diff options
authorBram Moolenaar <>2016-07-24 14:12:38 +0200
committerBram Moolenaar <>2016-07-24 14:12:38 +0200
commit6f1d9a096bf22d50c727dca73abbfb8e3ff55176 (patch)
parent00b24be454800f544676aa8850fb4378a568901e (diff)
Updated runtime files.
20 files changed, 12995 insertions, 330 deletions
diff --git a/runtime/autoload/clojurecomplete.vim b/runtime/autoload/clojurecomplete.vim
index 708bb3110..030785e90 100644
--- a/runtime/autoload/clojurecomplete.vim
+++ b/runtime/autoload/clojurecomplete.vim
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
" Vim completion script
-" Language: Clojure
-" Maintainer: Sung Pae <>
-" URL:
-" License: Same as Vim
-" Last Change: 27 March 2014
+" Language: Clojure
+" Maintainer: Sung Pae <>
+" URL:
+" License: Same as Vim
+" Last Change: 18 July 2016
-" Generated from
-" Clojure version 1.6.0
-let s:words = ["*","*'","*1","*2","*3","*agent*","*allow-unresolved-vars*","*assert*","*clojure-version*","*command-line-args*","*compile-files*","*compile-path*","*compiler-options*","*data-readers*","*default-data-reader-fn*","*e","*err*","*file*","*flush-on-newline*","*fn-loader*","*in*","*math-context*","*ns*","*out*","*print-dup*","*print-length*","*print-level*","*print-meta*","*print-readably*","*read-eval*","*source-path*","*unchecked-math*","*use-context-classloader*","*verbose-defrecords*","*warn-on-reflection*","+","+'","-","-'","->","->>","->ArrayChunk","->Vec","->VecNode","->VecSeq","-cache-protocol-fn","-reset-methods",".","..","/","<","<=","=","==",">",">=","EMPTY-NODE","accessor","aclone","add-classpath","add-watch","agent","agent-error","agent-errors","aget","alength","alias","all-ns","alter","alter-meta!","alter-var-root","amap","ancestors","and","apply","areduce","array-map","as->","aset","aset-boolean","aset-byte","aset-char","aset-double","aset-float","aset-int","aset-long","aset-short","assert","assoc!","assoc","assoc-in","associative?","atom","await","await-for","await1","bases","bean","bigdec","bigint","biginteger","binding","bit-and","bit-and-not","bit-clear","bit-flip","bit-not","bit-or","bit-set","bit-shift-left","bit-shift-right","bit-test","bit-xor","boolean","boolean-array","booleans","bound-fn","bound-fn*","bound?","butlast","byte","byte-array","bytes","case","cast","catch","char","char-array","char-escape-string","char-name-string","char?","chars","chunk","chunk-append","chunk-buffer","chunk-cons","chunk-first","chunk-next","chunk-rest","chunked-seq?","class","class?","clear-agent-errors","clojure-version","coll?","comment","commute","comp","comparator","compare","compare-and-set!","compile","complement","concat","cond","cond->","cond->>","condp","conj!","conj","cons","constantly","construct-proxy","contains?","count","counted?","create-ns","create-struct","cycle","dec","dec'","decimal?","declare","def","default-data-readers","definline","definterface","defmacro","defmethod","defmulti","defn","defn-","defonce","defprotocol","defrecord","defstruct","deftype","delay","delay?","deliver","denominator","deref","derive","descendants","destructure","disj!","disj","dissoc!","dissoc","distinct","distinct?","do","doall","dorun","doseq","dosync","dotimes","doto","double","double-array","doubles","drop","drop-last","drop-while","empty","empty?","ensure","enumeration-seq","error-handler","error-mode","eval","even?","every-pred","every?","ex-data","ex-info","extend","extend-protocol","extend-type","extenders","extends?","false?","ffirst","file-seq","filter","filterv","finally","find","find-keyword","find-ns","find-protocol-impl","find-protocol-method","find-var","first","flatten","float","float-array","float?","floats","flush","fn","fn","fn?","fnext","fnil","for","force","format","frequencies","future","future-call","future-cancel","future-cancelled?","future-done?","future?","gen-class","gen-interface","gensym","get","get-in","get-method","get-proxy-class","get-thread-bindings","get-validator","group-by","hash","hash-combine","hash-map","hash-ordered-coll","hash-set","hash-unordered-coll","identical?","identity","if","if-let","if-not","if-some","ifn?","import","in-ns","inc","inc'","init-proxy","instance?","int","int-array","integer?","interleave","intern","interpose","into","into-array","ints","io!","isa?","iterate","iterator-seq","juxt","keep","keep-indexed","key","keys","keyword","keyword?","last","lazy-cat","lazy-seq","let","let","letfn","line-seq","list","list*","list?","load","load-file","load-reader","load-string","loaded-libs","locking","long","long-array","longs","loop","loop","macroexpand","macroexpand-1","make-array","make-hierarchy","map","map-indexed","map?","mapcat","mapv","max","max-key","memfn","memoize","merge","merge-with","meta","method-sig","methods","min","min-key","mix-collection-hash","mod","monitor-enter","monitor-exit","munge","name","namespace","namespace-munge","neg?","new","newline","next","nfirst","nil?","nnext","not","not-any?","not-empty","not-every?","not=","ns","ns-aliases","ns-imports","ns-interns","ns-map","ns-name","ns-publics","ns-refers","ns-resolve","ns-unalias","ns-unmap","nth","nthnext","nthrest","num","number?","numerator","object-array","odd?","or","parents","partial","partition","partition-all","partition-by","pcalls","peek","persistent!","pmap","pop!","pop","pop-thread-bindings","pos?","pr","pr-str","prefer-method","prefers","primitives-classnames","print","print-ctor","print-dup","print-method","print-simple","print-str","printf","println","println-str","prn","prn-str","promise","proxy","proxy-call-with-super","proxy-mappings","proxy-name","proxy-super","push-thread-bindings","pvalues","quot","quote","rand","rand-int","rand-nth","range","ratio?","rational?","rationalize","re-find","re-groups","re-matcher","re-matches","re-pattern","re-seq","read","read-line","read-string","realized?","record?","recur","reduce","reduce-kv","reduced","reduced?","reductions","r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+" Generated from
+" Clojure version 1.8.0
+let s:words = ["*","*'","*1","*2","*3","*agent*","*allow-unresolved-vars*","*assert*","*clojure-version*","*command-line-args*","*compile-files*","*compile-path*","*compiler-options*","*data-readers*","*default-data-reader-fn*","*e","*err*","*file*","*flush-on-newline*","*fn-loader*","*in*","*math-context*","*ns*","*out*","*print-dup*","*print-length*","*print-level*","*print-meta*","*print-readably*","*read-eval*","*source-path*","*suppress-read*","*unchecked-math*","*use-context-classloader*","*verbose-defrecords*","*warn-on-reflection*","+","+'","-","-'","->","->>","->ArrayChunk","->Eduction","->Vec","->VecNode","->VecSeq","-cache-protocol-fn","-reset-methods",".","..","/","<","<=","=","==",">",">=","EMPTY-NODE","Throwable->map","accessor","aclone","add-classpath","add-watch","agent","agent-error","agent-errors","aget","alength","alias","all-ns","alter","alter-meta!","alter-var-root","amap","ancestors","and","apply","areduce","array-map","as->","aset","aset-boolean","aset-byte","aset-char","aset-double","aset-float","aset-int","aset-long","aset-short","assert","assoc!","assoc","assoc-in","associative?","atom","await","await-for","await1","bases","bean","bigdec","bigint","biginteger","binding","bit-and","bit-and-not","bit-clear","bit-flip","bit-not","bit-or","bit-set","bit-shift-left","bit-shift-right","bit-test","bit-xor","boolean","boolean-array","booleans","bound-fn","bound-fn*","bound?","butlast","byte","byte-array","bytes","case","cast","cat","catch","char","char-array","char-escape-string","char-name-string","char?","chars","chunk","chunk-append","chunk-buffer","chunk-cons","chunk-first","chunk-next","chunk-rest","chunked-seq?","class","class?","clear-agent-errors","clojure-version","coll?","comment","commute","comp","comparator","compare","compare-and-set!","compile","complement","completing","concat","cond","cond->","cond->>","condp","conj!","conj","cons","constantly","construct-proxy","contains?","count","counted?","create-ns","create-struct","cycle","dec","dec'","decimal?","declare","dedupe","def","default-data-readers","definline","definterface","defmacro","defmethod","defmulti","defn","defn-","defonce","defprotocol","defrecord","defstruct","deftype","delay","delay?","deliver","denominator","deref","derive","descendants","destructure","disj!","disj","dissoc!","dissoc","distinct","distinct?","do","doall","dorun","doseq","dosync","dotimes","doto","double","double-array","doubles","drop","drop-last","drop-while","eduction","empty","empty?","ensure","ensure-reduced","enumeration-seq","error-handler","error-mode","eval","even?","every-pred","every?","ex-data","ex-info","extend","extend-protocol","extend-type","extenders","extends?","false?","ffirst","file-seq","filter","filterv","finally","find","find-keyword","find-ns","find-protocol-impl","find-protocol-method","find-var","first","flatten","float","float-array","float?","floats","flush","fn","fn","fn?","fnext","fnil","for","force","format","frequencies","future","future-call","future-cancel","future-cancelled?","future-done?","future?","gen-class","gen-interface","gensym","get","get-in","get-method","get-proxy-class","get-thread-bindings","get-validator","group-by","hash","hash-combine","hash-map","hash-ordered-coll","hash-set","hash-unordered-coll","identical?","identity","if","if-let","if-not","if-some","ifn?","import","in-ns","inc","inc'","init-proxy","instance?","int","int-array","integer?","interleave","intern","interpose","into","into-array","ints","io!","isa?","iterate","iterator-seq","juxt","keep","keep-indexed","key","keys","keyword","keyword?","last","lazy-cat","lazy-seq","let","let","letfn","line-seq","list","list*","list?","load","load-file","load-reader","load-string","loaded-libs","locking","long","long-array","longs","loop","loop","macroexpand","macroexpand-1","make-array","make-hierarchy","map","map-entry?","map-indexed","map?","mapcat","mapv","max","max-key","memfn","memoize","merge","merge-with","meta","method-sig","methods","min","min-key","mix-collection-hash","mod","monitor-enter","monitor-exit","munge","name","namespace","namespace-munge","neg?","new","newline","next","nfirst","nil?","nnext","not","not-any?","not-empty","not-every?","not=","ns","ns-aliases","ns-imports","ns-interns","ns-map","ns-name","ns-publics","ns-refers","ns-resolve","ns-unalias","ns-unmap","nth","nthnext","nthrest","num","number?","numerator","object-array","odd?","or","parents","partial","partition","partition-all","partition-by","pcalls","peek","persistent!","pmap","pop!","pop","pop-thread-bindings","pos?","pr","pr-str","prefer-method","prefers","primitives-classnames","print","print-ctor","print-dup","print-method","print-simple","print-str","printf","println","println-str","prn","prn-str","promise","proxy","proxy-call-with-super","proxy-mappings","proxy-name","proxy-super","push-thread-bindings","pvalues","quot","quote","rand","rand-int","rand-nth","random-sample","range","ratio?","rational?","rationalize","re-find","re-groups","re-matcher","re-matches","re-patte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" Simple word completion for special forms and public vars in clojure.core
function! clojurecomplete#Complete(findstart, base)
diff --git a/runtime/doc/eval.txt b/runtime/doc/eval.txt
index 11cd8bbaf..7b421aa11 100644
--- a/runtime/doc/eval.txt
+++ b/runtime/doc/eval.txt
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-*eval.txt* For Vim version 7.4. Last change: 2016 Jul 23
+*eval.txt* For Vim version 7.4. Last change: 2016 Jul 24
@@ -2306,6 +2306,7 @@ tanh({expr}) Float hyperbolic tangent of {expr}
tempname() String name for a temporary file
test_alloc_fail({id}, {countdown}, {repeat})
none make memory allocation fail
+test_autochdir() none enable 'autochdir' during startup
test_disable_char_avail({expr}) none test without typeahead
test_garbagecollect_now() none free memory right now for testing
test_null_channel() Channel null value for testing
@@ -7453,8 +7454,11 @@ test_alloc_fail({id}, {countdown}, {repeat}) *test_alloc_fail()*
let memory allocation fail {repeat} times. When {repeat} is
smaller than one it fails one time.
+test_autochdir() *test_autochdir()*
+ Set a flag to enable the effect of 'autochdir' before Vim
+ startup has finished.
- *test_disable_char_avail()*
+ *test_disable_char_avail()*
When {expr} is 1 the internal char_avail() function will
return |FALSE|. When {expr} is 0 the char_avail() function will
diff --git a/runtime/doc/mbyte.txt b/runtime/doc/mbyte.txt
index 87ae8777c..d3ae7d9cb 100644
--- a/runtime/doc/mbyte.txt
+++ b/runtime/doc/mbyte.txt
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-*mbyte.txt* For Vim version 7.4. Last change: 2013 May 18
+*mbyte.txt* For Vim version 7.4. Last change: 2016 Jul 21
VIM REFERENCE MANUAL by Bram Moolenaar et al.
@@ -1010,6 +1010,7 @@ text, you can use the 'keymap' option. This will translate one or more
(English) characters to another (non-English) character. This only happens
when typing text, not when typing Vim commands. This avoids having to switch
between two keyboard settings.
+{only available when compiled with the |+keymap| feature}
The value of the 'keymap' option specifies a keymap file to use. The name of
this file is one of these two:
diff --git a/runtime/doc/repeat.txt b/runtime/doc/repeat.txt
index 9124f79c6..7ceb3a428 100644
--- a/runtime/doc/repeat.txt
+++ b/runtime/doc/repeat.txt
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-*repeat.txt* For Vim version 7.4. Last change: 2016 Jun 11
+*repeat.txt* For Vim version 7.4. Last change: 2016 Jul 21
@@ -295,7 +295,9 @@ For writing a Vim script, see chapter 41 of the user manual |usr_41.txt|.
... not converted ...
< When conversion isn't supported by the system, there
- is no error message and no conversion is done.
+ is no error message and no conversion is done. When a
+ line can't be converted there is no error and the
+ original line is kept.
Don't use "ucs-2" or "ucs-4", scripts cannot be in
these encodings (they would contain NUL bytes).
diff --git a/runtime/doc/syntax.txt b/runtime/doc/syntax.txt
index 03b8aaac6..20af7ce59 100644
--- a/runtime/doc/syntax.txt
+++ b/runtime/doc/syntax.txt
@@ -1043,6 +1043,21 @@ This works immediately.
CLOJURE *ft-clojure-syntax*
+The default syntax groups can be augmented through the
+*g:clojure_syntax_keywords* and *b:clojure_syntax_keywords* variables. The
+value should be a |Dictionary| of syntax group names to a |List| of custom
+ let g:clojure_syntax_keywords = {
+ \ 'clojureMacro': ["defproject", "defcustom"],
+ \ 'clojureFunc': ["string/join", "string/replace"]
+ \ }
+Refer to the Clojure syntax script for valid syntax group names.
+If the |buffer-variable| *b:clojure_syntax_without_core_keywords* is set, only
+language constants and special forms are matched.
Setting *g:clojure_fold* enables folding Clojure code via the syntax engine.
Any list, vector, or map that extends over more than one line can be folded
using the standard Vim |fold-commands|.
diff --git a/runtime/doc/tags b/runtime/doc/tags
index 1405c616f..fd9381c18 100644
--- a/runtime/doc/tags
+++ b/runtime/doc/tags
@@ -4701,8 +4701,10 @@ TRUE eval.txt /*TRUE*
TSQL ft_sql.txt /*TSQL*
TTpro-telnet syntax.txt /*TTpro-telnet*
Tab intro.txt /*Tab*
+TabClosed autocmd.txt /*TabClosed*
TabEnter autocmd.txt /*TabEnter*
TabLeave autocmd.txt /*TabLeave*
+TabNew autocmd.txt /*TabNew*
Tcl if_tcl.txt /*Tcl*
TermChanged autocmd.txt /*TermChanged*
TermResponse autocmd.txt /*TermResponse*
@@ -4748,6 +4750,7 @@ WWW intro.txt /*WWW*
Win32 os_win32.txt /*Win32*
WinEnter autocmd.txt /*WinEnter*
WinLeave autocmd.txt /*WinLeave*
+WinNew autocmd.txt /*WinNew*
X change.txt /*X*
X11 options.txt /*X11*
X11-icon gui_x11.txt /*X11-icon*
@@ -4965,6 +4968,7 @@ assert_equal() eval.txt /*assert_equal()*
assert_exception() eval.txt /*assert_exception()*
assert_fails() eval.txt /*assert_fails()*
assert_false() eval.txt /*assert_false()*
+assert_inrange() eval.txt /*assert_inrange()*
assert_match() eval.txt /*assert_match()*
assert_notequal() eval.txt /*assert_notequal()*
assert_notmatch() eval.txt /*assert_notmatch()*
@@ -5012,6 +5016,8 @@ b motion.txt /*b*
b: eval.txt /*b:*
b:changedtick eval.txt /*b:changedtick*
b:changelog_name filetype.txt /*b:changelog_name*
+b:clojure_syntax_keywords syntax.txt /*b:clojure_syntax_keywords*
+b:clojure_syntax_without_core_keywords syntax.txt /*b:clojure_syntax_without_core_keywords*
b:current_syntax-variable syntax.txt /*b:current_syntax-variable*
b:netrw_lastfile pi_netrw.txt /*b:netrw_lastfile*
b:tex_stylish syntax.txt /*b:tex_stylish*
@@ -6162,6 +6168,7 @@ g:clojure_fuzzy_indent_blacklist indent.txt /*g:clojure_fuzzy_indent_blacklist*
g:clojure_fuzzy_indent_patterns indent.txt /*g:clojure_fuzzy_indent_patterns*
g:clojure_maxlines indent.txt /*g:clojure_maxlines*
g:clojure_special_indent_words indent.txt /*g:clojure_special_indent_words*
+g:clojure_syntax_keywords syntax.txt /*g:clojure_syntax_keywords*
g:colors_name options.txt /*g:colors_name*
g:decada ft_ada.txt /*g:decada*
g:decada.Error_Format ft_ada.txt /*g:decada.Error_Format*
@@ -8425,9 +8432,11 @@ t_ZH term.txt /*t_ZH*
t_ZR term.txt /*t_ZR*
t_al term.txt /*t_al*
t_bc term.txt /*t_bc*
+t_bool-varialble eval.txt /*t_bool-varialble*
t_cd term.txt /*t_cd*
t_cdl version4.txt /*t_cdl*
t_ce term.txt /*t_ce*
+t_channel-varialble eval.txt /*t_channel-varialble*
t_ci version4.txt /*t_ci*
t_cil version4.txt /*t_cil*
t_cl term.txt /*t_cl*
@@ -8439,6 +8448,7 @@ t_cv version4.txt /*t_cv*
t_cvv version4.txt /*t_cvv*
t_da term.txt /*t_da*
t_db term.txt /*t_db*
+t_dict-varialble eval.txt /*t_dict-varialble*
t_dl term.txt /*t_dl*
t_ed version4.txt /*t_ed*
t_el version4.txt /*t_el*
@@ -8452,9 +8462,12 @@ t_f6 version4.txt /*t_f6*
t_f7 version4.txt /*t_f7*
t_f8 version4.txt /*t_f8*
t_f9 version4.txt /*t_f9*
+t_float-varialble eval.txt /*t_float-varialble*
t_fs term.txt /*t_fs*
+t_func-varialble eval.txt /*t_func-varialble*
t_help version4.txt /*t_help*
t_il version4.txt /*t_il*
+t_job-varialble eval.txt /*t_job-varialble*
t_k1 term.txt /*t_k1*
t_k2 term.txt /*t_k2*
t_k3 term.txt /*t_k3*
@@ -8479,12 +8492,15 @@ t_kr term.txt /*t_kr*
t_ks term.txt /*t_ks*
t_ku term.txt /*t_ku*
t_le term.txt /*t_le*
+t_list-varialble eval.txt /*t_list-varialble*
t_mb term.txt /*t_mb*
t_md term.txt /*t_md*
t_me term.txt /*t_me*
t_mr term.txt /*t_mr*
t_ms term.txt /*t_ms*
t_nd term.txt /*t_nd*
+t_none-varialble eval.txt /*t_none-varialble*
+t_number-varialble eval.txt /*t_number-varialble*
t_op term.txt /*t_op*
t_se term.txt /*t_se*
t_sf1 version4.txt /*t_sf1*
@@ -8504,6 +8520,7 @@ t_sku version4.txt /*t_sku*
t_so term.txt /*t_so*
t_sr term.txt /*t_sr*
t_star7 term.txt /*t_star7*
+t_string-varialble eval.txt /*t_string-varialble*
t_tb version4.txt /*t_tb*
t_te term.txt /*t_te*
t_ti term.txt /*t_ti*
@@ -8637,6 +8654,7 @@ terminfo term.txt /*terminfo*
termresponse-variable eval.txt /*termresponse-variable*
test-functions usr_41.txt /*test-functions*
test_alloc_fail() eval.txt /*test_alloc_fail()*
+test_autochdir() eval.txt /*test_autochdir()*
test_disable_char_avail() eval.txt /*test_disable_char_avail()*
test_garbagecollect_now() eval.txt /*test_garbagecollect_now()*
test_null_channel() eval.txt /*test_null_channel()*
@@ -8845,6 +8863,17 @@ v:statusmsg eval.txt /*v:statusmsg*
v:swapchoice eval.txt /*v:swapchoice*
v:swapcommand eval.txt /*v:swapcommand*
v:swapname eval.txt /*v:swapname*
+v:t_TYPE eval.txt /*v:t_TYPE*
+v:t_bool eval.txt /*v:t_bool*
+v:t_channel eval.txt /*v:t_channel*
+v:t_dict eval.txt /*v:t_dict*
+v:t_float eval.txt /*v:t_float*
+v:t_func eval.txt /*v:t_func*
+v:t_job eval.txt /*v:t_job*
+v:t_list eval.txt /*v:t_list*
+v:t_none eval.txt /*v:t_none*
+v:t_number eval.txt /*v:t_number*
+v:t_string eval.txt /*v:t_string*
v:termresponse eval.txt /*v:termresponse*
v:testing eval.txt /*v:testing*
v:this_session eval.txt /*v:this_session*
diff --git a/runtime/doc/todo.txt b/runtime/doc/todo.txt
index 65ec12912..acb14a7a6 100644
--- a/runtime/doc/todo.txt
+++ b/runtime/doc/todo.txt
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-*todo.txt* For Vim version 7.4. Last change: 2016 Jul 17
+*todo.txt* For Vim version 7.4. Last change: 2016 Jul 23
@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ not be repeated below, unless there is extra information.
-------------------- Known bugs and current work -----------------------
+- Channel test fails with Motif. Sometimes kills the X11 server.
- When a message in the queue but there is no callback, drop it after a while?
Add timestamp to queued messages and callbacks with ID, remove after a
minute. Option to set the droptime.
@@ -49,17 +50,6 @@ Later
- job_start(): run job in a newly opened terminal.
With xterm could use -S{pty}.
-Quickfix refactoring. (Yegappan Lakshmanan,)
-Quickfix improvements for background building and grepping:
-- Add a command modifier ":usefname" to quickfix commands and functions to
- keep a file name as a string and not create a buffer for it? To avoid
- creating lots of buffers. (Ramel Eshed)
- Store the relative file name and set a flag "qf_relative". Before changing
- directory turn them into full paths.
- When using getqflist() or getloclist() we need to get the bufnr for other
- plugins. Add a flag to not do that.
Regexp problems:
- Since 7.4.704 the old regex engine fails to match [[:print:]] in 0xf6.
(Manuel Ortega, 2016 Apr 24)
@@ -115,17 +105,25 @@ What if there is an invalid character?
Should json_encode()/json_decode() restrict recursiveness?
Or avoid recursiveness.
-Also use funcref for substitute, instead of \=.
+Patch to test popupmenu. Fails, possibly due to a bug.
+(Christian Brabandt, 2016 Jul 23)
-Patch to define v:t_number etc. (Ken Takata, 2016 Jul 15)
+7 In "-- INSERT (lang) --" show the name of the keymap used instead of
+ "lang". (Ilya Dogolazky)
+Patch: Show keymap name in mode indicator (Dmitri Vereshchagin, 2016 Jul 19,
-Python: Extended funcrefs: use func_T* structure in place of char_u* function
-(ZyX, 2013 Jul 15, update Sep 22, 24, 28; Update 2013 Dec 15, 2014 Jan 6)
-Also fixes Bug: E685 error for func_unref(). (ZyX, 2010 Aug 5)
+Patch to fix the Problem using cgn to change a search hit when
+replacement includes hit. Reported by John Beckett, fix by Christian Brabandt,
+2016 Jan 11.
Once .exe with updated installer is available: Add remark to download page
about /S and /D options (Ken Takata, 2016 Apr 13)
+Or point to nightly builds:
+Problem with completion on "**/" in $path. (issue #932)
+Happens in uniquefy_paths() ? More info Jul 22.
+Fix for this (Harm te Hennepe, 2016 Jul 21, #939)
Cursor positioned in the wrong place when editing src/testdir/test_viml.vim.
@@ -138,20 +136,27 @@ Javascript indent wrong after /* in single quoted string:
Use ADDR_OTHER instead of ADDR_LINES for many more commands.
Add tests for using number larger than number of lines in buffer.
+Updating marks in quickfix list is broken. (Yegappan, 2016 Jul 18)
Invalid behavior with NULL list. (Nikolai Pavlov, #768)
For current Windows build .pdb file is missing. (Gabriele Fava, 2016 May 11)
Support closure for lambda? Ken Takata is working on it.
+Patch Jul 19. Still need test updates.
Problem with whitespace in errorformat. (Gerd Wachsmuth, 2016 May 15, #807)
+Undo problem: "g-" doesn't go back, gets stuck. (Björn Linse, 2016 Jul 18)
Patch to allow setting w:quickfix_title via setqflist() and setloclist()
functions. (Christian Brabandt, 2013 May 8, update May 21)
Patch to add getlocstack() / setlocstack(). (Christian Brabandt, 2013 May 14)
Second one. Update May 22.
Update by Daniel Hahler, 2014 Jul 4, Aug 14, Oct 14, Oct 15.
+Rethink this: can we add an argument to setqflist() and getqflist() for these
+extra items?
Patch to add filtering of the quickfix list. (Yegappan Lakshmanan, 2016 Mar
13, last version) Update June 26, #830.
@@ -160,8 +165,6 @@ Instead use a Vim script implementation, invoked from a Vim command.
ml_get errors when reloading file. (Chris Desjardins, 2016 Apr 19)
Also with latest version.
-Patch to load rgb.txt once. (Christian Brabandt, 2016 Apr 29)
Still problems with 'emoji'. See issue #721. Patch 7.4.1697 half-fixes it.
Avoid PLAN_WRITE in windgoto() ?
Should already never use utf-8 chars to position the cursor.
@@ -179,9 +182,6 @@ Otherwise task flickers in taskbar.
Should make ":@r" handle line continuation. (Cesar Romani, 2016 Jun 26)
Also for ":@.".
-Patch to add TabNew, TabNewEntered and TabClosed autocommand events.
-(Felipe Morales, 2015 Feb 1)
Repeating 'opfunc' in a function only works once. (Tarmean, 2016 Jul 15, #925)
Patch on issue #728 by Christian Brabandt, 2016 Apr 7. Update with test: Apr 8.
@@ -222,7 +222,7 @@ Reject the value? #710.
Patch to support strikethrough next to bold and italic. (Christian Brabandt,
2013 Jul 30) Update from Ken Takata, 2013 Oct 12.
Update mentioned by Christian, 2016 Apr 25.
-Update from Ken Takata, 2016 Apr 26.
+Update from Ken Takata, 2016 Jul 17.
Patch to improve cscope. (Adrian Kocis, #843)
@@ -328,6 +328,8 @@ Patch from Christian Brabandt, 2016 Mar 30, #712.
Patch to be able to use hex numbers with :digraph. (Lcd, 2015 Sep 6)
Update Sep 7. Update by Christian Brabandt, 2015 Sep 8, 2016 Feb 1.
+Patch to show search statistics. (Christian Brabandt, 2016 Jul 22)
When the CursorMovedI event triggers, and CTRL-X was typed, a script cannot
restore the mode properly. (Andrew Stewart, 2016 Apr 20)
Do not trigger the event?
@@ -392,10 +394,6 @@ wrong name. (Aram, 2014 Nov 7) Vim 7.4.
Can't recognize the $ProgramFiles(x86) environment variable. Recognize it
specifically? First try with the parens, then without.
-Half-finished patch to fix the Problem using cgn to change a search hit when
-replacement includes hit. Reported by John Beckett, fix by Christian Brabandt,
-2016 Jan 11.
Patch to add :mapgroup, put mappings in a group like augroup.
(Yasuhiro Matsumoto, 2016 Feb 19)
@@ -3558,8 +3556,6 @@ Multi-byte characters:
convert_input() for Mac GUI.
- Add mnemonics from RFC1345 longer than two characters.
Support CTRL-K _{mnemonic}_
-7 In "-- INSERT (lang) --" show the name of the keymap used instead of
- "lang". (Ilya Dogolazky)
- Make 'breakat' accept multi-byte characters. Problem: can't use a lookup
table anymore (breakat_flags[]).
Simplistic solution: when 'formatoptions' contains "m" also break a line
diff --git a/runtime/doc/usr_41.txt b/runtime/doc/usr_41.txt
index 1eec17e58..b58edb9c0 100644
--- a/runtime/doc/usr_41.txt
+++ b/runtime/doc/usr_41.txt
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-*usr_41.txt* For Vim version 7.4. Last change: 2016 Jul 09
+*usr_41.txt* For Vim version 7.4. Last change: 2016 Jul 24
VIM USER MANUAL - by Bram Moolenaar
@@ -592,7 +592,7 @@ String manipulation: *string-functions*
match() position where a pattern matches in a string
matchend() position where a pattern match ends in a string
matchstr() match of a pattern in a string
- matchstrpos() match and postions of a pattern in a string
+ matchstrpos() match and positions of a pattern in a string
matchlist() like matchstr() and also return submatches
stridx() first index of a short string in a long string
strridx() last index of a short string in a long string
@@ -810,6 +810,7 @@ Command line: *command-line-functions*
setcmdpos() set position of the cursor in the command line
getcmdtype() return the current command-line type
getcmdwintype() return the current command-line window type
+ getcompletion() list of command-line completion matches
Quickfix and location lists: *quickfix-functions*
getqflist() list of quickfix errors
@@ -907,6 +908,7 @@ Mappings: *mapping-functions*
Testing: *test-functions*
assert_equal() assert that two expressions values are equal
assert_notequal() assert that two expressions values are not equal
+ assert_inrange() assert that an expression is inside a range
assert_match() assert that a pattern matches the value
assert_notmatch() assert that a pattern does not match the value
assert_false() assert that an expression is false
@@ -914,6 +916,7 @@ Testing: *test-functions*
assert_exception() assert that a command throws an exception
assert_fails() assert that a function call fails
test_alloc_fail() make memory allocation fail
+ test_autochdir() enable 'autochdir' during startup
test_disable_char_avail() test without typeahead
test_garbagecollect_now() free memory right now
test_null_channel() return a null Channel
diff --git a/runtime/doc/version7.txt b/runtime/doc/version7.txt
index 2be5cbdd9..e962c08c9 100644
--- a/runtime/doc/version7.txt
+++ b/runtime/doc/version7.txt
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-*version7.txt* For Vim version 7.4. Last change: 2016 Jun 04
+*version7.txt* For Vim version 7.4. Last change: 2016 Jul 17
@@ -18308,4 +18308,5 @@ Solution: Subtract the unsigned numbers and cast to int. (Ken Takata)
Files: src/os_win32.c
diff --git a/runtime/doc/version8.txt b/runtime/doc/version8.txt
index d15d73a85..22b15fd8f 100644
--- a/runtime/doc/version8.txt
+++ b/runtime/doc/version8.txt
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-*version8.txt* For Vim version 8.0. Last change: 2016 Jul 16
+*version8.txt* For Vim version 8.0. Last change: 2016 Jul 23
@@ -158,9 +158,40 @@ Insert mode commands: ~
Options: ~
+'belloff' do not ring the bell for these reasons
+'breakindent' wrapped line repeats indent
+'breakindentopt' settings for 'breakindent'.
+'emoji' emoji characters are considered full width
+'fixendofline' make sure last line in file has <EOL>
+'langnoremap' do not apply 'langmap' to mapped characters
+'luadll' name of the Lua dynamic library
+'packpath' list of directories used for packages
+'perldll' name of the Perl dynamic library
+'pythondll' name of the Python 2 dynamic library
+'pythonthreedll' name of the Python 3 dynamic library
+'renderoptions' options for text rendering on Windows
+'rubydll' name of the Ruby dynamic library
+'tagcase' how to handle case when searching in tags files
+'tcldll' name of the Tcl dynamic library
+'termguicolors' use GUI colors for the terminal
Ex commands: ~
+|:cbottom| scroll to the bottom of the quickfix window
+|:cdo| execute command in each valid error list entry
+|:cfdo| execute command in each file in error list
+|:chistory| display quickfix list stack
+|:clearjumps| clear the jump list
+|:helpclose| close one help window
+|:keeppatterns| following command keeps search pattern history
+|:lbottom| scroll to the bottom of the location window
+|:ldo| execute command in valid location list entries
+|:lfdo| execute command in each file in location list
+|:lhistory| display location list stack
+|:noswapfile| following commands don't create a swap file
+|:packadd| add a plugin from 'packpath'
+|:packloadall| load all packages under 'packpath'
+|:smile| make the user happy
Ex command modifiers: ~
@@ -170,6 +201,80 @@ Ex command arguments: ~
New and extended functions: ~
+|arglistid()| get id of the argument list
+|assert_equal()| assert that two expressions values are equal
+|assert_exception()| assert that a command throws an exception
+|assert_fails()| assert that a function call fails
+|assert_false()| assert that an expression is false
+|assert_inrange()| assert that an expression is inside a range
+|assert_match()| assert that a pattern matches the value
+|assert_notequal()| assert that two expressions values are not equal
+|assert_notmatch()| assert that a pattern does not match the value
+|assert_true()| assert that an expression is true
+|bufwinid()| get the window ID of a specific buffer
+|byteidxcomp()| like byteidx() but count composing characters
+|ch_close()| close a channel
+|ch_evalexpr()| evaluates an expression over channel
+|ch_evalraw()| evaluates a raw string over channel
+|ch_getbufnr()| get the buffer number of a channel
+|ch_getjob()| get the job associated with a channel
+|ch_info()| get channel information
+|ch_log()| write a message in the channel log file
+|ch_logfile()| set the channel log file
+|ch_open()| open a channel
+|ch_read()| read a message from a channel
+|ch_readraw()| read a raw message from a channel
+|ch_sendexpr()| send a JSON message over a channel
+|ch_sendraw()| send a raw message over a channel
+|ch_setoptions()| set the options for a channel
+|ch_status()| get status of a channel
+|execute()| execute an Ex command and get the output
+|exepath()| full path of an executable program
+|getcharsearch()| return character search information
+|getcmdwintype()| return the current command-line window type
+|getcompletion()| return a list of command-line completion matches
+|getcurpos()| get position of the cursor
+|glob2regpat()| convert a glob pattern into a search pattern
+|isnan()| check for not a number
+|job_getchannel()| get the channel used by a job
+|job_info()| get information about a job
+|job_setoptions()| set options for a job
+|job_start()| start a job
+|job_status()| get the status of a job
+|job_stop()| stop a job
+|js_decode()| decode a JSON string to Vim types
+|js_encode()| encode an expression to a JSON string
+|json_decode()| decode a JSON string to Vim types
+|json_encode()| encode an expression to a JSON string
+|matchaddpos()| define a list of positions to highlight
+|matchstrpos()| match and positions of a pattern in a string
+|perleval()| evaluate Perl expression
+|reltimefloat()| convert reltime() result to a Float
+|setcharsearch()| set character search information
+|setfperm()| set the permissions of a file
+|strcharpart()| get part of a string using char index
+|strgetchar()| get character from a string using char index
+|systemlist()| get the result of a shell command as a list
+|test_alloc_fail()| make memory allocation fail
+|test_autochdir()| test 'autochdir' functionality
+|test_disable_char_avail()| test without typeahead
+|test_garbagecollect_now()| free memory right now
+|test_null_channel()| return a null Channel
+|test_null_dict()| return a null Dict
+|test_null_job()| return a null Job
+|test_null_list()| return a null List
+|test_null_partial()| return a null Partial function
+|test_null_string()| return a null String
+|test_settime()| set the time Vim uses internally
+|timer_start()| create a timer
+|timer_stop()| stop a timer
+|uniq()| remove copies of repeated adjacent items
+|win_findbuf()| find windows containing a buffer
+|win_getid()| get window ID of a window
+|win_gotoid()| go to window with ID
+|win_id2tabwin()| get tab and window nr from window ID
+|win_id2win()| get window nr from window ID
+|wordcount()| get byte/word/char count of buffer
New Vim variables: ~
@@ -214,6 +319,8 @@ Minor incompatibilities:
For filetype detection: ...
+The SNiFF+ support has been removed.
IMPROVEMENTS *improvements-8*
@@ -235,6 +342,12148 @@ The list of patches that got included since 7.4.0. This includes all the new
features, but does not include runtime file changes (syntax, indent, help,
+Patch 7.4.001
+Problem: Character classes such as [a-z] do not react to 'ignorecase'.
+ Breaks man page highlighting. (Mario Grgic)
+Solution: Add separate items for classes that react to 'ignorecase'. Clean
+ up logic handling character classes. Add more tests.
+Files: src/regexp_nfa.c, src/testdir/, src/testdir/test64.ok
+Patch 7.4.002
+Problem: Pattern with two alternative look-behind matches does not match.
+ (Amadeus Demarzi)
+Solution: When comparing PIMs also compare their state ID to see if they are
+ different.
+Files: src/regexp_nfa.c, src/testdir/, src/testdir/test64.ok
+Patch 7.4.003
+Problem: Memory access error in Ruby syntax highlighting. (Christopher Chow)
+Solution: Refresh stale pointer. (James McCoy)
+Files: src/regexp_nfa.c
+Patch 7.4.004
+Problem: When closing a window fails ":bwipe" may hang.
+Solution: Let win_close() return FAIL and break out of the loop.
+Files: src/window.c, src/proto/, src/buffer.c
+Patch 7.4.005
+Problem: Using "vaB" while 'virtualedit' is set selects the wrong area.
+ (Dimitar Dimitrov)
+Solution: Reset coladd when finding a match.
+Files: src/search.c
+Patch 7.4.006
+Problem: mkdir("foo/bar/", "p") gives an error message. (David Barnett)
+Solution: Remove the trailing slash. (lcd)
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.4.007
+Problem: Creating a preview window on startup leaves the screen layout in a
+ messed up state. (Marius Gedminas)
+Solution: Don't change firstwin. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/main.c
+Patch 7.4.008
+Problem: New regexp engine can't be interrupted.
+Solution: Check for CTRL-C pressed. (Yasuhiro Matsumoto)
+Files: src/regexp_nfa.c, src/regexp.c
+Patch 7.4.009
+Problem: When a file was not decrypted (yet), writing it may destroy the
+ contents.
+Solution: Mark the file as readonly until decryption was done. (Christian
+ Brabandt)
+Files: src/fileio.c
+Patch 7.4.010 (after 7.4.006)
+Problem: Crash with invalid argument to mkdir().
+Solution: Check for empty string. (lcd47)
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.4.011
+Problem: Cannot find out if "acl" and "xpm" features are supported.
+Solution: Add "acl" and "xpm" to the list of features. (Ken Takata)
+Files: src/eval.c, src/version.c
+Patch 7.4.012
+Problem: MS-Windows: resolving shortcut does not work properly with
+ multi-byte characters.
+Solution: Use wide system functions. (Ken Takata)
+Files: src/os_mswin.c
+Patch 7.4.013
+Problem: MS-Windows: File name buffer too small for utf-8.
+Solution: Use character count instead of byte count. (Ken Takata)
+Files: src/os_mswin.c
+Patch 7.4.014
+Problem: MS-Windows: check for writing to device does not work.
+Solution: Fix #ifdefs. (Ken Takata)
+Files: src/fileio.c
+Patch 7.4.015
+Problem: MS-Windows: Detecting node type does not work for multi-byte
+ characters.
+Solution: Use wide character function when needed. (Ken Takata)
+Files: src/os_win32.c
+Patch 7.4.016
+Problem: MS-Windows: File name case can be wrong.
+Solution: Add fname_casew(). (Ken Takata)
+Files: src/os_win32.c
+Patch 7.4.017
+Problem: ":help !!" does not find the "!!" tag in the help file. (Ben
+ Fritz)
+Solution: When reading the start of the tags file do parse lines that are
+ not header lines.
+Files: src/tag.c
+Patch 7.4.018
+Problem: When completing item becomes unselected. (Shougo Matsu)
+Solution: Revert patch 7.3.1269.
+Files: src/edit.c
+Patch 7.4.019
+Problem: MS-Windows: File name completion doesn't work properly with
+ Chinese characters. (Yue Wu)
+Solution: Take care of multi-byte characters when looking for the start of
+ the file name. (Ken Takata)
+Files: src/edit.c
+Patch 7.4.020
+Problem: NFA engine matches too much with \@>. (John McGowan)
+Solution: When a whole pattern match is found stop searching.
+Files: src/regexp_nfa.c, src/testdir/, src/testdir/test64.ok
+Patch 7.4.021
+Problem: NFA regexp: Using \ze in one branch which doesn't match may cause
+ end of another branch to be wrong. (William Fugh)
+Solution: Set end position if it wasn't set yet.
+Files: src/regexp_nfa.c, src/testdir/, src/testdir/test64.ok
+Patch 7.4.022
+Problem: Deadlock while exiting, because of allocating memory.
+Solution: Do not use gettext() in deathtrap(). (James McCoy)
+Files: src/os_unix.c, src/misc1.c
+Patch 7.4.023
+Problem: Compiler warning on 64 bit windows.
+Solution: Add type cast. (Mike Williams)
+Files: src/edit.c
+Patch 7.4.024
+Problem: When root edits a file the undo file is owned by root while the
+ edited file may be owned by another user, which is not allowed.
+ (cac2s)
+Solution: Accept an undo file owned by the current user.
+Files: src/undo.c
+Patch 7.4.025 (after 7.4.019)
+Problem: Reading before start of a string.
+Solution: Do not call mb_ptr_back() at start of a string. (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/edit.c
+Patch 7.4.026
+Problem: Clang warning for int shift overflow.
+Solution: Use unsigned and cast back to int. (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/misc2.c
+Patch 7.4.027 (after 7.4.025)
+Problem: Another valgrind error when using CTRL-X CTRL-F at the start of
+ the line. (Dominique Pelle)
+Solution: Don't call mb_ptr_back() at the start of the line. Add a test.
+Files: src/edit.c, src/testdir/
+Patch 7.4.028
+Problem: Equivalence classes are not working for multi-byte characters.
+Solution: Copy the rules from the old to the new regexp engine. Add a test
+ to check both engines.
+Files: src/regexp_nfa.c, src/testdir/, src/testdir/,
+ src/testdir/test99.ok, src/testdir/Make_amiga.mak,
+ src/testdir/Make_dos.mak, src/testdir/Make_ming.mak,
+ src/testdir/Make_os2.mak, src/testdir/Make_vms.mms,
+ src/testdir/Makefile
+Patch 7.4.029
+Problem: An error in a pattern is reported twice.
+Solution: Remove the retry with the backtracking engine, it won't work.
+Files: src/regexp.c
+Patch 7.4.030
+Problem: The -mno-cygwin argument is no longer supported by Cygwin.
+Solution: Remove the arguments. (Steve Hall)
+Files: src/GvimExt/Make_cyg.mak, src/Make_cyg.mak, src/xxd/Make_cyg.mak
+Patch 7.4.031
+Problem: ":diffoff!" resets options even when 'diff' is not set. (Charles
+ Cooper)
+Solution: Only resets related options in a window where 'diff' is set.
+Files: src/diff.c
+Patch 7.4.032
+Problem: NFA engine does not match the NUL character. (Jonathon Merz)
+Solution: Ues 0x0a instead of NUL. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/regexp_nfa.c, src/testdir/, src/testdir/test64.ok
+Patch 7.4.033
+Problem: When the terminal has only 20 lines test 92 and 93 overwrite the
+ input file.
+Solution: Explicitly write test.out. Check that the terminal is large enough
+ to run the tests. (Hirohito Higashi)
+Files: src/testdir/, src/testdir/,
+ src/testdir/, src/testdir/Makefile
+Patch 7.4.034
+Problem: Using "p" in Visual block mode only changes the first line.
+Solution: Repeat the put in all text in the block. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: runtime/doc/change.txt, src/ops.c, src/normal.c,
+ src/testdir/, src/testdir/test20.ok
+Patch 7.4.035
+Problem: MS-Windows: The mouse pointer flickers when going from command
+ line mode to Normal mode.
+Solution: Check for WM_NCMOUSEMOVE. (Ken Takata)
+Files: src/gui_w48.c
+Patch 7.4.036
+Problem: NFA engine does not capture group correctly when using \@>. (ZyX)
+Solution: Copy submatches before doing the recursive match.
+Files: src/regexp_nfa.c, src/testdir/, src/testdir/test64.ok
+Patch 7.4.037
+Problem: Using "\ze" in a sub-pattern does not result in the end of the
+ match to be set. (Axel Bender)
+Solution: Copy the end of match position when a recursive match was
+ successful.
+Files: src/regexp_nfa.c, src/testdir/, src/testdir/test64.ok
+Patch 7.4.038
+Problem: Using "zw" and "zg" when 'spell' is off give a confusing error
+ message. (Gary Johnson)
+Solution: Ignore the error when locating the word. Explicitly mention what
+ word was added. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/normal.c, src/spell.c
+Patch 7.4.039
+Problem: MS-Windows: MSCV10 and earlier can't handle symlinks to a
+ directory properly.
+Solution: Add stat_symlink_aware() and wstat_symlink_aware(). (Ken Takata)
+Files: src/os_mswin.c, src/os_win32.c, src/os_win32.h
+Patch 7.4.040
+Problem: Valgrind error on exit when a script-local variable holds a
+ reference to the scope of another script.
+Solution: First clear all variables, then free the scopes. (ZyX)
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.4.041 (after 7.4.034)
+Problem: Visual selection does not remain after being copied over. (Axel
+ Bender)
+Solution: Move when VIsual_active is reset. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/ops.c
+Patch 7.4.042
+Problem: When using ":setlocal" for 'spell' and 'spellang' then :spelldump
+ doesn't work. (Dimitar Dimitrov)
+Solution: Copy the option variables to the new window used to show the dump.
+ (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/spell.c
+Patch 7.4.043
+Problem: VMS can't handle long function names.
+Solution: Shorten may_req_ambiguous_character_width. (Samuel Ferencik)
+Files: src/main.c, src/term.c, src/proto/
+Patch 7.4.044 (after 7.4.039)
+Problem: Can't build with old MSVC. (Wang Shoulin)
+Solution: Define OPEN_OH_ARGTYPE instead of using intptr_t directly.
+Files: src/os_mswin.c
+Patch 7.4.045
+Problem: substitute() does not work properly when the pattern starts with
+ "\ze".
+Solution: Detect an empty match. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/eval.c, src/testdir/, src/testdir/test80.ok
+Patch 7.4.046
+Problem: Can't use Tcl 8.6.
+Solution: Change how Tcl_FindExecutable is called. (Jan Nijtmans)
+Files: src/if_tcl.c
+Patch 7.4.047
+Problem: When using input() in a function invoked by a mapping it doesn't
+ work.
+Solution: Temporarily reset ex_normal_busy. (Yasuhiro Matsumoto)
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.4.048
+Problem: Recent clang version complains about -fno-strength-reduce.
+Solution: Add a configure check for the clang version. (Kazunobu Kuriyama)
+Files: src/, src/auto/configure
+Patch 7.4.049
+Problem: In Ex mode, when line numbers are enabled the substitute prompt is
+ wrong.
+Solution: Adjust for the line number size. (Benoit Pierre)
+Files: src/ex_cmds.c
+Patch 7.4.050
+Problem: "gn" selects too much for the pattern "\d" when there are two
+ lines with a single digit. (Ryan Carney)
+Solution: Adjust the logic of is_one_char(). (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/search.c, src/testdir/, src/testdir/test53.ok
+Patch 7.4.051
+Problem: Syntax highlighting a Yaml file causes a crash. (Blake Preston)
+Solution: Copy the pim structure before calling addstate() to avoid it
+ becoming invalide when the state list is reallocated.
+Files: src/regexp_nfa.c
+Patch 7.4.052
+Problem: With 'fo' set to "a2" inserting a space in the first column may
+ cause the cursor to jump to the previous line.
+Solution: Handle the case when there is no comment leader properly. (Tor
+ Perkins) Also fix that cursor is in the wrong place when spaces
+ get replaced with a Tab.
+Files: src/misc1.c, src/ops.c, src/testdir/,
+ src/testdir/test68.ok
+Patch 7.4.053
+Problem: Test75 has a wrong header. (ZyX)
+Solution: Fix the text and remove leading ".
+Files: src/testdir/
+Patch 7.4.054
+Problem: Reading past end of the 'stl' string.
+Solution: Don't increment pointer when already at the NUL. (Christian
+ Brabandt)
+Files: src/buffer.c
+Patch 7.4.055
+Problem: Mac: Where availability macros are defined depends on the system.
+Solution: Add a configure check. (Felix Bünemann)
+Files: src/, src/, src/auto/configure,
+ src/os_mac.h
+Patch 7.4.056
+Problem: Mac: Compilation problem with OS X 10.9 Mavericks.
+Solution: Include AvailabilityMacros.h when available. (Kazunobu Kuriyama)
+Files: src/os_unix.c
+Patch 7.4.057
+Problem: byteidx() does not work for composing characters.
+Solution: Add byteidxcomp().
+Files: src/eval.c, src/testdir/, src/testdir/test69.ok,
+ runtime/doc/eval.txt
+Patch 7.4.058
+Problem: Warnings on 64 bit Windows.
+Solution: Add type casts. (Mike Williams)
+Files: src/ops.c
+Patch 7.4.059
+Problem: set_last_cursor() may encounter w_buffer being NULL. (Matt
+ Mkaniaris)
+Solution: Check for NULL.
+Files: src/mark.c
+Patch 7.4.060
+Problem: Declaration has wrong return type for PyObject_SetAttrString().
+Solution: Use int instead of PyObject. (Andreas Schwab)
+Files: src/if_python.c, src/if_python3.c
+Patch 7.4.061 (after 7.4.055 and 7.4.056)
+Problem: Availability macros configure check in wrong place.
+Solution: Also check when not using Darwin. Remove version check.
+Files: src/, src/auto/configure, src/os_unix.c
+Patch 7.4.062 (after 7.4.061)
+Problem: Configure check for AvailabilityMacros.h is wrong.
+Solution: Use AC_CHECK_HEADERS().
+Files: src/, src/auto/configure
+Patch 7.4.063
+Problem: Crash when using invalid key in Python dictionary.
+Solution: Check for object to be NULL. Add tests. (ZyX)
+Files: src/if_py_both.h, src/testdir/, src/testdir/test86.ok,
+ src/testdir/, src/testdir/test87.ok
+Patch 7.4.064
+Problem: When replacing a character in Visual block mode, entering a CR
+ does not cause a repeated line break.
+Solution: Recognize the situation and repeat the line break. (Christian
+ Brabandt)
+Files: src/normal.c, src/ops.c, src/testdir/,
+ src/testdir/test39.ok
+Patch 7.4.065
+Problem: When recording, the character typed at the hit-enter prompt is
+ recorded twice. (Urtica Dioica)
+Solution: Avoid recording the character twice. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/message.c
+Patch 7.4.066
+Problem: MS-Windows: When there is a colon in the file name (sub-stream
+ feature) the swap file name is wrong.
+Solution: Change the colon to "%". (Yasuhiro Matsumoto)
+Files: src/fileio.c, src/memline.c, src/misc1.c, src/proto/
+Patch 7.4.067
+Problem: After inserting comment leader, CTRL-\ CTRL-O does move the
+ cursor. (Wiktor Ruben)
+Solution: Avoid moving the cursor. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/edit.c
+Patch 7.4.068
+Problem: Cannot build Vim on Mac with non-Apple compilers.
+Solution: Remove the -no-cpp-precomp flag. (Misty De Meo)
+Files: src/, src/auto/configure, src/
+Patch 7.4.069
+Problem: Cannot right shift lines starting with #.
+Solution: Allow the right shift when 'cino' contains #N with N > 0.
+ (Christian Brabandt)
+ Refactor parsing 'cino', store the values in the buffer.
+Files: runtime/doc/indent.txt, src/buffer.c, src/edit.c, src/eval.c,
+ src/ex_getln.c, src/fold.c, src/misc1.c, src/ops.c,
+ src/proto/, src/proto/, src/structs.h,
+ src/option.c
+Patch 7.4.070 (after 7.4.069)
+Problem: Can't compile with tiny features. (Tony Mechelynck)
+Solution: Add #ifdef.
+Files: src/buffer.c
+Patch 7.4.071 (after 7.4.069)
+Problem: Passing limits around too often.
+Solution: Use limits from buffer.
+Files: src/edit.c, src/misc1.c, src/proto/
+Patch 7.4.072
+Problem: Crash when using Insert mode completion.
+Solution: Avoid going past the end of pum_array. (idea by Fransisco Lopes)
+Files: src/popupmnu.c
+Patch 7.4.073
+Problem: Setting undolevels for one buffer changes undo in another.
+Solution: Make 'undolevels' a global-local option. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: runtime/doc/options.txt, src/buffer.c, src/option.c, src/option.h
+ src/structs.h, src/undo.c
+Patch 7.4.074
+Problem: When undo'ing all changes and creating a new change the undo
+ structure is incorrect. (Christian Brabandt)
+Solution: When deleting the branch starting at the old header, delete the
+ whole branch, not just the first entry.
+Files: src/undo.c
+Patch 7.4.075
+Problem: Locally setting 'undolevels' is not tested.
+Solution: Add a test. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/testdir/, src/testdir/test100.ok,
+ src/testdir/Make_amiga.mak, src/testdir/Make_dos.mak,
+ src/testdir/Make_ming.mak, src/testdir/Make_os2.mak,
+ src/testdir/Make_vms.mms, src/testdir/Makefile, src/Makefile
+Patch 7.4.076
+Problem: "cgn" does not wrap around the end of the file. (Dimitrov
+ Dimitrov)
+Solution: Restore 'wrapscan' earlier. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/search.c
+Patch 7.4.077
+Problem: DOS installer creates shortcut without a path, resulting in the
+ current directory to be C:\Windows\system32.
+Solution: Use environment variables.
+Files: src/dosinst.c
+Patch 7.4.078
+Problem: MSVC 2013 is not supported.
+Solution: Recognize and support MSVC 2013. (Ed Brown)
+Files: src/Make_mvc.mak
+Patch 7.4.079
+Problem: A script cannot detect whether 'hlsearch' highlighting is actually
+ displayed.
+Solution: Add the "v:hlsearch" variable. (ZyX)
+Files: src/eval.c, src/ex_docmd.c,
+ src/option.c, src/screen.c, src/search.c, src/tag.c, src/vim.h,
+ src/testdir/, src/testdir/test101.ok,
+ src/testdir/Make_amiga.mak, src/testdir/Make_dos.mak,
+ src/testdir/Make_ming.mak, src/testdir/Make_os2.mak,
+ src/testdir/Make_vms.mms, src/testdir/Makefile
+Patch 7.4.080 (after 7.4.079)
+Problem: Missing documentation for v:hlsearch.
+Solution: Include the right file in the patch.
+Files: runtime/doc/eval.txt
+Patch 7.4.081 (after 7.4.078)
+Problem: Wrong logic when ANALYZE is "yes".
+Solution: Use or instead of and. (KF Leong)
+Files: src/Make_mvc.mak
+Patch 7.4.082
+Problem: Using "gf" in a changed buffer suggests adding "!", which is not
+ possible. (Tim Chase)
+Solution: Pass a flag to check_changed() wether adding ! make sense.
+Files: src/vim.h, src/ex_cmds2.c, src/proto/, src/globals.h,
+ src/ex_cmds.c, src/ex_docmd.c
+Patch 7.4.083
+Problem: It's hard to avoid adding a used pattern to the search history.
+Solution: Add the ":keeppatterns" modifier. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: runtime/doc/cmdline.txt, src/ex_cmds.h, src/ex_docmd.c,
+ src/ex_getln.c, src/structs.h
+Patch 7.4.084
+Problem: Python: interrupt not being properly discarded. (Yggdroot Chen)
+Solution: Discard interrupt in VimTryEnd. (ZyX)
+Files: src/if_py_both.h, src/testdir/, src/testdir/test86.ok,
+ src/testdir/, src/testdir/test87.ok
+Patch 7.4.085
+Problem: When inserting text in Visual block mode and moving the cursor the
+ wrong text gets repeated in other lines.
+Solution: Use the '[ mark to find the start of the actually inserted text.
+ (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/ops.c, src/testdir/, src/testdir/test39.ok
+Patch 7.4.086
+Problem: Skipping over an expression when not evaluating it does not work
+ properly for dict members.
+Solution: Skip over unrecognized expression. (ZyX)
+Files: src/eval.c, src/testdir/, src/testdir/test34.ok
+Patch 7.4.087
+Problem: Compiler warning on 64 bit Windows systems.
+Solution: Fix type cast. (Mike Williams)
+Files: src/ops.c
+Patch 7.4.088
+Problem: When spell checking is enabled Asian characters are always marked
+ as error.
+Solution: When 'spelllang' contains "cjk" do not mark Asian characters as
+ error. (Ken Takata)
+Files: runtime/doc/options.txt, runtime/doc/spell.txt, src/mbyte.c,
+ src/option.c, src/spell.c, src/structs.h
+Patch 7.4.089
+Problem: When editing a file in a directory mounted through sshfs Vim
+ doesn't set the security context on a renamed file.
+Solution: Add mch_copy_sec() to vim_rename(). (Peter Backes)
+Files: src/fileio.c
+Patch 7.4.090
+Problem: Win32: When a directory name contains an exclamation mark,
+ completion doesn't complete the contents of the directory.
+Solution: Escape the exclamation mark. (Jan Stocker)
+Files: src/ex_getln.c, src/testdir/, src/testdir/test102.ok,
+ src/testdir/Make_amiga.mak, src/testdir/Make_dos.mak,
+ src/testdir/Make_ming.mak, src/testdir/Make_os2.mak,
+ src/testdir/Make_vms.mms, src/testdir/Makefile
+Patch 7.4.091 (after 7.4.089)
+Problem: Missing semicolon.
+Solution: Add the semicolon.
+Files: src/fileio.c
+Patch 7.4.092 (after 7.4.088)
+Problem: Can't build small version.
+Solution: Add #ifdef where the b_cjk flag is used. (Ken Takata)
+Files: src/spell.c
+Patch 7.4.093
+Problem: Configure can't use LuaJIT on ubuntu 12.04.
+Solution: Adjust the configure regexp that locates the version number.
+ (Charles Strahan)
+Files: src/, src/auto/configure
+Patch 7.4.094
+Problem: Configure may not find that -lint is needed for gettext().
+Solution: Check for gettext() with empty $LIBS. (Thomas De Schampheleire)
+Files: src/, src/auto/configure
+Patch 7.4.095 (after 7.4.093)
+Problem: Regexp for LuaJIT version doesn't work on BSD.
+Solution: Use "*" instead of "\+" and "\?". (Ozaki)
+Files: src/, src/auto/configure
+Patch 7.4.096
+Problem: Can't change directory to an UNC path.
+Solution: Use win32_getattrs() in mch_getperm(). (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/os_win32.c
+Patch 7.4.097 (after 7.4.034)
+Problem: Unexpected behavior change related to 'virtualedit'. (Ingo Karkat)
+Solution: Update the valid cursor position. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/ops.c
+Patch 7.4.098
+Problem: When using ":'<,'>del" errors may be given for the visual line
+ numbers being out of range.
+Solution: Reset Visual mode in ":del". (Lech Lorens)
+Files: src/ex_docmd.c, src/testdir/, src/testdir/test103.ok,
+ src/testdir/Make_amiga.mak, src/testdir/Make_dos.mak,
+ src/testdir/Make_ming.mak, src/testdir/Make_os2.mak,
+ src/testdir/Make_vms.mms, src/testdir/Makefile
+Patch 7.4.099
+Problem: Append in blockwise Visual mode with "$" is wrong.
+Solution: After "$" don't use the code that checks if the cursor was moved.
+ (Hirohito Higashi, Ken Takata)
+Files: src/ops.c, src/testdir/, src/testdir/test39.ok
+Patch 7.4.100
+Problem: NFA regexp doesn't handle backreference correctly. (Ryuichi
+ Hayashida, Urtica Dioica)
+Solution: Always add NFA_SKIP, also when it already exists at the start
+ position.
+Files: src/regexp_nfa.c, src/testdir/, src/testdir/test64.ok
+Patch 7.4.101
+Problem: Using \1 in pattern goes one line too far. (Bohr Shaw, John Little)
+Solution: Only advance the match end for the matched characters in the last
+ line.
+Files: src/regexp.c, src/testdir/, src/testdir/test64.ok
+Patch 7.4.102
+Problem: Crash when interrupting "z=".
+Solution: Add safety check for word length. (Christian Brabandt, Dominique
+ Pelle)
+Files: src/spell.c
+Patch 7.4.103
+Problem: Dos installer uses an old way to escape spaces in the diff
+ command.
+Solution: Adjust the quoting to the new default shellxquote. (Ben Fritz)
+Files: src/dosinst.c
+Patch 7.4.104
+Problem: ":help s/\_" reports an internal error. (John Beckett)
+Solution: Check for NUL and invalid character classes.
+Files: src/regexp_nfa.c
+Patch 7.4.105
+Problem: Completing a tag pattern may give an error for invalid pattern.
+Solution: Suppress the error, just return no matches.
+Files: src/tag.c
+Patch 7.4.106
+Problem: Can't build with Ruby using Cygwin.
+Solution: Fix library name in makefile. (Steve Hall)
+Files: src/Make_cyg.mak
+Patch 7.4.107
+Problem: Python: When vim.eval() encounters a Vim error, a try/catch in the
+ Python code doesn't catch it. (Yggdroot Chen)
+Solution: Throw exceptions on errors in vim.eval(). (ZyX)
+Files: src/ex_eval.c, src/if_py_both.h, src/proto/,
+ src/testdir/, src/testdir/test86.ok,
+ src/testdir/, src/testdir/test87.ok
+Patch 7.4.108
+Problem: "zG" and "zW" leave temp files around on MS-Windows.
+Solution: Delete the temp files when exiting. (Ken Takata)
+Files: src/memline.c, src/proto/, src/spell.c
+Patch 7.4.109
+Problem: ColorScheme autocommand matches with the current buffer name.
+Solution: Match with the colorscheme name. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: runtime/doc/autocmd.txt, src/fileio.c, src/syntax.c
+Patch 7.4.110
+Problem: "gUgn" cannot be repeeated. (Dimitar Dimitrov)
+Solution: Don't put "gn" in a different order in the redo buffer. Restore
+ 'wrapscan' when the pattern isn't found. (Christian Wellenbrock)
+Files: src/normal.c, src/search.c, src/, src/test53.ok
+Patch 7.4.111
+Problem: Memory leak in Python OptionsAssItem. (Ken Takata)
+Solution: Call Py_XDECREF() where needed. (ZyX)
+Files: src/if_py_both.h
+Patch 7.4.112
+Problem: The defaults for 'directory' and 'backupdir' on MS-Windows do not
+ include a directory that exists.
+Solution: Use $TEMP.
+Files: src/os_dos.h
+Patch 7.4.113
+Problem: MSVC static analysis gives warnings.
+Solution: Avoid the warnings and avoid possible bugs. (Ken Takata)
+Files: src/os_win32.c
+Patch 7.4.114
+Problem: New GNU make outputs messages about changing directory in another
+ format.
+Solution: Recognize the new format.
+Files: src/option.h
+Patch 7.4.115
+Problem: When using Zsh expanding ~abc doesn't work when the result
+ contains a space.
+Solution: Off-by-one error in detecting the NUL. (Pavol Juhas)
+Files: src/os_unix.c
+Patch 7.4.116
+Problem: When a mapping starts with a space, the typed space does not show
+ up for 'showcmd'.
+Solution: Show "<20>". (Brook Hong)
+Files: src/normal.c
+Patch 7.4.117
+Problem: Can't build with Cygwin/MingW and Perl 5.18.
+Solution: Add a linker argument for the Perl library. (Cesar Romani)
+ Adjust CFLAGS and LIB. (Cesar Romani)
+ Move including inline.h further down. (Ken Takata)
+Files: src/Make_cyg.mak, src/Make_ming.mak, src/if_perl.xs
+Patch 7.4.118
+Problem: It's possible that redrawing the status lines causes
+ win_redr_custom() to be called recursively.
+Solution: Protect against recursiveness. (Yasuhiro Matsumoto)
+Files: src/screen.c
+Patch 7.4.119
+Problem: Vim doesn't work well on OpenVMS.
+Solution: Fix various problems. (Samuel Ferencik)
+Files: src/os_unix.c, src/os_unix.h, src/os_vms.c
+Patch 7.4.120 (after 7.4.117)
+Problem: Can't build with Perl 5.18 on Linux. (Lcd 47)
+Solution: Add #ifdef. (Ken Takata)
+Files: src/if_perl.xs
+Patch 7.4.121
+Problem: Completion doesn't work for ":py3d" and ":py3f". (Bohr Shaw)
+Solution: Skip over letters after ":py3".
+Files: src/ex_docmd.c
+Patch 7.4.122
+Problem: Win32: When 'encoding' is set to "utf-8" and the active codepage
+ is cp932 then ":grep" and other commands don't work for multi-byte
+ characters.
+Solution: (Yasuhiro Matsumoto)
+Files: src/os_win32.c
+Patch 7.4.123
+Problem: Win32: Getting user name does not use wide function.
+Solution: Use GetUserNameW() if possible. (Ken Takata)
+Files: src/os_win32.c
+Patch 7.4.124
+Problem: Win32: Getting host name does not use wide function.
+Solution: Use GetComputerNameW() if possible. (Ken Takata)
+Files: src/os_win32.c
+Patch 7.4.125
+Problem: Win32: Dealing with messages may not work for multi-byte chars.
+Solution: Use pDispatchMessage(). (Ken Takata)
+Files: src/os_win32.c
+Patch 7.4.126
+Problem: Compiler warnings for "const" and incompatible types.
+Solution: Remove "const", add type cast. (Ken Takata)
+Files: src/os_win32.c
+Patch 7.4.127
+Problem: Perl 5.18 on Unix doesn't work.
+Solution: Move workaround to after including vim.h. (Ken Takata)
+Files: src/if_perl.xs
+Patch 7.4.128
+Problem: Perl 5.18 for MSVC doesn't work.
+Solution: Add check in makefile and define __inline. (Ken Takata)
+Files: src/Make_mvc.mak, src/if_perl.xs
+Patch 7.4.129
+Problem: getline(-1) returns zero. (mvxxc)
+Solution: Return an empty string.
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.4.130
+Problem: Relative line numbers mix up windows when using folds.
+Solution: Use hasFoldingWin() instead of hasFolding(). (Lech Lorens)
+Files: src/misc2.c
+Patch 7.4.131
+Problem: Syncbind causes E315 errors in some situations. (Liang Li)
+Solution: Set and restore curbuf in ex_syncbind(). (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/ex_docmd.c, src/testdir/test37.ok
+Patch 7.4.132 (after 7.4.122)
+Problem: Win32: flags and inherit_handles arguments mixed up.
+Solution: Swap the argument. (cs86661)
+Files: src/os_win32.c
+Patch 7.4.133
+Problem: Clang warns for using NUL.
+Solution: Change NUL to NULL. (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/eval.c, src/misc2.c
+Patch 7.4.134
+Problem: Spurious space in MingW Makefile.
+Solution: Remove the space. (Michael Soyka)
+Files: src/Make_ming.mak
+Patch 7.4.135
+Problem: Missing dot in MingW test Makefile.
+Solution: Add the dot. (Michael Soyka)
+Files: src/testdir/Make_ming.mak
+Patch 7.4.136 (after 7.4.096)
+Problem: MS-Windows: When saving a file with a UNC path the file becomes
+ read-only.
+Solution: Don't mix up Win32 attributes and Unix attributes. (Ken Takata)
+Files: src/os_mswin.c, src/os_win32.c
+Patch 7.4.137
+Problem: Cannot use IME with Windows 8 console.
+Solution: Change the user of ReadConsoleInput() and PeekConsoleInput().
+ (Nobuhiro Takasaki)
+Files: src/os_win32.c
+Patch 7.4.138 (after 7.4.114)
+Problem: Directory change messages are not recognized.
+Solution: Fix using a character range literally. (Lech Lorens)
+Files: src/option.h
+Patch 7.4.139
+Problem: Crash when using :cd in autocommand. (François Ingelrest)
+Solution: Set w_localdir to NULL after freeing it. (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/ex_docmd.c, src/window.c
+Patch 7.4.140
+Problem: Crash when wiping out buffer triggers autocommand that wipes out
+ only other buffer.
+Solution: Do not delete the last buffer, make it empty. (Hirohito Higashi)
+Files: src/buffer.c
+Patch 7.4.141
+Problem: Problems when building with Borland: st_mode is signed short;
+ can't build with Python; temp files not ignored by Mercurial;
+ building with DEBUG doesn't define _DEBUG.
+Solution: Fix the problems. (Ken Takata)
+Files: src/Make_bc5.mak, src/if_py_both.h, src/os_win32.c
+Patch 7.4.142 (after 7.4.137)
+Problem: On MS-Windows 8 IME input doen't work correctly.
+Solution: Work around the problem. (Nobuhiro Takasaki)
+Files: src/os_win32.c
+Patch 7.4.143
+Problem: TextChangedI is not triggered.
+Solution: Reverse check for "ready". (lilydjwg)
+Files: src/edit.c
+Patch 7.4.144
+Problem: MingW also supports intptr_t for OPEN_OH_ARGTYPE.
+Solution: Adjust #ifdef. (Ken Takata)
+Files: src/os_mswin.c
+Patch 7.4.145
+Problem: getregtype() does not return zero for unknown register.
+Solution: Adjust documention: return empty string for unknown register.
+ Check the register name to be valid. (Yukihiro Nakadaira)
+Files: runtime/doc/eval.txt, src/ops.c
+Patch 7.4.146
+Problem: When starting Vim with "-u NONE" v:oldfiles is NULL.
+Solution: Set v:oldfiles to an empty list. (Yasuhiro Matsumoto)
+Files: src/main.c
+Patch 7.4.147
+Problem: Cursor moves to wrong position when using "gj" after "$" and
+ virtual editing is active.
+Solution: Make "gj" behave differently when virtual editing is active.
+ (Hirohito Higashi)
+Files: src/normal.c, src/testdir/, src/testdir/test39.ok
+Patch 7.4.148
+Problem: Cannot build with Cygwin and X11.
+Solution: Include Xwindows.h instead of windows.h. (Lech Lorens)
+Files: src/mbyte.c
+Patch 7.4.149
+Problem: Get E685 error when assigning a function to an autoload variable.
+ (Yukihiro Nakadaira)
+Solution: Instead of having a global no_autoload variable, pass an autoload
+ flag down to where it is used. (ZyX)
+Files: src/eval.c, src/testdir/, src/testdir/test55.ok,
+ src/testdir/, src/testdir/test60.ok,
+ src/testdir/sautest/autoload/footest.vim
+Patch 7.4.150
+Problem: :keeppatterns is not respected for :s.
+Solution: Check the keeppatterns flag. (Yasuhiro Matsumoto)
+Files: src/search.c, src/testdir/, src/testdir/test14.ok
+Patch 7.4.151
+Problem: Python: slices with steps are not supported.
+Solution: Support slices in Python vim.List. (ZyX)
+Files: src/eval.c, src/if_py_both.h, src/if_python3.c, src/if_python.c,
+ src/proto/, src/testdir/, src/testdir/test86.ok,
+ src/testdir/, src/testdir/test87.ok
+Patch 7.4.152
+Problem: Python: Cannot iterate over options.
+Solution: Add options iterator. (ZyX)
+Files: src/if_py_both.h, src/option.c, src/proto/,
+ src/testdir/, src/testdir/test86.ok,
+ src/testdir/, src/testdir/test87.ok, src/vim.h
+Patch 7.4.153
+Problem: Compiler warning for pointer type.
+Solution: Add type cast.
+Files: src/if_py_both.h, src/if_python.c, src/if_python3.c
+Patch 7.4.154 (after 7.4.149)
+Problem: Still a problem with auto-loading.
+Solution: Pass no_autoload to deref_func_name(). (Yukihiro Nakadaira)
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.4.155
+Problem: ":keeppatterns /pat" does not keep search pattern offset.
+Solution: Restore the offset after doing the search.
+Files: src/search.c, src/testdir/, src/testdir/test14.ok
+Patch 7.4.156
+Problem: Test file missing from distribution.
+Solution: Add new directory to file list.
+Files: Filelist
+Patch 7.4.157
+Problem: Error number used twice. (Yukihiro Nakadaira)
+Solution: Change the one not referred in the docs.
+Files: src/undo.c
+Patch 7.4.158 (after 7.4.045)
+Problem: Pattern containing \zs is not handled correctly by substitute().
+Solution: Change how an empty match is skipped. (Yukihiro Nakadaira)
+Files: src/eval.c, src/testdir/, src/testdir/test80.ok
+Patch 7.4.159
+Problem: Completion hangs when scanning the current buffer after doing
+ keywords. (Christian Brabandt)
+Solution: Set the first match position when starting to scan the current
+ buffer.
+Files: src/edit.c
+Patch 7.4.160
+Problem: Win32: Crash when executing external command.
+Solution: Only close the handle when it was created. (Yasuhiro Matsumoto)
+Files: src/os_win32.c
+Patch 7.4.161
+Problem: Crash in Python exception handling.
+Solution: Only use exception variables if did_throw is set. (ZyX)
+Files: if_py_both.h
+Patch 7.4.162
+Problem: Running tests in shadow dir doesn't work.
+Solution: Add testdir/sautest to the shadow target. (James McCoy)
+Files: src/Makefile
+Patch 7.4.163 (after 7.4.142)
+Problem: MS-Windows input doesn't work properly on Windows 7 and earlier.
+Solution: Add a check for Windows 8. (Yasuhiro Matsumoto)
+Files: src/os_win32.c
+Patch 7.4.164 (after 7.4.163)
+Problem: Problem with event handling on Windows 8.
+Solution: Ignore duplicate WINDOW_BUFFER_SIZE_EVENTs. (Nobuhiro Takasaki)
+Files: src/os_win32.c
+Patch 7.4.165
+Problem: By default, after closing a buffer changes can't be undone.
+Solution: In the example vimrc file set 'undofile'.
+Files: runtime/vimrc_example.vim
+Patch 7.4.166
+Problem: Auto-loading a function for code that won't be executed.
+Solution: Do not auto-load when evaluation is off. (Yasuhiro Matsumoto)
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.4.167 (after 7.4.149)
+Problem: Fixes are not tested.
+Solution: Add a test for not autoloading on assignment. (Yukihiro Nakadaira)
+Files: src/testdir/Make_amiga.mak, src/testdir/Make_dos.mak,
+ src/testdir/Make_ming.mak, src/testdir/Make_os2.mak,
+ src/testdir/Make_vms.mms, src/testdir/Makefile,
+ src/testdir/sautest/autoload/Test104.vim, src/testdir/,
+ src/testdir/test104.ok
+Patch 7.4.168
+Problem: Can't compile with Ruby 2.1.0.
+Solution: Add support for new GC. (Kohei Suzuki)
+Files: src/if_ruby.c
+Patch 7.4.169
+Problem: ":sleep" puts cursor in the wrong column. (Liang Li)
+Solution: Add the window offset. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/ex_docmd.c
+Patch 7.4.170
+Problem: Some help tags don't work with ":help". (Tim Chase)
+Solution: Add exceptions.
+Files: src/ex_cmds.c
+Patch 7.4.171
+Problem: Redo does not set v:count and v:count1.
+Solution: Use a separate buffer for redo, so that we can set the counts when
+ performing redo.
+Files: src/getchar.c, src/globals.h, src/normal.c, src/proto/,
+ src/structs.h
+Patch 7.4.172
+Problem: The blowfish code mentions output feedback, but the code is
+ actually doing cipher feedback.
+Solution: Adjust names and comments.
+Files: src/blowfish.c, src/fileio.c, src/proto/,
+ src/memline.c
+Patch 7.4.173
+Problem: When using scrollbind the cursor can end up below the last line.
+ (mvxxc)
+Solution: Reset w_botfill when scrolling up. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/move.c
+Patch 7.4.174
+Problem: Compiler warnings for Python interface. (Tony Mechelynck)
+Solution: Add type casts, initialize variable.
+Files: src/if_py_both.h
+Patch 7.4.175
+Problem: When a wide library function fails, falling back to the non-wide
+ function may do the wrong thing.
+Solution: Check the platform, when the wide function is supported don't fall
+ back to the non-wide function. (Ken Takata)
+Files: src/os_mswin.c, src/os_win32.c
+Patch 7.4.176
+Problem: Dictionary.update() thows an error when used without arguments.
+ Python programmers don't expect that.
+Solution: Make Dictionary.update() without arguments do nothing. (ZyX)
+Files: src/if_py_both.h, src/testdir/, src/testdir/
+Patch 7.4.177
+Problem: Compiler warning for unused variable. (Tony Mechelynck)
+Solution: Add #ifdef.
+Files: src/move.c
+Patch 7.4.178
+Problem: The J command does not update '[ and '] marks. (William Gardner)
+Solution: Set the marks. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/ops.c
+Patch 7.4.179
+Problem: Warning for type-punned pointer. (Tony Mechelynck)
+Solution: Use intermediate variable.
+Files: src/if_py_both.h
+Patch 7.4.180 (after 7.4.174)
+Problem: Older Python versions don't support %ld.
+Solution: Use %d instead. (ZyX)
+Files: src/if_py_both.h
+Patch 7.4.181
+Problem: When using 'pastetoggle' the status lines are not updated. (Samuel
+ Ferencik, Jan Christoph Ebersbach)
+Solution: Update the status lines. (Nobuhiro Takasaki)
+Files: src/getchar.c
+Patch 7.4.182
+Problem: Building with mzscheme and racket does not work. (David Chimay)
+Solution: Adjust autoconf. (Sergey Khorev)
+Files: src/, src/auto/configure
+Patch 7.4.183
+Problem: MSVC Visual Studio update not supported.
+Solution: Add version number. (Mike William)
+Files: src/Make_mvc.mak
+Patch 7.4.184
+Problem: match() does not work properly with a {count} argument.
+Solution: Compute the length once and update it. Quit the loop when at the
+ end. (Hirohito Higashi)
+Files: src/eval.c, src/testdir/, src/testdir/test53.ok
+Patch 7.4.185
+Problem: Clang gives warnings.
+Solution: Adjust how bigness is set. (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/ex_cmds.c
+Patch 7.4.186 (after 7.4.085)
+Problem: Insert in Visual mode sometimes gives incorrect results.
+ (Dominique Pelle)
+Solution: Remember the original insert start position. (Christian Brabandt,
+ Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/edit.c, src/globals.h, src/ops.c, src/structs.h
+Patch 7.4.187
+Problem: Delete that crosses line break splits multi-byte character.
+Solution: Advance a character instead of a byte. (Cade Foster)
+Files: src/normal.c, src/testdir/, src/testdir/test69.ok
+Patch 7.4.188
+Problem: SIZEOF_LONG clashes with similar defines in header files.
+Solution: Rename to a name starting with VIM_. Also for SIZEOF_INT.
+Files: src/if_ruby.c, src/vim.h, src/, src/auto/configure,
+ src/, src/fileio.c, src/if_python.c, src/message.c,
+ src/spell.c, src/feature.h, src/os_os2_cfg.h, src/os_vms_conf.h,
+ src/os_win16.h, src/structs.h
+Patch 7.4.189
+Problem: Compiler warning for unused argument.
+Solution: Add UNUSED.
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.4.190
+Problem: Compiler warning for using %lld for off_t.
+Solution: Add type cast.
+Files: src/fileio.c
+Patch 7.4.191
+Problem: Escaping a file name for shell commands can't be done without a
+ function.
+Solution: Add the :S file name modifier.
+Files: src/testdir/Make_amiga.mak, src/testdir/Make_dos.mak,
+ src/testdir/Make_ming.mak, src/testdir/Make_os2.mak,
+ src/testdir/Make_vms.mms, src/testdir/Makefile,
+ src/testdir/, src/testdir/test105.ok,
+ runtime/doc/cmdline.txt, runtime/doc/eval.txt,
+ runtime/doc/map.txt, runtime/doc/options.txt,
+ runtime/doc/quickfix.txt, runtime/doc/usr_30.txt,
+ runtime/doc/usr_40.txt, runtime/doc/usr_42.txt,
+ runtime/doc/vi_diff.txt, src/eval.c, src/misc2.c, src/normal.c,
+ src/proto/
+Patch 7.4.192
+Problem: Memory leak when giving E853.
+Solution: Free the argument. (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.4.193
+Problem: Typos in messages.
+Solution: "then" -> "than". (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/if_py_both.h, src/spell.c
+Patch 7.4.194
+Problem: Can't build for Android.
+Solution: Add #if condition. (Fredrik Fornwall)
+Files: src/mbyte.c
+Patch 7.4.195 (after 7.4.193)
+Problem: Python tests fail.
+Solution: Change "then" to "than" in more places. (Dominique Pelle, Taro
+ Muraoka)
+Files: src/testdir/, src/testdir/test86.ok,
+ src/testdir/, src/testdir/test87.ok
+Patch 7.4.196
+Problem: Tests fail on Solaris 9 and 10.
+Solution: Use "test -f" instead of "test -e". (Laurent Blume)
+Files: src/testdir/Makefile
+Patch 7.4.197
+Problem: Various problems on VMS.
+Solution: Fix several VMS problems. (Zoltan Arpadffy)
+Files: runtime/doc/os_vms.txt, src/Make_vms.mms, src/fileio.c,
+ src/os_unix.c, src/os_unix.h, src/os_vms.c, src/os_vms_conf.h,
+ src/proto/, src/testdir/Make_vms.mms,
+ src/testdir/, src/testdir/,
+ src/testdir/, src/testdir/test77a.ok src/undo.c
+Patch 7.4.198
+Problem: Can't build Vim with Perl when -Dusethreads is not specified for
+ building Perl, and building Vim with --enable-perlinterp=dynamic.
+Solution: Adjust #ifdefs. (Yasuhiro Matsumoto)
+Files: src/if_perl.xs
+Patch 7.4.199
+Problem: (issue 197) ]P doesn't paste over Visual selection.
+Solution: Handle Visual mode specifically. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/normal.c
+Patch 7.4.200
+Problem: Too many #ifdefs in the code.
+Solution: Enable FEAT_VISUAL always, await any complaints
+Files: src/feature.h
+Patch 7.4.201
+Problem: 'lispwords' is a global option.
+Solution: Make 'lispwords' global-local. (Sung Pae)
+Files: runtime/doc/options.txt, runtime/optwin.vim, src/buffer.c,
+ src/misc1.c, src/option.c, src/option.h, src/structs.h,
+ src/testdir/, src/testdir/test100.ok
+Patch 7.4.202
+Problem: MS-Windows: non-ASCII font names don't work.
+Solution: Convert between the current code page and 'encoding'. (Ken Takata)
+Files: src/gui_w48.c, src/os_mswin.c, src/proto/,
+ src/winclip.c
+Patch 7.4.203
+Problem: Parsing 'errorformat' is not correct.
+Solution: Reset "multiignore" at the start of a multi-line message. (Lcd)
+Files: src/quickfix.c, src/testdir/Make_amiga.mak,
+ src/testdir/Make_dos.mak, src/testdir/Make_ming.mak,
+ src/testdir/Make_os2.mak, src/testdir/Make_vms.mms,
+ src/testdir/Makefile, src/testdir/,
+ src/testdir/test106.ok
+Patch 7.4.204
+Problem: A mapping where the second byte is 0x80 doesn't work.
+Solution: Unescape before checking for incomplete multi-byte char. (Nobuhiro
+ Takasaki)
+Files: src/getchar.c, src/testdir/, src/testdir/test75.ok
+Patch 7.4.205
+Problem: ":mksession" writes command to move to second argument while it
+ does not exist. When it does exist the order might be wrong.
+Solution: Use ":argadd" for each argument instead of using ":args" with a
+ list of names. (Nobuhiro Takasaki)
+Files: src/ex_docmd.c
+Patch 7.4.206
+Problem: Compiler warnings on 64 bit Windows.
+Solution: Add type casts. (Mike Williams)
+Files: src/gui_w48.c, src/os_mswin.c
+Patch 7.4.207
+Problem: The cursor report sequence is sometimes not recognized and results
+ in entering replace mode.
+Solution: Also check for the cursor report when not asked for.
+Files: src/term.c
+Patch 7.4.208
+Problem: Mercurial picks up some files that are not distributed.
+Solution: Add patterns to the ignore list. (Cade Forester)
+Files: .hgignore
+Patch 7.4.209
+Problem: When repeating a filter command "%" and "#" are expanded.
+Solution: Escape the command when storing for redo. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/ex_cmds.c
+Patch 7.4.210
+Problem: Visual block mode plus virtual edit doesn't work well with tabs.
+ (Liang Li)
+Solution: Take coladd into account. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/ops.c, src/testdir/, src/testdir/test39.ok
+Patch 7.4.211
+Problem: ":lu" is an abbreviation for ":lua", but it should be ":lunmap".
+ (ZyX)
+Solution: Move "lunmap" to above "lua".
+Files: src/ex_cmds.h
+Patch 7.4.212 (after 7.4.200)
+Problem: Now that the +visual feature is always enabled the #ifdefs for it
+ are not useful.
+Solution: Remove the checks for FEAT_VISUAL.
+Files: src/buffer.c, src/charset.c, src/edit.c, src/eval.c,
+ src/ex_cmds.c, src/ex_docmd.c, src/fold.c, src/getchar.c,
+ src/gui.c, src/gui_mac.c, src/gui_w48.c, src/main.c, src/mark.c,
+ src/menu.c, src/misc2.c, src/move.c, src/netbeans.c, src/normal.c,
+ src/ops.c, src/option.c, src/os_msdos.c, src/os_qnx.c,
+ src/quickfix.c, src/regexp.c, src/regexp_nfa.c, src/screen.c,
+ src/search.c, src/spell.c, src/syntax.c, src/term.c, src/ui.c,
+ src/undo.c, src/version.c, src/window.c, src/feature.h,
+ src/globals.h, src/option.h, src/os_win32.h, src/structs.h
+Patch 7.4.213
+Problem: It's not possible to open a new buffer without creating a swap
+ file.
+Solution: Add the ":noswapfile" modifier. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: runtime/doc/recover.txt, src/ex_cmds.h, src/ex_docmd.c,
+ src/memline.c, src/structs.h
+Patch 7.4.214
+Problem: Compilation problems on HP_nonStop (Tandem).
+Solution: Add #defines. (Joachim Schmitz)
+Files: src/vim.h
+Patch 7.4.215
+Problem: Inconsistency: ":sp foo" does not reload "foo", unless "foo" is
+ the current buffer. (Liang Li)
+Solution: Do not reload the current buffer on a split command.
+Files: runtime/doc/windows.txt, src/ex_docmd.c
+Patch 7.4.216
+Problem: Compiler warnings. (Tony Mechelynck)
+Solution: Initialize variables, add #ifdef.
+Files: src/term.c, src/os_unix.h
+Patch 7.4.217
+Problem: When src/auto/configure was updated, "make clean" would run
+ configure pointlessly.
+Solution: Do not run configure for "make clean" and "make distclean" when
+ the make program supports $MAKECMDGOALS. (Ken Takata)
+Files: src/Makefile
+Patch 7.4.218
+Problem: It's not easy to remove duplicates from a list.
+Solution: Add the uniq() function. (LCD)
+Files: runtime/doc/change.txt, runtime/doc/eval.txt,
+ runtime/doc/usr_41.txt, runtime/doc/version7.txt, src/eval.c,
+ src/testdir/, src/testdir/test55.ok
+Patch 7.4.219
+Problem: When 'relativenumber' or 'cursorline' are set the window is
+ redrawn much to often. (Patrick Hemmer, Dominique Pelle)
+Solution: Check the VALID_CROW flag instead of VALID_WROW.
+Files: src/move.c
+Patch 7.4.220
+Problem: Test 105 does not work in a shadow dir. (James McCoy)
+Solution: Omit "src/" from the checked path.
+Files: src/testdir/, src/testdir/test105.ok
+Patch 7.4.221
+Problem: Quickfix doesn't resize on ":copen 20". (issue 199)
+Solution: Resize the window when requested. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/quickfix.c
+Patch 7.4.222
+Problem: The Ruby directory is constructed from parts.
+Solution: Use 'rubyarchhdrdir' if it exists. (James McCoy)
+Files: src/, src/auto/configure
+Patch 7.4.223
+Problem: Still using an older autoconf version.
+Solution: Switch to autoconf 2.69.
+Files: src/Makefile, src/, src/auto/configure
+Patch 7.4.224
+Problem: /usr/bin/grep on Solaris does not support -F.
+Solution: Add configure check to find a good grep. (Danek Duvall)
+Files: src/, src/auto/configure
+Patch 7.4.225
+Problem: Dynamic Ruby doesn't work on Solaris.
+Solution: Always use the stubs. (Danek Duvall, Yukihiro Nakadaira)
+Files: src/if_ruby.c
+Patch 7.4.226 (after 7.4.219)
+Problem: Cursurline highlighting not redrawn when scrolling. (John
+ Marriott)
+Solution: Check for required redraw in two places.
+Files: src/move.c
+Patch 7.4.227 (after 7.4.225)
+Problem: Can't build with Ruby 1.8.
+Solution: Do include a check for the Ruby version. (Ken Takata)
+Files: src/if_ruby.c
+Patch 7.4.228
+Problem: Compiler warnings when building with Python 3.2.
+Solution: Make type cast depend on Python version. (Ken Takata)
+Files: src/if_py_both.h, src/if_python.c, src/if_python3.c
+Patch 7.4.229
+Problem: Using ":let" for listing variables and the second one is a curly
+ braces expression may fail.
+Solution: Check for an "=" in a better way. (ZyX)
+Files: src/eval.c, src/testdir/, src/testdir/test104.ok
+Patch 7.4.230
+Problem: Error when using ":options".
+Solution: Fix the entry for 'lispwords'. (Kenichi Ito)
+Files: runtime/optwin.vim
+Patch 7.4.231
+Problem: An error in ":options" is not caught by the tests.
+Solution: Add a test for ":options". Set $VIMRUNTIME for the tests so that
+ it uses the current runtime files instead of the installed ones.
+Files: src/Makefile, src/testdir/Makefile, src/testdir/,
+ src/testdir/test_options.ok, src/testdir/Make_amiga.mak,
+ src/testdir/Make_dos.mak, src/testdir/Make_ming.mak,
+ src/testdir/Make_os2.mak, src/testdir/Make_vms.mms
+Patch 7.4.232
+Problem: ":%s/\n//" uses a lot of memory. (Aidan Marlin)
+Solution: Turn this into a join command. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/ex_cmds.c, src/ex_docmd.c, src/proto/
+Patch 7.4.233
+Problem: Escaping special characters for using "%" with a shell command is
+ inconsistant, parenthesis are escaped but spaces are not.
+Solution: Only escape "!". (Gary Johnson)
+Files: src/ex_docmd.c
+Patch 7.4.234
+Problem: Can't get the command that was used to start Vim.
+Solution: Add v:progpath. (Viktor Kojouharov)
+Files: runtime/doc/eval.txt, src/eval.c, src/main.c, src/vim.h
+Patch 7.4.235
+Problem: It is not easy to get the full path of a command.
+Solution: Add the exepath() function.
+Files: src/eval.c, src/misc1.c, src/os_amiga.c, src/os_msdos.c,
+ src/os_unix.c, src/os_vms.c, src/os_win32.c,
+ src/proto/, src/proto/,
+ src/proto/, src/proto/,
+ runtime/doc/eval.txt
+Patch 7.4.236
+Problem: It's not that easy to check the Vim patch version.
+Solution: Make has("patch-7.4.123") work. (partly by Marc Weber)
+Files: runtime/doc/eval.txt, src/eval.c, src/testdir/,
+ src/testdir/test60.ok
+Patch 7.4.237 (after 7.4.236)
+Problem: When some patches was not included has("patch-7.4.123") may return
+ true falsely.
+Solution: Check for the specific patch number.
+Files: runtime/doc/eval.txt, src/eval.c
+Patch 7.4.238
+Problem: Vim does not support the smack library.
+Solution: Add smack support (Jose Bollo)
+Files: src/, src/, src/fileio.c, src/memfile.c,
+ src/os_unix.c, src/undo.c, src/auto/configure
+Patch 7.4.239
+Problem: ":e +" does not position cursor at end of the file.
+Solution: Check for "+" being the last character (ZyX)
+Files: src/ex_docmd.c
+Patch 7.4.240
+Problem: ":tjump" shows "\n" as "\\n".
+Solution: Skip over "\" that escapes a backslash. (Gary Johnson)
+Files: src/tag.c
+Patch 7.4.241
+Problem: The string returned by submatch() does not distinguish between a
+ NL from a line break and a NL that stands for a NUL character.
+Solution: Add a second argument to return a list. (ZyX)
+Files: runtime/doc/eval.txt, src/eval.c, src/proto/,
+ src/regexp.c, src/testdir/, src/testdir/test79.ok,
+ src/testdir/, src/testdir/test80.ok
+Patch 7.4.242
+Problem: getreg() does not distinguish between a NL used for a line break
+ and a NL used for a NUL character.
+Solution: Add another argument to return a list. (ZyX)
+Files: runtime/doc/eval.txt, src/eval.c src/ops.c, src/proto/,
+ src/vim.h, src/Makefile, src/testdir/,
+ src/testdir/test_eval.ok, src/testdir/Make_amiga.mak,
+ src/testdir/Make_dos.mak, src/testdir/Make_ming.mak,
+ src/testdir/Make_os2.mak, src/testdir/Make_vms.mms
+Patch 7.4.243
+Problem: Cannot use setreg() to add text that includes a NUL.
+Solution: Make setreg() accept a list.
+Files: runtime/doc/eval.txt, src/eval.c, src/ops.c, src/proto/,
+ src/testdir/, src/testdir/test_eval.ok
+Patch 7.4.244 (after 7.4.238)
+Problem: The smack feature causes stray error messages.
+Solution: Remove the error messages.
+Files: src/os_unix.c
+Patch 7.4.245
+Problem: Crash for "vim -u NONE -N -c '&&'".
+Solution: Check for the pattern to be NULL. (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/ex_cmds.c
+Patch 7.4.246
+Problem: Configure message for detecting smack are out of sequence.
+Solution: Put the messages in the right place. (Kazunobu Kuriyama)
+Files: src/, src/auto/configure
+Patch 7.4.247
+Problem: When passing input to system() there is no way to keep NUL and
+ NL characters separate.
+Solution: Optionally use a list for the system() input. (ZyX)
+Files: runtime/doc/eval.txt, src/eval.c
+Patch 7.4.248
+Problem: Cannot distinguish between NL and NUL in output of system().
+Solution: Add systemlist(). (ZyX)
+Files: runtime/doc/eval.txt, src/eval.c, src/ex_cmds2.c, src/misc1.c,
+ src/proto/
+Patch 7.4.249
+Problem: Using setreg() with a list of numbers does not work.
+Solution: Use a separate buffer for numbers. (ZyX)
+Files: src/eval.c, src/testdir/, src/testdir/test_eval.ok
+Patch 7.4.250
+Problem: Some test files missing from distribution.
+Solution: Add pattern for newly added tests.
+Files: Filelist
+Patch 7.4.251
+Problem: Crash when BufAdd autocommand wipes out the buffer.
+Solution: Check for buffer to still be valid. Postpone freeing the buffer
+ structure. (Hirohito Higashi)
+Files: src/buffer.c, src/ex_cmds.c, src/fileio.c, src/globals.h
+Patch 7.4.252
+Problem: Critical error in GTK, removing timer twice.
+Solution: Clear the timer after removing it. (James McCoy)
+Files: src/gui_gtk_x11.c
+Patch 7.4.253
+Problem: Crash when using cpp syntax file with pattern using external
+ match. (Havard Garnes)
+Solution: Discard match when end column is before start column.
+Files: src/regexp.c, src/regexp_nfa.c
+Patch 7.4.254
+Problem: Smack support detection is incomplete.
+Solution: Check for attr/xattr.h and specific macro.
+Files: src/, src/auto/configure
+Patch 7.4.255
+Problem: Configure check for smack doesn't work with all shells. (David
+ Larson)
+Solution: Remove spaces in set command.
+Files: src/, src/auto/configure
+Patch 7.4.256 (after 7.4.248)
+Problem: Using systemlist() may cause a crash and does not handle NUL
+ characters properly.
+Solution: Increase the reference count, allocate memory by length. (Yasuhiro
+ Matsumoto)
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.4.257
+Problem: Compiler warning, possibly for mismatch in parameter name.
+Solution: Rename the parameter in the declaration.
+Files: src/ops.c
+Patch 7.4.258
+Problem: Configure fails if $CC contains options.
+Solution: Remove quotes around $CC. (Paul Barker)
+Files: src/, src/auto/configure
+Patch 7.4.259
+Problem: Warning for misplaced "const".
+Solution: Move the "const". (Yukihiro Nakadaira)
+Files: src/os_unix.c
+Patch 7.4.260
+Problem: It is possible to define a function with a colon in the name. It
+ is possible to define a function with a lower case character if a
+ "#" appears after the name.
+Solution: Disallow using a colon other than with "s:". Ignore "#" after the
+ name.
+Files: runtime/doc/eval.txt, src/eval.c, src/testdir/,
+ src/testdir/test_eval.ok
+Patch 7.4.261
+Problem: When updating the window involves a regexp pattern, an interactive
+ substitute to replace a "\n" with a line break fails. (Ingo
+ Karkat)
+Solution: Set reg_line_lbr in vim_regsub() and vim_regsub_multi().
+Files: src/regexp.c, src/testdir/, src/testdir/test79.ok
+Patch 7.4.262
+Problem: Duplicate code in regexec().
+Solution: Add line_lbr flag to regexec_nl().
+Files: src/regexp.c, src/regexp_nfa.c, src/regexp.h
+Patch 7.4.263
+Problem: GCC 4.8 compiler warning for hiding a declaration (Francois Gannaz)
+Solution: Remove the second declaration.
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.4.264 (after 7.4.260)
+Problem: Can't define a function starting with "g:". Can't assign a
+ funcref to a buffer-local variable.
+Solution: Skip "g:" at the start of a function name. Don't check for colons
+ when assigning to a variable.
+Files: src/eval.c, src/testdir/, src/testdir/test_eval.ok
+Patch 7.4.265 (after 7.4.260)
+Problem: Can't call a global function with "g:" in an expression.
+Solution: Skip the "g:" when looking up the function.
+Files: src/eval.c, src/testdir/, src/testdir/test_eval.ok
+Patch 7.4.266
+Problem: Test 62 fails.
+Solution: Set the language to C. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/testdir/
+Patch 7.4.267 (after 7.4.178)
+Problem: The '[ mark is in the wrong position after "gq". (Ingo Karkat)
+Solution: Add the setmark argument to do_join(). (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/testdir/Make_amiga.mak, src/testdir/Make_dos.mak,
+ src/testdir/Make_ming.mak, src/testdir/Make_os2.mak,
+ src/testdir/Make_vms.mms, src/testdir/Makefile,
+ src/testdir/,
+ src/testdir/test_autoformat_join.ok, src/Makefile, src/edit.c,
+ src/ex_cmds.c, src/ex_docmd.c, src/normal.c, src/ops.c,
+ src/proto/
+Patch 7.4.268
+Problem: Using exists() on a funcref for a script-local function does not
+ work.
+Solution: Translate <SNR> to the special byte sequence. Add a test.
+Files: src/eval.c, src/testdir/, src/testdir/test_eval.ok,
+ src/testdir/test_eval_func.vim, Filelist
+Patch 7.4.269
+Problem: CTRL-U in Insert mode does not work after using a cursor key.
+ (Pine Wu)
+Solution: Use the original insert start position. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/edit.c, src/testdir/, src/testdir/test29.ok
+Patch 7.4.270
+Problem: Comparing pointers instead of the string they point to.
+Solution: Use strcmp(). (Ken Takata)
+Files: src/gui_gtk_x11.c
+Patch 7.4.271
+Problem: Compiler warning on 64 bit windows.
+Solution: Add type cast. (Mike Williams)
+Files: src/ops.c
+Patch 7.4.272
+Problem: Using just "$" does not cause an error message.
+Solution: Check for empty environment variable name. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/eval.c, src/testdir/, src/testdir/test_eval.ok
+Patch 7.4.273
+Problem: "make autoconf" and "make reconfig" may first run configure and
+ then remove the output.
+Solution: Add these targets to the exceptions. (Ken Takata)
+Files: src/Makefile
+Patch 7.4.274
+Problem: When doing ":update" just before running an external command that
+ changes the file, the timestamp may be unchanged and the file
+ is not reloaded.
+Solution: Also check the file size.
+Files: src/fileio.c
+Patch 7.4.275
+Problem: When changing the type of a sign that hasn't been placed ther is
+ no error message.
+Solution: Add an error message. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/ex_cmds.c
+Patch 7.4.276
+Problem: The fish shell is not supported.
+Solution: Use begin/end instead of () for fish. (Andy Russell)
+Files: src/ex_cmds.c, src/misc1.c, src/option.c, src/proto/
+Patch 7.4.277
+Problem: Using ":sign unplace *" may leave the cursor in the wrong position
+ (Christian Brabandt)
+Solution: Update the cursor position when removing all signs.
+Files: src/buffer.c
+Patch 7.4.278
+Problem: list_remove() conflicts with function defined in Sun header file.
+Solution: Rename the function. (Richard Palo)
+Files: src/eval.c, src/if_lua.c, src/if_py_both.h, src/proto/
+Patch 7.4.279
+Problem: globpath() returns a string, making it difficult to get a list of
+ matches. (Greg Novack)
+Solution: Add an optional argument like with glob(). (Adnan Zafar)
+Files: runtime/doc/eval.txt, src/eval.c, src/ex_getln.c, src/misc1.c,
+ src/misc2.c, src/proto/, src/proto/,
+ src/testdir/, src/testdir/test97.ok
+Patch 7.4.280
+Problem: When using a session file the relative position of the cursor is
+ not restored if there is another tab. (Nobuhiro Takasaki)
+Solution: Update w_wrow before calculating the fraction.
+Files: src/window.c
+Patch 7.4.281
+Problem: When a session file has more than one tabpage and 'showtabline' is
+ one the positions may be slightly off.
+Solution: Set 'showtabline' to two while positioning windows.
+Files: src/ex_docmd.c
+Patch 7.4.282 (after 7.4.279)
+Problem: Test 97 fails on Mac.
+Solution: Do not ignore case in file names. (Jun Takimoto)
+Files: src/testdir/
+Patch 7.4.283 (after 7.4.276)
+Problem: Compiler warning about unused variable. (Charles Cooper)
+Solution: Move the variable inside the #if block.
+Files: src/ex_cmds.c
+Patch 7.4.284
+Problem: Setting 'langmap' in the modeline can cause trouble. E.g. mapping
+ ":" breaks many commands. (Jens-Wolfhard Schicke-Uffmann)
+Solution: Disallow setting 'langmap' from the modeline.
+Files: src/option.c
+Patch 7.4.285
+Problem: When 'relativenumber' is set and deleting lines or undoing that,
+ line numbers are not always updated. (Robert Arkwright)
+Solution: (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/misc1.c
+Patch 7.4.286
+Problem: Error messages are inconsistant. (ZyX)
+Solution: Change "Lists" to "list".
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.4.287
+Problem: Patches for .hgignore don't work, since the file is not in the
+ distribution.
+Solution: Add .hgignore to the distribution. Will be effective with the
+ next version.
+Files: Filelist
+Patch 7.4.288
+Problem: When 'spellfile' is set the screen is not redrawn.
+Solution: Redraw when updating the spelling info. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/spell.c
+Patch 7.4.289
+Problem: Pattern with repeated backreference does not match with new regexp
+ engine. (Urtica Dioica)
+Solution: Also check the end of a submatch when deciding to put a state in
+ the state list.
+Files: src/testdir/, src/testdir/test64.ok, src/regexp_nfa.c
+Patch 7.4.290
+Problem: A non-greedy match followed by a branch is too greedy. (Ingo
+ Karkat)
+Solution: Add NFA_MATCH when it is already in the state list if the position
+ differs.
+Files: src/testdir/, src/testdir/test64.ok, src/regexp_nfa.c
+Patch 7.4.291
+Problem: Compiler warning for int to pointer of different size when DEBUG
+ is defined.
+Solution: use smsg() instead of EMSG3().
+Files: src/regexp.c
+Patch 7.4.292
+Problem: Searching for "a" does not match accented "a" with new regexp
+ engine, does match with old engine. (David Bürgin)
+ "ca" does not match "ca" with accented "a" with either engine.
+Solution: Change the old engine, check for following composing character
+ also for single-byte patterns.
+Files: src/regexp.c, src/testdir/, src/testdir/test95.ok
+Patch 7.4.293
+Problem: It is not possible to ignore composing characters at a specific
+ point in a pattern.
+Solution: Add the %C item.
+Files: src/regexp.c, src/regexp_nfa.c, src/testdir/,
+ src/testdir/test95.ok, runtime/doc/pattern.txt
+Patch 7.4.294 (7.4.293)
+Problem: Test files missing from patch.
+Solution: Patch the test files.
+Files: src/testdir/, src/testdir/test95.ok
+Patch 7.4.295
+Problem: Various typos, bad white space and unclear comments.
+Solution: Fix typos. Improve white space. Update comments.
+Files: src/testdir/, src/macros.h, src/screen.c, src/structs.h,
+ src/gui_gtk_x11.c, src/os_unix.c
+Patch 7.4.296
+Problem: Can't run tests on Solaris.
+Solution: Change the way VIMRUNTIME is set. (Laurent Blume)
+Files: src/testdir/Makefile
+Patch 7.4.297
+Problem: Memory leak from result of get_isolated_shell_name().
+Solution: Free the memory. (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/ex_cmds.c, src/misc1.c
+Patch 7.4.298
+Problem: Can't have a funcref start with "t:".
+Solution: Add "t" to the list of accepted names. (Yukihiro Nakadaira)
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.4.299
+Problem: When running configure twice DYNAMIC_PYTHON_DLL may become empty.
+Solution: Use AC_CACHE_VAL. (Ken Takata)
+Files: src/, src/auto/configure
+Patch 7.4.300
+Problem: The way config.cache is removed doesn't always work.
+Solution: Always remove config.cache. (Ken Takata)
+Files: src/Makefile
+Patch 7.4.301 (after 7.4.280)
+Problem: Still a scrolling problem when loading a session file.
+Solution: Fix off-by-one mistake. (Nobuhiro Takasaki)
+Files: src/window.c
+Patch 7.4.302
+Problem: Signs placed with 'foldcolumn' set don't show up after filler
+ lines.
+Solution: Take filler lines into account. (Olaf Dabrunz)
+Files: src/screen.c
+Patch 7.4.303
+Problem: When using double-width characters the text displayed on the
+ command line is sometimes truncated.
+Solution: Reset the string lenght. (Nobuhiro Takasaki)
+Files: src/screen.c
+Patch 7.4.304
+Problem: Cannot always use Python with Vim.
+Solution: Add the manifest to the executable. (Jacques Germishuys)
+Files: src/Make_mvc.mak
+Patch 7.4.305
+Problem: Making 'ttymouse' empty after the xterm version was requested
+ causes problems. (Elijah Griffin)
+Solution: Do not check for DEC mouse sequences when the xterm version was
+ requested. Also don't request the xterm version when DEC mouse
+ was enabled.
+Files: src/term.c, src/os_unix.c, src/proto/, src/globals.h
+Patch 7.4.306
+Problem: getchar(0) does not return Esc.
+Solution: Do not wait for an Esc sequence to be complete. (Yasuhiro
+ Matsumoto)
+Files: src/eval.c, src/getchar.c
+Patch 7.4.307 (after 7.4.305)
+Problem: Can't build without the +termresponse feature.
+Solution: Add proper #ifdefs.
+Files: src/os_unix.c, src/term.c
+Patch 7.4.308
+Problem: When using ":diffsplit" on an empty file the cursor is displayed
+ on the command line.
+Solution: Limit the value of w_topfill.
+Files: src/diff.c
+Patch 7.4.309
+Problem: When increasing the size of the lower window, the upper window
+ jumps back to the top. (Ron Aaron)
+Solution: Change setting the topline. (Nobuhiro Takasaki)
+Files: src/window.c
+Patch 7.4.310
+Problem: getpos()/setpos() don't include curswant.
+Solution: Add a fifth number when getting/setting the cursor.
+Files: src/eval.c, src/testdir/, src/testdir/test_eval.ok,
+ runtime/doc/eval.txt
+Patch 7.4.311
+Problem: Can't use winrestview to only restore part of the view.
+Solution: Handle missing items in the dict. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/eval.c, runtime/doc/eval.txt
+Patch 7.4.312
+Problem: Cannot figure out what argument list is being used for a window.
+Solution: Add the arglistid() function. (Marcin Szamotulski)
+Files: runtime/doc/eval.txt, runtime/doc/usr_41.txt, src/eval.c,
+ src/ex_docmd.c, src/globals.h, src/structs.h, src/main.c
+Patch 7.4.313 (after 7.4.310)
+Problem: Changing the return value of getpos() causes an error. (Jie Zhu)
+Solution: Revert getpos() and add getcurpos().
+Files: src/eval.c, src/testdir/, src/testdir/test_eval.ok,
+ runtime/doc/eval.txt
+Patch 7.4.314
+Problem: Completion messages can get in the way of a plugin.
+Solution: Add 'c' flag to 'shortmess' option. (Shougo Matsu)
+Files: runtime/doc/options.txt, src/edit.c, src/option.h, src/screen.c
+Patch 7.4.315 (after 7.4.309)
+Problem: Fixes for computation of topline not tested.
+Solution: Add test. (Hirohito Higashi)
+Files: src/testdir/Make_amiga.mak, src/testdir/Make_dos.mak,
+ src/testdir/Make_ming.mak, src/testdir/Make_os2.mak,
+ src/testdir/Make_vms.mms, src/testdir/Makefile,
+ src/testdir/, src/testdir/test107.ok
+Patch 7.4.316
+Problem: Warning from 64-bit compiler.
+Solution: Add type cast. (Mike Williams)
+Files: src/ex_getln.c
+Patch 7.4.317
+Problem: Crash when starting gvim. Issue 230.
+Solution: Check for a pointer to be NULL. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/window.c
+Patch 7.4.318
+Problem: Check for whether a highlight group has settings ignores fg and bg
+ color settings.
+Solution: Also check cterm and GUI color settings. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/syntax.c
+Patch 7.4.319
+Problem: Crash when putting zero bytes on the clipboard.
+Solution: Do not support the utf8_atom target when not using an Unicode
+ encoding. (Naofumi Honda)
+Files: src/ui.c
+Patch 7.4.320
+Problem: Possible crash when an BufLeave autocommand deletes the buffer.
+Solution: Check for the window pointer being valid. Postpone freeing the
+ window until autocommands are done. (Yasuhiro Matsumoto)
+Files: src/buffer.c, src/fileio.c, src/globals.h, src/window.c
+Patch 7.4.321
+Problem: Can't build with strawberry perl 5.20 + mingw-w64-4.9.0.
+Solution: Define save_strlen. (Ken Takata)
+Files: src/if_perl.xs
+Patch 7.4.322
+Problem: Using "msgfmt" is hard coded, cannot use "gmsgfmt".
+Solution: Use the msgfmt command found by configure. (Danek Duvall)
+Files: src/, src/po/Makefile
+Patch 7.4.323
+Problem: Substitute() with zero width pattern breaks multi-byte character.
+Solution: Take multi-byte character size into account. (Yukihiro Nakadaira)
+Files: src/eval.c src/testdir/, src/testdir/test69.ok
+Patch 7.4.324
+Problem: In Ex mode, cyrillic characters are not handled. (Stas Malavin)
+Solution: Support multi-byte characters in Ex mode. (Yukihiro Nakadaira)
+Files: src/ex_getln.c
+Patch 7.4.325
+Problem: When starting the gui and changing the window size the status line
+ may not be drawn correctly.
+Solution: Catch new_win_height() being called recursively. (Christian
+ Brabandt)
+Files: src/window.c
+Patch 7.4.326
+Problem: Can't build Tiny version. (Elimar Riesebieter)
+Solution: Add #ifdef.
+Files: src/window.c
+Patch 7.4.327
+Problem: When 'verbose' is set to display the return value of a function,
+ may get E724 repeatedly.
+Solution: Do not give an error for verbose messages. Abort conversion to
+ string after an error.
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.4.328
+Problem: Selection of inner block is inconsistent.
+Solution: Skip indent not only for '}' but all parens. (Tom McDonald)
+Files: src/search.c
+Patch 7.4.329
+Problem: When moving the cursor and then switching to another window the
+ previous window isn't scrolled. (Yukihiro Nakadaira)
+Solution: Call update_topline() before leaving the window. (Christian
+ Brabandt)
+Files: src/window.c
+Patch 7.4.330
+Problem: Using a regexp pattern to highlight a specific position can be
+ slow.
+Solution: Add matchaddpos() to highlight specific positions efficiently.
+ (Alexey Radkov)
+Files: runtime/doc/eval.txt, runtime/doc/usr_41.txt,
+ runtime/plugin/matchparen.vim, src/eval.c, src/ex_docmd.c,
+ src/proto/, src/screen.c, src/structs.h,
+ src/testdir/, src/testdir/test63.ok, src/window.c
+Patch 7.4.331
+Problem: Relative numbering not updated after a linewise yank. Issue 235.
+Solution: Redraw after the yank. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/ops.c
+Patch 7.4.332
+Problem: GTK: When a sign icon doesn't fit exactly there can be ugly gaps.
+Solution: Scale the sign to fit when the aspect ratio is not too far off.
+ (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/gui_gtk_x11.c
+Patch 7.4.333
+Problem: Compiler warning for unused function.
+Solution: Put the function inside the #ifdef.
+Files: src/screen.c
+Patch 7.4.334 (after 7.4.330)
+Problem: Unitialized variables, causing some problems.
+Solution: Initialize the variables. (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/screen.c, src/window.c
+Patch 7.4.335
+Problem: No digraph for the new rouble sign.
+Solution: Add the digraphs =R and =P.
+Files: src/digraph.c, runtime/doc/digraph.txt
+Patch 7.4.336
+Problem: Setting 'history' to a big value causes out-of-memory errors.
+Solution: Limit the value to 10000. (Hirohito Higashi)
+Files: runtime/doc/options.txt, src/option.c
+Patch 7.4.337
+Problem: When there is an error preparing to edit the command line, the
+ command won't be executed. (Hirohito Higashi)
+Solution: Reset did_emsg before editing.
+Files: src/ex_getln.c
+Patch 7.4.338
+Problem: Cannot wrap lines taking indent into account.
+Solution: Add the 'breakindent' option. (many authors, final improvements by
+ Christian Brabandt)
+Files: runtime/doc/eval.txt, runtime/doc/options.txt, runtime/optwin.vim,
+ src/buffer.c, src/charset.c, src/edit.c, src/ex_getln.c,
+ src/getchar.c, src/misc1.c, src/misc2.c, src/ops.c, src/option.c,
+ src/option.h, src/proto/, src/proto/,
+ src/proto/, src/screen.c, src/structs.h,
+ src/testdir/Make_amiga.mak, src/testdir/Make_dos.mak,
+ src/testdir/Make_ming.mak, src/testdir/Make_os2.mak,
+ src/testdir/Make_vms.mms, src/testdir/Makefile,
+ src/testdir/, src/testdir/test_breakindent.ok,
+ src/ui.c, src/version.c
+Patch 7.4.339
+Problem: Local function is available globally.
+Solution: Add "static".
+Files: src/option.c, src/proto/
+Patch 7.4.340
+Problem: Error from sed about illegal bytes when installing Vim.
+Solution: Prepend LC_ALL=C. (Itchyny)
+Files: src/
+Patch 7.4.341
+Problem: sort() doesn't handle numbers well.
+Solution: Add an argument to specify sorting on numbers. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: runtime/doc/eval.txt, src/eval.c, src/testdir/,
+ src/testdir/test55.ok
+Patch 7.4.342
+Problem: Clang gives warnings.
+Solution: Add an else block. (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/gui_beval.c
+Patch 7.4.343
+Problem: matchdelete() does not always update the right lines.
+Solution: Fix off-by-one error. (Ozaki Kiichi)
+Files: src/window.c
+Patch 7.4.344
+Problem: Unessecary initializations and other things related to
+ matchaddpos().
+Solution: Code cleanup. (Alexey Radkov)
+Files: runtime/doc/eval.txt, src/screen.c, src/window.c
+Patch 7.4.345 (after 7.4.338)
+Problem: Indent is not updated when deleting indent.
+Solution: Remember changedtick.
+Files: src/misc1.c
+Patch 7.4.346 (after 7.4.338)
+Problem: Indent is not updated when changing 'breakindentopt'. (itchyny)
+Solution: Do not cache "brishift". (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/misc1.c
+Patch 7.4.347
+Problem: test55 fails on some systems.
+Solution: Remove the elements that all result in zero and can end up in an
+ arbitrary position.
+Files: src/testdir/, src/testdir/test55.ok
+Patch 7.4.348
+Problem: When using "J1" in 'cinoptions' a line below a continuation line
+ gets too much indent.
+Solution: Fix parenthesis in condition.
+Files: src/misc1.c
+Patch 7.4.349
+Problem: When there are matches to highlight the whole window is redrawn,
+ which is slow.
+Solution: Only redraw everything when lines were inserted or deleted.
+ Reset b_mod_xlines when needed. (Alexey Radkov)
+Files: src/screen.c, src/window.c
+Patch 7.4.350
+Problem: Using C indenting for Javascript does not work well for a {} block
+ inside parenthesis.
+Solution: When looking for a matching paren ignore one that is before the
+ start of a {} block.
+Files: src/misc1.c, src/testdir/, src/testdir/test3.ok
+Patch 7.4.351
+Problem: sort() is not stable.
+Solution: When the items are identical, compare the pointers.
+Files: src/eval.c, src/testdir/, src/testdir/test55.ok
+Patch 7.4.352
+Problem: With 'linebreak' a tab causes a missing line break.
+Solution: Count a tab for what it's worth also for shorter lines.
+ (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/charset.c
+Patch 7.4.353
+Problem: 'linebreak' doesn't work with the 'list' option.
+Solution: Make it work. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: runtime/doc/options.txt, src/charset.c, src/screen.c,
+ src/testdir/Make_amiga.mak, src/testdir/Make_dos.mak,
+ src/testdir/Make_ming.mak, src/testdir/Make_os2.mak,
+ src/testdir/Make_vms.mms, src/testdir/Makefile,
+ src/testdir/, src/testdir/test_listlbr.ok
+Patch 7.4.354
+Problem: Compiler warning.
+Solution: Change NUL to NULL. (Ken Takata)
+Files: src/screen.c
+Patch 7.4.355
+Problem: Several problems with Javascript indenting.
+Solution: Improve Javascript indenting.
+Files: src/misc1.c, src/testdir/, src/testdir/test3.ok
+Patch 7.4.356
+Problem: Mercurial does not ignore memfile_test. (Daniel Hahler)
+Solution: Add memfile_test to ignored files, remove trailing spaces.
+Files: .hgignore
+Patch 7.4.357
+Problem: After completion some characters are not redrawn.
+Solution: Clear the command line unconditionally. (Jacob Niehus)
+Files: src/edit.c
+Patch 7.4.358 (after 7.4.351)
+Problem: Sort is not always stable.
+Solution: Add an index instead of relying on the pointer to remain the same.
+ Idea by Jun Takimoto.
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.4.359
+Problem: When 'ttymouse' is set to 'uxterm' the xterm version is not
+ requested. (Tomas Janousek)
+Solution: Do not mark uxterm as a conflict mouse and add
+ resume_get_esc_sequence().
+Files: src/term.c, src/os_unix.c, src/proto/
+Patch 7.4.360
+Problem: In a regexp pattern a "$" followed by \v or \V is not seen as the
+ end-of-line.
+Solution: Handle the situation. (Ozaki Kiichi)
+Files: src/regexp.c
+Patch 7.4.361
+Problem: Lots of flickering when filling the preview window for 'omnifunc'.
+Solution: Disable redrawing. (Hirohito Higashi)
+Files: src/popupmnu.c
+Patch 7.4.362
+Problem: When matchaddpos() uses a length smaller than the number of bytes
+ in the (last) character the highlight continues until the end of
+ the line.
+Solution: Change condition from equal to larger-or-equal.
+Files: src/screen.c
+Patch 7.4.363
+Problem: In Windows console typing 0xCE does not work.
+Solution: Convert 0xCE to K_NUL 3. (Nobuhiro Takasaki et al.)
+Files: src/os_win32.c, src/term.c
+Patch 7.4.364
+Problem: When the viminfo file can't be renamed there is no error message.
+ (Vladimir Berezhnoy)
+Solution: Check for the rename to fail.
+Files: src/ex_cmds.c
+Patch 7.4.365
+Problem: Crash when using ":botright split" when there isn't much space.
+Solution: Add a check for the minimum width/height. (Yukihiro Nakadaira)
+Files: src/window.c
+Patch 7.4.366
+Problem: Can't run the linebreak test on MS-Windows.
+Solution: Fix the output file name. (Taro Muraoka)
+Files: src/testdir/Make_dos.mak
+Patch 7.4.367 (after 7.4.357)
+Problem: Other solution for redrawing after completion.
+Solution: Schedule a window redraw instead of just clearing the command
+ line. (Jacob Niehus)
+Files: src/edit.c
+Patch 7.4.368
+Problem: Restoring the window sizes after closing the command line window
+ doesn't work properly if there are nested splits.
+Solution: Restore the sizes twice. (Hirohito Higashi)
+Files: src/window.c
+Patch 7.4.369
+Problem: Using freed memory when exiting while compiled with EXITFREE.
+Solution: Set curwin to NULL and check for that. (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/buffer.c, src/window.c
+Patch 7.4.370
+Problem: Linebreak test fails when encoding is not utf-8. (Danek Duvall)
+Solution: Split the test in a single byte one and a utf-8 one. (Christian
+ Brabandt)
+Files: src/testdir/Make_amiga.mak, src/testdir/Make_dos.mak,
+ src/testdir/Make_ming.mak, src/testdir/Make_os2.mak,
+ src/testdir/Make_vms.mms, src/testdir/Makefile,
+ src/testdir/, src/testdir/test_listlbr.ok,
+ src/testdir/, src/testdir/test_listlbr_utf8.ok
+Patch 7.4.371
+Problem: When 'linebreak' is set control characters are not correctly
+ displayed. (Kimmy Lindvall)
+Solution: Set n_extra. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/screen.c
+Patch 7.4.372
+Problem: When 'winminheight' is zero there might not be one line for the
+ current window.
+Solution: Change the size computations. (Yukihiro Nakadaira)
+Files: src/window.c
+Patch 7.4.373
+Problem: Compiler warning for unused argument and unused variable.
+Solution: Add UNUSED. Move variable inside #ifdef.
+Files: src/charset.c, src/window.c
+Patch 7.4.374
+Problem: Character after "fb" command not mapped if it might be a composing
+ character.
+Solution: Don't disable mapping when looking for a composing character.
+ (Jacob Niehus)
+Files: src/normal.c
+Patch 7.4.375
+Problem: Test 63 fails when run with GUI-only Vim.
+Solution: Add guibg attributes. (suggested by Mike Soyka)
+Files: src/testdir/
+Patch 7.4.376 (after 7.4.367)
+Problem: Popup menu flickers too much.
+Solution: Remove the forced redraw. (Hirohito Higashi)
+Files: src/edit.c
+Patch 7.4.377
+Problem: When 'equalalways' is set a split may report "no room" even though
+ there is plenty of room.
+Solution: Compute the available room properly. (Yukihiro Nakadaira)
+Files: src/window.c
+Patch 7.4.378
+Problem: Title of quickfist list is not kept for setqflist(list, 'r').
+Solution: Keep the title. Add a test. (Lcd)
+Files: src/quickfix.c, src/testdir/Make_amiga.mak,
+ src/testdir/Make_dos.mak, src/testdir/Make_ming.mak,
+ src/testdir/Make_os2.mak, src/testdir/Make_vms.mms,
+ src/testdir/Makefile, src/testdir/,
+ src/testdir/test_qf_title.ok
+Patch 7.4.379
+Problem: Accessing freed memory after using setqflist(list, 'r'). (Lcd)
+Solution: Reset qf_index.
+Files: src/quickfix.c
+Patch 7.4.380
+Problem: Loading python may cause Vim to exit.
+Solution: Avoid loading the "site" module. (Taro Muraoka)
+Files: src/if_python.c
+Patch 7.4.381
+Problem: Get u_undo error when backspacing in Insert mode deletes more than
+ one line break. (Ayberk Ozgur)
+Solution: Also decrement Insstart.lnum.
+Files: src/edit.c
+Patch 7.4.382
+Problem: Mapping characters may not work after typing Esc in Insert mode.
+Solution: Fix the noremap flags for inserted characters. (Jacob Niehus)
+Files: src/getchar.c
+Patch 7.4.383
+Problem: Bad interaction between preview window and omnifunc.
+Solution: Avoid redrawing the status line. (Hirohito Higashi)
+Files: src/popupmnu.c
+Patch 7.4.384
+Problem: Test 102 fails when compiled with small features.
+Solution: Source small.vim. (Jacob Niehus)
+Files: src/testdir/
+Patch 7.4.385
+Problem: When building with tiny or small features building the .mo files
+ fails.
+Solution: In autoconf do not setup for building the .mo files when it would
+ fail.
+Files: src/, src/auto/configure
+Patch 7.4.386
+Problem: When splitting a window the changelist position is wrong.
+Solution: Copy the changelist position. (Jacob Niehus)
+Files: src/window.c, src/testdir/Make_amiga.mak,
+ src/testdir/Make_dos.mak, src/testdir/Make_ming.mak,
+ src/testdir/Make_os2.mak, src/testdir/Make_vms.mms,
+ src/testdir/Makefile, src/testdir/,
+ src/testdir/test_changelist.ok
+Patch 7.4.387
+Problem: "4gro" replaces one character then executes "ooo". (Urtica Dioica)
+Solution: Write the ESC in the second stuff buffer.
+Files: src/getchar.c, src/proto/, src/edit.c,
+ src/testdir/Make_amiga.mak, src/testdir/Make_dos.mak,
+ src/testdir/Make_ming.mak, src/testdir/Make_os2.mak,
+ src/testdir/Make_vms.mms, src/testdir/Makefile,
+ src/testdir/, src/testdir/test_insertcount.ok
+Patch 7.4.388
+Problem: With 'linebreak' set and 'list' unset a Tab is not counted
+ properly. (Kent Sibilev)
+Solution: Check the 'list' option. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/screen.c, src/testdir/,
+ src/testdir/test_listlbr_utf8.ok
+Patch 7.4.389
+Problem: Still sometimes Vim enters Replace mode when starting up.
+Solution: Use a different solution in detecting the termresponse and
+ location response. (Hayaki Saito)
+Files: src/globals.h, src/os_unix.c, src/term.c, src/proto/
+Patch 7.4.390
+Problem: Advancing pointer over end of a string.
+Solution: Init quote character to -1 instead of zero. (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/misc1.c
+Patch 7.4.391
+Problem: No 'cursorline' highlighting when the cursor is on a line with
+ diff highlighting. (Benjamin Fritz)
+Solution: Combine the highlight attributes. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/screen.c
+Patch 7.4.392
+Problem: Not easy to detect type of command line window.
+Solution: Add the getcmdwintype() function. (Jacob Niehus)
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.4.393
+Problem: Text drawing on newer MS-Windows systems is suboptimal. Some
+ multi-byte characters are not displayed, even though the same font
+ in Notepad can display them. (Srinath Avadhanula)
+Solution: Add the 'renderoptions' option to enable Direct-X drawing. (Taro
+ Muraoka)
+Files: runtime/doc/eval.txt, runtime/doc/options.txt,
+ runtime/doc/various.txt, src/Make_cyg.mak, src/Make_ming.mak,
+ src/Make_mvc.mak, src/eval.c, src/gui_dwrite.cpp,
+ src/gui_dwrite.h, src/gui_w32.c, src/gui_w48.c, src/option.c,
+ src/option.h, src/version.c, src/vim.h, src/proto/
+Patch 7.4.394 (after 7.4.393)
+Problem: When using DirectX last italic character is incomplete.
+Solution: Add one to the number of cells. (Ken Takata)
+Files: src/gui_w32.c
+Patch 7.4.395 (after 7.4.355)
+Problem: C indent is wrong below an if with wrapped condition followed by
+ curly braces. (Trevor Powell)
+Solution: Make a copy of tryposBrace.
+Files: src/misc1.c, src/testdir/, src/testdir/test3.ok
+Patch 7.4.396
+Problem: When 'clipboard' is "unnamed", :g/pat/d is very slow. (Praful)
+Solution: Only set the clipboard after the last delete. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/ex_cmds.c, src/ex_cmds2.c, src/ex_docmd.c, src/globals.h,
+ src/ops.c, src/proto/, src/ui.c
+Patch 7.4.397
+Problem: Matchparen only uses the topmost syntax item.
+Solution: Go through the syntax stack to find items. (James McCoy)
+ Also use getcurpos() when possible.
+Files: runtime/plugin/matchparen.vim
+Patch 7.4.398 (after 7.4.393)
+Problem: Gcc error for the argument of InterlockedIncrement() and
+ InterlockedDecrement(). (Axel Bender)
+Solution: Remove "unsigned" from the cRefCount_ declaration.
+Files: src/gui_dwrite.cpp
+Patch 7.4.399
+Problem: Encryption implementation is messy. Blowfish encryption has a
+ weakness.
+Solution: Refactor the encryption, store the state in an allocated struct
+ instead of using a save/restore mechanism. Introduce the
+ "blowfish2" method, which does not have the weakness and encrypts
+ the whole undo file. (largely by David Leadbeater)
+Files: runtime/doc/editing.txt, runtime/doc/options.txt, src/Makefile,
+ src/blowfish.c, src/crypt.c, src/crypt_zip.c, src/ex_docmd.c,
+ src/fileio.c, src/globals.h, src/main.c, src/memline.c,
+ src/misc2.c, src/option.c, src/proto.h, src/proto/,
+ src/proto/, src/proto/,
+ src/proto/, src/proto/, src/structs.h,
+ src/undo.c, src/testdir/, src/testdir/test71.ok,
+ src/testdir/, src/testdir/,
+ src/testdir/test72.ok
+Patch 7.4.400
+Problem: List of distributed files is incomplete.
+Solution: Add recently added files.
+Files: Filelist
+Patch 7.4.401 (after 7.4.399)
+Problem: Can't build on MS-Windows.
+Solution: Include the new files in all the Makefiles.
+Files: src/Make_bc3.mak, src/Make_bc5.mak, src/Make_cyg.mak,
+ src/Make_dice.mak, src/Make_djg.mak, src/Make_ivc.mak,
+ src/Make_manx.mak, src/Make_ming.mak, src/Make_morph.mak,
+ src/Make_mvc.mak, src/Make_os2.mak, src/Make_sas.mak,
+ Make_vms.mms
+Patch 7.4.402
+Problem: Test 72 crashes under certain conditions. (Kazunobu Kuriyama)
+Solution: Clear the whole bufinfo_T early.
+Files: src/undo.c
+Patch 7.4.403
+Problem: Valgrind reports errors when running test 72. (Dominique Pelle)
+Solution: Reset the local 'cryptmethod' option before storing the seed.
+ Set the seed in the memfile even when there is no block0 yet.
+Files: src/fileio.c, src/option.c, src/memline.c
+Patch 7.4.404
+Problem: Windows 64 bit compiler warnings.
+Solution: Add type casts. (Mike Williams)
+Files: src/crypt.c, src/undo.c
+Patch 7.4.405
+Problem: Screen updating is slow when using matches.
+Solution: Do not use the ">=" as in patch 7.4.362, check the lnum.
+Files: src/screen.c, src/testdir/, src/testdir/test63.ok
+Patch 7.4.406
+Problem: Test 72 and 100 fail on MS-Windows.
+Solution: Set fileformat to unix in the tests. (Taro Muraoka)
+Files: src/testdir/, src/testdir/
+Patch 7.4.407
+Problem: Inserting text for Visual block mode, with cursor movement,
+ repeats the wrong text. (Aleksandar Ivanov)
+Solution: Reset the update_Insstart_orig flag. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/edit.c, src/testdir/, src/testdir/test39.ok
+Patch 7.4.408
+Problem: Visual block insert breaks a multi-byte character.
+Solution: Calculate the position properly. (Yasuhiro Matsumoto)
+Files: src/ops.c, src/testdir/, src/testdir/test_utf8.ok,
+ src/testdir/Make_amiga.mak, src/testdir/Make_dos.mak,
+ src/testdir/Make_ming.mak, src/testdir/Make_os2.mak,
+ src/testdir/Make_vms.mms, src/testdir/Makefile
+Patch 7.4.409
+Problem: Can't build with Perl on Fedora 20.
+Solution: Find xsubpp in another directory. (Michael Henry)
+Files: src/Makefile, src/, src/,
+ src/auto/configure
+Patch 7.4.410
+Problem: Fold does not open after search when there is a CmdwinLeave
+ autocommand.
+Solution: Restore KeyTyped. (Jacob Niehus)
+Files: src/ex_getln.c
+Patch 7.4.411
+Problem: "foo bar" sorts before "foo" with sort(). (John Little)
+Solution: Avoid putting quotes around strings before comparing them.
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.4.412
+Problem: Can't build on Windows XP with MSVC.
+Solution: Add SUBSYSTEM_VER to the Makefile. (Yongwei Wu)
+Files: src/Make_mvc.mak, src/INSTALLpc.txt
+Patch 7.4.413
+Problem: MS-Windows: Using US international keyboard layout, inserting dead
+ key by pressing space does not always work. Issue 250.
+Solution: Let MS-Windows translate the message. (John Wellesz)
+Files: src/gui_w48.c
+Patch 7.4.414
+Problem: Cannot define a command only when it's used.
+Solution: Add the CmdUndefined autocommand event. (partly by Yasuhiro
+ Matsumoto)
+Files: runtime/doc/autocmd.txt, src/ex_docmd.c, src/fileio.c,
+ src/proto/
+Patch 7.4.415 (after 7.4.414)
+Problem: Cannot build. Warning for shadowed variable. (John Little)
+Solution: Add missing change. Remove declaration.
+Files: src/vim.h, src/ex_docmd.c
+Patch 7.4.416
+Problem: Problem with breakindent/showbreak and tabs.
+Solution: Handle tabs differently. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/testdir/, src/testdir/test_breakindent.ok,
+ src/charset.c
+Patch 7.4.417
+Problem: After splitting a window and setting 'breakindent' the default
+ minimum with is not respected.
+Solution: Call briopt_check() when copying options to a new window.
+Files: src/option.c, src/proto/,
+ src/testdir/
+Patch 7.4.418
+Problem: When leaving ":append" the cursor shape is like in Insert mode.
+ (Jacob Niehus)
+Solution: Do not have State set to INSERT when calling getline().
+Files: src/ex_cmds.c
+Patch 7.4.419
+Problem: When part of a list is locked it's possible to make changes.
+Solution: Check if any of the list items is locked before make a change.
+ (ZyX)
+Files: src/eval.c, src/testdir/, src/testdir/test55.ok
+Patch 7.4.420
+Problem: It's not obvious how to add a new test.
+Solution: Add a README file. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/testdir/README.txt
+Patch 7.4.421
+Problem: Crash when searching for "\ze*". (Urtica Dioica)
+Solution: Disallow a multi after \ze and \zs.
+Files: src/regexp_nfa.c, src/testdir/, src/testdir/test64.ok
+Patch 7.4.422
+Problem: When using conceal with linebreak some text is not displayed
+ correctly. (Grüner Gimpel)
+Solution: Check for conceal mode when using linebreak. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/screen.c, src/testdir/,
+ src/testdir/test_listlbr.ok
+Patch 7.4.423
+Problem: expand("$shell") does not work as documented.
+Solution: Do not escape the $ when expanding environment variables.
+Files: src/os_unix.c, src/misc1.c, src/vim.h
+Patch 7.4.424
+Problem: Get ml_get error when using Python to delete lines in a buffer
+ that is not in a window. issue 248.
+Solution: Do not try adjusting the cursor for a different buffer.
+Files: src/if_py_both.h
+Patch 7.4.425
+Problem: When 'showbreak' is used "gj" may move to the wrong position.
+ (Nazri Ramliy)
+Solution: Adjust virtcol when 'showbreak' is set. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/normal.c
+Patch 7.4.426
+Problem: README File missing from list of files.
+Solution: Update the list of files.
+Files: Filelist
+Patch 7.4.427
+Problem: When an InsertCharPre autocommand executes system() typeahead may
+ be echoed and messes up the display. (Jacob Niehus)
+Solution: Do not set cooked mode when invoked from ":silent".
+Files: src/eval.c, runtime/doc/eval.txt
+Patch 7.4.428
+Problem: executable() may return a wrong result on MS-Windows.
+Solution: Change the way SearchPath() is called. (Yasuhiro Matsumoto, Ken
+ Takata)
+Files: src/os_win32.c
+Patch 7.4.429
+Problem: Build fails with fewer features. (Elimar Riesebieter)
+Solution: Add #ifdef.
+Files: src/normal.c
+Patch 7.4.430
+Problem: test_listlbr fails when compiled with normal features.
+Solution: Check for the +conceal feature.
+Files: src/testdir/
+Patch 7.4.431
+Problem: Compiler warning.
+Solution: Add type cast. (Mike Williams)
+Files: src/ex_docmd.c
+Patch 7.4.432
+Problem: When the startup code expands command line arguments, setting
+ 'encoding' will not properly convert the arguments.
+Solution: Call get_cmd_argsW() early in main(). (Yasuhiro Matsumoto)
+Files: src/os_win32.c, src/main.c, src/os_mswin.c
+Patch 7.4.433
+Problem: Test 75 fails on MS-Windows.
+Solution: Use ":normal" instead of feedkeys(). (Michael Soyka)
+Files: src/testdir/
+Patch 7.4.434
+Problem: gettabvar() is not consistent with getwinvar() and getbufvar().
+Solution: Return a dict with all variables when the varname is empty.
+ (Yasuhiro Matsumoto)
+Files: src/eval.c, runtime/doc/eval.txt, src/testdir/,
+ src/testdir/test91.ok
+Patch 7.4.435
+Problem: Line formatting behaves differently when 'linebreak' is set.
+ (mvxxc)
+Solution: Disable 'linebreak' temporarily. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/edit.c
+Patch 7.4.436
+Problem: ml_get error for autocommand that moves the cursor of the current
+ window.
+Solution: Check the cursor position after switching back to the current
+ buffer. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/fileio.c
+Patch 7.4.437
+Problem: New and old regexp engine are not consistent.
+Solution: Also give an error for "\ze*" for the old regexp engine.
+Files: src/regexp.c, src/regexp_nfa.c
+Patch 7.4.438
+Problem: Cached values for 'cino' not reset for ":set all&".
+Solution: Call parse_cino(). (Yukihiro Nakadaira)
+Files: src/option.c
+Patch 7.4.439
+Problem: Duplicate message in message history. Some quickfix messages
+ appear twice. (Gary Johnson)
+Solution: Do not reset keep_msg too early. (Hirohito Higashi)
+Files: src/main.c
+Patch 7.4.440
+Problem: Omni complete popup drawn incorrectly.
+Solution: Call validate_cursor() instead of check_cursor(). (Hirohito
+ Higashi)
+Files: src/edit.c
+Patch 7.4.441
+Problem: Endless loop and other problems when 'cedit' is set to CTRL-C.
+Solution: Do not call ex_window() when ex_normal_busy or got_int was set.
+ (Yasuhiro Matsumoto)
+Files: src/ex_getln.c
+Patch 7.4.442 (after 7.4.434)
+Problem: Using unitinialized variable.
+Solution: Pass the first window of the tabpage.
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.4.443
+Problem: Error reported by ubsan when running test 72.
+Solution: Add type cast to unsigned. (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/undo.c
+Patch 7.4.444
+Problem: Reversed question mark not recognized as punctuation. (Issue 258)
+Solution: Add the Supplemental Punctuation range.
+Files: src/mbyte.c
+Patch 7.4.445
+Problem: Clipboard may be cleared on startup.
+Solution: Set clip_did_set_selection to -1 during startup. (Christian
+ Brabandt)
+Files: src/main.c, src/ui.c
+Patch 7.4.446
+Problem: In some situations, when setting up an environment to trigger an
+ autocommand, the environment is not properly restored.
+Solution: Check the return value of switch_win() and call restore_win()
+ always. (Daniel Hahler)
+Files: src/eval.c, src/misc2.c, src/window.c
+Patch 7.4.447
+Problem: Spell files from Hunspell may generate a lot of errors.
+Solution: Add the IGNOREEXTRA flag.
+Files: src/spell.c, runtime/doc/spell.txt
+Patch 7.4.448
+Problem: Using ETO_IGNORELANGUAGE causes problems.
+Solution: Remove this flag. (Paul Moore)
+Files: src/gui_w32.c
+Patch 7.4.449
+Problem: Can't easily close the help window. (Chris Gaal)
+Solution: Add ":helpclose". (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: runtime/doc/helphelp.txt, runtime/doc/index.txt, src/ex_cmds.c,
+ src/ex_cmds.h, src/proto/
+Patch 7.4.450
+Problem: Not all commands that edit another buffer support the +cmd
+ argument.
+Solution: Add the +cmd argument to relevant commands. (Marcin Szamotulski)
+Files: runtime/doc/windows.txt, src/ex_cmds.h, src/ex_docmd.c
+Patch 7.4.451
+Problem: Calling system() with empty input gives an error for writing the
+ temp file.
+Solution: Do not try writing if the string length is zero. (Olaf Dabrunz)
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.4.452
+Problem: Can't build with tiny features. (Tony Mechelynck)
+Solution: Use "return" instead of "break".
+Files: src/ex_cmds.c
+Patch 7.4.453
+Problem: Still can't build with tiny features.
+Solution: Add #ifdef.
+Files: src/ex_cmds.c
+Patch 7.4.454
+Problem: When using a Visual selection of multiple words and doing CTRL-W_]
+ it jumps to the tag matching the word under the cursor, not the
+ selected text. (Patrick hemmer)
+Solution: Do not reset Visual mode. (idea by Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/window.c
+Patch 7.4.455
+Problem: Completion for :buf does not use 'wildignorecase'. (Akshay H)
+Solution: Pass the 'wildignorecase' flag around.
+Files: src/buffer.c
+Patch 7.4.456
+Problem: 'backupcopy' is global, cannot write only some files in a
+ different way.
+Solution: Make 'backupcopy' global-local. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: runtime/doc/options.txt, src/buffer.c, src/fileio.c, src/option.c,
+ src/option.h, src/proto/, src/structs.h
+Patch 7.4.457
+Problem: Using getchar() in an expression mapping may result in
+ K_CURSORHOLD, which can't be recognized.
+Solution: Add the <CursorHold> key. (Hirohito Higashi)
+Files: src/misc2.c
+Patch 7.4.458
+Problem: Issue 252: Cursor moves in a zero-height window.
+Solution: Check for zero height. (idea by Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/move.c
+Patch 7.4.459
+Problem: Can't change the icon after building Vim.
+Solution: Load the icon from a file on startup. (Yasuhiro Matsumoto)
+Files: src/gui_w32.c, src/os_mswin.c, src/os_win32.c,
+ src/proto/
+Patch 7.4.460 (after 7.4.454)
+Problem: Can't build without the quickfix feature. (Erik Falor)
+Solution: Add a #ifdef.
+Files: src/window.c
+Patch 7.4.461
+Problem: MS-Windows: When collate is on the number of copies is too high.
+Solution: Only set the collated/uncollated count when collate is on.
+ (Yasuhiro Matsumoto)
+Files: src/os_mswin.c
+Patch 7.4.462
+Problem: Setting the local value of 'backupcopy' empty gives an error.
+ (Peter Mattern)
+Solution: When using an empty value set the flags to zero. (Hirohito
+ Higashi)
+Files: src/option.c
+Patch 7.4.463
+Problem: Test 86 and 87 may hang on MS-Windows.
+Solution: Call inputrestore() after inputsave(). (Ken Takata)
+Files: src/testdir/, src/testdir/
+Patch 7.4.464 (after 7.4.459)
+Problem: Compiler warning.
+Solution: Add type cast. (Ken Takata)
+Files: src/gui_w32.c
+Patch 7.4.465 (after 7.4.016)
+Problem: Crash when expanding a very long string.
+Solution: Use wsncpy() instead of wcscpy(). (Ken Takata)
+Files: src/os_win32.c
+Patch 7.4.466 (after 7.4.460)
+Problem: CTRL-W } does not open preview window. (Erik Falor)
+Solution: Don't set g_do_tagpreview for CTRL-W }.
+Files: src/window.c
+Patch 7.4.467
+Problem: 'linebreak' does not work well together with Visual mode.
+Solution: Disable 'linebreak' while applying an operator. Fix the test.
+ (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/normal.c, src/screen.c, src/testdir/,
+ src/testdir/test_listlbr.ok
+Patch 7.4.468
+Problem: Issue 26: CTRL-C does not interrupt after it was mapped and then
+ unmapped.
+Solution: Reset mapped_ctrl_c. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/getchar.c
+Patch 7.4.469 (after 7.4.467)
+Problem: Can't build with MSVC. (Ken Takata)
+Solution: Move the assignment after the declarations.
+Files: src/normal.c
+Patch 7.4.470
+Problem: Test 11 and 100 do not work properly on Windows.
+Solution: Avoid using feedkeys(). (Ken Takata)
+Files: src/testdir/Make_dos.mak, src/testdir/,
+ src/testdir/
+Patch 7.4.471
+Problem: MS-Windows: When printer name contains multi-byte, the name is
+ displayed as ???.
+Solution: Convert the printer name from the active codepage to 'encoding'.
+ (Yasuhiro Matsumoto)
+Files: src/os_mswin.c
+Patch 7.4.472
+Problem: The "precedes" entry in 'listchar' will be drawn when 'showbreak
+ is set and 'list' is not.
+Solution: Only draw this character when 'list' is on. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/screen.c
+Patch 7.4.473
+Problem: Cursor movement is incorrect when there is a number/sign/fold
+ column and 'sbr' is displayed.
+Solution: Adjust the column for 'sbr'. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/charset.c
+Patch 7.4.474
+Problem: AIX compiler can't handle // comment. Issue 265.
+Solution: Remove that line.
+Files: src/regexp_nfa.c
+Patch 7.4.475
+Problem: Can't compile on a system where Xutf8SetWMProperties() is not in
+ the X11 library. Issue 265.
+Solution: Add a configure check.
+Files: src/, src/auto/configure, src/,
+ src/os_unix.c
+Patch 7.4.476
+Problem: MingW: compiling with "XPM=no" doesn't work.
+Solution: Check for the "no" value. (KF Leong) Also for Cygwin. (Ken
+ Takata)
+Files: src/Make_ming.mak, src/Make_cyg.mak
+Patch 7.4.477
+Problem: When using ":%diffput" and the other file is empty an extra empty
+ line remains.
+Solution: Set the buf_empty flag.
+Files: src/diff.c
+Patch 7.4.478
+Problem: Using byte length instead of character length for 'showbreak'.
+Solution: Compute the character length. (Marco Hinz)
+Files: src/charset.c
+Patch 7.4.479
+Problem: MS-Windows: The console title can be wrong.
+Solution: Take the encoding into account. When restoring the title use the
+ right function. (Yasuhiro Matsumoto)
+Files: src/os_mswin.c, src/os_win32.c
+Patch 7.4.480 (after 7.4.479)
+Problem: MS-Windows: Can't build.
+Solution: Remove goto, use a flag instead.
+Files: src/os_win32.c
+Patch 7.4.481 (after 7.4.471)
+Problem: Compiler warning on MS-Windows.
+Solution: Add type casts. (Ken Takata)
+Files: src/os_mswin.c
+Patch 7.4.482
+Problem: When 'balloonexpr' results in a list, the text has a trailing
+ newline. (Lcd)
+Solution: Remove one trailing newline.
+Files: src/gui_beval.c
+Patch 7.4.483
+Problem: A 0x80 byte is not handled correctly in abbreviations.
+Solution: Unescape special characters. Add a test. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/getchar.c, src/testdir/Make_amiga.mak,
+ src/testdir/Make_dos.mak, src/testdir/Make_ming.mak,
+ src/testdir/Make_os2.mak, src/testdir/Make_vms.mms,
+ src/testdir/Makefile, src/testdir/,
+ src/testdir/test_mapping.ok
+Patch 7.4.484 (after 7.4.483)
+Problem: Compiler warning on MS-Windows. (Ken Takata)
+Solution: Add type cast.
+Files: src/getchar.c
+Patch 7.4.485 (after 7.4.484)
+Problem: Abbreviations don't work. (Toothpik)
+Solution: Move the length computation inside the for loop. Compare against
+ the unescaped key.
+Files: src/getchar.c
+Patch 7.4.486
+Problem: Check for writing to a yank register is wrong.
+Solution: Negate the check. (Zyx). Also clean up the #ifdefs.
+Files: src/ex_docmd.c, src/ex_cmds.h
+Patch 7.4.487
+Problem: ":sign jump" may use another window even though the file is
+ already edited in the current window.
+Solution: First check if the file is in the current window. (James McCoy)
+Files: src/window.c, src/testdir/Make_amiga.mak,
+ src/testdir/Make_dos.mak, src/testdir/Make_ming.mak,
+ src/testdir/Make_os2.mak, src/testdir/Make_vms.mms,
+ src/testdir/Makefile, src/testdir/,
+ src/testdir/test_signs.ok
+Patch 7.4.488
+Problem: test_mapping fails for some people.
+Solution: Set the 'encoding' option. (Ken Takata)
+Files: src/testdir/
+Patch 7.4.489
+Problem: Cursor movement still wrong when 'lbr' is set and there is a
+ number column. (Hirohito Higashi)
+Solution: Add correction for number column. (Hiroyuki Takagi)
+Files: src/charset.c
+Patch 7.4.490
+Problem: Cannot specify the buffer to use for "do" and "dp", making them
+ useless for three-way diff.
+Solution: Use the count as the buffer number. (James McCoy)
+Files: runtime/doc/diff.txt, src/diff.c, src/normal.c, src/proto/
+Patch 7.4.491
+Problem: When winrestview() has a negative "topline" value there are
+ display errors.
+Solution: Correct a negative value to 1. (Hirohito Higashi)
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.4.492
+Problem: In Insert mode, after inserting a newline that inserts a comment
+ leader, CTRL-O moves to the right. (ZyX) Issue 57.
+Solution: Correct the condition for moving the cursor back to the NUL.
+ (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/edit.c, src/testdir/, src/testdir/test4.ok
+Patch 7.4.493
+Problem: A TextChanged autocommand is triggered when saving a file.
+ (William Gardner)
+Solution: Update last_changedtick after calling unchanged(). (Christian
+ Brabandt)
+Files: src/fileio.c
+Patch 7.4.494
+Problem: Cursor shape is wrong after a CompleteDone autocommand.
+Solution: Update the cursor and mouse shape after ":normal" restores the
+ state. (Jacob Niehus)
+Files: src/ex_docmd.c
+Patch 7.4.495
+Problem: XPM isn't used correctly in the Cygwin Makefile.
+Solution: Include the rules like in Make_ming.mak. (Ken Takata)
+Files: src/Make_cyg.mak
+Patch 7.4.496
+Problem: Many lines are both in Make_cyg.mak and Make_ming.mak
+Solution: Move the common parts to one file. (Ken Takata)
+Files: src/INSTALLpc.txt, src/Make_cyg.mak, src/Make_cyg_ming.mak,
+ src/Make_ming.mak, src/Make_mvc.mak, Filelist
+Patch 7.4.497
+Problem: With some regexp patterns the NFA engine uses many states and
+ becomes very slow. To the user it looks like Vim freezes.
+Solution: When the number of states reaches a limit fall back to the old
+ engine. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: runtime/doc/options.txt, src/Makefile, src/regexp.c, src/regexp.h,
+ src/regexp_nfa.c, src/testdir/Make_dos.mak,
+ src/testdir/Make_ming.mak, src/testdir/Make_os2.mak,
+ src/testdir/Makefile, src/testdir/samples/re.freeze.txt,
+ src/testdir/, src/testdir/bench_re_freeze.vim,
+ Filelist
+Patch 7.4.498 (after 7.4.497)
+Problem: Typo in DOS makefile.
+Solution: Change exists to exist. (Ken Takata)
+Files: src/testdirMake_dos.mak
+Patch 7.4.499
+Problem: substitute() can be slow with long strings.
+Solution: Store a pointer to the end, instead of calling strlen() every
+ time. (Ozaki Kiichi)
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.4.500
+Problem: Test 72 still fails once in a while.
+Solution: Don't set 'fileformat' to unix, reset it. (Ken Takata)
+Files: src/testdir/
+Patch 7.4.501 (after 7.4.497)
+Problem: Typo in file pattern.
+Solution: Insert a slash and remove a dot.
+Files: Filelist
+Patch 7.4.502
+Problem: Language mapping also applies to mapped characters.
+Solution: Add the 'langnoremap' option, when on 'langmap' does not apply to
+ mapped characters. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: runtime/doc/options.txt, runtime/vimrc_example.vim, src/macros.h,
+ src/option.c, src/option.h
+Patch 7.4.503
+Problem: Cannot append a list of lines to a file.
+Solution: Add the append option to writefile(). (Yasuhiro Matsumoto)
+Files: runtime/doc/eval.txt, src/Makefile, src/eval.c,
+ src/testdir/, src/testdir/test_writefile.ok
+Patch 7.4.504
+Problem: Restriction of the MS-Windows installer that the path must end in
+ "Vim" prevents installing more than one version.
+Solution: Remove the restriction. (Tim Lebedkov)
+Files: nsis/gvim.nsi
+Patch 7.4.505
+Problem: On MS-Windows when 'encoding' is a double-byte encoding a file
+ name longer than MAX_PATH bytes but shorter than that in
+ characters causes problems.
+Solution: Fail on file names longer than MAX_PATH bytes. (Ken Takata)
+Files: src/os_win32.c
+Patch 7.4.506
+Problem: MS-Windows: Cannot open a file with 259 characters.
+Solution: Fix off-by-one error. (Ken Takata)
+Files: src/os_mswin.c
+Patch 7.4.507 (after 7.4.496)
+Problem: Building with MingW and Perl.
+Solution: Remove quotes. (Ken Takata)
+Files: src/Make_cyg_ming.mak
+Patch 7.4.508
+Problem: When generating ja.sjis.po the header is not correctly adjusted.
+Solution: Check for the right header string. (Ken Takata)
+Files: src/po/sjiscorr.c
+Patch 7.4.509
+Problem: Users are not aware their encryption is weak.
+Solution: Give a warning when prompting for the key.
+Files: src/crypt.c, src/ex_docmd.c, src/fileio.c, src/main.c,
+ src/proto/
+Patch 7.4.510
+Problem: "-fwrapv" argument breaks use of cproto.
+Solution: Remove the alphabetic arguments in a drastic way.
+Files: src/Makefile
+Patch 7.4.511
+Problem: Generating proto for if_ruby.c uses type not defined elsewhere.
+Solution: Do not generate a prototype for
+ rb_gc_writebarrier_unprotect_promoted()
+Files: src/if_ruby.c
+Patch 7.4.512
+Problem: Cannot generate prototypes for Win32 files and VMS.
+Solution: Add typedefs and #ifdef
+Files: src/os_win32.c, src/gui_w32.c, src/os_vms.c
+Patch 7.4.513
+Problem: Crash because reference count is wrong for list returned by
+ getreg().
+Solution: Increment the reference count. (Kimmy Lindvall)
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.4.514 (after 7.4.492)
+Problem: Memory access error. (Dominique Pelle)
+Solution: Update tpos. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/edit.c
+Patch 7.4.515
+Problem: In a help buffer the global 'foldmethod' is used. (Paul Marshall)
+Solution: Reset 'foldmethod' when starting to edit a help file. Move the
+ code to a separate function.
+Files: src/ex_cmds.c
+Patch 7.4.516
+Problem: Completing a function name containing a # does not work. Issue
+ 253.
+Solution: Recognize the # character. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.4.517
+Problem: With a wrapping line the cursor may not end up in the right place.
+ (Nazri Ramliy)
+Solution: Adjust n_extra for a Tab that wraps. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/screen.c
+Patch 7.4.518
+Problem: Using status line height in width computations.
+Solution: Use one instead. (Hirohito Higashi)
+Files: src/window.c
+Patch 7.4.519 (after 7.4.497)
+Problem: Crash when using syntax highlighting.
+Solution: When regprog is freed and replaced, store the result.
+Files: src/buffer.c, src/regexp.c, src/syntax.c, src/spell.c,
+ src/ex_cmds2.c, src/fileio.c, src/proto/,
+ src/proto/, src/os_unix.c
+Patch 7.4.520
+Problem: Sun PCK locale is not recognzed.
+Solution: Add PCK in the table. (Keiichi Oono)
+Files: src/mbyte.c
+Patch 7.4.521
+Problem: When using "vep" a mark is moved to the next line. (Maxi Padulo,
+ Issue 283)
+Solution: Decrement the line number. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/ops.c
+Patch 7.4.522
+Problem: Specifying wrong buffer size for GetLongPathName().
+Solution: Use the actual size. (Ken Takata)
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.4.523
+Problem: When the X11 server is stopped and restarted, while Vim is kept in
+ the background, copy/paste no longer works. (Issue 203)
+Solution: Setup the clipboard again. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/os_unix.c
+Patch 7.4.524
+Problem: When using ":ownsyntax" spell checking is messed up. (Issue 78)
+Solution: Use the window-local option values. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/option.c, src/syntax.c
+Patch 7.4.525
+Problem: map() leaks memory when there is an error in the expression.
+Solution: Call clear_tv(). (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.4.526
+Problem: matchstr() fails on long text. (Daniel Hahler)
+Solution: Return NFA_TOO_EXPENSIVE from regexec_nl(). (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/regexp.c
+Patch 7.4.527
+Problem: Still confusing regexp failure and NFA_TOO_EXPENSIVE.
+Solution: NFA changes equivalent of 7.4.526.
+Files: src/regexp_nfa.c
+Patch 7.4.528
+Problem: Crash when using matchadd() (Yasuhiro Matsumoto)
+Solution: Copy the match regprog.
+Files: src/screen.c
+Patch 7.4.529
+Problem: No test for what 7.4.517 fixes.
+Solution: Adjust the tests for breakindent. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/testdir/, src/testdir/test_breakindent.ok
+Patch 7.4.530
+Problem: Many commands take a count or range that is not using line
+ numbers.
+Solution: For each command specify what kind of count it uses. For windows,
+ buffers and arguments have "$" and "." have a relevant meaning.
+ (Marcin Szamotulski)
+Files: runtime/doc/editing.txt, runtime/doc/tabpage.txt,
+ runtime/doc/windows.txt, src/Makefile, src/ex_cmds.h,
+ src/ex_docmd.c, src/testdir/Make_amiga.mak
+ src/testdir/Make_dos.mak, src/testdir/Make_ming.mak,
+ src/testdir/Make_os2.mak, src/testdir/Make_vms.mms,
+ src/testdir/Makefile, src/testdir/,
+ src/testdir/test_argument_count.ok,
+ src/testdir/, src/testdir/test_close_count.ok,
+ src/window.c
+Patch 7.4.531
+Problem: Comments about parsing an Ex command are wrong.
+Solution: Correct the steop numbers.
+Files: src/ex_docmd.c
+Patch 7.4.532
+Problem: When using 'incsearch' "2/pattern/e" highlights the first match.
+Solution: Move the code to set extra_col inside the loop for count. (Ozaki
+ Kiichi)
+Files: src/search.c
+Patch 7.4.533
+Problem: ":hardcopy" leaks memory in case of errors.
+Solution: Free memory in all code paths. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/hardcopy.c
+Patch 7.4.534
+Problem: Warnings when compiling if_ruby.c.
+Solution: Avoid the warnings. (Ken Takata)
+Files: src/if_ruby.c
+Patch 7.4.535 (after 7.4.530)
+Problem: Can't build with tiny features.
+Solution: Add #ifdefs and skip a test.
+Files: src/ex_docmd.c, src/testdir/
+Patch 7.4.536
+Problem: Test 63 fails when using a black&white terminal.
+Solution: Add attributes for a non-color terminal. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/testdir/
+Patch 7.4.537
+Problem: Value of v:hlsearch reflects an internal variable.
+Solution: Make the value reflect whether search highlighting is actually
+ displayed. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: runtime/doc/eval.txt, src/testdir/,
+ src/testdir/test101.ok, src/vim.h
+Patch 7.4.538
+Problem: Tests fail with small features plus Python.
+Solution: Disallow weird combination of options. Do not set "fdm" when
+ folding is disabled.
+Files: src/option.c, src/ex_cmds.c, src/, src/auto/configure,
+ src/feature.h
+Patch 7.4.539 (after 7.4.530)
+Problem: Crash when computing buffer count. Problem with range for user
+ commands. Line range wrong in Visual area.
+Solution: Avoid segfault in compute_buffer_local_count(). Check for
+ CMD_USER when checking type of range. (Marcin Szamotulski)
+Files: runtime/doc/windows.txt, src/ex_docmd.c
+Patch 7.4.540 (after 7.4.539)
+Problem: Cannot build with tiny and small features. (Taro Muraoka)
+Solution: Add #ifdef around CMD_USER.
+Files: src/ex_docmd.c
+Patch 7.4.541
+Problem: Crash when doing a range assign.
+Solution: Check for NULL poiter. (Yukihiro Nakadaira)
+Files: src/eval.c, src/testdir/, src/testdir/test55.ok
+Patch 7.4.542
+Problem: Using a range for window and buffer commands has a few problems.
+ Cannot specify the type of range for a user command.
+Solution: Add the -addr argument for user commands. Fix problems. (Marcin
+ Szamotulski)
+Files: src/testdir/,
+ src/testdir/test_command_count.ok src/testdir/Make_amiga.mak
+ src/testdir/Make_dos.mak, src/testdir/Make_ming.mak,
+ src/testdir/Make_os2.mak, src/testdir/Make_vms.mms,
+ src/testdir/Makefile, runtime/doc/map.txt, src/Makefile,
+ src/ex_cmds.h, src/ex_docmd.c, src/ex_getln.c,
+ src/proto/, src/vim.h,
+Patch 7.4.543
+Problem: Since patch 7.4.232 "1,3s/\n//" joins two lines instead of three.
+ (Eliseo Martínez) Issue 287
+Solution: Correct the line count. (Christian Brabandt)
+ Also set the last used search pattern.
+Files: src/ex_cmds.c, src/search.c, src/proto/
+Patch 7.4.544
+Problem: Warnings for unused arguments when compiling with a combination of
+ features.
+Solution: Add "UNUSED".
+Files: src/if_cscope.c
+Patch 7.4.545
+Problem: Highlighting for multi-line matches is not correct.
+Solution: Stop highlight at the end of the match. (Hirohito Higashi)
+Files: src/screen.c
+Patch 7.4.546
+Problem: Repeated use of vim_snprintf() with a number.
+Solution: Move these vim_snprintf() calls into a function.
+Files: src/window.c
+Patch 7.4.547
+Problem: Using "vit" does not select a multi-byte character at the end
+ correctly.
+Solution: Advance the cursor over the multi-byte character. (Christian
+ Brabandt)
+Files: src/search.c
+Patch 7.4.548
+Problem: Compilation fails with native version of MinGW-w64, because the
+ it doesn't have x86_64-w64-mingw32-windres.exe.
+Solution: Use windres instead. (Ken Takata)
+Files: src/Make_cyg_ming.mak
+Patch 7.4.549
+Problem: Function name not recognized correctly when inside a function.
+Solution: Don't check for an alpha character.
+Files: src/eval.c, src/testdir/,
+ src/testdir/test_nested_function.ok, src/testdir/Make_amiga.mak,
+ src/testdir/Make_dos.mak, src/testdir/Make_ming.mak,
+ src/testdir/Make_os2.mak, src/testdir/Make_vms.mms,
+ src/testdir/Makefile
+Patch 7.4.550
+Problem: curs_rows() function is always called with the second argument
+ false.
+Solution: Remove the argument. (Christian Brabandt)
+ validate_botline_win() can then also be removed.
+Files: src/move.c
+Patch 7.4.551
+Problem: "ygn" may yank too much. (Fritzophrenic) Issue 295.
+Solution: Check the width of the next match. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/search.c, src/testdir/, src/testdir/test53.ok
+Patch 7.4.552
+Problem: Langmap applies to Insert mode expression mappings.
+Solution: Check for Insert mode. (Daniel Hahler)
+Files: src/getchar.c, src/testdir/,
+ src/testdir/test_mapping.ok
+Patch 7.4.553
+Problem: Various small issues.
+Solution: Fix those issues.
+Files: src/ex_cmds.h, src/gui.h, src/message.c, src/testdir/,
+ src/proto/, src/proto/, src/proto/,
+ src/proto/, src/proto/ src/os_unix.c,
+ src/Make_vms.mms, src/proto/, src/INSTALL
+Patch 7.4.554
+Problem: Missing part of patch 7.4.519.
+Solution: Copy back regprog after calling vim_regexec.
+Files: src/quickfix.c
+Patch 7.4.555
+Problem: test_close_count may fail for some combination of features.
+Solution: Require normal features.
+Files: src/testdir/
+Patch 7.4.556
+Problem: Failed commands in Python interface not handled correctly.
+Solution: Restore window and buffer on failure.
+Files: src/if_py_both.h
+Patch 7.4.557
+Problem: One more small issue.
+Solution: Update function proto.
+Files: src/proto/
+Patch 7.4.558
+Problem: When the X server restarts Vim may get stuck.
+Solution: Destroy the application context and create it again. (Issue 203)
+Files: src/os_unix.c
+Patch 7.4.559
+Problem: Appending a block in the middle of a tab does not work correctly
+ when virtualedit is set.
+Solution: Decrement spaces and count, don't reset them. (James McCoy)
+Files: src/ops.c, src/testdir/, src/testdir/test39.ok
+Patch 7.4.560
+Problem: Memory leak using :wviminfo. Issue 296.
+Solution: Free memory when needed. (idea by Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/ops.c
+Patch 7.4.561
+Problem: Ex range handling is wrong for buffer-local user commands.
+Solution: Check for CMD_USER_BUF. (Marcin Szamotulski)
+Files: src/ex_docmd.c, src/testdir/,
+ src/testdir/test_command_count.ok
+Patch 7.4.562
+Problem: Segfault with wide screen and error in 'rulerformat'. (Ingo Karkat)
+Solution: Check there is enough space. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/buffer.c, src/screen.c
+Patch 7.4.563
+Problem: No test for replacing on a tab in Virtual replace mode.
+Solution: Add a test. (Elias Diem)
+Files: src/testdir/, src/testdir/test48.ok
+Patch 7.4.564
+Problem: FEAT_OSFILETYPE is used even though it's never defined.
+Solution: Remove the code. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/fileio.c
+Patch 7.4.565
+Problem: Ranges for arguments, buffers, tabs, etc. are not checked to be
+ valid but limited to the maximum. This can cause the wrong thing
+ to happen.
+Solution: Give an error for an invalid value. (Marcin Szamotulski)
+ Use windows range for ":wincmd".
+Files: src/ex_docmd.c, src/ex_cmds.h, src/testdir/,
+ src/testdir/,
+ src/testdir/test_argument_count.ok,
+ src/testdir/,
+ src/testdir/,
+ src/testdir/test_command_count.ok
+Patch 7.4.566
+Problem: :argdo, :bufdo, :windo and :tabdo don't take a range.
+Solution: Support the range. (Marcin Szamotulski)
+Files: runtime/doc/editing.txt, runtime/doc/tabpage.txt,
+ runtime/doc/windows.txt, src/ex_cmds.h, src/ex_cmds2.c,
+ src/testdir/,
+ src/testdir/test_command_count.ok
+Patch 7.4.567
+Problem: Non-ascii vertical separater characters are always redrawn.
+Solution: Compare only the one byte that's stored. (Thiago Padilha)
+Files: src/screen.c
+Patch 7.4.568
+Problem: Giving an error for ":0wincmd w" is a problem for some plugins.
+Solution: Allow the zero in the range. (Marcin Szamotulski)
+Files: src/ex_docmd.c, src/testdir/test_command_count.ok
+Patch 7.4.569 (after 7.4.468)
+Problem: Having CTRL-C interrupt or not does not check the mode of the
+ mapping. (Ingo Karkat)
+Solution: Use a bitmask with the map mode. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/getchar.c, src/structs.h, src/testdir/,
+ src/testdir/test_mapping.ok, src/ui.c, src/globals.h
+Patch 7.4.570
+Problem: Building with dynamic library does not work for Ruby 2.2.0
+Solution: Change #ifdefs and #defines. (Ken Takata)
+Files: src/if_ruby.c
+Patch 7.4.571 (after 7.4.569)
+Problem: Can't build with tiny features. (Ike Devolder)
+Solution: Add #ifdef.
+Files: src/getchar.c
+Patch 7.4.572
+Problem: Address type of :wincmd depends on the argument.
+Solution: Check the argument.
+Files: src/ex_docmd.c, src/window.c, src/proto/
+Patch 7.4.573 (after 7.4.569)
+Problem: Mapping CTRL-C in Visual mode doesn't work. (Ingo Karkat)
+Solution: Call get_real_state() instead of using State directly.
+Files: src/ui.c, src/testdir/, src/testdir/test_mapping.ok
+Patch 7.4.574
+Problem: No error for eval('$').
+Solution: Check for empty name. (Yasuhiro Matsumoto)
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.4.575
+Problem: Unicode character properties are outdated.
+Solution: Update the tables with the latest version.
+Files: src/mbyte.c
+Patch 7.4.576
+Problem: Redrawing problem with 'relativenumber' and 'linebreak'.
+Solution: Temporarily reset 'linebreak' and restore it in more places.
+ (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/normal.c
+Patch 7.4.577
+Problem: Matching with a virtual column has a lot of overhead on very long
+ lines. (Issue 310)
+Solution: Bail out early if there can't be a match. (Christian Brabandt)
+ Also check for CTRL-C at every position.
+Files: src/regexp_nfa.c
+Patch 7.4.578
+Problem: Using getcurpos() after "$" in an empty line returns a negative
+ number.
+Solution: Don't add one when this would overflow. (Hirohito Higashi)
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.4.579
+Problem: Wrong cursor positioning when 'linebreak' is set and lines wrap.
+Solution: Fix it. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/charset.c, src/screen.c
+Patch 7.4.580
+Problem: ":52wincmd v" still gives an invalid range error. (Charles
+ Campbell)
+Solution: Skip over white space.
+Files: src/ex_docmd.c
+Patch 7.4.581
+Problem: Compiler warnings for unitinialized variables. (John Little)
+Solution: Initialize the variables.
+Files: src/ops.c
+Patch 7.4.582 (after 7.4.577)
+Problem: Can't match "%>80v" properly. (Axel Bender)
+Solution: Correctly handle ">". (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/regexp_nfa.c, src/testdir/, src/testdir/test64.ok
+Patch 7.4.583
+Problem: With tiny features test 16 may fail.
+Solution: Source small.vim. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/testdir/
+Patch 7.4.584
+Problem: With tiny features test_command_count may fail.
+Solution: Source small.vim. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/testdir/
+Patch 7.4.585
+Problem: Range for :bdelete does not work. (Ronald Schild)
+Solution: Also allow unloaded buffers.
+Files: src/ex_cmds.h, src/testdir/,
+ src/testdir/test_command_count.ok
+Patch 7.4.586
+Problem: Parallel building of the documentation html files is not reliable.
+Solution: Remove a cyclic dependency. (Reiner Herrmann)
+Files: runtime/doc/Makefile
+Patch 7.4.587
+Problem: Conceal does not work properly with 'linebreak'. (cs86661)
+Solution: Save and restore boguscols. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/screen.c, src/testdir/,
+ src/testdir/test_listlbr_utf8.ok
+Patch 7.4.588
+Problem: ":0argedit foo" puts the new argument in the second place instead
+ of the first.
+Solution: Adjust the range type. (Ingo Karkat)
+Files: src/ex_cmds.h, src/testdir/Make_amiga.mak,
+ src/testdir/Make_dos.mak, src/testdir/Make_ming.mak,
+ src/testdir/Make_os2.mak, src/testdir/Make_vms.mms,
+ src/testdir/Makefile, src/testdir/,
+ src/testdir/test_argument_0count.ok
+Patch 7.4.589
+Problem: In the MS-Windows console Vim can't handle greek characters when
+ encoding is utf-8.
+Solution: Escape K_NUL. (Yasuhiro Matsumoto)
+Files: src/os_win32.c
+Patch 7.4.590
+Problem: Using ctrl_x_mode as if it contains flags.
+Solution: Don't use AND with CTRL_X_OMNI. (Hirohito Higashi)
+Files: src/edit.c
+Patch 7.4.591 (after 7.4.587)
+Problem: test_listlbr_utf8 fails when the conceal feature is not available.
+Solution: Check for the conceal feature. (Kazunobu Kuriyama)
+Files: src/testdir/
+Patch 7.4.592
+Problem: When doing ":e foobar" when already editing "foobar" and 'buftype'
+ is "nofile" the buffer is cleared. (Xavier de Gaye)
+Solution: Do no clear the buffer.
+Files: src/ex_cmds.c
+Patch 7.4.593
+Problem: Crash when searching for "x\{0,90000}". (Dominique Pelle)
+Solution: Bail out from the NFA engine when the max limit is much higher
+ than the min limit.
+Files: src/regexp_nfa.c, src/regexp.c, src/vim.h
+Patch 7.4.594
+Problem: Using a block delete while 'breakindent' is set does not work
+ properly.
+Solution: Use "line" instead of "prev_pend" as the first argument to
+ lbr_chartabsize_adv(). (Hirohito Higashi)
+Files: src/ops.c, src/testdir/,
+ src/testdir/test_breakindent.ok
+Patch 7.4.595
+Problem: The test_command_count test fails when using Japanese.
+Solution: Force the language to C. (Hirohito Higashi)
+Files: src/testdir/
+Patch 7.4.596 (after 7.4.592)
+Problem: Tiny build doesn't compile. (Ike Devolder)
+Solution: Add #ifdef.
+Files: src/ex_cmds.c
+Patch 7.4.597
+Problem: Cannot change the result of systemlist().
+Solution: Initialize v_lock. (Yukihiro Nakadaira)
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.4.598
+Problem: ":tabdo windo echo 'hi'" causes "* register not to be changed.
+ (Salman Halim)
+Solution: Change how clip_did_set_selection is used and add
+ clipboard_needs_update and global_change_count. (Christian
+ Brabandt)
+Files: src/main.c, src/ui.c, src/testdir/,
+ src/testdir/test_eval.ok
+Patch 7.4.599
+Problem: Out-of-memory error.
+Solution: Avoid trying to allocate a negative amount of memory, use size_t
+ instead of int. (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/regexp_nfa.c
+Patch 7.4.600
+Problem: Memory wasted in struct because of aligning.
+Solution: Split pos in lnum and col. (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/regexp_nfa.c
+Patch 7.4.601
+Problem: It is not possible to have feedkeys() insert characters.
+Solution: Add the 'i' flag.
+Files: src/eval.c, runtime/doc/eval.txt
+Patch 7.4.602
+Problem: ":set" does not accept hex numbers as documented.
+Solution: Use vim_str2nr(). (ZyX)
+Files: src/option.c, runtime/doc/options.txt
+Patch 7.4.603
+Problem: 'foldcolumn' may be set such that it fills the whole window, not
+ leaving space for text.
+Solution: Reduce the foldcolumn width when there is not sufficient room.
+ (idea by Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/srcreen.c
+Patch 7.4.604
+Problem: Running tests changes viminfo.
+Solution: Disable viminfo.
+Files: src/testdir/
+Patch 7.4.605
+Problem: The # register is not writable, it cannot be restored after
+ jumping around.
+Solution: Make the # register writable. (Marcin Szamotulski)
+Files: runtime/doc/change.txt, src/ops.c, src/buffer.c, src/globals.h
+Patch 7.4.606
+Problem: May crash when using a small window.
+Solution: Avoid dividing by zero. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/normal.c
+Patch 7.4.607 (after 7.4.598)
+Problem: Compiler warnings for unused variables.
+Solution: Move them inside #ifdef. (Kazunobu Kuriyama)
+Files: src/ui.c
+Patch 7.4.608 (after 7.4.598)
+Problem: test_eval fails when the clipboard feature is missing.
+Solution: Skip part of the test. Reduce the text used.
+Files: src/testdir/, src/testdir/test_eval.ok
+Patch 7.4.609
+Problem: For complicated list and dict use the garbage collector can run
+ out of stack space.
+Solution: Use a stack of dicts and lists to be marked, thus making it
+ iterative instead of recursive. (Ben Fritz)
+Files: src/eval.c, src/if_lua.c, src/if_py_both.h, src/if_python.c,
+ src/if_python3.c, src/proto/, src/proto/,
+ src/proto/, src/proto/, src/structs.h
+Patch 7.4.610
+Problem: Some function headers may be missing from generated .pro files.
+Solution: Add PROTO to the #ifdef.
+Files: src/option.c, src/syntax.c
+Patch 7.4.611 (after 7.4.609)
+Problem: Syntax error.
+Solution: Change statement to return.
+Files: src/if_python3.c
+Patch 7.4.612
+Problem: test_eval fails on Mac.
+Solution: Use the * register instead of the + register. (Jun Takimoto)
+Files: src/testdir/, src/testdir/test_eval.ok
+Patch 7.4.613
+Problem: The NFA engine does not implement the 'redrawtime' time limit.
+Solution: Implement the time limit.
+Files: src/regexp_nfa.c
+Patch 7.4.614
+Problem: There is no test for what patch 7.4.601 fixes.
+Solution: Add a test. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/testdir/, src/testdir/test_mapping.ok
+Patch 7.4.615
+Problem: Vim hangs when freeing a lot of objects.
+Solution: Do not go back to the start of the list every time. (Yasuhiro
+ Matsumoto and Ariya Mizutani)
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.4.616
+Problem: Cannot insert a tab in front of a block.
+Solution: Correctly compute aop->start. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/ops.c, src/testdir/, src/testdir/test39.ok
+Patch 7.4.617
+Problem: Wrong ":argdo" range does not cause an error.
+Solution: Reset "cmd" to NULL. (Marcin Szamotulski, Ingo Karkat)
+Files: src/ex_docmd.c
+Patch 7.4.618 (after 7.4.609)
+Problem: luaV_setref() is missing a return statement. (Ozaki Kiichi)
+Solution: Put the return statement back.
+Files: src/if_lua.c
+Patch 7.4.619 (after 7.4.618)
+Problem: luaV_setref() not returning the correct value.
+Solution: Return one.
+Files: src/if_lua.c
+Patch 7.4.620
+Problem: Compiler warning for unitinialized variable. (Tony Mechelynck)
+Solution: Initialize "did_free". (Ben Fritz)
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.4.621 (after 7.4.619)
+Problem: Returning 1 in the wrong function. (Raymond Ko)
+Solution: Return 1 in the right function (hopefully).
+Files: src/if_lua.c
+Patch 7.4.622
+Problem: Compiler warning for unused argument.
+Solution: Add UNUSED.
+Files: src/regexp_nfa.c
+Patch 7.4.623
+Problem: Crash with pattern: \(\)\{80000} (Dominique Pelle)
+Solution: When the max limit is large fall back to the old engine.
+Files: src/regexp_nfa.c
+Patch 7.4.624
+Problem: May leak memory or crash when vim_realloc() returns NULL.
+Solution: Handle a NULL value properly. (Mike Williams)
+Files: src/if_cscope.c, src/memline.c, src/misc1.c, src/netbeans.c
+Patch 7.4.625
+Problem: Possible NULL pointer dereference.
+Solution: Check for NULL before using it. (Mike Williams)
+Files: src/if_py_both.h
+Patch 7.4.626
+Problem: MSVC with W4 gives useless warnings.
+Solution: Disable more warnings. (Mike Williams)
+Files: src/vim.h
+Patch 7.4.627
+Problem: The last screen cell is not updated.
+Solution: Respect the "tn" termcap feature. (Hayaki Saito)
+Files: runtime/doc/term.txt, src/option.c, src/screen.c, src/term.c,
+ src/term.h
+Patch 7.4.628
+Problem: Compiler warning for variable might be clobbered by longjmp.
+Solution: Add volatile. (Michael Jarvis)
+Files: src/main.c
+Patch 7.4.629
+Problem: Coverity warning for Out-of-bounds read.
+Solution: Increase MAXWLEN to 254. (Eliseo Martínez)
+Files: src/spell.c
+Patch 7.4.630
+Problem: When using Insert mode completion combined with autocommands the
+ redo command may not work.
+Solution: Do not save the redo buffer when executing autocommands. (Yasuhiro
+ Matsumoto)
+Files: src/fileio.c
+Patch 7.4.631
+Problem: The default conceal character is documented to be a space but it's
+ initially a dash. (Christian Brabandt)
+Solution: Make the intial value a space.
+Files: src/globals.h
+Patch 7.4.632 (after 7.4.592)
+Problem: 7.4.592 breaks the netrw plugin, because the autocommands are
+ skipped.
+Solution: Roll back the change.
+Files: src/ex_cmds.c
+Patch 7.4.633
+Problem: After 7.4.630 the problem persists.
+Solution: Also skip redo when calling a user function.
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.4.634
+Problem: Marks are not restored after redo + undo.
+Solution: Fix the way marks are restored. (Olaf Dabrunz)
+Files: src/undo.c, src/testdir/Make_amiga.mak, src/testdir/Make_dos.mak,
+ src/testdir/Make_ming.mak, src/testdir/Make_os2.mak,
+ src/testdir/Make_vms.mms, src/testdir/Makefile,
+ src/testdir/, src/testdir/test_marks.ok
+Patch 7.4.635
+Problem: If no NL or CR is found in the first block of a file then the
+ 'fileformat' may be set to "mac". (Issue 77)
+Solution: Check if a CR was found. (eswald)
+Files: src/fileio.c
+Patch 7.4.636
+Problem: A search with end offset gets stuck at end of file. (Gary Johnson)
+Solution: When a search doesn't move the cursor repeat it with a higher
+ count. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/normal.c, src/testdir/, src/testdir/test44.ok
+Patch 7.4.637
+Problem: Incorrectly read the number of buffer for which an autocommand
+ should be registered.
+Solution: Reverse check for "<buffer=abuf>". (Lech Lorens)
+Files: src/fileio.c
+Patch 7.4.638
+Problem: Can't build with Lua 5.3 on Windows.
+Solution: use luaL_optinteger() instead of LuaL_optlong(). (Ken Takata)
+Files: src/if_lua.c
+Patch 7.4.639
+Problem: Combination of linebreak and conceal doesn't work well.
+Solution: Fix the display problems. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/screen.c, src/testdir/, src/testdir/test88.ok,
+ src/testdir/, src/testdir/test_listlbr_utf8.ok
+Patch 7.4.640
+Problem: After deleting characters in Insert mode such that lines are
+ joined undo does not work properly. (issue 324)
+Solution: Use Insstart instead of Insstart_orig. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/edit.c
+Patch 7.4.641
+Problem: The tabline menu was using ":999tabnew" which is now invalid.
+Solution: Use ":$tabnew" instead. (Florian Degner)
+Files: src/normal.c
+Patch 7.4.642
+Problem: When using "gf" escaped spaces are not handled.
+Solution: Recognize escaped spaces.
+Files: src/vim.h, src/normal.h, src/window.c, src/misc2.c
+Patch 7.4.643
+Problem: Using the default file format for Mac files. (Issue 77)
+Solution: Reset the try_mac counter in the right place. (Oswald)
+Files: src/fileio.c, src/testdir/, src/testdir/test30.ok
+Patch 7.4.644
+Problem: Stratus VOS doesn't have sync().
+Solution: Use fflush(). (Karli Aurelia)
+Files: src/memfile.c
+Patch 7.4.645
+Problem: When splitting the window in a BufAdd autocommand while still in
+ the first, empty buffer the window count is wrong.
+Solution: Do not reset b_nwindows to zero and don't increment it.
+Files: src/buffer.c, src/ex_cmds.c
+Patch 7.4.646
+Problem: ":bufdo" may start at a deleted buffer.
+Solution: Find the first not deleted buffer. (Shane Harper)
+Files: src/ex_cmds2.c, src/testdir/,
+ src/testdir/test_command_count.ok
+Patch 7.4.647
+Problem: After running the tests on MS-Windows many files differ from their
+ originals as they were checked out.
+Solution: Use a temp directory for executing the tests. (Ken Takata, Taro
+ Muraoka)
+Files: src/testdir/Make_dos.mak
+Patch 7.4.648 (after 7.4.647)
+Problem: Tests broken on MS-Windows.
+Solution: Delete wrong copy line. (Ken Takata)
+Files: src/testdir/Make_dos.mak
+Patch 7.4.649
+Problem: Compiler complains about ignoring return value of fwrite().
+ (Michael Jarvis)
+Solution: Add (void).
+Files: src/misc2.c
+Patch 7.4.650
+Problem: Configure check may fail because the dl library is not used.
+Solution: Put "-ldl" in LIBS rather than LDFLAGS. (Oazki Kiichi)
+Files: src/, src/auto/configure
+Patch 7.4.651 (after 7.4.582)
+Problem: Can't match "%>80v" properly for multi-byte characters.
+Solution: Multiply the character number by the maximum number of bytes in a
+ character. (Yasuhiro Matsumoto)
+Files: src/regexp_nfa.c
+Patch 7.4.652
+Problem: Xxd lacks a few features.
+Solution: Use 8 characters for the file position. Add the -e and -o
+ arguments. (Vadim Vygonets)
+Files: src/xxd/xxd.c, runtime/doc/xxd.1
+Patch 7.4.653
+Problem: Insert mode completion with complete() may have CTRL-L work like
+Solution: Handle completion with complete() differently. (Yasuhiro
+ Matsumoto, Christian Brabandt, Hirohito Higashi)
+Files: src/edit.c
+Patch 7.4.654
+Problem: glob() and globpath() cannot include links to non-existing files.
+ (Charles Campbell)
+Solution: Add an argument to include all links with glob(). (James McCoy)
+ Also for globpath().
+Files: src/vim.h, src/eval.c, src/ex_getln.c
+Patch 7.4.655
+Problem: Text deleted by "dit" depends on indent of closing tag.
+ (Jan Parthey)
+Solution: Do not adjust oap->end in do_pending_operator(). (Christian
+ Brabandt)
+Files: src/normal.c, src/search.c, src/testdir/,
+ src/testdir/test53.ok
+Patch 7.4.656 (after 7.4.654)
+Problem: Missing changes for glob() in one file.
+Solution: Add the missing changes.
+Files: src/misc1.c
+Patch 7.4.657 (after 7.4.656)
+Problem: Compiler warnings for pointer mismatch.
+Solution: Add a typecast. (John Marriott)
+Files: src/misc1.c
+Patch 7.4.658
+Problem: 'formatexpr' is evaluated too often.
+Solution: Only invoke it when beyond the 'textwidth' column, as it is
+ documented. (James McCoy)
+Files: src/edit.c
+Patch 7.4.659
+Problem: When 'ruler' is set the preferred column is reset. (Issue 339)
+Solution: Don't set curswant when redrawing the status lines.
+Files: src/option.c
+Patch 7.4.660
+Problem: Using freed memory when g:colors_name is changed in the colors
+ script. (oni-link)
+Solution: Make a copy of the variable value.
+Files: src/syntax.c
+Patch 7.4.661
+Problem: Using "0 CTRL-D" in Insert mode may have CursorHoldI interfere.
+ (Gary Johnson)
+Solution: Don't store K_CURSORHOLD as the last character. (Christian
+ Brabandt)
+Files: src/edit.c
+Patch 7.4.662
+Problem: When 'M' is in the 'cpo' option then selecting a text object in
+ parenthesis does not work correctly.
+Solution: Keep 'M' in 'cpo' when finding a match. (Hirohito Higashi)
+Files: src/search.c, src/testdir/Make_amiga.mak,
+ src/testdir/Make_dos.mak, src/testdir/Make_ming.mak,
+ src/testdir/Make_os2.mak, src/testdir/Make_vms.mms,
+ src/testdir/Makefile, src/testdir/,
+ src/testdir/test_textobjects.ok
+Patch 7.4.663
+Problem: When using netbeans a buffer is not found in another tab.
+Solution: When 'switchbuf' is set to "usetab" then switch to another tab
+ when possible. (Xavier de Gaye)
+Files: src/netbeans.c
+Patch 7.4.664
+Problem: When 'compatible' is reset 'numberwidth' is set to 4, but the
+ effect doesn't show until a change is made.
+Solution: Check if 'numberwidth' changed. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/screen.c, src/structs.h
+Patch 7.4.665
+Problem: 'linebreak' does not work properly with multi-byte characters.
+Solution: Compute the pointer offset with mb_head_off(). (Yasuhiro
+ Matsumoto)
+Files: src/screen.c
+Patch 7.4.666
+Problem: There is a chance that Vim may lock up.
+Solution: Handle timer events differently. (Aaron Burrow)
+Files: src/os_unix.c
+Patch 7.4.667
+Problem: 'colorcolumn' isn't drawn in a closed fold while 'cursorcolumn'
+ is. (Carlos Pita)
+Solution: Make it consistent. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/screen.c
+Patch 7.4.668
+Problem: Can't use a glob pattern as a regexp pattern.
+Solution: Add glob2regpat(). (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/eval.c, runtime/doc/eval.txt
+Patch 7.4.669
+Problem: When netbeans is active the sign column always shows up.
+Solution: Only show the sign column once a sign has been added. (Xavier de
+ Gaye)
+Files: src/buffer.c, src/edit.c, src/move.c, src/netbeans.c,
+ src/screen.c, src/structs.h
+Patch 7.4.670
+Problem: Using 'cindent' for Javascript is less than perfect.
+Solution: Improve indenting of continuation lines. (Hirohito Higashi)
+Files: src/misc1.c, src/testdir/, src/testdir/test3.ok
+Patch 7.4.671 (after 7.4.665)
+Problem: Warning for shadowing a variable.
+Solution: Rename off to mb_off. (Kazunobu Kuriyama)
+Files: src/screen.c
+Patch 7.4.672
+Problem: When completing a shell command, directories in the current
+ directory are not listed.
+Solution: When "." is not in $PATH also look in the current directory for
+ directories.
+Files: src/ex_getln.c, src/vim.h, src/misc1.c, src/eval.c,
+ src/os_amiga.c, src/os_msdos.c, src/os_unix.c, src/os_vms.c,
+ src/proto/, src/proto/,
+ src/proto/, src/proto/
+Patch 7.4.673
+Problem: The first syntax entry gets sequence number zero, which doesn't
+ work. (Clinton McKay)
+Solution: Start at number one. (Bjorn Linse)
+Files: src/syntax.c
+Patch 7.4.674 (after 7.4.672)
+Problem: Missing changes in one file.
+Solution: Also change the win32 file.
+Files: src/os_win32.c
+Patch 7.4.675
+Problem: When a FileReadPost autocommand moves the cursor inside a line it
+ gets moved back.
+Solution: When checking whether an autocommand moved the cursor store the
+ column as well. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/ex_cmds.c
+Patch 7.4.676
+Problem: On Mac, when not using the default Python framework configure
+ doesn't do the right thing.
+Solution: Use a linker search path. (Kazunobu Kuriyama)
+Files: src/, src/auto/configure
+Patch 7.4.677 (after 7.4.676)
+Problem: Configure fails when specifying a python-config-dir. (Lcd)
+Solution: Check if PYTHONFRAMEWORKPREFIX is set.
+Files: src/, src/auto/configure
+Patch 7.4.678
+Problem: When using --remote the directory may end up being wrong.
+Solution: Use localdir() to find out what to do. (Xaizek)
+Files: src/main.c
+Patch 7.4.679
+Problem: Color values greater than 255 cause problems on MS-Windows.
+Solution: Truncate to 255 colors. (Yasuhiro Matsumoto)
+Files: src/os_win32.c
+Patch 7.4.680
+Problem: CTRL-W in Insert mode does not work well for multi-byte
+ characters.
+Solution: Use mb_get_class(). (Yasuhiro Matsumoto)
+Files: src/edit.c, src/testdir/Make_amiga.mak, src/testdir/Make_dos.mak,
+ src/testdir/Make_ming.mak, src/testdir/Make_os2.mak,
+ src/testdir/Make_vms.mms, src/testdir/Makefile,
+ src/testdir/,
+ src/testdir/test_erasebackword.ok,
+Patch 7.4.681
+Problem: MS-Windows: When Vim is minimized the window height is computed
+ incorrectly.
+Solution: When minimized use the previously computed size. (Ingo Karkat)
+Files: src/gui_w32.c
+Patch 7.4.682
+Problem: The search highlighting and match highlighting replaces the
+ cursorline highlighting, this doesn't look good.
+Solution: Combine the highlighting. (Yasuhiro Matsumoto)
+Files: src/screen.c
+Patch 7.4.683
+Problem: Typo in the vimtutor command.
+Solution: Fix the typo. (Corey Farwell, github pull 349)
+Patch 7.4.684
+Problem: When starting several Vim instances in diff mode, the temp files
+ used may not be unique. (Issue 353)
+Solution: Add an argument to vim_tempname() to keep the file.
+Files: src/diff.c, src/eval.c, src/ex_cmds.c, src/fileio.c,
+ src/hardcopy.c, src/proto/, src/if_cscope.c,
+ src/memline.c, src/misc1.c, src/os_unix.c, src/quickfix.c,
+ src/spell.c
+Patch 7.4.685
+Problem: When there are illegal utf-8 characters the old regexp engine may
+ go past the end of a string.
+Solution: Only advance to the end of the string. (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/regexp.c
+Patch 7.4.686
+Problem: "zr" and "zm" do not take a count.
+Solution: Implement the count, restrict the fold level to the maximum
+ nesting depth. (Marcin Szamotulski)
+Files: runtime/doc/fold.txt, src/normal.c
+Patch 7.4.687
+Problem: There is no way to use a different in Replace mode for a terminal.
+Solution: Add t_SR. (Omar Sandoval)
+Files: runtime/doc/options.txt, runtime/doc/term.txt,
+ runtime/syntax/vim.vim, src/option.c, src/term.c, src/term.h
+Patch 7.4.688
+Problem: When "$" is in 'cpo' the popup menu isn't undrawn correctly.
+ (Issue 166)
+Solution: When using the popup menu remove the "$".
+Files: src/edit.c
+Patch 7.4.689
+Problem: On MS-Windows, when 'autochdir' is set, diff mode with files in
+ different directories does not work. (Axel Bender)
+Solution: Remember the current directory and use it where needed. (Christian
+ Brabandt)
+Files: src/main.c
+Patch 7.4.690
+Problem: Memory access errors when changing indent in Ex mode. Also missing
+ redraw when using CTRL-U. (Knil Ino)
+Solution: Update pointers after calling ga_grow().
+Files: src/ex_getln.c
+Patch 7.4.691 (after 7.4.689)
+Problem: Can't build with MzScheme.
+Solution: Change "cwd" into the global variable "start_dir".
+Files: src/main.c
+Patch 7.4.692
+Problem: Defining SOLARIS for no good reason. (Danek Duvall)
+Solution: Remove it.
+Files: src/os_unix.h
+Patch 7.4.693
+Problem: Session file is not correct when there are multiple tab pages.
+Solution: Reset the current window number for each tab page. (Jacob Niehus)
+Files: src/ex_docmd.c
+Patch 7.4.694
+Problem: Running tests changes the .viminfo file.
+Solution: Disable viminfo in the text objects test.
+Files: src/testdir/
+Patch 7.4.695
+Problem: Out-of-bounds read, dectected by Coverity.
+Solution: Remember the value of cmap for the first matching encoding. Reset
+ cmap to that value if first matching encoding is going to be used.
+ (Eliseo Martínez)
+Files: src/hardcopy.c
+Patch 7.4.696
+Problem: Not freeing memory when encountering an error.
+Solution: Free the stack before returning. (Eliseo Martínez)
+Files: src/regexp_nfa.c
+Patch 7.4.697
+Problem: The filename used for ":profile" must be given literally.
+Solution: Expand "~" and environment variables. (Marco Hinz)
+Files: src/ex_cmds2.c
+Patch 7.4.698
+Problem: Various problems with locked and fixed lists and dictionaries.
+Solution: Disallow changing locked items, fix a crash, add tests. (Olaf
+ Dabrunz)
+Files: src/structs.h, src/eval.c, src/testdir/,
+ src/testdir/test55.ok
+Patch 7.4.699
+Problem: E315 when trying to delete a fold. (Yutao Yuan)
+Solution: Make sure the fold doesn't go beyond the last buffer line.
+ (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/fold.c
+Patch 7.4.700
+Problem: Fold can't be opened after ":move". (Ein Brown)
+Solution: Delete the folding information and update it afterwards.
+ (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/ex_cmds.c, src/fold.c, src/testdir/,
+ src/testdir/test45.ok
+Patch 7.4.701
+Problem: Compiler warning for using uninitialized variable. (Yasuhiro
+ Matsumoto)
+Solution: Initialize it.
+Files: src/hardcopy.c
+Patch 7.4.702
+Problem: Joining an empty list does uneccessary work.
+Solution: Let join() return early. (Marco Hinz)
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.4.703
+Problem: Compiler warning for start_dir unused when building unittests.
+Solution: Move start_dir inside the #ifdef.
+Files: src/main.c
+Patch 7.4.704
+Problem: Searching for a character matches an illegal byte and causes
+ invalid memory access. (Dominique Pelle)
+Solution: Do not match an invalid byte when search for a character in a
+ string. Fix equivalence classes using negative numbers, which
+ result in illegal bytes.
+Files: src/misc2.c, src/regexp.c, src/testdir/
+Patch 7.4.705
+Problem: Can't build with Ruby 2.2.
+Solution: Add #ifdefs to handle the incompatible change. (Andrei Olsen)
+Files: src/if_ruby.c
+Patch 7.4.706
+Problem: Window drawn wrong when 'laststatus' is zero and there is a
+ command-line window. (Yclept Nemo)
+Solution: Set the status height a bit later. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/window.c
+Patch 7.4.707
+Problem: Undo files can have their executable bit set.
+Solution: Strip of the executable bit. (Mikael Berthe)
+Files: src/undo.c
+Patch 7.4.708
+Problem: gettext() is called too often.
+Solution: Do not call gettext() for messages until they are actually used.
+ (idea by Yasuhiro Matsumoto)
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.4.709
+Problem: ":tabmove" does not work as documented.
+Solution: Make it work consistently. Update documentation and add tests.
+ (Hirohito Higashi)
+Files: src/window.c, runtime/doc/tabpage.txt, src/ex_docmd.c,
+ src/testdir/, src/testdir/test62.ok
+Patch 7.4.710
+Problem: It is not possible to make spaces visibible in list mode.
+Solution: Add the "space" item to 'listchars'. (David Bürgin, issue 350)
+Files: runtime/doc/options.txt, src/globals.h, src/message.h,
+ src/screen.c, src/testdir/,
+ src/testdir/test_listchars.ok, src/testdir/Make_amiga.mak,
+ src/testdir/Make_dos.mak, src/testdir/Make_ming.mak,
+ src/testdir/Make_os2.mak, src/testdir/Make_vms.mms,
+ src/testdir/Makefile
+Patch 7.4.711 (after 7.4.710)
+Problem: Missing change in one file.
+Solution: Also change option.c
+Files: src/option.c
+Patch 7.4.712 (after 7.4.710)
+Problem: Missing change in another file.
+Solution: Also change message.c
+Files: src/message.c
+Patch 7.4.713
+Problem: Wrong condition for #ifdef.
+Solution: Change USR_EXRC_FILE2 to USR_VIMRC_FILE2. (Mikael Fourrier)
+Files: src/os_unix.h
+Patch 7.4.714
+Problem: Illegal memory access when there are illegal bytes.
+Solution: Check the byte length of the character. (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/regexp.c
+Patch 7.4.715
+Problem: Invalid memory access when there are illegal bytes.
+Solution: Get the length from the text, not from the character. (Dominique
+ Pelle)
+Files: src/regexp_nfa.c
+Patch 7.4.716
+Problem: When using the 'c' flag of ":substitute" and selecting "a" or "l"
+ at the prompt the flags are not remembered for ":&&". (Ingo
+ Karkat)
+Solution: Save the flag values and restore them. (Hirohito Higashi)
+Files: src/ex_cmds.c
+Patch 7.4.717
+Problem: ":let list += list" can change a locked list.
+Solution: Check for the lock earlier. (Olaf Dabrunz)
+Files: src/eval.c, src/testdir/, src/testdir/test55.ok
+Patch 7.4.718
+Problem: Autocommands triggered by quickfix cannot get the current title
+ value.
+Solution: Set w:quickfix_title earlier. (Yannick)
+ Also move the check for a title into the function.
+Files: src/quickfix.c
+Patch 7.4.719
+Problem: Overflow when adding MAXCOL to a pointer.
+Solution: Subtract pointers instead. (James McCoy)
+Files: src/screen.c
+Patch 7.4.720
+Problem: Can't build with Visual Studio 2015.
+Solution: Recognize the "version 14" numbers and omit /nodefaultlib when
+ appropriate. (Paul Moore)
+Files: src/Make_mvc.mak
+Patch 7.4.721
+Problem: When 'list' is set Visual mode does not highlight anything in
+ empty lines. (mgaleski)
+Solution: Check the value of lcs_eol in another place. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/screen.c
+Patch 7.4.722
+Problem: 0x202f is not recognized as a non-breaking space character.
+Solution: Add 0x202f to the list. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: runtime/doc/options.txt, src/message.c, src/screen.c
+Patch 7.4.723
+Problem: For indenting, finding the C++ baseclass can be slow.
+Solution: Cache the result. (Hirohito Higashi)
+Files: src/misc1.c
+Patch 7.4.724
+Problem: Vim icon does not show in Windows context menu. (issue 249)
+Solution: Load the icon in GvimExt.
+Files: src/GvimExt/gvimext.cpp, src/GvimExt/gvimext.h
+Patch 7.4.725
+Problem: ":call setreg('"', [])" reports an internal error.
+Solution: Make the register empty. (Yasuhiro Matsumoto)
+Files: src/ops.c
+Patch 7.4.726 (after 7.4.724)
+Problem: Cannot build GvimExt.
+Solution: Set APPVER to 5.0. (KF Leong)
+Files: src/GvimExt/Makefile
+Patch 7.4.727 (after 7.4.724)
+Problem: Cannot build GvimExt with MingW.
+Solution: Add -lgdi32. (KF Leong)
+Files: src/GvimExt/Make_ming.mak
+Patch 7.4.728
+Problem: Can't build with some version of Visual Studio 2015.
+Solution: Recognize another version 14 number. (Sinan)
+Files: src/Make_mvc.mak
+Patch 7.4.729 (after 7.4.721)
+Problem: Occasional crash with 'list' set.
+Solution: Fix off-by-one error. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/screen.c
+Patch 7.4.730
+Problem: When setting the crypt key and using a swap file, text may be
+ encrypted twice or unencrypted text remains in the swap file.
+ (Issue 369)
+Solution: Call ml_preserve() before re-encrypting. Set correct index for
+ next pointer block.
+Files: src/memfile.c, src/memline.c, src/proto/, src/option.c
+Patch 7.4.731
+Problem: The tab menu shows "Close tab" even when it doesn't work.
+Solution: Don't show "Close tab" for the last tab. (John Marriott)
+Files: src/gui_w48.c, src/gui_gtk_x11.c, src/gui_mac.c, src/gui_motif.c
+Patch 7.4.732
+Problem: The cursor line is not always updated for the "O" command.
+Solution: Reset the VALID_CROW flag. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/normal.c
+Patch 7.4.733
+Problem: test_listchars breaks on MS-Windows. (Kenichi Ito)
+Solution: Set fileformat to "unix". (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/testdir/
+Patch 7.4.734
+Problem: ml_get error when using "p" in a Visual selection in the last
+ line.
+Solution: Change the behavior at the last line. (Yukihiro Nakadaira)
+Files: src/normal.c, src/ops.c, src/testdir/,
+ src/testdir/test94.ok
+Patch 7.4.735
+Problem: Wrong argument for sizeof().
+Solution: Use a pointer argument. (Chris Hall)
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.4.736
+Problem: Invalid memory access.
+Solution: Avoid going over the end of a NUL terminated string. (Dominique
+ Pelle)
+Files: src/regexp.c
+Patch 7.4.737
+Problem: On MS-Windows vimgrep over arglist doesn't work (Issue 361)
+Solution: Only escape backslashes in ## expansion when it is not used as the
+ path separator. (James McCoy)
+Files: src/ex_docmd.c
+Patch 7.4.738 (after 7.4.732)
+Problem: Can't compile without the syntax highlighting feature.
+Solution: Add #ifdef around use of w_p_cul. (Hirohito Higashi)
+Files: src/normal.c, src/screen.c
+Patch 7.4.739
+Problem: In a string "\U" only takes 4 digits, while after CTRL-V U eight
+ digits can be used.
+Solution: Make "\U" also take eight digits. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.4.740
+Problem: ":1quit" works like ":.quit". (Bohr Shaw)
+Solution: Don't exit Vim when a range is specified. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/ex_docmd.c, src/testdir/, src/testdir/test13.ok
+Patch 7.4.741
+Problem: When using += with ":set" a trailing comma is not recognized.
+ (Issue 365)
+Solution: Don't add a second comma. Add a test. (partly by Christian
+ Brabandt)
+Files: src/option.c, src/testdir/, src/testdir/test_set.ok,
+ src/testdir/Make_amiga.mak, src/testdir/Make_dos.mak,
+ src/testdir/Make_ming.mak, src/testdir/Make_os2.mak,
+ src/testdir/Make_vms.mms, src/testdir/Makefile
+Patch 7.4.742
+Problem: Cannot specify a vertical split when loading a buffer for a
+ quickfix command.
+Solution: Add the "vsplit" value to 'switchbuf'. (Brook Hong)
+Files: runtime/doc/options.txt, src/buffer.c, src/option.h
+Patch 7.4.743
+Problem: "p" in Visual mode causes an unexpected line split.
+Solution: Advance the cursor first. (Yukihiro Nakadaira)
+Files: src/ops.c, src/testdir/, src/testdir/test94.ok
+Patch 7.4.744
+Problem: No tests for Ruby and Perl.
+Solution: Add minimal tests. (Ken Takata)
+Files: src/testdir/, src/testdir/test_perl.ok,
+ src/testdir/, src/testdir/test_ruby.ok,
+ src/testdir/Make_amiga.mak, src/testdir/Make_dos.mak,
+ src/testdir/Make_ming.mak, src/testdir/Make_os2.mak,
+ src/testdir/Make_vms.mms, src/testdir/Makefile
+Patch 7.4.745
+Problem: The entries added by matchaddpos() are returned by getmatches()
+ but can't be set with setmatches(). (Lcd)
+Solution: Fix setmatches(). (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/eval.c, src/testdir/, src/testdir/test63.ok
+Patch 7.4.746
+Problem: ":[count]tag" is not always working. (cs86661)
+Solution: Set cur_match a bit later. (Hirohito Higashi)
+Files: src/tag.c,
+Patch 7.4.747
+Problem: ":cnext" may jump to the wrong column when setting
+ 'virtualedit=all' (cs86661)
+Solution: Reset the coladd field. (Hirohito Higashi)
+Files: src/quickfix.c
+Patch 7.4.748 (after 7.4.745)
+Problem: Buffer overflow.
+Solution: Make the buffer larger. (Kazunobu Kuriyama)
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.4.749 (after 7.4.741)
+Problem: For some options two consecutive commas are OK. (Nikolay Pavlov)
+Solution: Add the P_ONECOMMA flag.
+Files: src/option.c
+Patch 7.4.750
+Problem: Cannot build with clang 3.5 on Cygwin with perl enabled.
+Solution: Strip "-fdebug-prefix-map" in configure. (Ken Takata)
+Files: src/, src/auto/configure
+Patch 7.4.751
+Problem: It is not obvious how to enable the address sanitizer.
+Solution: Add commented-out flags in the Makefile. (Dominique Pelle)
+ Also add missing test targets.
+Files: src/Makefile
+Patch 7.4.752
+Problem: Unicode 8.0 not supported.
+Solution: Update tables for Unicode 8.0. Avoid E36 when running the script.
+ (James McCoy)
+Files: runtime/tools/unicode.vim, src/mbyte.c
+Patch 7.4.753
+Problem: Appending in Visual mode with 'linebreak' set does not work
+ properly. Also when 'selection' is "exclusive". (Ingo Karkat)
+Solution: Recalculate virtual columns. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/normal.c, src/testdir/,
+ src/testdir/test_listlbr.ok, src/testdir/,
+ src/testdir/test_listlbr_utf8.ok
+Patch 7.4.754
+Problem: Using CTRL-A in Visual mode does not work well. (Gary Johnson)
+Solution: Make it increment all numbers in the Visual area. (Christian
+ Brabandt)
+Files: runtime/doc/change.txt, src/normal.c, src/ops.c,
+ src/proto/, src/testdir/Make_amiga.mak,
+ src/testdir/Make_dos.mak, src/testdir/Make_ming.mak,
+ src/testdir/Make_os2.mak, src/testdir/Make_vms.mms,
+ src/testdir/Makefile, src/testdir/,
+ src/testdir/test_increment.ok
+Patch 7.4.755
+Problem: It is not easy to count the number of characters.
+Solution: Add the skipcc argument to strchars(). (Hirohito Higashi, Ken
+ Takata)
+Files: runtime/doc/eval.txt, src/eval.c, src/testdir/,
+ src/testdir/test_utf8.ok
+Patch 7.4.756
+Problem: Can't use strawberry Perl 5.22 x64 on MS-Windows.
+Solution: Add new defines and #if. (Ken Takata)
+Files: src/Make_cyg_ming.mak, src/Make_mvc.mak, src/if_perl.xs
+Patch 7.4.757
+Problem: Cannot detect the background color of a terminal.
+Solution: Add T_RBG to request the background color if possible. (Lubomir
+ Rintel)
+Files: src/main.c, src/term.c, src/term.h, src/proto/
+Patch 7.4.758
+Problem: When 'conceallevel' is 1 and quitting the command-line window with
+ CTRL-C the first character ':' is erased.
+Solution: Reset 'conceallevel' in the command-line window. (Hirohito
+ Higashi)
+Files: src/ex_getln.c
+Patch 7.4.759
+Problem: Building with Lua 5.3 doesn't work, symbols have changed.
+Solution: Use the new names for the new version. (Felix Schnizlein)
+Files: src/if_lua.c
+Patch 7.4.760
+Problem: Spelling mistakes are not displayed after ":syn spell".
+Solution: Force a redraw after ":syn spell" command. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/syntax.c
+Patch 7.4.761 (after 7.4.757)
+Problem: The request-background termcode implementation is incomplete.
+Solution: Add the missing pieces.
+Files: src/option.c, src/term.c
+Patch 7.4.762 (after 7.4.757)
+Problem: Comment for may_req_bg_color() is wrong. (Christ van Willegen)
+Solution: Rewrite the comment.
+Files: src/term.c
+Patch 7.4.763 (after 7.4.759)
+Problem: Building with Lua 5.1 doesn't work.
+Solution: Define lua_replace and lua_remove. (KF Leong)
+Files: src/if_lua.c
+Patch 7.4.764 (after 7.4.754)
+Problem: test_increment fails on MS-Windows. (Ken Takata)
+Solution: Clear Visual mappings. (Taro Muraoka)
+Files: src/testdir/
+Patch 7.4.765 (after 7.4.754)
+Problem: CTRL-A and CTRL-X in Visual mode do not always work well.
+Solution: Improvements for increment and decrement. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/normal.c, src/ops.c, src/testdir/,
+ src/testdir/test_increment.ok
+Patch 7.4.766 (after 7.4.757)
+Problem: Background color check does not work on Tera Term.
+Solution: Also recognize ST as a termination character. (Hirohito Higashi)
+Files: src/term.c
+Patch 7.4.767
+Problem: --remote-tab-silent can fail on MS-Windows.
+Solution: Use single quotes to avoid problems with backslashes. (Idea by
+ Weiyong Mao)
+Files: src/main.c
+Patch 7.4.768
+Problem: :diffoff only works properly once.
+Solution: Also make :diffoff work when used a second time. (Olaf Dabrunz)
+Files: src/diff.c
+Patch 7.4.769 (after 7.4 768)
+Problem: Behavior of :diffoff is not tested.
+Solution: Add a bit of testing. (Olaf Dabrunz)
+Files: src/testdir/, src/testdir/test47.ok
+Patch 7.4.770 (after 7.4.766)
+Problem: Background color response with transparency is not ignored.
+Solution: Change the way escape sequences are recognized. (partly by
+ Hirohito Higashi)
+Files: src/ascii.h, src/term.c
+Patch 7.4.771
+Problem: Search does not handle multi-byte character at the start position
+ correctly.
+Solution: Take byte size of character into account. (Yukihiro Nakadaira)
+Files: src/search.c, src/testdir/Make_amiga.mak,
+ src/testdir/Make_dos.mak, src/testdir/Make_ming.mak,
+ src/testdir/Make_os2.mak, src/testdir/Make_vms.mms,
+ src/testdir/Makefile, src/testdir/,
+ src/testdir/test_search_mbyte.ok
+Patch 7.4.772
+Problem: Racket 6.2 is not supported on MS-Windows.
+Solution: Check for the "racket" subdirectory. (Weiyong Mao)
+Files: src/Make_mvc.mak, src/if_mzsch.c
+Patch 7.4.773
+Problem: 'langmap' is used in command-line mode when checking for mappings.
+ Issue 376.
+Solution: Do not use 'langmap' in command-line mode. (Larry Velazquez)
+Files: src/getchar.c, src/testdir/,
+ src/testdir/test_mapping.ok
+Patch 7.4.774
+Problem: When using the CompleteDone autocommand event it's difficult to
+ get to the completed items.
+Solution: Add the v:completed_items variable. (Shougo Matsu)
+Files: runtime/doc/autocmd.txt, runtime/doc/eval.txt, src/edit.c,
+ src/eval.c, src/macros.h, src/proto/, src/vim.h
+Patch 7.4.775
+Problem: It is not possible to avoid using the first item of completion.
+Solution: Add the "noinsert" and "noselect" values to 'completeopt'. (Shougo
+ Matsu)
+Files: runtime/doc/options.txt, src/edit.c, src/option.c
+Patch 7.4.776
+Problem: Equivalence class for 'd' does not work correctly.
+Solution: Fix 0x1e0f and 0x1d0b. (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/regexp.c, src/regexp_nfa.c
+Patch 7.4.777
+Problem: The README file doesn't look nice on github.
+Solution: Add a markdown version of the README file.
+Files: Filelist,
+Patch 7.4.778
+Problem: Coverity warns for uninitialized variable.
+Solution: Change condition of assignment.
+Files: src/ops.c
+Patch 7.4.779
+Problem: Using CTRL-A in a line without a number moves the cursor. May
+ cause a crash when at the start of the line. (Urtica Dioica)
+Solution: Do not move the cursor if no number was changed.
+Files: src/ops.c
+Patch 7.4.780
+Problem: Compiler complains about uninitialized variable and clobbered
+ variables.
+Solution: Add Initialization. Make variables static.
+Files: src/ops.c, src/main.c
+Patch 7.4.781
+Problem: line2byte() returns one less when 'bin' and 'noeol' are set.
+Solution: Only adjust the size for the last line. (Rob Wu)
+Files: src/memline.c
+Patch 7.4.782
+Problem: Still a few problems with CTRL-A and CTRL-X in Visual mode.
+Solution: Fix the reported problems. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/charset.c, src/eval.c, src/ex_cmds.c, src/ex_getln.c,
+ src/misc2.c, src/normal.c, src/ops.c, src/option.c,
+ src/proto/, src/testdir/,
+ src/testdir/test_increment.ok
+Patch 7.4.783
+Problem: copy_chars() and copy_spaces() are inefficient.
+Solution: Use memset() instead. (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/ex_getln.c, src/misc2.c, src/ops.c, src/proto/,
+ src/screen.c
+Patch 7.4.784
+Problem: Using both "noinsert" and "noselect" in 'completeopt' does not
+ work properly.
+Solution: Change the ins_complete() calls. (Ozaki Kiichi)
+Files: src/edit.c
+Patch 7.4.785
+Problem: On some systems automatically adding the missing EOL causes
+ problems. Setting 'binary' has too many side effects.
+Solution: Add the 'fixeol' option, default on. (Pavel Samarkin)
+Files: src/buffer.c, src/fileio.c, src/memline.c, src/netbeans.c,
+ src/ops.c, src/option.c, src/option.h, src/os_unix.c,
+ src/os_win32.c, src/structs.h, src/testdir/Make_amiga.mak,
+ src/testdir/Make_dos.mak, src/testdir/Make_ming.mak,
+ src/testdir/Make_os2.mak, src/testdir/Make_vms.mms,
+ src/testdir/Makefile, src/testdir/,
+ src/testdir/test_fixeol.ok, runtime/doc/options.txt,
+ runtime/optwin.vim
+Patch 7.4.786
+Problem: It is not possible for a plugin to adjust to a changed setting.
+Solution: Add the OptionSet autocommand event. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: runtime/doc/autocmd.txt, runtime/doc/eval.txt, src/eval.c,
+ src/fileio.c, src/option.c, src/proto/,
+ src/testdir/Make_amiga.mak, src/testdir/Make_dos.mak,
+ src/testdir/Make_ming.mak, src/testdir/Make_os2.mak,
+ src/testdir/Make_vms.mms, src/testdir/Makefile,
+ src/testdir/,
+ src/testdir/test_autocmd_option.ok, src/vim.h
+Patch 7.4.787 (after 7.4.786)
+Problem: snprintf() isn't available everywhere.
+Solution: Use vim_snprintf(). (Ken Takata)
+Files: src/option.c
+Patch 7.4.788 (after 7.4.787)
+Problem: Can't build without the crypt feature. (John Marriott)
+Solution: Add #ifdef's.
+Files: src/option.c
+Patch 7.4.789 (after 7.4.788)
+Problem: Using freed memory and crash. (Dominique Pellej)
+Solution: Correct use of pointers. (Hirohito Higashi)
+Files: src/option.c
+Patch 7.4.790 (after 7.4.786)
+Problem: Test fails when the autochdir feature is not available. Test
+ output contains the test script.
+Solution: Check for the autochdir feature. (Kazunobu Kuriyama) Only write
+ the relevant test output.
+Files: src/testdir/,
+ src/testdir/test_autocmd_option.ok
+Patch 7.4.791
+Problem: The buffer list can be very long.
+Solution: Add an argument to ":ls" to specify the type of buffer to list.
+ (Marcin Szamotulski)
+Files: runtime/doc/windows.txt, src/buffer.c, src/ex_cmds.h
+Patch 7.4.792
+Problem: Can only conceal text by defining syntax items.
+Solution: Use matchadd() to define concealing. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: runtime/doc/eval.txt, src/eval.c, src/ex_docmd.c,
+ src/proto/, src/screen.c, src/structs.h,
+ src/testdir/Make_amiga.mak,
+ src/testdir/Make_dos.mak, src/testdir/Make_ming.mak,
+ src/testdir/Make_os2.mak, src/testdir/Make_vms.mms,
+ src/testdir/Makefile, src/testdir/,
+ src/testdir/test_match_conceal.ok, src/window.c
+Patch 7.4.793
+Problem: Can't specify when not to ring the bell.
+Solution: Add the 'belloff' option. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: runtime/doc/options.txt, src/edit.c, src/ex_getln.c,
+ src/hangulin.c, src/if_lua.c, src/if_mzsch.c, src/if_tcl.c,
+ src/message.c, src/misc1.c, src/normal.c, src/option.c,
+ src/option.h, src/proto/, src/search.c, src/spell.c
+Patch 7.4.794
+Problem: Visual Studio 2015 is not recognized.
+Solution: Add the version numbers to the makefile. (Taro Muraoka)
+Files: src/Make_mvc.mak
+Patch 7.4.795
+Problem: The 'fixeol' option is not copied to a new window.
+Solution: Copy the option value. (Yasuhiro Matsumoto)
+Files: src/option.c
+Patch 7.4.796
+Problem: Warning from 64 bit compiler.
+Solution: Add type cast. (Mike Williams)
+Files: src/ops.c
+Patch 7.4.797
+Problem: Crash when using more lines for the command line than
+ 'maxcombine'.
+Solution: Use the correct array index. Also, do not try redrawing when
+ exiting. And use screen_Columns instead of Columns.
+Files: src/screen.c
+Patch 7.4.798 (after 7.4.753)
+Problem: Repeating a change in Visual mode does not work as expected.
+ (Urtica Dioica)
+Solution: Make redo in Visual mode work better. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/normal.c, src/testdir/,
+ src/testdir/test_listlbr.ok
+Patch 7.4.799
+Problem: Accessing memory before an allocated block.
+Solution: Check for not going before the start of a pattern. (Dominique
+ Pelle)
+Files: src/fileio.c
+Patch 7.4.800
+Problem: Using freed memory when triggering CmdUndefined autocommands.
+Solution: Set pointer to NULL. (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/ex_docmd.c
+Patch 7.4.801 (after 7.4.769)
+Problem: Test for ":diffoff" doesn't catch all potential problems.
+Solution: Add a :diffthis and a :diffoff command. (Olaf Dabrunz)
+Files: src/testdir/
+Patch 7.4.802
+Problem: Using "A" in Visual mode while 'linebreak' is set is not tested.
+Solution: Add a test for this, verifies the problem is fixed. (Ingo Karkat)
+Files: src/testdir/, src/testdir/test39.ok
+Patch 7.4.803
+Problem: C indent does not support C11 raw strings. (Mark Lodato)
+Solution: Do not change indent inside the raw string.
+Files: src/search.c, src/misc1.c, src/edit.c, src/ops.c,
+ src/testdir/, src/testdir/test3.ok
+Patch 7.4.804
+Problem: Xxd doesn't have a license notice.
+Solution: Add license as indicated by Juergen.
+Files: src/xxd/xxd.c
+Patch 7.4.805
+Problem: The ruler shows "Bot" even when there are only filler lines
+ missing. (Gary Johnson)
+Solution: Use "All" when the first line and one filler line are visible.
+Files: src/buffer.c
+Patch 7.4.806
+Problem: CTRL-A in Visual mode doesn't work properly with "alpha" in
+ 'nrformat'.
+Solution: Make it work. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/ops.c, src/testdir/,
+ src/testdir/test_increment.ok
+Patch 7.4.807 (after 7.4.798)
+Problem: After CTRL-V CTRL-A mode isn't updated. (Hirohito Higashi)
+Solution: Clear the command line or update the displayed command.
+Files: src/normal.c
+Patch 7.4.808
+Problem: On MS-Windows 8 IME input doen't work correctly.
+Solution: Read console input before calling MsgWaitForMultipleObjects().
+ (vim-jp, Nobuhiro Takasaki)
+Files: src/os_win32.c
+Patch 7.4.809 (after 7.4.802)
+Problem: Test is duplicated.
+Solution: Roll back 7.4.802.
+Files: src/testdir/, src/testdir/test39.ok
+Patch 7.4.810
+Problem: With a sequence of commands using buffers in diff mode E749 is
+ given. (itchyny)
+Solution: Skip unloaded buffer. (Hirohito Higashi)
+Files: src/diff.c
+Patch 7.4.811
+Problem: Invalid memory access when using "exe 'sc'".
+Solution: Avoid going over the end of the string. (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/ex_docmd.c
+Patch 7.4.812
+Problem: Gcc sanitizer complains about using a NULL pointer to memmove().
+Solution: Only call memmove when there is something to move. (Vittorio
+ Zecca)
+Files: src/memline.c
+Patch 7.4.813
+Problem: It is not possible to save and restore character search state.
+Solution: Add getcharsearch() and setcharsearch(). (James McCoy)
+Files: runtime/doc/eval.txt, src/eval.c, src/proto/,
+ src/search.c, src/testdir/,
+ src/testdir/test_charsearch.ok, src/testdir/Makefile,
+ src/testdir/Make_amiga.mak, src/testdir/Make_dos.mak,
+ src/testdir/Make_ming.mak, src/testdir/Make_os2.mak,
+ src/testdir/Make_vms.mms
+Patch 7.4.814
+Problem: Illegal memory access with "sy match a fold".
+Solution: Check for empty string. (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/syntax.c
+Patch 7.4.815
+Problem: Invalid memory access when doing ":call g:".
+Solution: Check for an empty name. (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.4.816
+Problem: Invalid memory access when doing ":fun X(".
+Solution: Check for missing ')'. (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.4.817
+Problem: Invalid memory access in file_pat_to_reg_pat().
+Solution: Use vim_isspace() instead of checking for a space only. (Dominique
+ Pelle)
+Files: src/fileio.c
+Patch 7.4.818
+Problem: 'linebreak' breaks c% if the last Visual selection was block.
+ (Chris Morganiser, Issue 389)
+Solution: Handle Visual block mode differently. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/normal.c, src/testdir/,
+ src/testdir/test_listlbr.ok
+Patch 7.4.819
+Problem: Beeping when running the tests.
+Solution: Fix 41 beeps. (Roland Eggner)
+Files: src/testdir/, src/testdir/,
+ src/testdir/, src/testdir/,
+ src/testdir/, src/testdir/,
+ src/testdir/, src/testdir/,
+ src/testdir/
+Patch 7.4.820
+Problem: Invalid memory access in file_pat_to_reg_pat.
+Solution: Avoid looking before the start of a string. (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/fileio.c
+Patch 7.4.821
+Problem: Coverity reports a few problems.
+Solution: Avoid the warnings. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/ex_docmd.c, src/option.c, src/screen.c
+Patch 7.4.822
+Problem: More problems reported by coverity.
+Solution: Avoid the warnings. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/os_unix.c, src/eval.c, src/ex_cmds.c, src/ex_cmds2.c,
+ src/ex_getln.c, src/fold.c, src/gui.c, src/gui_w16.c,
+ src/gui_w32.c, src/if_cscope.c, src/if_xcmdsrv.c, src/move.c,
+ src/normal.c, src/regexp.c, src/syntax.c, src/ui.c, src/window.c
+Patch 7.4.823
+Problem: Cursor moves after CTRL-A on alphabetic character.
+Solution: (Hirohito Higashi, test by Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/testdir/, src/testdir/test_increment.ok,
+ src/ops.c
+Patch 7.4.824 (after 7.4.813)
+Problem: Can't compile without the multi-byte feature. (John Marriott)
+Solution: Add #ifdef.
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.4.825
+Problem: Invalid memory access for ":syn keyword x a[".
+Solution: Do not skip over the NUL. (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/syntax.c
+Patch 7.4.826
+Problem: Compiler warnings and errors.
+Solution: Make it build properly without the multi-byte feature.
+Files: src/eval.c, src/search.c
+Patch 7.4.827
+Problem: Not all test targets are in the Makefile.
+Solution: Add the missing targets.
+Files: src/Makefile
+Patch 7.4.828
+Problem: Crash when using "syn keyword x c". (Dominique Pelle)
+Solution: Initialize the keyword tabble. (Raymond Ko, PR 397)
+Files: src/syntax.c
+Patch 7.4.829
+Problem: Crash when clicking in beval balloon. (Travis Lebsock)
+Solution: Use PostMessage() instead of DestroyWindow(). (Raymond Ko, PR 298)
+Files: src/gui_w32.c
+Patch 7.4.830
+Problem: Resetting 'encoding' when doing ":set all&" causes problems.
+ (Bjorn Linse) Display is not updated.
+Solution: Do not reset 'encoding'. Do a full redraw.
+Files: src/option.c
+Patch 7.4.831
+Problem: When expanding `=expr` on the command line and encountering an
+ error, the command is executed anyway.
+Solution: Bail out when an error is detected.
+Files: src/misc1.c
+Patch 7.4.832
+Problem: $HOME in `=$HOME . '/.vimrc'` is expanded too early.
+Solution: Skip over `=expr` when expanding environment names.
+Files: src/misc1.c
+Patch 7.4.833
+Problem: More side effects of ":set all&" are missing. (Björn Linse)
+Solution: Call didset_options() and add didset_options2() to collect more
+ side effects to take care of. Still not everything...
+Files: src/option.c
+Patch 7.4.834
+Problem: gettabvar() doesn't work after Vim start. (Szymon Wrozynski)
+Solution: Handle first window in tab still being NULL. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/eval.c, src/testdir/, src/testdir/test91.ok
+Patch 7.4.835
+Problem: Comparing utf-8 sequences does not handle different byte sizes
+ correctly.
+Solution: Get the byte size of each character. (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/misc2.c
+Patch 7.4.836
+Problem: Accessing unitinialized memory.
+Solution: Add missing calls to init_tv(). (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.4.837
+Problem: Compiler warning with MSVC compiler when using +sniff.
+Solution: Use Sleep() instead of _sleep(). (Tux)
+Files: src/if_sniff.c
+Patch 7.4.838 (after 7.4.833)
+Problem: Can't compile without the crypt feature. (John Marriott)
+Solution: Add #ifdef.
+Files: src/option.c
+Patch 7.4.839
+Problem: Compiler warning on 64-bit system.
+Solution: Add cast to int. (Mike Williams)
+Files: src/search.c
+Patch 7.4.840 (after 7.4.829)
+Problem: Tooltip window stays open.
+Solution: Send a WM_CLOSE message. (Jurgen Kramer)
+Files: src/gui_w32.c
+Patch 7.4.841
+Problem: Can't compile without the multi-byte feature. (John Marriott)
+Solution: Add more #ifdef's.
+Files: src/option.c
+Patch 7.4.842 (after 7.4.840)
+Problem: Sending too many messages to close the balloon.
+Solution: Only send a WM_CLOSE message. (Jurgen Kramer)
+Files: src/gui_w32.c
+Patch 7.4.843 (after 7.4.835)
+Problem: Still possible to go beyond the end of a string.
+Solution: Check for NUL also in second string. (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/misc2.c
+Patch 7.4.844
+Problem: When '#' is in 'isident' the is# comparator doesn't work.
+Solution: Don't use vim_isIDc(). (Yasuhiro Matsumoto)
+Files: src/eval.c, src/testdir/,
+ src/testdir/test_comparators.ok, src/testdir/Makefile,
+ src/testdir/Make_amiga.mak, src/testdir/Make_dos.mak,
+ src/testdir/Make_ming.mak, src/testdir/Make_os2.mak,
+ src/testdir/Make_vms.mms
+Patch 7.4.845
+Problem: Compiler warning for possible loss of data.
+Solution: Add a type cast. (Erich Ritz)
+Files: src/misc1.c
+Patch 7.4.846
+Problem: Some GitHub users don't know how to use issues.
+Solution: Add a file that explains the basics of contributing.
+Files: Filelist,
+Patch 7.4.847
+Problem: "vi)d" may leave a character behind.
+Solution: Skip over multi-byte character. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/search.c
+Patch 7.4.848
+Problem: CTRL-A on hex number in Visual block mode is incorrect.
+Solution: Account for the "0x". (Hirohito Higashi)
+Files: src/charset.c, src/testdir/,
+ src/testdir/test_increment.ok
+Patch 7.4.849
+Problem: Moving the cursor in Insert mode starts new undo sequence.
+Solution: Add CTRL-G U to keep the undo sequence for the following cursor
+ movement command. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: runtime/doc/insert.txt, src/edit.c, src/testdir/,
+ src/testdir/test_mapping.ok
+Patch 7.4.850 (after 7.4.846)
+Problem: <Esc> does not show up.
+Solution: Use &gt; and &lt;. (Kazunobu Kuriyama)
+Patch 7.4.851
+Problem: Saving and restoring the console buffer does not work properly.
+Solution: Instead of ReadConsoleOutputA/WriteConsoleOutputA use
+ CreateConsoleScreenBuffer and SetConsoleActiveScreenBuffer.
+ (Ken Takata)
+Files: src/os_win32.c
+Patch 7.4.852
+Problem: On MS-Windows console Vim uses ANSI APIs for keyboard input and
+ console output, it cannot input/output Unicode characters.
+Solution: Use Unicode APIs for console I/O. (Ken Takata, Yasuhiro Matsumoto)
+Files: src/os_win32.c, src/ui.c, runtime/doc/options.txt
+Patch 7.4.853
+Problem: "zt" in diff mode does not always work properly. (Gary Johnson)
+Solution: Don't count filler lines twice. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/move.c
+Patch 7.4.854 (after 7.4.850)
+Problem: Missing information about runtime files.
+Solution: Add section about runtime files. (Christian Brabandt)
+Patch 7.4.855
+Problem: GTK: font glitches for combining characters
+Solution: Use pango_shape_full() instead of pango_shape(). (luchr, PR #393)
+Files: src/gui_gtk_x11.c
+Patch 7.4.856
+Problem: "zt" still doesn't work well with filler lines. (Gary Johnson)
+Solution: Check for filler lines above the cursor. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/move.c
+Patch 7.4.857
+Problem: Dragging the current tab with the mouse doesn't work properly.
+Solution: Take the current tabpage index into account. (Hirohito Higashi)
+Files: src/normal.c
+Patch 7.4.858
+Problem: It's a bit clumsy to execute a command on a list of matches.
+Solution: Add the ":ldo", ":lfdo", ":cdo" and ":cfdo" commands. (Yegappan
+ Lakshmanan)
+Files: runtime/doc/cmdline.txt, runtime/doc/editing.txt,
+ runtime/doc/index.txt, runtime/doc/quickfix.txt,
+ runtime/doc/tabpage.txt, runtime/doc/windows.txt, src/ex_cmds.h,
+ src/ex_cmds2.c, src/ex_docmd.c, src/proto/,
+ src/quickfix.c, src/testdir/Make_amiga.mak,
+ src/testdir/Make_dos.mak, src/testdir/Make_ming.mak,
+ src/testdir/Make_os2.mak, src/testdir/Make_vms.mms,
+ src/testdir/Makefile, src/testdir/,
+ src/testdir/test_cdo.ok
+Patch 7.4.859
+Problem: Vim doesn't recognize all htmldjango files.
+Solution: Recognize a comment. (Daniel Hahler, PR #410)
+Files: runtime/filetype.vim
+Patch 7.4.860
+Problem: Filetype detection is outdated.
+Solution: Include all recent and not-so-recent changes.
+Files: runtime/filetype.vim
+Patch 7.4.861 (after 7.4.855)
+Problem: pango_shape_full() is not always available.
+Solution: Add a configure check.
+Files: src/, src/auto/configure, src/,
+ src/gui_gtk_x11.c
+Patch 7.4.862 (after 7.4.861)
+Problem: Still problems with pango_shape_full() not available.
+Solution: Change AC_TRY_COMPILE to AC_TRY_LINK.
+Files: src/, src/auto/configure
+Patch 7.4.863 (after 7.4.856)
+Problem: plines_nofill() used without the diff feature.
+Solution: Define PLINES_NOFILL().
+Files: src/macros.h, src/move.c
+Patch 7.4.864 (after 7.4.858)
+Problem: Tiny build fails.
+Solution: Put qf_ items inside #ifdef.
+Files: src/ex_docmd.c
+Patch 7.4.865
+Problem: Compiler warning for uninitialized variable.
+Solution: Initialize.
+Files: src/ex_cmds2.c
+Patch 7.4.866
+Problem: Crash when changing the 'tags' option from a remote command.
+ (Benjamin Fritz)
+Solution: Instead of executing messages immediately, use a queue, like for
+ netbeans. (James Kolb)
+Files: src/ex_docmd.c, src/getchar.c, src/gui_gtk_x11.c, src/gui_w48.c,
+ src/gui_x11.c, src/if_xcmdsrv.c, src/misc2.c, src/os_unix.c,
+ src/proto/, src/proto/, src/macros.h
+Patch 7.4.867 (after 7.4.866)
+Problem: Can't build on MS-Windows. (Taro Muraoka)
+Solution: Adjust #ifdef.
+Files: src/misc2.c
+Patch 7.4.868
+Problem: 'smarttab' is also effective when 'paste' is enabled. (Alexander
+ Monakov)
+Solution: Disable 'smarttab' when 'paste' is set. (Christian Brabandt)
+ Do the same for 'expandtab'.
+Files: src/option.c, src/structs.h
+Patch 7.4.869
+Problem: MS-Windows: scrolling may cause text to disappear when using an
+ Intel GPU.
+Solution: Call GetPixel(). (Yohei Endo)
+Files: src/gui_w48.c
+Patch 7.4.870
+Problem: May get into an invalid state when using getchar() in an
+ expression mapping.
+Solution: Anticipate mod_mask to change. (idea by Yukihiro Nakadaira)
+Files: src/getchar.c
+Patch 7.4.871
+Problem: Vim leaks memory, when 'wildignore' filters out all matches.
+Solution: Free the files array when it becomes empty.
+Files: src/misc1.c
+Patch 7.4.872
+Problem: Not using CI services available.
+Solution: Add configuration files for travis and appveyor. (PR #401)
+Files: .travis.yml, appveyor.yml, Filelist
+Patch 7.4.873 (after 7.4.866)
+Problem: Compiler warning for unused variable. (Tony Mechelynck)
+Solution: Remove the variable. Also fix int vs long_u mixup.
+Files: src/if_xcmdsrv.c
+Patch 7.4.874
+Problem: MS-Windows: When Vim runs inside another application, the size
+ isn't right.
+Solution: When in child mode compute the size differently. (Agorgianitis
+ Loukas)
+Files: src/gui_w48.c
+Patch 7.4.875
+Problem: Not obvious how to contribute.
+Solution: Add a remark about to
+Patch 7.4.876
+Problem: Windows7: when using vim.exe with msys or msys2, conhost.exe
+ (console window provider on Windows7) will freeze or crash.
+Solution: Make original screen buffer active, before executing external
+ program. And when the program is finished, revert to vim's one.
+ (Taro Muraoka)
+Files: src/os_win32.c
+Patch 7.4.877 (after 7.4.843)
+Problem: ":find" sometimes fails. (Excanoe)
+Solution: Compare current characters instead of previous ones.
+Files: src/misc2.c
+Patch 7.4.878
+Problem: Coverity error for clearing only one byte of struct.
+Solution: Clear the whole struct. (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/ex_docmd.c
+Patch 7.4.879
+Problem: Can't see line numbers in nested function calls.
+Solution: Add line number to the file name. (Alberto Fanjul)
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.4.880
+Problem: No build and coverage status.
+Solution: Add links to the README file. (Christian Brabandt)
+Patch 7.4.881 (after 7.4.879)
+Problem: Test 49 fails.
+Solution: Add line number to check of call stack.
+Files: src/testdir/test49.vim
+Patch 7.4.882
+Problem: When leaving the command line window with CTRL-C while a
+ completion menu is displayed the menu isn't removed.
+Solution: Force a screen update. (Hirohito Higashi)
+Files: src/edit.c
+Patch 7.4.883 (after 7.4.818)
+Problem: Block-mode replace works characterwise instead of blockwise after
+ column 147. (Issue #422)
+Solution: Set Visual mode. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/normal.c, src/testdir/,
+ src/testdir/test_listlbr.ok
+Patch 7.4.884
+Problem: Travis also builds on a tag push.
+Solution: Filter out tag pushes. (Kenichi Ito)
+Files: .travis.yml
+Patch 7.4.885
+Problem: When doing an upwards search without wildcards the search fails if
+ the initial directory doesn't exist.
+Solution: Fix the non-wildcard case. (Stefan Kempf)
+Files: src/misc2.c
+Patch 7.4.886 (after 7.4.876)
+Problem: Windows7: Switching screen buffer causes flicker when using
+ system().
+Solution: Instead of actually switching screen buffer, duplicate the handle.
+ (Yasuhiro Matsumoto)
+Files: src/os_win32.c
+Patch 7.4.887
+Problem: Using uninitialized memory for regexp with back reference.
+ (Dominique Pelle)
+Solution: Initialize end_lnum.
+Files: src/regexp_nfa.c
+Patch 7.4.888
+Problem: The OptionSet autocommands are not triggered from setwinvar().
+Solution: Do not use switch_win() when not needed. (Hirohito Higashi)
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.4.889
+Problem: Triggering OptionSet from setwinvar() isn't tested.
+Solution: Add a test. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/testdir/,
+ src/testdir/test_autocmd_option.ok
+Patch 7.4.890
+Problem: Build failure when using dynamic python but not python3.
+Solution: Adjust the #if to also include DYNAMIC_PYTHON3 and UNIX.
+Files: src/if_python3.c
+Patch 7.4.891
+Problem: Indentation of array initializer is wrong.
+Solution: Avoid that calling find_start_rawstring() changes the position
+ returned by find_start_comment(), add a test. (Hirohito Higashi)
+Files: src/misc1.c, src/testdir/, src/testdir/test3.ok
+Patch 7.4.892
+Problem: On MS-Windows the iconv DLL may have a different name.
+Solution: Also try libiconv2.dll and libiconv-2.dll. (Yasuhiro Matsumoto)
+Files: src/mbyte.c
+Patch 7.4.893
+Problem: C indenting is wrong below a "case (foo):" because it is
+ recognized as a C++ base class construct. Issue #38.
+Solution: Check for the case keyword.
+Files: src/misc1.c, src/testdir/, src/testdir/test3.ok
+Patch 7.4.894
+Problem: vimrun.exe is picky about the number of spaces before -s.
+Solution: Skip all spaces. (Cam Sinclair)
+Files: src/vimrun.c
+Patch 7.4.895
+Problem: Custom command line completion does not work for a command
+ containing digits.
+Solution: Skip over the digits. (suggested by Yasuhiro Matsumoto)
+Files: src/ex_docmd.c
+Patch 7.4.896
+Problem: Editing a URL, which netrw should handle, doesn't work.
+Solution: Avoid changing slashes to backslashes. (Yasuhiro Matsumoto)
+Files: src/fileio.c, src/os_mswin.c
+Patch 7.4.897
+Problem: Freeze and crash when there is a sleep in a remote command.
+ (Karl Yngve Lervåg)
+Solution: Remove a message from the queue before dealing with it. (James
+ Kolb)
+Files: src/if_xcmdsrv.c
+Patch 7.4.898
+Problem: The 'fixendofline' option is set on with ":edit".
+Solution: Don't set the option when clearing a buffer. (Yasuhiro Matsumoto)
+Files: src/buffer.c
+Patch 7.4.899
+Problem: README file is not optimal.
+Solution: Move buttons, update some text. (closes #460)
+Files: README.txt,
+Patch 7.4.900 (after 7.4.899)
+Problem: README file can still be improved
+Solution: Add a couple of links. (Christian Brabandt)
+Patch 7.4.901
+Problem: When a BufLeave autocommand changes folding in a way it syncs
+ undo, undo can be corrupted.
+Solution: Prevent undo sync. (Jacob Niehus)
+Files: src/popupmnu.c
+Patch 7.4.902
+Problem: Problems with using the MS-Windows console.
+Solution: Revert patches 7.4.851, 7.4.876 and 7.4.886 until we find a better
+ solution. (suggested by Ken Takata)
+Files: src/os_win32.c
+Patch 7.4.903
+Problem: MS-Windows: When 'encoding' differs from the current code page,
+ expandinig wildcards may cause illegal memory access.
+Solution: Allocate a longer buffer. (Ken Takata)
+Files: src/misc1.c
+Patch 7.4.904
+Problem: Vim does not provide .desktop files.
+Solution: Include and install .desktop files. (James McCoy, closes #455)
+Files: Filelist, runtime/vim.desktop, runtime/gvim.desktop, src/Makefile
+Patch 7.4.905
+Problem: Python interface can produce error "vim.message' object has no
+ attribute 'isatty'".
+Solution: Add dummy isatty(), readable(), etc. (closes #464)
+Files: src/if_py_both.h, src/testdir/, src/testdir/test86.ok,
+ src/testdir/, src/testdir/test87.ok
+Patch 7.4.906
+Problem: On MS-Windows the viminfo file is (always) given the hidden
+ attribute. (raulnac)
+Solution: Check the hidden attribute in a different way. (Ken Takata)
+Files: src/ex_cmds.c, src/os_win32.c, src/
+Patch 7.4.907
+Problem: Libraries for dynamically loading interfaces can only be defined
+ at compile time.
+Solution: Add options to specify the dll names. (Kazuki Sakamoto,
+ closes #452)
+Files: runtime/doc/if_lua.txt, runtime/doc/if_perl.txt,
+ runtime/doc/if_pyth.txt, runtime/doc/if_ruby.txt,
+ runtime/doc/options.txt, src/if_lua.c, src/if_perl.xs,
+ src/if_python.c, src/if_python3.c, src/if_ruby.c, src/option.c,
+ src/option.h
+Patch 7.4.908 (after 7.4.907)
+Problem: Build error with MingW compiler. (Cesar Romani)
+Solution: Change #if into #ifdef.
+Files: src/if_perl.xs
+Patch 7.4.909 (after 7.4.905)
+Problem: "make install" fails.
+Solution: Only try installing desktop files if the destination directory
+ exists.
+Files: src/Makefile
+Patch 7.4.910 (after 7.4.905)
+Problem: Compiler complains about type punned pointer.
+Solution: Use another way to increment the ref count.
+Files: src/if_py_both.h
+Patch 7.4.911
+Problem: t_Ce and t_Cs are documented but not supported. (Hirohito Higashi)
+Solution: Define the options.
+Files: src/option.c
+Patch 7.4.912
+Problem: Wrong indenting for C++ constructor.
+Solution: Recognize ::. (Anhong)
+Files: src/misc1.c, src/testdir/, src/testdir/test3.ok
+Patch 7.4.913
+Problem: No utf-8 support for the hangul input feature.
+Solution: Add utf-8 support. (Namsh)
+Files: src/gui.c, src/hangulin.c, src/proto/, src/screen.c,
+ src/ui.c, runtime/doc/hangulin.txt, src/feature.h
+Patch 7.4.914
+Problem: New compiler warning: logical-not-parentheses
+Solution: Silence the warning.
+Files: src/term.c
+Patch 7.4.915
+Problem: When removing from 'path' and then adding, a comma may go missing.
+ (Malcolm Rowe)
+Solution: Fix the check for P_ONECOMMA. (closes #471)
+Files: src/option.c, src/testdir/,
+ src/testdir/test_options.ok
+Patch 7.4.916
+Problem: When running out of memory while copying a dict memory may be
+ freed twice. (ZyX)
+Solution: Do not call the garbage collector when running out of memory.
+Files: src/misc2.c
+Patch 7.4.917
+Problem: Compiler warning for comparing signed and unsigned.
+Solution: Add a type cast.
+Files: src/hangulin.c
+Patch 7.4.918
+Problem: A digit in an option name has problems.
+Solution: Rename 'python3dll' to 'pythonthreedll'.
+Files: src/option.c, src/option.h, runtime/doc/options.txt
+Patch 7.4.919
+Problem: The dll options are not in the options window.
+Solution: Add the dll options. And other fixes.
+Files: runtime/optwin.vim
+Patch 7.4.920
+Problem: The rubydll option is not in the options window.
+Solution: Add the rubydll option.
+Files: runtime/optwin.vim
+Patch 7.4.921 (after 7.4.906)
+Problem: Missing proto file update. (Randall W. Morris)
+Solution: Add the missing line for mch_ishidden.
+Files: src/proto/
+Patch 7.4.922
+Problem: Leaking memory with ":helpt {dir-not-exists}".
+Solution: Free dirname. (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/ex_cmds.c
+Patch 7.4.923
+Problem: Prototypes not always generated.
+Solution: Change #if to OR with PROTO.
+Files: src/window.c
+Patch 7.4.924
+Problem: DEVELOPER_DIR gets reset by configure.
+Solution: Do not reset DEVELOPER_DIR when there is no --with-developer-dir
+ argument. (Kazuki Sakamoto, closes #482)
+Files: src/, src/auto/configure
+Patch 7.4.925
+Problem: User may yank or put using the register being recorded in.
+Solution: Add the recording register in the message. (Christian Brabandt,
+ closes #470)
+Files: runtime/doc/options.txt, runtime/doc/repeat.txt, src/ops.c,
+ src/option.h, src/screen.c
+Patch 7.4.926
+Problem: Completing the longest match doesn't work properly with multi-byte
+ characters.
+Solution: When using multi-byte characters use another way to find the
+ longest match. (Hirohito Higashi)
+Files: src/ex_getln.c, src/testdir/, src/testdir/test_utf8.ok
+Patch 7.4.927
+Problem: Ruby crashes when there is a runtime error.
+Solution: Use ruby_options() instead of ruby_process_options(). (Damien)
+Files: src/if_ruby.c
+Patch 7.4.928
+Problem: A clientserver message interrupts handling keys of a mapping.
+Solution: Have mch_inchar() send control back to WaitForChar when it is
+ interrupted by server message. (James Kolb)
+Files: src/os_unix.c
+Patch 7.4.929
+Problem: "gv" after paste selects one character less if 'selection' is
+ "exclusive".
+Solution: Increment the end position. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/normal.c, src/testdir/, src/testdir/test94.ok
+Patch 7.4.930
+Problem: MS-Windows: Most users appear not to like the window border.
+Solution: Remove WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE. (Ian Halliday)
+Files: src/gui_w32.c
+Patch 7.4.931 (after 7.4.929)
+Problem: Test 94 fails on some systems.
+Solution: Set 'encoding' to utf-8.
+Files: src/testdir/
+Patch 7.4.932 (after 7.4.926)
+Problem: test_utf8 has confusing dummy command.
+Solution: Use a real command instead of a colon.
+Files: src/testdir/
+Patch 7.4.933 (after 7.4.926)
+Problem: Crash when using longest completion match.
+Solution: Fix array index.
+Files: src/ex_getln.c
+Patch 7.4.934
+Problem: Appveyor also builds on a tag push.
+Solution: Add a skip_tags line. (Kenichi Ito, closes #489)
+Files: appveyor.yml
+Patch 7.4.935 (after 7.4.932)
+Problem: test_utf8 fails on MS-Windows when executed with gvim.
+Solution: Use the insert flag on feedkeys() to put the string before the
+ ":" that was already read when checking for available chars.
+Files: src/testdir/
+Patch 7.4.936
+Problem: Crash when dragging with the mouse.
+Solution: Add safety check for NULL pointer. Check mouse position for valid
+ value. (Hirohito Higashi)
+Files: src/window.c, src/term.c
+Patch 7.4.937
+Problem: Segfault reading unitialized memory.
+Solution: Do not read match \z0, it does not exist. (Marius Gedminas, closes
+ #497)
+Files: src/regexp_nfa.c
+Patch 7.4.938
+Problem: X11 and GTK have moure mouse buttons than Vim supports.
+Solution: Recognize more mouse buttons. (Benoit Pierre, closes #498)
+Files: src/gui_gtk_x11.c, src/gui_x11.c
+Patch 7.4.939
+Problem: Memory leak when encountering a syntax error.
+Solution: Free the memory. (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/ex_docmd.c
+Patch 7.4.940
+Problem: vt52 terminal codes are not correct.
+Solution: Move entries outside of #if. (Random) Adjustments based on
+ documented codes.
+Files: src/term.c
+Patch 7.4.941
+Problem: There is no way to ignore case only for tag searches.
+Solution: Add the 'tagcase' option. (Gary Johnson)
+Files: runtime/doc/options.txt, runtime/doc/quickref.txt,
+ runtime/doc/tagsrch.txt, runtime/doc/usr_29.txt,
+ runtime/optwin.vim, src/Makefile, src/buffer.c, src/option.c,
+ src/option.h, src/structs.h, src/tag.c,
+ src/testdir/Make_amiga.mak, src/testdir/Make_dos.mak,
+ src/testdir/Make_ming.mak, src/testdir/Make_os2.mak,
+ src/testdir/Make_vms.mms, src/testdir/Makefile,
+ src/testdir/, src/testdir/test_tagcase.ok
+Patch 7.4.942 (after 7.4.941)
+Problem: test_tagcase breaks for small builds.
+Solution: Bail out of the test early. (Hirohito Higashi)
+Files: src/testdir/
+Patch 7.4.943
+Problem: Tests are not run.
+Solution: Add test_writefile to makefiles. (Ken Takata)
+Files: src/testdir/Make_amiga.mak, src/testdir/Make_dos.mak,
+ src/testdir/Make_ming.mak, src/testdir/Make_os2.mak,
+ src/testdir/Make_vms.mms, src/testdir/Makefile
+Patch 7.4.944
+Problem: Writing tests for Vim script is hard.
+Solution: Add assertEqual(), assertFalse() and assertTrue() functions. Add
+ the v:errors variable. Add the runtest script. Add a first new
+ style test script.
+Files: src/eval.c, src/vim.h, src/misc2.c, src/testdir/Makefile,
+ src/testdir/runtest.vim, src/testdir/test_assert.vim,
+ runtime/doc/eval.txt
+Patch 7.4.945 (after 7.4.944)
+Problem: New style testing is incomplete.
+Solution: Add the runtest script to the list of distributed files.
+ Add the new functions to the function overview.
+ Rename the functions to match Vim function style.
+ Move undolevels testing into a new style test script.
+Files: Filelist, runtime/doc/usr_41.txt, runtime/doc/eval.txt,
+ src/testdir/test_assert.vim, src/testdir/Makefile,
+ src/testdir/test_undolevels.vim, src/testdir/,
+ src/testdir/test100.ok
+Patch 7.4.946 (after 7.4.945)
+Problem: Missing changes in source file.
+Solution: Include changes to the eval.c file.
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.4.947
+Problem: Test_listchars fails with MingW. (Michael Soyka)
+Solution: Add the test to the ones that need the fileformat fixed.
+ (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/testdir/Make_ming.mak
+Patch 7.4.948
+Problem: Can't build when the insert_expand feature is disabled.
+Solution: Add #ifdefs. (Dan Pasanen, closes #499)
+Files: src/eval.c, src/fileio.c
+Patch 7.4.949
+Problem: When using 'colorcolumn' and there is a sign with a fullwidth
+ character the highlighting is wrong. (Andrew Stewart)
+Solution: Only increment vcol when in the right state. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/screen.c, src/testdir/,
+ src/testdir/test_listlbr_utf8.ok
+Patch 7.4.950
+Problem: v:errors is not initialized.
+Solution: Initialze it to an empty list. (Thinca)
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.4.951
+Problem: Sorting number strings does not work as expected. (Luc Hermitte)
+Solution: Add the 'N" argument to sort()
+Files: src/eval.c, runtime/doc/eval.txt, src/testdir/test_alot.vim,
+ src/testdir/test_sort.vim, src/testdir/Makefile
+Patch 7.4.952
+Problem: 'lispwords' is tested in the old way.
+Solution: Make a new style test for 'lispwords'.
+Files: src/testdir/test_alot.vim, src/testdir/test_lispwords.vim,
+ src/testdir/, src/testdir/test100.ok,
+ src/testdir/Make_amiga.mak, src/testdir/Make_dos.mak,
+ src/testdir/Make_ming.mak, src/testdir/Make_os2.mak,
+ src/testdir/Make_vms.mms, src/testdir/Makefile
+Patch 7.4.953
+Problem: When a test script navigates to another buffer the .res file is
+ created with the wrong name.
+Solution: Use the "testname" for the .res file. (Damien)
+Files: src/testdir/runtest.vim
+Patch 7.4.954
+Problem: When using Lua there may be a crash. (issue #468)
+Solution: Avoid using an unitialized tv. (Yukihiro Nakadaira)
+Files: src/if_lua.c
+Patch 7.4.955
+Problem: Vim doesn't recognize .pl6 and .pod6 files.
+Solution: Recognize them as perl6 and pod6. (Mike Eve, closes #511)
+Files: runtime/filetype.vim
+Patch 7.4.956
+Problem: A few more file name extensions not recognized.
+Solution: Add .asciidoc, .bzl, .gradle, etc.
+Files: runtime/filetype.vim
+Patch 7.4.957
+Problem: Test_tagcase fails when using another language than English.
+Solution: Set the messages language to C. (Kenichi Ito)
+Files: src/testdir/
+Patch 7.4.958
+Problem: Vim checks if the directory "$TMPDIR" exists.
+Solution: Do not check if the name starts with "$".
+Files: src/fileio.c
+Patch 7.4.959
+Problem: When setting 'term' the clipboard ownership is lost.
+Solution: Do not call clip_init(). (James McCoy)
+Files: src/term.c
+Patch 7.4.960
+Problem: Detecting every version of nmake is clumsy.
+Solution: Use a tiny C program to get the version of _MSC_VER. (Ken Takata)
+Files: src/Make_mvc.mak
+Patch 7.4.961
+Problem: Test107 fails in some circunstances.
+Solution: When using "zt", "zb" and "z=" recompute the fraction.
+Files: src/normal.c, src/window.c, src/proto/
+Patch 7.4.962
+Problem: Cannot run the tests with gvim. Cannot run individual new stests.
+Solution: Add the -f flag. Add new test targets in Makefile.
+Files: src/Makefile, src/testdir/Makefile
+Patch 7.4.963
+Problem: test_listlbr_utf8 sometimes fails.
+Solution: Don't use a literal multibyte character but <C-V>uXXXX. Do not
+ dump the screen highlighting. (Christian Brabandt, closes #518)
+Files: src/testdir/, src/testdir/test_listlbr_utf8.ok
+Patch 7.4.964
+Problem: Test 87 doesn't work in a shadow directory.
+Solution: Handle the extra subdirectory. (James McCoy, closes #515)
+Files: src/testdir/
+Patch 7.4.965
+Problem: On FreeBSD /dev/fd/ files are special.
+Solution: Use is_dev_fd_file() also for FreeBSD. (Derek Schrock, closes #521)
+Files: src/fileio.c
+Patch 7.4.966
+Problem: Configure doesn't work with a space in a path.
+Solution: Put paths in quotes. (James McCoy, close #525)
+Files: src/, src/auto/configure
+Patch 7.4.967
+Problem: Cross compilation on MS-windows doesn't work well.
+Solution: Tidy up cross compilation across architectures with Visual Studio.
+ (Mike Williams)
+Files: src/Make_mvc.mak
+Patch 7.4.968
+Problem: test86 and test87 are flaky in Appveyor.
+Solution: Reduce the count from 8 to 7. (suggested by ZyX)
+Files: src/testdir/, src/testdir/
+Patch 7.4.969
+Problem: Compiler warnings on Windowx x64 build.
+Solution: Add type casts. (Mike Williams)
+Files: src/option.c
+Patch 7.4.970
+Problem: Rare crash in getvcol(). (Timo Mihaljov)
+Solution: Check for the buffer being NULL in init_preedit_start_col.
+ (Hirohito Higashi, Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/mbyte.c
+Patch 7.4.971
+Problem: The asin() function can't be used.
+Solution: Sort the function table properly. (Watiko)
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.4.972
+Problem: Memory leak when there is an error in setting an option.
+Solution: Free the saved value (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/option.c
+Patch 7.4.973
+Problem: When pasting on the command line line breaks result in literal
+ <CR> characters. This makes pasting a long file name difficult.
+Solution: Skip the characters.
+Files: src/ex_getln.c, src/ops.c
+Patch 7.4.974
+Problem: When using :diffsplit the cursor jumps to the first line.
+Solution: Put the cursor on the line related to where the cursor was before
+ the split.
+Files: src/diff.c
+Patch 7.4.975
+Problem: Using ":sort" on a very big file sometimes causes text to be
+ corrupted. (John Beckett)
+Solution: Copy the line into a buffer before calling ml_append().
+Files: src/ex_cmds.c
+Patch 7.4.976
+Problem: When compiling Vim for MSYS2 (linked with msys-2.0.dll), the Win32
+ clipboard is not enabled.
+Solution: Recognize MSYS like CYGWIN. (Ken Takata)
+Files: src/, src/auto/configure
+Patch 7.4.977
+Problem: 'linebreak' does not work properly when using "space" in
+ 'listchars'.
+Solution: (Hirohito Higashi, Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/screen.c, src/testdir/,
+ src/testdir/test_listlbr.ok
+Patch 7.4.978
+Problem: test_cdo fails when using another language than English.
+Solution: Set the language to C. (Dominique Pelle, Kenichi Ito)
+Files: src/testdir/
+Patch 7.4.979
+Problem: When changing the crypt key the blocks read from disk are not
+ decrypted.
+Solution: Also call ml_decrypt_data() when mf_old_key is set. (Ken Takata)
+Files: src/memfile.c
+Patch 7.4.980
+Problem: Tests for :cdo, :ldo, etc. are outdated.
+Solution: Add new style tests for these commands. (Yegappan Lakshmanan)
+Files: src/testdir/Make_amiga.mak, src/testdir/Make_dos.mak,
+ src/testdir/Make_ming.mak, src/testdir/Make_os2.mak,
+ src/testdir/Make_vms.mms, src/testdir/Makefile,
+ src/testdir/, src/testdir/test_cdo.ok,
+ src/testdir/test_cdo.vim
+Patch 7.4.981
+Problem: An error in a test script goes unnoticed.
+Solution: Source the test script inside try/catch. (Hirohito Higashi)
+Files: src/testdir/runtest.vim
+Patch 7.4.982
+Problem: Keeping the list of tests updated is a hassle.
+Solution: Move the list to a separate file, so that it only needs to be
+ udpated in one place.
+Files: src/testdir/Make_amiga.mak, src/testdir/Make_dos.mak,
+ src/testdir/Make_ming.mak, src/testdir/Make_os2.mak,
+ src/testdir/Make_vms.mms, src/testdir/Makefile,
+ src/testdir/Make_all.mak
+Patch 7.4.983
+Problem: Executing one test after "make testclean" doesn't work.
+Solution: Add a dependency on test1.out.
+Files: src/testdir/Make_amiga.mak, src/testdir/Make_dos.mak,
+ src/testdir/Make_ming.mak, src/testdir/Make_os2.mak,
+ src/testdir/Make_vms.mms, src/testdir/Makefile,
+ src/testdir/Make_all.mak
+Patch 7.4.984
+Problem: searchpos() always starts searching in the first column, which is
+ not what some people expect. (Brett Stahlman)
+Solution: Add the 'z' flag: start at the specified column.
+Files: src/vim.h, src/eval.c, src/search.c,
+ src/testdir/test_searchpos.vim, src/testdir/test_alot.vim,
+ runtime/doc/eval.txt
+Patch 7.4.985
+Problem: Can't build with Ruby 2.3.0.
+Solution: Use the new TypedData_XXX macro family instead of Data_XXX. Use
+ TypedData. (Ken Takata)
+Files: src/if_ruby.c
+Patch 7.4.986
+Problem: Test49 doesn't work on MS-Windows. test70 is listed twice.
+Solution: Move test49 to the group not used on Amiga and MS-Windows.
+ Remove test70 from SCRIPTS_WIN32.
+Files: src/testdir/Make_all.mak, src/testdir/Make_dos.mak
+Patch 7.4.987 (after 7.4.985)
+Problem: Can't build with Ruby 1.9.2.
+Solution: Require Rub 2.0 for defining USE_TYPEDDATA.
+Files: src/if_ruby.c
+Patch 7.4.988 (after 7.4.982)
+Problem: Default test target is test49.out.
+Solution: Add a build rule before including Make_all.mak.
+Files: src/testdir/Make_dos.mak, src/testdir/Make_amiga.mak,
+ src/testdir/Make_ming.mak, src/testdir/Make_os2.mak,
+ src/testdir/Make_vms.mms, src/testdir/Makefile
+Patch 7.4.989
+Problem: Leaking memory when hash_add() fails. Coverity error 99126.
+Solution: When hash_add() fails free the memory.
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.4.990
+Problem: Test 86 fails on AppVeyor.
+Solution: Do some registry magic. (Ken Takata)
+Files: appveyor.yml
+Patch 7.4.991
+Problem: When running new style tests the output is not visible.
+Solution: Add the testdir/messages file and show it. Update the list of
+ test names.
+Files: src/Makefile, src/testdir/Makefile, src/testdir/runtest.vim
+Patch 7.4.992
+Problem: Makefiles for MS-Windows in src/po are outdated.
+Solution: Make them work. (Ken Takata, Taro Muraoka)
+Files: src/po/Make_cyg.mak, src/po/Make_ming.mak, src/po/Make_mvc.mak,
+ src/po/README_mingw.txt, src/po/README_mvc.txt
+Patch 7.4.993
+Problem: Test 87 is flaky on AppVeyor.
+Solution: Reduce the minimum background thread count.
+Files: src/testdir/, src/testdir/
+Patch 7.4.994
+Problem: New style tests are not run on MS-Windows.
+Solution: Add the new style tests.
+Files: src/testdir/Make_dos.mak
+Patch 7.4.995
+Problem: gdk_pixbuf_new_from_inline() is deprecated.
+Solution: Generate auto/gui_gtk_gresources.c. (Kazunobu Kazunobu,
+ closes #507)
+Files: src/Makefile, src/auto/configure, src/,
+ src/, src/, src/gui_gtk.c,
+ src/gui_gtk_gresources.xml, src/gui_gtk_x11.c,
+ src/proto/,
+ pixmaps/stock_vim_build_tags.png, pixmaps/stock_vim_find_help.png,
+ pixmaps/stock_vim_save_all.png,
+ pixmaps/stock_vim_session_load.png,
+ pixmaps/stock_vim_session_new.png,
+ pixmaps/stock_vim_session_save.png, pixmaps/stock_vim_shell.png,
+ pixmaps/stock_vim_window_maximize.png,
+ pixmaps/stock_vim_window_maximize_width.png,
+ pixmaps/stock_vim_window_minimize.png,
+ pixmaps/stock_vim_window_minimize_width.png,
+ pixmaps/stock_vim_window_split.png,
+ pixmaps/stock_vim_window_split_vertical.png
+Patch 7.4.996
+Problem: New GDK files and testdir/Make_all.mak missing from distribution.
+ PC build instructions are outdated.
+Solution: Add the file to the list. Update PC build instructions.
+Files: Filelist, Makefile
+Patch 7.4.997
+Problem: "make shadow" was sometimes broken.
+Solution: Add a test for it. (James McCoy, closes #520)
+Files: .travis.yml
+Patch 7.4.998
+Problem: Running tests in shadow directory fails. Test 49 fails.
+Solution: Link more files for the shadow directory. Make test 49 end up in
+ the right buffer.
+Files: src/Makefile, src/testdir/
+Patch 7.4.999
+Problem: "make shadow" creates a broken link. (Tony Mechelynck)
+Solution: Remove vimrc.unix from the list.
+Files: src/Makefile
+Patch 7.4.1000
+Problem: Test 49 is slow and doesn't work on MS-Windows.
+Solution: Start moving parts of test 49 to test_viml.
+Files: src/Makefile, src/testdir/runtest.vim, src/testdir/test_viml.vim,
+ src/testdir/test49.vim, src/testdir/test49.ok
+Patch 7.4.1001 (after 7.4.1000)
+Problem: test_viml isn't run.
+Solution: Include change in makefile.
+Files: src/testdir/Make_all.mak
+Patch 7.4.1002
+Problem: Cannot run an individual test on MS-Windows.
+Solution: Move the rule to run test1 downwards. (Ken Takata)
+Files: src/testdir/Make_dos.mak
+Patch 7.4.1003
+Problem: Travis could check a few more things.
+Solution: Run autoconf on one of the builds. (James McCoy, closes #510)
+ Also build with normal features.
+Files: .travis.yml
+Patch 7.4.1004
+Problem: Using Makefile when auto/ does not exists results in
+ warnings.
+Solution: Use default values for essential variables.
+Files: src/Makefile
+Patch 7.4.1005
+Problem: Vim users are not always happy.
+Solution: Make them happy.
+Files: src/ex_cmds.h, src/ex_cmds.c, src/proto/
+Patch 7.4.1006
+Problem: The fix in patch 7.3.192 is not tested.
+Solution: Add a test, one for each regexp engine. (Elias Diem)
+Files: src/testdir/, src/testdir/test44.ok,
+ src/testdir/, src/testdir/test99.ok
+Patch 7.4.1007
+Problem: When a symbolic link points to a file in the root directory, the
+ swapfile is not correct.
+Solution: Do not try getting the full name of a file in the root directory.
+ (Milly, closes #501)
+Files: src/os_unix.c
+Patch 7.4.1008
+Problem: The OS/2 code pollutes the source while nobody uses it these days.
+Solution: Drop the support for OS/2.
+Files: src/feature.h, src/globals.h, src/macros.h, src/option.h,
+ src/os_unix.c, src/os_unix.h, src/proto/, src/vim.h,
+ src/digraph.c, src/eval.c, src/ex_cmds.c, src/ex_docmd.c,
+ src/ex_getln.c, src/fileio.c, src/getchar.c, src/memline.c,
+ src/misc1.c, src/misc2.c, src/netbeans.c, src/option.c,
+ src/term.c, src/ui.c, src/window.c, src/os_os2_cfg.h,
+ src/Make_os2.mak, src/testdir/Make_os2.mak, src/testdir/os2.vim,
+ src/INSTALL, runtime/doc/os_os2.txt
+Patch 7.4.1009
+Problem: There are still #ifdefs for ARCHIE.
+Solution: Remove references to ARCHIE, the code was removed in Vim 5.
+Files: src/ex_cmds.c, src/ex_docmd.c, src/fileio.c, src/main.c,
+ src/memline.c, src/option.c, src/term.c
+Patch 7.4.1010
+Problem: Some developers are unhappy while running tests.
+Solution: Add a test and some color.
+Files: src/ex_cmds.c, src/testdir/test_assert.vim
+Patch 7.4.1011
+Problem: Can't build with Strawberry Perl.
+Solution: Include stdbool.h. (Ken Takata, closes #328)
+Files: Filelist, src/Make_mvc.mak, src/if_perl_msvc/stdbool.h
+Patch 7.4.1012
+Problem: Vim overwrites the value of $PYTHONHOME.
+Solution: Do not set $PYTHONHOME if it is already set. (Kazuki Sakamoto,
+ closes #500)
+Files: src/if_python.c, src/if_python3.c
+Patch 7.4.1013
+Problem: The local value of 'errorformat' is not used for ":lexpr" and
+ ":cexpr".
+Solution: Use the local value if it exists. (Christian Brabandt) Adjust the
+ help for this.
+Files: runtime/doc/quickfix.txt, src/quickfix.c
+Patch 7.4.1014
+Problem: `fnamemodify('.', ':.')` returns an empty string in Cygwin.
+Solution: Use CCP_RELATIVE in the call to cygwin_conv_path. (Jacob Niehus,
+ closes #505)
+Files: src/os_unix.c
+Patch 7.4.1015
+Problem: The column is not restored properly when the matchparen plugin is
+ used in Insert mode and the cursor is after the end of the line.
+Solution: Set the curswant flag. (Christian Brabandt). Also fix
+ highlighting the match of the character before the cursor.
+Files: src/eval.c, runtime/plugin/matchparen.vim
+Patch 7.4.1016
+Problem: Still a few OS/2 pieces remain.
+Solution: Delete more.
+Files: Filelist, README_os2.txt, testdir/todos.vim, src/xxd/Make_os2.mak
+Patch 7.4.1017
+Problem: When there is a backslash in an option ":set -=" doesn't work.
+Solution: Handle a backslash better. (Jacob Niehus) Add a new test, merge
+ in old test.
+Files: src/testdir/test_cdo.vim, src/testdir/test_set.vim,
+ src/testdir/test_alot.vim, src/option.c, src/testdir/,
+ src/testdir/test_set.ok, src/Makefile
+Patch 7.4.1018 (after 7.4.1017)
+Problem: Failure running tests.
+Solution: Add missing change to list of old style tests.
+Files: src/testdir/Make_all.mak
+Patch 7.4.1019
+Problem: Directory listing of "src" is too long.
+Solution: Rename the resources file to make it shorter.
+Files: src/gui_gtk_gresources.xml, src/gui_gtk_res.xml, src/Makefile,
+ Filelist
+Patch 7.4.1020
+Problem: On MS-Windows there is no target to run tests with gvim.
+Solution: Add the testgvim target.
+Files: src/Make_mvc.mak
+Patch 7.4.1021
+Problem: Some makefiles are outdated.
+Solution: Add a note to warn developers.
+Files: src/Make_manx.mak, src/Make_bc3.mak, src/Make_bc5.mak,
+ src/Make_djg.mak, src/Make_w16.mak
+Patch 7.4.1022
+Problem: The README file contains some outdated information.
+Solution: Update the information about supported systems.
+Files: README.txt,
+Patch 7.4.1023
+Problem: The distribution files for MS-Windows use CR-LF, which is
+ inconsistent with what one gets from github.
+Solution: Use LF in the distribution files.
+Files: Makefile
+Patch 7.4.1024
+Problem: Interfaces for MS-Windows are outdated.
+Solution: Use Python 2.7.10, Python 3.4.4, Perl 5.22, TCL 8.6.
+Files: src/bigvim.bat
+Patch 7.4.1025
+Problem: Version in installer needs to be updated manually.
+Solution: Generate a file with the version number. (Guopeng Wen)
+Files: Makefile, nsis/gvim.nsi, nsis/gvim_version.nsh
+Patch 7.4.1026
+Problem: When using MingW the tests do not clean up all files. E.g. test
+ 17 leaves Xdir1 behind. (Michael Soyka)
+Solution: Also delete directories, like Make_dos.mak. Delete files after
+ directories to reduce warnings.
+Files: src/testdir/Make_ming.mak, src/testdir/Make_dos.mak
+Patch 7.4.1027
+Problem: No support for binary numbers.
+Solution: Add "bin" to nrformats. (Jason Schulz)
+Files: runtime/doc/change.txt, runtime/doc/eval.txt,
+ runtime/doc/version7.txt, src/charset.c, src/eval.c,
+ src/ex_cmds.c, src/ex_getln.c, src/misc2.c, src/ops.c,
+ src/option.c, src/proto/, src/spell.c,
+ src/testdir/, src/testdir/test57.ok,
+ src/testdir/, src/testdir/test58.ok,
+ src/testdir/, src/testdir/test_increment.ok,
+ src/vim.h
+Patch 7.4.1028
+Problem: Nsis version file missing from the distribution.
+Solution: Add the file to the list.
+Files: Filelist
+Patch 7.4.1029 (after 7.4.1027)
+Problem: test_increment fails on systems with 32 bit long.
+Solution: Only test with 32 bits.
+Files: src/testdir/, src/testdir/test_increment.ok
+Patch 7.4.1030
+Problem: test49 is still slow.
+Solution: Move more tests from old to new style.
+Files: src/testdir/test_viml.vim, src/testdir/test49.vim,
+ src/testdir/test49.ok, src/testdir/runtest.vim
+Patch 7.4.1031
+Problem: Can't build with Python interface using MingW.
+Solution: Update the Makefile. (Yasuhiro Matsumoto)
+Files: src/INSTALLpc.txt, src/Make_cyg_ming.mak
+Patch 7.4.1032
+Problem: message from assert_false() does not look nice.
+Solution: Handle missing sourcing_name. Use right number of spaces. (Watiko)
+ Don't use line number if it's zero.
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.4.1033
+Problem: Memory use on MS-Windows is very conservative.
+Solution: Use the global memory status to estimate amount of memory.
+ (Mike Williams)
+Files: src/os_win32.c, src/os_win32.h, src/proto/
+Patch 7.4.1034
+Problem: There is no test for the 'backspace' option behavior.
+Solution: Add a test. (Hirohito Higashi)
+Files: src/testdir/test_alot.vim, src/testdir/test_backspace_opt.vim
+Patch 7.4.1035
+Problem: An Ex range gets adjusted for folded lines even when the range is
+ not using line numbers.
+Solution: Only adjust line numbers for folding. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: runtime/doc/fold.txt, src/ex_docmd.c
+Patch 7.4.1036
+Problem: Only terminals with up to 256 colors work properly.
+Solution: Use the 256 color behavior for all terminals with 256 or more
+ colors. (Robert de Bath, closes #504)
+Files: src/syntax.c
+Patch 7.4.1037
+Problem: Using "q!" when there is a modified hidden buffer does not unload
+ the current buffer, resulting in the need to abandon it again.
+Solution: When using "q!" unload the current buffer when needed. (Yasuhiro
+ Matsumoto, Hirohito Higashi)
+Files: src/testdir/, src/testdir/test31.ok,
+ runtime/doc/editing.txt, src/ex_cmds2.c, src/ex_docmd.c,
+ src/gui.c, src/gui_gtk_x11.c, src/os_unix.c,
+ src/proto/
+Patch 7.4.1038
+Problem: Still get a warning for a deprecated function with gdk-pixbuf
+ 2.31.
+Solution: Change minimum minor version from 32 to 31.
+Files: src/, src/auto/configure
+Patch 7.4.1039 (after 7.4.1037)
+Problem: Test 31 fails with small build.
+Solution: Bail out for small build. (Hirohito Higashi)
+Files: src/testdir/
+Patch 7.4.1040
+Problem: The tee command is not available on MS-Windows.
+Solution: Adjust tee.c for MSVC and add a makefile. (Yasuhiro Matsumoto)
+Files: src/tee/tee.c, src/tee/Make_mvc.mak, src/Make_mvc.mak
+Patch 7.4.1041
+Problem: Various small things.
+Solution: Add file to list of distributed files. Adjust README. Fix typo.
+Files: Filelist, src/testdir/README.txt, src/testdir/,
+ src/INSTALLMac.txt
+Patch 7.4.1042
+Problem: g-CTRL-G shows the word count, but there is no way to get the word
+ count in a script.
+Solution: Add the wordcount() function. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: runtime/doc/editing.txt, runtime/doc/eval.txt,
+ runtime/doc/usr_41.txt, src/eval.c, src/normal.c, src/ops.c,
+ src/proto/, src/testdir/,
+ src/testdir/test_wordcount.ok, src/testdir/Make_all.mak
+Patch 7.4.1043
+Problem: Another small thing.
+Solution: Now really update the Mac install text.
+Files: src/INSTALLmac.txt
+Patch 7.4.1044 (after 7.4.1042)
+Problem: Can't build without the +eval feature.
+Solution: Add #ifdef.
+Files: src/ops.c
+Patch 7.4.1045
+Problem: Having shadow and coverage on the same build results in the source
+ files not being available in the coverage view.
+Solution: Move using shadow to the normal build.
+Files: .travis.yml
+Patch 7.4.1046
+Problem: No test coverage for menus.
+Solution: Load the standard menus and check there is no error.
+Files: testdir/test_menu.vim, testdir/test_alot.vim
+Patch 7.4.1047 (after patch 7.4.1042)
+Problem: Tests fail on MS-Windows.
+Solution: Set 'selection' to inclusive.
+Files: src/testdir/
+Patch 7.4.1048 (after patch 7.4.1047)
+Problem: Wordcount test still fail on MS-Windows.
+Solution: Set 'fileformat' to "unix".
+Files: src/testdir/
+Patch 7.4.1049 (after patch 7.4.1048)
+Problem: Wordcount test still still fails on MS-Windows.
+Solution: Set 'fileformats' to "unix".
+Files: src/testdir/
+Patch 7.4.1050
+Problem: Warning for unused var with tiny features. (Tony Mechelynck)
+Solution: Add #ifdef. Use vim_snprintf(). Reduce number of statemements.
+Files: src/ops.c
+Patch 7.4.1051
+Problem: Segfault when unletting "count".
+Solution: Check for readonly and locked first. (Dominique Pelle)
+ Add a test.
+Files: src/eval.c, src/testdir/test_alot.vim, src/testdir/test_unlet.vim
+Patch 7.4.1052
+Problem: Illegal memory access with weird syntax command. (Dominique Pelle)
+Solution: Check for column past end of line.
+Files: src/syntax.c
+Patch 7.4.1053
+Problem: Insufficient testing for quickfix commands.
+Solution: Add a new style quickfix test. (Yegappan Lakshmanan)
+Files: src/testdir/Make_all.mak, src/testdir/test_quickfix.vim
+Patch 7.4.1054
+Problem: Illegal memory access.
+Solution: Check for missing pattern. (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/syntax.c
+Patch 7.4.1055
+Problem: Running "make newtests" in src/testdir has no output.
+Solution: List the messages file when a test fails. (Christian Brabandt)
+ Update the list of tests.
+Files: src/Makefile, src/testdir/Makefile
+Patch 7.4.1056
+Problem: Don't know why finding spell suggestions is slow.
+Solution: Add some code to gather profiling information.
+Files: src/spell.c
+Patch 7.4.1057
+Problem: Typos in the :options window.
+Solution: Fix the typos. (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: runtime/optwin.vim
+Patch 7.4.1058
+Problem: It is not possible to test code that is only reached when memory
+ allocation fails.
+Solution: Add the alloc_fail() function. Try it out with :vimgrep.
+Files: runtime/doc/eval.txt, src/globals.h, src/eval.c, src/quickfix.c,
+ src/misc2.c, src/proto/, src/testdir/test_quickfix.vim
+Patch 7.4.1059
+Problem: Code will never be executed.
+Solution: Remove the code.
+Files: src/quickfix.c
+Patch 7.4.1060
+Problem: Instructions for writing tests are outdated.
+Solution: Mention Make_all.mak. Add steps for new style tests.
+Files: src/testdir/README.txt
+Patch 7.4.1061
+Problem: Compiler warning for ignoring return value of fwrite().
+Solution: Do use the return value. (idea: Charles Campbell)
+Files: src/misc2.c, src/proto/
+Patch 7.4.1062
+Problem: Building with Ruby on MS-Windows requires a lot of arguments.
+Solution: Make it simpler. (Ken Takata)
+Files: src/Make_cyg_ming.mak, src/Make_mvc.mak
+Patch 7.4.1063
+Problem: TCL_VER_LONG and DYNAMIC_TCL_VER are not set when building with
+ Cygwin and MingW.
+Solution: Add TCL_VER_LONG and DYNAMIC_TCL_VER to the makefile.
+Files: src/Make_cyg_ming.mak
+Patch 7.4.1064
+Problem: When a spell file has single letter compounding creating
+ suggestions takes an awful long time.
+Solution: Add the NOCOMPOUNDSUGS flag.
+Files: runtime/doc/spell.txt, src/spell.c
+Patch 7.4.1065
+Problem: Cannot use the "dll" options on MS-Windows.
+Solution: Support the options on all platforms. Use the built-in name as
+ the default, so that it's clear what Vim is looking for.
+Files: src/if_python.c, src/if_python3.c, src/if_lua.c, src/if_perl.xs,
+ src/if_ruby.c, src/option.c, runtime/doc/options.txt, src/Makefile
+Patch 7.4.1066 (after 7.4.1065)
+Problem: Build fails on MS-Windows.
+Solution: Adjust the #ifdefs for "dll" options.
+Files: src/option.h
+Patch 7.4.1067 (after 7.4.1065)
+Problem: Can't build with MingW and Python on MS-Windows.
+Solution: Move the build flags to CFLAGS.
+Files: src/Make_cyg_ming.mak
+Patch 7.4.1068
+Problem: Wrong way to check for unletting internal variables.
+Solution: Use a better way. (Olaf Dabrunz)
+Files: src/testdir/test_unlet.c, src/eval.c
+Patch 7.4.1069
+Problem: Compiler warning for unused argument.
+Solution: Add UNUSED.
+Files: src/misc2.c
+Patch 7.4.1070
+Problem: The Tcl interface can't be loaded dynamically on Unix.
+Solution: Make it possible to load it dynamically. (Ken Takata)
+Files: runtime/doc/if_tcl.txt, runtime/doc/options.txt,
+ runtime/doc/quickref.txt, runtime/optwin.vim, src/Makefile,
+ src/, src/, src/auto/configure,
+ src/if_tcl.c, src/option.c, src/option.h
+Patch 7.4.1071
+Problem: New style tests are executed in arbitrary order.
+Solution: Sort the test function names. (Hirohito Higashi)
+ Fix the quickfix test that depended on the order.
+Files: src/testdir/runtest.vim, src/testdir/test_quickfix.vim
+Patch 7.4.1072
+Problem: Increment test is old style.
+Solution: Make the increment test a new style test. (Hirohito Higashi)
+Files: src/Makefile, src/testdir/Make_all.mak,
+ src/testdir/, src/testdir/test_increment.ok,
+ src/testdir/test_increment.vim
+Patch 7.4.1073
+Problem: Alloc_id depends on numbers, may use the same one twice. It's not
+ clear from the number what it's for.
+Solution: Use an enum. Add a function to lookup the enum value from the
+ name.
+Files: src/misc2.c, src/vim.h, src/alloc.h, src/globals.h,
+ src/testdir/runtest.vim, src/proto/,
+ src/testdir/test_quickfix.vim
+Patch 7.4.1074
+Problem: Warning from VX2015 compiler.
+Solution: Add a type cast. (Mike Williams)
+Files: src/gui_dwrite.cpp
+Patch 7.4.1075
+Problem: Crash when using an invalid command.
+Solution: Fix generating the error message. (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/ex_docmd.c
+Patch 7.4.1076
+Problem: CTRL-A does not work well in right-left mode.
+Solution: Remove reversing the line, add a test. (Hirohito Higashi)
+Files: src/ops.c, src/testdir/test_increment.vim
+Patch 7.4.1077
+Problem: The build instructions for MS-Windows are incomplete.
+Solution: Add explanations for how to build with various interfaces. (Ken
+ Takata)
+Files: src/INSTALLpc.txt
+Patch 7.4.1078
+Problem: MSVC: "make clean" doesn't cleanup in the tee directory.
+Solution: Add the commands to cleanup tee. (Erich Ritz)
+Files: src/Make_mvc.mak
+Patch 7.4.1079 (after 7.4.1073)
+Problem: New include file missing from distribution. Missing changes to
+ quickfix code.
+Solution: Add alloc.h to the list of distributed files. Use the enum in
+ quickfix code.
+Files: Filelist, src/quickfix.c
+Patch 7.4.1080
+Problem: VS2015 has a function HandleToLong() that is shadowed by the macro
+ that Vim defines.
+Solution: Do not define HandleToLong() for MSVC version 1400 and later.
+ (Mike Williams)
+Files: src/gui_w32.c
+Patch 7.4.1081
+Problem: No test for what previously caused a crash.
+Solution: Add test for unletting errmsg.
+Files: src/testdir/test_unlet.vim
+Patch 7.4.1082
+Problem: The Tcl interface is always skipping memory free on exit.
+Solution: Only skip for dynamically loaded Tcl.
+Files: src/if_tcl.c
+Patch 7.4.1083
+Problem: Building GvimExt with VS2015 may fail.
+Solution: Adjust the makefile. (Mike Williams)
+Files: src/GvimExt/Makefile
+Patch 7.4.1084
+Problem: Using "." to repeat CTRL-A in Visual mode increments the wrong
+ numbers.
+Solution: Append right size to the redo buffer. (Ozaki Kiichi)
+Files: src/normal.c, src/testdir/test_increment.vim
+Patch 7.4.1085
+Problem: The CTRL-A and CTRL-X commands do not update the '[ and '] marks.
+Solution: (Yukihiro Nakadaira)
+Files: src/ops.c, src/testdir/, src/testdir/test_marks.ok
+Patch 7.4.1086
+Problem: Crash with an extremely long buffer name.
+Solution: Limit the return value of vim_snprintf(). (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/buffer.c
+Patch 7.4.1087
+Problem: CTRL-A and CTRL-X do not work properly with blockwise visual
+ selection if there is a mix of Tab and spaces.
+Solution: Add OP_NR_ADD and OP_NR_SUB. (Hirohito Higashi)
+Files: src/testdir/test_increment.vim, src/normal.c, src/ops.c,
+ src/proto/, src/vim.h
+Patch 7.4.1088
+Problem: Coverity warns for uninitialized variables. Only one is an actual
+ problem.
+Solution: Move the conditions. Don't use endpos if handling an error.
+Files: src/ops.c
+Patch 7.4.1089
+Problem: Repeating CTRL-A doesn't work.
+Solution: Call prep_redo_cmd(). (Hirohito Higashi)
+Files: src/normal.c, src/testdir/test_increment.vim
+Patch 7.4.1090
+Problem: No tests for :hardcopy and related options.
+Solution: Add test_hardcopy.
+Files: src/testdir/test_hardcopy.vim, src/Makefile,
+ src/testdir/Make_all.mak
+Patch 7.4.1091
+Problem: When making a change while need_wait_return is set there is a two
+ second delay.
+Solution: Do not assume the ATTENTION prompt was given when need_wait_return
+ was set already.
+Files: src/misc1.c
+Patch 7.4.1092
+Problem: It is not simple to test for an exception and give a proper error
+ message.
+Solution: Add assert_exception().
+Files: src/eval.c, runtime/doc/eval.txt
+Patch 7.4.1093
+Problem: Typo in test goes unnoticed.
+Solution: Fix the typo. Give error for wrong arguments to cursor().
+ (partly by Hirohito Higashi) Add a test for cursor().
+Files: src/testdir/test_searchpos.vim, src/testdir/test_cursor_func.vim,
+ src/eval.c, src/testdir/test_alot.vim
+Patch 7.4.1094
+Problem: Test for :hardcopy fails on MS-Windows.
+Solution: Check for the +postscript feature.
+Files: src/testdir/test_hardcopy.vim
+Patch 7.4.1095
+Problem: Can't build GvimExt with SDK 7.1.
+Solution: Support using setenv.bat instead of vcvars32.bat. (Ken Takata)
+Files: src/Make_mvc.mak, src/GvimExt/Makefile
+Patch 7.4.1096
+Problem: Need several lines to verify a command produces an error.
+Solution: Add assert_fails(). (suggested by Nikolay Pavlov)
+ Make the quickfix alloc test actually work.
+Files: src/testdir/test_quickfix.vim, src/eval.c, runtime/doc/eval.txt,
+ src/misc2.c, src/alloc.h
+Patch 7.4.1097
+Problem: Looking up the alloc ID for tests fails.
+Solution: Fix the line computation. Use assert_fails() for unlet test.
+Files: src/testdir/runtest.vim, src/testdir/test_unlet.vim
+Patch 7.4.1098
+Problem: Still using old style C function declarations.
+Solution: Always define __ARGS() to include types. Turn a few functions
+ into ANSI style to find out if this causes problems for anyone.
+Files: src/vim.h, src/os_unix.h, src/eval.c, src/main.c
+Patch 7.4.1099
+Problem: It's not easy to know if Vim supports blowfish. (Smu Johnson)
+Solution: Add has('crypt-blowfish') and has('crypt-blowfish2').
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.4.1100
+Problem: Cygwin makefiles are unused.
+Solution: Remove them.
+Files: src/GvimExt/Make_ming.mak, src/GvimExt/Make_cyg.mak,
+ src/xxd/Make_ming.mak, src/xxd/Make_cyg.mak
+Patch 7.4.1101
+Problem: With 'rightleft' and concealing the cursor may move to the wrong
+ position.
+Solution: Compute the column differently when 'rightleft' is set. (Hirohito
+ Higashi)
+Files: src/screen.c
+Patch 7.4.1102
+Problem: Debugger has no stack backtrace support.
+Solution: Add "backtrace", "frame", "up" and "down" commands. (Alberto
+ Fanjul, closes #433)
+Files: runtime/doc/repeat.txt, src/eval.c, src/ex_cmds2.c, src/globals.h,
+ src/testdir/Make_all.mak, src/testdir/,
+ src/testdir/test108.ok
+Patch 7.4.1103 (after 7.4.1100)
+Problem: Removed file still in distribution.
+Solution: Remove Make_cyg.mak from the list of files.
+Files: Filelist
+Patch 7.4.1104
+Problem: Various problems building with MzScheme/Racket.
+Solution: Make it work with new versions of Racket. (Yukihiro Nakadaira, Ken
+ Takata)
+Files: runtime/doc/if_mzsch.txt, src/INSTALLpc.txt,
+ src/Make_cyg_ming.mak, src/Make_mvc.mak, src/auto/configure,
+ src/, src/if_mzsch.c
+Patch 7.4.1105
+Problem: When using slices there is a mixup of variable name and namespace.
+Solution: Recognize variables that can't be a namespace. (Hirohito Higashi)
+Files: src/eval.c, src/testdir/, src/testdir/test_eval.ok
+Patch 7.4.1106
+Problem: The nsis script can't be used from the appveyor build.
+Solution: Add "ifndef" to allow for variables to be set from the command
+ line. Remove duplicate SetCompressor command. Support using other
+ gettext binaries. (Ken Takata) Update build instructions to use
+ libintl-8.dll.
+Files: Makefile, nsis/gvim.nsi, src/os_win32.c, src/proto/,
+ src/main.c, os_w32exe.c
+Patch 7.4.1107
+Problem: Vim can create a directory but not delete it.
+Solution: Add an argument to delete() to make it possible to delete a
+ directory, also recursively.
+Files: src/fileio.c, src/eval.c, src/proto/,
+ src/testdir/test_delete.vim, src/testdir/test_alot.vim,
+ runtime/doc/eval.txt
+Patch 7.4.1108
+Problem: Expanding "~" halfway a file name.
+Solution: Handle the file name as one name. (Marco Hinz) Add a test.
+ Closes #564.
+Files: src/testdir/, src/testdir/test27.ok,
+ src/testdir/test_expand.vim, src/testdir/test_alot.vim,
+ src/Makefile, src/misc2.c
+Patch 7.4.1109 (after 7.4.1107)
+Problem: MS-Windows doesn't have rmdir().
+Solution: Add mch_rmdir().
+Files: src/os_win32.c, src/proto/os_win32/pro
+Patch 7.4.1110
+Problem: Test 108 fails when language is French.
+Solution: Force English messages. (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/testdir/
+Patch 7.4.1111
+Problem: test_expand fails on MS-Windows.
+Solution: Always use forward slashes. Remove references to test27.
+Files: src/testdir/runtest.vim, src/testdir/test_expand.vim,
+ src/testdir/Make_dos.mak, src/testdir/Make_all.mak,
+ src/testdir/Make_amiga.mak, src/testdir/Make_ming.mak
+Patch 7.4.1112
+Problem: When using ":next" with an illegal file name no error is reported.
+Solution: Give an error message.
+Files: src/ex_cmds2.c
+Patch 7.4.1113 (after 7.4.1105)
+Problem: Using {ns} in variable name does not work. (lilydjwg)
+Solution: Fix recognizing colon. Add a test.
+Files: src/eval.c, src/testdir/test_viml.vim
+Patch 7.4.1114 (after 7.4.1107)
+Problem: delete() does not work well with symbolic links.
+Solution: Recognize symbolik links.
+Files: src/eval.c, src/fileio.c, src/os_unix.c, src/proto/,
+ src/testdir/test_delete.vim, runtime/doc/eval.txt
+Patch 7.4.1115
+Problem: MS-Windows: make clean in testdir doesn't clean everything.
+Solution: Add command to delete X* directories. (Ken Takata)
+Files: src/testdir/Make_dos.mak
+Patch 7.4.1116
+Problem: delete(x, 'rf') does not delete files starting with a dot.
+Solution: Also delete files starting with a dot.
+Files: src/misc1.c, src/fileio.c, src/vim.h
+Patch 7.4.1117 (after 7.4.1116)
+Problem: No longer get "." and ".." in directory list.
+Solution: Do not skip "." and ".." unless EW_DODOT is set.
+Files: src/mics1.c
+Patch 7.4.1118
+Problem: Tests hang in 24 line terminal.
+Solution: Set the 'more' option off.
+Files: src/testdir/runtest.vim
+Patch 7.4.1119
+Problem: argidx() has a wrong value after ":%argdelete". (Yegappan
+ Lakshmanan)
+Solution: Correct the value of w_arg_idx. Add a test.
+Files: src/ex_cmds2.c, src/testdir/test_arglist.vim,
+ src/testdir/Make_all.mak
+Patch 7.4.1120
+Problem: delete(x, 'rf') fails if a directory is empty. (Lcd)
+Solution: Ignore not finding matches in an empty directory.
+Files: src/fileio.c, src/misc1.c, src/vim.h, src/testdir/test_delete.vim
+Patch 7.4.1121
+Problem: test_expand leaves files behind.
+Solution: Edit another file before deleting, otherwise the swap file
+ remains.
+Files: src/testdir/test_expand.vim
+Patch 7.4.1122
+Problem: Test 92 and 93 fail when using gvim on a system with a non utf-8
+ locale.
+Solution: Avoid using .gvimrc by adding -U NONE. (Yukihiro Nakadaira)
+Files: src/testdir/Make_dos.mak, src/testdir/Make_ming.mak,
+ src/testdir/Make_vms.mms, src/testdir/Makefile
+Patch 7.4.1123
+Problem: Using ":argadd" when there are no arguments results in the second
+ argument to be the current one. (Yegappan Lakshmanan)
+Solution: Correct the w_arg_idx value.
+Files: src/ex_cmds2.c, src/testdir/test_arglist.vim
+Patch 7.4.1124
+Problem: MS-Windows: dead key behavior is not ideal.
+Solution: Handle dead keys differently when not in Insert or Select mode.
+ (John Wellesz, closes #399)
+Files: src/gui_w48.c
+Patch 7.4.1125
+Problem: There is no perleval().
+Solution: Add perleval(). (Damien)
+Files: runtime/doc/eval.txt, runtime/doc/usr_41.txt, src/eval.c,
+ src/if_perl.xs, src/proto/, src/testdir/Make_all.mak,
+ src/testdir/test_perl.vim
+Patch 7.4.1126
+Problem: Can only get the directory of the current window.
+Solution: Add window and tab arguments to getcwd() and haslocaldir().
+ (Thinca, Hirohito Higashi)
+Files: src/Makefile, src/testdir/Make_all.mak,
+ src/testdir/, src/testdir/test_getcwd.ok,
+ runtime/doc/eval.txt, patching file src/eval.c
+Patch 7.4.1127
+Problem: Both old and new style tests for Perl.
+Solution: Merge the old tests with the new style tests.
+Files: src/Makefile, src/testdir/Make_all.mak, src/testdir/,
+ src/testdir/test_perl.ok, src/testdir/test_perl.vim
+Patch 7.4.1128
+Problem: MS-Windows: delete() does not recognize junctions.
+Solution: Add mch_isrealdir() for MS-Windows. Update mch_is_symbolic_link().
+ (Ken Takata)
+Files: src/fileio.c, src/os_win32.c, src/proto/
+Patch 7.4.1129
+Problem: Python None value can't be converted to a Vim value.
+Solution: Just use zero. (Damien)
+Files: src/if_py_both.h, src/testdir/, src/testdir/test86.ok,
+ src/testdir/, src/testdir/test87.ok,
+Patch 7.4.1130
+Problem: Memory leak in :vimgrep.
+Solution: Call FreeWild(). (Yegappan Lakshmanan)
+Files: src/quickfix.c
+Patch 7.4.1131
+Problem: New lines in the viminfo file are dropped.
+Solution: Copy lines starting with "|". Fix that when using :rviminfo in a
+ function global variables were restored as function-local
+ variables.
+Files: src/eval.c, src/structs.h, src/ex_cmds.c, src/misc2.c,
+ src/proto/, src/testdir/test_viminfo.vim,
+ src/testdir/Make_all.mak, src/testdir/,
+ src/testdir/test74.ok
+Patch 7.4.1132
+Problem: Old style tests for the argument list.
+Solution: Add more new style tests. (Yegappan Lakshmanan)
+Files: src/testdir/test_arglist.vim, src/testdir/,
+ src/testdir/test_argument_0count.ok,
+ src/testdir/, src/Makefile,
+ src/testdir/test_argument_count.ok, src/testdir/Make_all.mak
+Patch 7.4.1133
+Problem: Generated function prototypes still have __ARGS().
+Solution: Generate function prototypes without __ARGS().
+Files: src/Makefile, src/if_ruby.c, src/os_win32.c,
+ src/proto/, src/proto/,
+ src/proto/, src/proto/,
+ src/proto/, src/proto/,
+ src/proto/, src/proto/, src/proto/,
+ src/proto/, src/proto/,
+ src/proto/, src/proto/,
+ src/proto/, src/proto/, src/proto/,
+ src/proto/, src/proto/,
+ src/proto/, src/proto/,
+ src/proto/, src/proto/,
+ src/proto/, src/proto/,
+ src/proto/, src/proto/,
+ src/proto/, src/proto/,
+ src/proto/, src/proto/,
+ src/proto/, src/proto/,
+ src/proto/, src/proto/,
+ src/proto/, src/proto/,
+ src/proto/, src/proto/,
+ src/proto/, src/proto/,
+ src/proto/, src/proto/,
+ src/proto/, src/proto/,
+ src/proto/, src/proto/, src/proto/,
+ src/proto/, src/proto/, src/proto/,
+ src/proto/, src/proto/, src/proto/,
+ src/proto/, src/proto/, src/proto/,
+ src/proto/, src/proto/, src/proto/,
+ src/proto/, src/proto/,
+ src/proto/, src/proto/,
+ src/proto/, src/proto/, src/proto/,
+ src/proto/, src/proto/,
+ src/proto/, src/proto/, src/proto/,
+ src/proto/, src/proto/, src/proto/,
+ src/proto/, src/proto/, src/proto/,
+ src/proto/, src/proto/, src/proto/,
+ src/proto/, src/proto/, src/proto/,
+ src/proto/, src/proto/,
+ src/proto/
+Patch 7.4.1134
+Problem: The arglist test fails on MS-Windows.
+Solution: Only check for failure of argedit on Unix.
+Files: src/testdir/test_arglist.vim
+Patch 7.4.1135
+Problem: One more arglist test fails on MS-Windows.
+Solution: Don't edit "Y" after editing "y".
+Files: src/testdir/test_arglist.vim
+Patch 7.4.1136
+Problem: Wrong argument to assert_exception() causes a crash. (reported by
+ Coverity)
+Solution: Check for NULL pointer. Add a test.
+Files: src/eval.c, src/testdir/test_assert.vim
+Patch 7.4.1137
+Problem: Illegal memory access when using :copen and :cclose.
+Solution: Avoid that curbuf is invalid. (suggestion by Justin M. Keyes)
+ Add a test.
+Files: src/window.c, src/testdir/test_quickfix.vim
+Patch 7.4.1138
+Problem: When running gvim in the foreground some icons are missing.
+ (Taylor Venable)
+Solution: Move the call to gui_gtk_register_resource(). (Kazunobu Kuriyama)
+Files: src/gui_gtk_x11.c
+Patch 7.4.1139
+Problem: MS-Windows: getftype() returns "file for symlink to directory.
+Solution: Make it return "dir". (Ken Takata)
+Files: src/os_mswin.c
+Patch 7.4.1140
+Problem: Recognizing <sid> does not work when the language is Turkish.
+ (Christian Brabandt)
+Solution: Use MB_STNICMP() instead of STNICMP().
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.4.1141
+Problem: Using searchpair() with a skip expression that uses syntax
+ highlighting sometimes doesn't work. (David Fishburn)
+Solution: Reset next_match_idx. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/syntax.c
+Patch 7.4.1142
+Problem: Cannot define keyword characters for a syntax file.
+Solution: Add the ":syn iskeyword" command. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: runtime/doc/options.txt, runtime/doc/syntax.txt, src/buffer.c,
+ src/option.c, src/structs.h, src/syntax.c,
+ src/testdir/Make_all.mak, src/testdir/test_syntax.vim
+Patch 7.4.1143
+Problem: Can't sort on floating point numbers.
+Solution: Add the "f" flag to ":sort". (Alex Jakushev) Also add the "f"
+ flag to sort().
+Files: runtime/doc/change.txt, src/ex_cmds.c, src/testdir/test_sort.vim,
+ src/testdir/, src/testdir/test57.ok, src/eval.c
+Patch 7.4.1144 (after 7.4.1143)
+Problem: Can't build on several systems.
+Solution: Include float.h. (Christian Robinson, closes #570 #571)
+Files: src/ex_cmds.c
+Patch 7.4.1145
+Problem: Default features are conservative.
+Solution: Make the default feature set for most of todays systems "huge".
+Files: src/feature.h, src/, src/auto/configure
+Patch 7.4.1146
+Problem: Can't build with Python 3 interface using MingW.
+Solution: Update the Makefile. (Yasuhiro Matsumoto, Ken Takata)
+Files: src/Make_cyg_ming.mak
+Patch 7.4.1147
+Problem: Conflict for "chartab". (Kazunobu Kuriyama)
+Solution: Rename the global one to something less obvious. Move it into
+ src/chartab.c.
+Files: src/macros.h, src/globals.h, src/charset.c, src/main.c,
+ src/option.c, src/screen.c, src/vim.h
+Patch 7.4.1148
+Problem: Default for MingW and Cygwin is still "normal".
+Solution: Use "huge" as default. (Ken Takata)
+Files: src/Make_cyg_ming.mak, src/Make_mvc.mak
+Patch 7.4.1149 (after 7.4.1013)
+Problem: Using the local value of 'errorformat' causes more problems than
+ it solves.
+Solution: Revert 7.4.1013.
+Files: runtime/doc/quickfix.txt, src/quickfix.c
+Patch 7.4.1150
+Problem: 'langmap' applies to the first character typed in Select mode.
+ (David Watson)
+Solution: Check for SELECTMODE. (Christian Brabandt, closes #572)
+ Add the 'x' flag to feedkeys().
+Files: src/getchar.c, src/normal.c, src/testdir/test_langmap.vim,
+ src/ex_docmd.c, src/proto/, src/testdir/Make_all.mak,
+ runtime/doc/eval.txt
+Patch 7.4.1151 (after 7.4.1150)
+Problem: Missing change to eval.c
+Solution: Also change feedkeys().
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.4.1152
+Problem: Langmap test fails with normal build.
+Solution: Check for +langmap feature.
+Files: src/testdir/test_langmap.vim
+Patch 7.4.1153
+Problem: Autocommands triggered by quickfix cannot always get the current
+ title value.
+Solution: Call qf_fill_buffer() later. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/quickfix.c, src/testdir/test_quickfix.vim
+Patch 7.4.1154
+Problem: No support for JSON.
+Solution: Add jsonencode() and jsondecode(). Also add v:false, v:true,
+ v:null and v:none.
+Files: src/json.c, src/eval.c, src/proto.h, src/structs.h, src/vim.h,
+ src/if_lua.c, src/if_mzsch.c, src/if_ruby.c, src/if_py_both.h,
+ src/globals.h, src/Makefile, src/Make_bc3.mak, src/Make_bc5.mak,
+ src/Make_cyg_ming.mak, src/Make_dice.mak, src/Make_ivc.mak,
+ src/Make_manx.mak, src/Make_morph.mak, src/Make_mvc.mak,
+ src/Make_sas.mak, src/Make_vms.mms, src/proto/,
+ src/proto/, src/testdir/test_json.vim,
+ src/testdir/test_alot.vim, Filelist, runtime/doc/eval.txt
+Patch 7.4.1155
+Problem: Build with normal features fails.
+Solution: Always deinfe dict_lookup().
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.4.1156
+Problem: Coverity warns for NULL pointer and ignoring return value.
+Solution: Check for NULL pointer. When dict_add() returns FAIL free the item.
+Files: src/json.c
+Patch 7.4.1157
+Problem: type() does not work for v:true, v:none, etc.
+Solution: Add new type numbers.
+Files: src/eval.c, src/testdir/test_json.vim, src/testdir/test_viml.vim
+Patch 7.4.1158
+Problem: Still using __ARGS().
+Solution: Remove __ARGS() from eval.c
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.4.1159
+Problem: Automatically generated function prototypes use __ARGS.
+Solution: Remove __ARGS from
+Files: src/, src/, src/
+Patch 7.4.1160
+Problem: No error for jsondecode('"').
+Solution: Give an error message for missing double quote.
+Files: src/json.c
+Patch 7.4.1161
+Problem: ":argadd" without argument is supposed to add the current buffer
+ name to the arglist.
+Solution: Make it work as documented. (Coot, closes #577)
+Files: src/ex_cmds.h, src/ex_cmds2.c, src/testdir/test_arglist.vim
+Patch 7.4.1162
+Problem: Missing error number in MzScheme. (Dominique Pelle)
+Solution: Add a proper error number.
+Files: src/if_mzsch.c
+Patch 7.4.1163
+Problem: Expressions "0 + v:true" and "'' . v:true" cause an error.
+Solution: Return something sensible when using a special variable as a
+ number or as a string. (suggested by Damien)
+Files: src/eval.c, src/testdir/test_viml.vim
+Patch 7.4.1164
+Problem: No tests for comparing special variables. Error in jsondecode()
+ not reported. test_json does not work Japanse system.
+Solution: Set scriptencoding. (Ken Takata) Add a few more tests. Add error.
+Files: src/json.c, src/testdir/test_viml.vim, src/testdir/test_json.vim
+Patch 7.4.1165
+Problem: When defining DYNAMIC_ICONV_DLL in the makefile, the build fails.
+Solution: Add #ifdef's. (Taro Muraoka) Try the newer version first.
+Files: src/mbyte.c, src/os_win32.c
+Patch 7.4.1166
+Problem: Can't encode a Funcref into JSON. jsonencode() doesn't handle the
+ same list or dict twice properly. (Nikolay Pavlov)
+Solution: Give an error. Reset copyID when the list or dict is finished.
+Files: src/json.c, src/proto/, src/testdir/test_json.vim
+Patch 7.4.1167
+Problem: No tests for "is" and "isnot" with the new variables.
+Solution: Add tests.
+Files: src/testdir/test_viml.vim
+Patch 7.4.1168
+Problem: This doesn't give the right result: eval(string(v:true)). (Nikolay
+ Pavlov)
+Solution: Make the string "v:true" instead of "true".
+Files: src/eval.c, src/testdir/test_viml.vim
+Patch 7.4.1169
+Problem: The socket I/O is intertwined with the netbeans code.
+Solution: Start refactoring the netbeans communication to split off the
+ socket I/O. Add the +channel feature.
+Files: src/channel.c, src/netbeans.c, src/proto/,
+ src/proto/, src/proto/, src/gui_w32.c,
+ src/eval.c, src/os_mswin.c, src/ui.c, src/macros.h, Makefile,
+ src/proto.h, src/feature.h, src/os_unix.c, src/vim.h,
+ src/, src/auto/configure, src/,
+ src/, src/, src/Make_bc5.mak,
+ src/Make_cyg_ming.mak, src/Make_mvc.mak
+Patch 7.4.1170 (after 7.4.1169)
+Problem: Missing changes in src/Makefile, Filelist.
+Solution: Add the missing changes.
+Files: Filelist, src/Makefile
+Patch 7.4.1171
+Problem: Makefile dependencies are outdated.
+Solution: Run "make depend". Add GTK resource dependencies.
+Files: src/Makefile
+Patch 7.4.1172 (after 7.4.1169)
+Problem: Configure is overly positive.
+Solution: Insert "test".
+Files: src/, src/auto/configure
+Patch 7.4.1173 (after 7.4.1168)
+Problem: No test for new behavior of v:true et al.
+Solution: Add a test.
+Files: src/testdir/test_viml.vim
+Patch 7.4.1174
+Problem: Netbeans contains dead code insde #ifndef INIT_SOCKETS.
+Solution: Remove the dead code.
+Files: src/netbeans.c
+Patch 7.4.1175 (after 7.4.1169)
+Problem: Can't build with Mingw and Cygwin.
+Solution: Remove extra "endif". (Christian J. Robinson)
+Files: src/Make_cyg_ming.mak
+Patch 7.4.1176
+Problem: Missing change to proto file.
+Solution: Update the proto file. (Charles Cooper)
+Files: src/proto/
+Patch 7.4.1177
+Problem: The +channel feature is not in :version output. (Tony Mechelynck)
+Solution: Add the feature string.
+Files: src/version.c
+Patch 7.4.1178
+Problem: empty() doesn't work for the new special variables.
+Solution: Make empty() work. (Damien)
+Files: src/eval.c, src/testdir/test_viml.vim
+Patch 7.4.1179
+Problem: test_writefile and test_viml do not delete the tempfile.
+Solution: Delete the tempfile. (Charles Cooper) Add DeleteTheScript().
+Files: src/testdir/, src/testdir/test_viml.vim
+Patch 7.4.1180
+Problem: Crash with invalid argument to glob2regpat().
+Solution: Check for NULL. (Justin M. Keyes, closes #596) Add a test.
+Files: src/eval.c, src/testdir/test_glob2regpat.vim,
+ src/testdir/test_alot.vim
+Patch 7.4.1181
+Problem: free_tv() can't handle special variables. (Damien)
+Solution: Add the variable type.
+Files: src/eval.c, src/testdir/test_viml.vim
+Patch 7.4.1182
+Problem: Still socket code intertwined with netbeans.
+Solution: Move code from netbeans.c to channel.c
+Files: src/channel.c, src/netbeans.c, src/proto/,
+ src/proto/, src/gui.c, src/gui_w48.c
+Patch 7.4.1183 (after 7.4.1182)
+Problem: MS-Windows build is broken.
+Solution: Remove init in wrong place.
+Files: src/channel.c
+Patch 7.4.1184 (after 7.4.1182)
+Problem: MS-Windows build is still broken.
+Solution: Change nbsock to ch_fd.
+Files: src/channel.c
+Patch 7.4.1185
+Problem: Can't build with TCL on some systems.
+Solution: Rename the channel_ functions.
+Files: src/if_tcl.c
+Patch 7.4.1186
+Problem: Error messages for security context are hard to translate.
+Solution: Use one string with %s. (Ken Takata)
+Files: src/os_unix.c
+Patch 7.4.1187
+Problem: MS-Windows channel code only supports one channel. Doesn't build
+ without netbeans support.
+Solution: Get the channel index from the socket in the message. Closes #600.
+Files: src/channel.c, src/netbeans.c, src/gui_w48.c,
+ src/proto/, src/proto/
+Patch 7.4.1188
+Problem: Using older JSON standard.
+Solution: Update the link. Adjust the text a bit.
+Files: src/json.c, runtime/doc/eval.txt
+Patch 7.4.1189 (after 7.4.1165)
+Problem: Using another language on MS-Windows does not work. (Yongwei Wu)
+Solution: Undo the change to try loading libintl-8.dll first.
+Files: src/os_win32.c
+Patch 7.4.1190
+Problem: On OSX the default flag for dlopen() is different.
+Solution: Add RTLD_LOCAL in the configure check. (sv99, closes #604)
+Files: src/, src/auto/configure
+Patch 7.4.1191
+Problem: The channel feature isn't working yet.
+Solution: Add the connect(), disconnect(), sendexpr() and sendraw()
+ functions. Add initial documentation. Add a demo server.
+Files: src/channel.c, src/eval.c, src/proto/,
+ src/proto/, runtime/doc/channel.txt, runtime/doc/eval.txt,
+ runtime/doc/Makefile, runtime/tools/
+Patch 7.4.1192
+Problem: Can't build with FEAT_EVAL but without FEAT_MBYTE. (John
+ Marriott)
+Solution: Add #ifdef for FEAT_MBYTE.
+Files: src/json.c
+Patch 7.4.1193
+Problem: Can't build the channel feature on MS-Windows.
+Solution: Add #ifdef HAVE_POLL.
+Files: src/channel.c
+Patch 7.4.1194
+Problem: Compiler warning for not using return value of fwrite().
+Solution: Return OK/FAIL. (Charles Campbell)
+Files: src/channel.c, src/proto/
+Patch 7.4.1195
+Problem: The channel feature does not work in the MS-Windows console.
+Solution: Add win32 console support. (Yasuhiro Matsumoto)
+Files: src/channel.c, src/gui_w32.c, src/os_mswin.c, src/os_win32.c,
+ src/proto/, src/proto/, src/vim.h
+Patch 7.4.1196
+Problem: Still using __ARGS.
+Solution: Remove __ARGS in several files. (script by Hirohito Higashi)
+Files: src/arabic.c, src/buffer.c, src/charset.c, src/crypt_zip.c,
+ src/diff.c, src/digraph.c, src/edit.c, src/ex_cmds.c,
+ src/ex_cmds2.c, src/ex_docmd.c
+Patch 7.4.1197
+Problem: Still using __ARGS.
+Solution: Remove __ARGS in several files. (script by Hirohito Higashi)
+Files: src/ex_eval.c, src/ex_getln.c, src/farsi.c, src/fileio.c,
+ src/fold.c, src/getchar.c, src/gui.c, src/gui_at_fs.c,
+ gui_at_sb.c, src/gui_athena.c, src/gui_beval.c, src/gui_motif.c,
+ src/gui_w32.c, src/gui_w48.c
+Patch 7.4.1198
+Problem: Still using __ARGS.
+Solution: Remove __ARGS in several files. (script by Hirohito Higashi)
+ Also remove use of HAVE_STDARG_H.
+Files: src/gui_x11.c, src/hangulin.c, src/hardcopy.c, src/hashtab.c,
+ src/if_cscope.c, src/if_python3.c, src/if_sniff.c,
+ src/if_xcmdsrv.c, src/main.c, src/mark.c, src/mbyte.c,
+ src/memfile.c, src/memfile_test.c, src/memline.c, src/menu.c,
+ src/message.c, src/misc1.c, src/misc2.c, src/move.c,
+ src/netbeans.c, src/normal.c
+Patch 7.4.1199
+Problem: Still using __ARGS.
+Solution: Remove __ARGS in several files. (script by Hirohito Higashi)
+Files: src/ops.c, src/option.c, src/os_amiga.c, src/os_mac_conv.c,
+ src/os_unix.c, src/os_vms.c, src/os_w32exe.c, src/popupmnu.c,
+ src/pty.c, src/quickfix.c, src/regexp.c, src/regexp_nfa.c,
+ src/screen.c, src/search.c, src/sha256.c, src/spell.c,
+ src/syntax.c, src/tag.c, src/term.c, src/termlib.c, src/ui.c,
+ src/undo.c, src/version.c, src/window.c
+Patch 7.4.1200
+Problem: Still using __ARGS.
+Solution: Remove __ARGS in several files. (script by Hirohito Higashi)
+Files: src/blowfish.c, src/ex_cmds2.c, src/ex_getln.c, src/fold.c,
+ src/gui_beval.c, src/gui_w32.c, src/os_unix.c, src/os_win16.c,
+ src/pty.c, src/regexp.c, src/syntax.c, src/xpm_w32.c,
+ src/ex_cmds.h, src/globals.h, src/gui_at_sb.h, src/gui_beval.h,
+ src/if_cscope.h, src/if_sniff.h, src/nbdebug.h, src/os_unix.h,
+ src/proto.h, src/structs.h, src/vim.h, src/xpm_w32.h,
+ src/if_perl.xs, src/proto/, src/proto/,
+ runtime/tools/xcmdsrv_client.c,
+ src/Makefile
+Patch 7.4.1201
+Problem: One more file still using __ARGS.
+Solution: Remove __ARGS in the last file. (script by Hirohito Higashi)
+Files: src/gui_at_sb.c
+Patch 7.4.1202
+Problem: Still one more file still using __ARGS.
+Solution: Remove __ARGS in the last file. (script by Hirohito Higashi)
+ (closes #612)
+Files: src/proto/, src/os_mac_conv.c, src/Makefile
+Patch 7.4.1203
+Problem: Still more files still using __ARGS.
+Solution: Remove __ARGS in really the last files.
+Files: src/proto/, src/if_mzsch.c, src/vim.h,
+ src/proto/, src/proto/,
+ src/proto/, src/proto/, src/proto/,
+ src/Makefile
+Patch 7.4.1204
+Problem: Latin1 characters cause encoding conversion.
+Solution: Remove the characters.
+Files: src/gui_motif.c
+Patch 7.4.1205
+Problem: Using old style function declarations.
+Solution: Change to new style function declarations. (script by Hirohito
+ Higashi)
+Files: src/arabic.c, src/blowfish.c, src/buffer.c, src/channel.c,
+ src/charset.c, src/crypt.c, src/crypt_zip.c, src/diff.c,
+ src/digraph.c, src/edit.c, src/eval.c
+Patch 7.4.1206
+Problem: Using old style function declarations.
+Solution: Change to new style function declarations. (script by Hirohito
+ Higashi)
+Files: src/ex_cmds.c, src/ex_cmds2.c, src/ex_docmd.c, src/ex_eval.c,
+ src/ex_getln.c, src/farsi.c, src/fileio.c
+Patch 7.4.1207
+Problem: Using old style function declarations.
+Solution: Change to new style function declarations. (script by Hirohito
+ Higashi)
+Files: src/fold.c, src/getchar.c, src/gui_at_fs.c, src/gui_athena.c,
+ src/gui_at_sb.c, src/gui_beval.c, src/gui.c, src/gui_gtk.c,
+ src/gui_gtk_x11.c, src/gui_mac.c, src/gui_motif.c
+Patch 7.4.1208
+Problem: Using old style function declarations.
+Solution: Change to new style function declarations. (script by Hirohito
+ Higashi)
+Files: src/gui_photon.c, src/gui_w32.c, src/gui_w48.c, src/gui_x11.c,
+ src/hangulin.c, src/hardcopy.c, src/hashtab.c, src/if_cscope.c,
+ src/if_mzsch.c, src/if_perlsfio.c, src/if_python.c,
+ src/if_python3.c, src/if_ruby.c, src/if_sniff.c, src/if_tcl.c,
+ src/if_xcmdsrv.c, src/integration.c
+Patch 7.4.1209 (after 7.4.1207)
+Problem: Can't build with Athena. (Elimar Riesebieter)
+Solution: Fix function declarations.
+Files: src/gui_athena.c, src/gui_x11.c, src/gui_at_sb.c, src/gui_at_fs.c
+Patch 7.4.1210
+Problem: Using old style function declarations.
+Solution: Change to new style function declarations. (script by Hirohito
+ Higashi)
+Files: src/main.c, src/mark.c, src/mbyte.c, src/memfile.c,
+ src/memfile_test.c, src/memline.c, src/menu.c, src/message.c
+Patch 7.4.1211
+Problem: Using old style function declarations.
+Solution: Change to new style function declarations. (script by Hirohito
+ Higashi)
+Files: src/misc1.c, src/misc2.c, src/move.c, src/netbeans.c,
+ src/normal.c, src/ops.c, src/option.c
+Patch 7.4.1212 (after 7.4.1207)
+Problem: Can't build with Motif.
+Solution: Fix function declaration.(Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/gui_motif.c
+Patch 7.4.1213
+Problem: Using old style function declarations.
+Solution: Change to new style function declarations. (script by Hirohito
+ Higashi)
+Files: src/os_amiga.c, src/os_mac_conv.c, src/os_msdos.d, src/os_mswin.c,
+ src/os_qnx.c, src/os_unix.c, src/os_vms.c, src/os_win16.c,
+ src/os_win32.c, src/popupmnu.c, src/pty.c, src/quickfix.c,
+ src/regexp.c, src/regexp_nfa.c, src/screen.c
+Patch 7.4.1214
+Problem: Using old style function declarations.
+Solution: Change to new style function declarations. (script by Hirohito
+ Higashi)
+Files: src/search.c, src/sha256.c, src/spell.c, src/syntax.c, src/tag.c,
+ src/term.c, src/termlib.c, src/ui.c, src/undo.c
+Patch 7.4.1215
+Problem: Using old style function declarations.
+Solution: Change to new style function declarations. (script by Hirohito
+ Higashi)
+Files: src/version.c, src/winclip.c, src/window.c, src/workshop.c,
+ src/xpm_w32.c, runtime/doc/doctags.c,
+ runtime/tools/xcmdsrv_client.c, src/po/sjiscorr.c, src/xxd/xxd.c
+Patch 7.4.1216
+Problem: Still using HAVE_STDARG_H.
+Solution: Assume it's always defined.
+Files: src/eval.c, src/misc2.c, src/vim.h, src/proto.h, src/,
+ src/auto/configure,, src/os_amiga.h, src/os_msdos.h,
+ src/os_vms_conf.h, src/os_win32.h
+Patch 7.4.1217
+Problem: Execution of command on channel doesn't work yet.
+Solution: Implement the "ex" and "normal" commands.
+Files: src/channel.c, src/proto/, src/misc2.c, src/eval.c,
+ src/ex_docmd.c, src/proto/, src/feature.h
+Patch 7.4.1218
+Problem: Missing change in configure. More changes for function style.
+Solution: Avoid the typos.
+Files: src/, src/, runtime/tools/ccfilter.c,
+ src/os_msdos.c
+Patch 7.4.1219
+Problem: Build fails with +channel but without +float.
+Solution: Add #ifdef.
+Files: src/ex_cmds.c
+Patch 7.4.1220
+Problem: Warnings for unused variables in tiny build. (Tony Mechelynck)
+Solution: Move declarations inside #ifdef. (Hirohito Higashi)
+Files: src/ex_cmds.c
+Patch 7.4.1221
+Problem: Including netbeans and channel support in small and tiny builds.
+ Build fails with some interfaces.
+Solution: Only include these features in small build and above. Let
+ configure fail if trying to enable an interface that won't build.
+Files: src/, src/auto/configure
+Patch 7.4.1222
+Problem: ":normal" command and others missing in tiny build.
+Solution: Graduate FEAT_EX_EXTRA.
+Files: src/feature.h, src/charset.c, src/eval.c, src/ex_cmds.c,
+ src/ex_cmds2.c, src/ex_docmd.c, src/ex_getln.c, src/getchar.c,
+ src/normal.c, src/ui.c, src/version.c, src/globals.h
+Patch 7.4.1223
+Problem: Crash when setting v:errors to a number.
+Solution: Free the typval without assuming its type. (Yasuhiro Matsumoto)
+Files: src/eval.c, src/testdir/test_assert.vim
+Patch 7.4.1224
+Problem: Build problems with GTK on BSD. (Mike Williams)
+Solution: Don't use "$<". Skip building gui_gtk_gresources.h when it doesn't
+ work. (Kazunobu Kuriyama)
+Files: src/Makefile
+Patch 7.4.1225
+Problem: Still a few old style function declarations.
+Solution: Make them new style. (Hirohito Higashi)
+Files: runtime/tools/blink.c, src/eval.c, src/ex_cmds2.c, src/ex_getln.c,
+ src/fileio.c, src/gui_w32.c, src/gui_x11.c, src/if_perl.xs,
+ src/os_unix.c, src/po/sjiscorr.c, src/pty.c
+Patch 7.4.1226
+Problem: GRESOURCE_HDR is unused.
+Solution: Remove it. (Kazunobu Kuriyama)
+Files: src/, src/auto/configure, src/
+Patch 7.4.1227
+Problem: Compiler warnings.
+Solution: Add UNUSED. Add type cast. (Yegappan Lakshmanan)
+Files: src/getchar.c, src/os_macosx.m
+Patch 7.4.1228
+Problem: copy() and deepcopy() fail with special variables. (Nikolai
+ Pavlov)
+Solution: Make it work. Add a test. Closes #614.
+Files: src/eval.c, src/testdir/test_viml.vim
+Patch 7.4.1229
+Problem: "eval" and "expr" channel commands don't work yet.
+Solution: Implement them. Update the error numbers. Also add "redraw".
+Files: src/channel.c, src/eval.c, src/json.c, src/ex_docmd.c,
+ src/proto/, src/proto/, src/proto/,
+ runtime/doc/channel.txt
+Patch 7.4.1230
+Problem: Win32: opening a channel may hang. Not checking for messages
+ while waiting for characters.
+Solution: Add a zero timeout. Call parse_queued_messages(). (Yasuhiro
+ Matsumoto)
+Files: src/os_win32.c
+Patch 7.4.1231
+Problem: JSON messages are not parsed properly.
+Solution: Queue received messages.
+Files: src/eval,c src/channel.c, src/json.c, src/proto/,
+ src/proto/, src/proto/, src/structs.h
+Patch 7.4.1232
+Problem: Compiler warnings when the Sniff feature is enabled.
+Solution: Add UNUSED.
+Files: src/gui_gtk_x11.c
+Patch 7.4.1233
+Problem: Channel command may cause a crash.
+Solution: Check for NULL argument. (Damien)
+Files: src/channel.c
+Patch 7.4.1234
+Problem: Demo server only runs with Python 2.
+Solution: Make it run with Python 3 as well. (Ken Takata)
+Files: runtime/tools/
+Patch 7.4.1235 (after 7.4.1231)
+Problem: Missing change to eval.c.
+Solution: Include that change.
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.4.1236
+Problem: When "syntax manual" was used switching between buffers removes
+ the highlighting.
+Solution: Set the syntax option without changing the value. (Anton
+ Lindqvist)
+Files: runtime/syntax/manual.vim
+Patch 7.4.1237
+Problem: Can't translate message without adding a line break.
+Solution: Join the two parts of the message.
+Files: src/memline.c
+Patch 7.4.1238
+Problem: Can't handle two messages right after each other.
+Solution: Find the end of the JSON. Read more when incomplete. Add a C
+ test for the JSON decoding.
+Files: src/channel.c, src/json.c, src/proto/, src/eval.c,
+ src/Makefile, src/json_test.c, src/memfile_test.c, src/structs.h
+Patch 7.4.1239
+Problem: JSON message after the first one is dropped.
+Solution: Put remainder of message back in the queue.
+Files: src/channel.c
+Patch 7.4.1240
+Problem: Visual studio tools are noisy.
+Solution: Suppress startup info. (Mike Williams)
+Files: src/GvimExt/Makefile, src/Make_mvc.mak, src/tee/Make_mvc.mak
+Patch 7.4.1241 (after 7.4.1238)
+Problem: Missing change in Makefile due to diff mismatch
+Solution: Update the list of object files.
+Files: src/Makefile
+Patch 7.4.1242 (after 7.4.1238)
+Problem: json_test fails without the eval feature.
+Solution: Add #ifdef.
+Files: src/json_test.c
+Patch 7.4.1243
+Problem: Compiler warning for uninitialized variable.
+Solution: Initialize it. (Elias Diem)
+Files: src/json.c
+Patch 7.4.1244
+Problem: The channel functions don't sort together.
+Solution: Use a common "ch_" prefix.
+Files: src/eval.c, runtime/doc/eval.txt, runtime/tools/
+Patch 7.4.1245
+Problem: File missing from distribution.
+Solution: Add json_test.c.
+Files: Filelist
+Patch 7.4.1246
+Problem: The channel functionality isn't tested.
+Solution: Add a test using a Python test server.
+Files: src/channel.c, src/proto/,
+ src/testdir/test_channel.vim, src/testdir/,
+ src/testdir/Make_all.mak
+Patch 7.4.1247
+Problem: The channel test doesn't run on MS-Windows.
+Solution: Make it work on the MS-Windows console. (Ken Takata)
+Files: src/testdir/, src/testdir/test_channel.vim
+Patch 7.4.1248
+Problem: Can't reliably stop the channel test server. Can't start the
+ server if the python file is not executable.
+Solution: Use "pkill" instead of "killall". Run the python file as an
+ argument instead of as an executable.
+Files: src/testdir/test_channel.vim
+Patch 7.4.1249
+Problem: Crash when the process a channel is connected to exits.
+Solution: Use the file descriptor properly. Add a test. (Damien)
+ Also add a test for eval().
+Files: src/channel.c, src/testdir/,
+ src/testdir/test_channel.vim
+Patch 7.4.1250
+Problem: Running tests in shadow directory fails.
+Solution: Also link testdir/*.py
+Files: src/Makefile
+Patch 7.4.1251
+Problem: New test file missing from distribution.
+Solution: Add src/testdir/*.py.
+Files: Filelist
+Patch 7.4.1252
+Problem: The channel test server may receive two messages concatenated.
+Solution: Split the messages.
+Files: src/testdir/
+Patch 7.4.1253
+Problem: Python test server not displaying second of two commands.
+ Solaris doesn't have "pkill --full".
+Solution: Also echo the second command. Use "pkill -f".
+Files: src/testdir/, src/testdir/test_channel.vim
+Patch 7.4.1254
+Problem: Opening a second channel causes a crash. (Ken Takata)
+Solution: Don't re-allocate the array with channels.
+Files: src/channel.c, src/testdir/test_channel.vim,
+ src/testdir/
+Patch 7.4.1255
+Problem: Crash for channel "eval" command without third argument.
+Solution: Check for missing argument.
+Files: src/channel.c, src/testdir/test_channel.vim,
+ src/testdir/
+Patch 7.4.1256
+Problem: On Mac sys.exit(0) doesn't kill the test server.
+Solution: Use self.server.shutdown(). (Jun Takimoto)
+Files: src/testdir/
+Patch 7.4.1257
+Problem: Channel test fails in some configurations.
+Solution: Add check for the +channel feature.
+Files: src/testdir/test_channel.vim
+Patch 7.4.1258
+Problem: The channel test can fail if messages arrive later.
+Solution: Add a short sleep. (Jun T.)
+Files: src/testdir/test_channel.vim
+Patch 7.4.1259
+Problem: No test for what patch 7.3.414 fixed.
+Solution: Add a test. (Elias Diem)
+Files: src/testdir/test_increment.vim
+Patch 7.4.1260
+Problem: The channel feature doesn't work on Win32 GUI.
+Solution: Use WSAGetLastError(). (Ken Takata)
+Files: src/channel.c, src/testdir/test_channel.vim, src/vim.h
+Patch 7.4.1261
+Problem: Pending channel messages are garbage collected. Leaking memory in
+ ch_sendexpr(). Leaking memory for a decoded JSON string.
+Solution: Mark the message list as used. Free the encoded JSON. Don't save
+ the JSON string.
+Files: src/eval.c, src/channel.c, src/json.c, src/proto/
+Patch 7.4.1262
+Problem: The channel callback is not invoked.
+Solution: Make a list of pending callbacks.
+Files: src/eval.c, src/channel.c, src/proto/,
+ src/testdir/test_channel.vim
+Patch 7.4.1263
+Problem: ch_open() hangs when the server isn't running.
+Solution: Add a timeout. Use a dict to pass arguments. (Yasuhiro Matsumoto)
+Files: runtime/doc/eval.txt, runtime/doc/channel.txt, src/channel.c,
+ src/eval.c, src/netbeans.c, src/os_win32.c, src/proto/,
+ src/testdir/test_channel.vim
+Patch 7.4.1264
+Problem: Crash when receiving an empty array.
+Solution: Check for array with wrong number of arguments. (Damien)
+Files: src/channel.c, src/eval.c, src/testdir/,
+ src/testdir.test_channel.vim
+Patch 7.4.1265
+Problem: Not all channel commands are tested.
+Solution: Add a test for "normal", "expr" and "redraw".
+Files: src/testdir/, src/testdir/test_channel.vim
+Patch 7.4.1266
+Problem: A BufAdd autocommand may cause an ml_get error (Christian
+ Brabandt)
+Solution: Increment RedrawingDisabled earlier.
+Files: src/ex_cmds.c
+Patch 7.4.1267
+Problem: Easy to miss handling all types of variables.
+Solution: Change the variable type into an enum.
+Files: src/structs.h, src/eval.c
+Patch 7.4.1268
+Problem: Waittime is used as seconds instead of milliseconds. (Hirohito
+ Higashi)
+Solution: Divide by 1000.
+Files: src/channel.c
+Patch 7.4.1269
+Problem: Encoding {'key':v:none} to JSON doesn't give an error (Tyru)
+Solution: Give an error.
+Files: src/json.c, src/testdir/test_json.vim
+Patch 7.4.1270
+Problem: Warnings for missing values in switch.
+Solution: Change switch to if-else or add values.
+Files: src/if_py_both.h, src/if_python.c, src/if_python3.c
+Patch 7.4.1271
+Problem: assert_false(v:false) reports an error. (Nikolai Pavlov)
+Solution: Recognize v:true and v:false. (Closes #625)
+Files: src/eval.c, src/testdir/test_assert.vim
+Patch 7.4.1272 (after 7.4.1270)
+Problem: Using future enum value.
+Solution: Remove it.
+Files: src/if_python.c, src/if_python3.c
+Patch 7.4.1273 (after 7.4.1271)
+Problem: assert_false(v:false) still fails.
+Solution: Fix the typo.
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.4.1274
+Problem: Cannot run a job.
+Solution: Add job_start(), job_status() and job_stop(). Currently only works
+ for Unix.
+Files: src/eval.c, src/structs.h, runtime/doc/eval.txt, src/os_unix.c,
+ src/proto/, src/feature.h, src/version.c,
+ src/testdir/test_channel.vim
+Patch 7.4.1275 (after 7.4.1274)
+Problem: Build fails on MS-Windows.
+Solution: Fix wrong #ifdef.
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.4.1276
+Problem: Warning for not using return value of fcntl().
+Solution: Explicitly ignore the return value.
+Files: src/fileio.c, src/channel.c, src/memfile.c, src/memline.c
+Patch 7.4.1277
+Problem: Compiler can complain about missing enum value in switch with some
+ combination of features.
+Solution: Remove #ifdefs around case statements.
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.4.1278
+Problem: When jsonencode() fails it still returns something.
+Solution: Return an empty string on failure.
+Files: src/json.c, src/channel.c, src/testdir/test_json.vim,
+ src/testdir/test_channel.vim, src/testdir/
+Patch 7.4.1279
+Problem: jsonencode() is not producing strict JSON.
+Solution: Add jsencode() and jsdecode(). Make jsonencode() and jsondecode()
+ strict.
+Files: src/json.c, src/json_test.c, src/proto/, src/channel.c,
+ src/proto/, src/eval.c, src/vim.h, src/structs.h,
+ runtime/doc/eval.txt, runtime/doc/channel.txt,
+ src/testdir/test_json.vim
+Patch 7.4.1280
+Problem: Missing case value.
+Solution: Add VAR_JOB.
+Files: src/if_python.c, src/if_python3.c
+Patch 7.4.1281
+Problem: No test for skipping over code that isn't evaluated.
+Solution: Add a test with code that would fail when not skipped.
+Files: src/testdir/test_viml.vim
+Patch 7.4.1282
+Problem: Crash when evaluating the pattern of ":catch" causes an error.
+ (Dominique Pelle)
+Solution: Block error messages at this point.
+Files: src/ex_eval.c
+Patch 7.4.1283
+Problem: The job feature isn't available on MS-Windows.
+Solution: Add the job feature. Fix argument of job_stop(). (Yasuhiro
+ Matsumoto)
+Files: src/eval.c, src/feature.h, src/os_win32.c, src/proto/
+Patch 7.4.1284 (after 7.4.1282)
+Problem: Test 49 fails.
+Solution: Check for a different error message.
+Files: src/testdir/test49.vim
+Patch 7.4.1285
+Problem: Cannot measure elapsed time.
+Solution: Add reltimefloat().
+Files: src/ex_cmds2.c, src/eval.c, src/proto/,
+ src/testdir/test_reltime.vim, src/testdir/test_alot.vim
+Patch 7.4.1286
+Problem: ch_open() with a timeout doesn't work correctly.
+Solution: Change how select() is used. Don't give an error on timeout.
+ Add a test for ch_open() failing.
+Files: src/channel.c, src/testdir/test_channel.vim
+Patch 7.4.1287 (after 7.4.1286)
+Problem: Channel test fails.
+Solution: Use reltimefloat().
+Files: src/testdir/test_channel.vim
+Patch 7.4.1288
+Problem: ch_sendexpr() does not use JS encoding.
+Solution: Use the encoding that fits the channel mode. Refuse using
+ ch_sendexpr() on a raw channel.
+Files: src/channel.c, src/proto/, src/eval.c
+Patch 7.4.1289
+Problem: Channel test fails on MS-Windows, connect() takes too long.
+Solution: Adjust the test for MS-Windows using "waittime".
+Files: src/channel.c, src/testdir/test_channel.vim
+Patch 7.4.1290
+Problem: Coverity complains about uneccessary check for NULL.
+Solution: Remove the check.
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.4.1291
+Problem: On MS-Windows the channel test server doesn't quit.
+Solution: Use return instead of break. (Ken Takata)
+Files: src/testdir/
+Patch 7.4.1292
+Problem: Some compilers complain about uninitialzed variable, even though
+ all possible cases are handled. (Dominique Pelle)
+Solution: Add a default initialization.
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.4.1293
+Problem: Sometimes a channel may hang waiting for a message that was
+ already discarded. (Ken Takata)
+Solution: Store the ID of the message blocking on in the channel.
+Files: src/channel.c
+Patch 7.4.1294
+Problem: job_stop() only kills the started process.
+Solution: Send the signal to the process group. (Olaf Dabrunz)
+Files: src/os_unix.c
+Patch 7.4.1295
+Problem: string(job) doesn't work well on MS-Windows.
+Solution: Use the process ID. (Yasuhiro Matsumoto)
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.4.1296
+Problem: Cursor changes column with up motion when the matchparen plugin
+ saves and restores the cursor position. (Martin Kunev)
+Solution: Make sure curswant is updated before invoking the autocommand.
+Files: src/edit.c
+Patch 7.4.1297
+Problem: On Mac test_channel leaves python instances running.
+Solution: Use a small waittime to make ch_open() work. (Ozaki Kiichi)
+Files: src/testdir/test_channel.vim
+Patch 7.4.1298
+Problem: When the channel test fails in an unexpected way the server keeps
+ running.
+Solution: Use try/catch. (Ozaki Kiichi)
+Files: src/testdir/test_channel.vim
+Patch 7.4.1299
+Problem: When the server sends a message with ID zero the channel handler
+ is not invoked. (Christian J. Robinson)
+Solution: Recognize zero value for the request ID. Add a test for invoking
+ the channel handler.
+Files: src/channel.c, src/testdir/test_channel.vim,
+ src/testdir/
+Patch 7.4.1300
+Problem: Cannot test CursorMovedI because there is typeahead.
+Solution: Add disable_char_avail_for_testing().
+Files: src/eval.c, src/getchar.c, src/globals.h,
+ src/testdir/test_cursor_func.vim, src/testdir/README.txt
+Patch 7.4.1301
+Problem: Missing options in ch_open().
+Solution: Add s:chopt like in the other calls. (Ozaki Kiichi)
+Files: src/testdir/test_channel.vim
+Patch 7.4.1302
+Problem: Typo in struct field name. (Ken Takata)
+Solution: Rename jf_pi to jv_pi.
+Files: src/eval.c, src/os_win32.c, src/structs.h
+Patch 7.4.1303
+Problem: A Funcref is not accepted as a callback.
+Solution: Make a Funcref work. (Damien)
+Files: src/eval.c, src/testdir/test_channel.vim
+Patch 7.4.1304
+Problem: Function names are difficult to read.
+Solution: Rename jsonencode to json_encode, jsondecode to json_decode,
+ jsencode to js_encode and jsdecode to js_decode.
+Files: src/eval.c, runtime/doc/eval.txt, src/testdir/test_json.vim
+Patch 7.4.1305
+Problem: "\%1l^#.*" does not match on a line starting with "#".
+Solution: Do not clear the start-of-line flag. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/regexp.c, src/regexp_nfa.c, src/testdir/,
+ src/testdir/test36.ok
+Patch 7.4.1306
+Problem: Job control doesn't work well on MS-Windows.
+Solution: Various fixes. (Ken Takata, Ozaki Kiichi , Yukihiro Nakadaira,
+ Yasuhiro Matsumoto)
+Files: src/Make_mvc.mak, src/eval.c, src/os_unix.c, src/os_win32.c,
+ src/proto/, src/proto/, src/structs.h
+Patch 7.4.1307
+Problem: Some channel tests fail on MS-Windows.
+Solution: Disable the failing tests temporarily.
+Files: src/testdir/test_channel.vim
+Patch 7.4.1308 (after 7.4.1307)
+Problem: Typo in test.
+Solution: Change endf to endif.
+Files: src/testdir/test_channel.vim
+Patch 7.4.1309
+Problem: When a test fails not all relevant info is listed.
+Solution: Add the errors to the messages.
+Files: src/testdir/runtest.vim
+Patch 7.4.1310
+Problem: Jobs don't open a channel.
+Solution: Create pipes and add them to the channel. Add ch_logfile().
+ Only Unix for now.
+Files: src/channel.c, src/eval.c, src/os_unix.c, src/structs.h,
+ src/gui_w48.c, src/proto/, src/testdir/test_channel.vim,
+ src/testdir/, runtime/doc/eval.txt
+Patch 7.4.1311 (after 7.4.1310)
+Problem: sock_T is defined too late.
+Solution: Move it up.
+Files: src/vim.h
+Patch 7.4.1312 (after 7.4.1311)
+Problem: sock_T is not defined without the +channel feature.
+Solution: Always define it.
+Files: src/vim.h
+Patch 7.4.1313
+Problem: MS-Windows: Using socket after it was closed causes an exception.
+Solution: Don't give an error when handling WM_NETBEANS. Re-enable tests
+ for MS-Windows.
+Files: src/gui_w48.c, src/testdir/test_channel.vim
+Patch 7.4.1314
+Problem: Warning for uninitialzed variable.
+Solution: Initialize it. (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/channel.c
+Patch 7.4.1315
+Problem: Using a channel handle does not allow for freeing it when unused.
+Solution: Add the Channel variable type.
+Files: src/structs.h, src/channel.c, src/misc2.c, src/eval.c,
+ src/if_python.c, src/if_python3.c, src/json.c, src/gui_w48.c,
+ src/netbeans.c, src/proto/, src/os_unix.c,
+ src/testdir/, src/testdir/test_channel.vim
+Patch 7.4.1316
+Problem: Can't build MS-Windows console version. (Tux)
+Solution: Add #ifdefs.
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.4.1317
+Problem: MS-Windows: channel test fails.
+Solution: Temporarily disable Test_connect_waittime().
+Files: src/testdir/test_channel.vim
+Patch 7.4.1318
+Problem: Channel with pipes doesn't work in GUI.
+Solution: Register input handlers for pipes.
+Files: src/structs.h, src/feature.h, src/channel.c, src/eval.c,
+ src/os_unix.c, src/os_win32.c, src/gui_w48.c, src/proto/
+Patch 7.4.1319 (after 7.4.1318)
+Problem: Tests fail on MS-Windows and on Unix with GUI.
+Solution: Fix unregistering.
+Files: src/structs.h, src/channel.c, src/os_unix.c, src/os_win32.c,
+ src/proto/
+Patch 7.4.1320
+Problem: Building with Cygwin or MingW with channel but without Netbeans
+ doesn't work.
+Solution: Set NETBEANS to "no" when not used.
+Files: src/Make_cyg_ming.mak
+Patch 7.4.1321
+Problem: Compiler complains about missing statement.
+Solution: Add an empty statement. (Andrei Olsen)
+Files: src/os_win32.c
+Patch 7.4.1322
+Problem: Crash when unletting the variable that holds the channel in a
+ callback function. (Christian Robinson)
+Solution: Increase the reference count while invoking the callback.
+Files: src/eval.c, src/channel.c, src/proto/,
+ src/testdir/test_channel.vim
+Patch 7.4.1323
+Problem: Do not get warnings when building with MingW.
+Solution: Remove the -w flag. (Ken Takata)
+Files: src/Make_cyg_ming.mak
+Patch 7.4.1324
+Problem: Channels with pipes don't work on MS-Windows.
+Solution: Add pipe I/O support. (Yasuhiro Matsumoto)
+Files: src/channel.c, src/os_win32.c, src/proto/,
+ src/structs.h, src/vim.h, src/testdir/test_channel.vim
+Patch 7.4.1325
+Problem: Channel test fails on difference between Unix and DOS line endings.
+Solution: Strip off CR. Make assert show difference better.
+Files: src/eval.c, src/channel.c
+Patch 7.4.1326
+Problem: Build rules are bit too complicated.
+Solution: Remove -lwsock32 from Netbeans, it's already added for the channel
+ feature that it depends on. (Tony Mechelynck)
+Files: src/Make_cyg_ming.mak
+Patch 7.4.1327
+Problem: Channel test doesn't work if Python executable is python.exe.
+Solution: Find py.exe or python.exe. (Ken Takata)
+Files: src/testdir/test_channel.vim
+Patch 7.4.1328
+Problem: Can't compile with +job but without +channel. (John Marriott)
+Solution: Add more #ifdefs.
+Files: src/os_unix.c
+Patch 7.4.1329
+Problem: Crash when using channel that failed to open.
+Solution: Check for NULL. Update messages. (Yukihiro Nakadaira)
+Files: src/channel.c, src/eval.c, src/testdir/test_channel.vim
+Patch 7.4.1330
+Problem: fd_read() has an unused argument.
+Solution: Remove the timeout. (Yasuhiro Matsumoto)
+Files: src/channel.c
+Patch 7.4.1331
+Problem: Crash when closing the channel in a callback. (Christian J.
+ Robinson)
+Solution: Take the callback out of the list before invoking it.
+Files: src/channel.c, src/testdir/test_channel.vim
+Patch 7.4.1332
+Problem: Problem using Python3 when compiled with MingW.
+Solution: Define PYTHON3_HOME as a wide character string. (Yasuhiro
+ Matsumoto)
+Files: src/Make_cyg_ming.mak
+Patch 7.4.1333
+Problem: Channel test fails on non-darwin builds.
+Solution: Add the "osx" feature and test for that. (Kazunobu Kuriyama)
+Files: runtime/doc/eval.txt, src/eval.c, src/testdir/test_channel.vim
+Patch 7.4.1334
+Problem: Many compiler warnings with MingW.
+Solution: Add type casts. (Yasuhiro Matsumoto)
+Files: src/channel.c, src/dosinst.h, src/eval.c, src/ex_cmds2.c,
+ src/ex_getln.c, src/fileio.c, src/if_cscope.c, src/if_perl.xs,
+ src/if_python.c, src/if_python3.c, src/if_ruby.c, src/main.c,
+ src/mbyte.c, src/misc1.c, src/option.c, src/os_mswin.c,
+ src/os_win32.c
+Patch 7.4.1335
+Problem: Can't build on MS-Windows with +job but without +channel. (Cesar
+ Romani)
+Solution: Add #ifdefs. (Yasuhiro Matsumoto)
+Files: src/os_win32.c
+Patch 7.4.1336
+Problem: Channel NL mode is not supported yet.
+Solution: Add NL mode support to channels.
+Files: src/channel.c, src/netbeans.c, src/structs.h, src/os_unix.d,
+ src/os_win32.c, src/proto/, src/proto/,
+ src/proto/, src/testdir/test_channel.vim,
+ src/testdir/
+Patch 7.4.1337 (after 7.4.1336)
+Problem: Part of the change is missing.
+Solution: Add changes to eval.c
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.4.1338 (after 7.4.1336)
+Problem: Another part of the change is missing.
+Solution: Type os_unix.c right this time.
+Files: src/os_unix.c
+Patch 7.4.1339
+Problem: Warnings when building the GUI with MingW. (Cesar Romani)
+Solution: Add type cats. (Yasuhiro Matsumoto)
+Files: src/edit.c, src/gui_w32.c, src/gui_w48.c, src/os_mswin.c,
+ src/os_win32.c
+Patch 7.4.1340 (after 7.4.1339)
+Problem: Merge left extra #endif behind.
+Solution: Remove the #endif
+Files: src/os_win32.c
+Patch 7.4.1341
+Problem: It's difficult to add more arguments to ch_sendraw() and
+ ch_sendexpr().
+Solution: Make the third option a dictionary.
+Files: src/eval.c, src/structs.h, src/channel.c, src/os_unix.c,
+ src/os_win32.c, src/proto/,
+ src/testdir/test_channel.vim, runtime/doc/eval.txt
+Patch 7.4.1342
+Problem: On Mac OS/X the waittime must be > 0 for connect to work.
+Solution: Use select() in a different way. (partly by Kazunobu Kuriyama)
+ Always use a waittime of 1 or more.
+Files: src/eval.c, src/channel.c, src/testdir/test_channel.vim
+Patch 7.4.1343
+Problem: Can't compile with +job but without +channel. (Andrei Olsen)
+Solution: Move get_job_options up and adjust #ifdef.
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.4.1344
+Problem: Can't compile Win32 GUI with tiny features.
+Solution: Add #ifdef. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/gui_w32.c
+Patch 7.4.1345
+Problem: A few more compiler warnings. (Axel Bender)
+Solution: Add type casts.
+Files: src/gui_w32.c, src/gui_w48.c
+Patch 7.4.1346
+Problem: Compiler warnings in build with -O2.
+Solution: Add inintializations.
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.4.1347
+Problem: When there is any error Vim will use a non-zero exit code.
+Solution: When using ":silent!" do not set the exit code. (Yasuhiro
+ Matsumoto)
+Files: src/message.c
+Patch 7.4.1348
+Problem: More compiler warnings. (John Marriott)
+Solution: Add type casts, remove unused variable.
+Files: src/gui_w32.c
+Patch 7.4.1349
+Problem: And some more MingW compiler warnings. (Cesar Romani)
+Solution: Add type casts.
+Files: src/if_mzsch.c
+Patch 7.4.1350
+Problem: When the test server fails to start Vim hangs.
+Solution: Check that there is actually something to read from the tty fd.
+Files: src/os_unix.c
+Patch 7.4.1351
+Problem: When the port isn't opened yet when ch_open() is called it may
+ fail instead of waiting for the specified time.
+Solution: Loop when select() succeeds but when connect() failed. Also use
+ channel logging for jobs. Add ch_log().
+Files: src/channel.c, src/eval.c, src/netbeans.c, src/proto/,
+ src/testdir/test_channel.vim, src/testdir/
+Patch 7.4.1352
+Problem: The test script lists all functions before executing them.
+Solution: Only list the function currently being executed.
+Files: src/testdir/runtest.vim
+Patch 7.4.1353
+Problem: Test_connect_waittime is skipped for MS-Windows.
+Solution: Add the test back, it works now.
+Files: src/testdir/test_channel.vim
+Patch 7.4.1354
+Problem: MS-Windows: Mismatch between default compile options and what the
+ code expects.
+Solution: Change the default WINVER from 0x0500 to 0x0501. (Ken Takata)
+Files: src/Make_cyg_ming.mak, src/Make_mvc.mak
+Patch 7.4.1355
+Problem: Win32 console and GUI handle channels differently.
+Solution: Consolidate code between Win32 console and GUI.
+Files: src/channel.c, src/eval.c, src/gui_w48.c, src/os_win32.c,
+ src/proto/
+Patch 7.4.1356
+Problem: Job and channel options parsing is scattered.
+Solution: Move all option value parsing to get_job_options();
+Files: src/channel.c, src/eval.c, src/structs.h, src/proto/,
+ src/testdir/test_channel.vim
+Patch 7.4.1357 (after 7.4.1356)
+Problem: Error for returning value from void function.
+Solution: Don't do that.
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.4.1358
+Problem: Compiler warning when not building with +crypt.
+Solution: Add #ifdef. (John Marriott)
+Files: src/undo.c
+Patch 7.4.1359 (after 7.4.1356)
+Problem: Channel test ch_sendexpr() times out.
+Solution: Increase the timeout
+Files: src/testdir/test_channel.vim
+Patch 7.4.1360
+Problem: Can't remove a callback with ch_setoptions().
+Solution: When passing zero or an empty string remove the callback.
+Files: src/channel.c, src/proto/, src/testdir/test_channel.vim
+Patch 7.4.1361
+Problem: Channel test fails on Solaris.
+Solution: Use the 1 msec waittime for all systems.
+Files: src/channel.c
+Patch 7.4.1362 (after 7.4.1356)
+Problem: Using unitinialized value.
+Solution: Initialize jo_set.
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.4.1363
+Problem: Compiler warnings with tiny build.
+Solution: Add #ifdefs.
+Files: src/gui_w48.c, src/gui_w32.c
+Patch 7.4.1364
+Problem: The Win 16 code is not maintained and unused.
+Solution: Remove the Win 16 support.
+Files: src/gui_w16.c, src/gui_w32.c, src/gui_w48.c, src/Make_w16.mak,
+ src/Makefile, src/Make_cyg_ming.mak, src/Make_mvc.mak,
+ src/proto/, src/proto/, src/guiw16rc.h,
+ src/vim16.rc, src/vim16.def, src/tools16.bmp, src/eval.c,
+ src/gui.c, src/misc2.c, src/option.c, src/os_msdos.c,
+ src/os_mswin.c, src/os_win16.c, src/os_win16.h, src/version.c,
+ src/winclip.c, src/feature.h, src/proto.h, src/vim.h, Filelist
+Patch 7.4.1365
+Problem: Cannot execute a single test function.
+Solution: Add an argument to filter the functions with. (Yasuhiro Matsumoto)
+Files: src/testdir/runtest.vim
+Patch 7.4.1366
+Problem: Typo in test and resulting error in test result.
+Solution: Fix the typo and correct the result. (James McCoy, close #650)
+Files: src/testdir/, src/testdir/test_charsearch.ok
+Patch 7.4.1367
+Problem: Compiler warning for unreachable code.
+Solution: Remove a "break". (Danek Duvall)
+Files: src/json.c
+Patch 7.4.1368
+Problem: One more Win16 file remains.
+Solution: Delete it.
+Files: src/proto/
+Patch 7.4.1369
+Problem: Channels don't have a queue for stderr.
+Solution: Have a queue for each part of the channel.
+Files: src/channel.c, src/eval.c, src/structs.h, src/netbeans.c,
+ src/gui_w32.c, src/proto/
+Patch 7.4.1370
+Problem: The Python test script may keep on running.
+Solution: Join the threads. (Yasuhiro Matsumoto)
+Files: src/testdir/
+Patch 7.4.1371
+Problem: X11 GUI callbacks don't specify the part of the channel.
+Solution: Pass the fd instead of the channel ID.
+Files: src/channel.c
+Patch 7.4.1372
+Problem: channel read implementation is incomplete.
+Solution: Add ch_read() and options for ch_readraw().
+Files: src/channel.c, src/eval.c, src/structs.h, src/proto/,
+ src/testdir/test_channel.vim
+Patch 7.4.1373
+Problem: Calling a Vim function over a channel requires turning the
+ arguments into a string.
+Solution: Add the "call" command. (Damien) Also merge "expr" and "eval"
+ into one.
+Files: src/channel.c, src/testdir/,
+ src/testdir/test_channel.vim
+Patch 7.4.1374
+Problem: Channel test hangs on MS-Windows.
+Solution: Disable the ch_read() that is supposed to time out.
+Files: src/testdir/test_channel.vim
+Patch 7.4.1375
+Problem: Still some Win16 code.
+Solution: Remove FEAT_GUI_W16.(Hirohito Higashi)
+Files: src/eval.c, src/ex_cmds.h, src/feature.h, src/gui.h, src/menu.c,
+ src/misc1.c, src/option.c, src/proto.h, src/structs.h, src/term.c,
+ src/vim.h, runtime/doc/gui_w16.txt
+Patch 7.4.1376
+Problem: ch_setoptions() cannot set all options.
+Solution: Support more options.
+Files: src/channel.c, src/eval.c, src/structs.h, runtime/doc/channel.txt,
+ src/testdir/test_channel.vim
+Patch 7.4.1377
+Problem: Test_connect_waittime() is flaky.
+Solution: Ignore the "Connection reset by peer" error.
+Files: src/testdir/test_channel.vim
+Patch 7.4.1378
+Problem: Can't change job settings after it started.
+Solution: Add job_setoptions() with the "stoponexit" flag.
+Files: src/eval.c, src/main.c, src/structs.h, src/proto/,
+ src/testdir/test_channel.vim
+Patch 7.4.1379
+Problem: Channel test fails on Win32 console.
+Solution: Don't sleep when timeout is zero. Call channel_wait() before
+ channel_read(). Channels are not polled during ":sleep". (Yukihiro
+ Nakadaira)
+Files: src/channel.c, src/misc2.c, src/gui_w32.c, src/os_win32.c
+Patch 7.4.1380
+Problem: The job exit callback is not implemented.
+Solution: Add the "exit-cb" option.
+Files: src/structs.h, src/eval.c, src/channel.c, src/proto/,
+ src/misc2.c, src/macros.h, src/testdir/test_channel.vim
+Patch 7.4.1381 (after 7.4.1380)
+Problem: Exit value not available on MS-Windows.
+Solution: Set the exit value.
+Files: src/structs.h, src/os_win32.c
+Patch 7.4.1382
+Problem: Can't get the job of a channel.
+Solution: Add ch_getjob().
+Files: src/eval.c, runtime/doc/channel.txt, runtime/doc/eval.txt
+Patch 7.4.1383
+Problem: GvimExt only loads the old libintl.dll.
+Solution: Also try loading libint-8.dll. (Ken Takata, closes #608)
+Files: src/GvimExt/gvimext.cpp, src/GvimExt/gvimext.h
+Patch 7.4.1384
+Problem: It is not easy to use a set of plugins and their dependencies.
+Solution: Add packages, ":loadplugin", 'packpath'.
+Files: src/main.c, src/ex_cmds2.c, src/option.c, src/option.h,
+ src/ex_cmds.h, src/eval.c, src/version.c, src/proto/,
+ runtime/doc/repeat.txt, runtime/doc/options.txt,
+ runtime/optwin.vim
+Patch 7.4.1385
+Problem: Compiler warning for using array.
+Solution: Use the right member name. (Yegappan Lakshmanan)
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.4.1386
+Problem: When the Job exit callback is invoked, the job may be freed too
+ soon. (Yasuhiro Matsumoto)
+Solution: Increase refcount.
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.4.1387
+Problem: Win16 docs still referenced.
+Solution: Remove Win16 files from the docs Makefile. (Kenichi Ito)
+Files: runtime/doc/Makefile
+Patch 7.4.1388
+Problem: Compiler warning. (Cesar Romani)
+Solution: Initialize variable.
+Files: src/ex_cmds2.c
+Patch 7.4.1389
+Problem: Incomplete function declaration.
+Solution: Add "void". (Yasuhiro Matsumoto)
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.4.1390
+Problem: When building with GTK and glib-compile-resources cannot be found
+ building Vim fails. (Michael Gehring)
+Solution: Make GLIB_COMPILE_RESOURCES empty instead of leaving it at "no".
+ (nuko8, closes #655)
+Files: src/, src/auto/configure
+Patch 7.4.1391
+Problem: Warning for uninitialzed variable.
+Solution: Set it to zero. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.4.1392
+Problem: Some tests fail for Win32 console version.
+Solution: Move the tests to SCRIPTS_MORE2. Pass VIMRUNTIME. (Christian
+ Brabandt)
+Files: src/testdir/Make_all.mak
+Patch 7.4.1393
+Problem: Starting a job hangs in the GUI. (Takuya Fujiwara)
+Solution: Don't check if ch_job is NULL when checking for an error.
+ (Yasuhiro Matsumoto)
+Files: src/channel.c
+Patch 7.4.1394
+Problem: Can't sort inside a sort function.
+Solution: Use a struct to store the sort parameters. (Jacob Niehus)
+Files: src/eval.c, src/testdir/test_sort.vim
+Patch 7.4.1395
+Problem: Using DETACH in quotes is not compatible with the Netbeans
+ interface. (Xavier de Gaye)
+Solution: Remove the quotes, only use them for JSON and JS mode.
+Files: src/netbeans.c, src/channel.c
+Patch 7.4.1396
+Problem: Compiler warnings for conversions.
+Solution: Add type cast.
+Files: src/ex_cmds2.c
+Patch 7.4.1397
+Problem: Sort test fails on MS-Windows.
+Solution: Correct the compare function.
+Files: src/testdir/test_sort.vim
+Patch 7.4.1398
+Problem: The close-cb option is not implemented yet.
+Solution: Implemente close-cb. (Yasuhiro Matsumoto)
+Files: src/channel.c, src/eval.c, src/structs.h, src/proto/,
+ src/testdir/, src/testdir/test_channel.vim
+Patch 7.4.1399
+Problem: The MS-DOS code does not build.
+Solution: Remove the old MS-DOS code.
+Files: Filelist, src/Make_bc3.mak, src/Make_bc5.mak, src/Make_djg.mak,
+ src/Makefile, src/blowfish.c, src/buffer.c, src/diff.c,
+ src/digraph.c, src/dosinst.h, src/eval.c, src/ex_cmds.c,
+ src/ex_cmds2.c, src/ex_docmd.c, src/ex_getln.c, src/feature.h,
+ src/fileio.c, src/getchar.c, src/globals.h, src/macros.h,
+ src/main.c, src/mbyte.c, src/memfile.c, src/memline.c,
+ src/misc1.c, src/misc2.c, src/netbeans.c, src/option.c,
+ src/option.h, src/os_msdos.c, src/os_msdos.h, src/proto.h,
+ src/proto/, src/regexp.c, src/screen.c, src/structs.h,
+ src/syntax.c, src/term.c, src/term.c, src/undo.c, src/uninstal.c,
+ src/version.c, src/vim.h, src/window.c, src/xxd/Make_bc3.mak,
+ src/xxd/Make_djg.mak
+Patch 7.4.1400
+Problem: Perl eval doesn't work properly on 64-bit big-endian machine.
+Solution: Use 32 bit type for the key. (Danek Duvall)
+Files: src/if_perl.xs
+Patch 7.4.1401
+Problem: Having 'autochdir' set during startup and using diff mode doesn't
+ work. (Axel Bender)
+Solution: Don't use 'autochdir' while still starting up. (Christian
+ Brabandt)
+Files: src/buffer.c
+Patch 7.4.1402
+Problem: GTK 3 is not supported.
+Solution: Add GTK 3 support. (Kazunobu Kuriyama)
+Files: runtime/doc/eval.txt, runtime/doc/gui.txt,
+ runtime/doc/gui_x11.txt, src/auto/configure, src/channel.c,
+ src/, src/, src/eval.c, src/gui.h,
+ src/gui_beval.c, src/gui_beval.h, src/gui_gtk.c, src/gui_gtk_f.c,
+ src/gui_gtk_f.h, src/gui_gtk_x11.c, src/if_mzsch.c, src/mbyte.c,
+ src/netbeans.c, src/structs.h, src/version.c
+Patch 7.4.1403
+Problem: Can't build without the quickfix feature.
+Solution: Add #ifdefs. Call ex_ni() for unimplemented commands. (Yegappan
+ Lakshmanan)
+Files: src/ex_cmds2.c, src/popupmnu.c
+Patch 7.4.1404
+Problem: ch_read() doesn't time out on MS-Windows.
+Solution: Instead of WM_NETBEANS use select(). (Yukihiro Nakadaira)
+Files: src/channel.c, src/gui_w32.c, src/os_win32.c, src/structs.h,
+ src/testdir/test_channel.vim, src/vim.h
+Patch 7.4.1405
+Problem: Completion menu flickers.
+Solution: Delay showing the popup menu. (Shougo, Justin M. Keyes, closes
+ #656)
+Files: src/edit.c
+Patch 7.4.1406
+Problem: Leaking memory in cs_print_tags_priv().
+Solution: Free tbuf. (idea by Forrest Fleming)
+Files: src/if_cscope.c
+Patch 7.4.1407
+Problem: json_encode() does not handle NaN and inf properly. (David
+ Barnett)
+Solution: For JSON turn them into "null". For JS use "NaN" and "Infinity".
+ Add isnan().
+Files: src/eval.c, src/json.c, src/testdir/test_json.vim
+Patch 7.4.1408
+Problem: MS-Windows doesn't have isnan() and isinf().
+Solution: Use _isnan() and _isinf().
+Files: src/eval.c, src/json.c
+Patch 7.4.1409 (after 7.4.1402)
+Problem: Configure includes GUI despite --disable-gui flag.
+Solution: Add SKIP_GTK3. (Kazunobu Kuriyama)
+Files: src/, src/auto/configure
+Patch 7.4.1410
+Problem: Leaking memory in cscope interface.
+Solution: Free memory when no tab is found. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/if_cscope.c
+Patch 7.4.1411
+Problem: Compiler warning for indent. (Ajit Thakkar)
+Solution: Indent normally.
+Files: src/ui.c
+Patch 7.4.1412
+Problem: Compiler warning for indent. (Dominique Pelle)
+Solution: Fix the indent.
+Files: src/farsi.c
+Patch 7.4.1413
+Problem: When calling ch_close() the close callback is invoked, even though
+ the docs say it isn't. (Christian J. Robinson)
+Solution: Don't call the close callback.
+Files: src/eval.c, src/channel.c, src/netbeans.c, src/proto/
+Patch 7.4.1414
+Problem: Appveyor only builds one feature set.
+Solution: Build a combination of features and GUI/console. (Christian
+ Brabandt)
+Files: appveyor.yml, src/appveyor.bat
+Patch 7.4.1415 (after 7.4.1414)
+Problem: Dropped the skip-tags setting.
+Solution: Put it back.
+Files: appveyor.yml
+Patch 7.4.1416
+Problem: Using "u_char" intead of "char_u", which doesn't work everywhere.
+ (Jörg Plate)
+Solution: Use "char_u" always.
+Files: src/integration.c, src/macros.h
+Patch 7.4.1417 (after 7.4.1414)
+Problem: Missing appveyor.bat from the distribution.
+Solution: Add it to the list of files.
+Files: Filelist
+Patch 7.4.1418
+Problem: job_stop() on MS-Windows does not really stop the job.
+Solution: Make the default to stop the job forcefully. (Ken Takata)
+ Make MS-Windows and Unix more similar.
+Files: src/os_win32.c, src/os_unix.c, runtime/doc/eval.txt
+Patch 7.4.1419
+Problem: Tests slowed down because of the "not a terminal" warning.
+Solution: Add the --not-a-term command line argument.
+Files: src/main.c, src/testdir/Makefile, src/Make_all.mak,
+ src/Make_amiga.mak, src/testdir/Make_dos.mak,
+ src/testdir/Make_ming.mak, src/testdir/Make_vms.mms,
+ runtime/doc/starting.txt
+Patch 7.4.1420 (after 7.4.1419)
+Problem: Missing makefile.
+Solution: Type the path correctly.
+Files: src/testdir/Make_all.mak
+Patch 7.4.1421
+Problem: May free a channel when a callback may need to be invoked.
+Solution: Keep the channel when refcount is zero.
+Files: src/eval.c, src/channel.c, src/proto/
+Patch 7.4.1422
+Problem: Error when reading fails uses wrong errno. Keeping channel open
+ after job stops results in test failing.
+Solution: Move the error up. Add ch_job_killed.
+Files: src/channel.c, src/eval.c, src/structs.h
+Patch 7.4.1423
+Problem: Channel test fails on MS-Windows.
+Solution: Do not give an error message when reading fails, assume the other
+ end exited.
+Files: src/channel.c
+Patch 7.4.1424
+Problem: Not using --not-a-term when running tests on MS-Windows.
+Solution: Use NO_PLUGIN. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/testdir/Make_dos.mak
+Patch 7.4.1425
+Problem: There are still references to MS-DOS support.
+Solution: Remove most of the help txt and install instructions. (Ken Takata)
+Files: src/INSTALLpc.txt, runtime/doc/os_msdos.txt,,
+ Filelist
+Patch 7.4.1426
+Problem: The "out-io" option for jobs is not implemented yet.
+Solution: Implement the "buffer" value: append job output to a buffer.
+Files: src/eval.c, src/channel.c, src/structs.h, src/netbeans.c,
+ runtime/doc/channel.txt
+Patch 7.4.1427
+Problem: Trailing comma in enums is not ANSI C.
+Solution: Remove the trailing commas.
+Files: src/alloc.h, src/gui_mac.c
+Patch 7.4.1428
+Problem: Compiler warning for non-virtual destructor.
+Solution: Make it virtual. (Yasuhiro Matsumoto)
+Files: src/gui_dwrite.cpp
+Patch 7.4.1429
+Problem: On MS-Windows, when not use renderoptions=type:directx, drawing
+ emoji will be broken.
+Solution: Fix usage of unicodepdy. (Yasuhiro Matsumoto)
+Files: src/gui_w32.c
+Patch 7.4.1430
+Problem: When encoding JSON, turning NaN and Infinity into null without
+ giving an error is not useful.
+Solution: Pass NaN and Infinity on. If the receiver can't handle them it
+ will generate the error.
+Files: src/json.c, src/testdir/test_json.vim, runtime/doc/eval.txt
+Patch 7.4.1431
+Problem: Including header files twice.
+Solution: Remove the extra includes.
+Files: src/if_cscope.h
+Patch 7.4.1432
+Problem: Typo in button text.
+Solution: Fix the typo. (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/gui_gtk.c
+Patch 7.4.1433
+Problem: The Sniff interface is no longer useful, the tool has not been
+ available for may years.
+Solution: Delete the Sniff interface and related code.
+Files: src/if_sniff.c, src/if_sniff.h, src/charset.c, src/edit.c,
+ src/eval.c, src/ex_cmds2.c, src/ex_docmd.c, src/ex_getln.c,
+ src/gui_gtk_x11.c, src/gui_w32.c, src/gui_x11.c, src/normal.c,
+ src/os_unix.c, src/os_win32.c, src/term.c, src/ui.c,
+ src/version.c, src/ex_cmds.h, src/feature.h, src/keymap.h,
+ src/structs.h, src/vim.h, src/Make_mvc.mak, src/Make_vms.mms,
+ src/Makefile, src/, src/auto/configure,
+ src/, src/, runtime/doc/if_sniff.txt,
+ src/, src/main.aap
+Patch 7.4.1434
+Problem: JSON encoding doesn't handle surrogate pair.
+Solution: Improve multi-byte handling of JSON. (Yasuhiro Matsumoto)
+Files: src/json.c, src/testdir/test_json.vim
+Patch 7.4.1435
+Problem: It is confusing that ch_sendexpr() and ch_sendraw() wait for a
+ response.
+Solution: Add ch_evalexpr() and ch_evalraw().
+Files: src/eval.c, runtime/doc/channel.txt, runtime/doc/eval.txt,
+ src/testdir/test_channel.vim
+Patch 7.4.1436 (after 7.4.1433)
+Problem: Sniff files still referenced in distribution.
+Solution: Remove sniff files from distribution.
+Files: Filelist
+Patch 7.4.1437
+Problem: Old system doesn't have isinf() and NAN. (Ben Fritz)
+Solution: Adjust #ifdefs. Detect isnan() and isinf() functions with
+ configure. Use a replacement when missing. (Kazunobu Kuriyama)
+Files: src/eval.c, src/json.c, src/macros.h, src/message.c,
+ src/, src/, src/auto/configure
+Patch 7.4.1438
+Problem: Can't get buffer number of a channel.
+Solution: Add ch_getbufnr().
+Files: src/eval.c, src/channel.c, src/testdir/test_channel.vim,
+ runtime/doc/channel.txt, runtime/doc/eval.txt
+Patch 7.4.1439 (after 7.4.1434)
+Problem: Using uninitialzed variable.
+Solution: Initialize vc_type.
+Files: src/json.c
+Patch 7.4.1440 (after 7.4.1437)
+Problem: Can't build on Windows.
+Solution: Change #ifdefs. Only define isnan when used.
+Files: src/macros.h, src/eval.c, src/json.c
+Patch 7.4.1441
+Problem: Using empty name instead of no name for channel buffer.
+Solution: Remove the empty name.
+Files: src/channel.c
+Patch 7.4.1442
+Problem: MS-Windows: more compilation warnings for destructor.
+Solution: Add "virtual". (Ken Takata)
+Files: src/if_ole.cpp
+Patch 7.4.1443
+Problem: Can't build GTK3 with small features.
+Solution: Use gtk_widget_get_window(). Fix typos. (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/gui_gtk_x11.c
+Patch 7.4.1444
+Problem: Can't build with JSON but without multi-byte.
+Solution: Fix pointer name.
+Files: src/json.c
+Patch 7.4.1445
+Problem: Memory corruption when 'encoding' is not utf-8.
+Solution: Convert decoded string later.
+Files: src/json.c
+Patch 7.4.1446
+Problem: Crash when using json_decode().
+Solution: Terminate string with a NUL byte.
+Files: src/json.c
+Patch 7.4.1447
+Problem: Memory leak when using ch_read(). (Dominique Pelle)
+ No log message when stopping a job and a few other situations.
+ Too many "Nothing to read" messages. Channels are not freed.
+Solution: Free the listtv. Add more log messages. Remove "Nothing to read"
+ message. Remove the channel from the job when its refcount
+ becomes zero.
+Files: src/eval.c, src/channel.c
+Patch 7.4.1448
+Problem: JSON tests fail if 'encoding' is not utf-8.
+Solution: Force encoding to utf-8.
+Files: src/testdir/test_json.vim
+Patch 7.4.1449
+Problem: Build fails with job feature but without channel feature.
+Solution: Add #ifdef.
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.4.1450
+Problem: Json encoding still fails when encoding is not utf-8.
+Solution: Set 'encoding' before :scriptencoding. Run the json test
+ separately to avoid affecting other tests.
+Files: src/testdir/test_json.vim, src/testdir/Make_all.mak,
+ src/testdir/test_alot.vim
+Patch 7.4.1451
+Problem: Vim hangs when a channel has a callback but isn't referenced.
+Solution: Have channel_unref() only return TRUE when the channel was
+ actually freed.
+Files: src/eval.c, src/channel.c, src/proto/
+Patch 7.4.1452
+Problem: When a callback adds a syntax item either the redraw doesn't
+ happen right away or in the GUI the cursor is in the wrong
+ position for a moment. (Jakson Alves de Aquino)
+Solution: Redraw after the callback was invoked.
+Files: src/channel.c
+Patch 7.4.1453
+Problem: Missing --not-a-term.
+Solution: Add the argument.
+Files: src/testdir/Make_amiga.mak
+Patch 7.4.1454
+Problem: The exit callback test is flaky.
+Solution: Loop to wait for a short time up to a second.
+Files: src/testdir/test_channel.vim
+Patch 7.4.1455
+Problem: JSON decoding test for surrogate pairs is in the wrong place.
+Solution: Move the test lines. (Ken Takata)
+Files: src/testdir/test_json.vim
+Patch 7.4.1456
+Problem: Test 87 fails with Python 3.5.
+Solution: Work around difference. (Taro Muraoka)
+Files: src/testdir/
+Patch 7.4.1457
+Problem: Opening a channel with select() is not done properly.
+Solution: Also used read-fds. Use getsockopt() to check for errors. (Ozaki
+ Kiichi)
+Files: src/channel.c
+Patch 7.4.1458
+Problem: When a JSON channel has a callback it may never be cleared.
+Solution: Do not write "DETACH" into a JS or JSON channel.
+Files: src/channel.c
+Patch 7.4.1459 (after 7.4.1457)
+Problem: MS-Windows doesn't know socklen_t.
+Solution: Use previous method for WIN32.
+Files: src/channel.c
+Patch 7.4.1460
+Problem: Syntax error in rarily used code.
+Solution: Fix the mch_rename() declaration. (Ken Takata)
+Files: src/os_unix.c, src/proto/
+Patch 7.4.1461
+Problem: When starting job on MS-Windows all parts of the command are put
+ in quotes.
+Solution: Only use quotes when needed. (Yasuhiro Matsumoto)
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.4.1462
+Problem: Two more rarily used functions with errors.
+Solution: Add proper argument types. (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/misc2.c, src/termlib.c
+Patch 7.4.1463
+Problem: Configure doesn't find isinf() and isnan() on some systems.
+Solution: Use a configure check that includes math.h.
+Files: src/, src/auto/configure
+Patch 7.4.1464
+Problem: When the argument of sort() is zero or empty it fails.
+Solution: Make zero work as documented. (suggested by Yasuhiro Matsumoto)
+Files: src/eval.c, src/testdir/test_sort.vim
+Patch 7.4.1465
+Problem: Coverity reported possible use of NULL pointer when using buffer
+ output with JSON mode.
+Solution: Make it actually possible to use JSON mode with a buffer.
+ Re-encode the JSON to append it to the buffer.
+Files: src/channel.c, src/testdir/test_channel.vim
+Patch 7.4.1466
+Problem: Coverity reports dead code.
+Solution: Remove the two lines.
+Files: src/channel.c
+Patch 7.4.1467
+Problem: Can't build without the float feature.
+Solution: Add #ifdefs. (Nick Owens, closes #667)
+Files: src/eval.c, src/json.c
+Patch 7.4.1468
+Problem: Sort test doesn't test with "1" argument.
+Solution: Also test ignore-case sorting. (Yasuhiro Matsumoto)
+Files: src/testdir/test_sort.vim
+Patch 7.4.1469
+Problem: Channel test sometimes fails, especially on OS/X. (Kazunobu
+ Kuriyama)
+Solution: Change the && into ||, call getsockopt() in more situations.
+ (Ozaki Kiichi)
+Files: src/channel.c
+Patch 7.4.1470
+Problem: Coverity reports missing restore.
+Solution: Move json_encode() call up.
+Files: src/channel.c
+Patch 7.4.1471
+Problem: Missing out-of-memory check. And Coverity warning.
+Solution: Bail out when msg is NULL.
+Files: src/channel.c
+Patch 7.4.1472
+Problem: Coverity warning for not using return value.
+Solution: Add "(void)".
+Files: src/os_unix.c
+Patch 7.4.1473
+Problem: Can't build without the autocommand feature.
+Solution: Add #ifdefs. (Yegappan Lakshmanan)
+Files: src/edit.c, src/main.c, src/syntax.c
+Patch 7.4.1474
+Problem: Compiler warnings without the float feature.
+Solution: Move #ifdefs. (John Marriott)
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.4.1475
+Problem: When using hangulinput with utf-8 a CSI character is
+ misintepreted.
+Solution: Convert CSI to K_CSI. (SungHyun Nam)
+Files: src/ui.c
+Patch 7.4.1476
+Problem: Function arguments marked as unused while they are not.
+Solution: Remove UNUSED. (Yegappan Lakshmanan)
+Files: src/diff.c, src/eval.c, src/ex_cmds2.c, src/ex_docmd.c,
+ src/window.c
+Patch 7.4.1477
+Problem: Test_reltime is flaky, it depends on timing.
+Solution: When it fails run it a second time.
+Files: src/testdir/runtest.vim
+Patch 7.4.1478
+Problem: ":loadplugin" doesn't take care of ftdetect files.
+Solution: Also load ftdetect scripts when appropriate.
+Files: src/ex_cmds2.c
+Patch 7.4.1479
+Problem: No testfor ":loadplugin".
+Solution: Add a test. Fix how option is being set.
+Files: src/ex_cmds2.c, src/testdir/test_loadplugin.vim,
+ src/testdir/Make_all.mak
+Patch 7.4.1480
+Problem: Cannot add a pack direcory without loading a plugin.
+Solution: Add the :packadd command.
+Files: src/ex_cmds.h, src/ex_cmds2.c, src/proto/,
+ src/testdir/test_loadplugin.vim, runtime/doc/repeat.txt
+Patch 7.4.1481
+Problem: Can't build with small features.
+Solution: Add #ifdef.
+Files: src/ex_cmds2.c
+Patch 7.4.1482
+Problem: "timeout" option not supported on ch_eval*().
+Solution: Get and use the timeout option from the argument.
+Files: src/eval.c, src/testdir/test_channel.vim
+Patch 7.4.1483
+Problem: A one-time callback is not used for a raw channel.
+Solution: Use a one-time callback when it exists.
+Files: src/channel.c, src/testdir/test_channel.vim,
+ src/testdir/
+Patch 7.4.1484
+Problem: Channel "err-io" value "out" is not supported.
+Solution: Connect stderr to stdout if wanted.
+Files: src/os_unix.c, src/os_win32.c, src/testdir/test_channel.vim,
+ src/testdir/
+Patch 7.4.1485
+Problem: Job input from buffer is not implemented.
+Solution: Implement it. Add "in-top" and "in-bot" options.
+Files: src/structs.h, src/eval.c, src/channel.c, src/proto/,
+ src/os_unix.c, src/os_win32.c, src/testdir/test_channel.vim
+Patch 7.4.1486
+Problem: ":loadplugin" is not optimal, some people find it confusing.
+Solution: Only use ":packadd" with an optional "!".
+Files: src/ex_cmds.h, src/ex_cmds2.c, src/testdir/test_loadplugin.vim,
+ src/testdir/test_packadd.vim, src/testdir/Make_all.mak,
+ runtime/doc/repeat.txt.
+Patch 7.4.1487
+Problem: For WIN32 isinf() is defined as a macro.
+Solution: Define it as an inline function. (ZyX)
+Files: src/macros.h
+Patch 7.4.1488 (after 7.4.1475)
+Problem: Not using key when result from hangul_string_convert() is NULL.
+Solution: Fall back to not converted string.
+Files: src/ui.c
+Patch 7.4.1489 (after 7.4.1487)
+Problem: "inline" is not supported by old MSVC.
+Solution: use "__inline". (Ken Takata)
+Files: src/macros.h
+Patch 7.4.1490
+Problem: Compiler warning for unused function.
+Solution: Add #ifdef. (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/gui_gtk_x11.c
+Patch 7.4.1491
+Problem: Visual-block shift breaks multi-byte characters.
+Solution: Compute column differently. (Yasuhiro Matsumoto) Add a test.
+Files: src/ops.c, src/testdir/test_visual.vim, src/testdir/Make_all.mak
+Patch 7.4.1492
+Problem: No command line completion for ":packadd".
+Solution: Implement completion. (Hirohito Higashi)
+Files: src/ex_docmd.c, src/ex_getln.c, src/testdir/test_packadd.vim,
+ src/vim.h
+Patch 7.4.1493
+Problem: Wrong callback invoked for zero-id messages.
+Solution: Don't use the first one-time callback when the sequence number
+ doesn't match.
+Files: src/channel.c, src/testdir/test_channel.vim,
+ src/testdir/
+Patch 7.4.1494
+Problem: clr_history() does not work properly.
+Solution: Increment hisptr. Add a test. (Yegappan Lakshmanan)
+Files: src/ex_getln.c, src/testdir/test_history.vim,
+ src/testdir/Make_all.mak
+Patch 7.4.1495
+Problem: Compiler warnings when building on Unix with the job feature but
+ without the channel feature.
+Solution: Move #ifdefs. (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/os_unxic.
+Patch 7.4.1496
+Problem: Crash when built with GUI but it's not active. (Dominique Pelle)
+Solution: Check gui.in_use.
+Files: src/channel.c
+Patch 7.4.1497
+Problem: Cursor drawing problem with GTK 3.
+Solution: Handle blinking differently. (Kazunobu Kuriyama)
+Files: src/gui_gtk_x11.c
+Patch 7.4.1498
+Problem: Error for locked item when using json_decode(). (Shougo)
+Solution: Initialize v_lock.
+Files: src/json.c
+Patch 7.4.1499
+Problem: No error message when :packadd does not find anything.
+Solution: Add an error message. (Hirohito Higashi)
+Files: runtime/doc/repeat.txt, src/ex_cmds.h, src/ex_cmds2.c,
+ src/globals.h, src/testdir/test_packadd.vim
+Patch 7.4.1500
+Problem: Should_free flag set to FALSE.
+Solution: Set it to TRUE. (Neovim 4415)
+Files: src/ex_eval.c
+Patch 7.4.1501
+Problem: Garbage collection with an open channel is not tested.
+Solution: Call garbagecollect() in the test.
+Files: src/testdir/test_channel.vim
+Patch 7.4.1502
+Problem: Writing last-but-one line of buffer to a channel isn't implemented
+ yet.
+Solution: Implement it. Fix leaving a swap file behind.
+Files: src/channel.c, src/structs.h, src/memline.c, src/proto/
+Patch 7.4.1503
+Problem: Crash when using ch_getjob(). (Damien)
+Solution: Check for a NULL job.
+Files: src/eval.c, src/testdir/test_channel.vim
+Patch 7.4.1504 (after 7.4.1502)
+Problem: No test for reading last-but-one line.
+Solution: Add a test.
+Files: src/testdir/test_channel.vim
+Patch 7.4.1505
+Problem: When channel log is enabled get too many "looking for messages"
+ log entries.
+Solution: Only give the message after another message.
+Files: src/channel.c
+Patch 7.4.1506
+Problem: Job cannot read from a file.
+Solution: Implement reading from a file for Unix.
+Files: src/eval.c, src/os_unix.c, src/os_win32.c,
+ src/testdir/test_channel.vim
+Patch 7.4.1507
+Problem: Crash when starting a job fails.
+Solution: Check for the channel to be NULL. (idea by Yasuhiro Matsumoto)
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.4.1508
+Problem: Can't build GvimExt with MingW.
+Solution: Adjust the makefile. (Ben Fritz)
+Files: src/GvimExt/Make_ming.mak
+Patch 7.4.1509
+Problem: Keeping both a variable for a job and the channel it refers to is
+ a hassle.
+Solution: Allow passing the job where a channel is expected. (Damien)
+Files: src/eval.c, src/testdir/test_channel.vim
+Patch 7.4.1510
+Problem: Channel test fails on AppVeyor.
+Solution: Wait longer than 10 msec if needed.
+Files: src/testdir/test_channel.vim
+Patch 7.4.1511
+Problem: Statusline highlighting is sometimes wrong.
+Solution: Check for Highlight type. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/buffer.c
+Patch 7.4.1512
+Problem: Channel input from file not supported on MS-Windows.
+Solution: Implement it. (Yasuhiro Matsumoto)
+Files: src/os_win32.c, src/testdir/test_channel.vim
+Patch 7.4.1513
+Problem: "J" fails if there are not enough lines. (Christian Neukirchen)
+Solution: Reduce the count, only fail on the last line.
+Files: src/normal.c, src/testdir/test_join.vim, src/testdir/test_alot.vim
+Patch 7.4.1514
+Problem: Channel output to file not implemented yet.
+Solution: Implement it for Unix.
+Files: src/os_unix.c, src/testdir/test_channel.vim,
+ src/testdir/
+Patch 7.4.1515
+Problem: Channel test is a bit flaky.
+Solution: Instead of a fixed sleep time wait until an expression evaluates
+ to true.
+Files: src/testdir/test_channel.vim
+Patch 7.4.1516
+Problem: Cannot change file permissions.
+Solution: Add setfperm().
+Files: src/eval.c, runtime/doc/eval.txt, src/testdir/test_alot.vim,
+ src/testdir/test_file_perm.vim
+Patch 7.4.1517
+Problem: Compiler warning with 64bit compiler.
+Solution: Add typecast. (Mike Williams)
+Files: src/channel.c
+Patch 7.4.1518
+Problem: Channel with disconnected in/out/err is not supported.
+Solution: Implement it for Unix.
+Files: src/eval.c, src/os_unix.c, src/structs.h,
+ src/testdir/test_channel.vim, src/testdir/
+Patch 7.4.1519 (after 7.4.1514)
+Problem: Channel output to file not implemented for MS-Windows.
+Solution: Implement it. (Yasuhiro Matsumoto)
+Files: src/os_win32.c, src/testdir/test_channel.vim
+Patch 7.4.1520
+Problem: Channel test: Waiting for a file to appear doesn't work.
+Solution: In waitFor() ignore errors.
+Files: src/testdir/test_channel.vim
+Patch 7.4.1521 (after 7.4.1516)
+Problem: File permission test fails on MS-Windows.
+Solution: Expect a different permission.
+Files: src/testdir/test_file_perm.vim
+Patch 7.4.1522
+Problem: Cannot write channel err to a buffer.
+Solution: Implement it.
+Files: src/channel.c, src/testdir/test_channel.vim
+Patch 7.4.1523
+Problem: Writing channel to a file fails on MS-Windows.
+Solution: Disable it for now.
+Files: src/testdir/test_channel.vim
+Patch 7.4.1524
+Problem: Channel test fails on BSD.
+Solution: Break out of the loop when connect() succeeds. (Ozaki Kiichi)
+Files: src/channel.c
+Patch 7.4.1525
+Problem: On a high resolution screen the toolbar icons are too small.
+Solution: Add "huge" and "giant" to 'toolbariconsize'. (Brian Gix)
+Files: src/gui_gtk_x11.c, src/option.h
+Patch 7.4.1526
+Problem: Writing to file and not connecting a channel doesn't work for
+ MS-Windows.
+Solution: Make it work. (Yasuhiro Matsumoto)
+Files: src/os_win32.c, src/testdir/test_channel.vim
+Patch 7.4.1527
+Problem: Channel test is flaky on MS-Windows.
+Solution: Limit the select() timeout to 50 msec and try with a new socket if
+ it fails.
+Files: src/channel.c
+Patch 7.4.1528
+Problem: Using "ever" for packages is confusing.
+Solution: Use "start", as it's related to startup.
+Files: src/ex_cmds2.c, runtime/doc/repeat.txt
+Patch 7.4.1529
+Problem: Specifying buffer number for channel not implemented yet.
+Solution: Implement passing a buffer number.
+Files: src/structs.h, src/channel.c, src/eval.c,
+ src/testdir/test_channel.vim
+Patch 7.4.1530
+Problem: MS-Windows job_start() closes wrong handle.
+Solution: Close hThread on the process info. (Ken Takata)
+Files: src/os_win32.c
+Patch 7.4.1531
+Problem: Compiler warning for unitinialized variable. (Dominique Pelle)
+Solution: Always give the variable a value.
+Files: src/channel.c
+Patch 7.4.1532
+Problem: MS-Windows channel leaks file descriptor.
+Solution: Use CreateFile with the right options. (Yasuhiro Matsumoto)
+Files: src/os_win32.c
+Patch 7.4.1533
+Problem: Using feedkeys() with an empty string disregards 'x' option.
+Solution: Make 'x' work with an empty string. (Thinca)
+Files: src/eval.c, src/testdir/test_alot.vim,
+ src/testdir/test_feedkeys.vim
+Patch 7.4.1534
+Problem: Compiler warning for shadowed variable. (Kazunobu Kuriyama)
+Solution: Rename it.
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.4.1535
+Problem: The feedkeys test has a one second delay.
+Solution: Avoid need_wait_return() to delay. (Hirohito Higashi)
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.4.1536
+Problem: Cannot re-use a channel for another job.
+Solution: Add the "channel" option to job_start().
+Files: src/channel.c, src/eval.c, src/structs.h, src/os_unix.c,
+ src/os_win32.c, src/proto/,
+ src/testdir/test_channel.vim
+Patch 7.4.1537
+Problem: Too many feature flags for pipes, jobs and channels.
+Solution: Only use FEAT_JOB_CHANNEL.
+Files: src/structs.h, src/feature.h, src/,
+ src/auto/configure, src/, src/channel.c, src/eval.c,
+ src/gui.c, src/main.c, src/memline.c, src/misc2.c, src/os_mswin.c,
+ src/os_unix.c, src/os_win32.c, src/ui.c, src/version.c,
+ src/macros.h, src/proto.h, src/vim.h, src/Make_cyg_ming.mak,
+ src/Make_bc5.mak, src/Make_mvc.mak
+Patch 7.4.1538
+Problem: Selection with the mouse does not work in command line mode.
+Solution: Use cairo functions. (Kazunobu Kuriyama)
+Files: src/gui_gtk_x11.c
+Patch 7.4.1539
+Problem: Too much code in eval.c.
+Solution: Move job and channel code to channel.c.
+Files: src/eval.c, src/channel.c, src/proto/,
+ src/proto/
+Patch 7.4.1540
+Problem: Channel test is a bit flaky.
+Solution: Increase expected wait time.
+Files: src/testdir/test_channel.vim
+Patch 7.4.1541
+Problem: Missing job_info().
+Solution: Implement it.
+Files: src/eval.c, src/channel.c, src/proto/,
+ src/testdir/test_channel.vim, runtime/doc/eval.txt
+Patch 7.4.1542
+Problem: job_start() with a list is not tested.
+Solution: Call job_start() with a list.
+Files: src/testdir/test_channel.vim
+Patch 7.4.1543
+Problem: Channel log methods are not tested.
+Solution: Log job activity and check it.
+Files: src/testdir/test_channel.vim
+Patch 7.4.1544
+Problem: On Win32 escaping the command does not work properly.
+Solution: Reset 'ssl' when escaping the command. (Yasuhiro Matsumoto)
+Files: src/channel.c
+Patch 7.4.1545
+Problem: GTK3: horizontal cursor movement in Visual selection not good.
+Solution: Make it work better. (Kazunobu Kuriyama)
+Files: src/gui_gtk_x11.c
+Patch 7.4.1546
+Problem: Sticky type checking is more annoying than useful.
+Solution: Remove the error for changing a variable type.
+Files: src/eval.c, src/testdir/test_assign.vim,
+ src/testdir/test_alot.vim, runtime/doc/eval.txt
+Patch 7.4.1547
+Problem: Getting a cterm highlight attribute that is not set results in the
+ string "-1".
+Solution: Return an empty string. (Taro Muraoka)
+Files: src/syntax.c, src/testdir/test_alot.vim,
+ src/testdir/test_syn_attr.vim
+Patch 7.4.1548 (after 7.4.1546)
+Problem: Two tests fail.
+Solution: Adjust the expected error number. Remove check for type.
+Files: src/testdir/test101.ok, src/testdir/,
+ src/testdir/test55.ok
+Patch 7.4.1549 (after 7.4.1547)
+Problem: Test for syntax attributes fails in Win32 GUI.
+Solution: Use an existing font name.
+Files: src/testdir/test_syn_attr.vim
+Patch 7.4.1550
+Problem: Cannot load packages early.
+Solution: Add the ":packloadall" command.
+Files: src/ex_cmds.h, src/ex_cmds2.c, src/main.c,
+ src/proto/, src/testdir/test_packadd.vim
+Patch 7.4.1551
+Problem: Cannot generate help tags in all doc directories.
+Solution: Make ":helptags ALL" work.
+Files: src/ex_cmds2.c, src/proto/, src/ex_cmds.c, src/vim.h
+ src/testdir/test_packadd.vim
+Patch 7.4.1552
+Problem: ":colorscheme" does not use 'packpath'.
+Solution: Also use in "start" and "opt" directories in 'packpath'.
+Files: src/ex_cmds2.c, src/gui.c, src/hardcopy.c, src/os_mswin.c,
+ src/spell.c, src/tag.c, src/if_py_both.h, src/vim.h,
+ src/digraph.c, src/eval.c, src/ex_docmd.c, src/main.c,
+ src/option.c, src/syntax.c, src/testdir/test_packadd.vim
+Patch 7.4.1553
+Problem: ":runtime" does not use 'packpath'.
+Solution: Add "what" argument.
+Files: src/ex_cmds2.c, src/vim.h, runtime/doc/repeat.txt,
+ src/testdir/test_packadd.vim
+Patch 7.4.1554
+Problem: Completion for :colorscheme does not use 'packpath'.
+Solution: Make it work, add a test. (Hirohito Higashi)
+Files: src/ex_getln.c, src/testdir/test_packadd.vim
+Patch 7.4.1555
+Problem: List of test targets incomplete.
+Solution: Add newly added tests.
+Files: src/Makefile
+Patch 7.4.1556
+Problem: "make install" changes the help tags file, causing it to differ
+ from the repository.
+Solution: Move it aside and restore it.
+Files: src/Makefile
+Patch 7.4.1557
+Problem: Windows cannot be identified.
+Solution: Add a unique window number to each window and functions to use it.
+Files: src/structs.h, src/window.c, src/eval.c, src/proto/,
+ src/proto/, src/testdir/test_window_id.vim,
+ src/testdir/Make_all.mak, runtime/doc/eval.txt
+Patch 7.4.1558
+Problem: It is not easy to find out what windows display a buffer.
+Solution: Add win_findbuf().
+Files: src/eval.c, src/window.c, src/proto/,
+ src/testdir/test_window_id.vim, runtime/doc/eval.txt
+Patch 7.4.1559
+Problem: Passing cookie to a callback is clumsy.
+Solution: Change function() to take arguments and return a partial.
+Files: src/structs.h, src/channel.c, src/eval.c, src/if_python.c,
+ src/if_python3.c, src/if_py_both.h, src/json.c,
+ src/proto/, src/testdir/test_partial.vim,
+ src/testdir/test_alot.vim, runtime/doc/eval.txt
+Patch 7.4.1560
+Problem: Dict options with a dash are more difficult to use.
+Solution: Use an underscore, so that dict.err_io can be used.
+Files: src/channel.c, src/structs.h, src/testdir/test_channel.vim,
+ runtime/doc/channel.txt
+Patch 7.4.1561 (after 7.4.1559)
+Problem: Missing update to proto file.
+Solution: Change the proto file.
+Files: src/proto/
+Patch 7.4.1562
+Problem: ":helptags ALL" crashes. (Lcd)
+Solution: Don't free twice.
+Files: src/ex_cmds.c
+Patch 7.4.1563
+Problem: Partial test fails on windows.
+Solution: Return 1 or -1 from compare function.
+Files: src/testdir/test_partial.vim
+Patch 7.4.1564
+Problem: An empty list in function() causes an error.
+Solution: Handle an empty list like there is no list of arguments.
+Files: src/eval.c, src/testdir/test_partial.vim
+Patch 7.4.1565
+Problem: Crash when assert_equal() runs into a NULL string.
+Solution: Check for NULL. (Dominique) Add a test.
+Files: src/eval.c, src/testdir/test_assert.vim
+Patch 7.4.1566
+Problem: Compiler warning for shadowed variable. (Kazunobu Kuriyama)
+Solution: Remove the inner one.
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.4.1567
+Problem: Crash in assert_fails().
+Solution: Check for NULL. (Dominique Pelle) Add a test.
+Files: src/eval.c, src/testdir/test_assert.vim
+Patch 7.4.1568
+Problem: Using CTRL-] in help on option in parentheses doesn't work.
+Solution: Skip the "(" in "('". (Hirohito Higashi)
+Files: src/ex_cmds.c
+Patch 7.4.1569
+Problem: Using old style tests for quickfix.
+Solution: Change them to new style tests. (Yegappan Lakshmanan)
+Files: src/testdir/Make_all.mak, src/testdir/,
+ src/testdir/test106.ok, src/testdir/,
+ src/testdir/test_qf_title.ok, src/testdir/test_quickfix.vim
+Patch 7.4.1570
+Problem: There is no way to avoid the message when editing a file.
+Solution: Add the "F" flag to 'shortmess'. (Shougo, closes #686)
+Files: runtime/doc/options.txt, src/buffer.c, src/ex_cmds.c,
+ src/option.h
+Patch 7.4.1571
+Problem: No test for ":help".
+Solution: Add a test for what 7.4.1568 fixed. (Higashi Higashi)
+Files: src/testdir/test_alot.vim, src/testdir/test_help_tagjump.vim
+Patch 7.4.1572
+Problem: Setting 'compatible' in test influences following tests.
+Solution: Turn 'compatible' off again.
+Files: src/testdir/test_backspace_opt.vim
+Patch 7.4.1573
+Problem: Tests get stuck at the more prompt.
+Solution: Move the backspace test out of test_alot.
+Files: src/testdir/test_alot.vim, src/testdir/Make_all.mak
+Patch 7.4.1574
+Problem: ":undo 0" does not work. (Florent Fayolle)
+Solution: Make it undo all the way. (closes #688)
+Files: src/undo.c, src/testdir/test_undolevels.vim,
+ src/testdir/test_ex_undo.vim, src/testdir/test_alot.vim
+Patch 7.4.1575
+Problem: Using wrong size for struct.
+Solution: Use the size for wide API. (Ken Takata)
+Files: src/gui_w32.c
+Patch 7.4.1576
+Problem: Write error of viminfo file is not handled properly. (Christian
+ Neukirchen)
+Solution: Check the return value of fclose(). (closes #682)
+Files: src/ex_cmds.c
+Patch 7.4.1577
+Problem: Cannot pass "dict.Myfunc" around as a partial.
+Solution: Create a partial when expected.
+Files: src/eval.c, src/testdir/test_partial.vim
+Patch 7.4.1578
+Problem: There is no way to invoke a function later or periodically.
+Solution: Add timer support.
+Files: src/eval.c, src/ex_cmds2.c, src/screen.c, src/ex_docmd.c,
+ src/feature.h, src/gui.c, src/proto/,
+ src/proto/, src/proto/, src/structs.h,
+ src/version.c, src/testdir/test_alot.vim,
+ src/testdir/test_timers.vim, runtime/doc/eval.txt
+Patch 7.4.1579 (after 7.4.1578)
+Problem: Missing changes in channel.c
+Solution: Include the changes.
+Files: src/channel.c
+Patch 7.4.1580
+Problem: Crash when using function reference. (Luchr)
+Solution: Set initial refcount. (Ken Takata, closes #690)
+Files: src/eval.c, src/testdir/test_partial.vim
+Patch 7.4.1581
+Problem: Using ":call dict.func()" where the function is a partial does
+ not work. Using "dict.func()" where the function does not take a
+ Dictionary does not work.
+Solution: Handle partial properly in ":call". (Yasuhiro Matsumoto)
+Files: src/eval.c, src/testdir/test_partial.vim, src/testdir/test55.ok
+Patch 7.4.1582
+Problem: Get E923 when using function(dict.func, [], dict). (Kent Sibilev)
+ Storing a function with a dict in a variable drops the dict if the
+ function is script-local.
+Solution: Translate the function name. Use dict arg if present.
+Files: src/eval.c, src/testdir/test_partial.vim
+Patch 7.4.1583
+Problem: Warning for unitinialized variable.
+Solution: Initialize it. (Dominique)
+Files: src/ex_cmds2.c
+Patch 7.4.1584
+Problem: Timers don't work for Win32 console.
+Solution: Add check_due_timer() in WaitForChar().
+Files: src/os_win32.c
+Patch 7.4.1585
+Problem: Partial is not recognized everywhere.
+Solution: Check for partial in trans_function_name(). (Yasuhiro Matsumoto)
+ Add a test.
+Files: src/eval.c, src/testdir/test_partial.vim
+Patch 7.4.1586
+Problem: Nesting partials doesn't work.
+Solution: Append arguments. (Ken Takata)
+Files: src/eval.c, src/testdir/test_partial.vim
+Patch 7.4.1587
+Problem: Compiler warnings with 64 bit compiler.
+Solution: Add type casts. (Mike Williams)
+Files: src/ex_cmds2.c
+Patch 7.4.1588
+Problem: Old style test for quickfix.
+Solution: Turn test 96 into a new style test.
+Files: src/testdir/Make_all.mak, src/testdir/,
+ src/testdir/test96.ok, src/testdir/test_quickfix.vim
+Patch 7.4.1589
+Problem: Combining dict and args with partial doesn't always work.
+Solution: Use the arguments from the partial.
+Files: src/eval.c, src/testdir/test_partial.vim
+Patch 7.4.1590
+Problem: Warning for shadowed variable. (Christian Brabandt)
+Solution: Move the variable into a local block.
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.4.1591
+Problem: The quickfix title is truncated.
+Solution: Save the command before it is truncated. (Anton Lindqvist)
+Files: src/quickfix.c, src/testdir/test_quickfix.vim
+Patch 7.4.1592
+Problem: Quickfix code using memory after being freed. (Dominique Pelle)
+Solution: Detect that the window was closed. (Hirohito Higashi)
+Files: src/quickfix.c, src/testdir/test_quickfix.vim
+Patch 7.4.1593
+Problem: Using channel timeout instead of request timeout. (Coverity)
+Solution: Remove the extra assignment.
+Files: src/channel.c
+Patch 7.4.1594
+Problem: Timers don't work on Unix.
+Solution: Add missing code.
+Files: src/os_unix.c
+Patch 7.4.1595
+Problem: Not checking for failed open(). (Coverity)
+Solution: Check file descriptor not being negative.
+Files: src/os_unix.c
+Patch 7.4.1596
+Problem: Memory leak. (Coverity)
+Solution: Free the pattern.
+Files: src/ex_cmds2.c
+Patch 7.4.1597
+Problem: Memory leak when out of memory. (Coverity)
+Solution: Free the name.
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.4.1598
+Problem: When starting the GUI fails a swap file is left behind. (Joerg
+ Plate)
+Solution: Preserve files before exiting. (closes #692)
+Files: src/main.c, src/gui.c
+Patch 7.4.1599
+Problem: No link to Coverity.
+Solution: Add Coverity badge in README.
+Patch 7.4.1600
+Problem: libs directory is not useful.
+Solution: Remove arp.library, it was only for very old Amiga versions.
+Files: libs/arp.library, Filelist
+Patch 7.4.1601
+Problem: README files take a lot of space in the top directory.
+Solution: Move most of them to "READMEdir".
+Files: Filelist, Makefile,, README_ami.txt,
+, README_amibin.txt,,
+ README_amisrc.txt,, README_bindos.txt,
+ README_dos.txt, README_extra.txt, README_mac.txt, README_ole.txt,
+ README_os2.txt, README_os390.txt, README_src.txt,
+ README_srcdos.txt, README_unix.txt, README_vms.txt,
+ README_w32s.txt, READMEdir/,
+ READMEdir/README_ami.txt, READMEdir/,
+ READMEdir/README_amibin.txt, READMEdir/,
+ READMEdir/README_amisrc.txt, READMEdir/,
+ READMEdir/README_bindos.txt, READMEdir/README_dos.txt,
+ READMEdir/README_extra.txt, READMEdir/README_mac.txt,
+ READMEdir/README_ole.txt, READMEdir/README_os2.txt,
+ READMEdir/README_os390.txt, READMEdir/README_src.txt,
+ READMEdir/README_srcdos.txt, READMEdir/README_unix.txt,
+ READMEdir/README_vms.txt, READMEdir/README_w32s.txt,
+Patch 7.4.1602
+Problem: Info files take space in the top directory.
+Solution: Move them to "READMEdir".
+Files: Filelist,,,,,
+,, READMEdir/, READMEdir/,
+ READMEdir/, READMEdir/, READMEdir/,
+ READMEdir/
+Patch 7.4.1603
+Problem: Timer with an ":echo" command messes up display.
+Solution: Redraw depending on the mode. (Hirohito Higashi) Avoid the more
+ prompt being used recursively.
+Files: src/screen.c, src/message.c
+Patch 7.4.1604
+Problem: Although emoji characters are ambiguous width, best is to treat
+ them as full width.
+Solution: Update the Unicode character tables. Add the 'emoji' options.
+ (Yasuhiro Matsumoto)
+Files: runtime/doc/options.txt, runtime/optwin.vim,
+ runtime/tools/unicode.vim, src/mbyte.c, src/option.c, src/option.h
+Patch 7.4.1605
+Problem: Catching exception that won't be thrown.
+Solution: Remove try/catch.
+Files: src/testdir/
+Patch 7.4.1606
+Problem: Having type() handle a Funcref that is or isn't a partial
+ differently causes problems for existing scripts.
+Solution: Make type() return the same value. (Thinca)
+Files: src/eval.c, src/testdir/test_viml.vim
+Patch 7.4.1607
+Problem: Comparing a function that exists on two dicts is not backwards
+ compatible. (Thinca)
+Solution: Only compare the function, not what the partial adds.
+Files: src/eval.c, src/testdir/test_alot.vim, src/testdir/test_expr.vim
+Patch 7.4.1608
+Problem: string() doesn't handle a partial.
+Solution: Make a string from a partial.
+Files: src/eval.c, src/testdir/test_partial.vim
+Patch 7.4.1609
+Problem: Contents file is only for Amiga distro.
+Solution: Move it to "READMEdir". Update some info.
+Files: Filelist, Contents, READMEdir/Contents
+Patch 7.4.1610
+Problem: Compiler warnings for non-virtual destructor.
+Solution: Mark the classe final. (Ken Takata)
+Files: src/Make_cyg_ming.mak, src/gui_dwrite.cpp, src/if_ole.cpp
+Patch 7.4.1611
+Problem: The versplit feature makes the code uneccessary complicated.
+Solution: Remove FEAT_VERTSPLIT, always support vertical splits when
+ FEAT_WINDOWS is defined.
+Files: src/buffer.c, src/charset.c, src/eval.c, src/ex_cmds.c,
+ src/ex_docmd.c, src/ex_getln.c, src/gui.c, src/if_lua.c,
+ src/if_mzsch.c, src/if_ruby.c, src/main.c, src/misc1.c,
+ src/misc2.c, src/move.c, src/normal.c, src/option.c,
+ src/quickfix.c, src/screen.c, src/syntax.c, src/term.c, src/ui.c,
+ src/window.c, src/globals.h, src/gui.h, src/if_py_both.h,
+ src/option.h, src/structs.h, src/term.h
+ src/feature.h, src/vim.h, src/version.c
+Patch 7.4.1612 (after 7.4.1611)
+Problem: Can't build with small features.
+Solution: Move code and #ifdefs.
+Files: src/ex_getln.c
+Patch 7.4.1613 (after 7.4.1612)
+Problem: Still can't build with small features.
+Solution: Adjust #ifdefs.
+Files: src/ex_getln.c
+Patch 7.4.1614
+Problem: Still quickfix test in old style.
+Solution: Turn test 10 into a new style test.
+Files: src/testdir/Make_all.mak, src/testdir/Make_vms.mms,
+ src/testdir/main.aap, src/testdir/,
+ src/testdir/test10.ok, src/testdir/test_quickfix.vim,
+ src/testdir/, src/testdir/test10a.ok
+Patch 7.4.1615
+Problem: Build fails with tiny features.
+Solution: Adjust #ifdefs.
+Files: src/normal.c, src/window.c
+Patch 7.4.1616
+Problem: Malformed channel request causes a hang.
+Solution: Drop malformed message. (Damien)
+Files: src/channel.c, src/testdir/test_channel.vim,
+ src/testdir/
+Patch 7.4.1617
+Problem: When a JSON message is split it isn't decoded.
+Solution: Wait a short time for the rest of the message to arrive.
+Files: src/channel.c, src/json.c, src/structs.h,
+ src/testdir/test_channel.vim, src/testdir/
+Patch 7.4.1618
+Problem: Starting job with output to buffer changes options in the current
+ buffer.
+Solution: Set "curbuf" earlier. (Yasuhiro Matsumoto)
+Files: src/channel.c
+Patch 7.4.1619
+Problem: When 'fileformats' is set in the vimrc it applies to new buffers
+ but not the initial buffer.
+Solution: Set 'fileformat' when starting up. (Mike Williams)
+Files: src/option.c
+Patch 7.4.1620
+Problem: Emoji characters are not considered as a kind of word character.
+Solution: Give emoji characters a word class number. (Yasuhiro Matsumoto)
+Files: src/mbyte.c
+Patch 7.4.1621
+Problem: Channel test doesn't work with Python 2.6.
+Solution: Add number in formatting placeholder. (Wiredool)
+Files: src/testdir/
+Patch 7.4.1622
+Problem: Channel demo doesn't work with Python 2.6.
+Solution: Add number in formatting placeholder
+Files: runtime/tools/
+Patch 7.4.1623
+Problem: All Channels share the message ID, it keeps getting bigger.
+Solution: Use a message ID per channel.
+Files: src/channel.c, src/proto/, src/structs.h
+Patch 7.4.1624
+Problem: Can't get info about a channel.
+Solution: Add ch_info().
+Files: src/eval.c, src/channel.c, src/proto/,
+ src/testdir/test_channel.vim, runtime/doc/eval.txt
+Patch 7.4.1625
+Problem: Trying to close file descriptor that isn't open.
+Solution: Check for negative number.
+Files: src/os_unix.c
+Patch 7.4.1626 (after 7.4.1624)
+Problem: Missing changes to structs.
+Solution: Include the changes.
+Files: src/structs.h
+Patch 7.4.1627
+Problem: Channel out_cb and err_cb are not tested.
+Solution: Add a test.
+Files: src/testdir/test_channel.vim
+Patch 7.4.1628
+Problem: 64-bit Compiler warning.
+Solution: Change type of variable. (Mike Williams)
+Files: src/channel.c
+Patch 7.4.1629
+Problem: Handling emoji characters as full width has problems with
+ backwards compatibility.
+Solution: Remove ambiguous and double width characters from the emoji table.
+ Use a separate table for the character class.
+ (partly by Yasuhiro Matsumoto)
+Files: runtime/tools/unicode.vim, src/mbyte.c
+Patch 7.4.1630
+Problem: Unicode table for double width is outdated.
+Solution: Update to the latest Unicode standard.
+Files: src/mbyte.c
+Patch 7.4.1631
+Problem: Compiler doesn't understand switch on all enum values. (Tony
+ Mechelynck)
+Solution: Initialize variable.
+Files: src/channel.c
+Patch 7.4.1632
+Problem: List of test targets is outdated.
+Solution: Update to current list of test targets.
+Files: src/Makefile
+Patch 7.4.1633
+Problem: If the help tags file was removed "make install" fails. (Tony
+ Mechelynck)
+Solution: Only try moving the file if it exists.
+Files: src/Makefile
+Patch 7.4.1634
+Problem: Vertical movement after CTRL-A ends up in the wrong column.
+ (Urtica Dioica)
+Solution: Set curswant when appropriate. (Hirohito Higashi)
+Files: src/ops.c, src/testdir/test_increment.vim
+Patch 7.4.1635
+Problem: Channel test is a bit flaky.
+Solution: Remove 'DETACH' if it's there.
+Files: src/test_channel.vim
+Patch 7.4.1636
+Problem: When 'F' is in 'shortmess' the prompt for the encryption key isn't
+ displayed. (Toothpik)
+Solution: Reset msg_silent.
+Files: src/ex_getln.c
+Patch 7.4.1637
+Problem: Can't build with older MinGW compiler.
+Solution: Change option from c++11 to gnu++11. (Ken Takata)
+Files: src/Make_cyg_ming.mak
+Patch 7.4.1638
+Problem: When binding a function to a dict the reference count is wrong.
+Solution: Decrement dict reference count, only reference the function when
+ actually making a copy. (Ken Takata)
+Files: src/eval.c, src/testdir/test_partial.vim
+Patch 7.4.1639
+Problem: Invoking garbage collection may cause a double free.
+Solution: Don't free the dict in a partial when recursive is FALSE.
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.4.1640
+Problem: Crash when an autocommand changes a quickfix list. (Dominique)
+Solution: Check wether an entry is still valid. (Yegappan Lakshmanan,
+ Hirohito Higashi)
+Files: src/quickfix.c, src/testdir/test_quickfix.vim
+Patch 7.4.1641
+Problem: Using unterminated string.
+Solution: Add NUL before calling vim_strsave_shellescape(). (James McCoy)
+Files: src/eval.c, src/testdir/, src/testdir/test105.ok
+Patch 7.4.1642
+Problem: Handling emoji characters as full width has problems with
+ backwards compatibility.
+Solution: Only put characters in the 1f000 range in the emoji table.
+Files: runtime/tools/unicode.vim, src/mbyte.c
+Patch 7.4.1643 (after 7.4.1641)
+Problem: Terminating file name has side effects.
+Solution: Restore the character. (mostly by James McCoy, closes #713)
+Files: src/eval.c, src/testdir/, src/testdir/test105.ok
+Patch 7.4.1644
+Problem: Using string() on a partial that exists in the dictionary it binds
+ results in an error. (Nikolai Pavlov)
+Solution: Make string() not fail on a recursively nested structure. (Ken
+ Takta)
+Files: src/eval.c, src/testdir/test_partial.vim
+Patch 7.4.1645
+Problem: When a dict contains a partial it can't be redefined as a
+ function. (Nikolai Pavlov)
+Solution: Remove the partial when overwriting with a function.
+Files: src/eval.c, src/testdir/test_partial.vim
+Patch 7.4.1646
+Problem: Using Python vim.bindeval() on a partial doesn't work. (Nikolai
+ Pavlov)
+Solution: Add VAR_PARTIAL support in Python.
+Files: src/if_py_both.h, src/testdir/test_partial.vim
+Patch 7.4.1647
+Problem: Using freed memory after setqflist() and ":caddbuffer". (Dominique)
+Solution: Set qf_ptr when adding the first item to the quickfix list.
+Files: src/quickfix.c, src/testdir/test_quickfix.vim
+Patch 7.4.1648
+Problem: Compiler has a problem copying a string into di_key[]. (Yegappan
+ Lakshmanan)
+Solution: Add dictitem16_T.
+Files: src/structs.h, src/eval.c
+Patch 7.4.1649
+Problem: The matchit plugin needs to be copied to be used.
+Solution: Put the matchit plugin in an optional package.
+Files: Filelist, runtime/macros/matchit.vim, runtime/macros/matchit.txt,
+ runtime/macros/README.txt, src/Makefile,
+ runtime/pack/dist/opt/matchit/plugin/matchit.vim,
+ runtime/pack/dist/opt/matchit/doc/matchit.txt,
+ runtime/pack/dist/opt/matchit/doc/tags,
+ runtime/doc/usr_05.txt, runtime/doc/usr_toc.txt
+Patch 7.4.1650
+Problem: Quickfix test fails.
+Solution: Accept any number of matches.
+Files: src/testdir/test_quickfix.vim
+Patch 7.4.1651
+Problem: Some dead (MSDOS) code remains.
+Solution: Remove the unused lines. (Ken Takata)
+Files: src/misc1.c
+Patch 7.4.1652
+Problem: Old style test for fnamemodify().
+Solution: Turn it into a new style test.
+Files: src/testdir/, src/testdir/test105.ok,
+ src/testdir/test_fnamemodify.vim, src/testdir/test_alot.vim,
+ src/testdir/Make_all.mak
+Patch 7.4.1653 (after 7.4.1649)
+Problem: Users who loaded matchit.vim manually have to change their
+ startup. (Gary Johnson)
+Solution: Add a file in the old location that loads the package.
+Files: runtime/macros/matchit.vim, Filelist
+Patch 7.4.1654
+Problem: Crash when using expand('%:S') in a buffer without a name.
+Solution: Don't set a NUL. (James McCoy, closes #714)
+Files: src/eval.c, src/testdir/test_fnamemodify.vim
+Patch 7.4.1655
+Problem: remote_expr() hangs. (Ramel)
+Solution: Check for messages in the waiting loop.
+Files: src/if_xcmdsrv.c
+Patch 7.4.1656
+Problem: Crash when using partial with a timer.
+Solution: Increment partial reference count. (Hirohito Higashi)
+Files: src/eval.c, src/testdir/test_timers.vim
+Patch 7.4.1657
+Problem: On Unix in a terminal: channel messages are not handled right away.
+ (Jackson Alves de Aquino)
+Solution: Break the loop for timers when something was received.
+Files: src/os_unix.c
+Patch 7.4.1658
+Problem: A plugin does not know when VimEnter autocommands were already
+ triggered.
+Solution: Add the v:vim_did_enter variable.
+Files: src/eval.c, src/main.c, src/vim.h, src/testdir/test_autocmd.vim,
+ src/testdir/test_alot.vim, runtime/doc/autocmd.txt,
+ runtime/doc/eval.txt
+Patch 7.4.1659 (after 7.4.1657)
+Problem: Compiler warning for argument type. (Manuel Ortega)
+Solution: Remove "&".
+Files: src/os_unix.c
+Patch 7.4.1660
+Problem: has('patch-7.4.1') doesn't work.
+Solution: Fix off-by-one error. (Thinca)
+Files: src/eval.c, src/testdir/test_expr.vim, src/testdir/,
+ src/testdir/test60.ok
+Patch 7.4.1661
+Problem: No test for special characters in channel eval command.
+Solution: Testing sending and receiving text with special characters.
+Files: src/testdir/test_channel.vim, src/testdir/
+Patch 7.4.1662
+Problem: No test for an invalid Ex command on a channel.
+Solution: Test handling an invalid command gracefully. Avoid getting an
+ error message, do write it to the channel log.
+Files: src/channel.c, src/testdir/test_channel.vim,
+ src/testdir/
+Patch 7.4.1663
+Problem: In tests it's often useful to check if a pattern matches.
+Solution: Add assert_match().
+Files: src/eval.c, src/testdir/test_assert.vim,
+ src/testdir/test_channel.vim, runtime/doc/eval.txt
+Patch 7.4.1664
+Problem: Crash in :cgetexpr.
+Solution: Check for NULL pointer. (Dominique) Add a test.
+Files: src/quickfix.c, src/testdir/test_quickfix.vim
+Patch 7.4.1665
+Problem: Crash when calling job_start() with a NULL string. (Dominique)
+Solution: Check for an invalid argument.
+Files: src/channel.c, src/testdir/test_channel.vim
+Patch 7.4.1666
+Problem: When reading JSON from a channel all readahead is used.
+Solution: Use the fill function to reduce overhead.
+Files: src/channel.c, src/json.c, src/structs.h
+Patch 7.4.1667
+Problem: Win32: waiting on a pipe with fixed sleep time.
+Solution: Start with a short delay and increase it when looping.
+Files: src/channel.c
+Patch 7.4.1668
+Problem: channel_get_all() does multiple allocations.
+Solution: Compute the size and allocate once.
+Files: src/channel.c
+Patch 7.4.1669
+Problem: When writing buffer lines to a pipe Vim may block.
+Solution: Avoid blocking, write more lines later.
+Files: src/channel.c, src/misc2.c, src/os_unix.c, src/structs.h,
+ src/vim.h, src/proto/, src/testdir/test_channel.vim
+Patch 7.4.1670
+Problem: Completion doesn't work well for a variable containing "#".
+Solution: Recognize the "#". (Watiko)
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.4.1671
+Problem: When help exists in multiple languages, adding @ab while "ab" is
+ the default help language is unnecessary.
+Solution: Leave out "@ab" when not needed. (Ken Takata)
+Files: src/ex_getln.c
+Patch 7.4.1672
+Problem: The Dvorak support is a bit difficult to install.
+Solution: Turn it into an optional package.
+Files: runtime/macros/dvorak, runtime/macros/README.txt,
+ runtime/pack/dist/opt/dvorak/plugin/dvorak.vim,
+ runtime/pack/dist/opt/dvorak/dvorak/enable.vim,
+ runtime/pack/dist/opt/dvorak/dvorak/disable.vim
+Patch 7.4.1673
+Problem: The justify plugin has to be copied or sourced to be used.
+Solution: Turn it into a package.
+Files: runtime/macros/justify.vim, runtime/macros/README.txt,
+ runtime/pack/dist/opt/justify/plugin/justify.vim, Filelist
+Patch 7.4.1674
+Problem: The editexisting plugin has to be copied or sourced to be used.
+Solution: Turn it into a package.
+Files: runtime/macros/editexisting.vim, runtime/macros/README.txt,
+ runtime/pack/dist/opt/editexisting/plugin/editexisting.vim,
+ Filelist
+Patch 7.4.1675
+Problem: The swapmous plugin has to be copied or sourced to be used.
+Solution: Turn it into the swapmouse package.
+Files: runtime/macros/swapmous.vim, runtime/macros/README.txt,
+ runtime/pack/dist/opt/swapmouse/plugin/swapmouse.vim, Filelist
+Patch 7.4.1676
+Problem: The shellmenu plugin has to be copied or sourced to be used.
+Solution: Turn it into a package.
+Files: runtime/macros/shellmenu.vim, runtime/macros/README.txt,
+ runtime/pack/dist/opt/shellmenu/plugin/shellmenu.vim, Filelist
+Patch 7.4.1677
+Problem: A reference to the removed file_select plugin remains.
+Solution: Remove it.
+Files: runtime/macros/README.txt
+Patch 7.4.1678
+Problem: Warning for unused argument.
+Solution: Add UNUSED. (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/if_mzsch.c
+Patch 7.4.1679
+Problem: Coverity: copying value of v_lock without initializing it.
+Solution: Init v_lock in rettv_list_alloc() and rettv_dict_alloc().
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.4.1680
+Problem: Coverity warns for not checking name length (false positive).
+Solution: Only copy the characters we know are there.
+Files: src/channel.c
+Patch 7.4.1681
+Problem: Coverity warns for fixed size buffer length (false positive).
+Solution: Add a check for the name length.
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.4.1682
+Problem: Coverity: no check for NULL.
+Solution: Add check for invalid argument to assert_match().
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.4.1683
+Problem: Generated .bat files do not support --nofork.
+Solution: Add check for --nofork. Also add "setlocal". (Kevin Cantú,
+ closes #659)
+Files: src/dosinst.c
+Patch 7.4.1684
+Problem: README text is slightly outdated.
+Solution: Mention the READMEdir directory.
+Files:, README.txt
+Patch 7.4.1685
+Problem: There is no easy way to get all the information about a match.
+Solution: Add matchstrpos(). (Ozaki Kiichi)
+Files: runtime/doc/eval.txt, runtime/doc/usr_41.txt, src/eval.c,
+ src/testdir/test_alot.vim, src/testdir/test_matchstrpos.vim
+Patch 7.4.1686
+Problem: When running tests $HOME/.viminfo is written. (James McCoy)
+Solution: Add 'nviminfo' to the 'viminfo' option. (closes #722)
+Files: src/testdir/test_backspace_opt.vim, src/testdir/test_viminfo.vim,
+ src/testdir/runtest.vim.
+Patch 7.4.1687
+Problem: The channel close_cb option does not work.
+Solution: Use jo_close_partial instead of jo_err_partial. (Damien)
+Files: src/channel.c, src/testdir/test_channel.vim
+Patch 7.4.1688
+Problem: MzScheme does not support partial.
+Solution: Add minimal partial support. (Ken Takata)
+Files: src/if_mzsch.c
+Patch 7.4.1689
+Problem: Ruby interface has inconsistent coding style.
+Solution: Fix the coding style. (Ken Takata)
+Files: src/if_ruby.c
+Patch 7.4.1690
+Problem: Can't compile with the conceal feature but without multi-byte.
+Solution: Adjust #ifdef. (Owen Leibman)
+Files: src/eval.c, src/window.c
+Patch 7.4.1691
+Problem: When switching to a new buffer and an autocommand applies syntax
+ highlighting an ml_get error may occur.
+Solution: Check "syn_buf" against the buffer in the window. (Alexander von
+ Buddenbrock, closes #676)
+Files: src/syntax.c
+Patch 7.4.1692
+Problem: feedkeys('i', 'x') gets stuck, waits for a character to be typed.
+Solution: Behave like ":normal". (Yasuhiro Matsumoto)
+Files: src/eval.c, src/testdir/test_feedkeys.vim
+Patch 7.4.1693
+Problem: Building the Perl interface gives compiler warnings.
+Solution: Remove a pragma. Add noreturn attributes. (Damien)
+Files: src/if_perl.xs
+Patch 7.4.1694
+Problem: Win32 gvim doesn't work with "dvorakj" input method.
+Solution: Wait for QS_ALLINPUT instead of QS_ALLEVENTS. (Yukihiro Nakadaira)
+Files: src/gui_w32.c
+Patch 7.4.1695
+Problem: ":syn reset" clears the effect ":syn iskeyword". (James McCoy)
+Solution: Remove clearing the syntax keywords.
+Files: src/syntax.c
+Patch 7.4.1696
+Problem: When using :stopinsert in a silent mapping the "INSERT" message
+ isn't cleared. (Coacher)
+Solution: Always clear the message. (Christian Brabandt, closes #718)
+Files: src/ex_docmd.c, src/proto/, src/screen.c
+Patch 7.4.1697
+Problem: Display problems when the 'ambiwidth' and 'emoji' options are not
+ set properly or the terminal doesn't behave as expected.
+Solution: After drawing an ambiguous width character always position the
+ cursor.
+Files: src/mbyte.c, src/screen.c, src/proto/
+Patch 7.4.1698
+Problem: Two tests fail when running tests with MinGW. (Michael Soyka)
+Solution: Convert test_getcwd.ok test_wordcount.ok to unix fileformat.
+Files: src/testdir/Make_ming.mak
+Patch 7.4.1699
+Problem: :packadd does not work the same when used early or late.
+Solution: Always load plugins matching "plugin/**/*.vim".
+Files: src/ex_cmds2.c, src/testdir/test_packadd.vim
+Patch 7.4.1700
+Problem: Equivalence classes are not properly tested.
+Solution: Add tests for multi-byte and latin1. Fix an error. (Owen Leibman)
+Files: src/regexp.c, src/testdir/Make_all.mak,
+ src/testdir/test_alot_latin.vim, src/testdir/test_alot_utf8.vim,
+ src/testdir/test_regexp_latin.vim,
+ src/testdir/test_regexp_utf8.vim
+Patch 7.4.1701
+Problem: Equivalence classes still tested in old style tests.
+Solution: Remove the duplicate.
+Files: src/testdir/, src/testdir/test44.ok,
+ src/testdir/, src/testdir/test99.ok
+Patch 7.4.1702
+Problem: Using freed memory when parsing 'printoptions' fails.
+Solution: Save the old options and restore them in case of an error.
+ (Dominique)
+Files: src/hardcopy.c, src/testdir/test_hardcopy.vim
+Patch 7.4.1703
+Problem: Can't assert for not equal and not matching.
+Solution: Add assert_notmatch() and assert_notequal().
+Files: src/eval.c, runtime/doc/eval.txt, src/testdir/test_assert.vim
+Patch 7.4.1704
+Problem: Using freed memory with "wincmd p". (Dominique Pelle)
+Solution: Also clear "prevwin" in other tab pages.
+Files: src/window.c
+Patch 7.4.1705
+Problem: The 'guifont' option does not allow for a quality setting.
+Solution: Add the "q" item, supported on MS-Windows. (Yasuhiro Matsumoto)
+Files: runtime/doc/options.txt, src/gui_w32.c, src/os_mswin.c,
+ src/proto/
+Patch 7.4.1706
+Problem: Old style function declaration breaks build.
+Solution: Remove __ARGS().
+Files: src/proto/
+Patch 7.4.1707
+Problem: Cannot use empty dictionary key, even though it can be useful.
+Solution: Allow using an empty dictionary key.
+Files: src/hashtab.c, src/eval.c, src/testdir/test_expr.vim
+Patch 7.4.1708
+Problem: New regexp engine does not work properly with EBCDIC.
+Solution: Define equivalence class characters. (Owen Leibman)
+Files: src/regexp_nfa.c
+Patch 7.4.1709
+Problem: Mistake in #ifdef.
+Solution: Change PROOF_QUALITY to DRAFT_QUALITY. (Ken Takata)
+Files: src/os_mswin.c
+Patch 7.4.1710
+Problem: Not all output of an external command is read.
+Solution: Avoid timing out when the process has exited. (closes #681)
+Files: src/os_unix.c
+Patch 7.4.1711
+Problem: When using try/catch in 'statusline' it is still considered an
+ error and the status line will be disabled.
+Solution: Check did_emsg instead of called_emsg. (haya14busa, closes #729)
+Files: src/screen.c, src/testdir/test_statusline.vim,
+ src/testdir/test_alot.vim
+Patch 7.4.1712
+Problem: For plugins in packages, plugin authors need to take care of all
+ dependencies.
+Solution: When loading "start" packages and for :packloadall, first add all
+ directories to 'runtimepath' before sourcing plugins.
+Files: src/ex_cmds2.c, src/testdir/test_packadd.vim
+Patch 7.4.1713
+Problem: GTK GUI doesn't work on Wayland.
+Solution: Specify that only the X11 backend is allowed. (Simon McVittie)
+Files: src/gui_gtk_x11.c
+Patch 7.4.1714
+Problem: Non-GUI specific settings in the gvimrc_example file.
+Solution: Move some settings to the vimrc_example file. Remove setting
+ 'hlsearch' again. (suggested by Hirohito Higashi)
+Files: runtime/vimrc_example.vim, runtime/gvimrc_example.vim
+Patch 7.4.1715
+Problem: Double free when a partial is in a cycle with a list or dict.
+ (Nikolai Pavlov)
+Solution: Do not free a nested list or dict used by the partial.
+Files: src/eval.c, src/testdir/test_partial.vim
+Patch 7.4.1716
+Problem: 'autochdir' doesn't work for the first file. (Rob Hoelz)
+Solution: Call DO_AUTOCHDIR after startup. (Christian Brabandt, closes #704)
+Files: src/main.c
+Patch 7.4.1717
+Problem: Leaking memory when opening a channel fails.
+Solution: Unreference partials in job options.
+Files: src/eval.c, src/channel.c, src/proto/,
+ src/testdir/test_channel.vim
+Patch 7.4.1718
+Problem: Coverity: not using return value of set_ref_in_item().
+Solution: Use the return value.
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.4.1719
+Problem: Leaking memory when there is a cycle involving a job and a
+ partial.
+Solution: Add a copyID to job and channel. Set references in items referred
+ by them. Go through all jobs and channels to find unreferenced
+ items. Also, decrement reference counts when garbage collecting.
+Files: src/eval.c, src/channel.c, src/netbeans.c, src/globals.h,
+ src/ops.c, src/regexp.c, src/tag.c, src/proto/,
+ src/proto/, src/testdir/test_partial.vim, src/structs.h
+Patch 7.4.1720
+Problem: Tests fail without the job feature.
+Solution: Skip tests when the job feature is not present.
+Files: src/testdir/test_partial.vim
+Patch 7.4.1721
+Problem: The vimtbar files are unused.
+Solution: Remove them. (Ken Takata)
+Files: src/vimtbar.dll, src/vimtbar.h, src/vimtbar.lib, Filelist
+Patch 7.4.1722
+Problem: Crash when calling garbagecollect() after starting a job.
+Solution: Set the copyID on job and channel. (Hirohito Higashi, Ozaki
+ Kiichi)
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.4.1723
+Problem: When using try/catch in 'tabline' it is still considered an
+ error and the tabline will be disabled.
+Solution: Check did_emsg instead of called_emsg. (haya14busa, closes #746)
+Files: src/screen.c, src/testdir/test_tabline.vim,
+ src/testdir/test_alot.vim
+Patch 7.4.1724 (after 7.4.1723)
+Problem: Tabline test fails in GUI.
+Solution: Remove 'e' from 'guioptions'.
+Files: src/testdir/test_tabline.vim
+Patch 7.4.1725
+Problem: Compiler errors for non-ANSI compilers.
+Solution: Remove // comment. Remove comma at end of enum. (Michael Jarvis)
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.4.1726
+Problem: ANSI compiler complains about string length.
+Solution: Split long string in two parts. (Michael Jarvis)
+Files: src/ex_cmds.c
+Patch 7.4.1727
+Problem: Cannot detect a crash in tests when caused by garbagecollect().
+Solution: Add garbagecollect_for_testing(). Do not free a job if is still
+ useful.
+Files: src/channel.c, src/eval.c, src/getchar.c, src/main.c, src/vim.h,
+ src/proto/, src/testdir/runtest.vim,
+ src/testdir/test_channel.vim, runtime/doc/eval.txt
+Patch 7.4.1728
+Problem: The help for functions require a space after the "(".
+Solution: Make CTRL-] on a function name ignore the arguments. (Hirohito
+ Higashi)
+Files: src/ex_cmds.c, src/testdir/test_help_tagjump.vim,
+ runtime/doc/eval.txt
+Patch 7.4.1729
+Problem: The Perl interface cannot use 'print' operator for writing
+ directly in standard IO.
+Solution: Add a minimal implementation of PerlIO Layer feature and try to
+ use it for STDOUT/STDERR. (Damien)
+Files: src/if_perl.xs, src/testdir/test_perl.vim
+Patch 7.4.1730
+Problem: It is not easy to get a character out of a string.
+Solution: Add strgetchar() and strcharpart().
+Files: src/eval.c, src/testdir/test_expr.vim
+Patch 7.4.1731
+Problem: Python: turns partial into simple funcref.
+Solution: Use partials like partials. (Nikolai Pavlov, closes #734)
+Files: runtime/doc/if_pyth.txt, src/eval.c, src/if_py_both.h,
+ src/if_python.c, src/if_python3.c, src/proto/,
+ src/testdir/, src/testdir/test86.ok,
+ src/testdir/, src/testdir/test87.ok
+Patch 7.4.1732
+Problem: Folds may close when using autocomplete. (Anmol Sethi)
+Solution: Increment/decrement disable_fold. (Christian Brabandt, closes
+ #643)
+Files: src/edit.c, src/fold.c, src/globals.h
+Patch 7.4.1733
+Problem: "make install" doesn't know about cross-compiling. (Christian
+ Neukirchen)
+Solution: Add CROSS_COMPILING. (closes #740)
+Files: src/, src/auto/configure, src/,
+ src/Makefile
+Patch 7.4.1734 (after 7.4.1730)
+Problem: Test fails when not using utf-8.
+Solution: Split test in regularand utf-8 part.
+Files: src/testdir/test_expr.vim, src/testdir/test_expr_utf8.vim,
+ src/testdir/test_alot_utf8.vim
+Patch 7.4.1735
+Problem: It is not possible to only see part of the message history. It is
+ not possible to clear messages.
+Solution: Add a count to ":messages" and a clear argument. (Yasuhiro
+ Matsumoto)
+Files: runtime/doc/message.txt, src/ex_cmds.h, src/message.c,
+ src/testdir/test_messages.vim, src/testdir/test_alot.vim
+Patch 7.4.1736 (after 7.4.1731)
+Problem: Unused variable.
+Solution: Remove it. (Yasuhiro Matsumoto)
+Files: src/if_py_both.h
+Patch 7.4.1737
+Problem: Argument marked as unused is used.
+Solution: Remove UNUSED.
+Files: src/message.c
+Patch 7.4.1738
+Problem: Count for ":messages" depends on number of lines.
+Solution: Add ADDR_OTHER address type.
+Files: src/ex_cmds.h
+Patch 7.4.1739
+Problem: Messages test fails on MS-Windows.
+Solution: Adjust the asserts. Skip the "messages maintainer" line if not
+ showing all messages.
+Files: src/message.c, src/testdir/test_messages.vim
+Patch 7.4.1740
+Problem: syn-cchar defined with matchadd() does not appear if there are no
+ other syntax definitions which matches buffer text.
+Solution: Check for startcol. (Ozaki Kiichi, haya14busa, closes #757)
+Files: src/screen.c, src/testdir/Make_all.mak,
+ src/testdir/test_alot_utf8.vim, src/testdir/,
+ src/testdir/test_match_conceal.ok,
+ src/testdir/test_matchadd_conceal.vim,
+ src/testdir/test_matchadd_conceal_utf8.vim,
+ src/testdir/test_undolevels.vim
+Patch 7.4.1741
+Problem: Not testing utf-8 characters.
+Solution: Move the right asserts to the test_expr_utf8 test.
+Files: src/testdir/test_expr.vim, src/testdir/test_expr_utf8.vim
+Patch 7.4.1742
+Problem: strgetchar() does not work correctly.
+Solution: use mb_cptr2len(). Add a test. (Naruhiko Nishino)
+Files: src/eval.c, src/testdir/test_expr_utf8.vim
+Patch 7.4.1743
+Problem: Clang warns for uninitialzed variable. (Michael Jarvis)
+Solution: Initialize it.
+Files: src/if_py_both.h
+Patch 7.4.1744
+Problem: Python: Converting a sequence may leak memory.
+Solution: Decrement a reference. (Nikolay Pavlov)
+Files: src/if_py_both.h
+Patch 7.4.1745
+Problem: README file is not clear about where to get Vim.
+Solution: Add links to github, releases and the Windows installer.
+ (Suggested by Christian Brabandt)
+Files:, README.txt
+Patch 7.4.1746
+Problem: Memory leak in Perl.
+Solution: Decrement the reference count. Add a test. (Damien)
+Files: src/if_perl.xs, src/testdir/test_perl.vim
+Patch 7.4.1747
+Problem: Coverity: missing check for NULL pointer.
+Solution: Check for out of memory.
+Files: src/if_py_both.h
+Patch 7.4.1748
+Problem: "gD" does not find match in first column of first line. (Gary
+ Johnson)
+Solution: Accept match at the cursor.
+Files: src/normal.c, src/testdir/test_goto.vim, src/testdir/test_alot.vim
+Patch 7.4.1749
+Problem: When using GTK 3.20 there are a few warnings.
+Solution: Use new functions when available. (Kazunobu Kuriyama)
+Files: src/gui_beval,c src/gui_gtk_x11.c
+Patch 7.4.1750
+Problem: When a buffer gets updated while in command line mode, the screen
+ may be messed up.
+Solution: Postpone the redraw when the screen is scrolled.
+Files: src/channel.c
+Patch 7.4.1751
+Problem: Crash when 'tagstack' is off. (Dominique Pelle)
+Solution: Fix it. (Hirohito Higashi)
+Files: src/tag.c, src/testdir/test_alot.vim, src/testdir/test_tagjump.vim
+Patch 7.4.1752
+Problem: When adding to the quickfix list the current position is reset.
+Solution: Do not reset the position when not needed. (Yegappan Lakshmanan)
+Files: src/quickfix.c, src/testdir/test_quickfix.vim
+Patch 7.4.1753
+Problem: "noinsert" in 'completeopt' is sometimes ignored.
+Solution: Set the variables when the 'completeopt' was set. (Ozaki Kiichi)
+Files: src/edit.c, src/option.c, src/proto/
+Patch 7.4.1754
+Problem: When 'filetype' was set and reloading a buffer which does not
+ cause it to be set, the syntax isn't loaded. (KillTheMule)
+Solution: Remember whether the FileType event was fired and fire it if not.
+ (Anton Lindqvist, closes #747)
+Files: src/fileio.c, src/testdir/test_syntax.vim
+Patch 7.4.1755
+Problem: When using getreg() on a non-existing register a NULL list is
+ returned. (Bjorn Linse)
+Solution: Allocate an empty list. Add a test.
+Files: src/eval.c, src/testdir/test_expr.vim
+Patch 7.4.1756
+Problem: "dll" options are not expanded.
+Solution: Expand environment variables. (Ozaki Kiichi)
+Files: src/option.c, src/testdir/test_alot.vim,
+ src/testdir/test_expand_dllpath.vim
+Patch 7.4.1757
+Problem: When using complete() it may set 'modified' even though nothing
+ was inserted.
+Solution: Use Down/Up instead of Next/Previous match. (Shougo, closes #745)
+Files: src/edit.c
+Patch 7.4.1758
+Problem: Triggering CursorHoldI when in CTRL-X mode causes problems.
+Solution: Do not trigger CursorHoldI in CTRL-X mode. Add "!" flag to
+ feedkeys() (test with that didn't work though).
+Files: src/edit.c, src/eval.c
+Patch 7.4.1759
+Problem: When using feedkeys() in a timer the inserted characters are not
+ used right away.
+Solution: Break the wait loop when characters have been added to typebuf.
+ use this for testing CursorHoldI.
+Files: src/gui.c, src/os_win32.c, src/os_unix.c,
+ src/testdir/test_autocmd.vim
+Patch 7.4.1760 (after 7.4.1759)
+Problem: Compiler warning for unused variable.
+Solution: Add #ifdef. (John Marriott)
+Files: src/os_win32.c
+Patch 7.4.1761
+Problem: Coverity complains about ignoring return value.
+Solution: Add "(void)" to get rid of the warning.
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.4.1762
+Problem: Coverity: useless assignments.
+Solution: Remove them.
+Files: src/search.c
+Patch 7.4.1763
+Problem: Coverity: useless assignment.
+Solution: Add #if 0.
+Files: src/spell.c
+Patch 7.4.1764
+Problem: C++ style comment. (Ken Takata)
+Solution: Finish the work started here: don't call perror() when stderr
+ isn't working.
+Files: src/os_unix.c
+Patch 7.4.1765
+Problem: Undo options are not together in the options window.
+Solution: Put them together. (Gary Johnson)
+Files: runtime/optwin.vim
+Patch 7.4.1766
+Problem: Building instructions for MS-Windows are outdated.
+Solution: Mention setting SDK_INCLUDE_DIR. (Ben Franklin, closes #771) Move
+ outdated instructions further down.
+Files: src/INSTALLpc.txt
+Patch 7.4.1767
+Problem: When installing Vim on a GTK system the icon cache is not updated.
+Solution: Update the GTK icon cache when possible. (Kazunobu Kuriyama)
+Files: src/Makefile, src/, src/,
+ src/auto/configure
+Patch 7.4.1768
+Problem: Arguments of setqflist() are not checked properly.
+Solution: Add better checks, add a test. (Nikolai Pavlov, Hirohito Higashi,
+ closes #661)
+Files: src/eval.c, src/testdir/test_quickfix.vim
+Patch 7.4.1769
+Problem: No "closed", "errors" and "encoding" attribute on Python output.
+Solution: Add attributes and more tests. (Roland Puntaier, closes #622)
+Files: src/if_py_both.h, src/if_python.c, src/if_python3.c,
+ src/testdir/, src/testdir/test86.ok,
+ src/testdir/, src/testdir/test87.ok
+Patch 7.4.1770
+Problem: Cannot use true color in the terminal.
+Solution: Add the 'guicolors' option. (Nikolai Pavlov)
+Files: runtime/doc/options.txt, runtime/doc/term.txt,
+ runtime/doc/various.txt, src/auto/configure, src/,
+ src/, src/eval.c, src/globals.h, src/hardcopy.c,
+ src/option.c, src/option.h, src/proto/, src/screen.c,
+ src/structs.h, src/syntax.c, src/term.c, src/term.h,
+ src/version.c, src/vim.h
+Patch 7.4.1771 (after 7.4.1768)
+Problem: Warning for unused variable.
+Solution: Add #ifdef. (John Marriott)
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.4.1772 (after 7.4.1767)
+Problem: Installation fails when $GTK_UPDATE_ICON_CACHE is empty.
+Solution: Add quotes. (Kazunobu Kuriyama)
+Files: src/Makefile
+Patch 7.4.1773 (after 7.4.1770)
+Problem: Compiler warnings. (Dominique Pelle)
+Solution: Add UNUSED. Add type cast. Avoid a buffer overflow.
+Files: src/syntax.c, src/term.c
+Patch 7.4.1774 (after 7.4.1770)
+Problem: Cterm true color feature has warnings.
+Solution: Add type casts.
+Files: src/screen.c, src/syntax.c, src/term.c
+Patch 7.4.1775
+Problem: The rgb.txt file is not installed.
+Solution: Install the file. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/Makefile
+Patch 7.4.1776
+Problem: Using wrong buffer length.
+Solution: use the right name. (Kazunobu Kuriyama)
+Files: src/term.c
+Patch 7.4.1777
+Problem: Newly added features can escape the sandbox.
+Solution: Add checks for restricted and secure. (Yasuhiro Matsumoto)
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.4.1778
+Problem: When using the term truecolor feature, the t_8f and t_8b termcap
+ options are not set by default.
+Solution: Move the values to before BT_EXTRA_KEYS. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/term.c
+Patch 7.4.1779
+Problem: Using negative index in strcharpart(). (Yegappan Lakshmanan)
+Solution: Assume single byte when using a negative iindex.
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.4.1780
+Problem: Warnings reported by cppcheck.
+Solution: Fix the warnings. (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/ex_cmds2.c, src/json.c, src/misc1.c, src/ops.c,
+ src/regexp_nfa.c
+Patch 7.4.1781
+Problem: synIDattr() does not respect 'guicolors'.
+Solution: Change the conditition for the mode. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.4.1782
+Problem: strcharpart() does not work properly with some multi-byte
+ characters.
+Solution: Use mb_cptr2len() instead of mb_char2len(). (Hirohito Higashi)
+Files: src/eval.c, src/testdir/test_expr_utf8.vim
+Patch 7.4.1783
+Problem: The old regexp engine doesn't handle character classes correctly.
+ (Manuel Ortega)
+Solution: Use regmbc() instead of regc(). Add a test.
+Files: src/regexp.c, src/testdir/test_regexp_utf8.vim
+Patch 7.4.1784
+Problem: The termtruecolor feature is enabled differently from many other
+ features.
+Solution: Enable the termtruecolor feature for the big build, not through
+ configure.
+Files: src/, src/, src/auto/configure,
+ src/feature.h
+Patch 7.4.1785 (after 7.4.1783)
+Problem: Regexp test fails on windows.
+Solution: set 'isprint' to the right value for testing.
+Files: src/testdir/test_regexp_utf8.vim
+Patch 7.4.1786
+Problem: Compiled-in colors do not match rgb.txt.
+Solution: Use the rgb.txt colors. (Kazunobu Kuriyama)
+Files: src/term.c
+Patch 7.4.1787
+Problem: When a job ends the close callback is invoked before other
+ callbacks. On Windows the close callback is not called.
+Solution: First invoke out/err callbacks before the close callback.
+ Make the close callback work on Windows.
+Files: src/channel.c, src/proto/,
+ src/testdir/test_channel.vim, src/testdir/
+Patch 7.4.1788
+Problem: NSIS script is missing packages.
+Solution: Add the missing directories. (Ken Takata)
+Files: nsis/gvim.nsi
+Patch 7.4.1789
+Problem: Cannot use ch_read() in the close callback.
+Solution: Do not discard the channel if there is readahead. Do not discard
+ readahead if there is a close callback.
+Files: src/eval.c, src/channel.c, src/proto/,
+ src/testdir/test_channel.vim
+Patch 7.4.1790
+Problem: Leading white space in a job command matters. (Andrew Stewart)
+Solution: Skip leading white space.
+Files: src/os_unix.c
+Patch 7.4.1791
+Problem: Channel could be garbage collected too early.
+Solution: Don't free a channel or remove it from a job when it is still
+ useful.
+Files: src/channel.c
+Patch 7.4.1792
+Problem: Color name decoding is implemented several times.
+Solution: Move it to term.c. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/gui_mac.c, src/gui_photon.c, src/gui_w32.c,
+ src/proto/, src/term.c
+Patch 7.4.1793
+Problem: Some character classes may differ between systems. On OS/X the
+ regexp test fails.
+Solution: Make this less dependent on the system. (idea by Kazunobu Kuriyama)
+Files: src/regexp.c, src/regexp_nfa.c
+Patch 7.4.1794 (after 7.4.1792)
+Problem: Can't build on MS-Windows.
+Solution: Add missing declaration.
+Files: src/gui_w32.c
+Patch 7.4.1795
+Problem: Compiler warning for redefining RGB. (John Marriott)
+Solution: Rename it to TORGB.
+Files: src/term.c
+Patch 7.4.1796 (after 7.4.1795)
+Problem: Colors are wrong on MS-Windows. (Christian Robinson)
+Solution: Use existing RGB macro if it exists. (Ken Takata)
+Files: src/term.c
+Patch 7.4.1797
+Problem: Warning from Windows 64 bit compiler.
+Solution: Change int to size_t. (Mike Williams)
+Files: src/term.c
+Patch 7.4.1798
+Problem: Still compiler warning for unused return value. (Charles Campbell)
+Solution: Assign to ignoredp.
+Files: src/term.c
+Patch 7.4.1799
+Problem: 'guicolors' is a confusing option name.
+Solution: Use 'termguicolors' instead. (Hirohito Higashi, Ken Takata)
+Files: runtime/doc/options.txt, runtime/doc/term.txt,
+ runtime/doc/various.txt, runtime/syntax/dircolors.vim, src/eval.c,
+ src/feature.h, src/globals.h, src/hardcopy.c, src/option.c,
+ src/option.h, src/proto/, src/screen.c, src/structs.h,
+ src/syntax.c, src/term.c, src/version.c, src/vim.h
+Patch 7.4.1800 (after 7.4.1799)
+Problem: Unnecessary #ifdef.
+Solution: Just use USE_24BIT. (Ken Takata)
+Files: src/syntax.c
+Patch 7.4.1801
+Problem: Make uninstall leaves file behind.
+Solution: Delete rgb.txt. (Kazunobu Kuriyama)
+Files: src/Makefile
+Patch 7.4.1802
+Problem: Quickfix doesn't handle long lines well, they are split.
+Solution: Drop characters after a limit. (Anton Lindqvist)
+Files: src/quickfix.c, src/testdir/test_quickfix.vim,
+ src/testdir/samples/quickfix.txt
+Patch 7.4.1803
+Problem: GTK3 doesn't handle menu separators properly.
+Solution: Use gtk_separator_menu_item_new(). (Kazunobu Kuriyama)
+Files: src/gui_gtk.c
+Patch 7.4.1804
+Problem: Can't use Vim as MANPAGER.
+Solution: Add manpager.vim. (Enno Nagel, closes #491)
+Files: runtime/doc/filetype.txt, runtime/plugin/manpager.vim
+Patch 7.4.1805
+Problem: Running tests in shadow dir fails.
+Solution: Link the samples directory
+Files: src/Makefile
+Patch 7.4.1806
+Problem: 'termguicolors' option missing from the options window.
+Solution: Add the entry.
+Files: runtime/optwin.vim
+Patch 7.4.1807
+Problem: Test_out_close_cb sometimes fails.
+Solution: Always write DETACH to out, not err.
+Files: src/channel.c, src/testdir/test_channel.vim
+Patch 7.4.1808 (after 7.4.1806)
+Problem: Using wrong feature name to check for 'termguicolors'.
+Solution: Use the right feature name. (Ken Takata)
+Files: runtime/optwin.vim
+Patch 7.4.1809 (after 7.4.1808)
+Problem: Using wrong short option name for 'termguicolors'.
+Solution: Use the option name.
+Files: runtime/optwin.vim
+Patch 7.4.1810
+Problem: Sending DETACH after a channel was closed isn't useful.
+Solution: Only add DETACH for a netbeans channel.
+Files: src/channel.c, src/testdir/test_channel.vim
+Patch 7.4.1811
+Problem: Netbeans channel gets garbage collected.
+Solution: Set reference in nb_channel.
+Files: src/eval.c, src/netbeans.c, src/proto/
+Patch 7.4.1812
+Problem: Failure on startup with Athena and Motif.
+Solution: Check for INVALCOLOR. (Kazunobu Kuriyama)
+Files: src/syntax.c, src/vim.h
+Patch 7.4.1813
+Problem: Memory access error when running test_quickfix.
+Solution: Allocate one more byte. (Yegappan Lakshmanan)
+Files: src/quickfix.c
+Patch 7.4.1814
+Problem: A channel may be garbage collected while it's still being used by
+ a job. (James McCoy)
+Solution: Mark the channel as used if the job is still used. Do the same
+ for channels that are still used.
+Files: src/eval.c, src/channel.c, src/proto/
+Patch 7.4.1815
+Problem: Compiler warnings for unused variables. (Ajit Thakkar)
+Solution: Add a dummy initialization. (Yasuhiro Matsumoto)
+Files: src/quickfix.c
+Patch 7.4.1816
+Problem: Looping over a null list throws an error.
+Solution: Skip over the for loop.
+Files: src/eval.c, src/testdir/test_expr.vim
+Patch 7.4.1817
+Problem: The screen is not updated if a callback is invoked when closing a
+ channel.
+Solution: Invoke redraw_after_callback().
+Files: src/channel.c
+Patch 7.4.1818
+Problem: Help completion adds @en to all matches except the first one.
+Solution: Remove "break", go over all items.
+Files: src/ex_getln.c
+Patch 7.4.1819
+Problem: Compiler warnings when sprintf() is a macro.
+Solution: Don't interrupt sprintf() with an #ifdef. (Michael Jarvis,
+ closes #788)
+Files: src/fileio.c, src/tag.c, src/term.c
+Patch 7.4.1820
+Problem: Removing language from help tags too often.
+Solution: Only remove @en when not needed. (Hirohito Higashi)
+Files: src/ex_getln.c, src/testdir/test_help_tagjump.vim
+Patch 7.4.1821 (after 7.4.1820)
+Problem: Test fails on MS-Windows.
+Solution: Sort the completion results.
+Files: src/testdir/test_help_tagjump.vim
+Patch 7.4.1822
+Problem: Redirecting stdout of a channel to "null" doesn't work. (Nicola)
+Solution: Correct the file descriptor number.
+Files: src/os_unix.c
+Patch 7.4.1823
+Problem: Warning from 64 bit compiler.
+Solution: Add type cast. (Mike Williams)
+Files: src/quickfix.c
+Patch 7.4.1824
+Problem: When a job is no longer referenced and does not have an exit
+ callback the process may hang around in defunc state. (Nicola)
+Solution: Call job_status() if the job is running and won't get freed
+ because it might still be useful.
+Files: src/channel.c
+Patch 7.4.1825
+Problem: When job writes to buffer nothing is written. (Nicola)
+Solution: Do not discard a channel before writing is done.
+Files: src/channel.c
+Patch 7.4.1826
+Problem: Callbacks are invoked when it's not safe. (Andrew Stewart)
+Solution: When a channel is to be closed don't invoke callbacks right away,
+ wait for a safe moment.
+Files: src/structs.h, src/channel.c
+Patch 7.4.1827
+Problem: No error when invoking a callback when it's not safe.
+Solution: Add an error message. Avoid the error when freeing a channel.
+Files: src/structs.h, src/channel.c
+Patch 7.4.1828
+Problem: May try to access buffer that's already freed.
+Solution: When freeing a buffer remove it from any channel.
+Files: src/buffer.c, src/channel.c, src/proto/
+Patch 7.4.1829 (after 7.4.1828)
+Problem: No message on channel log when buffer was freed.
+Solution: Log a message.
+Files: src/channel.c
+Patch 7.4.1830
+Problem: non-antialiased misnamed.
+ closes #793)
+Files: src/os_mswin.c, runtime/doc/options.txt
+Patch 7.4.1831
+Problem: When timer_stop() is called with a string there is no proper error
+ message.
+Solution: Require getting a number. (Bjorn Linse)
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.4.1832
+Problem: Memory leak in debug commands.
+Solution: Free memory before overwriting the pointer. (hint by Justin Keyes)
+Files: src/ex_cmds2.c
+Patch 7.4.1833
+Problem: Cannot use an Ex command for 'keywordprg'.
+Solution: Accept an Ex command. (Nelo-Thara Wallus)
+Files: src/normal.c, runtime/doc/options.txt
+Patch 7.4.1834
+Problem: Possible crash when conceal is active.
+Solution: Check for the screen to be valid when redrawing a line.
+Files: src/screen.c
+Patch 7.4.1835
+Problem: When splitting and closing a window the status height changes.
+Solution: Compute the frame height correctly. (Hirohito Higashi)
+Files: src/window.c, src/testdir/test_alot.vim,
+ src/testdir/test_window_cmd.vim
+Patch 7.4.1836
+Problem: When using a partial on a dictionary it always gets bound to that
+ dictionary.
+Solution: Make a difference between binding a function to a dictionary
+ explicitly or automatically.
+Files: src/structs.h, src/eval.c, src/testdir/test_partial.vim,
+ runtime/doc/eval.txt
+Patch 7.4.1837
+Problem: The BufUnload event is triggered twice, when :bunload is used with
+ `bufhidden` set to `unload` or `delete`.
+Solution: Do not trigger the event when ml_mfp is NULL. (Hirohito Higashi)
+Files: src/buffer.c, src/testdir/test_autocmd.vim
+Patch 7.4.1838
+Problem: Functions specifically for testing do not sort together.
+Solution: Rename garbagecollect_for_testing() to test_garbagecollect_now().
+ Add test_null_list(), test_null_dict(), etc.
+Files: src/eval.c, src/testdir/test_expr.vim,
+ src/testdir/test_channel.vim, runtime/doc/eval.txt
+Patch 7.4.1839
+Problem: Cannot get the items stored in a partial.
+Solution: Support using get() on a partial.
+Files: src/eval.c, src/testdir/test_partial.vim, runtime/doc/eval.txt
+Patch 7.4.1840
+Problem: When using packages an "after" directory cannot be used.
+Solution: Add the "after" directory of the package to 'runtimepath' if it
+ exists.
+Files: src/ex_cmds2.c, src/testdir/test_packadd.vim
+Patch 7.4.1841
+Problem: The code to reallocate the buffer used for quickfix is repeated.
+Solution: Move the code to a function. (Yegappan Lakshmanan, closes #831)
+Files: src/quickfix.c, src/testdir/test_quickfix.vim
+Patch 7.4.1842 (after 7.4.1839)
+Problem: get() works for Partial but not for Funcref.
+Solution: Accept Funcref. Also return the function itself. (Nikolai Pavlov)
+Files: src/eval.c, src/testdir/test_partial.vim, runtime/doc/eval.txt
+Patch 7.4.1843
+Problem: Tests involving Python are flaky.
+Solution: Set the pt_auto field. Add tests. (Nikolai Pavlov)
+Files: runtime/doc/if_pyth.txt, src/if_py_both.h, src/testdir/,
+ src/testdir/test86.ok, src/testdir/,
+ src/testdir/test87.ok
+Patch 7.4.1844
+Problem: Using old function name in comment. More functions should start
+ with test_.
+Solution: Rename function in comment. (Higashi Higashi) Rename
+ disable_char_avail_for_testing() to test_disable_char_avail().
+ And alloc_fail() to test_alloc_fail().
+Files: src/eval.c, src/getchar.c, src/testdir/runtest.vim,
+ src/testdir/test_cursor_func.vim, src/testdir/test_quickfix.vim,
+ runtime/doc/eval.txt
+Patch 7.4.1845
+Problem: Mentioning NetBeans when reading from channel. (Ramel Eshed)
+Solution: Make the text more generic.
+Files: src/channel.c
+Patch 7.4.1846
+Problem: Ubsan detects a multiplication overflow.
+Solution: Don't use orig_mouse_time when it's zero. (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/term.c
+Patch 7.4.1847
+Problem: Getting an item from a NULL dict crashes. Setting a register to a
+ NULL list crashes. (Nikolai Pavlov, issue #768) Comparing a NULL
+ dict with a NULL dict fails.
+Solution: Properly check for NULL.
+Files: src/eval.c, src/testdir/test_expr.vim
+Patch 7.4.1848
+Problem: Can't build with Strawberry Perl 5.24.
+Solution: Define S_SvREFCNT_dec() if needed. (Damien, Ken Takata)
+Files: src/if_perl.xs
+Patch 7.4.1849
+Problem: Still trying to read from channel that is going to be closed.
+ (Ramel Eshed)
+Solution: Check if ch_to_be_closed is set.
+Files: src/channel.c
+Patch 7.4.1850
+Problem: GUI freezes when using a job. (Shougo)
+Solution: Unregister the channel when there is an input error.
+Files: src/channel.c
+Patch 7.4.1851
+Problem: test_syn_attr failes when using the GUI. (Dominique Pelle)
+Solution: Escape the font name properly.
+Files: src/testdir/test_syn_attr.vim
+Patch 7.4.1852
+Problem: Unix: Cannot run all tests with the GUI.
+Solution: Add the "testgui" target.
+Files: src/Makefile, src/testdir/Makefile
+Patch 7.4.1853
+Problem: Crash when job and channel are in the same dict while using
+ partials. (Luc Hermitte)
+Solution: Do not decrement the channel reference count too early.
+Files: src/channel.c
+Patch 7.4.1854
+Problem: When setting 'termguicolors' the Ignore highlighting doesn't work.
+ (Charles Campbell)
+Solution: Handle the color names "fg" and "bg" when the GUI isn't running
+ and no colors are speficied, fall back to black and white.
+Files: src/syntax.c
+Patch 7.4.1855
+Problem: Valgrind reports memory leak for job that is not freed.
+Solution: Free all jobs on exit. Add test for failing job.
+Files: src/channel.c, src/misc2.c, src/proto/,
+ src/testdir/test_partial.vim
+Patch 7.4.1856 (after 7.4.1855)
+Problem: failing job test fails on MS-Windows.
+Solution: Expect "fail" status instead of "dead".
+Files: src/testdir/test_partial.vim
+Patch 7.4.1857
+Problem: When a channel appends to a buffer that is 'nomodifiable' there is
+ an error but appending is done anyway.
+Solution: Add the 'modifiable' option. Refuse to write to a 'nomodifiable'
+ when the value is 1.
+Files: src/structs.h, src/channel.c, src/testdir/test_channel.vim,
+ runtime/doc/channel.txt
+Patch 7.4.1858
+Problem: When a channel writes to a buffer it doesn't find a buffer by the
+ short name but re-uses it anyway.
+Solution: Find buffer also by the short name.
+Files: src/channel.c, src/buffer.c, src/vim.h
+Patch 7.4.1859
+Problem: Cannot use a function reference for "exit_cb".
+Solution: Use get_callback(). (Yegappan Lakshmanan)
+Files: src/channel.c, src/structs.h
+Patch 7.4.1860
+Problem: Using a partial for timer_start() may cause a crash.
+Solution: Set the copyID in timer objects. (Ozaki Kiichi)
+Files: src/testdir/test_timers.vim, src/eval.c, src/ex_cmds2.c,
+ src/proto/
+Patch 7.4.1861
+Problem: Compiler warnings with 64 bit compiler.
+Solution: Change int to size_t. (Mike William)
+Files: src/ex_cmds2.c
+Patch 7.4.1862
+Problem: string() with repeated argument does not give a result usable by
+ eval().
+Solution: Refactor echo_striong and tv2string(), moving the common part to
+ echo_string_core(). (Ken Takata)
+Files: src/eval.c, src/testdir/test_viml.vim, src/testdir/test86.ok,
+ src/testdir/test87.ok
+Patch 7.4.1863
+Problem: Compiler warnings on Win64.
+Solution: Adjust types, add type casts. (Ken Takata)
+Files: src/if_mzsch.c, src/if_perl.xs, src/if_ruby.c, src/version.c
+Patch 7.4.1864
+Problem: Python: encoding error with Python 2.
+Solution: Use "getcwdu" instead of "getcwd". (Ken Takata)
+Files: src/if_py_both.h
+Patch 7.4.1865
+Problem: Memory leaks in tet49. (Dominique Pelle)
+Solution: Use NULL instead of an empty string.
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.4.1866
+Problem: Invalid memory access when exiting with EXITFREE defined.
+ (Dominique Pelle)
+Solution: Set "really_exiting" and skip error messages.
+Files: src/misc2.c, src/eval.c
+Patch 7.4.1867
+Problem: Memory leak in test_matchstrpos.
+Solution: Free the string before overwriting. (Yegappan Lakshmanan)
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.4.1868
+Problem: Setting really_exiting causes memory leaks to be reported.
+Solution: Add the in_free_all_mem flag.
+Files: src/globals.h, src/misc2.c, src/eval.c
+Patch 7.4.1869
+Problem: Can't build with old version of Perl.
+Solution: Define PERLIO_FUNCS_DECL. (Tom G. Christensen)
+Files: src/if_perl.xs
+Patch 7.4.1870 (after 7.4.1863)
+Problem: One more Win64 compiler warning.
+Solution: Change declared argument type. (Ken Takata)
+Files: src/if_mzsch.c
+Patch 7.4.1871
+Problem: Appending to the quickfix list while the quickfix window is open
+ is very slow.
+Solution: Do not delete all the lines, only append the new ones. Avoid
+ using a window while updating the list. (closes #841)
+Files: src/quickfix.c
+Patch 7.4.1872
+Problem: Still build problem with old version of Perl.
+Solution: Also define SvREFCNT_inc_void_NN if needed. (Tom G. Christensen)
+Files: src/if_perl.xs
+Patch 7.4.1873
+Problem: When a callback adds a timer the GUI doesn't use it until later.
+ (Ramel Eshed)
+Solution: Return early if a callback adds a timer.
+Files: src/ex_cmds2.c, src/gui_gtk_x11.c, src/gui_w32.c, src/gui_x11.c,
+ src/globals.h
+Patch 7.4.1874
+Problem: Unused variable in Win32 code.
+Solution: Remove it. (Mike Williams)
+Files: src/gui_w32.c
+Patch 7.4.1875
+Problem: Comparing functions and partials doesn't work well.
+Solution: Add tests. (Nikolai Pavlov) Compare the dict and arguments in the
+ partial. (closes #813)
+Files: src/eval.c, src/testdir/test_partial.vim
+Patch 7.4.1876
+Problem: Typing "k" at the hit-enter prompt has no effect.
+Solution: Don't assume recursive use of the prompt if a character was typed.
+ (Hirohito Higashi)
+Files: src/message.c
+Patch 7.4.1877
+Problem: No test for invoking "close_cb" when writing to a buffer.
+Solution: Add using close_cb to a test case.
+Files: src/testdir/test_channel.vim
+Patch 7.4.1878
+Problem: Whether a job has exited isn't detected until a character is
+ typed. After calling exit_cb the cursor is in the wrong place.
+Solution: Don't wait forever for a character to be typed when there is a
+ pending job. Update the screen if neede after calling exit_cb.
+Files: src/os_unix.c, src/channel.c, src/proto/
+Patch 7.4.1879 (after 7.4.1877)
+Problem: Channel test is flaky.
+Solution: Wait for close_cb to be invoked.
+Files: src/testdir/test_channel.vim
+Patch 7.4.1880
+Problem: MS-Windows console build defaults to not having +channel.
+Solution: Include the channel feature if building with huge features.
+Files: src/Make_mvc.mak
+Patch 7.4.1881
+Problem: Appending to a long quickfix list is slow.
+Solution: Add qf_last.
+Files: src/quickfix.c
+Patch 7.4.1882
+Problem: Check for line break at end of line wrong. (Dominique Pelle)
+Solution: Correct the logic.
+Files: src/quickfix.c
+Patch 7.4.1883
+Problem: Cppcheck found 2 incorrect printf formats.
+Solution: Use %ld and %lx. (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/VisVim/Commands.cpp, src/gui_mac.c
+Patch 7.4.1884
+Problem: Updating marks in a quickfix list is very slow when the list is
+ long.
+Solution: Only update marks if the buffer has a quickfix entry.
+Files: src/structs.h, src/quickfix.c
+Patch 7.4.1885
+Problem: MinGW console build defaults to not having +channel.
+Solution: Include the channel feature if building with huge features. (Ken
+ Takata)
+Files: src/Make_cyg_ming.mak
+Patch 7.4.1886
+Problem: When waiting for a character is interrupted by receiving channel
+ data and the first character of a mapping was typed, the mapping
+ times out. (Ramel Eshed)
+Solution: When dealing with channel data don't return from mch_inchar().
+Files: src/getchar.c, src/proto/, src/os_unix.c
+Patch 7.4.1887
+Problem: When receiving channel data 'updatetime' is not respected.
+Solution: Recompute the waiting time after being interrupted.
+Files: src/os_unix.c
+Patch 7.4.1888
+Problem: Wrong computation of remaining wait time in RealWaitForChar()
+Solution: Remember the original waiting time.
+Files: src/os_unix.c
+Patch 7.4.1889
+Problem: When umask is set to 0177 Vim can't create temp files. (Lcd)
+Solution: Also correct umask when using mkdtemp().
+Files: src/fileio.c
+Patch 7.4.1890
+Problem: GUI: When channel data is received the cursor blinking is
+ interrupted. (Ramel Eshed)
+Solution: Don't update the cursor when it is blinking.
+Files: src/screen.c, src/gui_gtk_x11.c, src/proto/,
+ src/gui_mac.c, src/proto/, src/gui_photon.c,
+ src/proto/, src/gui_w32.c, src/proto/,
+ src/gui_x11.c, src/proto/
+Patch 7.4.1891
+Problem: Channel reading very long lines is slow.
+Solution: Collapse multiple buffers until a NL is found.
+Files: src/channel.c, src/netbeans.c, src/proto/,
+ src/structs.h
+Patch 7.4.1892
+Problem: balloon eval only gets the window number, not the ID.
+Solution: Add v:beval_winid.
+Files: src/eval.c, src/gui_beval.c, src/vim.h
+Patch 7.4.1893
+Problem: Cannot easily get the window ID for a buffer.
+Solution: Add bufwinid().
+Files: src/eval.c, runtime/doc/eval.txt
+Patch 7.4.1894
+Problem: Cannot get the window ID for a mouse click.
+Solution: Add v:mouse_winid.
+Files: src/eval.c, src/vim.h, runtime/doc/eval.txt
+Patch 7.4.1895
+Problem: Cannot use a window ID where a window number is expected.
+Solution: Add LOWEST_WIN_ID, so that the window ID can be used where a
+ number is expected.
+Files: src/window.c, src/eval.c, src/vim.h, runtime/doc/eval.txt,
+ src/testdir/test_window_id.vim
+Patch 7.4.1896
+Problem: Invoking mark_adjust() when adding a new line below the last line
+ is pointless.
+Solution: Skip calling mark_adjust() when appending below the last line.
+Files: src/misc1.c, src/ops.c
+Patch 7.4.1897
+Problem: Various typos, long lines and style mistakes.
+Solution: Fix the typos, wrap lines, improve style.
+Files: src/buffer.c, src/ex_docmd.c, src/getchar.c, src/option.c,
+ src/main.aap, src/testdir/README.txt,
+ src/testdir/test_reltime.vim, src/testdir/test_tagjump.vim,
+ src/INSTALL, src/, src/if_mzsch.c
+Patch 7.4.1898
+Problem: User commands don't support modifiers.
+Solution: Add the <mods> item. (Yegappan Lakshmanan, closes #829)
+Files: runtime/doc/map.txt, src/ex_docmd.c, src/testdir/Make_all.mak,
+ src/testdir/test_usercommands.vim
+Patch 7.4.1899
+Problem: GTK 3: cursor blinking doesn't work well.
+Solution: Instead of gui_gtk_window_clear() use gui_mch_clear_block().
+ (Kazunobu Kuriyama)
+Files: src/gui_gtk_x11.c
+Patch 7.4.1900
+Problem: Using CTRL-] in the help on "{address}." doesn't work.
+Solution: Recognize an item in {}. (Hirohito Higashi, closes #814)
+Files: src/ex_cmds.c, src/testdir/test_help_tagjump.vim
+Patch 7.4.1901
+Problem: Win32: the "Disabled" menu items would appear enabled.
+Solution: Use submenu_id if there is a parent. (Shane Harper, closes #834)
+Files: src/gui_w32.c
+Patch 7.4.1902
+Problem: No test for collapsing buffers for a channel. Some text is lost.
+Solution: Add a simple test. Set rq_buflen correctly.
+Files: src/channel.c, src/testdir/test_channel.vim,
+ src/testdir/
+Patch 7.4.1903
+Problem: When writing viminfo merging current history with history in
+ viminfo may drop recent history entries.
+Solution: Add new format for viminfo lines, use it for history entries. Use
+ a timestamp for ordering the entries. Add test_settime().
+ Add the viminfo version. Does not do merging on timestamp yet.
+Files: src/eval.c, src/ex_getln.c, src/ex_cmds.c, src/structs.h,
+ src/globals.h, src/proto/, src/proto/,
+ src/testdir/test_viminfo.vim
+Patch 7.4.1904 (after 7.4.1903)
+Problem: Build fails.
+Solution: Add missing changes.
+Files: src/vim.h
+Patch 7.4.1905 (after 7.4.1903)
+Problem: Some compilers can't handle a double semicolon.
+Solution: Remove one semicolon.
+Files: src/ex_cmds.c
+Patch 7.4.1906
+Problem: Collapsing channel buffers and searching for NL does not work
+ properly. (Xavier de Gary, Ramel Eshed)
+Solution: Do not assume the buffer contains a NUL or not. Change NUL bytes
+ to NL to avoid the string is truncated.
+Files: src/channel.c, src/netbeans.c, src/proto/
+Patch 7.4.1907
+Problem: Warnings from 64 bit compiler.
+Solution: Change type to size_t. (Mike Williams)
+Files: src/ex_cmds.c
+Patch 7.4.1908
+Problem: Netbeans uses uninitialzed pointer and freed memory.
+Solution: Set "buffer" at the right place (hint by Ken Takata)
+Files: src/netbeans.c
+Patch 7.4.1909
+Problem: Doubled semicolons.
+Solution: Reduce to one. (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/dosinst.c, src/fold.c, src/gui_gtk_x11.c, src/gui_w32.c,
+ src/main.c, src/misc2.c
+Patch 7.4.1910
+Problem: Tests using external command to delete directory.
+Solution: Use delete().
+Files: src/testdir/, src/testdir/,
+ src/testdir/
+Patch 7.4.1911
+Problem: Recent history lines may be lost when exiting Vim.
+Solution: Merge history using the timestamp.
+Files: src/ex_getln.c, src/ex_cmds.c, src/vim.h, src/proto/,
+ src/testdir/test_viminfo.vim
+Patch 7.4.1912
+Problem: No test for using setqflist() on an older quickfix list.
+Solution: Add a couple of tests.
+Files: src/testdir/test_quickfix.vim
+Patch 7.4.1913
+Problem: When ":doautocmd" is used modelines are used even when no
+ autocommands were executed. (Daniel Hahler)
+Solution: Skip processing modelines. (closes #854)
+Files: src/fileio.c, src/ex_cmds.c, src/ex_docmd.c, src/proto/
+Patch 7.4.1914
+Problem: Executing autocommands while using the signal stack has a high
+ chance of crashing Vim.
+Solution: Don't invoke autocommands when on the signal stack.
+Files: src/os_unix.c
+Patch 7.4.1915
+Problem: The effect of the PopupMenu autocommand isn't directly visible.
+Solution: Call gui_update_menus() before displaying the popup menu. (Shane
+ Harper, closs #855)
+Files: src/menu.c
+Patch 7.4.1916 (after 7.4.1906)
+Problem: No proper test for what 7.4.1906 fixes.
+Solution: Add a test for reading many lines.
+Files: src/testdir/test_channel.vim
+Patch 7.4.1917
+Problem: History lines read from viminfo in different encoding than when
+ writing are not converted.
+Solution: Convert the history lines.
+Files: src/ex_cmds.c, src/testdir/test_viminfo.vim
+Patch 7.4.1918
+Problem: Not enough testing for parsing viminfo lines.
+Solution: Add test with viminfo lines in bad syntax. Fix memory leak.
+Files: src/ex_cmds.c, src/ex_getln.c, src/testdir/test_viminfo.vim
+Patch 7.4.1919
+Problem: Register contents is not merged when writing viminfo.
+Solution: Use timestamps for register contents.
+Files: src/ops.c, src/ex_getln.c, src/ex_cmds.c, src/proto/,
+ src/proto/, src/proto/, src/vim.h
+Patch 7.4.1920 (after 7.4.1919)
+Problem: Missing test changes.
+Solution: Update viminfo test.
+Files: src/testdir/test_viminfo.vim
+Patch 7.4.1921 (after 7.4.1919)
+Problem: vim_time() not included when needed.
+Solution: Adjust #ifdef.
+Files: src/ex_cmds.c
+Patch 7.4.1922
+Problem: Ruby 2.4.0 unifies Fixnum and Bignum into Integer.
+Solution: Use rb_cInteger. (Weiong Mao)
+Files: src/if_ruby.c
+Patch 7.4.1923
+Problem: Command line editing is not tested much.
+Solution: Add tests for expanding the file name and 'wildmenu'.
+Files: src/testdir/test_cmdline.vim, src/testdir/Make_all.mak
+Patch 7.4.1924
+Problem: Missing "void" for functions without argument.
+Solution: Add "void". (Hirohito Higashi)
+Files: src/channel.c, src/edit.c, src/ex_cmds2.c, src/ops.c, src/screen.c
+Patch 7.4.1925
+Problem: Viminfo does not merge file marks properly.
+Solution: Use a timestamp. Add the :clearjumps command.
+Files: src/mark.c, src/ex_cmds.c, src/ex_docmd.c, src/proto/,
+ src/structs.h, src/vim.h, src/ex_cmds.h,
+ src/testdir/test_viminfo.vim
+Patch 7.4.1926
+Problem: Possible crash with many history items.
+Solution: Avoid the index going past the last item.
+Files: src/ex_getln.c
+Patch 7.4.1927
+Problem: Compiler warning for signed/unsigned.
+Solution: Add type cast.
+Files: src/if_mzsch.c
+Patch 7.4.1928
+Problem: Overwriting pointer argument.
+Solution: Assign to what it points to. (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/fileio.c
+Patch 7.4.1929
+Problem: Inconsistent indenting and weird name.
+Solution: Fix indent, make name all upper case. (Ken Takata)
+Files: src/if_ruby.c
+Patch 7.4.1930
+Problem: Can't build without +spell but with +quickfix. (Charles)
+Solution: Add better #ifdef around ml_append_buf(). (closes #864)
+Files: src/memline.c
+Patch 7.4.1931
+Problem: Using both old and new style file mark lines from viminfo.
+Solution: Skip the old style lines if the viminfo file was written with a
+ Vim version that supports the new style.
+Files: src/ex_cmds.c
+Patch 7.4.1932
+Problem: When writing viminfo the jumplist is not merged with the one in
+ the viminfo file.
+Solution: Merge based on timestamp.
+Files: src/mark.c, src/testdir/test_viminfo.vim
+Patch 7.4.1933
+Problem: Compiler warning about uninitialzed variable. (Yegappan)
+Solution: Give it a dummy value.
+Files: src/ex_getln.c
+Patch 7.4.1934
+Problem: New style tests not executed with MinGW compiler.
+Solution: Add new style test support. (Yegappan Lakshmanan)
+Files: src/testdir/Make_ming.mak
+Patch 7.4.1935
+Problem: When using the GUI search/replace a second match right after the
+ replacement is skipped.
+Solution: Add the SEARCH_START flag. (Mleddy)
+Files: src/gui.c
+Patch 7.4.1936
+Problem: Off-by-one error in bounds check. (Coverity)
+Solution: Check register number properly.
+Files: src/ops.c
+Patch 7.4.1937
+Problem: No test for directory stack in quickfix.
+Solution: Add a test. (Yegappan Lakshmanan)
+Files: src/testdir/test_quickfix.vim
+Patch 7.4.1938
+Problem: When writing viminfo numbered marks were duplicated.
+Solution: Check for duplicates between current numbered marks and the ones
+ read from viminfo.
+Files: src/mark.c
+Patch 7.4.1939
+Problem: Memory access error when reading viminfo. (Dominique Pelle)
+Solution: Correct index in jumplist when at the end.
+Files: src/mark.c, src/testdir/test_viminfo.vim
+Patch 7.4.1940
+Problem: "gd" hangs in some situations. (Eric Biggers)
+Solution: Remove the SEARCH_START flag when looping. Add a test.
+Files: src/normal.c, src/testdir/test_goto.vim
+Patch 7.4.1941
+Problem: Not all quickfix tests are also done with the location lists.
+Solution: Test more quickfix code. Use user commands instead of "exe".
+ (Yegappan Lakshmanan)
+Files: src/testdir/test_quickfix.vim
+Patch 7.4.1942
+Problem: Background is not drawn properly when 'termguicolors' is set.
+Solution: Check cterm_normal_bg_color. (Jacob Niehus, closes #805)
+Files: src/screen.c
+Patch 7.4.1943
+Problem: Coverity warns for unreachable code.
+Solution: Remove the code that won't do anything.
+Files: src/mark.c
+Patch 7.4.1944
+Problem: Win32: Cannot compile with XPM feature using VC2015
+Solution: Add XPM libraries compiled with VC2015, and enable to build
+ gvim.exe which supports XPM using VC2015. (Ken Takata)
+Files: src/Make_mvc.mak, src/xpm/x64/lib-vc14/libXpm.lib,
+ src/xpm/x86/lib-vc14/libXpm.lib
+Patch 7.4.1945
+Problem: The Man plugin doesn't work that well.
+Solution: Use "g:ft_man_open_mode" to be able open man pages in vert split
+ or separate tab. Set nomodifiable for buffer with man content. Add
+ a test. (Andrey Starodubtsev, closes #873)
+Files: runtime/ftplugin/man.vim, src/testdir/test_man.vim,
+ src/testdir/Make_all.mak
+Patch 7.4.1946 (after 7.4.1944)
+Problem: File list does not include new XPM libraries.
+Solution: Add the file list entries.
+Files: Filelist
+Patch 7.4.1947
+Problem: Viminfo continuation line with wrong length isn't skipped. (Marius
+ Gedminas)
+Solution: Skip a line when encountering an error, but not two lines.
+Files: src/ex_cmds.c
+Patch 7.4.1948
+Problem: Using Ctrl-A with double-byte encoding may result in garbled text.
+Solution: Skip to the start of a character. (Hirohito Higashi)
+Files: src/ops.c
+Patch 7.4.1949
+Problem: Minor problems with the quickfix code.
+Solution: Fix the problems. (Yegappan Lakshmanan)
+Files: src/quickfix.c, src/testdir/test_quickfix.vim
+Patch 7.4.1950
+Problem: Quickfix long lines test not executed for buffer.
+Solution: Call the function to test long lines. (Yegappan Lakshmanan)
+Files: src/testdir/test_quickfix.vim
+Patch 7.4.1951
+Problem: Ruby test is old style.
+Solution: Convert to a new style test. (Ken Takata)
+Files: src/Makefile, src/testdir/Make_all.mak, src/testdir/,
+ src/testdir/test_ruby.ok, src/testdir/test_ruby.vim
+Patch 7.4.1952
+Problem: Cscope interface does not support finding assignments.
+Solution: Add the "a" command. (ppettina, closes #882)
+Files: runtime/doc/if_cscop.txt, src/if_cscope.c
+Patch 7.4.1953
+Problem: Not all parts of the quickfix code are tested.
+Solution: Add more tests. (Yegappan Lakshmanan)
+Files: src/testdir/samples/quickfix.txt,
+ src/testdir/test_quickfix.vim
+Patch 7.4.1954 (after 7.4.1948)
+Problem: No test for what 7.4.1948 fixes.
+Solution: Add a test. (Hirohito Higashi, closes #880)
+Files: src/Makefile, src/testdir/Make_all.mak,
+ src/testdir/test_increment_dbcs.vim
+Patch 7.4.1955
+Problem: Using 32-bit Perl with 64-bit time_t causes memory corruption.
+ (Christian Brabandt)
+Solution: Use time_T instead of time_t for global variables. (Ken Takata)
+Files: src/ex_cmds.c, src/globals.h, src/misc2.c, src/proto/,
+ src/proto/, src/structs.h, src/vim.h
+Patch 7.4.1956
+Problem: When using CTRL-W f and pressing "q" at the ATTENTION dialog the
+ newly opened window is not closed.
+Solution: Close the window and go back to the original one. (Norio Takagi,
+ Hirohito Higashi)
+Files: src/window.c, src/testdir/test_window_cmd.vim
+Patch 7.4.1957
+Problem: Perl interface has obsolete workaround.
+Solution: Remove the workaround added by 7.3.623. (Ken Takata)
+Files: src/if_perl.xs
+Patch 7.4.1958
+Problem: Perl interface preprocessor statements not nicely indented.
+Solution: Improve the indenting. (Ken Takata)
+Files: src/if_perl.xs
+Patch 7.4.1959
+Problem: Crash when running test_channel.vim on Windows.
+Solution: Check for NULL pointer result from FormatMessage(). (Christian
+ Brabandt)
+Files: src/channel.c
+Patch 7.4.1960
+Problem: Unicode standard 9 was released.
+Solution: Update the character property tables. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/mbyte.c
+Patch 7.4.1961
+Problem: When 'insertmode' is reset while doing completion the popup menu
+ remains even though Vim is in Normal mode.
+Solution: Ignore stop_insert_mode when the popup menu is visible. Don't set
+ stop_insert_mode when 'insertmode' was already off. (Christian
+ Brabandt)
+Files: src/edit.c, src/option.c, src/Makefile, src/testdir/test_alot.vim,
+ src/testdir/test_popup.vim
+Patch 7.4.1962
+Problem: Two test files for increment/decrement.
+Solution: Move the old style test into the new style test. (Hirohito
+ Higashi, closes #881)
+Files: src/Makefile, src/testdir/Make_all.mak, src/testdir/main.aap,
+ src/testdir/, src/testdir/test35.ok,
+ src/testdir/test_increment.vim
+Patch 7.4.1963
+Problem: Running Win32 Vim in mintty does not work.
+Solution: Detect mintty and give a helpful error message. (Ken Takata)
+Files: src/Make_cyg_ming.mak, src/Make_mvc.mak, src/iscygpty.c,
+ src/iscygpty.h, src/main.c, Filelist
+Patch 7.4.1964
+Problem: The quickfix init function is too big.
+Solution: Factor out parsing 'errorformat' to a separate function. (Yegappan
+ Lakshmanan)
+Files: src/quickfix.c
+Patch 7.4.1965
+Problem: When using a job in raw mode to append to a buffer garbage
+ characters are added.
+Solution: Do not replace the trailing NUL with a NL. (Ozaki Kiichi)
+Files: src/channel.c, src/testdir/test_channel.vim
+Patch 7.4.1966
+Problem: Coverity reports a resource leak.
+Solution: Close "fd" also when bailing out.
+Files: src/quickfix.c
+Patch 7.4.1967
+Problem: Falling back from NFA to old regexp engine does not work properly.
+ (fritzophrenic)
+Solution: Do not restore nfa_match. (Christian Brabandt, closes #867)
+Files: src/regexp_nfa.c, src/testdir/, src/testdir/test64.ok
+Patch 7.4.1968
+Problem: Invalid memory access with "\<C-">.
+Solution: Do not recognize this as a special character. (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/misc2.c, src/testdir/test_expr.vim
+Patch 7.4.1969
+Problem: When the netbeans channel is closed consuming the buffer may cause
+ a crash.
+Solution: Check for nb_channel not to be NULL. (Xavier de Gaye)
+Files: src/netbeans.c
+Patch 7.4.1970
+Problem: Using ":insert" in an empty buffer sets the jump mark. (Ingo
+ Karkat)
+Solution: Don't adjust marks when replacing the empty line in an empty
+ buffer. (closes #892)
+Files: src/ex_cmds.c, src/testdir/test_jumps.vim,
+ src/testdir/test_alot.vim
+Patch 7.4.1971
+Problem: It is not easy to see unrecognized error lines below the current
+ error position.
+Solution: Add ":clist +count".
+Files: src/quickfix.c, runtime/doc/quickfix.txt
+Patch 7.4.1972
+Problem: On Solaris select() does not work as expected when there is
+ typeahead.
+Solution: Add ICANON when sleeping. (Ozaki Kiichi)
+Files: src/os_unix.c
+Patch 7.4.1973
+Problem: On MS-Windows the package directory may be added at the end
+ because of forward/backward slash differences. (Matthew
+ Desjardins)
+Solution: Ignore slash differences.
+Files: src/ex_cmds2.c
+Patch 7.4.1974
+Problem: GUI has a problem with some termcodes.
+Solution: Handle negative numbers. (Kazunobu Kuriyama)
+Files: src/gui.c
+Patch 7.4.1975
+Problem: On MS-Windows large files (> 2Gbyte) cause problems.
+Solution: Use "off_T" instead of "off_t". Use "stat_T" instead of "struct
+ stat". Use 64 bit system functions if available. (Ken Takata)
+Files: src/Makefile, src/buffer.c, src/diff.c, src/eval.c, src/ex_cmds.c,
+ src/ex_cmds2.c, src/fileio.c, src/gui.c, src/gui_at_fs.c,
+ src/if_cscope.c, src/main.c, src/memfile.c, src/memline.c,
+ src/misc1.c, src/misc2.c, src/netbeans.c, src/os_mswin.c,
+ src/os_win32.c, src/proto/, src/proto/,
+ src/proto/, src/pty.c, src/quickfix.c, src/spell.c,
+ src/structs.h, src/tag.c, src/testdir/Make_all.mak,
+ src/testdir/test_largefile.vim, src/testdir/test_stat.vim,
+ src/undo.c, src/vim.h
+Patch 7.4.1976
+Problem: Number variables are not 64 bits while they could be.
+Solution: Add the num64 feature. (Ken Takata, Yasuhiro Matsumoto)
+Files: runtime/doc/eval.txt, runtime/doc/various.txt,
+ src/Make_cyg_ming.mak, src/Make_mvc.mak, src/charset.c,
+ src/eval.c, src/ex_cmds.c, src/ex_getln.c, src/feature.h,
+ src/fileio.c, src/fold.c, src/json.c, src/message.c, src/misc1.c,
+ src/misc2.c, src/ops.c, src/option.c, src/proto/,
+ src/proto/, src/quickfix.c, src/structs.h,
+ src/testdir/test_viml.vim, src/version.c
+Patch 7.4.1977
+Problem: With 64 bit changes don't need three calls to sprintf().
+Solution: Simplify the code, use vim_snprintf(). (Ken Takata)
+Files: src/fileio.c
+Patch 7.4.1978 (after 7.4.1975)
+Problem: Large file test does not delete its output.
+Solution: Delete the output. Check size properly when possible. (Ken Takata)
+Files: src/testdir/test_largefile.vim
+Patch 7.4.1979 (after 7.4.1976)
+Problem: Getting value of binary option is wrong. (Kent Sibilev)
+Solution: Fix type cast. Add a test.
+Files: src/option.c, src/testdir/test_expr.vim
+Patch 7.4.1980
+Problem: 'errorformat' is parsed for every call to ":caddexpr". Can't add
+ to two location lists asynchronously.
+Solution: Keep the previously parsed data when appropriate. (mostly by
+ Yegappan Lakshmanan)
+Files: src/quickfix.c, src/testdir/test_quickfix.vim
+Patch 7.4.1981
+Problem: No testing for Farsi code.
+Solution: Add a minimal test. Clean up Farsi code.
+Files: src/farsi.c, src/Makefile, src/charset.c, src/normal.c,
+ src/proto/, src/testdir/Make_all.mak,
+ src/testdir/test_farsi.vim
+Patch 7.4.1982
+Problem: Viminfo file contains duplicate change marks.
+Solution: Drop duplicate marks.
+Files: src/mark.c
+Patch 7.4.1983
+Problem: farsi.c and arabic.c are included in a strange way.
+Solution: Build them like other files.
+Files: src/main.c, src/farsi.c, src/arabic.c, src/proto.h,
+ src/proto/, src/proto/, src/proto/,
+ src/Makefile, src/Make_bc5.mak, src/Make_cyg_ming.mak,
+ src/Make_dice.mak, src/Make_ivc.mak, src/Make_manx.mak,
+ src/Make_morph.mak, src/Make_mvc.mak, src/Make_sas.mak,
+ Filelist
+Patch 7.4.1984
+Problem: Not all quickfix features are tested.
+Solution: Add a few more tests. (Yegappan Lakshmanan)
+Files: src/testdir/test_quickfix.vim
+Patch 7.4.1985 (after 7.4.1983)
+Problem: Missing changes in VMS build file.
+Solution: Use the right file name.
+Files: src/Make_vms.mms
+Patch 7.4.1986
+Problem: Compiler warns for loss of data.
+Solution: Use size_t instead of int. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/ex_cmds2.c
+Patch 7.4.1987
+Problem: When copying unrecognized lines for viminfo, end up with useless
+ continuation lines.
+Solution: Skip continuation lines.
+Files: src/ex_cmds.c
+Patch 7.4.1988
+Problem: When updating viminfo with file marks there is no time order.
+Solution: Remember the time when a buffer was last used, store marks for
+ the most recently used buffers.
+Files: src/buffer.c, src/structs.h, src/mark.c, src/main.c,
+ src/ex_cmds.c, src/proto/, src/testdir/test_viminfo.vim
+Patch 7.4.1989
+Problem: filter() and map() only accept a string argument.
+Solution: Implement using a Funcref argument (Yasuhiro Matsumoto, Ken
+ Takata)
+Files: runtime/doc/eval.txt, src/Makefile, src/eval.c,
+ src/testdir/test_alot.vim, src/testdir/test_filter_map.vim,
+ src/testdir/test_partial.vim
+Patch 7.4.1990 (after 7.4.1952)
+Problem: Cscope items are not sorted.
+Solution: Put the new "a" command first. (Ken Takata)
+Files: src/if_cscope.c
+Patch 7.4.1991
+Problem: glob() does not add a symbolic link when there are no wildcards.
+Solution: Remove the call to mch_getperm().
+Files: src/misc1.c
+Patch 7.4.1992
+Problem: Values for true and false can be confusing.
+Solution: Update the documentation. Add a test. Make v:true evaluate to
+ TRUE for a non-zero-arg.
+Files: runtime/doc/eval.txt, src/eval.c, src/Makefile,
+ src/testdir/test_true_false.vim, src/testdir/test_alot.vim
+Patch 7.4.1993
+Problem: Not all TRUE and FALSE arguments are tested.
+Solution: Add a few more tests.
+Files: src/testdir/test_true_false.vim
+Patch 7.4.1994 (after 7.4.1993)
+Problem: True-false test fails.
+Solution: Filter the dict to only keep the value that matters.
+Files: src/testdir/test_true_false.vim
+Patch 7.4.1995
+Problem: GUI: cursor drawn in wrong place if a timer callback causes a
+ screen update. (David Samvelyan)
+Solution: Also redraw the cursor when it's blinking and on.
+Files: src/gui_gtk_x11.c, src/gui_mac.c, src/gui_photon.c, src/gui_w32.c,
+ src/gui_x11.c, src/screen.c, src/proto/,
+ src/proto/, src/proto/,
+ src/proto/, src/proto/
+Patch 7.4.1996
+Problem: Capturing the output of a command takes a few commands.
+Solution: Add evalcmd().
+Files: src/eval.c, runtime/doc/eval.txt, src/testdir/test_alot.vim,
+ src/Makefile, src/testdir/test_evalcmd.vim
+Patch 7.4.1997
+Problem: Cannot easily scroll the quickfix window.
+Solution: Add ":cbottom".
+Files: src/ex_cmds.h, src/quickfix.c, src/proto/,
+ src/ex_docmd.c, src/testdir/test_quickfix.vim,
+ runtime/doc/quickfix.txt
+Patch 7.4.1998
+Problem: When writing buffer lines to a job there is no NL to NUL
+ conversion.
+Solution: Make it work symmetrical with writing lines from a job into a
+ buffer.
+Files: src/channel.c, src/proto/, src/netbeans.c
+Patch 7.4.1999
+Problem: evalcmd() doesn't work recursively.
+Solution: Use redir_evalcmd instead of redir_vname.
+Files: src/message.c, src/eval.c, src/globals.h, src/proto/,
+ src/testdir/test_evalcmd.vim
+Patch 7.4.2000 (after 7.4.1999)
+Problem: Evalcmd test fails.
+Solution: Add missing piece.
+Files: src/ex_docmd.c
+Patch 7.4.2001 (after 7.4.2000)
+Problem: Tiny build fails. (Tony Mechelynck)
+Solution: Add #ifdef.
+Files: src/ex_docmd.c
+Patch 7.4.2002
+Problem: Crash when passing number to filter() or map().
+Solution: Convert to a string. (Ozaki Kiichi)
+Files: src/eval.c, src/testdir/test_filter_map.vim
+Patch 7.4.2003
+Problem: Still cursor flickering when a callback updates the screen. (David
+ Samvelyan)
+Solution: Put the cursor in the right position after updating the screen.
+Files: src/screen.c
+Patch 7.4.2004
+Problem: GUI: cursor displayed in the wrong position.
+Solution: Correct screen_cur_col and screen_cur_row.
+Files: src/screen.c
+Patch 7.4.2005
+Problem: After using evalcmd() message output is in the wrong position.
+ (Christian Brabandt)
+Solution: Reset msg_col.
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.4.2006
+Problem: Crash when using tabnext in BufUnload autocmd. (Norio Takagi)
+Solution: First check that the current buffer is the right one. (Hirohito
+ Higashi)
+Files: src/buffer.c, src/testdir/test_autocmd.vim
+Patch 7.4.2007
+Problem: Running the tests leaves a viminfo file behind.
+Solution: Make the viminfo option empty.
+Files: src/testdir/runtest.vim
+Patch 7.4.2008
+Problem: evalcmd() has a confusing name.
+Solution: Rename to execute(). Make silent optional. Support a list of
+ commands.
+Files: src/eval.c, src/ex_docmd.c, src/message.c, src/globals.h,
+ src/proto/, src/Makefile, src/testdir/test_evalcmd.vim,
+ src/testdir/test_execute_func.vim, src/testdir/test_alot.vim,
+ runtime/doc/eval.txt
+Patch 7.4.2009 (after 7.4.2008)
+Problem: Messages test fails.
+Solution: Don't set redir_execute before returning. Add missing version
+ number.
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.4.2010
+Problem: There is a :cbottom command but no :lbottom command.
+Solution: Add :lbottom. (Yegappan Lakshmanan)
+Files: runtime/doc/index.txt, runtime/doc/quickfix.txt, src/ex_cmds.h,
+ src/quickfix.c, src/testdir/test_quickfix.vim
+Patch 7.4.2011
+Problem: It is not easy to get a list of command arguments.
+Solution: Add getcompletion(). (Yegappan Lakshmanan)
+Files: runtime/doc/eval.txt, src/eval.c, src/ex_docmd.c,
+ src/proto/, src/testdir/test_cmdline.vim
+Patch 7.4.2012 (after 7.4.2011)
+Problem: Test for getcompletion() does not pass on all systems.
+Solution: Only test what is supported.
+Files: src/testdir/test_cmdline.vim
+Patch 7.4.2013
+Problem: Using "noinsert" in 'completeopt' breaks redo.
+Solution: Set compl_curr_match. (Shougo, closes #874)
+Files: src/edit.c, src/testdir/test_popup.vim
+Patch 7.4.2014
+Problem: Using "noinsert" in 'completeopt' does not insert match.
+Solution: Set compl_enter_selects. (Shougo, closes #875)
+Files: src/edit.c, src/testdir/test_popup.vim
+Patch 7.4.2015
+Problem: When a file gets a name when writing it 'acd' is not effective.
+ (Dan Church)
+Solution: Invoke DO_AUTOCHDIR after writing the file. (Allen Haim, closes
+ #777, closes #803) Add test_autochdir() to enable 'acd' before
+ "starting" is reset.
+Files: src/ex_cmds.c, src/buffer.c, src/eval.c, src/globals.h,
+ src/Makefile, src/testdir/test_autochdir.vim,
+ src/testdir/Make_all.mak
+Patch 7.4.2016
+Problem: Warning from MinGW about _WIN32_WINNT redefined. (John Marriott)
+Solution: First undefine it. (Ken Takata)
+Files: src/Make_cyg_ming.mak
+Patch 7.4.2017
+Problem: When there are many errors adding them to the quickfix list takes
+ a long time.
+Solution: Add BLN_NOOPT. Don't call buf_valid() in buf_copy_options().
+ Remember the last file name used. When going through the buffer
+ list start from the end of the list. Only call buf_valid() when
+ autocommands were executed.
+Files: src/buffer.c, src/option.c, src/quickfix.c, src/vim.h
+Patch 7.4.2018
+Problem: buf_valid() can be slow when there are many buffers.
+Solution: Add bufref_valid(), only go through the buffer list when a buffer
+ was freed.
+Files: src/structs.h, src/buffer.c, src/quickfix.c, src/proto/
+Patch 7.4.2019
+Problem: When ignoring case utf_fold() may consume a lot of time.
+Solution: Optimize for ASCII.
+Files: src/mbyte.c
+Patch 7.4.2020
+Problem: Can't build without +autocmd feature.
+Solution: Adjust #ifdefs.
+Files: src/buffer.c
+Patch 7.4.2021
+Problem: Still too many buf_valid() calls.
+Solution: Make au_new_curbuf a bufref. Use bufref_valid() in more places.
+Files: src/ex_cmds.c, src/buffer.c, src/globals.h
+Patch 7.4.2022
+Problem: Warnings from 64 bit compiler.
+Solution: Add type casts. (Mike Williams)
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.4.2023
+Problem: buflist_findname_stat() may find a dummy buffer.
+Solution: Set the BF_DUMMY flag after loading a dummy buffer. Start
+ finding buffers from the end of the list.
+Files: src/quickfix.c, src/buffer.c
+Patch 7.4.2024
+Problem: More buf_valid() calls can be optimized.
+Solution: Use bufref_valid() instead.
+Files: src/buffer.c, src/ex_cmds.c, src/structs.h, src/channel.c,
+ src/diff.c, src/eval.c, src/ex_cmds2.c, src/ex_docmd.c,
+ src/ex_getln.c, src/fileio.c, src/main.c, src/misc2.c,
+ src/netbeans.c, src/quickfix.c, src/spell.c, src/term.c,
+ src/if_py_both.h, src/window.c, src/proto/,
+ src/proto/
+Patch 7.4.2025
+Problem: The cursor blinking stops or is irregular when receiving date over
+ a channel and writing it in a buffer, and when updating the status
+ line. (Ramel Eshed)
+Solution: Make it a bit better by flushing GUI output. Don't redraw the
+ cursor after updating the screen if the blink state is off.
+Files: src/gui_gtk_x11.c, src/screen.c
+Patch 7.4.2026
+Problem: Reference counting for callbacks isn't right.
+Solution: Add free_callback(). (Ken Takata) Fix reference count.
+Files: src/channel.c, src/eval.c, src/ex_cmds2.c, src/proto/
+Patch 7.4.2027
+Problem: Can't build with +eval but without +menu.
+Solution: Add #ifdef. (John Marriott)
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.4.2028
+Problem: cppcheck warns for using index before limits check.
+Solution: Swap the expressions. (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/mbyte.c
+Patch 7.4.2029
+Problem: printf() does not work with 64 bit numbers.
+Solution: use the "L" length modifier. (Ken Takata)
+Files: src/message.c, src/testdir/test_expr.vim
+Patch 7.4.2030
+Problem: ARCH must be set properly when using MinGW.
+Solution: Detect the default value of ARCH from the current compiler. (Ken
+ Takata)
+Files: src/Make_cyg_ming.mak
+Patch 7.4.2031
+Problem: The list_lbr_utf8 test fails if ~/.vim/syntax/c.vim sets
+ 'textwidth' to a non-zero value. (Oyvind A. Holm)
+Solution: Add a setup.vim file that sets 'runtimepath' and $HOME to a safe
+ value. (partly by Christian Brabandt, closes #912)
+Files: src/testdir/setup.vim, src/testdir/amiga.vim, src/testdir/dos.vim,
+ src/testdir/unix.vim, src/testdir/vms.vim, src/testdir/runtest.vim
+Patch 7.4.2032 (after 7.4.2030)
+Problem: Build fails with 64 bit MinGW. (Axel Bender)
+Solution: Handle dash vs. underscore. (Ken Takata, Hirohito Higashi)
+Files: src/Make_cyg_ming.mak
+Patch 7.4.2033
+Problem: 'cscopequickfix' option does not accept new value "a".
+Solution: Adjust list of command characters. (Ken Takata)
+Files: src/option.h, src/Makefile, src/testdir/test_cscope.vim,
+ src/testdir/Make_all.mak
+Patch 7.4.2034 (after 7.4.2032)
+Problem: Build fails with some version of MinGW. (illusorypan)
+Solution: Recognize mingw32. (Ken Takata, closes #921)
+Files: src/Make_cyg_ming.mak
+Patch 7.4.2035
+Problem: On Solaris with ZFS the ACL may get removed.
+Solution: Always restore the ACL for Solaris ZFS. (Danek Duvall)
+Files: src/fileio.c
+Patch 7.4.2036
+Problem: Looking up a buffer by number is slow if there are many.
+Solution: Use a hashtab.
+Files: src/structs.h, src/buffer.c
+Patch 7.4.2037 (after 7.4.2036)
+Problem: Small build fails.
+Solution: Adjust #ifdefs.
+Files: src/hashtab.c
+Patch 7.4.2038 (after 7.4.2036)
+Problem: Small build still fails.
+Solution: Adjust more #ifdefs.
+Files: src/globals.h, src/buffer.c
+Patch 7.4.2039
+Problem: The Netbeans integration is not tested.
+Solution: Add a first Netbeans test.
+Files: src/testdir/test_netbeans.vim, src/testdir/,
+ src/testdir/Make_all.mak, src/Makefile,
+ src/testdir/test_channel.vim, src/testdir/shared.vim
+Patch 7.4.2040
+Problem: New files missing from distribution.
+Solution: Add new test scripts.
+Files: Filelist
+Patch 7.4.2041
+Problem: Netbeans file authentication not tested.
+Solution: Add a test.
+Files: src/testdir/test_netbeans.vim
+Patch 7.4.2042
+Problem: GTK: display updating is not done properly and can be slow.
+Solution: Use gdk_display_flush() instead of gdk_display_sync(). Don't call
+ gdk_window_process_updates(). (Kazunobu Kuriyama)
+Files: src/gui_gtk_x11.c
+Patch 7.4.2043
+Problem: setbuvfar() causes a screen redraw.
+Solution: Only use aucmd_prepbuf() for options.
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.4.2044
+Problem: filter() and map() either require a string or defining a function.
+Solution: Support lambda, a short way to define a function that evaluates an
+ expression. (Yasuhiro Matsumoto, Ken Takata)
+Files: runtime/doc/eval.txt, src/eval.c, src/testdir/test_alot.vim,
+ src/Makefile, src/testdir/test_channel.vim,
+ src/testdir/test_lambda.vim
+Patch 7.4.2045
+Problem: Memory leak when using a function callback.
+Solution: Don't save the function name when it's in the partial.
+Files: src/channel.c
+Patch 7.4.2046
+Problem: The qf_init_ext() function is too big.
+Solution: Refactor it. (Yegappan Lakshmanan)
+Files: src/quickfix.c
+Patch 7.4.2047
+Problem: Compiler warning for initializing a struct.
+Solution: Initialize in another way. (Anton Lindqvist)
+Files: src/quickfix.c
+Patch 7.4.2048
+Problem: There is still code and help for unsupported systems.
+Solution: Remove the code and text. (Hirohito Higashi)
+Files: runtime/doc/eval.txt, runtime/lang/menu_sk_sk.vim,
+ runtime/menu.vim, runtime/optwin.vim, src/Make_bc5.mak,
+ src/ex_docmd.c, src/feature.h, src/fileio.c, src/globals.h,
+ src/main.c, src/memfile.c, src/memline.c, src/misc1.c,
+ src/misc2.c, src/option.c, src/option.h, src/os_unix.c,
+ src/os_unix.h, src/proto.h, src/term.c, src/undo.c, src/version.c,
+ src/vim.h, src/xxd/xxd.c
+Patch 7.4.2049
+Problem: There is no way to get a list of the error lists.
+Solution: Add ":chistory" and ":lhistory".
+Files: src/ex_cmds.h, src/quickfix.c, src/ex_docmd.c, src/message.c,
+ src/proto/, src/testdir/test_quickfix.vim
+Patch 7.4.2050
+Problem: When using ":vimgrep" may end up with duplicate buffers.
+Solution: When adding an error list entry pass the buffer number if possible.
+Files: src/quickfix.c, src/testdir/test_quickfix.vim
+Patch 7.4.2051
+Problem: No proper testing of trunc_string().
+Solution: Add a unittest for message.c.
+Files: src/Makefile, src/message.c, src/message_test.c, src/main.c,
+ src/proto/, src/structs.h
+Patch 7.4.2052
+Problem: Coverage report is messed up by the unittests.
+Solution: Add a separate test target for script tests. Use that when
+ collecting coverage information.
+Files: src/Makefile
+Patch 7.4.2053
+Problem: Can't run scripttests in the top directory.
+Solution: Add targets to the top Makefile.
+Files: Makefile
+Patch 7.4.2054 (after 7.4.2048)
+Problem: Wrong part of #ifdef removed.
+Solution: Use the right part. (Hirohito Higashi)
+Files: src/os_unix.c
+Patch 7.4.2055
+Problem: eval.c is too big
+Solution: Move Dictionary functions to dict.c
+Files: src/eval.c, src/dict.c, src/vim.h, src/globals.h,
+ src/proto/, src/proto/, src/Makefile, Filelist
diff --git a/runtime/filetype.vim b/runtime/filetype.vim
index f8758ea8b..f96c6adee 100644
--- a/runtime/filetype.vim
+++ b/runtime/filetype.vim
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
" Vim support file to detect file types
" Maintainer: Bram Moolenaar <>
-" Last Change: 2016 Jul 16
+" Last Change: 2016 Jul 21
" Listen very carefully, I will say this only once
if exists("did_load_filetypes")
@@ -534,7 +534,7 @@ au BufNewFile,BufRead, setf config
au BufNewFile,BufRead *.cu setf cuda
" Dockerfile
-au BufNewFile,BufRead Dockerfile setf dockerfile
+au BufNewFile,BufRead Dockerfile,*.Dockerfile setf dockerfile
" WildPackets EtherPeek Decoder
au BufNewFile,BufRead *.dcd setf dcd
diff --git a/runtime/ftplugin/clojure.vim b/runtime/ftplugin/clojure.vim
index 10fcb9f20..217711f26 100644
--- a/runtime/ftplugin/clojure.vim
+++ b/runtime/ftplugin/clojure.vim
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
" Vim filetype plugin file
-" Language: Clojure
-" Author: Meikel Brandmeyer <>
+" Language: Clojure
+" Author: Meikel Brandmeyer <>
-" Maintainer: Sung Pae <>
-" URL:
-" License: Same as Vim
-" Last Change: 27 March 2014
+" Maintainer: Sung Pae <>
+" URL:
+" License: Same as Vim
+" Last Change: 18 July 2016
if exists("b:did_ftplugin")
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ setlocal commentstring=;\ %s
" specially and hence are not indented specially.
" -*- LISPWORDS -*-
-" Generated from
+" Generated from
setlocal lispwords=as->,binding,bound-fn,case,catch,cond->,cond->>,condp,def,definline,definterface,defmacro,defmethod,defmulti,defn,defn-,defonce,defprotocol,defrecord,defstruct,deftest,deftest-,deftype,doseq,dotimes,doto,extend,extend-protocol,extend-type,fn,for,if,if-let,if-not,if-some,let,letfn,locking,loop,ns,proxy,reify,set-test,testing,when,when-first,when-let,when-not,when-some,while,with-bindings,with-in-str,with-local-vars,with-open,with-precision,with-redefs,with-redefs-fn,with-test
" Provide insert mode completions for special forms and clojure.core. As
@@ -82,9 +82,9 @@ endif
" Win32 can filter files in the browse dialog
if has("gui_win32") && !exists("b:browsefilter")
let b:browsefilter = "Clojure Source Files (*.clj)\t*.clj\n" .
- \ "ClojureScript Source Files (*.cljs)\t*.cljs\n" .
- \ "Java Source Files (*.java)\t*.java\n" .
- \ "All Files (*.*)\t*.*\n"
+ \ "ClojureScript Source Files (*.cljs)\t*.cljs\n" .
+ \ "Java Source Files (*.java)\t*.java\n" .
+ \ "All Files (*.*)\t*.*\n"
let b:undo_ftplugin .= ' | unlet! b:browsefilter'
diff --git a/runtime/indent/clojure.vim b/runtime/indent/clojure.vim
index 476ac1de1..7592b10d7 100644
--- a/runtime/indent/clojure.vim
+++ b/runtime/indent/clojure.vim
@@ -1,17 +1,12 @@
" Vim indent file
-" Language: Clojure
-" Author: Meikel Brandmeyer <>
-" URL:
+" Language: Clojure
+" Author: Meikel Brandmeyer <>
+" URL:
-" Maintainer: Sung Pae <>
-" URL:
-" License: Same as Vim
-" Last Change: 27 March 2014
-" TODO: Indenting after multibyte characters is broken:
-" (let [Δ (if foo
-" bar ; Indent error
-" baz)])
+" Maintainer: Sung Pae <>
+" URL:
+" License: Same as Vim
+" Last Change: 18 July 2016
if exists("b:did_indent")
@@ -57,36 +52,39 @@ if exists("*searchpairpos")
let g:clojure_align_subforms = 0
- function! s:SynIdName()
+ function! s:syn_id_name()
return synIDattr(synID(line("."), col("."), 0), "name")
- function! s:CurrentChar()
+ function! s:ignored_region()
+ return s:syn_id_name() =~? '\vstring|regex|comment|character'
+ endfunction
+ function! s:current_char()
return getline('.')[col('.')-1]
- function! s:CurrentWord()
+ function! s:current_word()
return getline('.')[col('.')-1 : searchpos('\v>', 'n', line('.'))[1]-2]
- function! s:IsParen()
- return s:CurrentChar() =~# '\v[\(\)\[\]\{\}]' &&
- \ s:SynIdName() !~? '\vstring|regex|comment|character'
+ function! s:is_paren()
+ return s:current_char() =~# '\v[\(\)\[\]\{\}]' && !s:ignored_region()
" Returns 1 if string matches a pattern in 'patterns', which may be a
" list of patterns, or a comma-delimited string of implicitly anchored
" patterns.
- function! s:MatchesOne(patterns, string)
+ function! s:match_one(patterns, string)
let list = type(a:patterns) == type([])
- \ ? a:patterns
- \ : map(split(a:patterns, ','), '"^" . v:val . "$"')
+ \ ? a:patterns
+ \ : map(split(a:patterns, ','), '"^" . v:val . "$"')
for pat in list
if a:string =~# pat | return 1 | endif
- function! s:MatchPairs(open, close, stopat)
+ function! s:match_pairs(open, close, stopat)
" Stop only on vector and map [ resp. {. Ignore the ones in strings and
" comments.
if a:stopat == 0
@@ -95,11 +93,11 @@ if exists("*searchpairpos")
let stopat = a:stopat
- let pos = searchpairpos(a:open, '', a:close, 'bWn', "!s:IsParen()", stopat)
- return [pos[0], virtcol(pos)]
+ let pos = searchpairpos(a:open, '', a:close, 'bWn', "!s:is_paren()", stopat)
+ return [pos[0], col(pos)]
- function! s:ClojureCheckForStringWorker()
+ function! s:clojure_check_for_string_worker()
" Check whether there is the last character of the previous line is
" highlighted as a string. If so, we check whether it's a ". In this
" case we have to check also the previous character. The " might be the
@@ -113,17 +111,17 @@ if exists("*searchpairpos")
call cursor(nb, 0)
call cursor(0, col("$") - 1)
- if s:SynIdName() !~? "string"
+ if s:syn_id_name() !~? "string"
return -1
" This will not work for a " in the first column...
- if s:CurrentChar() == '"'
+ if s:current_char() == '"'
call cursor(0, col("$") - 2)
- if s:SynIdName() !~? "string"
+ if s:syn_id_name() !~? "string"
return -1
- if s:CurrentChar() != '\\'
+ if s:current_char() != '\\'
return -1
call cursor(0, col("$") - 1)
@@ -138,40 +136,40 @@ if exists("*searchpairpos")
return indent(".")
- function! s:CheckForString()
+ function! s:check_for_string()
let pos = getpos('.')
- let val = s:ClojureCheckForStringWorker()
+ let val = s:clojure_check_for_string_worker()
call setpos('.', pos)
return val
- function! s:StripNamespaceAndMacroChars(word)
+ function! s:strip_namespace_and_macro_chars(word)
return substitute(a:word, "\\v%(.*/|[#'`~@^,]*)(.*)", '\1', '')
- function! s:ClojureIsMethodSpecialCaseWorker(position)
+ function! s:clojure_is_method_special_case_worker(position)
" Find the next enclosing form.
call search('\S', 'Wb')
" Special case: we are at a '(('.
- if s:CurrentChar() == '('
+ if s:current_char() == '('
return 0
call cursor(a:position)
- let nextParen = s:MatchPairs('(', ')', 0)
+ let next_paren = s:match_pairs('(', ')', 0)
" Special case: we are now at toplevel.
- if nextParen == [0, 0]
+ if next_paren == [0, 0]
return 0
- call cursor(nextParen)
+ call cursor(next_paren)
call search('\S', 'W')
- let w = s:StripNamespaceAndMacroChars(s:CurrentWord())
+ let w = s:strip_namespace_and_macro_chars(s:current_word())
if g:clojure_special_indent_words =~# '\V\<' . w . '\>'
return 1
@@ -179,27 +177,43 @@ if exists("*searchpairpos")
return 0
- function! s:IsMethodSpecialCase(position)
+ function! s:is_method_special_case(position)
let pos = getpos('.')
- let val = s:ClojureIsMethodSpecialCaseWorker(a:position)
+ let val = s:clojure_is_method_special_case_worker(a:position)
call setpos('.', pos)
return val
- function! GetClojureIndent()
+ " Check if form is a reader conditional, that is, it is prefixed by #?
+ " or @#?
+ function! s:is_reader_conditional_special_case(position)
+ if getline(a:position[0])[a:position[1] - 3 : a:position[1] - 2] == "#?"
+ return 1
+ endif
+ return 0
+ endfunction
+ " Returns 1 for opening brackets, -1 for _anything else_.
+ function! s:bracket_type(char)
+ return stridx('([{', a:char) > -1 ? 1 : -1
+ endfunction
+ " Returns: [opening-bracket-lnum, indent]
+ function! s:clojure_indent_pos()
" Get rid of special case.
if line(".") == 1
- return 0
+ return [0, 0]
" We have to apply some heuristics here to figure out, whether to use
" normal lisp indenting or not.
- let i = s:CheckForString()
+ let i = s:check_for_string()
if i > -1
- return i + !!g:clojure_align_multiline_strings
+ return [0, i + !!g:clojure_align_multiline_strings]
call cursor(0, 1)
@@ -207,28 +221,28 @@ if exists("*searchpairpos")
" Find the next enclosing [ or {. We can limit the second search
" to the line, where the [ was found. If no [ was there this is
" zero and we search for an enclosing {.
- let paren = s:MatchPairs('(', ')', 0)
- let bracket = s:MatchPairs('\[', '\]', paren[0])
- let curly = s:MatchPairs('{', '}', bracket[0])
+ let paren = s:match_pairs('(', ')', 0)
+ let bracket = s:match_pairs('\[', '\]', paren[0])
+ let curly = s:match_pairs('{', '}', bracket[0])
" In case the curly brace is on a line later then the [ or - in
" case they are on the same line - in a higher column, we take the
" curly indent.
if curly[0] > bracket[0] || curly[1] > bracket[1]
if curly[0] > paren[0] || curly[1] > paren[1]
- return curly[1]
+ return curly
" If the curly was not chosen, we take the bracket indent - if
" there was one.
if bracket[0] > paren[0] || bracket[1] > paren[1]
- return bracket[1]
+ return bracket
" There are neither { nor [ nor (, ie. we are at the toplevel.
if paren == [0, 0]
- return 0
+ return paren
" Now we have to reimplement lispindent. This is surprisingly easy, as
@@ -246,58 +260,120 @@ if exists("*searchpairpos")
" - In any other case we use the column of the end of the word + 2.
call cursor(paren)
- if s:IsMethodSpecialCase(paren)
- return paren[1] + &shiftwidth - 1
+ if s:is_method_special_case(paren)
+ return [paren[0], paren[1] + &shiftwidth - 1]
+ endif
+ if s:is_reader_conditional_special_case(paren)
+ return paren
" In case we are at the last character, we use the paren position.
if col("$") - 1 == paren[1]
- return paren[1]
+ return paren
" In case after the paren is a whitespace, we search for the next word.
call cursor(0, col('.') + 1)
- if s:CurrentChar() == ' '
+ if s:current_char() == ' '
call search('\v\S', 'W')
" If we moved to another line, there is no word after the (. We
" use the ( position for indent.
if line(".") > paren[0]
- return paren[1]
+ return paren
" We still have to check, whether the keyword starts with a (, [ or {.
" In that case we use the ( position for indent.
- let w = s:CurrentWord()
- if stridx('([{', w[0]) > -1
- return paren[1]
+ let w = s:current_word()
+ if s:bracket_type(w[0]) == 1
+ return paren
" Test words without namespace qualifiers and leading reader macro
" metacharacters.
" e.g. clojure.core/defn and #'defn should both indent like defn.
- let ww = s:StripNamespaceAndMacroChars(w)
+ let ww = s:strip_namespace_and_macro_chars(w)
if &lispwords =~# '\V\<' . ww . '\>'
- return paren[1] + &shiftwidth - 1
+ return [paren[0], paren[1] + &shiftwidth - 1]
if g:clojure_fuzzy_indent
- \ && !s:MatchesOne(g:clojure_fuzzy_indent_blacklist, ww)
- \ && s:MatchesOne(g:clojure_fuzzy_indent_patterns, ww)
- return paren[1] + &shiftwidth - 1
+ \ && !s:match_one(g:clojure_fuzzy_indent_blacklist, ww)
+ \ && s:match_one(g:clojure_fuzzy_indent_patterns, ww)
+ return [paren[0], paren[1] + &shiftwidth - 1]
call search('\v\_s', 'cW')
call search('\v\S', 'W')
if paren[0] < line(".")
- return paren[1] + (g:clojure_align_subforms ? 0 : &shiftwidth - 1)
+ return [paren[0], paren[1] + (g:clojure_align_subforms ? 0 : &shiftwidth - 1)]
call search('\v\S', 'bW')
- return virtcol(".") + 1
+ return [line('.'), col('.') + 1]
+ endfunction
+ function! GetClojureIndent()
+ let lnum = line('.')
+ let orig_lnum = lnum
+ let orig_col = col('.')
+ let [opening_lnum, indent] = s:clojure_indent_pos()
+ " Account for multibyte characters
+ if opening_lnum > 0
+ let indent -= indent - virtcol([opening_lnum, indent])
+ endif
+ " Return if there are no previous lines to inherit from
+ if opening_lnum < 1 || opening_lnum >= lnum - 1
+ call cursor(orig_lnum, orig_col)
+ return indent
+ endif
+ let bracket_count = 0
+ " Take the indent of the first previous non-white line that is
+ " at the same sexp level. cf. src/misc1.c:get_lisp_indent()
+ while 1
+ let lnum = prevnonblank(lnum - 1)
+ let col = 1
+ if lnum <= opening_lnum
+ break
+ endif
+ call cursor(lnum, col)
+ " Handle bracket counting edge case
+ if s:is_paren()
+ let bracket_count += s:bracket_type(s:current_char())
+ endif
+ while 1
+ if search('\v[(\[{}\])]', '', lnum) < 1
+ break
+ elseif !s:ignored_region()
+ let bracket_count += s:bracket_type(s:current_char())
+ endif
+ endwhile
+ if bracket_count == 0
+ " Check if this is part of a multiline string
+ call cursor(lnum, 1)
+ if s:syn_id_name() !~? '\vstring|regex'
+ call cursor(orig_lnum, orig_col)
+ return indent(lnum)
+ endif
+ endif
+ endwhile
+ call cursor(orig_lnum, orig_col)
+ return indent
setlocal indentexpr=GetClojureIndent()
diff --git a/runtime/keymap/armenian-eastern_utf-8.vim b/runtime/keymap/armenian-eastern_utf-8.vim
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7b03c5ac7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/keymap/armenian-eastern_utf-8.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+" Maintainer: Benjamin Linskey <>
+" Last Changed: 2016 July 20
+" URL:
+let b:keymap_name = "hy"
+" Capital letters
+A Ա
+B Բ
+C Գ
+D Դ
+Y Ե
+Z Զ
+E Է
+U Ը
+: Թ
++ Ժ
+I Ի
+L Լ
+Q Խ
+? Ծ
+K Կ
+H Հ
+@ Ձ
+> Ղ
+J Ճ
+M Մ
+# Յ
+N Ն
+< Շ
+O Ո
+{ Չ
+P Պ
+} Ջ
+_ Ռ
+S Ս
+V Վ
+T Տ
+R Ր
+X Ց
+W Ւ
+\" Փ
+G Ք
+) Օ
+F Ֆ
+" Lowercase letters
+a ա
+b բ
+c գ
+d դ
+y ե
+z զ
+e է
+u ը
+; թ
+= ժ
+i ի
+l լ
+q խ
+/ ծ
+k կ
+h հ
+2 ձ
+. ղ
+j ճ
+m մ
+3 յ
+n ն
+, շ
+o ո
+[ չ
+p պ
+] ջ
+- ռ
+s ս
+v վ
+t տ
+r ր
+x ց
+w ւ
+' փ
+g ք
+0 օ
+f ֆ
+& և
+" Punctuation
+` ՝
+~ ՜
+1 ։
+4 ՛
+5 ,
+6 -
+7 .
+8 «
+9 »
+\\ '
+| ՞
+" Numbers
+! 1
+$ 3
+% 4
+^ 9
diff --git a/runtime/keymap/armenian-western_utf-8.vim b/runtime/keymap/armenian-western_utf-8.vim
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e02485ed8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/keymap/armenian-western_utf-8.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+" Maintainer: Benjamin Linskey <>
+" Last Changed: 2016 July 20
+" URL:
+let b:keymap_name = "hy"
+" Capital letters
+A Ա
+P Բ
+C Գ
+T Դ
+Y Ե
+Z Զ
+E Է
+U Ը
+: Թ
++ Ժ
+I Ի
+L Լ
+Q Խ
+? Ծ
+G Կ
+H Հ
+@ Ձ
+> Ղ
+J Ճ
+M Մ
+# Յ
+N Ն
+< Շ
+O Ո
+{ Չ
+B Պ
+} Ջ
+_ Ռ
+S Ս
+W Վ
+D Տ
+R Ր
+X Ց
+V Ւ
+\" Փ
+K Ք
+) Օ
+F Ֆ
+" Lowercase letters
+a ա
+p բ
+c գ
+t դ
+y ե
+z զ
+e է
+u ը
+; թ
+= ժ
+i ի
+l լ
+q խ
+/ ծ
+g կ
+h հ
+2 ձ
+. ղ
+j ճ
+m մ
+3 յ
+n ն
+, շ
+o ո
+[ չ
+b պ
+] ջ
+- ռ
+s ս
+w վ
+d տ
+r ր
+x ց
+v ւ
+' փ
+k ք
+0 օ
+f ֆ
+& և
+" Punctuation
+` ՝
+~ ՜
+1 ։
+4 ՛
+5 ,
+6 -
+7 .
+8 «
+9 »
+\\ '
+| ՞
+" Numbers
+! 1
+$ 3
+% 4
+^ 9
diff --git a/runtime/syntax/clojure.vim b/runtime/syntax/clojure.vim
index 4dc1cde05..2b48146b5 100644
--- a/runtime/syntax/clojure.vim
+++ b/runtime/syntax/clojure.vim
@@ -1,37 +1,68 @@
" Vim syntax file
-" Language: Clojure
-" Authors: Toralf Wittner <>
-" modified by Meikel Brandmeyer <>
-" URL:
+" Language: Clojure
+" Authors: Toralf Wittner <>
+" modified by Meikel Brandmeyer <>
+" URL:
-" Contributors: Joel Holdbrooks <> (Regexp support, bug fixes)
+" Contributors: Joel Holdbrooks <> (Regexp support, bug fixes)
-" Maintainer: Sung Pae <>
-" URL:
-" License: Same as Vim
-" Last Change: 27 March 2014
+" Maintainer: Sung Pae <>
+" URL:
+" License: Same as Vim
+" Last Change: 18 July 2016
if exists("b:current_syntax")
+let s:cpo_sav = &cpo
+set cpo&vim
if has("folding") && exists("g:clojure_fold") && g:clojure_fold > 0
setlocal foldmethod=syntax
" -*- KEYWORDS -*-
-" Generated from
-" Clojure version 1.6.0
-syntax keyword clojureConstant nil
-syntax keyword clojureBoolean false true
-syntax keyword clojureSpecial . catch clojure.core/fn clojure.core/let clojure.core/loop def do finally fn if let loop monitor-enter monitor-exit new quote recur set! throw try var
-syntax keyword clojureException catch finally throw try
-syntax keyword clojureCond case clojure.core/case clojure.core/cond clojure.core/cond-> clojure.core/cond->> clojure.core/condp clojure.core/if-let clojure.core/if-not clojure.core/if-some clojure.core/when clojure.core/when-first clojure.core/when-let clojure.core/when-not clojure.core/when-some cond cond-> cond->> condp if-let if-not if-some when when-first when-let when-not when-some
-syntax keyword clojureRepeat clojure.core/doseq clojure.core/dotimes clojure.core/while doseq dotimes while
-syntax keyword clojureDefine clojure.core/definline clojure.core/definterface clojure.core/defmacro clojure.core/defmethod clojure.core/defmulti clojure.core/defn clojure.core/defn- clojure.core/defonce clojure.core/defprotocol clojure.core/defrecord clojure.core/defstruct clojure.core/deftype definline definterface defmacro defmethod defmulti defn defn- defonce defprotocol defrecord defstruct deftype
-syntax keyword clojureMacro -> ->> .. amap and areduce as-> assert binding bound-fn clojure.core/-> clojure.core/->> clojure.core/.. clojure.core/amap clojure.core/and clojure.core/areduce clojure.core/as-> clojure.core/assert clojure.core/binding clojure.core/bound-fn clojure.core/comment clojure.core/declare clojure.core/delay clojure.core/dosync clojure.core/doto clojure.core/extend-protocol clojure.core/extend-type clojure.core/for clojure.core/future clojure.core/gen-class clojure.core/gen-interface clojure.core/import clojure.core/io! clojure.core/lazy-cat clojure.core/lazy-seq clojure.core/letfn clojure.core/locking clojure.core/memfn clojure.core/ns clojure.core/or clojure.core/proxy clojure.core/proxy-super clojure.core/pvalues clojure.core/refer-clojure clojure.core/reify clojure.core/some-> clojure.core/some->> clojure.core/sync clojure.core/time clojure.core/with-bindings clojure.core/with-in-str clojure.core/with-loading-context clojure.core/with-local-vars clojure.core/with-open clojure.core/with-out-str clojure.core/with-precision clojure.core/with-redefs comment declare delay dosync doto extend-protocol extend-type for future gen-class gen-interface import io! lazy-cat lazy-seq letfn locking memfn ns or proxy proxy-super pvalues refer-clojure reify some-> some->> sync time with-bindings with-in-str with-loading-context with-local-vars with-open with-out-str with-precision with-redefs
-syntax keyword clojureFunc * *' + +' - -' ->ArrayChunk ->Vec ->VecNode ->VecSeq -cache-protocol-fn -reset-methods / < <= = == > >= accessor aclone add-classpath add-watch agent agent-error agent-errors aget alength alias all-ns alter alter-meta! alter-var-root ancestors apply array-map aset aset-boolean aset-byte aset-char aset-double aset-float aset-int aset-long aset-short assoc assoc! assoc-in associative? atom await await-for await1 bases bean bigdec bigint biginteger bit-and bit-and-not bit-clear bit-flip bit-not bit-or bit-set bit-shift-left bit-shift-right bit-test bit-xor boolean boolean-array booleans bound-fn* bound? butlast byte byte-array bytes cast char char-array char? chars chunk chunk-append chunk-buffer chunk-cons chunk-first chunk-next chunk-rest chunked-seq? class class? clear-agent-errors clojure-version clojure.core/* clojure.core/*' clojure.core/+ clojure.core/+' clojure.core/- clojure.core/-' clojure.core/->ArrayChunk clojure.core/->Vec clojure.core/->VecNode clojure.core/->VecSeq clojure.core/-cache-protocol-fn clojure.core/-reset-methods clojure.core// clojure.core/< clojure.core/<= clojure.core/= clojure.core/== clojure.core/> clojure.core/>= clojure.core/accessor clojure.core/aclone clojure.core/add-classpath clojure.core/add-watch clojure.core/agent clojure.core/agent-error clojure.core/agent-errors clojure.core/aget clojure.core/alength clojure.core/alias clojure.core/all-ns clojure.core/alter clojure.core/alter-meta! clojure.core/alter-var-root clojure.core/ancestors clojure.core/apply clojure.core/array-map clojure.core/aset clojure.core/aset-boolean clojure.core/aset-byte clojure.core/aset-char clojure.core/aset-double clojure.core/aset-float clojure.core/aset-int clojure.core/aset-long clojure.core/aset-short clojure.core/assoc clojure.core/assoc! clojure.core/assoc-in clojure.core/associative? clojure.core/atom clojure.core/await clojure.core/await-for clojure.core/await1 clojure.core/bases clojure.core/bean clojure.core/bigdec clojure.core/bigint clojure.core/biginteger clojure.core/bit-and clojure.core/bit-and-not clojure.core/bit-clear clojure.core/bit-flip clojure.core/bit-not clojure.core/bit-or clojure.core/bit-set clojure.core/bit-shift-left clojure.core/bit-shift-right clojure.core/bit-test clojure.core/bit-xor clojure.core/boolean clojure.core/boolean-array clojure.core/booleans clojure.core/bound-fn* clojure.core/bound? clojure.core/butlast clojure.core/byte clojure.core/byte-array clojure.core/bytes clojure.core/cast clojure.core/char clojure.core/char-array clojure.core/char? clojure.core/chars clojure.core/chunk clojure.core/chunk-append clojure.core/chunk-buffer clojure.core/chunk-cons clojure.core/chunk-first clojure.core/chunk-next clojure.core/chunk-rest clojure.core/chunked-seq? clojure.core/class clojure.core/class? clojure.core/clear-agent-errors clojure.core/clojure-version clojure.core/coll? clojure.core/commute clojure.core/comp clojure.core/comparator clojure.core/compare clojure.core/compare-and-set! clojure.core/compile clojure.core/complement clojure.core/concat clojure.core/conj clojure.core/conj! clojure.core/cons clojure.core/constantly clojure.core/construct-proxy clojure.core/contains? clojure.core/count clojure.core/counted? clojure.core/create-ns clojure.core/create-struct clojure.core/cycle clojure.core/dec clojure.core/dec' clojure.core/decimal? clojure.core/delay? clojure.core/deliver clojure.core/denominator clojure.core/deref clojure.core/derive clojure.core/descendants clojure.core/destructure clojure.core/disj clojure.core/disj! clojure.core/dissoc clojure.core/dissoc! clojure.core/distinct clojure.core/distinct? clojure.core/doall clojure.core/dorun clojure.core/double clojure.core/double-array clojure.core/doubles clojure.core/drop clojure.core/drop-last clojure.core/drop-while clojure.core/empty clojure.core/empty? clojure.core/ensure clojure.core/enumeration-seq clojure.core/error-handler clojure.core/error-mode clojure.core/eval clojure.core/even? clojure.core/every-pred clojure.core/every? clojure.core/ex-data clojure.core/ex-info clojure.core/extend clojure.core/extenders clojure.core/extends? clojure.core/false? clojure.core/ffirst clojure.core/file-seq clojure.core/filter clojure.core/filterv clojure.core/find clojure.core/find-keyword clojure.core/find-ns clojure.core/find-protocol-impl clojure.core/find-protocol-method clojure.core/find-var clojure.core/first clojure.core/flatten clojure.core/float clojure.core/float-array clojure.core/float? clojure.core/floats clojure.core/flush clojure.core/fn? clojure.core/fnext clojure.core/fnil clojure.core/force clojure.core/format clojure.core/frequencies clojure.core/future-call clojure.core/future-cancel clojure.core/future-cancelled? clojure.core/future-done? clojure.core/future? clojure.core/gensym clojure.core/get clojure.core/get-in clojure.core/get-method clojure.core/get-proxy-class clojure.core/get-thread-bindings clojure.core/get-validator clojure.core/group-by clojure.core/hash clojure.core/hash-combine clojure.core/hash-map clojure.core/hash-ordered-coll clojure.core/hash-set clojure.core/hash-unordered-coll clojure.core/identical? clojure.core/identity clojure.core/ifn? clojure.core/in-ns clojure.core/inc clojure.core/inc' clojure.core/init-proxy clojure.core/instance? clojure.core/int clojure.core/int-array clojure.core/integer? clojure.core/interleave clojure.core/intern clojure.core/interpose clojure.core/into clojure.core/into-array clojure.core/ints clojure.core/isa? clojure.core/iterate clojure.core/iterator-seq clojure.core/juxt clojure.core/keep clojure.core/keep-indexed clojure.core/key clojure.core/keys clojure.core/keyword clojure.core/keyword? clojure.core/last clojure.core/line-seq clojure.core/list clojure.core/list* clojure.core/list? clojure.core/load clojure.core/load-file clojure.core/load-reader clojure.core/load-string clojure.core/loaded-libs clojure.core/long clojure.core/long-array clojure.core/longs clojure.core/macroexpand clojure.core/macroexpand-1 clojure.core/make-array clojure.core/make-hierarchy clojure.core/map clojure.core/map-indexed clojure.core/map? clojure.core/mapcat clojure.core/mapv clojure.core/max clojure.core/max-key clojure.core/memoize clojure.core/merge clojure.core/merge-with clojure.core/meta clojure.core/method-sig clojure.core/methods clojure.core/min clojure.core/min-key clojure.core/mix-collection-hash clojure.core/mod clojure.core/munge clojure.core/name clojure.core/namespace clojure.core/namespace-munge clojure.core/neg? clojure.core/newline clojure.core/next clojure.core/nfirst clojure.core/nil? clojure.core/nnext clojure.core/not clojure.core/not-any? clojure.core/not-empty clojure.core/not-every? clojure.core/not= clojure.core/ns-aliases clojure.core/ns-imports clojure.core/ns-interns clojure.core/ns-map clojure.core/ns-name clojure.core/ns-publics clojure.core/ns-refers clojure.core/ns-resolve clojure.core/ns-unalias clojure.core/ns-unmap clojure.core/nth clojure.core/nthnext clojure.core/nthrest clojure.core/num clojure.core/number? clojure.core/numerator clojure.core/object-array clojure.core/odd? clojure.core/parents clojure.core/partial clojure.core/partition clojure.core/partition-all clojure.core/partition-by clojure.core/pcalls clojure.core/peek clojure.core/persistent! clojure.core/pmap clojure.core/pop clojure.core/pop! clojure.core/pop-thread-bindings clojure.core/pos? clojure.core/pr clojure.core/pr-str clojure.core/prefer-method clojure.core/prefers clojure.core/print clojure.core/print-ctor clojure.core/print-dup clojure.core/print-method clojure.core/print-simple clojure.core/print-str clojure.core/printf clojure.core/println clojure.core/println-str clojure.core/prn clojure.core/prn-str clojure.core/promise clojure.core/proxy-call-with-super clojure.core/proxy-mappings clojure.core/proxy-name clojure.core/push-thread-bindings clojure.core/quot clojure.core/rand clojure.core/rand-int clojure.core/rand-nth clojure.core/range clojure.core/ratio? clojure.core/rational? clojure.core/rationalize clojure.core/re-find clojure.core/re-groups clojure.core/re-matcher clojure.core/re-matches clojure.core/re-pattern clojure.core/re-seq clojure.core/read clojure.core/read-line clojure.core/read-string clojure.core/realized? clojure.core/record? clojure.core/reduce clojure.core/reduce-kv clojure.core/reduced clojure.core/reduced? clojure.core/reductions clojure.core/ref clojure.core/ref-history-count clojure.core/ref-max-history clojure.core/ref-min-history clojure.core/ref-set clojure.core/refer clojure.core/release-pending-sends clojure.core/rem clojure.core/remove clojure.core/remove-all-methods clojure.core/remove-method clojure.core/remove-ns clojure.core/remove-watch clojure.core/repeat clojure.core/repeatedly clojure.core/replace clojure.core/replicate clojure.core/require clojure.core/reset! clojure.core/reset-meta! clojure.core/resolve clojure.core/rest clojure.core/restart-agent clojure.core/resultset-seq clojure.core/reverse clojure.core/reversible? clojure.core/rseq clojure.core/rsubseq clojure.core/satisfies? clojure.core/second clojure.core/select-keys clojure.core/send clojure.core/send-off clojure.core/send-via clojure.core/seq clojure.core/seq? clojure.core/seque clojure.core/sequence clojure.core/sequential? clojure.core/set clojure.core/set-agent-send-executor! clojure.core/set-agent-send-off-executor! clojure.core/set-error-handler! clojure.core/set-error-mode! clojure.core/set-validator! clojure.core/set? clojure.core/short clojure.core/short-array clojure.core/shorts clojure.core/shuffle clojure.core/shutdown-agents clojure.core/slurp clojure.core/some clojure.core/some-fn clojure.core/some? clojure.core/sort clojure.core/sort-by clojure.core/sorted-map clojure.core/sorted-map-by clojure.core/sorted-set clojure.core/sorted-set-by clojure.core/sorted? clojure.core/special-symbol? clojure.core/spit clojure.core/split-at clojure.core/split-with clojure.core/str clojure.core/string? clojure.core/struct clojure.core/struct-map clojure.core/subs clojure.core/subseq clojure.core/subvec clojure.core/supers clojure.core/swap! clojure.core/symbol clojure.core/symbol? clojure.core/take clojure.core/take-last clojure.core/take-nth clojure.core/take-while clojure.core/test clojure.core/the-ns clojure.core/thread-bound? clojure.core/to-array clojure.core/to-array-2d clojure.core/trampoline clojure.core/transient clojure.core/tree-seq clojure.core/true? clojure.core/type clojure.core/unchecked-add clojure.core/unchecked-add-int clojure.core/unchecked-byte clojure.core/unchecked-char clojure.core/unchecked-dec clojure.core/unchecked-dec-int clojure.core/unchecked-divide-int clojure.core/unchecked-double clojure.core/unchecked-float clojure.core/unchecked-inc clojure.core/unchecked-inc-int clojure.core/unchecked-int clojure.core/unchecked-long clojure.core/unchecked-multiply clojure.core/unchecked-multiply-int clojure.core/unchecked-negate clojure.core/unchecked-negate-int clojure.core/unchecked-remainder-int clojure.core/unchecked-short clojure.core/unchecked-subtract clojure.core/unchecked-subtract-int clojure.core/underive clojure.core/unsigned-bit-shift-right clojure.core/update-in clojure.core/update-proxy clojure.core/use clojure.core/val clojure.core/vals clojure.core/var-get clojure.core/var-set clojure.core/var? clojure.core/vary-meta clojure.core/vec clojure.core/vector clojure.core/vector-of clojure.core/vector? clojure.core/with-bindings* clojure.core/with-meta clojure.core/with-redefs-fn clojure.core/xml-seq clojure.core/zero? clojure.core/zipmap coll? commute comp comparator compare compare-and-set! compile complement concat conj conj! cons constantly construct-proxy contains? count counted? create-ns create-struct cycle dec dec' decimal? delay? deliver denominator deref derive descendants destructure disj disj! dissoc dissoc! distinct distinct? doall dorun double double-array doubles drop drop-last drop-while empty empty? ensure enumeration-seq error-handler error-mode eval even? every-pred every? ex-data ex-info extend extenders extends? false? ffirst file-seq filter filterv find find-keyword find-ns find-protocol-impl find-protocol-method find-var first flatten float float-array float? floats flush fn? fnext fnil force format frequencies future-call future-cancel future-cancelled? future-done? future? gensym get get-in get-method get-proxy-class get-thread-bindings get-validator group-by hash hash-combine hash-map hash-ordered-coll hash-set hash-unordered-coll identical? identity ifn? in-ns inc inc' init-proxy instance? int int-array integer? interleave intern interpose into into-array ints isa? iterate iterator-seq juxt keep keep-indexed key keys keyword keyword? last line-seq list list* list? load load-file load-reader load-string loaded-libs long long-array longs macroexpand macroexpand-1 make-array make-hierarchy map map-indexed map? mapcat mapv max max-key memoize merge merge-with meta method-sig methods min min-key mix-collection-hash mod munge name namespace namespace-munge neg? newline next nfirst nil? nnext not not-any? not-empty not-every? not= ns-aliases ns-imports ns-interns ns-map ns-name ns-publics ns-refers ns-resolve ns-unalias ns-unmap nth nthnext nthrest num number? numerator object-array odd? parents partial partition partition-all partition-by pcalls peek persistent! pmap pop pop! pop-thread-bindings pos? pr pr-str prefer-method prefers print print-ctor print-dup print-method print-simple print-str printf println println-str prn prn-str promise proxy-call-with-super proxy-mappings proxy-name push-thread-bindings quot rand rand-int rand-nth range ratio? rational? rationalize re-find re-groups re-matcher re-matches re-pattern re-seq read read-line read-string realized? record? reduce reduce-kv reduced reduced? reductions ref ref-history-count ref-max-history ref-min-history ref-set refer release-pending-sends rem remove remove-all-methods remove-method remove-ns remove-watch repeat repeatedly replace replicate require reset! reset-meta! resolve rest restart-agent resultset-seq reverse reversible? rseq rsubseq satisfies? second select-keys send send-off send-via seq seq? seque sequence sequential? set set-agent-send-executor! set-agent-send-off-executor! set-error-handler! set-error-mode! set-validator! set? short short-array shorts shuffle shutdown-agents slurp some some-fn some? sort sort-by sorted-map sorted-map-by sorted-set sorted-set-by sorted? special-symbol? spit split-at split-with str string? struct struct-map subs subseq subvec supers swap! symbol symbol? take take-last take-nth take-while test the-ns thread-bound? to-array to-array-2d trampoline transient tree-seq true? type unchecked-add unchecked-add-int unchecked-byte unchecked-char unchecked-dec unchecked-dec-int unchecked-divide-int unchecked-double unchecked-float unchecked-inc unchecked-inc-int unchecked-int unchecked-long unchecked-multiply unchecked-multiply-int unchecked-negate unchecked-negate-int unchecked-remainder-int unchecked-short unchecked-subtract unchecked-subtract-int underive unsigned-bit-shift-right update-in update-proxy use val vals var-get var-set var? vary-meta vec vector vector-of vector? with-bindings* with-meta with-redefs-fn xml-seq zero? zipmap
-syntax keyword clojureVariable *1 *2 *3 *agent* *allow-unresolved-vars* *assert* *clojure-version* *command-line-args* *compile-files* *compile-path* *compiler-options* *data-readers* *default-data-reader-fn* *e *err* *file* *flush-on-newline* *fn-loader* *in* *math-context* *ns* *out* *print-dup* *print-length* *print-level* *print-meta* *print-readably* *read-eval* *source-path* *unchecked-math* *use-context-classloader* *verbose-defrecords* *warn-on-reflection* EMPTY-NODE char-escape-string char-name-string clojure.core/*1 clojure.core/*2 clojure.core/*3 clojure.core/*agent* clojure.core/*allow-unresolved-vars* clojure.core/*assert* clojure.core/*clojure-version* clojure.core/*command-line-args* clojure.core/*compile-files* clojure.core/*compile-path* clojure.core/*compiler-options* clojure.core/*data-readers* clojure.core/*default-data-reader-fn* clojure.core/*e clojure.core/*err* clojure.core/*file* clojure.core/*flush-on-newline* clojure.core/*fn-loader* clojure.core/*in* clojure.core/*math-context* clojure.core/*ns* clojure.core/*out* clojure.core/*print-dup* clojure.core/*print-length* clojure.core/*print-level* clojure.core/*print-meta* clojure.core/*print-readably* clojure.core/*read-eval* clojure.core/*source-path* clojure.core/*unchecked-math* clojure.core/*use-context-classloader* clojure.core/*verbose-defrecords* clojure.core/*warn-on-reflection* clojure.core/EMPTY-NODE clojure.core/char-escape-string clojure.core/char-name-string clojure.core/default-data-readers clojure.core/primitives-classnames clojure.core/unquote clojure.core/unquote-splicing default-data-readers primitives-classnames unquote unquote-splicing
+" Generated from
+" Clojure version 1.8.0
+let s:clojure_syntax_keywords = {
+ \ 'clojureBoolean': ["false","true"]
+ \ , 'clojureCond': ["case","clojure.core/case","clojure.core/cond","clojure.core/cond->","clojure.core/cond->>","clojure.core/condp","clojure.core/if-let","clojure.core/if-not","clojure.core/if-some","clojure.core/when","clojure.core/when-first","clojure.core/when-let","clojure.core/when-not","clojure.core/when-some","cond","cond->","cond->>","condp","if-let","if-not","if-some","when","when-first","when-let","when-not","when-some"]
+ \ , 'clojureConstant': ["nil"]
+ \ , 'clojureDefine': ["clojure.core/definline","clojure.core/definterface","clojure.core/defmacro","clojure.core/defmethod","clojure.core/defmulti","clojure.core/defn","clojure.core/defn-","clojure.core/defonce","clojure.core/defprotocol","clojure.core/defrecord","clojure.core/defstruct","clojure.core/deftype","definline","definterface","defmacro","defmethod","defmulti","defn","defn-","defonce","defprotocol","defrecord","defstruct","deftype"]
+ \ , 'clojureException': ["catch","finally","throw","try"]
+ \ , 'clojureFunc': 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+function! s:syntax_keyword(dict)
+ for key in keys(a:dict)
+ execute 'syntax keyword' key join(a:dict[key], ' ')
+ endfor
+if exists('b:clojure_syntax_without_core_keywords') && b:clojure_syntax_without_core_keywords
+ " Only match language specials and primitives
+ for s:key in ['clojureBoolean', 'clojureConstant', 'clojureException', 'clojureSpecial']
+ execute 'syntax keyword' s:key join(s:clojure_syntax_keywords[s:key], ' ')
+ endfor
+ call s:syntax_keyword(s:clojure_syntax_keywords)
+if exists('g:clojure_syntax_keywords')
+ call s:syntax_keyword(g:clojure_syntax_keywords)
+if exists('b:clojure_syntax_keywords')
+ call s:syntax_keyword(b:clojure_syntax_keywords)
+unlet! s:key
+delfunction s:syntax_keyword
" Keywords are symbols:
" static Pattern symbolPat = Pattern.compile("[:]?([\\D&&[^/]].*/)?([\\D&&[^/]][^/]*)");
@@ -43,7 +74,7 @@ syntax match clojureKeyword "\v<:{1,2}%([^ \n\r\t()\[\]{}";@^`~\\%/]+/)*[^ \n\r\
syntax match clojureStringEscape "\v\\%([\\btnfr"]|u\x{4}|[0-3]\o{2}|\o{1,2})" contained
-syntax region clojureString start=/"/ skip=/\\\\\|\\"/ end=/"/ contains=clojureStringEscape,@Spell
+syntax region clojureString matchgroup=clojureStringDelimiter start=/"/ skip=/\\\\\|\\"/ end=/"/ contains=clojureStringEscape,@Spell
syntax match clojureCharacter "\\."
syntax match clojureCharacter "\\o\%([0-3]\o\{2\}\|\o\{1,2\}\)"
@@ -77,7 +108,7 @@ syntax match clojureMeta "\^"
syntax match clojureDeref "@"
syntax match clojureDispatch "\v#[\^'=<_]?"
-" Clojure permits no more than 20 params.
+" Clojure permits no more than 20 anonymous params.
syntax match clojureAnonArg "%\(20\|1\d\|[1-9]\|&\)\?"
syntax match clojureRegexpEscape "\v\\%([\\tnrfae.()\[\]{}^$*?+]|c\u|0[0-3]?\o{1,2}|x%(\x{2}|\{\x{1,6}\})|u\x{4})" contained display
@@ -85,27 +116,27 @@ syntax region clojureRegexpQuoted start=/\\Q/ms=e+1 skip=/\\\\\|\\"/ end=/\\E/me
syntax region clojureRegexpQuote start=/\\Q/ skip=/\\\\\|\\"/ end=/\\E/ end=/"/me=s-1 contains=clojureRegexpQuoted keepend contained
-" Generated from
-" Java version 1.7.0_51
+" Generated from
+" Java version 1.8.0_92
syntax match clojureRegexpPosixCharClass "\v\\[pP]\{%(Cntrl|A%(l%(pha|num)|SCII)|Space|Graph|Upper|P%(rint|unct)|Blank|XDigit|Digit|Lower)\}" contained display
syntax match clojureRegexpJavaCharClass "\v\\[pP]\{java%(Whitespace|JavaIdentifier%(Part|Start)|SpaceChar|Mirrored|TitleCase|I%(SOControl|de%(ographic|ntifierIgnorable))|D%(efined|igit)|U%(pperCase|nicodeIdentifier%(Part|Start))|L%(etter%(OrDigit)?|owerCase)|Alphabetic)\}" contained display
-syntax match clojureRegexpUnicodeCharClass "\v\\[pP]\{\cIs%(l%(owercase|etter)|hex%(digit|_digit)|w%(hite%(_space|space)|ord)|noncharacter%(_code_point|codepoint)|p%(rint|unctuation)|ideographic|graph|a%(l%(num|phabetic)|ssigned)|uppercase|titlecase|blank|digit|control)\}" contained display
+syntax match clojureRegexpUnicodeCharClass "\v\\[pP]\{\cIs%(l%(owercase|etter)|hex%(digit|_digit)|w%(hite%(_space|space)|ord)|noncharacter%(_code_point|codepoint)|p%(rint|unctuation)|ideographic|graph|a%(l%(num|phabetic)|ssigned)|uppercase|join%(control|_control)|titlecase|blank|digit|control)\}" contained display
syntax match clojureRegexpUnicodeCharClass "\v\\[pP][NSCMZPL]" contained display
syntax match clojureRegexpUnicodeCharClass "\v\\[pP]\{%(N[dlo]?|P[dcifeos]?|C[ncfos]?|M[nce]?|Z[lsp]?|S[mcko]?|L[muCDlto]?)\}" contained display
syntax match clojureRegexpUnicodeCharClass "\v\\[pP]\{%(Is|gc\=|general_category\=)?%(N[dlo]?|P[dcifeos]?|C[ncfos]?|M[nce]?|Z[lsp]?|S[mcko]?|L[muCDlto]?)\}" contained display
-syntax match clojureRegexpUnicodeCharClass "\v\\[pP]\{\c%(Is|sc\=|script\=)%(l%(epc%(ha)?|y%([dc]i%(an)?)|a%(t%(n|in)|na|oo?)|i%(n%(b|ear_b)|mbu?|su))|vaii?|d%(srt|e%(seret|va%(nagari)?))|g%(lag%(olitic)?|eor%(gian)?|oth%(ic)?|re%(k|ek)|u%(j%(arati|r)|r%(u|mukhi)))|u%(gar%(itic)?|nknown)|a%(r%(ab%(ic)?|m%([ni]|enian))|v%(st|estan))|e%(thi%(opic)?|gyp%(tian_hieroglyphs)?)|z%(inh|yyy|zzz)|r%(un%(ic|r)|ejang|jng)|m%(a%(nd%(aic)?|layalam)|lym|y%(anmar|mr)|tei|ong%(olian)?|eetei_mayek)|c%(a%(n%(adian_aboriginal|s)|ri%(an)?)|y%(priot|r%(l|illic))|prt|uneiform|o%(pt%(ic)?|mmon)|h%(er%(okee)?|am))|i%(n%(scriptional_pa%(rthian|hlavi)|herited)|mperial_aramaic|tal)|b%(eng%(ali)?|a%(t%(ak|k)|li%(nese)?|mum?)|ra%(i%(lle)?|h%(mi)?)|opo%(mofo)?|u%(gi%(nese)?|h%(d|id)))|o%(g%(am|ham)|r%(iya|kh|ya)|sma%(nya)?|l%(d_%(south_arabian|persian|italic|turkic)|ck|_chiki))|p%(rti|h%(oenician|li|ag%(s_pa)?|nx))|k%(h%(m%(r|er)|ar%(oshthi)?)|nda|a%(li|n%(a|nada)|takana|yah_li|ithi)|thi)|yi%(ii)?|t%(elu%(gu)?|i%(finagh|b%(t|etan))|ha%(i|a%(na)?)|a%(i_%(le|tham|viet)|g%(alog|b%(anwa)?)|vt|l[ue]|m%(il|l))|fng|glg)|x%(peo|sux)|n%(ew_tai_lue|koo?)|h%(ira%(gana)?|an%([io]|unoo|g%(ul)?)?|ebr%(ew)?)|java%(nese)?|s%(inh%(ala)?|ha%(vian|w)|a%(ur%(ashtra)?|m%(r|aritan)|rb)|y%(r%(c|iac)|lo%(ti_nagri)?)|und%(anese)?))\}" contained display
-syntax match clojureRegexpUnicodeCharClass "\v\\[pP]\{\c%(In|blk\=|block\=)%(javanese|h%(a%(lfwidth%( and fullwidth forms|andfullwidthforms|_and_fullwidth_forms)|n%(unoo|gul%(compatibilityjamo|syllables|jamo%(extended\-[ab])?|_%(syllables|jamo%(_extended_[ab])?|compatibility_jamo)| %(syllables|compatibility jamo|jamo%( extended\-[ab])?))))|i%(ragana|gh%( %(private use surrogates|surrogates)|_%(private_use_surrogates|surrogates)|surrogates|privateusesurrogates))|ebrew)|i%(pa%([ _]extensions|extensions)|deographic%( description characters|_description_characters|descriptioncharacters)|nscriptional%(%([ _]pa%(rthian|hlavi))|pa%(rthian|hlavi))|mperial%(aramaic|[_ ]aramaic))|l%(e%(tterlike%([_ ]symbols|symbols)|pcha)|ow%([_ ]surrogates|surrogates)|i%(mbu|near%(_b_%(ideograms|syllabary)|b%(ideograms|syllabary)| b %(ideograms|syllabary))|su)|a%(tin%(extended%(additional|\-[dacb])| extended%( additional|\-[dacb])|\-1%(supplement| supplement)|_%(extended_%([dcb]|a%(dditional)?)|1_supplement))|o)|y[cd]ian)|b%(u%(ginese|hid)|ra%(hmi|ille%(patterns|[_ ]patterns))|o%(x%([ _]drawing|drawing)|pomofo%([ _]extended|extended)?)|lock%([ _]elements|elements)|yzantine%( musical symbols|musicalsymbols|_musical_symbols)|engali|a%(linese|mum%(supplement|[ _]supplement)?|tak|sic%([ _]latin|latin)))|e%(gyptian%([ _]hieroglyphs|hieroglyphs)|moticons|nclosed%( %(cjk letters and months|ideographic supplement|alphanumeric%( supplement|s))|cjklettersandmonths|_%(ideographic_supplement|alphanumeric%(_supplement|s)|cjk_letters_and_months)|alphanumerics%(upplement)?|ideographicsupplement)|thiopic%(supplement|_%(supplement|extended%(_a)?)| %(supplement|extended%(\-a)?)|extended%(\-a)?)?)|k%(h%(aroshthi|mer%([_ ]symbols|symbols)?)|a%(takana%(_phonetic_extensions|phoneticextensions| phonetic extensions)?|n%(gxi%([_ ]radicals|radicals)|a%(supplement|[ _]supplement)|bun|nada)|ithi|yah%([ _]li|li)))|r%(u%(nic|mi%(numeralsymbols| numeral symbols|_numeral_symbols))|ejang)|n%(umber%(forms|[ _]forms)|ko|ew%(_tai_lue|tailue| tai lue))|m%(iscellaneous%(technical|symbols%(and%(pictographs|arrows))?|mathematicalsymbols\-[ab]| %(technical|mathematical symbols\-[ab]|symbols%( and %(pictographs|arrows))?)|_%(technical|symbols%(_and_%(pictographs|arrows))?|mathematical_symbols_[ab]))|usical%([_ ]symbols|symbols)|eetei%(mayek|[_ ]mayek)|a%(ndaic|hjong%([ _]tiles|tiles)|layalam|thematical%(alphanumericsymbols| %(alphanumeric symbols|operators)|_%(alphanumeric_symbols|operators)|operators))|yanmar%(extended\-a|_extended_a| extended\-a)?|o%(difier%(_tone_letters| tone letters|toneletters)|ngolian))|d%(e%(seret|vanagari%([ _]extended|extended)?)|ingbats|omino%([ _]tiles|tiles))|yi%(syllables|%([_ ]%(syllables|radicals))|radicals|jing%(hexagramsymbols| hexagram symbols|_hexagram_symbols))|s%(havian|mall%( form variants|formvariants|_form_variants)|p%(acing%(_modifier_letters| modifier letters|modifierletters)|ecials)|a%(maritan|urashtra)|u%(p%(erscripts%(_and_subscripts|andsubscripts| and subscripts)|plementa%(ry%(_private_use_area_[ab]|privateusearea\-[ab]| private use area\-[ab])|l%(_%(arrows_[ab]|mathematical_operators|punctuation)| %(mathematical operators|punctuation|arrows\-[ab])|mathematicaloperators|punctuation|arrows\-[ab])))|rrogates_area|ndanese)|inhala|y%(riac|loti%([_ ]nagri|nagri)))|p%(h%(o%(enician|netic%( extensions%( supplement)?|extensions%(supplement)?|_extensions%(_supplement)?))|a%(istos%([ _]disc|disc)|gs[_\-]pa))|laying%(cards|[_ ]cards)|rivate%(usearea| use area|_use_area))|o%(smanya|l%([ _]chiki|d%( %(south arabian|persian|italic|turkic)|southarabian|_%(south_arabian|persian|italic|turkic)|persian|italic|turkic)|chiki)|riya|ptical%( character recognition|_character_recognition|characterrecognition)|gham)|g%(u%(jarati|rmukhi)|othic|lagolitic|e%(o%(rgian%(supplement|[ _]supplement)?|metric%(shapes|[ _]shapes))|neral%([_ ]punctuation|punctuation))|reek%( %(and coptic|extended)|andcoptic|_extended|extended)?)|c%(o%(ntrol%(pictures|[ _]pictures)|m%(bining%(diacriticalmarks%(supplement|forsymbols)?|halfmarks| %(diacritical marks%( %(supplement|for symbols))?|half marks|marks for symbols)|marksforsymbols|_%(marks_for_symbols|half_marks|diacritical_marks%(_supplement)?))|mon%(_indic_number_forms|indicnumberforms| indic number forms))|ptic|unting%( rod numerals|_rod_numerals|rodnumerals))|y%(rillic%(extended\-[ab]|_%(extended_[ab]|supplementary)|supplement%(ary)?| %(extended\-[ab]|supplement%(ary)?))?|priot%(syllabary|[ _]syllabary))|u%(rrency%([_ ]symbols|symbols)|neiform%(_numbers_and_punctuation|numbersandpunctuation| numbers and punctuation)?)|arian|h%(erokee|am)|jk%(s%(ymbolsandpunctuation|trokes)|compatibility%(forms|ideographs%(supplement)?)?|radicalssupplement| %(compatibility%( %(ideographs%( supplement)?|forms))?|radicals supplement|unified ideographs%( extension [dacb])?|s%(ymbols and punctuation|trokes))|_%(s%(trokes|ymbols_and_punctuation)|radicals_supplement|compatibility%(_%(forms|ideographs%(_supplement)?))?|unified_ideographs%(_extension_[dacb])?)|unifiedideographs%(extension[dacb])?))|t%(i%(betan|finagh)|elugu|a%(mil|i%(xuanjingsymbols|_%(le|xuan_jing_symbols|tham|viet)|le| %(xuan jing symbols|le|tham|viet)|tham|viet)|g%(alog|s|banwa))|ransport%( and map symbols|_and_map_symbols|andmapsymbols)|ha%(i|ana))|a%(l%(chemical%([_ ]symbols|symbols)|phabetic%( presentation forms|_presentation_forms|presentationforms))|ncient%(_%(greek_%(musical_notation|numbers)|symbols)|greek%(numbers|musicalnotation)| %(greek %(numbers|musical notation)|symbols)|symbols)|egean%(numbers|[ _]numbers)|vestan|r%(abic%( %(supplement|presentation forms\-[ab])|supplement|_%(presentation_forms_[ab]|supplement)|presentationforms\-[ab])?|menian|rows))|u%(garitic|nified%(canadianaboriginalsyllabics%(extended)?|_canadian_aboriginal_syllabics%(_extended)?| canadian aboriginal syllabics%( extended)?))|v%(a%(i|riation%( selectors%( supplement)?|selectors%(supplement)?|_selectors%(_supplement)?))|e%(rtical%(forms|[ _]forms)|dic%([ _]extensions|extensions))))\}" contained display
-syntax match clojureRegexpPredefinedCharClass "\v%(\\[dDsSwW]|\.)" contained display
-syntax cluster clojureRegexpCharPropertyClasses contains=clojureRegexpPosixCharClass,clojureRegexpJavaCharClass,clojureRegexpUnicodeCharClass
-syntax cluster clojureRegexpCharClasses contains=clojureRegexpPredefinedCharClass,clojureRegexpCharClass,@clojureRegexpCharPropertyClasses
-syntax region clojureRegexpCharClass start="\[" skip=/\\\\\|\\]/ end="]" contained contains=clojureRegexpPredefinedCharClass,@clojureRegexpCharPropertyClasses
-syntax match clojureRegexpBoundary "\\[bBAGZz]" contained display
-syntax match clojureRegexpBoundary "[$^]" contained display
-syntax match clojureRegexpQuantifier "[?*+][?+]\=" contained display
-syntax match clojureRegexpQuantifier "\v\{\d+%(,|,\d+)?}\??" contained display
-syntax match clojureRegexpOr "|" contained display
-syntax match clojureRegexpBackRef "\v\\%([1-9]\d*|k\<[a-zA-z]+\>)" contained display
+syntax match clojureRegexpUnicodeCharClass "\v\\[pP]\{\c%(Is|sc\=|script\=)%(l%(epc%(ha)?|y%([dc]i%(an)?)|a%(t%(n|in)|na|oo?)|i%(n%(b|ear_b)|mbu?|su))|p%(rti|lrd|h%(oenician|li|ag%(s_pa)?|nx))|vaii?|d%(srt|e%(seret|va%(nagari)?))|g%(lag%(olitic)?|eor%(gian)?|oth%(ic)?|re%(k|ek)|u%(j%(arati|r)|r%(u|mukhi)))|u%(gar%(itic)?|nknown)|a%(r%(ab%(ic)?|m%([ni]|enian))|v%(st|estan))|e%(thi%(opic)?|gyp%(tian_hieroglyphs)?)|z%(inh|yyy|zzz)|r%(un%(ic|r)|ejang|jng)|s%(inh%(ala)?|h%(rd|a%(vian|rada|w))|a%(ur%(ashtra)?|m%(r|aritan)|rb)|y%(r%(c|iac)|lo%(ti_nagri)?)|und%(anese)?|ora%(_sompeng)?)|i%(n%(scriptional_pa%(rthian|hlavi)|herited)|mperial_aramaic|tal)|b%(eng%(ali)?|a%(t%(ak|k)|li%(nese)?|mum?)|ra%(i%(lle)?|h%(mi)?)|opo%(mofo)?|u%(gi%(nese)?|h%(d|id)))|o%(g%(am|ham)|r%(iya|kh|ya)|sma%(nya)?|l%(d_%(south_arabian|persian|italic|turkic)|ck|_chiki))|k%(h%(m%(r|er)|ar%(oshthi)?)|nda|a%(li|n%(a|nada)|takana|yah_li|ithi)|thi)|m%(a%(nd%(aic)?|layalam)|lym|y%(anmar|mr)|tei|e%(r%(c|o%(itic_%(hieroglyphs|cursive))?)|etei_mayek)|ong%(olian)?|iao)|yi%(ii)?|x%(peo|sux)|n%(ew_tai_lue|koo?)|h%(ira%(gana)?|an%([io]|unoo|g%(ul)?)?|ebr%(ew)?)|c%(y%(priot|r%(l|illic))|a%(km|n%(adian_aboriginal|s)|ri%(an)?)|prt|h%(er%(okee)?|a%(m|kma))|uneiform|o%(pt%(ic)?|mmon))|t%(elu%(gu)?|i%(finagh|b%(t|etan))|ha%(i|a%(na)?)|a%(i_%(le|tham|viet)|g%(alog|b%(anwa)?)|vt|kri?|l[ue]|m%(il|l))|fng|glg)|java%(nese)?)\}" contained display
+syntax match clojureRegexpUnicodeCharClass "\v\\[pP]\{\c%(In|blk\=|block\=)%(javanese|h%(a%(lfwidth%( and fullwidth forms|andfullwidthforms|_and_fullwidth_forms)|n%(unoo|gul%(compatibilityjamo|syllables|jamo%(extended\-[ab])?|_%(syllables|jamo%(_extended_[ab])?|compatibility_jamo)| %(syllables|compatibility jamo|jamo%( extended\-[ab])?))))|i%(ragana|gh%( %(private use surrogates|surrogates)|_%(private_use_surrogates|surrogates)|surrogates|privateusesurrogates))|ebrew)|i%(pa%([ _]extensions|extensions)|deographic%( description characters|_description_characters|descriptioncharacters)|nscriptional%(%([ _]pa%(rthian|hlavi))|pa%(rthian|hlavi))|mperial%(aramaic|[_ ]aramaic))|l%(e%(tterlike%([_ ]symbols|symbols)|pcha)|ow%([_ ]surrogates|surrogates)|i%(mbu|near%(_b_%(ideograms|syllabary)|b%(ideograms|syllabary)| b %(ideograms|syllabary))|su)|a%(tin%(extended%(additional|\-[dacb])| extended%( additional|\-[dacb])|\-1%(supplement| supplement)|_%(extended_%([dcb]|a%(dditional)?)|1_supplement))|o)|y[cd]ian)|b%(u%(ginese|hid)|ra%(hmi|ille%(patterns|[_ ]patterns))|o%(x%([ _]drawing|drawing)|pomofo%([ _]extended|extended)?)|lock%([ _]elements|elements)|yzantine%( musical symbols|musicalsymbols|_musical_symbols)|engali|a%(linese|mum%(supplement|[ _]supplement)?|tak|sic%([ _]latin|latin)))|e%(gyptian%([ _]hieroglyphs|hieroglyphs)|moticons|nclosed%( %(cjk letters and months|ideographic supplement|alphanumeric%( supplement|s))|cjklettersandmonths|_%(ideographic_supplement|alphanumeric%(_supplement|s)|cjk_letters_and_months)|alphanumerics%(upplement)?|ideographicsupplement)|thiopic%(supplement|_%(supplement|extended%(_a)?)| %(supplement|extended%(\-a)?)|extended%(\-a)?)?)|k%(h%(aroshthi|mer%([_ ]symbols|symbols)?)|a%(takana%(_phonetic_extensions|phoneticextensions| phonetic extensions)?|n%(gxi%([_ ]radicals|radicals)|a%(supplement|[ _]supplement)|bun|nada)|ithi|yah%([ _]li|li)))|m%(i%(ao|scellaneous%(technical|symbols%(and%(pictographs|arrows))?|mathematicalsymbols\-[ab]| %(technical|mathematical symbols\-[ab]|symbols%( and %(pictographs|arrows))?)|_%(technical|symbols%(_and_%(pictographs|arrows))?|mathematical_symbols_[ab])))|usical%([_ ]symbols|symbols)|e%(etei%(mayek%(extensions)?|_mayek%(_extensions)?| mayek%( extensions)?)|roitic%(hieroglyphs|%([_ ]%(hieroglyphs|cursive))|cursive))|a%(ndaic|hjong%([ _]tiles|tiles)|layalam|thematical%(alphanumericsymbols| %(alphanumeric symbols|operators)|_%(alphanumeric_symbols|operators)|operators))|yanmar%(extended\-a|_extended_a| extended\-a)?|o%(difier%(_tone_letters| tone letters|toneletters)|ngolian))|r%(u%(nic|mi%(numeralsymbols| numeral symbols|_numeral_symbols))|ejang)|n%(umber%(forms|[ _]forms)|ko|ew%(_tai_lue|tailue| tai lue))|c%(o%(ntrol%(pictures|[ _]pictures)|m%(bining%(diacriticalmarks%(supplement|forsymbols)?|halfmarks| %(diacritical marks%( %(supplement|for symbols))?|half marks|marks for symbols)|marksforsymbols|_%(marks_for_symbols|half_marks|diacritical_marks%(_supplement)?))|mon%(_indic_number_forms|indicnumberforms| indic number forms))|ptic|unting%( rod numerals|_rod_numerals|rodnumerals))|y%(rillic%(extended\-[ab]|_%(extended_[ab]|supplementary)|supplement%(ary)?| %(extended\-[ab]|supplement%(ary)?))?|priot%(syllabary|[ _]syllabary))|u%(rrency%([_ ]symbols|symbols)|neiform%(_numbers_and_punctuation|numbersandpunctuation| numbers and punctuation)?)|h%(a%(m|kma)|erokee)|arian|jk%(s%(ymbolsandpunctuation|trokes)|compatibility%(forms|ideographs%(supplement)?)?|radicalssupplement| %(compatibility%( %(ideographs%( supplement)?|forms))?|radicals supplement|unified ideographs%( extension [dacb])?|s%(ymbols and punctuation|trokes))|_%(s%(trokes|ymbols_and_punctuation)|radicals_supplement|compatibility%(_%(forms|ideographs%(_supplement)?))?|unified_ideographs%(_extension_[dacb])?)|unifiedideographs%(extension[dacb])?))|d%(e%(seret|vanagari%([ _]extended|extended)?)|ingbats|omino%([ _]tiles|tiles))|yi%(syllables|%([_ ]%(syllables|radicals))|radicals|jing%(hexagramsymbols| hexagram symbols|_hexagram_symbols))|s%(mall%( form variants|formvariants|_form_variants)|p%(acing%(_modifier_letters| modifier letters|modifierletters)|ecials)|ora%(sompeng|[ _]sompeng)|ha%(vian|rada)|a%(maritan|urashtra)|inhala|y%(riac|loti%([_ ]nagri|nagri))|u%(ndanese%(supplement|[ _]supplement)?|p%(erscripts%(_and_subscripts|andsubscripts| and subscripts)|plementa%(ry%(_private_use_area_[ab]|privateusearea\-[ab]| private use area\-[ab])|l%(_%(arrows_[ab]|mathematical_operators|punctuation)| %(mathematical operators|punctuation|arrows\-[ab])|mathematicaloperators|punctuation|arrows\-[ab])))|rrogates_area))|p%(h%(o%(enician|netic%( extensions%( supplement)?|extensions%(supplement)?|_extensions%(_supplement)?))|a%(istos%([ _]disc|disc)|gs[_\-]pa))|laying%(cards|[_ ]cards)|rivate%(usearea| use area|_use_area))|o%(smanya|l%([ _]chiki|d%( %(south arabian|persian|italic|turkic)|southarabian|_%(south_arabian|persian|italic|turkic)|persian|italic|turkic)|chiki)|riya|ptical%( character recognition|_character_recognition|characterrecognition)|gham)|g%(u%(jarati|rmukhi)|othic|lagolitic|e%(o%(rgian%(supplement|[ _]supplement)?|metric%(shapes|[ _]shapes))|neral%([_ ]punctuation|punctuation))|reek%( %(and coptic|extended)|andcoptic|_extended|extended)?)|t%(i%(betan|finagh)|elugu|ransport%( and map symbols|_and_map_symbols|andmapsymbols)|a%(mil|kri|i%(xuanjingsymbols|_%(le|xuan_jing_symbols|tham|viet)|le| %(xuan jing symbols|le|tham|viet)|tham|viet)|g%(alog|s|banwa))|ha%(i|ana))|a%(l%(chemical%([_ ]symbols|symbols)|phabetic%( presentation forms|_presentation_forms|presentationforms))|r%(menian|abic%(extended\-a|mathematicalalphabeticsymbols|supplement|_%(presentation_forms_[ab]|supplement|extended_a|mathematical_alphabetic_symbols)| %(extended\-a|mathematical alphabetic symbols|supplement|presentation forms\-[ab])|presentationforms\-[ab])?|rows)|ncient%(_%(greek_%(musical_notation|numbers)|symbols)|greek%(numbers|musicalnotation)| %(greek %(numbers|musical notation)|symbols)|symbols)|egean%(numbers|[ _]numbers)|vestan)|u%(garitic|nified%(canadianaboriginalsyllabics%(extended)?|_canadian_aboriginal_syllabics%(_extended)?| canadian aboriginal syllabics%( extended)?))|v%(a%(i|riation%( selectors%( supplement)?|selectors%(supplement)?|_selectors%(_supplement)?))|e%(rtical%(forms|[ _]forms)|dic%([ _]extensions|extensions))))\}" contained display
+syntax match clojureRegexpPredefinedCharClass "\v%(\\[dDsSwW]|\.)" contained display
+syntax cluster clojureRegexpCharPropertyClasses contains=clojureRegexpPosixCharClass,clojureRegexpJavaCharClass,clojureRegexpUnicodeCharClass
+syntax cluster clojureRegexpCharClasses contains=clojureRegexpPredefinedCharClass,clojureRegexpCharClass,@clojureRegexpCharPropertyClasses
+syntax region clojureRegexpCharClass start="\[" skip=/\\\\\|\\]/ end="]" contained contains=clojureRegexpPredefinedCharClass,@clojureRegexpCharPropertyClasses
+syntax match clojureRegexpBoundary "\\[bBAGZz]" contained display
+syntax match clojureRegexpBoundary "[$^]" contained display
+syntax match clojureRegexpQuantifier "[?*+][?+]\=" contained display
+syntax match clojureRegexpQuantifier "\v\{\d+%(,|,\d+)?}\??" contained display
+syntax match clojureRegexpOr "|" contained display
+syntax match clojureRegexpBackRef "\v\\%([1-9]\d*|k\<[a-zA-z]+\>)" contained display
" Mode modifiers, mode-modified spans, lookaround, regular and atomic
" grouping, and named-capturing.
@@ -123,66 +154,70 @@ syntax match clojureComment ";.*$" contains=clojureCommentTodo,@Spell
syntax match clojureComment "#!.*$"
" -*- TOP CLUSTER -*-
-" Generated from
+" Generated from
syntax cluster clojureTop contains=@Spell,clojureAnonArg,clojureBoolean,clojureCharacter,clojureComment,clojureCond,clojureConstant,clojureDefine,clojureDeref,clojureDispatch,clojureError,clojureException,clojureFunc,clojureKeyword,clojureMacro,clojureMap,clojureMeta,clojureNumber,clojureQuote,clojureRegexp,clojureRepeat,clojureSexp,clojureSpecial,clojureString,clojureSymbol,clojureUnquote,clojureVarArg,clojureVariable,clojureVector
-syntax region clojureSexp matchgroup=clojureParen start="(" matchgroup=clojureParen end=")" contains=@clojureTop fold
-syntax region clojureVector matchgroup=clojureParen start="\[" matchgroup=clojureParen end="]" contains=@clojureTop fold
-syntax region clojureMap matchgroup=clojureParen start="{" matchgroup=clojureParen end="}" contains=@clojureTop fold
+syntax region clojureSexp matchgroup=clojureParen start="(" end=")" contains=@clojureTop fold
+syntax region clojureVector matchgroup=clojureParen start="\[" end="]" contains=@clojureTop fold
+syntax region clojureMap matchgroup=clojureParen start="{" end="}" contains=@clojureTop fold
" Highlight superfluous closing parens, brackets and braces.
syntax match clojureError "]\|}\|)"
syntax sync fromstart
-highlight default link clojureConstant Constant
-highlight default link clojureBoolean Boolean
-highlight default link clojureCharacter Character
-highlight default link clojureKeyword Keyword
-highlight default link clojureNumber Number
-highlight default link clojureString String
-highlight default link clojureStringEscape Character
-highlight default link clojureRegexp Constant
-highlight default link clojureRegexpEscape Character
-highlight default link clojureRegexpCharClass SpecialChar
-highlight default link clojureRegexpPosixCharClass clojureRegexpCharClass
-highlight default link clojureRegexpJavaCharClass clojureRegexpCharClass
-highlight default link clojureRegexpUnicodeCharClass clojureRegexpCharClass
-highlight default link clojureRegexpPredefinedCharClass clojureRegexpCharClass
-highlight default link clojureRegexpBoundary SpecialChar
-highlight default link clojureRegexpQuantifier SpecialChar
-highlight default link clojureRegexpMod SpecialChar
-highlight default link clojureRegexpOr SpecialChar
-highlight default link clojureRegexpBackRef SpecialChar
-highlight default link clojureRegexpGroup clojureRegexp
-highlight default link clojureRegexpQuoted clojureString
-highlight default link clojureRegexpQuote clojureRegexpBoundary
-highlight default link clojureVariable Identifier
-highlight default link clojureCond Conditional
-highlight default link clojureDefine Define
-highlight default link clojureException Exception
-highlight default link clojureFunc Function
-highlight default link clojureMacro Macro
-highlight default link clojureRepeat Repeat
-highlight default link clojureSpecial Special
-highlight default link clojureVarArg Special
-highlight default link clojureQuote SpecialChar
-highlight default link clojureUnquote SpecialChar
-highlight default link clojureMeta SpecialChar
-highlight default link clojureDeref SpecialChar
-highlight default link clojureAnonArg SpecialChar
-highlight default link clojureDispatch SpecialChar
-highlight default link clojureComment Comment
-highlight default link clojureCommentTodo Todo
-highlight default link clojureError Error
-highlight default link clojureParen Delimiter
+highlight default link clojureConstant Constant
+highlight default link clojureBoolean Boolean
+highlight default link clojureCharacter Character
+highlight default link clojureKeyword Keyword
+highlight default link clojureNumber Number
+highlight default link clojureString String
+highlight default link clojureStringDelimiter String
+highlight default link clojureStringEscape Character
+highlight default link clojureRegexp Constant
+highlight default link clojureRegexpEscape Character
+highlight default link clojureRegexpCharClass SpecialChar
+highlight default link clojureRegexpPosixCharClass clojureRegexpCharClass
+highlight default link clojureRegexpJavaCharClass clojureRegexpCharClass
+highlight default link clojureRegexpUnicodeCharClass clojureRegexpCharClass
+highlight default link clojureRegexpPredefinedCharClass clojureRegexpCharClass
+highlight default link clojureRegexpBoundary SpecialChar
+highlight default link clojureRegexpQuantifier SpecialChar
+highlight default link clojureRegexpMod SpecialChar
+highlight default link clojureRegexpOr SpecialChar
+highlight default link clojureRegexpBackRef SpecialChar
+highlight default link clojureRegexpGroup clojureRegexp
+highlight default link clojureRegexpQuoted clojureString
+highlight default link clojureRegexpQuote clojureRegexpBoundary
+highlight default link clojureVariable Identifier
+highlight default link clojureCond Conditional
+highlight default link clojureDefine Define
+highlight default link clojureException Exception
+highlight default link clojureFunc Function
+highlight default link clojureMacro Macro
+highlight default link clojureRepeat Repeat
+highlight default link clojureSpecial Special
+highlight default link clojureVarArg Special
+highlight default link clojureQuote SpecialChar
+highlight default link clojureUnquote SpecialChar
+highlight default link clojureMeta SpecialChar
+highlight default link clojureDeref SpecialChar
+highlight default link clojureAnonArg SpecialChar
+highlight default link clojureDispatch SpecialChar
+highlight default link clojureComment Comment
+highlight default link clojureCommentTodo Todo
+highlight default link clojureError Error
+highlight default link clojureParen Delimiter
let b:current_syntax = "clojure"
-" vim:sts=8:sw=8:ts=8:noet:smc=0
+let &cpo = s:cpo_sav
+unlet! s:cpo_sav
+" vim:sts=8:sw=8:ts=8:noet
diff --git a/runtime/syntax/python.vim b/runtime/syntax/python.vim
index 68979a87c..4b9077a38 100644
--- a/runtime/syntax/python.vim
+++ b/runtime/syntax/python.vim
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
" Vim syntax file
" Language: Python
" Maintainer: Zvezdan Petkovic <>
-" Last Change: 2016 Feb 20
+" Last Change: 2016 Jul 21
" Credits: Neil Schemenauer <>
" Dmitry Vasiliev
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ set cpo&vim
" built-in below (use 'from __future__ import print_function' in 2)
" - async and await were added in Python 3.5 and are soft keywords.
-syn keyword pythonStatement False, None, True
+syn keyword pythonStatement False None True
syn keyword pythonStatement as assert break continue del exec global
syn keyword pythonStatement lambda nonlocal pass print return with yield
syn keyword pythonStatement class def nextgroup=pythonFunction skipwhite
diff --git a/runtime/syntax/sqloracle.vim b/runtime/syntax/sqloracle.vim
index 8afe2686b..f9e24af98 100644
--- a/runtime/syntax/sqloracle.vim
+++ b/runtime/syntax/sqloracle.vim
@@ -4,7 +4,12 @@
" Repository:
" License: Vim
" Previous Maintainer: Paul Moore
-" Last Change: 2015 Nov 24
+" Last Change: 2016 Jul 22
+" Changes:
+" 02.04.2016: Support for when keyword
+" 03.04.2016: Support for join related keywords
+" 22.07.2016: Support Oracle Q-Quote-Syntax
if exists("b:current_syntax")
@@ -24,10 +29,11 @@ syn keyword sqlKeyword index initial initrans into is level link logging loop
syn keyword sqlKeyword maxextents maxtrans mode modify monitoring
syn keyword sqlKeyword nocache nocompress nologging noparallel nowait of offline on online start
syn keyword sqlKeyword parallel successful synonym table tablespace then to trigger uid
-syn keyword sqlKeyword unique user validate values view whenever
+syn keyword sqlKeyword unique user validate values view when whenever
syn keyword sqlKeyword where with option order pctfree pctused privileges procedure
syn keyword sqlKeyword public resource return row rowlabel rownum rows
syn keyword sqlKeyword session share size smallint type using
+syn keyword sqlKeyword join cross inner outer left right
syn keyword sqlOperator not and or
syn keyword sqlOperator in any some all between exists
@@ -47,8 +53,13 @@ syn keyword sqlType boolean char character date float integer long
syn keyword sqlType mlslabel number raw rowid varchar varchar2 varray
" Strings:
-syn region sqlString start=+"+ skip=+\\\\\|\\"+ end=+"+
-syn region sqlString start=+'+ skip=+\\\\\|\\'+ end=+'+
+syn region sqlString matchgroup=Quote start=+"+ skip=+\\\\\|\\"+ end=+"+
+syn region sqlString matchgroup=Quote start=+'+ skip=+\\\\\|\\'+ end=+'+
+syn region sqlString matchgroup=Quote start=+n\?q'\z([^[(<{]\)+ end=+\z1'+
+syn region sqlString matchgroup=Quote start=+n\?q'<+ end=+>'+
+syn region sqlString matchgroup=Quote start=+n\?q'{+ end=+}'+
+syn region sqlString matchgroup=Quote start=+n\?q'(+ end=+)'+
+syn region sqlString matchgroup=Quote start=+n\?q'\[+ end=+]'+
" Numbers:
syn match sqlNumber "-\=\<\d*\.\=[0-9_]\>"
@@ -118,6 +129,7 @@ syn keyword sqlTodo TODO FIXME XXX DEBUG NOTE contained
" Define the default highlighting.
command -nargs=+ HiLink hi def link <args>
+HiLink Quote Special
HiLink sqlComment Comment
HiLink sqlFunction Function
HiLink sqlKeyword sqlSpecial
diff --git a/runtime/tutor/ b/runtime/tutor/
index eda00a5d3..d7ce45b3e 100644
--- a/runtime/tutor/
+++ b/runtime/tutor/
@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@
- ** Натиснете A (Shift+a) , за да добавите текст. **
+ ** Натиснете A (SHIFT+a) , за да добавите текст. **
1. Придвижете показалеца до реда долу, означен със --->.
Няма значение на коя буква в реда се намира показалеца.
@@ -166,11 +166,11 @@
Внимание! Преди да изпълните която и да е от стъпките долу, прочетете целия урок!!
1. Излезте от самоучителя, както направихте в Урок 1.2: :q!
- Или, ако имате достъп до друг терминал направете следното там.
+ Или, ако имате достъп до друг терминал, направете следното там.
2. На командния ред напишете следното и натиснете <ENTER>: vim tutor <ENTER>
- 'vim' е командата която стартира редактора Vim, 'tutor' е името на файла,
- които искате да промените. Използвайте файл който може да бъде променян.
+ 'vim' е командата, която стартира редактора Vim, 'tutor' е името на файла,
+ които искате да промените. Използвайте файл който може да бъде променян.
3. Въвеждайте и изтривайте текст по начините, научени в предишните уроци.
@@ -191,10 +191,10 @@
2. За да пуснете Vim от командния ред, напишете: vim ИМЕ-НА-ФАЙЛ <ENTER>
3. За да излезете от Vim, напишете:
- <ESC> :q! <ENTER> за да отхвърлите всички промени..
+ <ESC> :q! <ENTER> за да отхвърлите всички промени.
ИЛИ напишете: <ESC> :wq <ENTER> за да запишете промените.
- 4. За да изтриете буква намираща се под показалеца, натиснете: x
+ 4. За да изтриете буква намираща се под показалеца, натиснете: x .
5. За да въведете или добавите текст, натиснете:
i въведете текста, натиснете <ESC>. Въвежда преди показалеца.
@@ -282,11 +282,12 @@
** Ако въведете число преди движението, то се повтаря толкова пъти
колкото е числото. **
- 1. Придвижете показалеца до началото на реда долу , означен със --->.
+ 1. Придвижете показалеца до началото на реда долу, означен със --->.
2. Въведете 2w , за да преместите показалеца с две думи напред.
- 3. Въведете 3e , за да преместите показалеца до третата дума напред.
+ 3. Въведете 3e , за да преместите показалеца до края на третата дума
+ напред.
4. Въведете 0 (нула), за да отидете в началото на реда.
@@ -309,10 +310,10 @@
изтриване заедно с движение, трябва да въведете числото преди движението:
d число движение
- 1. Придвижете показалеца до първата дума, изписана с ГОЛЕМИ БУКВИ в реда,
+ 1. Придвижете показалеца до първата дума, изписана с ГЛАВНИ БУКВИ в реда,
означен със --->.
- 2. Въведете d2w , за да изтриете думите, написани с ГОЛЕМИ БУКВИ.
+ 2. Въведете d2w , за да изтриете думите, написани с ГЛАВНИ БУКВИ.
3. Повторете стъпки 1 и 2, за да изтриете последователните
думи, изписани с големи букви с една команда.
@@ -388,14 +389,14 @@
движение - придвижване в текста, върху който се работи, например w (word),
$ (до края на реда) и т.н.
- 6. За да се придвижите до началото на ред, натиснете нула - 0
+ 6. За да се придвижите до началото на ред, натиснете нула - 0
- 7. За да отмените предишни действия натиснете u (малка буква u)
- За да отмените всички промени на един ред въведете U (главна буква U)
+ 7. За да отмените предишни действия, натиснете u (малка буква u)
+ За да отмените всички промени на един ред, въведете U (главна буква U)
За да отмените отмените, натиснете CTRL-R
** Въведете p , за да поставите изтрит преди това текст след
@@ -420,10 +421,10 @@
- ** Въведете rx , за да заместите (replace) буквата под показалеца с x . **
+ ** Въведете rx , за да заместите буквата под показалеца с x . **
1. Придвижете показалеца до първия ред, означен със ---> долу.
@@ -444,7 +445,7 @@
** За да промените от мястото на показалеца до края на дума, въведете ce . **
@@ -453,11 +454,11 @@
2. Поставете показалеца върху з в тзии.
- 3. Въведете ce и правилнят остатък от думата ( в този случай ози).
+ 3. Въведете ce и правилния остатък от думата ( в този случай ози).
4. Натиснете <ESC> и отидете на следващата група букви, които трябва да се променят.
- 5. Повтаряйте стъпки 3 и 4 докато първото изречение стане същото като второто.
+ 5. Повтаряйте стъпки 3 и 4, докато първото изречение стане същото като второто.
---> На тзии ред иам неклико дмуи, ктоио требав да се прмнеято като се изповлза оепртореа за промяна.
---> На този ред има няколко думи, които трябва да се променят като се използва оператора за промяна.
@@ -499,7 +500,7 @@
Това поставя изтрития текст СЛЕД мястото, на което се намира показалеца.
Ако сте изтрили преди това цял ред, той ще бъде поставен като следващ ред.
- 2. За да заместите буква, намираща се под показалеца, въведете r и след
+ 2. За да заместите буква, намираща се под показалеца, въведете r и след
това буквата, с която искате да заместите.
3. Операторът за промяна ви позволява да променяте текста от мястото на
@@ -544,8 +545,8 @@
** Въведете / , последвана от фраза, за да потърсите фразата. **
- 1. В Нормален режим въведете / символа. Забележете, че / (наклонената
- черта) и показалеца се появяват в дъното на екрана, както се случва при
+ 1. В Нормален режим въведете знака / . Забележете, че / (наклонената
+ черта) и показалецът се появяват в дъното на екрана, както се случва при
използването на командата : .
2. Сега въведете 'грешшшка' <ENTER>. Това е думата, която ще търсите.
@@ -555,7 +556,7 @@
4. За да търсите за фраза в обратната посока използвайте ? вместо / .
- 5. За да се върнете, там където сте били, натиснете CTRL-O (задръжте Ctrl
+ 5. За да се върнете, там където сте били, натиснете CTRL-O (задръжте Ctrl
натиснат докато натискате клавиша o). Повторете, за да отидете още
по-назад. С CTRL-I пък отивате напред.
@@ -580,15 +581,15 @@
5. Придвижете показалеца до друга (,),[,],{ или } скоба и вижте какво прави % .
----> Това ( ред за проверка с различни скоби като (, [ ] и { } в него. ))
+---> Това ( е ред за проверка с различни скоби като (, [ ] и { } в него. ))
-Забележка! Това е много полезно за откриване на грешки на програми с несъответстващи скоби.
+Забележка! Това е много полезно при откриване на грешки в програми с несъответстващи скоби.
** Въведете :s/старо/ново/g за да заместите 'старо' със 'ново'. **
@@ -621,8 +622,8 @@
число G ви отвежда до съответния ред.
gg ви отвежда до първия ред.
- 2. Ако натиснете / последвано от низ за търсене, търсите НАПРЕД.
- Ако натиснете / последвано от низ за търсене, търсите НАЗАД.
+ 2. Ако натиснете / , последвана от низ за търсене, търсите НАПРЕД.
+ Ако натиснете / , последвана от низ за търсене, търсите НАЗАД.
След търсене, въведете n , за да намерите следващо съвпадение с низа,
който търсите в същата посока, в която търсите или N , за да търсите в
обратната посока.
@@ -644,7 +645,7 @@
** Въведете :! , последвано от външна команда, за да я изпълните. **
- 1. Въведете познатата ви вече : , за да поставите показалеца в дъното на
+ 1. Въведете познатото ви вече : , за да поставите показалеца в дъното на
екрана. Това ви позволява да въвеждате команда.
2. Сега въведете ! (удивителен знак). Това ви позволява да изпълнявате
@@ -673,11 +674,11 @@
3. Сега въведете :w TEST (където TEST е името на файла).
- 4. Това записва целия фаил(Самоучителя за Vim) под името TEST.
- За да проверите, напишете :!dir или :!ls отново за да видите вашата
- папка.
+ 4. Това записва целия файл (Самоучителя за Vim) под името TEST.
+ За да проверите, напишете :!dir или :!ls отново и вижте съдържанието
+ на вашата папка.
-Забележете! Ако излезете от Vim и го пуснете отново като напишете на командния
+Забележете! Ако излезете от Vim и го пуснете отново, като напишете на командния
ред vim TEST , файлът ще бъде точно копие на самоучителя, когато
сте го записали.
@@ -686,7 +687,7 @@
** За да запишете част от файла, натиснете v , следвано от движение :w FILENAME **
@@ -704,13 +705,13 @@
5. Vim ще запише избраните редове във файла TEST. Използвайте :!dir или :!ls ,
за да го видите. Не го изтривайте все още! Ще го използваме в следващия урок.
-Забележете! Като натиснете v започвате видимо избиране (Visual selection).
+Забележете! Като натиснете v , започвате видимо избиране (Visual selection).
Може да движите показалеца наоколо, за да направите избраното
по-голямо или по-малко. След което, можете да използвате оператор,
за да направите нещо с текста. Например, d изтрива текста.
** За да вмъкнете съдържание на файл в текущия, въведете :r ИМЕНАФАЙЛ **
@@ -718,9 +719,9 @@
1. Поставете показалеца над този ред.
Важно! След като изпълните стъпка 2, ще видите текста от Урок 5.3. След това
- отидете НАДОЛУ за да видите този урок отново.
+ отидете НАДОЛУ, за да видите този урок отново.
- 2. Сега извлечете файла TEST като използвате командата :r TEST , където TEST
+ 2. Сега извлечете файла TEST, като използвате командата :r TEST , където TEST
е името на файла, което сте използвали. Файла, който извлекохте е вмъкнат
под реда, на който се намира показалеца.
@@ -756,14 +757,16 @@
- ** Натиснете o , за да отворите ред под показалеца и да преминете в режим за въвеждане. **
+ ** Натиснете o , за да отворите ред под показалеца и да преминете в
+ режим за въвеждане. **
- 1. Придвижете показалеца до реда долу означен със --->.
+ 1. Придвижете показалеца до реда долу, означен със --->.
- 2. Натиснете клавиша o , за да отворите нов ред ПОД показалеца и да преминете в режим за въвеждане.
+ 2. Натиснете клавиша o , за да отворите нов ред ПОД показалеца и да преминете
+ в режим за въвеждане.
3. Сега въведете някакъв текст и натиснете <ESC> , за да излезете от режима
за въвеждане.
@@ -781,7 +784,7 @@
** Натиснете a , за да въведете текст СЛЕД показалеца. **
@@ -801,8 +804,8 @@
---> Този ре ви позволява да упраж добав на тек в ред.
---> Този ред ви позволява да упражнявате добавяне на текст в ред.
-Важно! a, i и A всички ви отвеждат в режим за въвеждане. Единствената разлика е
- в това, къде се въвеждат знаците.
+Важно! a, i и A - с всички тях отивате в режим за въвеждане. Единствената
+ разлика е в това, къде се въвеждат знаците.
@@ -823,7 +826,8 @@
---> Ако добавите 123 към xxx ще получите xxx.
---> Ако добавите 123 към 456 ще получите 579.
-Важно! Режимът за заместване е същия като режима за въвеждане, но всеки въведен знак изтрива съществуващ знак.
+Важно! Режимът за заместване е същия като режима за въвеждане, но всеки въведен
+ знак изтрива съществуващ знак.
@@ -860,7 +864,7 @@
1. Търсете 'разли' като въведете /разли <ENTER>
Повторете няколко пъти като натискате n .
- 2. Задайте настройктата 'ic' (Ignore case) като въведете :set ic
+ 2. Задайте настройката 'ic' (Ignore case) като въведете :set ic
3.Сега търсете 'разли' отново като натискате n .
Забележете, че сега Разлика и РАЗЛИКА също биват намерени.
@@ -884,7 +888,8 @@
- 1. Натиснете o , за да отворите нов ред ПОД показалеца и да преминете в режим за въвеждане.
+ 1. Натиснете o , за да отворите нов ред ПОД показалеца и да преминете в
+ режим за въвеждане.
Натиснете O , за да отворите ред НАД показалеца.
2. Натиснете a , за да въведете текст СЛЕД показалеца.
@@ -894,7 +899,7 @@
4. Операторът y взима (yank) текст, а p го поставя (paste).
- 5. Ако въведете R , докато сте в нормaлен режим, преминавате в режим за
+ 5. Ако въведете R , докато сте в нормален режим, преминавате в режим за
заместване, докато натиснете <ESC>.
6. Ако напишете ":set xxx", задавате настройката "xxx". Ето някои настройки:
@@ -919,9 +924,9 @@
Прочетете текста в прозореца за помощ, за да разберете как работи системата.
Натиснете CTRL-W CTRL-W (два пъти CTRL-W), за да прескочите от един прозорец в друг.
- Въведете :q <ENTER> , за да затворите прозореца за помощ.
+ Въведете :q <ENTER> , за да затворите прозореца за помощ.
- Можете да намерите помощ по всякакъв въпрос като напишете
+ Можете да намерите помощ по всякакъв въпрос, като напишете
":help" именакоманда. Опитайте следните (не забравяйте да натискате <ENTER>):
:help w
@@ -948,10 +953,10 @@
3. Запишете файла с:
- Следващият път като пуснете Vim той ще осветява текста във файловете,
- които отваряте в зависимост от синтаксиса им.
- Можете да добавите всичките си предпочитани настройки в този файл.
- За повече информация, въведете :help vimrc-intro
+ Следващият път като пуснете Vim той ще осветява текста във файловете, които
+ отваряте в зависимост от синтаксиса им. Можете да добавите всичките си
+ предпочитани настройки в този файл. За повече информация, въведете
+ :help vimrc-intro
@@ -963,11 +968,11 @@
2. Вижте какви файлове има в папката ви: :!ls или :!dir
- 3. Въведете начлото на команда: :e
+ 3. Въведете началото на команда: :e
4. Натиснете CTRL-D и Vim ще ви покаже команди, започващи с "e".
- 5.Натиснете <TAB> и Vim ще допълни командата до ":edit".
+ 5. Натиснете <TAB> и Vim ще допълни командата до ":edit".
6. Сега добавете празно пространство и началото на името на съществуващ файл:
:edit FIL
@@ -989,12 +994,12 @@
3. Натиснете CTRL-W CTRL-W , за да прескочите в друг прозорец.
4. Напишете :q , за да затворите помощния прозорец.
- 5. Създайте файл за стартиране vimrc за да запазите предпочитаните от вас
+ 5. Създайте файл за стартиране vimrc, за да запазите предпочитаните от вас
6. Когато въвеждате команда след : , натиснете CTRL-D , за да видите
възможностите за допълване. Натиснете <TAB> , за да използвате някоя от
- предложените възможности за допълване..
+ предложените възможности за допълване.
@@ -1012,21 +1017,21 @@
Издател: New Riders
Това е първата книга, изцяло посветена на Vim. Особено полезна е за
начинаещи. В нея ще намерите много примери и картинки.
- See
+ Вижте
- Следната книга е по-стара и по скоро за Vi отколкото за Vim, но също се препоръчва:
+ Следната книга е по-стара и по-скоро за Vi отколкото за Vim, но също се препоръчва:
Learning the Vi Editor - от Linda Lamb
Издател: O'Reilly & Associates Inc.
Това е книга, която ще ви запознае с почти всичко във Vi.
Шестото издание включва и информация за Vim.
Този самоучител е написан от Michael C. Pierce и Robert K. Ware,
- Colorado School of Mines, акто използва идеи предоставени от Charles Smith,
+ Colorado School of Mines, като използва идеи предоставени от Charles Smith,
Colorado State University. E-mail:
Променен за Vim от Bram Moolenaar.
- Превод от Красимир Беров <>, юли 2016
+ Превод от Красимир Беров <>, юли 2016.
Този превод е подарък за сина ми Павел и е посветен на българските деца.
diff --git a/src/po/it.po b/src/po/it.po
index 223185f53..2ce2f0811 100644
--- a/src/po/it.po
+++ b/src/po/it.po
@@ -13,16 +13,16 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: vim 7.4\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2016-05-03 16:10+0200\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2016-02-11 14:42+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2016-07-16 16:34+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2016-07-16 16:50+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Antonio Colombo <>\n"
"Language-Team: Antonio Colombo <>\n"
-" Vlad Sandrini <>\n"
-" Luciano Montanaro <>\n"
"Language: Italian\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO_8859-1\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8-bit\n"
+" Vlad Sandrini <>\n"
+" Luciano Montanaro <>\n"
msgid "E831: bf_key_init() called with empty password"
msgstr "E831: chiamata a bf_key_init() con password nulla"
@@ -54,6 +54,9 @@ msgstr "E82: Non riesco ad allocare alcun buffer, esco..."
msgid "E83: Cannot allocate buffer, using other one..."
msgstr "E83: Non riesco ad allocare un buffer, uso l'altro..."
+msgid "E931: Buffer cannot be registered"
+msgstr "E931: Non riesco a registrare il buffer"
msgid "E515: No buffers were unloaded"
msgstr "E515: Nessun buffer scaricato"
@@ -207,6 +210,7 @@ msgstr " riga=%ld id=%d, nome=%s"
msgid "E902: Cannot connect to port"
msgstr "E902: Non posso commettermi alla porta"
+#, c-format
msgid "E917: Cannot use a callback with %s()"
msgstr "E917: Non posso usare callback con %s()"
@@ -222,6 +226,7 @@ msgstr "E920: il file _io necessita di impostare _name"
msgid "E915: in_io buffer requires in_buf or in_name to be set"
msgstr "E915: il buffer in_io necessita di impostare in_buf o in_name"
+#, c-format
msgid "E918: buffer must be loaded: %s"
msgstr "E918: il buffer dev'essere caricato: %s"
@@ -582,6 +587,14 @@ msgstr "E722: Manca virgola nel Dizionario: %s"
msgid "E723: Missing end of Dictionary '}': %s"
msgstr "E723: Manca '}' a fine Dizionario: %s"
+#, c-format
+msgid "E125: Illegal argument: %s"
+msgstr "E125: Argomento non ammesso: %s"
+#, c-format
+msgid "E853: Duplicate argument name: %s"
+msgstr "E853: Nome argomento duplicato: %s"
msgid "E724: variable nested too deep for displaying"
msgstr "E724: variabile troppo nidificata per la visualizzazione"
@@ -654,8 +667,8 @@ msgid "E922: expected a dict"
msgstr "E922: aspettavo un Dizionario"
msgid "E923: Second argument of function() must be a list or a dict"
-msgstr "E923: Il secondo argomento di function() dev'essere una Lista"
-" o un Dizionario"
+msgstr ""
+"E923: Il secondo argomento di function() dev'essere una Lista o un Dizionario"
msgid ""
@@ -710,6 +723,7 @@ msgstr "argomento di reverse()"
msgid "E258: Unable to send to client"
msgstr "E258: Impossibile inviare al client"
+#, c-format
msgid "E927: Invalid action: '%s'"
msgstr "E927: Azione non valida: '%s'"
@@ -824,14 +838,6 @@ msgstr "E124: Manca '(': %s"
msgid "E862: Cannot use g: here"
msgstr "E862: Non si pu usare g: qui"
-#, c-format
-msgid "E125: Illegal argument: %s"
-msgstr "E125: Argomento non ammesso: %s"
-#, c-format
-msgid "E853: Duplicate argument name: %s"
-msgstr "E853: Nome argomento duplicato: %s"
msgid "E126: Missing :endfunction"
msgstr "E126: Manca :endfunction"
@@ -967,6 +973,10 @@ msgid "E137: Viminfo file is not writable: %s"
msgstr "E137: File viminfo \"%s\" inaccessibile in scrittura"
#, c-format
+msgid "E929: Too many viminfo temp files, like %s!"
+msgstr "E929: Troppi file temporanei viminfo, come %s!"
+#, c-format
msgid "E138: Can't write viminfo file %s!"
msgstr "E138: Non riesco a scrivere il file viminfo %s!"
@@ -1270,9 +1280,8 @@ msgstr "Cerco \"%s\" in \"%s\""
msgid "Searching for \"%s\""
msgstr "Cerco \"%s\""
-#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "not found in '%s': \"%s\""
-msgstr "non trovato in '%s: \"%s\""
+msgstr "non trovato in '%s': \"%s\""
msgid "Source Vim script"
msgstr "Esegui script Vim"
@@ -1507,6 +1516,9 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "E466: :winpos requires two number arguments"
msgstr "E466: :winpos richiede due argomenti numerici"
+msgid "E930: Cannot use :redir inside execute()"
+msgstr "E930: Non possibile usare :redir all'interno di execute()"
msgid "Save Redirection"
msgstr "Salva Redirezione"
@@ -1718,6 +1730,9 @@ msgstr "Espressione"
msgid "Input Line"
msgstr "Riga di Input"
+msgid "Debug Line"
+msgstr "Riga di Debug"
msgid "E198: cmd_pchar beyond the command length"
msgstr "E198: cmd_pchar dopo la fine del comando"
@@ -1974,11 +1989,6 @@ msgstr "1 carattere"
msgid "%lld characters"
msgstr "%lld caratteri"
-#. Explicit typecast avoids warning on Mac OS X 10.6
-#, c-format
-msgid "%ld characters"
-msgstr "%ld caratteri"
msgid "[noeol]"
msgstr "[noeol]"
@@ -2639,6 +2649,7 @@ msgstr "%-5s: %s%*s (Uso: %s)"
msgid ""
+" a: Find assignments to this symbol\n"
" c: Find functions calling this function\n"
" d: Find functions called by this function\n"
" e: Find this egrep pattern\n"
@@ -2649,6 +2660,7 @@ msgid ""
" t: Find this text string\n"
msgstr ""
+" a: Trova assegnazioni a questo simbolo\n"
" c: Trova funzioni che chiamano questa\n"
" d: Trova funzioni chiamate da questa\n"
" e: Trova questa espressione egrep\n"
@@ -2656,7 +2668,7 @@ msgstr ""
" g: Trova questa definizione\n"
" i: Trova file che #includono questo file\n"
" s: Trova questo simbolo C\n"
-" t: Trova questa stringa\n"
+" t: Trova questa stringa di testo\n"
#, c-format
msgid "E625: cannot open cscope database: %s"
@@ -2961,6 +2973,10 @@ msgstr "Non posso aprire come script output: \""
msgid "Vim: Error: Failure to start gvim from NetBeans\n"
msgstr "Vim: Errore: Avvio di gvim da NetBeans non riuscito\n"
+msgid "Vim: Error: This version of Vim does not run in a Cygwin terminal\n"
+msgstr "Vim: Errore: Questa versione di Vim non funziona in un"
+" terminale Cygwin\n"
msgid "Vim: Warning: Output is not to a terminal\n"
msgstr "Vim: Avviso: Output non diretto a un terminale\n"
@@ -4262,29 +4278,27 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "%ld Cols; "
msgstr "%ld Col.; "
-#, c-format
-msgid "Selected %s%ld of %ld Lines; %ld of %ld Words; %ld of %ld Bytes"
-msgstr "Selezionate %s%ld di %ld Righe; %ld di %ld Parole; %ld di %ld Caratt."
+msgid "Selected %s%ld of %ld Lines; %lld of %lld Words; %lld of %lld Bytes"
+msgstr ""
+"Selezionate %s%ld di %ld Righe; %lld di %lld Parole; %lld di %lld Caratt."
-#, c-format
msgid ""
-"Selected %s%ld of %ld Lines; %ld of %ld Words; %ld of %ld Chars; %ld of %ld "
+"Selected %s%ld of %ld Lines; %lld of %lld Words; %lld of %lld Chars; %lld of "
+"%lld Bytes"
msgstr ""
-"Selezionate %s%ld di %ld Righe; %ld di %ld Parole; %ld di %ld Caratt.; %ld "
-"di %ld Byte"
+"Selezionate %s%ld di %ld Righe; %lld di %lld Parole; %lld di %lld Caratt.;"
+" %lld di %lld Byte"
-#, c-format
-msgid "Col %s of %s; Line %ld of %ld; Word %ld of %ld; Byte %ld of %ld"
-msgstr "Col. %s di %s; Riga %ld di %ld; Parola %ld di %ld; Caratt. %ld di %ld"
+msgid "Col %s of %s; Line %ld of %ld; Word %lld of %lld; Byte %lld of %lld"
+msgstr ""
+"Col. %s di %s; Riga %ld di %ld; Parola %lld di %lld; Caratt. %lld di %lld"
-#, c-format
msgid ""
-"Col %s of %s; Line %ld of %ld; Word %ld of %ld; Char %ld of %ld; Byte %ld of "
+"Col %s of %s; Line %ld of %ld; Word %lld of %lld; Char %lld of %lld; Byte "
+"%lld of %lld"
msgstr ""
-"Col. %s di %s; Riga %ld di %ld; Parola %ld di %ld; Caratt. %ld di %ld; Byte "
-"%ld di %ld"
+"Col. %s di %s; Riga %ld di %ld; Parola %lld di %lld; Caratt. %lld di %lld;"
+" Byte %lld di %lld"
#, c-format
msgid "(+%ld for BOM)"
@@ -4541,6 +4555,7 @@ msgstr "Stampato: '%s'"
msgid "E244: Illegal charset name \"%s\" in font name \"%s\""
msgstr "E244: Nome di charset non ammesso \"%s\" nel fonte di nome \"%s\""
+#, c-format
msgid "E244: Illegal quality name \"%s\" in font name \"%s\""
msgstr "E244: Nome di qualit non ammesso \"%s\" nel font di nome \"%s\""
@@ -4579,21 +4594,16 @@ msgstr ""
"Non posso impostare il contesto di sicurezza per "
+#, c-format
msgid "Could not set security context %s for %s"
msgstr "Non posso impostare il contesto di sicurezza %s per %s"
+#, c-format
msgid "Could not get security context %s for %s. Removing it!"
msgstr "Non posso ottenere il contesto di sicurezza %s per %s. Lo rimuovo!"
msgid ""
-"Cannot execute shell "
-msgstr ""
-"Non riesco a eseguire shell "
-msgid ""
"Cannot execute shell sh\n"
msgstr ""
@@ -4622,6 +4632,13 @@ msgstr ""
msgid ""
+"Cannot execute shell "
+msgstr ""
+"Non riesco a eseguire shell "
+msgid ""
"Command terminated\n"
msgstr ""
@@ -4717,6 +4734,7 @@ msgstr "E376: %%%c non valido nel prefisso della stringa di 'format'"
msgid "E377: Invalid %%%c in format string"
msgstr "E377: %%%c non valido nella stringa di 'format'"
+#. nothing found
msgid "E378: 'errorformat' contains no pattern"
msgstr "E378: 'errorformat' non contiene alcun modello"
@@ -6649,6 +6667,7 @@ msgstr "E764: opzione '%s' non impostata"
msgid "E850: Invalid register name"
msgstr "E850: Nome registro non valido"
+#, c-format
msgid "E919: Directory not found in '%s': \"%s\""
msgstr "E919: Directory non trovata in '%s': \"%s\""
@@ -6895,6 +6914,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "unable to convert %s to vim dictionary"
msgstr "impossibile convertire %s a dizionario vim"
+#, c-format
msgid "unable to convert %s to vim list"
msgstr "impossibile convertire %s a Lista vim"
@@ -6926,3 +6946,4 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Impostazione di percorso non riuscita: sys.path non una lista\n"
"Dovresti aggiungere vim.VIM_SPECIAL_PATH a sys.path"