filetype.vim, src/testdir/test_filetype.vim
+Patch 8.2.4721
+Problem: Cooklang files are not recognized.
+Solution: recognize *.cook files. (Goc Dundar, closes #10120)
+Files: runtime/filetype.vim, src/testdir/test_filetype.vim
+Patch 8.2.4722
+Problem: When a recording is ended with a mapped key that key is also
+ recorded.
+Solution: Remember the previous last_recorded_len. (closes #10122)
+Files: src/getchar.c, src/testdir/test_registers.vim
+Patch 8.2.4723
+Problem: The ModeChanged autocmd event is inefficient.
+Solution: Avoid allocating memory. (closes #10134) Rename
+ trigger_modechanged() to may_trigger_modechanged().
+Files: src/misc1.c, src/proto/, src/edit.c, src/ex_docmd.c,
+ src/ex_getln.c, src/insexpand.c, src/normal.c, src/terminal.c,
+ src/autocmd.c
+Patch 8.2.4724
+Problem: Current instance of last search pattern not easily spotted.
+Solution: Add CurSearch highlighting. (closes #10133)
+Files: runtime/doc/options.txt, runtime/doc/syntax.txt, src/highlight.c,
+ src/match.c, src/normal.c, src/optiondefs.h, src/structs.h,
+ src/vim.h, src/normal.c, src/testdir/test_search.vim,
+ src/testdir/dumps/Test_hlsearch_cursearch_multiple_line.dump,
+ src/testdir/dumps/Test_hlsearch_cursearch_single_line_1.dump,
+ src/testdir/dumps/Test_hlsearch_cursearch_single_line_2.dump,
+ src/testdir/dumps/Test_hlsearch_cursearch_single_line_3.dump
+Patch 8.2.4725 (after 8.2.4724)
+Problem: Unused variable in tiny build.
+Solution: Add #ifdef.
+Files: src/normal.c
+Patch 8.2.4726
+Problem: Cannot use expand() to get the script name.
+Solution: Support expand('<script>'). (closes #10121)
+Files: runtime/doc/cmdline.txt, src/errors.h, src/ex_docmd.c,
+ src/scriptfile.c, src/vim.h, src/testdir/test_expand.vim
+Patch 8.2.4727
+Problem: Unused code.
+Solution: Remove code and add #ifdefs. (Dominique Pellé, closes #10136)
+Files: runtime/doc/editing.txt, runtime/doc/eval.txt,
+ runtime/doc/vim9.txt, src/errors.h, src/option.c, src/search.c,
+ src/proto/
+Patch 8.2.4728
+Problem: No test that v:event cannot be modified.
+Solution: Add a test. (closes #10139)
+Files: src/testdir/test_autocmd.vim
+Patch 8.2.4729
+Problem: HEEx and Surface templates do not need a separate filetype.
+Solution: Use Eelixir for the similar filetypes. (Aaron Tinio, closes #10124)
+Files: runtime/filetype.vim, src/testdir/test_filetype.vim
+Patch 8.2.4730
+Problem: MS-Windows GUI: cannot use CTRL-/.
+Solution: Handle the WM_KEYUP event. (Yasuhiro Matsumoto, closes #10141)
+Files: src/gui_w32.c
+Patch 8.2.4731
+Problem: The changelist index is not remembered per buffer.
+Solution: Keep the changelist index per window and buffer. (closes #10135,
+ closes #2173)
+Files: src/buffer.c, src/evalfunc.c, src/structs.h,
+ src/testdir/test_changelist.vim
+Patch 8.2.4732
+Problem: Duplicate code to free fuzzy matches.
+Solution: Bring back fuzmatch_str_free().
+Files: src/search.c, src/proto/, src/cmdexpand.c
+Patch 8.2.4733 (after 8.2.4729)
+Problem: HEEx and Surface do need a separate filetype.
+Solution: Revert 8.2.4729. (closes #10147)
+Files: runtime/filetype.vim, src/testdir/test_filetype.vim
+Patch 8.2.4734
+Problem: getcharpos() may change a mark position.
+Solution: Copy the mark position. (closes #10148)
+Files: src/eval.c, src/testdir/test_cursor_func.vim
+Patch 8.2.4735
+Problem: Quickfix tests can be a bit hard to read.
+Solution: Use heredoc instead of strings and line continuation. (Yegappan
+ Lakshmanan, closes #10145)
+Files: src/testdir/test_quickfix.vim
+Patch 8.2.4736
+Problem: Build problem for Cygwin with Motif.
+Solution: Undefine ControlMask. (Kelvin Lee, closes #10152)
+Files: src/mbyte.c
+Patch 8.2.4737
+Problem: // in JavaScript string recognized as comment.
+Solution: Only check for linecomment if 'cindent' is set. (closes #10151)
+Files: src/change.c, src/testdir/test_textformat.vim
+Patch 8.2.4738
+Problem: Esc on commandline executes command instead of abandoning it.
+Solution: Save and restore KeyTyped when removing the popup menu.
+ (closes #10154)
+Files: src/cmdexpand.c, src/testdir/test_cmdline.vim,
+ src/testdir/dumps/Test_wildmenu_with_pum_foldexpr_1.dump,
+ src/testdir/dumps/Test_wildmenu_with_pum_foldexpr_2.dump
+Patch 8.2.4739
+Problem: Accessing freed memory after WinScrolled autocmd event.
+Solution: Check the window pointer is still valid. (closes #10156)
+ Remove the argument from may_trigger_winscrolled().
+Files: src/window.c, src/proto/, src/edit.c, src/gui.c,
+ src/main.c, src/testdir/test_autocmd.vim
+Patch 8.2.4740
+Problem: When expand() fails there is no error message.
+Solution: When 'verbose' is set give an error message.
+Files: runtime/doc/builtin.txt, src/evalfunc.c,
+ src/testdir/test_expand.vim
+Patch 8.2.4741 (after 8.2.4740)
+Problem: Startup test fails.
+Solution: Avoid an error for verbose expansion. Fix that the "0verbose"
+ command modifier doesn't work.
+Files: runtime/syntax/syntax.vim, runtime/syntax/synload.vim,
+ src/structs.h, src/ex_docmd.c, src/testdir/test_excmd.vim
+Patch 8.2.4742
+Problem: There is no way to start logging very early in startup.
+Solution: Add the --log argument. Include the date in the start message in
+ the log file. Avoid a duplicate message when forking. Log an
+ executed shell command.
+Files: runtime/doc/starting.txt, runtime/doc/channel.txt,
+ src/main.c, src/channel.c, src/os_unix.c, src/os_win32.c,
+ src/testdir/test_startup.vim
+Patch 8.2.4743
+Problem: Clang 14 is available on CI.
+Solution: Switch from clang 13 to 14. (closes #10157)
+Files: .github/workflows/ci.yml
+Patch 8.2.4744
+Problem: A terminal window can't use the bell.
+Solution: Add bell support for the terminal window. (closes #10178)
+Files: runtime/doc/options.txt, src/gui_w32.c, src/option.h,
+ src/optionstr.c, src/terminal.c
+Patch 8.2.4745 (after 8.2.4744)
+Problem: Using wrong flag for using bell in the terminal.
+Solution: Change to use BO_TERM.
+Files: src/terminal.c, src/misc1.c
+Patch 8.2.4746
+Problem: Supercollider filetype not recognized.
+Solution: Match file extentions and check file contents to detect
+ supercollider. (closes #10142)
+Files: runtime/filetype.vim, runtime/autoload/dist/ft.vim,
+ src/testdir/test_filetype.vim
+Patch 8.2.4747
+Problem: No filetype override for .sys files.
+Solution: Add g:filetype_sys. (Patrick Meiser-Knosowski, closes #10181)
+Files: runtime/doc/filetype.txt, runtime/autoload/dist/ft.vim,
+ src/testdir/test_filetype.vim
+Patch 8.2.4748
+Problem: Cannot use an imported function in a mapping.
+Solution: Recognize <SID>name.Func.
+Files: runtime/doc/vim9.txt, src/term.c, src/vim9execute.c,
+ src/proto/, src/scriptfile.c,
+ src/testdir/test_vim9_import.vim
+Patch 8.2.4749
+Problem: <script> is not expanded in autocmd context.
+Solution: Add the context to the pattern struct. (closes #10144)
+ Rename AutoPatCmd to AutoPatCmd_T.
+Files: src/autocmd.c, src/proto/, src/scriptfile.c,
+ src/structs.h, src/testdir/test_expand.vim
+Patch 8.2.4750
+Problem: Small pieces of dead code.
+Solution: Remove the dead code. (Goc Dundar, closes #10190) Rename the
+ qftf_cb struct member to avoid confusion.
+Files: src/ex_cmds.c, src/misc1.c, src/optionstr.c, src/quickfix.c
+Patch 8.2.4751 (after 8.2.4748)
+Problem: Mapping <SID>name.Func does not work for script in autoload
+ directory.
+Solution: Use the # form for a script in the autoload directory.
+ (closes #10186)
+Files: src/term.c, src/testdir/test_vim9_import.vim
+Patch 8.2.4752
+Problem: Wrong 'statusline' value can cause illegal memory access.
+Solution: Properly check the value. (closes #10192)
+Files: src/optionstr.c, src/testdir/test_options.vim
+Patch 8.2.4753
+Problem: Error from setting an option is silently ignored.
+Solution: Handle option value errors better. Fix uses of N_().
+Files: src/option.c, src/proto/, src/optionstr.c,
+ src/channel.c, src/crypt.c, src/diff.c, src/edit.c,
+ src/eval.c, src/evalfunc.c, src/evalvars.c, src/ex_cmds2.c,
+ src/ex_docmd.c, src/ex_getln.c, src/getchar.c, src/gui.c,
+ src/gui_gtk_x11.c, src/help.c, src/highlight.c, src/if_tcl.c,
+ src/main.c, src/memline.c, src/message_test.c,
+ src/popupmenu.c, src/quickfix.c, src/scriptfile.c, src/spell.c,
+ src/spellfile.c, src/term.c, src/undo.c, src/vim9script.c
+Patch 8.2.4754
+Problem: Still using cached values after unsetting some known environment
+ variables.
+Solution: Take care of the side effects. (closes #10194)
+Files: src/evalfunc.c, src/evalvars.c, src/misc1.c, src/proto/,
+ src/vim9execute.c, src/optionstr.c, src/testdir/test_environ.vim
+Patch 8.2.4755
+Problem: Cannot use <SID>FuncRef in completion spec.
+Solution: Dereference a function name in another way. (closes #10197)
+Files: src/eval.c, src/testdir/test_vim9_import.vim
+Patch 8.2.4756 (after 8.2.4754)
+Problem: Build error without the +eval feature.
+Solution: Adjust #ifdefs.
+Files: src/misc1.c
+Patch 8.2.4757
+Problem: List of libraries to suppress lsan errors is outdated.
+Solution: Add another library. (closes #10201)
+Files: src/testdir/lsan-suppress.txt
+Patch 8.2.4758
+Problem: When using an LSP channel want to get the message ID.
+Solution: Have ch_sendexpr() return the ID. (Yegappan Lakshmanan,
+ closes #10202)
+Files: runtime/doc/channel.txt, src/channel.c, src/evalfunc.c,
+ src/testdir/test_channel.vim
+Patch 8.2.4759
+Problem: CurSearch highlight does not work for multi-line match.
+Solution: Check cursor position before adjusting columns. (closes #10133)
+Files: src/structs.h, src/match.c, src/testdir/test_search.vim,
+ src/testdir/dumps/Test_hlsearch_cursearch_multiple_line.dump,
+ src/testdir/dumps/Test_hlsearch_cursearch_multiple_line_1.dump,
+ src/testdir/dumps/Test_hlsearch_cursearch_multiple_line_2.dump,
+ src/testdir/dumps/Test_hlsearch_cursearch_multiple_line_3.dump,
+ src/testdir/dumps/Test_hlsearch_cursearch_multiple_line_4.dump,
+ src/testdir/dumps/Test_hlsearch_cursearch_multiple_line_5.dump
+Patch 8.2.4760
+Problem: Using matchfuzzy() on a long list can take a while.
+Solution: Add a limit to the number of matches. (Yasuhiro Matsumoto,
+ closes #10189)
+Files: runtime/doc/builtin.txt, src/search.c,
+ src/testdir/test_matchfuzzy.vim
+Patch 8.2.4761
+Problem: Documentation for using LSP messages is incomplete.
+Solution: Update the documentation. (Yegappan Lakshmanan, closes #10206)
+Files: runtime/doc/channel.txt
+Patch 8.2.4762
+Problem: Using freed memory when using synstack() and synID() in WinEnter.
+Solution: Check using the syntax window. (closes #10204)
+Files: src/syntax.c, src/testdir/test_syntax.vim
+Patch 8.2.4763
+Problem: Using invalid pointer with "V:" in Ex mode.
+Solution: Correctly handle the command being changed to "+".
+Files: src/ex_docmd.c, src/testdir/test_ex_mode.vim
+Patch 8.2.4764
+Problem: CI uses an older gcc version.
+Solution: Use GCC 11. (closes #10185)
+Files: .github/workflows/ci.yml, src/testdir/lsan-suppress.txt
+Patch 8.2.4765
+Problem: Function matchfuzzy() sorts too many items.
+Solution: Only put matches in the array. (Yegappan Lakshmanan,
+ closes #10208)
+Files: src/search.c
+Patch 8.2.4766
+Problem: KRL files using "deffct" not recognized.
+Solution: Adjust the pattern used for matching. (Patrick Meiser-Knosowski,
+ closes #10200)
+Files: runtime/autoload/dist/ft.vim, src/testdir/test_filetype.vim
+Patch 8.2.4767
+Problem: Openscad files are not recognized.
+Solution: Add a filetype pattern. (Niklas Adam, closes #10199)
+Files: runtime/filetype.vim, src/testdir/test_filetype.vim
+Patch 8.2.4768
+Problem: CI: codecov upload sometimes does not work.
+Solution: Use action v3 instead of v2. (closes #10209)
+Files: .github/workflows/ci.yml
+Patch 8.2.4769
+Problem: Build warning with UCRT.
+Solution: Adjust #ifdef for _wenviron. (John Marriott)
+Files: src/evalfunc.c
+Patch 8.2.4770
+Problem: Cannot easily mix expression and heredoc.
+Solution: Support `=expr` in heredoc. (Yegappan Lakshmanan, closes #10138)
+Files: runtime/doc/eval.txt, src/evalvars.c, src/userfunc.c,
+ src/testdir/test_let.vim, src/testdir/test_vim9_assign.vim
+Patch 8.2.4771
+Problem: Coverity warns for not checking return value.
+Solution: Check return value of rettv_dict_alloc().
+Files: src/channel.c
+Patch 8.2.4772
+Problem: Old Coverity warning for not checking ftell() return value.
+Solution: Check return value of fseek() and ftell().
+Files: src/misc1.c
+Patch 8.2.4773
+Problem: Build failure without the +eval feature.
+Solution: Use other error message. Avoid warnings.
+Files: src/misc1.c, src/cindent.c, src/term.c
+Patch 8.2.4774
+Problem: Crash when using a number for lambda name.
+Solution: Check the type of the lambda reference.
+Files: src/eval.c, src/errors.h, src/testdir/test_lambda.vim
+Patch 8.2.4775
+Problem: SpellBad highlighting does not work in Konsole.
+Solution: Do not keep t_8u defined for Konsole. Redraw when t_8u is reset.
+ (closes #10177)
+Files: src/term.c
+Patch 8.2.4776
+Problem: GTK: 'lines' and 'columns' may change during startup.
+Solution: Ignore stale GTK resize events. (Ernie Rael, closes #10179)
+Files: src/gui_gtk_x11.c
+Patch 8.2.4777 (after 8.2.4775)
+Problem: Screendump tests fail because of a redraw.
+Solution: Do not output t_8u before receiving termresponse. Redraw only
+ when t_8u is not reset and termresponse is received.
+Files: src/term.c
+Patch 8.2.4778
+Problem: Pacman files use dosini filetype.
+Solution: Use conf instead. (Chaoren Lin, closes #10213)
+Files: runtime/filetype.vim, src/testdir/test_filetype.vim
+Patch 8.2.4779
+Problem: lsan suppression is too version specific.
+Solution: Leave out the version number. (Christian Brabandt, closes #10214)
+Files: src/testdir/lsan-suppress.txt
+Patch 8.2.4780
+Problem: Parsing an LSP message fails when it is split.
+Solution: Collapse the received data before parsing. (Yegappan Lakshmanan,
+ closes #10215)
+Files: runtime/doc/channel.txt, src/channel.c,
+ src/testdir/test_channel.vim, src/testdir/
+Patch 8.2.4781
+Problem: Maxima files are not recognized.
+Solution: Add patterns to detect Maxima files. (Doron Behar, closes #10211)
+Files: runtime/filetype.vim, src/testdir/test_filetype.vim
+Patch 8.2.4782
+Problem: Accessing freed memory.
+Solution: Clear evalarg after checking for trailing characters.
+ (issue #10218)
+Files: src/userfunc.c, src/testdir/test_lambda.vim
+Patch 8.2.4783
+Problem: Coverity warns for leaking memory.
+Solution: Use another strategy freeing "theline".
+Files: src/evalvars.c
+Patch 8.2.4784
+Problem: Lamba test with timer is flaky.
+Solution: Adjust sleep time on retry.
+Files: src/testdir/test_lambda.vim
+Patch 8.2.4785
+Problem: Visual mode not stopped early enough if win_gotoid() goes to
+ another buffer. (Sergey Vlasov)
+Solution: Stop Visual mode before jumping to another buffer. (closes #10217)
+Files: src/evalwindow.c, src/testdir/test_vim9_builtin.vim,
+ src/testdir/dumps/Test_win_gotoid_1.dump,
+ src/testdir/dumps/Test_win_gotoid_2.dump,
+ src/testdir/dumps/Test_win_gotoid_3.dump
+Patch 8.2.4786 (after 8.2.4785)
+Problem: Test for win_gotoid() in Visual mode fails on Mac.
+Solution: Skip the test on MacOS.
+Files: src/testdir/test_vim9_builtin.vim
+Patch 8.2.4787
+Problem: prop_find() does not find the right property.
+Solution: Fix the scan order. (closes #10220)
+Files: src/textprop.c, src/testdir/test_textprop.vim
+Patch 8.2.4788
+Problem: Large payload for LSP message not tested.
+Solution: Add a test with a large LSP payload. (Yegappan Lakshmanan,
+ closes #10223)
+Files: src/channel.c, src/testdir/test_channel.vim,
+ src/testdir/
+Patch 8.2.4789
+Problem: The cursor may be in the in wrong place when using :redraw while
+ editing the cmdline.
+Solution: When editing the command line let :redraw update the command line
+ too. (closes #10210)
+Files: src/ex_docmd.c, src/testdir/test_cmdline.vim,
+ src/testdir/dumps/Test_redraw_in_autocmd_1.dump,
+ src/testdir/dumps/Test_redraw_in_autocmd_2.dump
+Patch 8.2.4790
+Problem: Lilypond filetype not recognized.
+Solution: Add patterns for lilypond. (Doug Kearns)
+Files: runtime/filetype.vim, src/testdir/test_filetype.vim
+Patch 8.2.4791
+Problem: Autocmd events triggered in different order when reusing an empty
+ buffer.
+Solution: Call buff_freeall() earlier. (Charlie Groves, closes #10198)
+Files: src/buffer.c, src/testdir/test_autocmd.vim
+Patch 8.2.4792
+Problem: Indent operator creates an undo entry for every line.
+Solution: Create one undo entry for all lines. (closes #10227)
+Files: src/indent.c, src/testdir/test_indent.vim
+Patch 8.2.4793
+Problem: Recognizing Maxima filetype even though it might be another.
+Solution: Remove *.mc and *.dem patterns from Maxima files
+Files: runtime/filetype.vim, src/testdir/test_filetype.vim
+Patch 8.2.4794
+Problem: Compiler warning for not initialized variable.
+Solution: Initialize the variable. (John Marriott)
+Files: src/indent.c
+Patch 8.2.4795
+Problem: 'cursorbind' scrolling depends on whether 'cursorline' is set.
+Solution: Always call validate_cursor(). (Christian Brabandt, closes #10230,
+ closes #10014)
+Files: src/move.c, src/testdir/README.txt,
+ src/testdir/test_cursorline.vim,
+ src/testdir/dumps/Test_hor_scroll_1.dump,
+ src/testdir/dumps/Test_hor_scroll_2.dump,
+ src/testdir/dumps/Test_hor_scroll_3.dump,
+ src/testdir/dumps/Test_hor_scroll_4.dump
+Patch 8.2.4796 (after 8.2.4795)
+Problem: File left behind after running cursorline tests.
+Solution: Uncomment the line that deletes the file.
+Files: src/testdir/test_cursorline.vim
+Patch 8.2.4797
+Problem: getwininfo() may get oudated values.
+Solution: Make sure w_botline is up-to-date. (closes #10226)
+Files: src/evalwindow.c, src/testdir/test_bufwintabinfo.vim
+Patch 8.2.4798
+Problem: t_8u option was reset even when set by the user.
+Solution: Only reset t_8u when using the default value. (closes #10239)
+Files: src/term.c
+Patch 8.2.4799
+Problem: Popup does not use correct topline.
+Solution: Also add one when firstline is negative. (closes #10229)
+Files: src/popupwin.c, src/testdir/test_popupwin.vim
+Patch 8.2.4800 (after 8.2.4798)
+Problem: Missing test update for adjusted t_8u behavior.
+Solution: Update and extend the test.
+Files: src/testdir/test_termcodes.vim
+Patch 8.2.4801 (after 8.2.4795)
+Problem: Fix for cursorbind fix not fully tested.
+Solution: Add another test case. (Christian Brabandt, closes #10240)
+Files: src/testdir/test_cursorline.vim,
+ src/testdir/dumps/Test_hor_scroll_5.dump
+Patch 8.2.4802
+Problem: Test is not cleaned up.
+Solution: Make test clean up after itself. Avoid NUL. (closes #10233)
+Files: src/testdir/test_autocmd.vim
+Patch 8.2.4803
+Problem: WinScrolled not always triggered when scrolling with the mouse.
+Solution: Add calls to may_trigger_winscrolled(). (closes #10246)
+Files: src/mouse.c, src/testdir/test_autocmd.vim
+Patch 8.2.4804
+Problem: Expression in heredoc doesn't work for compiled function.
+Solution: Implement compiling the heredoc expressions. (Yegappan Lakshmanan,
+ closes #10232)
+Files: runtime/doc/eval.txt, src/evalvars.c, src/proto/,
+ src/ex_getln.c, src/vim9compile.c, src/proto/,
+ src/testdir/test_vim9_assign.vim
+Patch 8.2.4805
+Problem: CurSearch used for all matches in current line.
+Solution: Don't use the non-zero line count. (closes #10247)
+Files: src/match.c, src/testdir/test_search.vim,
+ src/testdir/dumps/Test_hlsearch_cursearch_single_line_1.dump,
+ src/testdir/dumps/Test_hlsearch_cursearch_single_line_2.dump,
+ src/testdir/dumps/Test_hlsearch_cursearch_single_line_2a.dump,
+ src/testdir/dumps/Test_hlsearch_cursearch_single_line_2b.dump
+Patch 8.2.4806
+Problem: A mapping using <LeftDrag> does not start Select mode.
+Solution: When checking for starting select mode with the mouse also do this
+ when there is typeahead. (closes #10249)
+Files: src/normal.c
+Patch 8.2.4807
+Problem: Processing key events in Win32 GUI is not ideal.
+Solution: Improve processing of key events. (closes #10155)
+Files: src/gui_w32.c
+Patch 8.2.4808
+Problem: Unused item in engine struct.
+Solution: Remove "expr". Add comment with tags.
+Files: src/regexp.h
+Patch 8.2.4809
+Problem: Various things not properly tested.
+Solution: Add various test cases. (Yegappan Lakshmanan, closes #10259)
+Files: src/testdir/test_blob.vim, src/testdir/test_debugger.vim,
+ src/testdir/test_listdict.vim, src/testdir/test_vim9_builtin.vim,
+ src/testdir/test_vim9_import.vim, src/testdir/test_vim9_script.vim
+Patch 8.2.4810 (after 8.2.4808)
+Problem: Missing changes in one file.
+Solution: Also change the struct initializers.
+Files: src/regexp.c
+Patch 8.2.4811 (after 8.2.4807)
+Problem: Win32 GUI: caps lock doesn't work.
+Solution: Handle VK_CAPITAL. (closes #10260, closes #10258)
+Files: src/gui_w32.c
+Patch 8.2.4812
+Problem: Unused struct item.
+Solution: Remove "lines" match_T. Simplify the code. (closes #10256)
+Files: src/match.c, src/structs.h
+Patch 8.2.4813
+Problem: Pasting text while indent folding may mess up folds.
+Solution: Adjust the way folds are split. (Brandon Simmons, closes #10254)
+Files: src/fold.c, src/testdir/test_fold.vim
+Patch 8.2.4814
+Problem: Possible to leave a popup window with win_gotoid().
+Solution: Give an error when trying to leave a popup window with
+ win_gotoid(). (closes #10253)
+Files: src/evalwindow.c, src/testdir/test_terminal3.vim
+Patch 8.2.4815 (after 8.2.4776)
+Problem: Cannot build with older GTK version.
+Solution: Use gtk_window_get_size() instead of gdk_window_get_width() and
+ gdk_window_get_height(). (Ernie Rael, closes #10257)
+Files: src/gui_gtk_x11.c
+Patch 8.2.4816
+Problem: Still using older codecov app in some places of CI.
+Solution: Use v3.1.0. (closes #10209)
+Files: .github/workflows/ci.yml
+Patch 8.2.4817
+Problem: Win32 GUI: modifiers are not always used.
+Solution: Handle more modifiers. (closes #10269)
+Files: src/gui_w32.c
+Patch 8.2.4818 (after 8.2 4806)
+Problem: No test for what 8.2.4806 fixes.
+Solution: Add a test. (closes #10272)
+Files: src/testdir/test_mapping.vim
+Patch 8.2.4819
+Problem: Unmapping simplified keys also deletes other mapping.
+Solution: Only unmap a mapping with m_simplified set. (closes #10270)
+Files: src/map.c, src/testdir/test_mapping.vim
+Patch 8.2.4820
+Problem: No simple programmatic way to find a specific mapping.
+Solution: Add getmappings(). (Ernie Rael, closes #10273)
+Files: runtime/doc/builtin.txt, runtime/doc/usr_41.txt, src/evalfunc.c,
+ src/map.c, src/proto/, src/testdir/test_maparg.vim
+Patch 8.2.4821
+Problem: Crash when imported autoload script was deleted.
+Solution: Initialize local variable. (closes #10274) Give a more meaningful
+ error message.
+Files: src/eval.c, src/vim9script.c, src/testdir/test_vim9_import.vim
+Patch 8.2.4822
+Problem: Setting ufunc to NULL twice.
+Solution: Set ufunc to NULL in find_exported(). (closes #19275)
+Files: src/eval.c, src/vim9script.c
+Patch 8.2.4823
+Problem: Concatenating more than 2 strings in a :def function is
+ inefficient.
+Solution: Add a count to the CONCAT instruction. (closes #10276)
+Files: src/vim9.h, src/vim9cmds.c, src/vim9compile.c, src/vim9execute.c,
+ src/vim9expr.c, src/vim9instr.c, src/proto/,
+ src/testdir/test_vim9_disassemble.vim
+Patch 8.2.4824
+Problem: Expression is evaluated multiple times.
+Solution: Evaluate expression once and store the result. (closes #10278)
+Files: src/map.c
+Patch 8.2.4825
+Problem: Can only get a list of mappings.
+Solution: Add the optional {abbr} argument. (Ernie Rael, closes #10277)
+ Rename to maplist(). Rename test file.
+Files: runtime/doc/builtin.txt, runtime/doc/usr_41.txt, src/evalfunc.c,
+ src/map.c, src/proto/, src/testdir/test_maparg.vim,
+ src/testdir/test_map_functions.vim, src/testdir/Make_all.mak
+Patch 8.2.4826
+Problem: .cshtml files are not recognized.
+Solution: Use html filetype for .cshtml files. (Julien Voisin, closes #10212)
+Files: runtime/filetype.vim, src/testdir/test_filetype.vim
+Patch 8.2.4827
+Problem: Typo in variable name. (Gabriel Dupras)
+Solution: Rename the variable.
+Files: src/map.c
+Patch 8.2.4828
+Problem: Fix for unmapping simplified key not fully tested.
+Solution: Add a test case. (closes #10292)
+Files: src/map.c, src/testdir/test_mapping.vim
+Patch 8.2.4829
+Problem: A key may be simplified to NUL.
+Solution: Use K_ZERO instead. Use macros instead of hard coded values.
+ (closes #10290)
+Files: src/getchar.c, src/misc2.c, src/testdir/test_termcodes.vim
+Patch 8.2.4830
+Problem: Possible endless loop if there is unused typahead.
+Solution: Only loop when the typeahead changed.
+Files: src/channel.c
+Patch 8.2.4831
+Problem: Crash when using maparg() and unmapping simplified keys.
+Solution: Do not keep a mapblock pointer. (closes #10294)
+Files: src/map.c, src/testdir/test_map_functions.vim
+Patch 8.2.4832
+Problem: Passing zero instead of NULL to a pointer argument.
+Solution: Use NULL. (closes #10296)
+Files: src/getchar.c, src/term.c
+Patch 8.2.4833
+Problem: Failure of mapping not checked for.
+Solution: Check return value of ins_typebuf(). (closes #10299)
+Files: src/getchar.c, src/term.c, src/testdir/test_termcodes.vim
+Patch 8.2.4834
+Problem: Vim9: some lines not covered by tests.
+Solution: Add a few more tests. Remove dead code.
+Files: src/vim9execute.c, src/vim9instr.c, src/vim9.h,
+ src/testdir/test_vim9_expr.vim
+Patch 8.2.4835
+Problem: Vim9: some lines not covered by tests.
+Solution: Add a few more tests. Fix disassemble output.
+Files: src/vim9execute.c, src/testdir/test_vim9_cmd.vim,
+ src/testdir/test_vim9_script.vim,
+ src/testdir/test_vim9_disassemble.vim
+Patch 8.2.4836
+Problem: Vim9: some lines not covered by tests.
+Solution: Remove dead code. Add disassemble tests.
+Files: src/vim9execute.c, src/vim9.h,
+ src/testdir/test_vim9_disassemble.vim
+Patch 8.2.4837 (after patch 8.2.0919
+Problem: Modifiers not simplified when timed out or using feedkeys() with
+ 'n" flag.
+Solution: Adjust how mapped flag and timeout are used. (closes #10305)
+Files: src/getchar.c, src/testdir/test_paste.vim,
+ src/testdir/test_termcodes.vim
+Patch 8.2.4838
+Problem: Checking for absolute path is not trivial.
+Solution: Add isabsolutepath(). (closes #10303)
+Files: runtime/doc/builtin.txt, runtime/doc/usr_41.txt, src/evalfunc.c,
+ src/filepath.c, src/proto/,
+ src/testdir/test_functions.vim
+Patch 8.2.4839
+Problem: Compiler warning for unused argument.
+Solution: Add "UNUSED".
+Files: src/gui_gtk_x11.c
+Patch 8.2.4840
+Problem: Heredoc expression evaluated even when skipping.
+Solution: Don't evaluate when "skip" is set. (closes #10306)
+Files: src/evalvars.c, src/testdir/test_let.vim
+Patch 8.2.4841
+Problem: Empty string considered an error for expand() when 'verbose' is
+ set. (Christian Brabandt)
+Solution: Do not give an error for an empty result. (closes #10307)
+Files: src/evalfunc.c, src/ex_docmd.c, src/proto/,
+ src/filepath.c, src/testdir/test_expand_func.vim
+Patch 8.2.4842 (after 8.2.4841)
+Problem: expand("%:p") is not empty when there is no buffer name.
+Solution: When ignoring errors still return NULL. (closes #10311)
+Files: src/ex_docmd.c, src/testdir/test_expand_func.vim
+Patch 8.2.4843 (after 8.2.4807)
+Problem: Win32 GUI: Treating CTRL + ALT as AltGr is not backwards
+ compatible. (Axel Bender)
+Solution: Make a difference between left and right menu keys.
+ (closes #10308)
+Files: src/gui_w32.c
+Patch 8.2.4844
+Problem: <C-S-I> is simplified to <S-Tab>.
+Solution: Do not simplify CTRL if there is also SHIFT. (closes #10313)
+Files: src/getchar.c, src/testdir/test_gui.vim
+Patch 8.2.4845
+Problem: Duplicate code.
+Solution: Move code below if/else. (closes #10314)
+Files: src/misc1.c
+Patch 8.2.4846 (after 8.2.4844)
+Problem: Termcodes test fails.
+Solution: use CTRL-SHIFT-V to insert an unsimplified key. (closes #10316)
+Files: runtime/doc/cmdline.txt, src/edit.c, src/getchar.c,
+ src/testdir/test_gui.vim
+Patch 8.2.4847
+Problem: Crash when using uninitialized function pointer.
+Solution: Check for NULL pointer. (closes #10319, closes #10319)
+Files: src/eval.c, src/testdir/test_vim9_script.vim
+Patch 8.2.4848
+Problem: Local completion with mappings and simplification not working.
+Solution: Fix local completion <C-N>/<C-P> mappings not ignored if keys are
+ not simplified. (closes #10323)
+Files: src/getchar.c, src/testdir/test_popup.vim
+Patch 8.2.4849
+Problem: Gleam filetype not detected.
+Solution: Add a pattern for Gleam files. (Mathias Jean Johansen,
+ closes #10326)
+Files: runtime/filetype.vim, src/testdir/test_filetype.vim
+Patch 8.2.4850
+Problem: Mksession mixes up "tabpages" and "curdir" arguments.
+Solution: Correct logic for storing tabpage in session. (closes #10312)
+Files: src/session.c, src/testdir/test_mksession.vim
+Patch 8.2.4851
+Problem: Compiler warning for uninitialized variable.
+Solution: Use another variable to decide to restore option values.
+Files: src/session.c
+Patch 8.2.4852
+Problem: ANSI color index to RGB value not correct.
+Solution: Convert the cterm index to ANSI index. (closes #10321,
+ closes #9836))
+Files: src/term.c
+Patch 8.2.4853
+Problem: CI with FreeBSD is a bit outdated.
+Solution: Use 12.3 instead of 12.1. (closes #10333)
+Files: .cirrus.yml
+Patch 8.2.4854
+Problem: Array size does not match usage.
+Solution: Make array size 3 instead of 4. (Christian Brabandt, closes #10336)
+Files: src/term.c
+Patch 8.2.4855
+Problem: Robot files are not recognized.
+Solution: Add patterns for robot files. (Zoe Roux, closes #10339)
+Files: runtime/filetype.vim, src/testdir/test_filetype.vim
+Patch 8.2.4856
+Problem: MinGW compiler complains about unknown escape sequence.
+Solution: Avoid using a backslash in path. (Christian Brabandt,
+ closes #10337)
+Files: .github/workflows/ci.yml
+Patch 8.2.4857
+Problem: Yaml indent for multiline is wrong.
+Solution: Adjust patterns. (closes #10328, closes #8740)
+Files: runtime/indent/yaml.vim, runtime/indent/testdir/,
+ runtime/indent/testdir/yaml.ok
+Patch 8.2.4858
+Problem: K_SPECIAL may be escaped twice.
+Solution: Avoid double escaping. (closes #10340)
+Files: src/highlight.c, src/misc2.c, src/proto/, src/term.c,
+ src/typval.c, src/testdir/test_eval_stuff.vim,
+ src/testdir/test_feedkeys.vim, src/testdir/test_functions.vim,
+ src/testdir/test_mapping.vim
+Patch 8.2.4859
+Problem: wget2 files are not recognized.
+Solution: Add patterns to recognize wget2. (Doug Kearns)
+Files: runtime/filetype.vim, src/testdir/test_filetype.vim
+Patch 8.2.4860
+Problem: MS-Windows: always uses current directory for executables.
+Solution: Check the NoDefaultCurrentDirectoryInExePath environment variable.
+ (Yasuhiro Matsumoto, closes #10341)
+Files: runtime/doc/builtin.txt, src/os_win32.c,
+ src/testdir/test_functions.vim
+Patch 8.2.4861
+Problem: It is not easy to restore saved mappings.
+Solution: Make mapset() accept a dict argument. (Ernie Rael, closes #10295)
+Files: runtime/doc/builtin.txt, src/errors.h, src/evalfunc.c, src/map.c,
+ src/typval.c, src/proto/,
+ src/testdir/test_map_functions.vim,
+ src/testdir/test_vim9_builtin.vim
+Patch 8.2.4862
+Problem: Vim9: test may fail when run with valgrind.
+Solution: Wait longer for callback if needed.
+Files: src/testdir/test_vim9_script.vim
+Patch 8.2.4863
+Problem: Accessing freed memory in test without the +channel feature.
+ (Dominique Pellé)
+Solution: Do not generted PUSHCHANNEL or PUSHJOB if they are not
+ implemented. (closes #10350)
+Files: src/vim9instr.c, src/errors.h, src/vim9compile.c,
+ src/testdir/test_vim9_script.vim
+Patch 8.2.4864 (after 8.2.4863)
+Problem: Vim9: script test fails.
+Solution: Remove "if" around declaration.
+Files: src/testdir/test_vim9_script.vim
+Patch 8.2.4865
+Problem: :startinsert right after :stopinsert does not work when popup menu
+ is still visible.
+Solution: Use ins_compl_active() instead of pum_visible(). (closes #10352)
+Files: src/edit.c, src/testdir/test_ins_complete.vim
+Patch 8.2.4866
+Problem: Duplicate code in "get" functions.
+Solution: Use get_var_from() for getwinvar(), gettabvar(), gettabwinvar()
+ and getbufvar(). (closes #10335)
+Files: src/evalvars.c
+Patch 8.2.4867
+Problem: Listing of mapping with K_SPECIAL is wrong.
+Solution: Adjust escaping of special characters. (closes #10351)
+Files: src/map.c, src/message.c, src/testdir/test_mapping.vim
+Patch 8.2.4868
+Problem: When closing help window autocmds triggered for the wrong window.
+Solution: Figure out the new current window earlier. (closes #10348)
+Files: src/window.c, src/testdir/test_help.vim
+Patch 8.2.4869
+Problem: Expression in command block does not look after NL.
+Solution: Skip over NL to check what follows. (closes #10358)
+Files: src/eval.c, src/proto/, src/vim9script.c,
+ src/testdir/test_usercommands.vim
+Patch 8.2.4870
+Problem: Vim9: expression in :substitute is not compiled.
+Solution: Use an INSTR instruction if possible. (closes #10334)
+Files: src/evalfunc.c, src/regexp.c, src/vim9execute.c, src/vim9expr.c,
+ src/testdir/test_vim9_builtin.vim,
+ src/testdir/test_vim9_disassemble.vim
+Patch 8.2.4871
+Problem: Vim9: in :def function no error for using a range with a command
+ that does not accept one.
+Solution: Check for the command to accept a range. (closes #10330)
+Files: src/vim9compile.c, src/testdir/test_vim9_script.vim
+Patch 8.2.4872
+Problem: Vim9: no error for using an expression only at the script level
+ when followed by an empty line.
+Solution: Do not check the line number but whether something follows.
+ (closes #10357)
+Files: src/ex_eval.c, src/testdir/test_vim9_cmd.vim
+Patch 8.2.4873
+Problem: Vim9: using "else" differs from using "endif/if !cond".
+Solution: Leave the block and enter another one. (closes #10320)
+Files: src/ex_eval.c, src/testdir/test_vim9_script.vim
+Patch 8.2.4874
+Problem: Win32 GUI: horizontal scroll wheel not handled properly.
+Solution: Also handle WM_MOUSEHWHEEL. (closes #10309)
+Files: src/gui_w32.c
+Patch 8.2.4875
+Problem: MS-Windows: some .exe files are not recognized.
+Solution: Parse APPEXECLINK junctions. (closes #10302)
+Files: src/os_mswin.c, src/proto/, src/os_win32.c,
+ src/os_win32.h, src/testdir/test_functions.vim
+Patch 8.2.4876
+Problem: MS-Windows: Shift-BS results in strange character in powershell.
+Solution: Add K_S_BS. (Christian Brabandt, closes #10283, closes #10279)
+Files: src/edit.c, src/keymap.h, src/term.c, src/testdir/shared.vim,
+ src/testdir/test_edit.vim
+Patch 8.2.4877
+Problem: MS-Windows: Using Normal colors for termguicolors causes problems.
+Solution: Do not use Normal colors to set sg_gui_fg and sg_gui_bg.
+ (Christian Brabandt, closes #10317, closes #10241)
+Files: src/highlight.c
+Patch 8.2.4878
+Problem: Valgrind warning for using uninitialized variable.
+Solution: Initialize the type of newtv.
+Files: src/strings.c
+Patch 8.2.4879
+Problem: Screendump test may fail when using valgrind.
+Solution: Wait longer for the first screendump.
+Files: src/testdir/test_vim9_builtin.vim, src/testdir/screendump.vim
+Patch 8.2.4880
+Problem: Vim9: misplaced elseif causes invalid memory access.
+Solution: Check cs_idx not to be negative.
+Files: src/ex_eval.c
+Patch 8.2.4881
+Problem: "P" in Visual mode still changes some registers.
+Solution: Make "P" in Visual mode not change any register. (Shougo
+ Matsushita, closes #10349)
+Files: runtime/doc/change.txt, runtime/doc/index.txt,
+ runtime/doc/visual.txt, src/normal.c, src/testdir/test_visual.vim
+Patch 8.2.4882
+Problem: Cannot make 'breakindent' use a specific column.
+Solution: Add the "column" entry in 'breakindentopt'. (Christian Brabandt,
+ closes #10362, closes #10325)
+Files: runtime/doc/options.txt, src/indent.c, src/structs.h,
+ src/testdir/test_breakindent.vim
+Patch 8.2.4883
+Problem: String interpolation only works in heredoc.
+Solution: Support interpolated strings. Use syntax for heredoc consistent
+ with strings, similar to C#. (closes #10327)
+Files: runtime/doc/eval.txt, src/errors.h, src/eval.c, src/evalvars.c,
+ src/proto/, src/typval.c, src/proto/,
+ src/vim9compile.c, src/proto/, src/vim9expr.c,
+ src/testdir/test_debugger.vim, src/testdir/test_expr.vim,
+ src/testdir/test_let.vim, src/testdir/test_vim9_assign.vim,
+ src/testdir/test_vim9_disassemble.vim
+Patch 8.2.4884
+Problem: Test fails without the job/channel feature. (Dominique Pellé)
+Solution: Add condition.
+Files: src/testdir/test_vim9_script.vim
+Patch 8.2.4885 (after 8.2.4884)
+Problem: Test fails with the job/channel feature.
+Solution: Move check for job/channel separately.
+Files: src/testdir/test_vim9_script.vim
+Patch 8.2.4886
+Problem: Vim9: redir in skipped block seen as assignment.
+Solution: Check for valid assignment.
+Files: src/ex_docmd.c, src/testdir/test_vim9_assign.vim
+Patch 8.2.4887
+Problem: Channel log does not show invoking a timer callback.
+Solution: Add a ch_log() call.
+Files: src/time.c
+Patch 8.2.4888
+Problem: Line number of lambda ignores line continuation.
+Solution: Use the line number of where the arguments are. Avoid outputting
+ "..." twice. (closes #10364)
+Files: src/userfunc.c
+Patch 8.2.4889
+Problem: CI only tests with FreeBSD 12.
+Solution: Also test with FreeBSD 13. (closes #10366)
+Files: .cirrus.yml
+Patch 8.2.4890
+Problem: Inconsistent capitalization in error messages.
+Solution: Make capitalization consistent. (Doug Kearns)
+Files: src/errors.h
+Patch 8.2.4891
+Problem: Vim help presentation could be better.
+Solution: Add an imported file for extra Vim help support. Show highlight
+ names in the color they have.
+Files: Filelist, runtime/import/dist/vimhelp.vim
+Patch 8.2.4892
+Problem: Test failures because of changed error messages.
+Solution: Adjust the exptected error messages.
+Files: src/testdir/test_vim9_assign.vim,
+ src/testdir/test_vim9_builtin.vim, src/testdir/test_vim9_expr.vim,
+ src/testdir/test_vim9_func.vim, src/testdir/test_vim9_script.vim,
+ src/testdir/test_expand.vim, src/testdir/test_tcl.vim,
+ src/testdir/test_vimscript.vim
+Patch 8.2.4893 (after 8.2.4891)
+Problem: Distributed import files are not installed.
+Solution: Add rules to Makefile and NSIS.
+Files: src/Makefile, nsis/gvim.nsi
+Patch 8.2.4894
+Problem: MS-Windows: not using italics.
+Solution: Use italics. Simplify the code. (closes #10359)
+Files: src/term.c
+Patch 8.2.4895
+Problem: Buffer overflow with invalid command with composing chars.
+Solution: Check that the whole character fits in the buffer.
+Files: src/ex_docmd.c, src/testdir/test_cmdline.vim
+Patch 8.2.4896 (after 8.2.4869)
+Problem: Expression in command block does not look after NL when command is
+ typed.
+Solution: Skip over NL also when not in a script. (closes #10358)
+Files: src/eval.c, src/testdir/test_usercommands.vim
+Patch 8.2.4897
+Problem: Comment inside an expression in lambda ignores the rest of the
+ expression.
+Solution: Truncate the line at the comment. (closes #10367)
+Files: src/eval.c, src/testdir/test_lambda.vim
+Patch 8.2.4898
+Problem: Coverity complains about pointer usage.
+Solution: Move code for increment/decerment.
+Files: src/vim9compile.c
+Patch 8.2.4899
+Problem: With latin1 encoding CTRL-W might go before the start of the
+ command line.
+Solution: Check already being at the start of the command line.
+Files: src/ex_getln.c, src/testdir/test_cmdline.vim
+Patch 8.2.4900
+Problem: Vim9 expression test fails without the job feature.
+Solution: Add a check for the job feature. (Dominique Pellé, closes #10373)
+Files: src/testdir/test_vim9_expr.vim
+Patch 8.2.4901
+Problem: NULL pointer access when using invalid pattern.
+Solution: Check for failed regexp program.
+Files: src/buffer.c, src/testdir/test_buffer.vim
+Patch 8.2.4902
+Problem: Mouse wheel scrolling is inconsistent.
+Solution: Use the MS-Winows system setting. (closes #10368)
+Files: runtime/doc/scroll.txt, src/gui_w32.c, src/mouse.c,
+ src/proto/, src/testing.c, src/testdir/test_gui.vim
+Patch 8.2.4903
+Problem: Cannot get the current cmdline completion type and position.
+Solution: Add getcmdcompltype() and getcmdscreenpos(). (Shougo Matsushita,
+ closes #10344)
+Files: runtime/doc/builtin.txt, runtime/doc/usr_41.txt, src/cmdexpand.c,
+ src/proto/, src/evalfunc.c, src/ex_getln.c,
+ src/proto/, src/usercmd.c, src/proto/,
+ src/testdir/test_cmdline.vim
+Patch 8.2.4904
+Problem: codecov includes MS-Windows install files.
+Solution: Ignore dosinst.c and uninstall.c.
+Files: .codecov.yml
+Patch 8.2.4905
+Problem: codecov includes MS-Windows install header file.
+Solution: Ignore dosinst.h.
+Files: .codecov.yml
+Patch 8.2.4906
+Problem: MS-Windows: cannot use transparent background.
+Solution: Make transparent background work with 'termguicolors' and NONE
+ background color. (Yasuhiro Matsumoto, closes #10310, closes #7162)
+Files: runtime/doc/options.txt, src/os_win32.c, src/term.c
+Patch 8.2.4907
+Problem: Some users do not want a line comment always inserted.
+Solution: Add the '/' flag to 'formatoptions' to not repeat the comment
+ leader after a statement when using "o".
+Files: runtime/doc/change.txt, src/option.h, src/change.c,
+ src/testdir/test_textformat.vim
+Patch 8.2.4908
+Problem: No text formatting for // comment after a statement.
+Solution: format a comment when the 'c' flag is in 'formatoptions'.
+Files: src/textformat.c, src/testdir/test_textformat.vim
+Patch 8.2.4909
+Problem: MODE_ enum entries names are too generic.
+Solution: use CH_MODE_.
+Files: src/structs.h, src/channel.c, src/job.c, src/terminal.c
+Patch 8.2.4910
+Problem: Imperfect coding.
+Solution: Make code nicer.
+Files: src/ex_getln.c
+Patch 8.2.4911
+Problem: The mode #defines are not clearly named.
+Solution: Prepend MODE_. Renumber them to put the mapped modes first.
+Files: src/vim.h, src/autocmd.c, src/buffer.c, src/change.c,
+ src/charset.c, src/cindent.c, src/clipboard.c, src/debugger.c,
+ src/digraph.c, src/drawline.c, src/drawscreen.c, src/edit.c,
+ src/evalfunc.c, src/ex_cmds.c, src/ex_docmd.c, src/ex_getln.c,
+ src/fileio.c, src/fold.c, src/getchar.c, src/globals.h, src/gui.c,
+ src/gui_gtk.c, src/gui_w32.c, src/gui_xim.c, src/indent.c,
+ src/insexpand.c, src/macros.h, src/main.c, src/map.c, src/menu.c,
+ src/message.c, src/misc1.c, src/misc2.c, src/mouse.c,
+ src/netbeans.c, src/normal.c, src/ops.c, src/option.c,
+ src/os_unix.c, src/os_win32.c, src/popupmenu.c, src/search.c,
+ src/tag.c, src/screen.c, src/term.c, src/terminal.c,
+ src/textformat.c, src/window.c
+Patch 8.2.4912
+Problem: Using execute() to define a lambda doesn't work. (Ernie Rael)
+Solution: Put the getline function in evalarg. (closes #10375)
+Files: src/eval.c, src/evalfunc.c, src/proto/,
+ src/testdir/test_vim9_func.vim
+Patch 8.2.4913
+Problem: Popup_hide() does not always have effect.
+Solution: Add the POPF_HIDDEN_FORCE flag. (closes #10376)
+Files: src/popupwin.c, src/vim.h, src/testdir/test_popupwin.vim,
+ src/testdir/dumps/Test_popup_prop_not_visible_01a.dump,
+ src/testdir/dumps/Test_popup_prop_not_visible_01b.dump
+Patch 8.2.4914
+Problem: String interpolation in :def function may fail.
+Solution: Do not terminate the expression. (closes #10377)
+Files: src/vim9compile.c, src/testdir/test_vim9_expr.vim
+Patch 8.2.4915
+Problem: Sometimes the cursor is in the wrong position.
+Solution: When the cursor moved to another line, recompute w_botline.
+ (closes #9736)
+Files: src/move.c
+Patch 8.2.4916 (after 8.2.4915)
+Problem: Mouse in Insert mode test fails.
+Solution: Fix the test and check relevant positions.
+Files: src/testdir/test_edit.vim
+Patch 8.2.4917
+Problem: Fuzzy expansion of option names is not right.
+Solution: Pass the fuzzy flag down the call chain. (Christian Brabandt,
+ closes #10380, closes #10318)
+Files: src/cmdexpand.c, src/option.c, src/proto/,
+ src/testdir/test_options.vim
+Patch 8.2.4918
+Problem: Conceal character from matchadd() displayed too many times.
+Solution: Check the syntax flag. (closes #10381, closes #7268)
+Files: src/drawline.c, src/testdir/test_matchadd_conceal.vim
+Patch 8.2.4919
+Problem: Can add invalid bytes with :spellgood.
+Solution: Check for a valid word string.
+Files: src/mbyte.c, src/spellfile.c, src/errors.h,
+ src/testdir/test_spell_utf8.vim
+Patch 8.2.4920 (after 8.2.4902)
+Problem: MS-Windows GUI: unused variables.
+Solution: Delete the variables. (John Marriott)
+Files: src/gui_w32.c
+Patch 8.2.4921
+Problem: Spell test fails because of new illegal byte check.
+Solution: Remove the test.
+Files: src/testdir/test_spell.vim
+Patch 8.2.4922 (after 8.2.4916)
+Problem: Mouse test fails on MS-Windows.
+Solution: Set 'mousemodel' to "extend".
+Files: src/testdir/test_edit.vim
+Patch 8.2.4923
+Problem: Test checks for terminal feature unnecessarily.
+Solution: Remove CheckRunVimInTerminal. (closes #10383)
+Files: src/testdir/test_matchadd_conceal.vim
+Patch 8.2.4924
+Problem: maparg() may return a string that cannot be reused.
+Solution: use msg_outtrans_special() instead of str2special().
+ (closes #10384)
+Files: src/message.c, src/option.c, src/testdir/test_map_functions.vim,
+ src/testdir/test_mapping.vim, src/testdir/test_options.vim
+Patch 8.2.4925
+Problem: Trailing backslash may cause reading past end of line.
+Solution: Check for NUL after backslash.
+Files: src/textobject.c, src/testdir/test_textobjects.vim
+Patch 8.2.4926
+Problem: #ifdef for crypt feature around too many lines.
+Solution: Move code outside of #ifdef. (closes #10388)
+Files: src/option.c
+Patch 8.2.4927
+Problem: Return type of remove() incorrect when using three arguments.
+Solution: Use first argument type when there are three arguments.
+ (closes #10387)
+Files: src/evalfunc.c, src/testdir/test_vim9_builtin.vim
+Patch 8.2.4928
+Problem: Various white space and cosmetic mistakes.
+Solution: Change spaces to tabs, improve comments.
+Files: src/bufwrite.c, src/channel.c, src/cindent.c, src/crypt.c,
+ src/debugger.c, src/digraph.c, src/edit.c, src/evalwindow.c,
+ src/ex_cmds.c, src/ex_docmd.c, src/ex_getln.c, src/fileio.c,
+ src/filepath.c, src/gui.c, src/highlight.c, src/indent.c,
+ src/insexpand.c, src/job.c, src/keymap.h, src/macros.h,
+ src/menu.c, src/misc1.c, src/misc2.c, src/mouse.c, src/move.c,
+ src/normal.c, src/ops.c, src/option.c, src/option.h, src/search.c,
+ src/session.c, src/spellsuggest.c, src/structs.h, src/tag.c,
+ src/term.c, src/terminal.c, src/textformat.c, src/typval.c,
+ src/ui.c, src/userfunc.c, src/vim.h, src/vim9.h,
+ src/vim9compile.c, src/vim9execute.c, src/window.c,
+ src/testdir/test_cursorline.vim, src/os_unix.c, src/if_lua.c,
+ src/if_py_both.h, src/os_amiga.c, src/os_win32.c, src/os_mswin.c,
+ src/os_vms.c, src/os_vms_conf.h
+Patch 8.2.4929
+Problem: Off-by-one error in in statusline item.
+Solution: Subtrace one less. (closes #10394, closes #5599)
+Files: src/buffer.c, src/testdir/test_statusline.vim,
+ src/testdir/dumps/Test_statusline_hl.dump
+Patch 8.2.4930
+Problem: Interpolated string expression requires escaping.
+Solution: Do not require escaping in the expression.
+Files: runtime/doc/eval.txt, src/typval.c, src/proto/,
+ src/dict.c, src/eval.c, src/evalvars.c, src/proto/,
+ src/vim9compile.c, src/proto/, src/vim9expr.c,
+ src/vim9instr.c, src/alloc.c, src/proto/,
+ src/testdir/test_expr.vim, src/testdir/test_let.vim
+Patch 8.2.4931
+Problem: Crash with sequence of Perl commands.
+Solution: Move PUTBACK to another line. (closes #10386)
+Files: src/if_perl.xs
+Patch 8.2.4932
+Problem: Not easy to filter the output of maplist().
+Solution: Add mode_bits to the dictionary. (Ernie Rael, closes #10356)
+Files: runtime/doc/builtin.txt, src/map.c,
+ src/testdir/test_map_functions.vim,
+ src/testdir/test_vim9_builtin.vim
+Patch 8.2.4933
+Problem: A few more capitalization mistakes in error messages.
+Solution: Adjust capitalization. (Doug Kearns)
+Files: src/errors.h
+Patch 8.2.4934
+Problem: String interpolation fails when not evaluating.
+Solution: Skip the expression when not evaluating. (closes #10398)
+Files: src/typval.c, src/evalvars.c, src/proto/,
+ src/testdir/test_vim9_expr.vim
+Patch 8.2.4935
+Problem: With 'foldmethod' "indent" some lines are not included in the
+ fold. (Oleg Koshovetc)
+Solution: Fix it. (Brandon Simmons, closes #10399, closes #3214)
+Files: src/fold.c, src/testdir/test_fold.vim
+Patch 8.2.4936
+Problem: MS-Windows: mouse coordinates for scroll event are wrong.
+Solution: Convert coordinates to the text area coordinates. (closes #10400)
+Files: src/gui_w32.c
+Patch 8.2.4937 (after 8.2.4931)
+Problem: No test for what 8.2.4931 fixes.
+Solution: Add a test that triggers a valgrind error.
+Files: src/testdir/test_perl.vim
+Patch 8.2.4938
+Problem: Crash when matching buffer with invalid pattern.
+Solution: Check for NULL regprog.
+Files: src/buffer.c, src/testdir/test_buffer.vim
+Patch 8.2.4939
+Problem: matchfuzzypos() with "matchseq" does not have all positions.
+Solution: Also add a position for white space. (closes #10404)
+Files: runtime/doc/builtin.txt, src/search.c,
+ src/testdir/test_matchfuzzy.vim
+Patch 8.2.4940
+Problem: Some code is never used.
+Solution: Remove dead code. Add a few more test cases.
+Files: src/vim9expr.c, src/proto/, src/vim9compile.c,
+ src/testdir/test_vim9_builtin.vim, src/testdir/test_vim9_expr.vim
+Patch 8.2.4941
+Problem: '[ and '] marks may be wrong after undo.
+Solution: Adjust the '[ and '] marks if needed. (closes #10407, closes #1281)
+Files: src/undo.c, src/testdir/test_undo.vim
+Patch 8.2.4942
+Problem: Error when setting 'filetype' in help file again.
+Solution: Deal with text property type already existing. (closes #10409)
+Files: runtime/import/dist/vimhelp.vim
+Patch 8.2.4943
+Problem: Changing 'switchbuf' may have no effect.
+Solution: Handle 'switchbuf' in didset_string_options(). (Sean Dewar,
+ closes #10406)
+Files: src/optionstr.c, src/testdir/test_options.vim
+Patch 8.2.4944
+Problem: Text properties are wrong after "cc". (Axel Forsman)
+Solution: Pass the deleted byte count to inserted_bytes(). (closes #10412,
+ closes #7737, closes #5763)
+Files: src/change.c, src/testdir/test_textprop.vim
+Patch 8.2.4945
+Problem: Inconsistent use of white space.
+Solution: Use Tabs and Spaces consistently.
+Files: src/os_amiga.c, src/if_py_both.h, src/os_win32.c, src/os_mswin.c,
+ src/os_vms.c, src/os_vms_conf.h
+Patch 8.2.4946
+Problem: Vim9: some code not covered by tests.
+Solution: Add a few more test cases. Remove dead code.
+Files: src/vim9expr.c, src/testdir/test_vim9_expr.vim,
+ src/testdir/test_vim9_builtin.vim
+Patch 8.2.4947
+Problem: Text properties not adjusted when accepting spell suggestion.
+Solution: Adjust text properties when text changes. (closes #10414)
+Files: src/spell.c, src/spellsuggest.c, src/testdir/test_textprop.vim
+Patch 8.2.4948
+Problem: Cannot use Perl heredoc in nested :def function. (Virginia
+ Senioria)
+Solution: Only concatenate heredoc lines when not in a nested function.
+ (closes #10415)
+Files: src/userfunc.c, src/testdir/test_vim9_func.vim
+Patch 8.2.4949
+Problem: Vim9: some code not covered by tests.
+Solution: Add a few more test cases. Fix double error message.
+Files: src/vim9expr.c, src/testdir/test_vim9_expr.vim
+Patch 8.2.4950
+Problem: Text properties position wrong after shifting text.
+Solution: Adjust the text properties when shifting a block of text.
+ (closes #10418)
+Files: src/ops.c, src/testdir/test_textprop.vim
+Patch 8.2.4951
+Problem: Smart indenting done when not enabled.
+Solution: Check option values before setting can_si. (closes #10420)
+Files: src/indent.c, src/proto/, src/change.c, src/edit.c,
+ src/ops.c, src/testdir/test_smartindent.vim
+Patch 8.2.4952
+Problem: GUI test will fail if color scheme changes.
+Solution: Reduce the test for now.
+Files: src/testdir/test_gui.vim
+Patch 8.2.4953
+Problem: With 'smartindent' inserting '}' after completion goes wrong.
+Solution: Check the cursor is in indent. (closes #10420)
+Files: src/indent.c, src/testdir/test_smartindent.vim
+Patch 8.2.4954
+Problem: Inserting line breaks text property spanning more then one line.
+Solution: Check TP_FLAG_CONT_PREV and TP_FLAG_CONT_NEXT. (closes #10423)
+Files: src/textprop.c, src/testdir/test_textprop.vim
+Patch 8.2.4955
+Problem: Text property in wrong position after auto-indent.
+Solution: Adjust text property columns. (closes #10422, closes #7719)
+Files: src/change.c, src/testdir/test_textprop.vim
+Patch 8.2.4956
+Problem: Reading past end of line with "gf" in Visual block mode.
+Solution: Do not include the NUL in the length.
+Files: src/normal.c, src/testdir/test_gf.vim
+Patch 8.2.4957
+Problem: Text properties in a wrong position after a block change.
+Solution: Adjust the properties columns. (closes #10427)
+Files: src/ops.c, src/testdir/test_textprop.vim
+Patch 8.2.4958
+Problem: A couple conditions are always true.
+Solution: Remove the conditions. (Goc Dundar, closes #10428)
+Files: src/evalfunc.c, src/quickfix.c
+Patch 8.2.4959
+Problem: Using NULL regexp program.
+Solution: Check for regexp program becoming NULL in more places.
+Files: src/buffer.c, src/testdir/test_buffer.vim
+Patch 8.2.4960
+Problem: Text properties that cross line boundary are not correctly updated
+ for a deleted line.
+Solution: Correct computing location of text property entry. (Paul Ollis,
+ closes #10431, closes #10430)
+Files: src/memline.c, src/testdir/test_textprop.vim
+Patch 8.2.4961
+Problem: Build error with a certain combination of features.
+Solution: Adjust #if. (John Marriott)
+Files: src/memline.c
+Patch 8.2.4962
+Problem: Files show up in git status.
+Solution: Adjust the list of ignored files. Clean up more test files.
+ (Shane xb Qian, closes #9929)
+Files: .gitignore, src/testdir/Makefile
+Patch 8.2.4963
+Problem: Expanding path with "/**" may overrun end of buffer.
+Solution: Use vim_snprintf().
+Files: src/filepath.c
+Patch 8.2.4964
+Problem: MS-Windows GUI: mouse event test is flaky.
+Solution: Add a short delay after generating a mouse event.
+Files: src/testdir/test_gui.vim
+Patch 8.2.4965
+Problem: GUI: testing mouse move event depends on screen cell size.
+Solution: Multiply the row and column with the screen cell size.
+Files: runtime/doc/testing.txt, src/testing.c, src/testdir/test_gui.vim
+Patch 8.2.4966
+Problem: MS-Windows GUI: mouse event test gets extra event.
+Solution: Ignore one move event.
+Files: src/testdir/test_gui.vim
+Patch 8.2.4967 (after 8.2.4966)
+Problem: MS-Windows GUI: mouse event test sometimes fails.
+Solution: Ignore one move event only if there is an extra event.
+Files: src/testdir/test_gui.vim
+Patch 8.2.4968
+Problem: Reading past end of the line when C-indenting.
+Solution: Check for NUL.
+Files: src/cindent.c, src/testdir/test_cindent.vim
+Patch 8.2.4969
+Problem: Changing text in Visual mode may cause invalid memory access.
+Solution: Check the Visual position after making a change.
+Files: src/change.c, src/edit.c, src/misc2.c, src/proto/,
+ src/testdir/test_visual.vim
+Patch 8.2.4970
+Problem: "eval 123" gives an error, "eval 'abc'" does not.
+Solution: Also give an error when evaluating only a string. (closes #10434)
+Files: src/ex_eval.c, src/testdir/test_vim9_cmd.vim
+Patch 8.2.4971
+Problem: Vim9: interpolated string seen as range.
+Solution: Recognize an interpolated string at the start of a command line.
+ (closes #10434)
+Files: src/ex_docmd.c, src/testdir/test_vim9_expr.vim
+Patch 8.2.4972
+Problem: Vim9: compilation fails when using dict member when skipping.
+Solution: Do not generate ISN_USEDICT when skipping. (closes #10433)
+Files: src/vim9expr.c, src/testdir/test_vim9_expr.vim
+Patch 8.2.4973
+Problem: Vim9: type error for list unpack mentions argument.
+Solution: Mention variable. (close #10435)
+Files: src/vim9.h, src/vim9execute.c, src/vim9instr.c,
+ src/proto/, src/vim9compile.c,
+ src/testdir/test_vim9_script.vim,
+ src/testdir/test_vim9_disassemble.vim
+Patch 8.2.4974
+Problem: ":so" command may read after end of buffer.
+Solution: Compute length of text properly.
+Files: src/scriptfile.c, src/testdir/test_source.vim
+Patch 8.2.4975
+Problem: Recursive command line loop may cause a crash.
+Solution: Limit recursion of getcmdline().
+Files: src/ex_getln.c, src/testdir/test_cmdline.vim
+Patch 8.2.4976
+Problem: Coverity complains about not restoring a saved value.
+Solution: Restore value before handling error.
+Files: src/vim9execute.c
+Patch 8.2.4977
+Problem: Memory access error when substitute expression changes window.
+Solution: Disallow changing window in substitute expression.
+Files: src/ex_cmds.c, src/testdir/test_substitute.vim
+Patch 8.2.4978
+Problem: No error if engine selection atom is not at the start.
+Solution: Give an error. (Christian Brabandt, closes #10439)
+Files: runtime/doc/pattern.txt, src/errors.h, src/regexp_bt.c,
+ src/regexp_nfa.c, src/testdir/test_regexp_latin.vim
+Patch 8.2.4979
+Problem: Accessing freed memory when line is flushed.
+Solution: Make a copy of the pattern to search for.
+Files: src/window.c, src/testdir/test_tagjump.vim
+Patch 8.2.4980
+Problem: When 'shortmess' contains 'A' loading a session may still warn for
+ an existing swap file. (Melker Österberg)
+Solution: Keep the 'A' flag to 'shortmess' in the session file.
+ (closes #10443)
+Files: src/session.c, src/testdir/test_mksession.vim
+Patch 8.2.4981
+Problem: It is not possible to manipulate autocommands.
+Solution: Add functions to add, get and set autocommands. (Yegappan
+ Lakshmanan, closes #10291)
+Files: runtime/doc/autocmd.txt, runtime/doc/builtin.txt,
+ runtime/doc/usr_41.txt, src/autocmd.c, src/evalfunc.c,
+ src/proto/, src/testdir/test_autocmd.vim,
+ src/testdir/test_vim9_builtin.vim
+Patch 8.2.4982
+Problem: Colors in terminal window are not 100% correct.
+Solution: Use g:terminal_ansi_colors as documented. (closes #10429,
+ closes #7227 closes #10347)
+Files: src/job.c, src/option.c, src/proto/,
+ src/terminal.c, src/proto/, src/term.c,
+ src/testdir/test_functions.vim, src/testdir/test_terminal.vim
+Patch 8.2.4983 (after 8.2.4982)
+Problem: Colors test fails in the GUI.
+Solution: Reset g:terminal_ansi_colors.
+Files: src/testdir/test_functions.vim
+Patch 8.2.4984
+Problem: Dragging statusline fails for window with winbar.
+Solution: Fix off-by-one error. (closes #10448)
+Files: src/mouse.c, src/testdir/test_winbar.vim
+Patch 8.2.4985
+Problem: PVS warns for possible array underrun.
+Solution: Add a check for a positive value. (Goc Dundar, closes #10451)
+Files: src/spell.c
+Patch 8.2.4986
+Problem: Some github actions are outdated.
+Solution: Update CodeQl to v2, update checkout to v3. (closes #10450)
+Files: .github/workflows/ci.yml, .github/workflows/codeql-analysis.yml,
+ .github/workflows/coverity.yml
+Patch 8.2.4987
+Problem: After deletion a small fold may be closable.
+Solution: Check for a reverse range. (Brandon Simmons, closes #10457)
+Files: src/fold.c, src/testdir/test_fold.vim
+Patch 8.2.4988
+Problem: Textprop in wrong position when replacing multi-byte chars.
+Solution: Adjust textprop position. (closes #10461)
+Files: src/change.c, src/testdir/test_textprop.vim
+Patch 8.2.4989
+Problem: Cannot specify a function name for :defcompile.
+Solution: Implement a function name argument for :defcompile.
+Files: runtime/doc/vim9.txt, src/userfunc.c, src/proto/,
+ src/vim9execute.c, src/ex_cmds.h, src/testdir/test_vim9_cmd.vim,
+ src/testdir/test_vim9_disassemble.vim
+Patch 8.2.4990 (after 8.2.4989)
+Problem: Memory leak when :defcompile fails.
+Solution: Free fname when returning early.
+Files: src/userfunc.c
+Patch 8.2.4991
+Problem: No test for what patch 8.1.0535 fixes.
+Solution: Add a test. (closes #10462)
+Files: src/testdir/test_fold.vim
+Patch 8.2.4992 (after 8.2.4989)
+Problem: Compiler warning for possibly uninitialized variable. (Tony
+ Mechelynck)
+Solution: Initialize variable in the caller instead of in the function.
+Files: src/userfunc.c, src/vim9execute.c
+Patch 8.2.4993
+Problem: smart/C/lisp indenting is optional, which makes the code more
+ complex, while it only reduces the executable size a bit.
+Files: runtime/doc/builtin.txt, runtime/doc/indent.txt,
+ runtime/doc/options.txt, runtime/doc/various.txt, src/feature.h,
+ src/buffer.c, src/change.c, src/cindent.c, src/charset.c,
+ src/edit.c, src/evalfunc.c, src/indent.c, src/insexpand.c,
+ src/main.c, src/mouse.c, src/ops.c, src/option.c, src/optionstr.c,
+ src/register.c, src/search.c, src/textformat.c, src/version.c,
+ src/option.h, src/optiondefs.h, src/structs.h, src/globals.h,
+ src/testdir/test_edit.vim
+Patch 8.2.4994
+Problem: Tests are using legacy functions.
+Solution: Convert a few tests to use :def functions.
+Files: src/testdir/test_cindent.vim
+Patch 8.2.4995 (after 8.2.4992)
+Problem: Still a compiler warning for possibly uninitialized variable.
+ (Tony Mechelynck)
+Solution: Initialize variables.
+Files: src/vim9execute.c
+Patch 8.2.4996 (after 8.2.4969)
+Problem: setbufline() may change Visual selection. (Qiming Zhao)
+Solution: Disable Visual mode when using another buffer. (closes #10466)
+Files: src/evalbuffer.c, src/testdir/test_bufline.vim
+Patch 8.2.4997
+Problem: Python: changing hidden buffer can cause the display to be messed
+ up.
+Solution: Do not mark changed lines when using another buffer. (Paul Ollis,
+ closes #10437, closes #7972)
+Files: src/if_py_both.h, src/testdir/test_python3.vim
+Patch 8.2.4998
+Problem: Vim9: crash when using multiple funcref().
+Solution: Check if varargs type is NULL. (closes #10467)
+Files: src/vim9type.c, src/testdir/test_vim9_func.vim
+Patch 8.2.4999
+Problem: Filetype test table is not properly sorted.
+Solution: Sort by filetype. (Doug Kearns)
+Files: src/testdir/test_filetype.vim
+Patch 8.2.5000
+Problem: No patch for documentation updates.
+Solution: Update documentation files.
+Files: runtime/doc/arabic.txt, runtime/doc/autocmd.txt,
+ runtime/doc/builtin.txt, runtime/doc/change.txt,
+ runtime/doc/channel.txt, runtime/doc/cmdline.txt,
+ runtime/doc/diff.txt, runtime/doc/digraph.txt,
+ runtime/doc/editing.txt, runtime/doc/eval.txt,
+ runtime/doc/filetype.txt, runtime/doc/fold.txt,
+ runtime/doc/ft_ada.txt, runtime/doc/ft_ps1.txt,
+ runtime/doc/ft_raku.txt, runtime/doc/ft_rust.txt,
+ runtime/doc/ft_sql.txt, runtime/doc/gui.txt,
+ runtime/doc/gui_w32.txt, runtime/doc/helphelp.txt,
+ runtime/doc/help.txt, runtime/doc/if_cscop.txt,
+ runtime/doc/if_lua.txt, runtime/doc/if_perl.txt,
+ runtime/doc/if_pyth.txt, runtime/doc/if_tcl.txt,
+ runtime/doc/indent.txt, runtime/doc/index.txt,
+ runtime/doc/insert.txt, runtime/doc/intro.txt,
+ runtime/doc/map.txt, runtime/doc/mbyte.txt,
+ runtime/doc/message.txt, runtime/doc/motion.txt,
+ runtime/doc/netbeans.txt, runtime/doc/options.txt,
+ runtime/doc/os_dos.txt, runtime/doc/os_vms.txt,
+ runtime/doc/os_win32.txt, runtime/doc/pattern.txt,
+ runtime/doc/pi_netrw.txt, runtime/doc/pi_zip.txt,
+ runtime/doc/popup.txt, runtime/doc/print.txt,
+ runtime/doc/quickfix.txt, runtime/doc/quickref.txt,
+ runtime/doc/remote.txt, runtime/doc/repeat.txt,
+ runtime/doc/rileft.txt, runtime/doc/scroll.txt,
+ runtime/doc/sign.txt, runtime/doc/spell.txt,
+ runtime/doc/sponsor.txt, runtime/doc/starting.txt,
+ runtime/doc/syntax.txt, runtime/doc/tabpage.txt,
+ runtime/doc/tagsrch.txt, runtime/doc/terminal.txt,
+ runtime/doc/term.txt, runtime/doc/testing.txt,
+ runtime/doc/textprop.txt, runtime/doc/tips.txt,
+ runtime/doc/todo.txt, runtime/doc/uganda.txt,
+ runtime/doc/undo.txt, runtime/doc/usr_02.txt,
+ runtime/doc/usr_04.txt, runtime/doc/usr_05.txt,
+ runtime/doc/usr_06.txt, runtime/doc/usr_08.txt,
+ runtime/doc/usr_09.txt, runtime/doc/usr_12.txt,
+ runtime/doc/usr_20.txt, runtime/doc/usr_29.txt,
+ runtime/doc/usr_40.txt, runtime/doc/usr_41.txt,
+ runtime/doc/usr_45.txt, runtime/doc/usr_46.txt,
+ runtime/doc/usr_50.txt, runtime/doc/usr_51.txt,
+ runtime/doc/usr_52.txt, runtime/doc/usr_90.txt,
+ runtime/doc/usr_toc.txt, runtime/doc/various.txt,
+ runtime/doc/version5.txt, runtime/doc/version6.txt,
+ runtime/doc/version7.txt, runtime/doc/version8.txt,
+ runtime/doc/version9.txt, runtime/doc/vi_diff.txt,
+ runtime/doc/vim9.txt, runtime/doc/visual.txt,
+ runtime/doc/windows.txt, runtime/doc/tags, runtime/doc/Makefile
+Patch 8.2.5001
+Problem: Checking translations affects the search pattern history.
+Solution: Use "keeppatterns". (Doug Kearns)
+Files: src/po/check.vim
+Patch 8.2.5002
+Problem: deletebufline() may change Visual selection.
+Solution: Disable Visual mode when using another buffer. (closes #10469)
+Files: src/evalbuffer.c, src/testdir/test_bufline.vim
+Patch 8.2.5003
+Problem: Cannot do bitwise shifts.
+Solution: Add the >> and << operators. (Yegappan Lakshmanan, closes #8457)
+Files: runtime/doc/eval.txt, src/errors.h, src/eval.c, src/structs.h,
+ src/vim.h, src/vim9execute.c, src/vim9expr.c,
+ src/testdir/test_expr.vim, src/testdir/test_vim9_disassemble.vim,
+ src/testdir/test_vim9_expr.vim
+Patch 8.2.5004
+Problem: Right shift on negative number does not work as documented.
+Solution: Use a uvarnumber_T type cast.
+Files: runtime/doc/eval.txt, src/eval.c, src/vim9expr.c,
+ src/vim9execute.c, src/charset.c, src/testdir/test_expr.vim
+Patch 8.2.5005 (after 8.2.5003)
+Problem: Compiler warning for uninitialized variable. (John Marriott)
+Solution: Initialize the pointer to NULL.
+Files: src/vim9expr.vim
+Patch 8.2.5006 (after 8.2.5003)
+Problem: Asan warns for undefined behavior.
+Solution: Cast the shifted value to unsigned.
+Files: src/eval.c, src/vim9expr.c, src/vim9execute.c
+Patch 8.2.5007
+Problem: Spell suggestion may use uninitialized memory. (Zdenek Dohnal)
+Solution: Avoid going over the end of the word.
+Files: src/spellsuggest.c, src/testdir/test_spell_utf8.vim
+Patch 8.2.5008
+Problem: When 'formatoptions' contains "/" wrongly wrapping a long trailing
+ comment.
+Solution: Pass the OPENLINE_FORMAT flag.
+Files: src/change.c, src/vim.h, src/textformat.c,
+ src/testdir/test_textformat.vim
+Patch 8.2.5009
+Problem: Fold may not be closeable after appending.
+Solution: Set the fd_small flag to MAYBE. (Brandon Simmons, closes #10471)
+Files: src/fold.c, src/testdir/test_fold.vim
+Patch 8.2.5010
+Problem: The terminal debugger uses various global variables.
+Solution: Add a dictionary to hold the terminal debugger preferences.
+Files: runtime/doc/terminal.txt,
+ runtime/pack/dist/opt/termdebug/plugin/termdebug.vim
+Patch 8.2.5011
+Problem: Replacing an autocommand requires several lines.
+Solution: Add the "replace" flag to autocmd_add(). (Yegappan Lakshmanan,
+ closes #10473)
+Files: runtime/doc/autocmd.txt, runtime/doc/builtin.txt, src/autocmd.c,
+ src/testdir/test_autocmd.vim
+Patch 8.2.5012
+Problem: Cannot select one character inside ().
+Solution: Do not try to extend the area if it is empty. (closes #10472,
+ closes #6616)
+Files: src/textobject.c, src/testdir/test_textobjects.vim
+Patch 8.2.5013
+Problem: After text formatting the cursor may be in an invalid position.
+Solution: Correct the cursor position after formatting.
+Files: src/textformat.c, src/testdir/test_textformat.vim
+Patch 8.2.5014
+Problem: Byte offsets are wrong when using text properties.
+Solution: Make sure text properties do not affect the byte counts.
+ (Paul Ollis, closes #10474)
+Files: src/memline.c, src/textprop.c, src/testdir/test_textprop.vim
+Patch 8.2.5015
+Problem: Hoon and Moonscript files are not recognized.
+Solution: Add filetype patterns. (Goc Dundar, closes #10478)
+Files: runtime/filetype.vim, src/testdir/test_filetype.vim
+Patch 8.2.5016
+Problem: Access before start of text with a put command.
+Solution: Check the length is more than zero.
+Files: src/register.c, src/testdir/test_put.vim
+Patch 8.2.5017
+Problem: Gcc 12.1 warns for uninitialized variable.
+Solution: Initialize the variable. (closes #10476)
+Files: src/evalvars.c
+Patch 8.2.5018
+Problem: Vim9: some code is not covered by tests.
+Solution: Delete dead code.
+Files: src/vim9instr.c, src/proto/, src/vim9compile.c,
+ src/vim9expr.c,
+Patch 8.2.5019
+Problem: Cannot get the first screen column of a character.
+Solution: Let virtcol() optionally return a list. (closes #10482,
+ closes #7964)
+Files: runtime/doc/builtin.txt, src/evalfunc.c,
+ src/testdir/test_functions.vim, src/testdir/test_vim9_builtin.vim
+Patch 8.2.5020
+Problem: Using 'imstatusfunc' and 'imactivatefunc' breaks 'foldopen'.
+Solution: Save and restore the KeyTyped flag. (closes #10479)
+Files: src/gui_xim.c, src/testdir/test_iminsert.vim
+Patch 8.2.5021
+Problem: Build fails with normal features and +terminal. (Dominique Pellé)
+Solution: Add #ifdefs. (closes #10484)
+Files: src/terminal.c
+Patch 8.2.5022
+Problem: 'completefunc'/'omnifunc' error does not end completion.
+Solution: Check if there was an error or exception. (closes #10486,
+ closes #4218)
+Files: src/insexpand.c, src/testdir/test_ins_complete.vim
+Patch 8.2.5023
+Problem: Substitute overwrites allocated buffer.
+Solution: Disallow undo when in a substitute command.
+Files: src/normal.c, src/undo.c, src/testdir/test_substitute.vim
+Patch 8.2.5024
+Problem: Using freed memory with "]d".
+Solution: Copy the pattern before searching.
+Files: src/normal.c, src/testdir/test_tagjump.vim
+Patch 8.2.5025
+Problem: Vim9: a few lines not covered by tests.
+Solution: Add a few tests.
+Files: src/vim9script.c, src/testdir/test_vim9_assign.vim,
+ src/testdir/test_vim9_import.vim
+Patch 8.2.5026
+Problem: Vim9: a few lines not covered by tests.
+Solution: Delete dead code. Add a few test cases. make "12->func()" work.
+Files: src/vim9type.c, src/ex_docmd.c, src/proto/,
+ src/vim9compile.c, src/testdir/test_vim9_assign.vim,
+ src/testdir/test_vim9_func.vim
+Patch 8.2.5027
+Problem: Error for missing :endif when an exception was thrown. (Dani
+ Dickstein)
+Solution: Do not give an error when aborting. (closes #10490)
+Files: src/ex_docmd.c, src/testdir/test_trycatch.vim
+Patch 8.2.5028
+Problem: Syntax regexp matching can be slow.
+Solution: Adjust the counters for checking the timeout to check about once
+ per msec. (closes #10487, closes #2712)
+Files: src/regexp_bt.c, src/regexp_nfa.c
+Patch 8.2.5029
+Problem: "textlock" is always zero.
+Solution: Remove "textlock" and rename "textwinlock" to "textlock".
+ (closes #10489)
+Files: runtime/doc/insert.txt, runtime/doc/tags, src/beval.c,
+ src/change.c, src/edit.c, src/errors.h, src/eval.c, src/ex_cmds.c,
+ src/ex_getln.c, src/proto/, src/globals.h,
+ src/indent.c, src/insexpand.c, src/map.c, src/register.c,
+ src/undo.c, src/window.c, src/testdir/test_edit.vim,
+ src/testdir/test_ins_complete.vim, src/testdir/test_popup.vim,
+ src/testdir/test_quickfix.vim
+Patch 8.2.5030
+Problem: autocmd_add() can only handle one event and pattern.
+Solution: Support a list of events and patterns. (Yegappan Lakshmanan,
+ closes #10483)
+Files: runtime/doc/builtin.txt, src/autocmd.c, src/errors.h,
+ src/testdir/test_autocmd.vim
+Patch 8.2.5031
+Problem: Cannot easily run the benchmarks.
+Solution: Have "make benchmark" in the src directory work.
+Files: src/Makefile, src/testdir/Makefile
+Patch 8.2.5032
+Problem: Python 3 test fails without the GUI.
+Solution: Check the balloon_eval feature is available.
+Files: src/testdir/test_python3.vim
+Patch 8.2.5033 (after 8.2.5030)
+Problem: Build error with +eval but without +quickfix. Warning for
+ uninitialized variable.
+Solution: Adjust #ifdefs. (John Marriott)
+Files: src/errors.h, src/autocmd.c
+Patch 8.2.5034
+Problem: There is no way to get the byte index from a virtual column.
+Solution: Add virtcol2col(). (Yegappan Lakshmanan, closes #10477,
+ closes #10098)
+Files: runtime/doc/builtin.txt, runtime/doc/usr_41.txt, src/evalfunc.c,
+ src/move.c, src/proto/, src/testdir/test_cursor_func.vim
+Patch 8.2.5035
+Problem: When splitting a window the changelist position moves.
+Solution: Set the changelist index a bit later. (closes #10493)
+Files: src/window.c, src/testdir/test_changelist.vim,
+ src/testdir/test_normal.vim
+Patch 8.2.5036 (after 8.2.5028)
+Problem: Using two counters for timeout check in NFA engine.
+Solution: Use only one counter. Tune the counts based on guessing.
+Files: src/regexp_nfa.c
+Patch 8.2.5037
+Problem: Cursor position may be invalid after "0;" range.
+Solution: Check the cursor position when it was set by ";" in the range.
+Files: src/ex_docmd.c, src/testdir/test_excmd.vim
+Patch 8.2.5038
+Problem: A finished terminal in a popup window does not show a scrollbar.
+Solution: Show the scrollbar if the terminal job is finished. (closes
+ #10497)
+Files: src/popupwin.c, src/testdir/test_popupwin.vim,
+ src/testdir/dumps/Test_popupwin_poptermscroll_1.dump,
+ src/testdir/dumps/Test_popupwin_poptermscroll_2.dump,
+ src/testdir/dumps/Test_popupwin_poptermscroll_3.dump
+Patch 8.2.5039
+Problem: Confusing error if first argument of popup_create() is wrong.
+Solution: Give a more informative error.
+Files: src/popupwin.c, src/testdir/test_popupwin.vim, src/errors.h,
+ src/testdir/dumps/Test_popup_settext_07.dump
+Patch 8.2.5040
+Problem: Scrollbar thumb in scrolled popup not visible.
+Solution: Show at least one thumb character. (fixes 10492)
+Files: src/popupwin.c, src/testdir/test_popupwin.vim,
+ src/testdir/dumps/Test_popupwin_scroll_13.dump
+Patch 8.2.5041
+Problem: Cannot close a terminal popup with "NONE" job.
+Solution: Adjust the conditions for whether a job is running.
+ (closes #10498)
+Files: src/buffer.c, src/terminal.c, src/proto/,
+ src/undo.c, src/testdir/test_popupwin.vim
+Patch 8.2.5042
+Problem: Scrollbar thumb in tall scrolled popup not visible.
+Solution: Show at least one thumb character. (fixes 10492)
+Files: src/popupwin.c, src/testdir/test_popupwin.vim,
+ src/testdir/dumps/Test_popupwin_scroll_13.dump
+Patch 8.2.5043
+Problem: Can open a cmdline window from a substitute expression.
+Solution: Disallow opening a command line window when text or buffer is
+ locked.
+Files: src/buffer.c, src/ex_getln.c, src/proto/,
+ src/window.c, src/testdir/test_substitute.vim
+Patch 8.2.5044 (after 8.2.5043)
+Problem: Command line test fails.
+Solution: Also beep when cmdline win can't be opened because of locks.
+ Make the test not beep. Make the test pass on MS-Windows.
+Files: src/ex_getln.c, src/testdir/test_substitute.vim
+Patch 8.2.5045
+Problem: Can escape a terminal popup window when the job is finished.
+Solution: Only check for a finished job where it is relevant.
+ (closes #10253)
+Files: src/popupwin.c, src/testdir/test_popupwin.vim,
+ src/testdir/dumps/Test_popupwin_poptermscroll_1.dump,
+ src/testdir/dumps/Test_popupwin_poptermscroll_2.dump,
+ src/testdir/dumps/Test_popupwin_poptermscroll_3.dump,
+ src/testdir/dumps/Test_popupwin_poptermscroll_4.dump
+Patch 8.2.5046
+Problem: vim_regsub() can overwrite the destination.
+Solution: Pass the destination length, give an error when it doesn't fit.
+Files: src/regexp.h, src/regexp.c, src/proto/, src/eval.c,
+ src/ex_cmds.c
+Patch 8.2.5047
+Problem: CurSearch highlight is often wrong.
+Solution: Remember the last highlighted position and redraw when needed.
+Files: src/globals.h, src/match.c, src/drawscreen.c, src/change.c,
+ src/testdir/test_search.vim,
+ src/testdir/dumps/Test_hlsearch_cursearch_changed_1.dump
+Patch 8.2.5048
+Problem: When using XIM the gui test may fail.
+Solution: Only use --not-a-term when not using XIM.
+Files: src/testdir/test_gui.vim
+Patch 8.2.5049
+Problem: Insufficient tests for autocommands.
+Solution: Add a few more tests. (Yegappan Lakshmanan, closes #10507)
+Files: src/autocmd.c, src/testdir/gen_opt_test.vim,
+ src/testdir/test_autocmd.vim, src/testdir/test_cmdline.vim
+Patch 8.2.5050
+Problem: Using freed memory when searching for pattern in path.
+Solution: Make a copy of the line.
+Files: src/search.c, src/testdir/test_tagjump.vim
+Patch 8.2.5051
+Problem: Check for autocmd_add() event argument is confusing.
+Solution: Make the code more straightforward.
+Files: src/autocmd.c
+Patch 8.2.5052
+Problem: CI checkout step title is a bit cryptic.
+Solution: Add a better title. (closes #10509)
+Files: .github/workflows/ci.yml, .github/workflows/coverity.yml,
+ .github/workflows/codeql-analysis.yml
+Patch 8.2.5053
+Problem: Cannot have a comment halfway an expression in an autocmd command
+ block.
+Solution: When skipping over the NL also skip over comments. (closes #10519)
+Files: src/eval.c, src/testdir/test_autocmd.vim
+Patch 8.2.5054
+Problem: No good filetype for conf files similar to dosini.
+Solution: Add the confini filetype. (closes #10518)
+Files: runtime/filetype.vim, src/testdir/test_filetype.vim
+Patch 8.2.5055
+Problem: Statusline is not updated when terminal title changes.
+Solution: Redraw the status line when the title changes. (issue #10425)
+Files: src/terminal.c
+Patch 8.2.5056
+Problem: The channel log only contains some of the raw terminal output.
+Solution: Add the "o" flag to log all terminal output. Use it for "--log".
+Files: runtime/doc/channel.txt, runtime/doc/starting.txt, src/main.c,
+ src/channel.c, src/vim.h, src/term.c, src/edit.c, src/normal.c,
+ src/optionstr.c
+Patch 8.2.5057
+Problem: Using gettimeofday() for timeout is very inefficient.
+Solution: Set a platform dependent timer. (Paul Ollis, closes #10505)
+Files: src/auto/configure, src/, src/,
+ src/drawscreen.c, src/errors.h, src/evalfunc.c, src/ex_cmds.c,
+ src/ex_getln.c, src/match.c, src/os_mac.h, src/os_macosx.m,
+ src/os_unix.c, src/os_win32.c, src/proto/,
+ src/proto/, src/proto/, src/quickfix.c,
+ src/regexp.c, src/regexp.h, src/regexp_bt.c, src/regexp_nfa.c,
+ src/screen.c, src/search.c, src/structs.h, src/syntax.c,
+ src/testdir/test_hlsearch.vim, src/testdir/test_search.vim,
+ src/testdir/test_syntax.vim
+Patch 8.2.5058
+Problem: input() does not handle composing characters properly.
+Solution: Use mb_cptr2char_adv() instead of mb_ptr2char_adv().
+ (closes #10527)
+Files: src/getchar.c, src/testdir/test_functions.vim
+Patch 8.2.5059
+Problem: Autoconf 2.71 produces many obsolete warnings.
+Solution: Replace obsolete macros with non-obsolete ones, where the
+ functionality does not change. (issue #10528)
+Files: src/, src/auto/configure
+Patch 8.2.5060 (after 8.2.5059)
+Problem: Running configure fails.
+Solution: Remove line break.
+Files: src/, src/auto/configure
+Patch 8.2.5061
+Problem: C89 requires signal handlers to return void.
+Solution: Drop RETSIGTYPE and hard-code a void return value.
+Files: src/, src/auto/configure, src/if_cscope.c,
+ src/os_unix.c, src/pty.c, src/os_mac.h, src/os_vms_conf.h,
+ src/, src/
+Patch 8.2.5062
+Problem: Coverity warns for dead code.
+Solution: Remove the dead code.
+Files: src/os_unix.c, src/match.c
+Patch 8.2.5063
+Problem: Error for a command may go over the end of IObuff.
+Solution: Truncate the message.
+Files: src/ex_docmd.c, src/testdir/test_cmdline.vim
+Patch 8.2.5064
+Problem: No test for what 8.1.0052 fixes.
+Solution: Add a test. (closes #10531)
+Files: src/getchar.c, src/testdir/test_mapping.vim
+Patch 8.2.5065
+Problem: Wrong return type for main() in tee.c.
+Solution: Use "int" instead of "void". Remove unused variable.
+Files: src/tee/tee.c
+Patch 8.2.5066
+Problem: Can specify multispace listchars only for whole line.
+Solution: Add "leadmultispace". (Christian Brabandt, closes #10496)
+Files: runtime/doc/options.txt, src/drawline.c, src/message.c,
+ src/screen.c, src/structs.h, src/window.c,
+ src/testdir/test_listchars.vim
+Patch 8.2.5067
+Problem: Timer_create is not available on every Mac system. (Hisashi T
+ Fujinaka)
+Solution: Adjust #ifdef.
+Files: src/os_unix.c
+Patch 8.2.5068
+Problem: Gcc 12.1 warning when building tee.
+Solution: Change type to size_t. (John Marriott)
+Files: src/tee/tee.c
+Patch 8.2.5069
+Problem: Various warnings from clang on MS-Windows.
+Solution: Fix the code to avoid the warnings. (Yegappan Lakshmanan,
+ closes #10538)
+Files: src/dosinst.c, src/fileio.c, src/gui_w32.c, src/os_mswin.c,
+ src/os_win32.c
+Patch 8.2.5070
+Problem: Unnecessary code.
+Solution: Remove code that isn't needed. (closes #10534)
+Files: src/message.c, src/screen.c
+Patch 8.2.5071
+Problem: With some Mac OS version clockid_t is redefined.
+Solution: Adjust #ifdefs. (Ozaki Kiichi, closes #10549)
+Files: src/os_mac.h
+Patch 8.2.5072
+Problem: Using uninitialized value and freed memory in spell command.
+Solution: Initialize "attr". Check for empty line early.
+Files: src/spell.c, src/testdir/test_spell_utf8.vim
+Patch 8.2.5073
+Problem: Clang on MS-Windows produces warnings.
+Solution: Avoid the warnings. (Yegappan Lakshmanan, closes #10546)
+Files: src/dosinst.c, src/dosinst.h, src/gui_dwrite.cpp, src/gui_w32.c,
+ src/iscygpty.c, src/libvterm/src/vterm_internal.h, src/mbyte.c,
+ src/os_win32.c, src/os_win32.h, src/term.c, src/xdiff/xinclude.h
+Patch 8.2.5074
+Problem: Spell test fails on MS-Windows.
+Solution: Do not change 'encoding'
+Files: src/testdir/test_spell_utf8.vim
+Patch 8.2.5075
+Problem: Clang gives an out of bounds warning.
+Solution: adjust conditional expression (John Marriott)
+Files: src/ui.c
+Patch 8.2.5076
+Problem: Unnecessary code.
+Solution: Remove code and replace with function call. (closes #10552)
+Files: src/drawline.c, src/getchar.c
+Patch 8.2.5077
+Problem: Various warnings from clang on MS-Windows.
+Solution: Avoid the warnings. (Yegappan Lakshmanan, closes #10553)
+Files: src/dosinst.c, src/dosinst.h, src/filepath.c, src/gui_w32.c,
+ src/misc1.c, src/os_win32.c
+Patch 8.2.5078
+Problem: Substitute test has a one second delay.
+Solution: Use ":silent!". Add another test case. (closes #10558)
+Files: src/testdir/test_substitute.vim
+Patch 8.2.5079
+Problem: DirChanged autocommand may use freed memory. (Shane-XB Qian)
+Solution: Free the memory later. (closes #10555)
+Files: src/ex_docmd.c, src/testdir/test_autocmd.vim
+Patch 8.2.5080
+Problem: When indenting gets out of hand it is hard to stop.
+Solution: When line gets too long set got_int.
+Files: src/indent.c
+Patch 8.2.5081
+Problem: Autocmd test fails on MS-Windows.
+Solution: Set shellslash to get forward slashes.
+Files: src/testdir/test_autocmd.vim
+Patch 8.2.5082 (after 8.2.5080)
+Problem: Retab test fails.
+Solution: Disable the test for now.
+Files: src/testdir/test_retab.vim
+Patch 8.2.5083
+Problem: Autocmd test still fails on MS-Windows.
+Solution: Change backward to forward slashes.
+Files: src/testdir/test_autocmd.vim
+Patch 8.2.5084
+Problem: When the GUI shows a dialog tests get stuck.
+Solution: Add the --gui-dialog-file argument.
+Files: runtime/doc/starting.txt, src/Make_mvc.mak, src/gui.c, src/main.c,
+ src/message.c, src/os_mswin.c, src/proto/,
+ src/proto/, src/structs.h, src/testdir/Make_dos.mak,
+ src/testdir/Make_ming.mak, src/testdir/Makefile,
+ src/testdir/runtest.vim, src/testdir/shared.vim
+Patch 8.2.5085
+Problem: Gcc gives warning for signed/unsigned difference.
+Solution: Use a different pointer type. (John Marriott)
+Files: src/os_mswin.c
+Patch 8.2.5086
+Problem: CI runs on Windows 2019.
+Solution: Switch to Windows 2022. (closes #10566)
+Files: .github/workflows/ci.yml
+Patch 8.2.5087
+Problem: Cannot build with clang on MS-Windows.
+Solution: Add support for building with clang. (Yegappan Lakshmanan,
+ closes #10557)
+Files: src/GvimExt/Make_ming.mak, src/INSTALLpc.txt,
+ src/Make_cyg_ming.mak
+Patch 8.2.5088
+Problem: Value of cmod_verbose is a bit complicated to use.
+Solution: Use zero for not set, value + 1 when set. (closes #10564)
+Files: src/ex_docmd.c, src/ex_getln.c, src/globals.h, src/structs.h
+Patch 8.2.5089
+Problem: Some functions return a different value on failure.
+Solution: Initialize the return value earlier. (Yegappan Lakshmanan,
+ closes #10568)
+Files: src/autocmd.c, src/dict.c, src/evalfunc.c, src/list.c
+Patch 8.2.5090
+Problem: MS-Windows: vim.def is no longer used.
+Solution: Delete vim.def. (Ken Takata, closes #10569)
+Files: Filelist, Makefile, src/vim.def
+Patch 8.2.5091
+Problem: Terminal test fails with some shell commands.
+Solution: Disable setting the window title. (closes #10530)
+Files: src/testdir/test_terminal.vim
+Patch 8.2.5092
+Problem: Using "'<,'>" in Ex mode may compare unrelated pointers.
+Solution: Set eap->cmd to "+" only later.
+Files: src/ex_docmd.c
+Patch 8.2.5093
+Problem: Error message for unknown command may mention the command twice.
+ (Malcolm Rowe)
+Solution: Add the did_append_cmd flag. (closes #10570)
+Files: src/ex_docmd.c
+Patch 8.2.5094
+Problem: MS-Windows GUI: empty command may cause a dialog.
+Solution: Delete the dialog file. Improve the message.
+Files: src/testdir/runtest.vim, src/testdir/test_ex_mode.vim
+Patch 8.2.5095
+Problem: Terminal test still fails with some shell commands.
+Solution: Disable setting the window title in the Vim instance running in a
+ terminal window. (closes #10530)
+Files: src/testdir/test_terminal.vim
+Patch 8.2.5096 (after 8.2.5095)
+Problem: Terminal test still fails with some shell commands.
+Solution: Add missing "call". (closes #10530)
+Files: src/testdir/test_terminal.vim
+Patch 8.2.5097
+Problem: Using uninitialized memory when using 'listchars'.
+Solution: Use the length returned by mb_char2bytes(). (closes #10576)
+Files: src/message.c
+Patch 8.2.5098
+Problem: Spelldump test sometimes hangs.
+Solution: Catch the problem of the spell file not being found to avoid
+ hanging in the download dialog.
+Files: src/testdir/test_spell.vim
+Patch 8.2.5099
+Problem: Some terminal tests are not retried.
+Solution: Mark terminal tests as flaky.
+Files: src/testdir/test_terminal.vim
+Patch 8.2.5100
+Problem: Memory usage tests are not retried.
+Solution: Mark memory usage tests as flaky.
+Files: src/testdir/test_memory_usage.vim
+Patch 8.2.5101
+Problem: MS-Windows with MinGW: $CC may be "cc" instead of "gcc".
+Solution: Set $CC if it is not matching "clang". (Yegappan Lakshmanan,
+ closes #10578)
+Files: src/INSTALLpc.txt, src/Make_cyg_ming.mak
+Patch 8.2.5102
+Problem: Interrupt not caught in test.
+Solution: Consider an exception thrown in the current try/catch when got_int
+ is set. Also catch early exit when not using try/catch.
+Files: src/indent.c, src/testing.c, src/testdir/test_retab.vim,
+ src/testdir/runtest.vim
+Patch 8.2.5103
+Problem: Build fails with small features.
+Solution: Add #ifdef. Skip test on MS-Windows.
+Files: src/indent.c, src/testdir/test_retab.vim
+Patch 8.2.5104 (after 8.2.5103)
+Problem: Test hangs on MS-Windows.
+Solution: Skip another test on MS-Windows.
+Files: src/testdir/test_retab.vim
+Patch 8.2.5105 (after 8.2.5104)
+Problem: Test still hangs on MS-Windows.
+Solution: Skip "nocatch" test the right way.
+Files: src/testdir/test_retab.vim
+Patch 8.2.5106
+Problem: Default cmdwin mappings are re-mappable.
+Solution: Make the default mappings not re-mappable. (closes #10580) Use
+ symbols for the first do_map() argument.
+Files: src/vim.h, src/ex_getln.c, src/map.c, src/proto/,
+ src/digraph.c, src/netbeans.c
+Patch 8.2.5107
+Problem: Some callers of rettv_list_alloc() check for not OK. (Christ van
+ Willegen)
+Solution: Use "==" instead of "!=" when checking the return value.
+Files: src/evalbuffer.c, src/channel.c, src/cmdexpand.c, src/evalfunc.c,
+ src/evalwindow.c, src/insexpand.c, src/job.c, src/list.c,
+ src/map.c, src/menu.c, src/mouse.c, src/move.c, src/sign.c,
+ src/textprop.c, src/term.c, src/time.c
+Patch 8.2.5108
+Problem: Retab test disabled because it hangs on MS-Windows.
+Solution: Also set got_int at the other place a overlong text is detected.
+Files: src/indent.c, src/testdir/test_retab.vim
+Patch 8.2.5109
+Problem: Mode not updated after CTRL-O CTRL-C in Insert mode.
+Solution: Set redraw_mode and use it. (closes #10581)
+Files: src/main.c, src/normal.c, src/testdir/test_normal.vim,
+ src/testdir/dumps/Test_mode_updated_1.dump
+Patch 8.2.5110
+Problem: Icon filetype not recognized from the first line.
+Solution: Add a check for the first line. (Doug Kearns)
+Files: runtime/autoload/dist/script.vim, src/testdir/test_filetype.vim
+Patch 8.2.5111
+Problem: No test for --gui-dialog-file.
+Solution: Add a test.
+Files: src/testdir/test_gui.vim
+Patch 8.2.5112 (after 8.2.5111)
+Problem: Gui test hangs on MS-Windows.
+Solution: Use "!start" to start Vim.
+Files: src/testdir/test_gui.vim
+Patch 8.2.5113
+Problem: Timer becomes invalid after fork/exec, :gui gives errors. (Gabriel
+ Dupras)
+Solution: Delete the timer befor forking. (closes #10584)
+Files: src/os_unix.c, src/proto/, src/gui.c
+Patch 8.2.5114
+Problem: Time limit on searchpair() does not work properly.
+Solution: Set the time limit once instead of for each regexp. (closes #10562)
+Files: src/search.c, src/evalfunc.c, src/testdir/test_search.vim
+Patch 8.2.5115
+Problem: Search timeout is overrun with some patterns.
+Solution: Check for timeout in more places. Make the flag volatile and
+ atomic. Use assert_inrange() to see what happened.
+Files: src/regexp_nfa.c, src/regexp_bt.c, src/regexp.c, src/os_unix.c,
+ src/proto/, src/testdir/test_search.vim
+Patch 8.2.5116
+Problem: "limit" option of matchfuzzy() not always respected.
+Solution: Remove "else". (Kazuyuki Miyagi, closes #10586)
+Files: runtime/doc/builtin.txt, src/search.c,
+ src/testdir/test_matchfuzzy.vim
+Patch 8.2.5117
+Problem: Crash when calling a Lua callback from a :def function. (Bohdan
+ Makohin)
+Solution: Handle FC_CFUNC in call_user_func_check(). (closes #10587)
+Files: src/userfunc.c, src/testdir/test_lua.vim
+Patch 8.2.5118
+Problem: MS-Windows: sending a message to another Vim may hang if that Vim
+ is halted.
+Solution: Add a timeout to serverSendToVim(). (Ken Takata, closes #10585)
+Files: runtime/pack/dist/opt/editexisting/plugin/editexisting.vim,
+ src/os_mswin.c
+Patch 8.2.5119
+Problem: CI uses cache v2.
+Solution: Use cache v3. (closes #10588)
+Files: .github/workflows/ci.yml
+Patch 8.2.5120
+Problem: Searching for quotes may go over the end of the line.
+Solution: Check for running into the NUL.
+Files: src/textobject.c
+Patch 8.2.5121
+Problem: Interrupt test sometimes fails.
+Solution: Use a different file name.
+Files: src/testdir/test_interrupt.vim
+Patch 8.2.5122
+Problem: Lisp indenting my run over the end of the line.
+Solution: Check for NUL earlier.
+Files: src/indent.c, src/testdir/test_indent.vim
+Patch 8.2.5123
+Problem: Using invalid index when looking for spell suggestions.
+Solution: Do not decrement the index when it is zero.
+Files: src/spellsuggest.c, src/testdir/test_spell.vim
+Patch 8.2.5124
+Problem: When syntax timeout test fails it does not show the time.
+Solution: Use assert_inrange().
+Files: src/testdir/test_syntax.vim
+Patch 8.2.5125
+Problem: MS-Windows: warnings from MinGW compyler.
+Solution: Use "volatile". (Yasuhiro Matsumoto, closes #10589) Initialize
+ variable.
+Files: src/os_win32.c, src/proto/, src/map.c
+Patch 8.2.5126
+Problem: Substitute may overrun destination buffer.
+Solution: Disallow switching buffers in a substitute expression.
+Files: src/ex_docmd.c, src/testdir/test_substitute.vim
+Patch 8.2.5127
+Problem: Using assert_true() does not show value on failure.
+Solution: Use assert_inrange(). (closes #10593)
+Files: src/testdir/test_channel.vim, src/testdir/test_hlsearch.vim
+Patch 8.2.5128
+Problem: Syntax highlighting disabled when using synID() in searchpair()
+ skip expression and it times out. (Jaehwang Jung)
+Solution: Add the redrawtime_limit_set flag. (closes #10562)
+Files: src/globals.h, src/drawscreen.c, src/syntax.c
+Patch 8.2.5129
+Problem: Timeout handling is not optimal.
+Solution: Avoid setting timeout_flag twice. Adjust the pointer when
+ stopping the regexp timeout. Adjust variable name.
+Files: src/os_unix.c, src/os_win32.c, src/regexp.c
diff --git a/runtime/doc/visual.txt b/runtime/doc/visual.txt
index d703d986c..050bb22e2 100644
--- a/runtime/doc/visual.txt
+++ b/runtime/doc/visual.txt
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-*visual.txt* For Vim version 8.2. Last change: 2022 May 06
+*visual.txt* For Vim version 8.2. Last change: 2022 Jun 18
@@ -509,6 +509,13 @@ work both in Visual mode and in Select mode. When these are used in Select
mode Vim automatically switches to Visual mode, so that the same behavior as
in Visual mode is effective. If you don't want this use |:xmap| or |:smap|.
+One particular edge case: >
+ :vnoremap <C-K> <Esc>
+This ends Visual mode when in Visual mode, but in Select mode it does not
+work, because Select mode is restored after executing the mapped keys. You
+need to use: >
+ :snoremap <C-K> <Esc>
Users will expect printable characters to replace the selected area.
Therefore avoid mapping printable characters in Select mode. Or use
|:sunmap| after |:map| and |:vmap| to remove it for Select mode.
diff --git a/runtime/ftplugin/man.vim b/runtime/ftplugin/man.vim
index fbe6c5a12..0f6d36c2d 100644
--- a/runtime/ftplugin/man.vim
+++ b/runtime/ftplugin/man.vim
@@ -2,12 +2,14 @@
" Language: man
" Maintainer: Jason Franklin <>
" Maintainer: SungHyun Nam <>
-" Last Change: 2021 Sep 26
+" Autoload Split: Bram Moolenaar
+" Last Change: 2022 Jun 18
" To make the ":Man" command available before editing a manual page, source
" this script from your startup vimrc file.
-" If 'filetype' isn't "man", we must have been called to only define ":Man".
+" If 'filetype' isn't "man", we must have been called to define ":Man" and not
+" to do the filetype plugin stuff.
if &filetype == "man"
" Only do this when not done yet for this buffer
@@ -34,8 +36,8 @@ if &filetype == "man"
nnoremap <buffer> <Plug>ManBS :%s/.\b//g<CR>:setl nomod<CR>''
- nnoremap <buffer> <silent> <c-]> :call <SID>PreGetPage(v:count)<CR>
- nnoremap <buffer> <silent> <c-t> :call <SID>PopPage()<CR>
+ nnoremap <buffer> <silent> <c-]> :call dist#man#PreGetPage(v:count)<CR>
+ nnoremap <buffer> <silent> <c-t> :call dist#man#PopPage()<CR>
nnoremap <buffer> <silent> q :q<CR>
" Add undo commands for the maps
@@ -55,196 +57,9 @@ if &filetype == "man"
if exists(":Man") != 2
- com -nargs=+ -complete=shellcmd Man call s:GetPage(<q-mods>, <f-args>)
- nmap <Leader>K :call <SID>PreGetPage(0)<CR>
- nmap <Plug>ManPreGetPage :call <SID>PreGetPage(0)<CR>
-" Define functions only once.
-if !exists("s:man_tag_depth")
-let s:man_tag_depth = 0
-let s:man_sect_arg = ""
-let s:man_find_arg = "-w"
- if !has("win32") && $OSTYPE !~ 'cygwin\|linux' && system('uname -s') =~ "SunOS" && system('uname -r') =~ "^5"
- let s:man_sect_arg = "-s"
- let s:man_find_arg = "-l"
- endif
-catch /E145:/
- " Ignore the error in restricted mode
-func s:PreGetPage(cnt)
- if a:cnt == 0
- let old_isk = &iskeyword
- if &ft == 'man'
- setl iskeyword+=(,)
- endif
- let str = expand("<cword>")
- let &l:iskeyword = old_isk
- let page = substitute(str, '(*\(\k\+\).*', '\1', '')
- let sect = substitute(str, '\(\k\+\)(\([^()]*\)).*', '\2', '')
- if match(sect, '^[0-9 ]\+$') == -1
- let sect = ""
- endif
- if sect == page
- let sect = ""
- endif
- else
- let sect = a:cnt
- let page = expand("<cword>")
- endif
- call s:GetPage('', sect, page)
-func s:GetCmdArg(sect, page)
- if empty(a:sect)
- return shellescape(a:page)
- endif
- return s:man_sect_arg . ' ' . shellescape(a:sect) . ' ' . shellescape(a:page)
-func s:FindPage(sect, page)
- let l:cmd = printf('man %s %s', s:man_find_arg, s:GetCmdArg(a:sect, a:page))
- call system(l:cmd)
- if v:shell_error
- return 0
- endif
- return 1
-func s:GetPage(cmdmods, ...)
- if a:0 >= 2
- let sect = a:1
- let page = a:2
- elseif a:0 >= 1
- let sect = ""
- let page = a:1
- else
- return
- endif
- " To support: nmap K :Man <cword>
- if page == '<cword>'
- let page = expand('<cword>')
- endif
- if !exists('g:ft_man_no_sect_fallback') || (g:ft_man_no_sect_fallback == 0)
- if sect != "" && s:FindPage(sect, page) == 0
- let sect = ""
- endif
- endif
- if s:FindPage(sect, page) == 0
- let msg = 'man.vim: no manual entry for "' . page . '"'
- if !empty(sect)
- let msg .= ' in section ' . sect
- endif
- echomsg msg
- return
- endif
- exec "let s:man_tag_buf_".s:man_tag_depth." = ".bufnr("%")
- exec "let s:man_tag_lin_".s:man_tag_depth." = ".line(".")
- exec "let s:man_tag_col_".s:man_tag_depth." = ".col(".")
- let s:man_tag_depth = s:man_tag_depth + 1
- let open_cmd = 'edit'
- " Use an existing "man" window if it exists, otherwise open a new one.
- if &filetype != "man"
- let thiswin = winnr()
- exe "norm! \<C-W>b"
- if winnr() > 1
- exe "norm! " . thiswin . "\<C-W>w"
- while 1
- if &filetype == "man"
- break
- endif
- exe "norm! \<C-W>w"
- if thiswin == winnr()
- break
- endif
- endwhile
- endif
- if &filetype != "man"
- if exists("g:ft_man_open_mode")
- if g:ft_man_open_mode == 'vert'
- let open_cmd = 'vsplit'
- elseif g:ft_man_open_mode == 'tab'
- let open_cmd = 'tabedit'
- else
- let open_cmd = 'split'
- endif
- else
- let open_cmd = a:cmdmods . ' split'
- endif
- endif
- endif
- silent execute open_cmd . " $HOME/" . page . '.' . sect . '~'
- " Avoid warning for editing the dummy file twice
- setl buftype=nofile noswapfile
- setl fdc=0 ma nofen nonu nornu
- %delete _
- let unsetwidth = 0
- if empty($MANWIDTH)
- let $MANWIDTH = winwidth(0)
- let unsetwidth = 1
- endif
- " Ensure Vim is not recursively invoked (man-db does this) when doing ctrl-[
- " on a man page reference by unsetting MANPAGER.
- " Some versions of env(1) do not support the '-u' option, and in such case
- " we set MANPAGER=cat.
- if !exists('s:env_has_u')
- call system('env -u x true')
- let s:env_has_u = (v:shell_error == 0)
- endif
- let env_cmd = s:env_has_u ? 'env -u MANPAGER' : 'env MANPAGER=cat'
- let env_cmd .= ' GROFF_NO_SGR=1'
- let man_cmd = env_cmd . ' man ' . s:GetCmdArg(sect, page) . ' | col -b'
- silent exec "r !" . man_cmd
- if unsetwidth
- let $MANWIDTH = ''
- endif
- " Remove blank lines from top and bottom.
- while line('$') > 1 && getline(1) =~ '^\s*$'
- 1delete _
- endwhile
- while line('$') > 1 && getline('$') =~ '^\s*$'
- $delete _
- endwhile
- 1
- setl ft=man nomod
- setl bufhidden=hide
- setl nobuflisted
- setl noma
-func s:PopPage()
- if s:man_tag_depth > 0
- let s:man_tag_depth = s:man_tag_depth - 1
- exec "let s:man_tag_buf=s:man_tag_buf_".s:man_tag_depth
- exec "let s:man_tag_lin=s:man_tag_lin_".s:man_tag_depth
- exec "let s:man_tag_col=s:man_tag_col_".s:man_tag_depth
- exec s:man_tag_buf."b"
- exec s:man_tag_lin
- exec "norm! ".s:man_tag_col."|"
- exec "unlet s:man_tag_buf_".s:man_tag_depth
- exec "unlet s:man_tag_lin_".s:man_tag_depth
- exec "unlet s:man_tag_col_".s:man_tag_depth
- unlet s:man_tag_buf s:man_tag_lin s:man_tag_col
- endif
+ com -nargs=+ -complete=shellcmd Man call dist#man#GetPage(<q-mods>, <f-args>)
+ nmap <Leader>K :call dist#man#PreGetPage(0)<CR>
+ nmap <Plug>ManPreGetPage :call dist#man#PreGetPage(0)<CR>
let &cpo = s:cpo_save
diff --git a/runtime/indent/confini.vim b/runtime/indent/confini.vim
deleted file mode 100644
index 50b3dd20c..000000000
--- a/runtime/indent/confini.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-" Vim indent file
-" Language: confini
-" Quit if an indent file was already loaded.
-if exists("b:did_indent")
- finish
-" Use the cfg indenting, it's similar enough.
-runtime! indent/cfg.vim
diff --git a/runtime/indent/systemd.vim b/runtime/indent/systemd.vim
deleted file mode 100644
index a05a87bb1..000000000
--- a/runtime/indent/systemd.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-" Vim indent file
-" Language: systemd.unit(5)
-" Only load this indent file when no other was loaded.
-if exists("b:did_indent")
- finish
-" Looks a lot like dosini files.
-runtime! indent/dosini.vim
diff --git a/runtime/indent/yaml.vim b/runtime/indent/yaml.vim
index 1f798416e..d732c37c0 100644
--- a/runtime/indent/yaml.vim
+++ b/runtime/indent/yaml.vim
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
" Language: YAML
" Maintainer: Nikolai Pavlov <>
" Last Update: Lukas Reineke
-" Last Change: 2022 May 02
+" Last Change: 2022 Jun 17
" Only load this indent file when no other was loaded.
if exists('b:did_indent')
@@ -44,30 +44,30 @@ function s:FindPrevLEIndentedLineMatchingRegex(lnum, regex)
return plilnum
-let s:mapkeyregex='\v^\s*\#@!\S@=%(\''%([^'']|\''\'')*\'''.
- \ '|\"%([^"\\]|\\.)*\"'.
+let s:mapkeyregex = '\v^\s*\#@!\S@=%(\''%([^'']|\''\'')*\''' ..
+ \ '|\"%([^"\\]|\\.)*\"' ..
\ '|%(%(\:\ )@!.)*)\:%(\ |$)'
-let s:liststartregex='\v^\s*%(\-%(\ |$))'
+let s:liststartregex = '\v^\s*%(\-%(\ |$))'
let s:c_ns_anchor_char = '\v%([\n\r\uFEFF \t,[\]{}]@!\p)'
-let s:c_ns_anchor_name = s:c_ns_anchor_char.'+'
-let s:c_ns_anchor_property = '\v\&'.s:c_ns_anchor_name
+let s:c_ns_anchor_name = s:c_ns_anchor_char .. '+'
+let s:c_ns_anchor_property = '\v\&' .. s:c_ns_anchor_name
let s:ns_word_char = '\v[[:alnum:]_\-]'
-let s:ns_tag_char = '\v%(%\x\x|'.s:ns_word_char.'|[#/;?:@&=+$.~*''()])'
-let s:c_named_tag_handle = '\v\!'.s:ns_word_char.'+\!'
+let s:ns_tag_char = '\v%(%\x\x|' .. s:ns_word_char .. '|[#/;?:@&=+$.~*''()])'
+let s:c_named_tag_handle = '\v\!' .. s:ns_word_char .. '+\!'
let s:c_secondary_tag_handle = '\v\!\!'
let s:c_primary_tag_handle = '\v\!'
-let s:c_tag_handle = '\v%('.s:c_named_tag_handle.
- \ '|'.s:c_secondary_tag_handle.
- \ '|'.s:c_primary_tag_handle.')'
-let s:c_ns_shorthand_tag = '\v'.s:c_tag_handle . s:ns_tag_char.'+'
+let s:c_tag_handle = '\v%(' .. s:c_named_tag_handle.
+ \ '|' .. s:c_secondary_tag_handle.
+ \ '|' .. s:c_primary_tag_handle .. ')'
+let s:c_ns_shorthand_tag = '\v' .. s:c_tag_handle .. s:ns_tag_char .. '+'
let s:c_non_specific_tag = '\v\!'
-let s:ns_uri_char = '\v%(%\x\x|'.s:ns_word_char.'\v|[#/;?:@&=+$,.!~*''()[\]])'
-let s:c_verbatim_tag = '\v\!\<'.s:ns_uri_char.'+\>'
-let s:c_ns_tag_property = '\v'.s:c_verbatim_tag.
- \ '\v|'.s:c_ns_shorthand_tag.
- \ '\v|'.s:c_non_specific_tag
+let s:ns_uri_char = '\v%(%\x\x|' .. s:ns_word_char .. '\v|[#/;?:@&=+$,.!~*''()[\]])'
+let s:c_verbatim_tag = '\v\!\<' .. s:ns_uri_char.. '+\>'
+let s:c_ns_tag_property = '\v' .. s:c_verbatim_tag.
+ \ '\v|' .. s:c_ns_shorthand_tag.
+ \ '\v|' .. s:c_non_specific_tag
let s:block_scalar_header = '\v[|>]%([+-]?[1-9]|[1-9]?[+-])?'
@@ -142,9 +142,9 @@ function GetYAMLIndent(lnum)
" - List with
" multiline scalar
return previndent+2
- elseif prevline =~# s:mapkeyregex . '\v\s*%(%('.s:c_ns_tag_property.
- \ '\v|'.s:c_ns_anchor_property.
- \ '\v|'.s:block_scalar_header.
+ elseif prevline =~# s:mapkeyregex .. '\v\s*%(%(' .. s:c_ns_tag_property ..
+ \ '\v|' .. s:c_ns_anchor_property ..
+ \ '\v|' .. s:block_scalar_header ..
\ '\v)%(\s+|\s*%(\#.*)?$))*'
" Mapping with: value
" that is multiline scalar
diff --git a/runtime/lang/menu_it_it.latin1.vim b/runtime/lang/menu_it_it.latin1.vim
index 9ce8b8742..a37c2f0f6 100644
--- a/runtime/lang/menu_it_it.latin1.vim
+++ b/runtime/lang/menu_it_it.latin1.vim
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
" Maintainer: Antonio Colombo <>
" Vlad Sandrini <>
" Luciano Montanaro <>
-" Last Change: 2020 Apr 23
+" Last Change: 2022 Jun 17
" Original translations
" Quit when menu translations have already been done.
@@ -22,16 +22,14 @@ menut &Overview<Tab><F1> &Panoramica<Tab><F1>
menut &User\ Manual Manuale\ &Utente
menut &How-to\ links Co&Me\.\.\.
menut &Find\.\.\. &Cerca\.\.\.
-" -SEP1-
menut &Credits Cr&Editi
menut Co&pying C&Opie
menut &Sponsor/Register &Sponsor/Registrazione
menut O&rphans O&Rfani
-" -SEP2-
menut &Version &Versione
menut &About &Intro
-let g:menutrans_help_dialog = "Batti un comando o una parola per cercare aiuto:\n\nPremetti i_ per comandi in modo Input ( i_CTRL-X)\nPremetti c_ per comandi che editano la linea-comandi ( c_<Del>)\nPremetti ' per un nome di opzione ( 'shiftwidth')"
+let g:menutrans_help_dialog = "Batti un comando o una parola per cercare aiuto:\n\nPremetti i_ per comandi in modo Input ( i_CTRL-X)\nPremetti c_ per comandi che editano la linea-comandi ( c_<Del>)\nPremetti ' per un nome di opzione ( 'shiftwidth')"
" File / File
menut &File &File
@@ -41,15 +39,11 @@ menut Sp&lit-Open\.\.\.<Tab>:sp A&Pri\ nuova\ finestra\.\.\.<Tab>:sp
menut Open\ Tab\.\.\.<Tab>:tabnew Apri\ nuova\ &Linguetta\.\.\.<Tab>:tabnew
menut &New<Tab>:enew &Nuovo<Tab>:enew
menut &Close<Tab>:close &Chiudi<Tab>:close
-" -SEP1-
menut &Save<Tab>:w &Salva<Tab>:w
menut Save\ &As\.\.\.<Tab>:sav Salva\ &Con\ nome\.\.\.<Tab>:sav
-" -SEP2-
menut Split\ &Diff\ with\.\.\. &Differenza\ con\.\.\.
menut Split\ Patched\ &By\.\.\. Patc&H\ da\.\.\.
-" -SEP3-
menut &Print S&tampa
-" -SEP4-
menut Sa&ve-Exit<Tab>:wqa Sa&Lva\ ed\ esci<Tab>:wqa
menut E&xit<Tab>:qa &Esci<Tab>:qa
@@ -59,7 +53,6 @@ menut &Edit &Modifica
menut &Undo<Tab>u &Annulla<Tab>u
menut &Redo<Tab>^R &Ripristina<Tab>^R
menut Rep&eat<Tab>\. Ri&Peti<Tab>\.
-" -SEP1-
menut Cu&t<Tab>"+x &Taglia<Tab>"+x
menut &Copy<Tab>"+y &Copia<Tab>"+y
menut &Paste<Tab>"+gP &Incolla<Tab>"+gP
@@ -67,13 +60,11 @@ menut Put\ &Before<Tab>[p &Metti\ davanti<Tab>[p
menut Put\ &After<Tab>]p M&Etti\ dietro<Tab>]p
menut &Delete<Tab>x Cance&Lla<Tab>x
menut &Select\ all<Tab>ggVG Seleziona\ &Tutto<Tab>ggVG
-" -SEP2-
menut &Find\.\.\. &Cerca\.\.\.
menut &Find\.\.\.<Tab>/ &Cerca\.\.\.<Tab>/
menut Find\ and\ Rep&lace\.\.\. &Sostituisci\.\.\.
menut Find\ and\ Rep&lace\.\.\.<Tab>:%s &Sostituisci\.\.\.<Tab>:%s
menut Find\ and\ Rep&lace\.\.\.<Tab>:s &Sostituisci\.\.\.<Tab>:s
-" -SEP3-
menut Settings\ &Window &Finestra\ Impostazioni
menut Startup\ &Settings Impostazioni\ di\ &Avvio
menut &Global\ Settings Impostazioni\ &Globali
@@ -98,12 +89,50 @@ menut Toggle\ Insert\ &Mode<Tab>:set\ im! &Modo\ Insert\ Sì/No<Tab>:set\ im!
menut Toggle\ Vi\ C&ompatibility<Tab>:set\ cp! C&Ompatibilità\ VI\ Sì/No<Tab>:set\ cp!
menut Search\ &Path\.\.\. &Percorso\ di\ ricerca\.\.\.
menut Ta&g\ Files\.\.\. File\ ta&G\.\.\.
-" -SEP1-
menut Toggle\ &Toolbar Barra\ s&Trumenti\ Sì/No
menut Toggle\ &Bottom\ Scrollbar Barra\ scorrimento\ in\ &Fondo\ Sì/No
menut Toggle\ &Left\ Scrollbar Barra\ scorrimento\ a\ &Sinistra\ Sì/No
menut Toggle\ &Right\ Scrollbar Barra\ scorrimento\ a\ &Destra\ Sì/No
+if has("toolbar")
+ if exists("*Do_toolbar_tmenu")
+ delfun Do_toolbar_tmenu
+ endif
+ fun Do_toolbar_tmenu()
+ tmenu ToolBar.Open Apri file
+ tmenu ToolBar.Save Salva file
+ tmenu ToolBar.SaveAll Salva tutti i file
+ if has("printer") || has("unix")
+ tmenu ToolBar.Print Stampa
+ endif
+ tmenu ToolBar.Undo Annulla
+ tmenu ToolBar.Redo Rifai
+ tmenu ToolBar.Cut Taglia
+ tmenu ToolBar.Copy Copia
+ tmenu ToolBar.Paste Incolla
+ tmenu ToolBar.Find Trova...
+ tmenu ToolBar.FindNext Trova seguente
+ tmenu ToolBar.FindPrev Trova precedente
+ tmenu ToolBar.Replace Sostituisci
+ if 0 " disabled; These are in the Windows menu
+ tmenu ToolBar.New Nuovo
+ tmenu ToolBar.WinSplit Dividi
+ tmenu ToolBar.WinMax Massimizza
+ tmenu ToolBar.WinMin Minimizza
+ tmenu ToolBar.WinClose Chiudi
+ endif
+ tmenu ToolBar.LoadSesn Carica sessione
+ tmenu ToolBar.SaveSesn Salva sessione
+ tmenu ToolBar.RunScript Esegui script
+ tmenu ToolBar.Make Esegui make
+ tmenu ToolBar.Shell Esegui shell
+ tmenu ToolBar.RunCtags Esegui ctags
+ tmenu ToolBar.TagJump Salta alla tag
+ tmenu ToolBar.Help Aiuto
+ tmenu ToolBar.FindHelp Trova aiuto...
+ endfun
let g:menutrans_path_dialog = "Batti percorso di ricerca per i file.\nSepara fra loro i nomi di directory con una virgola."
let g:menutrans_tags_dialog = "Batti nome dei file di tag.\nSepara fra loro i nomi di directory con una virgola."
@@ -119,7 +148,6 @@ menut Toggle\ W&rapping\ at\ word<Tab>:set\ lbr! A\ capo\ alla\ &Parola\ Sì/No<T
menut Toggle\ Tab\ &expanding<Tab>:set\ et! &Espandi\ Tabulazione\ Sì/No<Tab>:set\ et!
menut Toggle\ &Auto\ Indenting<Tab>:set\ ai! Indentazione\ &Automatica\ Sì/No<Tab>:set\ ai!
menut Toggle\ &C-Style\ Indenting<Tab>:set\ cin! Indentazione\ stile\ &C\ Sì/No<Tab>:set\ cin!
-" -SEP2-
menut &Shiftwidth &Spazi\ rientranza
"menut &Shiftwidth.2<Tab>:set\ sw=2\ sw?<CR> &Spazi\ rientranza.2<Tab>:set\ sw=2\ sw?<CR>
"menut &Shiftwidth.3<Tab>:set\ sw=3\ sw?<CR> &Spazi\ rientranza.3<Tab>:set\ sw=3\ sw?<CR>
@@ -206,7 +234,6 @@ menut &Tools &Strumenti
menut &Jump\ to\ this\ tag<Tab>g^] &Vai\ a\ questa\ tag<Tab>g^]
menut Jump\ &back<Tab>^T Torna\ &Indietro<Tab>^T
menut Build\ &Tags\ File Costruisci\ file\ &Tags\
-" -SEP1-
" Menù ortografia / Spelling
menut &Spelling &Ortografia
@@ -234,7 +261,6 @@ menut C&lose\ more\ folds<Tab>zm C&Hiudi\ più\ piegature<Tab>zm
menut &Close\ all\ folds<Tab>zM &Chiudi\ tutte\ le\ piegature<Tab>zM
menut O&pen\ more\ folds<Tab>zr A&Pri\ più\ piegature<Tab>zr
menut &Open\ all\ folds<Tab>zR &Apri\ tutte\ le\ piegature<Tab>zR
-" -SEP1-
" metodo piegatura
menut Fold\ Met&hod Meto&Do\ piegatura
menut M&anual &Manuale
@@ -248,7 +274,6 @@ menut Ma&rker Mar&Catura
menut Create\ &Fold<Tab>zf Crea\ &Piegatura<Tab>zf
menut &Delete\ Fold<Tab>zd &Leva\ piegatura<Tab>zd
menut Delete\ &All\ Folds<Tab>zD Leva\ &Tutte\ le\ piegature<Tab>zD
-" -SEP2-
" movimenti all'interno delle piegature
menut Fold\ col&umn\ width Larghezza\ piegat&Ure\ in\ colonne
@@ -258,7 +283,6 @@ menut &Update &Aggiorna
menut &Get\ Block &Importa\ differenze
menut &Put\ Block &Esporta\ differenze
-" -SEP2-
menut &Make<Tab>:make Esegui\ &Make<Tab>:make
menut &List\ Errors<Tab>:cl Lista\ &Errori<Tab>:cl
@@ -274,7 +298,6 @@ menut &Update<Tab>:cwin A&Ggiorna<Tab>:cwin
menut &Open<Tab>:copen &Apri<Tab>:copen
menut &Close<Tab>:cclose &Chiudi<Tab>:cclose
-" -SEP3-
menut &Convert\ to\ HEX<Tab>:%!xxd &Converti\ a\ esadecimale<Tab>:%!xxd
menut Conve&rt\ back<Tab>:%!xxd\ -r Conve&rti\ da\ esadecimale<Tab>:%!xxd\ -r
@@ -304,7 +327,11 @@ menut Co&lor\ test Test\ &Colori
menut &Highlight\ test Test\ &Evidenziamento
menut &Convert\ to\ HTML Converti\ ad\ &HTML
+let g:menutrans_set_lang_to = "Cambia linguaggio a"
let g:menutrans_no_file = "[Senza nome]"
+let g:menutrans_spell_change_ARG = 'Cambia\ da\ "%s"\ a'
+let g:menutrans_spell_add_ARG_to_word_list = 'Aggiungi\ "%s"\ alla\ Word\ List'
+let g:menutrans_spell_ignore_ARG = 'Ignora\ "%s"'
" Window / Finestra
menut &Window &Finestra
@@ -314,10 +341,8 @@ menut S&plit<Tab>^Ws &Dividi\ lo\ schermo<Tab>^Ws
menut Sp&lit\ To\ #<Tab>^W^^ D&Ividi\ verso\ #<Tab>^W^^
menut Split\ &Vertically<Tab>^Wv Di&Vidi\ verticalmente<Tab>^Wv
menut Split\ File\ E&xplorer Aggiungi\ finestra\ e&Xplorer
-" -SEP1-
menut &Close<Tab>^Wc &Chiudi<Tab>^Wc
menut Close\ &Other(s)<Tab>^Wo C&Hiudi\ altra(e)<Tab>^Wo
-" -SEP2-
menut Move\ &To &Muovi\ verso
menut &Top<Tab>^WK &Cima<Tab>^WK
@@ -326,7 +351,6 @@ menut &Left\ side<Tab>^WH Lato\ &Sinistro<Tab>^WH
menut &Right\ side<Tab>^WL Lato\ &Destro<Tab>^WL
menut Rotate\ &Up<Tab>^WR Ruota\ verso\ l'&Alto<Tab>^WR
menut Rotate\ &Down<Tab>^Wr Ruota\ verso\ il\ &Basso<Tab>^Wr
-" -SEP3-
menut &Equal\ Size<Tab>^W= &Uguale\ ampiezza<Tab>^W=
menut &Max\ Height<Tab>^W_ &Altezza\ massima<Tab>^W_
menut M&in\ Height<Tab>^W1_ A&Ltezza\ minima<Tab>^W1_
@@ -335,12 +359,10 @@ menut Min\ Widt&h<Tab>^W1\| Larghezza\ minima<Tab>^W1\|
" The popup menu
menut &Undo &Annulla
-" -SEP1-
menut Cu&t &Taglia
menut &Copy &Copia
menut &Paste &Incolla
menut &Delete &Elimina
-" -SEP2-
menut Select\ Blockwise Seleziona\ in\ blocco
menut Select\ &Word Seleziona\ &Parola
menut Select\ &Line Seleziona\ &Linea
@@ -352,10 +374,8 @@ menut Open Apri
menut Save Salva
menut SaveAll Salva\ Tutto
menut Print Stampa
-" -SEP1-
menut Undo Annulla
menut Redo Ripristina
-" -SEP2-
menut Cut Taglia
menut Copy Copia
menut Paste Incolla
@@ -373,16 +393,13 @@ menut WinVSplit Dividi\ verticalmente
menut WinMaxWidth Massima\ larghezza
menut WinMinWidth Minima\ larghezza
menut WinClose Chiudi\ finestra
-" -SEP5-
menut LoadSesn Carica\ Sessione
menut SaveSesn Salva\ Sessione
menut RunScript Esegui\ Script
-" -SEP6-
menut Make Make
menut Shell Shell
menut RunCtags Esegui\ Ctags
menut TagJump Vai\ a\ Tag
-" -SEP7-
menut Help Aiuto
menut FindHelp Cerca\ in\ Aiuto
diff --git a/runtime/syntax/vim.vim b/runtime/syntax/vim.vim
index 4f2d949e0..22e372b6b 100644
--- a/runtime/syntax/vim.vim
+++ b/runtime/syntax/vim.vim
@@ -400,7 +400,7 @@ syn match vimSetMod contained "&vim\=\|[!&?<]\|all&"
" Let: {{{2
" ===
syn keyword vimLet let unl[et] skipwhite nextgroup=vimVar,vimFuncVar,vimLetHereDoc
-VimFoldh syn region vimLetHereDoc matchgroup=vimLetHereDocStart start='=<<\s\+\%(trim\|eval\>\)\=\s*\z(\L\S*\)' matchgroup=vimLetHereDocStop end='^\s*\z1\s*$'
+VimFoldh syn region vimLetHereDoc matchgroup=vimLetHereDocStart start='=<<\s\+\%(trim\%(\s\+eval\)\=\|eval\%(\s\+trim\)\=\)\=\s*\z(\L\S*\)' matchgroup=vimLetHereDocStop end='^\s*\z1\s*$'
" Abbreviations: {{{2
" =============