path: root/compiler/cpp/src/thrift/generate/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/cpp/src/thrift/generate/')
1 files changed, 103 insertions, 41 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/cpp/src/thrift/generate/ b/compiler/cpp/src/thrift/generate/
index 7897b621a..3b885f103 100644
--- a/compiler/cpp/src/thrift/generate/
+++ b/compiler/cpp/src/thrift/generate/
@@ -959,8 +959,8 @@ string t_go_generator::go_imports_begin(bool consts) {
// If not writing constants, and there are enums, need extra imports.
if (!consts && get_program()->get_enums().size() > 0) {
- system_packages.push_back("errors");
+ system_packages.push_back("errors");
// For the thrift import, always do rename import to make sure it's called thrift.
@@ -980,6 +980,7 @@ string t_go_generator::go_imports_end() {
"// (needed to ensure safety because of naive import list construction.)\n"
"var _ = thrift.ZERO\n"
"var _ = fmt.Printf\n"
+ "var _ = errors.New\n"
"var _ = context.Background\n"
"var _ = time.Now\n"
"var _ = bytes.Equal\n\n");
@@ -2964,21 +2965,27 @@ void t_go_generator::generate_process_function(t_service* tservice, t_function*
<< ") Process(ctx context.Context, seqId int32, iprot, oprot thrift.TProtocol) (success bool, err "
"thrift.TException) {" << endl;
+ string write_err;
+ if (!tfunction->is_oneway()) {
+ write_err = tmp("_write_err");
+ f_types_ << indent() << "var " << write_err << " error" << endl;
+ }
f_types_ << indent() << "args := " << argsname << "{}" << endl;
- f_types_ << indent() << "var err2 error" << endl;
- f_types_ << indent() << "if err2 = args." << read_method_name_ << "(ctx, iprot); err2 != nil {" << endl;
- f_types_ << indent() << " iprot.ReadMessageEnd(ctx)" << endl;
+ f_types_ << indent() << "if err2 := args." << read_method_name_ << "(ctx, iprot); err2 != nil {" << endl;
+ indent_up();
+ f_types_ << indent() << "iprot.ReadMessageEnd(ctx)" << endl;
if (!tfunction->is_oneway()) {
f_types_ << indent()
- << " x := thrift.NewTApplicationException(thrift.PROTOCOL_ERROR, err2.Error())"
+ << "x := thrift.NewTApplicationException(thrift.PROTOCOL_ERROR, err2.Error())"
<< endl;
- f_types_ << indent() << " oprot.WriteMessageBegin(ctx, \"" << escape_string(tfunction->get_name())
+ f_types_ << indent() << "oprot.WriteMessageBegin(ctx, \"" << escape_string(tfunction->get_name())
<< "\", thrift.EXCEPTION, seqId)" << endl;
- f_types_ << indent() << " x.Write(ctx, oprot)" << endl;
- f_types_ << indent() << " oprot.WriteMessageEnd(ctx)" << endl;
- f_types_ << indent() << " oprot.Flush(ctx)" << endl;
+ f_types_ << indent() << "x.Write(ctx, oprot)" << endl;
+ f_types_ << indent() << "oprot.WriteMessageEnd(ctx)" << endl;
+ f_types_ << indent() << "oprot.Flush(ctx)" << endl;
- f_types_ << indent() << " return false, thrift.WrapTException(err2)" << endl;
+ f_types_ << indent() << "return false, thrift.WrapTException(err2)" << endl;
+ indent_down();
f_types_ << indent() << "}" << endl;
f_types_ << indent() << "iprot.ReadMessageEnd(ctx)" << endl << endl;
@@ -3037,9 +3044,6 @@ void t_go_generator::generate_process_function(t_service* tservice, t_function*
f_types_ << indent() << "result := " << resultname << "{}" << endl;
bool need_reference = type_need_reference(tfunction->get_returntype());
- if (!tfunction->is_oneway() && !tfunction->get_returntype()->is_void()) {
- f_types_ << indent() << "var retval " << type_to_go_type(tfunction->get_returntype()) << endl;
- }
f_types_ << indent() << "if ";
@@ -3053,7 +3057,7 @@ void t_go_generator::generate_process_function(t_service* tservice, t_function*
t_struct* arg_struct = tfunction->get_arglist();
const std::vector<t_field*>& fields = arg_struct->get_members();
vector<t_field*>::const_iterator f_iter;
- f_types_ << "err2 = p.handler." << publicize(tfunction->get_name()) << "(";
+ f_types_ << "err2 := p.handler." << publicize(tfunction->get_name()) << "(";
bool first = true;
f_types_ << "ctx";
@@ -3069,7 +3073,9 @@ void t_go_generator::generate_process_function(t_service* tservice, t_function*
f_types_ << "); err2 != nil {" << endl;
- f_types_ << indent() << " tickerCancel()" << endl;
+ indent_up();
+ f_types_ << indent() << "tickerCancel()" << endl;
+ f_types_ << indent() << "err = thrift.WrapTException(err2)" << endl;
t_struct* exceptions = tfunction->get_xceptions();
const vector<t_field*>& x_fields = exceptions->get_members();
@@ -3079,36 +3085,74 @@ void t_go_generator::generate_process_function(t_service* tservice, t_function*
vector<t_field*>::const_iterator xf_iter;
for (xf_iter = x_fields.begin(); xf_iter != x_fields.end(); ++xf_iter) {
- f_types_ << indent() << " case " << type_to_go_type(((*xf_iter)->get_type())) << ":"
+ f_types_ << indent() << "case " << type_to_go_type(((*xf_iter)->get_type())) << ":"
<< endl;
+ indent_up();
f_types_ << indent() << "result." << publicize((*xf_iter)->get_name()) << " = v" << endl;
+ indent_down();
- f_types_ << indent() << " default:" << endl;
+ f_types_ << indent() << "default:" << endl;
+ indent_up();
if (!tfunction->is_oneway()) {
// Avoid writing the error to the wire if it's ErrAbandonRequest
- f_types_ << indent() << " if err2 == thrift.ErrAbandonRequest {" << endl;
- f_types_ << indent() << " return false, thrift.WrapTException(err2)" << endl;
- f_types_ << indent() << " }" << endl;
+ f_types_ << indent() << "if errors.Is(err2, thrift.ErrAbandonRequest) {" << endl;
+ indent_up();
+ f_types_ << indent() << "return false, thrift.WrapTException(err2)" << endl;
+ indent_down();
+ f_types_ << indent() << "}" << endl;
- f_types_ << indent() << " x := thrift.NewTApplicationException(thrift.INTERNAL_ERROR, "
+ string exc(tmp("_exc"));
+ f_types_ << indent() << exc << " := thrift.NewTApplicationException(thrift.INTERNAL_ERROR, "
"\"Internal error processing " << escape_string(tfunction->get_name())
<< ": \" + err2.Error())" << endl;
- f_types_ << indent() << " oprot.WriteMessageBegin(ctx, \"" << escape_string(tfunction->get_name())
- << "\", thrift.EXCEPTION, seqId)" << endl;
- f_types_ << indent() << " x.Write(ctx, oprot)" << endl;
- f_types_ << indent() << " oprot.WriteMessageEnd(ctx)" << endl;
- f_types_ << indent() << " oprot.Flush(ctx)" << endl;
- }
- f_types_ << indent() << " return true, thrift.WrapTException(err2)" << endl;
+ f_types_ << indent() << "if err2 := oprot.WriteMessageBegin(ctx, \"" << escape_string(tfunction->get_name())
+ << "\", thrift.EXCEPTION, seqId); err2 != nil {" << endl;
+ indent_up();
+ f_types_ << indent() << write_err << " = thrift.WrapTException(err2)" << endl;
+ indent_down();
+ f_types_ << indent() << "}" << endl;
- if (!x_fields.empty()) {
+ f_types_ << indent() << "if err2 := " << exc << ".Write(ctx, oprot); "
+ << write_err << " == nil && err2 != nil {" << endl;
+ indent_up();
+ f_types_ << indent() << write_err << " = thrift.WrapTException(err2)" << endl;
+ indent_down();
+ f_types_ << indent() << "}" << endl;
+ f_types_ << indent() << "if err2 := oprot.WriteMessageEnd(ctx); "
+ << write_err << " == nil && err2 != nil {" << endl;
+ indent_up();
+ f_types_ << indent() << write_err << " = thrift.WrapTException(err2)" << endl;
+ indent_down();
+ f_types_ << indent() << "}" << endl;
+ f_types_ << indent() << "if err2 := oprot.Flush(ctx); "
+ << write_err << " == nil && err2 != nil {" << endl;
+ indent_up();
+ f_types_ << indent() << write_err << " = thrift.WrapTException(err2)" << endl;
+ indent_down();
+ f_types_ << indent() << "}" << endl;
+ f_types_ << indent() << "if " << write_err << " != nil {" << endl;
+ indent_up();
+ f_types_ << indent() << "return false, thrift.WrapTException(" << write_err << ")" << endl;
+ indent_down();
f_types_ << indent() << "}" << endl;
+ // return success=true as long as writing to the wire was successful.
+ f_types_ << indent() << "return true, err" << endl;
+ if (!x_fields.empty()) {
+ indent_down();
+ f_types_ << indent() << "}" << endl; // closes switch
+ }
+ indent_down();
f_types_ << indent() << "}"; // closes err2 != nil
if (!tfunction->is_oneway()) {
@@ -3126,29 +3170,47 @@ void t_go_generator::generate_process_function(t_service* tservice, t_function*
f_types_ << endl;
f_types_ << indent() << "tickerCancel()" << endl;
- f_types_ << indent() << "if err2 = oprot.WriteMessageBegin(ctx, \""
+ f_types_ << indent() << "if err2 := oprot.WriteMessageBegin(ctx, \""
<< escape_string(tfunction->get_name()) << "\", thrift.REPLY, seqId); err2 != nil {"
<< endl;
- f_types_ << indent() << " err = thrift.WrapTException(err2)" << endl;
+ indent_up();
+ f_types_ << indent() << write_err << " = thrift.WrapTException(err2)" << endl;
+ indent_down();
f_types_ << indent() << "}" << endl;
- f_types_ << indent() << "if err2 = result." << write_method_name_ << "(ctx, oprot); err == nil && err2 != nil {" << endl;
- f_types_ << indent() << " err = thrift.WrapTException(err2)" << endl;
+ f_types_ << indent() << "if err2 := result." << write_method_name_ << "(ctx, oprot); "
+ << write_err << " == nil && err2 != nil {" << endl;
+ indent_up();
+ f_types_ << indent() << write_err << " = thrift.WrapTException(err2)" << endl;
+ indent_down();
f_types_ << indent() << "}" << endl;
- f_types_ << indent() << "if err2 = oprot.WriteMessageEnd(ctx); err == nil && err2 != nil {"
- << endl;
- f_types_ << indent() << " err = thrift.WrapTException(err2)" << endl;
+ f_types_ << indent() << "if err2 := oprot.WriteMessageEnd(ctx); "
+ << write_err << " == nil && err2 != nil {" << endl;
+ indent_up();
+ f_types_ << indent() << write_err << " = thrift.WrapTException(err2)" << endl;
+ indent_down();
f_types_ << indent() << "}" << endl;
- f_types_ << indent() << "if err2 = oprot.Flush(ctx); err == nil && err2 != nil {" << endl;
- f_types_ << indent() << " err = thrift.WrapTException(err2)" << endl;
+ f_types_ << indent() << "if err2 := oprot.Flush(ctx); " << write_err << " == nil && err2 != nil {" << endl;
+ indent_up();
+ f_types_ << indent() << write_err << " = thrift.WrapTException(err2)" << endl;
+ indent_down();
f_types_ << indent() << "}" << endl;
- f_types_ << indent() << "if err != nil {" << endl;
- f_types_ << indent() << " return" << endl;
+ f_types_ << indent() << "if " << write_err << " != nil {" << endl;
+ indent_up();
+ f_types_ << indent() << "return false, thrift.WrapTException(" << write_err << ")" << endl;
+ indent_down();
f_types_ << indent() << "}" << endl;
+ // return success=true as long as writing to the wire was successful.
f_types_ << indent() << "return true, err" << endl;
} else {
f_types_ << endl;
f_types_ << indent() << "tickerCancel()" << endl;
- f_types_ << indent() << "return true, nil" << endl;
+ f_types_ << indent() << "return true, err" << endl;
f_types_ << indent() << "}" << endl << endl;