diff options
authorBram Moolenaar <>2021-08-12 17:06:05 +0200
committerBram Moolenaar <>2021-08-12 17:06:05 +0200
commitbd77aa92744d79f3ba69aee713739ec17da474f6 (patch)
parent3e9c0b9608736e7d888f3141443f8754143364d7 (diff)
patch 8.2.3334: Vim9: not enough tests run with Vim9v8.2.3334
Problem: Vim9: not enough tests run with Vim9. Solution: Run a few more tests in Vim9 script and :def function. Fix islocked(). Fix error for locking local variable.
4 files changed, 136 insertions, 98 deletions
diff --git a/src/evalfunc.c b/src/evalfunc.c
index efda01fd0..b90c6d760 100644
--- a/src/evalfunc.c
+++ b/src/evalfunc.c
@@ -6556,7 +6556,8 @@ f_islocked(typval_T *argvars, typval_T *rettv)
end = get_lval(tv_get_string(&argvars[0]), NULL, &lv, FALSE, FALSE,
if (end != NULL && lv.ll_name != NULL)
if (*end != NUL)
diff --git a/src/testdir/test_listdict.vim b/src/testdir/test_listdict.vim
index f9048724c..e39c20f2d 100644
--- a/src/testdir/test_listdict.vim
+++ b/src/testdir/test_listdict.vim
@@ -482,95 +482,112 @@ endfunc
" Nasty: deepcopy() dict that refers to itself (fails when noref used)
func Test_dict_deepcopy()
- let d = {1:1, 2:2}
- let l = [4, d, 6]
- let d[3] = l
- let dc = deepcopy(d)
- call assert_fails('call deepcopy(d, 1)', 'E698:')
- let l2 = [0, l, l, 3]
- let l[1] = l2
- let l3 = deepcopy(l2)
- call assert_true(l3[1] is l3[2])
+ let lines =<< trim END
+ VAR d = {1: 1, 2: '2'}
+ VAR l = [4, d, 6]
+ LET d[3] = l
+ VAR dc = deepcopy(d)
+ call deepcopy(d, 1)
+ call CheckLegacyAndVim9Failure(lines, 'E698:')
+ let lines =<< trim END
+ VAR d = {1: 1, 2: '2'}
+ VAR l = [4, d, 6]
+ LET d[3] = l
+ VAR l2 = [0, l, l, 3]
+ LET l[1] = l2
+ VAR l3 = deepcopy(l2)
+ call assert_true(l3[1] is l3[2])
+ call CheckLegacyAndVim9Success(lines)
call assert_fails("call deepcopy([1, 2], 2)", 'E1023:')
" Locked variables
func Test_list_locked_var()
- let expected = [
- \ [['1000-000', 'ppppppF'],
- \ ['0000-000', 'ppppppp'],
- \ ['0000-000', 'ppppppp']],
- \ [['1000-000', 'ppppppF'],
- \ ['0000-000', 'ppppppp'],
- \ ['0000-000', 'ppppppp']],
- \ [['1100-100', 'ppFppFF'],
- \ ['0000-000', 'ppppppp'],
- \ ['0000-000', 'ppppppp']],
- \ [['1110-110', 'pFFpFFF'],
- \ ['0010-010', 'pFppFpp'],
- \ ['0000-000', 'ppppppp']],
- \ [['1111-111', 'FFFFFFF'],
- \ ['0011-011', 'FFpFFpp'],
- \ ['0000-000', 'ppppppp']]
- \ ]
- for depth in range(5)
- for u in range(3)
- unlet! l
- let l = [0, [1, [2, 3]], {4: 5, 6: {7: 8}}]
- exe "lockvar " . depth . " l"
- if u == 1
- exe "unlockvar l"
- elseif u == 2
- exe "unlockvar " . depth . " l"
- endif
- let ps = islocked("l").islocked("l[1]").islocked("l[1][1]").islocked("l[1][1][0]").'-'.islocked("l[2]").islocked("l[2]['6']").islocked("l[2]['6'][7]")
- call assert_equal(expected[depth][u][0], ps, 'depth: ' .. depth)
- let ps = ''
- try
- let l[1][1][0] = 99
- let ps .= 'p'
- catch
- let ps .= 'F'
- endtry
- try
- let l[1][1] = [99]
- let ps .= 'p'
- catch
- let ps .= 'F'
- endtry
- try
- let l[1] = [99]
- let ps .= 'p'
- catch
- let ps .= 'F'
- endtry
- try
- let l[2]['6'][7] = 99
- let ps .= 'p'
- catch
- let ps .= 'F'
- endtry
- try
- let l[2][6] = {99: 99}
- let ps .= 'p'
- catch
- let ps .= 'F'
- endtry
- try
- let l[2] = {99: 99}
- let ps .= 'p'
- catch
- let ps .= 'F'
- endtry
- try
- let l = [99]
- let ps .= 'p'
- catch
- let ps .= 'F'
- endtry
- call assert_equal(expected[depth][u][1], ps, 'depth: ' .. depth)
- endfor
- endfor
+ " Not tested with :def function, local vars cannot be locked.
+ let lines =<< trim END
+ VAR expected = [
+ \ [['1000-000', 'ppppppF'],
+ \ ['0000-000', 'ppppppp'],
+ \ ['0000-000', 'ppppppp']],
+ \ [['1000-000', 'ppppppF'],
+ \ ['0000-000', 'ppppppp'],
+ \ ['0000-000', 'ppppppp']],
+ \ [['1100-100', 'ppFppFF'],
+ \ ['0000-000', 'ppppppp'],
+ \ ['0000-000', 'ppppppp']],
+ \ [['1110-110', 'pFFpFFF'],
+ \ ['0010-010', 'pFppFpp'],
+ \ ['0000-000', 'ppppppp']],
+ \ [['1111-111', 'FFFFFFF'],
+ \ ['0011-011', 'FFpFFpp'],
+ \ ['0000-000', 'ppppppp']]
+ \ ]
+ for depth in range(5)
+ for u in range(3)
+ VAR l = [0, [1, [2, 3]], {4: 5, 6: {7: 8}}]
+ exe "lockvar " .. depth .. " l"
+ if u == 1
+ exe "unlockvar l"
+ elseif u == 2
+ exe "unlockvar " .. depth .. " l"
+ endif
+ VAR ps = islocked("l") .. islocked("l[1]") .. islocked("l[1][1]") .. islocked("l[1][1][0]") .. '-' .. islocked("l[2]") .. islocked("l[2]['6']") .. islocked("l[2]['6'][7]")
+ call assert_equal(expected[depth][u][0], ps, 'depth: ' .. depth)
+ LET ps = ''
+ try
+ LET l[1][1][0] = 99
+ LET ps ..= 'p'
+ catch
+ LET ps ..= 'F'
+ endtry
+ try
+ LET l[1][1] = [99]
+ LET ps ..= 'p'
+ catch
+ LET ps ..= 'F'
+ endtry
+ try
+ LET l[1] = [99]
+ LET ps ..= 'p'
+ catch
+ LET ps ..= 'F'
+ endtry
+ try
+ LET l[2]['6'][7] = 99
+ LET ps ..= 'p'
+ catch
+ LET ps ..= 'F'
+ endtry
+ try
+ LET l[2][6] = {99: 99}
+ LET ps ..= 'p'
+ catch
+ LET ps ..= 'F'
+ endtry
+ try
+ LET l[2] = {99: 99}
+ LET ps ..= 'p'
+ catch
+ LET ps ..= 'F'
+ endtry
+ try
+ LET l = [99]
+ LET ps ..= 'p'
+ catch
+ LET ps ..= 'F'
+ endtry
+ call assert_equal(expected[depth][u][1], ps, 'depth: ' .. depth)
+ unlock! l
+ endfor
+ endfor
+ call CheckTransLegacySuccess(lines)
+ call CheckTransVim9Success(lines)
call assert_fails("let x=islocked('a b')", 'E488:')
let mylist = [1, 2, 3]
call assert_fails("let x = islocked('mylist[1:2]')", 'E786:')
@@ -580,6 +597,7 @@ endfunc
" Unletting locked variables
func Test_list_locked_var_unlet()
+ " Not tested with Vim9: script and local variables cannot be unlocked
let expected = [
\ [['1000-000', 'ppppppp'],
\ ['0000-000', 'ppppppp'],
@@ -674,26 +692,43 @@ endfunc
" unlet after lock on dict item
func Test_dict_item_lock_unlet()
- let d = {'a': 99, 'b': 100}
- lockvar d.a
- unlet d.a
- call assert_equal({'b' : 100}, d)
+ let lines =<< trim END
+ VAR d = {'a': 99, 'b': 100}
+ lockvar d.a
+ unlet d.a
+ call assert_equal({'b': 100}, d)
+ " TODO: make this work in a :def function
+ "call CheckLegacyAndVim9Success(lines)
+ call CheckTransLegacySuccess(lines)
+ call CheckTransVim9Success(lines)
" filter() after lock on dict item
func Test_dict_lock_filter()
- let d = {'a': 99, 'b': 100}
- lockvar d.a
- call filter(d, 'v:key != "a"')
- call assert_equal({'b' : 100}, d)
+ let lines =<< trim END
+ VAR d = {'a': 99, 'b': 100}
+ lockvar d.a
+ call filter(d, 'v:key != "a"')
+ call assert_equal({'b': 100}, d)
+ " TODO: make this work in a :def function
+ "call CheckLegacyAndVim9Success(lines)
+ call CheckTransLegacySuccess(lines)
+ call CheckTransVim9Success(lines)
" map() after lock on dict
func Test_dict_lock_map()
- let d = {'a': 99, 'b': 100}
- lockvar 1 d
- call map(d, 'v:val + 200')
- call assert_equal({'a' : 299, 'b' : 300}, d)
+ let lines =<< trim END
+ VAR d = {'a': 99, 'b': 100}
+ lockvar 1 d
+ call map(d, 'v:val + 200')
+ call assert_equal({'a': 299, 'b': 300}, d)
+ " This won't work in a :def function
+ call CheckTransLegacySuccess(lines)
+ call CheckTransVim9Success(lines)
" No extend() after lock on dict item
diff --git a/src/version.c b/src/version.c
index 4e374026b..d903192df 100644
--- a/src/version.c
+++ b/src/version.c
@@ -756,6 +756,8 @@ static char *(features[]) =
static int included_patches[] =
{ /* Add new patch number below this line */
+ 3334,
diff --git a/src/vim9compile.c b/src/vim9compile.c
index eb2619052..d6a7e0aa3 100644
--- a/src/vim9compile.c
+++ b/src/vim9compile.c
@@ -7433,7 +7433,7 @@ compile_lock_unlock(
// Cannot use :lockvar and :unlockvar on local variables.
if (p[1] != ':')
- char_u *end = skip_var_one(p, FALSE);
+ char_u *end = find_name_end(p, NULL, NULL, FNE_CHECK_START);
if (lookup_local(p, end - p, NULL, cctx) == OK)