diff options
authorBram Moolenaar <>2006-01-26 22:17:47 +0000
committerBram Moolenaar <>2006-01-26 22:17:47 +0000
commit51156d5a87f433b72ca6f082e4a99fc91ca5a8dc (patch)
parent6ab5b84db46cda76b11fbd1e6f7144b4bfe0e6a3 (diff)
updated for version 7.0188
1 files changed, 375 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/runtime/indent/vhdl.vim b/runtime/indent/vhdl.vim
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a476d6ded
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/indent/vhdl.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,375 @@
+" VHDL indent file ('93 syntax)
+" Language: VHDL
+" Maintainer: Gerald Lai <laigera+vim?>
+" Credits: N. J. Heo & Janez Stangelj
+" Version: 1.1
+" Last Change: 2006 Jan 25
+" only load this indent file when no other was loaded
+if exists("b:did_indent")
+ finish
+let b:did_indent = 1
+" setup indent options for local VHDL buffer
+setlocal indentexpr=GetVHDLindent()
+setlocal indentkeys=!^F,o,O,e,0(,0)
+setlocal indentkeys+==~if,=~then,=~elsif,=~else
+setlocal indentkeys+==~begin,=~is,=~select,=~--
+" move around
+" keywords: "architecture", "block", "configuration", "component", "entity", "function", "package", "procedure", "process", "record", "units"
+let b:vhdl_explore = '\%(architecture\|block\|configuration\|component\|entity\|function\|package\|procedure\|process\|record\|units\)'
+nnoremap <silent><buffer>[[ :cal search('\%(\<end\s\+\)\@<!\<'.b:vhdl_explore.'\>\c','bW')<CR>
+nnoremap <silent><buffer>]] :cal search('\%(\<end\s\+\)\@<!\<'.b:vhdl_explore.'\>\c','W')<CR>
+nnoremap <silent><buffer>[] :cal search('\<end\s\+'.b:vhdl_explore.'\>\c','bW')<CR>
+nnoremap <silent><buffer>][ :cal search('\<end\s\+'.b:vhdl_explore.'\>\c','W')<CR>
+" constants
+" not a comment
+let s:NC = '\%(--.*\)\@<!'
+" end of string
+let s:ES = '\s*\%(--.*\)\=$'
+" no "end" keyword in front
+let s:NE = '\%(\<end\s\+\)\@<!'
+" for matchit plugin
+if exists("loaded_matchit")
+ let b:match_ignorecase = 1
+ let b:match_words =
+ \ s:NE.'\<if\>:\<elsif\>:\<else\>:\<end\s\+if\>,'.
+ \ s:NE.'\<case\>:\<when\>:\<end\s\+case\>,'.
+ \ s:NE.'\<loop\>:\<end\s\+loop\>,'.
+ \ s:NE.'\<for\>:\<end\s\+for\>,'.
+ \ s:NE.'\<generate\>:\<end\s\+generate\>,'.
+ \ s:NE.'\<record\>:\<end\s\+record\>,'.
+ \ s:NE.'\<units\>:\<end\s\+units\>,'.
+ \ s:NE.'\<process\>:\<end\s\+process\>,'.
+ \ s:NE.'\<block\>:\<end\s\+block\>,'.
+ \ s:NE.'\<function\>:\<end\s\+function\>,'.
+ \ s:NE.'\<entity\>:\<end\s\+entity\>,'.
+ \ s:NE.'\<component\>:\<end\s\+component\>,'.
+ \ s:NE.'\<architecture\>:\<end\s\+architecture\>,'.
+ \ s:NE.'\<package\>:\<end\s\+package\>,'.
+ \ s:NE.'\<procedure\>:\<end\s\+procedure\>,'.
+ \ s:NE.'\<configuration\>:\<end\s\+configuration\>'
+" only define indent function once
+if exists("*GetVHDLindent")
+ finish
+function GetVHDLindent()
+ " store current line & string
+ let curn = v:lnum
+ let curs = getline(curn)
+ " find previous line that is not a comment
+ let prevn = prevnonblank(curn - 1)
+ let prevs = getline(prevn)
+ while prevn > 0 && prevs =~ '^\s*--'
+ let prevn = prevnonblank(prevn - 1)
+ let prevs = getline(prevn)
+ endwhile
+ " default indent starts as previous non-comment line's indent
+ let ind = prevn > 0 ? indent(prevn) : 0
+ " backup default
+ let ind2 = ind
+ " indent: previous line's comment position, otherwise follow next non-comment line if possible
+ " keyword: "--"
+ " where: start of current line
+ if curs =~ '^\s*--'
+ let pn = curn - 1
+ let ps = getline(pn)
+ if ps =~ '--'
+ return stridx(ps, '--')
+ else
+ " find nextnonblank line that is not a comment
+ let nn = nextnonblank(curn + 1)
+ let ns = getline(nn)
+ while nn > 0 && ns =~ '^\s*--'
+ let nn = nextnonblank(nn + 1)
+ let ns = getline(nn)
+ endwhile
+ let n = indent(nn)
+ return n != -1 ? n : ind
+ endif
+ endif
+ " ****************************************************************************************
+ " indent: align generic variables & port names
+ " keywords: "generic", "map", "port" + "(", provided current line is part of mapping
+ " where: anywhere in previous 2 lines
+ " find following previous non-comment line
+ let pn = prevnonblank(prevn - 1)
+ let ps = getline(pn)
+ while pn > 0 && ps =~ '^\s*--'
+ let pn = prevnonblank(pn - 1)
+ let ps = getline(pn)
+ endwhile
+ if (curs =~ '^\s*)' || curs =~? s:NC.'\%(\<\%(generic\|map\|port\)\>.*\)\@<!\%(=>\s*\S\+\|:[^=]\@=\s*\%(\%(in\|out\|inout\|buffer\|linkage\)\>\|\w\+\s\+:=\)\)') && (prevs =~? s:NC.'\<\%(generic\|map\|port\)\s*(\%(\s*\w\)\=' || (ps =~? s:NC.'\<\%(generic\|map\|port\)'.s:ES && prevs =~ '^\s*('))
+ " align closing ")" with opening "("
+ if curs =~ '^\s*)'
+ return stridx(prevs, '(')
+ endif
+ let m = matchend(prevs, '(\s*\ze\w')
+ if m != -1
+ return m
+ else
+ return stridx(prevs, '(') + &sw
+ endif
+ endif
+ " indent: align conditional/select statement
+ " keywords: "<=" without ";" ending
+ " where: anywhere in previous line
+ if prevs =~ s:NC.'<=[^;]*'.s:ES
+ return matchend(prevs, '<=\s*\ze.')
+ endif
+ " indent: backtrace previous non-comment lines for next smaller or equal size indent
+ " keywords: "end" + "record", "units"
+ " where: start of previous line
+ " keyword: ")"
+ " where: start of previous line
+ " keyword: without "<=" + ";" ending
+ " where: anywhere in previous line
+ " keyword: "=>" + ")" ending, provided current line does not begin with ")"
+ " where: anywhere in previous line
+ " _note_: indent allowed to leave this filter
+ let m = 0
+ if prevs =~? '^\s*end\s\+\%(record\|units\)\>'
+ let m = 3
+ elseif prevs =~ '^\s*)'
+ let m = 1
+ elseif prevs =~ s:NC.'\%(<=.*\)\@<!;'.s:ES || (curs !~ '^\s*)' && prevs =~ s:NC.'=>.*'.s:NC.')'.s:ES)
+ let m = 2
+ endif
+ if m > 0
+ let pn = prevnonblank(prevn - 1)
+ let ps = getline(pn)
+ while pn > 0
+ let t = indent(pn)
+ if ps !~ '^\s*--' && t < ind
+ " make sure one of these is true
+ " keywords: "generic", "map", "port"
+ " where: anywhere in previous non-comment line
+ " keyword: "("
+ " where: start of previous non-comment line
+ " keywords: "<=" without ";" ending
+ " where: anywhere in previous non-comment line
+ if m < 3 && ps !~ s:NC.'<=[^;]*'.s:ES
+ if ps =~? s:NC.'\<\%(generic\|map\|port\)\>' || ps =~ '^\s*('
+ let ind = t
+ endif
+ break
+ endif
+ let ind = t
+ if m > 1
+ " find following previous non-comment line
+ let ppn = prevnonblank(pn - 1)
+ let pps = getline(ppn)
+ while ppn > 0 && pps =~ '^\s*--'
+ let ppn = prevnonblank(ppn - 1)
+ let pps = getline(ppn)
+ endwhile
+ " indent: follow
+ " keyword: "select"
+ " where: end of following previous non-comment line
+ " keyword: "type"
+ " where: start of following previous non-comment line
+ if m == 2
+ let s1 = s:NC.'\<select'.s:ES
+ if ps !~? s1 && pps =~? s1
+ let ind = indent(ppn)
+ endif
+ elseif m == 3
+ let s1 = '^\s*type\>'
+ if ps !~? s1 && pps =~? s1
+ let ind = indent(ppn)
+ endif
+ endif
+ endif
+ break
+ endif
+ let pn = prevnonblank(pn - 1)
+ let ps = getline(pn)
+ endwhile
+ endif
+ " indent: follow indent of previous opening statement, otherwise -sw
+ " keyword: "begin"
+ " where: anywhere in current line
+ if curs =~? s:NC.'\<begin\>'
+ let ind = ind - &sw
+ " find previous opening statement of
+ " keywords: "architecture", "block", "entity", "function", "generate", "procedure", "process"
+ let s2 = s:NC.s:NE.'\<\%(architecture\|block\|entity\|function\|generate\|procedure\|process\)\>'
+ if curs !~? s2.'.*'.s:NC.'\<begin\>.*'.s:ES && prevs =~? s2
+ let ind = ind + &sw
+ endif
+ return ind
+ endif
+ " indent: +sw if previous line is previous opening statement
+ " keywords: "record", "units"
+ " where: anywhere in current line
+ if curs =~? s:NC.s:NE.'\<\%(record\|units\)\>'
+ " find previous opening statement of
+ " keyword: "type"
+ let s3 = s:NC.s:NE.'\<type\>'
+ if curs !~? s3.'.*'.s:NC.'\<\%(record\|units\)\>.*'.s:ES && prevs =~? s3
+ let ind = ind + &sw
+ endif
+ return ind
+ endif
+ " ****************************************************************************************
+ " indent: 0
+ " keywords: "architecture", "configuration", "entity", "library", "package"
+ " where: start of current line
+ if curs =~? '^\s*\%(architecture\|configuration\|entity\|library\|package\)\>'
+ return 0
+ endif
+ " indent: follow indent of previous opening statement
+ " keyword: "is"
+ " where: start of current line
+ " find previous opening statement of
+ " keywords: "architecture", "block", "configuration", "entity", "function", "package", "procedure", "process", "type"
+ if curs =~? '^\s*\<is\>' && prevs =~? s:NC.s:NE.'\<\%(architecture\|block\|configuration\|entity\|function\|package\|procedure\|process\|type\)\>'
+ return indent(prevn)
+ endif
+ " indent: follow indent of previous opening statement
+ " keyword: "then"
+ " where: start of current line
+ " find previous opening statement of
+ " keywords: "elsif", "if"
+ if curs =~? '^\s*\<then\>' && (prevs =~? s:NC.'\<elsif\>' || prevs =~? s:NC.s:NE.'\<if\>')
+ return indent(prevn)
+ endif
+ " indent: follow indent of previous opening statement
+ " keyword: "generate"
+ " where: start of current line
+ " find previous opening statement of
+ " keywords: "for", "if"
+ if curs =~? '^\s*\<generate\>' && (prevs =~? s:NC.'\<for\>' || prevs =~? s:NC.s:NE.'\<if\>')
+ return indent(prevn)
+ endif
+ " indent: +sw
+ " keywords: "block", "for", "loop", "process", "record", "units"
+ " removed: "case", "if"
+ " where: anywhere in previous line
+ if prevs =~? s:NC.s:NE.'\<\%(block\|for\|loop\|process\|record\|units\)\>'
+ return ind + &sw
+ endif
+ " indent: +sw
+ " keywords: "begin"
+ " removed: "elsif", "while"
+ " where: anywhere in previous line
+ if prevs =~? s:NC.'\<begin\>'
+ return ind + &sw
+ endif
+ " indent: +sw
+ " keywords: "architecture", "component", "configuration", "entity", "package"
+ " removed: "package", "when", "with"
+ " where: start of previous line
+ if prevs =~? '^\s*\%(architecture\|component\|configuration\|entity\|package\)\>'
+ return ind + &sw
+ endif
+ " indent: +sw
+ " keyword: "generate", "is", "select", "=>"
+ " where: end of previous line
+ if prevs =~? s:NC.'\<\%(generate\|is\|select\)'.s:ES || prevs =~? s:NC.'=>'.s:ES
+ return ind + &sw
+ endif
+ " indent: +sw
+ " keyword: "else", "then"
+ " where: end of previous line
+ " _note_: indent allowed to leave this filter
+ if prevs =~? s:NC.'\<\%(else\|then\)'.s:ES
+ let ind = ind + &sw
+ endif
+ " ****************************************************************************************
+ " indent: -sw if previous line does not begin with "when"
+ " keywords: "when"
+ " where: start of current line
+ let s4 = '^\s*when\>'
+ if curs =~? s4 && prevs !~? s4
+ return ind - &sw
+ endif
+ " indent: -sw
+ " keywords: "else", "elsif"
+ " where: start of current line
+ if curs =~? '^\s*\%(else\|elsif\)\>'
+ return ind - &sw
+ endif
+ " indent: -sw
+ " keywords: "end" + "block", "component", "for", "function", "generate", "if", "loop", "procedure", "process", "record", "units"
+ " where: start of current line
+ " keyword: ")"
+ " where: start of current line
+ if curs =~? '^\s*end\s\+\%(block\|component\|for\|function\|generate\|if\|loop\|procedure\|process\|record\|units\)\>' || curs =~ '^\s*)'
+ return ind - &sw
+ endif
+ " indent: backtrace previous non-comment lines; -sw if begin with "when", follow if begin with "case"
+ " keyword: "end" + "case"
+ " where: start of current line
+ if curs =~? '^\s*end\s\+case\>'
+ " find following previous non-comment line
+ let pn = prevn
+ let ps = getline(pn)
+ while pn > 0
+ if ps !~ '^\s*--'
+ if ps =~? '^\s*when\>'
+ return indent(pn) - &sw
+ elseif ps =~? '^\s*case\>'
+ return indent(pn)
+ endif
+ endif
+ let pn = prevnonblank(pn - 1)
+ let ps = getline(pn)
+ endwhile
+ return ind
+ endif
+ " indent: 0
+ " keywords: "end" + "architecture", "configuration", "entity", "package"
+ " where: start of current line
+ if curs =~? '^\s*end\s\+\%(architecture\|configuration\|entity\|package\)\>'
+ return 0
+ endif
+ " indent: -sw
+ " keywords: "end" + identifier
+ " where: start of current line
+ if curs =~? '^\s*end\s\+\w\+\>'
+ return ind - &sw
+ endif
+ " ****************************************************************************************
+ " indent: maintain default
+ " keywords: without "generic", "map", "port" + ":" but not ":=" + "in", "out", "inout", "buffer", "linkage", variable & ":="
+ " where: anywhere in current line
+ if curs =~? s:NC.'\%(\<\%(generic\|map\|port\)\>.*\)\@<!:[^=]\@=\s*\%(\%(in\|out\|inout\|buffer\|linkage\)\>\|\w\+\s\+:=\)'
+ return ind2
+ endif
+ " return leftover filtered indent
+ return ind