diff options
authorBram Moolenaar <>2020-07-03 18:00:05 +0200
committerBram Moolenaar <>2020-07-03 18:00:05 +0200
commit92fdd1e75db3048516a93a18cc53ed984813c9e5 (patch)
parent5289783e0b07cfc3f92ee933261ca4c4acdca007 (diff)
patch 8.2.1120: Python code not tested properlyv8.2.1120
Problem: Python code not tested properly. Solution: Add more tests and convert old-style test into new-style test. (Yegappan Lakshmanan, closes #6370)
7 files changed, 3368 insertions, 3167 deletions
diff --git a/src/Makefile b/src/Makefile
index 105820a93..916666297 100644
--- a/src/Makefile
+++ b/src/Makefile
@@ -2308,7 +2308,7 @@ test1 \
test42 test44 test49 \
test52 test59 \
test70 \
- test86 test87 \
+ test87 \
cd testdir; rm -f $@.out; $(MAKE) -f Makefile $@.out VIMPROG=../$(VIMTESTTARGET) $(GUI_TESTARG) SCRIPTSOURCE=../$(SCRIPTSOURCE)
diff --git a/src/testdir/Make_all.mak b/src/testdir/Make_all.mak
index a0884cdc8..14062d839 100644
--- a/src/testdir/Make_all.mak
+++ b/src/testdir/Make_all.mak
@@ -21,7 +21,6 @@ SCRIPTS_ALL = \
# Tests that run on most systems, but not on Amiga.
test52.out \
- test86.out \
diff --git a/src/testdir/Make_vms.mms b/src/testdir/Make_vms.mms
index a89bb244f..ff6deb465 100644
--- a/src/testdir/Make_vms.mms
+++ b/src/testdir/Make_vms.mms
@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ SCRIPT_GDIFF = test47.out
-SCRIPT_PYTHON = test86.out test87.out
+SCRIPT_PYTHON = test87.out
.in.out :
diff --git a/src/testdir/ b/src/testdir/
deleted file mode 100644
index e24c13d1c..000000000
--- a/src/testdir/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1711 +0,0 @@
-Tests for various python features. vim: set ft=vim :
-NOTE: This will cause errors when run under valgrind.
-This would require recompiling Python with:
- ./configure --without-pymalloc
-:so small.vim
-:set encoding=latin1
-:set noswapfile
-:if !has('python') || !has('quickfix') | e! test.ok | wq! test.out | endif
-:lang C
-:fun Test()
-:py import vim
-:py cb = vim.current.buffer
-:let l = []
-:py l=vim.bindeval('l')
-:py f=vim.bindeval('function("strlen")')
-:" Extending List directly with different types
-:py l.extend([1, "as'd", [1, 2, f, {'a': 1}]])
-:$put =string(l)
-:$put =string(l[-1])
-: $put =string(l[-4])
-: $put =v:exception[:13]
-:" List assignment
-:py l[0]=0
-:$put =string(l)
-:py l[-2]=f
-:$put =string(l)
-:" Extending Dictionary directly with different types
-:let d = {}
-:fun d.f()
-: return 1
-py << trim EOF
- d=vim.bindeval('d')
- d['1']='asd'
- d.update() # Must not do anything, including throwing errors
- d.update(b=[1, 2, f])
- d.update((('-1', {'a': 1}),))
- d.update({'0': -1})
- dk = d.keys()
- dv = d.values()
- di = d.items()
- cmpfun = lambda a, b: cmp(repr(a), repr(b))
- dk.sort(cmpfun)
- dv.sort(cmpfun)
- di.sort(cmpfun)
-:$put =pyeval('d[''f''](self={})')
-:$put =pyeval('repr(dk)')
-:$put =substitute(pyeval('repr(dv)'),'0x\x\+','','g')
-:$put =substitute(pyeval('repr(di)'),'0x\x\+','','g')
-:for [key, Val] in sort(items(d))
-: $put =string(key) . ' : ' . string(Val)
-: unlet key Val
-:py del dk
-:py del di
-:py del dv
-:" removing items with del
-:py del l[2]
-:$put =string(l)
-:let l = range(8)
-:py l=vim.bindeval('l')
-: py del l[:3]
-: py del l[1:]
-: $put =v:exception
-:$put =string(l)
-:py del d['-1']
-:py del d['f']
-:$put =string(pyeval('d.get(''b'', 1)'))
-:$put =string(pyeval('d.pop(''b'')'))
-:$put =string(pyeval('d.get(''b'', 1)'))
-:$put =string(pyeval('d.pop(''1'', 2)'))
-:$put =string(pyeval('d.pop(''1'', 2)'))
-:$put =pyeval('repr(d.has_key(''0''))')
-:$put =pyeval('repr(d.has_key(''1''))')
-:$put =pyeval('repr(''0'' in d)')
-:$put =pyeval('repr(''1'' in d)')
-:$put =pyeval('repr(list(iter(d)))')
-:$put =string(d)
-:$put =pyeval('repr(d.popitem())')
-:$put =pyeval('repr(d.get(''0''))')
-:$put =pyeval('repr(list(iter(d)))')
-:" removing items out of range: silently skip items that don't exist
-:let l = [0, 1, 2, 3]
-:py l=vim.bindeval('l')
-:" The following two ranges delete nothing as they match empty list:
-:py del l[2:1]
-:$put =string(l)
-:py del l[2:2]
-:$put =string(l)
-:py del l[2:3]
-:$put =string(l)
-:let l = [0, 1, 2, 3]
-:py l=vim.bindeval('l')
-:py del l[2:4]
-:$put =string(l)
-:let l = [0, 1, 2, 3]
-:py l=vim.bindeval('l')
-:py del l[2:5]
-:$put =string(l)
-:let l = [0, 1, 2, 3]
-:py l=vim.bindeval('l')
-:py del l[2:6]
-:$put =string(l)
-:let l = [0, 1, 2, 3]
-:py l=vim.bindeval('l')
-:" The following two ranges delete nothing as they match empty list:
-:py del l[-1:2]
-:$put =string(l)
-:py del l[-2:2]
-:$put =string(l)
-:py del l[-3:2]
-:$put =string(l)
-:let l = [0, 1, 2, 3]
-:py l=vim.bindeval('l')
-:py del l[-4:2]
-:$put =string(l)
-:let l = [0, 1, 2, 3]
-:py l=vim.bindeval('l')
-:py del l[-5:2]
-:$put =string(l)
-:let l = [0, 1, 2, 3]
-:py l=vim.bindeval('l')
-:py del l[-6:2]
-:$put =string(l)
-:let l = [0, 1, 2, 3]
-:py l=vim.bindeval('l')
-:py del l[::2]
-:$put =string(l)
-:let l = [0, 1, 2, 3]
-:py l=vim.bindeval('l')
-:py del l[3:0:-2]
-:$put =string(l)
-:let l = [0, 1, 2, 3]
-:py l=vim.bindeval('l')
-:py del l[2:4:-2]
-:$put =string(l)
-:" Slice assignment to a list
-:let l = [0, 1, 2, 3]
-:py l=vim.bindeval('l')
-:py l[0:0]=['a']
-:$put =string(l)
-:let l = [0, 1, 2, 3]
-:py l=vim.bindeval('l')
-:py l[1:2]=['b']
-:$put =string(l)
-:let l = [0, 1, 2, 3]
-:py l=vim.bindeval('l')
-:py l[2:4]=['c']
-:$put =string(l)
-:let l = [0, 1, 2, 3]
-:py l=vim.bindeval('l')
-:py l[4:4]=['d']
-:$put =string(l)
-:let l = [0, 1, 2, 3]
-:py l=vim.bindeval('l')
-:py l[-1:2]=['e']
-:$put =string(l)
-:let l = [0, 1, 2, 3]
-:py l=vim.bindeval('l')
-:py l[-10:2]=['f']
-:$put =string(l)
-:let l = [0, 1, 2, 3]
-:py l=vim.bindeval('l')
-:py l[2:-10]=['g']
-:$put =string(l)
-:let l = []
-:py l=vim.bindeval('l')
-:py l[0:0]=['h']
-:$put =string(l)
-:let l = range(8)
-:py l=vim.bindeval('l')
-:py l[2:6:2] = [10, 20]
-:$put =string(l)
-:let l = range(8)
-:py l=vim.bindeval('l')
-:py l[6:2:-2] = [10, 20]
-:$put =string(l)
-:let l = range(8)
-:py l=vim.bindeval('l')
-:py l[6:2] = ()
-:$put =string(l)
-:let l = range(8)
-:py l=vim.bindeval('l')
-:py l[6:2:1] = ()
-:$put =string(l)
-:let l = range(8)
-:py l=vim.bindeval('l')
-:py l[2:2:1] = ()
-:$put =string(l)
-:" Locked variables
-:let l = [0, 1, 2, 3]
-:py l=vim.bindeval('l')
-:lockvar! l
-py << trim EOF
- def emsg(ei):
- return ei[0].__name__ + ':' + repr(ei[1].args)
- try:
- l[2]='i'
- except vim.error:
- cb.append('l[2] threw vim.error: ' + emsg(sys.exc_info()))
-:$put =string(l)
-:unlockvar! l
-:" Function calls
-py << trim EOF
- import sys
- def ee(expr, g=globals(), l=locals()):
- try:
- exec(expr, g, l)
- except:
- ei = sys.exc_info()
- msg = emsg(ei)
- msg = msg.replace('TypeError:(\'argument 1 ', 'TypeError:(\'')
- if expr.find('None') > -1:
- msg = msg.replace('TypeError:(\'iteration over non-sequence\',)',
- 'TypeError:("\'NoneType\' object is not iterable",)')
- if expr.find('FailingNumber') > -1:
- msg = msg.replace(', not \'FailingNumber\'', '').replace('"', '\'')
- msg = msg.replace('TypeError:(\'iteration over non-sequence\',)',
- 'TypeError:("\'FailingNumber\' object is not iterable",)')
- if msg.find('(\'\'') > -1 or msg.find('(\'can\'t') > -1:
- msg = msg.replace('(\'', '("').replace('\',)', '",)')
- # Some Python versions say can't, others cannot.
- if msg.find('can\'t') > -1:
- msg = msg.replace('can\'t', 'cannot')
- # Some Python versions use single quote, some double quote
- if msg.find('"cannot ') > -1:
- msg = msg.replace('"cannot ', '\'cannot ')
- if msg.find(' attributes"') > -1:
- msg = msg.replace(' attributes"', ' attributes\'')
- if expr == 'fd(self=[])':
- # HACK: PyMapping_Check changed meaning
- msg = msg.replace('AttributeError:(\'keys\',)',
- 'TypeError:(\'unable to convert list to vim dictionary\',)')
- vim.current.buffer.append(expr + ':' + msg)
- else:
- vim.current.buffer.append(expr + ':NOT FAILED')
-:fun New(...)
-: return ['NewStart']+a:000+['NewEnd']
-:fun DictNew(...) dict
-: return ['DictNewStart']+a:000+['DictNewEnd', self]
-:let l=[function('New'), function('DictNew')]
-:py l=vim.bindeval('l')
-:py l.extend(list(l[0](1, 2, 3)))
-:$put =string(l)
-:py l.extend(list(l[1](1, 2, 3, self={'a': 'b'})))
-:$put =string(l)
-:py l.extend([l[0].name])
-:$put =string(l)
-:py ee('l[1](1, 2, 3)')
-:py f=l[0]
-:delfunction New
-:py ee('f(1, 2, 3)')
-:if has('float')
-: let l=[0.0]
-: py l=vim.bindeval('l')
-: py l.extend([0.0])
-: $put =string(l)
-: $put ='[0.0, 0.0]'
-:let messages=[]
-:delfunction DictNew
-py << trim EOF
- d=vim.bindeval('{}')
- m=vim.bindeval('messages')
- def em(expr, g=globals(), l=locals()):
- try:
- exec(expr, g, l)
- except:
- m.extend([sys.exc_type.__name__])
- em('d["abc1"]')
- em('d["abc1"]="\\0"')
- em('d["abc1"]=vim')
- em('d[""]=1')
- em('d["a\\0b"]=1')
- em('d[u"a\\0b"]=1')
- em('d.pop("abc1")')
- em('d.popitem()')
- del em
- del m
-:$put =messages
-:unlet messages
-:" locked and scope attributes
-:let d={} | let dl={} | lockvar dl
-:for s in split("d dl v: g:")
-: let name=tr(s, ':', 's')
-: execute 'py '.name.'=vim.bindeval("'.s.'")'
-: let toput=s.' : '.join(map(['locked', 'scope'], 'v:val.":".pyeval(name.".".v:val)'), ';')
-: $put =toput
-:silent! let d.abc2=1
-:silent! let dl.abc3=1
-:py d.locked=True
-:py dl.locked=False
-:silent! let d.def=1
-:silent! let dl.def=1
-:put ='d:'.string(d)
-:put ='dl:'.string(dl)
-:unlet d dl
-:let l=[] | let ll=[] | lockvar ll
-:for s in split("l ll")
-: let name=tr(s, ':', 's')
-: execute 'py '.name.'=vim.bindeval("'.s.'")'
-: let toput=s.' : locked:'.pyeval(name.'.locked')
-: $put =toput
-:silent! call extend(l, [0])
-:silent! call extend(ll, [0])
-:py l.locked=True
-:py ll.locked=False
-:silent! call extend(l, [1])
-:silent! call extend(ll, [1])
-:put ='l:'.string(l)
-:put ='ll:'.string(ll)
-:unlet l ll
-:" pyeval()
-:let l=pyeval('range(3)')
-:$put =string(l)
-:let d=pyeval('{"a": "b", "c": 1, "d": ["e"]}')
-:$put =sort(items(d))
-:let v:errmsg = ''
-:$put ='pyeval(\"None\") = ' . pyeval('None') . v:errmsg
-:if has('float')
-: let f=pyeval('0.0')
-: $put =string(f)
-: $put ='0.0'
-:" Invalid values:
-:for e in ['"\0"', '{"\0": 1}', 'undefined_name', 'vim']
-: try
-: let v=pyeval(e)
-: catch
-: let toput=e.":\t".v:exception[:13]
-: $put =toput
-: endtry
-:" threading
-:let l = [0]
-:py l=vim.bindeval('l')
-py << trim EOF
- import threading
- import time
- class T(threading.Thread):
- def __init__(self):
- threading.Thread.__init__(self)
- self.t = 0
- self.running = True
- def run(self):
- while self.running:
- self.t += 1
- time.sleep(0.1)
- t = T()
- del T
- t.start()
-:sleep 1
-:py t.running = False
-:py t.join()
-:" Check if the background thread is working. Count should be 10, but on a
-:" busy system (AppVeyor) it can be much lower.
-:py l[0] = t.t > 4
-:py del time
-:py del threading
-:py del t
-:$put =string(l)
-:" settrace
-:let l = []
-:py l=vim.bindeval('l')
-py << trim EOF
- import sys
- def traceit(frame, event, arg):
- global l
- if event == "line":
- l.extend([frame.f_lineno])
- return traceit
- def trace_main():
- for i in range(5):
- pass
-:py sys.settrace(traceit)
-:py trace_main()
-:py sys.settrace(None)
-:py del traceit
-:py del trace_main
-:$put =string(l)
-:" Slice
-:py ll = vim.bindeval('[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]')
-:py l = ll[:4]
-:$put =string(pyeval('l'))
-:py l = ll[2:]
-:$put =string(pyeval('l'))
-:py l = ll[:-4]
-:$put =string(pyeval('l'))
-:py l = ll[-2:]
-:$put =string(pyeval('l'))
-:py l = ll[2:4]
-:$put =string(pyeval('l'))
-:py l = ll[4:2]
-:$put =string(pyeval('l'))
-:py l = ll[-4:-2]
-:$put =string(pyeval('l'))
-:py l = ll[-2:-4]
-:$put =string(pyeval('l'))
-:py l = ll[:]
-:$put =string(pyeval('l'))
-:py l = ll[0:6]
-:$put =string(pyeval('l'))
-:py l = ll[-10:10]
-:$put =string(pyeval('l'))
-:py l = ll[4:2:-1]
-:$put =string(pyeval('l'))
-:py l = ll[::2]
-:$put =string(pyeval('l'))
-:py l = ll[4:2:1]
-:$put =string(pyeval('l'))
-:py del l
-:" Vars
-:let g:foo = 'bac'
-:let w:abc3 = 'def'
-:let b:baz = 'bar'
-:let t:bar = 'jkl'
-: throw "Abc"
-: put =pyeval('vim.vvars[''exception'']')
-:put =pyeval('vim.vars[''foo'']')
-:put =pyeval('vim.current.window.vars[''abc3'']')
-:put =pyeval('vim.current.buffer.vars[''baz'']')
-:put =pyeval('vim.current.tabpage.vars[''bar'']')
-:" Options
-:" paste: boolean, global
-:" previewheight number, global
-:" operatorfunc: string, global
-:" number: boolean, window-local
-:" numberwidth: number, window-local
-:" colorcolumn: string, window-local
-:" statusline: string, window-local/global
-:" autoindent: boolean, buffer-local
-:" shiftwidth: number, buffer-local
-:" omnifunc: string, buffer-local
-:" preserveindent: boolean, buffer-local/global
-:" path: string, buffer-local/global
-:let g:bufs=[bufnr('%')]
-:let g:bufs+=[bufnr('%')]
-:let g:bufs+=[bufnr('%')]
-:wincmd j
-:let g:bufs+=[bufnr('%')]
-:wincmd l
-:fun RecVars(opt)
-: let gval =string(eval('&g:'.a:opt))
-: let wvals=join(map(range(1, 4), 'v:val.":".string(getwinvar(v:val, "&".a:opt))'))
-: let bvals=join(map(copy(g:bufs), 'v:val.":".string(getbufvar(v:val, "&".a:opt))'))
-: put =' G: '.gval
-: put =' W: '.wvals
-: put =' B: '.wvals
-py << trim EOF
- def e(s, g=globals(), l=locals()):
- try:
- exec(s, g, l)
- except:
- vim.command('return ' + repr(sys.exc_type.__name__))
- def ev(s, g=globals(), l=locals()):
- try:
- return eval(s, g, l)
- except:
- vim.command('let exc=' + repr(sys.exc_type.__name__))
- return 0
-:fun E(s)
-: python e(vim.eval('a:s'))
-:fun Ev(s)
-: let r=pyeval('ev(vim.eval("a:s"))')
-: if exists('exc')
-: throw exc
-: endif
-: return r
-:py gopts1=vim.options
-:py bopts1=vim.buffers[vim.bindeval("g:bufs")[2]].options
-:py bopts2=vim.buffers[vim.bindeval("g:bufs")[1]].options
-:py bopts3=vim.buffers[vim.bindeval("g:bufs")[0]].options
-:$put ='wopts iters equal: '.pyeval('list(wopts1) == list(wopts2)')
-:$put ='bopts iters equal: '.pyeval('list(bopts1) == list(bopts2)')
-:py gset=set(iter(gopts1))
-:py wset=set(iter(wopts1))
-:py bset=set(iter(bopts1))
-:set path=.,..,,
-:let lst=[]
-:let lst+=[['paste', 1, 0, 1, 2, 1, 1, 0 ]]
-:let lst+=[['previewheight', 5, 1, 6, 'a', 0, 1, 0 ]]
-:let lst+=[['operatorfunc', 'A', 'B', 'C', 2, 0, 1, 0 ]]
-:let lst+=[['number', 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1 ]]
-:let lst+=[['numberwidth', 2, 3, 5, -100, 0, 0, 1 ]]
-:let lst+=[['colorcolumn', '+1', '+2', '+3', 'abc4', 0, 0, 1 ]]
-:let lst+=[['statusline', '1', '2', '4', 0, 0, 1, 1 ]]
-:let lst+=[['autoindent', 0, 1, 1, 2, 1, 0, 2 ]]
-:let lst+=[['shiftwidth', 0, 2, 1, 3, 0, 0, 2 ]]
-:let lst+=[['omnifunc', 'A', 'B', 'C', 1, 0, 0, 2 ]]
-:let lst+=[['preserveindent', 0, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 2 ]]
-:let lst+=[['path', '.,,', ',,', '.', 0, 0, 1, 2 ]]
-:for [oname, oval1, oval2, oval3, invval, bool, global, local] in lst
-: py oname=vim.eval('oname')
-: py oval1=vim.bindeval('oval1')
-: py oval2=vim.bindeval('oval2')
-: py oval3=vim.bindeval('oval3')
-: if invval is 0 || invval is 1
-: py invval=bool(vim.bindeval('invval'))
-: else
-: py invval=vim.bindeval('invval')
-: endif
-: if bool
-: py oval1=bool(oval1)
-: py oval2=bool(oval2)
-: py oval3=bool(oval3)
-: endif
-: put ='>>> '.oname
-: $put =' g/w/b:'.pyeval('oname in gset').'/'.pyeval('oname in wset').'/'.pyeval('oname in bset')
-: $put =' g/w/b (in):'.pyeval('oname in gopts1').'/'.pyeval('oname in wopts1').'/'.pyeval('oname in bopts1')
-: for v in ['gopts1', 'wopts1', 'bopts1']
-: try
-: put =' p/'.v.': '.Ev('repr('.v.'['''.oname.'''])')
-: catch
-: put =' p/'.v.'! '.v:exception
-: endtry
-: let r=E(v.'['''.oname.''']=invval')
-: if r isnot 0
-: put =' inv: '.string(invval).'! '.r
-: endif
-: for vv in (v is# 'gopts1' ? [v] : [v, v[:-2].'2', v[:-2].'3'])
-: let val=substitute(vv, '^.opts', 'oval', '')
-: let r=E(vv.'['''.oname.''']='.val)
-: if r isnot 0
-: put =' '.vv.'! '.r
-: endif
-: endfor
-: endfor
-: call RecVars(oname)
-: for v in ['wopts3', 'bopts3']
-: let r=E('del '.v.'["'.oname.'"]')
-: if r isnot 0
-: put =' del '.v.'! '.r
-: endif
-: endfor
-: call RecVars(oname)
-:delfunction RecVars
-:delfunction E
-:delfunction Ev
-:py del ev
-:py del e
-:for buf in g:bufs[1:]
-: execute 'bwipeout!' buf
-:py del gopts1
-:py del wopts1
-:py del wopts2
-:py del wopts3
-:py del bopts1
-:py del bopts2
-:py del bopts3
-:py del oval1
-:py del oval2
-:py del oval3
-:py del oname
-:py del invval
-:" Test buffer object
-:put ='First line'
-:put ='Second line'
-:put ='Third line'
-:1 delete _
-:py b=vim.current.buffer
-:wincmd w
-:mark a
-:augroup BUFS
-: autocmd BufFilePost * python cb.append(vim.eval('expand("<abuf>")') + ':BufFilePost:' + vim.eval('bufnr("%")'))
-: autocmd BufFilePre * python cb.append(vim.eval('expand("<abuf>")') + ':BufFilePre:' + vim.eval('bufnr("%")'))
-:augroup END
-py << trim EOF
- # Tests BufferAppend and BufferItem
- cb.append(b[0])
- # Tests BufferSlice and BufferAssSlice
- cb.append('abc5') # Will be overwritten
- cb[-1:] = b[:-2]
- # Test BufferLength and BufferAssSlice
- cb.append('def') # Will not be overwritten
- cb[len(cb):] = b[:]
- # Test BufferAssItem and BufferMark
- cb.append('ghi') # Will be overwritten
- cb[-1] = repr((len(cb) - cb.mark('a')[0], cb.mark('a')[1]))
- # Test BufferRepr
- cb.append(repr(cb) + repr(b))
- # Modify foreign buffer
- b.append('foo')
- b[0]='bar'
- b[0:0]=['baz']
- vim.command('call append("$", getbufline(%i, 1, "$"))' % b.number)
- # Test assigning to name property
- import os
- old_name =
- = 'foo'
- cb.append([-11:].replace(os.path.sep, '/'))
- = 'bar'
- cb.append([-11:].replace(os.path.sep, '/'))
- = old_name
- cb.append([-17:].replace(os.path.sep, '/'))
- del old_name
- # Test CheckBuffer
- for _b in vim.buffers:
- if _b is not cb:
- vim.command('bwipeout! ' + str(_b.number))
- del _b
- cb.append('valid: b:%s, cb:%s' % (repr(b.valid), repr(cb.valid)))
- for expr in ('b[1]','b[:] = ["A", "B"]','b[:]','b.append("abc6")', ' = "!"'):
- try:
- exec(expr)
- except vim.error:
- pass
- else:
- # Usually a SEGV here
- # Should not happen in any case
- cb.append('No exception for ' + expr)
- vim.command('cd .')
- del b
-:augroup BUFS
-: autocmd!
-:augroup END
-:augroup! BUFS
-:" Test vim.buffers object
-:set hidden
-:edit a
-:buffer #
-:edit b
-:buffer #
-:edit c
-:buffer #
-py << trim EOF
- try:
- from __builtin__ import next
- except ImportError:
- next = lambda o:
- # Check GCing iterator that was not fully exhausted
- i = iter(vim.buffers)
- cb.append('i:' + str(next(i)))
- # and also check creating more than one iterator at a time
- i2 = iter(vim.buffers)
- cb.append('i2:' + str(next(i2)))
- cb.append('i:' + str(next(i)))
- # The following should trigger GC and not cause any problems
- del i
- del i2
- i3 = iter(vim.buffers)
- cb.append('i3:' + str(next(i3)))
- del i3
- prevnum = 0
- for b in vim.buffers:
- # Check buffer order
- if prevnum >= b.number:
- cb.append('!!! Buffer numbers not in strictly ascending order')
- # Check indexing: vim.buffers[number].number == number
- cb.append(str(b.number) + ':' + repr(vim.buffers[b.number]) + '=' + repr(b))
- prevnum = b.number
- del prevnum
- cb.append(str(len(vim.buffers)))
- bnums = list(map(lambda b: b.number, vim.buffers))[1:]
- # Test wiping out buffer with existing iterator
- i4 = iter(vim.buffers)
- cb.append('i4:' + str(next(i4)))
- vim.command('bwipeout! ' + str(bnums.pop(0)))
- try:
- next(i4)
- except vim.error:
- pass
- else:
- cb.append('!!!! No vim.error')
- i4 = iter(vim.buffers)
- vim.command('bwipeout! ' + str(bnums.pop(-1)))
- vim.command('bwipeout! ' + str(bnums.pop(-1)))
- cb.append('i4:' + str(next(i4)))
- try:
- next(i4)
- except StopIteration:
- cb.append('StopIteration')
- del i4
- del bnums
-:" Test vim.{tabpage,window}list and vim.{tabpage,window} objects
-:tabnew 0
-:tabnew 1
-:vnew a.1
-:tabnew 2
-:vnew a.2
-:vnew b.2
-:vnew c.2
-py << trim EOF
- cb.append('Number of tabs: ' + str(len(vim.tabpages)))
- cb.append('Current tab pages:')
- def W(w):
- if repr(w).find('(unknown)') != -1:
- return '<window object (unknown)>'
- else:
- return repr(w)
- start = len(cb)
- def Cursor(w):
- if w.buffer is cb:
- return repr((start - w.cursor[0], w.cursor[1]))
- else:
- return repr(w.cursor)
- for t in vim.tabpages:
- cb.append(' ' + repr(t) + '(' + str(t.number) + ')' + ': ' + str(len( + ' windows, current is ' + W(t.window))
- cb.append(' Windows:')
- for w in
- cb.append(' ' + W(w) + '(' + str(w.number) + ')' + ': displays buffer ' + repr(w.buffer) + '; cursor is at ' + Cursor(w))
- # Other values depend on the size of the terminal, so they are checked partly:
- for attr in ('height', 'row', 'width', 'col'):
- try:
- aval = getattr(w, attr)
- if type(aval) is not long:
- raise TypeError
- if aval < 0:
- raise ValueError
- except Exception:
- cb.append('!!!!!! Error while getting attribute ' + attr + ': ' + sys.exc_type.__name__)
- del aval
- del attr
- w.cursor = (len(w.buffer), 0)
- del W
- del Cursor
- cb.append('Number of windows in current tab page: ' + str(len(
- if list( != list(
- cb.append('!!!!!! Windows differ')
-:" Test vim.current
-py << trim EOF
- def H(o):
- return repr(o)
- cb.append('Current tab page: ' + repr(vim.current.tabpage))
- cb.append('Current window: ' + repr(vim.current.window) + ': ' + H(vim.current.window) + ' is ' + H(vim.current.tabpage.window))
- cb.append('Current buffer: ' + repr(vim.current.buffer) + ': ' + H(vim.current.buffer) + ' is ' + H(vim.current.window.buffer)+ ' is ' + H(vim.current.tabpage.window.buffer))
- del H
- # Assigning: fails
- try:
- vim.current.window = vim.tabpages[0].window
- except ValueError:
- cb.append('ValueError at assigning foreign tab window')
- for attr in ('window', 'tabpage', 'buffer'):
- try:
- setattr(vim.current, attr, None)
- except TypeError:
- cb.append('Type error at assigning None to vim.current.' + attr)
- del attr
- # Assigning: success
- vim.current.tabpage = vim.tabpages[-2]
- vim.current.buffer = cb
- vim.current.window =[0]
- vim.current.window.cursor = (len(vim.current.buffer), 0)
- cb.append('Current tab page: ' + repr(vim.current.tabpage))
- cb.append('Current window: ' + repr(vim.current.window))
- cb.append('Current buffer: ' + repr(vim.current.buffer))
- cb.append('Current line: ' + repr(vim.current.line))
- ws = list(
- ts = list(vim.tabpages)
- for b in vim.buffers:
- if b is not cb:
- vim.command('bwipeout! ' + str(b.number))
- del b
- cb.append('w.valid: ' + repr([w.valid for w in ws]))
- cb.append('t.valid: ' + repr([t.valid for t in ts]))
- del w
- del t
- del ts
- del ws
-:" Test types
-py << trim EOF
- for expr, attr in (
- ('vim.vars', 'Dictionary'),
- ('vim.options', 'Options'),
- ('vim.bindeval("{}")', 'Dictionary'),
- ('vim.bindeval("[]")', 'List'),
- ('vim.bindeval("function(\'tr\')")', 'Function'),
- ('vim.current.buffer', 'Buffer'),
- ('vim.current.range', 'Range'),
- ('vim.current.window', 'Window'),
- ('vim.current.tabpage', 'TabPage'),
- ):
- cb.append(expr + ':' + attr + ':' + repr(type(eval(expr)) is getattr(vim, attr)))
- del expr
- del attr
-:" Test __dir__() method
-py << trim EOF
- for name, o in (
- ('current', vim.current),
- ('buffer', vim.current.buffer),
- ('window', vim.current.window),
- ('tabpage', vim.current.tabpage),
- ('range', vim.current.range),
- ('dictionary', vim.bindeval('{}')),
- ('list', vim.bindeval('[]')),
- ('function', vim.bindeval('function("tr")')),
- ('output', sys.stdout),
- ):
- cb.append(name + ':' + ','.join(dir(o)))
- del name
- del o
-:" Test vim.*.__new__
-:$put =string(pyeval('vim.Dictionary({})'))
-:$put =string(pyeval('vim.Dictionary(a=1)'))
-:$put =string(pyeval('vim.Dictionary(((''a'', 1),))'))
-:$put =string(pyeval('vim.List()'))
-:$put =string(pyeval('vim.List(iter(''abc7''))'))
-:$put =string(pyeval('vim.Function(''tr'')'))
-:$put =string(pyeval('vim.Function(''tr'', args=[123, 3, 4])'))
-:$put =string(pyeval('vim.Function(''tr'', args=[])'))
-:$put =string(pyeval('vim.Function(''tr'', self={})'))
-:$put =string(pyeval('vim.Function(''tr'', args=[123, 3, 4], self={})'))
-:$put ='auto_rebind'
-:$put =string(pyeval('vim.Function(''tr'', auto_rebind=False)'))
-:$put =string(pyeval('vim.Function(''tr'', args=[123, 3, 4], auto_rebind=False)'))
-:$put =string(pyeval('vim.Function(''tr'', args=[], auto_rebind=False)'))
-:$put =string(pyeval('vim.Function(''tr'', self={}, auto_rebind=False)'))
-:$put =string(pyeval('vim.Function(''tr'', args=[123, 3, 4], self={}, auto_rebind=False)'))
-:" Test vim.Function
-:function Args(...)
-: return a:000
-:function SelfArgs(...) dict
-: return [a:000, self]
-:" The following four lines should not crash
-:let Pt = function('tr', [[]], {'l': []})
-:py Pt = vim.bindeval('Pt')
-:unlet Pt
-:py del Pt
-py << trim EOF
- def ecall(out_prefix, func, *args, **kwargs):
- line = out_prefix + ': '
- try:
- ret = func(*args, **kwargs)
- except Exception:
- line += '!exception: ' + emsg(sys.exc_info())
- else:
- line += '!result: ' + vim.Function('string')(ret)
- cb.append(line)
- a = vim.Function('Args')
- pa1 = vim.Function('Args', args=['abcArgsPA1'])
- pa2 = vim.Function('Args', args=[])
- pa3 = vim.Function('Args', args=['abcArgsPA3'], self={'abcSelfPA3': 'abcSelfPA3Val'})
- pa4 = vim.Function('Args', self={'abcSelfPA4': 'abcSelfPA4Val'})
- cb.append('a: ' + repr(a))
- cb.append('pa1: ' + repr(pa1))
- cb.append('pa2: ' + repr(pa2))
- cb.append('pa3: ' + repr(pa3))
- cb.append('pa4: ' + repr(pa4))
- sa = vim.Function('SelfArgs')
- psa1 = vim.Function('SelfArgs', args=['abcArgsPSA1'])
- psa2 = vim.Function('SelfArgs', args=[])
- psa3 = vim.Function('SelfArgs', args=['abcArgsPSA3'], self={'abcSelfPSA3': 'abcSelfPSA3Val'})
- psa4 = vim.Function('SelfArgs', self={'abcSelfPSA4': 'abcSelfPSA4Val'})
- psa5 = vim.Function('SelfArgs', self={'abcSelfPSA5': 'abcSelfPSA5Val'}, auto_rebind=0)
- psa6 = vim.Function('SelfArgs', args=['abcArgsPSA6'], self={'abcSelfPSA6': 'abcSelfPSA6Val'}, auto_rebind=())
- psa7 = vim.Function('SelfArgs', args=['abcArgsPSA7'], auto_rebind=[])
- psa8 = vim.Function('SelfArgs', auto_rebind=False)
- psa9 = vim.Function('SelfArgs', self={'abcSelfPSA9': 'abcSelfPSA9Val'}, auto_rebind=True)
- psaA = vim.Function('SelfArgs', args=['abcArgsPSAA'], self={'abcSelfPSAA': 'abcSelfPSAAVal'}, auto_rebind=1)
- psaB = vim.Function('SelfArgs', args=['abcArgsPSAB'], auto_rebind={'abcARPSAB': 'abcARPSABVal'})
- psaC = vim.Function('SelfArgs', auto_rebind=['abcARPSAC'])
- cb.append('sa: ' + repr(sa))
- cb.append('psa1: ' + repr(psa1))
- cb.append('psa2: ' + repr(psa2))
- cb.append('psa3: ' + repr(psa3))
- cb.append('psa4: ' + repr(psa4))
- cb.append('psa5: ' + repr(psa5))
- cb.append('psa6: ' + repr(psa6))
- cb.append('psa7: ' + repr(psa7))
- cb.append('psa8: ' + repr(psa8))
- cb.append('psa9: ' + repr(psa9))
- cb.append('psaA: ' + repr(psaA))
- cb.append('psaB: ' + repr(psaB))
- cb.append('psaC: ' + repr(psaC))
- psar = vim.Function('SelfArgs', args=[{'abcArgsPSAr': 'abcArgsPSArVal'}], self={'abcSelfPSAr': 'abcSelfPSArVal'})
- psar.args[0]['abcArgsPSAr2'] = [psar.self, psar.args[0]]
- psar.self['rec'] = psar
- psar.self['self'] = psar.self
- psar.self['args'] = psar.args
- try:
- cb.append('psar: ' + repr(psar))
- except Exception:
- cb.append('!!!!!!!! Caught exception: ' + emsg(sys.exc_info()))
-:$put ='s(a): '.string(pyeval('a'))
-:$put ='s(pa1): '.string(pyeval('pa1'))
-:$put ='s(pa2): '.string(pyeval('pa2'))
-:$put ='s(pa3): '.string(pyeval('pa3'))
-:$put ='s(pa4): '.string(pyeval('pa4'))
-:$put ='s(sa): '.string(pyeval('sa'))
-:$put ='s(psa1): '.string(pyeval('psa1'))
-:$put ='s(psa2): '.string(pyeval('psa2'))
-:$put ='s(psa3): '.string(pyeval('psa3'))
-:$put ='s(psa4): '.string(pyeval('psa4'))
-:$put ='s(psa5): '.string(pyeval('psa5'))
-:$put ='s(psa6): '.string(pyeval('psa6'))
-:$put ='s(psa7): '.string(pyeval('psa7'))
-:$put ='s(psa8): '.string(pyeval('psa8'))
-:$put ='s(psa9): '.string(pyeval('psa9'))
-:$put ='s(psaA): '.string(pyeval('psaA'))
-:$put ='s(psaB): '.string(pyeval('psaB'))
-:$put ='s(psaC): '.string(pyeval('psaC'))
-:for v in ['sa', 'psa1', 'psa2', 'psa3', 'psa4', 'psa5', 'psa6', 'psa7', 'psa8', 'psa9', 'psaA', 'psaB', 'psaC']
-: let d = {'f': pyeval(v)}
-: $put ='d.'.v.'(): '.string(d.f())
-:py ecall('a()', a, )
-:py ecall('pa1()', pa1, )
-:py ecall('pa2()', pa2, )
-:py ecall('pa3()', pa3, )
-:py ecall('pa4()', pa4, )
-:py ecall('sa()', sa, )
-:py ecall('psa1()', psa1, )
-:py ecall('psa2()', psa2, )
-:py ecall('psa3()', psa3, )
-:py ecall('psa4()', psa4, )
-:py ecall('a(42, 43)', a, 42, 43)
-:py ecall('pa1(42, 43)', pa1, 42, 43)
-:py ecall('pa2(42, 43)', pa2, 42, 43)
-:py ecall('pa3(42, 43)', pa3, 42, 43)
-:py ecall('pa4(42, 43)', pa4, 42, 43)
-:py ecall('sa(42, 43)', sa, 42, 43)
-:py ecall('psa1(42, 43)', psa1, 42, 43)
-:py ecall('psa2(42, 43)', psa2, 42, 43)
-:py ecall('psa3(42, 43)', psa3, 42, 43)
-:py ecall('psa4(42, 43)', psa4, 42, 43)
-:py ecall('a(42, self={"20": 1})', a, 42, self={'20': 1})
-:py ecall('pa1(42, self={"20": 1})', pa1, 42, self={'20': 1})
-:py ecall('pa2(42, self={"20": 1})', pa2, 42, self={'20': 1})
-:py ecall('pa3(42, self={"20": 1})', pa3, 42, self={'20': 1})
-:py ecall('pa4(42, self={"20": 1})', pa4, 42, self={'20': 1})
-:py ecall('sa(42, self={"20": 1})', sa, 42, self={'20': 1})
-:py ecall('psa1(42, self={"20": 1})', psa1, 42, self={'20': 1})
-:py ecall('psa2(42, self={"20": 1})', psa2, 42, self={'20': 1})
-:py ecall('psa3(42, self={"20": 1})', psa3, 42, self={'20': 1})
-:py ecall('psa4(42, self={"20": 1})', psa4, 42, self={'20': 1})
-:py ecall('a(self={"20": 1})', a, self={'20': 1})
-:py ecall('pa1(self={"20": 1})', pa1, self={'20': 1})
-:py ecall('pa2(self={"20": 1})', pa2, self={'20': 1})
-:py ecall('pa3(self={"20": 1})', pa3, self={'20': 1})
-:py ecall('pa4(self={"20": 1})', pa4, self={'20': 1})
-:py ecall('sa(self={"20": 1})', sa, self={'20': 1})
-:py ecall('psa1(self={"20": 1})', psa1, self={'20': 1})
-:py ecall('psa2(self={"20": 1})', psa2, self={'20': 1})
-:py ecall('psa3(self={"20": 1})', psa3, self={'20': 1})
-:py ecall('psa4(self={"20": 1})', psa4, self={'20': 1})
-py << trim EOF
- def s(v):
- if v is None:
- return repr(v)
- else:
- return vim.Function('string')(v)
- cb.append('a.args: ' + s(a.args))
- cb.append('pa1.args: ' + s(pa1.args))
- cb.append('pa2.args: ' + s(pa2.args))
- cb.append('pa3.args: ' + s(pa3.args))
- cb.append('pa4.args: ' + s(pa4.args))
- cb.append('sa.args: ' + s(sa.args))
- cb.append('psa1.args: ' + s(psa1.args))
- cb.append('psa2.args: ' + s(psa2.args))
- cb.append('psa3.args: ' + s(psa3.args))
- cb.append('psa4.args: ' + s(psa4.args))
- cb.append('a.self: ' + s(a.self))
- cb.append('pa1.self: ' + s(pa1.self))
- cb.append('pa2.self: ' + s(pa2.self))
- cb.append('pa3.self: ' + s(pa3.self))
- cb.append('pa4.self: ' + s(pa4.self))
- cb.append('sa.self: ' + s(sa.self))
- cb.append('psa1.self: ' + s(psa1.self))
- cb.append('psa2.self: ' + s(psa2.self))
- cb.append('psa3.self: ' + s(psa3.self))
- cb.append('psa4.self: ' + s(psa4.self))
- cb.append(' ' + s(
- cb.append(' ' + s(
- cb.append(' ' + s(
- cb.append(' ' + s(
- cb.append(' ' + s(
- cb.append(' ' + s(
- cb.append(' ' + s(
- cb.append(' ' + s(
- cb.append(' ' + s(
- cb.append(' ' + s(
- cb.append('a.auto_rebind: ' + s(a.auto_rebind))
- cb.append('pa1.auto_rebind: ' + s(pa1.auto_rebind))
- cb.append('pa2.auto_rebind: ' + s(pa2.auto_rebind))
- cb.append('pa3.auto_rebind: ' + s(pa3.auto_rebind))
- cb.append('pa4.auto_rebind: ' + s(pa4.auto_rebind))
- cb.append('sa.auto_rebind: ' + s(sa.auto_rebind))
- cb.append('psa1.auto_rebind: ' + s(psa1.auto_rebind))
- cb.append('psa2.auto_rebind: ' + s(psa2.auto_rebind))
- cb.append('psa3.auto_rebind: ' + s(psa3.auto_rebind))
- cb.append('psa4.auto_rebind: ' + s(psa4.auto_rebind))
- cb.append('psa5.auto_rebind: ' + s(psa5.auto_rebind))
- cb.append('psa6.auto_rebind: ' + s(psa6.auto_rebind))
- cb.append('psa7.auto_rebind: ' + s(psa7.auto_rebind))
- cb.append('psa8.auto_rebind: ' + s(psa8.auto_rebind))
- cb.append('psa9.auto_rebind: ' + s(psa9.auto_rebind))
- cb.append('psaA.auto_rebind: ' + s(psaA.auto_rebind))
- cb.append('psaB.auto_rebind: ' + s(psaB.auto_rebind))
- cb.append('psaC.auto_rebind: ' + s(psaC.auto_rebind))
- del s
- del a
- del pa1
- del pa2
- del pa3
- del pa4
- del sa
- del psa1
- del psa2
- del psa3
- del psa4
- del psa5
- del psa6
- del psa7
- del psa8
- del psa9
- del psaA
- del psaB
- del psaC
- del psar
- del ecall
-:" Test stdout/stderr
-:redir => messages
-:py sys.stdout.write('abc8') ; sys.stdout.write('def')
-:py sys.stderr.write('abc9') ; sys.stderr.write('def')
-:py sys.stdout.writelines(iter('abcA'))
-:py sys.stderr.writelines(iter('abcB'))
-:redir END
-:$put =string(substitute(messages, '\d\+', '', 'g'))
-:" Test subclassing
-:fun Put(...)
-: $put =string(a:000)
-: return a:000
-py << trim EOF
- class DupDict(vim.Dictionary):
- def __setitem__(self, key, value):
- super(DupDict, self).__setitem__(key, value)
- super(DupDict, self).__setitem__('dup_' + key, value)
- dd = DupDict()
- dd['a'] = 'b'
- class DupList(vim.List):
- def __getitem__(self, idx):
- return [super(DupList, self).__getitem__(idx)] * 2
- dl = DupList()
- dl2 = DupList(iter('abcC'))
- dl.extend(dl2[0])
- class DupFun(vim.Function):
- def __call__(self, arg):
- return super(DupFun, self).__call__(arg, arg)
- df = DupFun('Put')
-:$put =string(sort(keys(pyeval('dd'))))
-:$put =string(pyeval('dl'))
-:$put =string(pyeval('dl2'))
-:$put =string(pyeval('df(2)'))
-:$put =string(pyeval('dl') is# pyeval('dl'))
-:$put =string(pyeval('dd') is# pyeval('dd'))
-:$put =string(pyeval('df'))
-:delfunction Put
-py << trim
- del DupDict
- del DupList
- del DupFun
- del dd
- del dl
- del dl2
- del df
-:" Test chdir
-py << trim EOF
- import os
- fnamemodify = vim.Function('fnamemodify')
- cb.append(fnamemodify('.', ':p:h:t'))
- cb.append(vim.eval('@%'))
- os.chdir('..')
- path = fnamemodify('.', ':p:h:t')
- if path != 'src':
- # Running tests from a shadow directory, so move up another level
- # This will result in @% looking like shadow/testdir/, hence the
- # extra fnamemodify
- os.chdir('..')
- cb.append(fnamemodify('.', ':p:h:t'))
- cb.append(fnamemodify(vim.eval('@%'), ':s?^%s.??' % path).replace(os.path.sep, '/'))
- os.chdir(path)
- del path
- else:
- cb.append(fnamemodify('.', ':p:h:t'))
- cb.append(vim.eval('@%').replace(os.path.sep, '/'))
- os.chdir('testdir')
- cb.append(fnamemodify('.', ':p:h:t'))
- cb.append(vim.eval('@%'))
- del fnamemodify
-:" Test errors
-:fun F() dict
-:fun D()
-py << trim EOF
- d = vim.Dictionary()
- ned = vim.Dictionary(foo='bar', baz='abcD')
- dl = vim.Dictionary(a=1)
- dl.locked = True
- l = vim.List()
- ll = vim.List('abcE')
- ll.locked = True
- nel = vim.List('abcO')
- f = vim.Function('string')
- fd = vim.Function('F')
- fdel = vim.Function('D')
- vim.command('delfunction D')
- def subexpr_test(expr, name, subexprs):
- cb.append('>>> Testing %s using %s' % (name, expr))
- for subexpr in subexprs:
- ee(expr % subexpr)
- cb.append('<<< Finished')
- def stringtochars_test(expr):
- return subexpr_test(expr, 'StringToChars', (
- '1', # Fail type checks
- 'u"\\0"', # Fail PyString_AsStringAndSize(bytes, , NULL) check
- '"\\0"', # Fail PyString_AsStringAndSize(object, , NULL) check
- ))
- class Mapping(object):
- def __init__(self, d):
- self.d = d
- def __getitem__(self, key):
- return self.d[key]
- def keys(self):
- return self.d.keys()
- def items(self):
- return self.d.items()
- def convertfrompyobject_test(expr, recurse=True):
- # pydict_to_tv
- stringtochars_test(expr % '{%s : 1}')
- if recurse:
- convertfrompyobject_test(expr % '{"abcF" : %s}', False)
- # pymap_to_tv
- stringtochars_test(expr % 'Mapping({%s : 1})')
- if recurse:
- convertfrompyobject_test(expr % 'Mapping({"abcG" : %s})', False)
- # pyseq_to_tv
- iter_test(expr)
- return subexpr_test(expr, 'ConvertFromPyObject', (
- 'None', # Not conversible
- '{"": 1}', # Empty key not allowed
- '{u"": 1}', # Same, but with unicode object
- 'FailingMapping()', #
- 'FailingMappingKey()', #
- 'FailingNumber()', #
- ))
- def convertfrompymapping_test(expr):
- convertfrompyobject_test(expr)
- return subexpr_test(expr, 'ConvertFromPyMapping', (
- '[]',
- ))
- def iter_test(expr):
- return subexpr_test(expr, '*Iter*', (
- 'FailingIter()',
- 'FailingIterNext()',
- ))
- def number_test(expr, natural=False, unsigned=False):
- if natural:
- unsigned = True
- return subexpr_test(expr, 'NumberToLong', (
- '[]',
- 'None',
- ) + (unsigned and ('-1',) or ())
- + (natural and ('0',) or ()))
- class FailingTrue(object):
- def __nonzero__(self):
- raise NotImplementedError('bool')
- class FailingIter(object):
- def __iter__(self):
- raise NotImplementedError('iter')
- class FailingIterNext(object):
- def __iter__(self):
- return self
- def next(self):
- raise NotImplementedError('next')
- class FailingIterNextN(object):
- def __init__(self, n):
- self.n = n
- def __iter__(self):
- return self
- def next(self):
- if self.n:
- self.n -= 1
- return 1
- else:
- raise NotImplementedError('next N')
- class FailingMappingKey(object):
- def __getitem__(self, item):
- raise NotImplementedError('getitem:mappingkey')
- def keys(self):
- return list("abcH")
- class FailingMapping(object):
- def __getitem__(self):
- raise NotImplementedError('getitem:mapping')
- def keys(self):
- raise NotImplementedError('keys')
- class FailingList(list):
- def __getitem__(self, idx):
- if i == 2:
- raise NotImplementedError('getitem:list')
- else:
- return super(FailingList, self).__getitem__(idx)
- class NoArgsCall(object):
- def __call__(self):
- pass
- class FailingCall(object):
- def __call__(self, path):
- raise NotImplementedError('call')
- class FailingNumber(object):
- def __int__(self):
- raise NotImplementedError('int')
- cb.append("> Output")
- cb.append(">> OutputSetattr")
- ee('del sys.stdout.softspace')
- number_test('sys.stdout.softspace = %s', unsigned=True)
- number_test('sys.stderr.softspace = %s', unsigned=True)
- ee('assert sys.stdout.isatty()==False')
- ee('assert sys.stdout.seekable()==False')
- ee('sys.stdout.close()')
- ee('sys.stdout.flush()')
- ee('assert sys.stderr.isatty()==False')
- ee('assert sys.stderr.seekable()==False')
- ee('sys.stderr.close()')
- ee('sys.stderr.flush()')
- ee('sys.stdout.attr = None')
- cb.append(">> OutputWrite")
- ee('assert sys.stdout.writable()==True')
- ee('assert sys.stdout.readable()==False')
- ee('assert sys.stderr.writable()==True')
- ee('assert sys.stderr.readable()==False')
- ee('assert sys.stdout.closed()==False')
- ee('assert sys.stderr.closed()==False')
- ee('assert sys.stdout.errors=="strict"')
- ee('assert sys.stderr.errors=="strict"')
- ee('assert sys.stdout.encoding==sys.stderr.encoding')
- ee('sys.stdout.write(None)')
- cb.append(">> OutputWriteLines")
- ee('sys.stdout.writelines(None)')
- ee('sys.stdout.writelines([1])')
- iter_test('sys.stdout.writelines(%s)')
- cb.append("> VimCommand")
- stringtochars_test('vim.command(%s)')
- ee('vim.command("", 2)')
- #! Not checked: vim->python exceptions translating: checked later
- cb.append("> VimToPython")
- #! Not checked: everything: needs errors in internal python functions
- cb.append("> VimEval")
- stringtochars_test('vim.eval(%s)')
- ee('vim.eval("", FailingTrue())')
- #! Not checked: everything: needs errors in internal python functions
- cb.append("> VimEvalPy")
- stringtochars_test('vim.bindeval(%s)')
- ee('vim.eval("", 2)')
- #! Not checked: vim->python exceptions translating: checked later
- cb.append("> VimStrwidth")
- stringtochars_test('vim.strwidth(%s)')
- cb.append("> VimForeachRTP")
- ee('vim.foreach_rtp(None)')
- ee('vim.foreach_rtp(NoArgsCall())')
- ee('vim.foreach_rtp(FailingCall())')
- ee('vim.foreach_rtp(int, 2)')
- cb.append('> import')
- old_rtp = vim.options['rtp']
- vim.options['rtp'] = os.getcwd().replace('\\', '\\\\').replace(',', '\\,')
- ee('import xxx_no_such_module_xxx')
- ee('import failing_import')
- ee('import failing')
- vim.options['rtp'] = old_rtp
- del old_rtp
- cb.append("> Options")
- cb.append(">> OptionsItem")
- ee('vim.options["abcQ"]')
- ee('vim.options[""]')
- stringtochars_test('vim.options[%s]')
- cb.append(">> OptionsContains")
- stringtochars_test('%s in vim.options')
- cb.append("> Dictionary")
- cb.append(">> DictionaryConstructor")
- ee('vim.Dictionary("abcI")')
- ##! Not checked: py_dict_alloc failure
- cb.append(">> DictionarySetattr")
- ee('del d.locked')
- ee('d.locked = FailingTrue()')
- ee('vim.vvars.locked = False')
- ee('d.scope = True')
- ee(' = True')
- cb.append(">> _DictionaryItem")
- ee('d.get("a", 2, 3)')
- stringtochars_test('d.get(%s)')
- ee('d.pop("a")')
- ee('dl.pop("a")')
- cb.append(">> DictionaryContains")
- ee('"" in d')
- ee('0 in d')
- cb.append(">> DictionaryIterNext")
- ee('for i in ned: ned["a"] = 1')
- del i
- cb.append(">> DictionaryAssItem")
- ee('dl["b"] = 1')
- stringtochars_test('d[%s] = 1')
- convertfrompyobject_test('d["a"] = %s')
- cb.append(">> DictionaryUpdate")
- cb.append(">>> kwargs")
- cb.append(">>> iter")
- ee('d.update(FailingMapping())')
- ee('d.update([FailingIterNext()])')
- ee('d.update([FailingIterNextN(1)])')
- iter_test('d.update(%s)')
- convertfrompyobject_test('d.update(%s)')
- stringtochars_test('d.update(((%s, 0),))')
- convertfrompyobject_test('d.update((("a", %s),))')
- cb.append(">> DictionaryPopItem")
- ee('d.popitem(1, 2)')
- cb.append(">> DictionaryHasKey")
- ee('d.has_key()')
- cb.append("> List")
- cb.append(">> ListConstructor")
- ee('vim.List(1, 2)')
- ee('vim.List(a=1)')
- iter_test('vim.List(%s)')
- convertfrompyobject_test('vim.List([%s])')
- cb.append(">> ListItem")
- ee('l[1000]')
- cb.append(">> ListAssItem")
- ee('ll[1] = 2')
- ee('l[1000] = 3')
- cb.append(">> ListAssSlice")
- ee('ll[1:100] = "abcJ"')
- iter_test('l[:] = %s')
- ee('nel[1:10:2] = "abcK"')
- cb.append(repr(tuple(nel)))
- ee('nel[1:10:2] = "a"')
- cb.append(repr(tuple(nel)))
- ee('nel[1:1:-1] = "a"')
- cb.append(repr(tuple(nel)))
- ee('nel[:] = FailingIterNextN(2)')
- cb.append(repr(tuple(nel)))
- convertfrompyobject_test('l[:] = [%s]')
- cb.append(">> ListConcatInPlace")
- iter_test('l.extend(%s)')
- convertfrompyobject_test('l.extend([%s])')
- cb.append(">> ListSetattr")
- ee('del l.locked')
- ee('l.locked = FailingTrue()')
- ee(' = True')
- cb.append("> Function")
- cb.append(">> FunctionConstructor")
- cb.append(">>> FunctionConstructor")
- ee('vim.Function("123")')
- ee('vim.Function("xxx_non_existent_function_xxx")')
- ee('vim.Function("xxx#non#existent#function#xxx")')
- ee('vim.Function("xxx_non_existent_function_xxx2", args=[])')
- ee('vim.Function("xxx_non_existent_function_xxx3", self={})')
- ee('vim.Function("xxx_non_existent_function_xxx4", args=[], self={})')
- cb.append(">>> FunctionNew")
- ee('vim.Function("tr", self="abcFuncSelf")')
- ee('vim.Function("tr", args=427423)')
- ee('vim.Function("tr", self="abcFuncSelf2", args="abcFuncArgs2")')
- ee('vim.Function(self="abcFuncSelf2", args="abcFuncArgs2")')
- ee('vim.Function("tr", "", self="abcFuncSelf2", args="abcFuncArgs2")')
- ee('vim.Function("tr", "")')
- cb.append(">> FunctionCall")
- convertfrompyobject_test('f(%s)')
- convertfrompymapping_test('fd(self=%s)')
- cb.append("> TabPage")
- cb.append(">> TabPageAttr")
- ee('')
- cb.append("> TabList")
- cb.append(">> TabListItem")
- ee('vim.tabpages[1000]')
- cb.append("> Window")
- cb.append(">> WindowAttr")
- ee('')
- cb.append(">> WindowSetattr")
- ee('vim.current.window.buffer = 0')
- ee('vim.current.window.cursor = (100000000, 100000000)')
- ee('vim.current.window.cursor = True')
- number_test('vim.current.window.height = %s', unsigned=True)
- number_test('vim.current.window.width = %s', unsigned=True)
- ee('vim.current.window.xxxxxx = True')
- cb.append("> WinList")
- cb.append(">> WinListItem")
- ee('[1000]')
- cb.append("> Buffer")
- cb.append(">> StringToLine (indirect)")
- ee('vim.current.buffer[0] = u"\\na"')
- ee('vim.current.buffer[0] = "\\na"')
- cb.append(">> SetBufferLine (indirect)")
- ee('vim.current.buffer[0] = True')
- cb.append(">> SetBufferLineList (indirect)")
- ee('vim.current.buffer[:] = True')
- ee('vim.current.buffer[:] = ["\\na", "bc"]')
- cb.append(">> InsertBufferLines (indirect)")
- ee('vim.current.buffer.append(None)')
- ee('vim.current.buffer.append(["\\na", "bc"])')
- ee('vim.current.buffer.append("\\nbc")')
- cb.append(">> RBItem")
- ee('vim.current.buffer[100000000]')
- cb.append(">> RBAsItem")
- ee('vim.current.buffer[100000000] = ""')
- cb.append(">> BufferAttr")
- ee('')
- cb.append(">> BufferSetattr")
- ee(' = True')
- ee(' = True')
- cb.append(">> BufferMark")
- ee('vim.current.buffer.mark(0)')
- ee('vim.current.buffer.mark("abcM")')
- ee('vim.current.buffer.mark("!")')
- cb.append(">> BufferRange")
- ee('vim.current.buffer.range(1, 2, 3)')
- cb.append("> BufMap")
- cb.append(">> BufMapItem")
- ee('vim.buffers[100000000]')
- number_test('vim.buffers[%s]', natural=True)
- cb.append("> Current")
- cb.append(">> CurrentGetattr")
- ee('')
- cb.append(">> CurrentSetattr")
- ee('vim.current.line = True')
- ee('vim.current.buffer = True')
- ee('vim.current.window = True')
- ee('vim.current.tabpage = True')
- ee(' = True')
- del d
- del ned
- del dl
- del l
- del ll
- del nel
- del f
- del fd
- del fdel
- del subexpr_test
- del stringtochars_test
- del Mapping
- del convertfrompyobject_test
- del convertfrompymapping_test
- del iter_test
- del number_test
- del FailingTrue
- del FailingIter
- del FailingIterNext
- del FailingIterNextN
- del FailingMapping
- del FailingMappingKey
- del FailingList
- del NoArgsCall
- del FailingCall
- del FailingNumber
-:delfunction F
-:" Test import
-py << trim EOF
- sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'python_before'))
- sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'python_after'))
- vim.options['rtp'] = os.getcwd().replace(',', '\\,').replace('\\', '\\\\')
- l = []
- def callback(path):
- l.append(path[-len('/testdir'):].replace(os.path.sep, '/'))
- vim.foreach_rtp(callback)
- cb.append(repr(l))
- del l
- def callback(path):
- return path[-len('/testdir'):].replace(os.path.sep, '/')
- cb.append(repr(vim.foreach_rtp(callback)))
- del callback
- from module import dir as d
- from modulex import ddir
- cb.append(d + ',' + ddir)
- import before
- cb.append(before.dir)
- import after
- cb.append(after.dir)
- import topmodule as tm
- import topmodule.submodule as tms
- import topmodule.submodule.subsubmodule.subsubsubmodule as tmsss
- cb.append(tm.__file__.replace('.pyc', '.py').replace(os.path.sep, '/')[-len('modulex/topmodule/'):])
- cb.append(tms.__file__.replace('.pyc', '.py').replace(os.path.sep, '/')[-len('modulex/topmodule/submodule/'):])
- cb.append(tmsss.__file__.replace('.pyc', '.py').replace(os.path.sep, '/')[-len('modulex/topmodule/submodule/subsubmodule/'):])
- del before
- del after
- del d
- del ddir
- del tm
- del tms
- del tmsss
-:" Test exceptions
-:fun Exe(e)
-: execute a:e
-py << trim EOF
- Exe = vim.bindeval('function("Exe")')
- ee('vim.command("throw \'abcN\'")')
- ee('Exe("throw \'def\'")')
- ee('vim.eval("Exe(\'throw \'\'ghi\'\'\')")')
- ee('vim.eval("Exe(\'echoerr \'\'jkl\'\'\')")')
- ee('vim.eval("Exe(\'xxx_non_existent_command_xxx\')")')
- ee('vim.eval("xxx_unknown_function_xxx()")')
- ee('vim.bindeval("Exe(\'xxx_non_existent_command_xxx\')")')
- del Exe
-:delfunction Exe
-:" Regression: interrupting vim.command propagates to next vim.command
-py << trim EOF
- def test_keyboard_interrupt():
- try:
- vim.command('while 1 | endwhile')
- except KeyboardInterrupt:
- cb.append('Caught KeyboardInterrupt')
- except Exception:
- cb.append('!!!!!!!! Caught exception: ' + emsg(sys.exc_info()))
- else:
- cb.append('!!!!!!!! No exception')
- try:
- vim.command('$ put =\'Running :put\'')
- except KeyboardInterrupt:
- cb.append('!!!!!!!! Caught KeyboardInterrupt')
- except Exception:
- cb.append('!!!!!!!! Caught exception: ' + emsg(sys.exc_info()))
- else:
- cb.append('No exception')
-:call inputsave()
-:call feedkeys("s\ns\ns\ns\nq\n")
-:redir => output
-:debug silent! py test_keyboard_interrupt()
-:redir END
-:0 debuggreedy
-:call inputrestore()
-:silent $put =output
-:unlet output
-:py del test_keyboard_interrupt
-:" Cleanup
-py << trim EOF
- del cb
- del ee
- del emsg
- del sys
- del os
- del vim
-:fun RunTest()
-:let checkrefs = !empty($PYTHONDUMPREFS)
-:let start = getline(1, '$')
-:for i in range(checkrefs ? 10 : 1)
-: if i != 0
-: %d _
-: call setline(1, start)
-: endif
-: call Test()
-: if i == 0
-: let result = getline(1, '$')
-: endif
-:if checkrefs
-: %d _
-: call setline(1, result)
-:call RunTest()
-:delfunction RunTest
-:delfunction Test
-:call garbagecollect(1)
-:/^start:/,$wq! test.out
-:" vim: et ts=4 isk-=\:
-:while getchar(0) isnot 0|endwhile
diff --git a/src/testdir/test86.ok b/src/testdir/test86.ok
deleted file mode 100644
index 4f6d4b306..000000000
--- a/src/testdir/test86.ok
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1445 +0,0 @@
-[1, 'as''d', [1, 2, function('strlen'), {'a': 1}]]
-[1, 2, function('strlen'), {'a': 1}]
-[0, 'as''d', [1, 2, function('strlen'), {'a': 1}]]
-[0, function('strlen'), [1, 2, function('strlen'), {'a': 1}]]
-['-1', '0', '1', 'b', 'f']
-['asd', -1L, <vim.Function '1'>, <vim.dictionary object at >, <vim.list object at >]
-[('-1', <vim.dictionary object at >), ('0', -1L), ('1', 'asd'), ('b', <vim.list object at >), ('f', <vim.Function '1'>)]
-'-1' : {'a': 1}
-'0' : -1
-'1' : 'asd'
-'b' : [1, 2, function('strlen')]
-'f' : function('1')
-[0, function('strlen')]
-[1, 2, function('strlen')]
-[1, 2, function('strlen')]
-{'0': -1}
-('0', -1L)
-[0, 1, 2, 3]
-[0, 1, 2, 3]
-[0, 1, 3]
-[0, 1]
-[0, 1]
-[0, 1]
-[0, 1, 2, 3]
-[0, 1, 2, 3]
-[0, 2, 3]
-[2, 3]
-[2, 3]
-[2, 3]
-[1, 3]
-[0, 2]
-[0, 1, 2, 3]
-['a', 0, 1, 2, 3]
-[0, 'b', 2, 3]
-[0, 1, 'c']
-[0, 1, 2, 3, 'd']
-[0, 1, 2, 'e', 3]
-['f', 2, 3]
-[0, 1, 'g', 2, 3]
-[0, 1, 10, 3, 20, 5, 6, 7]
-[0, 1, 2, 3, 20, 5, 10, 7]
-[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
-[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
-[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
-l[2] threw vim.error: error:('list is locked',)
-[0, 1, 2, 3]
-[function('New'), function('DictNew'), 'NewStart', 1, 2, 3, 'NewEnd']
-[function('New'), function('DictNew'), 'NewStart', 1, 2, 3, 'NewEnd', 'DictNewStart', 1, 2, 3, 'DictNewEnd', {'a': 'b'}]
-[function('New'), function('DictNew'), 'NewStart', 1, 2, 3, 'NewEnd', 'DictNewStart', 1, 2, 3, 'DictNewEnd', {'a': 'b'}, 'New']
-l[1](1, 2, 3):error:('Vim:E725: Calling dict function without Dictionary: DictNew',)
-f(1, 2, 3):error:('Vim:E117: Unknown function: New',)
-[0.0, 0.0]
-d : locked:0;scope:0
-dl : locked:1;scope:0
-v: : locked:2;scope:1
-g: : locked:0;scope:2
-d:{'abc2': 1}
-dl:{'def': 1}
-l : locked:0
-ll : locked:1
-[0, 1, 2]
-['a', 'b']
-['c', 1]
-['d', ['e']]
-pyeval("None") = v:none
-"\0": Vim(let):E859:
-{"\0": 1}: Vim(let):E859:
-undefined_name: Vim(let):NameE
-vim: Vim(let):E859:
-[1, 10, 11, 10, 11, 10, 11, 10, 11, 10, 11, 10, 1]
-[0, 1, 2, 3]
-[2, 3, 4, 5]
-[0, 1]
-[4, 5]
-[2, 3]
-[2, 3]
-[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
-[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
-[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
-[4, 3]
-[0, 2, 4]
-wopts iters equal: 1
-bopts iters equal: 1
->>> paste
- g/w/b:1/0/0
- g/w/b (in):1/0/0
- p/gopts1: False
- p/wopts1! KeyError
- inv: 2! KeyError
- wopts1! KeyError
- wopts2! KeyError
- wopts3! KeyError
- p/bopts1! KeyError
- inv: 2! KeyError
- bopts1! KeyError
- bopts2! KeyError
- bopts3! KeyError
- G: 1
- W: 1:1 2:1 3:1 4:1
- B: 1:1 2:1 3:1 4:1
- del wopts3! KeyError
- del bopts3! KeyError
- G: 1
- W: 1:1 2:1 3:1 4:1
- B: 1:1 2:1 3:1 4:1
->>> previewheight
- g/w/b:1/0/0
- g/w/b (in):1/0/0
- p/gopts1: 12
- inv: 'a'! TypeError
- p/wopts1! KeyError
- inv: 'a'! KeyError
- wopts1! KeyError
- wopts2! KeyError
- wopts3! KeyError
- p/bopts1! KeyError
- inv: 'a'! KeyError
- bopts1! KeyError
- bopts2! KeyError
- bopts3! KeyError
- G: 5
- W: 1:5 2:5 3:5 4:5
- B: 1:5 2:5 3:5 4:5
- del wopts3! KeyError
- del bopts3! KeyError
- G: 5
- W: 1:5 2:5 3:5 4:5
- B: 1:5 2:5 3:5 4:5
->>> operatorfunc
- g/w/b:1/0/0
- g/w/b (in):1/0/0
- p/gopts1: ''
- inv: 2! TypeError
- p/wopts1! KeyError
- inv: 2! KeyError
- wopts1! KeyError
- wopts2! KeyError
- wopts3! KeyError
- p/bopts1! KeyError
- inv: 2! KeyError
- bopts1! KeyError
- bopts2! KeyError
- bopts3! KeyError
- G: 'A'
- W: 1:'A' 2:'A' 3:'A' 4:'A'
- B: 1:'A' 2:'A' 3:'A' 4:'A'
- del wopts3! KeyError
- del bopts3! KeyError
- G: 'A'
- W: 1:'A' 2:'A' 3:'A' 4:'A'
- B: 1:'A' 2:'A' 3:'A' 4:'A'
->>> number
- g/w/b:0/1/0
- g/w/b (in):0/1/0
- p/gopts1! KeyError
- inv: 0! KeyError
- gopts1! KeyError
- p/wopts1: False
- p/bopts1! KeyError
- inv: 0! KeyError
- bopts1! KeyError
- bopts2! KeyError
- bopts3! KeyError
- G: 0
- W: 1:1 2:1 3:0 4:0
- B: 1:1 2:1 3:0 4:0
- del wopts3! ValueError
- del bopts3! KeyError
- G: 0
- W: 1:1 2:1 3:0 4:0
- B: 1:1 2:1 3:0 4:0
->>> numberwidth
- g/w/b:0/1/0
- g/w/b (in):0/1/0
- p/gopts1! KeyError
- inv: -100! KeyError
- gopts1! KeyError
- p/wopts1: 8
- inv: -100! error
- p/bopts1! KeyError
- inv: -100! KeyError
- bopts1! KeyError
- bopts2! KeyError
- bopts3! KeyError
- G: 8
- W: 1:3 2:5 3:2 4:8
- B: 1:3 2:5 3:2 4:8
- del wopts3! ValueError
- del bopts3! KeyError
- G: 8
- W: 1:3 2:5 3:2 4:8
- B: 1:3 2:5 3:2 4:8
->>> colorcolumn
- g/w/b:0/1/0
- g/w/b (in):0/1/0
- p/gopts1! KeyError
- inv: 'abc4'! KeyError
- gopts1! KeyError
- p/wopts1: ''
- inv: 'abc4'! error
- p/bopts1! KeyError
- inv: 'abc4'! KeyError
- bopts1! KeyError
- bopts2! KeyError
- bopts3! KeyError
- G: ''
- W: 1:'+2' 2:'+3' 3:'+1' 4:''
- B: 1:'+2' 2:'+3' 3:'+1' 4:''
- del wopts3! ValueError
- del bopts3! KeyError
- G: ''
- W: 1:'+2' 2:'+3' 3:'+1' 4:''
- B: 1:'+2' 2:'+3' 3:'+1' 4:''
->>> statusline
- g/w/b:1/1/0
- g/w/b (in):1/1/0
- p/gopts1: ''
- inv: 0! TypeError
- p/wopts1: None
- inv: 0! TypeError
- p/bopts1! KeyError
- inv: 0! KeyError
- bopts1! KeyError
- bopts2! KeyError
- bopts3! KeyError
- G: '1'
- W: 1:'2' 2:'4' 3:'1' 4:'1'
- B: 1:'2' 2:'4' 3:'1' 4:'1'
- del bopts3! KeyError
- G: '1'
- W: 1:'2' 2:'1' 3:'1' 4:'1'
- B: 1:'2' 2:'1' 3:'1' 4:'1'
->>> autoindent
- g/w/b:0/0/1
- g/w/b (in):0/0/1
- p/gopts1! KeyError
- inv: 2! KeyError
- gopts1! KeyError
- p/wopts1! KeyError
- inv: 2! KeyError
- wopts1! KeyError
- wopts2! KeyError
- wopts3! KeyError
- p/bopts1: False
- G: 0
- W: 1:0 2:1 3:0 4:1
- B: 1:0 2:1 3:0 4:1
- del wopts3! KeyError
- del bopts3! ValueError
- G: 0
- W: 1:0 2:1 3:0 4:1
- B: 1:0 2:1 3:0 4:1
->>> shiftwidth
- g/w/b:0/0/1
- g/w/b (in):0/0/1
- p/gopts1! KeyError
- inv: 3! KeyError
- gopts1! KeyError
- p/wopts1! KeyError
- inv: 3! KeyError
- wopts1! KeyError
- wopts2! KeyError
- wopts3! KeyError
- p/bopts1: 8
- G: 8
- W: 1:0 2:2 3:8 4:1
- B: 1:0 2:2 3:8 4:1
- del wopts3! KeyError
- del bopts3! ValueError
- G: 8
- W: 1:0 2:2 3:8 4:1
- B: 1:0 2:2 3:8 4:1
->>> omnifunc
- g/w/b:0/0/1
- g/w/b (in):0/0/1
- p/gopts1! KeyError
- inv: 1! KeyError
- gopts1! KeyError
- p/wopts1! KeyError
- inv: 1! KeyError
- wopts1! KeyError
- wopts2! KeyError
- wopts3! KeyError
- p/bopts1: ''
- inv: 1! TypeError
- G: ''
- W: 1:'A' 2:'B' 3:'' 4:'C'
- B: 1:'A' 2:'B' 3:'' 4:'C'
- del wopts3! KeyError
- del bopts3! ValueError
- G: ''
- W: 1:'A' 2:'B' 3:'' 4:'C'
- B: 1:'A' 2:'B' 3:'' 4:'C'
->>> preserveindent
- g/w/b:0/0/1
- g/w/b (in):0/0/1
- p/gopts1! KeyError
- inv: 2! KeyError
- gopts1! KeyError
- p/wopts1! KeyError
- inv: 2! KeyError
- wopts1! KeyError
- wopts2! KeyError
- wopts3! KeyError
- p/bopts1: False
- G: 0
- W: 1:0 2:1 3:0 4:1
- B: 1:0 2:1 3:0 4:1
- del wopts3! KeyError
- del bopts3! ValueError
- G: 0
- W: 1:0 2:1 3:0 4:1
- B: 1:0 2:1 3:0 4:1
->>> path
- g/w/b:1/0/1
- g/w/b (in):1/0/1
- p/gopts1: '.,..,,'
- inv: 0! TypeError
- p/wopts1! KeyError
- inv: 0! KeyError
- wopts1! KeyError
- wopts2! KeyError
- wopts3! KeyError
- p/bopts1: None
- inv: 0! TypeError
- G: '.,,'
- W: 1:'.,,' 2:',,' 3:'.,,' 4:'.'
- B: 1:'.,,' 2:',,' 3:'.,,' 4:'.'
- del wopts3! KeyError
- G: '.,,'
- W: 1:'.,,' 2:',,' 3:'.,,' 4:'.,,'
- B: 1:'.,,' 2:',,' 3:'.,,' 4:'.,,'
-First line
-First line
-First line
-Second line
-Third line
-(7, 2)
-<buffer><buffer >
-Second line
-Third line
-valid: b:False, cb:True
-i:<buffer a>
-8:<buffer a>=<buffer a>
-9:<buffer b>=<buffer b>
-10:<buffer c>=<buffer c>
-Number of tabs: 4
-Current tab pages:
- <tabpage 0>(1): 1 windows, current is <window object (unknown)>
- Windows:
- <window object (unknown)>(1): displays buffer <buffer>; cursor is at (37, 0)
- <tabpage 1>(2): 1 windows, current is <window object (unknown)>
- Windows:
- <window object (unknown)>(1): displays buffer <buffer 0>; cursor is at (1, 0)
- <tabpage 2>(3): 2 windows, current is <window object (unknown)>
- Windows:
- <window object (unknown)>(1): displays buffer <buffer a.1>; cursor is at (1, 0)
- <window object (unknown)>(2): displays buffer <buffer 1>; cursor is at (1, 0)
- <tabpage 3>(4): 4 windows, current is <window 0>
- Windows:
- <window 0>(1): displays buffer <buffer c.2>; cursor is at (1, 0)
- <window 1>(2): displays buffer <buffer b.2>; cursor is at (1, 0)
- <window 2>(3): displays buffer <buffer a.2>; cursor is at (1, 0)
- <window 3>(4): displays buffer <buffer 2>; cursor is at (1, 0)
-Number of windows in current tab page: 4
-Current tab page: <tabpage 3>
-Current window: <window 0>: <window 0> is <window 0>
-Current buffer: <buffer c.2>: <buffer c.2> is <buffer c.2> is <buffer c.2>
-ValueError at assigning foreign tab window
-Type error at assigning None to vim.current.window
-Type error at assigning None to vim.current.tabpage
-Type error at assigning None to vim.current.buffer
-Current tab page: <tabpage 2>
-Current window: <window 0>
-Current buffer: <buffer>
-Current line: 'Type error at assigning None to vim.current.buffer'
-w.valid: [True, False]
-t.valid: [True, False, True, False]
-{'a': 1}
-{'a': 1}
-['a', 'b', 'c', '7']
-function('tr', [123, 3, 4])
-function('tr', {})
-function('tr', [123, 3, 4], {})
-function('tr', [123, 3, 4])
-function('tr', {})
-function('tr', [123, 3, 4], {})
-a: <vim.Function 'Args'>
-pa1: <vim.Function 'Args', args=['abcArgsPA1']>
-pa2: <vim.Function 'Args'>
-pa3: <vim.Function 'Args', args=['abcArgsPA3'], self={'abcSelfPA3': 'abcSelfPA3Val'}>
-pa4: <vim.Function 'Args', self={'abcSelfPA4': 'abcSelfPA4Val'}>
-sa: <vim.Function 'SelfArgs'>
-psa1: <vim.Function 'SelfArgs', args=['abcArgsPSA1']>
-psa2: <vim.Function 'SelfArgs'>
-psa3: <vim.Function 'SelfArgs', args=['abcArgsPSA3'], self={'abcSelfPSA3': 'abcSelfPSA3Val'}>
-psa4: <vim.Function 'SelfArgs', self={'abcSelfPSA4': 'abcSelfPSA4Val'}>
-psa5: <vim.Function 'SelfArgs', self={'abcSelfPSA5': 'abcSelfPSA5Val'}>
-psa6: <vim.Function 'SelfArgs', args=['abcArgsPSA6'], self={'abcSelfPSA6': 'abcSelfPSA6Val'}>
-psa7: <vim.Function 'SelfArgs', args=['abcArgsPSA7']>
-psa8: <vim.Function 'SelfArgs'>
-psa9: <vim.Function 'SelfArgs', self={'abcSelfPSA9': 'abcSelfPSA9Val'}, auto_rebind=True>
-psaA: <vim.Function 'SelfArgs', args=['abcArgsPSAA'], self={'abcSelfPSAA': 'abcSelfPSAAVal'}, auto_rebind=True>
-psaB: <vim.Function 'SelfArgs', args=['abcArgsPSAB']>
-psaC: <vim.Function 'SelfArgs'>
-psar: <vim.Function 'SelfArgs', args=[{'abcArgsPSAr2': [{'rec': function('SelfArgs', [{...}], {...}), 'self': {...}, 'abcSelfPSAr': 'abcSelfPSArVal', 'args': [{...}]}, {...}], 'abcArgsPSAr': 'abcArgsPSArVal'}], self={'rec': function('SelfArgs', [{'abcArgsPSAr2': [{...}, {...}], 'abcArgsPSAr': 'abcArgsPSArVal'}], {...}), 'self': {...}, 'abcSelfPSAr': 'abcSelfPSArVal', 'args': [{'abcArgsPSAr2': [{...}, {...}], 'abcArgsPSAr': 'abcArgsPSArVal'}]}>
-s(a): function('Args')
-s(pa1): function('Args', ['abcArgsPA1'])
-s(pa2): function('Args')
-s(pa3): function('Args', ['abcArgsPA3'], {'abcSelfPA3': 'abcSelfPA3Val'})
-s(pa4): function('Args', {'abcSelfPA4': 'abcSelfPA4Val'})
-s(sa): function('SelfArgs')
-s(psa1): function('SelfArgs', ['abcArgsPSA1'])
-s(psa2): function('SelfArgs')
-s(psa3): function('SelfArgs', ['abcArgsPSA3'], {'abcSelfPSA3': 'abcSelfPSA3Val'})
-s(psa4): function('SelfArgs', {'abcSelfPSA4': 'abcSelfPSA4Val'})
-s(psa5): function('SelfArgs', {'abcSelfPSA5': 'abcSelfPSA5Val'})
-s(psa6): function('SelfArgs', ['abcArgsPSA6'], {'abcSelfPSA6': 'abcSelfPSA6Val'})
-s(psa7): function('SelfArgs', ['abcArgsPSA7'])
-s(psa8): function('SelfArgs')
-s(psa9): function('SelfArgs', {'abcSelfPSA9': 'abcSelfPSA9Val'})
-s(psaA): function('SelfArgs', ['abcArgsPSAA'], {'abcSelfPSAA': 'abcSelfPSAAVal'})
-s(psaB): function('SelfArgs', ['abcArgsPSAB'])
-s(psaC): function('SelfArgs') [[], {'f': function('SelfArgs')}]
-d.psa1(): [['abcArgsPSA1'], {'f': function('SelfArgs', ['abcArgsPSA1'])}]
-d.psa2(): [[], {'f': function('SelfArgs')}]
-d.psa3(): [['abcArgsPSA3'], {'abcSelfPSA3': 'abcSelfPSA3Val'}]
-d.psa4(): [[], {'abcSelfPSA4': 'abcSelfPSA4Val'}]
-d.psa5(): [[], {'abcSelfPSA5': 'abcSelfPSA5Val'}]
-d.psa6(): [['abcArgsPSA6'], {'abcSelfPSA6': 'abcSelfPSA6Val'}]
-d.psa7(): [['abcArgsPSA7'], {'f': function('SelfArgs', ['abcArgsPSA7'])}]
-d.psa8(): [[], {'f': function('SelfArgs')}]
-d.psa9(): [[], {'f': function('SelfArgs', {'abcSelfPSA9': 'abcSelfPSA9Val'})}]
-d.psaA(): [['abcArgsPSAA'], {'f': function('SelfArgs', ['abcArgsPSAA'], {'abcSelfPSAA': 'abcSelfPSAAVal'})}]
-d.psaB(): [['abcArgsPSAB'], {'f': function('SelfArgs', ['abcArgsPSAB'])}]
-d.psaC(): [[], {'f': function('SelfArgs')}]
-a(): !result: []
-pa1(): !result: ['abcArgsPA1']
-pa2(): !result: []
-pa3(): !result: ['abcArgsPA3']
-pa4(): !result: []
-sa(): !exception: error:('Vim:E725: Calling dict function without Dictionary: SelfArgs',)
-psa1(): !exception: error:('Vim:E725: Calling dict function without Dictionary: SelfArgs',)
-psa2(): !exception: error:('Vim:E725: Calling dict function without Dictionary: SelfArgs',)
-psa3(): !result: [['abcArgsPSA3'], {'abcSelfPSA3': 'abcSelfPSA3Val'}]
-psa4(): !result: [[], {'abcSelfPSA4': 'abcSelfPSA4Val'}]
-a(42, 43): !result: [42, 43]
-pa1(42, 43): !result: ['abcArgsPA1', 42, 43]
-pa2(42, 43): !result: [42, 43]
-pa3(42, 43): !result: ['abcArgsPA3', 42, 43]
-pa4(42, 43): !result: [42, 43]
-sa(42, 43): !exception: error:('Vim:E725: Calling dict function without Dictionary: SelfArgs',)
-psa1(42, 43): !exception: error:('Vim:E725: Calling dict function without Dictionary: SelfArgs',)
-psa2(42, 43): !exception: error:('Vim:E725: Calling dict function without Dictionary: SelfArgs',)
-psa3(42, 43): !result: [['abcArgsPSA3', 42, 43], {'abcSelfPSA3': 'abcSelfPSA3Val'}]
-psa4(42, 43): !result: [[42, 43], {'abcSelfPSA4': 'abcSelfPSA4Val'}]
-a(42, self={"20": 1}): !result: [42]
-pa1(42, self={"20": 1}): !result: ['abcArgsPA1', 42]
-pa2(42, self={"20": 1}): !result: [42]
-pa3(42, self={"20": 1}): !result: ['abcArgsPA3', 42]
-pa4(42, self={"20": 1}): !result: [42]
-sa(42, self={"20": 1}): !result: [[42], {'20': 1}]
-psa1(42, self={"20": 1}): !result: [['abcArgsPSA1', 42], {'20': 1}]
-psa2(42, self={"20": 1}): !result: [[42], {'20': 1}]
-psa3(42, self={"20": 1}): !result: [['abcArgsPSA3', 42], {'20': 1}]
-psa4(42, self={"20": 1}): !result: [[42], {'20': 1}]
-a(self={"20": 1}): !result: []
-pa1(self={"20": 1}): !result: ['abcArgsPA1']
-pa2(self={"20": 1}): !result: []
-pa3(self={"20": 1}): !result: ['abcArgsPA3']
-pa4(self={"20": 1}): !result: []
-sa(self={"20": 1}): !result: [[], {'20': 1}]
-psa1(self={"20": 1}): !result: [['abcArgsPSA1'], {'20': 1}]
-psa2(self={"20": 1}): !result: [[], {'20': 1}]
-psa3(self={"20": 1}): !result: [['abcArgsPSA3'], {'20': 1}]
-psa4(self={"20": 1}): !result: [[], {'20': 1}]
-a.args: None
-pa1.args: ['abcArgsPA1']
-pa2.args: None
-pa3.args: ['abcArgsPA3']
-pa4.args: None
-sa.args: None
-psa1.args: ['abcArgsPSA1']
-psa2.args: None
-psa3.args: ['abcArgsPSA3']
-psa4.args: None
-a.self: None
-pa1.self: None
-pa2.self: None
-pa3.self: {'abcSelfPA3': 'abcSelfPA3Val'}
-pa4.self: {'abcSelfPA4': 'abcSelfPA4Val'}
-sa.self: None
-psa1.self: None
-psa2.self: None
-psa3.self: {'abcSelfPSA3': 'abcSelfPSA3Val'}
-psa4.self: {'abcSelfPSA4': 'abcSelfPSA4Val'} 'Args' 'Args' 'Args' 'Args' 'Args' 'SelfArgs' 'SelfArgs' 'SelfArgs' 'SelfArgs' 'SelfArgs'
-a.auto_rebind: 1
-pa1.auto_rebind: 1
-pa2.auto_rebind: 1
-pa3.auto_rebind: 0
-pa4.auto_rebind: 0
-sa.auto_rebind: 1
-psa1.auto_rebind: 1
-psa2.auto_rebind: 1
-psa3.auto_rebind: 0
-psa4.auto_rebind: 0
-psa5.auto_rebind: 0
-psa6.auto_rebind: 0
-psa7.auto_rebind: 1
-psa8.auto_rebind: 1
-psa9.auto_rebind: 1
-psaA.auto_rebind: 1
-psaB.auto_rebind: 1
-psaC.auto_rebind: 1
-Error detected while processing function RunTest[]..Test:
-line :
-line :
-['a', 'dup_a']
-['a', 'a']
-['a', 'b', 'c', 'C']
-[2, 2]
-[2, 2]
-> Output
->> OutputSetattr
-del sys.stdout.softspace:AttributeError:('cannot delete OutputObject attributes',)
->>> Testing NumberToLong using sys.stdout.softspace = %s
-sys.stdout.softspace = []:TypeError:('expected int(), long() or something supporting coercing to long(), but got list',)
-sys.stdout.softspace = None:TypeError:('expected int(), long() or something supporting coercing to long(), but got NoneType',)
-sys.stdout.softspace = -1:ValueError:('number must be greater or equal to zero',)
-<<< Finished
->>> Testing NumberToLong using sys.stderr.softspace = %s
-sys.stderr.softspace = []:TypeError:('expected int(), long() or something supporting coercing to long(), but got list',)
-sys.stderr.softspace = None:TypeError:('expected int(), long() or something supporting coercing to long(), but got NoneType',)
-sys.stderr.softspace = -1:ValueError:('number must be greater or equal to zero',)
-<<< Finished
-assert sys.stdout.isatty()==False:NOT FAILED
-assert sys.stdout.seekable()==False:NOT FAILED
-sys.stdout.close():NOT FAILED
-sys.stdout.flush():NOT FAILED
-assert sys.stderr.isatty()==False:NOT FAILED
-assert sys.stderr.seekable()==False:NOT FAILED
-sys.stderr.close():NOT FAILED
-sys.stderr.flush():NOT FAILED
-sys.stdout.attr = None:AttributeError:('invalid attribute: attr',)
->> OutputWrite
-assert sys.stdout.writable()==True:NOT FAILED
-assert sys.stdout.readable()==False:NOT FAILED
-assert sys.stderr.writable()==True:NOT FAILED
-assert sys.stderr.readable()==False:NOT FAILED
-assert sys.stdout.closed()==False:NOT FAILED
-assert sys.stderr.closed()==False:NOT FAILED
-assert sys.stdout.errors=="strict":NOT FAILED
-assert sys.stderr.errors=="strict":NOT FAILED
-assert sys.stdout.encoding==sys.stderr.encoding:NOT FAILED
-sys.stdout.write(None):TypeError:('coercing to Unicode: need string or buffer, NoneType found',)
->> OutputWriteLines
-sys.stdout.writelines(None):TypeError:("'NoneType' object is not iterable",)
-sys.stdout.writelines([1]):TypeError:('coercing to Unicode: need string or buffer, int found',)
->>> Testing *Iter* using sys.stdout.writelines(%s)
-<<< Finished
-> VimCommand
->>> Testing StringToChars using vim.command(%s)
-vim.command(1):TypeError:('expected str() or unicode() instance, but got int',)
-vim.command(u"\0"):TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
-vim.command("\0"):TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
-<<< Finished
-vim.command("", 2):TypeError:('command() takes exactly one argument (2 given)',)
-> VimToPython
-> VimEval
->>> Testing StringToChars using vim.eval(%s)
-vim.eval(1):TypeError:('expected str() or unicode() instance, but got int',)
-vim.eval(u"\0"):TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
-vim.eval("\0"):TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
-<<< Finished
-vim.eval("", FailingTrue()):TypeError:('function takes exactly 1 argument (2 given)',)
-> VimEvalPy
->>> Testing StringToChars using vim.bindeval(%s)
-vim.bindeval(1):TypeError:('expected str() or unicode() instance, but got int',)
-vim.bindeval(u"\0"):TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
-vim.bindeval("\0"):TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
-<<< Finished
-vim.eval("", 2):TypeError:('function takes exactly 1 argument (2 given)',)
-> VimStrwidth
->>> Testing StringToChars using vim.strwidth(%s)
-vim.strwidth(1):TypeError:('expected str() or unicode() instance, but got int',)
-vim.strwidth(u"\0"):TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
-vim.strwidth("\0"):TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
-<<< Finished
-> VimForeachRTP
-vim.foreach_rtp(None):TypeError:("'NoneType' object is not callable",)
-vim.foreach_rtp(NoArgsCall()):TypeError:('__call__() takes exactly 1 argument (2 given)',)
-vim.foreach_rtp(int, 2):TypeError:('foreach_rtp() takes exactly one argument (2 given)',)
-> import
-import xxx_no_such_module_xxx:ImportError:('No module named xxx_no_such_module_xxx',)
-import failing_import:ImportError:()
-import failing:NotImplementedError:()
-> Options
->> OptionsItem
-vim.options[""]:ValueError:('empty keys are not allowed',)
->>> Testing StringToChars using vim.options[%s]
-vim.options[1]:TypeError:('expected str() or unicode() instance, but got int',)
-vim.options[u"\0"]:TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
-vim.options["\0"]:TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
-<<< Finished
->> OptionsContains
->>> Testing StringToChars using %s in vim.options
-1 in vim.options:TypeError:('expected str() or unicode() instance, but got int',)
-u"\0" in vim.options:TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
-"\0" in vim.options:TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
-<<< Finished
-> Dictionary
->> DictionaryConstructor
-vim.Dictionary("abcI"):ValueError:('expected sequence element of size 2, but got sequence of size 1',)
->> DictionarySetattr
-del d.locked:AttributeError:('cannot delete vim.Dictionary attributes',)
-d.locked = FailingTrue():NotImplementedError:('bool',)
-vim.vvars.locked = False:TypeError:('cannot modify fixed dictionary',)
-d.scope = True:AttributeError:('cannot set attribute scope',) = True:AttributeError:('cannot set attribute xxx',)
->> _DictionaryItem
-d.get("a", 2, 3):TypeError:('function takes at most 2 arguments (3 given)',)
->>> Testing StringToChars using d.get(%s)
-d.get(1):TypeError:('expected str() or unicode() instance, but got int',)
-d.get(u"\0"):TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
-d.get("\0"):TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
-<<< Finished
-dl.pop("a"):error:('dictionary is locked',)
->> DictionaryContains
-"" in d:ValueError:('empty keys are not allowed',)
-0 in d:TypeError:('expected str() or unicode() instance, but got int',)
->> DictionaryIterNext
-for i in ned: ned["a"] = 1:RuntimeError:('hashtab changed during iteration',)
->> DictionaryAssItem
-dl["b"] = 1:error:('dictionary is locked',)
->>> Testing StringToChars using d[%s] = 1
-d[1] = 1:TypeError:('expected str() or unicode() instance, but got int',)
-d[u"\0"] = 1:TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
-d["\0"] = 1:TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
-<<< Finished
->>> Testing StringToChars using d["a"] = {%s : 1}
-d["a"] = {1 : 1}:TypeError:('expected str() or unicode() instance, but got int',)
-d["a"] = {u"\0" : 1}:TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
-d["a"] = {"\0" : 1}:TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
-<<< Finished
->>> Testing StringToChars using d["a"] = {"abcF" : {%s : 1}}
-d["a"] = {"abcF" : {1 : 1}}:TypeError:('expected str() or unicode() instance, but got int',)
-d["a"] = {"abcF" : {u"\0" : 1}}:TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
-d["a"] = {"abcF" : {"\0" : 1}}:TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
-<<< Finished
->>> Testing StringToChars using d["a"] = {"abcF" : Mapping({%s : 1})}
-d["a"] = {"abcF" : Mapping({1 : 1})}:TypeError:('expected str() or unicode() instance, but got int',)
-d["a"] = {"abcF" : Mapping({u"\0" : 1})}:TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
-d["a"] = {"abcF" : Mapping({"\0" : 1})}:TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
-<<< Finished
->>> Testing *Iter* using d["a"] = {"abcF" : %s}
-d["a"] = {"abcF" : FailingIter()}:TypeError:('unable to convert FailingIter to a Vim structure',)
-d["a"] = {"abcF" : FailingIterNext()}:NotImplementedError:('next',)
-<<< Finished
->>> Testing ConvertFromPyObject using d["a"] = {"abcF" : %s}
-d["a"] = {"abcF" : None}:NOT FAILED
-d["a"] = {"abcF" : {"": 1}}:ValueError:('empty keys are not allowed',)
-d["a"] = {"abcF" : {u"": 1}}:ValueError:('empty keys are not allowed',)
-d["a"] = {"abcF" : FailingMapping()}:NotImplementedError:('keys',)
-d["a"] = {"abcF" : FailingMappingKey()}:NotImplementedError:('getitem:mappingkey',)
-d["a"] = {"abcF" : FailingNumber()}:TypeError:('long() argument must be a string or a number',)
-<<< Finished
->>> Testing StringToChars using d["a"] = Mapping({%s : 1})
-d["a"] = Mapping({1 : 1}):TypeError:('expected str() or unicode() instance, but got int',)
-d["a"] = Mapping({u"\0" : 1}):TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
-d["a"] = Mapping({"\0" : 1}):TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
-<<< Finished
->>> Testing StringToChars using d["a"] = Mapping({"abcG" : {%s : 1}})
-d["a"] = Mapping({"abcG" : {1 : 1}}):TypeError:('expected str() or unicode() instance, but got int',)
-d["a"] = Mapping({"abcG" : {u"\0" : 1}}):TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
-d["a"] = Mapping({"abcG" : {"\0" : 1}}):TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
-<<< Finished
->>> Testing StringToChars using d["a"] = Mapping({"abcG" : Mapping({%s : 1})})
-d["a"] = Mapping({"abcG" : Mapping({1 : 1})}):TypeError:('expected str() or unicode() instance, but got int',)
-d["a"] = Mapping({"abcG" : Mapping({u"\0" : 1})}):TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
-d["a"] = Mapping({"abcG" : Mapping({"\0" : 1})}):TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
-<<< Finished
->>> Testing *Iter* using d["a"] = Mapping({"abcG" : %s})
-d["a"] = Mapping({"abcG" : FailingIter()}):TypeError:('unable to convert FailingIter to a Vim structure',)
-d["a"] = Mapping({"abcG" : FailingIterNext()}):NotImplementedError:('next',)
-<<< Finished
->>> Testing ConvertFromPyObject using d["a"] = Mapping({"abcG" : %s})
-d["a"] = Mapping({"abcG" : None}):NOT FAILED
-d["a"] = Mapping({"abcG" : {"": 1}}):ValueError:('empty keys are not allowed',)
-d["a"] = Mapping({"abcG" : {u"": 1}}):ValueError:('empty keys are not allowed',)
-d["a"] = Mapping({"abcG" : FailingMapping()}):NotImplementedError:('keys',)
-d["a"] = Mapping({"abcG" : FailingMappingKey()}):NotImplementedError:('getitem:mappingkey',)
-d["a"] = Mapping({"abcG" : FailingNumber()}):TypeError:('long() argument must be a string or a number',)
-<<< Finished
->>> Testing *Iter* using d["a"] = %s
-d["a"] = FailingIter():TypeError:('unable to convert FailingIter to a Vim structure',)
-d["a"] = FailingIterNext():NotImplementedError:('next',)
-<<< Finished
->>> Testing ConvertFromPyObject using d["a"] = %s
-d["a"] = None:NOT FAILED
-d["a"] = {"": 1}:ValueError:('empty keys are not allowed',)
-d["a"] = {u"": 1}:ValueError:('empty keys are not allowed',)
-d["a"] = FailingMapping():NotImplementedError:('keys',)
-d["a"] = FailingMappingKey():NotImplementedError:('getitem:mappingkey',)
-d["a"] = FailingNumber():TypeError:('long() argument must be a string or a number',)
-<<< Finished
->> DictionaryUpdate
->>> kwargs
->>> iter
-d.update([FailingIterNextN(1)]):NotImplementedError:('next N',)
->>> Testing *Iter* using d.update(%s)
-<<< Finished
->>> Testing StringToChars using d.update({%s : 1})
-d.update({1 : 1}):TypeError:('expected str() or unicode() instance, but got int',)
-d.update({u"\0" : 1}):TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
-d.update({"\0" : 1}):TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
-<<< Finished
->>> Testing StringToChars using d.update({"abcF" : {%s : 1}})
-d.update({"abcF" : {1 : 1}}):TypeError:('expected str() or unicode() instance, but got int',)
-d.update({"abcF" : {u"\0" : 1}}):TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
-d.update({"abcF" : {"\0" : 1}}):TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
-<<< Finished
->>> Testing StringToChars using d.update({"abcF" : Mapping({%s : 1})})
-d.update({"abcF" : Mapping({1 : 1})}):TypeError:('expected str() or unicode() instance, but got int',)
-d.update({"abcF" : Mapping({u"\0" : 1})}):TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
-d.update({"abcF" : Mapping({"\0" : 1})}):TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
-<<< Finished
->>> Testing *Iter* using d.update({"abcF" : %s})
-d.update({"abcF" : FailingIter()}):TypeError:('unable to convert FailingIter to a Vim structure',)
-d.update({"abcF" : FailingIterNext()}):NotImplementedError:('next',)
-<<< Finished
->>> Testing ConvertFromPyObject using d.update({"abcF" : %s})
-d.update({"abcF" : None}):NOT FAILED
-d.update({"abcF" : {"": 1}}):ValueError:('empty keys are not allowed',)
-d.update({"abcF" : {u"": 1}}):ValueError:('empty keys are not allowed',)
-d.update({"abcF" : FailingMapping()}):NotImplementedError:('keys',)
-d.update({"abcF" : FailingMappingKey()}):NotImplementedError:('getitem:mappingkey',)
-d.update({"abcF" : FailingNumber()}):TypeError:('long() argument must be a string or a number',)
-<<< Finished
->>> Testing StringToChars using d.update(Mapping({%s : 1}))
-d.update(Mapping({1 : 1})):TypeError:('expected str() or unicode() instance, but got int',)
-d.update(Mapping({u"\0" : 1})):TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
-d.update(Mapping({"\0" : 1})):TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
-<<< Finished
->>> Testing StringToChars using d.update(Mapping({"abcG" : {%s : 1}}))
-d.update(Mapping({"abcG" : {1 : 1}})):TypeError:('expected str() or unicode() instance, but got int',)
-d.update(Mapping({"abcG" : {u"\0" : 1}})):TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
-d.update(Mapping({"abcG" : {"\0" : 1}})):TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
-<<< Finished
->>> Testing StringToChars using d.update(Mapping({"abcG" : Mapping({%s : 1})}))
-d.update(Mapping({"abcG" : Mapping({1 : 1})})):TypeError:('expected str() or unicode() instance, but got int',)
-d.update(Mapping({"abcG" : Mapping({u"\0" : 1})})):TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
-d.update(Mapping({"abcG" : Mapping({"\0" : 1})})):TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
-<<< Finished
->>> Testing *Iter* using d.update(Mapping({"abcG" : %s}))
-d.update(Mapping({"abcG" : FailingIter()})):TypeError:('unable to convert FailingIter to a Vim structure',)
-d.update(Mapping({"abcG" : FailingIterNext()})):NotImplementedError:('next',)
-<<< Finished
->>> Testing ConvertFromPyObject using d.update(Mapping({"abcG" : %s}))
-d.update(Mapping({"abcG" : None})):NOT FAILED
-d.update(Mapping({"abcG" : {"": 1}})):ValueError:('empty keys are not allowed',)
-d.update(Mapping({"abcG" : {u"": 1}})):ValueError:('empty keys are not allowed',)
-d.update(Mapping({"abcG" : FailingMapping()})):NotImplementedError:('keys',)
-d.update(Mapping({"abcG" : FailingMappingKey()})):NotImplementedError:('getitem:mappingkey',)
-d.update(Mapping({"abcG" : FailingNumber()})):TypeError:('long() argument must be a string or a number',)
-<<< Finished
->>> Testing *Iter* using d.update(%s)
-<<< Finished
->>> Testing ConvertFromPyObject using d.update(%s)
-d.update(None):TypeError:("'NoneType' object is not iterable",)
-d.update({"": 1}):ValueError:('empty keys are not allowed',)
-d.update({u"": 1}):ValueError:('empty keys are not allowed',)
-d.update(FailingNumber()):TypeError:("'FailingNumber' object is not iterable",)
-<<< Finished
->>> Testing StringToChars using d.update(((%s, 0),))
-d.update(((1, 0),)):TypeError:('expected str() or unicode() instance, but got int',)
-d.update(((u"\0", 0),)):TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
-d.update((("\0", 0),)):TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
-<<< Finished
->>> Testing StringToChars using d.update((("a", {%s : 1}),))
-d.update((("a", {1 : 1}),)):TypeError:('expected str() or unicode() instance, but got int',)
-d.update((("a", {u"\0" : 1}),)):TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
-d.update((("a", {"\0" : 1}),)):TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
-<<< Finished
->>> Testing StringToChars using d.update((("a", {"abcF" : {%s : 1}}),))
-d.update((("a", {"abcF" : {1 : 1}}),)):TypeError:('expected str() or unicode() instance, but got int',)
-d.update((("a", {"abcF" : {u"\0" : 1}}),)):TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
-d.update((("a", {"abcF" : {"\0" : 1}}),)):TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
-<<< Finished
->>> Testing StringToChars using d.update((("a", {"abcF" : Mapping({%s : 1})}),))
-d.update((("a", {"abcF" : Mapping({1 : 1})}),)):TypeError:('expected str() or unicode() instance, but got int',)
-d.update((("a", {"abcF" : Mapping({u"\0" : 1})}),)):TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
-d.update((("a", {"abcF" : Mapping({"\0" : 1})}),)):TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
-<<< Finished
->>> Testing *Iter* using d.update((("a", {"abcF" : %s}),))
-d.update((("a", {"abcF" : FailingIter()}),)):TypeError:('unable to convert FailingIter to a Vim structure',)
-d.update((("a", {"abcF" : FailingIterNext()}),)):NotImplementedError:('next',)
-<<< Finished
->>> Testing ConvertFromPyObject using d.update((("a", {"abcF" : %s}),))
-d.update((("a", {"abcF" : None}),)):error:("failed to add key 'a' to dictionary",)
-d.update((("a", {"abcF" : {"": 1}}),)):ValueError:('empty keys are not allowed',)
-d.update((("a", {"abcF" : {u"": 1}}),)):ValueError:('empty keys are not allowed',)
-d.update((("a", {"abcF" : FailingMapping()}),)):NotImplementedError:('keys',)
-d.update((("a", {"abcF" : FailingMappingKey()}),)):NotImplementedError:('getitem:mappingkey',)
-d.update((("a", {"abcF" : FailingNumber()}),)):TypeError:('long() argument must be a string or a number',)
-<<< Finished
->>> Testing StringToChars using d.update((("a", Mapping({%s : 1})),))
-d.update((("a", Mapping({1 : 1})),)):TypeError:('expected str() or unicode() instance, but got int',)
-d.update((("a", Mapping({u"\0" : 1})),)):TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
-d.update((("a", Mapping({"\0" : 1})),)):TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
-<<< Finished
->>> Testing StringToChars using d.update((("a", Mapping({"abcG" : {%s : 1}})),))
-d.update((("a", Mapping({"abcG" : {1 : 1}})),)):TypeError:('expected str() or unicode() instance, but got int',)
-d.update((("a", Mapping({"abcG" : {u"\0" : 1}})),)):TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
-d.update((("a", Mapping({"abcG" : {"\0" : 1}})),)):TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
-<<< Finished
->>> Testing StringToChars using d.update((("a", Mapping({"abcG" : Mapping({%s : 1})})),))
-d.update((("a", Mapping({"abcG" : Mapping({1 : 1})})),)):TypeError:('expected str() or unicode() instance, but got int',)
-d.update((("a", Mapping({"abcG" : Mapping({u"\0" : 1})})),)):TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
-d.update((("a", Mapping({"abcG" : Mapping({"\0" : 1})})),)):TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
-<<< Finished
->>> Testing *Iter* using d.update((("a", Mapping({"abcG" : %s})),))
-d.update((("a", Mapping({"abcG" : FailingIter()})),)):TypeError:('unable to convert FailingIter to a Vim structure',)
-d.update((("a", Mapping({"abcG" : FailingIterNext()})),)):NotImplementedError:('next',)
-<<< Finished
->>> Testing ConvertFromPyObject using d.update((("a", Mapping({"abcG" : %s})),))
-d.update((("a", Mapping({"abcG" : None})),)):error:("failed to add key 'a' to dictionary",)
-d.update((("a", Mapping({"abcG" : {"": 1}})),)):ValueError:('empty keys are not allowed',)
-d.update((("a", Mapping({"abcG" : {u"": 1}})),)):ValueError:('empty keys are not allowed',)
-d.update((("a", Mapping({"abcG" : FailingMapping()})),)):NotImplementedError:('keys',)
-d.update((("a", Mapping({"abcG" : FailingMappingKey()})),)):NotImplementedError:('getitem:mappingkey',)
-d.update((("a", Mapping({"abcG" : FailingNumber()})),)):TypeError:('long() argument must be a string or a number',)
-<<< Finished
->>> Testing *Iter* using d.update((("a", %s),))
-d.update((("a", FailingIter()),)):TypeError:('unable to convert FailingIter to a Vim structure',)
-d.update((("a", FailingIterNext()),)):NotImplementedError:('next',)
-<<< Finished
->>> Testing ConvertFromPyObject using d.update((("a", %s),))
-d.update((("a", None),)):error:("failed to add key 'a' to dictionary",)
-d.update((("a", {"": 1}),)):ValueError:('empty keys are not allowed',)
-d.update((("a", {u"": 1}),)):ValueError:('empty keys are not allowed',)
-d.update((("a", FailingMapping()),)):NotImplementedError:('keys',)
-d.update((("a", FailingMappingKey()),)):NotImplementedError:('getitem:mappingkey',)
-d.update((("a", FailingNumber()),)):TypeError:('long() argument must be a string or a number',)
-<<< Finished
->> DictionaryPopItem
-d.popitem(1, 2):TypeError:('popitem() takes no arguments (2 given)',)
->> DictionaryHasKey
-d.has_key():TypeError:('has_key() takes exactly one argument (0 given)',)
-> List
->> ListConstructor
-vim.List(1, 2):TypeError:('function takes at most 1 argument (2 given)',)
-vim.List(a=1):TypeError:('list constructor does not accept keyword arguments',)
->>> Testing *Iter* using vim.List(%s)
-<<< Finished
->>> Testing StringToChars using vim.List([{%s : 1}])
-vim.List([{1 : 1}]):TypeError:('expected str() or unicode() instance, but got int',)
-vim.List([{u"\0" : 1}]):TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
-vim.List([{"\0" : 1}]):TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
-<<< Finished
->>> Testing StringToChars using vim.List([{"abcF" : {%s : 1}}])
-vim.List([{"abcF" : {1 : 1}}]):TypeError:('expected str() or unicode() instance, but got int',)
-vim.List([{"abcF" : {u"\0" : 1}}]):TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
-vim.List([{"abcF" : {"\0" : 1}}]):TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
-<<< Finished
->>> Testing StringToChars using vim.List([{"abcF" : Mapping({%s : 1})}])
-vim.List([{"abcF" : Mapping({1 : 1})}]):TypeError:('expected str() or unicode() instance, but got int',)
-vim.List([{"abcF" : Mapping({u"\0" : 1})}]):TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
-vim.List([{"abcF" : Mapping({"\0" : 1})}]):TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
-<<< Finished
->>> Testing *Iter* using vim.List([{"abcF" : %s}])
-vim.List([{"abcF" : FailingIter()}]):TypeError:('unable to convert FailingIter to a Vim structure',)
-vim.List([{"abcF" : FailingIterNext()}]):NotImplementedError:('next',)
-<<< Finished
->>> Testing ConvertFromPyObject using vim.List([{"abcF" : %s}])
-vim.List([{"abcF" : None}]):NOT FAILED
-vim.List([{"abcF" : {"": 1}}]):ValueError:('empty keys are not allowed',)
-vim.List([{"abcF" : {u"": 1}}]):ValueError:('empty keys are not allowed',)
-vim.List([{"abcF" : FailingMapping()}]):NotImplementedError:('keys',)
-vim.List([{"abcF" : FailingMappingKey()}]):NotImplementedError:('getitem:mappingkey',)
-vim.List([{"abcF" : FailingNumber()}]):TypeError:('long() argument must be a string or a number',)
-<<< Finished
->>> Testing StringToChars using vim.List([Mapping({%s : 1})])
-vim.List([Mapping({1 : 1})]):TypeError:('expected str() or unicode() instance, but got int',)
-vim.List([Mapping({u"\0" : 1})]):TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
-vim.List([Mapping({"\0" : 1})]):TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
-<<< Finished
->>> Testing StringToChars using vim.List([Mapping({"abcG" : {%s : 1}})])
-vim.List([Mapping({"abcG" : {1 : 1}})]):TypeError:('expected str() or unicode() instance, but got int',)
-vim.List([Mapping({"abcG" : {u"\0" : 1}})]):TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
-vim.List([Mapping({"abcG" : {"\0" : 1}})]):TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
-<<< Finished
->>> Testing StringToChars using vim.List([Mapping({"abcG" : Mapping({%s : 1})})])
-vim.List([Mapping({"abcG" : Mapping({1 : 1})})]):TypeError:('expected str() or unicode() instance, but got int',)
-vim.List([Mapping({"abcG" : Mapping({u"\0" : 1})})]):TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
-vim.List([Mapping({"abcG" : Mapping({"\0" : 1})})]):TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
-<<< Finished
->>> Testing *Iter* using vim.List([Mapping({"abcG" : %s})])
-vim.List([Mapping({"abcG" : FailingIter()})]):TypeError:('unable to convert FailingIter to a Vim structure',)
-vim.List([Mapping({"abcG" : FailingIterNext()})]):NotImplementedError:('next',)
-<<< Finished
->>> Testing ConvertFromPyObject using vim.List([Mapping({"abcG" : %s})])
-vim.List([Mapping({"abcG" : None})]):NOT FAILED
-vim.List([Mapping({"abcG" : {"": 1}})]):ValueError:('empty keys are not allowed',)
-vim.List([Mapping({"abcG" : {u"": 1}})]):ValueError:('empty keys are not allowed',)
-vim.List([Mapping({"abcG" : FailingMapping()})]):NotImplementedError:('keys',)
-vim.List([Mapping({"abcG" : FailingMappingKey()})]):NotImplementedError:('getitem:mappingkey',)
-vim.List([Mapping({"abcG" : FailingNumber()})]):TypeError:('long() argument must be a string or a number',)
-<<< Finished
->>> Testing *Iter* using vim.List([%s])
-vim.List([FailingIter()]):TypeError:('unable to convert FailingIter to a Vim structure',)
-<<< Finished
->>> Testing ConvertFromPyObject using vim.List([%s])
-vim.List([None]):NOT FAILED
-vim.List([{"": 1}]):ValueError:('empty keys are not allowed',)
-vim.List([{u"": 1}]):ValueError:('empty keys are not allowed',)
-vim.List([FailingNumber()]):TypeError:('long() argument must be a string or a number',)
-<<< Finished
->> ListItem
-l[1000]:IndexError:('list index out of range',)
->> ListAssItem
-ll[1] = 2:error:('list is locked',)
-l[1000] = 3:IndexError:('list index out of range',)
->> ListAssSlice
-ll[1:100] = "abcJ":error:('list is locked',)
->>> Testing *Iter* using l[:] = %s
-l[:] = FailingIter():NotImplementedError:('iter',)
-l[:] = FailingIterNext():NotImplementedError:('next',)
-<<< Finished
-nel[1:10:2] = "abcK":ValueError:('attempt to assign sequence of size greater than 2 to extended slice',)
-('a', 'b', 'c', 'O')
-nel[1:10:2] = "a":ValueError:('attempt to assign sequence of size 1 to extended slice of size 2',)
-('a', 'b', 'c', 'O')
-nel[1:1:-1] = "a":ValueError:('attempt to assign sequence of size greater than 0 to extended slice',)
-('a', 'b', 'c', 'O')
-nel[:] = FailingIterNextN(2):NotImplementedError:('next N',)
-('a', 'b', 'c', 'O')
->>> Testing StringToChars using l[:] = [{%s : 1}]
-l[:] = [{1 : 1}]:TypeError:('expected str() or unicode() instance, but got int',)
-l[:] = [{u"\0" : 1}]:TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
-l[:] = [{"\0" : 1}]:TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
-<<< Finished
->>> Testing StringToChars using l[:] = [{"abcF" : {%s : 1}}]
-l[:] = [{"abcF" : {1 : 1}}]:TypeError:('expected str() or unicode() instance, but got int',)
-l[:] = [{"abcF" : {u"\0" : 1}}]:TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
-l[:] = [{"abcF" : {"\0" : 1}}]:TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
-<<< Finished
->>> Testing StringToChars using l[:] = [{"abcF" : Mapping({%s : 1})}]
-l[:] = [{"abcF" : Mapping({1 : 1})}]:TypeError:('expected str() or unicode() instance, but got int',)
-l[:] = [{"abcF" : Mapping({u"\0" : 1})}]:TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
-l[:] = [{"abcF" : Mapping({"\0" : 1})}]:TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
-<<< Finished
->>> Testing *Iter* using l[:] = [{"abcF" : %s}]
-l[:] = [{"abcF" : FailingIter()}]:TypeError:('unable to convert FailingIter to a Vim structure',)
-l[:] = [{"abcF" : FailingIterNext()}]:NotImplementedError:('next',)
-<<< Finished
->>> Testing ConvertFromPyObject using l[:] = [{"abcF" : %s}]
-l[:] = [{"abcF" : None}]:NOT FAILED
-l[:] = [{"abcF" : {"": 1}}]:ValueError:('empty keys are not allowed',)
-l[:] = [{"abcF" : {u"": 1}}]:ValueError:('empty keys are not allowed',)
-l[:] = [{"abcF" : FailingMapping()}]:NotImplementedError:('keys',)
-l[:] = [{"abcF" : FailingMappingKey()}]:NotImplementedError:('getitem:mappingkey',)
-l[:] = [{"abcF" : FailingNumber()}]:TypeError:('long() argument must be a string or a number',)
-<<< Finished
->>> Testing StringToChars using l[:] = [Mapping({%s : 1})]
-l[:] = [Mapping({1 : 1})]:TypeError:('expected str() or unicode() instance, but got int',)
-l[:] = [Mapping({u"\0" : 1})]:TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
-l[:] = [Mapping({"\0" : 1})]:TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
-<<< Finished
->>> Testing StringToChars using l[:] = [Mapping({"abcG" : {%s : 1}})]
-l[:] = [Mapping({"abcG" : {1 : 1}})]:TypeError:('expected str() or unicode() instance, but got int',)
-l[:] = [Mapping({"abcG" : {u"\0" : 1}})]:TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
-l[:] = [Mapping({"abcG" : {"\0" : 1}})]:TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
-<<< Finished
->>> Testing StringToChars using l[:] = [Mapping({"abcG" : Mapping({%s : 1})})]
-l[:] = [Mapping({"abcG" : Mapping({1 : 1})})]:TypeError:('expected str() or unicode() instance, but got int',)
-l[:] = [Mapping({"abcG" : Mapping({u"\0" : 1})})]:TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
-l[:] = [Mapping({"abcG" : Mapping({"\0" : 1})})]:TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
-<<< Finished
->>> Testing *Iter* using l[:] = [Mapping({"abcG" : %s})]
-l[:] = [Mapping({"abcG" : FailingIter()})]:TypeError:('unable to convert FailingIter to a Vim structure',)
-l[:] = [Mapping({"abcG" : FailingIterNext()})]:NotImplementedError:('next',)
-<<< Finished
->>> Testing ConvertFromPyObject using l[:] = [Mapping({"abcG" : %s})]
-l[:] = [Mapping({"abcG" : None})]:NOT FAILED
-l[:] = [Mapping({"abcG" : {"": 1}})]:ValueError:('empty keys are not allowed',)
-l[:] = [Mapping({"abcG" : {u"": 1}})]:ValueError:('empty keys are not allowed',)
-l[:] = [Mapping({"abcG" : FailingMapping()})]:NotImplementedError:('keys',)
-l[:] = [Mapping({"abcG" : FailingMappingKey()})]:NotImplementedError:('getitem:mappingkey',)
-l[:] = [Mapping({"abcG" : FailingNumber()})]:TypeError:('long() argument must be a string or a number',)
-<<< Finished
->>> Testing *Iter* using l[:] = [%s]
-l[:] = [FailingIter()]:TypeError:('unable to convert FailingIter to a Vim structure',)
-l[:] = [FailingIterNext()]:NotImplementedError:('next',)
-<<< Finished
->>> Testing ConvertFromPyObject using l[:] = [%s]
-l[:] = [None]:NOT FAILED
-l[:] = [{"": 1}]:ValueError:('empty keys are not allowed',)
-l[:] = [{u"": 1}]:ValueError:('empty keys are not allowed',)
-l[:] = [FailingMapping()]:NotImplementedError:('keys',)
-l[:] = [FailingMappingKey()]:NotImplementedError:('getitem:mappingkey',)
-l[:] = [FailingNumber()]:TypeError:('long() argument must be a string or a number',)
-<<< Finished
->> ListConcatInPlace
->>> Testing *Iter* using l.extend(%s)
-<<< Finished
->>> Testing StringToChars using l.extend([{%s : 1}])
-l.extend([{1 : 1}]):TypeError:('expected str() or unicode() instance, but got int',)
-l.extend([{u"\0" : 1}]):TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
-l.extend([{"\0" : 1}]):TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
-<<< Finished
->>> Testing StringToChars using l.extend([{"abcF" : {%s : 1}}])
-l.extend([{"abcF" : {1 : 1}}]):TypeError:('expected str() or unicode() instance, but got int',)
-l.extend([{"abcF" : {u"\0" : 1}}]):TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
-l.extend([{"abcF" : {"\0" : 1}}]):TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
-<<< Finished
->>> Testing StringToChars using l.extend([{"abcF" : Mapping({%s : 1})}])
-l.extend([{"abcF" : Mapping({1 : 1})}]):TypeError:('expected str() or unicode() instance, but got int',)
-l.extend([{"abcF" : Mapping({u"\0" : 1})}]):TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
-l.extend([{"abcF" : Mapping({"\0" : 1})}]):TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
-<<< Finished
->>> Testing *Iter* using l.extend([{"abcF" : %s}])
-l.extend([{"abcF" : FailingIter()}]):TypeError:('unable to convert FailingIter to a Vim structure',)
-l.extend([{"abcF" : FailingIterNext()}]):NotImplementedError:('next',)
-<<< Finished
->>> Testing ConvertFromPyObject using l.extend([{"abcF" : %s}])
-l.extend([{"abcF" : None}]):NOT FAILED
-l.extend([{"abcF" : {"": 1}}]):ValueError:('empty keys are not allowed',)
-l.extend([{"abcF" : {u"": 1}}]):ValueError:('empty keys are not allowed',)
-l.extend([{"abcF" : FailingMapping()}]):NotImplementedError:('keys',)
-l.extend([{"abcF" : FailingMappingKey()}]):NotImplementedError:('getitem:mappingkey',)
-l.extend([{"abcF" : FailingNumber()}]):TypeError:('long() argument must be a string or a number',)
-<<< Finished
->>> Testing StringToChars using l.extend([Mapping({%s : 1})])
-l.extend([Mapping({1 : 1})]):TypeError:('expected str() or unicode() instance, but got int',)
-l.extend([Mapping({u"\0" : 1})]):TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
-l.extend([Mapping({"\0" : 1})]):TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
-<<< Finished
->>> Testing StringToChars using l.extend([Mapping({"abcG" : {%s : 1}})])
-l.extend([Mapping({"abcG" : {1 : 1}})]):TypeError:('expected str() or unicode() instance, but got int',)
-l.extend([Mapping({"abcG" : {u"\0" : 1}})]):TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
-l.extend([Mapping({"abcG" : {"\0" : 1}})]):TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
-<<< Finished
->>> Testing StringToChars using l.extend([Mapping({"abcG" : Mapping({%s : 1})})])
-l.extend([Mapping({"abcG" : Mapping({1 : 1})})]):TypeError:('expected str() or unicode() instance, but got int',)
-l.extend([Mapping({"abcG" : Mapping({u"\0" : 1})})]):TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
-l.extend([Mapping({"abcG" : Mapping({"\0" : 1})})]):TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
-<<< Finished
->>> Testing *Iter* using l.extend([Mapping({"abcG" : %s})])
-l.extend([Mapping({"abcG" : FailingIter()})]):TypeError:('unable to convert FailingIter to a Vim structure',)
-l.extend([Mapping({"abcG" : FailingIterNext()})]):NotImplementedError:('next',)
-<<< Finished
->>> Testing ConvertFromPyObject using l.extend([Mapping({"abcG" : %s})])
-l.extend([Mapping({"abcG" : None})]):NOT FAILED
-l.extend([Mapping({"abcG" : {"": 1}})]):ValueError:('empty keys are not allowed',)
-l.extend([Mapping({"abcG" : {u"": 1}})]):ValueError:('empty keys are not allowed',)
-l.extend([Mapping({"abcG" : FailingMapping()})]):NotImplementedError:('keys',)
-l.extend([Mapping({"abcG" : FailingMappingKey()})]):NotImplementedError:('getitem:mappingkey',)
-l.extend([Mapping({"abcG" : FailingNumber()})]):TypeError:('long() argument must be a string or a number',)
-<<< Finished
->>> Testing *Iter* using l.extend([%s])
-l.extend([FailingIter()]):TypeError:('unable to convert FailingIter to a Vim structure',)
-<<< Finished
->>> Testing ConvertFromPyObject using l.extend([%s])
-l.extend([None]):NOT FAILED
-l.extend([{"": 1}]):ValueError:('empty keys are not allowed',)
-l.extend([{u"": 1}]):ValueError:('empty keys are not allowed',)
-l.extend([FailingNumber()]):TypeError:('long() argument must be a string or a number',)
-<<< Finished
->> ListSetattr
-del l.locked:AttributeError:('cannot delete vim.List attributes',)
-l.locked = FailingTrue():NotImplementedError:('bool',) = True:AttributeError:('cannot set attribute xxx',)
-> Function
->> FunctionConstructor
->>> FunctionConstructor
-vim.Function("123"):ValueError:('unnamed function 123 does not exist',)
-vim.Function("xxx_non_existent_function_xxx"):ValueError:('function xxx_non_existent_function_xxx does not exist',)
-vim.Function("xxx#non#existent#function#xxx"):NOT FAILED
-vim.Function("xxx_non_existent_function_xxx2", args=[]):ValueError:('function xxx_non_existent_function_xxx2 does not exist',)
-vim.Function("xxx_non_existent_function_xxx3", self={}):ValueError:('function xxx_non_existent_function_xxx3 does not exist',)
-vim.Function("xxx_non_existent_function_xxx4", args=[], self={}):ValueError:('function xxx_non_existent_function_xxx4 does not exist',)
->>> FunctionNew
-vim.Function("tr", self="abcFuncSelf"):TypeError:('unable to convert str to a Vim dictionary',)
-vim.Function("tr", args=427423):TypeError:('unable to convert int to a Vim list',)
-vim.Function("tr", self="abcFuncSelf2", args="abcFuncArgs2"):TypeError:('unable to convert str to a Vim dictionary',)
-vim.Function(self="abcFuncSelf2", args="abcFuncArgs2"):TypeError:('unable to convert str to a Vim dictionary',)
-vim.Function("tr", "", self="abcFuncSelf2", args="abcFuncArgs2"):TypeError:('unable to convert str to a Vim dictionary',)
-vim.Function("tr", ""):TypeError:('function takes exactly 1 argument (2 given)',)
->> FunctionCall
->>> Testing StringToChars using f({%s : 1})
-f({1 : 1}):TypeError:('expected str() or unicode() instance, but got int',)
-f({u"\0" : 1}):TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
-f({"\0" : 1}):TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
-<<< Finished
->>> Testing StringToChars using f({"abcF" : {%s : 1}})
-f({"abcF" : {1 : 1}}):TypeError:('expected str() or unicode() instance, but got int',)
-f({"abcF" : {u"\0" : 1}}):TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
-f({"abcF" : {"\0" : 1}}):TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
-<<< Finished
->>> Testing StringToChars using f({"abcF" : Mapping({%s : 1})})
-f({"abcF" : Mapping({1 : 1})}):TypeError:('expected str() or unicode() instance, but got int',)
-f({"abcF" : Mapping({u"\0" : 1})}):TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
-f({"abcF" : Mapping({"\0" : 1})}):TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
-<<< Finished
->>> Testing *Iter* using f({"abcF" : %s})
-f({"abcF" : FailingIter()}):TypeError:('unable to convert FailingIter to a Vim structure',)
-f({"abcF" : FailingIterNext()}):NotImplementedError:('next',)
-<<< Finished
->>> Testing ConvertFromPyObject using f({"abcF" : %s})
-f({"abcF" : None}):NOT FAILED
-f({"abcF" : {"": 1}}):ValueError:('empty keys are not allowed',)
-f({"abcF" : {u"": 1}}):ValueError:('empty keys are not allowed',)
-f({"abcF" : FailingMapping()}):NotImplementedError:('keys',)
-f({"abcF" : FailingMappingKey()}):NotImplementedError:('getitem:mappingkey',)
-f({"abcF" : FailingNumber()}):TypeError:('long() argument must be a string or a number',)
-<<< Finished
->>> Testing StringToChars using f(Mapping({%s : 1}))
-f(Mapping({1 : 1})):TypeError:('expected str() or unicode() instance, but got int',)
-f(Mapping({u"\0" : 1})):TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
-f(Mapping({"\0" : 1})):TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
-<<< Finished
->>> Testing StringToChars using f(Mapping({"abcG" : {%s : 1}}))
-f(Mapping({"abcG" : {1 : 1}})):TypeError:('expected str() or unicode() instance, but got int',)
-f(Mapping({"abcG" : {u"\0" : 1}})):TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
-f(Mapping({"abcG" : {"\0" : 1}})):TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
-<<< Finished
->>> Testing StringToChars using f(Mapping({"abcG" : Mapping({%s : 1})}))
-f(Mapping({"abcG" : Mapping({1 : 1})})):TypeError:('expected str() or unicode() instance, but got int',)
-f(Mapping({"abcG" : Mapping({u"\0" : 1})})):TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
-f(Mapping({"abcG" : Mapping({"\0" : 1})})):TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
-<<< Finished
->>> Testing *Iter* using f(Mapping({"abcG" : %s}))
-f(Mapping({"abcG" : FailingIter()})):TypeError:('unable to convert FailingIter to a Vim structure',)
-f(Mapping({"abcG" : FailingIterNext()})):NotImplementedError:('next',)
-<<< Finished
->>> Testing ConvertFromPyObject using f(Mapping({"abcG" : %s}))
-f(Mapping({"abcG" : None})):NOT FAILED
-f(Mapping({"abcG" : {"": 1}})):ValueError:('empty keys are not allowed',)
-f(Mapping({"abcG" : {u"": 1}})):ValueError:('empty keys are not allowed',)
-f(Mapping({"abcG" : FailingMapping()})):NotImplementedError:('keys',)
-f(Mapping({"abcG" : FailingMappingKey()})):NotImplementedError:('getitem:mappingkey',)
-f(Mapping({"abcG" : FailingNumber()})):TypeError:('long() argument must be a string or a number',)
-<<< Finished
->>> Testing *Iter* using f(%s)
-f(FailingIter()):TypeError:('unable to convert FailingIter to a Vim structure',)
-<<< Finished
->>> Testing ConvertFromPyObject using f(%s)
-f({"": 1}):ValueError:('empty keys are not allowed',)
-f({u"": 1}):ValueError:('empty keys are not allowed',)
-f(FailingNumber()):TypeError:('long() argument must be a string or a number',)
-<<< Finished
->>> Testing StringToChars using fd(self={%s : 1})
-fd(self={1 : 1}):TypeError:('expected str() or unicode() instance, but got int',)
-fd(self={u"\0" : 1}):TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
-fd(self={"\0" : 1}):TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
-<<< Finished
->>> Testing StringToChars using fd(self={"abcF" : {%s : 1}})
-fd(self={"abcF" : {1 : 1}}):TypeError:('expected str() or unicode() instance, but got int',)
-fd(self={"abcF" : {u"\0" : 1}}):TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
-fd(self={"abcF" : {"\0" : 1}}):TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
-<<< Finished
->>> Testing StringToChars using fd(self={"abcF" : Mapping({%s : 1})})
-fd(self={"abcF" : Mapping({1 : 1})}):TypeError:('expected str() or unicode() instance, but got int',)
-fd(self={"abcF" : Mapping({u"\0" : 1})}):TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
-fd(self={"abcF" : Mapping({"\0" : 1})}):TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
-<<< Finished
->>> Testing *Iter* using fd(self={"abcF" : %s})
-fd(self={"abcF" : FailingIter()}):TypeError:('unable to convert FailingIter to a Vim structure',)
-fd(self={"abcF" : FailingIterNext()}):NotImplementedError:('next',)
-<<< Finished
->>> Testing ConvertFromPyObject using fd(self={"abcF" : %s})
-fd(self={"abcF" : None}):NOT FAILED
-fd(self={"abcF" : {"": 1}}):ValueError:('empty keys are not allowed',)
-fd(self={"abcF" : {u"": 1}}):ValueError:('empty keys are not allowed',)
-fd(self={"abcF" : FailingMapping()}):NotImplementedError:('keys',)
-fd(self={"abcF" : FailingMappingKey()}):NotImplementedError:('getitem:mappingkey',)
-fd(self={"abcF" : FailingNumber()}):TypeError:('long() argument must be a string or a number',)
-<<< Finished
->>> Testing StringToChars using fd(self=Mapping({%s : 1}))
-fd(self=Mapping({1 : 1})):TypeError:('expected str() or unicode() instance, but got int',)
-fd(self=Mapping({u"\0" : 1})):TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
-fd(self=Mapping({"\0" : 1})):TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
-<<< Finished
->>> Testing StringToChars using fd(self=Mapping({"abcG" : {%s : 1}}))
-fd(self=Mapping({"abcG" : {1 : 1}})):TypeError:('expected str() or unicode() instance, but got int',)
-fd(self=Mapping({"abcG" : {u"\0" : 1}})):TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
-fd(self=Mapping({"abcG" : {"\0" : 1}})):TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
-<<< Finished
->>> Testing StringToChars using fd(self=Mapping({"abcG" : Mapping({%s : 1})}))
-fd(self=Mapping({"abcG" : Mapping({1 : 1})})):TypeError:('expected str() or unicode() instance, but got int',)
-fd(self=Mapping({"abcG" : Mapping({u"\0" : 1})})):TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
-fd(self=Mapping({"abcG" : Mapping({"\0" : 1})})):TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
-<<< Finished
->>> Testing *Iter* using fd(self=Mapping({"abcG" : %s}))
-fd(self=Mapping({"abcG" : FailingIter()})):TypeError:('unable to convert FailingIter to a Vim structure',)
-fd(self=Mapping({"abcG" : FailingIterNext()})):NotImplementedError:('next',)
-<<< Finished
->>> Testing ConvertFromPyObject using fd(self=Mapping({"abcG" : %s}))
-fd(self=Mapping({"abcG" : None})):NOT FAILED
-fd(self=Mapping({"abcG" : {"": 1}})):ValueError:('empty keys are not allowed',)
-fd(self=Mapping({"abcG" : {u"": 1}})):ValueError:('empty keys are not allowed',)
-fd(self=Mapping({"abcG" : FailingMapping()})):NotImplementedError:('keys',)
-fd(self=Mapping({"abcG" : FailingMappingKey()})):NotImplementedError:('getitem:mappingkey',)
-fd(self=Mapping({"abcG" : FailingNumber()})):TypeError:('long() argument must be a string or a number',)
-<<< Finished
->>> Testing *Iter* using fd(self=%s)
-fd(self=FailingIter()):TypeError:('unable to convert FailingIter to a Vim dictionary',)
-fd(self=FailingIterNext()):TypeError:('unable to convert FailingIterNext to a Vim dictionary',)
-<<< Finished
->>> Testing ConvertFromPyObject using fd(self=%s)
-fd(self=None):TypeError:('unable to convert NoneType to a Vim dictionary',)
-fd(self={"": 1}):ValueError:('empty keys are not allowed',)
-fd(self={u"": 1}):ValueError:('empty keys are not allowed',)
-fd(self=FailingNumber()):TypeError:('unable to convert FailingNumber to a Vim dictionary',)
-<<< Finished
->>> Testing ConvertFromPyMapping using fd(self=%s)
-fd(self=[]):TypeError:('unable to convert list to a Vim dictionary',)
-<<< Finished
-> TabPage
->> TabPageAttr'xxx',)
-> TabList
->> TabListItem
-vim.tabpages[1000]:IndexError:('no such tab page',)
-> Window
->> WindowAttr'xxx',)
->> WindowSetattr
-vim.current.window.buffer = 0:TypeError:('readonly attribute: buffer',)
-vim.current.window.cursor = (100000000, 100000000):error:('cursor position outside buffer',)
-vim.current.window.cursor = True:TypeError:('argument must be 2-item sequence, not bool',)
->>> Testing NumberToLong using vim.current.window.height = %s
-vim.current.window.height = []:TypeError:('expected int(), long() or something supporting coercing to long(), but got list',)
-vim.current.window.height = None:TypeError:('expected int(), long() or something supporting coercing to long(), but got NoneType',)
-vim.current.window.height = -1:ValueError:('number must be greater or equal to zero',)
-<<< Finished
->>> Testing NumberToLong using vim.current.window.width = %s
-vim.current.window.width = []:TypeError:('expected int(), long() or something supporting coercing to long(), but got list',)
-vim.current.window.width = None:TypeError:('expected int(), long() or something supporting coercing to long(), but got NoneType',)
-vim.current.window.width = -1:ValueError:('number must be greater or equal to zero',)
-<<< Finished
-vim.current.window.xxxxxx = True:AttributeError:('xxxxxx',)
-> WinList
->> WinListItem[1000]:IndexError:('no such window',)
-> Buffer
->> StringToLine (indirect)
-vim.current.buffer[0] = u"\na":error:('string cannot contain newlines',)
-vim.current.buffer[0] = "\na":error:('string cannot contain newlines',)
->> SetBufferLine (indirect)
-vim.current.buffer[0] = True:TypeError:('bad argument type for built-in operation',)
->> SetBufferLineList (indirect)
-vim.current.buffer[:] = True:TypeError:('bad argument type for built-in operation',)
-vim.current.buffer[:] = ["\na", "bc"]:error:('string cannot contain newlines',)
->> InsertBufferLines (indirect)
-vim.current.buffer.append(None):TypeError:('bad argument type for built-in operation',)
-vim.current.buffer.append(["\na", "bc"]):error:('string cannot contain newlines',)
-vim.current.buffer.append("\nbc"):error:('string cannot contain newlines',)
->> RBItem
-vim.current.buffer[100000000]:IndexError:('line number out of range',)
->> RBAsItem
-vim.current.buffer[100000000] = "":IndexError:('line number out of range',)
->> BufferAttr'xxx',)
->> BufferSetattr = True:TypeError:('expected str() or unicode() instance, but got bool',) = True:AttributeError:('xxx',)
->> BufferMark
-vim.current.buffer.mark(0):TypeError:('expected str() or unicode() instance, but got int',)
-vim.current.buffer.mark("abcM"):ValueError:('mark name must be a single character',)
-vim.current.buffer.mark("!"):error:('invalid mark name',)
->> BufferRange
-vim.current.buffer.range(1, 2, 3):TypeError:('function takes exactly 2 arguments (3 given)',)
-> BufMap
->> BufMapItem
->>> Testing NumberToLong using vim.buffers[%s]
-vim.buffers[[]]:TypeError:('expected int(), long() or something supporting coercing to long(), but got list',)
-vim.buffers[None]:TypeError:('expected int(), long() or something supporting coercing to long(), but got NoneType',)
-vim.buffers[-1]:ValueError:('number must be greater than zero',)
-vim.buffers[0]:ValueError:('number must be greater than zero',)
-<<< Finished
-> Current
->> CurrentGetattr'xxx',)
->> CurrentSetattr
-vim.current.line = True:TypeError:('bad argument type for built-in operation',)
-vim.current.buffer = True:TypeError:('expected vim.Buffer object, but got bool',)
-vim.current.window = True:TypeError:('expected vim.Window object, but got bool',)
-vim.current.tabpage = True:TypeError:('expected vim.TabPage object, but got bool',) = True:AttributeError:('xxx',)
-vim.command("throw 'abcN'"):error:('abcN',)
-Exe("throw 'def'"):error:('def',)
-vim.eval("Exe('throw ''ghi''')"):error:('ghi',)
-vim.eval("Exe('echoerr ''jkl''')"):error:('Vim(echoerr):jkl',)
-vim.eval("Exe('xxx_non_existent_command_xxx')"):error:('Vim:E492: Not an editor command: xxx_non_existent_command_xxx',)
-vim.eval("xxx_unknown_function_xxx()"):error:('Vim:E117: Unknown function: xxx_unknown_function_xxx',)
-vim.bindeval("Exe('xxx_non_existent_command_xxx')"):error:('Vim:E492: Not an editor command: xxx_non_existent_command_xxx',)
-Caught KeyboardInterrupt
-Running :put
-No exception
diff --git a/src/testdir/test_python2.vim b/src/testdir/test_python2.vim
index ae76fe6e8..dae2739d0 100644
--- a/src/testdir/test_python2.vim
+++ b/src/testdir/test_python2.vim
@@ -1,12 +1,61 @@
" Test for python 2 commands.
-" TODO: move tests from here.
source check.vim
CheckFeature python
+CheckFeature quickfix
+" NOTE: This will cause errors when run under valgrind.
+" This would require recompiling Python with:
+" ./configure --without-pymalloc
+" See
+" This function should be called first. This sets up python functions used by
+" the other tests.
+func Test_AAA_python_setup()
+ py << trim EOF
+ import vim
+ import sys
+ def emsg(ei):
+ return ei[0].__name__ + ':' + repr(ei[1].args)
+ def ee(expr, g=globals(), l=locals()):
+ try:
+ exec(expr, g, l)
+ except:
+ ei = sys.exc_info()
+ msg = emsg(ei)
+ msg = msg.replace('TypeError:(\'argument 1 ', 'TypeError:(\'')
+ if expr.find('None') > -1:
+ msg = msg.replace('TypeError:(\'iteration over non-sequence\',)',
+ 'TypeError:("\'NoneType\' object is not iterable",)')
+ if expr.find('FailingNumber') > -1:
+ msg = msg.replace(', not \'FailingNumber\'', '').replace('"', '\'')
+ msg = msg.replace('TypeError:(\'iteration over non-sequence\',)',
+ 'TypeError:("\'FailingNumber\' object is not iterable",)')
+ if msg.find('(\'\'') > -1 or msg.find('(\'can\'t') > -1:
+ msg = msg.replace('(\'', '("').replace('\',)', '",)')
+ # Some Python versions say can't, others cannot.
+ if msg.find('can\'t') > -1:
+ msg = msg.replace('can\'t', 'cannot')
+ # Some Python versions use single quote, some double quote
+ if msg.find('"cannot ') > -1:
+ msg = msg.replace('"cannot ', '\'cannot ')
+ if msg.find(' attributes"') > -1:
+ msg = msg.replace(' attributes"', ' attributes\'')
+ if expr == 'fd(self=[])':
+ # HACK: PyMapping_Check changed meaning
+ msg = msg.replace('AttributeError:(\'keys\',)',
+ 'TypeError:(\'unable to convert list to vim dictionary\',)')
+ vim.current.buffer.append(expr + ':' + msg)
+ else:
+ vim.current.buffer.append(expr + ':NOT FAILED')
func Test_pydo()
" Check deleting lines does not trigger ml_get error.
- py import vim
call setline(1, ['one', 'two', 'three'])
pydo vim.command("%d_")
@@ -24,7 +73,6 @@ endfunc
func Test_set_cursor()
" Check that setting the cursor position works.
- py import vim
call setline(1, ['first line', 'second line'])
normal gg
@@ -38,7 +86,6 @@ endfunc
func Test_vim_function()
" Check creating vim.Function object
- py import vim
func s:foo()
return matchstr(expand('<sfile>'), '<SNR>\zs\d\+_foo$')
@@ -59,6 +106,15 @@ func Test_vim_function()
call assert_false(v:exception)
+ let caught_vim_err = v:false
+ try
+ let x = pyeval('')
+ catch
+ call assert_match('AttributeError: abc', v:exception)
+ let caught_vim_err = v:true
+ endtry
+ call assert_equal(v:true, caught_vim_err)
py del f
delfunc s:foo
@@ -72,7 +128,6 @@ func Test_skipped_python_command_does_not_affect_pyxversion()
func _SetUpHiddenBuffer()
- py import vim
edit hidden
setlocal bufhidden=hide
@@ -122,7 +177,6 @@ func Test_Write_To_HiddenBuffer_Does_Not_Fix_Cursor_ClearLine()
func _SetUpVisibleBuffer()
- py import vim
let lnum = 0
while lnum < 10
@@ -149,7 +203,7 @@ func Test_Write_To_Current_Buffer_Fixes_Cursor_List()
call assert_equal( line( '.' ), 1 )
func Test_Write_To_Current_Buffer_Fixes_Cursor_Str()
call _SetUpVisibleBuffer()
@@ -158,7 +212,7 @@ func Test_Write_To_Current_Buffer_Fixes_Cursor_Str()
call assert_equal( line( '.' ), 10 )
func Test_Catch_Exception_Message()
@@ -188,4 +242,3306 @@ s+='B'
call assert_equal('ABCDE', pyxeval('s'))
+" Test for the buffer range object
+func Test_python_range()
+ new
+ call setline(1, ['one', 'two', 'three'])
+ py b = vim.current.buffer
+ py r = b.range(1, 3)
+ call assert_equal(0, pyeval('r.start'))
+ call assert_equal(2, pyeval('r.end'))
+ call assert_equal(['two', 'three'], pyeval('r[1:]'))
+ py r[0] = 'green'
+ call assert_equal(['green', 'two', 'three'], getline(1, '$'))
+ py r[0:2] = ['red', 'blue']
+ call assert_equal(['red', 'blue', 'three'], getline(1, '$'))
+ call assert_equal(['start', 'end', '__members__'], pyeval('r.__members__'))
+ let caught_vim_err = v:false
+ try
+ let x = pyeval('')
+ catch
+ call assert_match('AttributeError: abc', v:exception)
+ let caught_vim_err = v:true
+ endtry
+ call assert_equal(v:true, caught_vim_err)
+ close!
+" Test for the python tabpage object
+func Test_python_tabpage()
+ tabnew
+ py t = vim.tabpages[1]
+ tabclose
+ let caught_vim_err = v:false
+ try
+ let n = pyeval('t.number')
+ catch
+ call assert_match('vim.error: attempt to refer to deleted tab page',
+ \ v:exception)
+ let caught_vim_err = v:true
+ endtry
+ call assert_equal(v:true, caught_vim_err)
+ %bw!
+" Test for the python window object
+func Test_python_window()
+ new
+ py w = vim.current.window
+ close
+ let caught_vim_err = v:false
+ try
+ let n = pyeval('w.number')
+ catch
+ call assert_match('vim.error: attempt to refer to deleted window',
+ \ v:exception)
+ let caught_vim_err = v:true
+ endtry
+ call assert_equal(v:true, caught_vim_err)
+" Test for the python List object
+func Test_python_list()
+ let l = [1, 2]
+ py pl = vim.bindeval('l')
+ call assert_equal(['locked', '__members__'], pyeval('pl.__members__'))
+ let l = []
+ py l = vim.bindeval('l')
+ py f = vim.bindeval('function("strlen")')
+ " Extending List directly with different types
+ py l.extend([1, "as'd", [1, 2, f, {'a': 1}]])
+ call assert_equal([1, "as'd", [1, 2, function("strlen"), {'a': 1}]], l)
+ call assert_equal([1, 2, function("strlen"), {'a': 1}], l[-1])
+ call assert_fails('echo l[-4]', 'E684:')
+ " List assignment
+ py l[0] = 0
+ call assert_equal([0, "as'd", [1, 2, function("strlen"), {'a': 1}]], l)
+ py l[-2] = f
+ call assert_equal([0, function("strlen"), [1, 2, function("strlen"), {'a': 1}]], l)
+" Test for the python Dict object
+func Test_python_dict()
+ let d = {}
+ py pd = vim.bindeval('d')
+ call assert_equal(['locked', 'scope', '__members__'],
+ \ pyeval('pd.__members__'))
+" Extending Dictionary directly with different types
+func Test_python_dict_extend()
+ let d = {}
+ func d.f()
+ return 1
+ endfunc
+ py f = vim.bindeval('function("strlen")')
+ py << trim EOF
+ d = vim.bindeval('d')
+ d['1'] = 'asd'
+ d.update() # Must not do anything, including throwing errors
+ d.update(b = [1, 2, f])
+ d.update((('-1', {'a': 1}),))
+ d.update({'0': -1})
+ dk = d.keys()
+ dv = d.values()
+ di = d.items()
+ cmpfun = lambda a, b: cmp(repr(a), repr(b))
+ dk.sort(cmpfun)
+ dv.sort(cmpfun)
+ di.sort(cmpfun)
+ call assert_equal(1, pyeval("d['f'](self={})"))
+ call assert_equal("['-1', '0', '1', 'b', 'f']", pyeval('repr(dk)'))
+ call assert_equal("['asd', -1L, <vim.Function '1'>, <vim.dictionary object at >, <vim.list object at >]", substitute(pyeval('repr(dv)'),'0x\x\+','','g'))
+ call assert_equal("[('-1', <vim.dictionary object at >), ('0', -1L), ('1', 'asd'), ('b', <vim.list object at >), ('f', <vim.Function '1'>)]", substitute(pyeval('repr(di)'),'0x\x\+','','g'))
+ call assert_equal(['0', '1', 'b', 'f', '-1'], keys(d))
+ call assert_equal("[-1, 'asd', [1, 2, function('strlen')], function('1'), {'a': 1}]", string(values(d)))
+ py del dk
+ py del di
+ py del dv
+func Test_python_list_del_items()
+ " removing items with del
+ let l = [0, function("strlen"), [1, 2, function("strlen"), {'a': 1}]]
+ py l = vim.bindeval('l')
+ py del l[2]
+ call assert_equal("[0, function('strlen')]", string(l))
+ let l = range(8)
+ py l = vim.bindeval('l')
+ py del l[:3]
+ py del l[1:]
+ call assert_equal([3], l)
+ " removing items out of range: silently skip items that don't exist
+ " The following two ranges delete nothing as they match empty list:
+ let l = [0, 1, 2, 3]
+ py l = vim.bindeval('l')
+ py del l[2:1]
+ call assert_equal([0, 1, 2, 3], l)
+ py del l[2:2]
+ call assert_equal([0, 1, 2, 3], l)
+ py del l[2:3]
+ call assert_equal([0, 1, 3], l)
+ let l = [0, 1, 2, 3]
+ py l = vim.bindeval('l')
+ py del l[2:4]
+ call assert_equal([0, 1], l)
+ let l = [0, 1, 2, 3]
+ py l = vim.bindeval('l')
+ py del l[2:5]
+ call assert_equal([0, 1], l)
+ let l = [0, 1, 2, 3]
+ py l = vim.bindeval('l')
+ py del l[2:6]
+ call assert_equal([0, 1], l)
+ " The following two ranges delete nothing as they match empty list:
+ let l = [0, 1, 2, 3]
+ py l = vim.bindeval('l')
+ py del l[-1:2]
+ call assert_equal([0, 1, 2, 3], l)
+ py del l[-2:2]
+ call assert_equal([0, 1, 2, 3], l)
+ py del l[-3:2]
+ call assert_equal([0, 2, 3], l)
+ let l = [0, 1, 2, 3]
+ py l = vim.bindeval('l')
+ py del l[-4:2]
+ call assert_equal([2, 3], l)
+ let l = [0, 1, 2, 3]
+ py l = vim.bindeval('l')
+ py del l[-5:2]
+ call assert_equal([2, 3], l)
+ let l = [0, 1, 2, 3]
+ py l = vim.bindeval('l')
+ py del l[-6:2]
+ call assert_equal([2, 3], l)
+ let l = [0, 1, 2, 3]
+ py l = vim.bindeval('l')
+ py del l[::2]
+ call assert_equal([1, 3], l)
+ let l = [0, 1, 2, 3]
+ py l = vim.bindeval('l')
+ py del l[3:0:-2]
+ call assert_equal([0, 2], l)
+ let l = [0, 1, 2, 3]
+ py l = vim.bindeval('l')
+ py del l[2:4:-2]
+ let l = [0, 1, 2, 3]
+func Test_python_dict_del_items()
+ let d = eval("{'0' : -1, '1' : 'asd', 'b' : [1, 2, function('strlen')], 'f' : function('min'), '-1' : {'a': 1}}")
+ py d = vim.bindeval('d')
+ py del d['-1']
+ py del d['f']
+ call assert_equal([1, 2, function('strlen')], pyeval('d.get(''b'', 1)'))
+ call assert_equal([1, 2, function('strlen')], pyeval('d.pop(''b'')'))
+ call assert_equal(1, pyeval('d.get(''b'', 1)'))
+ call assert_equal('asd', pyeval('d.pop(''1'', 2)'))
+ call assert_equal(2, pyeval('d.pop(''1'', 2)'))
+ call assert_equal('True', pyeval('repr(d.has_key(''0''))'))
+ call assert_equal('False', pyeval('repr(d.has_key(''1''))'))
+ call assert_equal('True', pyeval('repr(''0'' in d)'))
+ call assert_equal('False', pyeval('repr(''1'' in d)'))
+ call assert_equal("['0']", pyeval('repr(list(iter(d)))'))
+ call assert_equal({'0' : -1}, d)
+ call assert_equal("('0', -1L)", pyeval('repr(d.popitem())'))
+ call assert_equal('None', pyeval('repr(d.get(''0''))'))
+ call assert_equal('[]', pyeval('repr(list(iter(d)))'))
+" Slice assignment to a list
+func Test_python_slice_assignment()
+ let l = [0, 1, 2, 3]
+ py l = vim.bindeval('l')
+ py l[0:0] = ['a']
+ call assert_equal(['a', 0, 1, 2, 3], l)
+ let l = [0, 1, 2, 3]
+ py l = vim.bindeval('l')
+ py l[1:2] = ['b']
+ call assert_equal([0, 'b', 2, 3], l)
+ let l = [0, 1, 2, 3]
+ py l = vim.bindeval('l')
+ py l[2:4] = ['c']
+ call assert_equal([0, 1, 'c'], l)
+ let l = [0, 1, 2, 3]
+ py l = vim.bindeval('l')
+ py l[4:4] = ['d']
+ call assert_equal([0, 1, 2, 3, 'd'], l)
+ let l = [0, 1, 2, 3]
+ py l = vim.bindeval('l')
+ py l[-1:2] = ['e']
+ call assert_equal([0, 1, 2, 'e', 3], l)
+ let l = [0, 1, 2, 3]
+ py l = vim.bindeval('l')
+ py l[-10:2] = ['f']
+ call assert_equal(['f', 2, 3], l)
+ let l = [0, 1, 2, 3]
+ py l = vim.bindeval('l')
+ py l[2:-10] = ['g']
+ call assert_equal([0, 1, 'g', 2, 3], l)
+ let l = []
+ py l = vim.bindeval('l')
+ py l[0:0] = ['h']
+ call assert_equal(['h'], l)
+ let l = range(8)
+ py l = vim.bindeval('l')
+ py l[2:6:2] = [10, 20]
+ call assert_equal([0, 1, 10, 3, 20, 5, 6, 7], l)
+ let l = range(8)
+ py l = vim.bindeval('l')
+ py l[6:2:-2] = [10, 20]
+ call assert_equal([0, 1, 2, 3, 20, 5, 10, 7], l)
+ let l = range(8)
+ py l = vim.bindeval('l')
+ py l[6:2] = ()
+ call assert_equal([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7], l)
+ let l = range(8)
+ py l = vim.bindeval('l')
+ py l[6:2:1] = ()
+ call assert_equal([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7], l)
+ let l = range(8)
+ py l = vim.bindeval('l')
+ py l[2:2:1] = ()
+ call assert_equal([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7], l)
+" Locked variables
+func Test_python_lockedvar()
+ new
+ py cb = vim.current.buffer
+ let l = [0, 1, 2, 3]
+ py l = vim.bindeval('l')
+ lockvar! l
+ py << trim EOF
+ try:
+ l[2]='i'
+ except vim.error:
+ cb.append('l[2] threw vim.error: ' + emsg(sys.exc_info()))
+ call assert_equal(['', "l[2] threw vim.error: error:('list is locked',)"],
+ \ getline(1, '$'))
+ call assert_equal([0, 1, 2, 3], l)
+ unlockvar! l
+ close!
+" Test for calling a function
+func Test_python_function_call()
+ func New(...)
+ return ['NewStart'] + a:000 + ['NewEnd']
+ endfunc
+ func DictNew(...) dict
+ return ['DictNewStart'] + a:000 + ['DictNewEnd', self]
+ endfunc
+ new
+ let l = [function('New'), function('DictNew')]
+ py l = vim.bindeval('l')
+ py l.extend(list(l[0](1, 2, 3)))
+ call assert_equal([function('New'), function('DictNew'), 'NewStart', 1, 2, 3, 'NewEnd'], l)
+ py l.extend(list(l[1](1, 2, 3, self={'a': 'b'})))
+ call assert_equal([function('New'), function('DictNew'), 'NewStart', 1, 2, 3, 'NewEnd', 'DictNewStart', 1, 2, 3, 'DictNewEnd', {'a': 'b'}], l)
+ py l.extend([l[0].name])
+ call assert_equal([function('New'), function('DictNew'), 'NewStart', 1, 2, 3, 'NewEnd', 'DictNewStart', 1, 2, 3, 'DictNewEnd', {'a': 'b'}, 'New'], l)
+ py ee('l[1](1, 2, 3)')
+ call assert_equal("l[1](1, 2, 3):error:('Vim:E725: Calling dict function without Dictionary: DictNew',)", getline(2))
+ %d
+ py f = l[0]
+ delfunction New
+ py ee('f(1, 2, 3)')
+ call assert_equal("f(1, 2, 3):error:('Vim:E117: Unknown function: New',)", getline(2))
+ close!
+ delfunction DictNew
+func Test_python_float()
+ CheckFeature float
+ let l = [0.0]
+ py l = vim.bindeval('l')
+ py l.extend([0.0])
+ call assert_equal([0.0, 0.0], l)
+" Test for Dict key errors
+func Test_python_dict_key_error()
+ let messages = []
+ py << trim EOF
+ d = vim.bindeval('{}')
+ m = vim.bindeval('messages')
+ def em(expr, g=globals(), l=locals()):
+ try:
+ exec(expr, g, l)
+ except:
+ m.extend([sys.exc_type.__name__])
+ em('d["abc1"]')
+ em('d["abc1"]="\\0"')
+ em('d["abc1"]=vim')
+ em('d[""]=1')
+ em('d["a\\0b"]=1')
+ em('d[u"a\\0b"]=1')
+ em('d.pop("abc1")')
+ em('d.popitem()')
+ del em
+ del m
+ call assert_equal(['KeyError', 'TypeError', 'TypeError', 'ValueError',
+ \ 'TypeError', 'TypeError', 'KeyError', 'KeyError'], messages)
+ unlet messages
+" Test for locked and scope attributes
+func Test_python_lock_scope_attr()
+ let d = {} | let dl = {} | lockvar dl
+ let res = []
+ for s in split("d dl v: g:")
+ let name = tr(s, ':', 's')
+ execute 'py ' .. name .. ' = vim.bindeval("' .. s .. '")'
+ call add(res, s .. ' : ' .. join(map(['locked', 'scope'],
+ \ 'v:val .. ":" .. pyeval(name .. "." .. v:val)'), ';'))
+ endfor
+ call assert_equal(['d : locked:0;scope:0', 'dl : locked:1;scope:0',
+ \ 'v: : locked:2;scope:1', 'g: : locked:0;scope:2'], res)
+ silent! let d.abc2 = 1
+ silent! let dl.abc3 = 1
+ py d.locked = True
+ py dl.locked = False
+ silent! let d.def = 1
+ silent! let dl.def = 1
+ call assert_equal({'abc2': 1}, d)
+ call assert_equal({'def': 1}, dl)
+ unlet d dl
+ let l = [] | let ll = [] | lockvar ll
+ let res = []
+ for s in split("l ll")
+ let name = tr(s, ':', 's')
+ execute 'py ' .. name .. '=vim.bindeval("' .. s .. '")'
+ call add(res, s .. ' : locked:' .. pyeval(name .. '.locked'))
+ endfor
+ call assert_equal(['l : locked:0', 'll : locked:1'], res)
+ silent! call extend(l, [0])
+ silent! call extend(ll, [0])
+ py l.locked = True
+ py ll.locked = False
+ silent! call extend(l, [1])
+ silent! call extend(ll, [1])
+ call assert_equal([0], l)
+ call assert_equal([1], ll)
+ unlet l ll
+" Test for pyeval()
+func Test_python_pyeval()
+ let l = pyeval('range(3)')
+ call assert_equal([0, 1, 2], l)
+ let d = pyeval('{"a": "b", "c": 1, "d": ["e"]}')
+ call assert_equal([['a', 'b'], ['c', 1], ['d', ['e']]], sort(items(d)))
+ let v:errmsg = ''
+ call assert_equal(v:none, pyeval('None'))
+ call assert_equal('', v:errmsg)
+ if has('float')
+ call assert_equal(0.0, pyeval('0.0'))
+ endif
+ " Invalid values:
+ let caught_859 = 0
+ try
+ let v = pyeval('"\0"')
+ catch /E859:/
+ let caught_859 = 1
+ endtry
+ call assert_equal(1, caught_859)
+ let caught_859 = 0
+ try
+ let v = pyeval('{"\0" : 1}')
+ catch /E859:/
+ let caught_859 = 1
+ endtry
+ call assert_equal(1, caught_859)
+ let caught_nameerr = 0
+ try
+ let v = pyeval("undefined_name")
+ catch /NameError: name 'undefined_name'/
+ let caught_nameerr = 1
+ endtry
+ call assert_equal(1, caught_nameerr)
+ let caught_859 = 0
+ try
+ let v = pyeval("vim")
+ catch /E859:/
+ let caught_859 = 1
+ endtry
+ call assert_equal(1, caught_859)
+" threading
+" Running pydo command (Test_pydo) before this test, stops the python thread
+" from running. So this test should be run before the pydo test
+func Test_aaa_python_threading()
+ let l = [0]
+ py l = vim.bindeval('l')
+ py << trim EOF
+ import threading
+ import time
+ class T(threading.Thread):
+ def __init__(self):
+ threading.Thread.__init__(self)
+ self.t = 0
+ self.running = True
+ def run(self):
+ while self.running:
+ self.t += 1
+ time.sleep(0.1)
+ t = T()
+ del T
+ t.start()
+ sleep 1
+ py t.running = False
+ py t.join()
+ " Check if the background thread is working. Count should be 10, but on a
+ " busy system (AppVeyor) it can be much lower.
+ py l[0] = t.t > 4
+ py del time
+ py del threading
+ py del t
+ call assert_equal([1], l)
+" settrace
+func Test_python_settrace()
+ let l = []
+ py l = vim.bindeval('l')
+ py << trim EOF
+ import sys
+ def traceit(frame, event, arg):
+ global l
+ if event == "line":
+ l.extend([frame.f_lineno])
+ return traceit
+ def trace_main():
+ for i in range(5):
+ pass
+ py sys.settrace(traceit)
+ py trace_main()
+ py sys.settrace(None)
+ py del traceit
+ py del trace_main
+ call assert_equal([1, 10, 11, 10, 11, 10, 11, 10, 11, 10, 11, 10, 1], l)
+" Slice
+func Test_python_list_slice()
+ py ll = vim.bindeval('[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]')
+ py l = ll[:4]
+ call assert_equal([0, 1, 2, 3], pyeval('l'))
+ py l = ll[2:]
+ call assert_equal([2, 3, 4, 5], pyeval('l'))
+ py l = ll[:-4]
+ call assert_equal([0, 1], pyeval('l'))
+ py l = ll[-2:]
+ call assert_equal([4, 5], pyeval('l'))
+ py l = ll[2:4]
+ call assert_equal([2, 3], pyeval('l'))
+ py l = ll[4:2]
+ call assert_equal([], pyeval('l'))
+ py l = ll[-4:-2]
+ call assert_equal([2, 3], pyeval('l'))
+ py l = ll[-2:-4]
+ call assert_equal([], pyeval('l'))
+ py l = ll[:]
+ call assert_equal([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5], pyeval('l'))
+ py l = ll[0:6]
+ call assert_equal([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5], pyeval('l'))
+ py l = ll[-10:10]
+ call assert_equal([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5], pyeval('l'))
+ py l = ll[4:2:-1]
+ call assert_equal([4, 3], pyeval('l'))
+ py l = ll[::2]
+ call assert_equal([0, 2, 4], pyeval('l'))
+ py l = ll[4:2:1]
+ call assert_equal([], pyeval('l'))
+ py del l
+" Vars
+func Test_python_vars()
+ let g:foo = 'bac'
+ let w:abc3 = 'def'
+ let b:baz = 'bar'
+ let t:bar = 'jkl'
+ try
+ throw "Abc"
+ catch /Abc/
+ call assert_equal('Abc', pyeval('vim.vvars[''exception'']'))
+ endtry
+ call assert_equal('bac', pyeval('vim.vars[''foo'']'))
+ call assert_equal('def', pyeval('vim.current.window.vars[''abc3'']'))
+ call assert_equal('bar', pyeval('vim.current.buffer.vars[''baz'']'))
+ call assert_equal('jkl', pyeval('vim.current.tabpage.vars[''bar'']'))
+" Options
+" paste: boolean, global
+" previewheight number, global
+" operatorfunc: string, global
+" number: boolean, window-local
+" numberwidth: number, window-local
+" colorcolumn: string, window-local
+" statusline: string, window-local/global
+" autoindent: boolean, buffer-local
+" shiftwidth: number, buffer-local
+" omnifunc: string, buffer-local
+" preserveindent: boolean, buffer-local/global
+" path: string, buffer-local/global
+func Test_python_opts()
+ let g:res = []
+ let g:bufs = [bufnr('%')]
+ new
+ let g:bufs += [bufnr('%')]
+ vnew
+ let g:bufs += [bufnr('%')]
+ wincmd j
+ vnew
+ let g:bufs += [bufnr('%')]
+ wincmd l
+ func RecVars(opt)
+ let gval = string(eval('&g:' .. a:opt))
+ let wvals = join(map(range(1, 4),
+ \ 'v:val .. ":" .. string(getwinvar(v:val, "&" .. a:opt))'))
+ let bvals = join(map(copy(g:bufs),
+ \ 'v:val .. ":" .. string(getbufvar(v:val, "&" .. a:opt))'))
+ call add(g:res, ' G: ' .. gval)
+ call add(g:res, ' W: ' .. wvals)
+ call add(g:res, ' B: ' .. wvals)
+ endfunc
+ py << trim EOF
+ def e(s, g=globals(), l=locals()):
+ try:
+ exec(s, g, l)
+ except:
+ vim.command('return ' + repr(sys.exc_type.__name__))
+ def ev(s, g=globals(), l=locals()):
+ try:
+ return eval(s, g, l)
+ except:
+ vim.command('let exc=' + repr(sys.exc_type.__name__))
+ return 0
+ func E(s)
+ python e(vim.eval('a:s'))
+ endfunc
+ func Ev(s)
+ let r = pyeval('ev(vim.eval("a:s"))')
+ if exists('exc')
+ throw exc
+ endif
+ return r
+ endfunc
+ py gopts1 = vim.options
+ py wopts1 =[2].options
+ py wopts2 =[0].options
+ py wopts3 =[1].options
+ py bopts1 = vim.buffers[vim.bindeval("g:bufs")[2]].options
+ py bopts2 = vim.buffers[vim.bindeval("g:bufs")[1]].options
+ py bopts3 = vim.buffers[vim.bindeval("g:bufs")[0]].options
+ call add(g:res, 'wopts iters equal: ' ..
+ \ pyeval('list(wopts1) == list(wopts2)'))
+ call add(g:res, 'bopts iters equal: ' ..
+ \ pyeval('list(bopts1) == list(bopts2)'))
+ py gset = set(iter(gopts1))
+ py wset = set(iter(wopts1))
+ py bset = set(iter(bopts1))
+ set path=.,..,,
+ let lst = []
+ let lst += [['paste', 1, 0, 1, 2, 1, 1, 0]]
+ let lst += [['previewheight', 5, 1, 6, 'a', 0, 1, 0]]
+ let lst += [['operatorfunc', 'A', 'B', 'C', 2, 0, 1, 0]]
+ let lst += [['number', 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1]]
+ let lst += [['numberwidth', 2, 3, 5, -100, 0, 0, 1]]
+ let lst += [['colorcolumn', '+1', '+2', '+3', 'abc4', 0, 0, 1]]
+ let lst += [['statusline', '1', '2', '4', 0, 0, 1, 1]]
+ let lst += [['autoindent', 0, 1, 1, 2, 1, 0, 2]]
+ let lst += [['shiftwidth', 0, 2, 1, 3, 0, 0, 2]]
+ let lst += [['omnifunc', 'A', 'B', 'C', 1, 0, 0, 2]]
+ let lst += [['preserveindent', 0, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 2]]
+ let lst += [['path', '.,,', ',,', '.', 0, 0, 1, 2]]
+ for [oname, oval1, oval2, oval3, invval, bool, global, local] in lst
+ py oname = vim.eval('oname')
+ py oval1 = vim.bindeval('oval1')
+ py oval2 = vim.bindeval('oval2')
+ py oval3 = vim.bindeval('oval3')
+ if invval is 0 || invval is 1
+ py invval = bool(vim.bindeval('invval'))
+ else
+ py invval = vim.bindeval('invval')
+ endif
+ if bool
+ py oval1 = bool(oval1)
+ py oval2 = bool(oval2)
+ py oval3 = bool(oval3)
+ endif
+ call add(g:res, '>>> ' .. oname)
+ call add(g:res, ' g/w/b:' .. pyeval('oname in gset') .. '/' ..
+ \ pyeval('oname in wset') .. '/' .. pyeval('oname in bset'))
+ call add(g:res, ' g/w/b (in):' .. pyeval('oname in gopts1') .. '/' ..
+ \ pyeval('oname in wopts1') .. '/' .. pyeval('oname in bopts1'))
+ for v in ['gopts1', 'wopts1', 'bopts1']
+ try
+ call add(g:res, ' p/' .. v .. ': ' .. Ev('repr(' .. v .. '[''' .. oname .. '''])'))
+ catch
+ call add(g:res, ' p/' .. v .. '! ' .. v:exception)
+ endtry
+ let r = E(v .. '[''' .. oname .. ''']=invval')
+ if r isnot 0
+ call add(g:res, ' inv: ' .. string(invval) .. '! ' .. r)
+ endif
+ for vv in (v is# 'gopts1' ? [v] : [v, v[:-2] .. '2', v[:-2] .. '3'])
+ let val = substitute(vv, '^.opts', 'oval', '')
+ let r = E(vv .. '[''' .. oname .. ''']=' .. val)
+ if r isnot 0
+ call add(g:res, ' ' .. vv .. '! ' .. r)
+ endif
+ endfor
+ endfor
+ call RecVars(oname)
+ for v in ['wopts3', 'bopts3']
+ let r = E('del ' .. v .. '["' .. oname .. '"]')
+ if r isnot 0
+ call add(g:res, ' del ' .. v .. '! ' .. r)
+ endif
+ endfor
+ call RecVars(oname)
+ endfor
+ delfunction RecVars
+ delfunction E
+ delfunction Ev
+ py del ev
+ py del e
+ only
+ for buf in g:bufs[1:]
+ execute 'bwipeout!' buf
+ endfor
+ py del gopts1
+ py del wopts1
+ py del wopts2
+ py del wopts3
+ py del bopts1
+ py del bopts2
+ py del bopts3
+ py del oval1
+ py del oval2
+ py del oval3
+ py del oname
+ py del invval
+ let expected =<< trim END
+ wopts iters equal: 1
+ bopts iters equal: 1
+ >>> paste
+ g/w/b:1/0/0
+ g/w/b (in):1/0/0
+ p/gopts1: False
+ p/wopts1! KeyError
+ inv: 2! KeyError
+ wopts1! KeyError
+ wopts2! KeyError
+ wopts3! KeyError
+ p/bopts1! KeyError
+ inv: 2! KeyError
+ bopts1! KeyError
+ bopts2! KeyError
+ bopts3! KeyError
+ G: 1
+ W: 1:1 2:1 3:1 4:1
+ B: 1:1 2:1 3:1 4:1
+ del wopts3! KeyError
+ del bopts3! KeyError
+ G: 1
+ W: 1:1 2:1 3:1 4:1
+ B: 1:1 2:1 3:1 4:1
+ >>> previewheight
+ g/w/b:1/0/0
+ g/w/b (in):1/0/0
+ p/gopts1: 12
+ inv: 'a'! TypeError
+ p/wopts1! KeyError
+ inv: 'a'! KeyError
+ wopts1! KeyError
+ wopts2! KeyError
+ wopts3! KeyError
+ p/bopts1! KeyError
+ inv: 'a'! KeyError
+ bopts1! KeyError
+ bopts2! KeyError
+ bopts3! KeyError
+ G: 5
+ W: 1:5 2:5 3:5 4:5
+ B: 1:5 2:5 3:5 4:5
+ del wopts3! KeyError
+ del bopts3! KeyError
+ G: 5
+ W: 1:5 2:5 3:5 4:5
+ B: 1:5 2:5 3:5 4:5
+ >>> operatorfunc
+ g/w/b:1/0/0
+ g/w/b (in):1/0/0
+ p/gopts1: ''
+ inv: 2! TypeError
+ p/wopts1! KeyError
+ inv: 2! KeyError
+ wopts1! KeyError
+ wopts2! KeyError
+ wopts3! KeyError
+ p/bopts1! KeyError
+ inv: 2! KeyError
+ bopts1! KeyError
+ bopts2! KeyError
+ bopts3! KeyError
+ G: 'A'
+ W: 1:'A' 2:'A' 3:'A' 4:'A'
+ B: 1:'A' 2:'A' 3:'A' 4:'A'
+ del wopts3! KeyError
+ del bopts3! KeyError
+ G: 'A'
+ W: 1:'A' 2:'A' 3:'A' 4:'A'
+ B: 1:'A' 2:'A' 3:'A' 4:'A'
+ >>> number
+ g/w/b:0/1/0
+ g/w/b (in):0/1/0
+ p/gopts1! KeyError
+ inv: 0! KeyError
+ gopts1! KeyError
+ p/wopts1: False
+ p/bopts1! KeyError
+ inv: 0! KeyError
+ bopts1! KeyError
+ bopts2! KeyError
+ bopts3! KeyError
+ G: 0
+ W: 1:1 2:1 3:0 4:0
+ B: 1:1 2:1 3:0 4:0
+ del wopts3! ValueError
+ del bopts3! KeyError
+ G: 0
+ W: 1:1 2:1 3:0 4:0
+ B: 1:1 2:1 3:0 4:0
+ >>> numberwidth
+ g/w/b:0/1/0
+ g/w/b (in):0/1/0
+ p/gopts1! KeyError
+ inv: -100! KeyError
+ gopts1! KeyError
+ p/wopts1: 4
+ inv: -100! error
+ p/bopts1! KeyError
+ inv: -100! KeyError
+ bopts1! KeyError
+ bopts2! KeyError
+ bopts3! KeyError
+ G: 4
+ W: 1:3 2:5 3:2 4:4
+ B: 1:3 2:5 3:2 4:4
+ del wopts3! ValueError
+ del bopts3! KeyError
+ G: 4
+ W: 1:3 2:5 3:2 4:4
+ B: 1:3 2:5 3:2 4:4
+ >>> colorcolumn
+ g/w/b:0/1/0
+ g/w/b (in):0/1/0
+ p/gopts1! KeyError
+ inv: 'abc4'! KeyError
+ gopts1! KeyError
+ p/wopts1: ''
+ inv: 'abc4'! error
+ p/bopts1! KeyError
+ inv: 'abc4'! KeyError
+ bopts1! KeyError
+ bopts2! KeyError
+ bopts3! KeyError
+ G: ''
+ W: 1:'+2' 2:'+3' 3:'+1' 4:''
+ B: 1:'+2' 2:'+3' 3:'+1' 4:''
+ del wopts3! ValueError
+ del bopts3! KeyError
+ G: ''
+ W: 1:'+2' 2:'+3' 3:'+1' 4:''
+ B: 1:'+2' 2:'+3' 3:'+1' 4:''
+ >>> statusline
+ g/w/b:1/1/0
+ g/w/b (in):1/1/0
+ p/gopts1: ''
+ inv: 0! TypeError
+ p/wopts1: None
+ inv: 0! TypeError
+ p/bopts1! KeyError
+ inv: 0! KeyError
+ bopts1! KeyError
+ bopts2! KeyError
+ bopts3! KeyError
+ G: '1'
+ W: 1:'2' 2:'4' 3:'1' 4:'1'
+ B: 1:'2' 2:'4' 3:'1' 4:'1'
+ del bopts3! KeyError
+ G: '1'
+ W: 1:'2' 2:'1' 3:'1' 4:'1'
+ B: 1:'2' 2:'1' 3:'1' 4:'1'
+ >>> autoindent
+ g/w/b:0/0/1
+ g/w/b (in):0/0/1
+ p/gopts1! KeyError
+ inv: 2! KeyError
+ gopts1! KeyError
+ p/wopts1! KeyError
+ inv: 2! KeyError
+ wopts1! KeyError
+ wopts2! KeyError
+ wopts3! KeyError
+ p/bopts1: False
+ G: 0
+ W: 1:0 2:1 3:0 4:1
+ B: 1:0 2:1 3:0 4:1
+ del wopts3! KeyError
+ del bopts3! ValueError
+ G: 0
+ W: 1:0 2:1 3:0 4:1
+ B: 1:0 2:1 3:0 4:1
+ >>> shiftwidth
+ g/w/b:0/0/1
+ g/w/b (in):0/0/1
+ p/gopts1! KeyError
+ inv: 3! KeyError
+ gopts1! KeyError
+ p/wopts1! KeyError
+ inv: 3! KeyError
+ wopts1! KeyError
+ wopts2! KeyError
+ wopts3! KeyError
+ p/bopts1: 8
+ G: 8
+ W: 1:0 2:2 3:8 4:1
+ B: 1:0 2:2 3:8 4:1
+ del wopts3! KeyError
+ del bopts3! ValueError
+ G: 8
+ W: 1:0 2:2 3:8 4:1
+ B: 1:0 2:2 3:8 4:1
+ >>> omnifunc
+ g/w/b:0/0/1
+ g/w/b (in):0/0/1
+ p/gopts1! KeyError
+ inv: 1! KeyError
+ gopts1! KeyError
+ p/wopts1! KeyError
+ inv: 1! KeyError
+ wopts1! KeyError
+ wopts2! KeyError
+ wopts3! KeyError
+ p/bopts1: ''
+ inv: 1! TypeError
+ G: ''
+ W: 1:'A' 2:'B' 3:'' 4:'C'
+ B: 1:'A' 2:'B' 3:'' 4:'C'
+ del wopts3! KeyError
+ del bopts3! ValueError
+ G: ''
+ W: 1:'A' 2:'B' 3:'' 4:'C'
+ B: 1:'A' 2:'B' 3:'' 4:'C'
+ >>> preserveindent
+ g/w/b:0/0/1
+ g/w/b (in):0/0/1
+ p/gopts1! KeyError
+ inv: 2! KeyError
+ gopts1! KeyError
+ p/wopts1! KeyError
+ inv: 2! KeyError
+ wopts1! KeyError
+ wopts2! KeyError
+ wopts3! KeyError
+ p/bopts1: False
+ G: 0
+ W: 1:0 2:1 3:0 4:1
+ B: 1:0 2:1 3:0 4:1
+ del wopts3! KeyError
+ del bopts3! ValueError
+ G: 0
+ W: 1:0 2:1 3:0 4:1
+ B: 1:0 2:1 3:0 4:1
+ >>> path
+ g/w/b:1/0/1
+ g/w/b (in):1/0/1
+ p/gopts1: '.,..,,'
+ inv: 0! TypeError
+ p/wopts1! KeyError
+ inv: 0! KeyError
+ wopts1! KeyError
+ wopts2! KeyError
+ wopts3! KeyError
+ p/bopts1: None
+ inv: 0! TypeError
+ G: '.,,'
+ W: 1:'.,,' 2:',,' 3:'.,,' 4:'.'
+ B: 1:'.,,' 2:',,' 3:'.,,' 4:'.'
+ del wopts3! KeyError
+ G: '.,,'
+ W: 1:'.,,' 2:',,' 3:'.,,' 4:'.,,'
+ B: 1:'.,,' 2:',,' 3:'.,,' 4:'.,,'
+ call assert_equal(expected, g:res)
+ unlet g:res
+" Test for vim.buffer object
+func Test_python_buffer()
+ new
+ call setline(1, "Hello\nWorld")
+ call assert_fails("let x = pyeval('vim.current.buffer[0]')", 'E859:')
+ %bw!
+ edit Xfile1
+ let bnr1 = bufnr()
+ py cb = vim.current.buffer
+ vnew Xfile2
+ let bnr2 = bufnr()
+ call setline(1, ['First line', 'Second line', 'Third line'])
+ py b = vim.current.buffer
+ wincmd w
+ " Tests BufferAppend and BufferItem
+ py cb.append(b[0])
+ call assert_equal(['First line'], getbufline(bnr1, 2))
+ %d
+ " Tests BufferSlice and BufferAssSlice
+ py cb.append('abc5') # Will be overwritten
+ py cb[-1:] = b[:-2]
+ call assert_equal(['First line'], getbufline(bnr1, 2))
+ %d
+ " Test BufferLength and BufferAssSlice
+ py cb.append('def') # Will not be overwritten
+ py cb[len(cb):] = b[:]
+ call assert_equal(['def', 'First line', 'Second line', 'Third line'],
+ \ getbufline(bnr1, 2, '$'))
+ %d
+ " Test BufferAssItem and BufferMark
+ call setbufline(bnr1, 1, ['one', 'two', 'three'])
+ call cursor(1, 3)
+ normal ma
+ py cb.append('ghi') # Will be overwritten
+ py cb[-1] = repr((len(cb) - cb.mark('a')[0], cb.mark('a')[1]))
+ call assert_equal(['(3, 2)'], getbufline(bnr1, 4))
+ %d
+ " Test BufferRepr
+ py cb.append(repr(cb) + repr(b))
+ call assert_equal(['<buffer Xfile1><buffer Xfile2>'], getbufline(bnr1, 2))
+ %d
+ " Modify foreign buffer
+ py << trim EOF
+ b.append('foo')
+ b[0]='bar'
+ b[0:0]=['baz']
+ vim.command('call append("$", getbufline(%i, 1, "$"))' % b.number)
+ call assert_equal(['baz', 'bar', 'Second line', 'Third line', 'foo'],
+ \ getbufline(bnr2, 1, '$'))
+ %d
+ " Test assigning to name property
+ augroup BUFS
+ autocmd BufFilePost * python cb.append(vim.eval('expand("<abuf>")') + ':BufFilePost:' + vim.eval('bufnr("%")'))
+ autocmd BufFilePre * python cb.append(vim.eval('expand("<abuf>")') + ':BufFilePre:' + vim.eval('bufnr("%")'))
+ augroup END
+ py << trim EOF
+ import os
+ old_name =
+ = 'foo'
+ cb.append([-11:].replace(os.path.sep, '/'))
+ = 'bar'
+ cb.append([-11:].replace(os.path.sep, '/'))
+ = old_name
+ cb.append([-14:].replace(os.path.sep, '/'))
+ del old_name
+ call assert_equal([bnr1 .. ':BufFilePre:' .. bnr1,
+ \ bnr1 .. ':BufFilePost:' .. bnr1,
+ \ 'testdir/foo',
+ \ bnr2 .. ':BufFilePre:' .. bnr2,
+ \ bnr2 .. ':BufFilePost:' .. bnr2,
+ \ 'testdir/bar',
+ \ bnr1 .. ':BufFilePre:' .. bnr1,
+ \ bnr1 .. ':BufFilePost:' .. bnr1,
+ \ 'testdir/Xfile1'], getbufline(bnr1, 2, '$'))
+ %d
+ " Test CheckBuffer
+ py << trim EOF
+ for _b in vim.buffers:
+ if _b is not cb:
+ vim.command('bwipeout! ' + str(_b.number))
+ del _b
+ cb.append('valid: b:%s, cb:%s' % (repr(b.valid), repr(cb.valid)))
+ call assert_equal('valid: b:False, cb:True', getline(2))
+ %d
+ py << trim EOF
+ for expr in ('b[1]','b[:] = ["A", "B"]','b[:]','b.append("abc6")', ' = "!"'):
+ try:
+ exec(expr)
+ except vim.error:
+ pass
+ else:
+ # Usually a SEGV here
+ # Should not happen in any case
+ cb.append('No exception for ' + expr)
+ vim.command('cd .')
+ del b
+ call assert_equal([''], getline(1, '$'))
+ augroup BUFS
+ autocmd!
+ augroup END
+ augroup! BUFS
+ %bw!
+" Test vim.buffers object
+func Test_python_buffers()
+ %bw!
+ edit Xfile
+ py cb = vim.current.buffer
+ set hidden
+ edit a
+ buffer #
+ edit b
+ buffer #
+ edit c
+ buffer #
+ py << trim EOF
+ try:
+ from __builtin__ import next
+ except ImportError:
+ next = lambda o:
+ # Check GCing iterator that was not fully exhausted
+ i = iter(vim.buffers)
+ cb.append('i:' + str(next(i)))
+ # and also check creating more than one iterator at a time
+ i2 = iter(vim.buffers)
+ cb.append('i2:' + str(next(i2)))
+ cb.append('i:' + str(next(i)))
+ # The following should trigger GC and not cause any problems
+ del i
+ del i2
+ i3 = iter(vim.buffers)
+ cb.append('i3:' + str(next(i3)))
+ del i3
+ call assert_equal(['i:<buffer Xfile>',
+ \ 'i2:<buffer Xfile>', 'i:<buffer a>', 'i3:<buffer Xfile>'],
+ \ getline(2, '$'))
+ %d
+ py << trim EOF
+ prevnum = 0
+ for b in vim.buffers:
+ # Check buffer order
+ if prevnum >= b.number:
+ cb.append('!!! Buffer numbers not in strictly ascending order')
+ # Check indexing: vim.buffers[number].number == number
+ cb.append(str(b.number) + ':' + repr(vim.buffers[b.number]) + \
+ '=' + repr(b))
+ prevnum = b.number
+ del prevnum
+ cb.append(str(len(vim.buffers)))
+ call assert_equal([bufnr('Xfile') .. ':<buffer Xfile>=<buffer Xfile>',
+ \ bufnr('a') .. ':<buffer a>=<buffer a>',
+ \ bufnr('b') .. ':<buffer b>=<buffer b>',
+ \ bufnr('c') .. ':<buffer c>=<buffer c>', '4'], getline(2, '$'))
+ %d
+ py << trim EOF
+ bnums = list(map(lambda b: b.number, vim.buffers))[1:]
+ # Test wiping out buffer with existing iterator
+ i4 = iter(vim.buffers)
+ cb.append('i4:' + str(next(i4)))
+ vim.command('bwipeout! ' + str(bnums.pop(0)))
+ try:
+ next(i4)
+ except vim.error:
+ pass
+ else:
+ cb.append('!!!! No vim.error')
+ i4 = iter(vim.buffers)
+ vim.command('bwipeout! ' + str(bnums.pop(-1)))
+ vim.command('bwipeout! ' + str(bnums.pop(-1)))
+ cb.append('i4:' + str(next(i4)))
+ try:
+ next(i4)
+ except StopIteration:
+ cb.append('StopIteration')
+ del i4
+ del bnums
+ call assert_equal(['i4:<buffer Xfile>',
+ \ 'i4:<buffer Xfile>', 'StopIteration'], getline(2, '$'))
+ %bw!
+" Test vim.{tabpage,window}list and vim.{tabpage,window} objects
+func Test_python_tabpage_window()
+ %bw
+ edit Xfile
+ py cb = vim.current.buffer
+ tabnew 0
+ tabnew 1
+ vnew a.1
+ tabnew 2
+ vnew a.2
+ vnew b.2
+ vnew c.2
+ py << trim EOF
+ cb.append('Number of tabs: ' + str(len(vim.tabpages)))
+ cb.append('Current tab pages:')
+ def W(w):
+ if repr(w).find('(unknown)') != -1:
+ return '<window object (unknown)>'
+ else:
+ return repr(w)
+ start = len(cb)
+ def Cursor(w):
+ if w.buffer is cb:
+ return repr((start - w.cursor[0], w.cursor[1]))
+ else:
+ return repr(w.cursor)
+ for t in vim.tabpages:
+ cb.append(' ' + repr(t) + '(' + str(t.number) + ')' + ': ' + \
+ str(len( + ' windows, current is ' + W(t.window))
+ cb.append(' Windows:')
+ for w in
+ cb.append(' ' + W(w) + '(' + str(w.number) + ')' + \
+ ': displays buffer ' + repr(w.buffer) + \
+ '; cursor is at ' + Cursor(w))
+ # Other values depend on the size of the terminal, so they are checked
+ # partly:
+ for attr in ('height', 'row', 'width', 'col'):
+ try:
+ aval = getattr(w, attr)
+ if type(aval) is not long:
+ raise TypeError
+ if aval < 0:
+ raise ValueError
+ except Exception:
+ cb.append('!!!!!! Error while getting attribute ' + attr + \
+ ': ' + sys.exc_type.__name__)
+ del aval
+ del attr
+ w.cursor = (len(w.buffer), 0)
+ del W
+ del Cursor
+ cb.append('Number of windows in current tab page: ' + \
+ str(len(
+ if list( != list(
+ cb.append('!!!!!! Windows differ')
+ let expected =<< trim END
+ Number of tabs: 4
+ Current tab pages:
+ <tabpage 0>(1): 1 windows, current is <window object (unknown)>
+ Windows:
+ <window object (unknown)>(1): displays buffer <buffer Xfile>; cursor is at (2, 0)
+ <tabpage 1>(2): 1 windows, current is <window object (unknown)>
+ Windows:
+ <window object (unknown)>(1): displays buffer <buffer 0>; cursor is at (1, 0)
+ <tabpage 2>(3): 2 windows, current is <window object (unknown)>
+ Windows:
+ <window object (unknown)>(1): displays buffer <buffer a.1>; cursor is at (1, 0)
+ <window object (unknown)>(2): displays buffer <buffer 1>; cursor is at (1, 0)
+ <tabpage 3>(4): 4 windows, current is <window 0>
+ Windows:
+ <window 0>(1): displays buffer <buffer c.2>; cursor is at (1, 0)
+ <window 1>(2): displays buffer <buffer b.2>; cursor is at (1, 0)
+ <window 2>(3): displays buffer <buffer a.2>; cursor is at (1, 0)
+ <window 3>(4): displays buffer <buffer 2>; cursor is at (1, 0)
+ Number of windows in current tab page: 4
+ call assert_equal(expected, getbufline(bufnr('Xfile'), 2, '$'))
+ %bw!
+" Test vim.current
+func Test_python_vim_current()
+ %bw
+ edit Xfile
+ py cb = vim.current.buffer
+ tabnew 0
+ tabnew 1
+ vnew a.1
+ tabnew 2
+ vnew a.2
+ vnew b.2
+ vnew c.2
+ py << trim EOF
+ def H(o):
+ return repr(o)
+ cb.append('Current tab page: ' + repr(vim.current.tabpage))
+ cb.append('Current window: ' + repr(vim.current.window) + ': ' + \
+ H(vim.current.window) + ' is ' + H(vim.current.tabpage.window))
+ cb.append('Current buffer: ' + repr(vim.current.buffer) + ': ' + \
+ H(vim.current.buffer) + ' is ' + H(vim.current.window.buffer)+ \
+ ' is ' + H(vim.current.tabpage.window.buffer))
+ del H
+ let expected =<< trim END
+ Current tab page: <tabpage 3>
+ Current window: <window 0>: <window 0> is <window 0>
+ Current buffer: <buffer c.2>: <buffer c.2> is <buffer c.2> is <buffer c.2>
+ call assert_equal(expected, getbufline(bufnr('Xfile'), 2, '$'))
+ call deletebufline(bufnr('Xfile'), 1, '$')
+ " Assigning: fails
+ py << trim EOF
+ try:
+ vim.current.window = vim.tabpages[0].window
+ except ValueError:
+ cb.append('ValueError at assigning foreign tab window')
+ for attr in ('window', 'tabpage', 'buffer'):
+ try:
+ setattr(vim.current, attr, None)
+ except TypeError:
+ cb.append('Type error at assigning None to vim.current.' + attr)
+ del attr
+ let expected =<< trim END
+ ValueError at assigning foreign tab window
+ Type error at assigning None to vim.current.window
+ Type error at assigning None to vim.current.tabpage
+ Type error at assigning None to vim.current.buffer
+ call assert_equal(expected, getbufline(bufnr('Xfile'), 2, '$'))
+ call deletebufline(bufnr('Xfile'), 1, '$')
+ call setbufline(bufnr('Xfile'), 1, 'python interface')
+ py << trim EOF
+ # Assigning: success
+ vim.current.tabpage = vim.tabpages[-2]
+ vim.current.buffer = cb
+ vim.current.window =[0]
+ vim.current.window.cursor = (len(vim.current.buffer), 0)
+ cb.append('Current tab page: ' + repr(vim.current.tabpage))
+ cb.append('Current window: ' + repr(vim.current.window))
+ cb.append('Current buffer: ' + repr(vim.current.buffer))
+ cb.append('Current line: ' + repr(vim.current.line))
+ let expected =<< trim END
+ Current tab page: <tabpage 2>
+ Current window: <window 0>
+ Current buffer: <buffer Xfile>
+ Current line: 'python interface'
+ call assert_equal(expected, getbufline(bufnr('Xfile'), 2, '$'))
+ call deletebufline(bufnr('Xfile'), 1, '$')
+ py << trim EOF
+ ws = list(
+ ts = list(vim.tabpages)
+ for b in vim.buffers:
+ if b is not cb:
+ vim.command('bwipeout! ' + str(b.number))
+ del b
+ cb.append('w.valid: ' + repr([w.valid for w in ws]))
+ cb.append('t.valid: ' + repr([t.valid for t in ts]))
+ del w
+ del t
+ del ts
+ del ws
+ let expected =<< trim END
+ w.valid: [True, False]
+ t.valid: [True, False, True, False]
+ call assert_equal(expected, getbufline(bufnr('Xfile'), 2, '$'))
+ %bw!
+" Test types
+func Test_python_types()
+ %d
+ py cb = vim.current.buffer
+ py << trim EOF
+ for expr, attr in (
+ ('vim.vars', 'Dictionary'),
+ ('vim.options', 'Options'),
+ ('vim.bindeval("{}")', 'Dictionary'),
+ ('vim.bindeval("[]")', 'List'),
+ ('vim.bindeval("function(\'tr\')")', 'Function'),
+ ('vim.current.buffer', 'Buffer'),
+ ('vim.current.range', 'Range'),
+ ('vim.current.window', 'Window'),
+ ('vim.current.tabpage', 'TabPage'),
+ ):
+ cb.append(expr + ':' + attr + ':' + \
+ repr(type(eval(expr)) is getattr(vim, attr)))
+ del expr
+ del attr
+ let expected =<< trim END
+ vim.vars:Dictionary:True
+ vim.options:Options:True
+ vim.bindeval("{}"):Dictionary:True
+ vim.bindeval("[]"):List:True
+ vim.bindeval("function('tr')"):Function:True
+ vim.current.buffer:Buffer:True
+ vim.current.range:Range:True
+ vim.current.window:Window:True
+ vim.current.tabpage:TabPage:True
+ call assert_equal(expected, getline(2, '$'))
+" Test __dir__() method
+func Test_python_dir_method()
+ %d
+ py cb = vim.current.buffer
+ py << trim EOF
+ for name, o in (
+ ('current', vim.current),
+ ('buffer', vim.current.buffer),
+ ('window', vim.current.window),
+ ('tabpage', vim.current.tabpage),
+ ('range', vim.current.range),
+ ('dictionary', vim.bindeval('{}')),
+ ('list', vim.bindeval('[]')),
+ ('function', vim.bindeval('function("tr")')),
+ ('output', sys.stdout),
+ ):
+ cb.append(name + ':' + ','.join(dir(o)))
+ del name
+ del o
+ let expected =<< trim END
+ current:__dir__,__members__,buffer,line,range,tabpage,window
+ buffer:__dir__,__members__,append,mark,name,number,options,range,valid,vars
+ window:__dir__,__members__,buffer,col,cursor,height,number,options,row,tabpage,valid,vars,width
+ tabpage:__dir__,__members__,number,valid,vars,window,windows
+ range:__dir__,__members__,append,end,start
+ dictionary:__dir__,__members__,get,has_key,items,keys,locked,pop,popitem,scope,update,values
+ list:__dir__,__members__,extend,locked
+ function:__dir__,__members__,args,auto_rebind,self,softspace
+ output:__dir__,__members__,close,closed,flush,isatty,readable,seekable,softspace,writable,write,writelines
+ call assert_equal(expected, getline(2, '$'))
+" Test vim.*.__new__
+func Test_python_new()
+ call assert_equal({}, pyeval('vim.Dictionary({})'))
+ call assert_equal({'a': 1}, pyeval('vim.Dictionary(a=1)'))
+ call assert_equal({'a': 1}, pyeval('vim.Dictionary(((''a'', 1),))'))
+ call assert_equal([], pyeval('vim.List()'))
+ call assert_equal(['a', 'b', 'c', '7'], pyeval('vim.List(iter(''abc7''))'))
+ call assert_equal(function('tr'), pyeval('vim.Function(''tr'')'))
+ call assert_equal(function('tr', [123, 3, 4]),
+ \ pyeval('vim.Function(''tr'', args=[123, 3, 4])'))
+ call assert_equal(function('tr'), pyeval('vim.Function(''tr'', args=[])'))
+ call assert_equal(function('tr', {}),
+ \ pyeval('vim.Function(''tr'', self={})'))
+ call assert_equal(function('tr', [123, 3, 4], {}),
+ \ pyeval('vim.Function(''tr'', args=[123, 3, 4], self={})'))
+ call assert_equal(function('tr'),
+ \ pyeval('vim.Function(''tr'', auto_rebind=False)'))
+ call assert_equal(function('tr', [123, 3, 4]),
+ \ pyeval('vim.Function(''tr'', args=[123, 3, 4], auto_rebind=False)'))
+ call assert_equal(function('tr'),
+ \ pyeval('vim.Function(''tr'', args=[], auto_rebind=False)'))
+ call assert_equal(function('tr', {}),
+ \ pyeval('vim.Function(''tr'', self={}, auto_rebind=False)'))
+ call assert_equal(function('tr', [123, 3, 4], {}),
+ \ pyeval('vim.Function(''tr'', args=[123, 3, 4], self={}, auto_rebind=False)'))
+" Test vim.Function
+func Test_python_vim_func()
+ function Args(...)
+ return a:000
+ endfunction
+ function SelfArgs(...) dict
+ return [a:000, self]
+ endfunction
+ " The following four lines should not crash
+ let Pt = function('tr', [[]], {'l': []})
+ py Pt = vim.bindeval('Pt')
+ unlet Pt
+ py del Pt
+ %bw!
+ py cb = vim.current.buffer
+ py << trim EOF
+ def ecall(out_prefix, func, *args, **kwargs):
+ line = out_prefix + ': '
+ try:
+ ret = func(*args, **kwargs)
+ except Exception:
+ line += '!exception: ' + emsg(sys.exc_info())
+ else:
+ line += '!result: ' + vim.Function('string')(ret)
+ cb.append(line)
+ a = vim.Function('Args')
+ pa1 = vim.Function('Args', args=['abcArgsPA1'])
+ pa2 = vim.Function('Args', args=[])
+ pa3 = vim.Function('Args', args=['abcArgsPA3'], self={'abcSelfPA3': 'abcSelfPA3Val'})
+ pa4 = vim.Function('Args', self={'abcSelfPA4': 'abcSelfPA4Val'})
+ cb.append('a: ' + repr(a))
+ cb.append('pa1: ' + repr(pa1))
+ cb.append('pa2: ' + repr(pa2))
+ cb.append('pa3: ' + repr(pa3))
+ cb.append('pa4: ' + repr(pa4))
+ sa = vim.Function('SelfArgs')
+ psa1 = vim.Function('SelfArgs', args=['abcArgsPSA1'])
+ psa2 = vim.Function('SelfArgs', args=[])
+ psa3 = vim.Function('SelfArgs', args=['abcArgsPSA3'], self={'abcSelfPSA3': 'abcSelfPSA3Val'})
+ psa4 = vim.Function('SelfArgs', self={'abcSelfPSA4': 'abcSelfPSA4Val'})
+ psa5 = vim.Function('SelfArgs', self={'abcSelfPSA5': 'abcSelfPSA5Val'}, auto_rebind=0)
+ psa6 = vim.Function('SelfArgs', args=['abcArgsPSA6'], self={'abcSelfPSA6': 'abcSelfPSA6Val'}, auto_rebind=())
+ psa7 = vim.Function('SelfArgs', args=['abcArgsPSA7'], auto_rebind=[])
+ psa8 = vim.Function('SelfArgs', auto_rebind=False)
+ psa9 = vim.Function('SelfArgs', self={'abcSelfPSA9': 'abcSelfPSA9Val'}, auto_rebind=True)
+ psaA = vim.Function('SelfArgs', args=['abcArgsPSAA'], self={'abcSelfPSAA': 'abcSelfPSAAVal'}, auto_rebind=1)
+ psaB = vim.Function('SelfArgs', args=['abcArgsPSAB'], auto_rebind={'abcARPSAB': 'abcARPSABVal'})
+ psaC = vim.Function('SelfArgs', auto_rebind=['abcARPSAC'])
+ cb.append('sa: ' + repr(sa))
+ cb.append('psa1: ' + repr(psa1))
+ cb.append('psa2: ' + repr(psa2))
+ cb.append('psa3: ' + repr(psa3))
+ cb.append('psa4: ' + repr(psa4))
+ cb.append('psa5: ' + repr(psa5))
+ cb.append('psa6: ' + repr(psa6))
+ cb.append('psa7: ' + repr(psa7))
+ cb.append('psa8: ' + repr(psa8))
+ cb.append('psa9: ' + repr(psa9))
+ cb.append('psaA: ' + repr(psaA))
+ cb.append('psaB: ' + repr(psaB))
+ cb.append('psaC: ' + repr(psaC))
+ psar = vim.Function('SelfArgs', args=[{'abcArgsPSAr': 'abcArgsPSArVal'}], self={'abcSelfPSAr': 'abcSelfPSArVal'})
+ psar.args[0]['abcArgsPSAr2'] = [psar.self, psar.args[0]]
+ psar.self['rec'] = psar
+ psar.self['self'] = psar.self
+ psar.self['args'] = psar.args
+ try:
+ cb.append('psar: ' + repr(psar))
+ except Exception:
+ cb.append('!!!!!!!! Caught exception: ' + emsg(sys.exc_info()))
+ let expected =<< trim END
+ a: <vim.Function 'Args'>
+ pa1: <vim.Function 'Args', args=['abcArgsPA1']>
+ pa2: <vim.Function 'Args'>
+ pa3: <vim.Function 'Args', args=['abcArgsPA3'], self={'abcSelfPA3': 'abcSelfPA3Val'}>
+ pa4: <vim.Function 'Args', self={'abcSelfPA4': 'abcSelfPA4Val'}>
+ sa: <vim.Function 'SelfArgs'>
+ psa1: <vim.Function 'SelfArgs', args=['abcArgsPSA1']>
+ psa2: <vim.Function 'SelfArgs'>
+ psa3: <vim.Function 'SelfArgs', args=['abcArgsPSA3'], self={'abcSelfPSA3': 'abcSelfPSA3Val'}>
+ psa4: <vim.Function 'SelfArgs', self={'abcSelfPSA4': 'abcSelfPSA4Val'}>
+ psa5: <vim.Function 'SelfArgs', self={'abcSelfPSA5': 'abcSelfPSA5Val'}>
+ psa6: <vim.Function 'SelfArgs', args=['abcArgsPSA6'], self={'abcSelfPSA6': 'abcSelfPSA6Val'}>
+ psa7: <vim.Function 'SelfArgs', args=['abcArgsPSA7']>
+ psa8: <vim.Function 'SelfArgs'>
+ psa9: <vim.Function 'SelfArgs', self={'abcSelfPSA9': 'abcSelfPSA9Val'}, auto_rebind=True>
+ psaA: <vim.Function 'SelfArgs', args=['abcArgsPSAA'], self={'abcSelfPSAA': 'abcSelfPSAAVal'}, auto_rebind=True>
+ psaB: <vim.Function 'SelfArgs', args=['abcArgsPSAB']>
+ psaC: <vim.Function 'SelfArgs'>
+ psar: <vim.Function 'SelfArgs', args=[{'abcArgsPSAr2': [{'rec': function('SelfArgs', [{...}], {...}), 'self': {...}, 'abcSelfPSAr': 'abcSelfPSArVal', 'args': [{...}]}, {...}], 'abcArgsPSAr': 'abcArgsPSArVal'}], self={'rec': function('SelfArgs', [{'abcArgsPSAr2': [{...}, {...}], 'abcArgsPSAr': 'abcArgsPSArVal'}], {...}), 'self': {...}, 'abcSelfPSAr': 'abcSelfPSArVal', 'args': [{'abcArgsPSAr2': [{...}, {...}], 'abcArgsPSAr': 'abcArgsPSArVal'}]}>
+ call assert_equal(expected, getline(2, '$'))
+ %d
+ call assert_equal(function('Args'), pyeval('a'))
+ call assert_equal(function('Args', ['abcArgsPA1']), pyeval('pa1'))
+ call assert_equal(function('Args'), pyeval('pa2'))
+ call assert_equal(function('Args', ['abcArgsPA3'], {'abcSelfPA3': 'abcSelfPA3Val'}), pyeval('pa3'))
+ call assert_equal(function('Args', {'abcSelfPA4': 'abcSelfPA4Val'}), pyeval('pa4'))
+ call assert_equal(function('SelfArgs'), pyeval('sa'))
+ call assert_equal(function('SelfArgs', ['abcArgsPSA1']), pyeval('psa1'))
+ call assert_equal(function('SelfArgs'), pyeval('psa2'))
+ call assert_equal(function('SelfArgs', ['abcArgsPSA3'], {'abcSelfPSA3': 'abcSelfPSA3Val'}), pyeval('psa3'))
+ call assert_equal(function('SelfArgs', {'abcSelfPSA4': 'abcSelfPSA4Val'}), pyeval('psa4'))
+ call assert_equal(function('SelfArgs', {'abcSelfPSA5': 'abcSelfPSA5Val'}), pyeval('psa5'))
+ call assert_equal(function('SelfArgs', ['abcArgsPSA6'], {'abcSelfPSA6': 'abcSelfPSA6Val'}), pyeval('psa6'))
+ call assert_equal(function('SelfArgs', ['abcArgsPSA7']), pyeval('psa7'))
+ call assert_equal(function('SelfArgs'), pyeval('psa8'))
+ call assert_equal(function('SelfArgs', {'abcSelfPSA9': 'abcSelfPSA9Val'}), pyeval('psa9'))
+ call assert_equal(function('SelfArgs', ['abcArgsPSAA'], {'abcSelfPSAA': 'abcSelfPSAAVal'}), pyeval('psaA'))
+ call assert_equal(function('SelfArgs', ['abcArgsPSAB']), pyeval('psaB'))
+ call assert_equal(function('SelfArgs'), pyeval('psaC'))
+ let res = []
+ for v in ['sa', 'psa1', 'psa2', 'psa3', 'psa4', 'psa5', 'psa6', 'psa7',
+ \ 'psa8', 'psa9', 'psaA', 'psaB', 'psaC']
+ let d = {'f': pyeval(v)}
+ call add(res, 'd.' .. v .. '(): ' .. string(d.f()))
+ endfor
+ let expected =<< trim END
+ [[], {'f': function('SelfArgs')}]
+ d.psa1(): [['abcArgsPSA1'], {'f': function('SelfArgs', ['abcArgsPSA1'])}]
+ d.psa2(): [[], {'f': function('SelfArgs')}]
+ d.psa3(): [['abcArgsPSA3'], {'abcSelfPSA3': 'abcSelfPSA3Val'}]
+ d.psa4(): [[], {'abcSelfPSA4': 'abcSelfPSA4Val'}]
+ d.psa5(): [[], {'abcSelfPSA5': 'abcSelfPSA5Val'}]
+ d.psa6(): [['abcArgsPSA6'], {'abcSelfPSA6': 'abcSelfPSA6Val'}]
+ d.psa7(): [['abcArgsPSA7'], {'f': function('SelfArgs', ['abcArgsPSA7'])}]
+ d.psa8(): [[], {'f': function('SelfArgs')}]
+ d.psa9(): [[], {'f': function('SelfArgs', {'abcSelfPSA9': 'abcSelfPSA9Val'})}]
+ d.psaA(): [['abcArgsPSAA'], {'f': function('SelfArgs', ['abcArgsPSAA'], {'abcSelfPSAA': 'abcSelfPSAAVal'})}]
+ d.psaB(): [['abcArgsPSAB'], {'f': function('SelfArgs', ['abcArgsPSAB'])}]
+ d.psaC(): [[], {'f': function('SelfArgs')}]
+ call assert_equal(expected, res)
+ py ecall('a()', a, )
+ py ecall('pa1()', pa1, )
+ py ecall('pa2()', pa2, )
+ py ecall('pa3()', pa3, )
+ py ecall('pa4()', pa4, )
+ py ecall('sa()', sa, )
+ py ecall('psa1()', psa1, )
+ py ecall('psa2()', psa2, )
+ py ecall('psa3()', psa3, )
+ py ecall('psa4()', psa4, )
+ py ecall('a(42, 43)', a, 42, 43)
+ py ecall('pa1(42, 43)', pa1, 42, 43)
+ py ecall('pa2(42, 43)', pa2, 42, 43)
+ py ecall('pa3(42, 43)', pa3, 42, 43)
+ py ecall('pa4(42, 43)', pa4, 42, 43)
+ py ecall('sa(42, 43)', sa, 42, 43)
+ py ecall('psa1(42, 43)', psa1, 42, 43)
+ py ecall('psa2(42, 43)', psa2, 42, 43)
+ py ecall('psa3(42, 43)', psa3, 42, 43)
+ py ecall('psa4(42, 43)', psa4, 42, 43)
+ py ecall('a(42, self={"20": 1})', a, 42, self={'20': 1})
+ py ecall('pa1(42, self={"20": 1})', pa1, 42, self={'20': 1})
+ py ecall('pa2(42, self={"20": 1})', pa2, 42, self={'20': 1})
+ py ecall('pa3(42, self={"20": 1})', pa3, 42, self={'20': 1})
+ py ecall('pa4(42, self={"20": 1})', pa4, 42, self={'20': 1})
+ py ecall('sa(42, self={"20": 1})', sa, 42, self={'20': 1})
+ py ecall('psa1(42, self={"20": 1})', psa1, 42, self={'20': 1})
+ py ecall('psa2(42, self={"20": 1})', psa2, 42, self={'20': 1})
+ py ecall('psa3(42, self={"20": 1})', psa3, 42, self={'20': 1})
+ py ecall('psa4(42, self={"20": 1})', psa4, 42, self={'20': 1})
+ py ecall('a(self={"20": 1})', a, self={'20': 1})
+ py ecall('pa1(self={"20": 1})', pa1, self={'20': 1})
+ py ecall('pa2(self={"20": 1})', pa2, self={'20': 1})
+ py ecall('pa3(self={"20": 1})', pa3, self={'20': 1})
+ py ecall('pa4(self={"20": 1})', pa4, self={'20': 1})
+ py ecall('sa(self={"20": 1})', sa, self={'20': 1})
+ py ecall('psa1(self={"20": 1})', psa1, self={'20': 1})
+ py ecall('psa2(self={"20": 1})', psa2, self={'20': 1})
+ py ecall('psa3(self={"20": 1})', psa3, self={'20': 1})
+ py ecall('psa4(self={"20": 1})', psa4, self={'20': 1})
+ py << trim EOF
+ def s(v):
+ if v is None:
+ return repr(v)
+ else:
+ return vim.Function('string')(v)
+ cb.append('a.args: ' + s(a.args))
+ cb.append('pa1.args: ' + s(pa1.args))
+ cb.append('pa2.args: ' + s(pa2.args))
+ cb.append('pa3.args: ' + s(pa3.args))
+ cb.append('pa4.args: ' + s(pa4.args))
+ cb.append('sa.args: ' + s(sa.args))
+ cb.append('psa1.args: ' + s(psa1.args))
+ cb.append('psa2.args: ' + s(psa2.args))
+ cb.append('psa3.args: ' + s(psa3.args))
+ cb.append('psa4.args: ' + s(psa4.args))
+ cb.append('a.self: ' + s(a.self))
+ cb.append('pa1.self: ' + s(pa1.self))
+ cb.append('pa2.self: ' + s(pa2.self))
+ cb.append('pa3.self: ' + s(pa3.self))
+ cb.append('pa4.self: ' + s(pa4.self))
+ cb.append('sa.self: ' + s(sa.self))
+ cb.append('psa1.self: ' + s(psa1.self))
+ cb.append('psa2.self: ' + s(psa2.self))
+ cb.append('psa3.self: ' + s(psa3.self))
+ cb.append('psa4.self: ' + s(psa4.self))
+ cb.append(' ' + s(
+ cb.append(' ' + s(
+ cb.append(' ' + s(
+ cb.append(' ' + s(
+ cb.append(' ' + s(
+ cb.append(' ' + s(
+ cb.append(' ' + s(
+ cb.append(' ' + s(
+ cb.append(' ' + s(
+ cb.append(' ' + s(
+ cb.append('a.auto_rebind: ' + s(a.auto_rebind))
+ cb.append('pa1.auto_rebind: ' + s(pa1.auto_rebind))
+ cb.append('pa2.auto_rebind: ' + s(pa2.auto_rebind))
+ cb.append('pa3.auto_rebind: ' + s(pa3.auto_rebind))
+ cb.append('pa4.auto_rebind: ' + s(pa4.auto_rebind))
+ cb.append('sa.auto_rebind: ' + s(sa.auto_rebind))
+ cb.append('psa1.auto_rebind: ' + s(psa1.auto_rebind))
+ cb.append('psa2.auto_rebind: ' + s(psa2.auto_rebind))
+ cb.append('psa3.auto_rebind: ' + s(psa3.auto_rebind))
+ cb.append('psa4.auto_rebind: ' + s(psa4.auto_rebind))
+ cb.append('psa5.auto_rebind: ' + s(psa5.auto_rebind))
+ cb.append('psa6.auto_rebind: ' + s(psa6.auto_rebind))
+ cb.append('psa7.auto_rebind: ' + s(psa7.auto_rebind))
+ cb.append('psa8.auto_rebind: ' + s(psa8.auto_rebind))
+ cb.append('psa9.auto_rebind: ' + s(psa9.auto_rebind))
+ cb.append('psaA.auto_rebind: ' + s(psaA.auto_rebind))
+ cb.append('psaB.auto_rebind: ' + s(psaB.auto_rebind))
+ cb.append('psaC.auto_rebind: ' + s(psaC.auto_rebind))
+ del s
+ del a
+ del pa1
+ del pa2
+ del pa3
+ del pa4
+ del sa
+ del psa1
+ del psa2
+ del psa3
+ del psa4
+ del psa5
+ del psa6
+ del psa7
+ del psa8
+ del psa9
+ del psaA
+ del psaB
+ del psaC
+ del psar
+ del ecall
+ let expected =<< trim END
+ a(): !result: []
+ pa1(): !result: ['abcArgsPA1']
+ pa2(): !result: []
+ pa3(): !result: ['abcArgsPA3']
+ pa4(): !result: []
+ sa(): !exception: error:('Vim:E725: Calling dict function without Dictionary: SelfArgs',)
+ psa1(): !exception: error:('Vim:E725: Calling dict function without Dictionary: SelfArgs',)
+ psa2(): !exception: error:('Vim:E725: Calling dict function without Dictionary: SelfArgs',)
+ psa3(): !result: [['abcArgsPSA3'], {'abcSelfPSA3': 'abcSelfPSA3Val'}]
+ psa4(): !result: [[], {'abcSelfPSA4': 'abcSelfPSA4Val'}]
+ a(42, 43): !result: [42, 43]
+ pa1(42, 43): !result: ['abcArgsPA1', 42, 43]
+ pa2(42, 43): !result: [42, 43]
+ pa3(42, 43): !result: ['abcArgsPA3', 42, 43]
+ pa4(42, 43): !result: [42, 43]
+ sa(42, 43): !exception: error:('Vim:E725: Calling dict function without Dictionary: SelfArgs',)
+ psa1(42, 43): !exception: error:('Vim:E725: Calling dict function without Dictionary: SelfArgs',)
+ psa2(42, 43): !exception: error:('Vim:E725: Calling dict function without Dictionary: SelfArgs',)
+ psa3(42, 43): !result: [['abcArgsPSA3', 42, 43], {'abcSelfPSA3': 'abcSelfPSA3Val'}]
+ psa4(42, 43): !result: [[42, 43], {'abcSelfPSA4': 'abcSelfPSA4Val'}]
+ a(42, self={"20": 1}): !result: [42]
+ pa1(42, self={"20": 1}): !result: ['abcArgsPA1', 42]
+ pa2(42, self={"20": 1}): !result: [42]
+ pa3(42, self={"20": 1}): !result: ['abcArgsPA3', 42]
+ pa4(42, self={"20": 1}): !result: [42]
+ sa(42, self={"20": 1}): !result: [[42], {'20': 1}]
+ psa1(42, self={"20": 1}): !result: [['abcArgsPSA1', 42], {'20': 1}]
+ psa2(42, self={"20": 1}): !result: [[42], {'20': 1}]
+ psa3(42, self={"20": 1}): !result: [['abcArgsPSA3', 42], {'20': 1}]
+ psa4(42, self={"20": 1}): !result: [[42], {'20': 1}]
+ a(self={"20": 1}): !result: []
+ pa1(self={"20": 1}): !result: ['abcArgsPA1']
+ pa2(self={"20": 1}): !result: []
+ pa3(self={"20": 1}): !result: ['abcArgsPA3']
+ pa4(self={"20": 1}): !result: []
+ sa(self={"20": 1}): !result: [[], {'20': 1}]
+ psa1(self={"20": 1}): !result: [['abcArgsPSA1'], {'20': 1}]
+ psa2(self={"20": 1}): !result: [[], {'20': 1}]
+ psa3(self={"20": 1}): !result: [['abcArgsPSA3'], {'20': 1}]
+ psa4(self={"20": 1}): !result: [[], {'20': 1}]
+ a.args: None
+ pa1.args: ['abcArgsPA1']
+ pa2.args: None
+ pa3.args: ['abcArgsPA3']
+ pa4.args: None
+ sa.args: None
+ psa1.args: ['abcArgsPSA1']
+ psa2.args: None
+ psa3.args: ['abcArgsPSA3']
+ psa4.args: None
+ a.self: None
+ pa1.self: None
+ pa2.self: None
+ pa3.self: {'abcSelfPA3': 'abcSelfPA3Val'}
+ pa4.self: {'abcSelfPA4': 'abcSelfPA4Val'}
+ sa.self: None
+ psa1.self: None
+ psa2.self: None
+ psa3.self: {'abcSelfPSA3': 'abcSelfPSA3Val'}
+ psa4.self: {'abcSelfPSA4': 'abcSelfPSA4Val'}
+ 'Args'
+ 'Args'
+ 'Args'
+ 'Args'
+ 'Args'
+ 'SelfArgs'
+ 'SelfArgs'
+ 'SelfArgs'
+ 'SelfArgs'
+ 'SelfArgs'
+ a.auto_rebind: 1
+ pa1.auto_rebind: 1
+ pa2.auto_rebind: 1
+ pa3.auto_rebind: 0
+ pa4.auto_rebind: 0
+ sa.auto_rebind: 1
+ psa1.auto_rebind: 1
+ psa2.auto_rebind: 1
+ psa3.auto_rebind: 0
+ psa4.auto_rebind: 0
+ psa5.auto_rebind: 0
+ psa6.auto_rebind: 0
+ psa7.auto_rebind: 1
+ psa8.auto_rebind: 1
+ psa9.auto_rebind: 1
+ psaA.auto_rebind: 1
+ psaB.auto_rebind: 1
+ psaC.auto_rebind: 1
+ call assert_equal(expected, getline(2, '$'))
+ %bw!
+" Test stdout/stderr
+func Test_python_stdin_stderr()
+ let caught_writeerr = 0
+ let caught_writelineerr = 0
+ redir => messages
+ py sys.stdout.write('abc8') ; sys.stdout.write('def')
+ try
+ py sys.stderr.write('abc9') ; sys.stderr.write('def')
+ catch /abc9def/
+ let caught_writeerr = 1
+ endtry
+ py sys.stdout.writelines(iter('abcA'))
+ try
+ py sys.stderr.writelines(iter('abcB'))
+ catch /abcB/
+ let caught_writelineerr = 1
+ endtry
+ redir END
+ call assert_equal("\nabc8def\nabcA", messages)
+ call assert_equal(1, caught_writeerr)
+ call assert_equal(1, caught_writelineerr)
+" Test subclassing
+func Test_python_subclass()
+ new
+ fun Put(...)
+ return a:000
+ endfun
+ py << trim EOF
+ class DupDict(vim.Dictionary):
+ def __setitem__(self, key, value):
+ super(DupDict, self).__setitem__(key, value)
+ super(DupDict, self).__setitem__('dup_' + key, value)
+ dd = DupDict()
+ dd['a'] = 'b'
+ class DupList(vim.List):
+ def __getitem__(self, idx):
+ return [super(DupList, self).__getitem__(idx)] * 2
+ dl = DupList()
+ dl2 = DupList(iter('abcC'))
+ dl.extend(dl2[0])
+ class DupFun(vim.Function):
+ def __call__(self, arg):
+ return super(DupFun, self).__call__(arg, arg)
+ df = DupFun('Put')
+ call assert_equal(['a', 'dup_a'], sort(keys(pyeval('dd'))))
+ call assert_equal(['a', 'a'], pyeval('dl'))
+ call assert_equal(['a', 'b', 'c', 'C'], pyeval('dl2'))
+ call assert_equal([2, 2], pyeval('df(2)'))
+ call assert_equal(1, pyeval('dl') is# pyeval('dl'))
+ call assert_equal(1, pyeval('dd') is# pyeval('dd'))
+ call assert_equal(function('Put'), pyeval('df'))
+ delfunction Put
+ py << trim EOF
+ del DupDict
+ del DupList
+ del DupFun
+ del dd
+ del dl
+ del dl2
+ del df
+ close!
+" Test chdir
+func Test_python_chdir()
+ new Xfile
+ py cb = vim.current.buffer
+ py << trim EOF
+ import os
+ fnamemodify = vim.Function('fnamemodify')
+ cb.append(fnamemodify('.', ':p:h:t'))
+ cb.append(vim.eval('@%'))
+ os.chdir('..')
+ path = fnamemodify('.', ':p:h:t')
+ if path != 'src':
+ # Running tests from a shadow directory, so move up another level
+ # This will result in @% looking like shadow/testdir/Xfile, hence the
+ # extra fnamemodify
+ os.chdir('..')
+ cb.append(fnamemodify('.', ':p:h:t'))
+ cb.append(fnamemodify(vim.eval('@%'), ':s?^%s.??' % path).replace(os.path.sep, '/'))
+ os.chdir(path)
+ del path
+ else:
+ cb.append(fnamemodify('.', ':p:h:t'))
+ cb.append(vim.eval('@%').replace(os.path.sep, '/'))
+ os.chdir('testdir')
+ cb.append(fnamemodify('.', ':p:h:t'))
+ cb.append(vim.eval('@%'))
+ del fnamemodify
+ call assert_equal(['testdir', 'Xfile', 'src', 'testdir/Xfile', 'testdir',
+ \ 'Xfile'], getline(2, '$'))
+ close!
+" Test errors
+func Test_python_errors()
+ fun F() dict
+ endfun
+ fun D()
+ endfun
+ new
+ py cb = vim.current.buffer
+ py << trim EOF
+ d = vim.Dictionary()
+ ned = vim.Dictionary(foo='bar', baz='abcD')
+ dl = vim.Dictionary(a=1)
+ dl.locked = True
+ l = vim.List()
+ ll = vim.List('abcE')
+ ll.locked = True
+ nel = vim.List('abcO')
+ f = vim.Function('string')
+ fd = vim.Function('F')
+ fdel = vim.Function('D')
+ vim.command('delfunction D')
+ def subexpr_test(expr, name, subexprs):
+ cb.append('>>> Testing %s using %s' % (name, expr))
+ for subexpr in subexprs:
+ ee(expr % subexpr)
+ cb.append('<<< Finished')
+ def stringtochars_test(expr):
+ return subexpr_test(expr, 'StringToChars', (
+ '1', # Fail type checks
+ 'u"\\0"', # Fail PyString_AsStringAndSize(bytes, , NULL) check
+ '"\\0"', # Fail PyString_AsStringAndSize(object, , NULL) check
+ ))
+ class Mapping(object):
+ def __init__(self, d):
+ self.d = d
+ def __getitem__(self, key):
+ return self.d[key]
+ def keys(self):
+ return self.d.keys()
+ def items(self):
+ return self.d.items()
+ def convertfrompyobject_test(expr, recurse=True):
+ # pydict_to_tv
+ stringtochars_test(expr % '{%s : 1}')
+ if recurse:
+ convertfrompyobject_test(expr % '{"abcF" : %s}', False)
+ # pymap_to_tv
+ stringtochars_test(expr % 'Mapping({%s : 1})')
+ if recurse:
+ convertfrompyobject_test(expr % 'Mapping({"abcG" : %s})', False)
+ # pyseq_to_tv
+ iter_test(expr)
+ return subexpr_test(expr, 'ConvertFromPyObject', (
+ 'None', # Not conversible
+ '{"": 1}', # Empty key not allowed
+ '{u"": 1}', # Same, but with unicode object
+ 'FailingMapping()', #
+ 'FailingMappingKey()', #
+ 'FailingNumber()', #
+ ))
+ def convertfrompymapping_test(expr):
+ convertfrompyobject_test(expr)
+ return subexpr_test(expr, 'ConvertFromPyMapping', (
+ '[]',
+ ))
+ def iter_test(expr):
+ return subexpr_test(expr, '*Iter*', (
+ 'FailingIter()',
+ 'FailingIterNext()',
+ ))
+ def number_test(expr, natural=False, unsigned=False):
+ if natural:
+ unsigned = True
+ return subexpr_test(expr, 'NumberToLong', (
+ '[]',
+ 'None',
+ ) + (unsigned and ('-1',) or ())
+ + (natural and ('0',) or ()))
+ class FailingTrue(object):
+ def __nonzero__(self):
+ raise NotImplementedError('bool')
+ class FailingIter(object):
+ def __iter__(self):
+ raise NotImplementedError('iter')
+ class FailingIterNext(object):
+ def __iter__(self):
+ return self
+ def next(self):
+ raise NotImplementedError('next')
+ class FailingIterNextN(object):
+ def __init__(self, n):
+ self.n = n
+ def __iter__(self):
+ return self
+ def next(self):
+ if self.n:
+ self.n -= 1
+ return 1
+ else:
+ raise NotImplementedError('next N')
+ class FailingMappingKey(object):
+ def __getitem__(self, item):
+ raise NotImplementedError('getitem:mappingkey')
+ def keys(self):
+ return list("abcH")
+ class FailingMapping(object):
+ def __getitem__(self):
+ raise NotImplementedError('getitem:mapping')
+ def keys(self):
+ raise NotImplementedError('keys')
+ class FailingList(list):
+ def __getitem__(self, idx):
+ if i == 2:
+ raise NotImplementedError('getitem:list')
+ else:
+ return super(FailingList, self).__getitem__(idx)
+ class NoArgsCall(object):
+ def __call__(self):
+ pass
+ class FailingCall(object):
+ def __call__(self, path):
+ raise NotImplementedError('call')
+ class FailingNumber(object):
+ def __int__(self):
+ raise NotImplementedError('int')
+ cb.append("> Output")
+ cb.append(">> OutputSetattr")
+ ee('del sys.stdout.softspace')
+ number_test('sys.stdout.softspace = %s', unsigned=True)
+ number_test('sys.stderr.softspace = %s', unsigned=True)
+ ee('assert sys.stdout.isatty()==False')
+ ee('assert sys.stdout.seekable()==False')
+ ee('sys.stdout.close()')
+ ee('sys.stdout.flush()')
+ ee('assert sys.stderr.isatty()==False')
+ ee('assert sys.stderr.seekable()==False')
+ ee('sys.stderr.close()')
+ ee('sys.stderr.flush()')
+ ee('sys.stdout.attr = None')
+ cb.append(">> OutputWrite")
+ ee('assert sys.stdout.writable()==True')
+ ee('assert sys.stdout.readable()==False')
+ ee('assert sys.stderr.writable()==True')
+ ee('assert sys.stderr.readable()==False')
+ ee('assert sys.stdout.closed()==False')
+ ee('assert sys.stderr.closed()==False')
+ ee('assert sys.stdout.errors=="strict"')
+ ee('assert sys.stderr.errors=="strict"')
+ ee('assert sys.stdout.encoding==sys.stderr.encoding')
+ ee('sys.stdout.write(None)')
+ cb.append(">> OutputWriteLines")
+ ee('sys.stdout.writelines(None)')
+ ee('sys.stdout.writelines([1])')
+ iter_test('sys.stdout.writelines(%s)')
+ cb.append("> VimCommand")
+ stringtochars_test('vim.command(%s)')
+ ee('vim.command("", 2)')
+ #! Not checked: vim->python exceptions translating: checked later
+ cb.append("> VimToPython")
+ #! Not checked: everything: needs errors in internal python functions
+ cb.append("> VimEval")
+ stringtochars_test('vim.eval(%s)')
+ ee('vim.eval("", FailingTrue())')
+ #! Not checked: everything: needs errors in internal python functions
+ cb.append("> VimEvalPy")
+ stringtochars_test('vim.bindeval(%s)')
+ ee('vim.eval("", 2)')
+ #! Not checked: vim->python exceptions translating: checked later
+ cb.append("> VimStrwidth")
+ stringtochars_test('vim.strwidth(%s)')
+ cb.append("> VimForeachRTP")
+ ee('vim.foreach_rtp(None)')
+ ee('vim.foreach_rtp(NoArgsCall())')
+ ee('vim.foreach_rtp(FailingCall())')
+ ee('vim.foreach_rtp(int, 2)')
+ cb.append('> import')
+ old_rtp = vim.options['rtp']
+ vim.options['rtp'] = os.getcwd().replace('\\', '\\\\').replace(',', '\\,')
+ ee('import xxx_no_such_module_xxx')
+ ee('import failing_import')
+ ee('import failing')
+ vim.options['rtp'] = old_rtp
+ del old_rtp
+ cb.append("> Options")
+ cb.append(">> OptionsItem")
+ ee('vim.options["abcQ"]')
+ ee('vim.options[""]')
+ stringtochars_test('vim.options[%s]')
+ cb.append(">> OptionsContains")
+ stringtochars_test('%s in vim.options')
+ cb.append("> Dictionary")
+ cb.append(">> DictionaryConstructor")
+ ee('vim.Dictionary("abcI")')
+ ##! Not checked: py_dict_alloc failure
+ cb.append(">> DictionarySetattr")
+ ee('del d.locked')
+ ee('d.locked = FailingTrue()')
+ ee('vim.vvars.locked = False')
+ ee('d.scope = True')
+ ee(' = True')
+ cb.append(">> _DictionaryItem")
+ ee('d.get("a", 2, 3)')
+ stringtochars_test('d.get(%s)')
+ ee('d.pop("a")')
+ ee('dl.pop("a")')
+ cb.append(">> DictionaryContains")
+ ee('"" in d')
+ ee('0 in d')
+ cb.append(">> DictionaryIterNext")
+ ee('for i in ned: ned["a"] = 1')
+ del i
+ cb.append(">> DictionaryAssItem")
+ ee('dl["b"] = 1')
+ stringtochars_test('d[%s] = 1')
+ convertfrompyobject_test('d["a"] = %s')
+ cb.append(">> DictionaryUpdate")
+ cb.append(">>> kwargs")
+ cb.append(">>> iter")
+ ee('d.update(FailingMapping())')
+ ee('d.update([FailingIterNext()])')
+ ee('d.update([FailingIterNextN(1)])')
+ iter_test('d.update(%s)')
+ convertfrompyobject_test('d.update(%s)')
+ stringtochars_test('d.update(((%s, 0),))')
+ convertfrompyobject_test('d.update((("a", %s),))')
+ cb.append(">> DictionaryPopItem")
+ ee('d.popitem(1, 2)')
+ cb.append(">> DictionaryHasKey")
+ ee('d.has_key()')
+ cb.append("> List")
+ cb.append(">> ListConstructor")
+ ee('vim.List(1, 2)')
+ ee('vim.List(a=1)')
+ iter_test('vim.List(%s)')
+ convertfrompyobject_test('vim.List([%s])')
+ cb.append(">> ListItem")
+ ee('l[1000]')
+ cb.append(">> ListAssItem")
+ ee('ll[1] = 2')
+ ee('l[1000] = 3')
+ cb.append(">> ListAssSlice")
+ ee('ll[1:100] = "abcJ"')
+ iter_test('l[:] = %s')
+ ee('nel[1:10:2] = "abcK"')
+ cb.append(repr(tuple(nel)))
+ ee('nel[1:10:2] = "a"')
+ cb.append(repr(tuple(nel)))
+ ee('nel[1:1:-1] = "a"')
+ cb.append(repr(tuple(nel)))
+ ee('nel[:] = FailingIterNextN(2)')
+ cb.append(repr(tuple(nel)))
+ convertfrompyobject_test('l[:] = [%s]')
+ cb.append(">> ListConcatInPlace")
+ iter_test('l.extend(%s)')
+ convertfrompyobject_test('l.extend([%s])')
+ cb.append(">> ListSetattr")
+ ee('del l.locked')
+ ee('l.locked = FailingTrue()')
+ ee(' = True')
+ cb.append("> Function")
+ cb.append(">> FunctionConstructor")
+ cb.append(">>> FunctionConstructor")
+ ee('vim.Function("123")')
+ ee('vim.Function("xxx_non_existent_function_xxx")')
+ ee('vim.Function("xxx#non#existent#function#xxx")')
+ ee('vim.Function("xxx_non_existent_function_xxx2", args=[])')
+ ee('vim.Function("xxx_non_existent_function_xxx3", self={})')
+ ee('vim.Function("xxx_non_existent_function_xxx4", args=[], self={})')
+ cb.append(">>> FunctionNew")
+ ee('vim.Function("tr", self="abcFuncSelf")')
+ ee('vim.Function("tr", args=427423)')
+ ee('vim.Function("tr", self="abcFuncSelf2", args="abcFuncArgs2")')
+ ee('vim.Function(self="abcFuncSelf2", args="abcFuncArgs2")')
+ ee('vim.Function("tr", "", self="abcFuncSelf2", args="abcFuncArgs2")')
+ ee('vim.Function("tr", "")')
+ cb.append(">> FunctionCall")
+ convertfrompyobject_test('f(%s)')
+ convertfrompymapping_test('fd(self=%s)')
+ cb.append("> TabPage")
+ cb.append(">> TabPageAttr")
+ ee('')
+ cb.append("> TabList")
+ cb.append(">> TabListItem")
+ ee('vim.tabpages[1000]')
+ cb.append("> Window")
+ cb.append(">> WindowAttr")
+ ee('')
+ cb.append(">> WindowSetattr")
+ ee('vim.current.window.buffer = 0')
+ ee('vim.current.window.cursor = (100000000, 100000000)')
+ ee('vim.current.window.cursor = True')
+ number_test('vim.current.window.height = %s', unsigned=True)
+ number_test('vim.current.window.width = %s', unsigned=True)
+ ee('vim.current.window.xxxxxx = True')
+ cb.append("> WinList")
+ cb.append(">> WinListItem")
+ ee('[1000]')
+ cb.append("> Buffer")
+ cb.append(">> StringToLine (indirect)")
+ ee('vim.current.buffer[0] = u"\\na"')
+ ee('vim.current.buffer[0] = "\\na"')
+ cb.append(">> SetBufferLine (indirect)")
+ ee('vim.current.buffer[0] = True')
+ cb.append(">> SetBufferLineList (indirect)")
+ ee('vim.current.buffer[:] = True')
+ ee('vim.current.buffer[:] = ["\\na", "bc"]')
+ cb.append(">> InsertBufferLines (indirect)")
+ ee('vim.current.buffer.append(None)')
+ ee('vim.current.buffer.append(["\\na", "bc"])')
+ ee('vim.current.buffer.append("\\nbc")')
+ cb.append(">> RBItem")
+ ee('vim.current.buffer[100000000]')
+ cb.append(">> RBAsItem")
+ ee('vim.current.buffer[100000000] = ""')
+ cb.append(">> BufferAttr")
+ ee('')
+ cb.append(">> BufferSetattr")
+ ee(' = True')
+ ee(' = True')
+ cb.append(">> BufferMark")
+ ee('vim.current.buffer.mark(0)')
+ ee('vim.current.buffer.mark("abcM")')
+ ee('vim.current.buffer.mark("!")')
+ cb.append(">> BufferRange")
+ ee('vim.current.buffer.range(1, 2, 3)')
+ cb.append("> BufMap")
+ cb.append(">> BufMapItem")
+ ee('vim.buffers[100000000]')
+ number_test('vim.buffers[%s]', natural=True)
+ cb.append("> Current")
+ cb.append(">> CurrentGetattr")
+ ee('')
+ cb.append(">> CurrentSetattr")
+ ee('vim.current.line = True')
+ ee('vim.current.buffer = True')
+ ee('vim.current.window = True')
+ ee('vim.current.tabpage = True')
+ ee(' = True')
+ del d
+ del ned
+ del dl
+ del l
+ del ll
+ del nel
+ del f
+ del fd
+ del fdel
+ del subexpr_test
+ del stringtochars_test
+ del Mapping
+ del convertfrompyobject_test
+ del convertfrompymapping_test
+ del iter_test
+ del number_test
+ del FailingTrue
+ del FailingIter
+ del FailingIterNext
+ del FailingIterNextN
+ del FailingMapping
+ del FailingMappingKey
+ del FailingList
+ del NoArgsCall
+ del FailingCall
+ del FailingNumber
+ delfunction F
+ let expected =<< trim END
+ > Output
+ >> OutputSetattr
+ del sys.stdout.softspace:AttributeError:('cannot delete OutputObject attributes',)
+ >>> Testing NumberToLong using sys.stdout.softspace = %s
+ sys.stdout.softspace = []:TypeError:('expected int(), long() or something supporting coercing to long(), but got list',)
+ sys.stdout.softspace = None:TypeError:('expected int(), long() or something supporting coercing to long(), but got NoneType',)
+ sys.stdout.softspace = -1:ValueError:('number must be greater or equal to zero',)
+ <<< Finished
+ >>> Testing NumberToLong using sys.stderr.softspace = %s
+ sys.stderr.softspace = []:TypeError:('expected int(), long() or something supporting coercing to long(), but got list',)
+ sys.stderr.softspace = None:TypeError:('expected int(), long() or something supporting coercing to long(), but got NoneType',)
+ sys.stderr.softspace = -1:ValueError:('number must be greater or equal to zero',)
+ <<< Finished
+ assert sys.stdout.isatty()==False:NOT FAILED
+ assert sys.stdout.seekable()==False:NOT FAILED
+ sys.stdout.close():NOT FAILED
+ sys.stdout.flush():NOT FAILED
+ assert sys.stderr.isatty()==False:NOT FAILED
+ assert sys.stderr.seekable()==False:NOT FAILED
+ sys.stderr.close():NOT FAILED
+ sys.stderr.flush():NOT FAILED
+ sys.stdout.attr = None:AttributeError:('invalid attribute: attr',)
+ >> OutputWrite
+ assert sys.stdout.writable()==True:NOT FAILED
+ assert sys.stdout.readable()==False:NOT FAILED
+ assert sys.stderr.writable()==True:NOT FAILED
+ assert sys.stderr.readable()==False:NOT FAILED
+ assert sys.stdout.closed()==False:NOT FAILED
+ assert sys.stderr.closed()==False:NOT FAILED
+ assert sys.stdout.errors=="strict":NOT FAILED
+ assert sys.stderr.errors=="strict":NOT FAILED
+ assert sys.stdout.encoding==sys.stderr.encoding:NOT FAILED
+ sys.stdout.write(None):TypeError:('coercing to Unicode: need string or buffer, NoneType found',)
+ >> OutputWriteLines
+ sys.stdout.writelines(None):TypeError:("'NoneType' object is not iterable",)
+ sys.stdout.writelines([1]):TypeError:('coercing to Unicode: need string or buffer, int found',)
+ >>> Testing *Iter* using sys.stdout.writelines(%s)
+ sys.stdout.writelines(FailingIter()):NotImplementedError:('iter',)
+ sys.stdout.writelines(FailingIterNext()):NotImplementedError:('next',)
+ <<< Finished
+ > VimCommand
+ >>> Testing StringToChars using vim.command(%s)
+ vim.command(1):TypeError:('expected str() or unicode() instance, but got int',)
+ vim.command(u"\0"):TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
+ vim.command("\0"):TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
+ <<< Finished
+ vim.command("", 2):TypeError:('command() takes exactly one argument (2 given)',)
+ > VimToPython
+ > VimEval
+ >>> Testing StringToChars using vim.eval(%s)
+ vim.eval(1):TypeError:('expected str() or unicode() instance, but got int',)
+ vim.eval(u"\0"):TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
+ vim.eval("\0"):TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
+ <<< Finished
+ vim.eval("", FailingTrue()):TypeError:('function takes exactly 1 argument (2 given)',)
+ > VimEvalPy
+ >>> Testing StringToChars using vim.bindeval(%s)
+ vim.bindeval(1):TypeError:('expected str() or unicode() instance, but got int',)
+ vim.bindeval(u"\0"):TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
+ vim.bindeval("\0"):TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
+ <<< Finished
+ vim.eval("", 2):TypeError:('function takes exactly 1 argument (2 given)',)
+ > VimStrwidth
+ >>> Testing StringToChars using vim.strwidth(%s)
+ vim.strwidth(1):TypeError:('expected str() or unicode() instance, but got int',)
+ vim.strwidth(u"\0"):TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
+ vim.strwidth("\0"):TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
+ <<< Finished
+ > VimForeachRTP
+ vim.foreach_rtp(None):TypeError:("'NoneType' object is not callable",)
+ vim.foreach_rtp(NoArgsCall()):TypeError:('__call__() takes exactly 1 argument (2 given)',)
+ vim.foreach_rtp(FailingCall()):NotImplementedError:('call',)
+ vim.foreach_rtp(int, 2):TypeError:('foreach_rtp() takes exactly one argument (2 given)',)
+ > import
+ import xxx_no_such_module_xxx:ImportError:('No module named xxx_no_such_module_xxx',)
+ import failing_import:ImportError:()
+ import failing:NotImplementedError:()
+ > Options
+ >> OptionsItem
+ vim.options["abcQ"]:KeyError:('abcQ',)
+ vim.options[""]:ValueError:('empty keys are not allowed',)
+ >>> Testing StringToChars using vim.options[%s]
+ vim.options[1]:TypeError:('expected str() or unicode() instance, but got int',)
+ vim.options[u"\0"]:TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
+ vim.options["\0"]:TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
+ <<< Finished
+ >> OptionsContains
+ >>> Testing StringToChars using %s in vim.options
+ 1 in vim.options:TypeError:('expected str() or unicode() instance, but got int',)
+ u"\0" in vim.options:TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
+ "\0" in vim.options:TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
+ <<< Finished
+ > Dictionary
+ >> DictionaryConstructor
+ vim.Dictionary("abcI"):ValueError:('expected sequence element of size 2, but got sequence of size 1',)
+ >> DictionarySetattr
+ del d.locked:AttributeError:('cannot delete vim.Dictionary attributes',)
+ d.locked = FailingTrue():NotImplementedError:('bool',)
+ vim.vvars.locked = False:TypeError:('cannot modify fixed dictionary',)
+ d.scope = True:AttributeError:('cannot set attribute scope',)
+ = True:AttributeError:('cannot set attribute xxx',)
+ >> _DictionaryItem
+ d.get("a", 2, 3):TypeError:('function takes at most 2 arguments (3 given)',)
+ >>> Testing StringToChars using d.get(%s)
+ d.get(1):TypeError:('expected str() or unicode() instance, but got int',)
+ d.get(u"\0"):TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
+ d.get("\0"):TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
+ <<< Finished
+ d.pop("a"):KeyError:('a',)
+ dl.pop("a"):error:('dictionary is locked',)
+ >> DictionaryContains
+ "" in d:ValueError:('empty keys are not allowed',)
+ 0 in d:TypeError:('expected str() or unicode() instance, but got int',)
+ >> DictionaryIterNext
+ for i in ned: ned["a"] = 1:RuntimeError:('hashtab changed during iteration',)
+ >> DictionaryAssItem
+ dl["b"] = 1:error:('dictionary is locked',)
+ >>> Testing StringToChars using d[%s] = 1
+ d[1] = 1:TypeError:('expected str() or unicode() instance, but got int',)
+ d[u"\0"] = 1:TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
+ d["\0"] = 1:TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
+ <<< Finished
+ >>> Testing StringToChars using d["a"] = {%s : 1}
+ d["a"] = {1 : 1}:TypeError:('expected str() or unicode() instance, but got int',)
+ d["a"] = {u"\0" : 1}:TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
+ d["a"] = {"\0" : 1}:TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
+ <<< Finished
+ >>> Testing StringToChars using d["a"] = {"abcF" : {%s : 1}}
+ d["a"] = {"abcF" : {1 : 1}}:TypeError:('expected str() or unicode() instance, but got int',)
+ d["a"] = {"abcF" : {u"\0" : 1}}:TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
+ d["a"] = {"abcF" : {"\0" : 1}}:TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
+ <<< Finished
+ >>> Testing StringToChars using d["a"] = {"abcF" : Mapping({%s : 1})}
+ d["a"] = {"abcF" : Mapping({1 : 1})}:TypeError:('expected str() or unicode() instance, but got int',)
+ d["a"] = {"abcF" : Mapping({u"\0" : 1})}:TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
+ d["a"] = {"abcF" : Mapping({"\0" : 1})}:TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
+ <<< Finished
+ >>> Testing *Iter* using d["a"] = {"abcF" : %s}
+ d["a"] = {"abcF" : FailingIter()}:TypeError:('unable to convert FailingIter to a Vim structure',)
+ d["a"] = {"abcF" : FailingIterNext()}:NotImplementedError:('next',)
+ <<< Finished
+ >>> Testing ConvertFromPyObject using d["a"] = {"abcF" : %s}
+ d["a"] = {"abcF" : None}:NOT FAILED
+ d["a"] = {"abcF" : {"": 1}}:ValueError:('empty keys are not allowed',)
+ d["a"] = {"abcF" : {u"": 1}}:ValueError:('empty keys are not allowed',)
+ d["a"] = {"abcF" : FailingMapping()}:NotImplementedError:('keys',)
+ d["a"] = {"abcF" : FailingMappingKey()}:NotImplementedError:('getitem:mappingkey',)
+ d["a"] = {"abcF" : FailingNumber()}:TypeError:('long() argument must be a string or a number',)
+ <<< Finished
+ >>> Testing StringToChars using d["a"] = Mapping({%s : 1})
+ d["a"] = Mapping({1 : 1}):TypeError:('expected str() or unicode() instance, but got int',)
+ d["a"] = Mapping({u"\0" : 1}):TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
+ d["a"] = Mapping({"\0" : 1}):TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
+ <<< Finished
+ >>> Testing StringToChars using d["a"] = Mapping({"abcG" : {%s : 1}})
+ d["a"] = Mapping({"abcG" : {1 : 1}}):TypeError:('expected str() or unicode() instance, but got int',)
+ d["a"] = Mapping({"abcG" : {u"\0" : 1}}):TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
+ d["a"] = Mapping({"abcG" : {"\0" : 1}}):TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
+ <<< Finished
+ >>> Testing StringToChars using d["a"] = Mapping({"abcG" : Mapping({%s : 1})})
+ d["a"] = Mapping({"abcG" : Mapping({1 : 1})}):TypeError:('expected str() or unicode() instance, but got int',)
+ d["a"] = Mapping({"abcG" : Mapping({u"\0" : 1})}):TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
+ d["a"] = Mapping({"abcG" : Mapping({"\0" : 1})}):TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
+ <<< Finished
+ >>> Testing *Iter* using d["a"] = Mapping({"abcG" : %s})
+ d["a"] = Mapping({"abcG" : FailingIter()}):TypeError:('unable to convert FailingIter to a Vim structure',)
+ d["a"] = Mapping({"abcG" : FailingIterNext()}):NotImplementedError:('next',)
+ <<< Finished
+ >>> Testing ConvertFromPyObject using d["a"] = Mapping({"abcG" : %s})
+ d["a"] = Mapping({"abcG" : None}):NOT FAILED
+ d["a"] = Mapping({"abcG" : {"": 1}}):ValueError:('empty keys are not allowed',)
+ d["a"] = Mapping({"abcG" : {u"": 1}}):ValueError:('empty keys are not allowed',)
+ d["a"] = Mapping({"abcG" : FailingMapping()}):NotImplementedError:('keys',)
+ d["a"] = Mapping({"abcG" : FailingMappingKey()}):NotImplementedError:('getitem:mappingkey',)
+ d["a"] = Mapping({"abcG" : FailingNumber()}):TypeError:('long() argument must be a string or a number',)
+ <<< Finished
+ >>> Testing *Iter* using d["a"] = %s
+ d["a"] = FailingIter():TypeError:('unable to convert FailingIter to a Vim structure',)
+ d["a"] = FailingIterNext():NotImplementedError:('next',)
+ <<< Finished
+ >>> Testing ConvertFromPyObject using d["a"] = %s
+ d["a"] = None:NOT FAILED
+ d["a"] = {"": 1}:ValueError:('empty keys are not allowed',)
+ d["a"] = {u"": 1}:ValueError:('empty keys are not allowed',)
+ d["a"] = FailingMapping():NotImplementedError:('keys',)
+ d["a"] = FailingMappingKey():NotImplementedError:('getitem:mappingkey',)
+ d["a"] = FailingNumber():TypeError:('long() argument must be a string or a number',)
+ <<< Finished
+ >> DictionaryUpdate
+ >>> kwargs
+ >>> iter
+ d.update(FailingMapping()):NotImplementedError:('keys',)
+ d.update([FailingIterNext()]):NotImplementedError:('next',)
+ d.update([FailingIterNextN(1)]):NotImplementedError:('next N',)
+ >>> Testing *Iter* using d.update(%s)
+ d.update(FailingIter()):NotImplementedError:('iter',)
+ d.update(FailingIterNext()):NotImplementedError:('next',)
+ <<< Finished
+ >>> Testing StringToChars using d.update({%s : 1})
+ d.update({1 : 1}):TypeError:('expected str() or unicode() instance, but got int',)
+ d.update({u"\0" : 1}):TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
+ d.update({"\0" : 1}):TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
+ <<< Finished
+ >>> Testing StringToChars using d.update({"abcF" : {%s : 1}})
+ d.update({"abcF" : {1 : 1}}):TypeError:('expected str() or unicode() instance, but got int',)
+ d.update({"abcF" : {u"\0" : 1}}):TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
+ d.update({"abcF" : {"\0" : 1}}):TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
+ <<< Finished
+ >>> Testing StringToChars using d.update({"abcF" : Mapping({%s : 1})})
+ d.update({"abcF" : Mapping({1 : 1})}):TypeError:('expected str() or unicode() instance, but got int',)
+ d.update({"abcF" : Mapping({u"\0" : 1})}):TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
+ d.update({"abcF" : Mapping({"\0" : 1})}):TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
+ <<< Finished
+ >>> Testing *Iter* using d.update({"abcF" : %s})
+ d.update({"abcF" : FailingIter()}):TypeError:('unable to convert FailingIter to a Vim structure',)
+ d.update({"abcF" : FailingIterNext()}):NotImplementedError:('next',)
+ <<< Finished
+ >>> Testing ConvertFromPyObject using d.update({"abcF" : %s})
+ d.update({"abcF" : None}):NOT FAILED
+ d.update({"abcF" : {"": 1}}):ValueError:('empty keys are not allowed',)
+ d.update({"abcF" : {u"": 1}}):ValueError:('empty keys are not allowed',)
+ d.update({"abcF" : FailingMapping()}):NotImplementedError:('keys',)
+ d.update({"abcF" : FailingMappingKey()}):NotImplementedError:('getitem:mappingkey',)
+ d.update({"abcF" : FailingNumber()}):TypeError:('long() argument must be a string or a number',)
+ <<< Finished
+ >>> Testing StringToChars using d.update(Mapping({%s : 1}))
+ d.update(Mapping({1 : 1})):TypeError:('expected str() or unicode() instance, but got int',)
+ d.update(Mapping({u"\0" : 1})):TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
+ d.update(Mapping({"\0" : 1})):TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
+ <<< Finished
+ >>> Testing StringToChars using d.update(Mapping({"abcG" : {%s : 1}}))
+ d.update(Mapping({"abcG" : {1 : 1}})):TypeError:('expected str() or unicode() instance, but got int',)
+ d.update(Mapping({"abcG" : {u"\0" : 1}})):TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
+ d.update(Mapping({"abcG" : {"\0" : 1}})):TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
+ <<< Finished
+ >>> Testing StringToChars using d.update(Mapping({"abcG" : Mapping({%s : 1})}))
+ d.update(Mapping({"abcG" : Mapping({1 : 1})})):TypeError:('expected str() or unicode() instance, but got int',)
+ d.update(Mapping({"abcG" : Mapping({u"\0" : 1})})):TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
+ d.update(Mapping({"abcG" : Mapping({"\0" : 1})})):TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
+ <<< Finished
+ >>> Testing *Iter* using d.update(Mapping({"abcG" : %s}))
+ d.update(Mapping({"abcG" : FailingIter()})):TypeError:('unable to convert FailingIter to a Vim structure',)
+ d.update(Mapping({"abcG" : FailingIterNext()})):NotImplementedError:('next',)
+ <<< Finished
+ >>> Testing ConvertFromPyObject using d.update(Mapping({"abcG" : %s}))
+ d.update(Mapping({"abcG" : None})):NOT FAILED
+ d.update(Mapping({"abcG" : {"": 1}})):ValueError:('empty keys are not allowed',)
+ d.update(Mapping({"abcG" : {u"": 1}})):ValueError:('empty keys are not allowed',)
+ d.update(Mapping({"abcG" : FailingMapping()})):NotImplementedError:('keys',)
+ d.update(Mapping({"abcG" : FailingMappingKey()})):NotImplementedError:('getitem:mappingkey',)
+ d.update(Mapping({"abcG" : FailingNumber()})):TypeError:('long() argument must be a string or a number',)
+ <<< Finished
+ >>> Testing *Iter* using d.update(%s)
+ d.update(FailingIter()):NotImplementedError:('iter',)
+ d.update(FailingIterNext()):NotImplementedError:('next',)
+ <<< Finished
+ >>> Testing ConvertFromPyObject using d.update(%s)
+ d.update(None):TypeError:("'NoneType' object is not iterable",)
+ d.update({"": 1}):ValueError:('empty keys are not allowed',)
+ d.update({u"": 1}):ValueError:('empty keys are not allowed',)
+ d.update(FailingMapping()):NotImplementedError:('keys',)
+ d.update(FailingMappingKey()):NotImplementedError:('getitem:mappingkey',)
+ d.update(FailingNumber()):TypeError:("'FailingNumber' object is not iterable",)
+ <<< Finished
+ >>> Testing StringToChars using d.update(((%s, 0),))
+ d.update(((1, 0),)):TypeError:('expected str() or unicode() instance, but got int',)
+ d.update(((u"\0", 0),)):TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
+ d.update((("\0", 0),)):TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
+ <<< Finished
+ >>> Testing StringToChars using d.update((("a", {%s : 1}),))
+ d.update((("a", {1 : 1}),)):TypeError:('expected str() or unicode() instance, but got int',)
+ d.update((("a", {u"\0" : 1}),)):TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
+ d.update((("a", {"\0" : 1}),)):TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
+ <<< Finished
+ >>> Testing StringToChars using d.update((("a", {"abcF" : {%s : 1}}),))
+ d.update((("a", {"abcF" : {1 : 1}}),)):TypeError:('expected str() or unicode() instance, but got int',)
+ d.update((("a", {"abcF" : {u"\0" : 1}}),)):TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
+ d.update((("a", {"abcF" : {"\0" : 1}}),)):TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
+ <<< Finished
+ >>> Testing StringToChars using d.update((("a", {"abcF" : Mapping({%s : 1})}),))
+ d.update((("a", {"abcF" : Mapping({1 : 1})}),)):TypeError:('expected str() or unicode() instance, but got int',)
+ d.update((("a", {"abcF" : Mapping({u"\0" : 1})}),)):TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
+ d.update((("a", {"abcF" : Mapping({"\0" : 1})}),)):TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
+ <<< Finished
+ >>> Testing *Iter* using d.update((("a", {"abcF" : %s}),))
+ d.update((("a", {"abcF" : FailingIter()}),)):TypeError:('unable to convert FailingIter to a Vim structure',)
+ d.update((("a", {"abcF" : FailingIterNext()}),)):NotImplementedError:('next',)
+ <<< Finished
+ >>> Testing ConvertFromPyObject using d.update((("a", {"abcF" : %s}),))
+ d.update((("a", {"abcF" : None}),)):error:("failed to add key 'a' to dictionary",)
+ d.update((("a", {"abcF" : {"": 1}}),)):ValueError:('empty keys are not allowed',)
+ d.update((("a", {"abcF" : {u"": 1}}),)):ValueError:('empty keys are not allowed',)
+ d.update((("a", {"abcF" : FailingMapping()}),)):NotImplementedError:('keys',)
+ d.update((("a", {"abcF" : FailingMappingKey()}),)):NotImplementedError:('getitem:mappingkey',)
+ d.update((("a", {"abcF" : FailingNumber()}),)):TypeError:('long() argument must be a string or a number',)
+ <<< Finished
+ >>> Testing StringToChars using d.update((("a", Mapping({%s : 1})),))
+ d.update((("a", Mapping({1 : 1})),)):TypeError:('expected str() or unicode() instance, but got int',)
+ d.update((("a", Mapping({u"\0" : 1})),)):TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
+ d.update((("a", Mapping({"\0" : 1})),)):TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
+ <<< Finished
+ >>> Testing StringToChars using d.update((("a", Mapping({"abcG" : {%s : 1}})),))
+ d.update((("a", Mapping({"abcG" : {1 : 1}})),)):TypeError:('expected str() or unicode() instance, but got int',)
+ d.update((("a", Mapping({"abcG" : {u"\0" : 1}})),)):TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
+ d.update((("a", Mapping({"abcG" : {"\0" : 1}})),)):TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
+ <<< Finished
+ >>> Testing StringToChars using d.update((("a", Mapping({"abcG" : Mapping({%s : 1})})),))
+ d.update((("a", Mapping({"abcG" : Mapping({1 : 1})})),)):TypeError:('expected str() or unicode() instance, but got int',)
+ d.update((("a", Mapping({"abcG" : Mapping({u"\0" : 1})})),)):TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
+ d.update((("a", Mapping({"abcG" : Mapping({"\0" : 1})})),)):TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
+ <<< Finished
+ >>> Testing *Iter* using d.update((("a", Mapping({"abcG" : %s})),))
+ d.update((("a", Mapping({"abcG" : FailingIter()})),)):TypeError:('unable to convert FailingIter to a Vim structure',)
+ d.update((("a", Mapping({"abcG" : FailingIterNext()})),)):NotImplementedError:('next',)
+ <<< Finished
+ >>> Testing ConvertFromPyObject using d.update((("a", Mapping({"abcG" : %s})),))
+ d.update((("a", Mapping({"abcG" : None})),)):error:("failed to add key 'a' to dictionary",)
+ d.update((("a", Mapping({"abcG" : {"": 1}})),)):ValueError:('empty keys are not allowed',)
+ d.update((("a", Mapping({"abcG" : {u"": 1}})),)):ValueError:('empty keys are not allowed',)
+ d.update((("a", Mapping({"abcG" : FailingMapping()})),)):NotImplementedError:('keys',)
+ d.update((("a", Mapping({"abcG" : FailingMappingKey()})),)):NotImplementedError:('getitem:mappingkey',)
+ d.update((("a", Mapping({"abcG" : FailingNumber()})),)):TypeError:('long() argument must be a string or a number',)
+ <<< Finished
+ >>> Testing *Iter* using d.update((("a", %s),))
+ d.update((("a", FailingIter()),)):TypeError:('unable to convert FailingIter to a Vim structure',)
+ d.update((("a", FailingIterNext()),)):NotImplementedError:('next',)
+ <<< Finished
+ >>> Testing ConvertFromPyObject using d.update((("a", %s),))
+ d.update((("a", None),)):error:("failed to add key 'a' to dictionary",)
+ d.update((("a", {"": 1}),)):ValueError:('empty keys are not allowed',)
+ d.update((("a", {u"": 1}),)):ValueError:('empty keys are not allowed',)
+ d.update((("a", FailingMapping()),)):NotImplementedError:('keys',)
+ d.update((("a", FailingMappingKey()),)):NotImplementedError:('getitem:mappingkey',)
+ d.update((("a", FailingNumber()),)):TypeError:('long() argument must be a string or a number',)
+ <<< Finished
+ >> DictionaryPopItem
+ d.popitem(1, 2):TypeError:('popitem() takes no arguments (2 given)',)
+ >> DictionaryHasKey
+ d.has_key():TypeError:('has_key() takes exactly one argument (0 given)',)
+ > List
+ >> ListConstructor
+ vim.List(1, 2):TypeError:('function takes at most 1 argument (2 given)',)
+ vim.List(a=1):TypeError:('list constructor does not accept keyword arguments',)
+ >>> Testing *Iter* using vim.List(%s)
+ vim.List(FailingIter()):NotImplementedError:('iter',)
+ vim.List(FailingIterNext()):NotImplementedError:('next',)
+ <<< Finished
+ >>> Testing StringToChars using vim.List([{%s : 1}])
+ vim.List([{1 : 1}]):TypeError:('expected str() or unicode() instance, but got int',)
+ vim.List([{u"\0" : 1}]):TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
+ vim.List([{"\0" : 1}]):TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
+ <<< Finished
+ >>> Testing StringToChars using vim.List([{"abcF" : {%s : 1}}])
+ vim.List([{"abcF" : {1 : 1}}]):TypeError:('expected str() or unicode() instance, but got int',)
+ vim.List([{"abcF" : {u"\0" : 1}}]):TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
+ vim.List([{"abcF" : {"\0" : 1}}]):TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
+ <<< Finished
+ >>> Testing StringToChars using vim.List([{"abcF" : Mapping({%s : 1})}])
+ vim.List([{"abcF" : Mapping({1 : 1})}]):TypeError:('expected str() or unicode() instance, but got int',)
+ vim.List([{"abcF" : Mapping({u"\0" : 1})}]):TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
+ vim.List([{"abcF" : Mapping({"\0" : 1})}]):TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
+ <<< Finished
+ >>> Testing *Iter* using vim.List([{"abcF" : %s}])
+ vim.List([{"abcF" : FailingIter()}]):TypeError:('unable to convert FailingIter to a Vim structure',)
+ vim.List([{"abcF" : FailingIterNext()}]):NotImplementedError:('next',)
+ <<< Finished
+ >>> Testing ConvertFromPyObject using vim.List([{"abcF" : %s}])
+ vim.List([{"abcF" : None}]):NOT FAILED
+ vim.List([{"abcF" : {"": 1}}]):ValueError:('empty keys are not allowed',)
+ vim.List([{"abcF" : {u"": 1}}]):ValueError:('empty keys are not allowed',)
+ vim.List([{"abcF" : FailingMapping()}]):NotImplementedError:('keys',)
+ vim.List([{"abcF" : FailingMappingKey()}]):NotImplementedError:('getitem:mappingkey',)
+ vim.List([{"abcF" : FailingNumber()}]):TypeError:('long() argument must be a string or a number',)
+ <<< Finished
+ >>> Testing StringToChars using vim.List([Mapping({%s : 1})])
+ vim.List([Mapping({1 : 1})]):TypeError:('expected str() or unicode() instance, but got int',)
+ vim.List([Mapping({u"\0" : 1})]):TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
+ vim.List([Mapping({"\0" : 1})]):TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
+ <<< Finished
+ >>> Testing StringToChars using vim.List([Mapping({"abcG" : {%s : 1}})])
+ vim.List([Mapping({"abcG" : {1 : 1}})]):TypeError:('expected str() or unicode() instance, but got int',)
+ vim.List([Mapping({"abcG" : {u"\0" : 1}})]):TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
+ vim.List([Mapping({"abcG" : {"\0" : 1}})]):TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
+ <<< Finished
+ >>> Testing StringToChars using vim.List([Mapping({"abcG" : Mapping({%s : 1})})])
+ vim.List([Mapping({"abcG" : Mapping({1 : 1})})]):TypeError:('expected str() or unicode() instance, but got int',)
+ vim.List([Mapping({"abcG" : Mapping({u"\0" : 1})})]):TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
+ vim.List([Mapping({"abcG" : Mapping({"\0" : 1})})]):TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
+ <<< Finished
+ >>> Testing *Iter* using vim.List([Mapping({"abcG" : %s})])
+ vim.List([Mapping({"abcG" : FailingIter()})]):TypeError:('unable to convert FailingIter to a Vim structure',)
+ vim.List([Mapping({"abcG" : FailingIterNext()})]):NotImplementedError:('next',)
+ <<< Finished
+ >>> Testing ConvertFromPyObject using vim.List([Mapping({"abcG" : %s})])
+ vim.List([Mapping({"abcG" : None})]):NOT FAILED
+ vim.List([Mapping({"abcG" : {"": 1}})]):ValueError:('empty keys are not allowed',)
+ vim.List([Mapping({"abcG" : {u"": 1}})]):ValueError:('empty keys are not allowed',)
+ vim.List([Mapping({"abcG" : FailingMapping()})]):NotImplementedError:('keys',)
+ vim.List([Mapping({"abcG" : FailingMappingKey()})]):NotImplementedError:('getitem:mappingkey',)
+ vim.List([Mapping({"abcG" : FailingNumber()})]):TypeError:('long() argument must be a string or a number',)
+ <<< Finished
+ >>> Testing *Iter* using vim.List([%s])
+ vim.List([FailingIter()]):TypeError:('unable to convert FailingIter to a Vim structure',)
+ vim.List([FailingIterNext()]):NotImplementedError:('next',)
+ <<< Finished
+ >>> Testing ConvertFromPyObject using vim.List([%s])
+ vim.List([None]):NOT FAILED
+ vim.List([{"": 1}]):ValueError:('empty keys are not allowed',)
+ vim.List([{u"": 1}]):ValueError:('empty keys are not allowed',)
+ vim.List([FailingMapping()]):NotImplementedError:('keys',)
+ vim.List([FailingMappingKey()]):NotImplementedError:('getitem:mappingkey',)
+ vim.List([FailingNumber()]):TypeError:('long() argument must be a string or a number',)
+ <<< Finished
+ >> ListItem
+ l[1000]:IndexError:('list index out of range',)
+ >> ListAssItem
+ ll[1] = 2:error:('list is locked',)
+ l[1000] = 3:IndexError:('list index out of range',)
+ >> ListAssSlice
+ ll[1:100] = "abcJ":error:('list is locked',)
+ >>> Testing *Iter* using l[:] = %s
+ l[:] = FailingIter():NotImplementedError:('iter',)
+ l[:] = FailingIterNext():NotImplementedError:('next',)
+ <<< Finished
+ nel[1:10:2] = "abcK":ValueError:('attempt to assign sequence of size greater than 2 to extended slice',)
+ ('a', 'b', 'c', 'O')
+ nel[1:10:2] = "a":ValueError:('attempt to assign sequence of size 1 to extended slice of size 2',)
+ ('a', 'b', 'c', 'O')
+ nel[1:1:-1] = "a":ValueError:('attempt to assign sequence of size greater than 0 to extended slice',)
+ ('a', 'b', 'c', 'O')
+ nel[:] = FailingIterNextN(2):NotImplementedError:('next N',)
+ ('a', 'b', 'c', 'O')
+ >>> Testing StringToChars using l[:] = [{%s : 1}]
+ l[:] = [{1 : 1}]:TypeError:('expected str() or unicode() instance, but got int',)
+ l[:] = [{u"\0" : 1}]:TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
+ l[:] = [{"\0" : 1}]:TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
+ <<< Finished
+ >>> Testing StringToChars using l[:] = [{"abcF" : {%s : 1}}]
+ l[:] = [{"abcF" : {1 : 1}}]:TypeError:('expected str() or unicode() instance, but got int',)
+ l[:] = [{"abcF" : {u"\0" : 1}}]:TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
+ l[:] = [{"abcF" : {"\0" : 1}}]:TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
+ <<< Finished
+ >>> Testing StringToChars using l[:] = [{"abcF" : Mapping({%s : 1})}]
+ l[:] = [{"abcF" : Mapping({1 : 1})}]:TypeError:('expected str() or unicode() instance, but got int',)
+ l[:] = [{"abcF" : Mapping({u"\0" : 1})}]:TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
+ l[:] = [{"abcF" : Mapping({"\0" : 1})}]:TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
+ <<< Finished
+ >>> Testing *Iter* using l[:] = [{"abcF" : %s}]
+ l[:] = [{"abcF" : FailingIter()}]:TypeError:('unable to convert FailingIter to a Vim structure',)
+ l[:] = [{"abcF" : FailingIterNext()}]:NotImplementedError:('next',)
+ <<< Finished
+ >>> Testing ConvertFromPyObject using l[:] = [{"abcF" : %s}]
+ l[:] = [{"abcF" : None}]:NOT FAILED
+ l[:] = [{"abcF" : {"": 1}}]:ValueError:('empty keys are not allowed',)
+ l[:] = [{"abcF" : {u"": 1}}]:ValueError:('empty keys are not allowed',)
+ l[:] = [{"abcF" : FailingMapping()}]:NotImplementedError:('keys',)
+ l[:] = [{"abcF" : FailingMappingKey()}]:NotImplementedError:('getitem:mappingkey',)
+ l[:] = [{"abcF" : FailingNumber()}]:TypeError:('long() argument must be a string or a number',)
+ <<< Finished
+ >>> Testing StringToChars using l[:] = [Mapping({%s : 1})]
+ l[:] = [Mapping({1 : 1})]:TypeError:('expected str() or unicode() instance, but got int',)
+ l[:] = [Mapping({u"\0" : 1})]:TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
+ l[:] = [Mapping({"\0" : 1})]:TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
+ <<< Finished
+ >>> Testing StringToChars using l[:] = [Mapping({"abcG" : {%s : 1}})]
+ l[:] = [Mapping({"abcG" : {1 : 1}})]:TypeError:('expected str() or unicode() instance, but got int',)
+ l[:] = [Mapping({"abcG" : {u"\0" : 1}})]:TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
+ l[:] = [Mapping({"abcG" : {"\0" : 1}})]:TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
+ <<< Finished
+ >>> Testing StringToChars using l[:] = [Mapping({"abcG" : Mapping({%s : 1})})]
+ l[:] = [Mapping({"abcG" : Mapping({1 : 1})})]:TypeError:('expected str() or unicode() instance, but got int',)
+ l[:] = [Mapping({"abcG" : Mapping({u"\0" : 1})})]:TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
+ l[:] = [Mapping({"abcG" : Mapping({"\0" : 1})})]:TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
+ <<< Finished
+ >>> Testing *Iter* using l[:] = [Mapping({"abcG" : %s})]
+ l[:] = [Mapping({"abcG" : FailingIter()})]:TypeError:('unable to convert FailingIter to a Vim structure',)
+ l[:] = [Mapping({"abcG" : FailingIterNext()})]:NotImplementedError:('next',)
+ <<< Finished
+ >>> Testing ConvertFromPyObject using l[:] = [Mapping({"abcG" : %s})]
+ l[:] = [Mapping({"abcG" : None})]:NOT FAILED
+ l[:] = [Mapping({"abcG" : {"": 1}})]:ValueError:('empty keys are not allowed',)
+ l[:] = [Mapping({"abcG" : {u"": 1}})]:ValueError:('empty keys are not allowed',)
+ l[:] = [Mapping({"abcG" : FailingMapping()})]:NotImplementedError:('keys',)
+ l[:] = [Mapping({"abcG" : FailingMappingKey()})]:NotImplementedError:('getitem:mappingkey',)
+ l[:] = [Mapping({"abcG" : FailingNumber()})]:TypeError:('long() argument must be a string or a number',)
+ <<< Finished
+ >>> Testing *Iter* using l[:] = [%s]
+ l[:] = [FailingIter()]:TypeError:('unable to convert FailingIter to a Vim structure',)
+ l[:] = [FailingIterNext()]:NotImplementedError:('next',)
+ <<< Finished
+ >>> Testing ConvertFromPyObject using l[:] = [%s]
+ l[:] = [None]:NOT FAILED
+ l[:] = [{"": 1}]:ValueError:('empty keys are not allowed',)
+ l[:] = [{u"": 1}]:ValueError:('empty keys are not allowed',)
+ l[:] = [FailingMapping()]:NotImplementedError:('keys',)
+ l[:] = [FailingMappingKey()]:NotImplementedError:('getitem:mappingkey',)
+ l[:] = [FailingNumber()]:TypeError:('long() argument must be a string or a number',)
+ <<< Finished
+ >> ListConcatInPlace
+ >>> Testing *Iter* using l.extend(%s)
+ l.extend(FailingIter()):NotImplementedError:('iter',)
+ l.extend(FailingIterNext()):NotImplementedError:('next',)
+ <<< Finished
+ >>> Testing StringToChars using l.extend([{%s : 1}])
+ l.extend([{1 : 1}]):TypeError:('expected str() or unicode() instance, but got int',)
+ l.extend([{u"\0" : 1}]):TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
+ l.extend([{"\0" : 1}]):TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
+ <<< Finished
+ >>> Testing StringToChars using l.extend([{"abcF" : {%s : 1}}])
+ l.extend([{"abcF" : {1 : 1}}]):TypeError:('expected str() or unicode() instance, but got int',)
+ l.extend([{"abcF" : {u"\0" : 1}}]):TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
+ l.extend([{"abcF" : {"\0" : 1}}]):TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
+ <<< Finished
+ >>> Testing StringToChars using l.extend([{"abcF" : Mapping({%s : 1})}])
+ l.extend([{"abcF" : Mapping({1 : 1})}]):TypeError:('expected str() or unicode() instance, but got int',)
+ l.extend([{"abcF" : Mapping({u"\0" : 1})}]):TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
+ l.extend([{"abcF" : Mapping({"\0" : 1})}]):TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
+ <<< Finished
+ >>> Testing *Iter* using l.extend([{"abcF" : %s}])
+ l.extend([{"abcF" : FailingIter()}]):TypeError:('unable to convert FailingIter to a Vim structure',)
+ l.extend([{"abcF" : FailingIterNext()}]):NotImplementedError:('next',)
+ <<< Finished
+ >>> Testing ConvertFromPyObject using l.extend([{"abcF" : %s}])
+ l.extend([{"abcF" : None}]):NOT FAILED
+ l.extend([{"abcF" : {"": 1}}]):ValueError:('empty keys are not allowed',)
+ l.extend([{"abcF" : {u"": 1}}]):ValueError:('empty keys are not allowed',)
+ l.extend([{"abcF" : FailingMapping()}]):NotImplementedError:('keys',)
+ l.extend([{"abcF" : FailingMappingKey()}]):NotImplementedError:('getitem:mappingkey',)
+ l.extend([{"abcF" : FailingNumber()}]):TypeError:('long() argument must be a string or a number',)
+ <<< Finished
+ >>> Testing StringToChars using l.extend([Mapping({%s : 1})])
+ l.extend([Mapping({1 : 1})]):TypeError:('expected str() or unicode() instance, but got int',)
+ l.extend([Mapping({u"\0" : 1})]):TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
+ l.extend([Mapping({"\0" : 1})]):TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
+ <<< Finished
+ >>> Testing StringToChars using l.extend([Mapping({"abcG" : {%s : 1}})])
+ l.extend([Mapping({"abcG" : {1 : 1}})]):TypeError:('expected str() or unicode() instance, but got int',)
+ l.extend([Mapping({"abcG" : {u"\0" : 1}})]):TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
+ l.extend([Mapping({"abcG" : {"\0" : 1}})]):TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
+ <<< Finished
+ >>> Testing StringToChars using l.extend([Mapping({"abcG" : Mapping({%s : 1})})])
+ l.extend([Mapping({"abcG" : Mapping({1 : 1})})]):TypeError:('expected str() or unicode() instance, but got int',)
+ l.extend([Mapping({"abcG" : Mapping({u"\0" : 1})})]):TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
+ l.extend([Mapping({"abcG" : Mapping({"\0" : 1})})]):TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
+ <<< Finished
+ >>> Testing *Iter* using l.extend([Mapping({"abcG" : %s})])
+ l.extend([Mapping({"abcG" : FailingIter()})]):TypeError:('unable to convert FailingIter to a Vim structure',)
+ l.extend([Mapping({"abcG" : FailingIterNext()})]):NotImplementedError:('next',)
+ <<< Finished
+ >>> Testing ConvertFromPyObject using l.extend([Mapping({"abcG" : %s})])
+ l.extend([Mapping({"abcG" : None})]):NOT FAILED
+ l.extend([Mapping({"abcG" : {"": 1}})]):ValueError:('empty keys are not allowed',)
+ l.extend([Mapping({"abcG" : {u"": 1}})]):ValueError:('empty keys are not allowed',)
+ l.extend([Mapping({"abcG" : FailingMapping()})]):NotImplementedError:('keys',)
+ l.extend([Mapping({"abcG" : FailingMappingKey()})]):NotImplementedError:('getitem:mappingkey',)
+ l.extend([Mapping({"abcG" : FailingNumber()})]):TypeError:('long() argument must be a string or a number',)
+ <<< Finished
+ >>> Testing *Iter* using l.extend([%s])
+ l.extend([FailingIter()]):TypeError:('unable to convert FailingIter to a Vim structure',)
+ l.extend([FailingIterNext()]):NotImplementedError:('next',)
+ <<< Finished
+ >>> Testing ConvertFromPyObject using l.extend([%s])
+ l.extend([None]):NOT FAILED
+ l.extend([{"": 1}]):ValueError:('empty keys are not allowed',)
+ l.extend([{u"": 1}]):ValueError:('empty keys are not allowed',)
+ l.extend([FailingMapping()]):NotImplementedError:('keys',)
+ l.extend([FailingMappingKey()]):NotImplementedError:('getitem:mappingkey',)
+ l.extend([FailingNumber()]):TypeError:('long() argument must be a string or a number',)
+ <<< Finished
+ >> ListSetattr
+ del l.locked:AttributeError:('cannot delete vim.List attributes',)
+ l.locked = FailingTrue():NotImplementedError:('bool',)
+ = True:AttributeError:('cannot set attribute xxx',)
+ > Function
+ >> FunctionConstructor
+ >>> FunctionConstructor
+ vim.Function("123"):ValueError:('unnamed function 123 does not exist',)
+ vim.Function("xxx_non_existent_function_xxx"):ValueError:('function xxx_non_existent_function_xxx does not exist',)
+ vim.Function("xxx#non#existent#function#xxx"):NOT FAILED
+ vim.Function("xxx_non_existent_function_xxx2", args=[]):ValueError:('function xxx_non_existent_function_xxx2 does not exist',)
+ vim.Function("xxx_non_existent_function_xxx3", self={}):ValueError:('function xxx_non_existent_function_xxx3 does not exist',)
+ vim.Function("xxx_non_existent_function_xxx4", args=[], self={}):ValueError:('function xxx_non_existent_function_xxx4 does not exist',)
+ >>> FunctionNew
+ vim.Function("tr", self="abcFuncSelf"):TypeError:('unable to convert str to a Vim dictionary',)
+ vim.Function("tr", args=427423):TypeError:('unable to convert int to a Vim list',)
+ vim.Function("tr", self="abcFuncSelf2", args="abcFuncArgs2"):TypeError:('unable to convert str to a Vim dictionary',)
+ vim.Function(self="abcFuncSelf2", args="abcFuncArgs2"):TypeError:('unable to convert str to a Vim dictionary',)
+ vim.Function("tr", "", self="abcFuncSelf2", args="abcFuncArgs2"):TypeError:('unable to convert str to a Vim dictionary',)
+ vim.Function("tr", ""):TypeError:('function takes exactly 1 argument (2 given)',)
+ >> FunctionCall
+ >>> Testing StringToChars using f({%s : 1})
+ f({1 : 1}):TypeError:('expected str() or unicode() instance, but got int',)
+ f({u"\0" : 1}):TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
+ f({"\0" : 1}):TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
+ <<< Finished
+ >>> Testing StringToChars using f({"abcF" : {%s : 1}})
+ f({"abcF" : {1 : 1}}):TypeError:('expected str() or unicode() instance, but got int',)
+ f({"abcF" : {u"\0" : 1}}):TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
+ f({"abcF" : {"\0" : 1}}):TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
+ <<< Finished
+ >>> Testing StringToChars using f({"abcF" : Mapping({%s : 1})})
+ f({"abcF" : Mapping({1 : 1})}):TypeError:('expected str() or unicode() instance, but got int',)
+ f({"abcF" : Mapping({u"\0" : 1})}):TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
+ f({"abcF" : Mapping({"\0" : 1})}):TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
+ <<< Finished
+ >>> Testing *Iter* using f({"abcF" : %s})
+ f({"abcF" : FailingIter()}):TypeError:('unable to convert FailingIter to a Vim structure',)
+ f({"abcF" : FailingIterNext()}):NotImplementedError:('next',)
+ <<< Finished
+ >>> Testing ConvertFromPyObject using f({"abcF" : %s})
+ f({"abcF" : None}):NOT FAILED
+ f({"abcF" : {"": 1}}):ValueError:('empty keys are not allowed',)
+ f({"abcF" : {u"": 1}}):ValueError:('empty keys are not allowed',)
+ f({"abcF" : FailingMapping()}):NotImplementedError:('keys',)
+ f({"abcF" : FailingMappingKey()}):NotImplementedError:('getitem:mappingkey',)
+ f({"abcF" : FailingNumber()}):TypeError:('long() argument must be a string or a number',)
+ <<< Finished
+ >>> Testing StringToChars using f(Mapping({%s : 1}))
+ f(Mapping({1 : 1})):TypeError:('expected str() or unicode() instance, but got int',)
+ f(Mapping({u"\0" : 1})):TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
+ f(Mapping({"\0" : 1})):TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
+ <<< Finished
+ >>> Testing StringToChars using f(Mapping({"abcG" : {%s : 1}}))
+ f(Mapping({"abcG" : {1 : 1}})):TypeError:('expected str() or unicode() instance, but got int',)
+ f(Mapping({"abcG" : {u"\0" : 1}})):TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
+ f(Mapping({"abcG" : {"\0" : 1}})):TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
+ <<< Finished
+ >>> Testing StringToChars using f(Mapping({"abcG" : Mapping({%s : 1})}))
+ f(Mapping({"abcG" : Mapping({1 : 1})})):TypeError:('expected str() or unicode() instance, but got int',)
+ f(Mapping({"abcG" : Mapping({u"\0" : 1})})):TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
+ f(Mapping({"abcG" : Mapping({"\0" : 1})})):TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
+ <<< Finished
+ >>> Testing *Iter* using f(Mapping({"abcG" : %s}))
+ f(Mapping({"abcG" : FailingIter()})):TypeError:('unable to convert FailingIter to a Vim structure',)
+ f(Mapping({"abcG" : FailingIterNext()})):NotImplementedError:('next',)
+ <<< Finished
+ >>> Testing ConvertFromPyObject using f(Mapping({"abcG" : %s}))
+ f(Mapping({"abcG" : None})):NOT FAILED
+ f(Mapping({"abcG" : {"": 1}})):ValueError:('empty keys are not allowed',)
+ f(Mapping({"abcG" : {u"": 1}})):ValueError:('empty keys are not allowed',)
+ f(Mapping({"abcG" : FailingMapping()})):NotImplementedError:('keys',)
+ f(Mapping({"abcG" : FailingMappingKey()})):NotImplementedError:('getitem:mappingkey',)
+ f(Mapping({"abcG" : FailingNumber()})):TypeError:('long() argument must be a string or a number',)
+ <<< Finished
+ >>> Testing *Iter* using f(%s)
+ f(FailingIter()):TypeError:('unable to convert FailingIter to a Vim structure',)
+ f(FailingIterNext()):NotImplementedError:('next',)
+ <<< Finished
+ >>> Testing ConvertFromPyObject using f(%s)
+ f(None):NOT FAILED
+ f({"": 1}):ValueError:('empty keys are not allowed',)
+ f({u"": 1}):ValueError:('empty keys are not allowed',)
+ f(FailingMapping()):NotImplementedError:('keys',)
+ f(FailingMappingKey()):NotImplementedError:('getitem:mappingkey',)
+ f(FailingNumber()):TypeError:('long() argument must be a string or a number',)
+ <<< Finished
+ >>> Testing StringToChars using fd(self={%s : 1})
+ fd(self={1 : 1}):TypeError:('expected str() or unicode() instance, but got int',)
+ fd(self={u"\0" : 1}):TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
+ fd(self={"\0" : 1}):TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
+ <<< Finished
+ >>> Testing StringToChars using fd(self={"abcF" : {%s : 1}})
+ fd(self={"abcF" : {1 : 1}}):TypeError:('expected str() or unicode() instance, but got int',)
+ fd(self={"abcF" : {u"\0" : 1}}):TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
+ fd(self={"abcF" : {"\0" : 1}}):TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
+ <<< Finished
+ >>> Testing StringToChars using fd(self={"abcF" : Mapping({%s : 1})})
+ fd(self={"abcF" : Mapping({1 : 1})}):TypeError:('expected str() or unicode() instance, but got int',)
+ fd(self={"abcF" : Mapping({u"\0" : 1})}):TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
+ fd(self={"abcF" : Mapping({"\0" : 1})}):TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
+ <<< Finished
+ >>> Testing *Iter* using fd(self={"abcF" : %s})
+ fd(self={"abcF" : FailingIter()}):TypeError:('unable to convert FailingIter to a Vim structure',)
+ fd(self={"abcF" : FailingIterNext()}):NotImplementedError:('next',)
+ <<< Finished
+ >>> Testing ConvertFromPyObject using fd(self={"abcF" : %s})
+ fd(self={"abcF" : None}):NOT FAILED
+ fd(self={"abcF" : {"": 1}}):ValueError:('empty keys are not allowed',)
+ fd(self={"abcF" : {u"": 1}}):ValueError:('empty keys are not allowed',)
+ fd(self={"abcF" : FailingMapping()}):NotImplementedError:('keys',)
+ fd(self={"abcF" : FailingMappingKey()}):NotImplementedError:('getitem:mappingkey',)
+ fd(self={"abcF" : FailingNumber()}):TypeError:('long() argument must be a string or a number',)
+ <<< Finished
+ >>> Testing StringToChars using fd(self=Mapping({%s : 1}))
+ fd(self=Mapping({1 : 1})):TypeError:('expected str() or unicode() instance, but got int',)
+ fd(self=Mapping({u"\0" : 1})):TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
+ fd(self=Mapping({"\0" : 1})):TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
+ <<< Finished
+ >>> Testing StringToChars using fd(self=Mapping({"abcG" : {%s : 1}}))
+ fd(self=Mapping({"abcG" : {1 : 1}})):TypeError:('expected str() or unicode() instance, but got int',)
+ fd(self=Mapping({"abcG" : {u"\0" : 1}})):TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
+ fd(self=Mapping({"abcG" : {"\0" : 1}})):TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
+ <<< Finished
+ >>> Testing StringToChars using fd(self=Mapping({"abcG" : Mapping({%s : 1})}))
+ fd(self=Mapping({"abcG" : Mapping({1 : 1})})):TypeError:('expected str() or unicode() instance, but got int',)
+ fd(self=Mapping({"abcG" : Mapping({u"\0" : 1})})):TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
+ fd(self=Mapping({"abcG" : Mapping({"\0" : 1})})):TypeError:('expected string without null bytes',)
+ <<< Finished
+ >>> Testing *Iter* using fd(self=Mapping({"abcG" : %s}))
+ fd(self=Mapping({"abcG" : FailingIter()})):TypeError:('unable to convert FailingIter to a Vim structure',)
+ fd(self=Mapping({"abcG" : FailingIterNext()})):NotImplementedError:('next',)
+ <<< Finished
+ >>> Testing ConvertFromPyObject using fd(self=Mapping({"abcG" : %s}))
+ fd(self=Mapping({"abcG" : None})):NOT FAILED
+ fd(self=Mapping({"abcG" : {"": 1}})):ValueError:('empty keys are not allowed',)
+ fd(self=Mapping({"abcG" : {u"": 1}})):ValueError:('empty keys are not allowed',)
+ fd(self=Mapping({"abcG" : FailingMapping()})):NotImplementedError:('keys',)
+ fd(self=Mapping({"abcG" : FailingMappingKey()})):NotImplementedError:('getitem:mappingkey',)
+ fd(self=Mapping({"abcG" : FailingNumber()})):TypeError:('long() argument must be a string or a number',)
+ <<< Finished
+ >>> Testing *Iter* using fd(self=%s)
+ fd(self=FailingIter()):TypeError:('unable to convert FailingIter to a Vim dictionary',)
+ fd(self=FailingIterNext()):TypeError:('unable to convert FailingIterNext to a Vim dictionary',)
+ <<< Finished
+ >>> Testing ConvertFromPyObject using fd(self=%s)
+ fd(self=None):TypeError:('unable to convert NoneType to a Vim dictionary',)
+ fd(self={"": 1}):ValueError:('empty keys are not allowed',)
+ fd(self={u"": 1}):ValueError:('empty keys are not allowed',)
+ fd(self=FailingMapping()):NotImplementedError:('keys',)
+ fd(self=FailingMappingKey()):NotImplementedError:('getitem:mappingkey',)
+ fd(self=FailingNumber()):TypeError:('unable to convert FailingNumber to a Vim dictionary',)
+ <<< Finished
+ >>> Testing ConvertFromPyMapping using fd(self=%s)
+ fd(self=[]):TypeError:('unable to convert list to a Vim dictionary',)
+ <<< Finished
+ > TabPage
+ >> TabPageAttr
+ > TabList
+ >> TabListItem
+ vim.tabpages[1000]:IndexError:('no such tab page',)
+ > Window
+ >> WindowAttr
+ >> WindowSetattr
+ vim.current.window.buffer = 0:TypeError:('readonly attribute: buffer',)
+ vim.current.window.cursor = (100000000, 100000000):error:('cursor position outside buffer',)
+ vim.current.window.cursor = True:TypeError:('argument must be 2-item sequence, not bool',)
+ >>> Testing NumberToLong using vim.current.window.height = %s
+ vim.current.window.height = []:TypeError:('expected int(), long() or something supporting coercing to long(), but got list',)
+ vim.current.window.height = None:TypeError:('expected int(), long() or something supporting coercing to long(), but got NoneType',)
+ vim.current.window.height = -1:ValueError:('number must be greater or equal to zero',)
+ <<< Finished
+ >>> Testing NumberToLong using vim.current.window.width = %s
+ vim.current.window.width = []:TypeError:('expected int(), long() or something supporting coercing to long(), but got list',)
+ vim.current.window.width = None:TypeError:('expected int(), long() or something supporting coercing to long(), but got NoneType',)
+ vim.current.window.width = -1:ValueError:('number must be greater or equal to zero',)
+ <<< Finished
+ vim.current.window.xxxxxx = True:AttributeError:('xxxxxx',)
+ > WinList
+ >> WinListItem
+[1000]:IndexError:('no such window',)
+ > Buffer
+ >> StringToLine (indirect)
+ vim.current.buffer[0] = u"\na":error:('string cannot contain newlines',)
+ vim.current.buffer[0] = "\na":error:('string cannot contain newlines',)
+ >> SetBufferLine (indirect)
+ vim.current.buffer[0] = True:TypeError:('bad argument type for built-in operation',)
+ >> SetBufferLineList (indirect)
+ vim.current.buffer[:] = True:TypeError:('bad argument type for built-in operation',)
+ vim.current.buffer[:] = ["\na", "bc"]:error:('string cannot contain newlines',)
+ >> InsertBufferLines (indirect)
+ vim.current.buffer.append(None):TypeError:('bad argument type for built-in operation',)
+ vim.current.buffer.append(["\na", "bc"]):error:('string cannot contain newlines',)
+ vim.current.buffer.append("\nbc"):error:('string cannot contain newlines',)
+ >> RBItem
+ vim.current.buffer[100000000]:IndexError:('line number out of range',)
+ >> RBAsItem
+ vim.current.buffer[100000000] = "":IndexError:('line number out of range',)
+ >> BufferAttr
+ >> BufferSetattr
+ = True:TypeError:('expected str() or unicode() instance, but got bool',)
+ = True:AttributeError:('xxx',)
+ >> BufferMark
+ vim.current.buffer.mark(0):TypeError:('expected str() or unicode() instance, but got int',)
+ vim.current.buffer.mark("abcM"):ValueError:('mark name must be a single character',)
+ vim.current.buffer.mark("!"):error:('invalid mark name',)
+ >> BufferRange
+ vim.current.buffer.range(1, 2, 3):TypeError:('function takes exactly 2 arguments (3 given)',)
+ > BufMap
+ >> BufMapItem
+ vim.buffers[100000000]:KeyError:(100000000,)
+ >>> Testing NumberToLong using vim.buffers[%s]
+ vim.buffers[[]]:TypeError:('expected int(), long() or something supporting coercing to long(), but got list',)
+ vim.buffers[None]:TypeError:('expected int(), long() or something supporting coercing to long(), but got NoneType',)
+ vim.buffers[-1]:ValueError:('number must be greater than zero',)
+ vim.buffers[0]:ValueError:('number must be greater than zero',)
+ <<< Finished
+ > Current
+ >> CurrentGetattr
+ >> CurrentSetattr
+ vim.current.line = True:TypeError:('bad argument type for built-in operation',)
+ vim.current.buffer = True:TypeError:('expected vim.Buffer object, but got bool',)
+ vim.current.window = True:TypeError:('expected vim.Window object, but got bool',)
+ vim.current.tabpage = True:TypeError:('expected vim.TabPage object, but got bool',)
+ = True:AttributeError:('xxx',)
+ call assert_equal(expected, getline(2, '$'))
+ close!
+" Test import
+func Test_python_import()
+ new
+ py cb = vim.current.buffer
+ py << trim EOF
+ sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'python_before'))
+ sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'python_after'))
+ vim.options['rtp'] = os.getcwd().replace(',', '\\,').replace('\\', '\\\\')
+ l = []
+ def callback(path):
+ l.append(path[-len('/testdir'):].replace(os.path.sep, '/'))
+ vim.foreach_rtp(callback)
+ cb.append(repr(l))
+ del l
+ def callback(path):
+ return path[-len('/testdir'):].replace(os.path.sep, '/')
+ cb.append(repr(vim.foreach_rtp(callback)))
+ del callback
+ from module import dir as d
+ from modulex import ddir
+ cb.append(d + ',' + ddir)
+ import before
+ cb.append(before.dir)
+ import after
+ cb.append(after.dir)
+ import topmodule as tm
+ import topmodule.submodule as tms
+ import topmodule.submodule.subsubmodule.subsubsubmodule as tmsss
+ cb.append(tm.__file__.replace('.pyc', '.py').replace(os.path.sep, '/')[-len('modulex/topmodule/'):])
+ cb.append(tms.__file__.replace('.pyc', '.py').replace(os.path.sep, '/')[-len('modulex/topmodule/submodule/'):])
+ cb.append(tmsss.__file__.replace('.pyc', '.py').replace(os.path.sep, '/')[-len('modulex/topmodule/submodule/subsubmodule/'):])
+ del before
+ del after
+ del d
+ del ddir
+ del tm
+ del tms
+ del tmsss
+ let expected =<< trim END
+ ['/testdir']
+ '/testdir'
+ 2,xx
+ before
+ after
+ pythonx/topmodule/
+ pythonx/topmodule/submodule/
+ pythonx/topmodule/submodule/subsubmodule/
+ call assert_equal(expected, getline(2, '$'))
+ close!
+" Test exceptions
+func Test_python_exception()
+ fun Exe(e)
+ execute a:e
+ endfun
+ new
+ py cb = vim.current.buffer
+ py << trim EOF
+ Exe = vim.bindeval('function("Exe")')
+ ee('vim.command("throw \'abcN\'")')
+ ee('Exe("throw \'def\'")')
+ ee('vim.eval("Exe(\'throw \'\'ghi\'\'\')")')
+ ee('vim.eval("Exe(\'echoerr \'\'jkl\'\'\')")')
+ ee('vim.eval("Exe(\'xxx_non_existent_command_xxx\')")')
+ ee('vim.eval("xxx_unknown_function_xxx()")')
+ ee('vim.bindeval("Exe(\'xxx_non_existent_command_xxx\')")')
+ del Exe
+ delfunction Exe
+ let expected =<< trim END
+ vim.command("throw 'abcN'"):error:('abcN',)
+ Exe("throw 'def'"):error:('def',)
+ vim.eval("Exe('throw ''ghi''')"):error:('ghi',)
+ vim.eval("Exe('echoerr ''jkl''')"):error:('Vim(echoerr):jkl',)
+ vim.eval("Exe('xxx_non_existent_command_xxx')"):error:('Vim:E492: Not an editor command: xxx_non_existent_command_xxx',)
+ vim.eval("xxx_unknown_function_xxx()"):error:('Vim:E117: Unknown function: xxx_unknown_function_xxx',)
+ vim.bindeval("Exe('xxx_non_existent_command_xxx')"):error:('Vim:E492: Not an editor command: xxx_non_existent_command_xxx',)
+ call assert_equal(expected, getline(2, '$'))
+ close!
+" Regression: interrupting vim.command propagates to next vim.command
+func Test_python_keyboard_interrupt()
+ new
+ py cb = vim.current.buffer
+ py << trim EOF
+ def test_keyboard_interrupt():
+ try:
+ vim.command('while 1 | endwhile')
+ except KeyboardInterrupt:
+ cb.append('Caught KeyboardInterrupt')
+ except Exception:
+ cb.append('!!!!!!!! Caught exception: ' + emsg(sys.exc_info()))
+ else:
+ cb.append('!!!!!!!! No exception')
+ try:
+ vim.command('$ put =\'Running :put\'')
+ except KeyboardInterrupt:
+ cb.append('!!!!!!!! Caught KeyboardInterrupt')
+ except Exception:
+ cb.append('!!!!!!!! Caught exception: ' + emsg(sys.exc_info()))
+ else:
+ cb.append('No exception')
+ debuggreedy
+ call inputsave()
+ call feedkeys("s\ns\ns\ns\nq\n")
+ redir => output
+ debug silent! py test_keyboard_interrupt()
+ redir END
+ 0 debuggreedy
+ call inputrestore()
+ py del test_keyboard_interrupt
+ let expected =<< trim END
+ Caught KeyboardInterrupt
+ Running :put
+ No exception
+ call assert_equal(expected, getline(2, '$'))
+ call assert_equal('', output)
+ close!
" vim: shiftwidth=2 sts=2 expandtab
diff --git a/src/version.c b/src/version.c
index ae2a95f46..c13c6e64d 100644
--- a/src/version.c
+++ b/src/version.c
@@ -755,6 +755,8 @@ static char *(features[]) =
static int included_patches[] =
{ /* Add new patch number below this line */
+ 1120,